#polyp of evil
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captain-joongz · 1 year ago
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Abraxas; Masterlist
Pairing: mafia boss!Min Yoongi x police office!reader
Genre: humour, angst, investigation themes, dark themes, enemies to lovers, slowburn, eventual smut, some fluff
Summary: My downfall ended up being a story in three acts. The introduction, the seduction, the damnation.
Or; Young and fresh out of police academy, I set out to take down one of the biggest gangs in Seoul. I didn't expect the whirlwind my life would become after meeting the one and only Min Yoongi. Caught between two worlds, it was hard to say whether I was pulled down or returned where I always belonged.
Current word count: cca 100k
Warnings: dark themes, talks of illegal activities, murder, sexism in the workplace, brief reader x OC, eventual smut, innacurate description of police work, some slight stalking (reader tailing Yoongi), each individual chapter will have its own warnings
A/N: welcome to my new and very first series! I will attempt to update this every month, so it's done quicker. Hope you enjoy your reading, don't be shy and feel free to interact!
Taglist is open! Let me know if you wanna be added ^^
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playlist / songs that fit the vibe : daylight by david kuschner, love again by dua lipa, let the world burn by chris grey, nothing matters by the last dinner party, killshot (slowed + reverb) by magdalena bay, a little death by the neighbourhood, adore adore by yoav, little girl gone by chinchilla, play with fire by sam tinnesz, the night by choi baek ho, astonist's lullaby by hozier, take me to church by hozier, smoke sprite by so!yoon!, all the good girls go to hell by billie eilish, my strange addiction by billie eilish, nobody's soldier by hozier, wet nightmare by bibi
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Act 1;
Ch. 1 | Interlude I. | Ch. 2.1 | Ch. 2.2 | Ch. 3.1 | Ch. 3.2 | Ch. 3.3 | Interlude II. | Ch. 4.1 | Ch. 4.2 | Ch. 4.3 |Interlude III.
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"That which is spoken by God-the-Sun is life; that which is spoken by the Devil is death; Abraxas speaketh that hallowed and accursed word, which is life and death at the same time. Abraxas begetteth truth and lying, good and evil, light and darkness in the same word and in the same act. Wherefore is Abraxas terrible."
- 3rd sermon, Seven Sermons to the Dead, Carl Jung
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The First Companion | An Old Friend | Boy Warrior |
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Act 2;
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"The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world. The bird flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas."
- Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth, Hermann Hesse
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The Prodigal Son | Enemy of an Enemy is a Friend | The Golden Maknae |
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Act 3;
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"It is splendid as the lion in the instant he striketh down his victim. It is beautiful as a day of spring. It is the great Pan himself and also the small one. It is Priapos.
It is the monster of the under-world, a thousand-armed polyp, coiled knot of winged serpents, frenzy.
It is abundance that seeketh union with emptiness. It is holy begetting. It is love and love’s murder. It is the saint and his betrayer. It is the brightest light of day and the darkest night of madness.
To look upon it, is blindness. To know it, is sickness. To worship it, is death. To fear it, is wisdom. To resist it not, is redemption.
It is the delight of the earth and the cruelty of the heavens. Before it there is no question and no reply.
That is the terrible Abraxas."
- 3rd sermon, Seven Sermons to the Dead, Carl Jung
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Taglist (open):
@wobblewobble822 @viankiss @jjkwifestyle @mortal-body-timelesssoul @fullmetalavatar54
@ot72025 @jalexad @eleni-cherie @m00njinnie @mysteriousgeminizone
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himbo-ford-pines · 4 months ago
hehehehehehe evil thots illegal thots here have bad babysitter Stan
CW: drinking
Stanley watched his brother run full speed around the house. He sighed. He should have never given into the boy’s pleas for ice cream. Their parents were going to be gone overnight and had tasked Stanley with watching the seven year old Stanford. He recalled his pa’s warning before they left the house: “He’d better be asleep by eight, and eat his entire dinner and-“ blah blah blah. Stanley knew what he was doing. Christ they worried so much.
He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a crash. He paled. “Sixer, I know you didn’t run into that fucking urn.” He stared hard at their grandmother’s ashes on the floor. “God… dammit. Okay.” He stood and grabbed the broom, muttering to himself. He was gonna get his ears boxed for this.
Stanford stepped back and rubbed his arm sheepishly. “Sorry Stanley, I was pretending to be a B-52 and-“
“Yeah, bud, I saw.” He sighed. “You need to calm down a little, you’re literally bouncin’ off the walls. In fact-“ he glanced up at the cat clock monotonously ticking away above the entrance to the kitchen. “I think it’s bedtime.” He considered ashes in the dustpan and grabbed a Tupperware, dumping them in while his brother whined at him.
“What?! That’s not fair, you get to stay up all night and watch tv!”
“Yeah, cuz I’m charge tonight, and Pa gave me specific instructions on what to do with you. I’m not getting my ass whooped because you wanna watch cartoons longer than normal. I’m already getting it because you spilled Grandma on the fuckin floor.” He wiped his hands off on his white shirt, grimacing at the dark smudges. Sorry Grandma.
Ford frowned. “But I’m not tired.”
Stanley frowned. Getting this kid in bed when he didn’t want to go was nearly impossible. Then he remembered his ma talking about giving them gin on her finger when they were babies to calm them down and put them to sleep. He wondered if beer would do the same. “Tell ya what, you can stay up with me, but you have to drink with me. You wanna be a man or whatever? Come on.” He grabbed a six pack he’d stolen from the local grocery store from the fridge and placed it on the coffee table imposingly. “Think you’re up for it?”
Stanford puffed out his chest in pride. “I can do it! I am a man!” He ran over to the couch and sat down, keeping his arms crossed.
Stanley threw some pajamas at him. “At least get cozy.”
Ford groaned and started taking off his clothes. Stanley found his eyes trailing over the boy’s soft body, coming to rest on the boy’s tighty whiteys. He shook his head when Stanford pulled his pj’s back on and flopped down onto the couch, cracking open a cold one with the boy. He grabbed the clicker and switched on the tv, flipping through channels until they hit some documentary and Sixer started yelling at his older brother to stop there so he could learn about jellyfish. Stanley groaned but figured the kid would only be up for a little longer so he obliged and settled back as he was lectured on the stages of jellyfish life, polyp stage, Medusa stage, blah blah blah. He sipped his beer boredly, and pulled the boy closer, offering him the bottle. “Here. You said you’d keep up with me.”
Stanford took it, a bit unsure of himself and sniffed it, recoiling a bit at the heavy fermented wheat smell. “You sure Pa won’t get mad?”
“Not if Pa doesn’t know. You gonna rat me out?”
“Then shut up and quit worrying. Drink.” He opened another beer for himself and chugged half of it, letting out a loud long burp afterwards that sent Stanford into giggles.
“Gross Stanley!” He hit his arm and regarded the bottle before taking a tentative sip and almost spitting it out. Stanley covered his mouth.
“Swallow, Sixer.”
Ford swallowed with a shudder and let out a much smaller burp. Stanley grinned and nodded for him to keep going as the teen continued sipping his own beer. Stanford wasn’t going to back down from a challenge- he never did. So he drank. He finished the bottle about the same time that Stanley was half way through his second. He leaned back with a groan. His tummy hurt, but he didn’t feel drunk? At least, he didn’t think so?
“Hey kid, go grab those chips.” Stanley pointed to the bag of potato chips on the counter in the kitchen. “But finish this first.” He handed him the half full bottle of beer he had been working on. “Then we’ll be even.” He smirked, seeing the unsure look on Ford’s face. “Unless you’re chicken.”
