ratmans-notebooks · 7 months
so cool how people can just say whatever vile shit they want about transmascs or even just trans people they assume to be afab and were just supposed to take it as Harmless Jokes
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sleeeepy-demon · 2 months
I have. So many opinions about how he specifically is soo strongly out of character in the fandom lmao. But. I never say what i think so i wont for now...
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orangekingfisher · 1 year
italians who live around the same latitude of trieste trying to figure out if they're over or under it will never not be funny to me
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twow · 2 years
i wanted to like the new wednesday show soooo bad but man. its just not good. every member of the addams family feels out of character and not like themselves which is a shame bc i love the casting. its also very "not like other girls" :/ and don't get me started on how painful the romance is in this show... its like they picked the most generic uninteresting white boys possible. no shame to people who like it, i know its super popular its just not for me
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vesicapiscean · 1 year
I dont care I started watching succession cause I didn't want to find something else to watch and now ive been suckered I juts need to know how Kendall roy dies at this point
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harrowianthe · 2 years
i love that all the vampire knight girlies decided to never talk about it anymore, it makes me feel like we're in some sort of fight club
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thatswhatsushesaid · 8 months
hi, what do u you think, if rusong lived, would anything change regarding who is to inherit the sect leader position? like jl's dad just would have been sect leader while rusong's is. or would it be about who has a bigger supporting/is mote popoular within the sect when the its time for one of them to take over?
hi hello 👋 i believe @fincalinde wrote a detailed post about what life probably would have been like for both jin rusong and jin ling, if jrs had lived! i can’t find it for some reason, but i would recommend checking their blog out and giving it a search for anything related to jin rusong.
the tl;dr version of my opinion, tho, is that i don’t think anything would have changed in the order of succession. his personal feelings aside, i think jgy knows that supplanting jzx’s son with his own as heir is nothing but a good way to confirm all of the jianghu’s worst beliefs about who he is, which would inevitably lead to conflict and potentially the loss of everything he’s worked hard to achieve.
i do think it is interesting to contemplate the possibility of jrs and jl as adults trying to navigate the dangers of secular politics together; what would happen if, inexplicably, jrs was more popular than jl at the time of jgy's death or abdication? 😬 someone (who isn't me) should write that fic.
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thealmightyemprex · 4 months
So last night I watched for the first time The Great Train Robbery ,the short film that popoularized giving story to films and solidified the westerns place in film .Was gonna review it but being a short theres not much to review(Bunch of guys rob a train....Thats it ) ,but its a fun bit of cinema history that I reccomend to people .Plus it has a great ending
@ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @the-blue-fairie @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @piterelizabethdevries @countesspetofi @filmcityworld1 @amalthea9 @princesssarisa @storytellergirl @barbossas-wench
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thebreakfastgenie · 11 days
it's canon to me that after popoular galinda was like "elphie boys are going to like you now they're going to want to kiss you because you're so kissable do you even know how to kiss it's okay you can practice with me"
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unknownteapot · 6 months
Lil lore behind this anon:
Im in a friend group with 4 couples in it and OH MY GOD...the first SECONDS of the trivia video made me have a flashback on the last time (friday) I saw my coupled friends jokingly bicker! You want a proof of shourtney? This video
Also, shoutout to one person that commented about them having siblings vibes. They really need to check their eyes 😂
hiii anon <3
being the single friend among couples is so real omg, you're bringing back flashbacks for me lmaoo
i see your vision i see it- i think people are so scared to be viewed negatively as shippers whenever they mention shourtney because of how negatively they've been perceived in the past (let's be real, shourtney is one of the most popoular ships in smosh since day 1, it's so talked about & there were controversies with privacy etc.), so they instead call it sibling vibes, which makes it a little weird but infinitely more funny tbh
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vamppeach · 20 days
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character. 🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them 🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character.
as far as unpopular opinions go this is kind of bland but it is the first that came to mind bc he is definitely the most popoular bg3 character: astarion does not have a suave bone in his body. my man is a dork. my man is reciting lines he got out of trashy drizzt do'urden self-insert historical smut. incredible goof.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
like you said, any comment is BEST comment PLSSSS commente. etc. i do have a special soft spot for live-reacting comments. especially readers who comment on every single chapter as they are binging your fic. literally the best feeling in the world.
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
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bonus baby: my friend & his cat Sculley are staying with us and i caught this photo when she first started warming up to me
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fuwafuwatime · 11 months
I’m having so much fun so far and I love taking selfies with the Muses I style for, be they NPC or online players. I do wish tho, after watching other ppl play and having fun watching them do stuff, that we the players were more connected with the in universe social media. Just meaning I wish there was a feature for online mode that you could see other people selfies and the LookIts they make. I know coding wise that would be A Lot and since it’s the Switch it probably doesn’t have that kind of processing power. I do like seeing ppls posts in our world though, and it’s really special when online users make you LookIts. It’s like a pen pal exchange thing since, more often than not, the other players are total strangers! And even from different continued depending on who’s playing the game and when. Online mode does help make things feel less lonely so I’m really glad it’s here
I absolutely agree with this, I think there isn't enough features when it comes to how we can interact with our followers or who we follow. While I don't want the game to turn into a popoularity simulator where people compete for followers (through I think a brand leaderboard could be nice if done well!) I think it would be nice to see what my friends are doing, currently there doesn't seem to be a way to do that.
