#poor adrienne and levi
ms-march · 4 years
12 Days of Turn- “Cookies”
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For those of you who may not be familiar with the young man in the corner, his name is Levi Tallmadge Ben’s 13-year-old little brother and the OC of @culper-spymaster​.  Her fic Band of Brothers (BoB) is absolutely amazing, so if you have not yet read it , please give it a look!  And I am sure by now you must have guessed that this is a crossover piece, it about the average length of a chapter and it was worked on by both Susan and myself.  We easily spent several days writing this for you all so if you like it please give it a like, comment, and/or reblog!
Levi was bored. Massively, and terribly bored. He and Zipporah had been in the damn wagon creeping by at a snail's pace along the wagon's trails for nearly an hour. The scenery didn't even change. It was the same trees and bushes all the way to Brookhaven. At least at the end of the journey, he'd get to see his father. His father. Who he hadn't seen in over a year. If only Benny and Sammy were there too, then they could have a real family holiday. But Ben was off fighting a war, and Sam was rotting away somewhere. It was just him and Zipporah for now. "Are we there yet?" Levi groaned ten minutes later. This journey was taking forever. Why did they have to take the wagon? "We're nearly there. Just a little farther," Zipporah chuckled patiently. As easy as it was to forget, Levi was just a normal 13-year-old boy, and it shone through, especially in moments like these. They continued on, but before long, the trees and bushes changed to small saltbox homes, large colonials, taverns, and shops. Finally, they were pulling in front of his grandfather Jim's house, a large colonial with pale shutters. His father was already waiting on the stoop, expectantly. Before the wagon even pulled to a full stop, Levi was jumping down and running towards his father. "Dad!" He exclaimed as he leaped into Nathaniel's arms. Zipporah stepped down from the wagon at a more subdued pace. "Levi, my boy! Look at you!" Nathaniel grinned, clutching his son tightly. "You're so tall! And your leg, it's good as new!" "Yeah, Zipporah was better than any doctor," Levi complimented as his father released him. "I'm sure she was," Nathaniel smiled sweetly, turning to Zipporah. "Hello, sweetheart." He leaned forward and gave Zipporah a deep kiss. Instantly, Levi's face scrunched up. "Ugh... I'm going to unpack the wagon," He grunted, turning his back to the lovesick couple, who simply chuckled.
Levi lugged the first of the trunks, likely Zipporah's, from the wagon, his father joining him shortly after watching him struggle with the trunk's weight. "How has she been, Levi?" Nathaniel asked under his breath.  It was purposefully quiet, obviously intended to reach Levi's ears only. "How has she really been?" Levi replied in the same tone, voice just above a whisper, "She has been dealing.  She visits with Anna as much as possible, and I have been trying to stay in and around the house if I can, just to make sure she doesn't worry too much about me. Auntie Loretta gave her job at Uncle Lucas's orchard, so that keeps her busy." Nathaniel sighed, helping his son move in the trunk into the foyer, glancing over to Zipporah waiting in the parlor. "I wish that she did not have to remain there," Nathaniel shifted his gaze down to Levi, "You as well.  I have already lost one of your brothers due to this damn war, it's also keeping me from seeing Benjamin, and now it must tear you from me as well." "It's ok, father. We'll be ok. I'll keep Zipporah safe, and don't worry about Benny. He can handle himself; Caleb will take care of him." Levi understood how Nathaniel felt.  He has seen things he never should have at his age because of the war.  He was becoming more and more used to being left behind because of this war.  But Levi did not say any of this.  He just offered his words of comfort, as empty as they may have been. Levi's struggle was not his father's and would give him no cause to think it was. Let him worry about Ben and pray for Sammy, but he will not be given any such strife by Levi. The men returned to the wagon, pulling out Levi's trunk and stacking it on top of Zipporah's.  Levi walked back to the doorway, intending to grab the last of the trunks, turning to search for his father.  Nathaniel stood just behind the parlor's line of sight, staring longingly into the room at Zipporah.  Levi rolled his eyes, groaning to himself, and called out behind him, walking out the door, "I'll get the last one, Dad! It'll be light, only presents." Levi lugged the light trunk from its position in the wagon, pulling it into his arms, and instantly regretted turning away his dad's help. Whatever Zipporah packed in here was as heavy as bricks.  As he was busy struggling with getting the trunk into his arms, a too-sweet familiar voice rang in his ears from a distance.  Unfortunately for Levi, he noticed it the same moment he pulled the trunk into his arms, promptly dropping it partly on his foot, causing a loud curse to slip out of his lips.
Adrienne Fairfax had decided that she hated taverns.  There was always someone to harass or someone harassing others.  First in York City with the young Tallmadge boy, now in Brookhaven with the tavern owner, and both over the cause of a room.  She ought to go to the local garrison and complain. There was not a single respectable establishment in this town, and so she had become frustrated enough to argue with the tavern owner in front of the building.  There was a loud, profane shout in the distance, a familiar shout.  Excusing herself from her heated argument with the man outside the tavern, Adrienne approached the uncovered wagon, and the raggedy little boy that had become more and more familiar to her stood there, leaning against the cart and cradling his foot, muttering another string of profanities under his breath.  Before Adrienne could approach him, a quaint brunette woman rushed from the house, a dirty blonde haired man following her to crowd around the poor boy as he tried to wave them away. "I'm fine, Dad. I just got distracted." "I thought you said it was light, Levi," the man, presumably his father, scolded. "I thought it was," Levi defended, "What did you put in there, Zipporah?" "Just the gifts," the brunette, who she could now identify as Zipporah, replied. The dirty blonde haired man, Levi's father, looked up, making eye contact with Adrienne and his demeanor changed immediately, "Zipporah, Levi, head inside." Zipporah followed his line of sight and nodded, placing a hand on Levi's shoulder, but he did not budge. His eyes, too, rested on Adrienne as he spoke. "Zipporah, head inside," he said, continuing before she could protest, "Everything is fine, just head inside." "Levi," Nathaniel whispered sharply, grasping Levi's arm tightly when the boy tried to stand, "This is not the time for more of your shenanigans." Levi did not reply, simply brushed him off with a brisk nod and began to limp over to Adrienne, grabbing her roughly by the arm and walking her out of earshot.  As they came to a stop, Levi spoke in a hushed and clipped tone, "What the hell do you think you're doing?" "I heard you scream; I came to see if you were alright," Adrienne replied indifferently. "Not that," he said, clenching his jaw, "What are you doing in Brookhaven?  This is borderline stalking me." "It is not!" she defended, a wave of sudden anger seeping into her tone, "My horses needed to be changed, one had an incident with the ferry, and now we are stuck here for the night." She huffed, her tone becoming short, "Believe me when I say I have no such desire to stay here." Levi examined her face for a moment in the silence before he cracked a grin and started to laugh, "You couldn't get a room, could you? That's why you were arguing at the tavern?" Adrienne flushed a rather pretty shade of pink from her embarrassment but offered no rebuttal. Levi, still allowing a short chuckle to escape from his lips, spoke, "You go get that fancy little carriage of yours taken care of, and I'll see what I can do about a place to stay." His eyes shifted behind him, to his father staring worriedly at his son as they discussed, "As soon as I go talk to my dad." Adrienne gave a short nod and returned to her carriage as he requested, leaving Levi to explain the predicament he just placed them in to his father.
Nathaniel took Levi in his arm as he returned, "Levi, what on earth could such a girl want with you?" "What? You don't think I can get a gal like her? I'm a catch," Levi responded, appalled. His father just looked back impassively. "Relax. Lady Fairfax just wanted to make sure I was ok." Nathaniel's eyes grew wide, and he bit back a gasp as he pulled Levi closer, dropping to a whisper, "Lady Fairfax?  What on earth could she want with you?" "Oh," Levi replied cheerfully, his voice remaining at regular volume, "We know each other.  I wouldn't say we're friends, but I like to think I'm growing on her. Like fungi." "You know each other?" Nathaniel whispered, shock clear in his voice, "Levi, what did you do?" "Just now or the first time I met her?" "I have a feeling that the answer 'just now' will do me far more good." "She was having troubles with the tavern owner in securing a room for the night, so I told her I would find somewhere for her to stay." "And where," Nathaniel began, his voice exhausted, "Exactly is that?" "With us, of course," Levi replied as if the answer should have been obvious. "Levi!" his father exclaimed, sighing, "Have you lost your mind?  She can't stay here with us." "Why not?" "I-" Nathaniel was stuttering over words, stumbling for an answer.  Finally, he found one as he began, "Because there aren't enough beds." "You and Zipporah can share," his father gaped at him, scandalized, "It would do you both some good." "Absolutely not.  That young lady cannot stay with us." "Who cannot stay with us?"  Zipporah's voice rang clear from the doorway, causing both of them to turn their attentions' to her. "The girl by the cart earlier," Nathaniel replied at the same time Levi did. "My friend."
At the word 'friend,' Zipporah's eyes flicked over to Levi, raising her eyebrow curiously. 'Friend' wasn't a term used often or lightly around the boy. Then furrowing her brow, she approached Nathaniel, wrapping her hands around the front opening of his coat, "And why can Levi's friend not stay with us, my dear?" Levi watched, amused, as he saw his father's mind go blank as she peered up at him, smiling sweetly.  He tried his best to protest, his attempts suddenly half-hearted, "Zipporah, she's a Lady, aristocracy." She hummed in acknowledgment, allowing her hands to run down from the top of his coat to the middle, "And how does that affect anything?" This time Nathaniel could do nothing but stutter and trip on his own tongue; Levi even bet that the rather loud snort that escaped him went unnoticed by the man as his mind short-circuited. "Yes," Zipporah hummed, "I think that we can more than accommodate another person here.  I will have my things placed in your room for the time being." She turned to Levi, still smiling sweetly, "How many nights would she be staying with us?" "Uh, good question," Levi shrugged, "Didn't ask." "Alright, well, you go fetch her," She turned back to Nathaniel, who appeared to be coming out of his trance, and smiled sweetly, "And we shall go prepare the rooms upstairs?" His father let out a pathetic noise that could have been a yes, or a whimper, causing Levi to crackle with the laughter that attempted to escape his lips.  Nathaniel cleared his throat, shaking his head clear before nodding firmly and heading into the house quickly with Zipporah strolling leisurely in behind him. As they disappeared into the house, Levi took running after Adrienne towards the tavern. Adrienne was talking to a footman in the livery stable beside the tavern when he arrived. "Alright, got it all sorted. You're staying with us. Zipporah got involved, and my dad sang like a canary. Or rather... didn't sing," Levi told her, as she finished her conversation, the footman walking off.
"Are you sure I am not imposing?" Adrienne asked him. "Nah. Just let me and Zipporah worry about my father. What Zipporah gets involved, he's a lovesick pushover," Levi responded, grinning as he started walking back to Grandpa Jim's with Adrienne. "Especially since he hasn't seen her in over a year." "Why isn't your dad in Setauket with you?" Adrienne asked him, curious as to why his father was living so far away from his loved ones. "There was...an incident in Setauket last year," Levi hedged slightly, thinking back to August of 1777. "One of the Redcoats in town basically went crazy. They were rounding up Patriots, and they were going to send them to the Jersey. But this soldier...he decided to defy orders and hang the Patriots instead. The outcome was one hanging, a dozen or so dead Continentals, and I was shot." Adrienne pulled to a stop in shock, eyes grown wide as she stared at the boy. "Surely you are not referring to any such soldier of His Majesty's Army?" Adrienne questioned. "You bet your fancy, pretty little ass, I am," Levi replied. "The soldier in question is now Captain of the Queen's Rangers." "And it truly happened?" she spectated, electing to ignore parts of his reply, "I have never been given cause to believe such tales, though I have heard many of misconduct before." "Of course, it happened, and I have the limp and scar on my leg to prove it," Levi replied as they approached the colonial home. "What other reason would my father have to live over an hour away from us?" Adrienne furrowed her brow slightly, careful with her questioning, "And they gave the officer, a presumed gentleman, in question a promotion for such abhorrent and disgraceful behavior?" "I'd use the term 'promotion' loosely. Same rank and he isn't even technically part of the Royal Army anymore. But no, he didn't get punished," Levi told her as they stood facing each other in front of Levi's Grandpa Jim's colonial. "Anyway, this is where we're staying." Adrienne had intended to question the boy further on what he meant by 'no longer a part of the Royal Army' but was stopped by the house itself. "Oh," she began, taking in the flat and simple facade. "It is certainly very," she trailed off for a moment before continuing, "American?" "Thanks," Levi grinned. "My Grandpa Jim built it." Adrienne hummed politely, thinking to herself, 'It certainly looks it.' Thankfully, she was saved from having to search for a polite reply by the dirty blonde man, Levi's father, who had come out to the porch to greet them.  She almost took pity on the man. He looked terrified, as severely as he attempted to hide such a thing.  He brought his hand around her but abstained from touching her silks, leaving his hand hovering just off from her back as he motioned with his other hand inside the house.  Levi bounded forward, rushing inside to a room full of casually chatting voices and the sound of a crackling fire, leaving Adrienne to stand alone in the hall with his father, as well as the horribly awkward tension rolling off the man in waves. "Lady Fairfax, I presume? Please make yourself at home," Nathaniel greeted the young lady, then with a sheepish smile, "I do hope my son hasn't been causing you too much trouble?" "Only the necessary kind," she assured him as warmly as she could, "Though, dare I say that he might be incapable of avoiding most of the trouble he encounters." Adrienne gave the man a slight curtsy as her mother taught her to greet him properly, "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Tallmadge." "Please, call me Nathaniel. Zipporah should be upstairs setting up your room if you would like to go get yourself settled," Nathaniel informed her, gesturing up the stairs. "Your room will be the first on the right." She nodded to him politely and made her way up the stairs, aware of his stare on her back the entire time.  The door to the bedroom was open, finding it exactly where Nathaniel told her it would be.  The room was positioned so that she would hear any and all footsteps in the upstairs hall and on the stairs, both a blessing and a curse. There was the brunette, Zipporah, dressed in a somewhat pretty floral pierrot jacket and a dark green colored quilted petticoat.  She was humming a jaunty tune to herself as she unfolded and tucked bedsheets, stopping in her actions to look over her shoulder at the sound of Adrienne in the doorway. "You must be Levi's friend. I am Zipporah, Nathaniel's fiancee," Zipporah introduced herself. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady…?" Zipporah raised an eyebrow in question, waiting for Adrienne to finish the introduction. "Fairfax," Adrienne offered, "Lady Adrienne Fairfax of Virginia." She made sure to give the woman before her the same courtesy given to Nathaniel, greeting her with a curtsy and a nod of her head in acknowledgment. Zipporah went back to preparing the bed. "I was rather shocked to hear that Levi had a friend, let alone a female friend," Zipporah told Adrienne casually. "He's a 13-year-old boy, after all. Half his mind still thinks girls are gross, while the other half is saying girls are pretty. So I am rather curious as to how you two came to meet."   "He tried to bribe me out of my room in York city," Adrienne replied plainly in her sweet tone, leaning against the doorway slightly, "An endeavor in which he did not succeed.  And then proceeded to act as my valet for the duration of my stay in the city." Zipporah let out a breathy laugh. "He didn't steal your key and lock you out of your room, so call yourself fortunate," she chuckled, shaking her head at the boy's antics as she tucked in the bed's sheets. "Likely because my key was not on my person," Adrienne offered the woman, "It was in the possession of my godfather, Lord Howe, who I had come to York city to visit." At that, Zipporah's head snapped to look at Adrienne, eyes wide. "Lord Howe? As in William Howe, the British Royal Army general?" Adrienne smiled at the recognition, affirming her supposition, "Yes, Madam.  The very same." Zipporah was impassive for a moment before shaking her head with a small smile, snorting in a very unladylike fashion. "And suddenly everything makes sense," she muttered under her breath, almost too low for Adrienne to hear. Adrienne furrowed her brow, approaching slowly so that they were no longer speaking freely across the small room, "I am afraid I do not follow.  What precisely makes sense now?" Zipporah's eyes flicked up at her in shock, the gears in her head working viciously. "Sorry, that is way above my station of knowledge and definitely above yours," Zipporah told her after a moment. "If you were meant to know, you'd know already." "And who," Adrienne spoke low in tone, stepping too close to Zipporah for the brunette's own comfort zone, "Says that I do not." "The fact that you had to ask says you do not, my Lady," Zipporah stated simply. "Funny," she replied impartially, "I was under the assumption that the youngest Mr. Tallmadge was assisting his elder brother by visiting a few friends in the city.  Few as they may be." Adrienne smiled innocently at her, "But what would I know." "When it comes to Levi, helping his brother is all the information you need to know. Trust me, the less you know, the better," Zipporah sighed tiredly, suddenly exhausted. "Well, he has done a miserable job at that," Adrienne laughed quietly before smiling comfortingly at Zipporah, "But it takes one to know one, I suppose." "He's done better than you might think. Levi has a good sense of one's character. But what do I know about all this? I'm just the mom," Zipporah shrugged. "I am sure," Adrienne agreed, "Which is why I will not be mentioning to the Major how it took less than five minutes to get him to admit to such activity." Clearing her throat, Adrienne ran her hands over her immaculate silk skirts, flattening non-existent wrinkles, "The trunk needs to be partially unpacked. The Mulberry silk doesn't take well to being closed up for too long.  If there is anything I could do to help you, please let me know; otherwise, I think it best to excuse myself and leave you to finish here." "Well, they're your clothes. Make yourself useful and unpack them, then, young lady," Zipporah responded in an unintentional 'Mom' voice. Adrienne, who had already turned towards the door, turned back around to look at Zipporah, who now had her back facing the blonde, with her mouth slightly agape.  Zipporah looked over her shoulder, raised an eyebrow at the young woman, and then pointedly looked at Adrienne's traveling chest.  Now, Adrienne was aware that she had offered her assistance, but she had not expected the other woman to take her up on the offer.  She hesitantly approached the trunk, opening it as she attempted to keep her skirts from gathering dirt by brushing the floor.  Crouching down with skirts in hand, Adrienne unpacked the fussy silks with perhaps a bit more struggle than she would have liked, courtesy of her hat.  As she did her best to unpack, Adrienne could hear the humming as Zipporah returned to the sheets, noting when it stopped more by the intense stare the brunette had fixed on her back as she watched the blonde struggle unpack than the lack of sound. "You doing ok over there?" Zipporah asked, not taking her eyes off the girl. "Yes, of course," Adrienne replied politely, utterly unaware of just how out of breath she sounded.  This should be easy, but the bending and interference of her skirts, lace, and accessories was proving to make the task quite challenging. "Alright," Zipporah answered skeptically. "Just looking like you aren't used to unpacking your own trunk." Adrienne flushed a light pink across her cheeks and looked sheepishly to Zipporah, knowing there were no words that could defend her in this situation.  Adrienne may have been some form of great lady, but that mattered very little in this quaint country house. "If you really need the help, I can go get Levi to help you unpack. Sorry to say, we don't have any other ladies in the household," Zipporah offered sweetly, behind a poorly hidden, devilish smirk. Adrienne's flush suddenly turned a very light pale at the idea.  If there was one thing that she had learned from her week with the young boy, it was that he could be absolutely relentless in his teasing.  Especially whenever it was something that any average person would have been perfectly capable of, not being so squeamish as to shy away from it.  But before she replied, declining the offer, Adrienne weighed her choices.  She could stay here herself and attempt to unpack the trunk, leaving her in an incredibly disheveled state when she returned to her hosts, or she could bite the bullet and suffer through the teasing from the younger boy but at least maintain some sense of dignity, if not propriety.  With a slightly defeated sigh, Adrienne conceded, "That would be much appreciated, Madam.  Thank you." Instantly, Zipporah raised an eyebrow in surprise. She hadn't been expecting that. She had been expecting the younger girl to decline out of pride. Didn't really matter to Zipporah, she got to be entertained either way, but now she would have endless enjoyment from seeing Levi having to touch ladies undergarments. Oh lord, when Benjamin and Caleb heard of this…. "As you wish," Zipporah said, inclining her head before sweeping from the room. However, she wasn't going to go all the way downstairs, just to come back up. Standing at the top landing, she leaned over the railing and yelled. "Levi! Get your butt up here!!" Adrienne stumbled at the sudden yelling as she attempted to rise to her feet, almost sweeping her flat onto the floor.  To say that she was unused to such noise and ruckus would be acceptable in any other place. Women and men of her breeding were usually far more gentile and subdued in their tone and volume.  