#pool party janna
nautiscarader · 2 years
outdoors In water filming themselves Marco/Harem Luveety Lincoln/Ronnie Anne/Sid
Outdoors - Sidonniecoln
It was Sid's idea, perhaps inspired by her upbringing and many hours spent watching wild animals... she wanted to do it like they do it on educational channel! And so,during their next trip out of the city, the trio of lovers went deep into the forest, where the sounds of the wildlife were soon mixed with mating calls of three horny young adults giving into their primal,raw desires,as Lincoln fucked and mated his girlfriends, the only artificial parts of their fantasy settings being the blanket and condoms... at least until they ran out of them.
Filming - Luveety
At first, Vee was naturally intimidated by Luz's idea, but her and Amity's lips soon soothed her, as she became the filling in the witch sandwich. Their naked bodies became one as they kissed, caressed and loved each other, their intimate actions filmed by not only Luz's phone, but also Amity's crystal ball (and those recorded smells too!). Vee's mind soon turned blank as powerful climax swept over her, brought by their magical lips and fingers... And the two witches were proud of her when she stated she wants now to rewatch the footage to see her face.
Marco/Harem - in the water
California's heatwaves were something Marco was used to, but only now he realised those were excellent excuses for swimming pool parties. And so, the pool was soon filled with half a dozen swimsuit-clad ladies, some playing with inflatable balls, like Star and Jackie,some relaxing, like Janna or Hekapoo (who complained about the heat not being hot enough), while others... having fun with Marco. But once the rest caught the glimpse of Kelly's hand in Marco's boxers, they abandoned their activities - and their clothes - to make the water boil...
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thehigherthetide · 9 days
today i will categorize every league of legends champion as either hot or not. some exceptions and exclusions.
aatrox: hot
ahri: hot
akali: hot
akshan: hot
alistar: hot
anivia: not hot
aphelios: hot
ashe: my favorite nsfw artist draws her so beautifully so hot
aurelion sol: hot
aurora: cute but not hot
azir: hot
bard: not hot
bel’veth: hot
blitzcrank: not hot
brand: ironically, not hot
braum: very awesome but not hot
briar: not hot
caitlyn: hot
camille: hot
cassiopeia: as she currently is, not hot
cho’gath: hot
darius: ugly
diana: hot
dr. mundo: not hot
draven: situationally hot, he looks good in his newer skins
ekko: not hot
elise: hot
evelynn: hot
ezreal: also situationally hot
fiddlesticks: hot
fiora: hot
galio: not hot
gangplank: ugly
garen: super ugly
gragas: ugly
graves: hot
gwen: hot
hecarim: hot
hwei: hot
illaoi: hot
irelia: hot
ivern: not hot
janna: hot
jarvan iv: only hot in pool party and nightbringer and maybe lunar beast
jax: hot
jayce: not hot
jhin: hot
jinx: not hot
k’sante: hot
kai’sa: hot
kalista: hot when she was alive
karma: hot
karthus: not hot
kassadin: not hot but i can see the potential
katarina: hot
kayle: hot
kayn: hot
kha’zix: not hot
kindred: hot, both of them
kog’maw: not hot
leblanc: lol ugly, lor hot
lee sin: not hot
leona: not hot
lillia: not hot
lissandra: not hot
lucian: situational
lux: not hot
malphite: lol ugly, lor kinda hot
malzahar: please give him an asu please i know he’s hot
maokai: not hot
master yi: lol ugly, lor super hot
miss fortune: hot
mordekaiser: hot
morgana: hot
nami: cutest girl in the world, not hot
nasus: not hot
nautilus: hot
neeko: not hot
nidalee: lol ugly, lor kinda hot
nilah: hot
nocturne: hot
olaf: lowkey hot
orianna: not hot
ornn: hot
pantheon: hot
pyke: hot
qiyana: hot
quinn: hot
rakan: hot
rammus: not hot
rek’sai: not hot
rell: not hot
renata glasc: hot
renekton: hot
rengar: hot
riven: hot
ryze: not hot
samira: hot
sejuani: hot
senna: hot
seraphine: not hot
sett: not hot
shaco: soul fighter shaco is kinda hot
shen: hot
shyvana: lol ugly, lor hot
singed: not hot
sion: not hot
sivir: hot
skarner: not hot
sona: hot
soraka: hot
swain: hot
sylas: hot
syndra: not hot
tahm kench: hot
taliyah: not hot
talon: kinda hot in the katarina webtoon
taric: not hot
thresh: hot hot hot
trundle: not hot, not even traditional trundle
tryndamere: ugly please ashe just give me one chance
twisted fate: only cutpurse is hot
twitch: not hot
udyr: not hot
urgot: not hot
varus: hot
vayne: hot
vel’koz: hot
vi: lol kinda ugly, arcane hot
viego: situational
viktor: hot
vladimir: not hot
volibear: hot
warwick: hot
wukong: lowkey hot
xayah: hot
xerath: hot
xin zhao: hot but especially firecracker
yasuo: situational
yone: always hot
yorick: hot
zac: hot
zed: hot
zeri: not hot
zilean: not hot
zyra: not hot
0 notes
notoriouslydevious · 4 years
Pool Party 2020 speculations:
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Pool Party 2020 skins just got teased on League’s official Twitter and I have a couple speculations on who they might be! (other than the obvious on the far left, Taliyah, who was teased earlier this year). 
Far Right: Definitely Orianna. Not doubt in my mind. 
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Some people on twitter are trying to say, “IT COULD BE CAMILLE” but think about Camille for a sec. EVERY OTHER SKIN SHE’S HAD ALWAYS KEEPS HER SCISSOR LEGS. THIS SKIN HAS FEETSIES & TOESIES! So yea, not Camille. 
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Next person over: 
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Definitely looks like a javelin or polearm next to them so my instant first guesses were: Jarvan or Xin Zhao. 
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Ah yes, the female in the middle. MANY, MANY people on twitter speculated that it was DEFINITELY going to be Syndra THIS TIME FOR SURE because: BALL. Thought it was weird that they’d only include one ball but it IS a teaser.  After watching the gif over and over, I noticed as this person kicks the sandal back over to the male character on their left, their ‘towel’ that they are laying on seems to be connected to their skirt. Syndra has trails connected to the back of her skirt so it might be her! 
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Other people saw the ball and thought maybe it was Ahri (but no tails and I dont think Ahri has tattoos- but who knows?).  Others saw the tattoos on the legs and thought of: Jinx: (but Jinx recently got Heartseeker so I don’t think it’d be her) Karma: She does have the leg tattoos And with the ‘towel’ being connected to skirt/shorts- karma has a short skirt in the front, long in the back.  Karma also has one anklet.  ***BUT**** the skin is WAAAAAAY too light to be Karma. 
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Neeko: Neeko DOES have tattoos and she does have an anklet (but she has them on both feet) BUUUUUUUUUUUT in all of Neeko’s other skins, her skin color is never “normal.” Like in Star Guardian, her feet & hands were green. 
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Dont know why Riot would change this now but who knows? There’s no tail- but she is a chameleon and could be blending in? Also the flower on Taliyah’s board looks a lot like Neeko’s flower in her hair, but it might just be a tropical flower. Maybe Riot took the odyssey Ziggs approach and just threw her in the skinline without putting her in the cinematic/trailer lmao). 
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Janna: (she did recently get guardian of the sands) the “towel” that the person is laying on, when they reach out to kick back the sandal it shows that it’s connected to their skirt/shorts. Janna is one of the only other female champs that their shorts/skirt have long trails on it. 
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Next Person Over: 
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It’s definitely someone small, so most likely a yordle. They seem to have sunglasses next to them that reminded me a lot of Heimerdinger’s and Corki’s goggles.
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There’s also something in the water that (to me) looks like a little turret, like Donger’s turrets.  Other’s thought maybe it’s Corki’s plane or Rumble’s machine- but Rumble’s machine is HUGE- too huge to be that little thing. (To me, personally, it doesnt look like it has a good spot to sit or that it could be steered- so I dont think it’s Corki, but who knows?) 
Last Person: We already know it’s Taliyah from one of the League streams:
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Welp, those are my thoughts. TELL ME WHO YOU THINK THEY COULD BE!
Hope this doesnt end up like the Cosmic skins lmao (rip Syndra/Lissandra/Elise. As pretty as Cosmic/Dark Cosmic Lux are, Syndra/Liss/Elise were robbed.)
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league-ref · 4 years
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Request batch 
High res: Pool Party Caitlyn | Kindred | Janna | Prestige BM Aatrox | Gangplank | Yuumi 
Please consider donating to our Ko-fi’s as we do this in our free time o/ Zhonja | Galactic Titty
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darlingseraa · 5 years
Since I’ve been having such great luck with lootboxes recently, I decided to get myself the Battle Academia mega orb bundle...
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All the skins that don’t have a red x on them are skins I got in loot. 
I was not disappointed... B)
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mizku · 7 years
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Where are the new pool party skins?
Pictures used in this 1 2 3
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butterflies-dragons · 4 years
Sansa Stark and The Exile Prince
You're not my homeland anymore So what am I defending now? You were my town, now I'm in exile, seeing you out (...) I'm not your problem anymore So who am I offending now? You were my crown, now I'm in exile, seeing you out
—Exile ~ Taylor Swift feat. Bon Iver (*)
At the end of Game of Thrones, the TV Show, Jon Snow is a prince, but he is exiled from his homeland. Sansa fought for Jon's release after Daenerys’ murder, but he was sent to the Night's Watch. 
Then at their farewell, Sansa regrets she was unable to gain Jon’s release, but he comforts her by saying the North will be in good hands under her guidance. 
That’s why the new Taylor Swift’s Folklore song: Exile, featuring Bon Iver, is making all our wounded jonsa hearts bleed again... 
[Let’s cry together while watching this beautiful Exile Jonsa fanvideo...]
Last year, Sansa’s fight for Jon to be released reminded me very much of her pleadings for Ned’s freedom:
The king! Sansa blinked back her tears. Joffrey was the king now, she thought. Her gallant prince would never hurt her father, no matter what he might have done. If she went to him and pleaded for mercy, she was certain he’d listen. He had to listen, he loved her, even the queen said so. Joff would need to punish Father, the lords would expect it, but perhaps he could send him back to Winterfell, or exile him to one of the Free Cities across the narrow sea. It would only have to be for a few years. By then she and Joffrey would be married. Once she was queen, she could persuade Joff to bring Father back and grant him a pardon.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa IV
GRRM has said that the major players’ endings will be similar in the Books, and yes, he has also called Sansa a major player, so Sansa Stark being Queen of an independent North opens the possibility that she could grant Jon a pardon, so he could go back to Winterfell.
Asoiaf Books are full of exiled characters, especially Targaryen ones, like Maegor, Daemon, Viserys, Daenerys, all of them obsessed to claim the Iron Throne for themselves, and that’s the big difference with Jon Snow and the reason to be hopeful for some kind of pardon, reconciliation and returning home to, at last, enjoy some peaceful time at home, a true Dream of Spring.   
But Sansa Stark has already crossed paths with an Exile Prince. Let’s see: 
Back in AGOT Sansa introduced us to a very particular courtier of the Red Keep: Jalabhar Xho.  
Jalabhar Xho is the exiled Prince of the Red Flower Vale, likely exiled for losing a highly ritualized war as per the tradition of the Summer Isles. Following his exile, Jalabhar came to King's Landing in the Seven Kingdoms to request gold and swords from King Robert I Baratheon to help him regain the Red Flower Vale. Robert always entertained the notion of conquering the Summer Isles, but continuously told Jalabhar and put it off until the next year. Although Robert always put off Jalabhar's request for help, he never firmly declined him, telling him "Next year" instead of "No".
Jalabar Xho has a strong bird imagery that connects him with Sansa, since she is mockingly called a bird of the Summer Isles: 
Flowers of a thousand different sorts bloom in profusion on the Summer Isles, filling the air with their perfume. The trees are heavy with exotic fruits, and a myriad of brightly colored birds flitter through the skies. From their plumage the Summer Islanders make their fabulous feathered cloaks. 
—The World of Ice & Fire
Sandor Clegane stopped suddenly in the middle of a dark and empty field. She had no choice but to stop beside him. "Some septa trained you well. You're like one of those birds from the Summer Isles, aren't you? A pretty little talking bird, repeating all the pretty little words they taught you to recite."
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa II
The denizens of Joffrey's court had striven to outdo each other today. Jalabhar Xho was all in feathers, a plumage so fantastic and extravagant that he seemed like to take flight. 
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa VIII
Sansa is the POV where this Prince of the Summer Isles is most mentioned. Out of the 22 mentions of Jalabar Xho in the Books, 8 of those mentions are in Sansa’s chapters, followed by the 7 mentions of the exile prince in Cercei’s chapters. But what is really curious and very interesting is the fact that most of those mentions are in a romantic context linked with love and weddings:  
Jeyne Poole confessed herself frightened by the look of Jalabhar Xho, an exile prince from the Summer Isles who wore a cape of green and scarlet feathers over skin as dark as night, but when she saw young Lord Beric Dondarrion, with his hair like red gold and his black shield slashed by lightning, she pronounced herself willing to marry him on the instant.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa II
He was one of the few spectators at Joffrey’s Name Day Tourney:  
Most of the spectators were guardsmen in the gold cloaks of the City Watch or the crimson of House Lannister; of lords and ladies there were but a paltry few, the handful that remained at court. Grey-faced Lord Gyles Rosby was coughing into a square of pink silk. Lady Tanda was bracketed by her daughters, placid dull Lollys and acid-tongued Falyse. Ebon-skinned Jalabhar Xho was an exile who had no other refuge, Lady Ermesande a babe seated on her wet nurse's lap. The talk was she would soon be wed to one of the queen's cousins, so the Lannisters might claim her lands.
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa I
Jalabar Xho was present at Sansa’s wedding with Tyrion Lanniters, he said something to her in the Summer Tongue while they danced together:
Merry Crane took the floor with the exile prince Jalabhar Xho, gorgeous in his feathered finery. 
The music spun them apart before Sansa could think of a reply. It was Mace Tyrell opposite her, red-faced and sweaty, and then Lord Merryweather, and then Prince Tommen. "I want to be married too," said the plump little princeling, who was all of nine. "I'm taller than my uncle!"
"I know you are," said Sansa, before the partners changed again. Ser Kevan told her she was beautiful, Jalabhar Xho said something she did not understand in the Summer Tongue, and Lord Redwyne wished her many fat children and long years of joy. 
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa III 
[Here you can find a fanart of Sansa and Jalabar Xho dancing together]
Jalabar Xho and Sansa met again during The Purple Wedding and they talked about the Wedding Customs of the Summer Isles:
Tyrion led Sansa around the yard, to perform the necessary courtesies.
She is good at this, he thought, as he watched her tell Lord Gyles that his cough was sounding better, compliment Elinor Tyrell on her gown, and question Jalabhar Xho about wedding customs in the Summer Isles. His cousin Ser Lancel had been brought down by Ser Kevan, the first time he'd left his sickbed since the battle. He looks ghastly. Lancel's hair had turned white and brittle, and he was thin as a stick. Without his father beside him holding him up, he would surely have collapsed. Yet when Sansa praised his valor and said how good it was to see him getting strong again, both Lancel and Ser Kevan beamed. She would have made Joffrey a good queen and a better wife if he'd had the sense to love her. He wondered if his nephew was capable of loving anyone.
—A Storm of Swords - Tyrion VIII
The last we know about this particular character is that he is falsely accused by the Blue Bard to be one of Queen Margaery’s lovers and Cersei would be willing to send him to the Night’s Watch if he confesses:  
Behind Margaery came a long tail of courtiers, guards, and servants, many of them laden with baskets of fresh flowers. Each of her cousins had an admirer in thrall; the gangly squire Alyn Ambrose rode with Elinor, to whom he was betrothed, Ser Tallad with shy Alla, one-armed Mark Mullendore with Megga, plump and laughing. The Redwyne twins were escorting two of Margaery's other ladies, Meredyth Crane and Janna Fossoway. The women all wore flowers in their hair. Jalabhar Xho had attached himself to the party too, as had Ser Lambert Turnberry with his eye patch, and the handsome singer known as the Blue Bard.
—A Feast for Crows - Cersei VI
"I prefer this song to the other." Leave the great lords out of it, that was for the best. The others, though . . . Ser Tallad had been a hedge knight, Jalabhar Xho was an exile and a beggar, Clifton was the only one of the little queen's guardsman. And Osney is the plum that makes the pudding. "I know you feel better for having told the truth. You will want to remember that when Margaery comes to trial. If you were to start lying again . . .
Alone, the Blue Bard's confession would never suffice. Singers lied for their living, after all. Alla Tyrell would be of great help, if Taena could deliver her. "Ser Osney shall confess as well. The others must be made to understand that only through confession can they earn the king's forgiveness, and the Wall." Jalabhar Xho would find the truth attractive. About the rest she was less certain, but Qyburn was persuasive . . .
—A Feast for Crows - Cersei IX
Does the Exile Prince Jalabhar Xho reminds you of someone? Maybe of another Prince, that will probably be exiled from his homeland after some succession dispute, that is surrounded by bird imagery because he wears a black cloak, that is called ‘crow’ and knows an actual crow that repeats everything it hears, that is linked with Sansa Stark, that once imagined himself dancing with a creature that talked to him in a foreign tongue, and that once organized a foreign custom wedding of a Lady with whom he once danced? Do I need to say it? 
Damn it, George! What are you doing?
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(*) This post was written while listening Exile over and over and over again...     
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sphelon8565 · 7 years
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League of Legends|Pool Party Beach Sports Edition by sphelon8565
Hi guys! today I have finished my piece for the Summer contest!!
Fan Splashart Pool Party Bundle - Beach Sports Edition Featuring
Janna, Lux, Ahri and Vi.
Stay tune for another post guys.
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ekk0-l0cati0n · 7 years
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Pool Party!
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alison-anonymous · 5 years
♡ first "i love you" | t.l.
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This amazing little demon boy doesn't get written about enough, so imma just fix that😘❤ also, this is my first headcanon, so I'm so sorry if it sucks😢😂
Warnings - ANGST, buncha fluff at the end, poor heartbroken/pissed Tom
Tom Lucitor Headcanon - First "I Love You"
First "I Love You" with Tom...
♡ it legit all started with a party, courtesy of Star, of course. It was supposed to be a birthday party on your behalf, but of course, Star messed up the date so it was two weeks before your actually birthday.
♡ it wasn't that big of a party, just you, Star, Marco, Pony Head, Tom, Janna, and Kelly, along with a couple other friends and creatures (some you didn't even know).
♡ the party had began with you showing up slightly late because it had just started storming outside, and Pony Head had demanded that you bring along some of the best alcohol so she could "try some", but you knew there was more to it than that.
♡ obviously you brought some anyway
♡ it was a horrible mistake😂
♡ once you made it through the doors you were soaking wet, holding a case of beer in your hand and a useless umbrella in the other. It didn't take long for your friends to start off the party with a friendly game of Never Have I Ever. Of course, Star made you sit next to Tom, whom you had a majorly embarrassing crush on😘
♡ you were sitting so close to each other that your knees were touching the entire time. Face as red as a tomato the entire time, and you couldn't seem to stop stuttering from how close you were to the demon prince. Something about even just being near him gave you shivers.
♡ as the rounds went on, you all began to drink for every point you lost. And let's just say, you all got pretty drunk! Except for Tom, who seemed to have a strange tolerance for the burning liquid.
♡ you, being in your drunken state, at one point leaned your head against his shoulder and heaved out a big sigh, breathing in his scent. He had froze at first from the sudden contact, and the two of you were immune to the giggles around you and the shipping coming from Star. He relaxed and allowed you to lean in closer, stiffening slightly to support you so you didn't slump over.
♡ you didn't even remember when you mumbled low enough so only he could hear, "you smell amazing"
♡ to which he let out a small chuckle and glanced around to make sure no one was watching before casually reaching over to tuck a loose strand of your hair that had fallen into your eyes back behind your ear. "Thank you"
♡ if it were even possible, you turned an even brighter shade of red as the group decided that they were all drunk enough to switch to Truth or Dare. You got to ask the question first.
♡ "Marcoo," you drawled, feeling your senses leave you defenseless as the room grew a fuzzy. You definitely weren't good with alcohol. You almost tipped over from your lack of balance, but lucky Tom snaked his arm around your waist to support you once again. Feeling his warmth pressed against your skin sent shivers down your spine and sent the butterflies soaring inside your stomach. Getting a certain glitter in your eyes, you proceeded, "truth or dare?"
♡ "uuuhhh" he lolled to one side, accidentally smacking Pony Head in the neck as she floated sideways from the alcohol. "Truth!"
♡ "oooh okay," you giggled, tapping your lip as you snuggled in closer to Tom's side, loving the feeling of his arm around you a little too much than a friend would. Finally, the perfect question popped into your brain.
♡ "are you secretly in love with Star?"
♡ Marco let out an exaggerated gasp and placed a hand over his heart, almost causing himself to fall over. "Me??"
♡ but don't think no one noticed the way that he glanced longingly over at Star as she was drunkenly obsessing over one of the laser puppies for simply walking. A look of pure love was set in his eyes. A look that you wished a certain someone would look at you with...
♡ only you were too focused on Marco to realize that Tom was indeed staring down at you rather than at the Starco ship about to sail before you.
♡ "permission to knock myself out so I don't have to answer?" He questioned, looking at you with complete seriousness.
♡ "permission denied, you walnut. Now spill!"
♡ "fineeee," he ughed, collapsing onto the floor and covering his red face with his hands. You could already tell his heart was racing as Star finally returned back to the group, getting a repetition of the question from a very drunk Pony Head. Her eyes suddenly softened, and for a moment, you could swear she was suddenly sober.
♡ "yes."
