#popular vote is the only correct way
poetrysmackdown · 1 year
welcome to the 2023 tumblr poetry smackdown
tumblr has developed something of a canon of poetry over the past couple years, and i figured others might enjoy getting a chance to voice their opinions on a few of those poems! poems i chose for the poetry smackdown had to be more or less widely read on tumblr (generally 10k+ notes, most with more or spread across compilations), and relatively short so as to make voting easier. they also had to be complete—there are a lot of popular lines floating around on tumblr that are excerpted from very long poems and/or poems that are inaccessible via internet, and those aren't included here. a handful of poets are represented here twice reflecting my sense of their popularity, but i arranged the bracket in such a way that it won't be able to stay that way past round 2 at the latest. if i missed a poem that is super popular i'm sorry, that said the bracket is staying as is because this was a shit ton of work to put together and i don't want to. ty.
you can get to the polls by following the links below or going to the #round1 tag on my blog. you can also send me propaganda if you want via ask and i'll post it/add it to the next round's post if the poem wins.
happy voting!
sincerely amelia @poetriarchy :)
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ROUND 1: ENDS JULY 17 at 6pm EDT
"The Two-Headed Calf" by Laura Gilpin vs. "Butter Dish" by Leonard Cohen (cow poems)
"Poem" by Langston Hughes vs. "A Meeting" by Wendell Berry
"Miss you. Would like to grab that chilled tofu we love." by Gabrielle Calvocoressi vs. "My Sister, Who Died Young, Takes Up The Task" by Jon Pineda
"Hammond B3 Organ Cistern" by Gabrielle Calvocoressi vs. "Hong Kong" by Sue Zhao
"someone will remember us" (fragment by Sappho trans. Anne Carson) vs. "Wait" by Faraj Bou al-Isha trans. Khaled Mattawa
"The Quiet World" by Jeffrey McDaniel vs "Invisible Fish" by Joy Harjo
"Want" by Joan Larkin vs. "Come, and Be My Baby" by Maya Angelou
"Swan" by Mary Oliver vs. "How I Go to the Woods" by Mary Oliver
"The Orange" by Wendy Cope vs. "The Tenor of Your Yes" by Mary Ruefle
"Here There Are Blueberries" by Mary Syzbist vs. "Instructions on Not Giving Up" by Ada Limón
"To The Young Who Want to Die" by Gwendolyn Brooks vs. "A Litany for Survival" by Audre Lorde
"Night Walk" by Franz Wright vs. "Meditations in an Emergency" by Cameron Awkward-Rich
"Summer Was Forever" by Chen Chen vs. "I'm not a religious person but" by Chen Chen
"How to Be a Dog" by Andrew Kane vs. "Scheherazade" by Richard Siken
"I'm going to Minnesota where sadness makes sense" by Danez Smith vs. "Dream Song 29" by John Berryman
"Having a Coke with You" by Frank O'Hara vs. "Having 'Having a Coke with You' with You" by Mark Leidner
ADDENDUM: at 6pm on July 17th (or possibly a day earlier if there's already a clear sweep), I will be releasing a one-day poll that will give voters the option to sub in "Wild Geese" by Mary Oliver for the winner of matchup #8: "Swan" vs. "How I Go to the Woods". this is to help correct my significant oversight when I was remembering which two Oliver poems I've seen most on tumblr, and it's the only time I'm doing this kind of thing, so don't suggest it for any other poems after this please. that said, a sincere ty to @darkcomedies for first bringing its absence to my attention! and keep an eye out for this extra poll which i am calling ROUND 1.5: A HAIL MARY (OLIVER)
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mistydeyes · 1 year
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fake hypochondriac
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hy·​po·​chon·​dria noun
excessive concern about one's health especially when accompanied by imagined physical ailments
summary: If an apple a day, keeps the doctor away then what keeps a pharmacist away? Whatever it is, Ghost wants to eradicate it. This man's small crush will send him to extremes. A sequel to "a panacea"
pairing: Ghost x pharmacist!Reader
warnings: medical/pharmacy terminology, medical inaccuracies, swearing, depiction of wounds, fluff, and flirting
a/n: by popular vote, ghost's sequel won! don't worry though, price's will be coming real soon ;)
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The unit had been a buzz about your work as a pharmacist officer. From clearing Gaz’s congestion to the ridiculous bandage you gave to Ghost, they simply would not stop talking about you. Soap even tried to convince the doctor that he needed to visit you for a malady of reasons but your colleagues were smarter than that. You had to give it to him, the fake food coloring blood applied to his stitches was a nice touch. It became a running joke in the medical wing. Some of your closest work friends even gushed about how the men would talk about you as if you had discovered the secrets to eternal life.
All joking aside, in all your years here, people had called you pet names and made small attempts at flirting but you always had your main goal on your mind: provide the best care so they can stop bothering me. However, one man caught your eye. No one would ever know that the masked man who wore a star bandaid was the one who stole your heart.
Of course, you’d never want anyone to have to constantly come visit you on the pretense of needing medication but you valued the time spent with him. Somehow he ended up needing every single vaccination. From pneumococcal to typhoid, you wondered if you should tell him that these were all voluntary.
Little did you know, he made every effort to miss the optional clinics and went straight to you upon his return. Your soft touch and even softer laugh were like music to his ears. He didn’t know how many people were graced by your presence like this but he tried to make himself the most memorable one.
His younger self would have laughed at his antics. His mother used to say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Even though you weren’t a doctor, he would cut down every apple tree and burn every pie if it meant seeing you daily.
One day, Soap gave him an idea. The team was ending another debriefing with Laswell and making conversation as they left the room. “I wish I could visit the lass but all she does is either give me my meds or gives her whatever you call recommendations” Soap groaned as he lugged the large number of building layouts and files in his arms.
“Pharmacological and non-pharm recommendations, Sergeant” Price corrected. “You better learn their terminology, they didn’t go to school and experience those muppets at the local chemist’s for nothing.”
That was it, Ghost would ask you for some silly non-pharm recommendation like Gaz had and keep coming up with new ailments to keep visiting you.
The plan was in place, following the lunch rush he walked to the medical wing and made his way to the pharmacy.
You stood in the back, answering yet another phone call from a doctor. “As I said before, you need to find out what their reaction is to penicillin and other beta-lactams. I don’t care if they say they have a true allergy, you know anaphylaxis is the only indicator. And no, I’m not ordering something off the formulary just because your patient says they were sneezing after a bout of amoxicillin. Just call me back after you spoke to them and if you really need it, then you know where to reach me.” With that, you slammed the phone down and let out a groan. You knew pharmacology was no doctor's favorite subject but this was antibiotics 101.
Your technician came around the corner, “Captain L/N, is everything alright?”
“You know we’ve been working together for what 2 years now? I’m just Y/N especially back here in this phone call hell.” you laughed as you sat down in your chair. “I’m alright, just another medic trying to get me to order something off the formulary for kicks”
“Well Y/N, there is someone here to see you. Just a soldier complaining of a sore throat. He says the doctors won’t prescribe anything because they haven’t observed anything wrong.” Your tech responded before disappearing amongst the shelves to fill some incoming scripts.
You made your way to the front where you were surprised to see Lt. Riley wearing a face mask (although still with the ghost print). Even though he had been coming for months now, live vaccines had to be spaced out by 28 days, you had not seen his face fully. His eyes were trained down and you noted his surprisingly light eyelashes. He still had the ever-present eye black and you wondered how he kept his lashes so pristine. If it was a mascara or a brand of makeup remover you needed to know!
“Simon,” you spoke in a cheerful voice. By now, you were on a first-name basis. It only took one tuberculosis skin test for him to encourage you to call him by his name. To be fair, when you held his arm gently to measure the area he would’ve told you anything.
“You aren’t due for any vaccinations you know. You’ve cleared me out! I’m sure the doctors would think I’m sticking you for my pleasure and your pain.” you joked. You were teasing but you knew there was no way he was here for yet another immunization.
“Not this time, love. I’ve got this tickle in my throat. It hurts when I swallow and I swear Soap saw my tonsils angry and inflamed,” he replied.
“And the doctor didn’t diagnose you with bronchitis or call for your tonsils to be removed?” you questioned. It wasn’t unusual for them to miss anything but you were realistically unable to prescribe anything to him.
“Well let me take a look. If you want to head over to the vaccination area then you can take your mask off. I’m sure you are familiar with where it is.” With that, he nodded and walked toward the designated area. He appreciated your kindness and that you valued his privacy.
You let your technician know where you’d be and they waved you off saying they could handle the onslaught of soldiers if it came to it.
As you entered the corned-off area, you saw Simon there, fiddling with his mask. You didn’t understand why he was so nervous, how could someone so well acquainted with violence be nervous of a flashlight and quick examination?
“Don’t worry, I’ll sure to be quick. I just need you to remove your mask and open up wide,” you explained and fished in your pocket for your pen light. To any recruit, they would’ve made a cheeky comment to your command but Simon obliged to your ask.
As he lowered your mask, you couldn’t help but admire the man in front of you. He was gorgeous. He looked like he was carved from a model like some Greek deity. His face was adorned by various silvery scars that looked painted on a portrait with metallic paint. His jawline was sharp and his lips were blush pink with an even sharper cupid’s bow. You made sure not to ogle for too long and began your assessment.
As you pointed your flashlight, you examined his throat and tonsils, trying to find if the doctor had missed anything. But when you saw no redness and his lymph nodes weren’t swollen, you didn’t know what to say.
“Hm, well good news and I guess bad news but I’m not seeing anything here. I’m not sure what to tell you but I wish I could help” you said in a defeated tone. You looked saddened by your lack of discovery and this made Simon want to scratch his whole plan.
“But,” you began, as he put on his mask, “my grandparents would always say ‘Y/N, all you need is to get some good rest and have a cup of tea with lemon’” you explained, trying your best to impersonate your best old person voice. Simon chuckled at your attempt. God, you really knew how to brighten someone’s day, and who could not love your sweet, grave voice?
“Sorry to take your time, love, but I’ll be sure to let you know,” he said and stood up before giving you a thankful look.
“The pleasure is all mine, Simon. I try to do what I can for one of my favorite patients,” you replied. You were laying on the flirting hard, something you would lie in bed cringing about later.
With that, he walked out of your little bubble and went about his day. You watched his muscular ass figure exit as you too returned to your day.
Although you thought you had cured him with some good advice, you were visited every other day for the next few weeks as he still had the same complaint. You had recommended everything following each checkup. From spoonfuls of honey and thyme lollies to encouraging hot showers and steam therapy, you were out of options. By what seemed like his 10th visit, you were prepared to march him down to radiology and make sure that this wasn’t some terrible looming illness.
“Still having that sore throat, huh?” you questioned as he walked through your doorway. He nodded in agreement and you picked up the landline. “I’m making a quick call, we’ll get this sorted out.”
“Hi, this is Captain. L/N. I have Lt. Riley here and he has been complaining of a sore throat for weeks. Is there any way the lab could run a throat culture as well as some blood work for me?”
And that’s how Simon ended up in the doctor’s office with a cotton swab down his throat and multiple needle pricks to his veins. He should’ve picked something more benign like reoccurring IBS but then again he might have ended up with a finger up his ass instead of the swab.