But she allowed the complaint to slip through her mind, keeping such comments to herself, opting instead to reach out and catch herself, her skin getting pale again, just as it was regaining some color. 'So much for dignity,' she thought. With loud stomping, Levi came stomping up the stairs, pulling to a stop on the top landing beside Zipporah, an irritating look on his face. "What the hell, Zipporah?" "Help Lady Fairfax unpack her trunk," Zipporah ordered him, none too gently. Levi's eyes quickly flicked from Adrienne to Zipporah and back. "Why? Can't she do it?" He shrugged, annoyed. It was just a trunk. Any normal person could unpack a trunk. "You're doing it because I'm telling you to do it. Now go," Zipporah ordered sternly, pointing to the trunk beside Adrienne in the guest room. Levi let out a dramatic groan before turning and stomping over to Adrienne. Adrienne had seen such behavior from the boy before, mostly complaining about how his arms ached from carrying 'absurd amounts of bags and boxes' whenever Lord Howe and her went out to peruse the city's shops. Still, this time Adrienne did not find herself playfully annoyed.  This time she truly felt as if she was the annoyance, however clear as it may be that Levi was pulling their leg.  She stared silently as he approached the trunk, moving a step away from her. Crouching down, he started pulling clothes from the trunk. Quilted petticoats, silk petticoats, jackets, gowns, panniers, chemise, cloaks, muff, hats, and lace. All types of clothes. Some looked the same. Others looked different. Levi didn't quite understand why she had to have two or three petticoats that looked nearly identical. He pulled out another garment and looked at it curiously. "What the hell is this?" Adrienne looked down at the pure white piece that was being held in the boy's hands, a soft linen chemise, and she blanched, practically fainting at the very idea of such a thing being put on display.  It would make sense that he had never seen one before, and surely the boy did not know that such an item was meant to be handled discretely. Adrienne's floundering suddenly made her wish she had a fan behind which she could hide, but of course, her fans were packed underneath the rest of the garments. "My apologies, I thought I had gotten the last of those already." "That doesn't answer my question. Actually, you seem to actively be avoiding my question," Levi responded, his piercing blue eyes flicking up to burrow into Adrienne. Zipporah stifled a laugh behind her hand from her spot against the door jam, where she was watching the exchange. "So I repeat, what the hell is it?" Adrienne braced herself against the bed as she replied as quickly and meekly as possible. "It is a," she paused, swallowing in an attempt to keep her wits about her before she fainted back onto the bed out of sheer embarrassment, "Chemise.  It is a lady's chemise." Levi immediately let out a loud yelp, dropping the chemise. Zipporah tried to hold back her laughs, she really did. But nope, she couldn't do it. The laughs came bubbling out, and soon, she was laughing loudly, with only the door jam holding her up. Levi glared over at her, eyes narrowed in accusation. "Zipporah, did you just play me?" "No, no. Lady Fairfax really does need help unpacking," Zipporah laughed, finally taking control of herself. "Then you can do it," Levi growled, getting up and stomping off to his room across the hall, irritation, and embarrassment rolling off him in waves. The bedroom door slammed loudly behind him, the silence echoing off the walls afterward. Adrienne, attempting to diffuse the tension, spoke softly to Zipporah, "Well, I think that went well.  All things considered." "For Levi, definitely," Zipporah chuckled as she reentered the room and crouched down next to the trunk. She picked up the discarded garments and started putting them away in drawers. "Thank you," Adrienne offered, sitting on the edge of the bed till the lightheadedness went away. "You'll excuse me," she suggested as she sat, feeling bad for leaving the woman to the clothing. "I am afraid I'm feeling incredibly faint, and I would be terribly embarrassed to pass out in front of you." She had minimal dignity left, but by god, she would cling to it as best she could. Zipporah nodded sympathetically. "Take the time you need. Is there anything I can do for you?" Zipporah asked, looking up at the girl. Zipporah supposed she wouldn't give her too much more of a hard time, she probably did have a long day. Adrienne knew her answer should be a glass of Madeira. She had heard enough from McHenry during her Christmas at Valley Forge to know that it was a fine replenishment for the blood and often helped best when an individual was faint.  But she did not ask, knowing that she had asked plenty already. "Oh, no, thank you.  I do not want to be a further burden to you, Mrs. Tallmadge." "It's not a problem. To be fair, we have tortured you enough for one evening. The least we can do is offer you some comforts," Zipporah responded, putting the last of the clothes away. "However, if you'd prefer to be left alone and get settled, I can leave you be." "Oh, I would hate to be rude," Adrienne began, smiling weakly, "But I would also hate to take time away from you all sharing it with each other." To be honest, she was desperate to curl up in her dressing robe with her books and forget all that had occurred today. "I truly appreciate that," Zipporah told Adrienne earnestly. "You look exhausted. I will leave you be." Zipporah nodded in her direction, then swept from the room, leaving Adrienne alone.
Adrienne sat in the bed, sheets haphazardly thrown over her legs, candlelight burning over her shoulder as she read. The sun had begun setting already in the window, casting shadows over the room that went unnoticed.  She barely noticed the soft knock on the door, her attention being drawn by the unusually soft voice belonging to Levi. 'He must be terrified to enter now,' she mused, pulled her dressing gown closer around her as she closed her book. "Yes?" she called softly to the still-closed door. "Can I come in?" His voice was soft and slightly sheepish. "You mean am I decent?" she teased, continuing tenderly, "Because if so, the answer is yes.  You may come in." The bedroom door quietly opened, and the boy stood awkwardly in the doorway, shuffling on his feet and avoiding eye contact. It made him look pitifully small and young. "Would you mind helping me with something?" He asked, his hands fidgeting behind his back. "Depends. What is it?" She bookmarked her page with a ribbon and placed the book in her lap. "I am afraid you might have to wait for me to get dressed again." "That's fine. I want to surprise Zipporah and my dad with Christmas cookies when they get back from their date...but I don't know how to make them. Or anything else, for that matter," Levi told her, finally glancing up at her with those big, blue eyes. Adrienne's heart melted slightly at the sweeter side of the boy; she sympathized with his request. She remembered making many a gift for her own parents, made mostly out of things that made her mother very cross with her.  She had lost count of how many curtains she had terrorized for the same cause. "Of course," she nodded, "But I am afraid it will be a learning experience for both of us." There was a pause before Adrienne continued, cautiously, "What exactly would be appropriate for a kitchen, as far as attire goes?" Levi let out a bark of laughter, but with her, not at her. "Something casual, something you wouldn't mind getting dirty. But don't worry, we have aprons. I'll meet you downstairs," Levi grinned, turning on his heel and sprinting excitedly from the room. Adrienne huffed, forcing herself from the warmth of the bed to the dresser.  Usually, she would not have to assemble her own outfits, but she never minded doing so.  Adrienne enjoyed her clothes far too much to ever complain about such a thing.  After lots of searching, she found a simple blue long-sleeved gown, donning a warm winter lace fichu, short entanglements, and a light blue sash around the waist.  Adrienne left her hair in the smoothly assembled half-up style that Zipporah had offered gladly to do for her and descended down the stairs. "Levi?" she called out, the house silent besides the crackling of the fires, providing warmth to the house. Upon entering the kitchen, Adrienne saw Levi in the corner, pulling a large bag of flour from the pantry. He glanced quickly over his shoulder at her, seeing she was fully dressed in casual wear. "Apron is on the chair if you want it. Once you got that taken care of, can you get a fire started in the oven?" Levi grumbled out, dragging the flour across the floor towards the counter and the bowl sitting on top. Adrienne approached the chair, wrapping the apron around her waist as she watched him struggle with the flour. "Do you always take on more than you can carry, or is that just today?" "I'm the youngest of three boys, both are...were soldiers and Yale graduates. This is totally normal. I got a lot to live up to. I have to make a name for myself somehow," Levi explained, pulling a knife out to cut the top of the bag open. "And will you be attending Yale as well then, Mr. Tallmadge?" Adrienne asked, still watching him from where she stood as he worked. "That was the plan, before the war. But since the war broke out, I haven't really been to school. So right now...I essentially only have a fifth-grade education," Levi replied, setting the knife down and hefting the bag of flour into his arms. As he went to dump the flour into the bowl, instead of pouring in moderation, the whole bag dumped out into the bowl with an ungracious flour cloud. "Oops," Levi coughed, waving the flour cloud out of his face, his whole head and torso coated in flour. Adrienne laughed, ignoring the light flour dusting her skirts and bodice received, having fun at Levi's expense. "You know, I think that perhaps that a bit too much face powder, but if you are certain, I can go grab my rouge, and I am certain you will be very handsome, Mr. Tallmadge." "Are you calling me ugly? I'm a dream, a total catch, the complete package. Girls are beating down my front door," Levi responded, dramatically scandalized at the insinuation that he wasn't already handsome. "Can you start the fire in the oven while I get the eggs and powdered coriander seed?" "I would love to," Adrienne began, laughing gleefully at the younger boy's antics, "Just one question.  How does one light a fire?" "There's some flint in the top drawer, and kindling is by the fireplace. Just put the kindling in the oven and spark the flint," Levi explained, chuckling slightly. "Right, spark the flint," she trailed off, "And how would one do that exactly?" Levi sighed, rolling his eyes slightly. "Ok, change of plans. I'll start the fire, and you get the eggs and coriander seed. Coriander seed is in the pantry, eggs are in the cellar," Levi told her, pointing to the pantry on the side of the kitchen. Adrienne nodded, heading first to the cellar with a candlestick.  She wasted no time down in the dark underground storage space behind the house, climbing back out with several eggs carefully put into a basket.  Entering the kitchen once more, she placed the basket on the counter atop of a small mountain of flour that had seemingly missed its intended target. Next, Adrienne pulled out the glass jar of the Coriander seeds and placed them on the table as well, chuckling as Levi cried out triumphant when the fire sparked to a comfortable roar. Levi turned back to Adrienne, nodding in approval as he saw the eggs and the coriander seeds. Turning to the countertop, he pulled a slightly floury cookbook towards him. "So...we need sugar, and the coriander seeds need to be powdered," he read, brushing the flour from the pages. "If you want to powder the seeds, I'll get the sugar. The mortar and pestle are on the counter, right there." Adrienne took a moment to cheer as she turned to find the bowl and tool.  This she knew precisely how to do.  Her father used to make his own various herbal concoctions as experiments and oftentimes would let her help him.  She could distinctly remember that he would wrap his hands around hers and walk her through the motions of the tool while tucked away in one of Belvoir's greenhouses.  She leaned over Levi to look at the recipe in order to discern the amount required, not noticing just how close she was to the boy as she peered down at the flour-coated book. Instantly, Levi flinched away from the close contact. He hated fast movements or unpredictable movements. He stumbled a bit before regaining composure, clearing his throat. "Yeah, I'll just...get the sugar," he rasped out awkwardly, turning his back on her and entering the pantry for the bag of sugar. Adrienne furrowed her brow but let the boy go, happy to sing softly to herself as she crushed the seeds, motions careful and well-rehearsed, constantly shifting eyes to the door Levi had disappeared through, then back to the cookbook and her hands as they worked.  She was attentive this time, to when the door creaked back open, her singling trailing off as Levi entered. "At least if this one gets everywhere, it's delicious," Levi commented as he pulled the smaller bag of sugar out on his shoulder, slamming it down on the countertop beside the bowl full of flour as he stepped up next to Adrienne. This time it was Adrienne's turn to flinch away as a small pile of flower rose.  She was certain that it could be played off as simply being startled by the sudden slam. Men loved to believe that women were fragile, delicate little things, so there was no reason she should not get away with it. "Levi-" Adrienne began before cutting herself off. She was likely not going to like the answer to her question, so she decided to leave the boy alone for the time being. Once again, Levi took the knife and slit open the top of the bag. This time when he poured it, though, he took hold of the top corner, hoping to be able to control the moderation slightly better. Once he had the appropriate amount, he set the bag on the ground. "Let's see if I can crack these eggs without making a mess, shall we?" Levi laughed as he picked up one of the eggs. He slammed the egg on the edge of the bowl, way too hard, causing the whole egg to crumble and egg yolk and egg white to get all over the countertop. "Oops...again," Levi mumbled, the shell's remnants crushed between his fingers. Adrienne tried only barely to stop herself from full out laughing at him. "You will ruin all the eggs like that,  are eggs not usually cracked carefully?  Because if so you, have done a miserable job." Levi glared up at her. "Yeah, they are," He grumbled. "But I'm not particularly good at the 'gentle' aspect of things. If you need someone roughed up, though, I'm your man." He grabbed the basket of eggs and pushed it towards Adrienne. "You give it a shot, then, if you're so skilled," He mocked, crossing his arms. Adrienne huffed, moving the basket even closer to her before taking an egg out and attempting to crack it, but unlike Levi, her attempt was so gentle the egg did not crack at all.  She huffed and tried again, still nothing, and then she repositioned herself and hit it harder against the counter, causing it to shatter and splatter all over Adrienne's hands and Levi's front.  Adrienne cracked a grin at him as he was now covered with flour, some light sugar, and now two eggs, "Well, I think it is certainly clear that you are closer to becoming a cookie than whatever is inside that bowl." "As long as we don't put me in the oven, I'm fine with that," Levi shot back. "Though it's clear that neither of us is skilled at egg cracking." He picked up another egg to try again, posing his hand over the edge of the bowl. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, he tapped the egg against the bowl. A slight crack appeared in the shell of the egg, causing a small smile to blossom on Levi's face. Prying his nails into the crack, like he'd seen Zipporah do many times, he slowly pried the two halves of the eggshell apart, the yolk and white sliding goopily into the bowl with a loud plop. Adrienne cried out with a cheer, causing Levi's smile to spread a bit wider as she moved back across the table to hand him the cookbook. "So, Mr. Baking Extraordinaire, what will you have me doing next?" she teased, wiping her yolk covered hands on the apron tied around her waist before plopping herself onto the chair at the side of the table. "Have I complained about how exhausting this is yet?" she asked, "I hate to sound repetitive." "Actually, you have not. So you're allowed a complaint," Levi teased with a grin as he cautiously cracked one more egg into the bowl. He looked over the bowl to the cookbook being offered to him. "We need some butter and a cup of milk. The butter is still in the churn, easy enough. Just scoop it out and plop it in. Milk is in the cellar. Then it says we need to knead it together." "Ok," she sighed, rising to her feet once again, "I will take the cellar and leave you to your churn." She smirked playfully at him as she made her way to the door, skirts dragging behind her as she took a candle once more and headed out the back door.  The temperature had either dropped significantly, or that kitchen was hotter than it seemed. Adrienne was practically shaking as she collected the milk, thinking to herself, 'It better not be frozen.  That would seriously dampen my mood at the moment.' Success was found when the milk was indeed still a liquid. She toted one small carton up the stairs with some slight struggle. "Mr. Tallmadge, I believe I have-" she cut off as he stared at Levi, frustratingly scraping at the churn, "Are you alright?" "Yeah, there's just some butter stuck to the bottom. This would be so much easier if I had already hit my growth spurt," He grumbled as he tried to scrape the butter from the bottom, plopping the little bits he could with the large pile of butter that was already sitting on the countertop. Adrienne approached the table, placing the jug of milk down on the table. "Do we really need this much butter?" she asked, "It seems a bit excessive to me, but what do I know." "The recipe says a pound of butter. Pick that up. Does it feel like a pound?" Levi replied nonchalantly. Adrienne opened her mouth to speak but promptly closed it, hesitating for a moment before doing as she was told.  She turned to Levi, awkwardly cupping the butter in her hands, "I have no idea.  The only experience I have with weight measuring is marzipan, money, and jewelry." Levi shrugged. "Does it matter? A pound of feathers, a pound of bricks, either way, it's still a pound," He stated logically as he stood up, wiping his hands off on his breeches. "Fair enough," she sighed, "In that case, I think that we have enough." She awkwardly dropped it into the bowl and wiped her hands off on the borrowed apron. "So," Adrienne motioned at the flour-covered table, "What is next?" "Put in the milk, and mix it all together. Easy peasy," Levi said simply as he grabbed the milk jug. Adrienne took a step back as he did so.  Levi cast her a judging glance, and she replied, "Just pointing out that you have not had a great track record tonight, and while you may have very little salvageable dignity at the moment, I still have plenty." Levi paused a moment, deciding whether or not to be insulted. Finally, he shrugged. "Ok, valid point," he nodded. He grasped the jug firmly, gathered himself, and then poured a cup or so of milk into the bowl. As he pulled the jug back, in his haste, the milk sloshed over the edge of the jug and onto his face, soaking his bangs. He blinked his eyes rapidly against the milky onslaught. A glare was sent Adrienne's way by Levi as she laughed at his plight.  The boy was quite a sight now and would undoubtedly need to seriously clean up before his father and Zipporah returned.  Adrienne stepped back again as she spoke, "I stand corrected. There is no dignity left to be recovered, Mr. Tallmadge." "I would glare, but you...might have a point. I never did say I could cook. Which is why I asked for your help. You're a girl. You're supposed to know these things," Levi stated, thinking this was the most apparent train of thought. "If I was supposed to know this, I assure you between my parents, maids, governess, and tutors, I would have been taught to full proficiency." She looked him up and down, trying not to laugh, "If it makes you feel any better, I think you are doing an excellent job for your first time cooking!" "That actually does make me feel better, thank you," Levi said as he pulled out a wooden spoon. Dipping the spoon into the bowl, he started to mix all the ingredients together into a dough. With the bowl wedged against his chest, he used all the muscles he had to turn each separate ingredient, the milk, the eggs, the flour, the sugar, into a single product. Adrienne took this moment to sit down at the table for a moment's rest, watching him tiredly.  Watching as he began to shape the cookies, "How long should they bake?" she asked quietly, not wanting to disturb him. "Only 15 minutes," Levi told her as he pulled out a baking stone and placed small lumps of sugar cookie dough on the stone. He ripped off a small chunk of dough and held it out to Adrienne. "Dough?" She looked up at him, her face unintentionally confused in the way a naive child might be. "What for?" she asked, genuinely curious about his offer.  Her mother had never so much as allowed anything even slightly imperfect on her dining tables, and to be honest, Adrienne could not locate the kitchens in her own house without asking someone for guidance.  Levi looked at her equally confused, so Adrienne explained, "My mother never let me even venture into the kitchens, this might be the first time I have seen cookie dough, so I genuinely do not know why it is being offered." "Damn. And I thought my childhood was depressing," Levi responded, still holding the dough out. "Well, you have no choice now. I am forcing this upon you. Raw cookie dough is the best thing to ever grace human existence." He practically pushed the dough under Adrienne's nose. Adrienne leaned back in the chair to avoid the dough touching her skin, laughing lightly as she accepted the piece from his hands as she replied, "There is plenty more where that came from. My childhood was one of many rules and prying eyes." She cautiously broke off an even smaller piece in her fingers.  Her face lit up, shifting from amusement to delight once she tried it. "I will concede to you this time; cookie dough is absolutely a delicacy in my books now, Mr. Tallmadge." "See, told you," Levi grinned as he popped his own small piece of dough into his mouth before continuing to put small, little lumps of dough on the baking stone. Once there was no dough left, and the stone was filled, he picked it up and walked over to the oven set into the brick next to the fireplace. "Mind opening the door for me," Levi asked, his hands full with the baking stone. "Of course," Adrienne jumped to her feet, walking quickly over to the fireplace that was set into the side of the kitchen. She opened the small door that was the baking oven. Levi slowly slid the baking stone into the oven, closing the door behind it. "Alright, we'll check on it in 15 minutes," Levi told Adrienne as he stepped back from the oven. He went over to one of the chairs and slumped down into it. "Whoo, I'm exhausted now." Adrienne nodded, "I told you that about 30 minutes ago.  This is exhausting." A moment of silence passed before Adrienne spoke up again, "Would you find it horribly impolite if I went to go fetch my book?" "Nah, go right ahead," Levi said as he laid his head down for a second. Just a second, he promised. Adrienne did as she promised, ascending the stairs in search of her book, which he could not help but read on her way down.  Except, reading in motion always made her nauseous, so she figured she could sit down on the bed and read a page.  Or two. Voltaire's philosophy was always so entrancing to the blonde.
