lvmbien · 2 years
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Another handful of various yuusona scribbles because why not
The tiny lizard is a friend's twst sona; he said he would try and drink chemicals in alchemy class and I wanted an excuse to draw my Yuu in their lab gear so it got doodled lol. (I just really like the concept of them pushing their bangs out of their face with the goggles.)
The pomefiore dorm uniform one is based on an AU of sorts that I proposed to the friend group and the other two are just my Yuu in some formal wear.
there are some more doodles featuring floyd (+ azul and jade) under the cut as well ✌
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(they're wearing shorts I promise; the hoodie and sweatshirt just swallow them sdfgh)
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(character on the far right is my brother's twst sona <3 these four combined would be absolute chaos, sorry in advance to your sanity 'zul 🙏 )
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including these last ones just because they were fun, even if it would be a pain to explain the context behind why i drew them.
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pov; you slandered the fish mafia in front of their tiny feral boyfriend and he went into immediate guard dog mode
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sun-marie · 10 months
I was tagged by @full---ofstarlight to do this super fun oc questionnaire! Thank you so much for tagging me <33 Since BG3 brainrot is still very much a thing I thought I'd do my two tadpole kiddos 💜
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NAME: Zephyr Elowen Skybreeze, “Zephyr” to honor her late father, “Elowen” being her mother’s maiden name, and “Skybreeze” as her paternal family name
NICKNAME: None really, although her grandfather does teasingly call her “powder puff” from when she was a little girl 🤜🏽💨
GENDER: Cisfemale
STAR SIGN: I’m not much of an astrology person (which is ironic bc I think Zephyr is lol), but I’m going to go with Aries 🔆
HEIGHT: 5’ 5 - 5' 6 ~ish
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: She was born in Mosstone, south of the Forest of Tethir, by her wood elf mother and air genasi father, the latter of which died before she was born. She was raised by her mother and her paternal grandfather while her paternal grandmother traveled. When she was 15 she moved with her family to be closer to her dying grandmother in Baldur’s Gate, where she continued living into the present day. Zephyr considers herself a Baldurian, a Mosstonian, and a member of the Elmanesse Tribe through her mother.
FAVORITE FRUIT: Pears, but really any pome fruit 🍐🍎🍏
FAVORITE SEASON: Winter, she enjoys the quiet of the freshly fallen snow ❄❄❄
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Tea for sure, her favorite is Chamomile (but also she is absolutely not above a good cup of hot cocoa by the fire)
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Generally, a good solid 8, but during the course of the game she’s been having pretty bad sleep and can’t sleep for more than 3 hours without waking up :(
DOGS OR CATS: Dogs! While she likes both, she values the unconditional love/loyalty of dogs, and they are basically the only kind of animal that isn’t instantly intimidated by her / stand-offish to her.
DREAM TRIP: It’s a little corny I know, but I really do think she’s wanted to go to Waterdeep, the “✨City of Splendors✨”, ever since she started seriously pursuing a life of academic study.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 2, a comforter that remains on her bed and a smaller lightweight that she carries from room to room like a cloak lol
RANDOM FACT: Before the events of the game, she had been on a trip to the library of Candlekeep for a little over a week on an academic field trip sponsored by her (currently unnamed) monastery. It was on her way back home that she was kidnapped by Mind Flayers, and all but 2 of the tomes she had been allowed to take home with her were destroyed. Her family had expected her back in less than two days from then, only to be met with radio silence for months as every message she tried to send was shot down.
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NAME: Ruathym Dhalmass, one of the last of the ""distinguished"" Dhalmass line
NICKNAME: He finds other people’s reaction to him being quote “one of the good ones” pretty funny because it speaks more to surfacer’s lack of experience with Drow than the quality of his moral character. He doesn't consider himself a good person and he knows Drow in the Underdark (his sister for one) who are much more “upstanding” than him. So now Ruathym being “The Good Drow” is kind of an inside joke in the party.
GENDER: Cismale
STAR SIGN: I’m gonna go with Taurus 🐂
HEIGHT: 5’ 9
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Ruathym is a Seldarine Drow, and he and his older sister spent most of their early childhood as orphans in the wilds of the Underdark after their parents were killed by Lolth-sworn extremists. Eventually, when Ruathym was about 12, they came upon a Druidic Circle consisting of a colony of Myconids and a few drow and deep gnomes. They took Ruathym and his sister in, and gave Ruathym his deep appreciation for “underrepresented” organic life such as fungi. When asked about his nationality, Ruathym usually just shrugs and says “The Deep”
FAVORITE SEASON: Spring, especially during the humid/rainy months!
FAVORITE FLOWER: Sussur Blooms, though he general prefers the bio-luminescent toadstools to any flower
FAVORITE SCENT: Vanilla beans~
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: He generally prefers coffee, but finds herbal tea to be easier to make and so that’s usually what he ends up drinking 🍵☕
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 4, and that’s only if he’s forcing himself to sleep
DOGS OR CATS: Both! Ruathym is an animal lover to the core, he loves dogs, cats, hamsters, oxen, frogs, corvids, gremishkas, badgers, bears, all of them! He finds that more often than not they’re easier to talk to than people.
DREAM TRIP: Ruathym is not a very ambitious guy, if he could have spent all 500 years of his life in that tiny little Myconid colony, he would 😶 Having said that, hearing Minthara speak about Menzoberranzan does make him wish for a small peek.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 1, well-worn and well-loved
RANDOM FACT: Ruathym is actually a beast on the hand drum as well as a decent lute player, but he doesn’t let anyone else know for fear it will ruin his hardened reputation 👀
tagging @glamfellens, @hajima-7 and @fiendpact! Doesn't have to be BG3 related afaik, and no pressure at all if this isn't your thing 😊
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Tale 11: Artemis Craweleoth & The Griminthrope
Tale 11: Artemis Craweleoth & The Griminthrope (chapter 4 - Dazzeled and Dreaming 4/5) part 3. Stories of Fey
Artemis emerged from the cabin at daybreak, and into the gold light of dawn. Her outfit sparkled like cut diamonds, and lit up like stars in the sunlight. Matcha was breath taken under the plumage of his giant Raven form. Enchanted, he began to approach, and spread his wings to show the white opal secondaries under each wing, and the shimmering necklaces he adorned himself in. Artemis stood stunned in fear at the sight of Matcha’s display, which made his pitch-black plumage and terrifying white skull more obvious. Then, Artemis’s attention went to the trees behind him. She noticed the radiant display of ornaments upon the frosted trees; Each trinket caught the light of dawn perfectly, as to light them like a festive display. Matcha began to jump about in a dance to show Artemis his work; he was so excited, and she looked so perplexed. Artemis decided to slowly step forward, as her brother and Ouroboros watched from the cabin door. She pulled out a rotten apple she had found, and handed it to Matcha. He reached out his white gloved hands from the depths of the warm thick black plumage upon his breast. Matcha grabbed the pome, and slowly pulled it in. Noises of eating and grinding began to come from Matcha’s core, as he ate the peace offering under his macabre coat. It was possibly the most disturbing thing Artemis had ever seen, which was a genuine accomplishment.