♡ and then there was nothing but screaming shippers for quite some time. You'll admit, you did get in on that screaming session a bit as Starco finally was about to sail. After that, a couple more rounds passed (Kelly was dared to pee in an empty alcohol bottle, Pony Head to scream that she was pregnant at the guards, and Tom was dared to have you sit on his lap for the remainder of the game). You weren't complaining at all, to be honest. He had his arms wrapped firmly around your waist as you had your back pressed to his chest, your drunken self completely forgetting that just about everyone in the room knew about your crush on Tom except perhaps the demon himself.
♡ and while Marco definitely was going to thank you later, he wasn't done with revenge yet.
♡ so once it was finally his turn, he turned to you with a smirk on his face and once you said truth, he posed the question that would change your life. All of your friends looked like they were on the edge of their seat, awaiting to see if another ship would sail tonight.
♡ "who are you in love with?"
♡ in your brain, dozens of images of Tom flashed behind your eyes. All of the times that he was there for you, all of the times your hands accidentally brushed, all of the sparks that you felt and were still feeling whenever you touched, the way that you longed to know what it felt like to kiss him, to call him yours... how badly you wanted to tell him how you felt and how you kept it locked away because you feared that he still loved Star. You wanted to get to slow dance with him, to get to cuddle whenever you wanted, to drape your arms around his neck and pull him close to you when he was angry to calm him down, you wanted to be the reason he was a changed man. You wanted him to be yours. Because you were in love with Tom. Every inch of him, every aspect, every flaw, every temper tantrum, you loved him. It was you, you thought to yourself, picturing him perfectly in your mind even though you were sitting on his lap.
♡ it was always you.
♡ you felt Tom stiffen as soon as the question left Marco's mouth, but you had ignored it when you were lost in thought. Now, remember that your brain was very fuzzy and your decision making skills were slightly impaired and your balance was off and things just weren't making much fucking sense when you looked directly at Marco and said, without hesitation -
♡ "you"
♡ the room grew dead silent
♡ Marco and you were probably the most confused of all as he stared at you with furrowed brows, recalling all of the times that you had gushed and cried to him about Tom. You were confused because, in your mind, it had made perfect sense who you were talking about.
♡ and then Tom fucking SNAPPED
♡ he gently slid you off his lap, even though you could tell he was pissed, and raised to his feet, all eyes on him, trying to surpress the rage that was boiling inside of him.
♡ you know Tom, it didn't work too well
♡ he was suddenly enveloped in fire, levitating slightly off of the floor, eyes a hot luminescent shade and a scowl embedded deep in his lips as he stared at you and Marco in pure hatred. His scowl faltered for a minute and for a second, just for a second, you saw a heartbroken gaze casted in your direction.
♡ and that was when your intoxicated brain finally put the pieces together
♡ "T-Tom," you stuttered. Struggling to raise yourself to your feet, you tried to reach out to him, but his burning with hatred body wrenched itself away from you, like he was repelled by you.
♡ you weren't quite sure who was more heartbroken here as you watched him snarl at you, "Liar"
♡ "Tom, you don't understand, I mean-"
♡ but the second you saw a lone tear slide down his cheek, he was gone, flying out the doors and out into the storm that was falling down hard outside. Thunder growled above and lightning shattered across the sky. Turning to your silent and very confused circle of friends, you placed a hand on your forehead and felt the tears begin to pool.
♡ "i-i didn't mean you, Marco. I meant him," you croaked, turning to the open doors. Just as the realization was setting in for your friends, you decided to race out after the love of your life before he got away.
♡ you should have paid more attention during health class when they were talking about the effects being drunk has on your body
♡ you were like a fricking octopus with your flailing arms and wet mop of hair as the rain cooled down your sore and hot body, making your clothes stick to your skin and your hair slump against your scalp. But that wasn't the important part. Trying to find Tom in your hazy vision was the important part. And it didn't help that rain kept making the fluffy trees look like floating bushes.
♡ "Tom!" You screamed. Tears began streaming down your cheeks once you finally caught sight of his retreating figure, standing eerily still in the middle of the rain. It had probably extinguished his flames, for he wasn't on fire anymore. Practically falling over yourself, you did the best you could to race to his side and literally did fall over, crumbling down onto the muddy ground below you.
♡ Tom's expression flickered from rage to concern, but he forced the rage switch back on as he refused to look at you, beginning to walk away from you as you helped yourself up. Before he could get away again, you quickly wrapped your hand around his arm and used what little strength you had to whirl him around to face you
♡ you must've pulled a little too hard because your foreheads touched from the impact right as your eyes met... and you were about to lose yourself in his beautiful red irises before he suddenly lurched himself away from you and snarled at you, his eyes turning red hot once again.
♡ "don't touch me" he snarled, a look of pure heartbreak written across his features. You felt your heart nearly shatter. He tried to walk away again, but you once again grabbed ahold of his arm
♡ "y/n, don't do this," his voice was suddenly pleading, though he refused to look at you, his tone wasn't the demonic rage-filled one anymore. Instead it was... pained and soft.
♡ "Tom, please, I screwed up, I didn't mean to say Marco," you bit your lip so hard you could almost taste blood. Tom pulled away from you once again, only this time, he stayed. Finally casting his gaze towards you, you saw the faint tear streaks on his cheeks and the angry fire still flashing through his eyes.
♡ "explain" he demanded.
♡ shivering slightly from the chilled rain, you took a deep breath and attempted to think before you spoke. But that's overrated, so you just let your drunk self take the reins for a bit.
♡ "when I said you, I meant YOU, Tom"
♡ his eyes went wide
♡ you continued before he could interrupt, "it was and always will be you Tom. I've been in love with you for so long that I've lost track of the days. I've wanted to be with you so badly and tell you how I feel but I've held it in because I was afraid you didn't love me back, that you still loved Star. But...
♡ "I love you, Tom"
♡ at that very moment, he completely melted inside. Because little did you know, he too had been in love with you for so long, and in even more love with you than he could ever have imagined being with Star. You were everything to him, and he never wanted anyone else to have you. Which was why he was so pissed when he heard what you said. His eyes softened as he watched you stutter in the rain, shivering slightly. He must have forgotten to say something because your anxious self kept talking
♡ "I take your silence as a no... I completely understand if you're totally in love with someone else, especially Star, I know I'm weird an-"
♡ "I love you too."
♡ now it was your turn to freeze. Staring at him, it seemed that you were basically frozen in place as he shrugged off his jacket and stepped closer to you, wrapping it around your shoulders and letting his hands linger on your arms a little longer than necessary
♡ you couldn't look away from his eyes, your heartbeat racing and the butterflies screaming as he smiled softly down at you. You managed to grip onto the sleeves of his jacket and wrapped it tighter around you as you finally broke the anticipating silence
♡ "w-wait, what?"
♡ he playfully rolled his three eyes, and smirked down at you, the fire in his eyes dancing. He took another step closer to you, closing the distance greatly to the point where your noses were only inches apart.
♡ you could feel his warmth radiating off of him as your knees went weak. Almost stumbling, he snaked one arm around your waist and kept the other up by your neck to help you stay upright. A smirk floated across his lips as he chuckled at the starstruck state he had you in.
♡ "do you need me to show you what I mean?" He whispered against your lips.
♡ you were internally gasping for breath from the air you had been unknowingly holding in. Finally exhaling, you felt your eyelids go heavy as you subconsciously nodded.
♡ with the rain pounding down on the ground and your bodies, you watched through half lidded eyes as Tom slowly leaned in closer... and closer...
♡ until his lips locked onto yours
♡ and omg the sparks between you two could've killed a power grid
♡ like damn
♡ the sign standing a few feet away from you two burst into flames from you-know-who😉😉
♡ but let's just say that it was the most amazing kiss in the rain that you had ever had. And there are many more to come with Tom, I'll just tell you that😂
♡ but you had finally gotten Tom!
♡ the alcohol just helped a little ♡
♡ a.a.
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whenimgoodandready · 4 years
*SVTFOE Bloopers, Finale Season Part 3
•Gone Baby Gone
-(Setting:Teen Meteora and Mariposas cave.)
Star:(hesitantly slurps and gulps the skin flakes and garlic spider chow) “Y-Yummy”
Adult Marco:(eagerly drinks the soup) “Ahhh! Really takes me back. Though I always used to-“ (he stops and starts to sweat panting)
Star:(looks concerned for Adult Marco) “Are you okay? You look-“ (suddenly feels something) “Oh boy!” (starts to sweat and pant as well)
(Teen Meteora and Mariposa snicker)
Adult Marco:(standing up panicking) “What’s goin’ on!? My mouth is burning!” (screams and runs off-screen)
(Star screams and runs off-screen too. Teen Meteora and Mariposa try to contain their laughter)
Director Daron:(heard off-screen) “Uh, what’s going on over here? Can someone please tell me”
Staff Member:(heard off-screen) “Hang on, let me check”
(Teen Meteora and Mariposa can’t hold it much longer and burst out laughing. Adult Marco runs past the scene seemingly breathing fire while screaming flailing his arms in the air)
Staff Member:(heard off-screen) “Okay, we found the problem! Bryana (Teen Meteora) and Isabella (Teen Mariposa) secretly put Ghost Peppers in the soup for the scene”
Director Daron:(sighs) “Oh my God, girls not cool!”
(Teen Meteora falls back laughing and Teen Mariposa hunches over laughing holding onto her stomach and stomping her foot)
Star:(runs past the scene holding a water bottle) “CAN SOMEONE OPEN THIS THING!”
-(Behind the Scenes. Wyscan is sitting in a make-up chair half complete with his magical look with only his face not painted and wearing a bald cap for his wig. He’s speaking with the Make-Up Artist next to him surround by boxes of various colored paints and brushes)
Wyscan:(exasperated) “Oh my God! You would not believe the day I had getting over here! First, my limo got stuck in traffic, so I was 2 hours late for rehearsal” (the Make-Up Artist adjusts the chair to lounge back and Wyscan closes his eyes as he continues his venting. Little does he know, Teen Meteora and Mariposa quickly and very quietly cover the Make-Up Artists mouth and drag her away off-screen) “Then, I was attacked by those frogs that escaped from that new show, “Ann-phibia”, or whatever studio by some liberal going all, “Free the Frogs!” Ugh! I swear one of those slimy things crawled in my hair!” (cringes as Teen Meteora and Mariposa come back standing on either side of Wyscan snickering and picking up make-up tools) “Finally, those creepy twin Pony Head girls wouldn’t stop playing dumb country rap song, “Old Town Road”, during rehearsal and now that songs stuck in my head” (groans) “Anyways sorry about talking your ear off, I’ll just sit back, lay back and let you work your magic, okay hun”
(Teen Meteora and Mariposa simultaneously pretend to be the Make-Up Artist and go, “Mmhmm”, mockingly while giving one another devious looks. They get to work applying make-up on Wyscan super fast with pink mist and after they’re complete, the mist fades away and Teen Mariposa readjusts Wyscans sweat to make him sit up right as Teen Meteora holds up a hand mirror in front of him. Wyscan opens his eyes and gasps at seeing his prank make-up job. His face is powdered white with hot pink lipstick, lavender eyeshadow and three stickers on his face with a heart, a star and a rainbow plastered on it and his wig was a big curly orange afro. Teen Meteora and Mariposa laugh. Wyscan screams angrily and jumps off his seat)
Wyscan:(frustratedly) “You little brats! Wait til’ my agent hears about this!”
(Teen Meteora and Mariposa stop laughing and put their arms around Wyscan in-between them and Teen Mariposa pulls out her iPhone to take a pic of the three of ‘em as the two strike a pose. Wyscan groans and we see a flash and hear a click)
-Wyscan:(irritatedly) “Ugh, what’s taking so long over there?!”
Teen Mariposa:”I’ve changed my mind”
Wyscan:”I thought we had a deal!”
Wyscan’s Stomach:”And baby’s hungry!” (slurping)
Teen Mariposa:”You want the girl...you’ll” (tries to pull out her bo staff, but she fumbles with it around her hands and it falls to the ground making a loud clank sound as Teen Mariposa cringes. She stares down at the staff as the staff off-screen laugh. Wyscan laughs too and Teen Mariposa gets annoyed with him) “Shut up!”
-(The background fight music plays as Teen Mariposa starts to fight Wyscan with her staff. Wyscan blocks her attacks and pushes her backward with his sword. He quickly knocks her away and pins her to the ground. We hear a crack and Wyscan stops fighting to stand over Teen Mariposa looking confused. The background fight music dies out and Teen Mariposa sits up and picks up her bo staff which is now split almost in half and dangling on one side. She stares at it dangling before nervously chuckling. Wyscan laughs as well)
•Sad Teen Hotline
-Tom:(to Marco) “I mean, if you and your best friend, ended up being something else”
Marco:”What? Tom, the Blood Moon acres has been-“ (gets interrupted by a tennis ball being shot at his face knocking him down) “Ow!”
Tom:(gasps. Turns to where the ball came from) “What the f-“ (a tennis ball is shot at him and ends up in his mouth silencing him with him mumbling, dropping his arm full of tennis balls and losing his balance. Another tennis ball is shot at and knocks Tom down)
Director Daron:(heard off-screen) “Who’s using the tennis ball shooting machine!?”
(the camera pans to see Janna using it and shooting tennis balls around the set. We hearing glass shattering, people screaming and see objects falling down)
Janna:(stops shooting and calls out) “Hey, Pony Head! You lied! This thing does work!” (continues shooting tennis balls around and chuckles evilly as more things break and peoples screaming are heard)
Director Daron:(groans off-screen) “I told you to put that thing away before the shoot!”
Equipment Manager:(flatly off-screen) “Sorry”
•Mama Star
-First Born Unicorn:(angrily) “STOP THROWING SH*T IN MY REALM!”
-Director Daron:(heard off-screen) “Cut! Who the Hell is editing the horses dialogue up there!?”
(the camera pans up to the sound room where we see Teen Meteora and Mariposa sitting in the Sound Room with Teen Mariposa typing as Teen Meteora giggles)
Teen Mariposa:(typing with each word) “Every.time.you.come.into.my.realm.you.always.f**K.sh*t.up!” (stops typing and laughs with Teen Meteora)
(they stop laughing when the notice the cameras and go wide eyed with shock)
•Ready, Aim, Fire
•The Right Way
-(the giant Solarian knight is trying to find its balance and then suddenly stands still. It starts dancing as “Old Town Road” plays. We pan to see Shonda and Shinda smugly next to their record player with Teen Meteora and Mariposa smugly next to them watching as Teen Mariposa controls the giant Solarian knight with a remote)
Teen Meteora:(proudly) “We baaaaaaad”
Teen Mariposa:(proudly) “And we like it like that!”
(all four girls laugh)
•Here to Help
•Pizza Party
•The Tavern at the End of the Multiverse
-Eclipsa:(to Moon as she’s positioning her pool stick) “You know, I never got a chance to thank-“ (the pool stick cuts a tear on the table. Eclipsas eyes widen. Meteora laughs from her baby carrier Eclipsas wearing) “Whoops!” (stands up straight covering her mouth blushing)
-Star:”Glossaryck! Glossaryck! Please, don’t leave me here with my dysfunctional family!” (sighs) “Okay”, (waves disinterestedly at Eclipsa’s tapestry) “Hi Eclipsa” (turns to Moons tapestry) “Motherf**ker”
Director Daron:(off-screen) “Cut! Star!”
Star:”What!? It’s what the fans are thinking after what just recently happened!”
Director Daron:(scoldingly still off-screen) “You can’t curse in a children’s show!”
(Toffee is shown casually sitting in a chair next to the Darons)
Toffee:”I believe that’s what the kids call, “Too real””
Star:”Oh, can it Toffee! You’re not really in this episode it’s just a prerecording of your line from our first finale! Besides, my character is just acting appropriately from her mothers betrayal and all the chaos that’s going on!”
Toffee:”Yeah, but who was relieved to be the smartest character in the show?” (gives her a look)
(Rosemary is just sucking her bowl of gumbo next to Toffee in her leveled chair nodding concededly)
Toffee:”Rosemary, sweetie, flip to the last page of the script for this episode please”
(Rosemary puts down her gumbo, wipes her mouth, picks up the episodes script, flips through it professionally and reads through it first)
Rosemary:”It says, “Star turns to Moons tapestry and says mournfully, “I guess this means Toffee was right””
Toffee:(puts a hand to his ear pretending like he’s deaf) “I-I’m sorry, what was that, I couldn’t hear that” (makes a smug look at Star)
(Star looks peeved)
Rosemary:”She says, “I guess this means Toffee” (looks up at Star shouting) “WAS RIGHT!””
Toffee:(turns over his hand smugly in the air) “Surprise”
Star:(has her fists balled by her sides and an angry expression with her teeth clenched yet she speaks in a mellow tone) “I am so glad, you’re dead.......on the show”
-(Behind the Scenes. Almost everyone from the show is surrounded around The Realm of Magic set murmuring to one another. Daron Nefcy marches onto the green screen set of The Realm of Magic while making splashes on the shallow water spread on the ground. She clears her throat and puts her hands on her hips making everyone stop and stare at her)
Director Daron:(loudly and clearly) “Alright, listen up everyone! This is our last episode of the show and I want this done well! You think just cuz it’s the end you can do crazy sh*t like goof around, or do improve or even curse!? Well think again! This isn’t a playground people! This is a ✨spectacle!✨ You all worked for four years to make this a good show and I want you guys to take this seriously! You don’t know how much pride I put into this to make it my “magical girl fantasy” come true! I had to change a lot in this story to get this green lite, work through sleepless nights, have my episodes get premiered a day after the next in a twisted scheduling and deal with psycho fans just to get this done! Now I want you all to get out there and make this the best damn finale a children’s show has done! Even if we might get backlash for it, F**k it! Cuz we gave it our all! Now places everyone! PLACES! (marches out of the set making loud splashes as she departs with everyone in stunned silence)
(Star and Marco walk onto the set with small splashes as the two watch Daron march off looking silent and a bit unnerved)
Star:(rubs her arm) “Ok.........I guess, we’re gonna give it our all then” (laughs nervously)
Marco:(quietly) “If we ever do the reunion show” (points at Star) “You’re sitting next to her, not me!”
-Marco:(grabbing onto Star) “Star! Ok, what’s the plan!?”
Star:(pointing to an upward waterfall) “Uh, you have to go back through the Earth-“ (the upward shooting waterfall slowly starts decreasing as the lights luminate the set and the wind effects stop. The upward waterfall now just spits out bits of water from the tube as objects are lightly blown onto the set from the giant wind fan and The Realm of Magic turns back to a green screen)
Star:”Is someone using all the water supply again!?”
-Mina Loveberry:(walking smugly past Star and her powers) “And the thing about good ideas is they tend to hang arou-Ow!” (stops and picks up her foot groaning in pain and hoping) “Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! OW! Ahhhhhh! Damn it! I stepped on a freakin’ mini pretzel!” (hisses while still holding up her foot and hopping in place) “God! Why did my character have to go all native with their feet!?”
Director Daron:(heard off-screen) “Can someone get some iodine!.......and the janitor!”
-(Marco is skateboarding down the street and falls off. The big build up music stops on a record scratch)
Marco:(groans and sits up on one knee) “Sorry! That wasn’t the big fall yet!” (under his breath as he’s getting up and adjusting himself) “God damn it, Marco! This your last day of shooting and you’re making an a** of yourself!”
Director Daron:(heard off-screen sternly) “DID YOU CURSE!?”
Marco:(panics and waves his hands in front of him) “No! No! No! No! I swear!” (panics more) “I mean, not as in swearing, I mean as in “I swear I didn’t curse!” Really” (laughs nervously)
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thdorkmagnet · 5 years
Light of the Sun and Stars Chapter 20: The Bodyguard
Summary: His whole life Marco Diaz has been raised by monsters, living under the cruel rule of their leader, Toffee. But one day Marco escapes into Mewni where he meets a magical princess and Mewman like himself, who begins teaching him all about her world. Together they will learn about life, love, and the lights within each of them, as they change their world forever.
Chapter Synopsis: Star assigns Marco a bodyguard, growing paranoids about her boyfriend’s safety. Marco reluctantly agrees and accepts but soon finds out that he and this new guard don’t exactly get along. 
Check out my other stuff on Fanfiction! 
Disclaimer: Star vs and all its characters are owned by Daron Nefcy and Disney. All rights go to them.
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Marco felt like there might be something wrong with his feet. It was an odd thing to wonder, admittedly, but Marco couldn't seem to push the thought out. He had just been going about his morning, humming happily to himself on his way to visit Star that lovely morning, wanting to surprise her at whatever meeting she was in with her parents (she had been in those a lot lately), when he realized that his footsteps seemed... louder than usual. Much louder. Noticeably louder, in fact, and he began to ponder to himself what it was that could have changed about his feet overnight.
He looked down at them as he walked, frowning as he tried to make sense of the noticeable echo he heard ringing off of the brightly lit hallways of Butterfly Castle. He didn't get it, they looked the same as always, no different than any other day as far as he could tell. He studied them closer, trying to see if there was something else he was missing. He was wearing the same shoes he wore everyday, his favorite pair of brown sneakers, so that couldn't be the reason. He wasn't walking faster or stepping any harder than usual, just his normal pace and walk.
Marco was stumped, unable to think of anything that could be causing them to make more noise than usual. And yet he could still hear the loud footfall stepping in time to his. If he didn't know any better, he would swear it almost sounded like there was a second set of footsteps following along in time to his.
He wondered if he was just being paranoid, still on edge from everything that had happened over the last couple of days. He certainly wouldn't be the only one.
It was a few days since the Blood Moon Ball, but the effect the night had had still had a strong hold on many people. Luckily, no one outside of Butterfly Castle (expect for Tom) was aware of what had transpired that night, the king and the queen able to keep the neighboring kingdoms in the dark about what had happened and General Skullnick forbidding any of her knights from speaking so much as a word about the assassin's successful infiltration into the heart of Mewni's stronghold.
