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Swim at Your Own Risk (Movie)
Created by: Lee Friedlander
Genre: Thriller
We're back with more Lifetime movies! This one is about a swimming coach and a swimming star, and while the main character is interesting, I also find a lot of the choices that she makes really questionable. Such is how life is when it comes to Lifetime Movies.
The story starts out with Samantha swimming in the pool as she's a star swimmer thanks to her mom and coach Gina. Gina has been pushing Samantha into this role every since she was a child. Samantha is trying to get into the same college as her boyfriend, Lucas, and she ends up meeting the new assistant coach, Bryce, that Samantha ends up bonding with after the two get coffee together. Samantha gets fed up with Lucas due to stress and calls for a break in their relationship before soon after having sex with Bryce in the pool. Bryce ends up continually messaging Samantha despite him ghosting her, and even tries to confront her about their relationship. This all comes to ahead when Bryce blackmails her about their relationship, threatening to not only reveal the tape of them having sex in the pool but also a drug testing cover up related to her mother. Emily, one of Samantha's ex friends, tries to get together with Bryce and despite Samantha's weak warnings, still tries to pursue him, though Bryce ends up rejecting her in the end. Lucas and Samantha end up getting back together, and Samantha ends up finding Bryce's dad and about Bryce's history. We find out that Bryce actually was a swim couch in other counties and that he was basically banned after finding out that he acted similarly to other women (the way that he acted towards Samantha). Samantha comes clean (mostly) about what's going on with her mother, with her mother basically telling her that she doesn't have to pursue being a swimming legend (even though she's been pushing her to) and tries to get the police on it. However, without any evidence (aka, Bryce deleted all of his creepy texts towards Samantha) they are unable to take him in. Lucas and Samantha try to get evidence regarding her mother's drug test, with Lucas sneaking in to the school to get it, but ends up being beaten up by Bryce which lands him in the hospital. Bryce ends up tying up Samantha's mother in her house. Samantha is being called into the pool by Bryce, who uses a gun to threaten her into basically remaking their first night together. After a struggle though, Samantha is able to get the gun and kills Bryce, while Emily ends up saving Samantha's mom. The end is her swimming once again, forgetting about what trauma is going on.
I will say first and foremost that out of all of the Lifetime yandere movies that Samantha is my least favorite main character and mostly because of the various choices that she has. While she is the only teenage main character, I feel like a lot of her choices are frankly really stupid, or her lack of communication is very weak. Starting out, she ends up pushing Lucas away from her because of stress, and technically cheats on Lucas by sleeping with Bryce (since I think usually when you're on break with a lover, you haven't broken up, but simply stopped communicating with them as frequently), as well as just... treats Lucas as if she can always go back to him. While we don't know how long the two have been together, I feel like I would be at least a bit pissed if I found out the person I was dating ended up having a one night stand while we were "on break", and Lucas just ends up taking her back despite all of the baggage that she has. She also ends up not going to the police or telling anyone that Bryce has been harassing her with texts or even getting blackmailed, not even taking a picture of the texts that could be used as proof later. This is why Lucas ends up getting hospitalized later anyways, which would have been avoided if Samantha had actually taken proof of their texts. She also has a lackluster excuse when trying to get Emily to stay away from Bryce, not telling her or even implying something might be wrong him, only stating that "it's a bad feeling" to be with him, instead of saying something like he's dangerous or he has been harassing her. For all Samantha knows, Bryce could have ended up injuring or even killing Emily considering what he's done with Samantha. You could probably chalk this up to her being a high schooler, but I still feel like a lot of these choices were really infuriating to watch through.
As for a yandere, Bryce is a little bit on the fence since it seems that he's had various similar relationships in the past (which is also kind of weird considering if he's supposed to be banned from being a swim coach...why... is he still a swim coach...) to similar effect with Samantha, which does make you wonder if he really is what we would consider a yandere or if he's more similar to Joe from You where he sort of jumps ship when it fails. Because yanderes are supposed to be persistent with their targets, it's not usually an easy thing if they fall in love with someone else. However, since we don't actually know to what degree Bryce went through with these other women, it does give us a bit of wiggle room into if he is one or not. Regardless, with his interactions with Samantha, we see that he is very obsessive towards her after their one night stand, constantly texting her, blackmailing her amongst other things. He even refuses Emily after she comes onto him, further showing that his interest is only with Samantha. He also attacks Lucas (though surprisingly doesn't kill her) and ties up her mom in her house. While trying to recreate the scene with Samantha, he ends up getting shot by her in self-defense. I still am surprised that Bryce didn't actually really kill anyone else, considering he had a lot of opportunities to get rid of someone like Emily or especially Lucas, which I feel would have been a bigger threat to Bryce's percieved relationship with Samantha. I'm also surprised it ended up with his death instead, given that a lot of the promotional material for this movie is called "Killer Coach", yet Bryce just... doesn't kill anyone at all, and in fact is the only death in the series, which is just false advertising.
Would I recommend this movie? Not really unless you want something that's more casual and dumb to watch. The best character in this entire movie was Lucas thanks to his ability to put up with and support Samantha, since I'll be honest, he deserves a lot better than Samantha considering he went back to her so easily even after she revealed that she was sleeping with Bryce and was injured pretty spectacularly because of it. Bryce is still a pretty entertaining yandere in his own right though, I will say that.
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Portland's Pinball Wars
Until recent decades, Portland was known as a hotbed of vice. Even the 1948 election of Mayor Dorothy "No Sin" Lee, a zealous reformer, did little to dent the city's long-established illegal businesses. The problem was that many local officials, especially within law enforcement, were all too willing to accept hush money from the Rose City's underworld.
Gambling was big business back then, and at the time, pinball machines were considered gambling devices on par with slot machines. The bars and clubs used them as games of chance in the same way a modern-day football pool might be operated: Participants would wager on whether a player could achieve a specific goal, such as winning free games or lighting up certain combinations on the backglass. Some pinball machines could be mechanized for record keeping and making the odds of a payoff adjustable.
A notable rivalry between two racketeers over pinball machines. Their story was reinvigorated in 2001 by Portland Tribune columnist Phil Stanford. He later compiled several articles detailing their "pinball wars" in his book Portland Confidential.
Jim Elkins and Stan Terry had both been bootleggers during Prohibition and both had moved on to coin machines, disturbing their slot and pinball machines to various clubs in the area. Between them, they dominated the local market, Elkins in Portland and Terry elsewhere throughout Multnomah County. "Pinball King" Terry had the edge in the 1940s, and Elkins was determined to dethrone Terry by just about any means.
