thebearmaiden · 6 years
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Our #planet is literally #oneinamillion, maybe even billions. Even if there are others like us, it would take #lightyears to reach them. I don’t understand why we don’t take better care of her. We #litter, #wastewater, #pollute the #earth and #sky and say things like “she will destroy us long before we hurt her.” But suppose that isn’t true? BTW I’d printed this image on #ricepaper and it was #amazing, if I do say so myself. #jamesislandsc #marshland #southernevening #poppopsounds #peace #canonphotography #photography #bronxartist #stillharlemtho (at James Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn_wwVdBshH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rqw3ophw8kbu
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