Things had been rather chaotic for the first few days as River and Moon tried desperately to locate their daughter's assailant, but with no apparent luck. The Monster could have escaped away to any dimension in the universe and they were too numerous to even count or keep track of. Finding Rasticore was like finding a needle in a galaxy-wide haystack, it was essentially impossible. And without any real leads or clues as to where the Monster could be hiding, the monarchs only choices were to just blindly search any dimension they could in hopes of getting lucky... or waiting until Rasticore decided to inevitably strike again, though neither of them would dare allow that option to come to pass, hoping that the assassin's promise to return would somehow fall flat. And so the search parties continued their meaningless task as they indiscreetly scoured the known universe, while everyone else did their best to hide their dishonesty from the public's knowledge.
Finally, though, things had seemed to calm down some, as the panic wore off and life in Butterfly Castle returned to normal. Or what seemed to be normal, as everyone in the castle still seemed noticeably off, as they all seemed to be trying to deal with the situation in their own way. Star had been stuck in meeting after meeting with her parents as they tried to decide on the best course of action regarding the rest of the Monsters moving forward, Skullnick and her knights seemed downright paranoid, Jackie had been out skateboarding in her make-shift training ground for days straight, explaining to Marco that skating was her stress relief and even Janna had been keeping to herself more than usual, acting more cryptic and guarded, even for her.
And now it seemed the stress had finally gotten to Marco, too, as he was now hearing extra footsteps as he walked. He came to a stop, wanting to see if the sound would continue on without him, but to his surprise the echoing footsteps ceased as well. He took a few more steps forward, before stopping again, listening intensely as the hallway went quiet again. He did this a few more times, experimenting with different amounts of footsteps each time, but always with the same result. He looked thoughtfully down at his feet again as he rubbed his chin, humming quizzically to himself.
He did a quick survey of the room, to see if maybe he missed something and nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw a teenage girl standing a short distance away. Marco could tell that she had been following him, the girl keeping at a close, but respectful distance at all times and he knew at once that she had to be culprit of the noisy footsteps.
She had a mop of short red hair, with large green eyes and a face full of freckles, as well as a pair of purple Fleur-de-lis on her cheeks. She wore what appeared to be a knight's uniform, complete with a blue tunic which was held to her frame by a red belt, pale red shoulder blades with a spike sticking out of the top, and red boots over her white pants. Her arms were also wrapped in some sort of yellow armbands that stretched from her hands to her elbows. She stood at full attention, trying to look relaxed and at ease, but Marco could tell from her solid stance and stony stare that she was ready to pounce on the first thing that moved, which was quite intimidating to the awkward and shy Marco. And to make matters worse for him, she was keeping a narrowed gaze on his form, watching him like a hawk. He did notice, though, a slight twitch above her eye, as if she was fighting back raising an eyebrow at the boy and to Marco's horror, he realized that she must have seen him staring at his feet earlier, taking weird steps forward before stopping randomly.
And with this realization the hoodie-wearing boy felt his cheeks pool with blood, looking away from the girl in embarrassment. He continued forward, making sure to keep his head down as he walked, wanting to just get to Star as quickly as he could without embarrassing himself any further. He silently begged the girl to please turn the other way and leave him alone, but unfortunately for him, he heard the steady footfall behind him as the redhead just followed silently behind. He picked up his pace even more, feeling the girl's stare burning into the back of his head, practically rushing to find his Star, in hopes she could save him from this situation.
Star stepped out of the castle's meeting room, letting out the first deep breath since being trapped in the suffocating space, glad to finally be freed from her claustrophobia and able to get some fresh air for the first time in hours. She sucked in a deep breath, letting all her stress and tension melt off of her. She had felt like the meeting would never end, the intense discussion a bit more than she wanted to take first thing in the morning. She stretched for a minute, her back sore from sitting for so long in the extremely uncomfortable chairs.
But as her muscles finally began to relax, her mind started reeling with questions and worries. Things in the meeting hadn't exactly gone as planned, to say the least, and she couldn't help but wonder if her and her parents were up to the task of fixing Mewni. Sure, at first it had seemed doable but now there seemed to be new complications every day, as if the universe was intent of foiling Star's peaceful vision. There was still so much that needed to be done and now she was feeling even more pressured to fix things as fast as she could. She was free, for now, but she still had a lot to think about and figure out, many points brought up in the meeting sticking to her mind and making her feel anxious.
And to make matters worse, she could swear she was forgetting something, as it seemed through all the chaos of the last couple days (and that morning alone to be honest), she had neglected to do something. She bit her lip, as she tried to recall what exactly it was that had slipped her mind, only to draw a blank every time. “I was supposed to tell someone something, wasn't I?” she asked herself, aloud. “Yeah I think that was it,” she replied to her own question, cocking her head to the side as she continued to ponder the forgotten task. “But what was it?” She was really starting to feel concerned, as it seemed now her stress was making her forgetful on top of everything else.
But she didn't have long to dwell on this, as her burning thoughts were interrupted and quickly disregarded as she heard a shout further down the hallway, Star overjoyed as she recognized the familiar call of her hoodie-wearing bestie, her heart swelling as he screamed her name. “Star!”
Star turned to Marco with a smile as he raced quickly over, opening her arms wide for the hug that was inevitably coming. This was just what Star needed on that stress-filled morning, Star unable to think of anything else that could brighten her spirits more than spending some time with her adorable bestie. But once the boy got close enough, rather than hug her, he quickly grabbed onto her arm, looking nervous and flustered, his face a deep red that rivaled that of his hoodie. “Marco, what's wrong?” Star questioned, unsure what was causing the boy so much distress.
“Is she gone?!” he replied, in a loud whisper, his eyes looking everywhere but behind him.
“Is who gone?” Star asked.
“There's this girl who's been following me around all morning,” he quickly explained. “She just keeps staring at me and it's really freaking me out!”
“Good morning, Your Majesty,” came the sudden, formal reply from the redhead, who had closed the distance between the two during their conversation. Marco released a high-pitched scream, jumping a full foot before looking at the girl in shock and surprise, backing away some, now leaning against Star. The redhead did her best to keep a blank face at the boy's girlish yell as she addressed her ruler, bowing in respect to the blond royal. “I am here to inform you that the first objective of my mission has been successful. As you can see, the target has been safely delivered to you with zero complications,” she said in a loud, strong tone. But her voice faltered a bit, as she added in a bit more skeptical a voice, “Though it has been noted that the target does display a strange fascination with feet.”
Marco blushed at the comment, though he understood little else of what she was saying, most of it sounding like gibberish to him. Target, objective, mission? What did any of that have to do with her following him around all morning. He turned to Star with a look of total confusion hoping she would understand what was going on. “Star, what is she talking about?” Marco asked, cupping a hand over his mouth to help him relay his question without being heard by the other girl, but in reality, it was easily picked up by the still bowing redhead.
“Oh right,” Star said, snapping her fingers as she finally remembered this is what she had been planning on telling Marco. She couldn't believe she had forgotten, she had spent several days arranging this for him, wanting it to be a surprise. But judging from his reaction she was starting to think maybe that wasn't the best idea. For the record, she had actually been planning on telling him that morning, trying to specifically avoid springing it on him like this, knowing he would react this way, but had become distracted by the early morning meeting. Oh well, not much she could do about it now, she would just have to deal with it as is.
So, Star put an arm around the hooded teen as she explained, “Marco, this is Higgs, your new bodyguard.”
“Bodyguard?” Marco repeated in confusion.
“That's right,” Star said, with a smile. “She's going to be keeping an eye on you for a while, to make sure you're kept safe.”
Higgs finally stood, just watching the boy intensely, which was only making him feel even more anxious.
“But I didn't ask for a bodyguard,” Marco pointed out.
“No, that's because I assigned her to you,” Star explained. “And I picked a good one, too, if I do say so myself. She came highly recommended, actually. She passed her squire training with flying colors and is one of the youngest knights in Mewni's history. At this rate, she's sure to be one of the best knights in this dimension, possibly the whole galaxy! If anyone can keep you safe, she can,” Star finished reassuringly, giving the boy a quick pat on the shoulders.
“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Higgs said, with a slight bow.
“Yeah but, I mean, is all this fuss really necessary for me,” Marco said, his humble/self-conscious side showing through, making Star mentally gush over his sweetness. “Don't you think she'd be better served watching someone more important?”
“Nonsense, Marco,” Star said, waving off his concern with a quick hug. “You're my boyfriend so you deserve the very best.” She followed this up with a peck on the cheek that caused Marco to flush.
Marco smiled shyly, putting a hand to his blushing cheek, but it quickly turned to a frown as he asked, “Not that I'm not grateful or anything, but do you really think I need a bodyguard?”
Star hesitated before answering, turning to Higgs and asking, “Could you please give us a minute?”
“Of course, Your Majesty,” Higgs responded with a grand bow, before walking further down the hallway, giving the royal and her boyfriend their space. Star turned back to Marco, seeing the doubt on his face and couldn't help but feel a little silly about all the fuss, herself. She knew she was probably being paranoid assigning Marco a bodyguard, but she couldn't help but worry about his safety. She still had flashes of Marco's capture by Toffee, how helpless and powerless she had been to protect him, first when Marco had willingly gone with the lizard to save her and then when she had allowed Marco to literally slip out of her grasp and right into Toffee's. She had come so close to losing Marco, only sheer luck allowing her to harness the power of the wand to save him and there was still a part of her that hated her past self's actions that day, mentally chastising her every move and mistake as she replayed the events over and over again in her mind. She could have easily prevented the near disaster, but instead she nearly caused the death of the boy she lov- erh, cared sooo much about.
And just a few days ago, that fear had resurfaced tenfold. Rasticore had been targeting her, but Marco had once again nearly paid the price. If Janna hadn't shown up, Star wasn't sure if she could have protected him and Rasticore had not seemed willing to spare the boy, his threat to make Marco suffer the same fate sending chills down Star's spine, even now. So maybe it was paranoia egging her on, but she couldn't help and feel the need to make sure Marco was as safe as could be. Especially with Rasticore still out there. And assigning the best of the best to watch over him, gave her some sense of relief in that matter.
“Look,” Star finally said, trying to find the best way to word all this to her naïve bestie. “I just... I would... feel much better if you did.”
Marco merely nodded, not wanting to upset Star, but still feeling unsure about having someone following him around everywhere, his eyebrows pinched together in a tight frown as he self-consciously wrapped an arm around himself. “I'm just... not really sure, Star,” he muttered, looking sheepishly at her.
Star nodded, understanding his hesitation, Higgs could come across too strong at times and she knew too well how awkward and shy Marco could be around strangers, reminded of their first meeting and how he had run away when she had caught him spying on her. She mentally chuckled at the memory, before adding, “Just... try this for a few days, okay.” She wrapped her hands around one of his, ignoring how soft and warm and right it felt. “For me.”
Marco just looked deep into her eyes for a second, reading her expression easily, seeing her need shining in her stunning pupils as he thought it over. And as he did, he had that same bizarre sensation from the other night as he felt a second heartbeat inside his chest, nearly jumping at the unexpected pulse. But that was all it took, as just like that, he wanted to agree, Star's peace of mind more important to him than a little discomfort on his part, right?
But before giving her his answer he needed to know something first, so he went ahead and asked, “And... if it doesn't work out?”
“Then, that's it,” Star reassured. “No more guards, I promise.” The royal raised a hand in the air to show she was telling the truth.
Marco took a deep breath, before finally agreeing with a nod, “Okay then, I'll give it a try. For you Star.”
“Great!” Star said pleasantly, a bright smile on her face, as she lead her boyfriend closer to his new guard, the boy at once going stiff with worry. “Then let me introduce you two properly.”
Before Marco could argue or run, he found himself facing in front of the stern redhead, her piercing green gaze still unnerving to the hooded teen. “Okay, so Marco has agreed to give this thing a try, Higgs, to see if he feels comfortable with having someone guarding him 24/7,” Star said cheerfully.
“That sounds excellent, Your Majesty,” Higgs replied, her voice never losing its formality. Marco just smiled awkwardly, trying to fight back the blush he kept feeling trying to surface on his cheeks. The moment, stretched out for a bit too long, the silence nearly driving Marco insane.
“So then, do you two, maybe, I don't know, want to try talking to each other, instead of just staring at each other,” Star pushed, trying to lighten the mood a bit.
Marco tried to obey the wishes of his bestie as he opened his mouth to say something, but Higgs suddenly thrust her hand out to the boy, causing him to flinch. He did accept the offer though, shaking her hand gingerly, as if afraid it would break. Higgs didn't seem to notice this, though, as she said, “I am happy to be given the pleasure of working for you, Marco.”
“R-Right,” Marco stuttered, giving her an awkward smile.
As the two continued to shake hands, Star optimistically supplied, “I know you two are gonna get along just fine.”
“I'm certain we will,” Higgs said, with a kind smile, but something felt off about it to Marco, almost fake.
But Star didn't seem to notice this, as she clapped her hands together, saying in a sweet, but commanding tone, “So then, why don't you please escort Marco to the dining hall, Higgs. I'm sure he must be starving by now.”
“Wait, you're not coming?” Marco asked, disappointed.
“I'm just going to get changed,” Star said, gesturing down to her princess dress. “I'll just meet up with you later, okay?”
“Okay,” Marco said, giving her a quick kiss on the lips, before walking off down the hall, waving back to his girlfriend as he did.
Higgs started to follow, but was stopped as Star put a hand on her shoulder, quickly saying, “Wait just a second, please, Higgs. There's something I need to tell you.”
“Yes, what is it, Princess Star?” Higgs asked.
“I've been really worried about Marco's safety lately...” Star admitted, her sky blue eyes filling with fear for a few seconds, before she let out a breath, composing herself once again. “So I really appreciate you be willing to watch over him for me.”
Higgs seemed surprised by this, but she replied in a strong, sure tone, “Of course, Your Majesty. I will do my very best to protect him.”
“I know you will,” Star said with a soft smile. “But... Marco is a little bit shy sometimes and I'm afraid he's a little put-off by the idea of being followed around all day by someone he doesn't know. And from what I've heard you can be a bit more...” Star paused, looking for the right word to use. “...direct than others. So please try and give him as much space as you can. If you do, I promise he will open up on his own.”
Higgs nodded, giving Star a smile that showed she understood. “Don't worry, My Princess,” Higgs said, reassuringly. “I understand completely.”
“Good,” Star said, with a curt nod, finally removing her hands from the girl's shoulder plates and allowing her to follow after the hooded boy. “Then I will leave you to it.”
Higgs did one final bow, before turning on her heels and following steadily after the boy. Star watched her go for a few seconds before heading down the other end of the hallway herself, feeling good about the two's situation, knowing Marco would be safe in Higgs' capable hands.
But if she had been paying closer attention, she would have noticed that Higg's smile had dropped, replaced instead with a very concerning frown, one that was focused entirely on Marco's unguarded back.
Marco was almost to the dining room, already able to smell the delicious aroma of freshly cooked bacon, when he was grabbed from behind and shoved into the nearest wall. The boy squeaked in surprise, as his back collided with the wall, though it was more startling than painful, as Marco looked up to see Higgs right in his face, a look of almost anger in her eyes, making the hooded boy shrink into himself.
“Wh-What are you-” Marco started, but he was cut off, as Higgs spoke in a harsh voice.
“Okay, listen here, pipsqueak,” she said, the change in her tone unnerving Marco. “I don't care if you are the princesses boyfriend or not, but you are not going to ruin my one big chance to win the princesses favor. I need it if I'm going to continue rising to the top. I have worked long and hard to get here and I'm not gonna give it up just because the person they assigned me to is a little bit shy.” Marco felt embarrassment as she mockingly said the last bit, rolling her eyes.
“And I've heard all about your reputation, too,” she continued, ignoring the boy's flushing cheeks.
“I-I'm not sure what you mean,” Marco muttered in confusion, not sure what 'reputation' she was talking about.
“Oh don't give me that,” Higgs scoffed. “I've heard all the rumors and I don't have time to deal with any of that right now. Princess Star has entrusted me with your safety and I can't afford any mistakes, which means there are going to be some major changes starting right now.”
Marco tried to speak up, but only squeaked again as she stabbed a finger into his chest. “So here is how this is going to go. From now on, you are gonna do exactly as I say, when I say it, no questions asked. Got it?”
Marco nodded, wide-eyed, not daring to open his mouth again.
“Good,” she said, backing away finally and giving the boy some space to breath, as her smile returned. “Glad we got that settled. Now let's get you something to eat.”
With that she walked off, leaving a very confused Marco behind, as he continued to ponder what it was that Higgs had heard that was so bad about him.
Jackie and Janna were already eating as Marco and Higgs entered into the dining room, chatting amongst themselves as they ate the delicious breakfast. Once they heard the door open, though, they both turned to Marco with a smile, Jackie greeting him cheerfully, “Sup, dude!”
Marco's frown instantly switched to one of his bright smiles as he spotted his two friends and gave them a quick wave. “Hey Jacks! Hey Jan! Good morning!” Both girls did note though, that it seemed less enthusiastic than usual, still both deciding to ignore it for now, figuring the boy was still waking up.
“So where's Star?” Jackie asked as Marco approached the large table. “She still in her meeting?”
“Nah, she just finished up, she'll be here soon,” Marco responded, as he slid into his usual seat.
“Well it's nice to see you joining us,” Janna replied teasingly, before passing the boy a napkin, as he was already drooling over his breakfast. He quickly took it, laying it out on his lap. But Janna's face quickly switched to one of shock and suspicion as Higgs took her place beside Marco's chair. “And I see you are joining us, as well,” she said to Higgs, raising an eyebrow at the stranger. Next to her, Jackie also seemed equally surprised as one of the unfamiliar castle servants hung so close to her hoodie-wearing friend. Janna eyed the redheads uniform up and down for a second. “Uhhh, squire I'm guessing.”
“Knight actually,” Higgs said proudly, just a hint of superiority in her tone, clearly trying to show off.
“Aren't you a little young to be a knight?” Jackie asked.
“I got promoted early,” she explained, lifting her head up enough so that she was looking down at them, with a condescending grin on her face, as if the two were jealous of that fact.
“Rigggghhht,” Janna said, raising an eyebrow at the girl, not at all envious of the girl's high position. There was an awkward tension for a few seconds as they waited for the strange redhead to introduce herself, but Higgs seemed content to just silently judge the both of them and they could tell by the way she was looking at them that she clearly did not like what she was seeing.
So instead, Jackie turned to the very hungry Marco, who was busy cutting his food with his knife, giving him a long look, before clearing her throat, trying to get his attention. “Marco, do you maybe want to introduce us?” Jackie asked, finally pulling Marco's focus away from the delicious food on his plate... well, mostly.
“Huh? Oh yeah, this is Higgs, my new bodyguard,” he said absentmindedly, his eyes still lingering on the steaming food that sat temptingly on his plate, though Jackie could tell he was purposefully avoiding looking in Higgs' direction.
“Bodyguard? Since when do you need a bodyguard?” Janna asked, skeptically.
“Since Princess Star assigned me to him,” Higgs explained.
“And when did this happen?” Janna asked.
“Just late last night,” Higgs retorted. “My official duties began this morning.”
“And you're okay with this,” Jackie asked Marco, the boy finally looking deep into her eyes, giving her a tight smile.
“Yeah, no, it's fine,” he said, though he seemed anything but okay with it, his fingers now fiddling with his silverware.
His two friends shared a look, before Janna asked, “You sure?”
“Well, Star thinks it's a good idea and she's usually not wrong about these things,” he muttered quietly.
“And I assure you, she isn't,” Higgs spoke up. “I am more than capable of protecting Marco.”
Janna leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. “And what makes you qualified for that, exactly.”
“Basically everything,” Higgs countered, her tone becoming harder. “I'm actually pretty famous around here. Most people are aware of my talents and don't typically question them.”
“Funny, I've never heard of you before,” Janna said, her smirky tone becoming more sharp than usual. “So I guess I'm questioning them.”
“That is rather funny, because y'know I've heard a lot about you, Janna,” Higgs shot back, putting her hands on the table. “And I am also questioning what kind of an influence you are having on Star Butterfly's boyfriend.”
“How so?” Janna asked, a smile spreading across her face, letting Jackie and Marco know she was now enjoying herself, unbeknownst to the very upset Higgs.
“Well, you do have a bit of a record around here: stealing, sneaking about, scaring the diplomats when they come around, general disregard for authority, and last, but not least, are the supposed culprit of several fires on the castle grounds.” Higgs gave Janna a long glare, as she finished listing off the heinous crimes, waiting for Janna to react to being called out on her trouble-making ways.
But Janna just continued to smirk, taking a bite of her meal and ignoring the lingering gaze on her. “Ohhh good someone finally caught on,” Janna replied. “Maybe you aren't completely hopeless after all.”
Higgs didn't know how to react to this, finally lifting herself up off the table and just giving the creepy girl a very confused look, which she was trying to keep firm. All she said was, “Yeah, well, I'm watching you,” though it sounded very halfhearted compared to everything else she had said to the girl. “And I won't be letting you get away with anything else on my watch.”
“Good, I like a challenge,” Janna said, leaning her head against her arm with a taunting gaze.
Jackie just rolled her eyes at her roommates behavior. “Jan,” she said, giving the creepy girl's arm a light smack. “Can't you at least pretend to be sorry for causing so much trouble.”
“I think you know better than that, Jacks,” Janna replied unapologetically.
Marco, glad the attention was finally off himself, went to take a bite of his food, stabbing his fork into the freshly cooked eggs, the yolk running out over his plate as he did, creating a delectable scent that made his stomach growl like crazy. He raised the fork, bringing the food closer and closer to his open and waiting mouth.
Until suddenly, out of nowhere, the fork was smacked out of his hand, making the boy cry out in surprise. “Don't eat that!” Marco heard Higgs cry in a panic. But Marco didn't process the urgency or fear laced in her tone, all he could do was watch with growing sadness as the utensil tumbled to the floor, ruining a perfectly good bite of food.
“My breakfast,” he mumbled in heartbreak, reaching a hand out toward the discarded fork.
“Geez, what was that about?” Janna asked, her and Jackie giving the knight a glare.
“Yeah, seriously, look what you did to poor Marco,” Jackie said, gesturing to the boy, who was rubbing at the hand Higgs had smacked, awkwardly.