"What in Heaven and Earth is going on here?" Levi stumbled out of his chair as the booming voice of his father rang through the kitchen, barely catching himself on the countertop. Righting himself, he spun around to see both his dad and Zipporah standing in the kitchen's doorway. "Dad! You're home early!" Levi looked from his dad and Zipporah to the mess of a kitchen around him. Flour everywhere, sugar everywhere, puddles of milk, eggshells, egg whites, and egg yolks all over the countertops and floor. And Levi didn't look much better. "Umm...I can explain," Levi stated awkwardly, his hands fidgeting and feet shuffling. "I sure hope so, young man," Nathaniel responded sternly, crossing his arms and not taking his eyes off his youngest son. "Umm….I just thought... I'd surprise you and Zipporah with Christmas cookies. They're still baking, though. I wrangled Adrienne into helping me," Levi told his father, refusing to look at him. Instantly, both Nathaniel and Zipporah's faces softened. "Let's see how well you did then, shall we?" Zipporah said with a sweet, gentle smile as she went over to the oven and opened it up, pulling out the baking stone. The cookies were just about done, so she pulled them out and set them on the counter to cool. "These look delicious, Levi," Zipporah picking one up and taking a delicate bite. "Not bad for a first try." "You like them?" Levi looked up at Zipporah hopefully. "I do. You and Lady Fairfax did an excellent job, thank you," Zipporah said, kissing him on the forehead, making a face as she pulled away. "But you really need a bath, young man." Both Nathanial and Levi started laughing at the same time. She wasn't wrong. Levi was a mess. Zipporah ushered the boys upstairs, making sure to leave Levi to be put to bed under his father's care, knowing full well that no matter how filthy he is, he will find a way to smuggle himself to bed without washing up first and soil all his sheets.  She knocked quietly on Adrienne's bedroom door, creaking it open when no response was received to find the candles still burning, but the girl fast asleep atop the pillows, apron wrapped around her waist and a long streak of flour going down the side of her face. Zipporah removed the filthy apron, gently wiping away the flour from the younger girl's face and snuffing out the candles in the room.  She chuckled to herself at the book in the blonde's hands as she marked the page and placed it away.  Finally, before closing the door, she looked back at the girl, shaking her head at the antics of the two young people.  Her hesitation allowed Nathaniel to sneak up behind her as she was winding down. "They are to bed now, my dear," he stood directly behind her, placing his hands tenderly on her waist, "I think it is time we retire as well." Turning their backs on the sleeping children, Adrienne in her room and Levi in his, Zipporah and Nathaniel walked silently, hand in hand, to their bedroom down the hall, the door snapping shut behind them. The only noise left in the silent home was the breathing of the children and creaking of the old house.
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Turn Ocs as variations of Fuck before they make a rash decision:
Adrienne Fairfax; Luck Be A Lady by @ms-march: 
“No actually, Fuck You!”
If anyone remembers the fight between her and Hamilton in the first chapter- this will make sense. Adrienne often is about to accept something before deciding that you know what Fuck You! [name of the poor bastard in question...most likely Hamilton or Laurens]. The no actually is that bit of class to show that she has rethought her decision and you are all, collectively, screwed in the eyes of the 5ft2 blonde murder lady. We love her so much here. 
Elizabeth Walker; Summer Solider & Sunshine Patriot by @tallmadgeandtea:
“Fuck me”
our hard working Liz, constantly dealing with unnecessary shit managing the entire valley forge- of course she has a moment of swearing. If anything I imagine Elizabeth to be like a pressure cooker, she could go off at any moment but instead of it being at other people- years of loneliness become self manifesting so “fuck me” is a healthy balance of exhaustion and irritation. 
Levi Tallmadge; Band of Brothers by @culper-spymaster
“Fuck Yeah!”
its full of energy, its vibrant and it gives that swinging by the fly of his pants energy that Levi Tallmadge is the brand ambassador for. My boy has two modes of pester & pester. Now a fuck off or a fuck it could apply but consider his brain ticking over- attack a British solider? now that sounds like a fucking good idea its a Fuck Yeah from the youngest Tallmadge. I also think it would correspond very nicely with a “oh fuck no” from Charlie, so pls consider the ability for the ship to sail in multiply ways- including profanity. 
Arielle Nathan; Eye for an Eye by me because I am a self inserting person.
“Fuck it”
As you will all see, Arielle will think of a million consequences to one thing particularly religious and yet it is all resolved by a “fuck it” this why not, might go fight G-d attitude is what we love about her or at least I do. So do keep an eye open for the fuck it moments throughout the story.
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mysticalhearth · 4 years
A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder - Broadway - November 24, 2013 (Lanelle's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jefferson Mays (The D'Ysquith Family), Bryce Pinkham (Monty Navarro), Lisa O'Hare (Sibella Hallward), Lauren Worsham (Phoebe D'Ysquith), Jane Carr (Miss Marietta Shingle), Joanna Glushak (Lady Eugenia D'Ysquith and others), Eddie Korbich (Magistrate/Actor/Mr. Gorby), Jeff Kready (Tom Copley/Newsboy/Actor/Guard), Jennifer Smith (Tour Guide/Newsboy), Catherine Walker (Miss Evangeline Barley and others), Price Waldman (Barber / Detective) A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder - Broadway - January 18, 2015 (Matinee) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jefferson Mays (The D'Ysquith Family), Bryce Pinkham (Monty Navarro), Lisa O'Hare (Sibella Hallward), Catherine Walker (Phoebe D'Ysquith), Barbara Marineau (Miss Marietta Shingle), Joanna Glushak (Lady Eugenia D'Ysquith and others), Eddie Korbich (Magistrate/Actor/Mr. Gorby), Jeff Kready (Tom Copley/Newsboy/Actor/Guard), Jennifer Smith (Tour Guide/Newsboy), Price Waldman (Chief Inspector Pinckney/Newsboy/Actor) NOTES: Bryce's last show before his return in July. A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder - First National Tour - September 29, 2015 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: John Rapson (The D'Ysquith Family), Kevin Massey (Monty Navarro), Kristen Beth Williams (Sibella Hallward), Adrienne Eller (Phoebe D'Ysquith), Mary VanArsdel (Miss Marietta Shingle), Kristen Mengelkoch (Lady Eugenia D'Ysquith and others), Christopher Behmke (Magistrate/Actor/Mr. Gorby), Matt Leisy (Tom Copley/Newsboy/Actor/Guard), Megan Loomis (Tour Guide/Newsboy), Ben Roseberry (Chief Inspector Pinckney/Newsboy/Actor), Lesley McKinnell (Miss Evangeline Barley and others) NOTES: Beautiful capture of the tour which launched in Chicago. There's tiny bits of washout when the camera is in wideshot due to the spotlights of the stage. Terrific cast and a wonderful tour of this production! A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder - First National Tour - April 24, 2016 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: John Rapson (The D'Ysquith Family), Kevin Massey (Monty Navarro), Kristen Beth Williams (Sibella Hallward), Adrienne Eller (Phoebe D'Ysquith), Mary VanArsdel (Miss Marietta Shingle), Megan Loomis (u/s Lady Eugenia D'Ysquith and others), Christopher Behmke (Magistrate/Actor/Mr. Gorby), Matt Leisy (Tom Copley/Newsboy/Actor/Guard), Ben Roseberry (Chief Inspector Pinckney/Newsboy/Actor), Lesley McKinnell (Miss Evangeline Barley and others) NOTES: A great capture of the tour. The cast is solid, and the audience is energetic. There are no blackouts, no obstruction, and no washout. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call, John and Kevin’s BC/EFA speech, and playbill scans. A+ Gentlemen Prefer Blondes - Encores! - May 12, 2012 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Megan Hilty (Lorelei Lee), Rachel York (Dorothy Shaw), Aaron Lazar (Henry Spofford), Steven Boyer (Pierre/Louis Lemanteur), Brennan Brown (Steward/Mr. Robert Lemanteur/Gus Esmond Sr.), Stephen Buntrock (Josephus Gage), Simon Jones (Sir Francis Beekman), Deborah Rush (Mrs. Ella Spofford), Sandra Shipley (Lady Phyllis Beekman), Megan Sikora (Gloria Stark), Clarke Thorell (Gus Esmond Jr.) NOTES: Filmed from the back of the balcony. Many heads appear in the frame to start, then when the filmer gets his bearings, the video improves greatly. There are a few times (mostly at the beginning) when the filmer replaces some poor video moments with still shots. These still shots are less than 2 or 3 minutes of the entire show. Overall, a great video, and Megan Hilty is amazing Ghost: The Musical - Berlin - June, 2018 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Nikolas Heiber (u/s Sam Wheat), Willemijn Verkaik (Molly Jensen), Marion Campbell (Oda Mae Brown), Andreas Bongard (Carl Bruner), Mischa Kiek (Willie Lopez), Nicolas Christahl (Subway Ghost), Klaus Seiffert (Hospital Ghost), Chasity Crisp (Clara), Denise Lucie Aquino (Louise) NOTES: Very Limited trades 3:1 Ghost: The Musical - Broadway - July 28, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Richard Fleeshman (Sam Wheat), Caissie Levy (Molly Jensen), Da'Vine Joy Randolph (Oda Mae Brown), Bryce Pinkham (Carl Bruner), Michael Bladerrama (Willie Lopez), Tyler McGee (Subway Ghost) NOTES: Great HD capture of the show toward the end of the run. This is a great capture compared the previous one from March, with the changes that were made from the previews and with the original Oda Mae Brown. Despite what the reviews said, this is one show I thoroughly enjoyed and wish it had a better life on Broadway as it deserved! A- Recording with mostly zooms and a few wide shots. Great views of the effects. A Google Drive link is floating around that contains the wrong VOBs for Act 1-3 and Act 2-2; make sure you get everything! Ghost: The Musical - Hamburg - January 13, 2019 (Closing Night) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Riccardo Greco (Sam Wheat), Roberta Valentini (Molly Jensen), Marion Campbell (Oda Mae Brown), John Vooijs (Carl Bruner), Mischa Kiek (Willie Lopez), Marius Bingel (Subway Ghost), Alex Bellinkx (Hospital Ghost), Enny de Alba (Clara), Tamara Wörner (Louise) NOTES: Poor picture Quality, no zoom but captures all action and great sound Ghost: The Musical - Hamburg - January, 2019 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Riccardo Greco (Sam Wheat), Roberta Valentini (Molly Jensen), Marion Campbell (Oda Mae Brown), John Vooijs (Carl Bruner), Mischa Kiek (Willie Lopez), Marius Bingel (Subway Ghost), Alex Bellinkx (Hospital Ghost), Enny de Alba (Clara), Tamara Wörner (Louise) NOTES: Filmed from first row. Great capture of the full show. Ghost: The Musical - London Workshop - February 13, 2010 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Oliver Tompsett (Sam Wheat), Natalie Mendoza (Molly Jensen), Sharon D Clarke (Oda Mae Brown) NOTES: Proshot, stand and sing performance. Ghost: The Musical - US First National Tour - January 12, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Steven Grant Douglas (Sam Wheat), Katie Postotnik (Molly Jensen), Carla R Stewart (Oda Mae Brown), Robby Haltiwanger (Carl Bruner) Ghost: The Musical - West End - October 4, 2012 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Mark Evans (Sam Wheat), Siobhan Dillon (Molly Jensen), Sharon D Clarke (Oda Mae Brown), Andrew Langtree (Carl Bruner), Ivan de Freitas (Willie Lopez), Scott Maurice (Subway Ghost) Der Glöckner von Notre Dame - Berlin - 1999 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Drew Sarich (Quasimodo), Ruby Rosales (Esmeralda), Norbert Lamla (Frollo), André Bauer (Phoebus), Chris Murray (Clopin), Andreas Gergen (The Archdeacon) Der Glöckner von Notre Dame - Berlin - August 14, 1999 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Drew Sarich (Quasimodo), Ruby Rosales (u/s Esmeralda), Norbert Lamla (Frollo), André Bauer (u/s Phoebus), Chris Murray (Clopin) Godspell - Brazilian CEFTEM Production - September 4, 2015 (Papa Rose 2015's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Bruno Fraga (Jesus), Oscar Fabião (John/Judas), Bernardo Dugin, Carol Botelho, Gabi Porto, Giovana Rangel, João Telles, Laura Zennet, Lyv Ziese, Vinícius Teixeira NOTES: Excellent video of this marvelous production. Some heads at the bottom of the screen when it isn't zoomed in, but they only block the actors' feet. Gone With The Wind (Martin) - Palais Des Sports De Paris - 2003 FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Laura Presgurvic, Vincent Niclo, Sandra Léane, Dominique Magloire, Cyril Niccolaï NOTES: ProShot Grease - 8th UK Tour - October, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Will Haswell (u/s Danny Zuko), Martha Kirby (Sandy Dumbrowski), Louis Grant (Kenickie), Rhianne-Louise Mccaulsky (Betty Rizzo), Darren Bennett (Vince Fontaine), Peter Andre (Teen Angel), Jordan Abey (Doody), Ryan Anderson (Roger), Damian Buhagiar (Sonny Latierri), Eloise Davies (Frenchy), Natalie Woods (Jan), Tara Sweeting (Marty), Kevin O'Dwyer (u/s Johnny Casino) NOTES: Shot from the right mezzanine. Has some great closeups, mediums and wide shots. Some heads can obstruct at times, bu don't take away from the action. Audience is really loud and kinda badly behaved. Grease - Grease: Live (FOX Special) - January 31, 2016 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Aaron Tveit (Danny Zuko), Julianne Hough (Sandy Dumbrowski), Carlos PenaVega (Kenickie), Vanessa Hudgens (Betty Rizzo), Jordan Fisher (Doody), Carly Rae Jepsen (Frenchy), Kether Donohue (Jan), Noah Robbins (Eugene Florczyk), Elle McLemore (Patty Simcox) NOTES: TV Special aired on FOX on Jan 31 2016 Grease - Manila, Philippines - August 15, 1995 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Lea Salonga (Sandy Dumbrowski) NOTES: Quality loss Grease - Second Broadway Revival - July 28, 2007 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Max Crumm (Danny Zuko), Laura Osnes (Sandy Dumbrowski), Matthew Saldivar (Kenickie), Jenny Powers (Betty Rizzo), Stephen Buntrock (Teen Angel), Ryan Patrick Binder (Doody), Daniel Everidge (Roger), Jose Restrepo (Sonny Latierri), Kirsten Wyatt (Frenchy), Lindsay Mendez (Jan), Robyn Hurder (Marty), Allison Fischer (Patty Simcox) NOTES: Good picture and great sound with nice closeups throughout with a head in the way only once or twice for a few moments. Grey Gardens - Off-Broadway - April 30, 2006 (Closing Night) FORMAT:  MKV (SD) CAST: Christine Ebersole ("Little" Edie Beale / Young Edith Bouvier Beale), Mary Louise Wilson (Edith Bouvier Beale), Sara Gettelfinger (Young "Little" Edie Beale), Matt Cavenaugh (Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr. / Jerry), John McMartin (J.V. Major Bouvier/Norman Vincent Beale), Bob Stillman (George Gould Strong), Michael Potts (Brooks Sr. / Brooks Jr.), Sarah Hyland (Jacqueline Bouvier), Audrey Twitchell (Young Lee Bouvier) The Grinning Man - West End - March 12, 2018 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Louis Maskell (Grinpayne), Julian Bleach (Barkilphedro), Sean Kingsley (Ursus), Sanne Den Besten (Dea), Amanda Wilkin (Josiana), Ewan Black (Trelaw/Osric), Mark Anderson (Dirry-Moir), James Alexander-Taylor (Mojo), Julie Atherton (Queen Angelica), Sophia Mackay (Mother/Quake), Jim Kitson (King Clarence) NOTES: 1920x1080 YouTube rip. Highlights, filmed at an angle from the second row with some obstructions throughout. Highlights consist of: Act 1, Labyrinth, A World Of Feeling, Only A Clown, Curtain Call. Groundhog Day - Broadway - March 16, 2017 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andy Karl (Phil Connors), Barrett Doss (Rita Hanson), Rebecca Faulkenberry (Nancy), John Sanders (Ned Ryerson), Raymond J Lee (Ralph), Andrew Call (Gus), Josh Lamon (Buster), Gerard Canonico (Fred), Heather Ayers (Mrs. Lancaster), William Parry (Jenson), Michael Fatica (Chubby Man), Travis Waldschmidt (Jeff), Joseph Medeiros (Deputy), Taylor Iman Jones (Lady Storm Chaser), Rheaume Crenshaw (Doris), Sean Montgomery (Sheriff), Jenna Rubaii (Joelle), Tari Kelly (Piano Teacher), Vishal Vaidya (Larry), Katy Geraghty (Debbie) NOTES: This is the first preview where the set broke down after about 15 minutes and the rest of the show was performed "concert style". All announcements (both over the speakers and onstage with the director/cast) are included in the video. In Act 2 Overture, The music stops for a second and then restarts. During the mid finale scene which is before when Phil runs around town doing “errands”, Matthew Warchus comes out and informs everyone that they will skip scenes due to the tech issue and just go to the scene of the song where Phil and Rita have their dance and from there.  
