#poppy playtima au
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neon-nick · 1 month ago
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Mitosis AU – Doey the Doughman’s Fragmented Remains
Well, now that they’re three separate entities, things have gotten... complicated.
🔨 Kevin is trying to break down a locked door using Matthew as a hammer. Matthew, ever the optimist (or just concussed beyond reason), is convinced that this time he definitely felt it budge. (Spoiler: He didn’t.) 😵‍💫💫
👀 Meanwhile, Matthew and Kevin are in full paranoia mode. They skulk through hallways; slam doors shut and press themselves against walls like they’re in some kind of stealth mission 🎭. Meanwhile, Jack? He’s just walking straight ahead, completely unaware—or maybe just too lost in thought to care. 🚶💭
😢 Jack is off in a corner, hugging what little remains of the past, whispering apologies to no one in particular. For what? Who knows. But it’s sad, and we all feel bad. 💙💔
🎭 And then there are the disguises… Because obviously, slightly off-looking versions of those cheerful critters will totally fool everyone. 🐤🐺 Never mind that they’re stiff, awkward, and so visibly uncomfortable. But hey—A+ for effort, right? ⭐✨
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neon-nick · 2 months ago
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Mitosis AU – Doey the Doughman’s Fragmented Remains
"They were once one, but now… they are apart."
Doey the Doughman, the once beloved protector of Safe Haven, was never truly whole. He was made of three—Jack, Kevin, and Matthew—each a child with their own unique personality, ripped from their lives and fused into something greater… and more tragic.
But after his demise, something unexpected happened: they split apart. No longer bound together, each fragment of Doey was left to wander, confused, broken, and incomplete.
The Fragments
💛 Jack (Yellow) – The innocent child, lost and afraid. A remnant of a boy who never should have been taken. 🧡 Matthew (Orange) – The leader who always tried to hold everything together. But now, without the others, he's unsure of himself. ❤️ Kevin (Red) – The mind, the one who fought, thought, resisted, aggression in him like a storm.
Aftermath of Mitosis
When the main body was destroyed, the essence of the children separated, forming new beings:
Joey – Silent, distant, clinging to what little remains of his past.
Moey – The closest thing to stability, but even he feels something missing.
Koey – The angriest of them all, fists clenched.
They remember something. But they are no longer one.
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neon-nick · 1 month ago
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✨ Mitosis AU – No More Playing Around ✨
In the top middle, Moey is leading Joey, while Koey trails behind—because for once, they actually have some sense of direction. Maybe.
In the bottom right, Koey is getting serious. No more running. No more stupid plans. No more playing around. He's ready to fight. 🔥
(Also, throwing in some Doey fanart, because sometimes it’s fun to draw the big guy. 💙✨)
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neon-nick · 5 months ago
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I wanted to doodle and draw some days from different sources I find interesting. It's amazing to read and learn about the world these people made, and I'm envious of their skills.
You all should check their content out for yourself, also sorry if the designs look a bit wonky the first-time drawing poppy playtime character.
Accounts Below:
Smiling Critters
The Cartoon
Space Rider
Safe Heaven
After Joy
Mourning and Mending AU
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neon-nick · 1 month ago
✨ Mitosis AU – Brilliant Plan™ ✨
💥 Step 1: Find a locked door. 💡 Step 2: Come up with the worst possible plan to open it. 🔨 Step 3: Use Moey as a battering ram.
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Koey, being the genius that he is, decides that the best course of action is to launch Matthew headfirst into a solid metal door at full force. Matthew, to his credit, at least realizes this is a terrible idea... just a second too late.
Door? Completely fine.
Moey? NOT fine.
Joey? Genuinely concerned.
Koey? Already planning his next bad decision.
At least Joey tried to give some constructive criticism afterward. 💛 "Maybe don’t throw Moey at things?" Koey: "Okay, new plan." (Oh no.)
💬 Side note! This is actually my first comic! 🎉 I’m still experimenting with my style and figuring out how I want to do things, so this is kind of a test. I might change things up in the future, but for now, I just wanted to try something new! Hope you all enjoy it! 😊
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neon-nick · 1 month ago
Kevin using Matthew as a hammer is really funny to me because not only did one have to bring it up, the other had to go yeah that’s a good idea
"Right?! 😂 The funniest part is that Kevin definitely tricked Matthew into it. Like, Matthew’s over here thinking, ‘Yeah, this makes sense, this is a solid plan.’ Meanwhile, Kevin’s just standing back like, ‘He actually fell for it… amazing.’
