#pooped pants
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rotteneggyfarty · 2 months ago
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Farting Girl by VinylSplash
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mommywilliamsblogss · 4 months ago
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I would always treat you so special baby .. I know baby would love mommy to always touch your diapers and feed you .. And mommy would always tell you interesting bedtime stories..
Mommy is always going to help you change your diapers and clean you up anytime you want and mommy is always going to sing you your nursery baby and mommy is always going to tell you a bedtime story baby
Just always ask momma anything, momma is here to answer you baby..dont keep anything from mommy and make mommy your one and only
Ich werde dich immer ganz besonders behandeln, Baby. Ich weiß, das Baby würde es lieben, wenn Mama immer deine Windeln anfasst und dich füttert. Und Mama würde dir vor dem Schlafengehen immer interessante Geschichten erzählen.
Mama wird dir immer beim Windelwechseln und Saubermachen helfen, wann immer du willst, und Mama wird dir immer dein Kinderzimmer vorsingen, Baby, und Mama wird dir immer eine Gutenachtgeschichte erzählen, Baby
Frag Mama einfach immer alles, Mama ist hier, um dir zu antworten, Baby. Verheimliche Mama nichts und mach Mama zu deiner Ein und Alles
Reblog my post so it can reach others you’re the best baby ever don’t be shy 🙈 baby👶🏻😂❤️
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fartingpokemonstinkers · 6 months ago
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Mela Farts by SlimyLeviathan
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amalgamationillustration · 20 days ago
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I drank the juice that makes me shit myself, oh boy I sure hope nothing unusual happens!
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fitdiaperboy · 2 months ago
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kiadiaper · 7 months ago
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that last fart wasn't a fart 🥴🥴
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stinkykittyboy · 2 months ago
kitty made a stinky :3
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mmm its so much more than the last one :> probably from not pooping yesterday and eating a lot today :3
its soooo warm and stinky .0. i cant stop touching myself long enough to write this XD
i really want diapers so i can do this more often -3- then i can go wherever whenever!! :D
id love to go out in public in a poopy diaper ^w^
kittys gonna go play with himself now :3 bye bye!!
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bathroombrat · 1 year ago
Causal messing without addressing has become more hot to me. Having a conversation and filling my panties? Not mentioning it and carrying on with the conversation — there’s something hot about that …
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johnathanstatue · 3 months ago
I wanted to have a genuine accident in public. I kinda set myself up for one cus I didn't go to the bathroom.before I left this morning and I remember going once yesterday morning. I put on a Tena slip with nothing underneath but wore tight underwear and leggings overtop. It really kept it in place. I wanted to take before and after pictures so I snapped a picture of both sides and left the place I was at the mall down the road when I had to pee and I held it and held it but I realized it wasn't much use. I just stood still looking at some laptops for sale and started wetting myself. It started off slow, like small bit by small bit. That didn't last long though the small little bits turned into bigger and bigger bursts until I simply couldn't hold it any longer. And just uncontrollably wet myself. The front of the diaper filled up quite a bit. The Tena bulged out in the front pretty badly. I don't think I mentioned I was wearing baggy black jeans over everything with a bigger winter jacket. I left the electronics store with all the laptops and I started going towards Walmart. The Tena was nicely against me and it really wasn't sagging much at all. I was walking through the frozen food section when I started feeling un easy in my stomach. I knew I was gonna have to go to the bathroom soon I just didn't know how soon. I made it through the next few isles with nothing much more then a slight stomach ache.
