#pools demo
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gentleman-velvet · 11 months ago
Livestream for three horror games
Sunday at 1:45 (central standard time)
Come and join the fun :)
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pillarsalt · 4 months ago
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played dreamcore demo for a little while until it started crashing my shit, got a couple cool shots
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skylertheminish · 8 months ago
Oh hey an inane thought!
It just occurred to me that Valstrax, my favourite Elder dragon, would 100% fight Rayquaza. And who'd come out on top is actually kinda hard to say! Yes Rayquaza may have his mega form (if its the timeline where the weapon was fired). But Valstrax is an Elder dragon and technically has a mega equivalent with Crimson Valstrax.
Either way both are extremely cool monster designs.
(then of course there's Valstrax's theme).
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ejsandfarkleslovebot · 7 months ago
CHAPTER TEN, big time demos
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Andi follows her mom out to the pool at Palm Woods where the boys are sitting. "Hey, guys." Kelly greets while Andi waves at them. "We just stopped by to drop off your tickets."
"Oh, hockey tickets?" Logan guessed.
James smiles. "Concert tickets?"
"No and no." Andi replies. She points at the plane tickets in her mom's hand. "Plane tickets."
"You guys do know that if you don't get picked by the record company tomorrow, you're going back to Minnesota." Kelly said to the boys and by their reactions Andi assumed they didn't know that.
The boys look at Andi and Kelly with a surprised and fearful expression. "What?!"
The boys had just finished the new song 'Want To Be Famous' written by Andi. They immediately rushed into the sound system room where Andi and Gustavo are at. "We don't want to go home," Kendall tells Gustavo. "We want to stay here…"
"And get famous." James added.
Kelly walks into the room, walking over to stand where Gustavo sat as Andi turns around in her chair to face the boys. "Yeah, about that…Too bad!" Gustavo yells. "It's been three months." Andi hands him the demo he reaches over for and Gustavo shows the boys the demo. "The demos are done." He does air quotations when he says the word 'deal'. "That was the 'deal'."
Andi couldn't believe it was already three months. It felt like yesterday they had just moved to LA. Time was moving by fast. Andi didn't want the boys to leave, especially not after she had been starting to have a crush on Kendall. Okay, yes, she admits it, she had a crush on Kendall Knight. It's hard not to. He's a great guy. And she really doesn't want him to go back to Minnesota. He's not the only one that is a great guy though. She had grown close to all the boys and they were her best friends. And she didn't want them to leave.
"Right…" Carlos nods and then furrows his eyebrows. "What are demos again?"
"They're the sample songs we've been recording that if the record company likes," Kelly responds. "Then you get to stay here, make a full album, go on tour, and then.."
"You become famous." Kelly sang.
Gustavo stands up. "But if they don't pick it, I take over my father's scooter business, and you go back to Minnesota and be nobodies again."
James lets out a small scream, looking at Gustavo with wide eyes along with the others. Kendall frowns. "But we've worked so hard. W-We're so close."
Gustavo shakes his head. "You're not so close."
Logan furrows his eyebrows. "We're almost there?"
Andi, Gustavo, and Kelly shake their heads. "Halfway there?" Carlos questioned.
Gustavo points at the boys. "You're almost halfway there. Now I'm going to go to my office. Please do not follow me."
The boys didn't listen to him. Instead they followed the three to Gustavo's office, opening the door just as Andi closed it. "How could Griffin not pick Big Time Rush?" James asks while Gustavo sits down at his desk. "He loves us."
"Griffin loves all the bands with demos, and there are six of them, but only one gets picked." Gustavo replied.
"Everyone is talking about Vampirah." Andi spoke, showing the boys Vampirah's demo she got off of Gustavo's desk. James took the demo from her and a panicked expression forms on his face.
"Vampire dudes with guitars." Logan read off the back of the demo. He frowns. "We're toast."
"Hey, hey, hey, we're not toast." Kendall reassures his friends. He looks at Carlos, James, and Logan. "What's the one thing we've learned since we've been in L.A?"
"That black is the new black." James replied.
"If you drink cold milk on a hot day, you die." Logan responded.
"That every time you leave your house, your toys come alive." Carlos answered. Andi looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, not knowing what he meant by that. Did his toys really come alive when he left his house? Or did he watch Toy Story too many times? She was thinking it was the latter.
Kendall shakes his head. "That if you don't wait for your dreams to happen. You make them happen." He looks at Gustavo. "Now, how does the winning band get picked?"
Gustavo stands up and angrily replies with, "That is a highly classified cooperate secret that no one will tell me, and it's killing me!"
"Guys," Kelly chimes in. "We want this as bad as you do, but all we know is that the winning band is picked by a top-secret advisor very close to Griffin."
Everyone looks over at the door when they hear laughter and are confused and surprised to see a blonde haired girl with expensive clothes on walk into the office. "Yeah, ew, I just entered this totally ugly office." The girl said to whoever she was talking to on the phone. "Hold on, I'm mini barfing."
Andi narrows her eyes at the girl as the blonde takes a seat in Gustavo's chair. "I'm here to pick up a CD from Big Time…Whatever."
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Gustavo exclaimed.
"Mercedes Griffin," Mercedes introduced herself and Andi's eyes grow wide. She wasn't expecting this girl to be Griffin's daughter. "As in your boss' daughter."
Mercedes raises her phone back to her ear. "I'll call you back, Jess. Livin' large here is about to start groveling." She hung up the call and Gustavo nervously laughed.
"Hey, ha ha, I am so, so sorry." Gustavo apologizes. Andi hands over the demo to Mercedes as Gustavo says, "Um, here is the demo."
"Uh, can I-can I get you a latte or a yacht?" Gustavo asked Mercedes.
Mercedes doesn't say anything as she takes the demo and stands up. She walks around the desk, standing in front of the boys when she notices them. "Is this the band? You guys are hot."
The boys smile at her. "Oh, and you're that secret someone whose close to Griffin who decides the winning demos." Carlos realized.
Mercedes nods. "That's right, I make the decisions, and I just decided that…" She waves her finger in front of the boys until she lands on Kendall. "You're my new boyfriend."
Andi's eyes grow wide at hearing that, the others having a shocked expression on their faces as well. Andi couldn't believe this. Did she say what she thought she did? This wasn't happening, was it? It had to be a joke. But she knew it wasn't as Mercedes pulled Kendall along with her.
"Let's go." Mercedes said to Kendall. Kendall looks at her with confusion and Mercedes grabs a fistful of his shirt, pulling him with her despite him struggling to stay.
"This is not right." James shakes his head with an upset look on his face. ""How could she pick Kendall over me?"
Andi, Carlos, and Logan looks at him with a glare. "That's what you're focusing on right now?" Andi asked him in an annoyed tone. She couldn't believe this was happening. It just had to be a dream or it was more like a nightmare. Any moment now she was going to wake up in her bed and none of this would have happened. Right?
Andi was wrong. It wasn't a nightmare, well, it felt like one, but she wasn't sleeping. She was now at the lobby of Palm Woods with the others, rushing over to Kendall who was carrying a lot of pool stuff for Mercedes and Andi honestly felt bad for him because all of that stuff looked heavy. She frowned, feeling bad for him. How could Mercedes treat him like that? It wasn't right. Mercedes didn't treat him like her boyfriend, she treated him more like a servant.
Andi and Logan help Kendall up after seeing that he fell on his knees. "Hey, big guy." Logan greets. "You're doing a great job."
"She's horrible." Kendall breathed out. He had a look of frustration and anger on his face and Andi couldn't blame him. She was frustrated and angry at Mercedes as well. No one should be treated like this, especially not Kendall.
"Yeah," Andi agrees. "We know." She looks at him sympathetically. "You're gonna get through this."
Carlos points at Kendall. "Exactly." He said, agreeing with Andi. "If she loves you then she'll pick our demos, and we get to stay in L.A. and we're almost halfway there."
James pulls out a hand mirror he brought with him, showing it in front of Kendall and then in front of himself a few times. "How could she pick you over me? Look at this."
Andi hits his shoulder, looking at him with a glare. "Dude, focus. We need to help him get through this. Stop being a diva." James pouted, rubbing his shoulder and he put the mirror away.
"Now, here's some subliminal imagery that will help her pick our demos." Logan put a hat on Kendall that read 'Pick Big Time Rush'.
"Ooh, and some breath spray just in case she wants to kiss you." Carlos said, spraying some breath spray in Kendall's mouth.
Kendall pulls away, his eyes widening as he looks at each of them. "Ack, I have to kiss her?!" He asked with a grimace look on his face. Andi hoped he didn't have to. Just the fact that he has to be Mercedes boyfriend made her feel a pang of jealousy and sadness.
"Wait!" Gustavo exclaimed.
"We can't let you do this." Kelly said to Kendall and he let out a sigh of relief.
"Not without the perfect mood music for your pool date with Mercedes." Gustavo raised up the stereo, placing the handle in Kendall's mouth. He pressed play on it and the first song the band recorded came on. Andi bit her lower lip, watching Kendall stumbles over to where Mercedes was at with worry. Words of encouragement were heard from the boys while Kendall walked over to Mercedes.
When Kendall was quiet, Mercedes sits up, looking at Kendall with wide eyes. "You hesitated." She turns off the music that was playing. "Maybe I'll hesitate to choose your demo as the winner. I heard Vampirah's amazing."
Andi and the others quickly rush over to them at hearing that. "You can't. Woah, woah, woah."
Carlos kneels beside where Mercedes sat. "Of course he loves you. I mean, who-who wouldn't love you…With your hair and your hands and that rat-dog thing?"
Mercedes smiles at him. "It's like you really know me." Mercedes looks at Kendall. "I'm breaking up with you." She looks back at Carlos. "You're my new boyfriend."
Standing up, Carlos looks at her with wide eyes. Mercedes stands up. "Now carry me out like they do in the movies." Carlos carries her bridal style as Mercedes looks back at Kendall. "Old boyfriend carry my stuff up later."
James groans. Carlos nervously laughed while carrying Mercedes inside.
The group was now hiding in the shower of the boys' apartment where Carlos was making cookies for Mercedes. The group, minus Carlos, we're hiding in the shower in the bathroom. Andi and Kendall we're in the back, Gustavo, Logan and James stood between Andi and Kendall and Kelly stood in the front of the others.
When the door to the bathroom opened and closed, Logan pushed the curtain of the shower open so he and the others could see that Carlos was covered in cookie dough. He also wore a chef hat and an apron that both read 'Pick Big Time Rush'.
From his place standing behind Andi, Kendall asked, "This looks weird, right?"
Carlos nods. Gustavo shrugs. "Who cares? Get back in there."
Carlos immediately shakes his head. "Okay, we're close to near to almost halfway there."
"Yeah, so get out there." Andi said, gesturing for Carlos to go back out.
Carlos shakes his head again. "I can't go back. She hurts me."
"Are you talking behind my back with people in the shower?" They hear Mercedes question.
"No…Apple blossom." Carlos nervously answered.
Everyone screams when the door is pushed open roughly and Carlos moves over to the shower the others stood in. Andi and Kendall had instinctively moved closer to each other and were now holding hands when the door was suddenly pushed open. Mercedes glares at Carlos. "You lied to me. We're finished. My new boyfriend is…Him." Mercedes pointed at Logan and smiled.
James looks at her with wide eyes. "Him? Do you not see this?" He asked her, gesturing to himself.
Mercedes ignores him and looks at Logan. "Let's go, new boyfriend." She holds the blue-green purse she had with her, looking at Logan with a smile. "We're gonna dye your hair to match my bag."
"No!" Logan cried out, putting a hand on his hair with a panicked expression on his face.
When Mercedes walks away, everyone looks at Logan. "So you gonna do the right thing?" Gustavo inquired.
"No…" Kendall answers. "I am." He hands Logan the loofa he had. "Hold my loofah."
It was then Andi and Kendall realized they were still holding hands and they quickly let go, their faces turning red as Andi stepped out of the way for Kendall to walk by. The group quickly rush out of the bathroom when they heard that Kendall said Logan is dumping Mercedes.
"What?!" Mercedes angrily exclaimed.
"What?!" The group exclaimed, looking at Kendall with wide eyes.
Kendall points at Mercedes. "Because you're spoiled, pushy, mean," As he speaks the others go over to stand behind him. Kendall points at Carlos and then himself. "He, me, and we would rather all go back to Minnesota than spend one more second pretending to be your boyfriend." He grins. "And, man, it felt so good to say that!" Andi couldn't help the small smile on her face as she looked at him. She was proud of him to stand up to Mercedes because she was so close to doing that herself. Plus it felt good to hear that he didn't like being Mercedes' boyfriend, meaning she could possibly have a chance. Wait, what? Why was she thinking about her liking Kendall? They were friends. Friends, Andi, get a grip.
"Well, let me tell you something." Mercedes angrily points at him. She then holds up their demo. "There is no way I'm picking your demos now. Big Time Rush is Big-Time done."
Everyone looks at her with shock and lets out a small scream when she throws the demo on the groan. They scream more when she broke it by stomping on it. Looking at them with one last glare Mercedes left the apartment.
Everyone groans and looks at Kendall who apologetically smiled. "So…What do we do now?" Carlos asked.
Kelly pulls out the stereo and Logan sighs, pressing play. Seconds later the beginning of the song Big Time Rush came on.
"Ah, ah, ah-ah, ohhh."
Andi, Gustavo, and Kelly are now in the boys' apartment, watching them pack their bags. Andi was really hoping that they wouldn't have to leave because they changed her life for the better. She wouldn't know what she would do without them. She didn't want them to leave.
"You guys can hold you head high." Kelly tries cheering the boys up. "Most bands don't even make it almost halfway there."
Gustavo walks over, carrying a tray of cookies while he ate one. "She's right. I am very, very proud of you guys."
"Appreciate that he said that." Looking at the boys, Andi points at Gustavo. "He doesn't say that to a lot of people."
"Ahhhh!" Gustavo suddenly yells, startling everyone. Gustavo looks at everyone with an apologetic expression. "I'm fine. Scooters!" Gustavo shouts. "No, I'm not." Kelly held the tray as he fell to the floor. Andi rolled her eyes at Gustavo's antics. Honestly, she had no idea why she worked for him. He was such a strange man, but she guessed that's what made things less boring. Plus the boys were fun to be around and it was never a dull moment when they were around.
"No," Mercedes shakes her head. "A chimp. And if he claps, you're in, but if he makes a fart noise, you're out." She starts crying again. "And sometimes I think that daddy loves Lo-Lo more than me."
This time Kendall is the one to comfort her. "There, there, Mercedes. It's okay. Don't cry." When Mercedes stops crying, Kendall asks her, "Now, do you have a security card to your dad's building?"
Kelly rolls her eyes. "Oh, please. What are you guys gonna do, chimpnap Lo-Lo and train him to to love Big Time Rush?"
"I was kidding!" Kelly exclaimed, looking at Lo-Lo with wide eyes. Carlos, Kendall, and Gustavo were wearing spy costumes while Andi and James were police officer costumes, and Logan had on an outfit some people in the Sahara desert wore.
Logan grins, gesturing to Lo-Lo who was on top of a table. "But the plan worked perfectly."
Once everyone got back in their original clothes, Andi, Gustavo, Kelly, and Mercedes got in the sound system room while the boys stayed in the recording studio with Lo-Lo. "Now, according to Pavlov, animals can be trained to associate positive feelings with certain stimuli." Logan states. "Such as sight, smells, and…"
"Big Time Rush demos." Kendall finished his sentence, holding up one of their demos.
Logan nods. "Exactly. We're gonna train Lo-Lo to pick the Big Time Rush demos through the positive reinforcement of…" He gestures to Carlos who gives him some bananas. "Bananas."
It worked at first, but then Lo-Lo picked up the bananas and started throwing them at the boys. Lo-Lo then ran out of the room. Mercedes nervously smiles. "Well, he either loved it or really hated it."
The group now sat in the hangout area outside of the recording studio. Andi sat on the arm of the couch beside where Kendall sat, Kelly sat on the arm of a chair where Gustavo is sitting, and Mercedes sat on a chair across from them. The boys were picking off the banana peels that were on them and Kelly was eating a banana.
Andi looks at Gustavo weirdly when he starts talking about scooters all of a sudden. "You know, the scooter is the sensible solution for today's high gas prices, and offers seniors increased mobility, and-Ahhh!" He let out a scream when he realized what he's doing.
Kendall stands up, facing the group with a determined expression. "You know, we are not giving up. We're almost halfway there, and another thing I've learned since coming to L.A. is that together, we can do anything."
Andi looks over with wide eyes with the others when Griffin walks over with his two assistants and Lo-Lo. "Look who I found hitchhiking on the Hollywood freeway."
Kendall sighs in defeat and sits back down. "Yeah, we're done."