Groundhog Day - Broadway - March 20, 2017 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andy Karl (Phil Connors), Barrett Doss (Rita Hanson), Rebecca Faulkenberry (Nancy), John Sanders (Ned Ryerson), Raymond J Lee (Ralph), Andrew Call (Gus), Josh Lamon (Buster), Gerard Canonico (Fred), Heather Ayers (Mrs. Lancaster), William Parry (Jenson), Michael Fatica (Chubby Man), Travis Waldschmidt (Jeff), Joseph Medeiros (Deputy), Taylor Iman Jones (Lady Storm Chaser), Rheaume Crenshaw (Doris), Sean Montgomery (Sheriff), Jenna Rubaii (Joelle), Tari Kelly (Piano Teacher), Vishal Vaidya (Larry), Katy Geraghty (Debbie) NOTES: Better capture of the fully working performance than from the first preview vid. Nicely filmed in HD with clear picture and sound; complete show; great video
 Groundhog Day - Broadway - April 1, 2017 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andy Karl (Phil Connors), Barrett Doss (Rita Hanson), Rebecca Faulkenberry (Nancy), John Sanders (Ned Ryerson), Raymond J Lee (Ralph), Andrew Call (Gus), Josh Lamon (Buster), Gerard Canonico (Fred), Heather Ayers (Mrs. Lancaster), William Parry (Jenson), Michael Fatica (Chubby Man), Travis Waldschmidt (Jeff), Joseph Medeiros (Deputy), Taylor Iman Jones (Lady Storm Chaser), Rheaume Crenshaw (Doris), Sean Montgomery (Sheriff), Jenna Rubaii (Joelle), Tari Kelly (Piano Teacher), Vishal Vaidya (Larry), Katy Geraghty (Debbie) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the new musical based on the movie. Such an amazing set and Andy gives a terrific performance. The set malfunctioned once and they had to pause and restart the song. Guys and Dolls - Fourth Broadway Revival - March 18, 1992 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Nathan Lane (Nathan Detroit), Faith Prince (Miss Adelaide), Peter Gallagher (Sky Masterson), Josie de Guzman (Sarah Brown) Guys and Dolls - North Shore Music Theatre - October-November, 2012 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jonathan Hammond (Nathan Detroit), Mylinda Hull (Miss Adelaide), Kevin Vortmann (Sky Masterson), Kelly McCormick (Sarah Brown), Wayne W Pretlow (Nicely-Nicely Johnson), Jamie Ross (Arvide Abernathy), Ben Roseberry (Benny Southstreet), Jessica Sheridan (General Matilda B. Cartwright) Gypsy - West End Revival - 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Imelda Staunton (Rose), Peter Davison (Herbie), Lara Pulver (Louise), Gemma Sutton (June), Dan Burton (Tulsa), Julie Legrand (Electra), Anita Louise Combe (Tessie Tura), Louise Gold (Mazeppa), Billy Hartman (Uncle Jocko), Scarlet Roche (Baby June), Lara Wollington (Baby Louise), Patrick Romer (Pop) NOTES: Note from Blvd-on-Sunset: Two versions exist. One is broadcast by the BBC, has the logo watermark at the top left corner and is being traded at 540p. The other is released by Universal Studios in 1080p on BluRay and can be found on Amazon Prime Video (UK only) Check with traders which version they own.
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This is long but it is important. Thanks for this!
This is where I stand. I feel that our 45th President, his Cabinet and administration, and the majority of Republicans in Congress are a real and active threat to me, my way of life, and all the people I love. Some people are saying that we should give Trump a chance, that we should "work together" with him because he won the election and he is "everyone's president." I am willing to do all of that if/when his policies seem reasonable. However:
•I will not forget how badly he and so many others treated former President Barack Obama for 8 years...
•I will not "work together" to privatize Medicare, cut Social Security and Medicaid.
•I will not "work together" to build a wall.
•I will not "work together" to persecute Muslims.
•I will not "work together" to shut out refugees from other countries.
•I will not "work together" to lower taxes on the 1% and increase taxes on the middle class and poor.
•I will not "work together" to help Trump use the Presidency to line his pockets and those of his family and cronies.
•I will not "work together" to weaken and demolish environmental protection.
•I will not "work together" to sell American lands, especially National Parks, to companies which then spoil those lands.
•I will not "work together" to enable the killing of whole species of animals just because they are predators or inconvenient for a few, or because some people want to get their thrills killing them.
•I will not "work together" to remove civil rights from anyone.
•I will not "work together" to alienate countries that have been our allies for as long as I have been alive.
•I will not "work together" to slash funding for public education.
•I will not "work together" to take basic assistance from people who are at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder.
•I will not "work together" to get rid of common sense regulations on guns.
•I will not "work together" to mark transgendered men and women as something to fear.
•I will not "work together" to eliminate the minimum wage.
•I will not "work together" to support so-called "Right To Work" laws, or undermine, weaken or destroy Unions in any way.
•I will not "work together" to suppress scientific research, be it on climate change, fracking, or any other issue where a majority of scientists agree that Trump and his supporters are wrong on the facts.
•I will not "work together" to criminalize abortion or restrict health care for women.
•I will not "work together" to increase the number of nations that have nuclear weapons.
•I will not "work together" to put even more "big money" into politics.
•I will not "work together" to violate the Geneva Convention.
•I will not "work together" to give the Ku Klux Klan, the Nazi Party and white supremacists a seat at the table, or to normalize their hatred.
•I will not "work together" to deny health care to people who need it.
•I will not "work together" to deny medical coverage to people on the basis of a "pre-existing condition."
•I will not "work together" to increase voter suppression.
•I will not "work together" to normalize tyranny.
•I will not “work together” to eliminate or reduce ethical oversight at any level of government.
•I will not "work together" with anyone who is, or admires, tyrants and dictators.
•I will not support anyone that thinks its OK to put a pipeline to transport oil on Sacred Ground for Native Americans. And, it would run under the Missouri River, which provides drinking water for millions of people. An accident waiting to happen.
This is my line, and I am drawing it.
•I will stand for honesty, love, respect for all living beings.
•I will use my voice and my hands, to reach out to the uninformed, and to anyone who will LISTEN:
That "winning", "being great again", "rich" or even "beautiful" is nothing... When others are sacrificed to glorify its existence.
If you agree, feel free to copy and re-post (this results in larger numbers of people seeing a post than sharing...just press your finger down on your phone screen, hit "copy", go to your Facebook...comment by pressing your finger on your comment area and hit "paste"), and if you want, sign your name below ours.
Also, if we have left anything out, feel free to add it to this list.
Annette Joseph-Walker
Denise Edlow
Patricia Rollins Trosclair
Andrea Dora Zysk
George Georgakis
John Christopher
John Bowles
Patrick St.Louis
Carla Patrick
Darnell Bender
Vickie Davis
JMichael Carter
Janice Frazier-Scott
Rev. ELaura James Reid
Jeanette Bouknight
Rev. Dollie Howell Pankey
Gerald Butler
Carolyn McDougle
Vaughn Chatman
Adrienne Brown
Gary Trousdale
Steven E Gordon
Isis Nocturne
Debi Murray
Maureen O. Betita
Mona Enderli
Fernie James Tamblin
Myrna Dodgion
Alan Locklear
Tom Wilmore
Jackie Evans
Donna Endres
Lora Fountain
Roberta Gregory
Heather A Mayhew
Stevo Wehr
Nathan Stivers
Jen RaLee
Joan Holden
Leigh Lutz
Deborah Kirkpatrick
Linda Levy
Tom Rue
Nancy Hoffmann-Allison
Beejay McCabe
Michael James Myers
Edward T. Spire
Rupert Chapman
Dawn R. Dunbar
Robin Wilson
Monique Boutot
Laura Brown 💪🏼
Susan Aptaker
Steve Katz
Bonnie Wolk
Risa Guttman-Kornwitz
Angela Gora
Butch Norman
Sharon Tolman
Sue Zislis
Maurice Hirsch
Satch Dobrey
Jim Krapf
Don Starwalt
Deb Johansen
Daniel Anderson
Diane Kenney
Rebecca Koop
Nancy Shuert
Bill Pryor
Patrick Lamb
Bob Travaglione
Margaret Ragan
Martha Peters
Steve Wilson
Lauren Sullivan
Scott Bevan
Roger Saunden
Jane Ayer
Alex Simon
Laura Gross
Kevin Geiger
Michael Mikula
CJ Niehaus
MaryLou Mateja
Robert E Mateja, Sr.
Diane williams
Joseph Mele
Brenda Horne Bain
Laura Love
Christine L. Linde
Carlotta Spears
Kate Schmidt
Antonia Nelson
Mayo Underwood
Jackie Miller
Daniella Zimmerman
Margot Kovacs Fulmer
Ann Denison
Devney Schendorf
Matt Wheeler
Monica Bruno
Debbie Pierson
Rachel Licitra
Carol Mele
Dan Moldovan
Ray Miller
Diane Miller
Joey Frank
Lisa Del Sordi
Philip J Ofiesh
Carol Mulligan
Michelle Gonnering
Darian Gavin
Scott Meek
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crazyrandomfucker · 4 years
Marichat May day 7: Disguise
What would happen if Adrien and Adrienne tried to disguise themselves as random civilians and no one recognizes them? What would happen if they met Marin and Marinette and they called them out as Chat Noir and Kitty Noire instead of Adrien and Adrienne? Who knows
As all the terrible ideas in existance, everything began with two kwamis high on cheese. Tecnically, it began when Adrien and Adrienne decided that it was a great idea to feed their kwamis 20 wheels of cheese each to stop them from their complains, but that's not relevant. The thing is that the two gods of destruction ate too much cheese and that made them enter into a state similar to cats when they have catnip. The last time Plagg entered such state, Atlantis had been drowned and lost forever. This time, luckily, the godly cats didn't destroy anything. Instead, they came up with an idea which would later on bring disaster to the Agreste teenagers (just kidding).
"Why don't you put on a disguise and go outside to be normal kids?" said Plagg.
"Even better, why don't put on a disguise, go outside to be normal kids and then put on a horrendous disguise to prank you father?" said Plaggue.
Those cursed questions turnedon the cruel gears of the universe that would later affect Adrienne and Adrien, on a way they'd never imagine. For them, it was simple, they would put on a horrendous disguise first and go out, but once they had their fun they would throw away those disguises and put on the real disguises ad try to be normal kids. At least, that was if no one recognized them first. Their ideas for the horrendous disguise were no others than the banana costume Adrien acquired during the Kwamibuster incident, while Adrienne decided to also use the Hot Dog costume she acquired during the same incident. Needless to say, if their father or Nathalie were to see them, they would have multiple heart attacks and probably a seizure. However, they didn't decide on what to wear as a disguise for the second part and just agreed to buy it from a store using their money.
The promised day arrived and the Agrestes were practically vibrating out of emotions. Their kwamis, were absolutely regretting everything they had said during the time they weren't at their best by simply looking at their stupid holders on those forsaken costumes. They strongly refused to comply with the kids and transform into Chat Noir and Kitty Noire, nope, definitely they weren't doing that, again. But their minds changed a bit when they saw the amount of cheese they would be having once they came back, giving into the demmands of Adrienne and Adrien and accepting the shame just to have a great amount of cheese to last them for about a week. And just like that, Adrienne turned into Kitty Noire as Adrien turned into Chat Noir, both getting ready to stealthily slither away from the mansion.
Once outside, they went to the center of Paris and found a safe alley to transform back and begin their little experiment. They went to the main streets and began to walk as if they were doing something completely normal, with everyone looking at them as they passed by, but they still walking because they only had to worry about two things. The worst thing it could happen to them would be either being discovered by their father, which would led them to some severe punishment for sure; or being discovered by Lordbug and Ladybug, which would be certainly mortifying. However both possibilities weren't that probable to happen, so they continued being carefree and making everyone that saw them very confused.
After about 20 minutes however, the costumes we're way to hot to stay inside anymore, so they rushed into the first store they saw, gave a vague excuse to the poor shopkeeper at the counter, and began to select what would their next disguise be like. Adrienne chose chocolate shoes, dark blue texans levis, a grey shirt and a black aviator jacket and then made his hair into a braid that falled over her right shoulder. On the other hand, Adrien had opted for some black boots, black trousers with holes on them, an acid green shirt and a black leather jacket like those that bikers wear, also changing his hairstyle to a more wild one, that looked like a lion's mane. They went to the counter to pay and told the shopkeeper that they were being followed, asking for him to keep quiet if someone asked for them.
After disposing of the banana and hot dog costume on an alley's container, they went back and picked something they had stored on the inside pockets of the costume, their sunglasses. Adrien wore some Wayfarer Ray Ban's with a black frame and green lents, while Adrienne wore aviator Ray Ban's that had a silver frame and gold lents. Now completely prepared, they went once again to the main streats to have some fun. They went to an arcade, visited a museum, wandered across town and went to a café. So far, noone seemed to recognize them, which was great since not even their classmates had recognized them, meaning that their disguises were great. But they had to visit the Trocadero, unaware of the consequences of that foolish decision.
At the Trocadero, Marin and Marinette were sketching while they made a sort of designing competition among them to see who could make the better cap with the inspiration of what they could see. After some failed attemtps, they began to think that they should change their sketching spot and see if they got better inspiration elsewhere. But all of that was quickly forgotten as they saw two teenagers that suspiciously looked a lot like Chat Noir and Kitty Noire. They decided that maybe they were too tired and were seeing things, but the supposedly civilian cats met eyes with them and the time seemed to stop. Adrien and Adrienne were interally sweating and cursing themselves, but Marinette and Marin were freaking out and asking themselves how could their partners be so stupid to dress as civilians in the exact way they do as heroes.
Marinette waves and gestures for them to come. "Hello" says with a fake smile.
They get closer to her. "Hello Marinette" says Adrien very nervous.
"Would you two mind if we go somewhere else with less people?" asks Marin forcing a smile.
"N-No, of course not" says Adrienne equally nervous as they follow the designers to a nearby park.
"Just checking it to make sure" says Marinette. "You're Kitty and Chat, right?"
Adrienne and Adrien instantly relax for a moment, thinking that they were still safe from having their cover blown. But then they remember that they ARE Chat Noir and Kitty Noire. "W-What makes you think that?" asks Adrienne sweating.
"Well, let's see" says Marin. "Your clothes are basically a civilian version of your catsuits, you know us and you look as if you had been caught".
"Those are just... Coincidences! Yeah, coincidences" says Adrien.
"Chat, stop lying we know it's you two" says Marinette deadpanning.
"Okey, you got us. It is really us" says Adrienne.
"What were you thinking on to dress like that? It's quite obvious that it's you two by what you're wearing" reprimands Marin. "I can only hope that you haven't met Hawk Moth by error"
"Actually, nobody has recognised us yet, you know?" protests Adrien. "You two are the first ones to deduce that it's us".
"Yeah, you're too observative for your own good" says Adrienne. "No wonder you guessed who are LB and L-boy".
"You're kidding, right?" asks Marinette not being able to believe that no one has recognized the two idiots.
"We're not, we've spent the afternoon peacefully, doing normal things for teens our age" says Adrienne.
"If it comforts you, our kwamis always says that people in Paris are blind" offers Adrien, looking at the designers facepalm.
"I can't believe it! How could no one recognize you!" exclaims Marin.
"Well, you didn't recognize our civilian identities either" points Adrienne. "You went and recognized our other identity instead".
"That's because since we acidentally discovered the bug's, we've stopped thinking like that!" says Marinette. "It's not like we want to discover all of the heroes identities and put ourselves at risk!"
"Fair point Princess. It's undeniable that you'd truly be at risk if you were to know our identities on top of Ladybug's and Lordbug's" says Chat.
"Still, I'm amazed that you recognized us" says Kitty. "Since we don't have our usual cat ears nor our tails".
"Seriously? Kitty, your outfit still has this badass vibe to it" points Marin.
"And Chat's still has his usual bad boy vibe as well" adds Marinette. "Even if in reality all you are it's dorks".
"You flattered us so much just to hurt us like that" says Chat, dramatically falling over Marinette.
"Yep, I can only see two dorks" says Marin.
"But you did called me badass~" teases Kitty scratching Marin's chin. "Couldn't it be that you two have a little crushy crush on us and recognized us thanks to that?~"
"Kitty, we're designers" says Marinette deadpanning as Marin blushes a bit. "And you already know who's the boy I like".
"Who is it?" asks Chat curiously. "She doesn't tell me that!"
"It's a girl's thing" say the girls at unison.
"Don't worry pal, I get you" says Marin patting Chat's back.
"Could it be that you also have a crush on someone and you haven't told me either?" asks Chat.
"You barely pass by my rooftop Chat, most of your visits are to Marinette" points Marin. "Come by later and I'll tell you".
"But I do go a lot!" protests Kitty. "And you haven't told me anything".
"It's a boys thing" says Chat and fistbumps Marin.
"Why are all the boys I know so idiotic" says Marinette facepalming.
"Even your crush?" asks Chat.
"Of course not, he's simply dorky from time to time" says Marinette.
"Or that's what you say" says Adrienne. "Because I have heard some stories that provs him as an idiotic boy too".
"Which stories?!" asks Marinette excited and angry at the same time.
"I'll ask a better question. Whose stories?" says Adrien.
"I'll ask you all a better question, are you leaving soon?" says a man on a painting suit as he aprroaches them. "We need to paint that bench you're on".
"Oh my god. Sorry!" says Marinette getting up fast as lightning.
"We'll leave now" says Adrienne.
"Let's go to our house, we can't talk while we play a bit" suggests Marin.
"Now that's a good idea" says Adrien and they all head to the bakery.
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ao3feed-turn · 5 years
Becoming Your Sacrifice
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2J2HS5H
by IWroteTheOther51
When Alexander Hamilton gets drafted for the Revolutionary war, he ends up getting a spot as a treasury secretary but on the midst of all of the war that's going on in america, he also ends up falling in love with one of his bestfriends and aide de camp, John Laurens, an american soldier whose married to another women but John never really loved his wife, his father Henry Laurens finds out that Alex is pregnant with John's child, so he pays someone to shut Alex up about the whole thing...and life just goes down hill from their, war is shit, everyone sucks, and no one plays games during these dark times. And lastly...you can't really trust anyone.
