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<Pop Music> Bii- You (Cover) ZH/EN Lyrics
Okay, I know it’s been a while that I post anything. And I think this will be my first post written in English, for it will be a post of translating a Chinese song into English.
For those who are wondering, my blog will be filled with posts written in both Chinese and English-- in Chinese when I translate an English song into Chinese, and in English when I translate a Chinese song into English.
So, to start my English post, I decided to choose my favorite Taiwanese singer-Bii. Here’s what he looks like.
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I know what you’re all thinking: This is a Korean!!
Well, his father is Taiwanese, and his mother is Korean. Half Korean and half Taiwanese. So, he is a... hybrid. XD
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Why, then, did  I say he is my favorite “Taiwanese” singer?
That’s because he holds a Taiwanese passport. He obtained it after enlisting in the military (in Taiwan, it’s a MUST for males; an obligation). ) He doesn’t have Korean nationality (Don’t ask me. Ask the Korean law. It’s made that way. I’m gonna hold my personal comment to myself.)
Anyways, though he looks Korean, he is a Taiwanese.
As for the reason why he is my favorite... I value his talent as a singer, a composer, a performer, and just that fact that he’s a good, hardworking person. And his face, gorgeous, like a doll; his voice, like an angel; the way he sings...
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Hmph... I guess I can’t mention how I got to know him. Fine, I’ll save it for the next post featuring his songs. (Oh, don’t you worry hun. I’ve got a lot of his songs translated and stocked up. \A0A/)
I cannot say much about his character without making you feel i’m biased. You could look up video clips on Youtube featuring him. 
Actually, I’ve been thinking about which songs or medley to use for introducing him to the western world. And recently he competed shortly on Singers 2019, and performed 2 songs to the audience- You and Nothing at All.
I chose You this time, saving Nothing at All , his song, for the future. One of the reasons for my choice is that I wanted to let you here him cover other singer’s songs. I mean, it is a must of a singer to perform well when singing his/ her songs, right?
But if a singer can perform well when covering other singer’s songs, then it is something else. Just think about the a Singaporean singer  JJ and you’ll see. (I have a very cool song sung by JJ translated and will post in the future. Pinky swear.)
The other reason is that I saw someone left a message asking for English translation of the lyrics under the video clip, and the translator in me could not say no to a chance like this. So, I decided to give it a go.
Okay, no more chit chat. Time to get back into the business.
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You is song originally sung by Jam Hsiao, and BIi is his big fan. He covered quite a few songs of his in his concerts or other kinds of public performances.
Before the video, you’ll have to see the written lyrics first. Don’t argue. It’s like one of the most sacred rule in my translation studio.
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Okay. Here are the Chinese and English lyrics:
我夢裡出現了一個你  In my dream you appeared
還陌生卻熟悉  Still strange yet familiar
還有架鋼琴一點旋律  There’s also a piano, a melody,
它讓我不想清醒  lulling me to sink deeper
怕根本這世界沒有你  I fear that you don’t exist in reality
我好像生了病  Or maybe I’m ill
再也沒回到那個夢裡  I’d never revisited to that dream
能不能再走回去  Is there any way to go back?
一個從未見過的你  You, I have never met before[AL1] 
一件從未發生過的事  This, never happened[AL2] 
一件不可能的事實  A fact, impossible[AL3] 
我要抓著你的手要對你哭  I want to grab your hand and cry,
求你别再離開我  begging you not to leave me again
想從天上摘顆星給你  I want to fetch a star for you
證明我想念你  to prove that I miss you
還有一朵雲你說好嗎  And a cloud to go with. What say you?[AL4] 
也許這樣會好吧  Perhaps we’ll be okay
一個出現在夢的你  You, appeared in my dream[AL5] 
一直從不敢相信是你  I never believed it was you
一件不可能的事實  A fact, impossible[AL6] 
我願交換我的死去  I’m willing to die, in exchange,
用靈魂 来陪你  to stay with you with my soul
感覺我不再害怕  I no longer feel scared,
卻發現我有些冰冷  yet realized I’m turning cold
每次聽的心跳聲  Every heartbeat I heard
卻也跟著黑夜無聲  becomes faint, silent, like the night
我終於能和你慢慢每一天  Finally, I can live the days with you
就算回不去這世界  Even though I can’t return to my world
決不會後悔  I’ll never regret (On second though, perhaps ‘I won’t ever regret’ would sound better?)
一個從未見過的你  You, I’ve never met before[AL7] 
卻讓我無止無境為你  But I’d do anything for you
一件不可能的事實  A fact, impossible[AL8] 
現在我不會再讓你離開我  I’ll never let you leave me again,
我們終於在一起  now that we’re finally together
一個出現在夢的你  You, appeared in my dream[AL9] 
一直從不敢相信是你  I never believed it was you
一件不可能的事實  A fact, impossible,[AL10] 
來交換我的死去  for which I’ll trade my life,
用靈魂 来陪你  to stay with you with my soul
 Below are all alternative translations that I’d thought of while translating the song. You could scroll back up and click at the relative sentences :
 [AL1]You, whom I’ve never met before
 [AL2]This, which never happened before
 [AL3]A fact, which is impossible
 [AL4]Well? What do you say?
 [AL5]You, who appeared in my dream
 [AL6]A fact, which is impossible
 [AL7]You, whom I’ve never met before
 [AL8]A fact, which is impossble
 [AL9]You, who appeared in my dream
 [AL10]A fact, which is impossible
Alright, folks. Now it’s the main dish. THE VIDEO!!!!!!
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Before we get ahead of ourselves, I want to mention the effort of performers and relative party have put in the performance. And since the fact that you’re about to watch a video clip with translated lyrics, please bare in mind of the effort the translators contributed as well. I’m not bragging or anything, just stating that fact that everyone who is part of the journey should be respected. So, please don’t re-load this clip anywhere else. Thanks a lot! Xx
Get ready for his EPIC performance!!
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Hint for password:singer’s name plus song’s name plus program’s name plus year (Remember to use upper cases when required...)
Okay. I know you’re speechless right now. Just like me every time I watch this clip, and every other clip that documents his performance.
The emotion... Ugh! I can’t!! TISSUE PLEASE!!!!
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And don’t get me started on his skills. He’s SOOOOO GOOD <3 <3 <3
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I’m too worked up (emotionally) to say anything else right now, so I’m gonna stop here.
I hope you liked my first English post!!
Now, though I try to be as native-like as possible, I am not a native speaker of English. So, if there’s anything that need rectifying, feel free to shoot me a message and let me know. Much appreciated. ^0^
Anything else to share, to chat, discuss. Feel free to do so. Not to mention if there’s anything songs that you’d like me to translate. Just give a shout out, and I’ll answer.
I’m not sure what to post next. Maybe more songs sung by Bii? Songs by other singers?
Why don’t you think about it and let me know?
Until next time, this is Amy signing off.
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