Honestly, the perfect encapsulation of ���they are still kids’ energy—one’s too smart for his own good, the other’s too trusting, and Jack’s just over there like, ‘Guys… why.’ 🤦‍♂️💛"
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neon-nick · 1 month ago
I pray for a Mitosis AU comic of how Joey/Jack found the old Doey plushie in the location of the factory (the Doey Doughman tour section)
Ohhh that’s such a cool idea!! 😳 Imagine Joey wandering through the abandoned Doey Doughman Tour Section—dusty, broken displays, flickering lights, and then he sees it. A small, battered Doey plush sitting in the wreckage. Something about it feels… familiar. He picks it up, clutching it tightly, not knowing why—but he doesn’t let go. 💙 The past lingers, even if they don’t remember it.
…I might have to draw this now. 👀
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neon-nick · 1 month ago
Just found your mitosis au AND I LOVE IT!! any au where the boys get separated is the bread to my butter!! (Did I say that right?) and it’s extra tragic that the three don’t remember their own names, but like before they have to stick together, cause they’re all the other has…
Omg THANK YOU!! 😭💛 I’m so happy you like the AU! And yes, you said it right LOL, their separation just makes everything so much sadder—they don’t even remember their own names, but they still instinctively stick together because deep down, they know they need each other. 💔 Even when they’re arguing, running, or making questionable choices (cough Matthew-as-a-hammer cough), they’re all the other has left.
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neon-nick · 1 month ago
I love your doey au, will there be more drawings? :]
ABSOLUTELY!! 🖌️✨ I have so many ideas for more Mitosis AU art, you have no idea. The boys have so much more suffering (and dumb decision-making) ahead of them, and I fully intend to bring it to life. 😈 Stay tuned!!
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neon-nick · 4 months ago
Re-Educator DogDay
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Re-Educator DD by @bribrithefox
This an old doodle I made a while back and wanted to post it for Why not, Re-ed is a cool concept and freaky idea. Just wanted to put some of my neon-nick flair.
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neon-nick · 1 month ago
For your Mitosis au, Kevin using Matthew as a hammer kinda implies Matthew would 100 % either get tricked into being used as a weapon of some kind or a tool to get into certain areas or Does it willingly.
Ironically enough it’s Jack who has enough common sense to know that you can’t bust a door down that probably has a high security lock. Doesn’t stop Kevin from trying and Matthew probably is too concussed to not notice
EXACTLY. 😂 Matthew is 100% either tricked or just goes along with it willingly, because despite being the "leader," he's also too trusting for his own good. Like, Kevin just goes, “Hey, I have a plan,” and Matthew’s brain short-circuits before he realizes what’s happening. 💀
Meanwhile, Jack, the actual child, is the only one with an ounce of common sense. He’s just sitting there like, “Guys… that door is literally reinforced with security locks, this is NOT going to work.” But does that stop Kevin? Absolutely not.
And by the time it inevitably fails, Matthew is just sitting on the floor dazed, probably seeing stars, while Jack is like, “I TOLD YOU.” And Kevin? Already thinking of the next dumb idea.
It’s the perfect balance of overconfidence, blind trust, and one (1) exasperated voice of reason. And it’s HILARIOUS. 😂
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neon-nick · 1 month ago
You’ve probably already answered, but is it ok is people make fanart of your mitosis au? I can’t get them out of my head and I need to draw them! They are such cute traumatized little guys <3
YES, PLEASE!! I would love to see fanart of them!! 🥹💙💛❤️ They may be cute little trauma gremlins, but they deserve all the love and attention. Make them suffer beautifully. (jk… unless 👀) Feel free to tag me, I’d love to see what you create!
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neon-nick · 1 month ago
We all love Mitosis AU (we say in all together)
GROUP HUG!!! 🤗💙💛❤️ Seriously, y’all’s love and enthusiasm for this AU mean the world to me!! Seeing people enjoy these traumatized little gremlins makes me so happy. THANK YOU!! 😭💖
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neon-nick · 1 month ago
Your Poppy Playtime au is AMAZING, the personalities match too well :]
OMG THANK YOU!!! 🥹💕 I really wanted to make sure their personalities stayed true to their origins, just with extra chaos and trauma. 😂 Seeing that it all fits so well makes me so happy!!
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neon-nick · 1 month ago
When will u post more abt Matthew, kevin, and jack? I love them in ur au sm! :>
AHHHH THANK YOU!! 😭💖 I’m so happy you love them!! I’ve got some ideas planned for them, so don’t worry✨
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