Ford wrinkled his nose and tilted the bottle back, holding his breath to avoid tasting the sour liquid as it washed down his throat. He slammed the bottle down on the table, burped in his brother’s face, stood up determinedly, took one step towards the kitchen, and fell flat on his face with a groan.
Stanley burst out laughing and stood, stretching. “That was so easy. Alright, bed-“ his inebriated brain focused in on the lining of Ford’s underwear peeking out from his pajama pants. His cock jumped in his own sweats. He looked at the clock. He still had hours before their parents were home… and he and Ford had played before. It’s not like he hadn’t gotten a yes any other time he’d asked, why would this time be different. He picked the drunk kid up and tossed him on the couch.
Stanford grunted and blinked up at him. “Dizzy…”
“Shh.” He pulled the boy’s pants and underwear off, silent, and let Ford’s legs fall back onto the couch as he stared at the boy’s soft cock. He just… he needed this. He reached for another beer and took a drink of it before pushing it to his brother’s lips, making him take a drink despite Ford shaking his head. Stanley pushed Sixer back down onto the couch and pulled his cock out, stroking himself with a small groan before going down, taking Stanford’s entire package into his mouth and moving his tongue around, playing with his tiny cock and his fucking grape sized excuse for a sack. Ford let out a lewd noise, tangling small hands in his brother’s hair. “S-Stanleyyyy~” he crooned before his mouth fell open. He stared at the ceiling fan for what felt like a very long time as he focus’s on his brother’s warm mouth on his privates. He gasped- he was about to finish in his brother’s mouth when Stanley pulled off with a shimmery line of pre connecting his lips to Ford’s cock. He grabbed his brother’s legs and lifted them before spitting right onto his ass and shoving two finger into him. Ford yelped at the sudden penetration, wiggling clumsily in Stanley’s grasp but Stan had a big advantage on him in size and sobriety. “Easy buddy, I’m not gonna fuck you tonight, not really anyway. You get fingered and put to bed, that’s it.”
Ford let out an unintelligible whimpering slur of words at him that Stanley ignored as he felt around for Ford’s sweet spot. He found it quickly- he knew his way around- and didn’t let up on it, touching and feeling the boy’s prostate until Stanford came all over his own legs, blubbering and gasping. Stanley pulled his fingers out slowly and wiped them on the couch as he watched Ford catch his breath. “Are you ready for bed yet Sixer?”
Ford just closed his eyes and Stanley sighed in relief, curling around him in an apartment that was finally quiet.
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kittenfangirl20 · 8 months ago
(An idea I have for the Little Mermaid AU)
*after Lilith’s necklace broke and Adam’s voice was returned to him he was so close to getting the kiss from Lucifer, but before it happened the sun set and his body turned back into a merman’s body, the people around him screamed as the pants he wore were destroyed and his human legs were replaced with a gold tail, many humans believed such disgusting stories about merpeople wanting to draw humans to the ocean with their voice, Adam cried, but Lucifer knelt next to Adam and held him*
Lucifer: I still love you.
*Lucifer kissed Adam, but it was too late, a kiss wouldn’t save him, Lilith cruelly laughed and turned back into her sea witch form and ripped Adam from Lucifer’s arms*
Lilith: It’s too late darling, he belongs to me now.
*Lilith flung herself into the ocean with Adam in her arms and she swam down with Alastor waiting for her with a potion bottle in his hands, Lilith forced Adam’s mouth open and Alastor forced him to drink the foul potion while Lilith rubbed her hand on his throat making it so he swallowed the entire potion, Adam’s screams of pain filled the ocean, it felt like he was on fire as his body shrank and he was turned into a little polyp, Lute had went to get Sera to tell her where Adam was and Sera was forced to watch her beloved son turn into a hideous little polyp*
Sera: Change him back.
Lilith: Give me your crown and trident, I will do as you command if you make me Queen of the Oceans.
*Sera would do anything for her children and she did as Lilith commanded, the evil sea witch was now the ruler of the ocean*
Sera: Now you must uphold your end of the bargain.
*Lilith’s cruel laugh filled the ocean*
Lilith: I lied, the only way Adam can return to his original form is when I die which you could have easily done that with your powers as Queen. Killing me now is practically impossible. But you can have him now, I don’t need him anymore.
*Sera felt so foolish at her mistake, but she swam over to Adam and held the trembling little polyp in her hands, this was all her fault, if she hadn’t been so strict with Adam, he never would have gone to make the deal with the sea witch, she didn’t feel any disgust as she kissed the little polyp’s head*
Sera: I promise that I will find a way to get you back to normal.
*just then Sera looked up and saw a harpoon coming out of Alastor’s chest, Lucifer had swam down there to fight the sea witch to get Adam back and he had just killed Alastor, Lilith screamed at her second in command being killed and started to become larger and larger, Sera swam over to Lucifer and handed Adam to him*
Sera: I know it may seem odd that I handed you a little polyp, but this is Adam. I need to find a way to kill Lilith so Adam can return to his normal form. Please protect my son and prove me wrong about humans. If you do this and Lilith dies I will make Adam a human again and your marriage with him will have my blessing.
*Lucifer looked down at the polyp that was the man he was in love with and nodded as he felt Adam nuzzle his hand, he would do anything to be with Adam again even kill the sea witch who was his ex wife*
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murfeelee · 10 months ago
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IWTV INSP - MerMay Pt2: Siren Nature
"Something was very wrong with Louis. No one else would have noticed but the three royal Pointe Du Lac children had been tuned to each other and Grace could read the tightness in Louis’s walk, the note of falseness in his smile and eyes, and the subtle press of his lips that meant that he was in pain. Louis’s new friend, Mr Lioncourt, had disappeared a few days ago and Louis had been like a ghost ever since. Paul had noticed too, knocking on her door last night, and his theory was that Mr Lioncourt had stolen away Louis’s soul. Grace didn’t believe that, but something was deeply wrong and Louis had rebuffed any gentle attempts to find out what.....  "But when Louis had been at family breakfast the other week, days before Mr Lioncourt’s disappearance, Louis had been scratching and Grace had caught his arm. A bronze scale had come off his skin and Louis hadn’t noticed. Grace had palmed the scale discreetly, so that no one else would see...."
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-- Excerpts from Part of Your World, by @weather-mood
A [FREE SPACE] entry for @vamptember's MerMay VC event!
Just a heads up for those familiar with PoYW: for my gameplay, I've moved ALL of the siren scenes from the fic to Louis' official transformation at the end of the story, into Tidelines; so some of my next posts actually take place out of order from the fic itself.
What I really like about WeatherMood's PoYW fic is how clearly you can see the parallels between siren!Lestat's "deal" with Louis, and vampire!Lestat's "wedding vows" pitch. In PoYW, Les is the Sea Witch who makes a deal with the naive & lovestruck Little Mermaid--it's largely based on Hans Christian Anderson, but with a slight Disney twist. Louis knows Lestat is evil (he massacred Louis' whole ship crew), but Lou also has garbage taste in men. 🤦 But Lestat's deal throws Lou for a loop; it sounds too good to be true, cuz it is. Hans' Sea Witch is more forthcoming about their deal highly likely ending in utter doom; while Ursula deliberately withholds information (her plans to sabotage Ariel & keep her (& King Triton) as a polyp/slave).
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Likewise, vampire!Lestat knew good & dang well that Lou had no idea what vampirism really was or entailed; going in blind as a bat into a damned eternity off of nothing but a few "tricks" he'd seen Lestat do (and ofc he compartmentalized seeing Les eat the priests). He turned Lou & babytrapped him so Lou would/could never leave him; just like siren!Lestat traps Louis in a bad deal he knows is anything but temporary/amphibious enough to let Lou to survive on land.