Matcha was so focused on Artemis, that the world became blurred like a gauzed lens. Patrick slinked out of the cabin with their familiars, and began to gesture Artemis to follow him to the Dragon Gate’s peak. Artemis slowly began to follower her brother, and Matcha began to follow her. As they walked up the mountain, they formed an unusual procession; Patrick and Orion in the front, Ouroboros and Draco in the middle, Artemis and Aries near the train, And a griminthrope waddling with glee after them. Artemis began to shiver; wearing nothing but costume jewelry and a cocktail dress, made her exposed in the early winter air. Matcha, in concern, approached tentatively. He pulled back his skull and feathers with his hands, like a hooded cloak, turning into human form. Then, from behind while she was distracted by cold, Matcha wrapped Artemis in his warm feathers. She jumped into to Patrick, and summoned wind at Matcha, barely missing. Artemis stopped to stare, as she was now able to get a closer look at him. Matcha’s human form looked like the Raven King, with icy eyes, yet also like a adorable young man. He spoke to her in the voice of a boy not beast.
“You look cold… Something so small and bare could die of frost up here. I know what it’s like to be cold without a good coat. You may barrow my feathers, though I find it a shame to cover your finery. My name is Makatchthis, what is yours?” Matcha said. Giving Artemis his fey name without question. Ouroboros froze a few feet back observing at the scene; relieved the one griminthrope that came, was the only nice one, of which he had already y met. It was like a weight was lifted. Artemis however, was slow to answer. Normally such a comment on her femininity was enraging when she was sober. But he had an innocent charm to him, that made her politely respond.
“Thank you. My name is Artemis...” She said, pulling his soft feathers in closer. They smelled like the earth of a forest floor. Matcha was thrilled by her response, and they continued to converse. Matcha began to sing to Artemis, and then she joined him. He told her cheesy bad jokes, of which she was simultaneously amused and repulsed by. Artemis’s charms made him yearn deeper for her essence; The mage that could make him a crowned heir, was a charmer fit for the Raven Kingdom. Matcha began to get more frenzied, and jumped about her asking questions about where she was from, why they’d never met if she was from Tiberius Gate, and what she liked to do. His antics began to affect Artemis in a way; she started to become endeared as they had reached their destination. She returned his feathers, and adorning them, he became a skulled giant raven again. Ouroboros was fuming; he had failed to get a word in the entire hike, to tell Patrick and Artemis about Matcha. They had never met, because Artemis and Patrick were too young to remember when Makatchthis lived on Tiberius Gate with their father. But Ouroboros would not get a turn to say that royal fey didn’t need gates, or that he needed to ask Matcha why he ate the dog, and why he was in Grand Snow if the summoning charm failed. This time the wisdom of the elder would have to wait. Artemis was having a sweet moment with Matcha, that softened Ouroboros and reminded him of when he saw his friends dabble in the power of love magic.
“I don’t wish to separate from you; we just met. I know this is the Dragon Gate to the shadow veil; taking me here is useless as royal fey don’t need them. But I understand if you don’t want me around. Griminthropes are universally terrifying to humans. Except maybe your dad’s aunt; nothing scares Jupiter...Jupe scares you.” Matcha said solemnly.
“She is kind of scarry…” Artemis recalled. Ouroboros and Patrick nodded. Matcha however, was beginning to nuzzle Artemis. His smooth bone beak contrasted with his plush warm plumage about his neck.
“I don’t want to leave now; I think I may have fallen in love. I’m the only prince aloud to leave the death tree; I can stay in the day veil if my sister is there. I’m sorry about the dog… I feel so guilty for eating a pet. I thought was a stray, I had no idea, and I didn’t eat anyone; humans are friends. Are you sure you want me to go?” Matcha sobbed. Artemis winced. Doubt had set in. She felt like, she wanted him to stay too. In fact, the three mages felt a bit guilty for pushing away a friend who meant no harm, based on assumptions. There was no murder to solve, or fey to manage after all. Patrick was still upset about his dogs, but he was edging towards an understanding when he saw the expression on Artemis’s face; one he had never seen before. She looked genuinely guilty and sad.
“You are scaring the people, and ate my little brother’s dogs. Also, I don’t live in this magic forest. Could you please go? We might meet again…. You never know.” Artemis whispered. The pristine snow absorbed all other noises in the pause before Matcha’s response.
“Would it make you happy? Make you smile even?” Matcha inquired. Of course, it would do the opposite now that Artemis was starting to return his affections. Love magic was starting to seep into her very being. Artemis felt dumb feeling this way after knowing him for only a day. She knew love magic was sudden and powerful, but she didn’t expect it to affect her. Artemis took a breath and nodded yes. Then Matcha left, quietly in tears beneath his thick black wings.
Artemis returned to Tiberius Gate through the Dragon Gate, waving goodbye to Patrick as he returned to his post. Matcha was nowhere to be seen in the shadow veil. When Artemis got home, and hugged her parents, she found that every bird reminded her of Matcha. Every bird within the out walls of the gate was a fey; his little siblings. Makatchthis was the most terrifying fey Artemis had ever seen, yet under it all, such an innocent and bubbly prince. Matcha was the ideal gleaming idiot. He had such a sweet smile, that could stain into the mind, while simultaneously never learning that shinny things you find on the ground are not edible. Artemis wondered what Matcha was doing, and where in either of the veils he went. She wanted to search for him, but decided to return to her happy life in Peppridge among her family, familiar, and the fey of the forest. After all, Artemis had no clue where to even start looking.