Words: 5, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda, Turn (TV 2014)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: Other
Characters: Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Thomas Jefferson, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Aaron Burr, Hercules Mulligan, George Washington, Angelica Schuyler, James Madison, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Maria Reynolds, Philip Hamilton, Charles Lee, Theodosia Prevost Burr, Martha Washington, George III of the United Kingdom, Theodosia Burr Alston, Angelica Hamilton, John Adams, Frances Laurens, Henry Laurens (1723-1792), Dolley Madison, George Eacker, Philip Schuyler, Martha Laurens Ramsay, Alexander Hamilton Jr., Samuel Seabury (1729-1796), Theodosia Burr, John Church Hamilton, Rachel Faucette Buck, Philip Hamilton (1782-1801), John Barker Church, James Laurens (1765-1775), John Jay, James Hamilton Sr. (c.1718-1799), Henry Knox, James Reynolds (fl.1783-1792), William P. Van Ness, Hugh Mulligan Jr., Nathanael Greene, Nathaniel Pendelton, Philip Schuyler (1733-1804), Charles Lee (1732-1782), Thomas Conway (1735-c.1800), David Hosack (1769-1835), Richard Montgomery (1738-1775), Alexander Hamilton (Cat), Levi Weeks (1776-1819), Charles Lee (1758-1801), John Baker White (1794–1862), Charles Lee (1732-1782)'s Wife, Benjamin Tallmadge, Caleb Brewster, Anna Strong, Abraham Woodhull, Edmund Hewlett, John Graves Simcoe, John André, Benedict Arnold, Mary Woodhull, Tench Tilghman, Peggy Shippen, Abigail (Turn), Richard Woodhull, Selah Strong, Nathaniel Sackett, Robert Rogers, Robert Townsend (1753-1838), Samuel Tallmadge, Samuel Townsend, Martha "Patsy" Parke Custis, Ensign Baker, Nathan Hale (1755-1776), Nathaniel Tallmadge, Akinbode | Jordan, John Parke Custis, Cicero (Turn), Philomena Cheer, Elizabeth Gwillim Simcoe, James Rivington, William Bradford (Turn), John Robeson, Lola (Turn), Aberdeen (Turn), Henry Clinton (1730-1795), Lieutenant Gamble (Turn), 2nd Continental Light Dragoons, Samuel Graves (1713-1787), Mary Floyd Tallmadge, Captain Wakefield, Charles Scott, Freddy Morgan, Thomas "Sprout" Woodhull, Sarah Livingston (Turn), Queen's Rangers, Captain Joyce, William Howe 5th Viscount Howe, Austin Roe, Lucas Brewster, Reverend Worthington, Lucy Scudder, Lydia Ketcham, Rachel Clark, Dr. Mabbs, Corporal Eastin, Walter Havens, Awasos, Mary Graves (1772-1860), Richard Grosvenor 1st Earl Grosvenor (1731-1802), Thomas Lynch Jr, Sarah Townsend (1724-1800), Patience Wright, Thomas Woodhull Sr, Francis Marion (c.1732-1795), Edmund Hewlett's Mother, Becky Redman, Hannah Ketcham, Elizabeth Lloyd Loring (1744-1831), Bridget Graves (1750-1795), Captain Jim Ryder, Lieutenant Chaffe (Turn), Rachel Peale, Colonel Jonathan Cooke, William "Billy" Lee (Turn), Peyton Randolph (1721–1775), John Randolph (1727–1784), Keturah Strong Woodhull, Sarah "Sally" Townsend (1760-1842), William André (1760-1802), Mopsey (Dog)
Relationships: Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens, Alexander Hamilton/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson/James Madison, Aaron Burr/Alexander Hamilton, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Maria Reynolds/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/George Washington, Aaron Burr/Theodosia Prevost Burr, George Washington/Martha Washington, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Alexander Hamilton/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Theodosia Burr Alston/Philip Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton/Angelica Schuyler, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/George Washington, Alexander Hamilton/Maria Reynolds, Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington, Thomas Jefferson/Angelica Schuyler, Adrienne de Lafayette/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, George III of the United Kingdom/Samuel Seabury, Aaron Burr & George Washington, Martha Manning/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan/George Washington, James Madison & Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, John Adams & Richard Henry Lee, Adrienne de Lafayette/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Angelica Schuyler, George Eacker/Philip Hamilton (1782-1801), Thomas Jefferson/John Laurens, Aaron Burr/John Laurens, Philip Hamilton/Lucy Jefferson Lewis, Dolley Madison & James Madison, John Laurens/Original Male Character(s), Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Angelica Schuyler/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Caleb Brewster & John Laurens, Jonathan Bellamy (d.1777)/John Laurens, Nathan Hale (1755-1776)/Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington, Jane Jefferson/George Washington, Aaron Burr/George Washington, Theodosia Prevost Burr/Angelica Schuyler, Thomas Jefferson/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, John Barker Church/Angelica Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton & Hercules Mulligan, Charles Lee/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Theodosia Prevost Burr/Jacques Marcus Prevost, Hercules Mulligan/Elizabeth Sanders Mulligan, Abigail Adams/John Adams, Alexander Hamilton & Gouverneur Morris (1752-1816), Jonathan Bellamy (d.1777) & Aaron Burr, John Adams/John Hancock/Charles Thomson, Caleb Brewster/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Robert Townsend/Abraham Woodhull, John André/Alexander Hamilton, John Graves Simcoe/Anna Strong, Edmund Hewlett & Anna Strong, Edmund Hewlett/John Graves Simcoe, Nathan Hale (1755-1776)/Benjamin Tallmadge, Robert Townsend & Mary Woodhull, Benedict Arnold/Benjamin Tallmadge, Anna Strong/Abraham Woodhull, Caleb Brewster & Anna Strong, Anna Strong/Selah Strong, Edmund Hewlett/Original Female Character(s), Edmund Hewlett/Richard Woodhull, John Graves Simcoe/Lola (Turn), Aaron Burr/Angelica Schuyler, Dolley Madison/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, John Laurens/James Madison, Aaron Burr/Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens
Additional Tags: American Revolution, Mpreg, Gay Founding Fathers (Hamilton), Explicit Sexual Content, Fluff, Angst, Family Issues, Dysfunctional Family, Politics, Canon-Typical Violence, Mental Health Issues, Unplanned Pregnancy, Pregnancy Scares, Forced Pregnancy, Secrets, Developing Relationship, Relationship(s), Slave Trade, Shameless Smut, BDSM, LGBTQ Themes, Porn, Jealousy, Kinks, Bromance to Romance, War, Humiliation, Praise Kink, Soulmates, Boys Kissing, French Kissing, Neck Kissing, Drunken Confessions, Marriage Contracts, Hand & Finger Kink, Finger Sucking, Breast Fucking, Cock Tease, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Multiple Orgasms, Crossdressing, Angst with a Happy Ending, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Boys In Love, Idiots in Love, Friendship/Love, Slow Build, Slow Romance, Not Suitable/Safe For Work, Possessive Behavior, Thomas Jefferson Being an Asshole, Bisexual Alexander Hamilton, Human Disaster Aaron Burr, Poor Aaron Burr, Aaron Burr is So Done, Angst and Tragedy, Male Slash, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Homophobic Henry Laurens, Homophobic Language, Hamilton References, Hurt Alexander Hamilton, Henry Laurens' A+ Parenting, Illnesses, HIV/AIDS, First Kiss, Gender Identity, Fist Fights, Fights, George Washington is a Dad, Some Humor, Dark Past, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Gang Rape, Semi-Public Sex, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Post Mpreg, Penises, Painplay, Painful Sex, Lesbian Sex, Body Worship, Sharing Body Heat, Sharing a Bed, Sad with a Happy Ending, Minor Original Character(s), Secret Children, Substance Abuse, Suicide Attempt, Suicide Notes, Domestic Violence, Confessional Sex, Protectiveness, Historical Inaccuracy, Historical References
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ao3feed-whamilton · 5 years
Becoming Your Sacrifice
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by IWroteTheOther51
When Alexander Hamilton gets drafted for the Revolutionary war, he ends up getting a spot as a treasury secretary but on the midst of all of the war that's going on in america, he also ends up falling in love with one of his bestfriends and aide de camp, John Laurens, an american soldier whose married to another women but John never really loved his wife, his father Henry Laurens finds out that Alex is pregnant with John's child, so he pays someone to shut Alex up about the whole thing...and life just goes down hill from their, war is shit, everyone sucks, and no one plays games during these dark times. And lastly...you can't really trust anyone.
Words: 5, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda, Turn (TV 2014)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: Other
Characters: Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Thomas Jefferson, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Aaron Burr, Hercules Mulligan, George Washington, Angelica Schuyler, James Madison, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Maria Reynolds, Philip Hamilton, Charles Lee, Theodosia Prevost Burr, Martha Washington, George III of the United Kingdom, Theodosia Burr Alston, Angelica Hamilton, John Adams, Frances Laurens, Henry Laurens (1723-1792), Dolley Madison, George Eacker, Philip Schuyler, Martha Laurens Ramsay, Alexander Hamilton Jr., Samuel Seabury (1729-1796), Theodosia Burr, John Church Hamilton, Rachel Faucette Buck, Philip Hamilton (1782-1801), John Barker Church, James Laurens (1765-1775), John Jay, James Hamilton Sr. (c.1718-1799), Henry Knox, James Reynolds (fl.1783-1792), William P. Van Ness, Hugh Mulligan Jr., Nathanael Greene, Nathaniel Pendelton, Philip Schuyler (1733-1804), Charles Lee (1732-1782), Thomas Conway (1735-c.1800), David Hosack (1769-1835), Richard Montgomery (1738-1775), Alexander Hamilton (Cat), Levi Weeks (1776-1819), Charles Lee (1758-1801), John Baker White (1794–1862), Charles Lee (1732-1782)'s Wife, Benjamin Tallmadge, Caleb Brewster, Anna Strong, Abraham Woodhull, Edmund Hewlett, John Graves Simcoe, John André, Benedict Arnold, Mary Woodhull, Tench Tilghman, Peggy Shippen, Abigail (Turn), Richard Woodhull, Selah Strong, Nathaniel Sackett, Robert Rogers, Robert Townsend (1753-1838), Samuel Tallmadge, Samuel Townsend, Martha "Patsy" Parke Custis, Ensign Baker, Nathan Hale (1755-1776), Nathaniel Tallmadge, Akinbode | Jordan, John Parke Custis, Cicero (Turn), Philomena Cheer, Elizabeth Gwillim Simcoe, James Rivington, William Bradford (Turn), John Robeson, Lola (Turn), Aberdeen (Turn), Henry Clinton (1730-1795), Lieutenant Gamble (Turn), 2nd Continental Light Dragoons, Samuel Graves (1713-1787), Mary Floyd Tallmadge, Captain Wakefield, Charles Scott, Freddy Morgan, Thomas "Sprout" Woodhull, Sarah Livingston (Turn), Queen's Rangers, Captain Joyce, William Howe 5th Viscount Howe, Austin Roe, Lucas Brewster, Reverend Worthington, Lucy Scudder, Lydia Ketcham, Rachel Clark, Dr. Mabbs, Corporal Eastin, Walter Havens, Awasos, Mary Graves (1772-1860), Richard Grosvenor 1st Earl Grosvenor (1731-1802), Thomas Lynch Jr, Sarah Townsend (1724-1800), Patience Wright, Thomas Woodhull Sr, Francis Marion (c.1732-1795), Edmund Hewlett's Mother, Becky Redman, Hannah Ketcham, Elizabeth Lloyd Loring (1744-1831), Bridget Graves (1750-1795), Captain Jim Ryder, Lieutenant Chaffe (Turn), Rachel Peale, Colonel Jonathan Cooke, William "Billy" Lee (Turn), Peyton Randolph (1721–1775), John Randolph (1727–1784), Keturah Strong Woodhull, Sarah "Sally" Townsend (1760-1842), William André (1760-1802), Mopsey (Dog)
Relationships: Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens, Alexander Hamilton/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson/James Madison, Aaron Burr/Alexander Hamilton, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Maria Reynolds/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/George Washington, Aaron Burr/Theodosia Prevost Burr, George Washington/Martha Washington, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Alexander Hamilton/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Theodosia Burr Alston/Philip Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton/Angelica Schuyler, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/George Washington, Alexander Hamilton/Maria Reynolds, Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington, Thomas Jefferson/Angelica Schuyler, Adrienne de Lafayette/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, George III of the United Kingdom/Samuel Seabury, Aaron Burr & George Washington, Martha Manning/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan/George Washington, James Madison & Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, John Adams & Richard Henry Lee, Adrienne de Lafayette/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Angelica Schuyler, George Eacker/Philip Hamilton (1782-1801), Thomas Jefferson/John Laurens, Aaron Burr/John Laurens, Philip Hamilton/Lucy Jefferson Lewis, Dolley Madison & James Madison, John Laurens/Original Male Character(s), Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Angelica Schuyler/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Caleb Brewster & John Laurens, Jonathan Bellamy (d.1777)/John Laurens, Nathan Hale (1755-1776)/Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington, Jane Jefferson/George Washington, Aaron Burr/George Washington, Theodosia Prevost Burr/Angelica Schuyler, Thomas Jefferson/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, John Barker Church/Angelica Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton & Hercules Mulligan, Charles Lee/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Theodosia Prevost Burr/Jacques Marcus Prevost, Hercules Mulligan/Elizabeth Sanders Mulligan, Abigail Adams/John Adams, Alexander Hamilton & Gouverneur Morris (1752-1816), Jonathan Bellamy (d.1777) & Aaron Burr, John Adams/John Hancock/Charles Thomson, Caleb Brewster/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Robert Townsend/Abraham Woodhull, John André/Alexander Hamilton, John Graves Simcoe/Anna Strong, Edmund Hewlett & Anna Strong, Edmund Hewlett/John Graves Simcoe, Nathan Hale (1755-1776)/Benjamin Tallmadge, Robert Townsend & Mary Woodhull, Benedict Arnold/Benjamin Tallmadge, Anna Strong/Abraham Woodhull, Caleb Brewster & Anna Strong, Anna Strong/Selah Strong, Edmund Hewlett/Original Female Character(s), Edmund Hewlett/Richard Woodhull, John Graves Simcoe/Lola (Turn), Aaron Burr/Angelica Schuyler, Dolley Madison/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, John Laurens/James Madison, Aaron Burr/Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens
Additional Tags: American Revolution, Mpreg, Gay Founding Fathers (Hamilton), Explicit Sexual Content, Fluff, Angst, Family Issues, Dysfunctional Family, Politics, Canon-Typical Violence, Mental Health Issues, Unplanned Pregnancy, Pregnancy Scares, Forced Pregnancy, Secrets, Developing Relationship, Relationship(s), Slave Trade, Shameless Smut, BDSM, LGBTQ Themes, Porn, Jealousy, Kinks, Bromance to Romance, War, Humiliation, Praise Kink, Soulmates, Boys Kissing, French Kissing, Neck Kissing, Drunken Confessions, Marriage Contracts, Hand & Finger Kink, Finger Sucking, Breast Fucking, Cock Tease, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Multiple Orgasms, Crossdressing, Angst with a Happy Ending, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Boys In Love, Idiots in Love, Friendship/Love, Slow Build, Slow Romance, Not Suitable/Safe For Work, Possessive Behavior, Thomas Jefferson Being an Asshole, Bisexual Alexander Hamilton, Human Disaster Aaron Burr, Poor Aaron Burr, Aaron Burr is So Done, Angst and Tragedy, Male Slash, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Homophobic Henry Laurens, Homophobic Language, Hamilton References, Hurt Alexander Hamilton, Henry Laurens' A+ Parenting, Illnesses, HIV/AIDS, First Kiss, Gender Identity, Fist Fights, Fights, George Washington is a Dad, Some Humor, Dark Past, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Gang Rape, Semi-Public Sex, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Post Mpreg, Penises, Painplay, Painful Sex, Lesbian Sex, Body Worship, Sharing Body Heat, Sharing a Bed, Sad with a Happy Ending, Minor Original Character(s), Secret Children, Substance Abuse, Suicide Attempt, Suicide Notes, Domestic Violence, Confessional Sex, Protectiveness, Historical Inaccuracy, Historical References
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sartorialadventure · 6 years
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1595:  The first recorded maternity gown came about in the Baroque period and was called the "Adrienne." It featured an empire waist and a skirt with several layered folds and pleats, allowing it to expand along with the expectant mother's belly.
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1650: By the time we were approaching the Georgian period, the Adrienne dress had evolved to include a bib around the bust to make breastfeeding easier.
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1860: In the thick of the highly prudish Victorian era, pregnancy was considered a condition to be concealed. Enter: the maternity corset. This cringe-worthy garment was structured with whalebones and intended to restrict and minimize the appearance of a baby bump. And doctors actually endorsed these...
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1880: Just add ruffles. No one will know.
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1904: It's worth noting that most of the maternity style developments to this point were more or less exclusive to wealthy women. Women in poor or working class families typically just wore baggy, oversized dresses during their pregnancies.
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1924: The Roaring Twenties brought a welcome reprieve from the restrictive clothes that were popular in decades prior. Just as normal women's fashion shifted to looser, freer silhouettes, so did maternity fashion.
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1952: Separates really took off by mid-century. And finally, PANTS!
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1960s: The A-line silhouettes of the 1960s were ideal for the early months, but weren't as versatile in terms of growing with the baby bump. It was around this time that women began to buy maternity clothes for each stage of their pregnancy.
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1988: In 1988, Juicy Couture creators Gela Taylor and Pamela Skaist-Levy designed a line of maternity denim called "Travis Jeans" to fill a void they noticed in stylish clothes for expectant moms. Soon after, Melanie Griffith (pictured here with a very pregnant Demi Moore) wore them while pregnant with daughter Dakota Johnson, which helped propel the line, and maternity jeans in general, to popularity.
Check out the link for a lot more pictures and history!