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Lestat loves Louis, undoubtedly, but he's also a bonafide monster, ("Is my very nature that of the Devil?"). It's effed up, but Louis loves him, so what can you do. U_U At least Les isn't like Hans' Prince, who treated The Mermaid like trash & loved someone else entirely, only for The Mermaid to willingly die for him anyway, like GIRL. 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦 Take that knife & go crazy! 🔪
- Stained glass windows by @deniisu-sims & Abuk0
- Toe claws & eel tails in beta by me
- (If anyone's wondering, I put Loustat in scale-patterned swimming briefs cuz in the fic they don't actually wear clothes. But my blog's PG-17 goshdarnit! 😅)
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freakartack · 1 year ago
This is probably completely insane, but what if the Space Hares are actually Orb polyps?
I LOVE THIS INSANITY. This is not my personal theory but i am obsessed with your vision. maybe orbulon dad reveal was real all along.
Here is my personal thoughts on those crazy hares. While orbulon to me is like a jellyfish/hydrozoan/cuttlefish/beluga whale freak, when i see space hares i think of one thing. Sea angels!
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They are a cute little sea slug with what looks like cute little bunny ears. However they are not ears
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Also they are carnivorous. Sea angels specifically eat...other sea slugs. Not their own species, but those that are really closely related to them (sea butterflies). Still, it is very darkly funny to imagine alien bunnies eating each other cinnamon toast crunch style, so I do. This is my evil secret. They DO also eat carotene logs though, but I'd like to think that is simply a little treat that is actually not all that good for them (but they taste so good).
One last thing about these guys that completely diverges from the slug thing is that I think they reproduce via binary fission for the sole reason of I think that's funny. They are all clones of each other
Now for ORBULON, his life is way more complicated. When he is "born" he is just a tiny spore thing (a planula, but cartoony). As soon as he hits a surface he immediately anchors into it and becomes an orbupolyp. (This is the stage he reverts back to in order to renew his life cycle.) Unlike the orbularva and orbu-adult forms, the polyp is sessile and will be stuck to whatever spot he is anchored to. He is also not really fully conscious in this state so he will not be able to talk to you. In his natural habitat he would simply catch whatever food is floating by with tentacles at the end of his stalk (which will become his limbs later), but on earth there is no food floating by so they just kind of have to shovel food in there. It's really weird but this is the price we must pay. For the purposes of this assignment, I am decreeing that orbulon can politely tuck his feeding tentacles into each other when he isn't actively eating. This doesn't make sense if you know jellyfish but there is a reason i'm doing this.
Now without further ado: the orbupolyp
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aliciavance4228 · 7 months ago
Here Are Some Things From Greek Mythology That Are Purely Nightmare Fuel
Note: Long post because Greek Mythology is completely fucked up.
-Many of the monsters:
The Lernaean Hydra (a serpent with nine heads, that can continually regrow severed heads).
The Chimera (a hideous amalgamation of a lion, a goat and a dragon)
Cerberus (a vicious three-headed dog that in some myths had a back covered in living serpents).
Orthrus (Cerberus's two-headed, serpent-tailed little brother), and various other creatures definitely count.
Perhaps the worst is Typhon — father of the above along with the Mother of All Monsters, Echidna — Typhon is described by some writers as being as tall as the sky itself, and having a hundred dragon-like heads, all of which screamed and breathed fire. It's not hard to see why almost all the gods had a collective fear when he appeared, and fled Greece, leaving Zeus to face the creature by himself.
And then there's creatures like Scylla and, even worse, Charybdis, once beautiful women turned into eldritch things of pure horror. Scylla we at least know is horrifying to observe, looking like a giant, beautiful women from the waist up, with a scaled tail below, and the heads of six rabid wolves snapping at her waist.
Medusa, whose face was apparently so frightening that anyone who saw her turned into stone. Much like Scylla and Charybdis above, she also used to be a beautiful woman before the Gods transformed her, except when she was a monster from the beginning.
-Prometheus' fate of being chained to a rock and having an eagle peck out his liver each day. He endured it for hundreds of years before being released.
-Similarly, the fate Chiron faced before he sold his immortality: living forever, with the maddening poison of the Hydra eternally burning through his veins.
-The fate of mortals unfortunate enough to piss off the gods:
Actaeon, a man who accidentally walked in on a bathing Artemis, who turned him into a deer and had him killed by his own dogs.
Erysichthon, who chopped down one of Demeter's trees, was infected with eternal hunger and eventually ate himself.
Phineas, son of Poseidon, was randomly gifted with the ability to perceive past and future. This access to knowledge threatened the gods so Zeus struck him blind and further punished him with starvation by being attacked by Harpies every time he tried to eat. It’s a good thing that Jason came along and, with the aid of the Argonauts, was able to kill the Harpies so Phineas could eat again- some depictions have him so starved that he’s horrifically thin.
So, you're friends with Aphrodite, and she want to marry you, eldest son of Nereus, old man of the sea. That's good, right? Well, dad says no. You tell your girlfriend that, and even though it's not your fault, she turns you into a polyp.
-Ephilatus and Otus tried invading Olympus. They eternally drown in the center of a waterfall, tied by snakes to a pillar, while Fate watches them as an owl. Ouch!
-Some of the evil people whom Theseus defeated:
Procrustes, who tied his victims to a bed and either stretched them on a rack or chopped off body parts if they did not fit.
Sinis who bent down two pine trees with his great strength, tied the hands of passer-bys to the tips of the two trees, and then let go.
Sciron, another bandit, was tame by comparison, but still pretty terrifying—living on a cliff overlooking the sea, he posed as a kindly old man and asked travelers to help him wash his feet. If they accepted, he'd wait for them to kneel...then he'd kick them off the cliff. Depending on the version, they'd either fall to their deaths or be devoured by a giant turtle that lurked in the waves below. Either way, Sciron very clearly did this for fun.
Phaea, who terrorized Crommyon, had a gigantic man-eating sow for a pet that accompanied her on her raids on the eponymous town. Sure, Theseus killed her, but the fact that this old lady had a big-ass pig for a pet should say something about her personality.
-The Minotaur's young victims were imprisoned in the labyrinth and force to run for their lives until the beast catches and devours them or they drop dead of exhaustion, hunger and thirst. It's like the first teen slasher flick.
-The future Olympians were able to live and grow in Cronus' stomach. How exactly? Squick indeed.
-Antaeus the giant, who was building a temple using human skulls.
-A non-mortal prisoner of Tartarus was Arke, Iris' lesser known sister. It was said that during the Titanomachy, Arke had betrayed the Olympians in favor of the Titans and became their messenger. When the Olympians won the war, Zeus not only cast her into Tartarus along with the Titans, he also tore her wings off for good measure.
-Princess Elera was impregnated by Zeus abd then hidden. She gave birth to a giant named Tityos... and died during chilbirth.
It is written that once he came of age he tried to force himself on Leto. Fortunately, Artemis and Apollo heard their mother's cries of distress and killed Tityos by raining arrows upon him. As his afterlife punishment he gets sent off to Tartarus to be forever eaten alive by eagles not unlike Prometheus but without anyone freeing him.
-King Diomedes, who fed humans to his flesh-eating horses. In a Karmic Death and/or Ironic Death twist, he himself was fed to them.
-Oedipus; Imagine marrying your own mother and unknowingly having intercourse with her! Horrible! Then, to top it all off, Oedipus gouged his own eyes out after he discovered all of this. Honestly guys put the blame on Freud for all the "Joe Mama" jokes.
