#poor ravio wont like the large first part of this fic
hylianmewmew · 6 months
iron tongue sneak peek (ravioli ship)
sneaky peekie at a new fic im still not sure abt the name as its barely anything right now but the running title is iron tongue
semi morbid descriptions(?) idk how exactly to tag this but its a ravio suffering inner monologue
If fear had a smell it was this, death and despair, the acrid stench of rotting and festering wounds. To Ravio, it was normal. It was the smell of Thieves' Town, the smell of suffering and squalor. You got used to it after a while, but it never left the back of your brain. The smell reminded you of where you were, what you are, and your misery. Ravio never forgot that, never let himself forget that. No matter how many days, months, years went by existing in Thieves’ Town but never truly living. Lorule had been turned into a wasteland, the past rulers making a foolhardy attempt to end a war that caused much more suffering than a war ever could.
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