"I am deeply disappointed in all of you, but I'm also curious. What happened?" Griffin inquired.
Everyone grew quiet, sharing nervous looks with each other. Mercedes is the one to stand up and confess. "It's my fault, daddy. I lied to them, and I made them be my boyfriends, and then I ate terrible cookies, and then I cried, and then I helped them chimpnap Lo-Lo, and…I love you."
Griffin looks at Gustavo with raised eyebrows. "Is that true? Because she lies…A lot."
Gustavo and Kelly then stand up. "It's all of our faults." Gustavo replied.
Kendall stands up, looking at Griffin. "We really want to stay here in L.A. and make an album…"
Carlos stands up. "And a tour."
"And be famous…" James added, standing up as well.
Logan stands up, looking at Griffin with an apologetic expression. "But we may have gone a little too far."
Andi nods in agreement and stands up while looking at Griffinn apologetically. "Way too far."
Kelly peeks out from standing behind Gustavo and apologizes. "Sorry."
"Those are a lot of sentences containing words, containing letters, and I admire your passion and dedication," Griffin tells them. "But it doesn't change the fact that Lo-Lo picks which demo wins."
Griffin looks at Lo-Lo. "So what's it's gonna be, Lo-Lo? Do you like Big Time Rush?"
Everyone looks at Lo-Lo with hopeful expressions and their hope is crushed when Lo-Lo makes a fart noise. "Ooh, the fart noise." Griffin said, looking back at the others. "Sorry, boys. Vampirah wins."
Mercedes quickly stands in front of her dad. "Lo-Lo's wrong, daddy. The Vampire fad has one, two years left, max." She gestures to Andi and the boys. "These guys' songs have infectious melodies, classic pop hooks, and Big Time Rush will crush the six to sixtern year old demographic which is your core music-buying base."
Griffin looks at her with surprise. "Wow." He looks at Lo-Lo. "Lo-Lo I'm transferring you to missile defense." He looks at Mercedes with a smile and wraps an arm around her. "Mercedes, you're my new hit-predicting adviser. This way we can spend more time together."
He looks at Andi, Gustavo, Kelly, and the boys with a smile. "Big Time Rush wins!"
Andi's eyes grow wide and she grins. She turns to the others and starts cheering with them. When the cheering dies down, Griffin looks at Mercedes. "Anything else for my princess?"
"Well," Mercedes looks at Logan with a smile. "I never really got a chance to date Logan."
Logan's eyes grow wide at hearing that. Griffin looks at Logan. "Logan, you're Mercedes' new boyfriend." Logan let out a small scream, moving to hide behind James.
Griffin looks at Andi, Gustavo, Kelly, and the boys. "Now get to work. We need some new songs for the Big Time Rush album."
Andi grins at hearing that and shares a grin with Gustavo. "We already got one." She admitted. They had already worked on writing a song throughout this process after getting inspired by what was going on.
Gustavo nods in agreement and gestures to the studio. "Move out!"
When the boys finished practicing Andi's song 'Halfway There' they were ready to perform it. Andi, Gustavo, Kelly, Mercedes, Griffin, and his two assistants are now in the sound system room, watching the boys preform the song.
After the boys were done performing, everyone cheered for them.
Andi sets down the check on Bitters' desk in the Palm Woods' lobby, standing next to her mom while the boys stand behind them. "We need to renew the lease for 2-J." Kelly said to Bitters.
Jennifer and Katie who were standing next to them looks at them with surprise. Carlos grins. "We're gonna make a full album."
Logan nods. "And probably a concert tour…"
"And be famous." James chimed in.
Andi then realized that Jennifer was wearing an assistant manager suit. Jennifer turns to Bitters, putting a plunger on the desk. "I quit, and I gave Buddha Bob the rest of the day off."
"What room?" Bitters asked with a disgusted expression on his face.
"3-B." Jennifer replies. "And it's bad."
When Bitters leave, Jennifer turns to the boys with a smile. "Well, I guess we're not going home."
"Actually, mom," Kendall glances around with a smile, his gaze lingering on Andi with a fond smile. "I think we are home."
Andi's heart flutters when he says that, and she can't help but smile back at him. She feels a warm feeling spreading through her chest, knowing that the boys consider the Palm Woods their home, and she's a part of that. It's a feeling of belonging that she cherishes deeply.
Everyone smiles at hearing that and Katie then points at the boys and Andi. "Race you to the pool."
Andi chuckled lightly and quickly ran to the pool along with the boys and Katie trying to get to the pool first.
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sososososososomething · 8 months ago
HELLOOOOOO is anyone hearing this how is this song not topping every fucking chart in the world
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mxdwn · 1 year ago
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Broadcast's Previously Unheard Demos To Be Released As Final Two Albums, Shares Pair Of Tracks "Follow The Light" & "Tears In The Typing Pool"
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codeonedigest · 2 years ago
Amazon Cognito Authentication and Authorization | Cognito User Pool & Identity Pool Explained
Full Video Link https://youtube.com/shorts/plyv476pZmo Hi, a new #video on #aws #apigateway #cloud is published on #codeonedigest #youtube channel. @java #java #awscloud @awscloud #aws @AWSCloudIndia #Cloud #CloudComputing @YouTube #yo
Amazon Cognito is an identity platform for web and mobile apps. Today we will understand important features of Cognito. Userpool – Amazon Cognito user pool is a user directory. With a user pool, your users can sign in to your web or mobile app through Amazon Cognito, or federate through a third-party Identity provider. Amazon Cognito user pool can be a standalone IdP. Amazon Cognito draws from…
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yourfavoritewitchbitch · 9 months ago
Desire, I'm Hungry
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Summary: You and Steve happen upon a strange flower and suddenly find yourselves separated from your friends in the Upside Down. An unrelenting desire overtakes the both of you, taking your friendship past the point of no return.
CW: Porn with plot. Sex pollen (so this could be considered forced intimacy). Underlying idiots in love. Mutual pining. AFAB Reader. Steve's canon S4 injuries. Steve's a little mean. Fluff ending. Biting. Blood. Fingering. Makeshift gag. Unprotected P in V. Reader has a vagina. Small breeding kink (it is Steve, after all). Creampie.
This one would not leave my brain until I got it out! Enjoy!
WC: 10.4K
In all the years you had come to know Steve Harrington it had its ups and downs. Being his best friend came with firsthand experience with all things Upside Down that ultimately led you into some pretty precarious situations.
Demogorgans, demo-dogs, Russians and a monster composed solely of melted people were the least of your worries because HE had always been there.
Until this very moment you saw him as untouchable. An invincible protector, the one person who came when you needed to be saved, not the person who needed saving.
He'd reached for your hand in desperation as he disappeared under Lover's Lake. The tips of his fingers slipped through yours, leaving you grasping and screaming out in panic and shock.
“Steve! No, no, no, no!” You scrambled next to Robin, pulling off your jacket about to jump in when she suddenly caught your wrist.
“Hey Y/N! No! You can't just jump in there!” She yelled. Before you could get a word of protest out, you heard Eddie yell behind you.
“Woah, Wheeler you're not going in there, are you?”
“Just wait here.” She replied, briefly cutting her eyes to you before the sound of splashing water drew your attention.
“Holy shit,” Robin breathed out, clutching a hand over her mouth.
“Robin, we can't stay here. Not with both of them down there! Let's go!” Reaching out to her, as you turned back to look at the metalhead. “Eddie?”
“What? No. You can't go. What the fuck man!” He wailed. “She said wait.”
“Yeah, we heard her.” Robin finally nodded, squeezing your hand reassuringly as you both leapt from the boat.
You'd never been a strong swimmer, even with all the summers spent by the Harrington's pool. Much more interested in getting some sun instead of swimming laps.
Only now you were regretting never listening to the boy when he tried to give you those life preserving pointers, as you swam to the pulsating gate beneath Lover's Lake. Your lungs were on fire by the time you made it to the opening, Robin extending her hand to help you through.
Eddie surprisingly followed a moment after, while you were still trying to catch your breath.
Suddenly, ear splitting screeching noises and Nancy's voice pulled your focus in time to see Satan’s own flying hell spawn attacking Steve on the ground, as she attempted to fight them off.
“Oh my God! We have to help them!” You shouted, taking off in a sprint toward your friends, Eddie and Robin hot on your heels. All regard for your own safety was quickly forgotten.
A weapon was the furthest thing from your mind but as you drew closer, you realized just how dire the situation appeared.
Steve was being strangled by one of the creatures, with its tail wrapped around his neck and another making a meal of him. Nancy had successfully pried one off and was in the midst of fighting it back.
“Steve! Just hang on!” You shouted, stomping a foot down directly on this thing's back as it shrieked out in pain releasing its jaw from his side, immediately turning its attention toward you.
“Oh fuck.” You hissed, as it leapt up taking flight. You turned to run but Robin was right there with an oar.
You ducked as she bashed into this thing, splintering the wood as it fell to the ground. Rushing over you began to stomp on it repeatedly until it stopped moving.
You all turned in time to see Steve holding this creature by the tail and whip it around hitting the ground until it lost consciousness. Stepping on it with his bare foot and pulling until he ripped it apart with his bare hands.
“Fuck,” you huffed, stunned. He was bloodied and bruised, as he spit blood from his mouth, but he was alive.
Robin leaned over slightly, whispering low enough for only you to hear.
“Might want to pick your jaw up off the floor.”
You shut your mouth and shot her a sideways glance, as she snickered.
The joy of a victory was short lived as you rushed over to Steve’s side.
‘Steve, are you okay?” Suddenly hurdling yourself into his chest with a thud as he grunted out, throwing your arms around his neck as he wound his around your back, holding a little too tightly and maybe a few seconds too long before letting go to give you a proper answer.
“Well,” Looking down at his torso, when you stepped back. “They took about a pound of flesh. But, other than that, yeah, never better.”
Robin began ranting about rabies, but you couldn’t take your eyes off of Steve as your own set of worries began to seep in. Completely lost on the conversation around you until you heard Nancy yell.
“The woods. Come on!”
“Y/N, c’mon!” Steve frantically tugged at your arm before you all made a run for cover.
You were huddled under skull rock pressed in like sardines, waiting with bated breath until the bats finally dispersed.
Everyone grumbled, and voiced concerns as you stood. Steve took a few uneasy steps before he fell against the rocky surface opposite of you.
“Oh shit,” coming out on a shaky exhale, as he tried to upright himself.
“Steve?” Your head whipped around as you stepped into his space, reaching out to help steady him.
“I'm fine. I'm fine.” He huffed out, still a little dazed.
“No, no you're not. You're bleeding. Sit down.” Worrying over him.
He slid down, as you knelt in front of him, guiding his wrist to take his hand away from his oozing wound. Nancy began to tear the bottom of her shirt, quickly handing you the fabric.
Robin started rambling about rabies again before you glared at her.
“Rob, not helping!” You hissed before she mumbled an apology and backed away from the two of you.
“You ready?” Asking him as he looked down at you, poised with his makeshift bandage.
“Yeah, just do it.” He pinched his eyes closed, bracing himself, wincing once you pulled it taut against his abdomen and began wrapping.
“Too tight?” Chancing a glance up at him but he was already staring down at you, with a scowl plastered across his features.
“Why the hell are you down here?” He suddenly blurted out.
“What the hell do you mean? We all jumped in for you.” His question genuinely bewildered you, eyes drifting back down, concentrating on the task at hand. Wouldn't he do the same for any of you?
“You should have stayed in the boat. Like I told you to.” He chides.
You work to finish covering his wounds, ignoring the sting of his words. Scolding you as if you were a petulant child who didn't listen to their father.
“A thank you would be nice.” Mumbling out as he winced when you tightened it to begin tying it off.
“A thank you?” Scoffing down at you. “Well instead of me dying, now we all might die. Don't you get that? Jesus, Y/N you don't lis— Fuck!” He hissed out.
You made sure to pull the last knot even tighter, effectively cutting off the rest of his little tirade.
“Oops.” You smirked, finally standing and stepping away from him.
You were drenched and cold, suddenly all too aware of your grim situation. You sure as hell didn't need a lecture from him right now after saving his ass.
“Fuck off Steve! We were all trying to save you!” You shouted, leaving the rest of the crew to stare around awkwardly, shifting gazes amongst each other.
“I didn't need to be saved! You should have stayed on the fucking boat!” He yelled back.
“Hey, guys,” Nancy cleared her throat, trying to break the tension between the two of you before it got any worse.
“What?!” Shouting in unison, turning your heads to look over at her.
“Maybe we should get going, yeah? And uh… stay a little quieter?” Her eyes drifted to the treetops overhead, scanning a moment.
You'd both been so fixated on the other, the horrors of the upside down had slipped your minds. She was right, you were trying to avoid attention, not bring it directly on top of you.
“Let's all just calm down and get through this together.” She hummed, satisfied with your nods of agreement taking off ahead of you once more as Robin followed.
Eddie's wide eyes met yours and then Steve's.
“Right, I should, uh…” he said, thumb pointed in their direction. “But uh, here.” Shrugging his vest off before forcefully tossing it toward Steve's chest.
“For your modesty dude.” Smirking before he darted away to follow after the girls.
Steve sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, voice coming out quieter this time but still laced with annoyance.
“C’mon. Just stay close and don't wander off.” Before taking a few steps to catch up to Eddie.
“Don't wander off.” Mocking under your breath, staying a few paces behind, not wanting to be near your ungrateful so-called best friend.
The forest got darker the further you went. It felt like eyes were on you the entire time. You wrap your arms around yourself, suddenly feeling chilled and uneasy, closing the gap between yourself and the boys.
You were close enough now to catch bits and pieces of their hushed conversation, more Eddie talking than not. You knew Steve well enough that he was still brooding about the entire situation. He didn't hate you, quite the opposite. His harsh tone only masks his own worries and fears.
You caught him more than once glancing over his shoulder to make sure you were never too far away.
“Dustin… said I was badass?”
“Oh yeah. Shit. Kid WORSHIPS you, man. Like, you got no idea. It's rather annoying to be honest.”
You smirked at that. Dustin never told Steve anything like that, coming off as an annoying little brother all the time.
“Those ladies jumped in after you and I was too damn ashamed to be the one who stayed behind. Wheeler there, she didn’t waste a second. I mean not a split second. She just dove right in. I don’t know what happened between you two, but… I’d get her back, man. Whatever it takes. ‘Cause that… that was as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen.”
Steve stops at Eddie's spiel, looking over his shoulder once more, as you roll your eyes. Of course it was always about Nancy. The one that got away. Not like you tried to dive in first, right? Eddie was too freaked out to notice back there.
Before Steve had the chance to respond the ground began to shake once more, as everyone tried to hang on. You lost your footing, tripping over a stump and thankfully not landing on one of those damn vines, losing sight of everyone behind an overgrown thatch of bushes.
The rumbling slowed to a dull roar just as something caught your eye in a small clearing up ahead, emanating a small bluish-purple glow through the trees ahead. It was faint but while everything in the Upside Down was muted and dull it stuck out like a sore thumb.
As if it was pulling you in, you stumbled forward, quickly righting yourself and heading toward it. It was pulsing slightly; a steady, slow rhythm like a heartbeat.
You stopped at the center of the clearing, as you stepped closer, you realized it was a flower or at least flower shaped. Something akin to a Dahlia back home but it was a glowing azure color, petals almost transparent.
There were a few unopened buds that were also pulsing. The closed pods thumped, not taking notice of the way the pulses quickened as you stepped closer.
Your mind was clouded as you watched them. Beauty in a barren landscape, so mesmerizing you didn't hear Steve calling out for you.
As if on autopilot, your hand began to drift toward it as he jogged up beside you.
“Hey, did you not hear me calling for you? What're y—” He trailed off, feeling helpless watching your fingertips graze the pod as he tried to yank you back, but it was too late.
You were both too close when the thing practically exploded open, releasing a cloud of pearlescent powder into the space between you.
The dust landed on everything in a five-foot radius, as it invaded your lungs causing you both to choke on what you could only think of as its pollen. He grabbed the back of your shirt, dragging you away.
“What the hell was that?” He asked in between coughs and a few sneezes.
“I don't…” before you could properly form a response, screeching could be heard from overhead once more.
“Shit!” He hissed, before shouting back to the others to run for it. The hive mind. Everything was connected down here, it only made sense the flowers were too. The flying bats were back.
You and Steve took off the opposite way that you entered the clearing, dodging vines and low hanging branches in the process. He was trying to slow down so you could keep up.
“C’mon y/n. I think I see a building up ahead!” He shouted.
It was a dilapidated looking cabin, but it would have to do, as he took the steps two at a time reaching the porch with you right behind him.
He barreled through the door, thankful it wasn't locked as you rushed past him, slamming it shut in time to see some of the creatures flying low, unsure if they'd spotted you.
His hands quickly moved to the deadbolt, looking around the small space grabbing a chair, wedging it under the door handle.