At various times, Elkins hired thugs visited gambling dens to vandalize, burglarize, or outright steal Terry's machines. Terry didn't seem fazed. Business was good, and not even these setbacks prevented him from expending his operation.
By 1954, Elkins was exasperated with Terry's resilience. He met in Seattle with a few criminal confederates and cooked up a more refined solution. They organized a pinball owners association, the Coin Machine Men of Oregon, affiliated with the Teamsters union. This was a calculated move designed to deny Terry membership, thus putting him at odds with the Teamsters.
In early 1955, the Teamsters picketed the Mt. Hood Café's-a Portland eatery-for hosting Terry's now "nonunion" pinball machines. The café's Teamster owner, is an uncomfortable position with his own union, faced dire financial consequences. Terry and Hy Goldbaum, a Las Vegas "bill collector" of some renowned, reached a financial settlement with the Teamster boss and the picket was quickly called off.
A few months later, possibly under duress from the Teamsters, Elkins sold Terry his share of Portland's pinball racket. Shortly thereafter, Herman "Bugsy" Burns, late of the Washington State Penitentiary, paid Elkins a visit. Bugsy had worked for him on and off, mostly delivering heroin between Portland and Seattle. Now, per Elkins request, Bugsy brought along two friends from the hoosegow. Posing as a deliverymen, the thugs schemed to steal all of Terry's machines: They would collect all Terry's "outdated" machines, ostensibly for newer models that would arrive later in the day. But before they could even pull off the job, Bugsy and his pals were arrested as they attempted to rob a supermarket.
In 1956, defeated and disliked, Elkins began ratting out Portland's organized-crime figures, including city officials and Teamsters. He provided enough material for a series of articles in the Oregonian, which resulted in Elkins, Terry, and others being subpoenaed to testify before the Senate Labor Rackets Committee. On the federal committee was an up-and-coming senator from Massachusetts named John F. Kennedy. His brother Robert was the committee's chief counsel.
Faced with ever-increasing scrutiny, Portland began cleaning up its reputation. Police suddenly started enforcing the city's pinball ban, technically in effect with Dorothy Lee's mayoral term. Terry briefly petitioned to overturn the ban, but the Supreme Court upheld it. Terry phased out his pinball empire and, like Elkins focused on other illicit enterprises.
By the 1970s, Pinball had mostly overcome its seedy reputation, and by the 1980s, the new kids in town-video games-almost completely overshadowed pinball. Before too long, rumors began spreading about one video game in particular-a rare and sinister coin-op that purportedly ruined more lives around Portland than pinball ever did . . .
From Pinball King to Patriotic Shepherd
In 1967, years after his reign as Multnomah County's Pinball King, Stan Terry fell off a ladder and fractured his skull. After recovering, some who knew him swore that it affected his personality, making him more of a character than he already was. Now, with an appetite for politics, he ran-unsuccessfully-for mayor of Portland, among other city, county, and state offices. Terry was disqualified as a mayoral candidate because he was not a Portland resident.
A few locals still relate other Stan Terry stunts, such as this one: After getting into a land-use dispute with the city of Lake Oswego, Terry bought a flock of sheep, dyed them red, white, and blue; and let them graze on his property. Soon, the unmistakable odor of sheep manure permeated downtown Lake Oswego. When the city and neighbors complained, Terry sportively explained that he was only expressing his patriotism. Eventually, he and the city came to an agreement and the sheep-colors, smell, and all-were removed.
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The Completely Unnecessary News Analysis
by Christopher Smart
Feb. 26, 2019
Nobels For Trump & Kim
Spike Lee's in a snit but who cares, the Oscars are over. Now we can look forward to the next big awards show, the Nobel Peace Prize. The smart money is riding on that sporty North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and our jaunty president, Donald Trump. As Trump has said many times, he deserves the Nobel more than that Kenyan, Barack Obama. Look it, our president has single-handedly prevented a nuclear war with North Korea. We could be dead by now. That easily beats carpet bomber Henry Kissinger, Nixon's alter ego, who also is a Nobel laureate. It's only right that Trump and Kim should win the Nobel together because, well, because they love each other. In Trump's words: “He wrote me some very beautiful letters... I fell in love.” (We are not making this shit up.) Haircuts not withstanding, they do have a lot in common. As we speak, Trump and Kim are in Hanoi, the beautiful capital of Vietnam, to smoke the peace pipe. And the usually reserved Vietnamese people are absolutely gaga over the summit. According to CBS News, one barber there is giving away free Donald and Kim haircuts. Why this hasn't caught on here, we're not sure. One footnote: The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science is lobbying for Alec Baldwin to get a share of the Nobel for best supporting tyrant. It's much better than an Oscar.
Tax Cuts For Working-Class Stiffs
Speaking of great feats, it's time for everyday working Americans to begin enjoying their tax refunds. Oh yeah. The Republican overhaul of the tax code is really making a significant difference for some more than others. The beauty of the tax cuts is that they also apply to what some people call the investment class. (Wilson and the band just call them rich bastards — or RBs.) It's like this, Republicans have known since the time of Ronald “Ketchup Is a Vegetable” Reagan that if we give big tax breaks to the RBs, they, in turn, will take all that dough and invest it everywhere. It follows that all those investments will grow the economy and all the worker bees (Wilson calls them working-class stiffs — or WCSs) will get lots of money and everybody wins. Some economists say we're still waiting to see the trickle down from Reagan's time. But remember, Galileo and Darwin had their doubters, too. The downside, of course, is the trillion dollars the tax cuts added to our national debt. But that doesn't matter so much anymore. Republican leader Sen. Mitch McConnell and former House Speaker Paul Ryan — who has returned to working at McDonalds — have explained that it's no big deal. What's another trillion, anyway? And besides, the RBs aren't worried because the WCSs — or their grandchildren — will take care of it in due time.
Let Us Entertain You
This is the best time of year for many reasons. The days are getting longer. The Oscars are over. And the Utah Legislature is providing entertainment beyond our wildest dreams. For example, there is a legislative proposal to bring the most dangerous type of radioactive material to Tooele County. Is that funny, or what. Another bill would make it so we don't have to stop at red lights any more. It's the best idea since the legislation two years ago that did away with auto safety inspections. Another bill would make it legal for children to play outside without adult supervision — the “Free Range Kids” bill. That came as a surprised to the staff here at Smart Bomb. We had no idea it was illegal for children to play outside without an adult. Wilson says it reminds him of free-range chickens. But let's not go there. (Notice, we haven't said anything about medical marijuana or Medicaid expansion. That's just too hilarious). Legislators also are focusing on our deadly air pollution with a bunch of bills that would study pollution from cars, pollution from smoke stacks, pollution from cows and pollution from vaping high school kids. Wisely, legislators have been careful to avoid setting rigorous standards for industry, building construction or transportation. That would be too expensive — and, after all, people have to live.