But Higgs didn't seem bothered by this, as she gave an exasperated sigh, before explaining to them, “Well, obviously, I can't let Marco eat any food before it's been tested first for poison.”
“What?” Jackie questioned in disbelief. “That's ridiculous. Why would someone in the castle try and poison Marco?”
“Not that I have to explain myself to you civilians, but it's better to be safe than sorry,” the young knight defended herself.
“Uhh, hate to break it to you, but we've been eating the food this whole time and we're just fine,” Janna pointed out.
“Yeah, but that also means that the food has been left here unguarded with you two this whole time,” Higgs said, pointing an accusing finger at them.
Janna rose up from her seat. “Whoa wait, hang on. You aren't seriously saying we would try and poison our best friend, now would you?” Janna said with a glare.
“Well if the shoe fits,” Higgs replied, crossing her arms. “I certainty wouldn't put it past you.”
“Okay, stealing and stuff is one thing, but I would never hurt Marco,” Janna shot back, sounding genuinely insulted at the very idea of it.
“Yeah, Marco's our friend, we care about him,” Jackie added, also rising from her chair.
“And I certainty wouldn't stoop to poisoning him of all things, that's just unimaginative,” Janna said with disgust.
Jackie was silent for a moment, a look of annoyance on her face. “Jan,” Jackie finally muttered, giving her a deadpanned stare. “You're not helping us.”
Meanwhile, Marco slowly lowered himself more in his seat, until he was practically hiding beneath the table, his face set in a grimace. He didn't want his friends to be arguing with his new bodyguard, knowing how badly Star wanted this to work. He looked to the doors, knowing Star could come through them any minute. He needed to find a way to make this better.
“Guys,” Marco interrupted, drawing all three girl's attention onto him. He gave his two friends a halfhearted smile. “Look, it's okay. Higgs is just trying to be careful, I'm sure she doesn't really think you'd try and poison me. So why don't we just have someone test the food so I can eat,” he suggested.
Jackie and Janna stared at Marco in shock for a second, looking like they were on the verge of saying something, but Higgs clapped her hands together, drawing all eyes onto her, as she said, “Excellent idea, Marco! Glad you see it my way!” She started heading for the door, saying, “I will go find someone for the job, right away!”
Jackie and Janna waited until the door was closed and Higgs was gone before turning back to Marco with concerned looks, the hooded boy keeping his eyes on his plate. Even then, he could still feel their stares burning into his skin. “Marco, what's was that?” Jackie asked, taking her seat again.
“It's nothing don't worry about,” Marco muttered.
“Nothing,” Janna retorted. “You acted like her hitting that fork out of your hand was a normal thing.”
Marco was silent for a second, before he finally looked at them with a pleading glance. “Look, it's only for a few days, okay? Just until Star's more at ease about all of this. She's been worrying about me a lot lately and if this helps her, then I need to at least try and put up with it. So, until then, can you guys just try and support me on this, please?” he asked.
As always, Marco's begging face weakened their resolve, until Jackie just sighed and said, “Of course we will, Marco. If that's what you think is best.”
Marco breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you,” he said to her.
Janna just plopped back down in her seat, crossing her arms. “Well, will you at least let me play a prank on her or something for saying I would try and kill you,” she asked, seriously.
“Uh, didn't you scare Marco into thinking you were gonna kill him when you first met?” Jackie reminded her.
Janna scoffed. “That was a joke, obviously,” the creepy girl said with a roll of her eyes.
“I didn't think it was very funny,” Marco pointed out.
“Yeah, exactly,” Janna replied. “I was helping you expand your humor a little. This is different. And I think it's only fair for me to get back at her for what she said. In fact, I've already got a few ideas in mind,” she added, a playful, yet somehow disturbing smile spreading on her face, showing off her fangs, as she seemed to be thinking over whatever no doubt bad thing she had in mind for the young knight.  
“No,” Marco replied, instantly shooting down any kind of retaliation his creepy friend had planned. “No doing anything to Higgs.”
Janna just leaned her head against her hand once more, sighing in depression, as she said, “You're no fun.”
Breakfast passed by quickly, Higgs having one of the guards test the food, not allowing Marco to eat any of his meal until the Mewman confirmed it was safe. Once Marco did get to eat though, he found that his food was now cold, but not wanting to make a fuss he didn't say anything, just eating his food in silence. Besides, hot or not, it was still delicious, the new cook continuing to outdo himself.
Star did eventually show up, sitting down next to Marco, giving her friends a sheepish smile. “Hey guys, sorry I'm late,” she apologized as she unfolded her napkin.
“No problem,” Jackie said, giving the young royal a smile.
“And I see you two already met Higgs, huh?” Star commented, looking at the freckled girl who stood at attention at Marco's side. Both Jackie and Janna looked like they wanted to speak up about their true feelings toward Marco's new bodyguard, but a quick, pleading look from Marco silenced anything they could have said against the idea.
“Yeah, and it was quite the introduction,” Janna said, successfully hiding the venom in her tone, but her choice of words caused Star to raise an eyebrow.
“How so?” Star asked. Marco coughed once, drawing his friend's attention, as he gave the creepy girl a knowing look.
Jackie quickly interrupted before Janna could explain, saying, “Just that her credentials left quite the impression on us, is all. She certainly knows her stuff.”
“Well thank you, Miss Lynn-Thomas,” Higgs said graciously, even giving a small, humble bow in her direction, her holier-than-thou attitude from before replaced with the stiff, formal persona of a typical knight. This massive change, didn't go unnoticed by either Jackie or Janna, as they just gave her empty stares, letting her know that they knew she was faking and they weren't buying it, which Higgs simply ignored. “I am always happy to be of service,” she added, with a voice just dripping of syrup and Janna nearly gagged at how fake and forced the line was. She did however roll her eyes, shaking her head in disbelief.
Star just nodded, seemingly unaware of the intense little struggle going on at the table. “Oh well, that's good,” she said, in reaction to what Jackie had said. “Glad you all are getting along.” She turned to look at Marco, who was feeling quite relieved that things had gone smoothly so far. “So Marco, what are your plans for the day?” Star asked, laying a hand on his and giving it a small squeeze.
“Oh well, um,” Marco said not sure how to answer. In truth, he had been planning on visiting Buff Frog and the other Monsters, but had a feeling Higgs probably wouldn't go for that. Still, he had been really hoping his frog father would be able to tell him more about his parents, as well as get some much needed attention from his family that he craved. The last he had spoken to any of them was right after the ball, when Buff Frog had called up to check up on him and ask how the ball had gone, Marco recalling the conversation perfectly.
“It was amazing, Buff Frog!” Marco had exclaimed, his joy and energy seeping through the cellphone as he spoke, literally shaking with excitement and enthusiasm. “You should have seen it! One minute everything was normal and the next, me and Star's whole bodies were lit up red! And she looked so beautiful! And it felt so weird, but not like a bad weird, like a good weird, like a really good weird!” Marco sighed dreamily, as he recalled the magical moment, feeling his suns burning, probably from his blush. “And afterwards, we danced together out in the castle garden. And Star even sang while we did. She has a beautiful singing voice, I kinda hope she'll sing to me more often.” Marco rubbed at his blushing cheek, chuckling awkwardly at what he had just blurted out.
“Sounds like you two had good time,” Buff Frog had replied, sounding equally delighted for the boy's successful first date.
“Yeah we did, It was perfect,” Marco said, his tone a joyful whisper.
“I so proud and happy for you, my boy,” Buff Frog added, which caused the hooded boy's heart to swell. “And so would be parents.”
Marco froze at these words, reminded of what he had been wanting to talk to Buff Frog about in the first place. “Um, about that,” Marco said, already feeling anxious about wording this to his dad without worrying him, not sure if he should bring up the lizard assassin's attack and attempted kidnapping to his overprotective father.
“Someone at the ball... c-called me Marco Diaz.” He sucked in a breath, as he awaited his frog father's reply. For a few intense seconds, there was no response from the other end of the phone, Marco afraid Buff Frog had just hung up on him. “Dad?” Marco questioned, biting his lip.
“I... I see,” Buff Frog replied, sounding quite shell-shocked. “And who was this?”
“Umm, I don't remember,” Marco lied. “But is it true,” he quickly blurted, his heart aching for the answer. “Is my last name Diaz?”
“Da, is true,” had come the reply, causing Marco to release the breath he had been holding in. “Your parents name was Diaz.” This conformation had made Marco feel giddy, smiling like crazy.
Of course, once one question had been answered he had followed it up with a million more, as question after question poured out of the boy with no sign of stopping, asking everything he could think of or had ever wondered before without even pausing to take a breath, hungry for the answers Toffee had purposely kept from him growing up. “Did you know them? What did they look like? How did they first meet? When did they get married? Did they know the other Monsters, too? How was I born? Why did-”
Finally, Buff Frog had interrupted the boy from his bombardment of questions, saying, “Marco.”
The boy finally stopped, listening to his father over the phone. “Yeah, dad?” he asked, so Buff Frog knew he was listening.
“I know you have million questions and I promise I tell you everything, but right now it is late and you need your sleep.”
Marco had known the Monster was right, but he still had at least needed to know how soon Buff Frog would finally give him the full story. “Okay, but when? When will you tell me?”
There was silence from the other end of the phone for a second, but to Marco it had felt like an eternity. “In few days,” came the reply. Marco felt his heart sink.
“A few days,” Marco repeated, his throat tight. “Why so long?”
“I sorry, my boy.” Marco could hear the regret and guilt in his father's tone, even through the phone. “We so busy right now, I don't have time.”
Marco sighed, before trying to make his voice as cheerful as he could, as he had said, “That's okay, I understand. I know things are crazy right now. Honestly, it's probably for the best, there's been... a lot going on over here, too.”
“Thank you for understanding, Marco,” Buff Frog said. “You good boy.”
“Thanks, dad,” Marco had replied, blinking back the tears he felt welling up in his eyes, unsure if they were from being praised by his adopted father or from the fact that he knew he had to wait several days before finding out the truth about his flesh and blood.
“Goodnight, Marco,” Buff Frog had said.
“Goodnight,” the boy replied, before hanging up.
Luckily, the boy didn't dwell on this too much after, the next couple of days passing by in such a hectic blur that Marco had barely even thought about the conversation... much, too distracted by everyone's panicking to think of anything else. But now that things had settled down, the thoughts had returned fresh to his inquisitive mind. Buff Frog still hadn't shown up and Marco was starting to grow impatient. Which was why he had come up with the idea that maybe if he visited Buff Frog himself that would get the frog to open up in the matter. But now, he had a new problem to deal with, having a feeling convincing his new bodyguard wouldn't be an easy task, considering their conversation back in the hallway.
Besides, he reasoned with himself, Buff Frog is probably too busy right now to really be able to tell me the whole story, anyways. Plus, he wasn't sure bringing around the suspicious Higgs to his Monster family would go well.
“Guess I don't really have any plans for the day,” Marco finally replied with a shrug. “I'll just do whatever Higgs thinks is best for now.”
Higgs didn't hesitate to speak up at that, quickly cutting in, “Well, in that case, Marco can just spend the day with me, Your Highness. That way I can keep a better eye on him... and hopefully get to know him a little better, too.”
“Well that sounds like a great idea,” Star said enthusiastically, before looking to her hooded boyfriend. “What do you think, Marco?”
Marco nodded, reminding himself to remain open to the idea, as he said, “Yeah, okay. That sounds good.” It could be a good thing, after all, spending the day with Higgs. Maybe if he got to know her a little better, he wouldn't feel so intimidated and maybe the two of them could even become friends.
An hour later, Marco was already regretting agreeing to spend some one-on-one time with Higgs. As he quickly found out, the young knight was suspicious of everyone, not allowing a single soul to come anywhere near them, giving every servant who they passed a suspicious glare. One poor soul even made the horrible mistake of greeting the boy directly.
“Hey there, Marco!” the Mewman greeted cheerfully, looking happy and carefree as he went to give the boy a high five.
But before Marco could even return the pleasant gesture, Higgs grabbed the poor man by the wrist and threw him out the nearest window, the man screaming in horror on his way down. “But it's my birthday!”
Marco just gazed in horror at the window for a moment, before turning back to Higgs. “Why did you do that? He just wanted to give me a high five?” he asked, pointing to his still-waiting palm.
“Yeah and then he could have stabbed you in the back with a knife right afterwards,” Higgs snappily replied, as if throwing an innocent civilian out a window was a completely normal thing to do. “Honestly, the evidence was all right there, Marco, I'm surprised you didn't see it.” After getting a blank look from Marco she quickly explained. “Think about it. Some strange guy just randomly showed up in the castle all of a sudden and greets you as if he's know you his whole life.” She reiterated this point by taking the time to scold Marco for his lack of thinking, “In fact, if anything you need to be more careful about who you interact with. You have to be more guarded around total strangers.”
“But he wasn't a stranger,” Marco argued. “He's worked here for like ten years.”
Higgs froze, in total shock over this knowledge and looking at a loss for words of what to say next. The moment stretched on for far too long, before Marco finally spoke up in a sad voice, rubbing at his arm, “I didn't know his name but I think he was the castle decorator or something like that.”
Higgs finally seemed to recover as she quickly waved off her actions like they were nothing. “Oh well, I'm sure he's fine,” she said, before continuing through the castle, Marco following hesitantly behind her.
And that seemed to just be a typical reaction from Higgs, critical of everyone, with no regrets towards her actions, even if they were wrong. Still Marco did his very best to remain positive, hoping maybe the two of them could do a fun activity together to help them bond a bit. And after about an hour of just uncomfortably shuffling through Butterfly Castle he figured anything would be better than this. “So, uh, Higgs what do you like to do for fun?” Marco asked, hoping to find something they had in common.
She stopped walking, turning to him, before replying, “Train.”
“Well, okay, other than that,” Marco tried. “What do you like to do when your not, y'know, training?”
“Kill Monsters,” came Higgs dry reply and Marco's eyes widened.
“O-Okay, um,” Marco said, completely flustered by the response. “Going back to the first thing then,” he nervously added, trying desperately to change the subject. He thought for a moment, before hesitantly saying, “Maybe I could... train with you or something?”
Higgs looked at Marco blankly for a second, before outright laughing at the suggestion, not even bothering to hide it, as she held onto her stomach, chuckling out of control. Marco, being Marco, didn't understand what it was that had caused such a sporadic laugh attack. “What? What did I say?” he asked in cute confusion.
“You... training...” Higgs managed to gasp out between gasps for breath. She finally managed to gain some control over herself as her laughter faded to a mild chuckle, wiping the tears that had welled up in her eyes and groaning a bit from her stomach ache, as she managed to say in a much more clear tone, “Yeah right, you would be dead within the first minute, loser.”
Marco looked offended at the edition of loser, but argued (rather firmly for him), “I could handle myself.”
A critical eyebrow raised as she looked at the scrawny toothpick in front of her, adding with a scoff, “Really, I highly doubt that.”
“It's true. Just give me a chance.”
“Look it's nothing personal. But I'm a professional, you wouldn't even be able to keep up with someone like me.”
“Well, I tend to pick up on things pretty quickly.” Higgs still looked unconvinced so Marco added, “At least let me try.”
Higgs was silent for a second as she thought it over, rubbing a finger on her chin and Marco became concerned that maybe he had taken things too far, but finally she agreed, “Okay, you know what, fine. Let's see what you got, squirt.”
“Yeah!” Marco cheered in victory, pumping a fist into the air, pleased at the chance to get to prove himself. But he was caught off guard, as suddenly Higgs slammed a hand into his back, knocking him to the ground, causing him to release a very girly scream.
“First rule of knight training: anything goes,” she explained to the fallen boy with a small smile on her face as she stood over him.
“That doesn't make any sense,” Marco groaned from the ground. “Why even bother having any rules then?”
Once Marco had recovered he silently followed Higgs into the large courtyard just outside of Butterfly Castle. He figured that was probably as good a place to train as any, but to his surprise the freckled knight pulled out a pair of dimensional scissors and opened a portal before them. “Wait, where are we going?” Marco asked in confusion. “I thought we were going to train.”
“We are, but not here,” Higgs replied. “You want to experience a real knight's training, then that's exactly what you are going to get, pipsqueak.”
Marco didn't argue, as he instead stepped through the glowing vortex and into a whole new world. Marco, still new to dimensional travel, took a moment to get his bearings, as he found himself in a darkly lit world. They were on some kind of cliffside, overlooking a canyon filled with glowing crystals of all shapes and sizes and colors. Marco was mesmerized by them for a moment, before he turned back to the path before them, which curved around the mountainside lit by glowing green torches set up.
“Where are we?” Marco asked his bodyguard curiously, with pure awe in his voice.
“You'll see,” Higgs answered mysteriously, gesturing with a sweeping hand toward the path, indicating to let him go first and Marco obeyed, traveling down the path with his bodyguard following close behind.
After a while the two seemed to reach their destination, a large building built on the edge of a cliff. It was a fairly grand structure laying just outside of the castle grounds, lit up as well by the green torches, which gave it an almost ominous look as they approached. Though if that wasn't a tip off point enough, there was also the signs that read things like: “Beware!” and “Go away!” and the not at all threatening message of, “Strangers will be killed!” which was causing Marco's stomach to flip uncontrollably. The building as well, though big, had seen better days, the wood scarred and covered in holes as if someone had been punching holes into the building's frame. On top of that, the whole place looked unsturdy and if it was ready to collapse at any moment and the fact that it rested on what seemed to be an unstable cliff was not exactly inviting much either. Needless to say Marco was not feeling too good about entering into the deathtrap of a building.
“So, uh, what is this place, exactly?” Marco asked in concern.
“This is where we knights go to train and hang out, when we want to get away from it all,” Higgs explained. “We call it 'Valhalla'.”
“Huh?” Marco said, looking back up at the structure again. “But don't you have other places to train on Mewni?”
Higgs scoffed at the statement, saying matter-of-factly, “Yeah, but this place is where the real training happens. This dimension is abandoned and the only ones who know how to get to it are those trusted enough to be told. This place is basically the elite circle for the best of the best Mewni's knights have to offer.”
Marco looked to one of the signs which had a very lazily drawn picture of a skull on it, asking, “Umm, are you sure it's okay for me to be here then?”
“Don't worry about it,” Higgs said, shrugging the hooded boy's concern off. “Your getting a special pass, since you're with me.”
“Greeeaaat,” Marco said, trying to sound enthusiastic, but unsuccessful in hiding the squeak in his voice, as he stared up at the ominous building in fear, this seeming to confirm to him that trying to bond with Higgs had been a terrible idea.
Marco flinched, as Higgs violently kicked open the doors to the old building, causing one of them to break and fall over, Higgs muttering, “We should probably fix that.”
But the hooded boy wasn't paying attention to that, as he gingerly walked into the hallowed hall (still partially afraid the ground beneath him would cave at any second), his startled senses shocked as he was overwhelmed with a strong scent of body odor and sweat. He looked around the room, taking in his surroundings. The inside was just as torn up as the outside, possibly more so, every inch of the room covered in either scrapes or holes. There was little décor in the room, most of the place empty and barren, with a little bar for the knights to get a drink and some equipment which Marco assumed was for training. The most impressive part of the room was the far wall, which was coated top to bottom with weapon, some of which he had no idea what they were or what they did. All in all, the place did seem like a haven for knights and Marco was a bit in awe of it all.
“Wooowww,” Marco breathed, a small smile on his face. There were a few men and women in the building, as well, all of them decked out in knights gear like Higgs and they turned to see the hooded boy, all of them with looks ranging from confusion to outright hostility.
“Who's your friend, Higgs?” one of them asked, after a moment of intense staring.
“This is my new charge, I've been assigned as his bodyguard by the princess,” Higgs explained instantly with a cocky and boastful smile, putting extra emphasis on the word 'princess'. This did seem to get their attention, as they all looked at the boy, sizing him up, causing Marco's confidence to crumble, feeling the need to hide behind Higgs to escape from their penetrative stares, but was unable to due to his feet being frozen in place. And he had thought being around Higgs was intimidating, that had nothing on these guys.
“General Skullnick would be furious if she found out you brought a stranger here,” one of them pointed out with a warning tone.
“Yeah, well she isn't here and she's not gonna know, she's too busy trying to find that assassin to worry about coming here, so we're good,” Higgs said, quickly waving off his concern. Marco looked at her with concern for a moment, he thought she had said it was okay for him to be here, but clearly she had been lying.
“Well, why'd you even bring him here, in the first place?” another asked, crossing his arms with a raised eyebrow.
“He wanted to try training with me,” she explained, giving the boy a pat on the shoulder, not even noticing that he had gone completely stiff. “So I figured I'd show him the ropes.”
“Ha, this pipsqueak,” one of the lady knights chuckled. “Be careful, Higgs, he might break in half if your not careful.”
The others all laughed at that as well, which would normally cause Marco's face to flush a deep red, but he was too distracted by something that had caught his eye. Above their heads, hanging upside down from one of the rafters was a familiar purple bat. It was just watching him with knowing brown eyes and as it seemed to notice it had been spotted by him, shot him a cryptic smirk that could not be mistaken for anyone but Janna. She stood out like a sore thumb and he was honestly surprised no one had spotted her yet, though he did at least give her credit for taking off her beanie so she wasn't so conspicuous.
Marco would lie and say he was surprised to see her there, but in all honesty, he wasn't. If anyone could have successfully snuck into the Mewnian knight's most secret and well hidden bases it was Janna. Though, whatever she was doing there, however, was the bigger question and concern Marco had.
“Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?” One of the other knights asked, pulling Marco out of his thoughts, as the large muscular man gave him a long, quizzical stare.
“Um, w-well I don't-” Marco managed to stammer out, his voice growing softer with every word, not enjoying this intense interrogation from one of the knights.
“Come on, kid, spit it out!” the man said in a gruff voice that caused Marco to jump and freeze up even more.
“Hey! Back off, you're freaking him out,” Higgs thankfully interjected, pushing the knight away from her charge, Marco finally releasing his held breath.
“I was just asking him a question,” the man grumbled in annoyance.
“Yeah well, you probably scarred him for life, having to look at that ugly mug of yours,” one of the other knights said jokingly and the others all laughed heartily at that.