You both stood there a moment facing the door, trying to catch your breath as a loud thump echoed overhead as it landed on the roof. It let out an ear-piercing screech that had you covering your ears. Steve hovered his finger over his lips as a shushing motion as a few more thuds and mirrored screeches followed.
He was trying to think, shining the flashlight this way and that, finding an open door near the edge of the kitchen, spotting a set of stairs that were leading down.
He quietly shuffled over to it, shining his beam ahead. It looked like it led to a small basement or at least a root cellar, as he nodded for you to follow as he began his descent.
You sighed, but reluctantly walked over as quietly as possible and trailed behind him, closing the door softly behind you. There was no lock, but it did latch shut.
It was dark, the only light emanating from his flashlight, as he shined it back to the stairs for you to climb down.
“I think we'll be safer down here.” He whispered. “There's a cot over there.” Pointing to the corner.
It was a small room. No other outlet, looking more like a bunker than a cellar. Shelves lined the wall with food and various supplies. At least you were covered if you had to stay a while but hoped it wouldn't come to that.
“Steve,” You began but he immediately cut you off holding his hand up.
“If you hadn't gotten distracted, we wouldn't be in this situation.” His voice is a little louder, but still barely above a whisper.
“It's not my fault Steve, I saw something glowing, like it was pulling me in. You didn't have to fucking follow me!” You knew he was right, but you were feeling attacked.
“Yeah, I did. I'm not leaving anyone behind in this fucking place. Even if you can't follow simple directions.” He huffs, throwing a hand to his hip as he surveyed the room. “Not enough you get us separated, but you have to go and touch that weird ass flower. God knows what the hell that shits going to do to us.”
He was venting more than yelling toward you at this point, frustrated with the entire situation.
“You knew you weren't supposed to touch shit… that hive mind…”
He continued to mumble over in the corner, with his back turned, throwing his hands around in dramatic fashion.
“But no! You touch it and now we're contaminated…”
“Steve!” Hissing out more forcefully, finally knocking him from his train of thought and little rant.
“What?!” He spun around, throwing the beam from his flashlight directly in your face. “What Y/N?”
You threw a hand up shielding your eyes with a grimace before he quickly lowered it, mumbling an apology.
“Can you just stop pacing? It's not helping anything. You're just giving me a headache.” You grumbled, sitting down on the cot. It slightly squeaked under your newly added weight, as your elbows landed on your knees, bringing your hands to cover your face with a groan.
“You're giving me a headache…” he mumbled slightly under his breath, but you still caught it. He found a small chair in the opposite corner, plopping down with a sigh.
After about ten minutes of total silence, you laid back on the cot, unwilling to give him any more attention. Though he continued to mutter under his breath occasionally, you ignored him.
“Hey,” he finally spoke up. “I'm going to give it a few more minutes and see if they're still on the roof. Maybe we can make a break for Nance’s place and regroup.”
“Yeah, fine.” Huffing a reply with an eye roll.
It was then you noticed a strange tingling on the skin around your neck, kind of like a cold chill. Shaking your head as you sit up, to rub the back of your neck.
“You ok?” He asked, watching intently.
“Fine. Just… a chill.” You shrugged, as he nodded.
Another drawn out silence before either of you attempt to speak.
“Hey, are you… do you feel itchy?” He asked, scratching his exposed shoulder.
“Um, well now that you mention it, yeah. This spot on my neck is itchy.” Your hand absentmindedly reached up, scratching at it again.
“It's that damn flower. I knew it!” He exclaimed, standing up. “Look, we need to see if we can get out of here.”
You watched him carefully retreat up the stairs, his footsteps creaking across the floorboards above your head, stopping for a few moments before making their way back over to the door as he came back into view.
“Ok, looks like we might be here for a while. They're still moving around up there, and when I looked out the window there's a few in the surrounding trees.” He slid back down into the chair, spreading out as much as he could to make himself comfortable.
“Fuck, isn't that just great?” You huffed out, taking your turn to pace the small room. Was it getting hot in here? A bead of sweat rolled down your back. When did it get so muggy?
“Just calm down, we'll get out of here. Okay?” He sounded so sure of himself; you almost believed him.
You sat back down, stretching your legs out onto the cot and finally laying back. The situation was looking bleak, your own mind filling with anxious stress. At least Steve’s here. You don’t have to die alone.
You watched him from the corner of your eye, wiping his brow several times before finally rolling your head toward his direction.
The vest Eddie gave him hung open, revealing his chest, the thick smattering of hair slick and matted down. Was he sweating too? His toned chest moving up and down, a steady rhythm with each breath he took. His head was leaned back on the wall behind him, Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed.
You pulled your lip between your teeth, before letting go as he picked his head up looking at you as if he could feel your eyes on him. You didn't look away, holding his gaze.
“Steve?” You finally asked.
“Yeah?” His eyes shift away from your face, trailing down your body before looking back up as his tongue darted out wetting his parched lips.
“Is it hot in here?” Sitting up, fanning yourself. “I feel like I'm burning up.”
“Yeah… yeah, no. I thought it was just me.” Letting out a sigh. “It could be the close quarters, but I don't think we should go upstairs yet.”
“No, yeah. You're right.” You laid back down, eyes to the ceiling. You could ignore the heat if it meant survival for at least a bit longer.
He turned the light off a little while later, trying to conserve what little battery life it had left.
At some point you drifted off to sleep because you were roused by him touching your arm. It felt like ice touching your flushed skin as you sat straight up trying to catch your bearings.
“Hey! Woah, it's just me.” He soothed, as you flinched away from his unusual cold touch. He pulled his hands back, giving you some space. “I wanted to check on you. I don't think it's hot down here. I think it's us.”
You felt dizzy sitting all the way up, throwing the back of your hand to your forehead. You were on fire. Your nearly dry clothes were sticking to the dampness of your flushed skin, making you cringe. There was also an overwhelming feeling of an unquenchable thirst in the back of your throat.
“Fuck, Steve. I really did it this time.” You folded over yourself, head in your hands, groaning at the way you almost felt drunk or drugged, wondering if he felt as bad as you did.
“No, hey. Look, I'm sorry about earlier. It's not your fault. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I’m the reason we’re in this situation.” You moved your head to look up at him, willing your bleary eyes to focus. A thin sheen of sweat covered his exposed skin, hair sticking against his forehead. His eyes are what caught your attention the most.
His usual golden flaked, honey hued irises were a mere fraction of a ring around a black abyss. This pollen was affecting him the same, he just had a better poker face but he couldn't control the truth his eyes showed you.
“Hey, you okay?” He asked, as you sat there unblinking.
“Yeah, I…” Shaking your head to look away. “Yeah, no. I don't fucking know right now.”
He shuffled over to one of the shelves looking for some water or anything to help alleviate your symptoms. Pausing for a moment, wondering if anything could be trusted from the Upside Down but there wasn't anything of value he could find in any case.
“Fuck!” He hissed, turning back around.
“Steve, it's ok.” You croaked out. “Just sit down.” You patted the small space beside you on the cot as you scooted over. He hung his head and skirted back over, sitting down carefully trying not to touch you.
He didn't want to tell you that while you were sleeping this overwhelming urge started to come over him. An ache low in his belly, and groin. It started out dull but began to grow, radiating through him as a spiked sense of arousal began thrumming through his veins.
Shame began to wash over him. How could he be so turned on at a time like this? A few more minutes passed when he was hit with the most intoxicating scent. It was faint at first. When he took in another heavy exhale it invaded his nostrils and filled his lungs.
He didn't understand where it was coming from, but he felt light, almost high, as he continued to breathe in and out, letting it wash over him. He could only describe it as a familiar, yet exotic thing, wrapping him up in a warm hug. It was almost irresistible, in the way a bakery or candy shop lures you in with promises that, yes it tastes just as good as it smells.
He turned the light back on, shining it toward your still sleeping form, shifting his hooded and heavy eyes over you stretched out on the small cot. There wasn't much skin showing, aside from your exposed arms but then you turned toward him as your shirt rose up slightly, exposing a sliver along your hip that suddenly had him drooling.
He felt his cock stir in his pants, with an ache that was suddenly all consuming. He hadn't realized when he'd gotten up, but he was suddenly standing over you, reaching out, fingertips grazing your arm.
You stirred slightly, as he watched your lips part with a soft breath settling back down.
He placed his palm to your arm, fingers wrapping around your soft, pliable flesh and an instant feeling of relief flooded his senses but then you'd woken, startling him out of this sudden trance.
You stretched and yawned beside him, shedding the last bits of slumber from your small nap. You couldn't have been out long, but you were so tired and thirsty.
Had he been awake the whole time? A sudden pang of guilt overtook you at the thought.
“If you need a nap, I'll move so you can take the cot.” Saying as you slowly stood, stiff on unsure legs, as you swayed just a bit plopping back down, your arm brushing his. It was brief but the feeling was cool against the searing heat radiating from you.
“Woah, just take it easy, yeah?” He turned toward you, hands at the ready but just hovering. He didn't trust himself right now.
“How… how are you so cold? Your skin, I mean? I thought you were hot too?”
“I am, look at me. I'm fucking sweating.” He gestured toward himself, a thin sheen of sweat still covering his face and body.
“Can I…” You couldn't get the question out before your hand was already reaching up, suddenly gripping his wrist.
Your brain is flooded with endorphins. A dopamine hit that had you suddenly searching for more. Your eyes closed at the contact, missing the way Steve’s mouth parted slightly releasing a shuddered breath.
As if you had no control of your body, your other hand moved up, planting itself firmly on Steve's chest, eliciting a small whimper from him that made your eyes shoot back open.
“Do you feel that?” You asked, watching his eyes flutter closed. All he could do was nod, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth.
You moved his wrist up, as he opened his hand, already anticipating what you were thinking, as you placed his palm to your chest.
“Oh my God,” it slipped out, almost a moan more than words. His hand immediately soothing the patch of exposed skin that had your eyelids lazily closing once more.
“It feels so good, Steve.” You breathed out.
Your words were doing nothing to quell his ever-growing arousal. He took in a heavy breath and there it was. That overpowering aroma was suddenly surrounding him once more, too heavy to ignore.
It was you.
When you opened your heavy-lidded eyes, the pupils were blown wide, full of lust and desire. Your lips parted slightly, releasing a small exhale you had been holding. All he wanted to do was lean in and press his lips to yours, letting his tongue explore and taste all that you had to offer.
“No.” He hissed out, jumping up and stumbling back, putting a little space between the two of you.
“What? What's wrong?” You asked, mourning the loss of his contact.
“This. This isn't… Jesus!” He whispered out, trying to maintain his composure. “Can't you see what's happening? It's the goddamn flower, that powder. It's making us… whatever this is.” Gesturing between the two of you.
Of course he had an attraction to you. He'd been harboring, what he thought, were unrequited feelings for the better part of two years.
“Yeah, I know, but it feels so good when you touch me, Steve.” Your voice was dripping with seduction, even if you hadn't meant it that way. Your head was getting all fuzzy again, swaying a little.
“Goddamnit, we need to get out of here.” He hissed, wiping his forehead. “I'm checking upstairs again.”
You watched him go, leaning back on the small cot once more.
Aside from the dizziness, there was something stirring just under your skin. An itch you couldn't quite scratch, a buzz or a hum starting at the base of your neck, traveling down your spine sending a sudden spark to your lower abdomen like when you were… Oh God. Your legs closed as if by their own volition when that spark suddenly had your core clenching around nothing just as he descended back down the stairs.
“I think we're almost in the clear. The ones in the trees are gone and… hey, are you okay?” Finally noticing the almost pained expression etched across your face.
“I… I'm… Steve, what the hell is wrong with us?” You sat up quickly, getting to your feet with a gentle sway. He didn't think this time reaching for you.
His touch both soothed and electrified you. Cooling hands on hot skin but an even hotter feeling pooling between your thighs, making a small whimper escape you.
He closed his eyes as your cheek hit his chest. He was trying to think of something, anything else other than the way you felt against him.
You inhaled deeply, his woodsy musk surrounding you entirely. It was illogical. You'd both been in the lake and running through the woods, yet his scent was mouth watering.
“God, Steve, you smell so good.” You murmured, feeling intoxicated, grabbing onto Eddie's vest with clenched fists.
“Yeah, s—so do you.” Dropping his hands to rest on your hips, your head lifting at his admission.
“Yeah?” You asked, almost breathless. He nods, licking his lips, your eyes landing there as your hands slip under the vest smoothing over his chest, the coarse hair tickling your palms as a shiver ran down his spine.
It's like you couldn't stop yourself, stepping closer into his space as his grip on you tightened, pulling you fully into him, your lower stomach meeting his hips.
“Steve?” Asking as you inch forward, calves beginning to strain as you stand on the tips of your toes.
“Yeah?” He asks, holding his breath.
“I really want to kiss you.”
No sooner than the statement left your lips, he surged forward closing the gap.
Parched from the day's activities left his usual plush, soft looking lips chapped and dry but you didn't mind.
An immediate feeling of relief washed over you. It was like finding an oasis in the desert, drinking the taste of him down, briefly quenching that immeasurable thirst.
He tilted his head, bringing his hand to the back of your head, tangling his fingers into your hair as his nose pressed further into your cheek. You worked in tandem until his tongue dared to slip out, silently begging for permission.
You parted your lips with a soft moan as they met, slowly circling and entangling but you were hungry for more. Your hand slid up his chest and wound around the nape of his neck, finding his usual soft strands of hair, dirty and matted, pulling on the ends before pulling him closer, earning you a moan that you eagerly swallowed down.
The hand on your hip traveled south, snaking its way to the fat of your ass, suddenly groping and kneading your pliant flesh through your jeans pushing you further into him. His now very prominent hard cock pressed into the softness of your lower abdomen, taking you by surprise when you felt it twitch between you as he groaned.
At some point the two of you had begun moving, only realizing it when your back hit the far wall, knocking you from your trance. Your lips separated but still momentarily connected by a thin string of saliva as you pant into each other's mouths.
“Fuck, I need you, Steve.” You hissed out, pushing at the shoulders of the denim vest he still wore.
“Wait,” A moment of clarity for him, grabbing your wrists to halt your movements making you pout, as he looked around the dingy, cobweb infested space.
“Shit I— we can't do that down here.”
“Why not?” Asking, as your lower lip jutted out, eyebrows crinkling. The ache in your lower abdomen was getting worse, your clit was throbbing, practically begging for any kind of stimulation.
He shouldn't have looked at you. Your eyes were glossy in the dim light, looking as if tears were about to roll down your cheeks. He wasn't any better off. His cock was throbbing painfully against his pants, a wet patch of precum visible where his head laid.
“Goddamnit!” He hissed, pausing for a deep breath, tilting his head toward the ceiling. “Because I don't want the first time with you to be on a filthy basement cot in the upside down!”
You couldn't help the grin that lifted the edges of your lips into a smirk, as you continued to stare at his bared throat. Wondering for a moment what it would be like to sink your teeth into him. This deep primal hunger was overpowering your senses, overtaking any other basic needs.
“Fuck me upstairs then.” You blurted out.
“Wh—what?” As if he'd misheard you, whipping his head back down.
“I said,” leaning closer to him. “Fuck. Me. Upstairs. There's a bed up there.” You nip at his nose and giggle when he pulls back, grip moving, holding firm to your shoulders.
When it disbursed, you had taken the brunt of the pollen, if you could even call it that, apparently it was affecting you more severely, unable to concentrate on anything else for more than a few seconds at a time.
“We can't— you— don't know what you're saying, and those things are still up there.”
“Stevie, please?” Your voice drips with desire, sultry and sweet. Looking up at him with your best doe eyes had all manner of his resolve quickly fading.
“I can be quiet. I promise.” You whispered with a pout, as your fingertips dance along his exposed chest. “What're friends for, Stevie? We need to help each other out.”
“Fuck,” he groans, slipping his hand into yours, turning without saying another word to grab the flashlight pulling you along. He wasn't going to be able to hold out, suddenly driven by the unwavering need in his pants, it seemed better to give in to your advances than try to fight them. Your sweet tone, seemingly needing him just as much as he needs you, he couldn't resist.
His mind was flooded with the vivid image of how your tight cunt would feel wrapped around his shaft, he quickly ascended the stairs looking back once holding his finger to his lips when he reached the door, easing it open. The rush of cooler air hit you as soon as the door opened for a small reprieve.
“I'm going to check out the windows, go down the hall. Quietly.” Nodding toward the right. “The first door on the left has a bed and no windows.”
You nod your understanding as he lets go of your hand, letting you go your separate ways. Tiptoeing down the hall, it was quiet, aside from the errant clap of thunder that echoed through the walls every thirty seconds or so.
The room had been exactly where he had explained. It seemed small, but the only light filtered in from the hall, illuminating only a portion of the bed. As your eyes adjusted, the bed came more into view, a little dusty but bigger than the cot downstairs.
