#poor donald! XDD
frc-ambaradan · 3 months
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Amazing Spider-Man #57 Disney What If? Variant Cover by Claudio Sciarrone.
This one easily ranks as the best variant cover yet! 😀 (With the Infinity Gauntlet one close second, I'd say).
Here's the original for comparison:
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lorewytch · 5 years
The Lunar Battle
Okay! I’m skipping the other episode to go straight into what I thought about Moonvasion. Oh my gosh....there is SO MUCH to talk about! First of all, am I the only one who thought that the part with the newscaster was pretty funny? Poor Carl was right! LOL Also.. Scottish Music!
Also Webby: NERP! pfffttttt.
I love Scrooge’s speech to the help they gathered. I love that they gathered everyone good from the past episodes to become the army of sorts! So many characters! But it felt like they all got equal screen time especially during the fight scene! Seeing Lena fight was so awesome too! I loved seeing her magic and it was so cool to see her and Violet fighting for them! XD Also with Gizmoduck and the pies and harpies..classic! I enjoyed it and the animation was so fluid and smooth. Quackfasters attack was by far the most amusing and the animation on it was just awesome! They also showed blood when Beakley got hurt! Not a lot of animated kids shows really do that. I legit went “BEAKLEY!” when it happened and was like OMG no let them be okay! Dewey Ex machina!!! XD and yes Dewey Webby will be there to save you, always LOL I love that Dewey believes he can save the world. I knew Dewey would want to become one! “Who am I?”
“Darkwing Duck!”
I was kind of let down by Lunaris plan. It seems so.....80s XD Have the earth revolve around the moon? Pfffttt. Serious yet not. Lunaris to me at that point seemed a bit of a two bit villain. Granted, he had done really well until that point and yes I shouldn’t have expected something more logical. It does make sense to his character. He hates the earth and probably has some kind of complex to where he hates that the moon revolves around the earth. So it is a logical scheme. But in the previous episodes he had focused more on Scrooge McDuck and his family. Then the moonlanders gave up on searching for them when Della and the kids landed on the island. Its like, Oh okay this was not what I was expecting. I mean it wasn’t horrible. 
Honestly I loved the scene with Donald and Della meeting on the island with the watermelon mickey head XDDDD That was my moms favorite part! “Has the melon been a thing the time I’ve been gone or....”
“No that’s new.” Della and Donald meeting for the first time was almost everything I thought it would be. Personally I thought they would meet in a rather dangerous situation. Possibly with a swirling portal behind them? (too much Gravity Falls there! XDD) Then tearfully hug each other before yelling at each other with the “Where have you been?!” This was way more amusing though with the mickey head. I hope they sell those plushies now.. Watermelon mickey heads.. I’d buy one! Also watching Scrooge fail to come up with a plan was pretty sad to see. Beakley’s line was hilarious.
“Not reassuring he went down instead of up.” Probably my favorite line of the episode. Seeing Glomgold become a good guy trying to help them is weird and yet very amusing. The fact that Scrooge goes with it shows how desperate he is. Oh man, I mean the logic is there.. Lunaris won’t be expecting a really dumb scheme and somehow they are hoping it works. Although Scrooge doesn’t hold out much hope. 
“I’m gonna miss being a planet.”
With Della also realizing that this was the moon all over again, the next scene is Louie and Della, trying to reconnect again. It’s really interesting to see Louie trying to comfort Della. Despite how scared Louie is, he reminds her that bad things happen and you can’t always plan for it. And I really connected to both of them in that aspect. It’s a important lesson to note. One I didn’t learn until much later in life. Things don’t always go as planned. Your world falls apart...Sometimes you just have to roll with it and even though there are bad things that happen.. good surprises, good things happen to. Learning that Donald sang the Moon theme to the kids every night was so amazing! I had hoped that was canon! It was! Although...Donald singing it.. it kind of makes me cringe to imagine it. Still awesome though! XDD That part alone was what made this part of the story okay with me. They needed that moment. This arc was about Louie and this gave closure to the Della and Louie part for me. Yes, they didn’t go into more detail and it felt like the entire problems these two had with each other seemed rushed. But, this was the ending of that.....that I expected. This is how I wanted that arc to end in a sense. So I was okay with it. Louie will still scheme and Della won’t always be okay with it. But now that she knows this is who Louie is, she can try to steer him in the right path away from hopefully the real danger. “Oh man am I the Uncle Donald?” Dewey sad to say... yes...yes you are in that pose configuration XD Thanks Frank for that nod to the fans! The animation in the scene where Scrooge has to be forced to wear the santa costume was so cool. As Scrooge angrily grabbed the costume. I loved it! “None of this makes any sense!” I’m with ya there Lunaris...lol Watching the ship be destroyed by all this randomness was amusing. 