Sinners Tarnish Utah's Rep
OK, this is serious. Utah is not the least sinful state in the nation. That's the word from Tribune columnist and all around bon vivant, Scott Pierce. If he wouldn't know about sin, who would. This has to be of great concern to the old boys in The Tower of Power, who must be preoccupied right now lobbying against sin at the Utah Legislature. And that's not to mention Brigham Young University that, year-in and year-out, holds the honor of most sober school anywhere. It's probably the most chaste, too, but BYU officials have refused to release that data from undercover campus police. It's just too bad the classifications weren't based on sex and drink. Utah could have, um, well, never mind. The rankings by the website WalletHub were based on scores for vanity, jealousy, lust, anger, hatred, greed and laziness — you got it, the Seven Deadly Sins. Vermont was ranked least sinful of the 50 states. Can you believe that — the home of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Hah. Maine, North Dakota, Nebraska and Idaho (in that order) also beat out Utah for lacking sin. Well, of course, those states are practically empty. How can you have sin in a vacuum. Where did the Beehive State fall short. Was it lust. Was it greed. It couldn't have been vanity, could it? Nah. We're too special for that.
And finally, here are this week's top stories from our “As Rome Burns” - file:
Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar ate a salad with a comb and ordered a staffer to clean it
Ivanka Trump endorses Nikki Haley's daughter for student body vice president at Clemson
Delta Air Lines apologizes for 'creepy' Diet Coke napkins, is removing them from flights
Utah County Still Home to Large Families with 6 Kids
Have Dark Forces Been Messing With the Cosmos? (We did not make this up.)
Well, that's it for another jaunty week here at Smart Bomb, where the staff keeps a close eye on the cosmos so you can adjust your feng shui as needed. OK Wilson, take us out with a little something for our cosmic well-being: Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup / They slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe / Pools of sorrow waves of joy are drifting through my open mind / Possessing and caressing me... Jai Guru Deva, om / Nothing's gonna change my world / Nothing's gonna change my world...
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The Little Things is Better Than a Seven Copycat
This article contains spoilers for The Little Things and Seven.
Critics have not been kind to The Little Things, the new Warner Bros./HBO Max psychological thriller starring Denzel Washington and Rami Malek as two Los Angeles cops obsessed with catching a vicious serial killer. Although the film is apparently doing very decent business–especially on the streaming end–it sits at a mediocre 48 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, with many comparing it to the 1995 classic Seven. In that juxtaposition, The Little Things is coming up short.
On the surface, there are a number of similarities between writer-director John Lee Hancock’s new police melodrama and David Fincher’s masterpiece from 25 years ago (with the exception of The Little Things’ opening scene, which seems closer to Fincher’s later Zodiac). Yet despite parallels in the two films’ plot structure, character relationships, settings, and themes, there are key differences that set them apart upon a closer look. These distinctions may also provide The Little Things with a more level critical playing field.
Both films, at their simplest level, are about a pair of mismatched cops on the hunt for a depraved murderer terrorizing a vast city. One of the cops is an older veteran–Denzel Washington in The Little Things, Morgan Freeman in Seven–who has all but mentally and physically checked out of the job; the other copper–Rami Malek in The Little Things, Brad Pitt in Seven–is younger, more energetic, and more eager to prove his mettle, perhaps ascending in the ranks of the police force.
By the close of both films, a suspect is confronted and manages to get the upper hand (at least psychologically) on the protagonists. As both films wind down, the cocky, ambitious, younger cop has been destroyed emotionally by the ordeal while the older, wiser vet deals with the aftermath of the experience in his own, perhaps more restrained way. (It’s interesting to note that both veterans are played by Black men in the films, perhaps indicating that they are much more aware than their white partners that injustice in the world often goes unpunished.)
Yet here, aside from certain visual cues and period details, is where The Little Things and Seven begin to diverge along separate paths. Keep in mind that Hancock wrote his first draft of the former movie in 1993, a full two years before Seven hit movie screens. While not influenced by a specific real-life killer, Hancock almost certainly dialed into the climate of fear in California following the locally sourced rampages of monsters like Richard Ramirez (The Night Stalker), Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono Jr. (The Hillside Stranglers), and Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris (The Tool Box Killers).
Seven screenwriter Andrew Kevin Walker, meanwhile, said in contemporary interviews that his story was not inspired by a real-life reign of terror but by a period of time he spent living in New York City while trying to make it in the film business. He told Cinefantastique magazine, “I didn’t like my time in New York, but it’s true that if I hadn’t lived there I probably wouldn’t have written Seven.”
Let’s take a look at the other ways in which Seven and The Little Things are not the mirror images that they may seem to be at first glance.
Is It Really the Same 1990s Setting?
Thanks to the dark visual palette of both films (and to be fair, The Little Things does recreate some of Seven’s visual motifs, like flashlight beams lasering through a blackened out room), it’s easy to think that the two movies are set in an almost identical time and place. But the truth is a little more nuanced. Both movies were shot in and around Los Angeles, but only The Little Things is specifically set in LA; the city in Seven is never named. It’s also raining or overcast almost constantly in Seven, which would throw off anyone who thinks that the movie is supposed to take place in sunny Southern California.
Both films stage many of their sequences in grittier sections of the city, but while you know it’s LA in The Little Things, Seven creates an overall, more surreal impression that the film’s nameless metropolis itself is falling apart at the seams, and that evil and darkness seem to be feeding at its very core.
Also while Seven was written and filmed in the early-to-mid-1990s, the exact year in which it takes place is never specified. That only enhances the timeless, allegorical quality that we suspect Fincher was going for from the start. The Little Things is set in 1990, and makes it obvious that things like cell phones, advanced methods of DNA profiling and other technological tools are not around yet. Both approaches are valid, but Seven has a somewhat more nightmarish quality to it as a result.
Denzel Washington vs. Morgan Freeman
As we mentioned earlier, both The Little Things and Seven (not to mention scores of other films and TV shows that have come out in the past 30 years) are centered on a pair of cops, each driven by different forces, who pool their efforts to catch the killer. Both sets of cops bicker, question each other’s methods, and end up grudgingly respecting each other, even if they never quite become friends. But there the resemblance ends.