You threw the quilt back, revealing surprisingly pristine sheets underneath. You decided to discard your muddy, lake soaked shoes as he came into view.
He had turned his light off, a silhouette of broad shoulders illuminated against a dusky red backdrop as another bolt of lightning split the sky outside. He stood there lingering in the doorway, eyes briefly running over your form. Your breath hitched in your throat drinking him in when he finally took a few steps forward.
He stood before you without saying a word, quickly finding your hips and wasting no time pulling you flush against him once more as you let out a small squeak of surprise bracing yourself against his chest.
“Steve, I—”
You were quickly cut off when he sealed his lips over yours. His intoxicating scent once again surrounded you as your brain began to shut off, driven only by your primal desires.
Your hand trailed down his abdomen, fingertips grazing his bandages finding the exposed skin low by his waistband. He shuddered at your soft, lingering touch. Going lower still, he hisses and pulls back from your kiss as you palm at his erection over his pants.
It felt like you were on autopilot. The only thought in the forefront of your mind was the overpowering need for relief. The need to be as close as possible.
He was taken by surprise when you grabbed the lapels of his vest and quickly pulled him around. The back of his knees hit the bed, as he fell rather ungracefully.
The springs groaned under the sudden pressure of his added weight as he let out a grunt, uttering a “shit,” under his breath.
You quickly straddled his legs, giving him no time for protest, crawling up and sitting flush on his bulge trying to be mindful of those raw wounds fresh on his sides.
A chorus of expletives left both of your lips the moment your hips grind down searching for friction with your hands pressing firmly to his chest holding him in place. Your aching clit gets some relief, the stiff denim pressing into you sliding down the rigid length of him and back up. A fresh wave of arousal flooding from your core adding to your already ruined panties.
In any other circumstances, you would feel embarrassed rutting up against your best friend like a wild animal in heat, but seeking out and taking what you needed was first and foremost.
You leaned forward, burying your face in his neck, breathing him in.
“I could eat you up.” You whisper, lips grazing just below his ear, teeth nipping at his sensitive skin before your tongue rolls out, languidly licking at his jugular, his pulse thumping wildly against your muscle.
You whine, relishing the salty, earthy and coppery mixture as it settles along your taste buds, feeling him shutter beneath you taking a ragged breath only adding to your desire.
His hands find the plush of your hips, pulling you down to meet an upward thrust that has you leaning back up and moaning out without any regard for his earlier warnings and your promise.
His eyes shot up to you, barely illuminated in the dim light but you were a sight to see.
Your head is thrown back as if you were already in the throes of heady pleasure. Your mouth hung open slightly, another breathy wine escaping as you dragged your hips against his cock once more. Any and all of what was left of his will power was gone. His imagination ran rampant with the thought of you coming undone, falling apart only for him.
In one swift motion, he bucked his hips, gaining momentum to flip you over. Your back hits the mattress, making you gasp sharply as he seated himself between your parted thighs.
Your eyes go wide with surprise when his hand quickly shoots to your mouth, his large palm stifling your sounds.
Leaning further into your space, his lips ghost the shell of your ear as he spoke.
“I'm going to give you what you want but you've got to be quiet. Can you do that for me?”
You nod, fisting the vest in your hands, letting out a small whimper as he slowly took his hand away.
“Use your words, honey.” He scolded.
“Yes, I– I can be quiet.” You breathed out, beginning to feel faint.
“Good girl.” He purred, his words sending your mind into overdrive.
You pawed at his chest, pushing the denim at his shoulders. He sat up, finally pulling it free from his body and tossing it across the room. Your hands roam across the expanse of his chest and broad shoulders.
He reached the hem of your shirt, fingers skirting up your tummy, cool fingertips sending goosebumps across your flesh. You nodded as his eyes caught yours before he quickly pulled it over your head.
He sucked in a sharp breath, watching intently as your chest rose, pushing your breasts against the cups of your bra with each steady inhale, threatening to spill out all on their own before you reached behind, deftly unclasping it and lifting it away.
“Fuck, honey.” His eyes go dark, one of his large hands immediately finding its way to your soft skin. His calloused palm engulfing you as he kneads timidly, at first. You keen into his touch, arching upward, searching for more.
His mouth meets your pert nipple on the other side, swirling his tongue and roughly squeezing the breast under his palm. He nips at the taut bud as if testing the waters, teeth grazing before applying more pressure and immediately soothing the mild sting, laving the wet muscle back across your skin.
To keep from crying out, you bite down on your lip, whimpering as his touch sends shockwaves of pleasure down your body, shooting straight to your core.
He pulls off of you with an audible pop, eyes darting to your face when he feels you trying to push his pants down.
“Please, Steve. I need you! I can't wait.” You hiss out, still trying to maintain a whisper but the longer this keeps getting drawn out the more desperate you become, aching to be filled. An ache that was growing so strong it was boarding on painful.
Dipping your way past his waistband just a moment later, he shudders when your fingertips graze the soft skin of his shaft, wrapping your hand around his girthy cock.
“Oh fuck,” he breathes out, ducking his head into the crook of your neck, trying to muffle his own sounds as you stroke up and back down at an agonizingly slow pace.
Your thumb finds his head, a steady stream of precum already leaking from the tip, swirling your digit in the mess was almost too much as he sinks his teeth into the juncture between your neck and shoulder.
Your mouth fell agape with a silent gasp, a cry caught in your throat as your other hand flew to the back of his head, fingers digging into his locks and tugging harshly. He quickly unhinges his jaw, peppering kisses where his teeth had just been.
“M’sorry,” he mumbles out, pulling back and swatting your hands away from his pants as he sits up.
Your thighs go slack, as he blindly pops the button on your jeans, pulling the zipper down harshly, digging into the denim waistband before you lift your hips aiding in him hastily tugging them and your panties down your legs.
He tosses them somewhere behind him, before standing up and shedding his own pants and boxers, letting them unceremoniously pool at his feet.
Your eyes quickly rove over as much of his naked body as the dim lighting would allow, licking your lips. His cock was standing at full attention, curved slightly upward as he wrapped his own hand around it, pumping it lightly a few times.
His knees find the mattress, planting his hands on your thighs, spreading them apart to accommodate his frame.
Pausing a moment to appreciate the site before him, his fingertips trail the inside of your thigh, inching closer to where you yearn for him the most. You let out a small yelp of surprise when he tightened his grip and pulled you toward him.
“Steve,” you plead, as he ghosts over your slick lips, his thumb and forefinger spread you apart with a sticky release before he finally presses his thumb pad down onto your puffy clit making your hips buck up.
Sensing your urgent need, his finger begins to tease your aching hole, your arousal drips out, as he finally dips in, your hips rising up in time to push his digit further in.
Your head falls back into the pillow, the hand at your hip pushes you flush against the mattress holding you there as he pumps in and out of your tight pussy, quickly adding a second finger to help stretch you out.
“I can smell your needy cunt.” He hisses, practically salivating. Both of your pheromones were in overdrive, your scent wafting through the air like honey, luring him in. A feast begging to be devoured. “I bet you taste just as sweet.”
His words mixed with his current ministrations left you teetering on the edge, his digits stroke up, finding that sweet spot along your frontal wall and just when you were about to fall apart, it suddenly disappeared. Feeling as though it was subdued by some unseen force, leaving you whimpering and unsatisfied, as tears spring to your eyes in frustration.
“Steve, I— it's not working, I need more.” You huff out. It was then you noticed he was fisting his cock, searching for his own release alongside you.
“Fuck, yeah, okay.” He let out a little breathless. “It's not working f’me either.”
You immediately mourn the loss as his fingers slip from you before he promptly shoves them past his lips, humming around the taste, the potent elixir bursting on contact with his taste buds flooding his senses, igniting his insatiable hunger even further.
“Jesus Christ, I fuckin’ knew it.” His pupils dilate, high on the taste of you, a drug he suddenly realized he'll never be able to fully detox from.
He grips the base of his cock with one hand, leaning over and lining himself up with your soaked entrance, pressing the tip in, feeling your gummy walls start to mold around him, as your hands fly up to grip his shoulders.
“Please.” It was a breathy thing, as your muscles instinctually constricted around the welcome intrusion.
He groans, unable to hold himself back any further, snapping his hips and burying himself in one fluid motion. Your pussy gives little resistance between how wet you are and the unrelenting desire to be completely filled.
“Oh God!” Biting back another loud moan being ripped from your chest, digging your teeth into your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood this time, as his thick cock splits you open.
There was a slight burn, as he sat snugly inside your tight channel that quickly gave way to overwhelming pleasure when he pulled back, withdrawing almost completely leaving just his leaking tip before plunging back in, somehow feeling deeper than before.
You muffle your cries the best you can, as he begins to set a near brutal pace. Every thrust pulling little ah, ah, ahs past your lips as your legs tighten around his waist, heels digging into the fat of his ass pushing him further into you.
He hisses and stills when your legs gripping a little too tight, pull his focus from fucking you to the searing pain at his sides. The wounds had been forgotten from the pure ecstasy he was feeling.
“Shit, I'm sorry.” It was enough to knock you from your lust fueled haze momentarily as he pulled out.
“Flip over.” He grunts.
“Wha—” A sharp smack to the side of your thigh has the words dying on your tongue with a gasp.
“Flip. Over.” Repeating himself a little more forcefully. The soft boy next door being replaced with a rougher version, that suddenly had your pussy clenching around nothing at his harsh demeanor.
You rolled onto your stomach, as his hands came to grip your hips with a bruising force, pulling your ass up.
He wastes no time shoving his throbbing length back between your glistening lips, bumping your clit once before slowly guiding his ruddy tip past your entrance, as your cunt flutters around him practically sucking him in.
He's trying to contain his grunts to a minimum, when your noises start to fill the air he brings his palm down hard against your ass, making you jerk away, burying your face in the sheets below with a whine.
“Giving you exactly what you want, and you still can't keep that pretty mouth shut?” He hisses, grinding his hips slowly, to properly scold you. “Feels too good, huh, honey?”
You merely mewl and nod, before another smack echoes around the room, his palm smoothing soothingly over your reddened cheek.
“I asked you a question, honey.” His voice is lazy, dripping sugary sweet condescension.
“Yes, Steve, mmph— it— you feel so, so good.” Finally able to mumble out a coherent sentence.
He smirks, letting a hand slide down the length of your spine, fingers coming up to tangle in the hair at the back of your head before hauling you up, back flush against his sweaty chest.
Winding his arm around your midsection, the other detangles from your hair to cover your mouth as he places a soft kiss to your temple before his hips snap harshly, the new angle making you cry out, but it's muffled with his palm securely placed over your lips.
“Gotta be quiet, remember honey?” He huffs, breath hot against your neck, unrelenting in his conquest to see your demise.
You grip his forearm, nails digging crescents into his skin, hanging on for dear life. Each outward stroke and upward thrust, punching the air from your lungs as your eyes roll back, suddenly careening you toward the edge of oblivion.
His hand helps stifle your moans, blunt fingertips digging into the apple of your cheek, but you can't help the involuntary sounds that continue to slip out.
“Fuck, y—you feel good.” He stutters out, right in your ear. “Pussy feels like it was made f’me. Mmmm. Gripping me so fuckin' tight.”
The hand around your waist starts drifting south, coming to caress your mound momentarily before delving between your folds finding your puffy, neglected clit with expert ease, drawing swift circles against you causing your cunt to constrict around him sending another wave of arousal flooding out, soaking his balls and dripping down your thighs.
“That's it, honey. I promise we'll get there this time.” His cocky demeanor was doing it for you. You'd never seen this side of Steve, taking control, fucking you better than anyone ever had.
“You're going to cum on my cock while I stuff this cunt full.” You whined out at his words, high pitched against his palm. “That's what you want, huh? Fill you up and make it stick? F—fuck I think I'm close.”
You try to nod, letting him know you were too.
The heat that had been simmering for the last hour in your abdomen was finally reaching a boiling point. Pressure was building, as he continued to pound into you, his cock hitting at just the right angle.
Your grip on his forearm tightened, fingernails beginning to draw blood, but he didn't show any signs of distress, never ceasing his movements solely focused on you and the way you felt around him.
You close your eyes, as the flames begin to lick up your spine, spreading further and growing hotter. It was an all-consuming pleasure, your cunt begging for release, begging for his release.
Whatever this pollen had done to the both of you, it was clear it had a driving force with one thing in mind. Procreation. Unsatisfied and unsatiated until you were bursting full of his life giving fluid.
You're finally able to pry his hand away from you to let out one more breathy plea.
“Cum in me, Steve. I— I can't cum, I need you.” Your voice was low and raspy, but he heard you loud and clear.
He fully removed his hand, suddenly pushing you forward. Too weak to fight, your body fell onto the mattress with a small groan as he quickly withdrew himself and manhandled you around to lay on your back.
No matter what this pollen had done to him. He was still Steve deep down and he could never imagine not looking at your beautiful face as you fell apart for the first time. All for him.
He slips off the bed momentarily, picking something up from the floor before crawling back between your legs.
“I'm sorry, honey. You can't stay quiet.” He whispers.
“Wh—,” your question was cut off when he stuffs your filthy panties past your lips for a makeshift gag, kissing your forehead before grabbing the backs of your knees, practically folding you in half.
His palms push you down and hold your thighs open for him as he ruts his cock up through your folds, the tip grazing your clit before catching at your entrance. His head tips down to watch himself slowly disappear into your tight heat.
Your head flies back, feeling every ridge and vein upon his deliberate reentrance, fisting the sheets beneath you as muffled cries echo across the room. He pauses to take delight in the way your face is screwed up with pleasure as he buries himself to the hilt, suddenly wishing he could hear all the pretty sounds you were making unhindered.
He starts to move again, eyes drifting back down to where the two of you connected to watch himself plunge in and out of your soaked pussy, seemingly mesmerized by the way your greedy hole takes him so well but he tears his eyes away when he hears a pained whimper from you, pausing to search your face.
Your eyes were closed, tears flowing down the side of your face, feeling anything but pain as you looked up at him, eyes glazed over, begging him to continue.
Suddenly twitching at the thought of his impending release, he grinds his hips back into yours. The wiry thatch of hair at the base of his cock catching your clit just right, wrenching another moan from you as you nod at him to keep going.
He starts to thrust again but can tell he's close as his balls begin to draw up, and lower stomach tightens. Skin to skin doesn't seem to be enough when there's a sudden overwhelming need to be closer. He wants to crawl under your skin and embed himself there.
He releases the hold on your legs, letting them ease back to the bed as he drapes himself over you, caging you in. The hair on his chest grazes your nipples with each thrust only adding to your sensations as your hands find purchase on his back.
Holding himself up on one elbow his palm finds your breast, pressing and kneading before his mouth finds the other, sucking a little harshly leaving the top of your chest with a dark reminder as your body arches upward, craving more. His tongue moves over your pebbled nipple before he latches on.
It suddenly feels like he's everywhere all at once. Hands roaming, mouth hot as his cock continues to carve its way into your guts.
He pops off momentarily, sensing a shift in you because he can feel it too.
“You gonna cum with me, honey?” You look up into his eyes, a black abyss. The familiar hazel irises are nowhere to be found. Your best friend now hell bent on ruining you for any other man.
You nod, with a muffled “mmhmm” hoping to God you can finally crest over the precipice.
“Wrap your legs around me.” He hums, hiking your thigh up his hip. Your brows marry with confusion because of the day's earlier blunder.
“It's ok.” He soothes your worry away, large hand gripping your ass as he continues to grind down.
You do as he says, wrapping them around his torso, locking your ankles at the base of his spine. He winces only once before focusing all his concentration on pumping in and out, in and out. Making sure to tilt his pelvis on the upward thrust, simultaneously stimulating that spot deep within you and brushing your clit.
This was it. Fading embers reignited as flames slowly fanned across your lower abdomen. Your brain is all but mush, yearning for a release that only he can provide.
“I'm close.” He hisses out with a grunt, burying his head into your neck. His breath fans hot across you as he starts to whine and mutter. “M’gonna fill this pussy full. F–fuck my goddamn load so far into you. Mmpmh, is that– that’s what you want?”
A few more erratic thrusts before he pushes in so deep that his head is kissing the crown of your cervix. Your walls clamp down around him, holding him in place before his cock twitches and begins to spurt his release into your greedy womb.
Your body reacts suddenly, hot white heat floods your core with the hardest orgasm you've ever experienced. Everything around you seems to fade, as a blinding white light bursts behind your eyelids. Your cunt spasms around him, milking everything he had to give, he groans almost painfully but the sound seems so far away. If you weren't lying underneath him you would have sworn you could float away.
Your chests heave against one another as his body goes limp, crushing you in the best possible way. The lust fueled haze was extinguished with your release, leaving you tired and spent.