I do think the whole Lookits system worked well, the game even tells us at the start that despite language barriers we can communicate through fashion and that's honestly done so well! I love how considerate people are when making outfits for others, I always tend to get outfits that match my style and things I like.
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foliejpg · 3 months
i fr think that girl!trick and girl!pete have totally different styles of painting their nails
one is super precise and only coats her nails, trying not to make a mess. def does her cuticles and trims her nails every now and then. uses base and top coat before and after polish.
then the other acts as if shes never used polish in her life. shell coat her entire fucking finger in polish while saying literally what i always say: whatever's not on my nail will wash. and then just her entire top of her finger is like blue or black or smt. she also always has to redo her nails bcs she smudged them before they dried so it takes forever for her to finish
the question is, whos who bcs i can see either one for both of these
you're so right they do their nails very differently BUT here's the thing. contrary to what i think would be popoular belief. girltrick cannot paint her nails for SHIT she's a MESS its god damn everywhere. her toes are a disaster when she tries.
girlpete may night go as far as as to add a top coat but when she's feeling like adding some crackle polish you know those shits are SEALED. she is very precise with the polish and her nails because at the end of the day pete wentz (i believe) is vain and would make sure to achieve the perfect mix of emo and well done. she does girltrick's nails when she's allowed to but patrick kind of hates it and only does it for special occasions
same applies to make up imo
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gellavonhamster · 11 months
oh my god I didn't even fully WATCH Glee and I knew about Faberry! I think Glee was already out of ita golden age when I started being old enough to watch it. But still, reading fanfiction online nine/eight years ago it was still IMPOSSIBLE to not jump into Glee fanfictions and not know about Kurt/Blaine, Santana/Britanny or Faberry (which I know was the only not canon amongst those, and the more popoular after femslash ship lmao). I actually used to hate how popoular Glee was online, like on Tumblr lmao.
I think honestly the people that are making the poll or voting for them are just younger than 20/21. I feel few people my age knows Glee but weren't really invested in it, and younger people just never realized howe huge the fandom was back then because it died after the early 10s, so they don't count those ship amongst the ones that made "Fandom history".
I mean, yeah, but in this specific case Faberry lost to another ship of approximately the same era, Miranda/Andy from Devil Wears Prada. Guess I was just surprised that the latter was that big *whispers* I never really liked it. But probably Devil Wears Prada has more lasting popularity; Glee seems to be considered cringe now. Which is fair in many aspects, I guess, but back then it really resonated with people. Not to mention that Faberry was always winning all those polls on various websites and shit. I wasn't even much into the ship itself, but the dedication and talent (all those manips that looked so real!) of the shippers were impressive.
I wonder how Brittana (Santana/Brittany) will do. They're currently winning against some ship from The Legend of Korra - not the main one - but idk how it will turn out.
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spkyart · 1 year
I was going to ask how pr*shippers ruined rengoku for you, but maybe I don't wanna know. Anyway hope you have a nice day
Let's just say that kny fandom got a huge problem with thirsting over all the minors mc and they love shipping them with whole ass adults. And let's also say that they really like inserting rengoku in these things, like they are so popoular that i never searched for these content but its ALL over the place and i am like ew why
even ig algorithm is like: oohh you like kny? what about this horrible rengoku
Edit: i forgot!! Have a nice day too!!! :)
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sumerananubis · 10 months
It had been a long day and a long couple of hundred years before that, and Nahida knows how much still there is to be done. Sumeru needs people like Cyno who have the nation's best interests at heart more than ever as powers settle.
Eventually, she runs out of administrative topics to exhaust, duties which can only be delegated to the most dependable official that serves her.
"I was asked somewhat recently to pose for a portrait," she starts conversationally. "For a card game, to my understanding. The one that has gained popoularity as of late. They were even so kind as to present me with multiple copies of the finished product, all adorned by a golden border."
Her face is just a shade shy from bashful, unmistakably child-like in her vibrancy.
"I'm still learning the rules and how to strategize effectively, however a deck needs only one of each character card. I'd be happy to give you this card as thanks. I have yours too, so I thought it might be fun to play together."
He was always happy to help Lord Kusanali, it was part of his job after all. But when the tasks end, he expects that to be the end of his time in her presence as well. After all, she was the Archon of the nation and he was the General Mahamatra, they both had tasks to be completed, surely.
But then she mentioned the portrait, the card game and offered the very card she had posed for. Cyno's demeanour changed from serious Mahamatra to something just a slight bit more like an eager puppy. Genius Invocation TCG.
"It is only the best card game in Teyvat," he started, his eyes sparkling a just a little more. "I would be happy to teach you how to play, and some fun tricks that a lot of players don't consider."
And from Nahida's demeanour, perhaps he could allow himself to slip more into excitement over his favourite pastime instead of shoving all of it behind a mask.
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