I remember I was looking at the bell peppers when I just got this nasty cramp and I knew right then that the mess I was holding all day and the day before was going to be coming out pretty soon. I tried looking for an escape but there was pretty much people everywhere I looked. There was people. I looked side to side and I could see that there wasn't much people by the hot sause section in the isle over from me. My stomach was cramping so bad. I wanted to try to just walk out and mess out there or just go home and mess but everytime I moved my legs my stomach cramped more and more and I knew I was gunna lose control of my bowels soon. I did manage to make it to a semi secluded area of the isle, that being the hot sause section. I really didn't know what my game plan for after was I just knew this mess wasn't staying in any longer. I didn't even push at all I just kinda let go of my sphincter muscle and a pretty solid mess started slowly seeping out and I tried holding it back but that was nearly impossible. It was sort of solid but it just hit the seat of my diaper and started bulging it out like crazy down there. I kept looking to my left and right to make sure no one was coming my way. The smell didn't hit me really but when I turned to start walking I could feel the seat of my diaper being weighed down quite a bit. My pants were fairly tight though so it was more spread around then in a big lump. I could feel quote a load in my diaper but I still had the urge to go badly. I kinda abandoned my groceries and I found a secluded area in the bakery section and undid my belt for a second and let my button undo it's self. I was starting to feel kinda weak from holding for so long so I just completely relaxed my bladder and my bowels. This mess started oozing out of me and I'm not even kidding I had to sneeze so I did and my gosh I'll tell you when I did. I messed myself so hard. I instantly did my pants back up and put my belt back on and got out of the store quick. I regretted walking there cus I had a good 20 minute walk with a messy diaper and the whole time I just kept pulling my diaper up over and over since it was so full. I finally got home and snapped the other pictures of my front and back. I was so ready for the shower though I needed it badly. Anyways this was my adventure today. The top two are before and the bottom 2 are after.
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rotteneggyfarty · 4 months ago
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Squirrel Girl Farted by Rushgob
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mommywilliamsblogss · 5 months ago
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Hast du in deine Windel gekackt? Wenn du zu den Babys gehörst, die jeden Tag in ihre Windel kackten? Kennst du eigentlich die Lösung dafür? Wenn du die Lösung nicht kennst, folge mir auf meinem Blog oder in der Kommentarfunktion. Ich zeige dir, wie du die Windel ganz einfach wechseln kannst, egal, ob du auf der Arbeit, im Schlafzimmer, im Supermarkt oder im Park bist. Reblogge es, wenn du tatsächlich einer von ihnen bist ❤️💩💩
Have you pooped in your diaper? If you are one of those babies who pooped in their diaper every day? Do you actually know the solution for this? If you don't know the solution, follow me on my blog or in the comments section. I'll show you how to change the diaper easily, no matter if you are at work, in the bedroom, in the supermarket or in the park. Reblog it if you are actually one of them ❤️💩💩
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kiadiaper · 3 months ago
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I poop twice in a row in my leggings 🥴🥴
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ransackedpotato3 · 6 months ago
This story is long and detailed like my first one
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Makayla and Jesse finished their sixth plate of takeout from their local Thai vendor. “Told you we’d finish it all,” Jesse told Makayla,who was hesitant to buy all six plates of devilishly spicy cuisine. “My mouth” - *sharp inhale* “is suffering” - *quivering exhale* “my younger hurts” Makayla uttered through painful breathing to try to ease her mouth from the spice. “If you’re spice tolerance is that low why’d you eat four plates?, I could’ve finished it for you!” Jesse joked. “It was good.” Makayla replied, falling back onto the expensive penthouse sofa behind her with her shoes still on.
“Time to chill” Makayla mumbled lazily pulling her phone out to scroll instagram. Jesse followed less lazily, taking her shoes off and lying on the other side of the sofa.
An hour passed of silence passed, interrupted by the rumbling of Makayla’s stomach. She held her hand to her bulging stomach, “girl my stomach is yelling at meee” she jokingly Jesse with a smile “I’m so full my stomach is hard, it’s like I’m pregnant”. “Mhmm” Jesse replied half assedly, on the verge of falling asleep on the sofa.
A hot sharp pain hit Makayla’s stomach, a hard push and a short “hrrrmph” she squeezed out a small tight short fart. The fart was just as spicy as the food she ate, feeling a hot sting on her asshole as the small pocket of hot air was forced out of her her sphincter. The soothing release of pressure made her push more difficult brief spicy farts, she pushed and pushed dozens of spicy farts, her underpants were totally stained. As she rolled onto her side for ease, She kept pushing to the point the sweat accumulated from physical exertion had made her thin white cargo pants stick to her skin like fine silk.
On the contrary, Jesse, who had dozed off on the sofa adjacent to Makayla, caught a faint whiff of the lividly pungent fireballs propelled out of Makayla’s ass. “OH WHAT the fuck is that smell!!??..” Jesse squealed as her hand jolted to her nose. “Sorry… HRRRNGH my stomach” Makayla answered pushing another wet hot fart.