His softening dick kicks up a few more times making you whimper as your legs and arms fall away from him, utterly and completely exhausted.
You're pulled out of your blissful afterglow when he pulls your panties from your mouth. Humming as you close your mouth, dry and parched, smacking your lips together softly.
You still had your eyes closed, as his hand comes tp to caress your jaw, thumb running tenderly across the apple of your cheek as you both came down from your highs.
“You ok?” He asked timidly, as you nod with a “mmhmm.”
“I didn't hurt you, did I?” The sweet, caring best friend returning to his senses, as you reply a low “no.”
“Good.” He whispers back, pressing a kiss to the side of your mouth.
“Steve?” Managing to croak out, voice hoarse and rough.
“Hmmnh?” He manages, eyes fixated where the two of you were still connected, finally pulling his softening cock free, your mixed fluids flooding from your spent hole. He had the urge to shove it back in, but stopped himself.
“I was going to jump in first,” you whispered out, as his head shot up to look at you. You were completely dazed, on the verge of sleep.
“What?” He asked, easing himself back, eyes roving over your body littered with bruises and bitemarks. Proof that he hadn't experienced some sort of upside down drug induced hallucination.
“The lake.” You hummed. “Robin stopped me.” Yawning before continuing. “I would've jumped in first.”
“Yeah?” He asks, smiling softly to himself, easing beside you, brushing the loose strands of hair from your face. Spending a few more minutes tangled up in you, before the weight of reality would inevitably come crashing back down.
“Mmhmm. I'd go anywhere with you.” You confess, wrapping your arms around his middle as he pulls you into his chest. If he's being completely honest with himself, he's been in love with you for years. He would've jumped in head first if the tables were turned, he just didn't want anything to happen to you.
“I know, honey. I'd—,” a loud banging at the front door startling you both from your daydream, as he rose up ready for anything.
He hurried to get his clothes back on, throwing your bra and shirt up to you as he walked out into the hall leaving you to get dressed.
He could hear muffled voices behind the door. Your friends had circled back to find you.
Everyone stopped talking as soon as he threw open the door looking a little worse for wear.
“Oh thank God!” Robin was the first to speak, reaching out and grabbing his shoulders. “What the hell happened to you?”
“We're fine Rob,” Stepping back and letting them enter the small space, hand rubbing the back of his neck. “The bats chased us here, stuck around a while but we're fine.”
They were all chatting when you finally walked into the room clearing your throat as everyone whipped their heads around, eyes all going a little wide at your appearance.
Robin's gaze flitted your neck, as she sent you a knowing look, raising her eyebrows causing you to pull the collar of your shirt over the exposed skin as your cheeks heated.
“Seriously?!” She smacked Steve's arm, looking wide eyed back to him. “Down here? I mean, it's about time. You've only been dying to confess your feelings for wh—”
“Robin!” He hissed out, cutting off her rambling. “Stop!”
She slapped her hand over her mouth, looking over to your confused expression.
“Can uh, you guys give us a minute?” He asked, hands falling to his hips, as they all looked between each other before heading back out the door. Robin mouthed a “sorry” your way, shutting the door behind her.
“Feelings, huh?” Toeing at a small rock on the floor instead of meeting his gaze.
“Fuck. Well, yeah. It's you. How could I not?” He sighed. “But, we seriously don't ever have to talk about this again. Pretend it never happened and feelings aside, you're still my best friend.”
“What if I don't want to forget?” You bit the inside of your lip as your mouth curled into a shy grin. “And…” Taking a step toward him. “What if I told you I had feelings for you too?”
“Yeah?” He asked, reaching out to haul you in close, as you took another step.
“Yeah.” Your hands taking hold of Eddie's vest, curling into his chest. “And, once we get out of here, maybe we can try all of this again?” His face lit up, as you smiled at him. “Without the raging, horny sex pollen?”
You both huffed a laugh, relaxing into each other.
“Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that.” He nods, excitement blooming in his chest.
“C’mon handsome, let's get out of here.” Your hand found his, sending him a small giggle as you pulled him toward the door to rejoin your friends.
Despite the dismal cloud looming above he had a feeling that everything would work out this time.
Tagging a few mooties that might be interested (and please let me know if you don't want to be tagged!): @thecreelhouse @teen--marvel @bunnyhargrove @xxbimbobunnyxx
And also: @crybabyddl (since you asked!) 🙂
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freelancearsonist · 1 year ago
make a move on me
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➔ pre-outbreak!Joel Miller x reader - 5.5k
➔ You've been teasing Joel every day since he started remodeling construction on your house. He finally works up the courage to do something about it - but not in the way you expect him to.
➔ Rated MA for baby’s first anal fic protected p in a and anal fingering (r receiving), age gap (reader is early 20’s, joel is 36), m masturbation/pillowhumping, daddy kink, size kink, praise kink, gentle-turned-rough sex, pet names (baby, darling, honey, good girl, baby girl, little lady), slight degradation and condescension but only in a sexy way, one use of “slut”, pussy pronouns, one (1) pussy slap, gratuitous dickscription, heavy dom/sub dynamics i mean seriously these power dynamics are out of control, tommy is a little bit of a shit (affectionate) [pls let me know if i missed anything at all :)]
➔ This reader insert character: has female anatomy and uses feminine pronouns, no name/no use of y/n, is generally able-bodied, fits in joel’s shirt and is implied to be shorter/smaller than him, is on summer break from college but no major/year is mentioned.
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Joel had one rule for himself going into this job: be respectful. Keep his hands to himself and his mind on the job. Don’t fret over the pretty little thing who’s been draping herself all over the house ever since he started demo, practically begging to be fucked.
If he had any sense, he would pack his shit and drop the job–or, at the very least, tell your parents to put you on a leash. But there’s a little part of him that might be a glutton for punishment–that savors the teasing.
The most infuriating part of the whole thing is that he can’t blame you for this whole mess. He shouldn’t be so quick to temptation. You should be able to walk around your own home in whatever you want and not have to worry about the creepy contractor getting flustered every time he looks in your general direction.
But god, you make it hard–double entendre intended. You walk around like you haven’t a care in the world because you don’t; you’re home for summer break after a grueling year at college, and you intend to savor every languid second of it. Your preferred method of savoring just happens to be wearing tight little bikinis that barely hold anything in place as you lounge out by the pool in the Texas heat, or tight leggings that hug your ass so perfectly it almost makes him jealous of the material as you curl up with a book on your couch.
Joel’s a grown man. He can keep it in his pants, no matter how badly he wants you. But you’re not exactly making it easy on him.
Really, it’s Tommy’s fault when the levee breaks. If he could keep his big mouth shut, Joel might’ve been able to maintain the thin control he had over himself. But Tommy goes and makes an off-handed comment about you one night, and that’s the beginning of the downward spiral.
The brothers are both lounging on Joel’s couch after a particularly taxing day of demolition work, beers cradled in hands and the TV droning uselessly with some movie that they’re more staring at than actually watching. It’s late, yet weary muscles are melted so comfortably into the couch that neither of them try to move even after Sarah’s gone off to bed.
Tommy’s eyes flicker over to Joel, then back to the TV. “That girl’s gon’ be trouble for us, brother.”
There’s a question mark in the grunt Joel emits, leaning forward with interest because he knows Tommy’s talking about you without any specification.
Tommy hums in confirmation and takes a sip of his Corona. “She’s always wearin’ those skimpy little outfits a’hers, and she ain’t coy. Must catch that pretty little thing starin’ at your ass even more than I catch you starin’ at hers.”
Joel plays it off as best as he can until Tommy goes home for the night with a half-assed promise to actually be on time in the morning for once. Then he goes up to his room, locks the door, and wraps himself around the spare pillow that lays against his headboard.
He tries so desperately hard not to think about the plump round curve of your ass, or the enticing way you lick your lips, or those damned little bikinis you favor. He grinds his aching cock into the soft pillowcase and tries to think about anything that isn’t you.
But he comes with a muffled growl of your name anyway, face pushed deep into the pillow and hips jerking arrhythmically.
There’s not much he can do now besides clean himself up and try not to think about how thoroughly fucked he is.
The next day is torture because he can feel your gaze lingering. He catches you checking him out on more than one occasion, and you’re brazen about it now. You can tell something has shifted, so you shift with it. Where you once would’ve flushed with heat and hurried away to your room, you now meet his heated eye contact and hold it.
Joel’s jaw hurts that night from the way it’s been hard-set and clenched all day long. He rubs over his sore temporomandibular joints with his long, thick fingers and wills himself to siphon you out from beneath his skin.
It doesn’t work.
The work helps. Laying tile is something he normally considers tedious, but it’s a welcome reprieve in your home because he can get down on his hands and knees and focus on something that isn’t you.
You see the labor he’s going through, and you appreciate it. And really, what kind of host would you be if you didn’t reward his efforts?
It starts with a pitcher of iced tea. It’s made just the way Joel likes it, with light ice and a few slices of lemon. He doesn’t know how you could possibly guess that, but it makes him want you that much more.
And then it’s cookies. Pain-stakingly handmade oatmeal raisin cookies, to be exact. You’re like something out of his most shameful domestic dreams in your cute floral-patterned apron and oven mitts as you pull the tray of cookies out of the oven, and an image of you in nothing but those mitts and that apron flickers through his mind before he can stop it.
All the while you traipse around the house like a mirage–humming along to the yacht rock that drifts from Joel’s stereo, swaying your hips in the kitchen as you put together the most delicious bologna sandwich Joel’s ever eaten, toweling off your soaking wet body after an afternoon in the pool. You’re the worst temptation Joel’s ever had to face.
It becomes his mantra. Be respectful, be respectful, be respectful.
But there’s no respect in your eyes. There’s nothing honorable about the way you bite your lip and smirk when he catches your gaze lingering on him.
Joel had one rule for himself going into this job: be respectful. But why should he have to play nice if you don’t?
And really, the whole thing is Tommy’s fault. He started it with that first comment about you, and then he goes and calls out sick (read: horribly hungover) this morning. He leaves Joel all alone with you–gives you the perfect opening to pounce.
Or, more accurately, entice Joel into pouncing on you.
He’s just setting his tool bag down, about to decide where he wants to start today, when your beautiful face pops in through the door.
“Good morning, Joel,” you say with that gorgeous smile of yours that makes his knees go a little weak. “No Tommy today?”
He nearly chokes on his own tongue when you step further into the room wearing a plaid button-up he left here earlier in the week and booty shorts so small he has to do a doubletake to make sure you’re actually wearing anything on your lower half. You look fucking good in his shirt, and suddenly all he can think about is pulling you in and bending you over the half-finished vanity–
“N-no. He’s sick,” Joel manages to choke out. He takes a deep breath to steady himself, then, “that’s my shirt, isn’t it?”
You look down and rub the time-worn fabric between your fingers like you have to think about it, like you don’t know exactly what you’re doing.
“Oh, it must’ve gotten mixed in with our laundry!” The little giggle you let out is so innocent that he almost believes you. Almost. “Here–”
You start to lift the fabric up your torso in the most tantalizingly slow fashion, and he just sits there and watches it happen. He sees the first peek of skin above the waistband of your shorts, and then your beautiful stomach, then the delicious curve of a breast–
He quickly jolts out a hand to stop you in the midst of mentally willing every single molecule in his dick to control itself. “S’alright, darlin’. You keep it. Looks better on you, anyway.”
“Okay,” you acquiesce and let the fabric drop back down into its rightful place. “Can I get you anything? Water maybe?”
He certainly could use it. His neck and face are flushed red, and there’s sweat starting to form at his temples despite the relatively cool temperature within the house.
He realizes, with startling clarity, that he’s at a precipice right now. This might be the only chance he gets to really do something about this burgeoning tension that’s spread thicker than butter between you and him. He’s got a choice to make, and it’s not going to be an easy choice.
“Sure.” It comes out a bit too high-pitched, so he clears his throat and tries again. “Sure, sweetheart. That’d be great.”
“Alright,” you say with that damned giggle again. “I’ll be right back.”
As soon as you leave the room, Joel feels like he can breathe again. It’s so much easier to think straight when you’re not standing there, smiling up at him and looking so damn gorgeous.
He’s got two options, when it boils down to it: fuck you or leave you alone. And he really, really wants to take you. Make you scream his name while he pounds himself into you, fill you so full that you never completely wash him out. And you want it too, he knows you do, you’re practically begging for it.
But he promised himself he would be respectful. That he would keep his hands away from the girl that’s definitely too young and too pure for someone like him–because he knows that if has you, he’ll never be able to get enough.
There’s a very clear and obvious loophole that comes to mind now; a way he could have you without ruining you, a way you could both come out of this satisfied yet mostly intact. Joel’s never been opposed to doing the hard jobs, after all.
He’s got a condom in his wallet and KY jelly in his bag–mostly used for plumbing fittings, but it’ll do the job for this kind of pipework, too.
You come back with a glass of ice water, and his resolve slips. How the hell is he supposed to initiate this? What if you say no and think he’s disgusting? What if you tell your parents? He can’t do this, this was such a horrible idea, he–
Your touch on his back is like a gentle breeze, just a flutter of your fingers to alert him to your return. He flinches a bit at the sudden contact, but when he turns you’re still so achingly close. He can smell the agonizingly sweet aroma of your conditioner and the lotion you slather on your body after showering, and all he wants is more. He wants to wrap you around him, to inhale that scent straight from the source. His resolve is back, just like that.
He doesn’t give himself another opportunity to hesitate. He places one big, meaty palm on your cheek and wraps the other around your hand that holds the glass of ice water to steady you; and then he kisses you with such bruising force it almost knocks the wind out of you.
You moan. You actually moan the second his lips meet yours, and he knows just like that–with a startling moment of clarity–that this isn’t going to be enough. He’s going to take, and take, and take–gorge himself on you until you have nothing left to give. And the strangest thing of the whole matter is that he thinks you’ll actually enjoy his greed.
“Tell me you don’t want this,” he murmurs as his lips break away from yours–so low and soft in your ear it can’t be anything but a growl. “Tell me you don’t want this, and I’ll stop right now.”
“I want it,” you affirm.
He searches your eyes, but he finds only earnest honesty and lust. That darkness, that pure and unadulterated want is enough to make his pants tighten. “Fuck.” 
He’s so big underneath your roaming hands as he crowds you back against the long bathroom vanity. He lifts you like you’re nothing and sets you on the counter top; he slots himself between your legs and there’s an actual stretch in your muscles to accommodate the width of his hips. One of his wide palms slips behind your head and his fingers tangle into your hair, tugging a little bit to angle your head just the way he wants it. It’s messy and frenzied and desperate–your hands gliding over tee shirt-covered muscle, his tugging your (his) shirt up over your stomach.
“Was starting to think you weren’t interested.” Your voice is heavy and breathy as he breaks away to tug the shirt over your head, casting it aside to lie forgotten on the floor.
“I’ve been tryna convince myself m’not,” he kisses into your neck. “Didn’t work.”
With a sudden roll of his hips, he has you gasping into his neck. He can’t be more than half-hard, but that bulge is formidable. Thick and straining and… suddenly you can’t focus on anything except getting him out of those tight jeans to see what you’re working with.
Your hand just barely fits around him. He’s thick and flushed, getting harder with each passing second as he scatters feather-light kisses over your neck and shoulders. He muffles a groan into your neck as you slowly pump his length–you think he’s seven, maybe eight inches at best guess. The tip of him is flushed red once you get his uncut skin out of the way, and it makes your mouth water. There’s a slight upward curve to him and a long, prominent vein that runs down the left side. It’s porn star material–you didn’t know real people had dicks like this.
“Joel… Jesus, that’s gonna be a tight fit.”
“Oh, don’t worry darlin’,” he hums, thumb ghosting over your clit in a way that makes your entire body jolt. “It ain’t goin’ in there.”
There’s nothing but pure excitement in your voice, despite the anxious gulp that tracks down your throat. “Where…”
“Flip over f’me.”
You follow his instruction with a sort of morbid curiosity, hopping down from the counter before folding yourself over it.
You can feel his eyes on you, as he takes in your willingness. It’s like you’re on display for him, for his appraisal. You’ve still got shorts and a bra on, yet you’ve never felt more exposed.
It’s almost like he can sense your mind swirling–maybe it’s because his is prone to do the same. He sets a gentle hand on your back and smooths it down your spine as he crowds up against you–you can feel the press of his exposed cock against the curve of your ass, and it makes you shiver.
“You’re so damn beautiful,” he murmurs as he folds over you, caging you in with the delicious weight of his body. His lips trace along the curve of your jaw and down your neck as he speaks. “But I made myself this little promise that I wouldn’t fuck you. You got me actin’ so unprofessional, honey.”
You whine at the sincerity in his voice–all you’ve wanted since the day he started was for him to have you folded over and at his mercy like this. 