Two days later, you received a notification that the results were in. To your dismay, the results showed nothing. The swab was negative for every infection and his blood cell counts were all within normal range.
Frustrated, you told your tech you’d be back and walked your way to Cpt. Price’s office.
You knocked on the closed door hoping not to disturb the man. His baritone voice echoed into the hallway as he told you to enter.
“Hi Captain, sorry to bother you,” you said noting the mountain of paperwork on his desk as well as his extinguished pile of cigars. “But I was wondering if you had noticed anyone else in your unit with a sore throat. Lt. Riley has been coming to the pharmacy for a few weeks now and no one can figure it out.”
“Not that I know of. We haven’t run drills either so I know our quiet Ghost isn’t necessarily screaming at the recruits. He hasn’t come to me either with any complaints,” he explained and leaned back in his chair. He knew that Ghost was wasting your resources so he decided to let you in on a secret.
“As their commanding officer, you know I highly value the word of my men. But I do remember during my school days, that boys would tend to lie about an illness just to get sent to the infirmary and eventually home,” he explained. “It’s no secret that some soldiers, even Ghost, show a fondness for you.”
You blushed at his response, you couldn’t imagine that of all people, the stoic Ghost had a schoolboy crush on you. Hell, you hated your school nurse and always dreaded going to the doctor. You went days before telling your mom that you might have broken your finger during recess (you can still remember her rushing to the emergency room the minute she saw your bruised and puffy finger).
“I’ll talk to him the next time he comes in, which I hope he doesn’t,” you said, “thanks for the advice. And don’t forget, I always have a pack of nicotine gum for you if you ever decide to quit.” He chuckled and politely shooed you away. As you shut the door, you shook your head as you heard a lighter flick and smelled the familiar scent of a cigar.
Right on schedule, Simon came strolling into the pharmacy. You had just finished chatting with Soap and chastised him for yet another antibiotic prescription. This time it was for an infected foot wound after forgetting to change his socks and wading in still, grimy water during a mission.
As Soap gave you a cheeky smile saying he’d be back, Ghost tried to suppress his jealousy. Why did Soap have to be blessed with a purulent foot wound instead of him? Maybe he’ll try that one next.
“Ah Simon, I’m heading out to lunch if you’d like to join. I’m presuming it’s still the throat issue so I can check it out after.” You said and reached into the fridge under the counter to grab your food.
You made sure to lock up the pharmacy and lower the protective barriers, you couldn’t let anyone access the “good stuff.” Your tech said their goodbyes as they went to the mess hall for some warm food.
It was the dead of summer but today was surprisingly balmy. You knew there were some tables outside so you pushed the exit door and sat down on one side. He sat opposite you as you opened up your salad and half sandwich.
“So, can I tell your story?” you said before taking a bite. He nodded watching you intently.
“There was a time I broke my finger during recess and didn’t tell my mom for the next 3 days. You should’ve seen her face when I revealed my oozing, bruised ring finger. The thought of missing school and recess was devastating so I hid it like a child.” you explained and held up your left hand showing how your ring finger was slightly askew compared to the others. He laughed heartily, which made you also laugh in return.
After wiping some tears from your eyes you went on, “And that’s why my mom was so shocked when I got my MPharm. She always tells my dad that she doesn’t understand how someone so adverse to doctors went into healthcare.”
“We all have our weird obsessions, plus you are a natural,” he said and was almost at a loss for words as you smiled back at him, the sun hitting perfectly on your face and dancing in your hair.
“Anyways, I told Captain Price that story and he had such a different experience. He said that as a young lad, he and his mates would do anything it would take to get into the infirmary and home. I couldn't believe kids were so smart and had the forethought to plan something like that!”
Ghost knew where this was going. He also received notification that the tests came back clear of any illness. He knew the jig was up but couldn’t run away from the confrontation.
“Now, I’m not debunking your mystery illness, Simon. But I just wanted to talk to you privately and ask if there was anything else that you haven’t told me?” You asked and knew you had got him hook, line, and sinker. His eyes glancing around and his sweaty palms were confirmation of your theory.
He took a few moments to answer and you both sat in silence. You finished the remainder of your food and wiped your hands neatly as he stroke the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“I guess I was just finding an excuse to talk to you,” he began to explain and you could see his extremities begin to grow flush. “I, uh, didn’t know how to so once I ran out of excuses with the shots, I decided to fake a sore throat,” he sheepishly replied.
With his confession, you couldn’t help but laugh. And laugh you did. Hard. It took you a minute before returning your composure.
“You know that the other soldiers can just have a regular conversation with me. I don’t bite and I swear I’ve talked Gaz’s ears off about pollen and flowers. I just feel bad now for making you undergo all those tests,” you said gently placing your hand on top of his.
“I do see what you mean though. If I had a doctor as handsome as you, I would have every illness, injury, and question under the sun.” You couldn’t leave him thinking you didn’t reciprocate your feelings. With that, it was your turn to blush.
“It’s rather childish isn’t it?” He said as he gently caressed your other free hand. “Sorry for wasting your time.”
“How about you make it up to me with dinner? I can show you that there’s more than just textbook knowledge to me” you offered, “I know a surprising amount about languages, I can flirt with you in 10 different ones.”
“It’s a date, gorgeous. I’m all ears for anything you have to say,” he said and you both looked like lovesick teens, “As long as you keep this a secret. You know the doctors would never believe me if I actually got sick.”
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After months of dating, you revealed a secret. “After I spoke to Price, I had a suspicion to check your medical record. You know I could see you never went to the doctor right? You never logged any visits for your alleged sore throat.” You said jokingly and lightly punched his shoulder. “I just can’t believe you roped everyone into it. I can have a normal conversation, babe.”
He laughed at your reveal and kissed the top of your forehead. “I just wanted to make sure your university course load prepared you for anything.”
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read-write-thrive · 12 days
part 1 (both girls in their full outfits) ; part 2 (Edwina in several other outfits/sketches) ; part 3 (the companion to this piece aka Edwina getting ready :)
part 4 of my fem!payneland fanart series!!!! as I talked about with the poll, I have quite a few variations of this piece as I couldn’t make up my mind on a few of the elements, but I listened to your feedback and have included them all here !! the winner of the poll is above the cut with the rest of the variations below to hopefully make this not take up too much of your dash lol
lmk what you think - especially people who voted on the poll!! I’ve also included my thought process below the cut since I know y’all are interested :)
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- first and foremost: I have absolutely no idea what order someone would get ready in with all these outfit components, so if you’re sitting here like “why is her makeup done when she has to pull a shirt over her head?” or something like that: you’re probably correct but my getting ready process is always chaos and there aren’t exactly articles on this sort of thing
- along with that: her straightening her hair is probably not accurate to how hair works but again I’ve got v little experience to pull from and trying to find a proper reference was a pain in the ass
yes her bra is fully rendered and then got covered up by her arm. I'm still mad that I did that to myself but I like the pose too much to change it so oh well
- (onto actual historical stuff!!)
- her hair is being straightened here despite straight not being in style during this era for several reasons:
1. I based her hair (and a lot of her style, as per part 1) on Rhoda Dakar of the band The Bodysnatchers, which was an all-female band that was part of the ska revival in the late 70s/early 80s. Rhoda Dakar in particular is a British artist (who’s still making music!) with an English mother and Jamaican father—so not only was she one of the only women of color I could find as part of this subgenre/in ths era/with plenty of photo references, but considering Jayden Revri is Jamaican and English (alongside Indian) himself I thought it was fitting! Her Bodysnatchers look is also much more femme leaning than the rest of the band, as well as her hair styled in a way that suggests straightening, so I carried that over to Charlotte here as well.
2. On a related note, there is a clear historical and modern difference in hairstyles worn/made popular/deemed fashionable by non-white versus white individuals and I thought it only appropriate to acknowledge that in my design of her. I even went so far as to research how her mom’s hair may have been styled since I assume that’s who would’ve been teaching her how to care for her hair in the first place. With that, I looked at popular Indian hair trends from the 60s (figuring that’s when Charlotte’s mom could’ve still been in India and following those trends) which also involved a preference for straight/wavy hair, with soft fringe made popular by Sadhana and the styles ranging from long and luscious to styled up into a very 60s beehive. Charlotte could easily also rock a beehive, especially since the 60s revival was a part of the ska revival movement and Dakar herself styled her hair as such, but I figured Charlotte is a little too much of a rebellious teenager to go for a look she’s seen her mom wear!
- her makeup is based off of the different members of The Bodysnatchers as well as other punk/ska fans at the time. The look usually required more blush that what I gave her here, but I wanted to make sure the eyes were the feature (since Charles wears eyeliner himself) and then the lips being any less just looked weird to me. Also, Dakar doesn't seem to wear the same heavy blush that the other members do, which could be a stylistic choice but could also be the potential lack of blush shades that would work well on her skin tone, so I went that route for Charlotte here
- her underwear is all based off of meticulous searching of historical advertisements, though I will admit the sources are (presumably) American since I couldn't find British equivalents (I'm hoping the styles were similar enough...) in particular:
1. Her bra is based off of: Playtex’s New Made for Me, Playtex’s Right For Me, and Playtex’s Thank Goodness It Fits (which are seriously the names of these as per the ads—how creative /s)
2. Her panties (or pants or underwear or whatever term you want to use) are based off of: Sears Best’s Nylon tricot panties, Sears Very Impressive Panties Nylon panties, and JCPenny’s eiderlon fashion panties
3. (In the below variations) Her pantyhose are theoretically based on L’eggs and Spirit by Stevens’s Slim & Slender pantyhose. But, honestly, they’re mostly based on my own experience wearing hose bc almost none of the ads showed how the gusset of the pantyhose actually looked so I needed to fill in the gaps (one of the many reasons I’m still unhappy with them—plus the wrinkles would not look right no matter what I did !!)
4. Her socks are called slouch socks! I don’t have a specific brand for them but the style was all the rage in the 80s-90s (and I want to own some so bad ngl)
- the hair straightener is just a blob based on the reference photo since trying to research historical hair tools was beyond me at the time apparently, but the style of outlet/plug is accurate to Britain in 1989 so there’s that at least (I have no idea why my brain works like this)
- since I talked about it in the poll I feel like I should address it here: technically having a bush was well out of fashion by 1989 due to the grooming boom and new types of hair removal popular throughout the 80s and 90s. However, she’s wearing multiple layers over it and is technically a teenager (in an abusive household and a catholic all-girls school, at that) so I kept going back and forth on it. It won the poll so it’s in the main post, but you’ll see in the below variations that I really went back and forth on it. that being said I do think it’s interesting given her nylon pants being semi-sheer besides at the gusset, so I’m not mad at it. plus I figured she was definitely shaving her legs/underarms, so maybe that balances it out ?
and finally here’s the other seven variations of this piece :) lmk what you think!!
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vasito-de-leche · 10 months
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;R1999 DIKKE - General Headcanons
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Compilation of headcanons and analysis on Dikke as a character and other related things.
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as promised, here's the Dikke post where I go deranged talking about her, since it was one of the two with the most votes in the poll <3
the other popular result was to talk about the parallels and use of racial issues within the story, how the game replaces actual racism for fantasy racism (arcanists vs humans) - so that one will deffo take me some time!
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On the subject of justice and Dikke's inspirations.
