#poor Kaha is going to get their share of fish in reparation
hussyknee · 7 months
Slept late today and was quite worried because the terrors hadn't woken me up at the ass crack of dawn to demand their breakfast. Neither did they seem that enthused when I set their kibble out two hours later than usual. Moo and Méka just about managed to finish theirs, but Mau left his half-eaten, a true sign of the endtimes. He drank down half their water bowl and went to nap quietly instead of following me around lodging his usual morning list of strident and mysterious complaints that had accumulated in the night. Méka and Moo also meandered around looking lethargic and kind of...hungover.
We're in the middle of a heatwave with real feel temperatures of nearly 40°C (104 F). I've left their water bowls full and within reach and they never go in the sun, but I still spent an hour googling overheating symptoms in cats and why they would be thirstier than usual. According to the internet, they have intestinal parasites, kidney disease and multiple organ failure.
Came down to forage for a late breakfast, still debating whether to call the vet, to find the housekeeper in high dudgeon. Apparently the little demons had gotten into the pantry before she'd woken up. They had discovered our tom cat's half-full bucket of adult kibble, overturned it, and gorged themselves on the contents. There had only been a handful left by the time she finally found them. And they still had room for breakfast! Except for Mau, who obviously couldn't physically stomach any more food because he's the most gluttonous of the greedy-guts and probably polished off the lion's share by himself.
Small mercy they didn't throw up in the house. Probably did in the garden. They're presently curled up dozing like crocodiles after swallowing a wholeass water buffalo. Just try yowling for food today, assholes.
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