After about a month, curiosity and unavoidable obsession drew Artemis to the Raven Door. It was a statue of the raven king at the West entrance of Tiberius Gate. It was a black stone statue, styled like the tower and walls of the gate; Tiberius’s fine art untouched by time. Artemis wasn’t alone however, her father Morgan had watched her leave, and followed her. He was suspicious, because Artemis had changed so much since she returned from Grand Snow. Her rowdy hot-tempered personality, had changed into that of someone quiet and distracted. While Morgan hid in the bush observing, Artemis took a moment to study the statue to the Raven King; she had looked at this door and gone through it before, but it seemed different now. Like it called her. Artemis decided to walk through the door, and into the grayscale silent magic veil; and she wandered toward the tree of death. Matcha was usually in magic forests in the day veil; he liked to be near people. However, all Artemis knew of griminthropes was that they dwelled in that tree; therefore, in her eyes, Matcha might be there. Even if she also knew Matcha didn’t belong there.
Artemis went down the distorted dreamlike trail through the raven kingdom, to the death tree. The soft trail diverged off into natural paths, and through the black and white forests. There was no sound of her step or wind in the trees as they blew; the odd and harsh light peering through the canopy, was straining her eyes. Artemis became eager to greet her prince at his perch. Meanwhile, Morgan, who fallowed at a distance, was approached by the Raven King. The Raven king swooped down and turned into a human form to walk by his human brother. He started to berate Morgan in his crackly energetic voice. The Raven King was upset about Matcha’s behavior and mood. His monologue was slowing Morgan’s pursuit. The Raven King is very distracting.
“I need your help again brother! Matcha won’t return to the day veil, where he is happy beside his older sister. He should be in a magic forest making friendship bracelets; yet he wanders around my kingdom like a ghost. He is still avoiding the death tree, and is mournfully approaching the platforms of the grates, to all the magic forests. Like he is looking for something important he lost, yet can’t quite do it. Can you help brother? He is not happy, and I don’t want him to die or grief.” The Raven King Cawed. Morgan covered the king’s mouth, and gestured to Artemis who was busy heading toward the sickly tall black tree. Morgan was currently dealing with a similar problem. It then dawned on them, that Matcha and Artemis may have been looking for each other.
The Raven King was glad to have named Airtimes, as Morgan’s daughter of fall; She was his favorite niece of sorts. Yet, he dare not imagine the horror of one of his princes, being crowned by true love with a human. The Raven King would rather it be one of his princesses. His royal daughters knew how to be polite when among humankind; They had a disposition, and freedom, that made it more likely one of them would find love. Though Matcha was different from his royal brothers, and the most human of his children, Matcha was still a griminthrope. A carcass consuming, hungering, strong, unsettling, giant fey. The Raven King and Morgan tensed with unease as they followed Artemis, through the winding eerie forests paths of the shadow veil.
“Have you ever had a princess fall in love? all the other Kings have heirs that have been crowned, by requited love from mages.” Morgan said, trying to ease the tension. The Raven King was actually disappointed he had never had a single crowned heir, in all the centuries he existed; even though, by comparison, he was one of the kings with the most royal children. This was the second time Morgan was unnerved in the presence of the Raven King, who for the first time since Matcha was brought to Morgan, was not smiling. A dark grimm expression was cast upon his face.
As Morgan and the Raven King crept closer, they found Artemis and Matcha embracing at the forests edge, along the bone strewn ground of the death tree. Artemis was safe from being considered a snack by the other griminthropes. Just as Morgan and the Raven King approached, they saw their children kiss in a reuniting embrace. What was only a month, felt like an eternity; as their minds and emotions became consumed by the thoughts of each other. Artemis and Makatchthis must both have been easily swooned by the spells of love, for their tender display of affection was the authentic kiss of true love. An action known to have grand magical importance and power, to any who have ever read a fairytale.
Morgan thought it wasn’t possible for a raven prince’s human form to be fancier than then it already was, yet Matcha’s royal robes became embroidered in silver thread, making him sparkle more like his father then his brothers. The Raven King went silent, and Morgan felt like he was intruding on a private moment. He was confused as to whether he should be proud of or disapproving of his daughters’ groom. Morgan knew Matcha; how old he was, what fey he was, how sweet he was, and what a complete dunce he could be. Both the fathers felt happy for their children’s joy, and disgruntled by the insinuations.
“So, I was right then?” Morgan whispered aside to the Raven King. The king said nothing, while feeling the exact same way as Morgan. He knew Artemis; how old she was, what kind of girl she was, and what a reckless animal she was. Flurried in emotions, the fathers failed to notice their children saw them. Matcha and Artemis were still embracing, but were looking directly at their fathers, who were doing a poor job hiding in a leafless shrubbery.
“Dad, I never want to leave…” Artemis said, as if timidly requesting his blessing, but in a way that would suggest he could not stop her. Everyone felt like they were melting inside. Morgan looked at the Raven King, as their children began to coo and cuddle like paired gannets. Birds had the most romantic, lifelong, adorable mirages. Perhaps they were perfect for each other. If they weren’t, permanent love magic now fixed that. Morgan spread the word to his other children, and friends, to keep an eye out for the couple. Matcha and Artemis decided to travel to all the forests to cement their relationship, and he wanted to be sure they were safe. They would be home again; all his and Emilia’s children came back with time. If only to visit for what feels like never long enough.
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nsula · 7 years
Spring 2017 Dean’s List announced
NATCHITOCHES – One thousand and fifty-one students were named to the Spring 2017 Dean’s List at Northwestern State University. Students on the list earned a grade point average of between 3.5 and 3.99. Those named to the Dean’s List by hometown are as follows.