I've seen some people say that Dikke is based on Joan of Arc, given her righteousness and religious themes - but there are so many more details about her design that point toward other figures!
Like, really. A lot of references to law and deities of justice all throughout history and different cultures.
The most obvious one is Dike, "goddess of justice and the spirit of moral order and fair judgement". In Dikke's interview with Pandora Wilson, they literally address her as "the goddess of justice". And a small statue of Lady Justice, the personification of justice that originates from Justitia (roman equivalent of Dike) can be seen in her insight 2 garment.
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It goes without saying that Dikke's sword is another symbol representative of the previously mentioned figures - but to have only the sword and not the scales could have some implications about her way of imparting justice.
I would like to point out that Dikke's sword has these two dangling pieces that allude to the scales she's missing in her design. And sure, it might be a reach, but given how much detail and thought goes into the characters of the game and their designs, I really believe this is the case!
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On Dikke's items, we also get the name and description for the sword.
The name alone leads me to believe that Dikke's weapon and its design represents both the sword and the scales of Lady Justice, it's the totality of justice itself. Dikke WIELDS justice, she ENFORCES justice, she IS justice. You're going to get really tired of me repeating the word justice in this post, but bear with me!
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On the subject of swords, there are two swords mentioned all throughout Dikke's in-game profile and information. Her insight 2 garment is titled "Sword of Hamurabi".
This is evocative of something called the "Code of Hammurabi", one of the longest legal texts dating back to the first dynasty of Babylon. According to wikipedia, this stele it also depicts yet another deity of justice, Shamash. Wikipedia also makes note of the prologue within the Code of Hammurabi, in which the author - Hammurabi - claims to have been given these rules "to prevent the strong from oppressing the weak". This is extremely relevant to Dikke, as someone who fought hard for the rights of arcanists.
Pandora Wilson: I have heard many legends about you. The violent ghost of punishment, the crime-slaying sword of execution, the goddess of justice, the people's savior... Dikke: The desperate always need hope.
The stele of the Code of Hammurabi is ALSO relevant, because the artifact that follows Dikke around explicitly "belongs to some ancient stele". Yet another object that embodies justice and law.
I won't pretend I know anything about Babylonian culture or history in general, so anyone with more insight on this is welcome to add on to details and corrections!
The second sword mentioned can be found in the title for her 02 Story - "The Sword of Damocles".
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This excerpt seems to be written by one of Dikke's coworkers, perhaps someone in a higher position of power since they mention being able to give others a day off. Overall, we're reading the thoughts of someone who is abusing their power and who does not think highly of Dikke.
"The story of Damocles is but a story" is something that Dikke herself says. At the end, there's a different phrase written and crossed out - "But the story of justice is not just a story".
Now, the anecdote of Damocles talks about how positions of authority and power are double-edged swords - a king may have all the riches and fortune in the world, but also be burdened with the anxiety of knowing there might be someone plotting against him. In the story, Damocles switches places with king Dionysus, to know what it's like to be a king, but to really make Damocles understand the position of king, a sword is placed above him - one that can fall and kill him at any moment.
With this in mind, Dikke's 02 Story becomes more clear - the first phrase is a warning given by Dikke herself to those in positions of power. The story of Damocles is a story, because not everyone will understand the consequences of being in a position of power. Not everyone will be given the opportunity to even reach such a position.
The author of the 02 Story is not a good person, only considering the idea of giving people HALF a day off, excluding those who work on the fields who will get nothing, refusing to lower taxes for the poor, and imprisoning someone who "interfered with the lord's land acquisition".
The sword of Damocles is also used to allude to the impending tragedy for those in positions of power, caused by the smallest of catalysts. So it makes sense to me that the final phrase, the one crossed out at the end, was either written by Dikke or alludes to the demise of this author at her hand.
And while we're at it, might as well talk about the last remaining item - her robes. Judges are required to wear these when working on trials, but Dikke is specifically stated to wear them outside of them - because she's always imparting justice. She's the opposite of Oliver Fog, she's always on the clock.
We haven't even gotten to another big aspect of Dikke's character - the fact that she's part of the Inquisition.
Without getting too much into actual historical events, the Inquisition as we know it focused on heresy and the conversion and persecution of Jews and Muslims. Within the game, this is recontextualized as a focus for arcanists instead. It's worth noting that her 01 and 02 Stories are written from the perspective of those who are in support of the Inquisition and its practices, or who profit from abusing their own power - hence the wording of "the Inquisition has been abused and considered evil by the ignorant."
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There is an emphasis on how the Inquisition seeks power, while Dikke's final goal is justice.
This whole thing and yet another part from her interview with Pandora Wilson, is related to how Dikke associates herself with the corrupt and allows people to view her as a needlessly violent person for the sake of setting things right. On one hand, she could associate with the Inquisition and become a bishop to destroy corruption from inside out - on the other, she could acknowledge that to impart justice, one needs power because they're things that go hand in hand. The Inquisition is only able to have this much influence over trials for arcanists because of the common hatred towards arcanists throughout history.
The interview revolves around all the rumours surrounding Dikke, and we can see her showing distaste at the idea of cooperating with "what [she] shouldn't allow for the sake of justice" while at the same time, not denying her involvement with them. All the things she does are a means to an end.
Pandora Wilson: Does that mean you will cooperate with what you shouldn't allow for the sake of "justice"? Dikke: Fie. Pandora Wilson: Is that supposed to be a secret? Dikke: It sounds like we are talking about a conspiracy, yet it is but a means.
As for Dikke's own relationship with justice and her personal views outside of all the historical references used to create her character, I think this voiceline she has pretty much sums things up nicely.
Everything I doth… is so I may enjoy this calm wind on nights like this, rather than hear the sorrowful cries and moans of unhappiness.
She's a character that is strict in her ways and doesn't shy away from the darker aspects of life, such as the injustice arcanists have been subjected to for centuries. This extreme focus she has for upholding justice does cause Dikke to appear cold, and yet her ideals are almost childish, pure even - a world in which all misdeeds are punished and all good people are heard. Hell, her Ultimate literally purifies all negative statuses.
Dikke could easily lean towards righteous characters who exclusively see things as black or white, yet many of her voicelines and the origin of her devotion, show a very gentle heart. This is made clear by the fact that she's a healer.
Her two attacks and their names speak volumes about her own ways of thinking. Power is violent, power is not something that a judge should have so carelessly, but it is allowed in the name of "justice". Justice in quotations.
And then, actual justice is a rare occurrence, being merciful is not something that rules and the law take into account, but it's needed for those who cannot defend themselves.
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On the subject of Dikke's backstory.
There's no resolution to this point, it just came up randomly while writing the previous one, because it just hit me that Dikke's Cover profile does not list where she was born. And that got me thinking about the fact that before settling down, she traveled all around Europe.
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First of all, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pamiers is an extremely specific location - one that has ties to the Inquisition, as a very important document regarding the Inquisition's procedures during a very specific trial was found there, as far as I know with my surface level research into history references. This document also talked about how, within this trial, the inquisitor and the bishop had "almost equal responsibility".
We can assume that this is the place where Dikke became bishop officially, if this was her final destination.
This starts to fall within headcanon territory, since it's mostly speculation, but I feel that the 02 Story takes place before she becomes bishop and settles in Pamiers - as a member of the inquisiton, she must've traveled all over Europe to do her job.
There might also be something related to the name mentioned, "Murville", but I don't have time nor the brain to start connecting the dots with actual french history. All in all, I like to think that Dikke was given the position of bishop as an attempt to distance her from, you know, killing every single corrupt person in a position of power by keeping her in a single place.
None of her voicelines give away anything about her life prior her entire journey of justice, as far as I can tell.
If we take Dikke's ties with Joan of Arc, maybe she was a common girl roped into things beyond her control. But I personally don't like the interpretation of Dikke's ideals being born from divine intervention instead of her own experiences, seeing the crimes committed against arcanists and realizing that she would like to do something about it.
Another option I'd like to explore about her background - maybe Dikke did have a relatively safe and normal childhood, away from the stigma and persecution. A nice, gentle life that she willingly gave up after she was confronted with the reality of the state of the world, without Jean of Arc's holy realization. To me, there needs to be an emphasis on Dikke's choice and decision to fight corruption. Making this dedication a result of "God told me to do this" would render her a little shallow - not to say religion cannot be part of her character, but in my opinion, Dikke is best when the focus of her moral compass is a genuinely care for the weak and the defenseless.
On the subject of Dikke and the loss of humanity.
Yes, that's THREE characters in a row that I analyze and that have themes of loss of humanity. There's just so many characters who've lost or given up their own humanity for the sake of something greater or something wicked.
Pavia's was a result of how he was mistreated and as a way to reclaim power, Forget Me Not's was a self-imposed torture originating from his inability to take responsibility. Dikke's seems to be self-imposed as well, but unlike the previous two, her loss of humanity is more of a sacrifice she makes for the greater good.
In her voicelines, we see that she leads a very strict schedule - she's straightforward and curt (but never impolite!) with Vertin, alluding to how simple justice is (if one commits a crime or abuses power, they shall be dealt with regardless of their social status) and how her body is "a representation of justice". Dikke has become a symbol for an idea, the concept of a fair system - she is no longer an individual but a savior, an executioner, a violent ghost, a witch, a threat, etc etc.
The loss of humanity is obvious in the way we do not get to know Dikke outside of any themes regarding justice. It's extremely hard to gleam any information about her childhood, her family, her interests and so on because they've all been displaced by this identity as justice itself. To me, this speaks about how power and responsibility on this scale will inevitably separate you from the people, THIS is the Sword of Damocles, now applied to Dikke as much as it applies to those in line for her judgement.
And yet, there are still very small hints of humanity left within her (still related, in a way, to her goals) in her care for the weak. Dikke's quote on her hobbies in a way reminds me of Sonetto.
The idle chatter of the people is entertaining, but 'tis more entertaining that they are always the first to know about the corrupt behavior of nobles.
Sonetto is a character that is similar to Dikke, in the sense that they both became the embodiment of concepts that ultimately stripped them off their individuality. Sonetto by fulfilling her training at the Foundation and becoming the PERFECT example of a military dog, a child martyr who struggles to connect with others because she was only taught how to exist FOR the Foundation. And Dikke, by all the things mentioned before.
But both of them have very endearing hobbies. Sonetto reads newspapers and collects them to find TYPOS IN THEM. Dikke's hobby is to listen to people talk as they go on about their day, not gossiping but to just listen to people exist.
In the main story, Sonetto's upbringing causes her to have a barrier with the people she truly wants to connect to (Vertin, namely) and Dikke's goal causes her life to revolve around a single thing, now only able to engage in mundane things from an outsider's perspective. She listens to people, she doesn't talk to them. She protects people, she doesn't live among them.
I like to think that, even so, this is when Dikke is most at peace. That she enjoys people watching, knowing they're safe and sound - because it validates all her efforts, it means that what she's doing is, in the end, worth it. This might also be why Dikke tells Vertin that they might be on the same path - Vertin, slowly figuring out the truth behind the Foundation and Manus Vindictae and acting as a saviour for those stuck in the middle.
As for headcanons, here's a couple I have!
Dikke has such a dry and deadpan sense of humour that only Vertin can understand it.