The humiliated knight growled in anger, “Shut up!” while punching his fellow knight in the face. The knight crashed into another, which caused both of them to angrily retaliate, hitting him as one. One thing led to another and soon every single knight except for Higgs had joined in on the scuffle all of them engaged in an angry fist fight, while Marco just watched in shock and disturbance, using Higgs as a shield for himself. “What is happening?” Marco asked, not sure what to think of the sudden situation.
“Oh this happens all the time,” Higgs replied, nonchalantly, not even fazed as the group of grown Mewmans needlessly fought amongst themselves.
“Well, what should we do?” Marco asked his bodyguard, unsure.
“You hang back, I'll take care of it,” she said confidently, giving Marco a push toward the door,  before she strolled over to the brawling group. “Hey idiots, knock it off!” she yelled, before punching one of them herself. The Mewman growled before lunging toward her, Higgs dodging out of the way, kicking the knight square in the stomach, sending him flying back and into one of the others. But before she could recover she was tackled by one of the other knights, knocking her to the ground, as she screamed in a strained tone, “Hey get off of me!”  
Marco just watched on as the freckled redhead managed to squirm her way out of their grasp and then proceeded to take on three burly knights twice her own size, quickly joining in on the scuffle. But Marco's attention was diverted as he heard a fluttering noise beside him, looking over to see Bat-Jan flying next to him, right at eye level. “So enjoying the show?” she asked sarcastically.
Marco checked to see if the others had noticed, but they were still too preoccupied with their fighting to notice anything else. “Janna, what are you doing here?” Marco asked in a whisper, just in case the knights somehow heard him over the loud ruckus they were making.
Bat-Jan seemed to shrug, before explaining, “Well, we were still getting bad vibes about that Higgs girl so we decided it would be best if kept an eye on the two of you.”
“So you're just here spying on my bodyguard,” Marco said, with a suspicious undertone in his voice, as one of his eyebrows slowly raising.
“Yep,” Janna replied, not seeming to pick on the extra meaning of what he was asking.
“And nothing else,” Marco continued, with the same knowing hint in his tone. “You're not going to play any pranks on her or anything?”
“Well, now that you mention it...” Bat-Jan started mischievously, Marco able to see her inner troublemaker surfacing in her eyes.
“Jan, you promised,” Marco reminded her with a hiss.
“I'm just kidding, Marco,” Janna immediately said, shrugging off her previous behavior, giving him an overly sweet smile. “Jeez, you really need to learn to take a joke.”
Marco gave her a disbelieving stare, before sighing in exasperation. “Fine, look you can stay, but please, please, don't do anything. I really need her to like me and I think she's starting to come around a bit.”
“You got it,” Janna agreed, flashing him a toothy grin. “You won't even know I'm here.” With that she flew back up toward the cracked ceiling, leaving Marco alone again.
This was when Marco noticed that the room was now silent and looked over to see that the knights had worn themselves out, with no clear victor in sight, all of them just laying on the floor, groaning in pain. Marco was about to check on them when they all started laughing and joking with each other as if the previous fight had never happened, rising off the floor and playfully punching each other in the gut.
Higgs, as well, stood and brushed herself off, one of the knights saying to her, “Good fight, Higgs! You really know how to pack a punch.”
“Yeah I do,” she replied smugly, before going over to join her hooded charge. “Okay, now we can train,” she said to him super nonchalantly.
“But, what just happened?” Marco asked, still in shock from the bizarre and sporadic changes in attitude from the elite knights.
“That?” she asked, pointing behind her. “That was nothing. Like I said, happens all the time.”
“But one minute you guys were fighting and then you were fine,” Marco continued as his head spun trying to understand it all. “I don't-”
“Look, Marco,” Higgs interrupted. “That just happens around here. Better get used to it.”
Marco opened his mouth to reply, only to be interrupted by another voice. “Wait, Marco,” the same burly knight from before said as realization struck him, the boy's name finally striking the right cord in his brain. “I know who you are now. Your the princess's boyfriend, aren't ya?”
“Um, yes,” Marco said hesitantly. With that the other knights began all talking at once, making it impossible to tell what they were saying.
“So your Marco, huh? Never really got a chance to meet you before, off fighting in the war and all,” a lady knight said, draping an arm around the boy's small frame.
“Uh, haha, yeah,” Marco responded awkwardly, not sure what else to say.
“Then your the kid that was raised by Monsters, right?” she asked, her tone becoming far less friendly and more hard.
“Yeah, that's right,” Marco responded immediately, not picking up on the slight hostility in her tone. But out of the corner of his eye, he saw Bat-Jan face-palm with one of her clawed wings, shaking her furry head in disbelief.
The room grew eerily quiet as they all just glared at the boy, Marco gulping against his will. “W-What?”
“Well isn't that just great, the kid who was raised by the very Monsters we spent the last decade or so fighting, just comes waltzing in here,” one of the other knights said, with a deep hatred in his voice.
“But the Monsters aren't bad?” Marco defended weakly. “They were just following Toffee's orders.”
“Yeah, well those orders got a lot of us killed,” the lady knight said, with an intense glare. “And did they show any remorse for us, no.”
The other knights all grumbled their agreements, Marco quickly becoming more and more uncomfortable by the second.
“I lost a leg to one of the Monsters!” one of them yelled, gesturing to the wooden leg he had.
“I lost an eye!” one of them shouted, pointing at his eyepatch.
“Oh yeah, well I lost a whole hand!” he said, taking off his glove to show off his wooden hand replacement.
“No you didn't?” the lady knight reminded him. “You lost that during a training accident.”
“Oh right,” the one handed knight said. “Well... I still hate those stupid Monsters.”
The others all shouted their agreement, while Marco just stood there awkwardly not sure what to say.
“If you weren't the princess's boyfriend,” the lady knight said, stabbing a finger into Marco's chest, giving him a hated glare. “Then I would kick your butt for siding with those freaks.”
“I-I-I-” Marco started not sure what to say.
Luckily, Higgs quickly saved him from trying to find an answer, as she pulled him away from them, saying with a hiss in her tone, “Yeah well, he is the princess's boyfriend and my charge. So like it or not, you guys are just gonna have to get over it or answer to me.”
The others all quickly, dropped the subject after that, moving away from the two teens and going back about their business, though they did keep flashing dirty looks at the hooded boy every so often. “Thanks,” Marco said, breathing a sigh of relief. He honestly couldn't believe how quickly the knights had all turned on him just by being associated with the Monsters.
Higgs didn't respond, releasing her hold on the boy as she just quickly said, “Let's just start with the training already?”
Marco paused for a moment, before finally saying, “Okay, sounds good.” He nodded, trying to let the intense moment slide, instead focusing his attention on the far wall, looking over the large array of weapons before him, trying to select the best and least deadly one. There were so many to choose from, he didn't even know where to begin and they all looked extremely unsafe too, swords, daggers, spears, shields, scythes, even some kind of gun looking thing with a hook on the end of it which Marco had no idea what that could be used for. None of them really looked super appealing to the boy.
“Um, what are you doing?” Marco turned away from the deadly selection to see Higgs giving him a skeptical stare.
“I was just... picking out a weapon,” he explained hesitantly. “Isn't that what you are supposed to do?”
“Maybe for experienced knights, but not you. You are not ready for any of those things,” Higgs explained and Marco breathed a mental sigh of relief, glad he didn't have to handle any dangerous weapons again, his mind for just a second flashing back to his fight with Toffee.
“So then what are we gonna use?” Marco asked.
“Here,” Higgs said, handing Marco a small wooden sword. “We will be using these for now. Wouldn't want to explain to the princess how I got her boyfriend's head accidentally cut off, now would I?”
Marco gulped, taking the sword. “No,” he said in a fearful whisper.
Higgs had a wooden sword herself, holding it out in front of her in a confident stance, which Marco did his best to mimic. “Ready?” she asked, as her face drained of any emotion as she just stared forward with a serious stare.
“R-Ready, I guess,” Marco replied, trying to keep his hands from shaking, her burning stare far too intense for him to handle. “This is my first time, though, so maybe take it easy on me a little bit?” he asked, but she gave him no indication of agreeing to that.
Instead she charged him, Marco trying to block the sword swing, but it was easily knocked out of his inexperienced hands. Her wooden sword then made contact with his stomach, propelled him back, where Marco landing hard on his butt. “Ow,” he groaned, as pain shot through his stomach.
“In a real battle, your opponent isn't going to take things easy on you,” Higgs explained, as she expertly twirled her sword around her hand, before lightly tapping him on the head with it. “And in this case, you'd be dead,” she said with a smirk.
Marco didn't say anything as he rubbed at the small bump on his head. But as he looked up, he saw Janna, still in bat form, giving the redhead an intense glare and Marco became afraid she would retaliate, giving her a pleading look, which Higgs noticed.
“What are you looking at?” she asked, turning in the direction of his stare, Bat-Jan quickly flying behind one of the beams and out of sight.
“Uh, nothing, my mistake,” Marco quickly said, jumping back to his feet. “Let's just go again.” He held his sword out in the same stance. “I'm ready this time.”
“Acting confident, huh?” Higgs said with a superior smirk. “Then let's see how ready you are?” she added, the smirk never once leaving her face.
For the next several minutes, Marco was on the defensive as Higgs mercilessly wailed on him with the surprisingly hard stick, every short fight resulting in Marco losing his balance and falling hard to the floor, where Higgs would tap his head with the sword, claiming him dead. Marco put everything he had into holding his own, trying his very best to counter her. Sometimes it would pay off, as his hands would happen to land in the right place and block her swing, which Marco would then exclaim in victory, but before he would even try and counter, it was always followed up with another move from Higgs, which often ended the fight right there. Even with his Trait, Higgs was just too skilled for him. He had no chance of beating her.
After a while though, Marco began to notice that Higgs seemed to be getting frustrated with him for some reason. Her hits grew more and more intense, not giving him any chances to attack or even counter her, and her calm smirk changed to one of barely suppressed anger. Marco had no idea what he had done to offender her, but it seemed he clearly had, as she knocked him down for the hundredth time that day. As he looked up at her, he could see the venom in her eyes. Still, he forced himself to stand, his body groaning in protest. “Ugh, why do you keep getting up?” she growled. “Just stay down already.”
“Wait, what's wrong? Why are you getting so mad? I-I thought we were having fun,” Marco asked in innocent confusion.
This seemed to be the wrong thing to say though as Higgs glared at him, hard. “Fun!” she hissed. “This isn't fun for me, this is my whole life!” She threw another wild swing at him, which Marco somehow managed to block.
“Whoa, wait! I never said it wasn't! I was just doing this so we could spend some time together, I wasn't trying to offend you or anything,” he said, sheepishly.
“Well you did!” Higgs shouted, as she pushed back on the sword, causing Marco to stumble.
Once he managed to recover, he asked with a lost look, “But, w-what did I do to make you so mad at me?”
“Oh gee, let me think,” Higgs said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. “How about acting like a total moron and still managing to get the attention of the princess.” She grunted as she slammed her sword down with all her might, Marco getting pushed back once again as he blocked. “Constantly messing up and getting yourself in trouble only to have your precious girlfriend save you and then give you whatever you want!” She hit his sword again, this time completely knocking it out of his hands, his back colliding with the wall behind him. “And then even managing to get credit for helping Princess Star beat Toffee... which seriously, how? Look at you, you can't even keep a good hold of your sword.” She glared at him, pointing at him with her own sword, as he rubbed at his aching wrist with a sad look on his face. “Anyone of us here would have killed to get an opportunity to stop Toffee and end the war. But no, instead it was you who got that chance.”
Marco opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the angered redhead, as she continued her rant, now right in his face, her green eyes filled with fire and venom. “Meanwhile, I have had to work and fight and sweat to get to where I am now. And you have done nothing, so tell me, Marco, why you? What have you done to deserve any of the great things you've gotten?”
Higgs glared daggers at him as she waited for him to answer and as Marco took a quick look around the room he saw that the other knights were all staring at him, as well, the hate in their eyes telling him that they felt the exact same way. Marco paused for a long time, trying to hold back the tears he felt welling up. “I-I don't know,” he finally replied, his gaze dropping sadly to the floor.
Higgs scoffed. “Whatever,” she grumbled finally backing away and giving the boy his space. “Don't give me that act. I'm not buying it.” She turned away from the boy, crossing her arms, the other knights refusing to even look in his direction and Marco felt his heart ache, feeling lost and alone. He couldn't think of one reason for all the good things that had happened to him, either. He felt something warm and soft rub up against him and was surprised to fine Bat-Jan wrapped around his arm in a make-shift hug.
Suddenly, there was a loud yell from the entrance to the room as a familiar gruff voice yelled, “Which one of you idiots broke this door?!” Every head turned to see General Skullnick looking as angry as ever in the doorway. Marco was caught off guard as Bat-Jan quickly launched herself off his arm, hiding in the depths of his hood for safety.
No knight spoke a word, as she glared at each and every one of them, until her eyes landed on the small hooded boy hiding in the corner, looking shocked to see him for about half a second, Marco knowing he was caught. Then, her gaze slowly narrowed on his form and he felt his stomach drop. “Marco?!” she screamed, causing the boy to jump.
“Y-Yes, General Skullnick,” Marco managed to stutter out, giving her a small, halfhearted grin.
She finally pulled her focus away from him and back to her knights, who were all looking quite unnerved. “What is the princess's boyfriend doing here?!” she rumbled in pure anger.
She looked at all the sheepish faces around her, adding with a growl, “He shouldn't be here. Which one of you idiots let him in?!
Marco, as well, was examining the faces of all the clearly disturbed knights, but noticed Higgs looking extra freaked out, her face the picture of guilt and worry, her hand twitching at her side, as she just stared at her feet. He knew how important her position was, how big a deal being a knight was for her and Marco didn't wish to see her get in trouble and possibly losing her standing as the youngest knight in Mewman history.
So he sucked in a deep breath, saying in the strongest voice he could muster, “Nobody let me in, General Skullnick.” Every knight turned to him with surprise as he walked toward the angered troll, Higgs especially in shock by what was happening, none able to believe the cowering child was facing their terrifying leader alone. “I found a portal open and without really thinking about it just walked through it,” he lied. “I knew I shouldn't have but I got curious and eventually found this place here. The others were just asking me to leave actually when you showed up. Sorry for causing any trouble.”
Skullnick stared at the boy for a long intense minute, before looking at the rest of them. “Is this true?”
They all nodded and Skullnick actually looked convinced. She looked down at Marco with a scolding, but far less angry stare. “Well in that case, I'm letting you off easy this time, Marco,” she said, sounding more like a parent than an angry general. “But don't let me catch you in here again, understood?”
Marco nodded and she quickly whipped back around to the other knights as she shouted. “Now would one of you please escort Marco back to Mewni.”
“I will, general,” Higgs volunteered, doing a salute.
“Good, then as for the rest of you...” Her voice returned to a raised yell once again, as she shouted at the top of her lungs, “GET BACK OUT THERE AND LOOK FOR THAT STUPID ASSASSIN!!”
Every knight scrambled out of the building, Higgs just leading Marco out with a hand on his shoulder. Once they were outside again and out of earshot of the general, Higgs asked him, “Why did you do that?” Several other knights all turned to him, wanting to hear his answer.
“Because I knew how important it is to you being a knight and I didn't want to jeopardize that,” Marco replied. “I didn't want to see you get in trouble. General Skullnick might have taken away your knighthood if you had gotten caught,” Marco said honestly. He hesitated for a moment, his eyes filling with pain, as they slowly lowered to the ground in shame, before he added softly, “Besides what you said was true. I don't deserve all the great things that have happened to me, I was just lucky enough to have people like Star who cared about me and helped me to get to where I am. But I don't feel like I've done anything to earn them being so nice to me...”
Finally, he looked up, his gaze locking with Higgs and  the young knight couldn't help but get the sense that they were on equal levels for the first time since they met. “That's why I'm trying so hard to help the Monsters make peace, to create a world where both sides, Monster and Mewmans, can be treated fairly and not have to fight each other ever again, it's my way of repaying everyone for their kindness.”
Once the boy was finished with his speech, Higgs just stared at him for a long time with a blank, empty stare, but Marco's gaze never faltered as he kept his eyes level with Higgs. Then, to Marco's surprise, the young knight smiled back, giving him the first genuine smile Marco had seen on her. “You know what you're all right, Marco,” she said, giving him a friendly punch in the shoulder. “Terrible with a sword,” she added, with a small roll of her eyes. “But still pretty alright.”
“Thank you,” Marco answered, slightly unsure by the small insult she had thrown in there. Still it was nice to finally be acknowledged by the young knight in any positive light,  feeling a bit of pride fill his chest at the positive reinforcement.
“Hey kid.” Marco turned in shock, to see the same lady knight from before giving him an intense stare, the others mimicking the look and the boy grew nervous once again.
“Y-Yes,” Marco stuttered, his voice a tight squeak.
“What you did back there,” the lady knight continued, stepping closer to the boy, Marco became fearful of what she was about to do to him. But as she looked down at him, her gaze softened into a smile. “That took guts kid,” she said, sounding quite impressed with the boy and Marco's mouth nearly dropped open in shock. “You stood up for one of our own back there and I respect that.”
“O-Oh w-well I... i-it was really nothing,” Marco muttered, as his cheeks began pooling with blood. He was caught off guard as she suddenly patted his shoulder, not realizing that she nearly knocked the boy down with how hard she hit it as she laughed heartily at his blushing.
“You may not be so bad after all, kid,” the lady knight continued. “In fact, from now on you have my trust.” She smiled as she pointed behind her. “And that goes for the rest of these idiots, too.”
“Oh, wow, th-thank you,” Marco said in awe, unable to believe he had just gained the favor of the same elite knights who had been ready to tear him apart not an hour ago.
The lady knight finally released her hold of the boy's shoulder, saying, “Well we better be off, before old Skullsy sees us.” She turned to Higgs pounding a hand to her chest in salute. “Till next time, Higgs!” the knight boomed.
“Likewise!” Higgs said in the same loud tone, as she saluted back. With that, the other knights all pulled out their scissors, each cutting open their own portal, all giving a salute before stepping through. Higgs and Marco did the same, the hooded boy waved to the last of the knights as he stepped through, leaving behind an empty world, save for the one troll general.
Marco and Higgs stepped through the portal, now back in the same courtyard they had left from, Marco blinking as he returned to a world of bright colors again, rubbing at his shell-shocked eyes for a moment, as they struggled to adjust. “You don't really dimension hop all that much, do you?” Higgs asked, smirking at the boy.
“No, not really,” the boy laughed, still rubbing at his eyes, as they finally began to readjust to the brightness. Once they had, he and Higgs headed back inside the castle, the girl holding the door open for her young charge, Marco thanking her, glad to be back home once again.
Higgs said nothing, just walking beside him silently, as she seemed to be contemplating on saying something, not looking toward the boy as she tried to hide the slight embarrassment on her face. Finally, she looked back over to him, saying in the most sincere tone she could manage,“Hey, I just wanted to say thanks by the way. For, y'know, helping me keep my job or whatever.”
Marco looked at her in shock for a second, before smiling saying, “No problem.”
“And maybe I was a little... harsh before,” she added, in a soft tone, one Marco almost didn't catch.
“I-It's fine,” Marco answered, not sure how else to put it.
Higgs cleared her throat, again, trying to hide her embarrassment from the boy, not used to being nice to other people. “So, for that, I'm gonna cut you a deal,” Higgs said, her tone becoming more serious once more.
“Huh, what do you mean?” Marco asked in confusion.
Higgs just crossed her arms and responded, “Look, I know you don't really want me or anybody as a bodyguard...” Marco looked away from her, rubbing guiltily at his arm. “And truth is I would much rather have a different assignment than being stuck babysitting you all day. No offense.”
Marco did take slight offense to the comment, but he decided not to say anything, letting her continue. “The only problem is, you can't really take care of yourself, like at all,” Higgs explained, rather matter-of-factly.
Marco cringed, looking sheepish, a slight blush forming on his cheeks.
“I mean, you did manage to get yourself kidnapped by Toffee, twice, and from what the princess told me she just barely got in there in time to save you before that stupid lizard killed you.” Marco absentmindedly put a hand to his neck, a ghost of an ache forming in his tight throat, his gaze far away and his eyes wide with fear. “Of course you did manage to take off his hand and make him capable of being killed, props by the way, but you were literally unconscious for the rest of the fight.”
Marco looked at the ground in shame, realizing how pathetic he was, always needing rescuing from someone it seemed. But Higgs ignored the sad look, unable to stop herself as the rant continued,“And then, just a few days ago you nearly got taken again by a different Monster.” Higgs did finally take notice of the boy's distraught behavior, coughing into her hand, before mercifully saying n a much nicer tone,“So I guess what I'm trying to say is, you tend to attract some pretty bad people as enemies and right now you're just too weak to handle them on your own.”
Marco looked deflated, his whole body slumped over in sadness, his hands buried deep in his pockets, even his cheek marks had lost their shine, turning into gray storm clouds, as he asked in a depressed tone, “So, you think I still need protection?”
“Yes, but I think I have a better solution. Instead of the constant twenty-four surveillance, how about I give you some lessons in self-defense, just the basics, so you won't be totally helpless next time you get yourself in trouble.”
Marco looked at her in surprise, not sure if he had heard her right. “You... would really do that for me?” Marco asked, sounding chocked up, which instantly set off Higgs.
“Whoa, whoa, wait,” Higgs said waving her arms. “Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this so I don't have to be stuck dealing with you for forever.”
Marco smiled, knowing if she really felt that way she could have just waited a week or so when Marco told Star he no longer needed a bodyguard anymore. Instead, she had willingly agreed to spend continuous time with him in the foreseeable future and without even demanding he brag about her to Star in exchange. “Okay, I accept,” Marco eagerly agreed. But he held up a finger before adding, “But on one condition.”
“What's that?” Higgs asked, raising an eyebrow at him and crossing her arms.
“You have to promise to take it easy on me, okay? I still have a ton of bruises from today,” Marco said, rubbing the back of his neck.