“You can fuck me,” you whine earnestly. “It’s okay, I promise. Won’t tell.”
“Mmm, I know. You’re too good a girl to go gettin’ me in trouble over somethin’ like this,” he hums–you can hear the condescension in his voice even as he praises you, and it makes your cunt clench around nothing. “But with all the teasin’ you been doin’... don’t rightly know that you deserve to be fucked.”
“However,” he continues, landing a light smack to your ass in retaliation for your interruption, “might be willin’ to take you anyway, with some conditions. Out of the goodness of my heart.”
He pauses to let you ask, “What conditions?”
And then he pauses again, asking his own question this time. Is he really going to go through with this? But he’s spent the better part of two weeks staring at your ass, and you’ve spent the better part of two weeks putting it on display for him. It’s like you’ve been silently asking him all this time to take it.
His hand slides down from where it rests on your spine, over your tailbone to where he’s been thinking about all this time. He feels the way your muscles tense up even through your shorts, and it sends a thrill he can’t describe coursing through his veins.
“You ever taken someone here before?”
“N-no.” He feels it again as his other hand comes to soothingly rub your hip–that excited-yet-nervous flutter of muscle. You haven’t run away screaming yet, and that’s the biggest motivator he could have to keep going.
“I think you ought to let me. As a thank you, for puttin’ up with all your play,” he growls into your ear.
It’s fucking dirty, the idea of letting a man you hardly know take you in such a taboo way. It’s even dirtier how fucking excited the idea has you.
“You say no right now and I’ll drop it,” he murmurs so sweetly. “Don’t ever have to talk about this again.”
You’re shaking your head before he’s even finished talking–a sly smirk spreading over your lips as you grind back against him hard enough to make him choke on a moan.
“It’s only right,” you affirm. “Gotta make it up to you for how naughty I’ve been.’
His eyes flash dangerously as he grinds his cock against you again, smearing precome against the flimsy fabric of your shorts. “Atta fuckin’ girl.”
He has your bottoms and panties down around your ankles in a flash, and he actually groans at the sight of your sticky cunt all puffy and wet and on display for him.
He can’t resist the urge to swipe a finger through your folds, delighting in the string of shiny arousal that connects his finger to your core when he pulls away. “She wants it so bad, hmm? Such a shame she ain’t gettin’ any.”
It tugs a moan from your throat, especially when he drags as much slick as he can up to circle your tightest hole. He feels the way you flutter with apprehension, and he leans back down to kiss the corner of your jaw.
“Gonna get you nice and ready, I promise. M’not gonna hurt you, baby girl.”
“Thank you, da–” You almost lost yourself there for a second–almost laid your whole hand of cards out on the table for him to see. You try not to get flustered over the slip–you simply clear your throat and try again. “Thank you, Joel.” But you aren’t nearly as smooth as you hope to be.
In a flash Joel’s free hand is lifting your head, forcing you to look into his deep brown eyes. They’re so much darker than normal, and it only serves to make you wetter.
“What’d you call me?”
His hand slips down to your throat and gives it a warning squeeze–his jaw is set, you know he isn’t playing. “Try again, and tell the truth this time.”
“D… daddy.”
You try to hide your face, to cower in shame, but he won’t let you. He smashes his lips to yours at the exact second his first finger probes that tight, waiting entrance.
“Good girl,” he murmurs as he slowly breaches you, using your own slick to guide the way. “Wasn’t so hard, was it?”
You can’t do anything but gasp, hands clutching for dear life to the edge of the counter. This feels different, and not in the way you were expecting it to. It’s tight, sure, and it feels foreign, but it also feels so much better than you ever could’ve expected it to. The subtle stretch around his thick finger is addicting.
Joel’s jaw drops at the expression on your face; you already look so thoroughly fucked-out, and he’s barely even started. “Fuck.You like this, hmm? Like feelin’ daddy’s fingers gettin’ you ready for his big cock?”
The only response he gets is a wrecked little whimper, and he props your chin up again to meet his heated gaze. “Talk to me. Gotta talk to me, tell me how you’re feelin’, or I’m gonna stop.”
“Fuck!” It’s shriller than you want it to be and you would feel pathetic if you weren’t so thoroughly overwhelmed with this new sensation. “Don’t stop daddy!”
“Feels good, yeah? How long has daddy’s little slut wanted to try this?”
But there’s no way you can be expected to answer, not when he’s adding another finger to the onslaught. Not when your legs are already shaking and you’re thinking about just how many fingers he’s going to have to use to get you ready for the massive cock you can feel throbbing against your thigh.
He retracts just as suddenly as he started, and a needy little whine escapes from your throat involuntarily.
He can’t help chuckling as he reaches for the bottle of KY jelly he’d dug out of his bag while you were getting him water. It feels like it’s been years since you left the room on that little errand for him–definitely not the barely ten minutes it’s actually been.
“Relax, baby girl. I’m comin’ right back.”
You feel the cool drizzle of the water-based substance over your hole and it forces another whine from your throat. It’s met with his thick fingers again, spreading the jelly over your hole before plunging two in knuckle-deep.
“Atta girl.” His voice is thick and sweet as honey as he slowly works his fingers, thrusting and scissoring at an achingly slow pace. “Doin’ so good f’me.”
“I know,” he coos. “I know, it’s so much, isn’it?”
All you can manage to do is nod your head, arms shaking under the strain of holding yourself upright. He sees the way your limbs tremble and he adds a third finger just to be extra cruel–although he steadies you by grabbing your hip firmly with his free hand, keeping you in place as he fucks you open with his fingers.
Everything is so hot. There’s a sticky sheen of sweat covering your forehead and your chest; you can feel your own slick dripping down your thighs.
And then his free hand drops down to thumb at your clit, and everything twists in your gut so fast it nearly gives you whiplash.
Within seconds you’re coming–no pretense, no warning. It explodes white-hot from your belly and sweeps through you to the tips of your fingers and toes with flash flood speed. One second there’s nothing more than pleasant anticipation–the next, you’re shaking and convulsing and sobbing Joel’s name as you fight with every cell in your body to remain upright.
He does his part to work you through it, thumb swiping even circles on your sensitive clit, pulling his fingers from you to pin you in place on the counter so he can continue working you through it.
“I know, I know,” he coos so sweetly in your ear over the sound of your moans and cries. “You’re doin’ so good baby, let yourself have it.”
It’s minutes before you’re breathing normally again–your legs are cramping from trying so desperately to support your shaky weight. Joel’s hands are soothing you the whole time once he lets up the onslaught on your clit; it’s like he’s mapping you, tracing over every dip and curve so tenderly you could almost forget what this encounter really is.
“Doin’ okay?” He husks into your ear–and then he’s folding himself over you again, and you can feel the insistent press of his hard cock against the curve of your ass.
For some reason, that’s what really makes it sink in. That’s the moment you realize that this is actually going to happen–that you want it to happen. Joel’s about to take something from you that no one has ever taken before, and you want him to. You’re offering it willingly, even.
You hum in response and buck your hips back, giving him a delicious taste of friction that pulls a ground from his throat. “Mhm. I’m ready, daddy.”
“Fuck, that’s my girl.” He gives your hip a light pat before pulling away for a moment, and you somehow have the presence of mind to jump up on the deep countertop because you know your legs won’t be able to support you through what’s about to happen.
There’s a smile on his handsome face when he turns back towards you, lube and condom in hand. “That how you want it, baby?”
Despite everything that’s already happened, you feel so much more exposed like this. You’re completely naked, and he’s fully clothed with his pants shoved down just enough to free his dick. Even as you spread your legs to admit him between your thighs, you feel shy. And he senses it, the slight apprehension in your gaze, because his smile softens even further; he sets the lube and condom down on the counter next to you so he can grasp the collar of his worn t-shirt and tug it up over his head.
He’s beautiful for a nearly forty-year-old man, you think. He’s firm and toned, but there’s a softness about him that you can’t help admiring, especially around his belly. Your eyes eagerly lap up the soft curve of his tummy, following the tantalizing promise of his treasure trail to his cock, hard and aching for you. The ruddy, flushed tip is weeping for you; you don’t know that you’ve ever seen someone so turned on before, and it’s a heady rush of power.
He chuckles as he sees your hungry eyes taking him in–he raises one big hand to cup your chin and pull your gaze up to meet his. “You’re so pretty, baby, look so good spread out f’me like this. You sure you’re ready f’this?”
“Fuck yes,” you say with an alluring little wiggle of your hips, and that’s more than enough for him.
He pulls his bottom lip between even rows of shiny white teeth as he rolls the condom down over his length, and it’s actually intimidating like this. He’s so big and imposing and it makes your legs want to close, but–
“M’gonna go slow, okay?” He vows, voice gentle as his big, brown eyes look into yours. His fingers wrap tightly around the half-used tube of KY jelly, and he leans down to kiss you when he sees the nervous gulp that bobs your throat. “Gonna be real gentle, I promise. You tap out at any time and we’re done, ‘kay?”
“Okay,” you affirm, and you feel a lot better. As out of the blue as this is, as little as you really know Joel, you can tell he’s being sincere. You trust him; you know he won’t hurt you.
The first press of his aching tip against your hole is enough to make you choke on a gasp. He’s big, and even with all of his attentive prep work to get you ready for him it’s a tight fit. You can tell it’s affecting him, too. His eyes flutter shut and he bites down hard on his bottom lip, and you can tell that he’s fighting with all his strength not to just shove himself deep inside you. You appreciate his restraint more than words can convey, so you don’t even try; you hook your arms around his neck and pull him in for a deep, messy, desperate kiss instead. His tongue licks eagerly into your mouth as he eases his hips further and further towards yours, and it’s a nice distraction from the nearly overwhelming stretch of your muscle trying to accommodate his girth.
He shudders when his hips finally meet yours, cock stuffed to the hilt into your ass. “God damn baby, you’re so fuckin’ tight. You doin’ okay?”
You whine at the first roll of his hips, nodding your head rapidly because words won’t come. It’s such a foreign sensation, being stretched and breached like this. Not unpleasant necessarily, but so brain-scramblingly different that all you can do is dig your nails into his strong, broad shoulders and hold on for dear life as he actually starts to fuck into you.
It’s nasty, and you’ve never been so wet in your life. You hear the sticky squelch of lube as he thrusts his hips, shoving his cock deeper than you imagined possible. Your own wetness seeps from your neglected cunt and drenches him, dripping down around his cock and wetting the dense curls at the apex of his sex.
“Shit baby, you’re takin’ daddy’s cock so well,” he whines breathlessly; one arm hooks under your knee so he can spread you open a bit wider for him, and then the other hand returns to your puffy, arousal swollen clit.
You make what has to be the most high-pitched sound you’ve ever made as his index and middle fingers start a torturously slow pace on the little bud. “Fuck daddy!”
“I know,” he coos–you think that soft, breathy, Southern twang is going to actually put you in your grave. “I know, you wanna come, dontcha? It’s okay baby, daddy’s gonna make you come all over his cock just the way you need.”
His hips pick up the pace in time with his fingers, and all you can do is lay there limply like a ragdoll. The pleasure is so much different than what you’re used to, but it’s good. It’s amazing, the feeling of him balls deep in your guts in tandem with his ministrations on your clit, in a way you never imagined it could be.
“Such a good fuckin’ girl f’me,” he growls, hitching your leg a bit higher over his hip so he can thrust even deeper. “Fuck, m’not gonna last long like this. You’re gonna make daddy come so hard in this tight little ass.”
His words are accentuated with a little smack to the side of your ass, and it makes you moan louder still. Your head rolls back as he picks up the pace of his fingers, swirling hard and messy circles with reckless abandon. He’s not trying to prolong it anymore–he’s going for the kill.
“Fuck daddy!” Your hands scrabble for purchase on his smooth, freckled skin as he pounds harder into you. “W-want it, please, want you to come in my ass–”
“Gonna give it to you, impatient girl,” he growls deep in his chest. “You gimme one first.”
Your entire body jolts when he brings his hand down on your sensitive cunt before groaning at the way your arousal sticks to his hand and makes his fingers shine.
“She wants t’be stuffed so full, doesn’t she?” He purrs, fingers dancing so fucking teasingly around your fluttering cunt that it makes your eyes water. “Bet she’d love to be chock full’a cock right now.”
“Now, now, baby, no whinin’. It’s unbecomin’ for such a sweet little lady,” he grunts, and the condescension dripping from his tone is almost enough to make you come on its own. “You’re gonna take what I give you and be grateful for it, aintcha?”
His fingers have barely returned to your clit before you’re coming again. This one is even more powerful than before–a hurricane instead of a flash flood. Your entire body trembles with the ebbing flow of pleasurable waves–the words you’re panting aren’t even discernible English anymore.
The way you clench and flutter around him in your own pleasure pulls him over the edge faster than anything ever has before. He comes hard, chest clenching hard around his breath, cock twitching more violently than anything you’ve ever felt before as he spills his load into the condom.
It’s a long, breathless moment before he pulls himself from the vice-like grip you have around his dick. He pulls out with a deep, long groan–it makes you giggle, because it’s the most over-dramatic sound you’ve ever heard in your life.
There’s a beat, and then he starts laughing, too. At the sweet sound of your laugh, at the way he feels like he just ran a marathon, at the absolute absurdity of this whole thing. His laughter is so sweet and gut-deep and infectious, and it only serves to make you laugh harder. For a good few moments it’s just you and Joel, half naked, panting and sweaty, doubled over in laughter.
And then the bathroom door swings open and Tommy barges in. 
“I’m feelin’ a helluva lot better after sleepin’ in, what’s so funny–” He stops dead in his tracks; he sees you naked and spread out on the counter and Joel disheveled and sweating. Neither of you are laughing very much anymore as you both scramble to cover yourselves up.
Tommy quirks a brow, a smirk spreading across his lips as his eyes dart back and forth between you and Joel. “Well, well, well. What have we here?”
You don’t know how to answer when you’re so mortified, so you do the only thing you can think of–you dart out of the room and down the hall to the safety of your bedroom as fast as your shaky legs can carry you.
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➔ beta: @fhatbhabie dividers: @saradika-graphics
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alpha-beta-gamer · 1 year ago
POOLS is an eerie poolcore liminal space exploration game inspired by Jared Pikes's Dream Polls artwork!
Read More & Play The Beta Demo, Free (Steam)
Extended gameplay video:
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sourmiiiilk · 2 months ago
❤️Online Obsession Beta Test: DEMO
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Hey there, after much thought I decided to release a demo for Online Obsession, letting everyone have a taste of the game before the official release. However, the existing beta testers pool is too small for the amount of content being added to the game, which is why I'm announcing the new wave of beta test applications.
As a beta tester you:
Will be joining a group of around 25 already existing beta testers
Will get to playtest the Demo build and builds published after it
Will get free game keys for Steam and Itch upon the game's official release
Will have your name in credits of the game as a beta tester
The application process will last for around three days, after which you can still apply in the back-up pool for a few days. I will be accepting a very limited group of beta testers but everyone has a chance, so feel free to apply!
❤️ Reblogs are very much appreciated!
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suhnandmoon · 2 months ago
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beat it!
chapter eighteen (1.6k words)
pairing: slytherin beater!riki x hufflepuff chaser!reader
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against the ache in your heart telling you to block riki out of your mind, you found yourself picking at your nails outside the closed door of the advanced arithmancy classroom. this is where riki said he would be.
you took a long breath in, wondering if you should just turn back around. 
you feared that continuing to be around riki would only betray the logic in your brain screaming at you to dislike the boy. you didn’t even want to think about it at all- yet here you were, his persistence making it difficult for you to drop anything.
pushing open the aged wooden door, you were met with the gazes of two slytherin boys. riki’s stare lingered on you, relief all too evident, while jay focused his attention back to the pensieve, controlling the silver mist that danced in the basin with his wand.
“you came,” riki said, words airy with a grateful smile playing at his lips.
“i did.” you curtly nodded. you were rather awkward as you tried to break eye contact with him by examining the classroom. advanced arithmancy wasn’t a class available for the sixth years, so the setting was foreign.
“shouldn’t there be a professor here?” you said skeptically, suspicion not so much pointed towards their intentions but more so at the possibility of unlawful use of the pensieve. 
you weren’t trying to get yourself put on a suspension for using an unpermitted object dedicated for the seventh years’ studies.
“technically, yes,” jay spoke up, beckoning you both to approach the pensieve, “but lee gave me the green light to use it without him.”
“professor’s favorite,” riki leaned to the side to whisper to you, having the gall to joke around like everything was normal between you. and you hated how you almost laughed.
you stiffened as you took your place besides riki to look at the low mist of the pensieve.
“there's not much to see since we haven’t extracted his memory out yet,” jay reminded as you both tore your eyes away from the basin. “go ahead and think of the memory i need to siphon. you really need to focus.”
riki stood up a little straighter, eyes narrowing at you. there was a thoughtful frown playing at his features as he opened his mouth to say something.