Sometimes, very rarely, Dikke will chime in with the most outlandish reply - straight out of the blue, spoken in the most serious and monotone voice. Those who aren't close to her will most likely brush it off as yet another intimidating thing they can't understand about her, but those close to her like Vertin?
It's THE funniest shit in the world and Dikke, who is very aware of the image and respect she commands, knows it.
Dikke and the artifact that follows her are friends.
Quite literally, that thing is the hand of justice. I like to think that Dikke can communicate with it non-verbally, even though it's implied that the artifact is not created by her arcanum.
Part of me likes to think that Dikke insists on said artifact being just her partner in her long journey of bringing justice to the world, but due to all the years spent together and all, the artifact itself (and whatever entity that shows up in her Ultimate) have come to see Dikke as their protégé.
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Hiii that was me and i have to say, its too far now and i hate cyprus lol. Also the only reason i voted for him in poll is bc he was the only oc of urs i knew since i was new to ur blog. The others i either couldnt find and im gonna be honest i never got into yves bc the amount of chapters for him was intimidating so therefore Cyprus was my only choice and now im feeling like id rather just not voted.
My masterlists
Welpz for Yves theres no right way or correct sequence to read his stuff, just the introduction is fine, and if u yearn to know more about mr Mommy u can peruse through my masterlist and another separard one jusr for Yves
Pretty much almost all the other posts about him are like "what if" scenarios or expansion of his lore
I have other ocs too that are uhhh unfortunately MOMMY and not bad boy daddy 😭 but here are the intro posts of my ocs
2023- 2024 generation
Yves - Mr mommy man
Montgomery - first cringefail yandere
Cyprus- the one i disliked the most
Blanche- mr grandmommy man
2022 generation
Yandere Best Friend- like it says on the tin, my most popular series in 2022
Language Barrier- was my second most popular series with a whole bunch of funny world building
Yandere Brother- it's not step brother, this is full blown incest
Yandere Hitman- its kind of a crackfic, i didn't take this very seriously
Leveret- one of the Mommy brothers (Yves and Blanche), it's actually a precursor of Yves, like most of Yves's personality and looks was born here
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comikadraws · 11 days
Sorry, but there are some misinformations in your latest ask, which i would politely correct (I'm not attacking you).
Itachi in general is a more loved character than Sasuke, by the general public and naruto's fans. For example; on tiktok (a very popular app used by billions of people on daily basis) he is the only naruto's character that gets viral every week here with everybody loving him (hardly the otherwise happens) meanwhile Sasuke there is not that much popular or loved, in general he is very much slandered here and ignored unlike Itachi. For the daily accounts on Twitter you have to put in consideration that the daily Sasuke account has been active since 2022, meanwhile the Itachi's one since months ago and just in these recent months they started to blow up. For the Naruto's polls; Itachi was #1 in a poll in which japanese people's favorite character is and Itachi was #1 and in the 99 poll Itachi was #2 not because his fanbase mass voted, But because has too many stans and in general he is loved [ i should inform myself on more polls ].
And for tumblr.... Most naruto's fans on this site are frighteningly chronically online, Most of their takes are awful and almost every character suffer from getting horrible takes on their name.. and Sasuke stans found their way on this site. Also Tumblr is is not even remotely close to the popularity of Twitter and Tiktok and Itachi stans are not chronically online to do the shit Sasuke stans do on daily basis on this site. And Sasuke lost so many polls on this site, which i find it funny, They're always in every character's business and yet they can't even get their fav to win a poll.... That's hilarious.
Thank you for reaching out, though I actually have to disagree with you on a couple of points there. I hope you don't mind.
Purpose of the Statistics
First of all, I admit that my post was very Tumblr-centric and that experiences might vary a lot between platforms. Tumblr is currently my primary social media platform due to its versatility. This is also why most of my experiences relate to this platform, on which Itachi hate is rampant, and Sasuke endorsement is the standard.
My previous post was mostly focused on Sasuke being a beloved character (in opposition to fandom's perception that he is hated). This is especially true for fandom spaces (ie. Tumblr, Ao3, and Twitter to a degree - I explain why these spaces in a minute) and how his fans act like victims on this platform while, ironically, victimizing other characters and their fans. They seem to believe that hating on one character somehow uplifts the other and that they are "justified" because Itachi doesn't receive "enough hate".
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And of course, of all the platforms to unload their frustrations on, they choose Tumblr. The one where they are the furthest thing from being a victim.
How to Measure Popularity?
But back on topic. Measuring popularity is a complicated thing. As you correctly pointed out, popularity varies in nature (ie. quantity and quality), and between platforms (influenced a lot by the platform's features and target audiences). This can also impact social media statistics, which is why character polls are probably the most reliable data to work with.
But not all polls are equal, are they? Look at that one popularity poll on Tumblr in which Sasuke lost to Ten-Ten or the one where Itachi lost to Yamato. It is not always the intention of respondents to measure popularity. Sometimes it is to troll. Sometimes it is to chase a reward.
Naruto 99
While it is an official poll in which Itachi managed to outrank Sasuke in terms of popularity, the Naruto 99 poll is also peculiar due to its voting conditions. Respondents were permitted to vote once EVERY DAY (giving fans both the ability to vote for multiple characters or pile votes on a singular character).
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Additionally, fans were given an incentive to vote, which is the promise of a designated one-shot manga. This is what, in the end, caused minor characters like Sakumo and Shisui to show up in the top 10. It's because they are characters with grand reputations and/or importance to the plot but a severe lack of content.
However, Sasuke is the deuteragonist of Naruto and still a major character in Boruto, regularly receiving content. The blanks are 99% filled for Sasuke - with official manga content, even! With Itachi, content is so scarce that people are completely capable of distorting his intentions of being a Konoha bootlicker and a genocidal sociopath.
So it was most definitely not just popularity that influenced the poll results - It was curiosity.
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Other Official Popularity Polls
It becomes more apparent that the Naruto 99 poll results likely don't reflect reality very well when looking at previous Naruto polls. In all previous polls, Sasuke has consistently gotten better results than Itachi.
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Itachi's popularity usually improved alongside his plot involvement (most notably his debut in chapter 139, Sasuke's memories starting chapter 220, Itachi's battle with Sasuke starting chapter 383, and Itachi's reveal starting chapter 396). While there's been a sharp decrease during the Tenshi Bridge Arc (likely due to his lack of plot relevance), Itachi's popularity largely appears to be mostly stable during the latter half of the manga.
Aside from plot involvement, Itachi's popularity was also influenced by sympathy, as it managed to climb up the furthest (excluding chapter 107 because it was before his debut) after the truth reveal. Sasuke's popularity experienced a similar improvement after the Uchiha Massacre flashbacks.
But now, ever since that last poll (and especially since the manga's conclusion), Sasuke's character has only become more sympathetic with his return to Konoha and mentoring of Boruto. Itachi, meanwhile, didn't appear in the manga in the past 10 years. It is rather unlikely that, of all things, Itachi's popularity increased rather than decreased in comparison to other characters.
Fandom vs Fanbase
Now, even assuming that Itachi's general popularity is, indeed, higher than Sasuke's, this does not have to reflect the fandom experience on every site (which is what bothered me so much in my previous post). The reason is that there are multiple types of fans more common on different platforms - namely "fandom fans" and "fanbase fans".
Fandom members are those who interact with other fans regularly by contributing their creativity and/or expertise. But that requires space for discussions, writing, and posting pictures. Tumblr fulfills all of those criteria! Platforms like Ao3 and Twitter/X also allow for worthwhile fandom interactions. Ao3 allows for posting fanfic. Twitter/X allows for discussions and sharing fan art.
Additionally, neither Ao3 nor Tumblr are known for any form of algorithm, meaning that fans need to make a conscious effort to seek out content. It requires effort and involvement that not any fan has.
Then there are casuals and, how theheirofthesharingan likes to call them, "dudebros". They are mostly consumers. And even when they are creators, they take less of an interest in characters as "people" (ie. their personality, psychology, etc.) and therefore usually don't really interact with the fandom platforms to analyze and appreciate them. They are part of the greater "fanbase" but not the "fandom".
This often causes them to adopt the ideological standpoint of the source material. Characters who are not outright explained may end up misunderstood. Real-world parallels remain unnoticed. Ask a dudebro whether the Uchiha Massacre (a genocide) was justified and they might just answer "yes".
Like you said, Sasuke fans are way more active contributors to the fandom. Itachi fans are more active consumers. What I and other Itachi fans perceive is that, usually, Itachi has more "casual" and "dudebro" fans, likely due to his characterization as a "hero" or "martyr" by the narrative. Sasuke, meanwhile, suffers under the stigma of being an antagonist with complex trauma responses. To understand and appreciate him, a lot of effort is required, actually.
At the very least, this is the explanation that makes sense in my mind. It is a fact that the sites most known for fandom activity (ie. Tumblr and Ao3) have more Sasuke content than Itachi content, even if the general public might hold different opinions.
Itachi's Popularity on TikTok
TikTok is actually what I personally consider to be a space for "dudebro" or "casual" fans. The videos I see there are primarily song edits, focusing on vibes and aesthetics. They are cool but they are not deep or particularly big additions to the fandom. This is perfect for dudebros and casuals who are not looking for complex, in-depth content (or maybe not even fandom content at all but just canon content). Same dudebros and casuals who have a hard time getting to like Sasuke.
While this is just a hypothesis of mine, Itachi's popularity on TikTok might also be the result of "market saturation". Two types of market saturation, actually.
First, there is actually a great supply of Sasuke content already thanks to the manga and anime alone. In the case of Itachi, the manga ended 10 years ago. The anime 7 years ago. There has barely been any official content, hence the desperation for fan-created content.
And second, while I cannot confirm with 100% certainty (because TikTok's search feature sucks and always hides posts from me), Itachi content might go viral more often than Sasuke content, but Sasuke content might still get uploaded with greater frequency. Hence the #sasuke tag has 6.2M posts and the #itachi tag has 3.7M posts.
While this might also instead just be the result of Sasuke offering more source material to make edits with, the unequal amount of Itachi vs Sasuke content might create a certain "exclusivity". This might pile Itachi fans on just a few TikToks rather than spreading them out over multiple posts, causing disproportional view numbers.
There's a similar phenomenon on Ao3. Fandom content there does not rely on canon material for its generation. Its frequency mostly relies on popularity, not source material. Yet, the amount of Sasuke-centric fanfics stands in a 3:1 ratio with Itachi-centric fics.
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However, the first couple of Itachi-centric fanfics still have more kudos than the Sasuke-centric ones. But that only applies to the first couple of fanfics. The obvious explanation here is that Itachi fanfics are scarce, hence fans don't get to be choosy (the other explanation is that people just really like crossover fanfics, because that's what the two most popular Itachi-centric fanfics happened to be, haha).
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Itachi's Popularity on Twitter
It is absolutely true that the daily Sasuke account is older than the daily Itachi account. The claim that the daily Itachi account has only been around for a couple of months is incorrect, though, as it has been around since August 21st of last year. So more than a year, actually. Doesn't change that daily Sasuke has been active since March 2022 (2.5 years), but I felt like pointing it out.
Of course, follower counts might develop in either direction. Maybe the daily Itachi account will gain an additional 35k followers on top of its current 6k within the next 1.5 years. Regardless of which, I've actually got another source for comparison to offer, which is the daily Naruto account.
