pujalamps · 3 years
Buy Tea Light Candles Online | Palm Wax Tea Light Candle
Palm Wax Tea Light Candles ₹359.99 Product Details Color: White Burn Time: Up to 4 hrs. Tea Light Candle Size (Cms.): 3.7 Diameter x 1.5 cm Height Weight Per Tea Light Candle: 12.0 grams to 13 grams Box Dimensions (Cms.): 19 L x 19 W x 8 H\
Additional information
Item: Golden Star Mrs.Maroo’s Palm Wax Tea Light Candles Item Number GS-TL-4-HRS Color White (unscented) Primary Material Palm Wax Burn time Up to 4 hrs. Packing per box 100 Pcs Tea Light Candle Size (Cms.) 3.7 Diameter  x 1.5 cm Height Weight per tea light candle 12.0 grams to 13 grams Box Dimensions (Cms.) 19 L x 19 W x 8 H Shipping Weight 1.425 Kgs Manufacturer Golden Star S L (Private) Limited, Sri Lanka
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pujalamps · 3 years
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pujalamps · 3 years
Buy Tea Light Candles Online | Palm Wax Tea Light Candles
Product Details
Color: White Burn Time: Up to 4 hrs. Tea Light Candle Size (Cms.): 3.7 Diameter x 1.5 cm Height Weight Per Tea Light Candle: 12.0 grams to 13 grams Box Dimensions (Cms.): 19 L x 19 W x 8 H
Whether you light a candle at the altar, use a diffuser with essential oils, simply want to heat up food for your party, the simple go to solution has traditionally been tea lights.
Did you know most tea lights in the market available today are made of paraffin wax? Paraffin is a toxic non renewable source which emits minute harmful particles that are invisible to the eye when they burn. When a paraffin wax candle burns in your house, remember you are exposing everyone who lives with you to these emissions. Continued exposure is not conducive to good health.
We are pleased to offer candles made of palm wax (a renewable source) which are 100% natural and non toxic. Because of its good nature it burns for longer and brighter. Not only are you doing yourself and the environment a favour by not using paraffin, you also have the pleasure of seeing a natural product burn brighter and longer when you choose palm wax over paraffin.
This is almost too good to be true, there has to be a catch,” you say. What does it cost? Unlike fancy European palm wax candles, that cost an arm and a leg, ours are only marginally higher than paraffin candles. They are made in Sri Lanka to the highest international standards, and use lead free wicks to further ensure that you have the best possible experience when you light one of our candles. Try it out for yourself and see.
tealightcandle palmwaxtealightcandle PujaLamps&Refills diyasforpooja brassdiyasforpooja kuberdiyabrass poojadeepam ganesgadeep balajideep lakshmideep padmadeep durgadeep kuberadeep durgadeep brasskamakshidiya tealightcandles palmwaxtealightcandle
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pujalamps · 3 years
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pujalamps · 3 years
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pujalamps · 3 years
Keep things in mind when lighting a puja lamp - Puja Lamp
Keep things in mind when lighting a puja lamp
Puja Lamp or Diya has a great significance in every Hindu household. We all know that diyas not only play a vital role in dispelling darkness from the place, it also creates positive vibrations in the place where it is lit. Diyas also play a vital role in removing vastu doshas from the place. Despite so many positives attached with puja lamps, there are certain rules that must be kept in mind while lighting a diya. There are specific directions and certain hours of the day that it should be lit to get maximum benefits. Let us know some of the key aspects:
What are the types of diyas that should be used in homes to get maximum benefits?
Brass diya is considered the best. Ideally ghee should be used for best results, but specially made panchadeepam puja oil can also be used to get desired results. Diyas with panchadeepam oil are known to emit sattvik or divine frequencies and thus have the capability to fill your home with positive vibes brimming with divine grace. Brass is a good conductor of positive energy and it can help reflect positive energy throughout the home. Using brass diya creates a happy and positive aura in the home.
Why vastu shastra attach so much importance to lighting a diya?
Vastu shastra is all about bringing in and retaining positive energy in a place. When a place allows inflow of positive energy and has provisions to remove negative energy, then that place is considered ‘perfect’ according to age-old vastu guidelines. Thus, when a diya is lit up with a panchadeepam puja oil, it enhances the positive energy field around it and drives away negative energy from that place. Positive energy attracts abundance, prosperity and peace.
Whichare the best directions for diya to be kept?
Though lighting a diya is good for home in any direction, there are certain rules that are prescribed in our religious texts. When it is kept in the east facing direction, it is known to provide relief from several diseases and increases the longevity of the inmates of the home. When it is kept in the north or north east direction, it helps in increasing wealth and prosperity and also brings down health issues. Diyas should not be kept in the west facing direction.