“let me make sure i have the right day-” he looked at you with a sincerity you hadn’t been often acquainted with before, not from him at least. “days after our first match against each other, in the courtyard?”
you nodded in approval, “sunoo was comforting you over your team’s loss.”
his eyes closed, deep in thought and trying to draw that memory closer. after a few seconds, he spoke up.
“i got it, try it jay.”
cautiously, jay took his wand and placed it against riki’s temple. there was a brief pause before a blue mist emerged from the connecting point.
you watched as he siphoned out the memory slowly, the haze seemingly being pulled out from his mind in ribbons and transferred into the basin. it didn’t take very long for riki to open his eyes and gaze expectantly at the swimming pool of wisps below the both of you.
“now all you have to do is have some part of your body touching the mist, so just put your hand in or something,” jay recited the basics of what he remembered from his class demo, “-and don’t tell lee since i’m supposed to be supervising you two, but i’ll step out for you to talk after. i’ll be outside if you need me.” 
he took his leave. you hardly registered the distant patter of his footsteps signaling his exit as you watched the pensieve swirl with a pit in your stomach. there was a soft nudge to your side. you looked up to see the boy beside you raising an eyebrow.
you gulped. 
“let’s see it.”
as soon as you reached your hand in the mist, it felt like it was engulfing your body. a chill crawled up your arm and rapidly overtook your vision as the space around you morphed before you could even process it.
before you could even blink, you were no longer standing in the bleak seventh year arithmancy classroom and instead met face to face with a much more youthful version of kim sunoo in the courtyard.
it was an overcasted october morning with students making their way to their first classes of the day. the chatter was lively around the two of you and you spotted a few familiar faces in the passing crowd.
in the distance, you could see little first year you and eunchae chatting beside one of the stone pillars. it took everything in you not to crinkle your nose at the sight of seeing you so young.
you were able to zone into the conversation between sunoo and riki as they started walking, attempting to get used to being in his point of view for the time being.
“-c’mon man. even though slytherin lost, you still did great!! i mean, what other first year is doing this!” sunoo grinned at you– er. riki, to be clear, as they walked down the side of the court. he was trying to console the (what you assumed to be) pouting boy who’s view you were inhabiting. 
“..not true.” you could decipher a grumble from riki. there was a drawl in his pace, dragging his feet with every step he took.
“what do you mean??” his friend genuinely asked. 
“yn ln.” he muttered. “she’s also a first year. only difference is, she won- well, her team did.”
they were approaching the spot you lingered at, eunchae having scurried off somewhere to talk to someone else effectively leaving you on your own. 
past-you was slightly obscured by the pillar and you sucked in a breath as the scene was about to play out.
“the hufflepuff girl? yeah, her team might’ve won, but is she any good?” their pace quickened, realizing class was about to start soon. by this point, they had passed a few feet beyond your pillar.
riki shrunk, memories of his recent game flashing in his mind, before straightening back up and gaining a self-righteous air.
“she’s okay. only for being half as good as me, though.” his voice faded off as they increased their distance from you, who softly gasped, only having heard the most unfortunate snippet.
the memory extracted by the pensieve faded at that point, returning you wided-eyed and in shock in the dusty classroom. 
hesitantly, you retracted your arm from the lingering remnants of haze. any fragments or phrases you could possibly muster up to say died in the back of your throat as you blinked foolishly at the boy you had been hating for years over a misunderstanding.
“believe me now?” 
you stared at riki’s sheepish smile. there wasn’t any hint of pride over being right, no ‘i told you so’ hidden up his sleeve, and no malice in his expression– just genuine relief.
“i’m so sorry,” you blurted out, scrambling for the right response, “oh my god, i’m so sorry. i misheard you this whole time!”
he looked surprised at your sudden admission, quick to shake his head and clarify.
“hey, don’t be. you may have misheard me, but i wasn’t being fair to you at all. all these years i was just being an asshole, i don't think it matters what started it anymore.” he frowned, looking down at his feet, “and besides, if not for that reason in specific, i’ve given you thousands of others over the years. i would get it if you still decided to hate me after this.” 
it baffled you how he was adamant on taking fault in this situation even still.
“nishimura riki, i certainly don’t hate you.”
his eyes snapped up to yours in shock, owlishly blinking. if the tension wasn’t so thick, you would’ve laughed over him treating this as a confession of sorts. 
“you don’t?” his gaze held an intensity you weren’t expecting, causing you to shift in your spot and flicker your focus to the side in order to give him a further explanation.
“i haven’t hated you for a while,” you clarified, “even when my memories returned, i tried really hard to– but i couldn’t. i couldn’t help but feel like i should trust you despite everything telling me i shouldn’t. that’s why i turned to ignoring you so i wouldn’t feel so conflicted.”
“but i tricked you.” he stated sharply, not sure himself as to why he insisted on finding reasons to remind you to hate him. its as if he couldn't believe it himself- you being so willing to forgive him.
“that time on the astronomy tower, were you tricking me then? or whenever you consoled me when i felt so stuck?”
“of course not.” 
“exactly,” things seemed to be finally aligning for the two of you as you spoke, “listen, i’m not saying i agree with what you did, or think it was smart. but i am willing to start over.”
leaving behind misunderstandings, years of insults from both parties, and built up resentment, it was a tough ask. yet, for the both of you, that process had already begun before you even realized it.
riki broke out into a huge grin as he took both your hands, nodding at you in agreement.
“thank you so much! i promise i won’t fuck anything up this time.” he hardly processed that he was squeezing your hands in sheer joy before you squeezed them back.
“we’re starting at a blank slate now, so you don’t have much to fuck up on,” you tried to tease, but his smile was starting to influence one of your own to creep up on your face.
“you two months ago would totally disagree-” he reminded playfully.
“well thanks to your bludger throw, i’m not me from two months ago anymore!” 
he interjected. “--blank slate. alright!” 
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notes: WEEEEEE!!! don't hate me yall!!! twas but a miscommunication :3
permanent taglist: @sweetiejaeyun @17ericas @jiiyen
taglist: @lo-la17 @tkooooop @hoteldelyoona @who-tf-soddhi @feet4enha
@celli-ohs @kiss4noo @wildtigerlili @bee-the-loser @tasnemluvs
@rikidaze @lunaritex @kkamismom12 @nishiriks @moonshoon
@blvengene @sleepyyujie @yjwxfxr @notab1tchwho @sol3chu
@getoxo @meowmeowjang @dksfml @vixialuvs @lilifiedeans
@hwasangel @rr1ks @pjselee @andassortedkpop @jisungs-iced-americano
@paradiseoflosers @en-chantedtomeetyou @mmurazz @claumbeju @catecita
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lixel-5 · 3 months ago
“the tsp narrator is autistic” “the tsp narrator is adhd”
guys the stanley parable narrator is narcissistic
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a pervasive pattern of grandiosity
the mind control facility, the countdown ending, the memory zone, the stanley parable 2 expo
need for admiration
“-if only it pleases this one person who made a single negative comment.”
“The merest mention of one of my imperfections and I become as impetulant as a child.”
a lack of empathy
look at him
a gracious sense of self-importance/believes he is special/sense of entitlement
“Come, come, daddy needs a new swimming pool”
the part in the not stanley ending where he’s pissed about having to be stuck with you
preoccupied with fantasies of success
all the trailers for all the games really. also the demo.
interpersonally exploitive
i can’t think of a specific instance, nor does it fit as well as the rest, but yeah. he’s a little manipulative and exploits the player and stanley
yeah idk about this one
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multiheadcanons · 29 days ago
scout: scout is god’s favorite. he exercises so often that he doesn’t really experience cramps, and though his cycle is heavy it only lasts a few days. serious mood swings too. don’t show him any sad shit because it will profoundly affect him and he will cry. and then he’ll get mad at you because he’s crying. then you have to go make amends. and you better do it right or you’ll piss him off more. tries not to jump as often because he hates the feeling of it when he’s on his period.
soldier: no noticeable change but the cravings go crazy. literally posted in the kitchen at all times, if not cooking something staring intently at the microwave, honestly he’s probably doing both. likes the heat of the oven on his stomach. someone get him a rice sock to put in the microwave— actually maybe don’t. that’s a weapon. you just gave him a weapon. he’ll actually fight you with it if he gets pissed off enough. please don’t get hit by soldier’s rice sock.
pyro: posted in the shower, and it’s like a sauna in there. the heat relaxes their muscles; and they feel a little closer to normal. on the field, they do their best to not let it affect them, but sometimes the blood pooling in the suit makes them want to throw up. can’t handle the smell of it as they literally bake in their suit. they’re in the shower if they’re not on the field. and they’ve never been more grateful for their bed being so soft.
demo: cramping, bleeding, and pissy. will take a page out of scout’s book and switch out his grenade launcher for his sword and run more often to alleviate the cramps. can’t take any medication for any of the pains because he drinks too much, so he doubles the dose when he takes aspirins for the hangovers and calls it a day. also is in bed if he isn’t on the field. and unnecessarily touchy. the pressure of a hug feels good on his back. just starts draping himself across anyone who’s unfortunate enough to sit in the same room as him, and closes his eyes and tries to sleep. the team has learned it’s because he wants some pressure placed on his stomach. they’ll generally oblige for him. it’s not too much to ask for a belly rub here and there.
heavy: the cramps don’t bother him. the mood swings he can handle… mainly. it’s the cravings. the cravings kill him. there is no reason he should want a deep fried pickle encrusted in a fruity pebble beer batter and garnished with cilantro and lime, but dammit does he so bad. that’s when he starts making scooby-doo level sandwiches. and he’s so sentimental. it doesn’t seem so, but the random “i value you as a member of the team” from heavy goes so far for the team’s morale. dont cry about it, because he will tear up and reaffirm that you are loved and he loves you. and don’t let him and scout sync up or they’re both going to watch sad movies and cry on each other’s shoulders. what saps.
engineer: god’s favorite… kinda. generally light cycles, no cramps, but they last like a week and a half and his body in general just aches. back hurts, legs hurt, arms hurt, shoulders hurt, major headaches. he’s pounding ibuprofen like it’s going out of style. he could really use a massage, but he feels awkward complaining. so he grits his teeth and gets to work. more sour than normal, but it’s not mood swings. he is in physical pain. it’s like he can feel every bone in his body, and he’s feeling them age in real time. sometimes, if the doctor catches him eating ibuprofen, engie can get a quick massage out of him. enough to give temporary relief from the aches. obviously not enough to give real relief, but enough that whichever body part isn’t working works… a little more. the first time engie got a massage, the doctor just started firmly knocking on his tibia, and engie’s eyes were opened to what it could potentially feel like to have a bolt screwed into his body. his legs felt like jelly, and he had never felt better for battle!
medic: dead in the infirmary. leave him alone. bad cramps, thick clots in his cycles. luckily they only last about five days but he is in pain pretty much every day of it. it pisses him off. it’s exhausting, he’s exhausted, and he wears way too much white and cream to be bleeding the way he does. takes it out on the field. he’ll fistfight you if you get close enough for his arms to reach. fuck the bonesaw, these hands got guaranteed crits. prefers cold compresses over warm ones, though he knows they’re less effective. warming devices overheat him too quickly to use them often, and he prefers to be cold. the ubers help a lot, but once the charge is over the pain returns. at that point he’s taking the whole uterus out. fuck the dumb shit. normally asleep on the operating table, and if you catch him slipping you’ll see blood on his pants. if you bring it up he’ll kill you.
sniper: dead in the van. leave him alone. not as bad as it could be, in comparison to the other mercs, but the second the bleeding starts he is pissed off at worst and irrevocably annoyed at best. cramps hit him very specifically as he’s sitting. and he sits a lot on the job. but standing hurts his feet. he can’t win any way he slices it, and that pisses him off. he starts feeling some type of way about his job, which pisses him off, he’s just very pissy on his period. ultra mega major shit talker. and he will back it up if he has to, then be pissed he got himself in that position. jarate is shelved for the moment. he might be gross but he’s not a freak. the period cravings go crazy, hide the whole fridge. but if he goes in there and the fridge is empty, guess what? he’s gonna be pissed. he will beg someone to get in that kitchen and cook. he will pay for a hot meal. he’d pay ten times the market price for a bag of chips right now. he’s on the verge of tears from the hunger he’s feeling. then his stomach hurts because he’s eating like garbage. and guess what…. yeah you know, he’s gonna get pissed off.
spy: dead in the smoking room. leave him alone. god’s most hated. body aches, mood swings, migraines, cramps for a week. some of those cramps will drop him to the floor, and he hasn’t quite learned how to not react to the pain, so he stays in the smoking room for as long as he can. he’s on as much pain medication as he can be on without destroying his organs. cigarette consumption doubles. bags under his eyes from uncomfortable sleep. on the verge of tears pretty much at all times, and he never knows why. he’s just more distraught than usual. but if you actually piss him off he’ll just shoot you in the foot.
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damarassanctuary · 5 months ago
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Damztober24 #19: Pool
PARAMOUR: /lwv, did yow remember to wse swnscreen?/
(unblurred alpha trolls under the cut bc i really like how they came out ^u^)
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(feeling specially proud of how Aranea came out ngl)
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the-witty-pen-name · 29 days ago
Everything that I Wanted (4)
Eddie Munson x F!Reader / Billy Hargrove x F!Reader 
Word Count: 4.1k 
Synopsis: Love triangle between your best friend Eddie and your first boyfriend, Billy Hargrove that spans over many years as you get everything you think you ever wanted. However, your life doesn’t play out how you expected it, starting from the first time you’re asked out on a date. 
Warnings: 18+ MDNI; angst, language, allusions to smut; substance use; depictions of a toxic relationship
A/N: Comments & Reblogs are always appreciated! Please let me know what you think! Thank you so much @munsonsmixtapes @punkrockmlchael @keeryhours for reading this for me.
Stranger Things Masterlist
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Billy didn’t bring you over whenever Neil was home. He was always skilled at making sure you were home before he was due home from work. He really wanted to keep that part of his life separate from you. He didn’t want to risk subjecting you to it- and he still managed to pull you down into the mess of it. He thought if he kept these parts of his life separate, there'd be no crossover and you wouldn’t get hurt. It was eye opening to him, realizing it wasn’t that easy and it petrified him that he scared you. He never meant to hurt you, but he realizes how badly he did.
Losing you was the eye opener that Billy needed to get his shit together. It lit a fire under him and he knew he needed to distance himself from his father as soon as he could. He couldn’t get pulled down into his dad’s bullshit, absorbing his habits. He didn’t want to be that guy. He began working at the auto body shop, scrimping and saving every dime he could- picking up overtime every opportunity he could. He wanted to go home. He needed to leave this town- he needed to escape. He knew it was his only chance. 
He’d made up his mind he was going back to California. 
As graduation felt like it was just around the corner, you spent all your time falling back in with your friend group. You spent your days after school in Gareth’s garage, hanging out while Corroded Coffin practiced. You’d situate yourself comfortably on the old futon and work on homework while they jammed. You’d go to Hellfire on Fridays, completely re-emerged into the campaign. Then on the days where there was no band practice, no Hellfire, you spent your days at the Munson trailer- it was your second home.
You and Eddie would work on homework- he was on track to graduate with you and the band. They’d begun recording a few demos- all of them and you helping pool some money so they could record. He was so motivated to get out of there- for you, for the sake of the band. He wasn’t going to be left behind. He had huge dreams. He made all of these crazy, elaborate promises when you were cuddled up together on his bed. Dreams about the metal scene in New York, getting the both of you out of Hawkins, the band making it big- he’d get it all, promising the world to you. It was his and your dream. 
“I’m gonna marry her,” Eddie would boast when you weren’t around. You were working a closing shift at Family Video and Eddie, Grant and Jeff were at Gareth’s for a band practice. They got wrapped up talking about the what-if’s when the band takes off. It was never a question for them whether or not they’d make it- it was always just when. “I’m gonna fucking graduate- we’re gonna work our asses off- however long it takes and when we sign our deal, that day some suit strolls into the Hideout- whenever it happens. I’m marryin’ her.” 
The three boys roll their eyes at Eddie’s theatrics, but they all already knew this. They’d watched Eddie fall more and more in love with you over the years that they knew he was going to be insufferable once the two of you finally got together. They knew you and Eddie were meant to be together- it just was the most obvious thing in the world to them. 
Falling in love with Eddie was one of the easiest things you’d ever been able to do. It was effortless, the way all the pieces fell into place. There was no second guessing, no worry- no doubt that you were unabashedly wanted. It was so easy to slip into each other, and there was never any question that he loved you as much as you loved him. 
Smoke wafts up around the two of you as you both lay back on Eddie’s bed, your backs resting against the headboard. You’ve fallen into a comfortable silence as the joint is passed between the two of you. You were feeling so at ease, and you felt yourself sinking into the mattress feeling content. You exhale smoke and watch as it floats throughout the room, then pass the joint to Eddie. 