I looked at Sasuke and Itachi posts between August 1st and September 16th (today) and compared like counts. On average, Sasuke posts received 8488 likes, whereas Itachi posts received 5569.
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Either way, the fact remains, namely that on Tumblr Sasuke content is more popular both in terms of consumption and contribution. And the disproportionate hate is what I am hoping to get rid of.
If not... blocking spree. I am no longer willing to deal with people who find that bullying and shit-talking is a fine behavior while also being hypocrites about it.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Think what strikes me about something like "we can't vote because the system is rigged! Ban the electoral college!" is the big underlying implication of it.
That there is no multiple solutions or paths, only the one correct path and everything else is worthless.
And that's incredibly frustrating because there are two levels of problems with it:
is the utter dismissiveness of anything other than their specific solution, which ignores how any degree of positive change cannot occur with only just ONE idea, it's usually the result of many ideas that lead to change.
The fact that it feels like they're skipping every step in between the current situation to this end result, or actively fixating on themselves having the correct solution, but only by literally getting everything in between completely wrong in the process.
Like, the latter point in particular is like a complex math equation: Just because you got the right answer doesn't mean you can just ignore every difficult step in between, or just assume that all of the WRONG processes become validated retroactively because you stumbled into the correct answer. You'd literally get failed and be forced to redo the problem if you tried that shit in math.
I saw a poll the other day claiming that support for abolishing the Electoral College had now reached 65% of all Americans. Now, I take all polls, whether good or bad, with a grain of salt, but this does reflect a growing awareness that the EC is a horrible racist anti-democratic dinosaur only applied to the presidential election and only used for electing Republicans who don't win the nationwide popular vote, and that there's a genuine groundswell of support to abolish it. See the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which could possibly collect enough state-by-state ratifications to go into effect into 2028 (in the best-case scenario). So even all the bitching about how "the system is rigged" (which. WE KNOW! WE KNOW! There's not a single Democratic voter going to vote like WOW I LOVE THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE CAN'T WAIT FOR MY VOTE TO DEPEND ON HOW MUCH IT COUNTS THANKS TO THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE WHEE OLD DEAD WHITE GUYS!) blatantly ignores that a possible seismic change IS possibly in the offing, because people put in the work to make it happen!!! The fact that the EC might soon be superseded or disempowered is FUCKING MONUMENTALLY HUGE!!! It has existed literally since the beginning of America and arbitrated every single presidential election!!! And let me tell you, the people working to make that change and fundamentally reshape American democracy are absolutely not the Online Leftists, whose grasp of civic and political theory starts and ends at "wah the system is rigged I do not vote I am very smart!"
This also reminds me of the recent idiots in my notes complaining that Biden was a) not "genuine" in supporting the striking auto workers, that b) Don't You Know He Broke The Rail Strike (the follow-up where he gave the railworkers what they most wanted with that strike was conveniently never mentioned), or c) that he wasn't "doing it for the right reasons" (whatever the fuck that means). Which accurately reflects their belief that the way you do politics, or praxis, or anything at all, is just by having the Really Goodest Mostest Purest Intentions really hard, and that's it. Like. Aside from the fact that it's impossible to prove why Biden is privately motivated to do anything, we have a long track record demonstrating that he is a person of genuine Catholic faith who has been moving more and more to the left overall, and has been the most pro-union, pro-labor president in American history. So first of all, complaining that "he's not GENUINE!!!!" in supporting the strikers is impossible to prove, and contradicted by actual evidence. But the Online Leftists gotta feel More Gooder Than Him somehow, so.
Likewise: as I said in one of my previous posts about Hillary Clinton: I do not give a fuck if she was privately the most Neoliberal Corporate Centrist Shill Ever To Shill (and as I also said, none of those words means what the Online Leftists think they do). I do not care about the American monarch president's personal feelings, unless they reflect directly on the policy that they make and the real-world effects that it has. I don't care if Clinton killed puppies (or dreamed about killing puppies, which for the thoughtcrime police is equally bad), as long as she appointed 3 new liberal justices to SCOTUS and throughout the courts, instead of the hacks that Trump forced onto the bench and literally everything else he did. In the same vein, Biden could secretly be like "hahahaha fuck all workers BIG CORPORATIONS FOR LYFE but I gotta support the workers and get them their rights so they'll vote 4 meeee" (not that I actually think he is, but still) and hold onto your hankies, children: I DO NOT CARE! Because the tangible real-world effects of that policy that he is working hard on making results in a better economy for those workers and substantial redistribution of capital away from the oligarchs for the first time in a generation! Not to mention, I kind of like the idea that a president decides to make himself most appealing to workers instead of bosses! But for the Online Leftists, if this action isn't done with the Sufficiently Pure Motives, it is Wrong and Bad and Not Good Enough and Blah Blah Biden Sekrit Republican.
Anyway. Yes. That. The end.
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thevirginwitch · 1 year
Paper Poppet Spell for Luck & Success
If you want to support me and my blog, be sure to check out my Patreon for as little as $2 a month! You'll gain early access to all my posts, exclusive content, digital freebies, discount codes to my Etsy store, and tons of updates on what I'm working on! Did I mention you'll also gain voting power on research topics and future posts?
Poppets are a very popular way of typically conducting baneful magic – however, in this spell, the poppet will be representing yourself, and you will be performing sympathetic magic to increase your success and luck! This spell is to help aid you in achieving goals and success in any endeavors you may be attempting right now. I recommend carrying out this spell during a full moon, and/or on a Sunday. Of course, feel free to tweak this spell and its components as needed to better suit your needs/practice! This spell is a great beginner spell for sympathetic magic, and you can use this as a template if you wish to create any other poppet spells in the future.
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Wax warmer along with wax (in the color of your choice), or a candle (in the color of your choice) with a way to collect/use the melted wax. I personally used a mix of green and gold wax, as those colors typically represent abundance.
2 sheets of origami paper, 20cm x 20cm (if you only have typical printer paper, you can use scissors to cut to the correct size!)
Taglock – a piece of your hair, nail clipping, etc. You could also write your name on the poppet! (optional)
Art supplies - paint, colored pencils, markers, etc. Anything you feel comfortable using. (optional)
Star tarot card (optional)
Prepare your workspace and yourself for spellwork however you typically would. I personally like to smoke cleanse with incense, clear off my work area, and work through a guided meditation for focus. I also tend to light a candle or two that corresponds with what type of magic I’m trying to perform. During this step, be sure to turn on your wax warmer or light the candle you’ll be using for the spell.
Create your paper poppet using origami - you can follow this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDkxJi4kGz4. When folding your poppet, imagine you are pouring yourself into the folds of the poppet - your personality, your likeness, your life story, etc. Take some time to sprinkle each of the herbs (mint and chamomile) into some of the folds of your poppet as well - this step will help you “fold” success into yourself (your poppet). Instead of origami, you may also choose to instead cut out a human shape out of your paper - this is a great option if you are short on time, or have mobility/joint issues!
Once your paper poppet is complete, you may decorate it however you see fit - or choose to leave it plain. You may also choose to write words corresponding to your goals. For example: “new job”, “wealth”, “happy love life”, etc. Get creative with it - this poppet is supposed to represent you, after all! You may also add your taglock to the poppet during this step.
By now, your wax should be ready. Take your poppet and carefully dip each foot, hand, and the head into the wax. (Please be EXTREMELY careful if you are using a candle as a method for obtaining wax. And remember, wax is VERY hot!) As you dip each body part, feel free to recite the following (or come up with your own):
Submerge these hands in abundance; these feet in opportunity; And this head in gratitude for what’s to come.
Before the wax dries, sprinkle a bit more herbs on the wet wax to further “glue” success to yourself (your poppet). Be sure to hold onto your poppet as the wax dries before moving onto the next steps; taking care not to touch the wax as it dries.
Once the wax is nice and solid, set your poppet down on your Star tarot card (optional) and add your citrine and herbs to a bowl of water. Dip your fingertips in the bowl, and anoint your poppet with a bit of water. Be careful not to completely get it wet, as the poppet will obviously begin to fall apart - the goal is to just give it a light misting/sprinkle of water.
Finally, the ritual is complete! You may feel the urge to hold onto the poppet until your success is evident. Stash it on your windowsill or somewhere that sees a lot of foot traffic or sunlight – perhaps on your mantle or by your front door. If you’re in the broom closet, you could stash it in your daily bag/purse or wallet. Once you feel you’ve achieved the success you expected, you may dispose of the poppet in the garbage.
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operationnope · 1 year
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For all the Ozzy girlies🩷🩷 (and those in denial)
Title: Soon
Summary: An embellishment of the terrace scene with MC x Ozzy.
Words: 2,079
I liked this scene, but I wanted a bit more from it. So I thought I’d try my hand at writing a more fleshed out version. This is my first official fanfic so thank you for reading!
And an extra special thanks to @longbobmckenzie for encouraging me and correcting my grammatical errors 🤣♥️
Someone was going home tonight. Vivian mindlessly chewed her lip, lost in thought while her twin sister Amelia prattled on about something. What was she even talking about? After the villa received a text about a girl being dumped from the island, Amelia had pulled her for a chat. But Vivian could only think about one thing, one person - Ozzy.
Ozzy was coupled with Grace, but every time Ozzy and Vivian were alone it was like everyone else just slipped away. It was the little things. The gym session where their eyes met, Ozzy’s smile growing bigger and bigger with each rep. Or the way he gently brushed her hair away from her face to look into her eyes while they chatted in the pool. Vivian knew that he would be loyal to Grace, but she felt something building between them. And if she went home, she would never know what could be.
“I miss the old days. Don’t you?” Amelia asked Vivian, pulling her from her reverie.
She thought a moment before answering. “I like focusing on today. No use looking backwards all the time. Let’s just enjoy the here and now, it’s exciting!”
Her mind wandered back to her own thoughts as her twin continued on a trip down memory lane. Vivian was pretty sure she was safe. The public was voting for the most popular girl, and even if she wasn’t in the top spot, she was almost certain she wasn’t last. But with her fate in the public’s hands, she knew she had to talk to Ozzy before it was too late.
“Vivi? Are you listening??”
“Sorry, what were you saying about prom?”
Amelia shifted uncomfortably and started again. “There’s something I never told you about that night...”
Before Amelia could finish, Ozzy stepped into the room looking a bit frazzled. Vivian’s eyes met his with a look of concern, and a sheepish smile formed on his handsome face.
“Hey Vivian, could I borrow you for a chat?”
She distantly heard Amelia and Ozzy exchange niceties while she stood to follow Ozzy to the roof terrace. They walked to their destination in near silence, the sound of her blood rushing in her ears. Her thoughts began to swirl as she sat down and tried to calm her frantically beating heart. Ozzy took a seat opposite her, clearly just as nervous. Vivian couldn’t help but grin at him and when he grinned back, she could see some of the tension behind his eyes start to fade.
“What’s on your mind, Ozzy?”
“My head’s a bit all over the place, to be honest,” he admitted. “That news of the dumping has rattled me.”
She quietly nodded in agreement as he paused and looked down at his feet, struggling to find the words. The air felt heavy with everything left unsaid between them. She slowly let out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding as he finally spoke.