In Seven, Morgan Freeman’s William Somerset is the older, more experienced detective. When we first meet him, he’s weary, burned out and ready for his impending retirement; you get the impression that he’s seen way more than his fill. You also get the sense that he’s a very decent human being and police officer–Commissioner Jim Gordon probably wouldn’t mind recruiting him for the Gotham police department. His kind of noble civil servant is clearly a dying breed in his decaying town.
Meanwhile Joe “Deke” Deacon (Washington) in The Little Things is a far more compromised character. He left a post as a top detective in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department for a low-key gig as a deputy sheriff about 120 miles north. And we learn that he exited several years earlier after suffering both a heart attack and a nervous breakdown while pursuing a similar killer.
Read more
Seven: The Brilliance of David Fincher’s Chase Scene
By Ryan Lambie
The Little Things Ending Explained
By David Crow
The case also cost him his marriage and estranged him from his daughters. And, as we find out late in the movie, it also cost him his conscience after he accidentally shot a survivor who he thought was a suspect in some bushes near a murder scene.
Neither Somerset nor Deacon want anything to do initially with the case at the heart of their respective movies, but both are inexorably drawn in. For Deacon, it is perhaps a chance at redemption; Somerset’s motivation is less clear, except that he perhaps wants to do one last thing to make life a little better in the city before he leaves forever. Deacon is ultimately compromised again (we’ll get to that a little later) while Somerset ends the movie by enigmatically hinting that he’s going to stick around a while longer and do his part to clean up a world “worth fighting for.”
Rami Malek vs. Brad Pitt
The characters played by Rami Malek and Brad Pitt are somewhat closer in temperament and motivation. Malek’s Jim Baxter is a young hotshot detective who’s eager to make his mark on the force, with ambition, energy, and intelligence to spare. Pitt’s David Mills is just transferred from what we gather is a far less inhospitable city, and at one point Somerset expresses surprise that Mills asked for the job. But both Mills and Baxter have a cocky self-confidence that makes the eventual destruction of each man the turning point of their respective movies.
That destruction of course comes at the hands of the movies’ villains/suspects and involves an insidious taunting that results in an unconscionable act of violence. In both movies, the detectives are led out to remote desert locations to allegedly reclaim the body/bodies of the killer’s last victim(s). Once there, the suspects get under the skin of the young detectives, resulting in both Baxter and Mills killing their antagonists–the former with a shovel, the latter with a gun. But there’s a major difference between the two.
While Mills’ killing of the suspect is arguably understandable when it’s revealed that the latter’s last victim was Mills’ wife–confirmed by the delivery of her head in a box–Mills still faces punishment for executing an unarmed suspect. Baxter, meanwhile, slaughters his suspect without definitively knowing that the man committed a single murder. In fact, his suspect, Albert Sparma (Jared Leto), denies killing anyone while Seven’s John Doe (Kevin Spacey) freely admits to everything.
Baxter is rescued by Deacon, who covers up his partner’s crime and puts them both in a morally and ethically compromised position; Somerset is in no position to do the same, although we don’t imagine he would. While Baxter doesn’t lose any members of his own family (he has a wife and two little daughters), he is still traumatized by his obsession and its outcome–he’s killed a possibly innocent man, he hasn’t found the last victim, and the killer could still be out there. We’re not sure if he’ll snap out of it, even when Deacon takes further action (faking evidence) to ease Baxter’s conscience. Mills, meanwhile, may never recover from the loss of his wife and unborn baby and his own associated guilt.
As for Somerset and Deacon…as we mentioned earlier, Somerset seems likely to stay on the force a little longer and keep doing his best, if only to honor his partner, while Deacon–who’s probably guilty of manslaughter in his earlier case and is now also an accessory to murder–retreats back to his grubby little mobile home up north.
The Right Man Or Not?
The Little Things and Seven present us with two uniquely different antagonists. In The Little Things, Leto’s creepy, snarky Sparma is an appliance repairman linked by circumstantial evidence to the most recently confirmed murder by LA’s new serial killer. But even though Sparma seems to relish being in the spotlight as the chief suspect–and deliberately dangles the possibility that he is the killer, only to withdraw it often within the same conversation–there is no indisputable evidence that attaches him to the murders.
Sparma does have a shady background and a couple of minor convictions on his record. He also admits to being a devotee of true crime, and even falsely claimed responsibility for a murder some years back. Yet he denies being the killer that Baxter and Deacon are looking for–even though his taunting about the crimes is eventually enough to cause Baxter to snap and kill him.
We may never know Sparma’s real motivation, but we know that of John Doe (Kevin Spacey), the nameless villain in Seven. His staging of macabre, agonizing deaths, each representing the seven deadly sins, is nothing less than a judgment upon humanity itself, a tapestry of depravity woven together to paint a picture of a lost, unsalvageable society. Unlike Sparma, Doe takes full responsibility for his actions and even works his own death at the hands of Mills into the plan. And while Sparma is a genuinely unsettling person, he is meant to be “real,” with a background, a job, and a semblance of a life. John Doe, in keeping with Seven’s more surreal aspects, has no past, no history, no identification, not even fingerprints. He’s a cipher and we’re meant to even wonder whether he’s a human being.
How It All Ends
By the end of both Seven and The Little Things, both trios of main characters are irrevocably changed. The suspects are dead, two cops’ lives are damaged or outright destroyed, and the other two lick their wounds in radically different ways. But both stories have different things they want to say at the end.
Seven is less a procedural and more an allegory–or perhaps a meditation–on the nature and pervasiveness of evil. It is an atmospheric, dread-inducing, and even frightening movie, yet its ultimate theme seems to be that as long as one person keeps fighting, hope can remain alive. That is made clear by Somerset’s vow to stay “around” at the film’s conclusion, despite his desperate yearning to retire and despite the psychological destruction of his partner.
The Little Things, meanwhile, has a message about how obsession and certainty can ruin a person’s life and force them to do things they never imagined. More specifically, it’s about how the nature of police work itself can enact that terrible toll on even the finest or smartest among us. We can probably assume that Deacon and Baxter started their careers with the best of intentions, but by the end of The Little Things both are revealed to be badly poisoned by their actions. Deacon retreats back into hiding and continues the cover-up, while we’re not sure what will happen to Baxter.
Perhaps the reason why Seven is a masterpiece and The Little Things is a solid yet flawed thriller is because of how they both make us feel. In The Little Things, we don’t fully empathize with Baxter or Deacon, whose choices are consistently the wrong ones. The movie has to work harder to get the two cops into the desert for the final confrontation with Sparma, and the personal stakes for Baxter are not high enough for him to initiate the fatal action he takes–his own family, who we barely get to know, are not in immediate danger.