What are some unknown facts about diyas?
Keeping a panchadeepam oil filled diya near a drinking water container (metal container) leads to increase in wealth and health. When one drinks water from that container on a regular basis, one’s health condition will improve to a great extent and he becomes a magnet to attract wealth consistently. This is something that is not known to many people. This is because the positive energy emanating from the panchadeepam oil filled diya will be observed by the water and drinking that water changes the mind and body positively. As our body is made up of more than 70% water, the positive water crystals will fill every cell of your body making us a positive person.
According to traditional vastu principles, Tulsi plant is associated with goddess Lakshmi. When you have a tulsi plant in your home, placing a diya near it is considered very auspicious as it will please goddess Lakshmi.
Who can ideally light a diya in our homes? A male or a female?
In today’s busy life, we can see men lighting a diya. There is no harm in it. But, ideally the benefits increase manifold when it is lit by the lady of the home. It is considered special or auspicious when it is lit by an unmarried girl in the home.  Whoever lights it, make sure diyas are lit at your home on a daily basis without fail.
Which is the best time of the day to light the lamp?
It is known that goddess Lakshmi will enter only homes that are clean and well-lit. It is recommended to light a diya every morning and evening and keep it burning .
Which is the best wick to use? Straight or puffed wicks?
We have clear vastu guidelines to clear the doubt. It is always better to use straight wicks instead of puffed wicks. Straight wicks create a perfect fire element and thus helps in attracting superior deities to the place where it is lit. Using a straight wick creates positivity and happiness in the mind of the worshipper.
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pujalamps · 3 years
Miracles of Lighting a Lamp - Puja Lamp
Miracles of Lighting a Lamp
It is a common desire that we all want our life to change instantly through some sort of a miracle. Almost everyone on this planet must have hoped for or prayed for a miracle during some stages of their life, atleast once.  
No, we are not talking about walking on the water or changing sea water into sweet water… That is not the sort of miracle we are talking about. We mean, miracle is something that brings along divine intervention allowing us to manifest something that was not humanly possible without any external help.
Yes, miracles do happen to people in real life and there is a way to achieve it. How ready are you to receive miracles in your life? It is said that one who wants to experience a miracle in one’s life, one has to be prepared to participate when it is unfolding. No, we are not trying to be philosophical, we are trying to explain the process of allowing miracles to enter your life.
There are two ways to experience miracles in your life.
Lighting a Lamp regularly Practicing Gratitude How lighting a lamp ensures miraculous change in life?
You may argue that lighting a lamp is a south Indian tradition and it has nothing to do with miracles. This simple act of lighting a puja lamp and praying everyday prepares you mentally to solve your problems. Scientifically, the mind that prays is focused on achieving a solution to any specific problem, which can be anything from finance to relationship issues to job security or health… or just about anything.
When you light a puja lamp or diya and pray at specific times during morning or evening or both, the glowing lamp adds more energy to you and to your surroundings. Lighting of lamps is an ancient ritual that is practiced even today in millions of Hindu households even today without any lag. This simple ritual has proven to bring loads of positive energy. The light of the diya or puja lamp symbolizes auspiciousness and invites goddess Lakshmi. The light, which emanates because of the special oil in the lamp is known to attract prosperity and fertility leading to positive changes in the lives of the household where it is lit.
Remember, our lives on this planet are governed by light. When there is no light, no life is possible on this earth. Light removes darkness and allows us to carry out our daily tasks. Thus, lighting a lamp is regarded as the symbolic representation of removing darkness or negativities from our life using our knowledge.
According to Hindu scriptures, those with purity of heart and mind attract wealth and prosperity. Thus, lighting a puja lamp not only purifies the place where it is lit, but also purifies the mind and heart of the person who prays before a lighted lamp. Thus, the first step to achieve a seemingly impossible dream is to light a lamp and allow the miracle to unfold naturally. It is also regarded as the first step taken in the right direction by removing the darkness from your life. It creates a welcoming aura and a calm atmosphere to let the universe know your needs clearly and thus work towards the manifestation of your dreams and wishes.
How miracles follow a grateful mind?
We all know that being grateful is a good quality. But wondering how gratitude produces miracles and what do we mean by practicing gratitude?
Yes, there is some scientific backing to this claim. When you show gratitude for everything that you have and everything that is coming your way, the energy around you changes drastically. Your body glows with a different aura, you kind of become a light in the darkness. And you begin to attract more positive things in your life as you become more receptive to universal blessings.