 APO – Rebecca Waters;
 Abita Springs – Destiny Simon;
 Albany – Joseph Joffrion, Hailey Pomes;
 Alexandria – Ashley Ammons, Nicholas Bailey, Courtney Brown, Tonya Clark, Kimberly Colston, Dustin Cross, Christopher Das Neves, Josyf Das Neves, Claudia Gauthier, Amy Girtman, Monnie Guillory, Anna Hall, Bessie Hargrett, Jordan Johnson, Hannah Kenimer, Kristina Langley, ShaKiyla Lindsey, Jimmie Magee, Aaron Martin, Danielle McDowell, Julian Morgan, Kaycee Ouber, Madeline Pharis, Sha’Darius Plummer, Sadae Polk, Shacora Simpson, Tammethia Starks, Christina Thiels, Renee Cunnikin, Casey Holts;
 Anacoco – Jacquelyn Bennett, Michael Chesher, Brittney Dittbrender, Kaylee Herrington, Victoria Jackson, Karington Johnson, Caitlin McKee, Shelby MceIveen, Jason Ortiz, Bret Phillips, Brooke Phillips, Jaclyn Smith, Samuel Turnipseed, Erica Wade, Brianna Walters, Emily Williams, Clarissa Williamson;
 Annona, Texas – Candace Baird;
 Arabi – Cursten Smith;
 Arcadia – Margaret Myles;
 Arlington, Texas – Samantha Bell;
 Arnaudville – Jacob David;
 Athens – Tyler Anderson;
Atlanta – Shannon Jones, Brianne Lashley, Leah Lashley;
 Austin, Texas – Dylan Graves;
 Baker – Nijah Lain;
 Ball – Karen Holmes, Katie Wakefield;
 Barksdale AFB – Elysia Lanier, Priscilla Molina;
 Baton Rouge – Erin Berlin, Rosa Campbell, Peyton Clark, Carmeka Cooper, Marquise Foster, Madison Fry, Julian Guerrero Acevedo, Chloe Hidalgo, Rebecca Ladmirault, Bethany Lee, Stan Mays, Henrietta Mercer, Montariel Minor, Alexandra Piedrahita, Emma Rivet, Juila Soileau, Haley Sylvester, Savannah Thibodeaux;
 Belcher – Sierra Laing;
 Belle Chasse – Hayley Barbabzon, Nikki Lopez, Annie Wright;
 Belmont – Ashley Hill, Mallory Simpson;
 Ben Wheeler, Texas – Cheyenne Brown;
 Bentley – Samuel Green, Lindzey Hayes;
 Benton – Kelyn Bihm, Leah Digilormo, Sara Hale, Kara Knippers;    
 Blanco, Texas – Reagan Rogers;
 Blue Ridge, Texas – Amber Bishop;
 Bogalusa – Amanda Crawford;
 Bordelonville – Taylor Arnouville;
 Bossier City – Jael Ahmad, Jessica Alvarenga, Shannon Ansley, Bonny Bacoccini, Janeth Bird, Shelby Booth, Emilee Branch, Sheldon Busby, Elisa Ceballos, Jordan Chaffin, Emily Cheatham, Gina Copeland, Peyton Davis, Madison Edwards, Emily Fisher, Kelly Flores, Charles Gallaher, Devonte Hall, Jacob Hammons, Adrianne Hampton, Joshua Henry, Teaka Jacobs, Corina Jacobsen, Casey Johnson, Corey Johnson, Victoria Johnson, Haley Jorgensen, Alyssa Kidd, Alexandra Madrid, Samantha Maeitte, Rance Mason, Gina Masson, Sabri Parks, Michael Phelps, Megan Redmon, Jade Reich, Timothy Rice, Kassidy Robideaux, Georgenia Smith, Savannah Stevens, Joshua Straub, Jessica Sullivan, Angel Vakoff, Chandler Vascocu, Kimberly Ventura Gonzalez, Kristen Warke, Kiera White, Haneen Zeidan, Jordan Ginn, Katherine Parson Benjamin Johnson;                
 Bourg – Mia Adams;
 Boyce – Hannah Aslin, Brooklynn Basco, Lauren Davidson, Stacey Gannaway, Timothy Glass, Sarah Hill, Sonya Hill, Ashley Smith;
 Bradenton, Fla. – Alexandra Latham;
 Broken Arrow, Okla. – Madeline Drake;
 Brookeland, Texas – Morgan Horn, Paige West;
 Broussard – Dylan Dunford;
 Brownsboro, Texas – Brice Borgeson;
 Brusly – Dominique Bennett;
 Burleson – Eric Neeley;
 Bush – Lane Clevenger;
 Calhoun – Conn Mccandlish;
 Calvin – Joseph Heyse, Erin Price;
Campti – Troy Coleman, Kelsey Coutee, Damarte Fisher, Allison Friday, Kortney Greer, Trenton Parker, Ronald Reliford, Jordan Rowell, Kimberly Sepulvado, Sade’ Thomas;
 Carencro – Ashley Guidry, Jasmin Thibodeaux;
 Carrollton, Texas – Victoria Miller;
 Cartagena, Colombia – Nestor Mercado-Garcia, Ronald Rodriguez Herrera, Valentina Herazo Alvarez, Valeria Nieto Rodriguez, Luis Osoria Betancourt, Juan Paternina Paez, Veronica Perez Espinosa, Ramon Sarruf Monroy, Joan Santos Sierra;
 Castor – Priscilla Harrell, Azita Rivers, Kaycee Collinsworth;
 Cecilia – Margo Barstow;
 Cedar Park, Texas – David Moritz;
 Chalmette – Scarlett Saizan;
 Chauvin – Xandria Petty;
 Cheneyville – Katherine Davis, Shelbie Moriarty;
 Choudrant – Taylor Holley;
 Church Point – Carolyn Fontenot;
 Colfax – Mikayla Richardson, Dalton Wade, Zachary Wade;
 College Station, Texas – Jasmyn Steels;
 Conroe, Texas – Sidney Salmans,
 Converse – Shayna Brown, Delia Smith, Benjamin Wright;
 Cottonport – Brikeysha Duskin, Zachary Gauthier;
 Coushatta – Elizabeth Durr, Jason Gross, Jeremy Lawson, Williams Lee, Aaron Murray, Precious Smith, Jesseca Tomerlin, Mackenzie Williams, Caroline Wren, Lauren Young;