-The rape of Callisto. She was raped (once she realized who her attacker really was and what he was going to do she fought), by Zeus disguised as his daughter Artemis. Callisto was a follower of Artemis and one of the goddess’s favorite companions.In other words, Callisto was raped by a god in the form of her best friend. Callisto is cast out, turned into a bear, separated from her son for 15 years, and upon seeing him after those 15 years, is almost killed by him. (In some versions they are only spared by one killing the other or killing each other by Zeus literally invoking Mama Bear in turning the son into a bear cub, upon which all fighting ceases).
-Athena's birth. The clanging produced when Metis forged Athena's armor gave Zeus a massive headache, and he was willing to do anything to stop the headache...ANYTHING, including go to one of his least favorite people in the world, Hephaestus, and have him split his skull wide open. Then, Athena burst out of Zeus' bleeding skull, fully grown and armored, and letting out a battle cry.
-Her mother, Metis, was fated to give birth to a son more powerful than Zeus. So he turns her into a fly and swallows her whole.
-The Graeae. Dear Gods, the Graeae! Spooky old witches who only had one eye and one tooth among them. They shared both items among themselves and even fought over both! Even worse, some versions say that they were half-human and half-swan.
-Medea. Where to start? First, she killed her brother and threw his diced up corpse into the sea bit by bit to make sure she and her boytoy Jason escaped her father, the king of Colchis. When Jason dumped her for a princess, she then decided to murder the princess with a cloak that instantly turns the wearer into a fireball. She also kills Jasons' future father-in-law, and finished this up by killing the kids that the couple had together. She makes her get-away by flying into the sky on a chariot driven by Dragons. Finally, Medea manages to make peace with her father afterwards by killing her uncle, who had deposed the father as king. She is Nightmare Fuel for anyone who goes through messy divorces with psychopaths.
-Lycaon. He (or his sons, depending on the version) knew full well that Zeus makes a habit of dropping by in disguise to see if kings and hosts behave as they should, so when the big guy did show up, they suspected he might actually be Zeus. So what do they do to put him to the test? Why, kill a child from the next village over and serve him up as food. So Zeus turns them into the first werewolves, in some versions even noting that nothing about their behavior changed.
-The myth of Hades and Persephone has many interpretations, but the original, ancient tale is pure horror at its finest from both the perspective of Demeter and Persephone. Persephone is out picking flowers with her friends and strays from the group when she spots a narcissus, which is really a trap laid out by Hades to ensnare her. When Persephone plucks the flower Hades bursts out of the earth in his chariot and pulls her in while she is vainly attempting to fight him off and screaming for help, but they plunge to the earth before anyone can come to the goddess's aid. Hades arrives in his kingdom with his justifiably terrified bride-to-be and drops the bomb that they're getting married on her while the poor girl is still trying to process the fact that she was just snatched from her home, her beloved mother and everything else she's ever known, and is about become her abductor's wife and queen of his kingdom.
-Hera was a notoriously jealous goddess. While Zeus's infidelities were hardly admirable, her responses to them were nothing short of horrifying. She would wreak cruel vengeance against the women he slept with, including those who didn't know their lover's true identity and even women her husband raped. Not only that, she's incredibly malicious to his children, even though it's obviously not their fault they were fathered by the King of the Gods.
-In the Dionysiaca, we have Typhon spelling out to Zeus all the lovely things he plans on doing to the Olympians when he takes over.These include, but are not limited to...
Chaining up Poseidon with the same chains that Iapetus is bound by.
Sending a bigger, stronger eagle (possibly Typhon's own offspring) to peck out Hephaestus' liver to avenge Prometheus.
Trapping Hermes in a jar forever.
Forcibly marrying off Artemis, Leto and Athena and letting their husbands rape them.
Forcing Hera to marry him (Typhon) specifically.
-Think about what poor Leto had to go through when Hera found out she was pregnant with Zeus' twins—Hera basically tells Leto she's banned from giving birth literally anywhere on Earth, starts spying on her as she desperately searches for someplace to give birth and in some versions sends a freaking dragon to chase Leto as she wanders. And just when Leto finally found a haven (sometimes provided by Poseidon at Zeus' behest) to give birth, a massive storm happens and the Goddess of Childbirth (sometimes Hera, sometimes her daughter) refuses to help her, leaving poor Leto to desperately cling to her patch of land and give birth, hoping that the storm doesn't wash her away. Fortunately, she succeeds.
-Hades has a helmet that makes him invisible and according to some even intangible (meaning he can go through walls while wearing it). While he IS one of the nicer ones, that does beg the question... How does someone know that he's down where his job is and not, uh, right behind you?
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man-i-love-molluscs · 5 months ago
In the UK, last week was biology week and I REALLY wanted to get this finished to celebrate. Unfortunately, I have been incredibly busy with coursework and only managed to finish this up yesterday. So, for my sake, imagine this was posted last week. Without further ado:
Superclass- Dinoflagellata
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Pictured: Ceratum lineatum
Dinoflagellates are plankton belonging to the superclass “Dinoflagellata”, a clade containing aquatic algae. Though often found in marine environments, dinoflagellates can be found in almost all aquatic environments. They are the bottom of most aquatic food chains and are responsible for many natural phenomena, like glowing beaches and even potentially one of the great plagues of Egypt!
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Pictured: an anatomical diagram of a dinoflagellate
Dinoflagellates are covered by a theca (sheath) that can be either plain or ornamented and have two flagella (tails). One is a longitudinal flagella which propels the dinoflagellate forward and the other is a transverse flagella which provides spin to the algal cell.
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Pictured: glowing shore caused by dinoflagellates
So, about glowing oceans, they’re caused by some genera of dinoflagellates that contain “Scintillons” which are, essentially, cellular glow sticks. Dinoflagellates light up when they are contacted, causing beautiful displays of light on turbulent shorelines. This bioluminescence is thought to be a response to predation. It sounds strange, producing dazzling light to deter predators, but the lights aren’t to repel predators, they’re to attract the predators of the predators. Like setting up a giant neon sign saying “This guy is eating me and they’re REALLY tasty”. They tend to build up in warm lagoons with limited access to the open sea and glow a bluish colour. Dinoflagellates produce a compound called “luciferin” which reacts with an enzyme called “luciferase”, and this reaction is what causes the light.
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Pictured: a coral reef
Aside from being rave algae, dinoflagellates also form symbiotic relationships with many different organisms. Sponges, molluscs and some bacteria just to name a few, they form so many that the family they lie in is called “symbiodinium”. The most notable- though- is their relationship with coral. Coral as we know it is composed of coral polyps and dinoflagellates- or zooxanthellae as those able to form symbiotic relationships are known colloquially. In these relationships, zooxanthellae offer amino acids and products of photosynthesis and in return get carbon dioxide for photosynthesis as well as phosphates and nitrates. Colonies of coral polyps and zooxanthellae comprise coral reefs, responsible for upholding many tropical ecosystems in our beautiful oceans. When these colonies experience high environmental stress, the polyps will expel the zooxanthellae, resulting in coral bleaching, where coral reefs lose their colour and die; Coral bleaching is also a major problem our oceans are facing due to factors like ocean acidification and pollution.
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Pictured: Pteraeolidia semperi
Zooxanthellae also form symbiotic relationships with nudibranchs, specifically aeolid nudibranchs from the genus Pteraeolidia; aeolid nudibranchs are those with long tubules sprouting from their backs, those in the genus Pteraeolidia look comparable to Christmas tinsel. In these relationships, the zooxanthellae live in the nudibranchs’ tissue and supplement their diet with photosynthetic products. For more information, look into the work of Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldburg and Professor Rosalind Hinde.