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           There it was.    The Baltimore City Championship. Resplendent in all of its glory. The golden plates shimmered in the overhead lighting. Encased in glass, it rested on a dark red velvet pillow.    Adrienne Levi shared that bright spotlight. She would be one of the women competing for the honor of representing Carnage Wrestling and its home city at the 100th edition of Chaos. Sitting in a chair, elevated far off the ground, she adjusted a mic clip to the collar of her logo t-shirt.    Looking at the camera, she smiled and asked, “We on?”    The red recording light on the camera answered that question for her. Adrienne exhaled sharply as she considered her words. Here she was, on stage, speaking to an opportunity that rarely comes. Earned through unorthodox means. Against an adversary that had been her partner for the last month.    “I haven’t talked about this much,” Adrienne said as she gestured to the championship on her right, “and to tell the truth, it’s because I didn’t totally believe that this would happen. Everyone has been so gracious in their assessments. That I deserve this. That I’ve come a long way.”    Smiling graciously, she cast a small glance towards the case.    “Thank you.”    Steepling her hands in her lap, Adrienne leaned forward.    “These past few weeks have been challenging. Losing stinks but that isn’t what this is about. I’m not the sort of girl who dwells on one bad night at work.”    Thinking back to former champion Eli Goode, he became more and more unhinged with every defeat. His delusion grew as he talked about which championships mattered and didn’t. It had consumed him.    And everyone now seemed to be an enemy to him. Things that had never been said by her were attributed to her without a second thought.    Nervous to admit, Adrienne saw a strange parallel emerging in her current circumstances.    “No, that isn’t it. I told you all right away. I’m not new to this industry. I don’t have the accolades or credibility of all of you, but that’s okay. Everything I’ve earned has been right here this year. But prior to Carnage, I was,” Adrienne paused, reaching behind her to retrieve a folded up photograph. Carefully, she opened it. For just a second, her eyes narrowed, and her expression could be construed as contempt. She turned the photo forward before continuing. “This was me.”    Adrienne was certainly right in the corner, but this was the “first autograph” she had shared earlier this summer. Someone else was featured prominently: “Magnificent” Danny Levi.    “Well, Danny and me.”    She tossed it aside, and the piece of bent up glossy paper floated down onto the wooden stage.    “You can draw your own conclusions here. Or if you want to, go on to YouTube and look up Danny Levi’s Greatest Hits. I’ve given up trying to remove the compilation of every time he struck me. Clearly, people enjoy watching it more than anything else he ever did. And as you all know, he’s gone.”    This had been no real secret. It’s just something she didn’t want to talk about much. Recent events had forced her hand.    Softer this time, she said, “He’s gone.”        That night was not Adrienne’s best effort. She had been a non factor against Axton Gunn and Sebastian Hawke. Leaving The Dragon Lady to twist in the wind. And in the end, they had lost.    Not that she really cared. Uncharastically, Adrienne left the show early. Within twenty minutes, she was back at Kohaku’s apartment, slowly emptying an unwieldy three-liter jug of zinfandel. Getting on Twitter, she poured out her guts and then logged off. Should have probably not pressed Send on those. Setting down her glass, she hiccuped. Feeling queasy, she realized this was a poor idea. However, it was the only thing she could do to take off the edge.    Everything piled up, and anyone who she thought would understand - was possibly part of the problem. Or reminded her.    The fox had held to his word. Phone number no longer worked. He was long gone. All that was left was that confusing book. Something she couldn’t even wrap her mind around with the rockstar around.    Axton Gunn had upset the apple cart.    It wasn’t him exactly, it was --    There was a sharp knock at the door.    Adrienne tried to remember if she had ordered delivery. Or if it was just one of those “wine and me” sort of evenings.        But before she could get off from the couch, the door opened. She sat there, dumbfounded, as Danny Levi sauntered through the doorway. He had cleaned up nice. Always valued a nice fitting suit.    Giving her a little wave, he smiled, “Surprised, aren’t you?”    “How?”    Raising an eyebrow, he pointed to the wine with an appraising look. “What do you think, Ade?”    Waltzing into the kitchen, he opened the fridge.    Disappointed, he called back out to her. Adrienne hadn’t left the couch as she stared at the still open door, “You aren’t a very generous host, are you? I could go for a nice porterhouse right now.”    Danny entered the living room. Nonchalantly, he plopped down on the couch next to his wife.    “I mean if I weren’t wormfood.” Laughing incredulously, he placed a warm hand on Adrienne’s shoulder. She closed her eyes. His exclamation pierced her mind with ease, “Goddamn. You can’t even look at your old man?”    “Cuz, you aren’t real.”    With deep, slow breathing, she tried to refocus on the night she had been having prior.    “Of course, I’m not real, you dumb bitch. So, just look at me.”    Danny’s arm shot forward, grasping her jaw and twisting her head towards him. He spoke low, hissing through his teeth, “Look. At. Me.”    Adrienne’s slowly opened her eyes. Danny Levi smiled that crooked grin. On closer inspection, his skin was pallid, and he looked like he hadn’t rested for a long long time.    “Good girl.”    He let go. Danny eyed the contents of the coffee table, besides the wine that is. Adrienne had been signing a stack of autographs to mail out in the next few days.    “Doing alright for yourself, aren’t you?” He said insincerely. Grabbing one up, he eyed up the promo photo. It was one in her new full bodysuit. She smiled at the camera, fists balled up, and ready to right. Her looping signature was bold and elegant. “What the fuck are you even wearing here?”    “I like it.”    “Nobody cares what you like.” Chuckling, he moved on, tossing the photo back on the pile. “You remember the good old days? That little blue dress. The first few rows would always try to see up your skirt. Don’t blame them; you were a good piece of ass, Ade.”    Danny pantomimed a chef’s kiss. Adrienne looked back towards the door, and she could have sworn he had left it open as he strolled in.    “Be serious. This is just the worst of who I was. How you choose to remember me, right? We haven’t talked in so long. I know you said goodbye. Disposed of me like garbage. Tossed away that ring of yours into the drink. Moved far, far away. And promised that you’d never think of me again.”    Wrapping an arm around her shoulder, Danny drew her in. He smelled of decay.    “But thanks to Axxxxxton,” sarcastically, he exaggerated his name in a manner she was familiar with, “I found you.”    “Wasn’t his fault.”    “I know, I know. Could have been anyone. Fitting it was that piece of Cali trash. Remember the time when I tore up that special poster. Signed just for you, and you wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it. Moped around for days until I set you straight.”    Danny messed her hair up with an affectionate nuzzle.    “You always come around eventually.”    Adrienne swallowed hard. His imagined touch repulsed him. This past summer, she had seen and heard things she couldn’t begin to explain. And here was another one. But she knew he was gone. She saw the light leave his eyes.    “Side effects of becoming a drunk, I suppose. See, you can run away from mommy, but I’ll always be inside you. Like a parasite, Adrienne.”    Abruptly pushing her away, he then stood up.    “Anything to say for yourself?”    Staring at the ground, Adrienne mumbled to herself, “What’s the point?”    “None really,” he concluded, “I just wanted to see if you had it in you. Here’s your chance. You’re the hero of the story, and I’m the villain. Look at me with all of my flaws, and you’d see I ended up being a truly despicable person. And here you are. You know the truth, you’re right down in the hole with me. You are moldering beside me. You keep manifesting these ways out, but fuck, none of them are real.”    Danny started to take off his suit jacket, folding it neatly on a chair next to the couch.    “So, maybe I should stick around. Perhaps every night, when you’re all by your lonesome, I’ll drop by. We can reminisce about all of the bad times. Maybe you throw me a fuck for old time’s sake. Maybe Fairman takes a break from his eternal rest, and you swallow him whole. As awful as I was, I was always a generous man. You gotta give me that.”    She shook her head, unsteadily. He sat down in the chair. Unzipping his fly, Danny signaled to her with a disingenuous suggestive tone.    “Danny’s had a long day, Ade. Why don’t you--”    Her phone chimed. It startled her, but it also made her realize that she was alone in the literal sense. Gathering her scruples, Adrienne clicked on the notification.    A brief, direct message from Matt Knox. Yo. kidYou're lovedSee you at 100        “I’m just trying to start over.”    Adrienne recalled the conversation she had with Amber last month. Ultimately, she just wanted to prove Danny wrong. She never considered that she’d become so attached to the people here to the point where she would quit an unsatisfying but secure job. Or running away from her family like she were some wronged teenager.    “It hasn’t been smoothest road. But this shot represents something I’ve never had. I’ve always stood in someone else’s shadow. And while I’m not that impressive compared to others, I’ve worked hard to get better.”    She paused, giving the belt another look. Who wouldn’t fantasize about that moment? She would bask in the glow of victory, holding that championship high.    “I deserve this.”    That statement hung in the air. It was something that many have said. Depending on who, it always took on a different feel.    “But not more so than The Dragon Lady.”    Adrienne wanted to give this woman her utmost attention. It was time.    “I guess I’d like to apologize to you formally about the last match. My head wasn’t in the game, and it cost us against a unit that had something to prove. To some, that makes things interesting. Personally, It hasn’t changed much. This was going to happen either way. The next Baltimore City Champion will be one of us.” Adrienne chuckled briefly, “Is that enough sports cliches for you?”    She steeled her resolve. Adrienne always found these next moments difficult, and after Axton, she was perhaps more reluctant than ever.    “We’ve spent a lot of time together. Trained. Ate together. I even met your manager.”    Mameha was impressive. She enjoyed her company, and the excellent tea certainly helped.    “But we always knew that everything led to 100. That every action would be measured. These past few times, I guarantee we’ve studied each other just as much as our opponents. I know my weaknesses. I know that I can’t match your skill or ability. I don’t possess the knowledge you have when it comes to a good fight. But that’s the thing.”    She paused, emoting that this was a realization for the audience to hear.    “I don’t need to. I just need to be me. I know this will be the most challenging match of my life. You aren’t some cartoon villain like Grant or Winter. You’re not lashing out at shadows like Eli Goode. You’re one of the most formidable opponents I’ll ever step into the ring with. Some of your decisions have perplexed others. You gave up an opportunity for the Chaos title to roll in the mud with Alex Winter. It’s not hard to see why.”    Adrienne thought back briefly to Winter. Nobody seemed to be learning the nature of this guy. Every action creates a reaction. Whoever chose to accost Alex has only made it worse.    “He gets under your skin. And by hook or crook, he humiliated you. I think we were fortunate against the likes of Goode and Matthews. Your attention seemed to be on Alex Winter that evening.” She raised her pointer finger in the air as to qualify her statement, “This isn’t to say that you can’t walk and chew gum at the same time but could have been a different story if Goode or Matthews were actually on the same page.”    And that brought her to their most recent outing.    “And while I was far from my best against Gunn and Hawke, I would be remiss if they didn’t get credit for their outstanding teamwork. Their game plan was simple.”    Taking a moment, she leaned forward.    “You.”    And she hated to admit that, but the strategy was plain as day.    “At first, I considered this to be an exhibition of sorts. I had my apprehensions about Axton Gunn. I’ve explained it enough. Sebastian was a little abrasive at first, so it was strange to hear such shining praise from his lips. But I think what you did only served to put a fire under them. It gave them the motivation to work together and wipe away that initial sting of defeat. I still don’t know either of them very well. Axton, sure. He’s a big deal. But personally?” Adrienne shook her head. “So I would hope that this championship is your focus this week.”    The camera panned out slightly to put Adrienne and the title in the shot.    “Because I wouldn’t be a student of the game if I didn’t take advantage. I want to become champion. I’m not sure if I can say it any better. I’m not like the Jack Michaels of old. I’m not Mitch. Or Silvio. Or anyone else for that matter. I just know that it’d mean a lot to represent this company. A company that, despite whatever issues linger, gave me a chance. It would mean everything for me to represent a city and a community that has welcomed me with open arms.”    Shrugging her shoulders, she concluded, “I guess it would make me happy.”    Adrienne shared a little smile. Not a lot to smile about recently. But again, that little fantasy took root. It would be awful nice. She had a guest coming, and with every passing conversation with Sylvia, she thought it would be cool if she saw her win that title. Retrieving a little slip of paper from her jeans pockets, she read it to herself.    “I’ve been thinking about this a lot. The Dragon Lady probably knows what this is or at least whose handwriting this is.” Tapping a finger against the note, she said, “She’s right. Just a few months ago, I was huffing and puffing my way through my debut against Starburst. And before that, my life was just passing me by because I don’t think I understood who I am. Who I could be. I’m not sure I should be so definite here, but these chances like this don’t come often. I have to seize this opportunity. It won’t come easy. But this right here is my story, my life, and yeah, this might be my only chance for it. I’m choosing to rise and become a champion this city can be proud of.”    Tucking the note back away, she then slid off the chair onto her feet. She didn’t fall on her face on camera, fortunately.    “I hope that’s okay with you. But either way, that’s who I am. A champion in the making. The future. Whatever else others want to say.”    Danny Levi’s specter remained, and so maybe it didn’t have to be one thing or other. Adrienne could fall in love with this business, and at the same time, she could take everything he had ever had. His claim to fame. His success. And more…    Adrienne Levi’s mouth twisted in a slightly mischievous smile. Knowing she could get away with this, and it would infuriate him.    “Maybe at the end of the night, you’ll just call me Magnificent.”
0 notes
taylorscorner · 8 years
Where I Stand
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This is where I stand on the 45th President, his power hungry cronies taking positions of authority in his Cabinet and administration, and the majority of Republicans in Congress are a real and active threat to me, my way of life, and all the people I love. Some people are saying that we should give Trump a chance, that we should "work together" with him because he won the election and he is "everyone's president." This is my response: •I will not forget how badly he and so many others treated former President Barack Obama for 8 years... • I will not forget how he disrespected a gold star family based on their religion. • I will not forget how he discriminated against a federal judge based on his ethnic background. •I will not "work together" to privatize Medicare, cut Social Security and Medicaid. •I will not "work together" to build a wall. •I will not "work together" to persecute Muslims. •I will not "work together" to shut out refugees from other countries. •I will not "work together" to lower taxes on the 1% and increase taxes on the middle class and poor. •I will not "work together" to help Trump use the Presidency to line his pockets and those of his family and cronies. •I will not "work together" to weaken and demolish environmental protection. •I will not "work together" to sell American lands, especially National Parks, to companies which then despoil those lands. •I will not "work together" to enable the killing of whole species of animals just because they are predators, or inconvenient for a few, or because some people want to get their thrills killing them. •I will not "work together" to remove civil rights from anyone. •I will not "work together" to alienate countries that have been our allies for as long as I have been alive. •I will not "work together" to slash funding for education. •I will not "work together" to take basic assistance from people who are at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder. •I will not "work together" to get rid of common sense regulations on guns. •I will not "work together" to eliminate the minimum wage. •I will not "work together" to support so-called "Right To Work" laws, or undermine, weaken or destroy Unions in any way. •I will not "work together" to suppress scientific research, be it on climate change, fracking, or any other issue where a majority of scientists agree that Trump and his supporters are wrong on the facts. •I will not "work together" to criminalize abortion or restrict health care for women. •I will not "work together" to increase the number of nations that have nuclear weapons. •I will not "work together" to put even more "big money" into politics. •I will not "work together" to violate the Geneva Convention. •I will not "work together" to give the Ku Klux Klan, the Nazi Party and white supremacists a seat at the table, or to normalize their hatred. •I will not "work together" to deny health care to people who need it. •I will not "work together" to deny medical coverage to people on the basis of a "pre-existing condition." •I will not "work together" to increase voter suppression. •I will not "work together" to normalize tyranny.I will not “work together” to eliminate or reduce ethical over-site at any level of government. •I will not "work together" with anyone who is, or admires, tyrants and dictators. •I will not "work together" to help private corporations build pipelines to transport their oil, at the expense of our safety and environment.This is my line, and I am drawing it. •I WILL stand for honesty, love, respect for all living beings, and for the beating heart that is the center of Life itself. •I WILL use my voice and my hands, to reach out to the uninformed, and to anyone who will LISTEN: That "winning", "being great again", "rich" or even "beautiful" is nothing... When others are sacrificed to glorify its existence.
Kathrine Iacofano
Susan Goldberg
Debbie Slavkin Linda Rosefsky Rebecca Tortorice Anna Konya Karen Redding Wendy Lemlin Patricia Rollins Trosclair Andrea Dora Zysk George Georgakis John Christopher John Bowles Patrick St.Louis Carla Patrick Darnell Bender Vickie Davis JMichael Carter Janice Frazier-Scott Rev. ELaura James Reid Jeanette Bouknight Rev. Dollie Howell Pankey Gerald Butler Carolyn McDougle Vaughn Chatman Adrienne Brown Gary Trousdale Steven E Gordon Isis Nocturne Debi Murray Maureen O. Betita Mona Enderli Fernie James Tamblin Myrna Dodgion Alan Locklear Tom Wilmore Jackie Evans Donna Endres Lora Fountain Roberta Gregory Heather A Mayhew Stevo Wehr Nathan Stivers Jen RaLee Joan Holden Leigh Lutz Deborah Kirkpatrick Linda Levy Tom Rue Nancy Hoffmann-Allison Beejay McCabe Michael James Myers Edward T. Spire Rupert Chapman Dawn R. Dunbar Robin Wilson Monique Boutot Laura Brown 💪🏼 Susan Aptaker Steve Katz Bonnie Wolk Risa Guttman-Kornwitz Angela Gora Butch Norman Sharon Tolman Sue Zislis Maurice Hirsch Satch Dobrey Jim Krapf Don Starwalt Deb Johansen Daniel Anderson Diane Kenney Rebecca Koop Nancy Shuert Bill Pryor Patrick Lamb Bob Travaglione Margaret Ragan Martha Peters Steve Wilson Lauren Sullivan Scott Bevan Roger Saunden Susanne Lavelle Benita Yimsuan Kathryn Scarano Kathleen E Neff Evey G Quines Debbie Dey John Dennehy, Jr. Marsha Vaughn Adam Sklena Larry David McGregor Blumenthal Gustavo Rodriguez ARJ Alva Freeman Yvette Ellard Rory Thayer Wilson Wayne Booth Streven King Phyllis Vlach Adrian Sandy Miller Castellano Nick Strippoli Ben Papapietro RenaePerry Ann Elliott Maria DelloStritto Kimberly Bauso Rebecca Smith Theresa Taylor Terri Feldman Cheryl Pitman Molly Spalding Janice Wiles Michael Bello Vicki Carlson Gloria Salazar Angie Sincell Dana Shimrock Cheryl Josh Henderson Danielle Luscombe Clint Bickford Jason C. Frank Aviad C. Sasi Michel L. Poli Quintin Kreutzer Malcolm McHugh Sharon Hamer Bob Melvin Mike Feinstein Allison Parker Barbara Darrow Amy Levitt Michael Chechanover Bruce Kanin Rhonda Friedman Tina Bug Dave St.Hill Arty Williams Al Ward Charline Forrest Donna Fargas Alice Bowdwin Terri Holman Ronald Jones Dollise Howard-Whitehurst Miriam Lucas Simmon Anita Jackson David E. Early,Sr. Alexander Thomas, Jr. Delano Tucker Donnie Fitzgerald Michael j Washington Vern Owens Jr. ALFONSE P. JOHNSON SR.😡 Tom Outland Millard whatley Jr. Joseph Kane III Bill Dix Ruth Price Scott Taper Bernard Coley Susie Richardson Marde Ross Carol Landa-McVicker Lindy Cater Ben Cater Cameron Smith Becky Oos Lori Freshman Ellen Moody Brian Cummings Tom Hall Jeff Cohen Wayne Humphrey Kenneth Felz Tom Schneiter Patrick Ley Lynn Ray Allen Jill Williams Sheila Woods Deandra Clark Allan Dunlap Roger Morales Veronica Rios Angela Quiles. Michelle Villanueva Alexis Castro
Bobby Lewis
Your turn. Copy, paste, add your name, post...
