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hoshifighting · 1 year ago
Seventeen reaction, when you do something that turns them on while you ride them, making them cum really quickly.
HipHop team | Vocal team | Performance team
with your hands bound behind your back, you felt a surge of arousal coursing through you. your movements were constrained, adding an extra layer of intensity to the experience as you rode him.
but it was your pretty pleas that proved to be jeonghan's undoing. the sight of you, vulnerable and begging so beautifully, sent a shockwave of desire through him, his self-control slipping away with each breathy entreaty that escaped your lips.
with furrowed brows and bitten lips, jeonghan moaned loudly, his hips jerking upwards as he spilled himself inside you, his release coming faster than he had anticipated. your pussy filled with his hot cum, the sensation overwhelming in its intensity.
you stopped your movements, looking at him in confusion as he buried his face in his arm, overcome with embarrassment at his lack of control. he couldn't bear to meet your gaze, his cheeks flushed  with shame.
"i'm sorry," he muttered, his voice muffled against his arm.
you reached out to gently stroke his cheek, a soft smile playing on your lips. "it's okay," you reassured him, your touch filled with understanding and affection. "we can take it slow."
jeonghan nodded gratefully, his eyes unable to meet yours as he whispered, "ride me until you cum baby. i want you to cum too."
as you straddled joshua's hips, riding him with fervent intensity, a mischievous grin danced across your lips. with each clench of your muscles, you could feel joshua's cock throbbing inside you, his gasps of pleasure music to your ears.
but it was when you unleashed your pompoarism skills on him that joshua's control shattered completely. the tight grip of your pussy sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through him, and with a strangled gasp, he spilled himself inside you, his release coming faster than usual.
as he lay beneath you, panting heavily, joshua couldn't help but sulk at you cutely, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment at his lack of control.
he looked up at you with a sulky pout, his lips forming into a cute frown as he tried to compose himself. "i just… i want to make you feel good too," he admitted shyly, his eyes finally meeting yours.
you smiled back at him, your heart swelling with love and affection for the adorable man beneath you. "and you always do," you whispered, your words filled with sincerity as you resumed your movements, riding him with slow and deliberate strokes, making him tremble. 
your movements were passionate and unrestrained, each hump bringing him closer to the edge. but it was when your mouth met the skin of his neck that things took a sudden turn. with each tender kiss and gentle nip, you left a promise of hickeys on his milky skin, the idea of the bruises sending shivers down woozi's spine.
he whimpered beneath you, his body trembling with arousal as he felt the tingling sensation spread from his neck to his cock. the thought of the marks you were leaving on him, visible evidence of your passion and desire, was enough to push him over the edge.
with a cute whine, woozi came undone beneath you, his release coming faster than he had anticipated. he looked up at you from underneath, his cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment as he met your gaze.
the redness spread from his neck to his face, the intensity of his arousal written plainly on his features. but despite his embarrassment, there was a spark of desire burning in his eyes, a silent plea for more.
you leaned down to press a tender kiss to his lips, your fingers gentle as they brushed against his cheek. "you're so beautiful," you whispered, your voice filled with love and adoration.
as you straddled seokmin's hips, your hands gently wrapping around his neck, a tension coiled in your stomach, stealing your breath away. despite the breathlessness, your hips continued to move with an unrelenting rhythm, driving him wild with desire.
your lips brushed against his ear, and in a soft, whispered confession, you poured out your heart. "you mean everything to me," you murmured, your words a declaration of love and devotion.
seokmin's heart swelled with emotion at your words, his body trembling with overwhelming desire. the intensity of your confession pushed him over the edge, his release crashing over him in a wave of ecstasy.
with a whimper, seokmin surrendered to the pleasure, his cheeks flushing crimson with embarrassment as he panted hard, trying to catch his breath.
but despite the breathlessness and the heat of the moment, there was a warmth spreading through seokmin's chest, a profound sense of love and contentment that filled him to the brim.
"i feel the same," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper as he held you close, his heart overflowing with love for you.
the pleasure of his cock filling your wet pussy sending waves of ecstasy through you, you couldn't help but moan sultrily his nickname, "mhmm kwannie..."
the sound of his nickname on your lips was the final straw for seungkwan. with a strangled groan, he lifted your hips off him, his release spilling over you in hot, sticky ribbons.
covering his face with his hand, seungkwan's cheeks burned bright red with embarrassment. he couldn't believe he had cum so quickly, all because of your teasing.
"you played dirty," he sulked, his voice muffled against his hand.
feigning innocence, you tilted your head and batted your eyelashes innocently. "who, me?" you replied, your tone dripping with faux innocence.
seungkwan shot you a playful glare, his embarrassment fading as a smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. despite the embarrassment, there was a spark of mischief in his eyes, a silent promise of payback.