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Pictured: a red tide
Dinoflagellates also are thought to have caused one of the 10 plagues of Egypt. Dinoflagellates are known to cause “red tides”, where masses of algae grow on the surface of water. Red tides do crazy evil things, like killing fish, making shellfish poisonous and even emitting toxic aerosols that cause burning sensations in throats and noses. Stalagmite records show that during the plagues, Egypt experienced a great drought. It is thought that this drought caused an algal bloom in the river nile, causing water to become undrinkable, fish to die and amphibian numbers to boom before they escaped the river. It’s important to note that while dinoflagellates are a kind of algae that is known to bloom in this way, some evidence points to algae that do not belong to the superclass dinoflagellata as the cause of this plague. Regardless, the marriage of religion, history and biology is very interesting.
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zahramorningstar · 1 year ago
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Abraxas is the sun, and at the same time
the eternally sucking gorge of the void,
the belittling and dismembering devil.
The power of Abraxas is twofold; but ye see it not, because for your eyes the warring opposites of this power are extinguished.
What the god-sun speaketh is life.
What the devil speaketh is death.
But Abraxas speaketh that hallowed and acursed word which is life and death at the same time.
Abraxas begetteth truth and lying, good and evil, light and darkness, in the same word and in the same act.
Wherefore is Abraxas terrible.
It is splendid as the lion in the instant he striketh down his victim.
It is beautiful as a day of spring.
It is the great Pan himself and also the small one. It is Priapos.
It is the monster of the under-world, a thousand
armed polyp, coiled knot of winged serpents, frenzy.
It is the hermaphrodite of the earliest beginning.
It is the lord of the toads and frogs, which live in the water and go up on the land, whose chorus ascendeth at noon and at midnight.
It is abundance that seeketh union with emptiness.
It is holy begetting.
It is love and love's murder.
It is the saint and his betrayer.
It is the brightest light of day and the darkest night of madness.
To look upon it, is blindness.
To know it, is sickness.
To worship it, is death.
To fear it, is wisdom.
To resist it not, is redemption.
God dwelleth behind the sun, the devil behind the night. What god bringeth forth out of the light the devil sucketh into the night.
But Abraxas is the world, it's becoming and its passing.
Upon every gift that cometh from the god-sun the devil layeth his curse.
Everything that ye entreat from the god-sun begetteth a deed of the devil.
Everything that ye create with the god-sun giveth effective power to the devil.
That is terrible Abraxas.
It is the mightiest creature, and in it the creature is afraid of itself.
It is the manifest opposition of creatura to the pleroma and its nothingness.
It is the son's horror of the Mother.
It is the Mother's love for the Son.
It is the delight of the earth and the cruelty of the heavens.
Before its countenance man becometh like stone.
Before it there is no question and no reply.
It is the life of creatura.
It is the operation of distinctiveness.
It is the love of man.
It is the speech of man.
It is the appearance and the shadow of man.
It is illusory reality.
Seven Sermons - Carl G Jung
‘The bird struggles out of the egg. The egg is the world. Whoever wants to be born, must first destroy a world. The bird flies to God. That God’s name is Abraxas’ —
Demian, Herman Hesse
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ueinra · 2 years ago
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A quartette of ruffians, Claquesous, Gueulemer, Babet, and Montparnasse governed the third lower floor of Paris, from 1830 to 1835.
These four men were not four men; they were a sort of mysterious robber with four heads, working Paris in a big way; they were a single monstrous polyp of evil living in the crypt of society.
— Les Misérables, Patron Minette Illustrated by Renato Guttuso (Italian Edition, 1966)
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year ago
I've been going over my thoughts on all the aquatic Digimon. Previous posts here: all fish, all mermaids, and aquatics part 1. Since I've gone over the aquatics with a default evolution line, today I'll just go over all rookie/child, champion/adult, and armor level mons that I haven't already discussed.
I will say that my previous post's analogy on how Digimon evolution works was not at all helpful, so I'll try again. Digimon evolution is branched, where each stage has multiple possible next stages that do not necessarily need to have a thematic connection to prior stages. Stages are not mutually exclusive and separate Digimon can evolve into the same thing. Digimon can also evolve backwards and not to the same thing they started as. For example, an Agumon (little dinosaur) can evolve into Centaurumon (centaur), then evolved back down to a Patamon (winged hamster). The animes usually simplify things from the games and virtual pets by giving their Digimon characters much more linear and thematically consistent evolution lines. I may do an intro to Digimon post some day.
Starting with rookie/child levels we have an old mon that hasn't been used much: Gizamon. It's been around for a long time, but rarely gets any attention and as far as I can tell, has never gotten a spotlight, even as a monster of the week. That's too bad, it's a neat little critter. It's a marine mammal, but has the body shape and jumping ability of a frog.
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Next up is Crabmon (Ganimon in Japanese). People compare Pokemon and Digimon a lot, but one comparison I haven't seen is that they both made a monster that's literally just a crab. Crabmon and Kingler are both fiddler crabs too, with one much bigger claw. I like it and there are a few crustaceans of higher level that I think could be a good pre-evo for. Crabmon also has a x-antibody variant.
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Crabmon X
The last of this level is Sangomon, a very new Digimon. I love it so much, it's a little staghorn coral monster with polyps for arms. It's so cute and such a creative way of making coral as a monster. I wish it has a full through-like of coral reef evolutions. If I had to pick any of the rookie/child Digimon form this series as a partner, it honestly might be this one.
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Moving onto the champion/adult level is Ebidramon. Ebi means shrimp and dramon indicates that the Digimon is draconic, so it's a shrimp dragon. It clearly isn't fond of shrimp being used as a synonym for tiny as it will attack those who make fun of it.
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Next is Gesomon, which clearly takes ofter humboldt squids as its very violent and scary. It attacks those who enter its territory, but won't bother those outside of it. It's also very intelligent and cunning, which is very appropriate for a squid. I really like Gesomon, I think it's a great choice for an evil aquatic line. Gesomon has an x-antibody variant which is incredibly ugly and not in a good way. Its ugly in an "I don't want to look at this any more" way.
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Gesomon X
The last aquation at this level is the excellent Octomon. I don't like any of the octopus Pkemon very much and Digimon deliverd for me. It's a kleptomanian who wears a pot for a head much like how a coconut octopus lives inside coconuts and other hard objects. The crown came from a sunked treasure chest and that gun squirts ink. Weirdly enough, the little gold barnacles on it are identified as another Digimon called Fujitsumon and Octomon's reference book entry is the only place Fujitsumon has ever been mentioned.
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Next up is the armor level, which lies outside the normal evolution levels. It was introduces fro the anime Digimon Adventure 02 and outside of media related to that show, armor Digimon are often treated as being synonymous to the champion/adult level.
First is Archelomon, a sea turtle with knives for flippers. Digimon has had much more ridiculous designs, but for some reason this one seems over the top for me.
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Next is Depthmon, who absolutely should have been in the mermaid post but I forgot about it. I really like this guy, a merman wearing a diving suit. The suit lets it dive way deeper into the ocean than most Digimon because it can endure incredibly high pressure. Armor Digimon are the result of a Digimon evolving with an object called a Digimental that represents some virtue like courage. The anime only used a few combinations and a lot of the official armor Digimon are the result of filling out the other matches. For example, in the show, Veemon/V-Mon used the Digimentals of courage and friendship to become Flamedramon and Raidramon respectively. Depthmon is one of the unseen combinations, Veemon plus the Digimental of sincerity (reliability in the dub). The unseen combinations don't get nearly as much attention as the ones that did appear in the anime, which is a shame because some of them, like Depthmon, are pretty cool.