 Covington – Tristan Bridges, Justin Brogdon, Ian Cassidy, Rachel Coyne, Erika Jarlock, Kayla Keys, Titus McCann, Cathleen Oviedo, Catherine Sadler;
 Coyolilla Veracruz, Mexico – Guadalupe de Jesus Mendez Zaragoza;
 Cut Off – Kaelyn Musgrave;
 Cypress, Texas – Kaitlyn St. Clair;
 Dallas – Amy Renteria, Gabrielle Stevens;
 Denham Springs – Mackenzie Byrd, Joey Carroll, Caitlyn Cutrer, Chantal Dale, Tina Fisher, Kaylie Krepinevich, Lenni Kunert, Tyler O’Donoghue, Rachel Oufnac, Jenson Wall;
 DeQuincy – Staci Maddox;
 DeRidder – James Jones, Shynikia Roberson, Bobby Guichet, Sarah James, Jaclyn Moore, Mikalyn Russell, Airiunna Satchell, Jacob Prudhomme, Rebecca Richmond, Heather Sorton, Scott Stearns, Nathan Stinley;
 Derry – Georgette Hassan;
 Desoto, Texas – Joseph Blazio;
 Destrehan – Jamie Boteler, Kristen Richmond;
 Deville – Brianna Ashley. Joni Burlew, Savannah Carter, Hailey Dennard, Baylie Ducote, Colton Johnson, Morgan McCrory, Marcia Rogers, Hannah Siebeneicher, Miranda Wells;
 Diana, Texas – Kayli Morvan;
 Donaldsonville – Kayla Hernandez;
 Dry Prong – Brandie Arnett, DeAnna Bartlett;
 Dubberly – Phylicia Gatson;
 Duson – Autumn Ritter;
 Edmond, Okla. – Payton Hartwick, Jiyoon Lee, Amanda Stokes;
 El Paso, Texas – Christopher Barron;
 Elizabeth – Kelby Friday;
 Elm Grove – Jaocb Dunn, Tekeia Russell;
 Elmer – Katelynn Cloud;
Elton – Kayla Bellard;
 Elysian Fields, Texas – Jane Harris;
 Eunice – Lea Boone, Trevor Landreneau, Alison Turk;
 Farmerville – Julia Legrande, Kayla Smith;
Ferriday – Callie Shermer, Dalenesha Wimley;
 Flatwoods – Jasmine George;
 Florien – Hillary Charles, Willow Chesson, Noah Parker, Dylan Roberts, Kelcy Sandel, Megan Wagley, Zachary Williams;
 Folsom – Sarah Moore;
 Forney, Texas – Jared Walker;
 Fort Myers, Fla. – Andrea Smarsh;
 Fort Polk – Bailey Bailey, Brittany Chadwick, Laura Gee, Genesis Rondon Torres, Christian Wood;
 Fort Worth – Corban James;
 Fouke, Ark. – Holly Tweedy;
 Franklin – Alison Guidroz, Abriana Lanceslin;
 Franklinton – David Jenkins, Aron Stephens;
 Frierson – Marvaeya Edwards, Clinton Oliver, John Rachal;
 Garland, Texas – Adrianna Velarde;
 Geismar – Elijah Ino-Baptiste;
 Georgetown, Ind. – Ellisa Rohlf;
 Gheens – Samantha Clark;
 Glenmora – Kristopher Devore, Faith Lawrence, Riah Wells, Tiara Baker;
Gloster – Angelica Gandy, Jennifer Simmons;
 Goldonna – Alexander Guillory, Hannah McGrew, Allison Self, Brianna Calhoun’
 Gonzales – Nicole Jones, Courtney LeJeune, Rebecca Marchand;
 Gorman, Texas – Kourtney Seaton;
 Grand Cane – Sandra Kimble;
 Grand Prairie, Texas – Stephen Garrett;
 Granite City, Ill. – Megan O’Brien;
 Gray – Cassie Becnel;
 Grayson – Sabrina Mckeithen;
 Greenwell Springs – Katherine Bryant;
 Greenwood – Ragan Aple;
 Gretna – Rayshaughn Armant, MyDung Hoang, Jasmine Myles, Tachel Neathamer;
 Guaynabo, Puerto Rico – Emily Bencosme;
 Hackberry – Lexie Stine;
 Hammond – Elizabeth Belgard;
 Harahan – Azriel Marshall;
 Harris, Minn. – Matthew Johnson;
 Harvey – Tajalai Evans, Binta Francis;
 Hattieburg, Miss. – Mary Mitchell;
 Haughton – Shannon Barnard, Benny Broadway, Heather Casil, Randi Corley, Bethanie Couch, Haylee Douglass, Tyler Holdsworth, Jackice Hudson, Bethany Knotts, Elizabeth Langley, John Nance, Sherrie Singleton, Hannah Teutsch, Larissa Wells, Kacie Wilkinson, Kaili Williams;
 Heflin – Haley Shepherd;
 Henderson, Texas – Andrew Blackmon, John Floyd, Emily Ortiz;
 Henderson ­– Asha Cormier;
 Hessmer – Ryan Armand, Aslyn Sennie;
 Hineston – Victoria Carroll, Richard Clark, Karlie Taylor;
 Holloman AFB, New Mexico ­– Kayla Bull;
 Homer – Madison Cain;
 Hornbeck – Sarah Ceballos, Tori Dahlhoff, Ronald Guess, Megan Martelle, Miranda Roberts;
 Houma – Jessica Coleman, Rhiannon Dean, Anna Gautreaux, Billy Gorr;
 Houston – Brittany Davis, Alyssa Jacobs, Jordan Rains, Micayla Sorosiak, Madilyn Wood;
 Hugo – Chelsea Caldwell;
Humble – Trevin Whitaker;
 Independence – Sabrina Cook;
 Jackson – Brennan Booth;
 Jeanerette – Kennedi Boutte, Brandy Jackson;
 Jena – Braegan Burlew, Dylan Hebert, Jordan Mitchell, Jerrod Snoddy;
 Jennings – Emily Benoit, Rachel Edwards, Rachelle Edwards, Phillip Gotte, Jacob Guidry Lydia Williams;
 Johnston, Penn. – Morgan Lewis;
 Jonesboro – Jacqueline Blankenship, JaVonna Lawrence, Savannah Maricle, Destini Mathews, Rachel Eichmann;
 Kaplan – Lauren Schexnayder;
 Katy, Texas – Jocelyn Cummons;
 Keithville – Kristin Dall, Shevonte’ Lewis, Michelle McDonnell, Erica Sanders;
 Kenner – Alexis Hollingsworth;
 Kerens, Texas – Brandon Brumbelow;
 Kinder – Konnor Cormier, Nicholas Moldovsky, Logan Terrell;