When you become more receptive, you will begin to attract more wealth and abundance. This leads to change in your mindset; from scarcity to abundance. Being thankful for all that you have and everything that you have received so far is certainly a game-changer. So, develop gratefulness and say thanks to all that you have. Don’t worry about what you don’t have.
Well, if you want to know what are the things for which you can be grateful for? Be grateful for everything that you have in your life currently. From the people who grew food on your plate, to the knowledge that you gained to physical health and all the comforts that you have. Clean water, breeze, house to live in… there are countless things that you can be grateful for.
Practice gratitude before a lighted lamp during a specific time of the day and you can witness miracles unfold quietly in your life.
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pujalamps · 3 years
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pujalamps · 3 years
Significance of Lighting Puja Lamps | Puja lamps
Significance of Lighting Puja Lamps
We all know that lighting a deepam or puja lamp or diya is part of our everyday custom in most households in India. Lighting a diya is an essential aspect of all ceremonies including worships, festivals, religious occasions, auspicious days etc., Ever wondered why every new beginning or inauguration of a new venture is always done by lighting a lamp?
A burning lamp represents fire, one of the five principal elements of nature. Fire represents purity as anything that comes in contact with fire is immediately purified, the way impure gold is converted into pure gold when it is burnt in fire.
Diya or Puja lamp plays a significant role in Hinduism as it signifies removal of darkness and negative forces from the vicinity. It is believed that negative forces and evil spirits gain power in darkness and that is the reason why diyas or brass diyas for pooja are lit in our households to dispel those negative forces.
There is a still deeper and philosophical significance attached to lighting puja lamps or vilaku, as popularly known in South India. The oil in a puja lamp symbolizes unwanted muck in our mind such as greed, hatred, lust, jealousy, which tend to get nurtured and grow manifold when it is not curtailed. The cotton wick in the lamp is symbolic to the soul or the self. The puja lamp represents light when the oil is burnt through a wick. Thus, lighting of puja lamps signifies an opportunity for one to get rid of negative and materialistic thoughts and free oneself from all forms of sadness, and attain eternal happiness through enlightenment by connecting with the Supreme Being.
When one aspires to change the world, the first step is to change oneself from within. Conquering self is the first step to conquer the external world. Thus, when one aspires to achieve something in one’s life, beginning with a clear mind is the first step towards achieving it. Thus, beginning a new mission with a lamp allows to clear the mind by removing the clutter and let the mind focus on the results.
The science behind lighting a lamp
Puja Lamp or diya when it is lit using wick and oil or ghee creates an aura of illumination. This radiance that emanates from the lamp creates a bunch of electromagnetic waves that opens up the mind and activates the sensory nerves of the mind of the person who prays or sits near the lamp. Thus, these electromagnetic waves enhance the brain function and allow the person to think better and think positively. Thus when a person is praying or making his wishes before a lighted lamp, it results in a concentrated thought and allows the mind to focus on that aspect better. A strong and concentrated thought creates a strong belief system which helps the individual to act on his wishes with greater focus leading to accomplishment.
Further, a burning lamp keeps on emitting activated carbon particles, which are purification agents. These carbon particles (kind of charcoal) are proven to absorb all the impurities and pathogens present in that atmosphere and make that place pure and harmless. The temperature created through that burning lamp also helps in detoxification of the mind and body of the individual present nearby.
Benefits of Lighting a Lamp
Lighting a puja lamp proves to be the first step made in the right direction to accomplish our wishes. Further, lighting a lamp has proven to invoke the blessings of goddesses or angels and thus the individual is blessed with divine wisdom and inner strength to pursue his or her ambitions.
By lighting a lamp or diya, the worshipper
welcomes the blessings of God, thereby ushering in good luck, wealth, positivity and prosperity. surrenders his or her shortcomings and receives divine blessing to attain superior knowledge and get rid of fear, anxiety and disbelief. gets more opportunities to thank God for giving a happy, healthy and contented life. This gratitude is known to bring more such situations to remain grateful to the Supreme creator creates an opportunity to welcome goddess Lakshmi to the house, symbolically inviting wealth and prosperity. Thus, lighting a puja lamp can do a world of good to our lives. Despite all the benefits, there is a considerable reduction in the lighting of lamps for various reasons among today’s youth such as lack of time, lack of patience and the hassles of handling oil and wick. Whatever may be the reason, we all should light a lamp in our house atleast once every day and that can make our lives much better.
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pujalamps · 3 years
Brass Diyas for Pooja & Brass Oil Lamps for Pooja | Durga Deep
Details Goddess Durga Devi into your house this festive season. Light a Durga Deep lamp and pray to her to help you overcome all your difficulties and usher in peace and prosperity.