“Don’t get me wrong, if Grace went, I’d be gutted. She’s been my day one in here,” Ozzy continued, his gaze now far off in the distance. “I have so much time for that girl. I just... I don’t like the thought of someone I care about leaving the villa.”
Vivian’s heart sank a little. Was it all in my head? Their private time together, the laughs they shared, the stolen looks- was she the only one feeling this way? All this time she thought it was leading somewhere, but now as Ozzy spoke about his feelings for Grace, a knot began to form in her stomach. Eventually, his eyes turned to her and she panicked, desperate to say something, anything to hide her distress.
She managed to splutter, “You mean Grace?”
Ozzy looked at her, really looked at her, like he was seeing her for the first time. “I think I mean you, Vivian. I just couldn’t take the thought of you leaving here.”
Time stood still. Vivian was almost afraid to respond, to even breathe, as if it would break the spell. Every small moment now bubbled to the surface and she could see the joy, the sadness and the longing written all over his face. The way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, the curve of his lips when he gave her a flirty look. It all meant as much to him as it did to her, and any doubts she had were swept away by the warmth she felt staring into his kind hazel eyes.
But the happiness she felt was pushed aside momentarily with a question that she didn’t want to ask but knew she had to.
“What about Grace?”
As Ozzy began to explain why he liked Grace, Vivian tried to keep her expression neutral, pleasant even, while he spoke about her friend. Vivian really liked Grace; she was funny, effortlessly beautiful and always had time for a chat or to dish some goss. It wasn’t hard to understand why Ozzy had stepped forward for her. But with the looming threat of a dumping, Vivian felt her chance with Ozzy slipping through her fingers.
“...Part of me worries it could be becoming more of a friendship vibe.”
Wait, what?!
“And I know we have our flirty banter,” Ozzy went on, a cheeky smile playing on his lips. “Like when you joined me in the pool looking out of this world.” There was a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he recalled the memory and Vivian could feel her cheeks heat. Their bodies had touched fleetingly under the water, the warm feeling of his skin still lingered in her mind.
“I’d just always regret tonight if... If you were dumped and maybe there was something more.”
The way Ozzy looked at her, like she was everything, in that moment she knew what she had to do. She tilted her head and looked up at him from under her long lashes. Then she leaned in, closing the distance between them and he mirrored her movement as if pulled by an imaginary string.
“You might be right there, Ozzy,” she purred, trying to keep her voice even as her heart beat wildly. “We’re in the Love Island villa, after all! We should be open to exploring each other...”
His eyes flitted briefly to her lips. “That’s what I mean,” he said as he swallowed hard. “Exploring sounds like fun...”
Vivian leaned in further, eliminating any distance and uncertainty left between them. She stopped just before their lips touched, her eyes locked with his, and she whispered breathlessly.
“Kiss me, Ozzy.”
His lips met hers, gentle but full of passion. He lifted one hand to the base of her neck, threading his fingers through her long, silky hair. His other hand slid around her waist, pulling her firmly against his sculpted chest. She lightly trailed her fingers up his toned biceps, goose flesh erupting in their wake. Her mouth opened to invite him in and he softly teased her tongue with his, a deep moan sounding from the back of his throat. She melted into him, her supple curves pressed to fit perfectly against his hard body. He affectionately stroked her cheek as he tenderly kissed her one last time, then released her with a sigh.
“As much as I want this...” he said, placing his large hands on her shoulders and putting some distance between them, “I don’t think we should be doing this yet. Not now.”
Vivian knew he was right, but she couldn’t hide her disappointment. She bit her lip and tried to ignore how her body lit up when they kissed. How everything felt so right. But Ozzy was still coupled with Grace. Shit, Grace! She was going to have to be honest with her friend about her feelings for Ozzy, and she could only hope that he would do the same.
She must have looked upset because Ozzy’s eyes were full of heartbreak when he said, “I’m sorry, Vivian.”
She suddenly needed more from him. An explanation, or validation that what she felt was real, that he felt the same way about her.
“I just thought...” she started, but he hurried to reassure her.
“Believe me, I wish I could kiss you right now. But this isn’t respectful to Grace. I promised myself I’d be respectful.”
He reached out and briefly touched her hand - a ghost of a touch, but so full of desire it radiated straight to her core.
“Don’t get me wrong,” he continued. “Your lips feel amazing. And I never expected this connection. You really are out of this world, Vivian. No matter what I do, my head keeps spinning back to you.”
A small smile formed on her kiss-swollen lips and he returned it, his face glowing as the sun crept closer to the horizon. Their connection was real. She felt like laughing and crying, all the possibilities of how the night could go crashing against her like the tide. She couldn’t predict or change the vote, but she knew that Ozzy returned her feelings and it was enough for now.
“You may be a twin, but you really are one of a kind, y’know?” Ozzy softly chuckled, and she knew it was because of the shit-eating-grin now plastered on her face. A face she shared with her sister, but he only saw her- not a twin, not half of a whole. Ozzy saw Vivian for who she was and that made her fall for him even more.
“And I won’t be forgetting those lips anytime soon,” he added with a wink.
She giggled, “You better not!”
They both stood to leave the privacy of the terrace. Vivian knew they were pushing their luck up there. After all, Grace had already pointed out on day one that it was a prime location for sneaky kisses. She took a step towards the door but Ozzy reached for her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“I hope we get another chance like this soon. You’re very hard to forget, Vivian.” As he let go of her hand, the terrace door swung open.
“You guys?! What are you two doing up here?”
Grace wandered out onto the terrace, sidling up next to her partner. Her eyes clocked Vivian and Ozzy while she waited for an answer. Ozzy was silent, trying to look anywhere but directly at Vivian. The awkwardness was stifling, but she managed to look at Grace and gave her a small smile. Grace continued with her inquiry, now firmly directed at Ozzy, and he stammered out some excuse.
“We were... we just had a chat,” he finally managed to say.
Vivian almost laughed. We chatted, we kissed... you know, the usual. But it was far from the usual. The feeling of his lips, the heat from his body- as those unbidden thoughts flooded her mind, she fought the flush beginning to creep up her neck.
Grace’s eyes narrowed slightly. “About what?”
Before her line of questioning could go any further, a text notification rang out. Vivian quickly grabbed her phone and checked the message.
“I’ve got a text!” she called down to the other islanders. “It’s a Couples Quiz!”
As she read the rest of the text aloud, in her periphery she could see Grace and Ozzy share a troubled look. The discomfort now emanating from the pair was almost unbearable, but Vivian soldiered on until the last hashtag was read out. The other islanders raced to the challenge platform while the three of them stood in awkward silence.
“Guessing we should head over then,” Grace suggested, trying and failing to muster a cheerful tone.
Ozzy started to usher her towards the door. “Let’s go,” he replied absentmindedly.
Vivian waited a beat before she followed. She thought a bit of space would dull the longing she felt as she watched Ozzy walk away from her. She thought she had it bad before, but now that they had kissed, not a challenge kiss but a proper one, she knew she could never go back. She wanted to call out to him, grab him, make him stay on the terrace with her forever, but he just kept walking.
Then just as Grace disappeared through the door, he turned back. He turned back to look at her- his eyes so full of yearning and tinged with sadness that it took her breath away. It was a look to say:
“Have patience.”
A look to say:
“I’m yours.”
A look to say:
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moth-p · 13 days
Huge spoilers obviously.
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How we feeling BDFI fans?
Well, you're about to find out what I am feeling so lets get into this nonsensical ramble since y'all seemed to like the last one for some reason
1. ONEE??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
Okay so ANY chance that One isn't a villan is uh. Dead and buried. And honestly it should stay that way I really enjoyed her this episode! BFDI was lacking a true villan
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I actually predicted their deal with Basketball in this episode a while ago soo yea (more about Basketball later, dont you worry)
What about Bell and Bomby (And now Needle and Barf Bag)? WHERE ARE THEY? Well, dear reader who probably does not care, I have a theory!
I think that they are in One's version of the EXIT
If my theory that the place TPOTs eliminated contestants is a "Two EXIT", is correct, it is likely that every algebralien has something like that.
Did One and Three interact like I hoped they would? No. Buut another thing that I really fucking liked in this episode is the confirmation of One's motives. And that, as you have seen is
Two's power. Why does she need it? We don't know. To free Three, to take over the world to do something else.. I honestly can't wait to find out
TLDR: I loved One in this episode bro
2. Yuri (cw basketbot if you dont like this ship scroll to point 3)
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"The best version of you is the one we have here" honest reaction
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This ship should be way more popular
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Okay basketbot ramble over
TLDR: lesbians
3. Eliminations and the rejoin
So I got a few things right in my tpot 13 predictiom post (i think) but I have been completly wrong with who will be eliminated
Barf bag: I was kinda expecting it..? I mean I'm still VERY sad about her elimination DONT GET ME WRONG but I kind of knew that her time was coming. But
NEEDLE?!: GUYS. GUYS COME ON. I THINK THE ONLY THING MORE SHOCKING THAN HER ELIMINATION WAS FIREAFY ANGST IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2024. I actually thought that she would EASILY be in top 3 but I guess she wasnt. But the whole thing with pen was so good rahshsggdhshs im still not over it
The double rejoin was a welcome suprise, even though I know it will have a huge impact on the story later. I voted for pencil because I wanted to see her interact with the alliance (and she did yippie), but LIY joining is also very good, she was eliminated way too early imo
I voted for pin because. Shes pin. I love pin (and I also think that Tree and Black Hole will get enough votes to stay no problem wait apollo what are you doing no put the dodgeball dow-)
I also voted for snowball! He was great in the last few episodes and i hope it will stay like that
TLDR: Needle deserved better
4. Random shit (this will be long)
2. Fireafy? In the year of our lord 2024? Am I repeating this joke? Maybe?
But seriously, their appearence was a huge suprise and seeing as Leafy (probably) got kidnapped by One, it will most likely turn out to be a sideplot (bonus points because the robot flower one ended)
3. Gatys paint falling off a bit. Idk why but that detail was so good rahdgsusghejs
4. Fanny and BH being friends is something I did not expect that much but its cool. (They are MLM WLW solidarity to me)
5. Im a bit dissapointed that Three didnt make an appearence in this episode but whatever. (They will appear in tpot 14 guys trust me)
6. Congrats to Pillow for actually doing something and not having your team be UFE again seriously I think it was like 3 times in a row
7. I know it was basically nothing. But seeing Price Tag and Book interact with each other makes me so happy you have no idea
9. Two sleeping was kinda funny (this also implies that algebraliens need sleep)
10. Four and X going on vacation. Thats it
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11. (II 16 SPOILERS!!!)
Someone (me) will draw Needle and Barf Bag getting deleted by mephone X
I think thats it if I will have the need to ramble about this episode more then it will be reblog time
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reasonandempathy · 7 months
how can you reblog a Zionist post criticizing people who support Palestine for allowing themselves to be harmed in an effort to support Palestine (https://www.tumblr.com/reasonandempathy/743584944850354176/politics-is-fucking-soul-churning-it-really-is) while also seeming to respect Aaron Bushnell, who made the ultimate sacrifice in an effort to support Palestine? is it so unthinkable that people would be willing to act against their own interest to stop a genocide?
TLDR; that post isn't denying people can self-sacrifice to stop a genocide. That post is about taking the broader context into perspective, and remembering that Trump Is Still So Much Worse, so you should vote against him.