In Seven, we ultimately empathize more with Mills and Somerset, giving the film the extra resonance and sense of tragedy that elevate it into a classic. We are genuinely heartbroken by the fate of Mills and his family: we’ve spent some time with his wife Tracy (Gwyneth Paltrow), who has confessed to Somerset earlier in the film that she never even wanted to come to this dying city in the first place. We feel more anguish and horror over her gruesome death, yet against all instincts, we still don’t want Mills to shoot John Doe and seal his own doom. And even after that bleak climactic moment, there’s an ever so slight but palpable sense of relief that Somerset is going to stick around after all.
In the final analysis, and weirdly enough for a movie so dark, Seven has the more optimistic ending, and therefore the more satisfying one.The Little Things is out now in limited theaters and on HBO Max through the end of February.
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The post The Little Things is Better Than a Seven Copycat appeared first on Den of Geek.
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International Cricket Captain Download Mac
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Stick Cricket
Cricket Coach
(Redirected from International Cricket Captain 2009)
Cricket Captain, formerly International Cricket Captain, is a series of cricket management video games by Empire Interactive, and by Childish Things since International Cricket Captain 2009, before which Empire went into administration. It rose to popularity in 1998, following the release of the first PC-based game in the series. The most recent version of the game is Cricket Captain 2020.
The concept for International Cricket Captain was the idea of Chris Child, who programmed the original game engine as a university project. Empire producer Brian Walker produced and co-designed the game in which the player takes control of an English County Cricket squad with the aim of leading them to success in the domestic competition and ultimately being asked to take up the position of England manager. There is also an added option in later games in the ICC series to take control of one of the other Test playing nations.
Taking inspiration from the hugely successful Championship Manager series of games which were also produced by Brian Walker, most aspects of a management sim are present in ICC, with the ability to coach players on their individual skills, scout opposition and buy and sell players at the end of each season. There are also comprehensive statistics available in the form of career stats pages for each player and team. Graphs and charts help the gamer to select the strongest team possible against particular opposition.[1]
Transition to console[edit]
Cricket Captain 2020 Crack Cricket Captain 2020 is the perfect companion if you are missing live matches, as the hugely anticipated season is disrupted. With the incredibly exciting 2019 World Cup and the fiercely fought Australia tour of England, a legion of fans have been attracted to the sport. International Cricket Captain is back in 2007 with a brand new edition to take the game to a whole new generation of gamers. This truly is the game for cricket fans, where you can test your skills. International cricket captain free download - International Cricket Captain 2008, International Cricket Captain 2011, International Cricket Captain 2010, and many more programs. Sign superstars. Captain your team to global Super League glory in the world's most popular cricket game, Stick Cricket. Take full control of your career - and your team - as a top flight franchise player. Stick Cricket Super League offers you the chance to: CREATE YOUR PLAYER Create.

Although mainly a PC based series, there have been console cross-overs, most notably for ICC 2001 which appeared on the PlayStation. However the PS version was limited in features compared to its PC cousin and as a result was not very successful. Aside from the lack of on-line play capability, gamers noted that the transition to the console meant for longer loading periods and a slightly more tedious controller-based interface.[2]
Game engine revamp[edit]

Trusted Windows (PC) download International Cricket Captain 2009 9.12. Virus-free and 100% clean download. Get International Cricket Captain 2009 alternative downloads.
ICC III was released on 6 July 2007 including a new algorithmic method of calculating player performances and a 3D match engine with motion captured shots. These changes are arguably a result of the competition that International Cricket Captain now faces from the popular Cricket Coach series, developed by Rockingham Software. The new engine replaces the original graphic highlights which were retained for each of the previous versions of the game, save minor cosmetic tweaks.
Download Cricket Captain 2018 for macOS 10.7 or later and enjoy it on your Mac. Cricket Captain returns for 2018 with an updated match engine, extensive additions to the records and statistics (including stats of every historical international player), Ireland & Afghanistan as playable test nations, improved internet game, improved coaching. Trusted Windows (PC) download International Cricket Captain 2009 9.12. Virus-free and 100% clean download. Get International Cricket Captain 2009 alternative downloads.
Over recent years, a common criticism from games reviewers[3] is of the perceived lack of progress in terms of the game's functionality, with the obvious change between versions tending to be limited to updated players and statistics.
Games in the series[edit]
International Cricket Captain
Australian Cricket Captain
International Cricket Captain 2
International Cricket Captain 2000
International Cricket Captain 2001 & Ashes Edition
International Cricket Captain 2002
International Cricket Captain 2005 & Ashes Edition
International Cricket Captain 2006
International Cricket Captain 2006: Ashes Edition
International Cricket Captain III
International Cricket Captain 2008
International Cricket Captain 2009: Ashes Edition
International Cricket Captain 2010
International Cricket Captain 2011
International Cricket Captain 2012
International Cricket Captain 2013
Cricket Captain 2014
Cricket Captain 2015
Cricket Captain 2016
Cricket Captain 2017
Cricket Captain 2018
Cricket Captain 2019
Cricket Captain 2020
International Cricket Captain[edit]
The player is able to take control of the English County side of their choice from the 1998 Season with the aim of becoming accomplished enough to captain the English national side.
The player must guide their chosen County Championship side through an English cricket season, playing English county cricket as well as regular first class matches. During close season, contract negotiations take place in which players are transferred between clubs or retire from the game altogether. There is also a pool of overseas players (from which the player can sign only one, in line with the regulations of the time).
The player receives a new points total each season based on their performance. If they have accrued enough points they are invited to coach the England team. This involves selecting a squad from the extensive pool of English county players and managing them in One Day International and Test Matches, including an annual winter tour. The game continues for twenty seasons until 2018, at which point the player is forced into retirement and the game ends.
Australian Cricket Captain[edit]
Australian Cricket Captain, featuring Australian State teams and competitions, was released to the Australasian market in 1999.[4] The game is almost identical to the original release in terms of gameplay aside from a revamp of the contracting system and minor cosmetic tweaks. There is also a commentary by former Australian captain Ian Chappell.
Stick Cricket
New releases of International Cricket Captain were made every year, with primarily minor cosmetic changes. These games are International Cricket Captain 2, International Cricket Captain 2000, International Cricket Captain 2001 (and the Ashes Edition), International Cricket Captain 2002, and International Cricket Captain 2005 (and the Ashes Edition).