Welcome Goddess Durga Devi into your house this festive season. Light a Durga Deep lamp and pray to her to help you overcome all your difficulties and usher in peace and prosperity. New offering with 8 refills that burn up to an hour containing a combination of vegetable lamp oil and panchadeepam oil with a cotton wick.
Lord Venkateswara a combination of two words Ven keep away and kata troubles, He who keeps away troubles.
Lord Venkateswara a combination of two words Ven keep away and kata troubles, He who keeps away troubles. Popularly also known as Lord Balaji, we are pleased to offer a new lamp Balaji Deep uniquely designed with 8 lamp refills that burn upto an hour containing a combination of vegetable lamp oil and Panchadeepam oil with a cotton wick.
Kubera Deep is named after Lord Kubera, the god of wealth and the treasurer of Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi. Considered as protector of the world, he is known as Vaisravana in Buddhism & Sarvanubhuti in Jainism. Kubera represents wealth, prosperity and glory – he who not only distributes, but also maintains and guards all the treasures of this universe
The Lakshmi Deep is popularly known as Kamakshi Vilakku. A divine lamp of Goddess or Devi Kamakshi, ‘Lakshmi of power’ – one of the 8 Ashta-Lakshmis, symbolises prosperity.
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pujalamps · 3 years
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pujalamps · 3 years
Buy Diyas for Pooja & Brass Oil Lamps for Pooja | Balaji Deep
Lord Venkateswara a combination of two words Ven keep away and kata troubles, He who keeps away troubles.
Lord Venkateswara a combination of two words Ven keep away and kata troubles, He who keeps away troubles. Popularly also known as Lord Balaji, we are pleased to offer a new lamp Balaji Deep uniquely designed with 8 lamp refills that burn upto an hour containing a combination of vegetable lamp oil and Panchadeepam oil with a cotton wick.
Welcome Goddess Durga Devi into your house this festive season. Light a Durga Deep lamp and pray to her to help you overcome all your difficulties and usher in peace and prosperity. New offering with 8 refills that burn up to an hour containing a combination of vegetable lamp oil and panchadeepam oil with a cotton wick.
Kubera Deep is named after Lord Kubera, the god of wealth and the treasurer of Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi. Considered as protector of the world, he is known as Vaisravana in Buddhism & Sarvanubhuti in Jainism. Kubera represents wealth, prosperity and glory – he who not only distributes, but also maintains and guards all the treasures of this universe
The Lakshmi Deep is popularly known as Kamakshi Vilakku. A divine lamp of Goddess or Devi Kamakshi, ‘Lakshmi of power’ – one of the 8 Ashta-Lakshmis, symbolises prosperity.
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pujalamps · 3 years
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pujalamps · 3 years
* Each box contains one brass lamp and 8 lamp oil refills. * Lighting lamps made clean and easy with puja lamp oil refills. * Place refill in the lamp and light. When done, replace refill.
Brass diyas for pooja, Padma deep or lotus lamp, lighting the Padma lamp will alleviate ignorance, illuminate your mind with knowledge & give you mental clarity.
Lamp Oil Refill – Details
Ingredients used in each of the lamp oil refills contains vegetable oil mixed with Panchadepam oil, which comprises the following:
Pure Gingelly/Sesame oil, which is believed to eliminate difficulties and obstacles from one’s life. Pure Cow’s ghee, for prosperity, health and happiness. It is also said to bring peace to one’s life and dispel poverty. Mahua oil extracted from the Mahua tree, which is said to free one from debt. Castor oil is believed to bring fame and happiness to one’s family while promoting harmony. Neem oil is said to bring wealth into your home.
Salient features Each lamp oil refill lights (burns) up to one hour Cotton Wick Does not leave any soot or smoke Clean handling Recyclable, eco-friendly.
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pujalamps · 3 years
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pujalamps · 3 years
Buy Brass Kamatchi Vilakku and Brass Vilakku | Lakshmi Deep
Product Details:
*Each box contains one brass lamp and 8 lamp oil refills. *Lighting lamps made clean and easy with puja lamp oil refills. *Place refill in the lamp and light. When done, replace refill.
Lamp Oil Refill – Details
Ingredients used in each of the lamp oil refills contains vegetable oil mixed with Panchadepam oil, which comprises the following: Pure Gingelly/Sesame oil, which is believed to eliminate difficulties and obstacles from one’s life. Pure Cow’s ghee, for prosperity, health and happiness. It is also said to bring peace to one’s life and dispel poverty. Mahua oil extracted from the Mahua tree, which is said to free one from debt. Castor oil is believed to bring fame and happiness to one’s family while promoting harmony. Neem oil is said to bring wealth into your home.
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