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Next is Orcamon and I absolutely love this goofy beast. An Orca life guard is such an exceptionally silly concept executed quite well. It actively rescues other Digimon that are lost at sea. Orcamon seems like a good friend. What's even better is that it was designed by a fan as part of a contest. That fan has some great ideas.
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Next is Submarimon, which I probably could have justified in the fish post. Its a fish-shaped submarine of course, but that harpoon nose also makes me think of sawfish. This is one of the armor Digimon that appeared in the anime where it was a bit underutilized due to being strictly aquatic. Fortunately the writers seem to have agreed because it got to appear in some of the other anime seasons as an ally.
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Finally we have Tylomon, which is a tyloaurus, a type of prehistoric marine reptile. I like marine reptiles like mosasaurs, so Tylomon is pretty cool to me. It also has an x-antibody variant which is a classic overdesigned form. It's kind of weird that some of the more obscure armor Digimon got x-antibody forms befrore the ones that showed up in the anime, but I'm all for more obscure mons getting more attention.
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Tylomon X
That's it for today. Next post will finish up the aquatic Digimon with the ultimate/perfect and mega/ultimate levels
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msweebyness · 1 year ago
Class of Villainy Intro
What's up, guys? It's ya girl, Weeby, with a new project! If you remember the 'Title Sequence' that Sparky did for Creepsters, I'm doing those for our other AUs! Here's the first up, Class of Villainy! Enjoy! @imsparky2002 @artzychic27
(Instrumental of 'Ways to be Wicked' begins to play. The camera does a wide sweep over the dark skyline of Paris, before entering the doors of a Parisian fashion house. All of the mannequins are dressed in the furs of different animals.)
(The scene focuses on a teen girl with half-black, half-white hair, clad in a large, white fur coat, smiling cruelly at a cluster of dalmatian puppies locked in a cage, holding a pair of shears in her hands.)
*TITLE CARD: Marinette: Fashion Maven with a passion for furs*
(Marinette turns around to yell at two sisters of Asian descent who have just arrived, ordering them to get her more dogs. Socqueline and Fei roll their eyes but go to do as their employer ordered.
(The scene then changes to a palatial building, the fashion house of "The Sultan of Style", Gabriel Agreste. We see a teenaged boy with coiffed blonde hair and reptilian green eyes smiling smugly as he hypnotizes some of his father's employees with a staff that resembles a cobra, the brightly colored parrot on his shoulder squawking words of encouragement.)
*TITLE CARD: Adrien: Sinister Spellcaster with a hypnotic charm*
(The scene changes again, this time to show a dark alley. As two men in tailored suits walk by, a clawed hand reaches out and snatches their wallets without them noticing. The camera pans further into the alley, and we see a teen with a top hat, sharp canine teeth, and a flicking fox tail, grinning smugly as he rifles through the contents of the wallets.)
*TITLE CARD: Nino: Conniving conman with sticky, foxy fingers*
(Another scene change, we are now in a lab with potions and poisons of various colors bubbling over. A teenaged girl clad in large goggles and a white lab coat bears a maniacal grin as she holds up a vial of toxic pink liquid.)
*TITLE CARD: Alya: Sorceress Supreme with a penchant for potions*
(Alya rolls her eyes in exasperation as we hear a loud crash, and the camera pans over to a tall and muscular girl who is standing by a pile of shattered vials. Alya's sister, Nora.)
(The screen suddenly becomes pixelated, and we are transported to a video game world constructed entirely of candy. The shot shows us the finish line of a race track, which is crossed by a glittery, pink candy go kart, out of which steps a petite blonde, clad in a poofy candy dress, with a psychotically perky grin as she looks out at the crashed and smoking cars of the other racers.)
*TITLE CARD: Rose: Candy Queen of Sugar Rush, "Greatest Racer Ever"*
(The screen is engulfed in green flames, which change the scene to the throne room of a gothic castle, where a girl with large draconic horns, purple streaked bangs, and a silken black cloak smiles wickedly as she prepares to send a terrible curse out over the land with her glowing scepter.)
*TITLE CARD: Juleka: Mistress of All That is Evil, petty like you wouldn't believe*
(Juleka smiles fondly as she hears a sharp squawk, and a raven swoops into the room, landing in front of her. The raven then transforms into a boy with shaggy teal hair and a calmly malicious smile, who gives his sister a playful bow.)
*TITLE CARD: Luka: Music Master and Juleka's Eye in the Sky*
(The camera then exits the throne room through the window before plunging into the dark ocean. With seeming trepidation, we enter a dark sea cave, seeing miserable looking polyps along the floors. We enter a larger chamber and see a girl with pale purple skin and six black tentacles, cackling devilishly as she tends to a brew within her cauldron. She coos affectionately at her beloved eels as they curl around her arms.)
*TITLE CARD: Mylene: Charming Sea Witch with a knack for deals*
(With a coquettish giggle, Mylene summons a large bubble that she looks into, through which the scene changes to a dark, underground lair lit by blinking casino lights. A pair of dice rolls across a table, landing on snake eyes, before the camera pans up to reveal a huge, bulky teen with hollow eyes and skin made of dark burlap, grinning with pure malice as he turns his attention to the doors.)
*TITLE CARD: Ivan: A Gamblin' Man who'll scare your socks off!*
(The doors to the lair fly open as two children, one a fox hybrid wearing the mask of a devil, and the other a stuffy wearing an ominous witch mask, carrying a large sack that squirms and occasionally screams. We hear the sound of maniacal giggling, and a little girl with messy pigtails, hollowed out eyes, and dark purple burlap for skin darts into the room, leaping into her big brother's arms as they prepare to terrify his next victim.)
(The scene changes to what appears to be a hunting lodge, where a crowd is cheering as a very muscular and handsome young man lifts a bench with two girls sitting on it above his head. Smirking arrogantly, he takes in the praise of those around him.)
*TITLE CARD: Kim: Hotshot Hunter with the World's Biggest Ego*
(Perched on a countertop, a lovely young woman with freckles and a red pixie cut gazes at Kim adoringly, clapping with delight as she watches him show off his strength.)
*TITLE CARD: Ondine: Kim's 'Little Wife' to be (and biggest enabler)*
(The screen suddenly glitches out, before the scene changes to a cityscape being torn apart by a massive robot. At the helm of the terrifying weapon stands a boy with a sleek villain suit and his hair pulled back in dreads. He laughs maniacally as he directs his robot to knock down a skyscraper.)
*TITLE CARD: Max: Evil Tech Genius with a Super Grudge*
(The screen is suddenly slashed to shreds by a pair of unseen claws, and the scene shifts to a dense jungle. The trees tremble with a loud roar, and the camera pans to a girl with striped fur and wickedly sharp teeth, grinning menacingly as she crouches on a rock and prepares to pounce on an unsuspecting prey hybrid.)
*TITLE CARD: Alix: Queen of the Jungle and Predator Supremacist*
(The trees begin to waste away and die as the scene changes to a devastated savannah landscape, ridden with hyenas battling over kills. Perched on the highest rock is a boy with sharp claws and a scar over his right eye, grinning in amusement as he looks over the carnage, holding a small mouse by the tail as it attempts to run for its life.)
*TITLE CARD: Ismael: King of the Savannah with a killer scratch*
(The screen is suddenly painted red, before it clears and we hear a scream of "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!". In a grove full of blood red roses, a young man with hair as red as the heart painted over his eye grins with absolute lunacy as he sends his battalion of card guards to apprehend a handful of terrified peasants.)