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henrique2022 · 8 years
This is where I stand. Our 45th President, his power hungry cronies taking positions of authority in his Cabinet and administration, and the majority of Republicans in Congress are a real and active threat to me, my way of life, and all the people I love. Some people are saying that we should give Trump a chance, that we should "work together" with him because he won the election and he is "everyone's president." This is my response: •I will not "work together" to privatize Medicare, cut Social Security and Medicaid. •I will not "work together" to build a wall. •I will not "work together" to persecute Muslims. •I will not "work together" to shut out refugees from other countries. •I will not "work together" to lower taxes on the 1% and increase taxes on the middle class and poor. •I will not "work together" to help Trump use the Presidency to line his pockets and those of his family and cronies. •I will not "work together" to weaken and demolish environmental protection. •I will not "work together" to sell American lands, especially National Parks, to companies which then despoil those lands. •I will not "work together" to enable the killing of whole species of animals just because they are predators, or inconvenient for a few, or because some people want to get their thrills killing them. •I will not "work together" to remove civil rights from anyone. •I will not "work together" to alienate countries that have been our allies for as long as I have been alive. •I will not "work together" to slash funding for education. •I will not "work together" to take basic assistance from people who are at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder. •I will not "work together" to eliminate the minimum wage. •I will not "work together" to support so-called "Right To Work" laws, or undermine, weaken or destroy Unions in any way. •I will not "work together" to suppress scientific research, be it on climate change, fracking, or any other issue where a majority of scientists agree that Trump and his supporters are wrong on the facts. •I will not "work together" to criminalize abortion or restrict health care for women. •I will not "work together" to increase the number of nations that have nuclear weapons. •I will not "work together" to put even more "big money" into politics. •I will not "work together" to violate the Geneva Convention. •I will not "work together" to give the Ku Klux Klan, the Nazi Party and white supremacists a seat at the table, or to normalize their hatred. •I will not "work together" to deny health care to people who need it. •I will not "work together" to deny medical coverage to people on the basis of a "pre-existing condition." •I will not "work together" to increase voter suppression. •I will not "work together" to normalize tyranny. I will not “work together” to eliminate or reduce ethical oversite at any level of government. •I will not "work together" with anyone who is, or admires, tyrants and dictators. •I will not support anyone that thinks its OK to put a pipeline to transport oil on Sacred Ground for Native Americans. This is my line, and I am drawing it. •I WILL stand for honesty, love, respect for all living beings, and for the beating heart that is the center of Life itself. •I WILL use my voice and my hands, to reach out to the uninformed, and to anyone who will LISTEN: That "winning", "being great again", "rich" or even "beautiful" is nothing... When others are sacrificed to glorify its existence. Signed: Kathrine Iacofano Susan Goldberg Debbie Slavkin Linda Rosefsky Rebecca Tortorice Anna Konya Karen Redding Wendy Lemlin Patricia Rollins Trosclair Andrea Dora Zysk George Georgakis John Christopher John Bowles Patrick St.Louis Carla Patrick Darnell Bender Vickie Davis JMichael Carter Janice Frazier-Scott Rev. ELaura James Reid Jeanette Bouknight Rev. Dollie Howell Pankey Gerald Butler Carolyn McDougle Vaughn Chatman Adrienne Brown Gary Trousdale Steven E Gordon Isis Nocturne Debi Murray Maureen O. Betita Mona Enderli Fernie James Tamblin Myrna Dodgion Alan Locklear Tom Wilmore Jackie Evans Donna Endres Lora Fountain Roberta Gregory Heather A Mayhew Stevo Wehr Nathan Stivers Jen RaLee Joan Holden Leigh Lutz Deborah Kirkpatrick Linda Levy Tom Rue Nancy Hoffmann-Allison Beejay McCabe Michael James Myers Edward T. Spire Rupert Chapman Dawn R. Dunbar Robin Wilson Monique Boutot Laura Brown Susan Aptaker Steve Katz Bonnie Wolk Risa Guttman-Kornwitz Angela Gora Butch Norman Sharon Tolman Sue Zislis Maurice Hirsch Satch Dobrey Jim Krapf Don Starwalt Deb Johansen Daniel Anderson Diane Kenney Rebecca Koop Nancy Shuert Bill Pryor Patrick Lamb Bob Travaglione Margaret Ragan Martha Peters Steve Wilson Lauren Sullivan Scott Bevan Roger Saunden Susanne Lavelle Benita Yimsuan Kathryn Scarano Kathleen E Neff Evey G Quines Debbie Dey John Dennehy, Jr. Marsha Vaughn Adam Sklena Larry David McGregor Blumenthal Gustavo Rodriguez ARJ Alva Freeman Yvette Ellard Rory Thayer Wilson Wayne Booth Streven King Phyllis Vlach Adrian Sandy Miller Castellano Nick Strippoli Ben Papapietro Jerry Briesach Steve LaRosa Judy LaRosa Nini Diaz Inez Sandejas Irene Salazar Maria de Quinto Theresa Carr Ogle Mina Junio Lori Franzoni James Demestihas Robert Rauff, Jr. Lenore Barnard ThomasSkabry Bob Feger Christine Lauber Nikki Lynette LouiseBlackburn Joelle Efthimiou Steven Goldleaf Debra Tanklow Cyndie Bellen-Berthézène Lauren Aryah Vern Katz Mary Walston Susan Wa Marsha Marin Scott Hale Denis Hulett MARK B ROPERS Susan Bacon Hulett Jen Marsh Brenda Fox Pam Vink Fassett Gillian Estes Diana Dodson Warren Petoskey Renée L. Roman Nose Marcia Sytsma Dana Buchwald Bonnie West Karen Lynn Schwarz Davis Suzanne Levin Diane Kliebard Silverberg Michael B. Plaisted Mary Kay Risi Vincent Pennisi Fran Richter Rosen Llaura Sanacore Rubin Ellen Leder Dr. Gail Simon-Boyd Sheri Karnilow Margaret DuBois Stone Paul Hornick Judy Sampieri Deborah Sampieri Corbishley M. Julia Pace Jessica Alecio Enrique Oropesa Please copy, paste, add your name, and post.
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cleverlassie · 8 years
Fighting for America
This is long but it is important. This is where I stand. To me, FB is a useful vehicle for my passion and activism. Our 45th President, his power hungry cronies taking positions of authority in his Cabinet and administration, and the majority of Republicans in Congress are a real and active threat to me, my way of life, and all the people I love. Some people are saying that we should give Trump a chance, that we should "work together" with him because he won the election and he is "everyone's president." This is my response: •I will not forget how badly he and so many others treated former President Barack Obama for 8 years... •I will not "work together" to privatize Medicare, cut Social Security and Medicaid. •I will not "work together" to build a wall. •I will not "work together" to persecute Muslims. •I will not "work together" to shut out refugees from other countries. •I will not "work together" to lower taxes on the 1% and increase taxes on the middle class and poor. •I will not "work together" to help Trump use the Presidency to line his pockets and those of his family and cronies. •I will not "work together" to weaken and demolish environmental protection. •I will not "work together" to sell American lands, especially National Parks, to companies which then despoil those lands. •I will not "work together" to enable the killing of whole species of animals just because they are predators, or inconvenient for a few, or because some people want to get their thrills killing them. •I will not "work together" to remove civil rights from anyone. •I will not "work together" to alienate countries that have been our allies for as long as I have been alive. •I will not "work together" to slash funding for education. •I will not "work together" to take basic assistance from people who are at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder. •I will not "work together" to get rid of common sense regulations on guns. •I will not "work together" to eliminate the minimum wage. •I will not "work together" to support so-called "Right To Work" laws, or undermine, weaken or destroy Unions in any way. •I will not "work together" to suppress scientific research, be it on climate change, fracking, or any other issue where a majority of scientists agree that Trump and his supporters are wrong on the facts. •I will not "work together" to criminalize abortion or restrict health care for women. •I will not "work together" to increase the number of nations that have nuclear weapons. •I will not "work together" to put even more "big money" into politics. •I will not "work together" to violate the Geneva Convention. •I will not "work together" to give the Ku Klux Klan, the Nazi Party and white supremacists a seat at the table, or to normalize their hatred. •I will not "work together" to deny health care to people who need it. •I will not "work together" to deny medical coverage to people on the basis of a "pre-existing condition." •I will not "work together" to increase voter suppression. •I will not "work together" to normalize tyranny. I will not “work together” to eliminate or reduce ethical oversite at any level of government. •I will not "work together" with anyone who is, or admires, tyrants and dictators. •I will not support anyone that thinks its OK to put a pipeline to transport oil on Sacred Ground for Native Americans. And, it would run under the Missouri River, which provides drinking water for millions of people. An accident waiting to happen. This is my line, and I am drawing it. •I will stand for honesty, love, respect for all living beings, and for the beating heart that is the center of Life itself. •I will use my voice and my hands, to reach out to the uninformed, and to anyone who will LISTEN: That "winning", "being great again", "rich" or even "beautiful" is nothing... When others are sacrificed to glorify its existence. If you agree feel free to copy and re-post (this results in larger numbers of people seeing a post), and if you want, sign your name below ours. Also, if we have left anything out, feel free to add it to this list. Signed: Patricia Rollins Trosclair Andrea Dora Zysk George Georgakis John Christopher John Bowles Patrick St.Louis Carla Patrick Darnell Bender Vickie Davis JMichael Carter Janice Frazier-Scott Rev. ELaura James Reid Jeanette Bouknight Rev. Dollie Howell Pankey Gerald Butler Carolyn McDougle Vaughn Chatman Adrienne Brown Gary Trousdale Steven E Gordon Isis Nocturne Debi Murray Maureen O. Betita Mona Enderli Fernie James Tamblin Myrna Dodgion Alan Locklear Tom Wilmore Jackie Evans Donna Endres Lora Fountain Roberta Gregory Heather A Mayhew Stevo Wehr Nathan Stivers Jen RaLee Joan Holden Leigh Lutz Deborah Kirkpatrick Linda Levy Tom Rue Nancy Hoffmann-Allison Beejay McCabe Michael James Myers Edward T. Spire Rupert Chapman Dawn R. Dunbar Robin Wilson Monique Boutot Laura Brown 💪🏼 Susan Aptaker Steve Katz Bonnie Wolk Risa Guttman-Kornwitz Angela Gora Butch Norman Sharon Tolman Sue Zislis Maurice Hirsch Satch Dobrey Jim Krapf Don Starwalt Deb Johansen Daniel Anderson Diane Kenney Rebecca Koop Nancy Shuert Bill Pryor Patrick Lamb Bob Travaglione Margaret Ragan Martha Peters Steve Wilson Lauren Sullivan Scott Bevan Roger Saunden Mary V. Buck Murray Miller Cheri Kemp Silver Sharon Tuckman Kathy Hanold Gail McMahon
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ao3feed-lams · 5 years
Becoming Your Sacrifice
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2J2HS5H
by IWroteTheOther51
When Alexander Hamilton gets drafted for the Revolutionary war, he ends up getting a spot as a treasury secretary but on the midst of all of the war that's going on in america, he also ends up falling in love with one of his bestfriends and aide de camp, John Laurens, an american soldier whose married to another women but John never really loved his wife, his father Henry Laurens finds out that Alex is pregnant with John's child, so he pays someone to shut Alex up about the whole thing...and life just goes down hill from their, war is shit, everyone sucks, and no one plays games during these dark times. And lastly...you can't really trust anyone.
Words: 7, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda, Turn (TV 2014)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: Other
Characters: Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Thomas Jefferson, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Aaron Burr, Hercules Mulligan, George Washington, Angelica Schuyler, James Madison, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Maria Reynolds, Philip Hamilton, Charles Lee, Theodosia Prevost Burr, Martha Washington, George III of the United Kingdom, Theodosia Burr Alston, Angelica Hamilton, John Adams, Frances Laurens, Henry Laurens (1723-1792), Dolley Madison, George Eacker, Philip Schuyler, Martha Laurens Ramsay, Alexander Hamilton Jr., Samuel Seabury (1729-1796), Theodosia Burr, John Church Hamilton, Rachel Faucette Buck, Philip Hamilton (1782-1801), John Barker Church, James Laurens (1765-1775), John Jay, James Hamilton Sr. (c.1718-1799), Henry Knox, James Reynolds (fl.1783-1792), William P. Van Ness, Hugh Mulligan Jr., Nathanael Greene, Nathaniel Pendelton, Philip Schuyler (1733-1804), Charles Lee (1732-1782), Thomas Conway (1735-c.1800), David Hosack (1769-1835), Richard Montgomery (1738-1775), Alexander Hamilton (Cat), Levi Weeks (1776-1819), Charles Lee (1758-1801), John Baker White (1794–1862), Charles Lee (1732-1782)'s Wife, Benjamin Tallmadge, Caleb Brewster, Anna Strong, Abraham Woodhull, Edmund Hewlett, John Graves Simcoe, John André, Benedict Arnold, Mary Woodhull, Tench Tilghman, Peggy Shippen, Abigail (Turn), Richard Woodhull, Selah Strong, Nathaniel Sackett, Robert Rogers, Robert Townsend (1753-1838), Samuel Tallmadge, Samuel Townsend, Martha "Patsy" Parke Custis, Ensign Baker, Nathan Hale (1755-1776), Nathaniel Tallmadge, Akinbode | Jordan, John Parke Custis, Cicero (Turn), Philomena Cheer, Elizabeth Gwillim Simcoe, James Rivington, William Bradford (Turn), John Robeson, Lola (Turn), Aberdeen (Turn), Henry Clinton (1730-1795), Lieutenant Gamble (Turn), 2nd Continental Light Dragoons, Samuel Graves (1713-1787), Mary Floyd Tallmadge, Captain Wakefield, Charles Scott, Freddy Morgan, Thomas "Sprout" Woodhull, Sarah Livingston (Turn), Queen's Rangers, Captain Joyce, William Howe 5th Viscount Howe, Austin Roe, Lucas Brewster, Reverend Worthington, Lucy Scudder, Lydia Ketcham, Rachel Clark, Dr. Mabbs, Corporal Eastin, Walter Havens, Awasos, Mary Graves (1772-1860), Richard Grosvenor 1st Earl Grosvenor (1731-1802), Thomas Lynch Jr, Sarah Townsend (1724-1800), Patience Wright, Thomas Woodhull Sr, Francis Marion (c.1732-1795), Edmund Hewlett's Mother, Becky Redman, Hannah Ketcham, Elizabeth Lloyd Loring (1744-1831), Bridget Graves (1750-1795), Captain Jim Ryder, Lieutenant Chaffe (Turn), Rachel Peale, Colonel Jonathan Cooke, William "Billy" Lee (Turn), Peyton Randolph (1721–1775), John Randolph (1727–1784), Keturah Strong Woodhull, Sarah "Sally" Townsend (1760-1842), William André (1760-1802), Mopsey (Dog)
Relationships: Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens, Alexander Hamilton/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson/James Madison, Aaron Burr/Alexander Hamilton, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Maria Reynolds/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/George Washington, Aaron Burr/Theodosia Prevost Burr, George Washington/Martha Washington, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Alexander Hamilton/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Theodosia Burr Alston/Philip Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton/Angelica Schuyler, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/George Washington, Alexander Hamilton/Maria Reynolds, Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington, Thomas Jefferson/Angelica Schuyler, Adrienne de Lafayette/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, George III of the United Kingdom/Samuel Seabury, Aaron Burr & George Washington, Martha Manning/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan/George Washington, James Madison & Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, John Adams & Richard Henry Lee, Adrienne de Lafayette/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Angelica Schuyler, George Eacker/Philip Hamilton (1782-1801), Thomas Jefferson/John Laurens, Aaron Burr/John Laurens, Philip Hamilton/Lucy Jefferson Lewis, Dolley Madison & James Madison, John Laurens/Original Male Character(s), Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Angelica Schuyler/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Caleb Brewster & John Laurens, Jonathan Bellamy (d.1777)/John Laurens, Nathan Hale (1755-1776)/Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington, Jane Jefferson/George Washington, Aaron Burr/George Washington, Theodosia Prevost Burr/Angelica Schuyler, Thomas Jefferson/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, John Barker Church/Angelica Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton & Hercules Mulligan, Charles Lee/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Theodosia Prevost Burr/Jacques Marcus Prevost, Hercules Mulligan/Elizabeth Sanders Mulligan, Abigail Adams/John Adams, Alexander Hamilton & Gouverneur Morris (1752-1816), Jonathan Bellamy (d.1777) & Aaron Burr, John Adams/John Hancock/Charles Thomson, Caleb Brewster/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Robert Townsend/Abraham Woodhull, John André/Alexander Hamilton, John Graves Simcoe/Anna Strong, Edmund Hewlett & Anna Strong, Edmund Hewlett/John Graves Simcoe, Nathan Hale (1755-1776)/Benjamin Tallmadge, Robert Townsend & Mary Woodhull, Benedict Arnold/Benjamin Tallmadge, Anna Strong/Abraham Woodhull, Caleb Brewster & Anna Strong, Anna Strong/Selah Strong, Edmund Hewlett/Original Female Character(s), Edmund Hewlett/Richard Woodhull, John Graves Simcoe/Lola (Turn), Aaron Burr/Angelica Schuyler, Dolley Madison/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, John Laurens/James Madison, Aaron Burr/Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens
Additional Tags: American Revolution, Mpreg, Gay Founding Fathers (Hamilton), Explicit Sexual Content, Fluff, Angst, Family Issues, Dysfunctional Family, Politics, Canon-Typical Violence, Mental Health Issues, Unplanned Pregnancy, Pregnancy Scares, Forced Pregnancy, Secrets, Developing Relationship, Relationship(s), Slave Trade, Shameless Smut, BDSM, LGBTQ Themes, Porn, Jealousy, Kinks, Bromance to Romance, War, Humiliation, Praise Kink, Soulmates, Boys Kissing, French Kissing, Neck Kissing, Drunken Confessions, Marriage Contracts, Hand & Finger Kink, Finger Sucking, Breast Fucking, Cock Tease, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Multiple Orgasms, Crossdressing, Angst with a Happy Ending, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Boys In Love, Idiots in Love, Friendship/Love, Slow Build, Slow Romance, Not Suitable/Safe For Work, Possessive Behavior, Thomas Jefferson Being an Asshole, Bisexual Alexander Hamilton, Human Disaster Aaron Burr, Poor Aaron Burr, Aaron Burr is So Done, Angst and Tragedy, Male Slash, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Homophobic Henry Laurens, Homophobic Language, Hamilton References, Hurt Alexander Hamilton, Henry Laurens' A+ Parenting, Illnesses, HIV/AIDS, First Kiss, Gender Identity, Fist Fights, Fights, George Washington is a Dad, Some Humor, Dark Past, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Gang Rape, Semi-Public Sex, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Post Mpreg, Penises, Painplay, Painful Sex, Lesbian Sex, Body Worship, Sharing Body Heat, Sharing a Bed, Sad with a Happy Ending, Minor Original Character(s), Secret Children, Substance Abuse, Suicide Attempt, Suicide Notes, Domestic Violence, Confessional Sex, Protectiveness, Historical Inaccuracy, Historical References
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2J2HS5H
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charlesjening · 6 years
Are Financial Barriers to Entry Keeping Low-Income People Out of the Profession?
You may not know this but I grew up po’. Not “sorry, Adrienne, you won’t be getting a new bike for your birthday” po’, but “sorry, Adrienne, Santa won’t be coming at all this year, deal with it” po’. The child of a hardworking single mother, I learned pretty early on how to make box macaroni and cheese with powdered milk (bleh) and was wearing thrift store clothes long before it was cool.
Our income bracket wasn’t a huge deal growing up in inner-city Milwaukee, WI, but when I moved to a suburb of Madison for high school, I realized just how broke we were. While my classmates rocked Columbia fleece and Levis, I wore hand-me-down sweatshirts from my uncles. Thankfully the grunge thing happened and I was able to take my $100 yearly school clothes allowance and turn it into a year’s worth of flannel and ratty no-name jeans. Still, it’s tough being broke as a kid, hoping the food bank gives you something good that week and realizing early on that there’s something different about you when you’re at your friend’s house trying to pick out a Nintendo game from the dozens they have and suddenly realize he has so much more than you’ll ever have.