“Oh my gosh stop Makayla that smells soo bad!” Jesse mumbled behind her palms, “if it smells that bad, why don’t you get up and leave then?” “I’m too tired that food took me out…”. Just as Jesse finished her sentence Makayla pushes out the NASTIEST BEEFIEST JUICIEST fury of gas. It echoes through the room like an acoustic reverb. “…Did you just shit yourself??” Jesse asks in awe of what she had heard “go to the bathroom Makayla!” “Fuck you I fart whenever I want. 🖕🏽” Makayla replied “That’s not even the worst I got wanna see?”. “NO!!! go use The BATHROOM!!” Makayla, Ignoring Jesse’s demands, sticking the middle finger to her while hiding her face with her phone. With a grunt, She begins to push out the “ultimate fart”.
Her body tenses up as she focuses all her strength on mustering gas from her intestines. After a second of struggle, a minuscule amount of gas sputters out her sphincter, followed by a surprise SUPERTURD. A long completely solid slippery log of shit EXPLODES into her cargoes at FULL FORCE. With the sound of a gunshot the rigid stiff log TENTED her thin, sweat-damp cargos out 10 INCHES in the blink of an eye. The friction of the turd sliding past her asshole at super speed generated painful levels of heat, Makayla jerked her body straight as she felt the logs advance be thwarted by the resistance of her pants.
Makayla’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened as she dropped her phone and moved her hand to her large rear, getting up from the sofa in a flash.
Standing motionless in terror, she could feel the stiff tenting shit log move to settle in her rear, it slowly slid from colliding parallel to her asshole, gradually rotating across the in the seat of her pants, skating across contact with her pants and the crevice of her asscheeks, to resting between them, slowly reducing the tent in her cargo pants to a simple vertical bulge. She felt every bit of it.
“… No way.” Jesse uttered with a horrified expression. Makayla’s eyes slowly peeped towards Jesse “There’s more…” “What?”
Makayla full sent towards the bathroom, small squirts of mushy shit escaping her with every step, just as she arrived at the bathroom it happened, the next log had arrived. “Ahh, Ah- AHHhhhhnnnnngh” As she opened the bathroom door, The Massive turd in her intestines pounded at her door. “Ow, Oww OWW OWW OW” the turd began forcing its way out as she entered the bathroom, it was crazy wide, stretching her asshole to an unimaginably painful diameter. She dismissed removing her pants as she sat on the toilet, beads of sweat running from her forehead to her neck as she scrunched her face in pain. Holding the walls for support she pushed with ALL her might, straining in full exertion as she tried to get the pain over with. The massive log of shit ROCKETED into her pants to accompany the first turd, creating an even bigger bulge. Spicy mushy diarrhea followed from her meal earlier. Makayla desperately moaned in relief as she faced the ceiling breathing heavily. Through her anguished painful moans, deafening wet farts, and the wrathful squelching of sloppy fecal matter blew into her pants. Her moans grew quieter as she violently shat on herself, the seat of her cargos growing heavier and heavier, as the bulge in her stomach flattened. The flow of poo finally subsided.
Her pants carried a variety of different textures, the completely solid logs of shit that flew out painfully, the mushy turds that sneaked their way out through the slushy sloppy steamy semisolid excrement. All drenched in the hot liquid diarrhea that ferociously sprayed out of her asshole by the conclusion of her bowel movement. The mess completely enveloped her ass in shit as the bulge has swollen up to an unnatural size. Liquid shit dripped from her pants into the toilet bowl, dying the water brown.
The bathroom was overcome with the smell of shit, but Makayla’s heavy breathing was the only sound. she sighed in relief as she removed her hands from the wall, drenched in sweat, locking eyes with the ceiling in an attempt to ignore the pain at her rear. She slowly stood up, feeling her center of gravity change as a mass of shit began to slide down the back of her thighs in her pants, pausing her in animation.
The liquid shit dribbled down the leg holes first, followed by the pulps of mushy shit plopping into her shoes and around her feet. She moved her hands to her waistband and slowly slid down her pants. This would take a while to clean…
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clearintent22 · 4 months ago
Good girls drink from the toilet bowl and lick the seat instead of getting mad when daddy doesn’t flush his piss or splashes on the lid.
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rotteneggyfarty · 9 months ago
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Shantae Farting by RepulsiveProto
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stinkykittyboy · 1 month ago
i accidentally wore my partners underwear overnight n had an accident in them just b4 >~<
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kitty did an oopsie :( my tummy still isnt happy idk why, but shitting myself w/o control is kinda fun x33
its nice and warm and stinky :3 a lot of my poos have been wet latelyy >.<
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