International Cricket Champion 2006[edit]
International Cricket Captain 2006 was released on the PC. In England, batsmen Kevin Pietersen is featured on the cover, whereas the Australian version features fast bowler Brett Lee.
When playing single player you can choose one of four modes to play.
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Full Game - You take control of a County Team with the possibility of 'captaining' the England cricket team.
County and England - You take control of a County Team and England from the very beginning.
International Only - Take control of any of the 10 Test cricket nations.
Scenario - Relive a classic cricket match from the past.
Two Player - Go head to head with a friend.
International Cricket Captain 2006 featured online play where you could take on another player in either a First Class or ODI match.
International Cricket Captain 2006: Ashes Edition' is a video game, the eighth from the popular International Cricket Captain Series. It was purposely made for England's attempt to retain The Ashes in Australia. It is mainly a roster update from International Cricket Captain 2006 but also includes 6 ashes scenarios.
International Cricket Captain III[edit]
International Cricket Captain IIIDeveloper(s)Empire InteractivePublisher(s)Empire InteractiveDesigner(s)Chris ChildPlatform(s)PC PS2 PSPReleaseJuly 6, 2007 November 16, 2007 (PSP)Genre(s)SportsMode(s)Single-player & Multiplayer
International Cricket Captain III is the ninth iteration of the ICC series.
Released in the summer of 2007, the game boasted the largest number of changes to the series for many versions including new 3D graphics and changes to the underlying match engine. A demo, playable for a maximum of 48 hours (two calendar days) was available at the developer's website.International Cricket Captain III is also available for the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable.
International Cricket Captain 2008[edit]
International Cricket Captain 2008Platform(s)Microsoft WindowsRelease
EU: Jun 27, 2008
International Cricket Captain 2008 featured on its United Kingdom cover, England's Monty Panesar. It contained all contemporary cricket players from first class cricket, Test cricket, List-A and One Day International teams, and can be played in a career mode indefinitely, with repeating domestic and international fixtures generated for each year, along with youth players continually added and other players retiring to enable an open-ended career as coach of a national or domestic side.
International Cricket Captain 2009[edit]
Developer(s)2P GamesPublisher(s)Childish ThingsSeriesInternational Cricket CaptainPlatform(s)Microsoft WindowsReleaseJuly 2, 2009Genre(s)Sports Simulation
International Cricket Captain 2009 is the 12th game in the series so far. It contains all current cricket players from first class cricket, Test cricket, List-A and One Day International teams, and can be played in a career mode indefinitely, with repeating domestic and international fixtures generated for each year, along with youth players continually added and other players retiring to enable an open-ended career as coach of a national or domestic side. There have been many improvements in the game from the previous installment International Cricket Captain 2008. It was first released on 2 July as a download only from the Childish Things website, and the box version was released on 17 July 2009.
International Cricket Captain 2010[edit]
International Cricket Captain 2010Developer(s)Childish ThingsPublisher(s)P2 GamesSeriesInternational Cricket CaptainPlatform(s)Microsoft WindowsReleaseJune 5, 2010Genre(s)Sports Simulation
International Cricket Captain 2010 is the 13th edition of the International Cricket Captain series. It contains all current cricket players from first class cricket, Test cricket, List-A and One Day International teams, and can be played in a career mode indefinitely, with repeating domestic and international fixtures generated for each year, along with youth players continually added and other players retiring to enable an open-ended career as coach of a national or domestic side. The game features all teams and competitions from the English Domestic Season, International teams and competitions including the T20 World Cup and for the first time in the Cricket Captain series, all teams and competitions from the Australian Domestic Season.
Players can choose to take control of one of the eighteen county sides and participates in the County Championship, Clydesdale Bank 40 and Twenty20 Cup. Keynote online download for mac. After each season players take part in the transfer market recruiting new players for their side and they can choose one main overseas player, one reserve overseas player and two T20 overseas player which can only play in T20 matches.
Players can also choose to take control of one of the six State sides and participates in Sheffield Shield, Ford Ranger One Day Cup and KFC Twenty20 Big Bash after each season players can choose new players in the transfer market and they get two randomly selected overseas player.
As with previous versions, the entire County cricket sphere is open to the player, with each of the counties as a playable team. New to the 2010 edition is the inclusion of the Australian state cricket teams, the New South Wales Blues, Victorian Bushrangers, Western Warriors, Southern Redbacks, Queensland Bulls and Tasmanian Tigers. All international Test playing nations and Zimbabwe also feature, as well as all One Day International playing teams though these are unplayable.
International Cricket Captain 2011[edit]
International Cricket Captain 2011Developer(s)Childish ThingsPublisher(s)P2 GamesSeriesInternational Cricket CaptainPlatform(s)Microsoft Windows, Mac OSRelease8 June 2011Genre(s)Sports Simulation
International Cricket Captain 2011 is the 14th edition of the International Cricket Captain series
ICC 2011 received mixed reviews: GameSpot concluded that 'international Cricket Captain 2011 doesn't break any new ground, but a wealth of real-life statistics married to a solid management sim makes it worth the investment for any budding cricket captains.'
International Cricket Captain 2012[edit]
International Cricket Captain 2013[edit]
International Cricket Captain 2013Developer(s)Childish ThingsPublisher(s)P2 GamesSeriesInternational Cricket CaptainPlatform(s)Microsoft Windows, Mac OSReleaseJune 2013Genre(s)Sports Simulation
International Cricket Captain 2013 is the sixteenth installment of the International Cricket Captain series. Produced by Childish Things on Microsoft Windows and Mac OS, it follows the release of International Cricket Captain 2012 Mac legacy java 6 download. the previous year.
Built upon previous versions, with updated statistics for current players, ICC '13' also included new features: 'All-Time Greats' in which players can assemble teams of great cricketers from different eras; 'Classic England vs. Australia' in which players can replay one of five classic test matches from the England / Australia rivalry; international on-line, enabling players to engage in international Test, ODI and T20 matches. Various graphical and interface upgrades were also introduced, as well as the ability to pick opposition teams in custom series. It was released on 29 June 2013, a day later than planned following the discovery of an unexpected error.[5]
Cricket Captain 2014[edit]
Producer: Childish ThingsSeason: 2014 and AbroadFeatures: English County Cricket, Australian Domestic First Class, Indian Premier League, Indian First Class, International Tests, ODIs, T20s and List A.
Cricket Captain 2015[edit]
The latest edition in the series, Cricket Captain 2015, was released on 8 July 2015 on Steam and has received mixed reviews from players, most noting that there aren't many changes in the game except for a few minor additions and a statistical update.