Higgs rolled her eyes. “Fine, I guess I can be a little easier from now on. I forget how weak you are. But, be warned, I'm not gonna hold your hand or baby you the whole time.”
Marco nodded, “Okay.” Then he surprised her by pulling her into a hug, the girl's freckled face blushing, as she becoming trapped in the young boy's warmth, not sure what to think about the sudden burst of affection from the little idiot. Though, in truth, she had grown a bit fond of the adorkable innocent, finally starting to understand what everybody found so charming about him. He did have a way of forcing his way into your heart. “Thanks, Higgs,” he whispered into her ear.
A small smile began to form on her face, but quickly realizing this, she stopped herself in the act, pushing the boy off of her, clearing her throat and hiding her blush from his view. “Okay first rule of this new agreement: No hugs,” she snapped, pretending to be annoyed by the hug, she did still have a reputation to think of afterall.
Marco nodded, before apologizing, “Right sorry.”
“Well looks like you two are getting along,” a voice said out of nowhere, the two turning to see they were being watched by the smiling faces of Star, Jackie, and wait...
“Janna!” Marco exclaimed, earning him a quizzical stare from Higgs, who had no idea what had suddenly gotten into the boy.
“Uh, yeaaahh,” Janna said, in mock confusion, the look in her eyes trying to subtly remind him of their secret. But Marco didn't notice this, as he quickly began feeling the back of his hood, shocked he hadn't even realized that his half-Monster friend had somehow exited it without him knowing. “When did you- How did you- I thought you were-” Marco stuttered, the boy sometimes forgetting how scary good his best friend could be... and sometimes how just plain scary she could be, too.
“Oh Marco,” Janna said, playing off his odd behavior as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “Did you fall and hit your head again?” She jokingly put a hand to his forehead as if checking for a bump, which did seem to at least semi-convince Higgs, as she looked a bit less skeptical than before.
Star, meanwhile, ignored her boyfriend's weird confusion as she walked over and kissed him on the cheek, which silenced all doubt or confusion in the boy, as his whole face turned bright red. “So, Marco, did you and Higgs have fun?” she asked, looking lovingly in his eyes.
Marco just stared at Star for second, lost in her dazzling gaze, before he realized the question she asked, quickly blurting, “Huh? Uh yeah, yeah it was a lot of fun!” Marco giggled shyly and Star nearly cooed over how adorable and precious her boyfriend was.
“Good,” she said instead. But as her gaze shifted to Janna, the look they shared instantly told Marco that Janna and Jackie had told her what had happened. All of what had happened, most likely. And it was at that moment that he remembered back at Valhalla that Janna had specifically said, 'we' when explaining why she was there keeping an eye on Marco and his new bodyguard and Marco couldn't help but wonder who's idea it had actually been to send Janna to spy on them. And from the look the royal was giving him he had a feeling that whoever it was blond and was named after bodies of celestial lights in the sky. The boy shot both Jackie and Janna a glare, silently scolding, You promised. To which they merely shrugged in unison, the look on their faces telling him all he needed to know: Sorry, she pried it out of us.
Which she totally had, as it seemed Star hadn't been nearly as absentminded during the meal as they had thought, picking up on the subtle little glares and awkward atmosphere that had consumed the table, and of course, knowing her bestie as well as she did, had instantly realized that something was off with the cheerful boy. “So everything... okay?” she asked slowly, careful with her wording to prevent Higgs from picking up on the deeper meaning, but making sure Marco did. Luckily, the hooded boy could see the message hidden behind the royal's sky blue irises, Did you and Higgs work things out? and he gave her a reassuring smile.
“Yep, all good,” he said with a cute nod, while trying to convey through his own eyes, Yeah, we did, actually. We're friends now... I think.
Star smiled back and pulled him into a tight hug. “Good,” she muttered into his ear, as she buried her head in his shoulder, Jackie soon joining in on the hug, too, as she squeezed her two crushing friends tight.
Meanwhile, all Higgs could think was, Wow, these guys hug way too much, as she fought back the eyeroll she felt tugging at the edges of her eyelids. But all of a sudden, she got the sense that the five of them were not the only ones there, her training allowing her to sense the new presences slowly coming up behind them in the cramped hallway. “Hey Marco!” Lobster Claws called out to the young boy, giving the teens a friendly wave, Beard Deer and Bearicorn standing right beside him with equally relaxed smiles. This, of course, drew everyone's attention as Star, Marco, and Jackie pulled out of their hug to smile at Marco's extended family.
Unfortunately, as Higgs turned to see the three strange creatures sharing the same hallway as her, her instincts took over as she screamed, “Intruders!”
All three Monsters jumped at her sudden shout, Lobster Claws even looking around him asking in sudden fear, “What where?!” But rather than answer him, the young knight gritted her teeth and lashed out, kicking him right in the face, causing him to fall back and crash into his other two friends.
The Monsters were all powerless to stop the young knight, as she continued to attack them, her moves quick and precise and impossible to dodge in the limited space of the hallway, Star, Marco, Jackie, and Janna just watching in horror as the three strong Monsters were easily taken down by the young girl.
Higgs grabbed Lobster Claw's arm, jerking him toward her, before expertly kicking his legs out from under him, sending him crashing to the ground, following it up with a finishing punch to his gut on his way down. Beard Deer and Bearicorn didn't even have time to react as she attacked the both of them at once, closing the distance, before slamming an opened palm into the dear Monsters face, his back colliding with the wall, while at the same time the fiery redhead jabbed her elbow into Bearicorn's side, causing him to stumble back.
As Beard Deer bounced off the wall, Higgs used his momentum to easily flip him over her shoulder where he landed on the groaning Lobster Claws, leaving only the recovering bear Monster on his feet. The redhead wasted no time in her assault, as she pressed one foot against the far wall and used it to launch herself into the air and to push herself forward at an incredible speed, as she flipped in mid-air, landing on the Monster and simultaneously slamming him into the ground.
In just the span of mere seconds, all three Monsters were completely down for the count, as they lay in a bruised and groaning heap on the floor. “Higgs, stop!” Marco cut in with a worried shout, as he finally recovered from his initial shock, rushing over to grab the girl's raised fist before she could start punching the furry intruder, who was covering his face with his paws and yelling, “Not the face! Not the face!” Her look of anger switched to one of confusion as she turned to the hooded boy, asking, “What, why?”
“Because they aren't intruders, they're my family!” Marco explained via yell.
There was a beat as Higgs seemed to be soaking in the new information, before finally saying in a calm tone, “Oh.” Marco released her arm, giving her a quizzical look as the girl acted as if nothing had just happened, rising up off of the frightened Bearicorn, who sighed in relief, collapsing against the ground. “My bad, force of habit,” she said to the boy with a shrug. She then merely began nonchalantly dusting the dirt off her uniform, while Marco simply sighed and went over to help Bearicorn to his feet, Star and Jackie doing the same with Beard Deer and Lobster Claws.
“Uh, sorry about Higgs, guys, she didn't know any better, she thought you were intruders,” he apologized for the girl, knowing she wouldn't on her own.
“Hey that's okay, Marco,” Bearicorn said in the lightest tone he could, considering the amount of pain he was in, as he used the boy for support to stand. “No harm, no- ow!” He quickly grabbed his side, as a sharp pain shot through it, nearly falling back down, Marco quickly trying to grab onto him to hold him steady.
Janna, on the other hand, just smiled down at the sight of Beard Deer laying on top of Lobster Claws, tapping a finger thoughtfully to her chin, as she smugly stated, “Huh, Beard Deer getting beat up by a girl. This is giving me a strong feeling of deju vu for some reason.”
“Oh, shut up, brat!” Beard Deer snapped, giving the beanie-wearing girl above him a look of anger, as he rose up off of his underling with the help of Jackie and Star, though it didn't seem nearly as venom filled as some of his other comebacks.
Marco couldn't help but cringe though, wondering if the two were about to go at it again, knowing from experience that that could last a while. Since the war had ended and peace was formed between the two races, Beard Deer and Janna had formed a bit of a... complicated relationship. While they were no longer enemies and wouldn't indulge in any kind of physical violence with one another, considering the fact that both knew Marco cared for the other greatly, they instead would constantly tease and harass each other any time they were in contact. Insult after insult would be flung back and forth between each other whenever they got the chance. Sometimes, it could even last for hours, until either one of them was the winner (which was never the case) or until they were interrupted by something, otherwise Marco felt like the Monster and Impure could just continue slandering one another for eternity.
Marco figured that it was Beard Deer's way for getting back at Janna, knowing his pride had been hurt after losing to her twice, and Janna was... well, she was Janna. But if Marco didn't know any better he would swear they both enjoyed it, well Janna obviously did, but sometimes he could swear through Beard Deer's gritted teeth he saw the hint of a grin on his face, as if constantly putting each other down was just their friendly way of interacting with one another. Marco honestly didn't understand it one bit. He had even asked Star about it one time and she had just shrugged and said that sometimes that was just how friends talked, which Marco then pointed out that he liked how they talked much better, which had caused Star to smile and give him a tight hug and quick kiss on the cheek, agreeing with his statement.
Luckily, the two didn't continue their insult game, as the Mewmans just continued to help the Monsters to their feet. Once they were all standing again, Star asked, “So what are you guys doing here, anyways?”
“Ow, Buff Frog sent us,” Lobster Claws said, before groaning using his claw to rub the top of his aching head.
This instantly gained Marco's attention as he turned to them with a hopeful look. “Wait, Buff Frog?” Marco asked, as he stepped closer to the crustacean.
“Yeah, he was still pretty busy with everything, so he asked us to come get you,” Beard Deer explained.
Marco felt his heart begin to pound, though he didn't know if it was in fear or joy, a bright smile instantly lighting up his face as he asked them eagerly, “Did he say why?”
Beard Deer smiled down at the young boy, putting a hand on his shoulder, as he said the words Marco had been waiting to hear all his life, “He said it's time he told you about your parents.”
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11 questions asked and answered (SKAM edition)
Thank’s for tagging me @ciaoragno and for coming up with this idea ;) I’ll try to ask good questions but it’s not my forte haha.
1. Always repost the rules!
2. Answer the questions given to you by the one who tagged you!
3. Give 11 questions!
4. Tag 11 people!
Questions answered:
1. You’re trying to convince a friend to watch skam, what’s your opening line?
“It’s the most realistic and enjoyable tv show about teens for teens, but not only. It touches upon important topics like sexuality, mental illness, sexual assault, religion... The way they integrate those topics without making it a pretext for drama, as well as the innovative format of the series make it near revolutionnary.” 
2. Follow up: your friend is still unimpressed, which scene do you show them?
Ahhh... I have to say one from OG as it’s the start of everything so, probably the first scene of episode 5 season 3 as it’s the one that got me into Skam :) It remains one my fave scenes ever in the Skam universe (the tenderness uwu).
3. For those who don’t have remakes in their country, what “opening speech/essay” theme would you wanna hear if you were to have one? / for those who do, did you relate at all to the theme they chose to talk about?
Well ahah, Skam France... I can’t even remember what the opening speech was about honestly ! Probably very similar to OG as season 1 (and 2) is basically a copy paste of OG writting wise. So.. not memorable to say the least. 
4. Which character would you wanna be stuck in an island with?
Interesting question ! Hmmm... I want to say Nico !! I just love him sm, and I feel like he would have a lot of insightful / philosophical thoughts about being stuck in an island (probably citing one of his favorite poems from time to time, and drawing with whatever he can find), and also I feel like he’s resourceful which is a must for surviving in the wild lol. I'd gladly listen to him babbling about the things he enjoys for hours (98% of it being Marti). I'm afraid he wouldn't like the idea so much though, reminding him of the last men on earth and all.
5. Set you wanna visit?
I would have said OG but I’ve kinda already visited some of the shooting locations since I lived in Oslo for 6 months (before I knew of Skam though). I didn’t see the school, but it doesn’t interesting me that much. So I’ll say Skam Italia !! as it’s my fave remake and I can’t stop thinking of visiting Rome asap! Skamit has some of the best shots ever and is very intelligent with the way they incorporate landmarks. There’s a viewpoint over Rome that they used in season 2 episode 3, first clip (I believe), which I’d love to go to, the streetview on San Pietro but that’s a given, the empty pool from season 1, Martino’s neighborhood / the tags shown in season 1, the spot where incantava have their argument in s3, and obviously.... Bracciano !!!!! ... and Milan !!! (all the spots from Tu Non Sei di Milano).. urghh so many I’m sorry lol. 
6. You’re hosting an exclusive dinner party, which 15 characters from across all remakes and og will you invite?
Ooofff that’s a tough one !! i'll try to include at least one character per show (apart from wtfock because I never watched it). So: Isak, Even, OG Sana, Eskild, Martino, Niccolò, Italian Eva, Gio, David, Mia, Isa, Janna (NL), Imane (fr), Joana, Shay.
Damn that was hard ! My original list had at least 5 more people. I'm sorry you didn't make the official list, we'll let you in through the back door ;)
7. What/who was the scene/line/character that made you actually want to watch the whole series?
I already mentioned it, but it was the first clip of episode 5 season 3 of the OG (like many people). I saw gifs here on tumblr and binge watched the series in a couple of days ! As for remakes well, I thought I'd give it a chance and became obsessed (story of my life).
8. Which two remakes would you wanna see do a crossover?
Hmm all of them ?? I'd say Skamnl and Druck because I feel like the characters would get along well. Or Skamit and Skamnl but I feel like it would clash a bit haha.
9. One character you wanna hug?
All of them really, well except for Willhells and pChris who I don't like. If I have to choose ONE, Niccolò once again hihi. I LOVE him you don't understand. And I feel like he gives really warm, soft hugs, because he's so soft himself 😪💕.
10. Most iconic line?
isak's speech from the end of S3 (life is now), and it's rendition in Skamit (sono io). Also special mention to the speech at the end of OG season 4 (i'm emotional just thinking about it), and the family speech from Eleonora / Edoardo in Skamit season 3. Also the davenzi reunion scene has some major iconic lines that made me cry like "stop acting like you're a vampire" (I don't remember exactly). Damnit i'm so bad at this game sorry.
11. What’s one advice you wanna give your favorite character?
Again if I have to choose only one, Niccolò ! I'd give him an advice inspired by Rocco's latest IG caption (his captions are out of this world wtf) about frailty / vulnerability, to say that being sensitive, vulnerable, is not a curse but a gift, it can sometimes be your biggest strength. Because, if on some days it makes you feel weak and incapable of acting, it's also what drives you to step up and "fight" for the things you care the most about. So my advice is for him to not be too harsh on himself, and cherish his vulnerability because it's a quality.
My questions:
If we could have a season set in university, which remake would you want to do it?
If you could steal one object / piece of clothing from og and remakes, what would it be?
Name two characters across the Skam universe that you feel would get along well.
Favorite musical moment in OG and remakes (one scene that features music)
Among OG and remakes, which show made you fall in love with the country / city it's set in the most ? Alternatively, which one made you discover the most about a country and its culture ?
One character you'd want to be best friends with.
Do you think you'll show og and remakes to your children 😅, if so in what order?
Do you consider Skam to be your "little secret", a world you're able to freely be yourself in without real world interference, or you do openly talk / watch it with family and friends ?
If you could watch only one episode from og and remakes for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
Is there a character you didn't like in og and ended up liking in one or several remakes ?
If you could write your own Skam season, on which character would it be centered and on what topic ?
I'm tagging @ciaoragno @free-as-abird @happystrawberry1998 @lovely-things3 @pvnkiwi @isakvaltrsen @that-damn-french-kid @matteoluigiflorenzi @nochoicebuttostan @soon--soon @nerdiepandas and anyone else who wants to do it! ✨
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notoriouslydevious · 5 years
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Pool Party by YuYu Wang
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mothgutz · 5 years
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I have soooo many cosplays in the works! I have 3 cons coming up 3 weekends in a row 😅 For Motor City, I’ll be Margaery and my grandmother will be Olenna. For Fanime, I’m going with my waifu @ektrix.cosplay as Janna, and for Colossalcon I’m planning to bring Neeko, Pool Party Leona, Pool Party K/DA Akali, and Naruto’s Sexy Jutsu 😂 In the meantime, here are some generic modeling shots from @lefotogallery in January! 📸: Duane L Fisk exy From Instagram
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coldcomputersoul · 3 years
Marco vs. the Forces of Love Episode 8: Amarillo...
Summary: It’s a hoot and a holler when Star and the girls make a quick recap of the recent events in their lives.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil belongs to:
© Daron Nefcy
© Disney Television Animation
[theme song]
[The episode starts with a time card that says: Previously on...]
[v.o] Previously on Marco vs. the Forces of Love...
Star: [sigh] You gotta be kidding me... [she slams the wand against the wall] Come on, work you piece of junk…
Jackie: Maybe you should ask Hekapoo to help you with that.
Star: Oh, no no no… I got this [raises her wand] MAGIC FIREWORKS!!!
Janna: You know Marco: It is well known that when are flies around, [whispering] the devil is near around watching...
Marco: Th-The devil?
Tom: The person I refer as my one true love, is none other than the one I’m looking right now... [stares at Marco]
Marco: Excuse me?
[Tom snaps his fingers and the snake takes Marco to the underworld]
Star: MARCO!!!
Tom: Now if you excuse me, I have a date with the destiny, so… bye bye...
Star: [pointing at Tom with her wand] Don’t make me do this Tom.
Tom: Come on Star, be reasonable. Just let me have Marco back and no one will get hurt.
Star: Over my dead body.
Jackie: ...We must remain as close to each other as possible.
Hekapoo: Are you thinking what I thinking?
Marco: No...
[Cut to Star, Jackie, Janna and Hekapoo sleeping around Marco. In that moment, the image freezes]
[v.o] You’re all probably wondering how did we end up in this situation, I mean, how did Marco, of all people, got romantically involved with four girls at once? sure you can argue that Marco has always been quite popular, but… come on, this is just ridiculous. Now, for those who want to know how it all started, just sit back and let me take you back to the past on a magical journey full of rainbows, narwhals and unicorns… [ehem] Far, far away in a magical land called Mewni, lived a princess...
[v.o] Star, what the heck are you doing?
[v.o] Uhm, I’m trying to tell the story of how we end up sleeping with Marco, duh...
[v.o] Yeah, I know that. What I’m trying to say is that you don’t need to go THAT far back in time you dummy. We’re talking about Marco here, so stop fooling around and get to the point, okay?
[v.o] Did you just called me a dummy?
[v.o] What’s going on here?
[v.o] Oh, hey Jackie. I was trying to tell our story to our friends from the beginning, you know, back in the good old days when it was just Marco and I...
[v.o] Oh, you mean back when you had a crush on Oskar Greason?
Oskar: Hey, is that a new wand?
Star: What? This thing? [showing the wand] no, actually it’s the same wand. it changes every time I reach a new level of magical power or something...
Oskar: Sweet.
Star: You think so? It’s funny how it all happened, you see, last summer Marco and I were fighting against this lizard monster that wanted to take over Mewni and...
Oskar: [interrupting her] Lizard monster?. In my other school I was part of a band named Lizard Monster and I was like… the lead vocalist, but they kicked me out because they said I wasn’t good enough.
Star: Well, I’m sorry to hear that.
Oskar: Yeah, but the truth is, I think they were just jealous, that’s why they turned down all my ideas. Gosh. Idiots.
[v.o] Please don’t remind me that…
[v.o] Hey, you’re the one who brought up the subject.
[v.o] Shut up… As I was saying: [shows clips from The Battle of Mewni] It all started last summer after my mom took me back to Mewni after the evil monster Toffee returned to take over the kingdom. After the Magic High Commision were defeated, me and my mom...
[v.o] Star… for today?
[v.o] Okay, okay, I get it, ugh. So long story short: I turned into a giant butterfly, destroyed Toffee and everything went back to normal. The end. Are you happy now?
[v.o] Well that was just terrible. You know absolutely nothing about storytelling.
[v.o] Get outta town Janna...
[v.o] Wait, there’s something I don’t understand: I thought your mom decided to take you back forever, or at least that’s what I heard. What happened?
[v.o] Oh, right. I forgot about that part, my bad. Well, you see...
[Cut to Star lying on her bed while wearing Marco’s Hoodie. Her mother watches her very concerned, so she goes to talk to her]
Queen Butterfly:
[sitting on the bed] Is... everything okay, Star?
[staring at the ceiling] Yeah...
Queen Butterfly:
Because your father and I noticed that you have been a little under the weather these last few weeks. Am I wrong?
No, not  at all, I just... need some time to adapt, that’s all...
Queen Butterfly:
Whatever the reason may be, I just want you to know that it wasn’t my intention so take you away from Earth so abruptly. But you gotta understand, we were on the middle of a crisis and...
Listen mom. I know what you’re trying to do, and I really appreciate it and all, but… These are my personal issues and somehow I don’t think that you would quite understand.
Queen Butterfly:
Of course I do dear, I remember having my own personal issues when I was your age, so don’t be afraid to tell me.
Thanks mom.
Queen Butterfly:
Well, I guess I’ll leave you alone now. I have some job to do.
Good luck with that.
Queen Butterfly:
Thanks... [she prepares to leave the room] Oh, and another thing: Your father and I decided that you might need just a little bit more training so… We’re gonna send back to earth next week.
[Star gets excited as soon as she hears it]
Really? [she gets up the bed] Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you mom. It means a lot to me.
Queen Butterfly:
Just promise me that you’ll stay out of trouble. 
Don’t worry mom, I won’t let you down this time. Hugs... [she hugs her mom]
[Cut back to present]
[v.o] And that’s pretty much it.
[v.o] That was a nice gesture.
[v.o] I know. I guess my mom can be pretty cool sometimes.
[v.o] Yeah, that was a nice story and stuff, but seriously we need to move on. Time’s important.
[v.o] I agree with Janna, we’re gonna have to stay on track from now on, so anyway, it all started when Marco and I were returning back home...
[Marco and Jackie walk into the living room and find Star sitting at the couch along with Marco’s parents]
Marco: [gasps] No… Way...