“What if it doesn’t happen?” He asks, solemnly. “What then?” 
“It’ll happen,” you insist, resting your head on his shoulder. “Let’s just get graduation over with, first.” 
Eddie had always wanted to prove himself. Maybe it had been the years of torment, scrutiny he faced because he was different. Maybe he needed to prove to himself that everything he thought and dreamed about wasn’t a waste of time. Maybe on some level, it was to prove that he was worth something. He, Gareth, Jeff and Grant actually making it big would be the biggest fuck you to the entirety of Hawkins. 
Eddie was a giver. He dreamt of making it big and buying Wayne a house. It always felt like the least he could do- a house as a thank you for a home. It was kind of poetic, Eddie thought. He wanted to whisk you away and show you the world. He’d get you a beautiful house, spoil you rotten with everything expensive just because he could and you deserve nothing less. He just kept thinking, if he made it, he would finally be worth something. He’d be good enough. 
You draped your arm across his torso, cuddling up to him. It makes his heart swell. He’d never imagined experiencing such a moment where everything just feels like his life is falling into place. The high makes him think back, reflecting on all the times he could’ve made a move, could’ve done something- anything that would’ve made this forever start just a little sooner. 
You’d spent more time in this trailer than you did in your own house. However, the first time Eddie brought you back to hang out, watch a movie- Wayne had pulled him outside for a very, very mortifying lecture and Eddie reluctantly had to admit you were just friends. Maybe you were for now- but Wayne saw the way his nephew looked at you. Maybe Eddie could fool you, keeping his feelings locked away, but no one read Eddie like Wayne could. 
“It’s not even like that,” Eddie tries to insist as his uncle smirks. His face flushes a deep shade of red. “Besides, everyone is coming over- Gareth, Grant, Jeff… this is just a hang out. This isn’t a date, god!” Wayne just shrugs, patting his shoulder, reiterating his sentiments before leaving for his night shift at the plant. Eddie needs to steady his breathing and counts to ten before going back inside- just him and you… alone. Yeah, he could not do this. He was going to jump out of his skin.
“Thanks for inviting me over,” you say sweetly, and Eddie thinks he’s going to melt. 
“I mean- of course, yeah,” he says, stumbling over his words. “I mean, all of Hellfire is coming- and like, that includes you now too- obviously, but um, you’re welcome.”
You have the audacity to giggle, making Eddie feel like his entire body is on fire. God, why did you have to be so cute? He felt like he was drowning. 
“So what’s the movie for tonight?” you ask, shifting your weight back and forth on your ankles, blissfully unaware of the effect you’re having on Eddie just being there. Eddie is so distracted he almost doesn’t realize you’d asked a question. 
“Oh, um- I grabbed some options,” he begins, nearly tripping over the coffee table to grab the boxes from the top of the TV. “Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, and uh, The Thing.”
“Oh,” you say, pretending to sound excited. You didn’t want to admit you were scared shitless of movies like that, but you wanted to fit in. You couldn’t let on that you were a scaredy cat. “Cool,” you nod, trying to sound cool and indifferent. 
“You hate scary movies, don’t you?” Eddie asks, gently- being able to see through your front. 
“No- um, you know- I’m good,” you reply with a scoff and a wave of your hand dismissively. 
“Okay,” he chuckles, “If you say so.” 
Eddie didn’t press you to admit it, he just made sure he sat next to you on the couch- forcing Gareth to the floor. Sandwiched between Eddie and Jeff, Eddie made sure to check in with you as the movie played- careful to make sure the other guys were none the wiser. About halfway through Nightmare on Elm Street, you gripped Eddie’s hand tightly. He’d squeeze your hand to comfort you, thankful the lights were down so no one could see his flushed cheeks. 
At the end of the night, and everyone slowly made their way out and home, you lingered behind. Just for a minute. Jeff walked out first to start his car, driving you and Gareth home. Eddie watched you as you shrugged on your jacket and fished for your house key out of your pocket.  
“Thank you for everything,” you said with a sweet smile as you walked past him as he held his front door open. That made Eddie’s heart practically do flips. He watched from the front door as you climbed into the backseat of Jeff’s car as Gare called shotgun. Once you all had pulled away, he locked up. 
He collapsed on his bed, not even bothering to change and just laid awake- staring at the ceiling, completely overcome thinking about you. He replayed everything in his head over and over, blushing furiously to himself before sleep took over. 
It had been several months, and suddenly it was like your senior year was suddenly over. People were becoming sentimental and nostalgic. Suddenly everyone was focusing on their lasts. Last final, last class, last lunch… everything suddenly had such a weight to it. For Billy, he didn’t care about that- he knew the sooner high school was over the better. He felt suffocated by it all- this school, this town, his fucking house- he was more than happy to leave it all behind him. The only person he might miss wasn’t his anymore anyways. 
He doubts you ever noticed him, and he’s thankful for that. He wanted to keep a low profile for the rest of the school year. He’d see you in the hallway before you’d get the chance to see him and he’d be able to turn the other way. He switched out of the one class you had together, thinking it was for the best. He did catch himself, thinking about you way more often than he should. You both weren’t even together longer than a few months- he should have moved on by now. It was pissing him off that he couldn’t. 
Maybe it wasn’t exactly you that Billy was missing, he would think to himself. Or at least, that is what he would try to convince himself when he’s lying awake at night. Neil would be arguing with Susan down the hall, and he would try his best to block it out. He missed the way you’d talk to him- like a person. You never made him feel like he was damaged, or a fuck-up. You listened to him, wanted to get to know him. You shared things with him. It was the closest he’s ever felt to normal. 
He’d managed to secure an apartment. He signed the lease sight, unseen but it wasn’t like he had a choice. It was a risk he was willing to take if it meant his freedom. As the days leading to graduation ticked down, he found him feeling like there was something left that he needed to do. He racked his brain, thinking over everything. He felt like he wanted to tell someone, but who did he have to tell? 
You’d never been more proud, watching Wayne help Eddie get into his cap and gown. Wayne practically had to wrestle Eddie into wearing a tie but you couldn’t help but just feel so fortunate to be there to see this moment between the two of them. You’d never seen Wayne cry- he was always way too stoic and too much of a traditional kind of guy to show emotion like that, but you could see how goddamn proud he was off Eddie and you couldn’t miss the way his eyes glistened. Your heart swelled, he finally did it. 
It was a mess of people in green graduation gowns that you could hardly find your friends through the sea of students that were being wrangled by staff into the right spots. When he was finally called, Eddie practically sprinted up the stage, almost knocking over the Vice Principal in the process. With his diploma in hand, he promptly flipped off the principal and stuck out his tongue for the photo. You laughed, shaking your head, and you knew Wayne would want to kill him. You could hear him in your head now. 
When everyone tossed their caps, Eddie climbed over rows of seats and shoved passed everyone so he could kiss you. His lips pressed to yours and his arms wrapped around you as everyone was whooping and cheering, celebrating that it was all finally over. Eddie couldn’t care less that everyone was around, he needed to kiss you. You could feel dampness on his cheeks as you cupped your hands to cradle his face. You knew under his theatrics he really cared. You’d tease him later, but right now all you cared about was the relief and happiness you feel when he’s kissing you. You both made it out the other side and you did it together. 
Your family, Wayne, Gareth’s Jeff’s and Grant’s families- everyone was taking so many picture combinations it was making you all dizzy. Eddie and Wayne, Eddie and the boys, Eddie and You, You and Gareth, Eddie and Gareth, Jeff and You, You Jeff and Grant, all of you together, individual photos with everyone… It felt never ending. As Wayne takes a family photo for your family, you notice someone lingering alone in the distance, like they're waiting to talk to you. You hold your hand up like a visor over your eyes, and squint- it’s Billy. 
“I’ll be right back,” you say, as everyone continues talking amongst themselves. Eddie squeezes your arm, affectionately. 
“You don’t have to go over there, you don’t owe him shit,” Eddie says, softly. He whispers, clearly concerned. You nod.
“I think I want closure,” you say and he nods, not fully understanding but supporting you regardless. He kisses the top of your head before you walk over to Billy. Eddie can’t hear but he’s watching Billy’s every move from a distance, a scowl on his face. 
“Congratulations,” Billy says, and you’re shocked that he’s coming across a little shy. 
“You too,” you reply, a little awkward, crossing your arms over your chest. He nods, kicking at the dirt with his dress shoes. 
“I’m moving, and uh, I don’t know,” he chuckles, “I, uh, don’t have anyone else to tell about it- so I, um, I’m telling you.”
“Oh, wow,” you say, processing the news. “Neil moving-”
“No, just me. I, uh, yeah- no, I’m not going anywhere with Neil.”
“Where are you gonna go?” You ask, finding his eyes again. Suddenly, there are so much gentler than you remember. 
“I’m going back home,” he says, and he almost lets himself smile, but he can’t. Not when he’s trying his best to hold back. “I’m going back to California- I got a place in Pasadena.”
“I’m happy for you,” you say, sincerely. “Um, best of luck with everything. I hope you find what you’re looking for out there.”
“Thanks, uh, I hope everything works out for you.”
“Thanks, Billy.”
“Maybe I’ll see you around sometime, princess,” he offers a half smile, before walking away. “Tell your boyfriend to stop staring, it’s rude,” he jokes, calling over his shoulder. You watch him get into his Camaro before you turn back towards the group. Eddie is there, watching the whole interaction go down, and you can see how irritated he is. 
You walk back over, and wrap your arms around him- and he instantly softens. 
“What was that?” Eddie asks, skeptically, as he rubs your back. 
“He’s going,” you share, both of you watching the car peel out of the lot. “Moving to California, apparently. Wanted to tell someone.” 
You can’t miss the way Eddie’s jaw is still clenched and he keeps a protective, maybe slightly possessive, arm around your waist. His thumb rubs circles on your hip and you can sense how he’s getting lost in his own thoughts. 
“So he’s really gone?” He asks, sounding concerned. You nod. 
“That’s what he said,” you shrug. His lips are closed right, in a thin line, and his expression becomes almost unreadable. He shakes his head, like he’s trying to physically expel some thought he doesn’t want to say out loud. And then he smiles, and it’s like Eddie’s back again. 
“Alright, well- good riddance,” he says with a grin, kissing your temple. “Let’s go sweetheart.” 
As much as Eddie tried to relax, and enjoy the summer evening, his mind kept going back to how Billy looked at you, and the way it made Eddie’s skin crawl. You’re flush against his side, sharing a plate of chips while Wayne flips burgers on the grill. Eddie’s knuckles are white from how tightly he’s gripping his beer that’s gone warm from him not even talking a sip. 
Jeff and Grant sit across from you, Gareth not too far away in a fold out lawn chair- and the four of you talk excitedly about all the plans they have for Corroded Coffin. Eddie has been zoned out for most of the conversation, but everyone is so wrapped up in their own conversations- no one seems to notice. Except you. 
Wayne’s radio sits on the front steps of the trailer, playing some oldie country that Eddie only knows because of Wayne. Gareth’s mom and dad are inside the trailer prepping, slicing tomatoes and pickles and lettuce. Jeff’s mom is talking with Wayne about their summer plans while Grant’s brother plays with Gareth’s sisters. It’s a really sweet moment. Everyone around, it’s a perfect little party. Even Mike, Dustin and Lucas seem to not be getting on Max’s nerves too much. Erica even made Eddie a graduation card. 
Eddie couldn’t even enjoy it, just seeing red thinking about that stupid smirk Billy had on his face when he looked at you. He shouldn’t be letting it get under his skin this much. Billy was gone, probably not even in Indiana anymore yet Eddie couldn’t let it go. For the first time in months, he’s incurable in his jealousy. He never dwelled on what you and Billy had before, and he hated himself for doing it now. 
You knew something was bothering Eddie all night but you couldn’t figure out what. People would crack jokes, and he would laugh, but it wouldn’t reach his eyes. Someone would try to talk to him and he’d brush it off with a short response- which was so unlike Eddie. You were concerned but also pissed. Wayne went to all this trouble to do this for him and he wasn’t even attempting to act the least bit grateful. Everyone is long gone and Wayne leaves for his overnight shift before you even say anything to Eddie. 
“What was your problem tonight?” You ask, not intending to sound so bitter. You pick up paper plates and empty cans while Eddie is wiping off the grill. He turns and looks at you, and you can immediately tell you didn’t phase that right. 
“There’s no problem,” he says, his tone bitter- feeling obviously dejected. He scoffs, not wanting to subject you to this. He knows he’s being irrational and he doesn’t want you wrapped up in it- trying to solve his problems. 
“Clearly something was wrong- you hardly said anything all night…”
“I really don’t want to talk about this.”
“So you admit something is bothering you-”
“Sweetheart, please…”
“Will you just tell me?”
“I’m pissed, okay? Are you happy? I’m pissed at fucking Billy,” Eddie finally snaps. “I hated every second that you were over there with him, okay? The way he looked at you- god, I wanted to kill him. I just- I got in my head about it because all of a sudden you’re over there with him again. I just- I just got…”
“Eddie, baby, were you jealous?” you ask, softly, a teasing smile forming on your lips. 
“It’s not funny,” he scoffs. You walk over and wrap your arms around his neck. 
“You’re sweet,” you mumble, kissing him gently. “You know you’re the only guy for me.”
He melts into your touch, and practically preens at your words. Just like that, your affectionate, sweet boyfriend is back to being putty in your arms. He smiles, pressing his lips to yours again. 
“Just love you so much,” he practically whimpers, pulling you in closer and practically dragging you into the trailer as he walks backwards, lips still connected with yours. Giggling against his lips, you let him pull you inside, his hands tugging at your hips. The screen door slams shut behind the two of you as you trip over yourselves to get to Eddie’s bedroom. 
It’s a couple of years later that it finally happens- a talent scout at the Hideout. Jeff had sent the band's demo to every label, and believe it or not, a well known label based in New York City sent someone to travel to Indiana to see Corroded Coffin perform. Eddie felt like it couldn’t be real- everything they had worked for led up to this night. Everyone was on edge, giddy with nervousness and wrecked with stress. 
You stayed with your back pressed against the bar, drink in hand as you scanned the room for the scout. You just reluctantly left Eddie so they could set up, but just knowing you were there was helping calm his nerves. He was trying to relax, trying to not put so much weight on this- but this moment would mean everything. The end of everything as he knew it. Nothing would be the same after this, no matter what the outcome. 
 If tonight goes well, and this guy likes what he sees, it means their lives, your life- will never be how it was before. Eddie can see it now- it's so clear to him. The marquees and the crowds- people knowing his name, singing his lyrics and you on his arm every step of the way.  He’d make you proud, make Wayne proud- finally feeling like his life is worth more than what everyone has always said. His best friends, they deserve this more than anyone in the world. Everything, absolutely everything is riding on this moment. He won’t blow it. 
You watched with bated breath as they took the stage. You could see how much Eddie was trying to hide his anxiousness. You’re probably the only one who can read him well enough to tell. You feel nothing but the swell of adoration in your chest as Eddie talks on the band’s behalf. You wave when his eyes find yours, and spotting you in the crowd makes Eddie instantly relax. It was all the motivation he ever needed. They played their hearts out, and it completely blew you away. 
After the show, the first thing Eddie does when the set ends is look for you. He hops off the stage and rushes to you. He wraps his arms around you tightly, burying his face in the crook of your neck before your brain can even process he’s there. The adrenaline still is coursing through his veins and you can practically feel his heart as it tries to jump out of his chest. 
“I’m so proud of you,” you mumble against his skin, kissing his head and then pulling his face in to kiss his lips. Your hands cup the sides of his jaw as you feel him relax against you. “You killed it,” you mumble excitedly, against his lips. 
Reluctantly pulling away, he knows he’s needed back with the band- he kisses you a million little times before heading back towards the stage. You see the other guys shaking hands with the scout already, and you don’t miss the way the guy smiles when he shakes Eddie’s hand. You knew at that moment, your lives would never be the same.
A/N: This is the calm before the storm babes, and don't worry- this is not the end of what we'll see with Billy. ;)
TAGLIST: @fandom-princess-forevermore @sunshinepeachx @downbear @fanlifeaamt @exploding-bonbon @losingmygrasponreality @skiddypiddy @andvys @djodirt @moonlightsolo @kyga01 @sheisjoeschateau @melaninjhs @v3lv3tf0x @purpleeyeswithgoldensparkles @sunshine-mrk @danymunsonharrington @mrsjellymunson @fanficfantik @the-unforgivenn @punkrockmlchael @spookysace24 @crispystarfishhottub @4billy @let-love-bleeds-red@supersecretsamm @e-c-a-r-l-a-t-e @melvin333 @mmmunson @daryldixonswifesworld
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