Cricket Captain 2016[edit]
International Cricket Captain 2016Developer(s)Childish ThingsPublisher(s)KISS ltdSeriesInternational Cricket CaptainPlatform(s)Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, IOSRelease5 July 2016Genre(s)Sports Simulation
Cricket Captain 2016 was released on 5 July 2016 on Steam; new features included playable New Zealand and South African Domestic teams, Updated One Day International (ODI) and 20 over (T20) World Cup Tournament modes. International teams that played in the last two World Cups including Afghanistan, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands, Oman, Scotland or the UAE were playable.
Cricket Captain 2017[edit]
Cricket Coach
International Cricket Captain 2018Developer(s)Childish ThingsPublisher(s)KISS ltdSeriesInternational Cricket CaptainPlatform(s)Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Android, IOS[6]Release6 July 2017[7]Genre(s)Sports Simulation
Cricket Captain 2017 was released on 6 July 2017. New features include the new twenty-over leagues in West Indies, South Africa, Pakistan, and Bangladesh[8]
Ground Records
International Versus Records
four new modelled grounds: Cardiff, Taunton, Bristol and Hobart with updated ground models for existing grounds
Historical Scenarios: England vs South Africa 2003, 1998 and England vs West Indies 1995, 1984 and 1957
New database with improved player ability and player type accuracy
Pakistan Domestic cricket
^England's One Man Army ICC Site
^CricketGames.com ICC page
^Such as in the GameSpotReview for the 2006 version
^Commercial Cricket Games - Australian Cricket Captain
^Nixon, James (15 May 2013). 'Cricket Games - International Cricket Captain 2013 Features'. Cricket Web.
^Sripath, Srinath (July 16, 2017). 'Srinath Sripath reviews Cricket Captain 2017: An all-too-familiar, spruced up time sink'. ESPN Cricinfo. Retrieved July 17, 2017.
^'Cricket Captain (@CricketCaptain)'. Twitter. Retrieved July 17, 2017.
^'Childish Things 2017'. Childish Things. Retrieved July 17, 2017.
External links[edit]
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=International_Cricket_Captain&oldid=966829903'
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How to Expand Your Pool of Potential Renters
When listing your property for rent, there are a few key strategies you can use to help you attract the best quality of potential renters, as well as a larger number of renters to choose from. Using strategies involving listings, rules and regulations, and information gathered from potential tenants will help you to know as much as possible about your future renters. The following are a few easy ways to increase your pool of potential renters in ways that won’t jeopardize your property or lower your earnings.
Use Multiple Listing Sites
By listing your property on multiple sites, more potential renters will see it and will be interested in contacting you about the property. More views on the property means more potential renters. As well as using multiple sites, be sure to use good quality pictures and descriptions of the property and write a unique and compelling listing. Using well written and descriptive listings will help renters understand more about the property. You can use the same listing on multiple sites, or you can add variation by tailoring each listing to each site.
Allow Pets
Allowing pets will also open your property to the potential of more renters. With more and more people getting Emotional Support Animals, as well as pets in general, making sure that your property is already prepared for animals will help in that process.
While removing pet odor can involve an intensive cleaning process, you can make it worth it by requesting tenants to pay a pet deposit. Using a pet deposit will help tenants to know that while they are allowed to have animals in the property, they also need to be able to pay for any damages that may occur.
Be Specific
While listing your property, and while screening potential renters, making sure that you are specific about the qualifications and criteria beforehand will help you to attract the types of tenants you want. Questions involving pets, smoking, credit, and many others will help you to specify what you want in a future tenant and help people to know if they should inquire after the property. Specificity will also help you avoid potential future problems with renters that could’ve been avoided by obtaining extra information.
There are many ways that you can expand your pool of potential renters, but by using strategies like multiple listing sites, among many others, you will be able to attract the kinds of renters that you want to have.
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In which Jane turns 60 in the desert
Thursday, July 25th, 2019 was the first day that we were all together, everyone present. On Wednesday, my cousin Targ (a nickname created from “Margaret”) and her mother, my aunt, my father’s only sibling, Mary Lee Lincoln McIntyre, had arrived in a rental car from Eugene airport and checked into a cabin at Summer Lake Hot Springs. My sister, Elizabeth Lincoln, drove my kids, Jonah and Clara, and two of her kids, Yuuki and Makoto, and her husband Jim, up from Reno, arriving just after noon. My cousin, Julie McIntyre, drove with her son, Shayden, all the way from Tucson, AZ. Valerie’s youngest, Arden, and his partner Maggie drove in from the Willamette Valley, and Valerie’s sister Karen arrived on Thursday from Chiloquin. Karen left on Friday, having to prepare a sermon for Sunday, so by Saturday morning, this was the assembled crew:
We had a more serious portrait shot but I tend to prefer the ‘act goofy’ photos. I look like a zombie, well fed after the apocalypse, Valerie is simply laughing. Mary Lee, age 86, is clearly game for anything. Yuuki is doing a pose. Maggie is blowing bubbles. Everyone was a good sport.
Months ago, realizing I was headed to the end of my 60th year on earth, I decided to invite the descendants of Ruth and Henry Lincoln to the Oregon Outback, Great Basin, High Desert land of Paisley to celebrate the fact of my existence. Not all could come, but a surprising number did. And the two relations of Valerie who were easily able to join us, got to meet more of my peeps.
That Thursday, we enjoyed a Mexican themed dinner, accommodating the vegan and the beef-eating, the gluten free and the ‘organic-only.’ Since July 25th was the day I decided would be my designated birthday with everyone as my captive audience, we played “Vertellis.” It’s a Dutch card game that’s pretty simple: four rounds are organized into individual and group questions. I picked two categories of individual questions: Looking back on the year, what was good, crazy, interesting… and, looking forward to next year, what do you plan, hope for, find challenging? Everyone picks a card with a question, and you answer as honestly as you wish when it’s your turn.
I highly recommend https://vertellis.com/ for gatherings of people you don’t regularly see, especially around holidays. The answers can be hilarious, revelatory, and touching. When Valerie drew a card about picking something from the past year that she regretted, she told us: “I should have bought that primer bulb for the weed whacker way sooner!” Ever the practical gal, that Valerie! Clara hopes that the immigration hearing goes well for her husband, Jose. The answers spanned quite a range, and helped us to know each other a little bit better.
Why do we gather relatives only for funerals and weddings? Or for old people’s 90th birthdays? Why not age 60?