Star: [gasps] Marco!!!
[Star jumps right into Marco and hugs him. He hugs her back but they immediately step back due the romantic tension]
Marco: I’m so glad to see you here. I thought last summer would be the last...
Star: [interrupting him] What happened to your nose?
Marco: Oh, this? It’s nothing to worry about, I just need to put some ice and...
Star: Ice? pfft… give me a break. Let me help you with that... [she raises her wand and menacingly points it right into Marco’s face]
Marco: [nervous] Uhm, Star? You don’t really have to do this...
[Marco closes his eyes while Star blasts his face with magic, then he opens them and realizes that he’s okay and his nose is fixed]
Marco: My… nose is fine? Wow, thank you Star.
Star: Don’t mention it. That’s what friends are for.
[v.o] Aw, Marco and I look so cute together...
[v.o] Yeah, but then there was the party incident...
Jackie: Hey girls, do you know where Marco is? I’m worried about him.
Chantal: Uhm, no… I didn’t see him.
Sabrina: Neither do I...
Jackie: Well. If you find Marco, can you tell him that I…?
[But Oskar appears in front of them to interrupt their conversation]
Oskar: Excuse me, but my keyboard just broke and I need a place to keep it while I find the missing keys. Can I use this closet?
Sabrina: Oskar, don’t open that…
[Before she can finish the sentence, Oskar opens the door revealing Star kissing Marco]
Sabrina: ...door.
[Star opens her eyes and realizes that she’s kissing Marco while everyone else just watch the scene in shock]
[v.o] [sigh] How many times do I have to apologize for that? I told you it was an accident.
[v.o] Well, it looks like you couldn’t stay out of trouble after all.
[v.o] Hekapoo?
[v.o] And what are you doing here?
[v.o] I could ask you the same question. Is this supposed to be a recap? because so far I have no idea what’s going on.
[v.o] How long have you been hearing us?
[v.o] Eh, long enough...
[v.o] Well you had to be there to fully understand. Right Jackie?
[v.o] Uhm, I don’t wanna take sides on this.
[v.o] Oh, come on Jackie. I thought I was your friend, that’s why we ended up agreeing to share Marco until he clear up his mind.
[v.o] Well, that’s technically true, but...
[v.o] Do I also need to remind the incident at the changing room?
[v.o] The changing room? That sounds interesting...
[Star grabs Marco’s hand and put it on her breast. Marco’s heart starts to beat faster, so he grabs her by her back and start to make out. In that moment, Jackie arrives and watches them]
Jackie: Marco…?
[They turn around and see Jackie, so they quickly separate]
Marco: [getting nervous] It’s not what it looks like… I mean it is, but...
Star: Before you can say anything. Let me explain… I… I was… Marco was at the pool wearing that speedo and I lost control over myself… I’m sorry, I know today is supposed to be your turn with him.
Jackie: It’s okay.
Star: What?
Jackie: I know what you meant. I also got aroused watching Marco at the pool, it’s okay.
Star: Really? Uf, for a second I thought I was in big trouble...
Jackie: However… You were planning to do this behind my back. If you want to be with Marco, that’s okay with me, but I need to know it first. Otherwise it’s hard for me to trust both of you.
Star: I know, and I’m sorry for that. It won’t happen again.
Jackie: Yeah, I hope so, because now I’m feeling more aroused than ever and I want to do it with Marco right now...
Marco: [baffled] Huh?
[v.o] And you can pretty much figure out the rest...
[v.o] Oh, that’s classic Marco...
[v.o] Hey, wait a minute: How did you know about that if you weren’t there?
[v.o] Wasn’t I, Star?
Star: Well, that was fun. But I’m thirsty. Anyone go for a soda?
Jackie: Yeah, I want a soda too. Maybe if we were lucky the Stop & Slurp is still open...
Marco: Actually, I was thinking to make some Orange Smoothies at my place.
Star: Uh, that sounds even better. What’s an Orange Smoothie anyway?
Jackie: Oh, you’re gonna love it. Trust me.
[After they left, one of the lockers suddenly opens revealing Janna with her jaw wide open]
[v.o] Oh, I get it. You were spying on us while we were having sex. What a creep.
[v.o] Says the same girl who uses her magic to spy on people using the All-Seeing eye.
[v.o] Yikes, she sure hit that nail on the head.
[v.o] Okay, both of you need to shut up right now. Jackie, please, back me up on this. Tell them about all the good things I’ve done so far...
[v.o] Well, there was that time when you and I made lunch for Marco...
Star: Alright, here it comes.
[Star puts a huge lunch box on the table]
Star: Okay, you can open your eyes now.
[Marco opens his eyes and sees the lunch box in front of him]
Marco: Wow, I… I don’t know what to say...
Star: A simple “thank you” will be enough.
Marco: I mean, the fact that you took the trouble to prepare me this lunch box… It’s a really nice nesture. It makes me feel happy.
Star: Well, to be fair, I wouldn’t make it without the help of Jackie. Right?
Jackie: Well, it was Star’s idea, but I did what a could to make it special. Just for you.
Marco: Okay, so don’t waste any more time and see what you made for me. 
[Marco opens the box and sees that it’s full of tacos]
Marco: [raising an eyebrow] Uhm, tacos...
Star: Yeah, I know it’s your favorite food next to nachos, so I made a box full of them.
[v.o] Tacos? Really?
[v.o] What’s wrong? I thought it was a good idea.
[v.o] Oh no, you’re right. Maybe next time you should give him a piñata full of burritos as a birthday gift. Just sayin’.
[v.o] Mmmm… I love burritos...
[v.o] I rest my case.
[v.o] Maybe if you would spend more time trying to learn more about Marco instead of make shallow assumptions, none of this would happen...
[v.o] What are you talking about. I’m her best friend. We know everything about each other and I NEVER did anything at his expense.
[v.o] Yeah, right.
[v.o] Don’t “yeah right” me, Janna.You know I’m telling the truth. Right Jackie?
[v.o] Uhm, actually...
Star: [sigh] Why is he taking so long? It’s 4 ‘O'Clock already and I’ve sent him a text like an hour ago.
Jackie: Either he didn’t got your message or, he’s just taking his time. I mean... Karate is not something you can rush just like that.
Star: [crossing her arms] But still it’s rude to makes us wait for him like this.
Jackie: Perhaps we just need to stop talking about Marco for a moment, don’t you think?
Star: [sigh] You’re right… [gets a lightbulb over her head] Wait a minute… That’s it: Jackie, you’re a genius.
Jackie: [raising an eyebrow] What did I said?
Star: What If we deliberately avoid Marco in any way?
Jackie: Avoid Marco? As if... Giving him the silent treatment?
Star: Mmmm… It sounds pretty bad when you say it with those words, but… yes.
Jackie: I don’t know Star. Isn’t that a little extreme?
Star: But it’s bulletproof, I mean, think about it: We avoid have sex with him for... Let’s just say a month, at some point he would have no choice but declare his love to win us back.
Jackie: That sounds like manipulation Star.
Star: But it’s not like we have to act like we’re mad at him or anything. We can turn him down with subtlety. 
[v.o] Okay granted, that wasn’t exactly one of my best ideas, but you can’t blame me for trying...
[v.o] No one’s blaming you Star. You just need to learn to be just a little bit more patient.
[v.o] Aw, but how long do I have to wait?
[v.o] Uhm, have you considered to see other people? Because... if your personal feelings are more important to you than Marco you could just… you know, watch out for other fish in the sea.
[v.o] Yeah, nice try Hekapoo, but I know what you’re trying to do.
[v.o] And… what exactly am I trying to do?
[v.o] You just want me to get out the way so you can have Marco all by yourself.
[v.o] No… I’m just saying that there’s no need for you to get so obsessed over a boy just because he doesn’t fall for you. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.
[v.o] Oh, and you’re expect me to believe that you’re not trying to win Marco’s heart just like the rest of us… give me a break...
[v.o] Okay: A) This is NOT a competition okay?, we all agree to step back to avoid any kind of confrontation, and B) Even if that were true, I would prefer to win fair and square rather than take shortcuts. Cheating is for the weak.
[v.o] Wow, you sound very passionate about this. I like your determination.
[v.o] Thanks Jackie. You’re such a good sport.
[v.o] Maybe we can hang out one of these days. I know a couple of places where we can go and have a good time or something...
[v.o] Sounds like a good idea.
[v.o] Uhm, sorry to interrupt your flirting, but we’re in the middle of something here.
[v.o] Oh, of course… the recap. So, where were we exactly?
[v.o] Now it’s time to talk about the time I took Marco to the janitor’s room...
Marco: ... just show me the thing you we’re talking about and let’s get this over with.
Janna: Hey, easy there safeman. I was getting into that. [checking her cell phone] Here it is.
[Janna shows Marco a photo of him, Star and Jackie making out at the girls changing room. Marco starts panicking as he sees the picture]
Janna: I must confess that you REALLY caught me off guard that day, I mean… With Star and Jackie at the same time? At the changing room? Man, I knew you were popular with the girls, but that is just plain insane. I’m quite impressed.
Marco: Janna, this isn’t funny!!! My reputation is at risk. Please, I’ll do whatever you want.
Janna: WHATEVER I want?
Marco: Do I have to repeat myself like a broken record?!!! [grabs Janna by the shoulders] YES, You can ask for whatever you want!!!
Janna: Mmmm… Let me think about it for a second… I got it.
Marco: [getting more desperate] So what is it?!!!
Janna: F*** me.
[v.o] Oh My God, that was horrible. What is wrong with you?
[v.o] Hey, you had to be there to understand what happened, okay?
[v.o] You know, I had to agree with Star on this one. Blackmailing is bad.
[v.o] Oh, come on girls. You know I didn’t really mean it. That was the only way to get his attention. You gotta believe me… Jackie, you know I’m telling the truth right?
[v.o] I… need some time to think about it.
[v.o] Well, uhm… how about a break? I can explain to you in the meantime.
[v.o] Okay, but you’re gonna have to invite us for a couple of smoothies.
[v.o] Right, right, right... you have a deal.
[v.o] AND you’re gonna have to pay for all of us...
[v.o] Aw, man… Well, I guess I’m gonna have to do it. Come on let’s go...
[v.o] ...and that’s the whole reason of why I did what I did. I know it was wrong and I promise I won’t do it again. Can you forgive me now?
[v.o] Don’t worry Janna, we forgive you.
[v.o] Yeah, we understand that is not your fault to be such a creep.
[v.o] Star, please don’t ruin the moment. 
[v.o] Okay.
[v.o] Besides, it’s not like we were going to stay mad at you forever.
[v.o] Thanks for your understanding. I know sometimes I can step out the line, but I never meant to hurt anybody. Especially Marco.
[v.o] Speaking of Marco: Weren’t we supposed to keep going with the plot and stuff?
[v.o] Oh, of course... the plot. Okay, let’s see: So far we covered Star’s affair, the incident at the changing room, the involvement of Janna… but we didn’t talk about Marco’s graduation ceremony at Sensei Brantley’s dojo...
[v.o] You’re right. I completely forgot about that.
[v.o] This is gonna be good...
Sensei Brantley: Alright, the next student on the list is: MARCO DIAZ, go ahead dude, you can do it... 
[Marco makes a reverence and gets on position]
Marco: [thinking to himself] Okay Marco, you can do this. Just don’t be nervous.
[Marco takes his time to focus while everyone in the audience just watches him in suspense. He takes a deep breath, walks a few steps back from the starting line and proceeds to jump and spin in the air like a ballet dancer. He manages to kick the bottle out of the table without touching the glasses, but just for a few inches. Finally, he lands on the floor and gets acclaimed by everyone in the audience]
Marco: [opening his eyes] I… I did it?
Sensei Brantley: [hugging Marco] Congratulations Marco. I knew that you could make it.
Marco: Uhm… Sensei?
Sensei Brantley: What?
[Sensei Brantley notices that everyone is watching them sharing a hug, so he lets him go and proceeds to continue with the next student]
[v.o] Woohoo!!! Marco rules!!!
[v.o] I know right? and did you notice that spin in the air? it kinda reminds me of a stunt I learned at skate camp.
[v.o] Really? What’s that about?
[v.o] Well, it starts like your typical 720 or 1080 depending on how much of an expert you’re at it, but instead of holding the nose all the way down like you would normally do, you let it go at the precise moment and make a front flip while you’re still in mid-air. Now, this is a really hard thing to do, and if you miscalculate it you can fall on your face, so you have to make sure your feet are pointing at the same direction while bending your knees, otherwise the landing...
[v.o] Uhm, Jackie...
[v.o] What?
[v.o] The plot, we need to keep going...
[v.o] Oh yeah, the plot… sorry… anyway: After the ceremony we went to celebrate at Marco’s place while their parents were out on a date or something... 
[v.o] Oh, I get where this is going...
[v.o] Wow, you girls never miss a single opportunity. I’m actually kind of jealous.
[v.o] Well, what can I say? it was the least we could do after lying to him the way we did.
[v.o] Yeah, but the important thing is: We gained Marco’s trust back and we were all ready to move forward, or at least I that’s what I thought until...
Janna: ...and when the milk came out of his nose and fall over Brittney’s dress and she was like… [impersonating Brittney] YUCK!!! BOYS ARE SO GROSS!!! I’ll never forget that day.
Marco: Me neither. That is like… on my top 10 of funniest moments ever. Poor Alfonzo though.
Janna: Yeah, but you have to remember that he’s lactose intolerant, so that was the best outcome. For him at least.
Marco: I guess you’re right.
Janna: Not to mention that she was wearing new shoes as well.
Marco: And since then, she avoids wearing new clothes at school.
Janna: Yeah, but it’s not like anyone really cares...
Marco: Yeah… [beat]
Janna: So… Can I have a second round?
Marco: What? You wanna do it again at the shed?
Janna: No, I don’t like to repeat myself. Maybe we can do it over a tombstone this time.
Marco: Do it over someone else’s grave? Now that’s just too far. Even for you.
Janna: I was kidding. Jeez.
Marco: Oh Janna…
[They start making out next to a tree while Star just watches them very upset]
[v.o] So, you’re admitting that you were spying us? and then you say that I’m the creep...
[v.o] I was looking for Marco that one time, so that doesn’t count.
[v.o] Yeah, you know what else doesn’t count? pretend that you’re Marco’s official girlfriend...
Star: Does that mean we’re done?
Hekapoo: Mmm… Yeah, we’re done. You can go now...
Star: Finally...
Hekapoo: Just… one more thing...
Star: [sigh] What is it?
Hekapoo: Relax, it doesn’t have to do with magic. It’s about Marco.
Star: Marco?!!! [As soons as she mentions him, Star gets nervous and starts shivering] What do you wanna know?
Hekapoo: [blushing] I know it’s none of my business, but… Are you still a thing?
Star: A thing? You mean like… boyfriend and girlfriend?
Hekapoo: [staring at the floor] Yeah...
Star: Why do you ask? Do you like him too? I-I Mean… Do you like him?
Hekapoo: No, no no… I’m just curious because last time I checked you were pretty close and...
Star: [interrupting her] Yeah, totally. We love each other and we’re still dating, so… he’s totally unavailable now. I’m sorry.
Hekapoo: [looking disappointed] Uhm. okay. I was asking because I was hoping that... 
Star: Well too bad because he’s my boyfriend. That’s the way it is, bye. [leaves the room in a hurry]
Hekapoo: [staring at the floor] Bye.
[v.o] [sigh] This is ridiculous, I don’t have to stand for this, after all: of all the people in this room, I’m the one who’s closer to Marco. You girls are just freeloaders.
[v.o] Oh Really? because time I remember, I was the first girl to have a crush on him.
[v.o] Well, I...
[v.o] And I was his first crush AND his first kiss.
[v.o] Yeah I know, but...
[v.o] And I’m the one who took away his virginity...
[v.o] Okay, fine, I may not be the first crush, or the first time, or whatever… but one thing is for sure: Right now, I’m Marco’s most important person in the world.
[v.o] Oh please, you don’t even who what things he likes to eat.
[v.o] And just because he spends more time with you than the rest of us doesn’t mean he’s gonna fall for you just like that. Relationships are WAY more complicated than that.
[v.o] Sounds like you know a lot about relationships.
[v.o] Dude, I’m like 700 years old. Do you have any idea of how many relationships I’ve been before this one? You wouldn’t believe the things love can do to some people.
[v.o] Mmmm… You know: I think I can get an idea of what you’re talking about.
Star: ...I can’t believe you would be capable to do such thing. I thought you were my friend...
Janna: Cry me a river. The only reason I pretended to be your friend is to get closer to Marco.
Star: Well, no wonder why he considered you nothing but a creep.
Janna: And what makes you so high and mighty? You treat Marco like a servant half of the time. It’s obvious that he prefers to be with someone else, but you keep getting on his way because you’re a control freak and a complete sociopath.
Star: Mind your words Janna. Remember that I have the wand.
Janna: [sarcastic tone] Oh, the wand. I’m soooo scared, I mean what are you gonna do? turn my arm into tentacle monster?
Marco: Uhm, girls?
Star: Maybe I will turn you into a narwhal so I can blast you against the wall over and over. What do you say about that?
Marco: Uhm, girls?
Janna: Bring it on blondie. I’m not afraid of you, or your cute little toys.
Marco: Girls, please. We can talk talk about this...
Star: I’ll give you toys. [holds the wand]
[Star and Janna aggressively stare at each other while Jackie just watches concerned and Marco tries to prevent a brawl]
[v.o] Wow, no wonder why Marco ran away from you in the first place... 
[v.o] And what exactly are you implying with that comment?
[v.o] Nothing. I’m just saying that maybe, JUST MAYBE, you’re taking things to the extreme when Marco only wants peace and quiet. That’s why we went to my dimension in the first place.
Hekapoo: Now who could it be at this hour? I swear if it’s you once again Rhombulus, I’m gonna rip apart your… [she opens the door and sees Marco] Marco? Oh, what a surprise...
Marco: Hi Hekapoo. How are you?
Hekapoo: Uhm, fine… I mean, it’s been kinda boring since you left, but… It’s cool. What brings you here?
Marco: Long story. I just needed a place to calm down for a moment.
Hekapoo: Troubles in paradise?
Marco: Something like that... [beat]
Hekapoo: Well, come on in and have a sit. I’ll bring you something to drink.
Marco: You don’t need to bother. I’m just...
Hekapoo: Nonsense, you’re my guest and I’ll attend you whether you like it or not. [looks for something to drink]
Hekapoo: Did you... have a fight with Star?
Marco: Something like that. Let’s just say we’re not on the best of terms right now.
Hekapoo: [raising an eyebrow and smiling] Oh, Really?
Marco: I’m sorry, I can’t go into any more details. It’s too complicated to explain and...
Hekapoo: It’s okay. You can stay at my place as long as you want. At least until things calm down back home.
Marco: Do you remember that time passes differently on your dimension, right? 
Hekapoo: Of course I do you silly human, my point is: Mi casa es su casa.
Marco: It is very kind of you, but I think I should be going...
Hekapoo: Wait… I mean, it’s been awhile since our last encounter and… I was hoping that we could catch up. Earth isn’t going anywhere after all.
Marco: Mmmm… I guess I can stay here for a couple of days if you don’t mind.
Hekapoo: That’s great. Come here, I’ll take you to your room.
[she grabs Marco’s hand and takes him to a giant room with a king-sized bed]
[v.o] Unbelievable... You literally seduced Marco to get your way. I guess we all know who’s the cheater now, right Janna?
[v.o] Actually, I want to know how does it feel to have sex on that giant bed, I mean, look at the size of that thing 
[v.o] Janna...
[v.o] Oh, that’s nothing compared to the bed of Queen Moon, now that’s a monster-sized bed, so you can get an idea of how much fun the Queen has on that...
[v.o] More like YOU don’t wanna hear about it. So tell us Hekapoo: Is there any juicy stories regarding the king and queen? 
[v.o] There’s too many to count, like there was this one time when king River...
[v.o] Jeez Star. Sometimes you can so immature...
[v.o] I couldn’t care less of what you think about me.
[v.o] Mmmm… It’s funny you should say that, because last time... 
Janna: Sure, keep making noise babyface. You sure are gonna win if you cry harder.
Star: [breaking glass sound] What did you just said to me?
Janna: I said: Keep making noise baby...
[before she can finish Star tackles Janna and they start a fight, but Jackie once again gets in between and attempts to stop them]
Jackie: Come on girls please... fighting each other won’t solve anything. It will makes things worse.
Janna: You’re right. We should let Marco decide once and for all and finish this nonsense...
Star: I agree. So Marco, which one of us do you like...? [she notices that Marco is missing] Marco? Where did he go?
Janna: Maybe he ran away from you and your childish behaviour your majesty...
Jackie: Janna...
Star: Well at least I’m a member of the royalty. You, on the other hand are just a sad, strange little girl who steals wallets to get attention. How pathetic.
Jackie: Star...
Janna: Say it again to my face, your royal pain.
Star: I’ll be glad...
[v.o] Well, that was because you were getting on my nerves. Everyone who knows me personally would tell you that I’m a very calm and polite person, right Jackie?
[v.o] Uhm… yeah sure… I… guess that you’re… Eh...
[v.o] Ugh, why all of a sudden everyone is against me?
[v.o] No one is actually against you princess. You’re just overreacting.
[v.o] Well excuse me for trying to defend myself.
[v.o] Well, with all due respect: You can be a little bit aggressive sometimes, especially when it comes to Marco...
[All the girls give Marco a death glare as he gulps and takes a step back wearing a fearful expression on his face]
Marco: [thinking to himself] Oh God, I’m SO screwed. There’s no way I can’t get out of this one...
Star: I don’t even know you anymore.
Jackie: [crossing her arms] I agree. We’re very disappointed of you right now.
Janna: So, what do you have to say in your defense loverboy?
Marco: [shivering] Girls, there’s no need to do something crazy.
Star: [raising her wand] You haven’t seen crazy yet.
Marco: Please, just listen to me: It’s not that I didn’t enjoy all this time with all of you...