I think the space battle was so cool and loved the animation and Penny coming in at the last minute to save everyone really made me jump a bit in joy. I was so worried that she died in that moment. But to see her slam into the ship I was like YES SHE’S OKAY. Also Karma...Lunaris you jerk your a moon, deal with it XD Okay, now onto what I REALLY wanna talk about. Holy F.O.W.L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG! I was not expecting that. I should have.. but wtf?! Seeing all these returning and new villains made my mouth drop open and go. Season 3...what will you do to me? Now.. logic dictates that Season 3 is Huey’s season. But to me.. Fowl seems more like Webby’s enemy more than Huey’s. We still know little to nothing about Webby’s past and no one has hinted about it much. But Webby confronted Black Heron and Scrooge is close to the Vulture brothers. Oddly enough too.. on that picture something really bothers me. Webby is hugging Scrooge and the boys and Della and Donald and a few others are looking down at Scrooge and Webby. Now Darkwing isnt, and a few others aren’t as well. Maybe I’m looking too much into the picture but that’s just odd that it seems more focused on those two vs Huey if it is Huey’s season. I know for sure Heron would want her revenge on Webby. But I can’t help but feel Fowl is more closely tied to Webby and Beakley than any of the others. Huey could definitely unravel the mystery of FOWL no questions on that. It could become something he obsesses over a bit. But I think Webby would team up with him and be the fists if needed to fight the baddies. Who knows, maybe we will learn more about Webby’s past. They sadly haven’t revealed a season 4 announcement which does worry me that we won’t get a “Webby Season” in a sense and that they may try to cram it in at the end of season three? I’m not sure and it does worry me. I’d like these questions answered before the series is cancelled for good :( I HAVE HOPE THOUGH! HOPE will keep it alive! I also have like 3 new fanfic ideas in my head that won’t go away.
BUT AHHHHH!! That last scene made me shake my computer and go “THAT’S IT?!” I sort am dreading and excited for season 3!!! Now we have enemies in FOWL and I can see this being a very challenging season for our favorite Duck family!!
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Chapter I: Olympus
No playable Kairi tutorial :’(
I will try not to go into too many details (we’ll see how well I can pull that off), just as a heads up if you wonder why I’m not analyzing every inch of the story - it’s not the type of thing I do and other people are way more talented at it as well 😁
Something that kind of makes me excited but also makes my heart heavy is seeing Sora pensive, in a way we haven’t even seen him in KH2. There, he had his few bouts of it, but here? He is down. He is very withdrawn and often makes his own conclusions without talking to Donald and Goofy.
It makes me excited because it means that everything that happened to Sora in DDD might have taken a toll on him. He is still cocky, sassy and grins and smiles a lot, but he is on edge, desperate to regain his strength. He is very insecure about it and that even leads him to snap at poor Goofy :( This is amazing character development, but it also makes me scared for him in the future :(
My little shipper heart also can’t ignore how we got a good look at Herc’s and Meg’s relationship, how we’re reminded of the fact that he regained his powers to save her because he wanted to do it will all his heart, how he wants to keep her save... it might be not related to Sora’s own relationship and I might set myself up for disappointment (especially since Sora wants to save everyone with all of his heart), but maaaybe... I mean come on, they emphasize how Herc doesn’t want to be apart from the person he loves most despite wanting to be with his family.
Can you blame me for these thoughts after THAT opening?
But the last cutscene... it cuts off when Xiggy wants to say May your heart be your guiding Key? I WILL SCREAM IF HE’S RELATED TO THE MOM AFTER ALL ROFL
Other awesome tidbits:
Sora is so cutely shocked that Herc is a god XD
The music is gorgeous, both new and old. Especially the Thebes overworld theme sounds so EPIC
I want to give a special shout out to Bill Farmer! I don’t know how, but he stepped up his game in this one xD He sounds so awe struck by Herc being a god and upon seeing Olympus for the first time, it was a real treat! :D
I saw the muses carved into one brick wall!!
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There are tiny Hercules and Philoctetes figurines scattered all over Olympus, no idea if that’s a minigame or just a funny quirk and I can’t say I know the movie Hercules well enough to say if that’s just a running joke they picked up from it. But it’s so cool because Sora can run over them! And kick them off into the abyss XDD 
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Have some more screen shots under the cut :D (Though I obviously made them upon my second visit)
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