We’ve talked before about barriers to entry and the socioeconomic factors that may contribute to the overwhelming whiteness of the accounting profession, but it’s worth discussing again. So long as the conversation about “diversity” is happening, a parallel conversation needs to be had about large swaths of potential future CPAs who will never have the opportunity to go to college, much less major in accounting, pay for CPA review, and shell out another thousand bucks to sit for the CPA exam.
Idk who this dude is but he makes a good point.
It’s frustrating to notice how exclusive being a #CPA is. If you don’t take the exam review, you’re bound to fail and each review costs around $700.
What happens to those who don’t have $2,100 for exam prep and $1,300 for the test?
— José Lazo Rivera (@joselazorivera) February 9, 2019
And a follow-up tweet:
Update: the review professor just highlighted the irony that the @AICPA is a nonprofit but costs so much to take the exams.
Point made. https://t.co/Ts6wiPqTKa
— José Lazo Rivera (@joselazorivera) February 9, 2019
Back in my CPA review days, a full course including books, practice MCQ, and lectures ran about $2,000 for individuals who did not qualify for discounts (students, certain firms, past students of other CPA review courses). For someone living hand-to-mouth, $2,000 might as well be $20,000 for as feasible as it is that they’ll get their hands on it.
This isn’t to say that those who join the profession from more privileged backgrounds don’t work their butts off; the process is difficult work for anyone regardless of class or income. What the tweet does imply is that by its very nature, the profession’s pipeline is staffed with a toll of sorts that weeds out those without the means to pay it.
There’s also the matter of “fitting in.” Team dynamics are a huge factor in public accounting, and it stands to reason that birds of a feather flock together as it were. Individuals who can seemlessly glide between colleagues, partners, and clients are more likely to have successful careers in accounting. Who do you think is more likely to possess this quality, the poor brown kid from the inner city who manages to claw his way out of poverty and into the middle class through education, or the suburban kid of means who attends a relatively prestigious school, lands a Big 4 offer with ease because he does well at Meet the Firms, and knows how to act around people similar to him because he’s been doing it all his life?
Not to say people can’t adapt, and certainly there is no shortage of stories of folks from piss-poor backgrounds who struck it rich through sacrifice and hard work. After all, that’s what America is all about, right? Anyone can be anything they want to be, you’ve just got to put in the work.
Still, you have to wonder how many smart, hardworking kids will never get a chance to even consider joining the profession due to the innumerable costs — both social and economic — standing in their way. If the profession wants diversity, they’re going to have to dig deep in self-reflection and realize why so many cubes are populated with the same kinds of people from such similar backgrounds.
The post Are Financial Barriers to Entry Keeping Low-Income People Out of the Profession? appeared first on Going Concern.
republished from Going Concern
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victoriagloverstuff · 6 years
16 Books You Should Read This June
Caroline Kepnes, Providence (Lenny)
In her first standalone, Kepnes combines the suspense and careful plotting of crime fiction with elements of horror. The novel traces the early friendship of Jon and Chloe, best friends in a small New Hampshire town who feel like kindred spirits, though neither one of them wants to risk their friendship by moving into couples territory. Jon’s life becomes a lot more complicated when he discovers he has superhuman powers, ones that could hurt Chloe. What follows is part procedural featuring the distinctive detective Charles “Eggs” DeBenedictus, as a serial killer is loose Providence, where Jon is hiding out. There’s also a Lovecraft convention in town which Jon sneaks into as a way of blending into the crowd (many literary in-jokes abound). But most of all, Jon wants to fix himself and get back at Chloe, which makes the book also a poignant love story.
–Lisa Levy, CrimeReads contributing editor
Rachel Cusk, Kudos (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
I didn’t begin reading Outline, the first book in Rachel Cusk’s trilogy of novels centering on a writer named Faye, until the release of Kudos, the final installment, was on the horizon. I don’t envy those who were made to wait for each book. Cusk’s style—precise and unsentimental—is transfixing and consuming. The novels unfold in a world in which small talk consistently unfurls into self-searching confession and philosophical grandstanding. Kudos finds Faye, remarried, en route to a literary conference in the wake of Brexit. It’s both of a piece with its predecessors and, in certain ways, utterly unlike them—that is, it’s the perfect conclusion.
–Nathan Goldman, Lit Hub contributor
Édouard Louis, History of Violence, trans. Lorin Stein (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
In this autobiographical novel, after a sexual liaison turns into a violent rape and near-murder, Édouard Louis discovers his assailant has suffered his own brutalities, and Louis wants to break the cycle of this terrible legacy they’ve both inherited. The traumatic event mirrors the societal, cultural, and economic attacks on vulnerable populations such as migrants, women, or like Louis, gay and from a poor working-class town. The book investigates and attempts to understand the systemic and structural history of violence such populations have been subjected to while also sympathizing with those perpetrators who’ve been dispossessed themselves. In a world that usually insists on bifurcated choices like being the punisher or the punished, to endure or dispense, Louis locates a sliver of space in between where another choice exists.
–Kerri Arsenault, Lit Hub contributor
Chelsea Hodson, Tonight I’m Someone Else (Henry Holt and Co.)
Like Chelsea Hodson’s chapbook Pity the Animal (included in this book), this essay collection is shape-shifting, and Hodson’s voice has got me under a spell of sorts. I am making my way through it and going from awe to exhilaration to discomfort, and back to awe. The essays feature a game of Russian roulete played with a knife hung from a fan; Grand Theft Auto; “suggar daddies” on the internet; Schopenhauer; and NASA. They are about desire and our bodies, and how we negotiate their myriad commodifications. I love what Sarah Manguso said of them: “These essays are bewitching—despite their discipline and rigor, you can smell the blood.”
–Marta Bausells, Lit Hub contributing editor
Jérôme Ruillier, The Strange, trans. Helge Dascher (Drawn & Quarterly)
Ruillier’s black, red, and yellow illustrations and his straightforward storytelling convey the persistent unease of the migrant experience. The unnamed narrator in The Strange is undocumented, and though we don’t know the war-torn country he’s fleeing nor the hostile-toward-immigration one in which he arrives, we feel the frantic beat of his heart at each stage. In The Strange, we experience the manner in which each new interaction for an undocumented immigrant can be a matter of jeopardy. The art throughout this graphic novel is haunting, stressful, and beautiful.
–Nathan Scott McNamara, Lit Hub contributor
 Rosamund Young, The Secret Life of Cows (Penguin Press)
What I’ve read of this so far felt like sitting at the kitchen table a half hour before sunrise waiting for the coffee to brew listening to Young recount the various goings on of local cows. It seemed pretty great.
–Jonny Diamond, Lit Hub editor
Adrienne Celt, Invitation to a Bonfire (Bloomsbury)
This novel tells an alternative history of the Nabokovs, disguised as the Orlovs. What remains is Vera’s fierce participation in all aspects of “Orlov’s” narrative. Celt weaves a fascinating thriller ending with what, at this time of author misalliances, is frighteningly possible. Vera says about being remembered: “History’s unkind that way. Once your life leaves your hands you become—mutable. Susceptible, I suppose you might say, to anyone with an axe to grind or a tale to tell.” Prophetic? Cynical? The story is beautifully told with enough absolutely stunning sentences to enthrall the reader. If you love, as I do, tales based on the lives of actual artists, then this story is for you.
–Lucy Kogler, Lit Hub columnist
The Weight of the Earth: The Tape Journals of David Wojnarowicz, ed. Lisa Darms and David O’Neill (Semiotext(e))
There’s a small and enviable group of visual artists whose work with the written word is every bit as impressive as their more well-known artistic expression. That’s certainly the case with David Wojnarowicz, whose vital and impassioned works blended the personal and political to a stunning extent. The Weight of the Earth is taken from Wojnarowicz’s tape journals, particularly those that he kept near the end of his life. With a major retrospective of Wojnarowicz’s artwork opening at the Whitney next month, and given that many of his concerns about art, society, and governmental inaction remain all too relevant today, the time is right to experience his work—and The Weight of the Earth is a particularly direct way to do so.
–Tobias Carroll, Lit Hub contributor
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Nell Painter, Old in Art School (Counterpoint Press)
When I studied art in college, there was a crew of guys known as the “art bros.” Their work was hit or miss, but always presented as if they were at the forefront of the next art movement. I’m guessing Nell Painter encountered a very similar white-male-artist archetype when she began studying art at Rutgers University at age 64. She continued on to earn an MFA at Rhode Island School of design, where she was not only the oldest, but the only black student in her class. Having just retired from teaching history at Princeton and authoring several books on race and identity, Painter is well-equipped to dissect the various forms of discrimination she faces in these programs. And she does it all with a sense of humor, honoring, above all else, creativity, and openness.
–Alicia Kroell, Lit Hub editorial fellow
Sayaka Murata, Convenience Store Woman, trans. Ginny Tapley Takemori (Grove Atlantic)
Sometimes real life and its routines are enough. If you tilt them just so, they might even unfold and reveal a world of mystery. This magical little book performs this neat accordion track in sentences so clean and crisp it’s like they were laminated and placed before you, one at a time, in a well-windex’d cooler. And thus Sayaka Murata has written the 7-11 Madame Bovary. The author has spent nearly the last 20 years herself working a corner shop in Tokyo, for some of that waking at an ungodly hour, writing, then going to work the early morning shift, selling cigarette and coffee and cold medicine to Tokyo residents. You would think that kind of schedule would produce drudgery, or even twilit ghoulishness. No, this is a love story. Only the love affair here is between a woman and the convenience store in which she works.
–John Freeman, Lit Hub executive editor
Rae DelBianco, Rough Animals (Arcade Publishing)
As a long-time lover of dark contemporary westerns, I’m pretty damn excited about Rae DelBianco’s debut novel, Rough Animals—the story of a pair of recently-orphaned twins, Wyatt and Lucy Smith, living a hard-bitten existence on a cattle ranch in Utah. When a shootout with a feral teenage girl results in the death of four of the Smiths’ cattle, Wyatt takes off in pursuit through the nightmarish desert wilderness. DelBianco’s writing has been compared to that of Cormac McCarthy, Jim Harrison, and Denis Johnson, and a recent Publishers Weekly review called the book “ . . . a viscerally evoked fever dream, a bleakly realized odyssey through an American west populated by survivors and failed dreamers,” which shot the book to the top of my Summer Reading pile.
–Dan Sheehan, Book Marks editor
Dorthe Nors, Mirror, Shoulder, Signal (Graywolf)
I’ve been hooked on Dorthe Nors ever since her short story collection, Karate Chop, was shared with the English-speaking world four years ago, so I am particularly stoked to read her new novel, Mirror, Shoulder, Signal, about a middle-aged translator, driving lessons, and vertigo. Dorthe Nors’ work, beautifully translated from the Danish, tends to explore fascinating, wholly singular women. Her short stories pack a punch, so I can’t wait to find out what she can do with a novel.
–Katie Yee, Book Marks assistant editor
Lauren Groff, Florida (Riverhead)
Like pretty much everyone else, I’m looking forward to finishing Lauren Groff’s new story collection, Florida, this month. The stories I’ve read from it so far have been weird and stormy and wonderful, and Groff’s writing style—which always seems like a dam on the verge of bursting—never fails to charm me. Her recent By the Book isn’t too bad either.
–Emily Temple, Lit Hub senior editor
Christopher Bonanos, Flash: The Making of Weegee the Famous (Henry Holt and Co.)
I’ve been fascinated by Weegee—real name Arthur Fellig—since attending the International Center of Photography’s 2012 exhibition of his work, “Murder is My Business.” Known mostly for the inventive, tabloid-journalism style photos he took primarily of crime scenes and their aftermath in the 1930s and 40s, Weegee worked both quickly and nocturnally, allegedly developing photos out of a miniature darkroom in the trunk of his car. He was also a relentless self-mythologizer: Weegee was a nickname of his own making, for his “psychic” ability to arrive at a crime scene at the same time as the cops. I’m looking forward to learning more about the man behind the legend, especially after New York Times critic Jennifer Szalai raved that “Christopher Bonanos has finally supplied us with the biography Weegee deserves.”
–Jess Bergman, Lit Hub features editor
You-Jeong Jeong, The Good Son (Penguin Books)
There are almost too many great crime books coming out in June to pick one, but You-Jeong Jeong’s uber-creepy psychological thriller The Good Son is at the top of my list for the month and quite possibly for the year. When a young man wakes up covered in blood and finds his mother has been murdered, he must investigate the blank spaces in his own memories to uncover what happened. What emerges is a chilling portrait of psychopath, and a beautifully evocative tale of wealth and isolation in modern South Korean life. You-Jeong Jeong has been called the Stephen King of South Korea, although I’d prefer to compare her to Lionel Shriver, Dorothy B. Hughes, or Patricia Highsmith.
–Molly Odintz, CrimeReads editor
Rosalie Knecht, Who Is Vera Kelly? (Tin House)
People who know me know that two of my, say, top five interests are midcentury double identity stories and underground Latin American political/intellectual scenes. As it happens, those are the driving forces behind Rosalie Knecht’s new novel, Who Is Vera Kelly?, a strange and innovative take on the spy novel, one that’s noir and full of ambiguities, doubles, and double-crosses. This has everything you’d want from espionage fiction, but there’s also something strange and subversive going on. Knecht has a livewire intellect and I hope she sticks with spy fiction of some kind of another, because this is just the kind of jolt the genre (my beloved genre) needs now and again.
Good read found on the Lithub
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sharonr-universe · 8 years
I will not work together...
This is where I stand. ........his power hungry cronies taking positions of authority in his Cabinet and administration, and the majority of Republicans in Congress are a real and active threat to me, my way of life, and all the people I love. Some people are saying that we should give Trump a chance, that we should "work together" with him because he won the election and he is "everyone's president." This is my response: •I will not forget how badly he and so many others treated former President Barack Obama for 8 years... •I will not "work together" to privatize Medicare, cut Social Security and Medicaid. •I will not "work together" to build a wall. •I will not "work together" to persecute Muslims. •I will not "work together" to shut out refugees from other countries. •I will not "work together" to lower taxes on the 1% and increase taxes on the middle class and poor. •I will not "work together" to help Trump use the Presidency to line his pockets and those of his family and cronies. •I will not "work together" to weaken and demolish environmental protection. •I will not "work together" to sell American lands, especially National Parks, to companies which then despoil those lands. •I will not "work together" to enable the killing of whole species of animals just because they are predators, or inconvenient for a few, or because some people want to get their thrills killing them. •I will not "work together" to remove civil rights from anyone. •I will not "work together" to alienate countries that have been our allies for as long as I have been alive. •I will not "work together" to slash funding for education, the arts, humanities, and public broadcasting. •I will not "work together" to take basic assistance from people who are at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder. •I will not "work together" to get rid of common sense regulations on guns. •I will not "work together" to eliminate the minimum wage. •I will not "work together" to support so-called "Right To Work" laws, or undermine, weaken or destroy Unions in any way. •I will not "work together" to suppress scientific research, be it on climate change, fracking, or any other issue where a majority of scientists agree that Trump and his supporters are wrong on the facts. •I will not "work together" to criminalize abortion or restrict health care for women. •I will not "work together" to increase the number of nations that have nuclear weapons. •I will not "work together" to put even more "big money" into politics. •I will not "work together" to violate the Geneva Convention. •I will not "work together" to give the Ku Klux Klan, the Nazi Party and white supremacists a seat at the table, or to normalize their hatred. •I will not "work together" to deny health care to people who need it. •I will not "work together" to deny medical coverage to people on the basis of a "pre-existing condition." •I will not "work together" to increase voter suppression. •I will not "work together" to normalize tyranny. I will not “work together” to eliminate or reduce ethical oversite at any level of government. •I will not "work together" with anyone who is, or admires, tyrants and dictators. •I will not support anyone that thinks its OK to put a pipeline to transport oil on Sacred Ground for Native Americans. And, it would run under the Missouri River, which provides drinking water for millions of people. An accident waiting to happen. This is my line, and I am drawing it. •I WILL stand for honesty, love, respect for all living beings, and for the beating heart that is the center of Life itself. •I WILL use my voice and my hands, to reach out to the uninformed, and to anyone who will LISTEN: That "winning", "being great again", "rich" or even "beautiful" is nothing... When others are sacrificed to glorify its existence. Signed: Kathrine Iacofano Susan Goldberg Debbie Slavkin Linda Rosefsky Rebecca Tortorice Anna Konya Karen Redding Wendy Lemlin Patricia Rollins Trosclair Andrea Dora Zysk George Georgakis John Christopher John Bowles Patrick St.Louis Carla Patrick Darnell Bender Vickie Davis JMichael Carter Janice Frazier-Scott Rev. ELaura James Reid Jeanette Bouknight Rev. Dollie Howell Pankey Gerald Butler Carolyn McDougle Vaughn Chatman Adrienne Brown Gary Trousdale Steven E Gordon Isis Nocturne Debi Murray Maureen O. Betita Mona Enderli Fernie James Tamblin Myrna Dodgion Alan Locklear Tom Wilmore Jackie Evans Donna Endres Lora Fountain Roberta Gregory Heather A Mayhew Stevo Wehr Nathan Stivers Jen RaLee Joan Holden Leigh Lutz Deborah Kirkpatrick Linda Levy Tom Rue Nancy Hoffmann-Allison Beejay McCabe Michael James Myers Edward T. Spire Rupert Chapman Dawn R. Dunbar Robin Wilson Monique Boutot Laura Brown 💪🏼 Susan Aptaker Steve Katz Bonnie Wolk Risa Guttman-Kornwitz Angela Gora Butch Norman Sharon Tolman Sue Zislis Maurice Hirsch Satch Dobrey Jim Krapf Don Starwalt Deb Johansen Daniel Anderson Diane Kenney Rebecca Koop Nancy Shuert Bill Pryor Patrick Lamb Bob Travaglione Margaret Ragan Martha Peters Steve Wilson Lauren Sullivan Scott Bevan Roger Saunden Susanne Lavelle Benita Yimsuan Kathryn Scarano Kathleen E Neff Evey G Quines Debbie Dey John Dennehy, Jr. Marsha Vaughn Adam Sklena Larry David McGregor Blumenthal Gustavo Rodriguez ARJ Alva Freeman Yvette Ellard Rory Thayer Wilson Wayne Booth Streven King Phyllis Vlach Adrian Sandy Miller Castellano Nick Strippoli Ben Papapietro Renae Perry Isaac Gabaeff Katherine Anne O'Shea Brian R. Quattrini Tammy Long Jeffrey Murray Robin Schempp Laura Schimoler Reed Kenn Marash Betsy Joyce Peg Rees Smith Skip Bushby. Nancy Winne Georgia Cosgrove Jeff Turley Lindy White Anderson Don Erickson Maxine Jacobson Pamela M. Joyce Jody Cohen Amy Wynn Gale Courey Toensing Mary M. Palmer Kathy Wismar CB Wismar Jim Dryden Harriet Bart Vargas Diane Katsiaficas Jane Weis Will Hommeyer✌🏼 Ray Wiedmeyer Ellen B Green Sharon Ramirez Your turn. Copy, paste, add your name, post
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