Janna: Oh, we all know that you did it, you womanizing bastard.
[The girls surround Marco while he just takes a deep breath and prepares to get punished by them]
[v.o] Okay, I see where you’re going, but hey: At least I’m trying to be better every day.
[v.o] And that’s great, it’s good that you recognize your mistakes and trying to do something about it, but… ehm...
[v.o] Maybe you don’t try hard enough...
[v.o] That’s not what I meant at all. It’s just that… Marco has the right to know what you think if you’re gonna be in a relationship with him. You can’t just let him guess. It’s basic communication.
[v.o] Yeah, that makes sense. I guess I could be more open about my feelings.
[v.o] That’s the spirit.
[v.o] Yeah, too bad that she didn’t learned that lesson earlier when Marco ran away from us AGAIN after that weird missile incident... 
[Star flies towards the missile, grabs it and attempts to slow it down using the flutter of her wings, but it’s too heavy for her to handle]
Janna: That’s it, we’re doomed.
[everyone close their eyes waiting for the end, but the missile just lands and gets buried in the ground without exploding in a very anticlimactic way]
Marco: [opening his eyes] Are we… still alive?
Jackie: Apparently, but how?
Marco: Star, are you okay? [he helps Star to get down from the missile]
Star: [turning back to normal] I’m fine, but… what just happened?
[Janna gets closer to the missile and takes a look to it]
Marco: I’m not sure, but we need to get out here. This thing could still explode if we...
[Janna kicks the missile twice]
Janna: Don’t panic safety kid. The missile is hollow.
Jackie: Really? [she also kicks it] Hey, you’re right.
Star: But I don’t understand: Why would anyone launch a weapon that doesn’t even work?
Janna: Tell that to Pyongyang’s government.
[v.o] Yeah I agree. What was that all about?
[v.o] I have no idea, but look at the bright side: At least they built a carnival at Echo Creek’s pier right afterwards...
[v.o] Oh yeah, I was about to say that. You know, that reminds me when I was a kid and my mom used to take me to Wonderland Park on summer vacation...
[v.o] Wonderland Park?
[v.o] It’s an amusement park located in Thompson Memorial Park which is in Amarillo, Texas. I think you would love the place, it has 4 rollercoasters and 5 water rides.
[v.o] That sounds like fun. Can we go next time?
[v.o] Sure, we can all  take a break one of these days. What do you think?
[v.o] It sounds good enough for me...
[v.o] Yeah, why not. I’m sure I can clear my schedule for an Earth day.
[v.o] Now we just have to ask Marco if he want to join us...
[v.o] Of course he will. It’s just one day after all...
[v.o] Are you sure about that? I mean, remember when that punk Jeremy tortured him the entire evening while we were looking for him?
[Cut to Marco and Jeremy at the bumper cars facing each other. Jeremy looks much more confident than Marco, who tries to keep his composure]
Jeremy: What’s the matter? Feeling a little under the weather already?
Marco: Yeah, you wish.
Jeremy: You know, you still got time to walk out of this and avoid the public humiliation. Just sayin’.
Marco: Oh, so now all of a sudden you act compassionate, huh? What a hypocrite.
Jeremy: Don’t say I didn’t warn you...
Marco: [mocking voice] “Don’t say I didn’t warn you” I’ll show you how to...
[Jeremy bumps Marco against the wall without any warning. Marco already starts feeling sick]
Marco: That’s not fair, I wasn’t ready.
Jeremy: Welcome to the real world honey...
Marco: [feeling dizzy] You’ll see...
[Marco tries to bump Jeremy, but feels too sick to focus and gets bumped as a result]
Jeremy: So, what do you think about my driving skills? Not bad for a three times regional champion in Mario Kart 8, huh?
[Marco is too sick to pay attention to him]
Jeremy: Hey, I’m talking to you. Pay attention!!!
[Jeremy bumps Marco once again and as a result, he throws up all across the floor, causing a malfunction]
Microphone voice: Ladies and gentleman, the operator speaking here… uhm, due a small inconvenience regarding the electric floor, it’s my duty to inform you that we’re gonna have to close for the rest of the evening. In the name of the staff, we’re sorry. Have a good night.
[Everyone starts booing both Marco and Jeremy]
Jeremy: [smiling] Ah, the sweet sound of public discontent. What’s not to love?
Marco: It’s official: This is the worst day of my life.
[v.o] Hey, how did you know about that particular moment?
[v.o] Marco told me about it.
[v.o] Huh, I wonder why he didn’t told me first.
[v.o] Do you even have conversations that doesn’t involve you?
[v.o] Of course we do… sometimes...
[v.o] Yeah, Marco may had a bit of a hard time at that particular evening, but don’t forget what happened after we found him...
Hekapoo: It’s all yours Princess Butterfly...
Star: I hope this works... [raises her wand] Vulgo Apertis Ianus!!!
[A giant wooden door appears on the wall, so they open it and walk through a long narrow hallway lightened by torches]
Marco: [thinking to himself] Well, this is it. The end of the line for me. Goodbye world, it was nice to meet you. Mother, Father: I hope one day you’ll understand and forgive me for what I... 
Star: Well, here we are.
[At the end of the hallway, they come across a giant door. Star opens it and they get inside a giant room with a pool sized bathtub some pillars around it and harp music to set the mood]
Marco: Star, what is this place?
Star: [closing the door] My parents private bathroom. This is where they come when they want to be alone and forget about their royal duties for a moment.
Hekapoo: Also, it’s one of the few places inside the castle that can’t be reached using dimensional scissors, so it’s safe to assume that no one will interrupt us...
Marco: But… I thought you were mad at me for what I did.
Jackie: Although we’re still a bit upset for the way you handled the situation... 
Janna: We talked about it came to the conclusion that... punish you it’s not exactly the best solution.
[They all stripped down to nothing but their underwear as they speak. Marco blushes and feels his heart beating faster as a result]
Hekapoo: Besides: We assume that part of this problem was our fault too. We got too competitive with each other and put you on a very difficult situation.
Star: So bottom line: We’ll allow you to keep things the way they are...
Everyone: If you can take care or all of us.
Hekapoo: So what do you say fleshwad? Will you accept the challenge?
[Marco closes his eyes and takes a deep breath]
Marco: Alright, let’s do this.
[v.o] You know, I have a funny feeling now that I remember that particular moment. Did anybody else feel the same? 
[v.o] I know what you mean Star… [whispering] I’m feeling it too hehehe...
[v.o] Sure that’s a moment it’s worth remembering. Marco was such a beast that one time...
[v.o] And could you believe he didn’t hold back at any minute, it was like… damn...
[v.o] Just by talking about it gets me excited. Can we take another break? I think I need some time to cool down just a bit.
[v.o] Yeah, I agree with that. I need at least ten minutes off to get the picture out of my head...
[v.o] Anybody wants to go to the Stop & Slurp down the street? This time the Slurpees are on me...
[v.o] Sure. I want a moonshine with extra ice.
[v.o] Pink fink for me please.
[v.o] No thanks. I’ll take a diet coke.
[v.o] As you wish...
[v.o] ...and my first time on a rollercoaster: Oh boy, it was one heck of a experience like… I literally thought that it was going to get off the rails at any minute, but again, I was too young to know any better. Nowadays I take at least one ride every time I visit an amusement park. 
[v.o] Yeah, I know what you mean. When I was a kid I was afraid of horses because I thought they were going to eat me. Now, it may sound silly to you, but you have to consider that on my dimension, some wild horses like to eat people. Especially warnicorns.
[v.o] But, didn’t your family had a stable full of warnicorns?
[v.o] Oh yeah, you’re right. Come to think of it: I never saw anyone trying to ride a warnicorn.
[v.o] Warnicorn trainers are just too rare and expensive. That’s why we only use them in times of war, hence the term “warnicorn”
[v.o] Makes sense to me.
[v.o] Yeah, me too.
[v.o] And what about you girls? Any traumatic experiences to share with us?
[v.o] Well, believe it or not, I used to be scared of vaccinations.
[v.o] Really?
[v.o] Yeah, it all started when I was in first grade. We were getting in line to receive a tetanus shot, which it wasn’t really that bad, but the fact that the nurse that gave us the vaccine looked like she escaped from a mental institution or something.
[v.o] Oh yeah, I remember that nurse, with that raspy voice and those yellow teeth.
[v.o] Don’t forget her eye patch.
[v.o] Yeah, I used to be scared of her too. 
[v.o] I know right? even Ferguson peed his pants the first time she came to our school.
[v.o] Yeah, but: Who can blame him? That woman was scary.
[v.o] I think I can get the picture. And what about you Hekapoo? Do you have any freaky stories to share with us?
[v.o] I don’t know. It happened a long time ago and...
[v.o] Please, don’t be shy.
[v.o] It’s not about being shy. It’s just that… there are certain things about my job that I prefer to keep it to myself, and trust me: You don’t wanna know about them.
[v.o] Yes I do. Come on, at least give us a clue.
[v.o] I said no. Besides, it’s time to continue where we left.
[v.o] oh, you mean that time when we went to the beach?
[The girls take off their clothes to reveal their swimsuits. Star and Jackie wear regular bikinis, Janna wears a skirted bottom bikini and Hekapoo wears a black slingshot swimsuit that accentuates her figure]
Janna: [to Hekapoo] You know, I kinda like your swimsuit.
Hekapoo: Thanks. I bought it a long time ago, but I’ve never had the chance to use it.
Janna: I’m sure Marco must be enjoying the look, am I right Marco?
[She notices that Marco is sleeping on the sand]
Star: [to Jackie] Do you think this bikini makes me look too thin? because at first I was thinking to wear a one piece swimsuit, but then I thought: “this makes me look fat” so I’m not really sure if it was the best decision. What do you say?
Jackie: I think you would look great regardless of the choice. Trust me, you look amazing.
Star: Yeah, easy for you to say. You have a fantastic body and your bikini matches your hairstyle. What is your secret?
Jackie: I don’t really think about it that much, I just wear whatever I like depending on the occasion. You need to learn to be more confident.
Star: But I am confident. I just don’t know exactly what I want.
Jackie: Just be yourself Star. Then you’ll see the results speak for themselves. [gives Star a pat on the back]
Janna: [to Star and Jackie] Hey lovebirds: You wanna join us on a Volleyball match?
Star: Great idea, maybe we could ask Marco if he wanna play too.
[Meanwhile, Marco is still sleeping on the sand]
Janna: I wouldn’t count on it.
[v.o] Oh yeah, I remember that. We looked super cute in our swimsuits. Do you think we can go back one of these days? because I just bought a new bikini that will make Marco drop his jaw.
[v.o] Uh, sounds like you got your confidence back. I’m glad to hear that.
[v.o] Sure. We can have another match of volleyball. I’ve been perfecting my technique so you better watch out.
[v.o] Oh, don’t get your hopes too high Janna Banana. It turns out that I’ve been practicing too, so you’re not gonna caught me by surprise this time.
[v.o] We’ll see about that.
[v.o] Mmmm… Another trip to the beach? Yeah, why not? Just don’t let Star bring the refreshments again, I mean remember what happened last time?
Star: Well, how about a rematch? This time we’ll have Marco to be our referee
Janna: Fair enough. [shakes hands with Star] We’ll settle this argument once and for all...
Jackie: Girls, come on… save your energy for tomorrow’s game.
Marco: [bringing the cooler] Jackie’s right. Now it’s time to relax and enjoy a cold, sweet, refreshing...
[Marco opens the cooler and reveals that is full of beer]
Marco: ...Soda.
Hekapoo: Hey, what’s going on here? Why is the cooler full of beer?
Janna: I don’t know. Star was the one in charge of the snacks and the refreshments.
Jackie: Star, what happened?
Star: Well, you see: I was packing all the food and snacks and… it turns out it might took me longer that I expected, so...
Marco: So?
Star: I asked Pony Head to get the refreshments for me. I’m sorry. 
Marco: Now, that’s just great. Now we have enough beer to serve at a frat party in California...
Jackie: Oh, come on Marco. It’s not so bad.
Marco: What? Are you a drinker?
Jackie: Well, not exactly, but...
Star: Oh girls, It’s all my fault. I should have been more responsible.
Hekapoo: Well, you can still go to the store and buy some soda.
Star: I will. I just need to get the cooler...
Marco: I’ll take care of it, hold on...
[v.o] [sigh] How many times do we need to revisit my mistakes? Yeah, I get it. I shouldn’t let Pony Head do my job. Can we talk about something else? 
[v.o] I know. How about the time when you and I went to buy soda at the store?
[v.o] Oh no please, anything but that...
[v.o] Actually, I wanna hear about it.
[v.o] Sounds like you have something interesting to tell us.
[v.o] No she doesn’t, now please let’s just move along and continue with... 
[v.o] It all started when we enter to the store.
[v.o] Oh, dang it, here it comes...
[Cut to Star and Janna inside the store at midnight. They get in line to buy the drinks and Star gets distracted watching the fluorescent lights]
What’s the deal with those glowing sticks at the ceiling? They’re so... bright.
[carrying the cooler] Uhm, those are called fluorescent lights, and if I were you I wouldn’t stare at them for so long.
But they’re so shiny, there’s something about those lights that makes me wanna… touch them. 
[getting in front the register] Yeah whatever, just don’t fool around while I’ll buy the drinks.
[Star is too distracted with the lights to pay attention to Janna]
[talking to the cashier] Hi, I want to fill this cooler with soda. I think it has a capacity of 50 bottles or something...
[taking the cooler] I’ll be back in a minute...
[Cut to Star staring at the lights]
[thinking to herself] I know I shouldn’t but… what if...
[Star transforms into her mewberty self and flies towards the lights. Cut to the cashier returning with the cooler]
There you go ma’am. That will be $89.5.
Do you take credit cards?
[Janna uses a credit card to pay for the soda. Meanwhile Star keeps flying around the light]
Thank you for your buying.
Random person:
What the heck is that thing?!!!
[Everyone at the store freak out when they see Star in her Mewberty form and run away in sheer panic. Janna quickly notices this as she looks up]
Star, what are you doing? Get down this instant.
[Star is too distracted to listen to her]
I can see the light inside me...
Star, don’t even think about touching those...
[Star tries to fly inside the lights and crashes them and gets electrocuted. Cut to Star and Janna getting boot out from the store along with cooler]
And don’t you EVER come back to this store again, you hear me? [shuts the door]
[Cut back to present]
[v.o] [laughs] Oh my God, I can’t believe you actually do that.
[v.o] It wasn’t my fault. It should it be illegal to have those lights hanging there in a public place like that. At the very least they should put a warning sign, I don’t know...
[v.o] Well, one thing’s for sure: Never take Star to buy something at midnight.
[v.o] Oh, shut up Janna...
[v.o] You know, that reminds me when Marco almost drowns himself when he took a dive to the ocean while chasing those dolphins...
[v.o] Yeah, I remember that too.
Jackie: What is Marco doing?
[The girls turn around and see Marco drowning while trying to reach the dolphins]
Star: MARCO!!!
[They quickly stand up and run to the shore to see where he is]
Janna: We gotta take him out before he goes underwater… Hekapoo, can you open a portal to reach him?
Hekapoo: I can’t open a portal underwater, especially now that my powers are low.
Star: Wait, I got it: I’ll use my wand to levitate him back to the shore.
Janna: Great idea.
Star: Now, where do I left my wand? [she checks her backpack, but can’t find it] Hold on, there’s gotta be somewhere… Oh, come on...
Hekapoo: Look...
[Marco finally drowns. Star keeps checking her backpack while Jackie quickly jumps into the water to rescue him. She goes underwater and find Marco unconscious, so she grabs his arm and swim back to the shore]
Star: Is he okay?
Hekapoo: I’ll check him out.
[Hekapoo lends her ear over Marco’s chest and checks his pulse to see if he’s okay]
Hekapoo: At least he’s still breathing, but we need to give him mouth to mouth quickly... 
Star: Let me take care of it.
[Star gives Marco mouth to mouth and notices something strange]
Janna: What’s wrong?
Star: There’s something odd about Marco’s breath… like he’s been drinking booze or something...  
[Janna notices a can of beer on the shore and picks it up]
Janna: I think you might be right on this… look...
[Janna shows them the can of beer. In that moment Marco wakes up, vomits and falls unconscious again]
Janna: Just as I suspected. He’s totally drunk.
[v.o] I’m pretty sure none of us saw that coming.
[v.o] You can say that again.
[v.o] Yeah, I know that Marco is the type of person who likes to take risks and all, but that was just crazy, and trust me: I’ve seen a lot of crazy thing in my life to compare.
[v.o] And considering that Star’s crazy ex-boyfriend is now after Marco, I have the feeling that things will get much worse from now on.
[v.o] Hekapoo is right. We’re gonna have to be more careful from now on if we want to protect him...
[v.o] Don’t worry about Tom. I can deal with him if it’s necessary. just like when we save Marco from him that one time:
Tom: Oh, so you’re saying this is all my fault...
Marco: Well duh, you’re the one who’s creating the problem.
Tom: Excuse me, but if I recall correctly, you’re the one who ruined my chance with Star at the Blood Moon Ball, remember?
Marco: Okay, I’m sorry if I ruined your big night and all, but… get over it. It’s just a stupid dance.
Tom: [getting angry] IT WAS IMPORTANT TO ME!!!
[Marco gets scared as he sees the flames coming out of Tom]
Tom: Now, I gonna make you mine, whether you like it or not...
[Tom gets blasted by the narwhals and the camera shows Star and the girls just in time to save Marco]
Marco: Star, quick… help me with these chains.
[Star uses her wand to break the chains and free Marco]
Star: [hugging Marco] Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he?
Marco: I’m okay. Fortunately, I was able to distract him long enough.
Tom: [levitating] So, you think you can get in between Marco and me?
Star: [pointing at Tom with her wand] Don’t make me blast your ass.
Tom: Come on Star, be reasonable. Just let me have Marco back and no one will get hurt.
Star: Over my dead body.
[Tom watches Star for a few seconds, until he calms down and get back to the floor]
Tom: [sigh] Fine. You can go now.
Marco: Really? Come on, let’s get out of here...
Tom: But don’t you even think that I’m gonna give up so easily, so remember this Marco Diaz: I don’t know how, when or where, but one day [demonic voice] I’m gonna make you mine.
[Marco gets nervous and gulps out of fear]
Star: Sheesh, what a whiny little bitch...
[v.o] Yeah, we all know that you are capable to deal with Tom and all, but… you said it yourself: He’s unpredictable.
[v.o] Yeah, for all we know he’s probably watching us right now. You’re still gonna need some some reinforcements in case of an ambush.
[v.o] Good point. I guess I can let you stick around. Just in case.
[v.o] Sure... “just in case”
[v.o] Don’t underestimate my powers Janna. There are certain things about me that you don’t know.
[v.o] Like what? That you’re over sensitive to fluorescent lights?
[v.o] Okay, that’s it. Come over here Janna Banana. This is the last time you will make another joke at my expense.
[v.o] Oh no, I’m not gonna come over there. I’ve already learned that lesson.
[v.o] What lesson? Just come over here and fight me.
[v.o] No Star...
[v.o] What? What is this? Why don’t you fight me?
[v.o] Okay, cut it out Star. It’s over.
[v.o] Yeah, please stop acting like a child. It’s getting old.
[v.o] Do you... really think I’m being childish?
[v.o] Mmmm… How can I put it?
[Star approaches Marco and Hekapoo with an angry expression]
Hekapoo: How’s it going princess Butterfly? I must say I like your new look, it’s very...
[Star uses her wand to mess up Hekapoo’s dress with slime. Everyone at the dancefloor notice it and stop dancing for a moment. The music also stops]
Hekapoo: My new dress, you ruined it!!!
Marco: Star, what is wrong with you?
Star: What is wrong?!!! I’ll tell you what is wrong: This big fat meanie tricked me using a contract to have you all by herself. That’s why she’s been taking you so often to her dimension.
[Jackie and Janna arrive, but it's too late to stop the fight]
Jackie: Oh no, this is what I was afraid of.
Hekapoo: [to Star] Oh excuse me, but it’s not my fault you’re so reckless and irresponsible to that you sign a legal document without even reading it. 
Star: Oh please, as if you didn’t know this was going to happen.
Hekapoo: So... you’re admitting that it was your fault?
Star: Yes, I mean… No… It’s just… look, just stay away from Marco, he’s not your personal toy that you can use whenever you want.
Hekapoo: Mmmm, funny how you talk about me using Marco as an object, when you do the exact same thing...
Star: You don’t even know what you’re talking about. Marco likes to do things for me because we’re friends.
Hekapoo: That’s cute and all, but… when was the last time you had to sacrifice something for him? and I mean something REALLY important.
Star: Don’t try to make me look like the bad guy here.
Hekapoo: Stop being so entitled and maybe I will...
[Marco tries to stop the fight and gets in between]
Marco: Okay girls, there’s no need to make a scene out of this… [whispering] specially when we’re in public...
Hekapoo: [to Star] I can’t believe how ungrateful you’re acting, especially considering what I had to do to fix your precious little wand...
Star: [screaming] To heck with your help!!!
[v.o] But I… It’s just that… Well… Uhm… [sigh] what’s the point? You’re right. I’m just being like a child, you got me.
[v.o] Well I got news for you sweetie: No one will take you seriously if you’re keep pulling this bullshit. So do us all a favor and try to be a good sport, will ya?
[v.o] Whatever...
[v.o] Well, look at the time. Show’s almost over and yet we didn’t covered a lot of other important plot points that...
[v.o] Just forget about it Jackie. We’re going home now. 
[v.o] Yeah, I just can’t take it anymore. All this recap it’s giving me a headache.
[v.o] Besides, I don’t know you, but I have work to do in the morning, so… See you girls later.
[v.o] Bye bye...
[v.o] Hasta la vista...
[Star, Janna and Hekapoo leave the scene]
[v.o] Uhm, yeah… sure. See you later… I guess… Uhm, don’t forget to tune next week for another episode of… [sigh] Who am I kidding? this is f***ing stupid.
[Jackie leaves the scene and the screen cuts to black]
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