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jmpubli-from-janitor-ai · 7 months ago
| J.ai Kinktober Masterlisk |
Oct. 1st - Voyeurism/Exhibitionism with Ghost Simon Riley
Oct. 2nd - Sensory deprivation/play with König
Oct. 3rd - Shower sex with Miguel Ohara
Oct. 4th - Bondage with Roronoa Zoro
Oct. 5th - Oral fixation with Loki Laufeyson
Oct. 6th - Dom/Sub dynamic with Nanami Kento
Oct. 7th - Deepthroat with König
Oct. 8th - Cockwarming with Suguru Geto
Oct. 9th - Bukkake with Toji, Gojo, Geto and Nanami
Oct. 10th - Shibari with Choso Kamo
Oct. 11th - Double penetration in 2 holes with Ryomen Sukuna
Oct. 12th - Sex in a moving vehicle/Pompoarism with Choso Kamo
Oct. 13th - Cock cage/rings with Simon "Ghost" Riley
Oct. 14th - Pegging with Simon "Ghost" Riley
Oct. 15th - Dry Humping with König
Oct. 16th - Mask/Costumes with Pyramid Head
Oct. 17th - Breeding kink with TO Miguel O'Hara
Oct. 18th - Double penetration in 1 hole with König and Ghost
Oct. 19th - Anal sex with Choso Kamo
Oct. 20th - Tentacles with Suguru Geto
Oct. 21st - Teratophilia with Ink Bendy
Oct. 22nd - Facesitting with König
Oct. 23rd - Cock bulge with Ryomen Sukuna
Oct. 24th - Overstimulation with Uzui and Rengoku
Oct. 25th - Mirror Sex with Satoru Gojo
Oct. 26th - Anal cockwarming with Simon "Ghost" Riley
Oct. 27th - Pregnancy/Lactation with TO Toji Fushiguro
Oct. 28th - Lap dance with Portgas D. Ace
Oct. 29th - Wax play with Jötunn Loki Laufeyson
Oct. 30th - Period Sex with Toji Fushiguro
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| October 31st Kink is soon to be announced! |
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masons-tours · 3 months ago
I love the way a guy gets crazy when pompoarism is done to him. I can imagine how happy and satisfied Mason would be with this practice, I'm willing to try it if he wants 🫦
Mason we have a volunteer to help you make it through your injury
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storelatina · 10 months ago
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ALL the benefits of pompoarism for women's health - https://storelatina.com/?p=120504
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pecadoeseducao · 3 years ago
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Para fortalecer o esfincter v4g1nal (entrada da v4g1na), usando as bolinhas Ben-wa introduza a primeira bolinha (Literalmente) dentro do canal v4g1nal de forma que dentro ela fique colada na entrada (dentro do canal). Feito isso, segure a outra bolinha junto com o cordão que ficaram de fora e puxe fechando a entrada da v4g1na fazendo assim um cabo de força, respeitando a resistência muscular do seu canal. Dica: Use a respiração diafragmática para conseguir fechar a entrada da v4g1na. . . . . . . #pompoarismo #pompoar #exercício #dica #pecadoeseducao https://www.instagram.com/p/CU-9aMvvuw6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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toniutiilidades · 5 years ago
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viverdainternet · 5 years ago
Curso Pompoarismo Em Casa com Dra. Vânia Machado
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masons-tours · 3 months ago
Girls between us, a question just for girls: do you practice pompoarism?
A Kegel with him inside.
I haven’t but a friend of mine has done it before and her BF came to quick so she didn’t do it again
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pecadoeseducao · 3 years ago
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Hot Pelv é indicada para melhorar o desempenho da saúde e do pra.zer sx.ual. O kit contém 2 bolinhas com cores e pesos diferenciados. Tamanhos: Pequena e Grande. . . . . . . . #pompoarismo #pompoarista #pompoar #exercicio #pecadoeseducao #gru #sp (em Ponte Grande) https://www.instagram.com/p/CanIvCmO0vW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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toniutiilidades · 6 years ago
(via Pompoarismo Como Você Nunca VIu)
Aprenda com a experiência da maior especialista do Brasil em matéria de sensualidade e auto estima para mulheres. Há mais de 20 anos Nelma Penteado dá cursos e palestras e já treinou mais de 4 milhões de pessoas pelo País; Descubra os segredos que toda mulher deve saber para apimentar a sua vida e a sua saúde sexual, desde como praticar o pompoarismo até como atingir múltiplos orgasmos; Com formação em educação física e cursos nas áreas de terapia e fisiologia do corpo humano a Diva Nelma se dedica a aprender e passar para suas alunas tudo sobre o Poder Feminino; Saiba como se tornar cada vez mais poderosa, sensual, sexy e com um super poder de influência para que sua vida não seja mais a mesma.