*TITLE CARD: Nathaniel: Mad monarch with a guillotine obsession*
(The camera zooms in on a mirror on the wall, which we travel through to another mirror, which is located in a dark and lavish throne room. In it is the reflection of a boy with jet-black hair and emerald-green eyes, smiling serenely as he proudly gazes upon himself.)
*TITLE CARD: Marc: Fairest of all the Lands and Poisons Expert*
(Marc reaches to caress the mirror brooch clasped to his lapel, where a young, raven-haired boy wearing a skull mask sits with a bored expression as he tosses daggers at the crystalline walls. This is Prince Kiran.)
(The scene shifts to the backroom of a dilapidated pawn shop, where a girl with ginger locks, wearing a garish purple coat admires a large diamond as she twirls it around in her fingers. Two large crocodiles are curled up at her feet, humming affectionately.)
*TITLE CARD: Sabrina: Diamond Enthusiast with a kidnapping rap sheet*
(With an ominous gust of wind, the scene changes to the interior of a large manor, long shadows cast from the musty velvet curtains. A girl with immaculate blonde curls, icy blue eyes, and a pristine yellow gown descends the stairs with her nose turned up. Servants cower in fear from her chilling glare.)
*TITLE CARD: Chloe: Woman of nobility and proud of it*
(The screen is covered with frost, which thaws to reveal a lavishly furnished sitting room, where a girl with golden locks tinted with pink, a frosty glare, and princely garb stands before a fireplace, glaring at a photograph of her family, which she then flicks into the leaping flames.)
*TITLE CARD: Zoe: 13th in Line with a dastardly plan for change*
(A flurry of official-looking documents suddenly covers the screen, before being swept away. The scene has changed to the city's capitol building, where a teen with dark, wooly hair and purpose in their step fingers the vial of nighthowler poison she plans to slip into its boss' coffee.)
*TITLE CARD: Cosette: Villain in Sheep's Clothing ready to take charge*
(With a poof of acrid purple smoke, the scene changes to a ramshackle little house, giddy and maniacal laughter echoing from within. From the window, we see a girl with wild blonde hair and eyes that hold sheer lunacy, shifting into various different animals as she fires indiscriminate hexes from her fingertips.)
*TITLE CARD: Aurore: Batty witch who loves the gruesome and grim*
(The camera suddenly plunges downward, going through the ground before showing a wide shot of the Underworld, Cerberus snarling as a boat floats down the river of souls. Within the boat stands a young goddess with a sullen expression and hair made of leaping blue flames. With a sneer, she fires a blast of flames at the souls pawing the sides of the hull.)
*TITLE CARD: Mireille: Goddess of the dead with a real anger problem*
(Two imps of the Underworld, the Kwamis of Pain and Panic, tremble with fear on the shores of the river as their mistress approaches them.)
(The screen is sliced in half by a sword with a jagged blade, and the scene changes to a fearsome army charging down a mountainside, led on horseback by a girl with inhuman black sclera and a vicious scowl, whipping her blade out of its sheath, raising it as she prepares to take another life.)
*TITLE CARD: Kagami: Genocidal General with a growing body count*
(The screen is suddenly overtaken by shadows, which clear to reveal a dark shop, the walls covered in ominous masks and dangerous talismans. Seated at the table and shuffling a deck of tarot cards, sits a tall teen with wild dark curls under a dapper top hat, laying three cards out on the table before them, smiling with a smooth assurance.)
*TITLE CARD: Denise: Hoodoo Doctor with charms to spare*
(The screen is suddenly consumed by flames, which recede to reveal the scene has changed to a large and ominously empty church. A young man with bright red hair and clad in religious robes, clutches the holy bible in one hand, while the other holds a torch that casts his face in unsettling shadows.)
*TITLE CARD: Simon: Religious Zealot with a holy love for evil*
(The scene shifts to the deck of a large pirate ship, the sail bearing the image of a leering Jolly Roger. Standing at the helm of the ship is an elegant young woman of Indian descent who wears a golden hook on her right hand. With an eager yet composed smile, she orders her crew to fire on another ship.)
*TITLE CARD: Reshma: Pirate-Captain-to-be with a love for pillage and plunder*
(The scene changes to a dark and dank street, where a figure lurks in the shadows. Stepping out of the dark and lowering the hood of her cloak, the figure is revealed to be a young woman with gray streaks in her blonde hair, caressing the blade of her dagger with a small smile.)
*TITLE CARD: Lacey: Cold-blooded killer obsessed with youth*
(The screen is covered by a shower of gold coins, and when they clear away, we are once again underwater, this time in a cave filled to the brim with all manner of treasure. Standing in the midst of the largest mound of gold is a teen with pincer-like claws and wearing more jewelry than should be possible.)
*TITLE CARD: Jean: Theatrical Crustacean with a Love for all Things Shiny*
(With his most charming smile, the crustacean presents a shining golden bracelet to a boy with the ears and tail of a wolf, who smiles giddily as he accepts it. Austin T, the corrupt young sheriff of Nottingham, and Jean's darling 'wolfy'.)
(With a clap of lightning, the scene changes to the oaken doors of a fortress-like school, with a sign that reads 'DuPont Reform Academy'. The doors ominously open on their own volition.)
(Standing just inside the door are two women with fairy wings, one with a bright and cheerful smile, and the other with crossed arms and a hard expression. Caline Bustier and Olga Mendeliev, awaiting the arrival of their dastardly students.)
(The camera pans over to a hallway, just off the main entrance. Clutching her books tightly to her chest, a girl with silky brown hair and doe-like green eyes walks quickly down the hall, keeping a lookout for the villains that seem to have it out for her.)
*TITLE CARD: Lila: Tender Heart who can Never Tell a Lie*
(The scene changes to a small table by a sunlit window, where a very prim young man with blonde hair and finely tailored dress clothes sips his tea with his pinky raised, before setting his cup down on the saucer and leaving for the main hall.)
*TITLE CARD: Felix: English Gentleman and Friend of the Fairies*
(The shot then changes to a different hallway, where a young man with a blonde ponytail, a guitar slung over his back, and a vacant expression wanders with his head high in the clouds...causing him to fall down the stairs.)
*TITLE CARD: Xavier: Spacey Dude who can hold a killer tune*
(With a loud bang, a door is kicked open by a girl of Native American descent with a fierce expression, while the robotic young woman by her side, her sister, shakes her head fondly before the two join their fellow heroes.)
*TITLE CARD: Jess & Aeon: Junior Officer Sisters who Kick Major Villain Butt*
(We hear a shout of fury, and a chair is flung across the room, the camera moving to the direction it originated from. We see a girl with three rows of sharp teeth, bared in a fierce scowl as she stands on guard for the villains.)
*TITLE CARD: Missy: Heroic shark with Bite and Bark*
(Peeking out from behind a pillar, sending off sparks with nervous energy, is a boy with smooth, scaly skin, and a twitching ghost eye. Beckoned by Missy, he joins the other heroes.)
*TITLE CARD: Jesse: Anxious Eel with an electric side*
(The heroes all start and take defensive positions as the doors slam open, allowing ominous green mist to pour into the room. The villains then enter the school, grinning malevolently. Coming together as a group, they all give maniacal evil laughter before the words "Class of Villainy" appear on the screen in a flash of green flames. The screen then goes to black.)