I did feel selfish about the whole thing, off and on. My family had to spend money on the flights, the rental cars, and then the cabins at Summer Lake Hot Springs. My friend and coworker, JD, and his husband Joey lent me their RV camper, so 4 of the young’uns could sleep in that for nothing’. There were 4 Lincoln/McIntyre/Matteuccis and 4 Lincoln/Frey/Saitohs in each cabin. There was a lovely symmetry to the housing. The inside of the cabins has a southwest, rustic feel:
They are not air conditioned, and it was quite hot during the day, although as we say out west, at least ‘it’s a dry heat.’ Here in the desert, it is also very dusty. Thank goodness the temperatures cool off at night to around 50 degrees F, and there’s almost always a breeze.
There are the fabulous hot springs pools, too: here is the pool house at dusk, run through a filter:
We managed to escape the heat by going to the swimming hole in the Chewaucan River, which I’d never been to. The water is cool but not freezing, and clear, so that I could sit in a shallow spot and pick out flat rocks for Clara to skip. Even my aunt went, situated in a camp chair, safe from the water, and an elderly chihuahua named Uddha came, too. He stayed well away from the watery fracas.
Valerie and Uddha
Mary Lee and Uddha
Someone stacked rocks in a lovely sculptural way:
We spent Friday schlepping to Picture Rock Pass to look at the petroglyphs, and then to Crack in the Ground, where I’d been wanting to go. That place is magical. Aunt Mary Lee sat comfortably in the shade on the picnic bench while the rest of us went one way or another, deep into the crevasses. My cousin’s son Shayden is a confident free climber and scaled all the way to the surface. We breathed in the moist, cool air and reveled in curious rock formations.
Shayden at Crack in the Ground
Where did this fern blow in from? Way to the west? I salute you, brave, flying little fern.
Looks like a path in the Holy Land, or a Roman ruin….
“Crack in the Ground is a volcanic fissure that formed at the western boundary of a small graben underlying the Four Craters Lava Field. The Crack and lava field were recently dated at about 14,000 years old. The fissure is about 2 miles long and 70 feet deep, and disappears into lake sediments at its southern end. Therefore, this supports an interpretation that Lake Fort Rock rose no higher than this level in the last 14,000 years.” http://www.fortrockoregon.com/Crack.html
Although impressing my family with the gorgeousness of high desert Eastern Oregon was deeply satisfying, the best part of the visit was the conversations. Family lore was reviewed by Mary Lee, who lived it, and Elizabeth, who brought a copy of a bound books she had made of her genealogy research on the Lincolns and the Smiths (my mother’s side.) Jonah was asked about The Future of Film, and Makoto shared that he’s looking forward to his semester in Japan where he can improve his Japanese and get a bit more feeling about the land of his father’s ancestors. I didn’t actually have any deep conversations. I felt a little bit like a bride: everyone’s gathered here to see me (and my beloved), and my job is to play my role and make sure everyone has enough seltzer to drink, and a comfy clean pillow. It was enough to create the event of gathering: I hope to continue conversations with my sister, cousins, and children by phone with more depth now that we’ve seen each other in the flesh.
The family came in from Brooklyn, DC, Philadelphia, Virginia, Delaware, Albuquerque and Tucson, all very urban places. The empty expanses, and the star lit night sky, will surely stay with our visitors. Arden, Valerie’s youngest, was a firefighter in Lake County and knows a lot of cool locations, like the dry Loco Lake. He took the youngest generation to check it out on at least two nights. I was too tired. But from the photos, it looks like yet another spooky, otherworldly piece of the Oregon Outback.
Yuuki is the most photogenic creature that ever was, and was beautifully lit at Loco Lake by Jonah.
Beautiful Clara, and Jonah making Alkali Angels??
Apparently Loco Lake was a highlight for the youngest generation.
For the oldest traveler, Mary Lee, I think the best part of the trip was just seeing everyone. She’s lived and visited most of the planet, and reared her three children in New Dehli and Lebanon. She knows world history and writes plays about strong women, including Eleanor Roosevelt. She survived being widowed in her early 40s, and again in her 70s. She loves Italy, travel in general, gems, and her children and grandchildren. She loves me enough to deal with flight delays and dusty heat. She is amazing.
I was born in the evening of August 15th when Perry Mason was apparently just starting on TV. My father had just turned 30 two weeks before my arrival, and my mother was just 23. My mother passed away when she was 55, and my father after 7 years in a nursing home following a devastating stroke at age 69. Neither lived long enough to know my life as a divorced lesbian, and would have wondered at my choice to live in Paisley. Hopefully they’d have come around to my being gay, and as long as I have a job and am self sufficient, my father would have relaxed about the move. He’d also loved all the gun-toting, horse-riding republicans and he’d have adored Trump. Mom would have romanticized the First Nation people, and asked me about all the churches we’ve tried in our futile search for another St. Stephen’s. In any case, their daughters, myself and Elizabeth, are doing fine, and so are our five children. Mary Lee has 5 grandchildren, too. The 10 great grands of Ruth and Henry.
Ruth Turner, the descendant of slave owners. Henry Lincoln, cousin to the Great Emancipator. In that tension lies most of American History.
One thing that I reflect on as I think about the descendants of Ruth and Henry, is that we are committed to the social good, and to the arts. My sister is learning Healing Touch for working with animals and humans. Cousin Julie is an expert on pollinators, working against all hope for the healing of the environment with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Her sister, Targ, is a middle school guidance counselor. Brother Andrew McIntyre, who couldn’t come to Paisley, is a professor of acupuncture. Yuuki is an artist, exploring gender and the biracial life as a Japanese-American hyphenated human, with courage and sass. I’ve been a social worker for 33 years, now psychotherapist to the bruised and broken-hearted of Lake County. My daughter Clara is in charge of a tutoring site in Prince Georges County for at risk Latinx youth, using her bilingual skills to bring children and grandchildren of immigrants more opportunity through education. My son Jonah makes music videos in Brooklyn, living in what Beverly Tatum Daniel calls the borderlands where cultures complement, challenge, connect and stimulate each other. I asked him recently why he only dates women of color, particularly women of the African Diaspora. He says, they can relate to being of two cultures. Since he grew up white in a non-white world, he feels like a code switcher, too.
We are all in our own way, justice-seeking.
The other part of the birthday extravaganza was letting people give to me. Receiving. Valerie had been reading a book called, It’s Not Your Money, by Tosha Sliver, who’s an amazing writer using humor and an ecumenical lens. I started reading it, and found this prayer, which I inhaled into my heart for the awkwardness of receiving all the love of my family for my birthday.
Here I go, headlong into my 61st year, giving with complete ease and abundance, wildly open to receiving.
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