 King Ferry, N.Y. – Kayleigh Bartlow;
 Kinston, N.C. – Jennifer Freeman;
 La Porte, Texas – Jeremy Hasan
 LaPlace – Jalen Haydel;
 Lacombe – Aaron Hebert;
 Lafayette – Laci Bruno, Michael Carrier, Samantha Donlon, Robert Leray, Emilee Leger, Shenekia McDonald, Robert Middleton, Elizabeth Monaghan, Joy Newman, Shelby Riedel, Hunter Robicheaux, China Young, Richard Clay;
 Lake Charles – Chelsey Bertrand, Wesley Bray, Michael Driskill, Anna Eaglin, Kennedy Fontenot, Kathleen Hilliard, Isaiah Roy, Michael Thomas;
Lake Providence – Forrest Middlebrook;
 Lakehills, Texas – Agusta Stewart;
 Larlace – Benjamin Arie;
 Las Vegas, Nevada – April Ficarrotta
 Lavon, Texas – Berenice Bretado, Matthew Howeth;
 League City, Texas – Hunter Wamack, Christopher Zirkle;
 Lecompte – Ashtin Youngblood, Joann Cody;
 Leesville – Shandreka Atwater, Katlyn Austin, April Beck, Katherine Benson, Kevin Blake, Rebekah Bridges, Jessica Burrell, Victoria Butler, Hannah Coleman, Carter Coriell, Conner Dillon, Raegan Dotson, Haleigh Edinger, Brittany Edwards, Brittany French, Kaitlyn Frisbie, Miranda Fulks, Sean Grady, Jessica Gray, Alexis Greavu, Robert Green, Madison Hall, Morgan Hall, Alexis Harbin, Heather Hickman, Amea James, Caitlan James, Antonia Kettner, Brandon Lynn, James Magee, Karl Marzahl, Sean McCroary, Thomas Merchant, Stephanie Miller, Emily Moore, Brittany paris, Ashley Perondi, Kaplan Rolon, Tiffany Rubin, Jeffrey Santos, Joseph Slaughter, Heather Snell, Linda Strauss, Tabitha Vasquez, Natalie West, Kristin Whistine, Hannah Scott, Bruce Stone;
 Lena – Dillon Guin;
 Little Elm, Texas – Jasmine Ealy;
 Livonia – Alexis Deville;
 Logansport – Kelsey Bolden, Jessica Thompson;
 Longmont, Colo. – Cadence Starr;
 Longview, Texas – Gustavo Corrales Hannah Dunn, Kelli Hickerson, Julie Rawls;
 Loranger – Cambree Bailey;
 Louisville, Miss. – Zachary Wilson;
 Luling – Macie Barrios, Nathan Roth;
 Madisonville – Christian Hastings, Sarahjane Ladut, Melissa Polizzi;
 Magnolia, Texas – Ray Teninty;
 Mandeville – Nicole Albert, Brandon Eberts;
 Mansfield – Erin Campbell, Wesley Caston, Quinterra Clark, Melissa Hanson, Bradley Justice, Jairus Lane, Jessica Miller, Ashley Shelton, Brooke Smith, Shelby Hebert;
 Mansura – Jonah Johnson, Allen St. Romain;
 Many – Hannah Boswell, Toby Bruce, Samantha Carrier, Shelby Clifton, Salvador Cruz Montellano, Haleigh Dockens, Kyle Elliott, Alison Garcia, Moses Gonzalez, Mariam Haider, Clayton Kelley, Adina Manshack, Gabrielle Murphy, Chelsea Parrie, Colten Sepulvado, Shayna Sepulvado, Heather Trichel, Hannah Webb;
 Marksville – Javoanta Batiste, Madeleine Morrow, Jessie Negrotto, Tanner Nugent;
 Marrero – Jay Canova, Jade Duthu, Addison Hinson, Lorena Martin;
 Marshall, Texas – Matayzhsa Dorsey, Abigail Upton, Tristian Zamora;
 Marthaville – Dillon Hagan, Rennee Lirette, Daniel Rachal-Claspill, Ashleigh Wright;
 Maurice – Adele Vincent;
 McKinney, Texas – Jocelyn Scott;
 Melville – Alexis Barker;
 Mesquite, Texas – Jaylen Mumphrey;
 Metairie – Daneil DeVun, Cameron Duhe, Phyllis Leblanc;
 Midlothian, Ill. – Daniel Hlad;
 Minden – Hutton Leppert, Fisher McLemore, Adriana Spurlock;
 Mira – Taylor Andrews;
 Miramar, Fla. – Frank Boudreaux;
 Monroe – Kathryn Adams, Kiara Drumgo, Taylor Hogan, Carrissa Holmes, Brooke Howard, Aaron Hunt, Brittany Jackson, Sidney Jackson, Luke Matherne, Anna McKoin;
 Montegut – Nicole Cohen, Stephanie Cohen;
 Montgomery – Logan Lambert, Morgan McManus, Kaitlyn McShan, Brittany Plunkett, Stephanie Sanders, Bruce Schimmel;
 Montverde, Fla. – Andrea Rodriguez;
 Moreauville – Reginea Alexander;
 Morgan City – Sennet Wiggins;
 Mooringsport – Ariel Kendrick, Samantha Mattson;
 Moss Bluff – Bayleigh Smith;
 Mount Albert, Canada – Emily Sitarz;
 Mt. Hermon – Warren McFarlain;
 Nampa, Idaho – Isaiah Brittell;
 Natchez – Alexis Moses;