Was thinking about this one, actually.
Didn't know the person's broader political views until checking them out, and while it's important context for that person individually, but the post at large still, broadly, stands.
There is, undoubtedly, an aspect of political discourse that promotes people who would vote for Biden to stay home or vote for someone not Biden and not Trump, rooted in (to a much lesser extent than Bushnell, who was being compelled to be an active participant) not wanting to be complicit in that genocide.
What I took to be the main thrust of that post was to point out the unfortunately very, very real dynamic of not helping Biden win would, objectively, be worse for everyone including Palestinians if Trump wins. And in a truly, honestly Binary choice between D or R, there is a correct choice to make. It's Biden.
The first few paragraphs of that post are basic "don't be selective with your care." Which is true.
The rape of Israeli women, the Jewish Diaspora, The various tortures and war crimes inflicted by Hamas and the Houthis are not things to be forgotten nor supported. The world is fucking complicated and "Good Guys" are in incredibly short supply, but "Hooray Huthis" is what I'd call an incredibly fraught tightrope to walk.
The main thrust of that post, though, is referring to people who know Trump is worse and have done extensive work broadcasting that Trump is, objectively, Worse for Palestinians. Worse for Women. Worse for the LGBTQ community. Worse for Non-Christians. Worse for BIPOC. It's pretty simple and reasonable to think that if Trump was in the White House he would find some way to be even worse right now than Biden is being.
But they still can't endorse or support Biden. Who is definitely horrible, but also objectively the better of the 2 options we have.
Which is why I said Politics is soul-churning. Because it is. Because, outside of any actual plan to get anyone else into the White House, it is objectively Better for the people I care about.
My fiance.
My friends.
My extended family.
My Neighbors.
My trade union (though I haven't been in it for a few years).
My city.
My values.
It is objectively Better for Biden to be in power than Trump, which, again, is the only realistic alternative to Trump. But it does mean voting for the guy. And, yeah, I'm in NY (not a secret). Maybe I could vote for the Justice Party or the Green Party or something else.
But I can't assume nobody else will do that, and ceding what small influence I have (.000008% of Biden's popular vote in 2020) to actually help people to instead assuage my personal beliefs is putting my comfort over that small, minuscule, but very Real influence in being able to help people.
I...have blood on my hands. (broadly) We all do. I just want to add less to it.
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Decided to answer any questions/address any complaints all in one post as we move into the next round:
How am I meant to vote in the tourney? The vote is supposed to be for the best-looking/hottest musician/singer/composer/etc, not for whose music you think is better. Looks should be based on pre-1980 looks, not anything after that.
How can I submit propaganda? What can I submit? You can submit photos, videos of performances/interviews, and even songs. Between rounds, the best way to submit propaganda to be used for the next poll post is through the asks or submission box. DMs are also accepted but not preferred. Submit as much propaganda for the post as you like; if it's got a direct link or you have the direct image, it'll work. During rounds, asks and submissions are still welcome, but DMs are not. Instead, tag billboard-hotties-tourney in posts to get them reblogged here. Please do not spam this blog with propaganda. One submission per nominee per day per person, PLEASE. If you submit more than one per day, it will be ignored. You are still welcome to reblog poll posts and add unlimited propaganda there. Any negative propaganda submitted to the inbox will be ignored. If you want someone to lose, find positive propaganda about their opponent.
Where is ____? If you don't see a person, they either weren't submitted and not considered by me, or they were eliminated in a previous round. If they were here at some point, they have a tag.
Is it too late to submit ____? Yes.
Why did you use the pictures you did? Why did you use the songs you did? Since this poll was supposed to be for musicians pre-1980, I'm only using pre-1980 images for the polls and pre-1980 songs for the propaganda. It's why you didn't see the classic Tony Levin look, or any modern-day Geddy Lee images, for instance. You can always reblog with post-1980 pictures, but as for the original poll posts, there will only be pre-1980 images. As for the song selections, I tried to pick songs that are either a popular song of theirs, or songs that may be lesser-known but still highlight their musical ability.
Why are these two frontrunners paired against each other already? Every pairing is random; it's all down to the luck (or lack thereof) of the draw.
Where is the propaganda I submitted? Either it definitely didn't fall into the pre-1980 category (although if you see any that slipped past me, feel free to correct me,) the image wouldn't attach to the post, or the person's face was obscured to the point where it wouldn't have made sense to keep it. Please also do not send NSFW pictures, I don't want butt naked people on my posts.
Can I submit propaganda for someone no longer in the running? No.
What happens in the event of a tie? Due to the previous rigging of a tie, the rules for what happens in the event of a tie have changed. If there is a tie for a poll, the two will no longer advance together, but instead, there will be a second poll that lasts 24 hours to determine the winner. If there is another tie after the second poll, neither will advance.
Thank you for your understanding here! Please let me know if you have any questions not answered here, and enjoy the rest of the tournament.
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William Rex
Chapter 3
Kate: "Where are we....?"
The 'fun place' William invited me to was a secluded mansion.
William: "Guess. What does it look like in your eyes?"
A wide range of people, young and old, rich and poor, men, and women, are exchanging drinks and talking amidst a comfortable buzz.
A red-faced old man with a sooty face, a well-dressed young man who looked like a student, and a gentleman who looked like he might be in or out of a financial institution.
I watch with some amazement as they converse peacefully at the same table.
Kate: "...is this a social gathering, regardless of social status....?"
William: "Ahaha, that's correct. You've got a sharp insight."
Kate: "I didn't know...such places existed."
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William: "It's similar to the coffeehouses that were popular until about the 18th century."
William: "They call it the 'Mad Tea Party' after the Alice book."
William: "There are only two rules here: 1. Respect the other party's wishes and 2. No monetary transactions."
William: "As long as you keep it that way, you're free to exchange information, socialize, discuss....as you please."
Kate: "I don't mind...so is this your mansion?"
William: "I'm just the owner of the land and the building, but there's a separate caretaker."
Businessman: "Ah...if isn't Count William himself?"
Businessman: "Thank you very much for the other day. Thanks to your help, we finally collected our investment."
William: "You don't have to thank me...your face is all red. Celebrate in moderation."
Triumphant woman: "Mr. Rex, it's very unusual for you to be here. Will you play the piano for us again tonight?"
William: "Good evening, Miss Fawcett. If you're so inclined. ....Oh, is that the pamphlet you were talking about the other day?"
Triumphant woman: "Yes. I'll give you one. 'Give women the vote!"
Called on by both men and women, William exchanges friendly words with them.
A few of them clearly had an interest in him.
(I wonder if people here know that William is a member of the Crown....)
As if he saw through these questions, William puts his lips to my ear.
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William: "They don't know anything. You are the only one here who knows my secret."
William: "Be careful not to slip up inadvertently and spend your time as you please."
A terrible secret and I am the only one here who shares it with him.
(I sound like an accomplice....)
Guilt and nervousness had my heart pulsing faster than usual.
I let my eyes roam around trying to calm my turbulent heartbeat. At that moment-----
Kate: "Ah....."
Kate: "Ah....."
In the crowd of people, I spotted a certain redhead, I recognized, and I couldn't help but squeak.
William: "What's up? Do you know someone?"
Kate: "Mmhmm...I know that guy. He's a news reporter."
William: "News reporter...Oh, you mean Brian Bennett?"
William looks in the same direction I was looking out of the corner of his eye and says his name in a friendly manner.
Kate: "He is also a good friend of our postmaster from where I work. He would come and go from time to time."
Kate: "I've at least said hello once, but I don't think...he remembers me."
William: "I see. So you're a fan of his."
Kate: "....Because he is a heroic reporter who helps the weak and discourages the strong."
He is a friend of citizens. He is undaunted by power and leads the civic movement.
He is also very knowledgeable about the behind-the-scenes of politicians and occasionally wrote in-depth articles.
William: "I too, find him attractive because of his strong sense of justice and his strength to take action. Why don't you try talking to him?"
Kate: "Eh?!"
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William: "Your eyes are sparkling just like when you were watching the play. It would be a shame to hide them."
Kate: "I don't think that's a good idea. I'm not sure what to talk to him."
Kate: "He is like an actor on the stage and I am just a mere spectator."
William: "That's not true. You, me and him, we're all standing in the same place."
William: "...."
Suddenly, William's eyes narrowed as if he was pondering something.
William: "....Hmm. Looks like I have to do some magic."
Kate: "Magic...?"
William puts his index finger to my lips and beckoned me toward a corner of the room.
(What's this all of a sudden....)
Kate: "What's wrong? Why are you cornering me so suddenly----"
Puzzled, I sensed my back touching the wall and William standing in front of me.
Kate: "Ehh..."
In a moment of spinning, the standing position was reversed and I was surrounded by the wall and William.
When I froze in surprise, a cold voice whispered in my ear.
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William: "I advised you properly. But you trust me so easily."
William: "And yet...you're the one who followed me here in the middle of the night."
Kate: "W-What are...saying....?"
William: "This is my land. Can I say that it's too late for you to start resisting?"
William: "No matter what I do, there is no one here to blame."
Kate: "But, what about the rules you mentioned earlier....."
William: "Fufu, you're sharp. You listen well. But unfortunately, that rule doesn't apply to owners."
William: "Even if you shout out loud, no one will come to your rescue."
It's lie
What are you going to do
Kate: ".....I know it's a lie....."
William: "....Why do you think so?"
William: "You must have thought about it too."
William: "....What if I said everything leading up to bringing you here today was a trap."
His fingertips trace the contours of my cheek. The distance was so close and the touch of his fingertips on my skin felt inviting.
William: "What do you say to a bad guy who is pressing you down? You're a good girl, you should what to say, right?"
Kate: ".....S-Stop."
William: "Ahaha...no one's gonna hear you if you chirp so faintly like that."
Kate: "Please stop....!"
William: "...Well done."
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???: "It is surprising that Count Rex would do such a barbaric thing."
A fearless voice flew in and I see red hair burning like fire swaying in the corner of my eye.
(Mr. Brian....?)
William: "She's just too charming."
As soon as he showed up, William quickly moved away.
William: "Brian, while I cool my head, take her away from me."
Brian: "Yes, with pleasure."
As I leave with Mr. Brian, William looks at me and winks.
(So the magic, right now was...)
(He created an opportunity for me by intentionally luring out Mr. Brian....?)
William: "Shhh...."
(....So pushy....!)
I moved away from William and returned to the center of the room.
Mr. Brian opened his mouth as he offered me a glass of champagne.
Brian: "I'm Brian Bennett. If I'm not wrong, you must be Kate."
Brian: "The postmaster was surprised to learn that you were suddenly summoned to the palace."
Kate: "Eh...?"
(He knows my name)
Kate: "Yes...I know my circumstances have caused the postmaster a great deal of inconvenience."
Brian: "Haha, inconvenience. Well, I guess you could put it that way."
Brian: "He lamented that you are an exemplary and well-behaved delivery man and that he would be in trouble without you."
Kate: "I'm glad to hear your compliments....Ermm..."
Brian: "Hm? What's wrong?"
Words of goodwill and praise gets stuck in my throat.
(....Maybe, I'll never get an opportunity like this again)
(So let's just say it!)