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detalhes acesse:https://pages.hotmart.com/c4406256k/pompoarismo-como-voce-nunca-viu?ref=M5053682A
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cristalmagia · 6 years ago
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Yoni Eggs Ferramenta de exercício para o Sagrado Feminino, lindo Ovo de Quartzo Rosa Pedra Natural www.cristalmagia.com.br O pompoarismo como terapia física para os músculos vaginais é um método amplamente conhecido. Sua evolução foi natural e agora ganhou um componente energético: os yoni eggs O que yoni significa ? vagina" em sânscrito, a língua clássica da Índia antiga. São pedras em formato de ovos, que são inseridas no órgão sexual para fortalecer os músculos e também energizar. “É uma medicina ancestral, de milhares de anos, e seu uso sobreviveu com os taoístas na China e com as mexicanas", conta a terapeuta corporal Aysha Alme. Aqui no Brasil, a popularidade desta técnica aumentou nos últimos anos, usada por terapeutas tântricas, corporais e sexuais. Entre os benefícios relatados, estão aumento do prazer, maior libido e lubrificação, fortalecimento muscular e ajuda para relaxar a vagina -- no caso de quem sofre com excesso de tensão, e maior conhecimento da região genital. As terapeutas entrevistadas destacam os seguintes pontos dos yoni eggs: maior contato com as energias femininas, conexão com a terra, energização dos chakras básicos e até contato com traumas esquecidos. Se você acredita em cristais e em seus poderes de cura energética, pode ser que goste dos ovinhos. Caso tenha alguma dúvida sobre o uso, consulte um especialista em cristais e/ou pompoarismo. · · · · · · · · · · #pompoar #quartzorosamoda #prazer #mulherdedeus #mulhervirtuosa #circulodemulheres #amor #empoderamento #sororidade #sexualidade #yonieggs #mulher #cristais #yoni #sagradofeminino #pompoarismo #femininosagrado #autoestima #cristaisenergiadecura #mulheres #yonilove #yoniverse #quartzorosaleitoso #cristaislegítimos #cristaisnaturais #mulherespoderosas #quartzorosa #gratidão #cristalmagia (em Vila Madalena) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0myc89n0dB/?igshid=2801nckmau4t
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segredospompoarismo-blog · 5 years ago
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luzessencial · 4 years ago
Está no ar!!!!🎥 Pompoarismo Essencial 💃🏻 100% On-line 💻📱 Gravado e editado com todo amor e carinho pelo PODEROSO @teuslemos para você. Assista quantas vezes quiser, no conforto da sua casa. O Curso é divido em 6 módulos. Vou liberar um módulo por semana, onde você vai aprender todos os exercícios da Ginástica Íntima, criar uma consciência com o Pompoarismo e várias técnicas de PNL para aumentar seu auto conhecimento. Poderosa se você escolhe despertar a Poderosa Pompoarista que existe em você agora é a hora . Clique no link da BIO e realize agora mesmo sua inscrição. 📌Lembrando o Curso está repleto de BÔNUS ESPECIAIS e EXCLUSIVOS para VOCÊ! 🎁Divórcio Energético 🎁Momento Tranta 🎁Eneagrama e muitas mais . Esperando oque para fazer sua inscrição!!!! Link na Bio ✅ Você vai se Surpreender! #pompoarismoessencial #cursopompoarismofeminino #pompoarismo #pompoar #pompoarista #kegel #mulheres #luziasilva #luzcoachderelacionamento #lançamentocursoonline #cursoonline #online #divorcioenergético #eneagramanasrelacoes #tantraparamulheres https://www.instagram.com/p/CMSvrTrHG1P/?igshid=tzprg7cqc4v6
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shopifhi · 3 years ago
Infelizmente estamos passando por uma faze muito difícil no mundo, e por esse fato precisamos permanecer de quarentena, gostando ou não, pelo bem de todos precisamos nos manter em casa.
Mas, todos sabemos o quanto é difícil ficar muito tempo confinado sem ter o que fazer.
Por isso criei esse mini workshop para você passar o tempo e aprender uma técnica nova e incrível que pode mudar completamente sua vida sexual.
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viverdainternet · 4 years ago
Método Lu Pompoar - Ginástica íntima Curso Pompoarismo da  Lucimara Siqueira
Curso Online de Ginástica Íntima: Mulher, transforme sua vida treinando ginástica íntima com apenas 10 minutos por dia
Turbine sua intimidade, saúde e autoestima através do pompoarismo
Método Lu Pompoar - Ginástica íntima: A ginástica íntima, POMPOARISMO, resolve praticamente todos os problemas enfrentados pelas mulheres, sejam relacionados a intimidade e satisfação feminina, saúde, autoestima ou relacionamento.
POMPOARISMO Curso Online de Ginástica Íntima da Luciana Siqueira
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