 Natchitoches – Jeremy Aaron, Daniella Angulo Martinez, Cass Arnold, Kayla Arnold, Luz Arrieta Jimenez, Maina Ibn Mohammed, Aaron Averett, Abbigal Barton, Samuel Bedgood, Lauren Bennett, Michaela Blackshear, Joshua Bolton, Keaton Booker, Taylor Burch , Heather Burrell, Nathan Cain, Manton Capers, Maria Carmona-Ruiz, Patricia Carrion Salinas, Jonathan Carruth, Emilio Castro, Thomas Celles, Valerie Chadick, Halley Chapa, Dominitra Charles, Brittony Cole, Jeremy Cox, Whitney Cromartie, Kara Davis, Sean Day, Myranda Degraw, Michael Deville, Lydia Doucet, Chasity Dupree, Fred Fontenot, Ashley Fortenberry, Clarisse Gaucel, Bradley Goins, Orlando Gonzalez, Spencer Goodwin, Lawden Halliburton, Tiara Hayes, Saul Hernandez, Joshua Hickman, Kaitlyn Hotz, Anna Hudson, Polina Ivanova, De’Ja Jenkins, Casi Killian, Michael Kingsley, Ashante Knox, Lyndon Knueppel, Haley LaCaze, Carlomongo Leon Jimenez, Dedrick Lewis, Tarah Lott, Taimata Luafalemana, Cody Luce, Meredith Machen, Terrian Marchand, Andrew McAlister, Caitlyn McCauslin, Joseph McClung, Paul Mealancon, Oni Melendez Carrillo, Jasmine Milsap, Amber Minor, Paul Monroy Galeyeva, William Montgomery, Maria Moreno Ponte, Ethan Mouton, Brooklyn Noe, Cameron Normand, Lindsey Prewitt, Korey Rachal, Katelynn Raggio, Darian Raymond, Candice Richardson, Ashley Rico, Antavious Roberson, Tyler Roberts, Aaron Rogers, William Rogers, Kayla Roquemore, Richard Sargee, Courtney Sarpy, Arsenije Savic, Jonathan Simmons, Alexisa Smith, Skyler Speer, Drake Taveney, Margaret Thompson, Austin Townsend, Kristan Valdez, Ricardo Ventura, Angelo Vergara Otero, Christopher Vienne, Garrett Vienne, Ashlyn Vitte, Kenikka Wafer, Jacob Ware, Kaylee Weakley, Matthew Weems, Leighann Westfall, Laurence Wynder, Rashi Yadav, ShaRhonda Zeno, Jasmine Howard, Kiara Murphy, Anna Taveney, Laura Guzman Rodriguez, Alyssa Odom, Rebecca Thomisee;
    New Iberia – Alexondria Gray, Grace Kerns, Natalie Ortega;
 New Llano – Undrea Beasley, Victoria Carbaugh, Nicole Castille, Amanda Hunt, Kaylea Lawrence, Jordan Sellers, Alyssa Turner, Collar Wilson;
 New Orleans – Rayna Brantley, Larionne Clark, Dominique Davis, Marquise Davis, Darlene Fairley, Brielle Mallet, Rishard Winford, Nicholas Landry,
 New Windsor – Mckaila Hughes;
 Nic – Emilija Dancetovic;
 Niceville – Lauren Reilly;
 Noble – Logan Sepulvado;
 Oberlin – Ann Long, Sonia Ortiz, Jonathon Villareal;
 Oil City – Chaddrick Thomas, Erin Weaver;
 Oklahoma City – Jasmine Juarez;
 Olla – Erica Netherland;
 Omro – Jason Kralovetz;
 Opelousas – Jasmine Donatto, Terry Faul, Ashley Kelly;
 Pacifica, Calif. – Nicholas Pierotti;
 Paris, Texas – Zachary Hevron, Cody Vorwerk, Rebekah Wiley;
 Pearl River – Megan Boyanton, Danielle Williams;
 Pelican – Bridgette Howard;
 Pereina Risapalda – Paola Mendez Ruiz;
 Pine Prairie – Dustin Clark;
 Pineville – Aimee Ashworth, Brenden Beavers, Landyn Brossett, Victoria Burns, Carrigen Cain, Payten Collins, Luke Conway, Sydney Duhon, Sarah Flue, Heather Fontenot, Cory Franklin, Lacey Funderburk, Hannah Gaspard, Deaunte Gay, Courtney George, Megan Hendricks, Caleb Howell, Kaitlyn Jackson, Jasmine Johnson, Alyssa Lloid, Allison McCloud, Marissa McMickens, Austin Nelson, Jessica Nichols, Taylor Parro, Michalene Perry, Cinnamon Player, Diane Richey, Loren Ryland, Destiny Zito, Taylor Campbell, Morgan Huddleston John Marino;
 Pitkin – Jessica Jones, Logan McClure, Amber Perkins, Samuel White;
 Plain Dealing – Dormesha Noble, Hunter Horton;
 Plaquemine – Kameron Landry;
 Pleasant Hill – Ja’Licia Franklin, Yasmine Maxie;
 Pollok, Texas – Katelyn Boles;
 Pontotoc, Miss. – Shelby Drope;
 Port Allen – Joseph Anderson, Corey Baskin;
 Prairieville – Carly Bourgeois, Grace Brumfield, Joanna Bunnell, Andrea Gathercole, Gracyn Migues, Brooke Tompkins, Payton Stafford;
 Princeton – Hannah Bradley, Camilla Jones, Madison Kennedy, Ariell Shield, Raynell Shield, LeKayla Smith, Elani Woods;
 Provencal – Carson Custis, Heather Davis;
 Raceland – Paige Parks;
 Rayville – Emily Rawls, Mary Rogers;
 Reno, Nev. – Olivia Marazzo;
 Rhinehart – Bethany Russell;
 Ringgold – Alora Bryant;
 River Ridge ­– Taylor Young;
 Robeline – Arin Ammons, Jonathan Chism, Joshia Dockens, Hannah Hennigan, Megan Maley, Megan Palmer, Madelyn Rachal, Bradley Sparish, Rebecca Sparish, Victoria Thompson;
 Rogers, Ark. – Mary Reed;
 Rosepine – Emilee Johnson;
 Rowlett, Texas – Daniel Miner;
 Ruston – Seth Hartsfield, Irene Hild, Maya Robertson, Emarea Scott;
 Saline – Cheyenne Roberts;
 San Pedro Sula, Cortes – Jonathan Andino Madrid, Cesia Corrales, Bella Triminio Gutierrez;
 Santa Rosa Beach, Fla. – Angel Migues;
 Saskatoon, Canada – Loren MacLennan;
 Shiatook, Okla. – Sadie Fudge;
 Shongaloo – Cassidy Lablue;