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Kate: "Mr. Brian, I always read your articles...keep up the good work."
(It might just be a trivial comment for him....! But I want to say it anyway....)
Brian: "Hahaha, thanks. May I interview you next time? After all, you're the lady that drives Count Rex crazy."
Similing briskly, Mr. Brian offered me his business card.
Kate: "Yes...gladly."
It was like I was in the audience and suddenly the spotlight was on me.
I can imagine myself standing there stunned by such a feeling.
A gentle piano melody flows along with people's conversations.
(Ah....it's William playing the piano)
The whispering melody moistens the room like gentle spring rain.
It was pleasant and I couldn't help but listen.
(....Gentler than any sound I've ever heard)
A sense of security like being wrapped up and a sense of elation like a light push on the back filled my chest.
Kate: "William...I mean, what is your acquaintance with Sir Rex?"
Brian: "Oh, he just invited me here. I met him when I was just starting out. He likes to push people's backs."
Brian: "It gives me the courage to shake off my doubts and step out."
Brian: "That's why, social activists, artists, businessmen....and others with strong desires, gather like this and I get my information from them."
Brian: "Activists, especially those who are trying to expand civil rights, are always viewed with suspicion by the aristocracy."
Brian: "Some say that thanks to his unapologetic advocacy, we can live in peace."
Brian: "He doesn't care who you are or what you are, if he likes someone, he is willing to support you."
Brian: "But I don't think you're from a noble family."
Kate: "....Well."
Brian: "Also, I've never seen him approach a woman like that."
Brian: "He's usually the one...who gets pressured."
People were smiling while William's fingers are dancing happily on the piano. I could sense great admiration for him in the people gathered here.
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(The face of the ruthless and terrifying assassin I saw last night and...)
(Now I see it, the face of a friendly supporter)
(I wonder which one is the real William?)
Though he was becoming more and more of a mystery----
The favor that he gave me, that he was in tune with my feelings and saw what I wanted,
Maybe it was not a malicious trap.
(....At least for today)
(By the way...)
Liam: "It's is said that the Crown was created as a result of an incident that Will caused, right?"
(Mr. Brian might know about the 'incident')
Kate: "I heard that Sir Rex was involved in some case in the past, do you know about it?"
-----As soon as I said that, Mr. Brian's expression clouded.
When I asked about the incident involving William, Mr. Brian's voice trailed off as if he was wary of his surroundings.
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Brian: "....There was a lot of government pressure on that case from the beginning, so it wasn't covered very widely!"
Brian: "Count Rex himself didn't say much, only smiling when asked."
Brian: "In social circles this subject is half-taboo. ...I'll send you a letter later."
Kate: ".....Thank you."
(Taboo huh....so it's such a serious case....?)
William didn't say much.
So I'm not sure what's waiting for me at the end of the unraveling....
Fearfully, I have no choice but to search for clues to unravel him.
(I can't wait to find out, but I'm also afraid to find out....)
(Is this what you call.....'the fun of unraveling'?)
Brian: "By the way, does your being here has something to do with this job at the palace that suddenly popped up?"
Kate: "Eh?"
Mr. Brian's eyes, filled with glaring curiosity, looks at me as if to probe me.
(Oh, you mean you want me to give you information in exchange for the information about the incident?....as expected from a journalist)
What if the Crown's assassination is a cover-up of inconvenient truths by the state power?
Revealing the secret may be a 'good thing'.
(But if I reveal it....I'll surely die)
(And I still don't know what 'evil' they are....' conquering evil with evil')
Kate: "Forgive me....but I'm not supposed to say that."
Brian: "Oh...are you saying that you'll get in trouble if you reveal the reason?"
Kate: ".....Sorry."
Brian: "Oh, please don't apologize. Once we get to know each other a little better, we will negotiate again."
(Good thing you pulled back)
Relieved, we exchange greetings and I parted ways with Mr. Brian.
William stopped playing the piano as I sat down by the grand piano.
He gave up his chair to a woman who was standing beside him and came over to me.
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William: "Have you talked to your heart's content?"
Kate: "......Thanks to that hell of a magic, of course."
William: "Newspaper reporters love to gossip. They like to have a front-row seat to sensational events."
William: "And he's a man of action with a strong sense of justice."
Kate: "Hehe..."
I can't help but giggle as William shrugged his shoulders without a hint of offense.
(But still...I)
(I feel like I'm laughing so naturally right now)
Kate: "Hey...thank you."
William: "I just did a bad thing. ....You enjoyed that?"
(....I don't know what kind of person William really is)
(Not that I have zero vigilance, but)
It feels like I'm stepping into places I've never set foot in before.
A conversation with a star is indeed an uplifting experience.
Kate: "....Yes. Thank you for that."
William: "Seriously, for what?"
It was past midnight when we arrived back at the castle.
William walked me to the front of the room and opened his mouth.
William: "......I'm curious to see how you will chronicle my sins tonight. Too bad I won't get to see your report."
Kate: "But, you didn't commit any sin tonight....?"
William: "You think?"
Whenever I ask a question, William answers with another question.
It feels like he is trying to look deep into my heart, which I normally try not to show anyone.
It is frightening, comforting, and fidgety.
(I wonder if William, who tried to force himself on a woman tonight, was 'evil' in....Mr. Brian's eyes)
Kate: "I don't think you were guilty of anything.....at least to my eyes,"
William: "Hmmm?"
William smiled wickedly, neither confirming nor denying.
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William: "Then I'll commit one sin."
Chapter 4
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joyful-witch · 11 months
Besties I strongly dislike Scott Cawthon but the fnaf movie was good and I’m annoyed that it was good. Like. The joy I felt watching the movie (and also cried like twice cus it hit way too close to home as an older sibling) is unparalleled. But also. Scott Cawthon is an awful person and supports people who want me dead? And also doesn’t believe women should have the right to basic medical care? And. My feelings are so conflicting rn. I want to separate my love for the series from Scott Cawthon. But if I did that I wouldn’t be any better than HP fans.
I think it’s okay to have these complicated feelings and talk about them. I’m still trying to figure it out myself?
I guess the big difference between JKR and Scott is that he avoids talking about his opinions and the only reason we know these things is due to his voting record and who he gives money to (which btw I don’t believe donating to lgbt charities makes up for voting for the party that wants to commit genocide against us. It’s still shitty. Like yay he’s donating to the Trevor project but also. Damn voting for these people that want us to not have rights and don’t want us to be alive really hurts).
He is still actively harming the community. Even if he isn’t outwardly spewing hateful rhetoric (unless he’s gotten worse. Or unless his opinions have rapidly changed over the past couple of years. If so please feel free to correct me, just not without sources).
But his series has basically transcended his control. It’s not controlled by him. It’s controlled by the fans. Half the shit that’s canon now wouldn’t be canon without the fans and it’s this big collaborative effort and that’s what’s so beautiful about it. Unlike jkr whose views and specifically racism are baked into her properties.
But he still gets money from it.
And he could be using that money to support some really awful people.
Idk. It’s complicated.
I don’t like or support Scott Cawthon. But I love fnaf. I grew up with it. I love the community. And it really influenced my love for horror media. And gods this movie was great. I had such a good time watching it.
I don’t know what point I’m trying to get at.
I guess I’m just sorta venting.
It sucks loving something when it’s creator who actively gains money from it supports some truly awful people.
I want to be able to put my feelings aside so I can joyfully rant about this movie without mentioning “gosh I wish Scott wasn’t involved” but that obviously isn’t the case.
I don’t expect any response to this post. Im just sorta putting my feelings out there into the void. And if someone relates I hope they know they aren’t alone.
And if you’re gonna say something hateful or something that outwardly supports conservatives I will gladly block you. There is no excusing the active genocide being perpetrated by the Republican Party against the queer community, but more specifically trans people. And if you support that then you can gladly get the fuck off my page. I will not tolerate bigotry.
Also don’t harass anyone mentioned in this post. I really don’t want their fans to harass me and don’t want them to have a reason to. I’m not very popular but last time I posted about Scott I got a bunch of death threats from a bunch of middle aged white men and trolling teenagers. And I do not have the mental capacity to deal with that right now. I’m dealing with a nasty bout of Covid and a nicely sized second degree burn from a cooking accident on top of my chronic illness I don’t need to be harassed.
K thanks bye
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nekoannie-chan · 8 months
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Title: Hands.
Ship: Skinny!Steve Rogers X 40’s!Reader.
Word count: 251 words.
Square: E5 “Holding hands.”
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Steve asked you a date.
Major Tags: Fluff, holding hands, ask for a date.
Additional tags: This is my entry to @cabottombingo Captain Bottom Bingo round 2. CABB2024.
Links: Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @Smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @Harrysthiccthighss @Marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @Here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard
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Steve was walking through the busy streets of New York, feeling a bit out of place in the bustle of the big city like all his life. He had just had another fight, and Bucky had scolded him again.
He got as far as a park, and that's when he saw you sitting there, reading a book. You and he had known each other since you were kids.
"Did your date stand you up? " Steve asked you.
"You know no one asks me out, Steve. The only popular one of us is Bucky; where did you leave him, by the way? "
"He has a date. "
"As usual. You got into a fight again, didn't you? "You questioned him as you took a closer look at his face.
Steve gave a shy smile but ducked his head. You shook your head; it seemed that no matter how many times you talked to him, he didn't understand.
However, in the middle of the silence, suddenly, you moved your hand and took his.
For a moment, Steve was going to pull it away, but when he saw that you continued to hold his hand, he let it go.
"Do you want to go to the movies on Saturday? As a  date…" Steve proposed, and although he immediately regretted it, he was probably misunderstanding everything, and you would tell him no.
"Sure, there's a movie on that I want to see," you answered.
You were silent for a long time, holding hands.
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So, I believe this to be original as I can't find it out there as a quote from anyone else. So... I'm going to say this saying I use is original and mine.
The thing about life is there is no way out alive. -ME
There are a lot of people to worried about what people think to be themselves and be happy. I acted like I wasn't but before I came out and admitted I was LGBTQ+ I was.
What we should all be doing is making sure the world is as free, open, and accepting as possible!
Make the world a place where we are all safe to be ourselves!
A perfect example is people who have to be afraid to be LGBTQ+, the people that have banned transgender people, or the people that outlawed drag shows. The world shouldn't be a place where those things should not be acceptable. People should not be able to say it's against their religion or opinion so you can't do it!
IGNORANT PEOPLE ARE CONSTANTLY USING FORCE TO MAKE OTHERS DO WHAT THEY WANT! To many rules are made by people who don't know the first thing about the subject but consider their opinion to be the only correct one!
So many people don't think of the reality, yes, it is supposed to be in many cases by popular vote but what happens but it is more often then not is the opposite.
Whoever does the worst things to people often get what they want. They make people afraid to stand up for themselves, harm people until they give in. In many cases that's how something becomes the standard.
People use money, weapons, technology, and people in many cases to achieve this. To control what is going on people control the people who make the decisions. People are tortured in secret with engineered weapons they can't prove were even used on them! Our future is being controlled by things like this in negative ways. I have shared about it in another blog.
The rest... Leave it up to ignorance and hate to take people's lives and destroy freedom . . . leave it to ignorance to help the wrong side while saying they are protecting us....
...But I guess they just weren't raised like that as they like to say.
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