 Shreveport – Daytreiona Allen, Ashlee Arkansas, Yasmeen Bader, Shakendra Bailey, Denisha Bankhead, Jessica Bollingham, Alyssa Bonacci, Ethan Branch, Delores Brown, Meosha Brown, Rakeisha Brown, Caitlin Bruce, Michael Cade, Charlie Caldwell, Jessie Cardenas, Amanda Charles, Breonnica Collins, Kendall Crosby, Garrison Davis, ShaKendra Davis, John Davidson, Courtney Dehart, Kevin Denks, Miya Douglas, Kristina Doyal, Lauren Edwards, Takayla Edwards, Ellison Brandy, Amye Flair, Sean Flair, Zachary Fussell, Jade Gaines, Rayvin Gaudet, Cassidy Giddens, Courtney Giddens, Courtnei Green, Elaina Guerrero, Natalie Hirsch, Brea Housley, Madyson Istre, Randall Johnston, Cavonte Jones, Chardunae Jones, Nathan Jones, Colton Kennedy, Tradeya King, Alexis Kochinskey, Mallory LaLena, Katie Layfield, Bryan Lee, Ziming Li, Katherine Lind, Sarah Long, Chassidy McMillon, Christine Mettenbink, Najah Mitchell, Terrye Moore, Katlynn Morris, Joann Nelson, Hillary Nicholls, Emily Paxton, Haley Peace, Jared Perkins, Gertrud Rankin, Shelby Reddy, Patricia Reed, Harrison Reeves, Jiminia Rhymes, Kierstin Richter, Keyonna Roberson, Ashley Santos, Lyshaqwanna Shandle, Mary Sibley, Richard Sloan, Kendall Sneed, Chris Spence, Christa Sprawls, Cynthia Terrell, Hannah Wagener, Kayla Waller, Brandon Williams, Donald Williams, Shamolia Williams, Krashanta Barrett, Naterria Davis, Moriah Heinsius, Jesse Kortus, Breyonna Thompson, Kathryn Cunningham, Deanna Peveto, Yao Wang;
 Simmesport – Kimani Batiste, Olivia Draper, Bailie Marsh;
 Simpson – David Marquis, Mackenzie Strickland;
 Slidell – Katie Buttner, Katherine Gallinghouse, Theresa Sharp;
 Spring Dale, Ark. – Sabrina Bailey;
 Spring, Texas – Hailee Rhodes;
 Spring Lake, N.C. – Jeflyn Winstead;
 St. Francisville – Joshua Mann, Ryan Reed;
 St. Gabriel – Brooke Griffiths;
 St. James – Kaci Cavalier;
 St. Martinville – Autumn Blanchard, Blake Blanchard;
 St. Maurice – Breona Hollingsworth;
 Stone Mountain, Ga. – Ryland Francis;
 Stonewall – Jaci May;
 Sugartown – Madison Budnik;
 Sulphur – Lillian Broussard, Derek Henry, Bralyn James, Jennifer Watzlavik;
 Tallulah – Frances Ferguson;
 Taylor, Texas – Jake English;
 Terrytown – Katlynn Klein;
 Texarkana, Texas – Sydney Cowgill, Daphne Hammett;
 Tioga – Hannah Pusateri;
 Tomball, Texas – Kylie Spencer;
 Trout – Jessilyn Sandifer;
 Tyler, Texas – De’Shayln Jones;
 Vacherie ­– Chelsea Kliebert;
 Ventress – Racheal Gaude;
 Vidalia ­– Anna Cowan, Zoie Gillespie, Evandria King;
 Ville Platte – Hannah Gallow, Natalie Morrison, Regis Tezeno;
 Vinton – Shae Cramer, Madison Zaunbrecher;
 Violet – Briana Acosta;
 Vivian ­– Chase Lewis;
 Wahiawa, Hawaii – Taylor Camidge;
 Walker – Saxon Bumpus, David Kolb;
 Waskom, Texas – Jonas Richardson;
 Waynesville, Mo. – Jessica Rodger;
 Welsh – Alisha Ledoux;
 West Monroe – Madelyn Bryan, Laura Lovell;
 Westwego – Katie Desalvo;
 Wetmore, Colo. ­– Diane Norbury;
 White Castle – Gavin Landry;
 Whitesboro, Texas – Guy Butts;
 Winnfield – Melissa Godwin, Ili Habash, Ieishlia Lynch, Laci Parker, Kellie Smedley;
Winnsboro – Hunter Cooper;
 Woodway, Texas – Chrishard Buhl;
 Woodworth – Slade Allen, Laura Galbreath;
Yaroslavl, Russia – Polina Mutel;
 Youngsville – Randall Blair, Bridgett Landry, Matthew Leleux;
 Yukon, Okla. – Brook Wray;
 Zachary –  Keith Etue, Courtney Page, Caitlyn Thibodaux, Dshanti Walker
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lvmbien · 2 years
i started quite the discussion today in the group chat
a server full of rook dislikers and i brought in the savana rook propaganda to turn the tides for some pro-rook energy
im forever in mourning over his freckles <////3
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lvmbien · 1 year
🪻 Little Lvmb
a quick run down of some of my sona's various splinters as well as their alternate ‘names’ (if they have one) and a couple alt sonas
Original AU Sonas
☕ Aries - default/main sona keyword/tag(s); little lvmb 🍂 Bunty - human/lamb hybrid keyword/tag(s); oc. bunty 🪻 Lamb - fursona? keyword/tag(s); oc. lamb 🍄 Corpse - undead necromancer keyword/tag(s); oc. corpse 🥀 A. Aries Mortem - immortal necromancer keyword/tag(s); v!aries
Active Fandom Sonas
🦐 Twisted Wonderland / Yuu sona keyword/tag(s); twst!aries, pome!aries ship tag(s); azriel, flaries, flazriel 💫 obey me! sona keyword/tag(s); om!aries ship tag(s); belaries 🌌 obey me! nightbringer sona keyword/tag(s); nb!aries ship tag(s); solaries 🌩 Miette - genshin sona v1 keyword/tag(s); oc. mietitore ship tag(s); sheepdoctor ❄ Yosei - genshin sona v2 keyword/tag(s);  oc. yosei ship tag(s); --
Alt Sonas
Ciel - alt sona [he/they] keyword/tag(s); oc. ciel Lavender - comfort sona [they/he] keyword/tag(s); oc. lavender
「My ‘little lvmb’ tag is a catch all tag for all versions of my sona. The only two you will not find under this tag are Ciel and Lavender.
Any non-sona OCs I post about can be found under the ’lvmb ocs’ tag.」
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