Time to EEEEVIIIL! Leave thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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defining-skyology · 1 year ago
Still on an unfortunate sudden break from my manic attempt at turning the entirety of my analysis of Sky themes into a fullblown encyclopedia, but until then look I went and visited Deer place
I literally just wrote an article about the concept of Light taking all sorts of forms so Light trees are always so fun to stare at for me
If you wanna go read the article click here!!! Hope y'all are having a good one, and I hope I can get back to writing; I miss it so much.
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Anatomically, just like many flora and fauna of Light, I'll note this tree is a lot like a Sea Polyp in real life
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We'll do a lot of comparisons like this when we look at Light creature anatomy.
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TGC was so mean not letting us get Light from the leaves like with the bloom tree, it was so hard to climb even with full flaps
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(It's a Light tree for sure, but obviously still inspired by the movie.)
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Some kind of evil synthetic Light sounds so cool maybe someone could use that for fanfic someday
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tsunflowers · 1 year ago
I had a dream about a girl with cartoon shark teeth and she was like “I feel so alone bc I don’t know why I’m like this” and she went to an evil lab where they showed her a coral polyp with cartoon shark teeth and were like “we grew you from this” so do you think that’s where mayoi enstars came from
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kittenfangirl20 · 8 months ago
(A sort of idea for the Adamsapple Little Mermaid AU)
*Adam sobbed as he clutched the stone carving of the face of the human King named Lucifer, somehow Sera had found out about the collection of human objects Adam had and proceeded to destroy them including the statue of Lucifer that his childhood friend Eve helped him find, his mother had been strict with him, but this was cruel, just then a merman with a blood red tail and hair the same color swam up to him*
Alastor: Poor sweet prince, you deserve so much better than what life has given to you.
*Adam looked up, if he hadn’t been under the ocean his would have had tears streaming down his face*
Adam: Who are you?
Alastor: My name is Alastor, I work for great Lilith.
Eve: You mean the evil sea witch.
Alastor: Propaganda created by Queen Sera, Lilith just wants to help poor unfortunate souls like our dear Prince.
*Alastor had an unnatural smile with yellow fangs, but all Adam could think about was being a human, exploring the surface world and being with the man he loved*
Adam: Please take me to Lilith.
*Adam followed Alastor while Eve followed Adam begging him to go back, but Adam was resolved to get what he always wanted, he was lead to a dark castle that had a garden filled with polyps, some reaching up and trying to grab Adam and the sounds of screaming could be heard, once inside Adam was greeted by a slim and elegant woman with long blonde hair and violet eyes, her lower half was like an octopus making it look like she was wearing an elegant gown*
Lilith: Prince Adam, my poor unfortunate soul has come to Lilith for help. What do you desire?
*Lilith already knew what Adam wanted because she had Alastor spy on him, but she wasn’t going to say that*
Adam: Recently I saved a human King named Lucifer and I have fallen in love with him. I want to be a human so I can get him to love me too and marry him.
*Lilith smiled, it was so ironic that Adam fell in love with her ex husband, he was indeed very attractive, but she got bored of him after she had his child*
Lilith: I can create a spell that will let you be human for three days and if you can get that handsome King to give you a kiss of true love, you will be human forever.
Adam: What happens if I fail.
*Lilith led him to a window so she could see her garden of polyps*
Lilith: You will belong to me and become part of my lovely garden.
*Adam’s eyes widened in horror thinking of his body being transformed into one of the ugly polyps that Lilith used for her garden*
Lilith: But I don’t think we need to worry, you are quite the catch, it won’t take long to win the heart of this Lucifer. We just need to talk about the price.
Eve: I knew that this would be too good to be true, we should go home.
Adam: What is the price?
Lilith: Your voice.
*Lilith touched Adam’s throat*
Adam: Without my voice how will I tell him how much I love him?
Lilith: Don’t underestimate the power of body language.
Eve: Don’t accept the deal, please.
*Adam just thought of having Lucifer love and the ability to be human which he wanted long before he knew who Lucifer was*
Adam: I accept the offer.
*Lilith smiled as she made a contract appear and had Adam sign it in his own blood, she then started to make the concoction that would remove Adam’s voice and make him human, Adam was then told to sing, Adam started to sing as a pair of hands emerged from Lilith’s cauldron and shoved themselves down Adam’s throat, it hurt so much as a glowing orb that was Adam’s voice was his voice, once the voice was stored in Lilith’s necklace, the hands pulled Adam towards the cauldron so he was right above it, the pain to extract his voice was nothing compared to this, it felt like his lower half was being cut in half, Eve watched in horror as Adam’s gold tail transformed into a pair of human legs, Adam clutched his throat now that he couldn’t breathe under water and Eve grabbed him and started to swim towards the surface, along the way they ran into Lute who helped Eve in getting Adam to the surface, suddenly Adam could breathe again and he smiled thinking of how he would soon be with Lucifer*
(In this story Eve will be a mermaid who was Adam’s childhood friend and this fic is 100% Adamsapple)
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lapisslunaris · 2 years ago
Every Cthulhu game EXCEPT CoC, yes. So, thoughts on Fate of Cthulhu?
Okay so, rating from 1 to 10, 5 being "as fun as CoC", and considering i actually like playing CoC in spite of everything:
Delta green: I like modern settings and most of the rule changes, except for combat. Fuck the US though. Also I called the co-creator a pervert on twitter. 5/10.
Trail of cthulhu: Cool concept with enough crap to make every side of ttrpg mad. Pelgrane press loves AI art now. 5/10.
Cthulhu dark (paid edition): A setting guide with a ruleset to make trail look like pathfinder. insight instead of (in)sanity. insight is Still pretty much sanity. 5/10.
Pulp Cthulhu: It's not enough to live under Hairy Longcraft's racist shadow, one must rise to the occasion and become Doc Savage. 5/10.
Fate of cthulhu: it's FATE, of Cthulhu. it's messy, but kinda fun. No (in)sanity but corruption. Yet losing humanity makes you a monster, and monsters are the irredeemable bad guys. it's FATE. 5/10.
Achtung! cthulhu: 3 or more versions for different systems. All of which make no sense to me, i don't even like the setting. Maybe killing nazis will let us forget about Harry polyp longcraft. 3/10.
Cthulhutech: 2000s japanophilia-infused dice-pool system D&D with cthulhu stuff. Humans are being replaced with aliens! But also the human government is bad (but not racist, just anti-alien)! South America is there! Madness is reversible! Some of the worst misogynistic shit I've read in a game! It's a mess that should be researched for the sake of humanity, lest us repeat our history. Also, it's probably an evil artifact that possessed catalyst game labs. 1/10.
Arkham Horror: boardgame fun 6/10. Eldritch Horror: Arkham horror but better 7/10. Mansions of Madness: Betrayal at house on the hill but with cthulhu and you need a phone. 4/10. Elder sign: worse arkham horror 4/10. Cthulhu death may die: miniatures 4/10. Every chaosium book for other ages of history: idk 5/10. Munchkin cthulhu: NO 2/10.
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dr3mvaalmar · 1 year ago
The Fragile Threads of Trust | Kinktober Day 3
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Pairing: Solomon x F! Reader
Prompt: Hate Sex (nsfw, mdni)
Summary: Solomon keeps a secret from the reader. There's only one way to mend the broken trust.
Credit: @cafekitsune (divider), cover is unknown
Warnings/Tags: distrust, slight nonconsent, nsfw, anger/sadnesses, fighting, excessive cursing
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“What’s that you have there?” 
I walked into Solomon’s room, holding a tray with two cups of coffee. Steam emanated from the cup, freshly brewed. I tried carefully to balance the cups to avoid spilling, but I couldn’t help but notice a fleeting moment from Solomon—a blur of motion.
“Hm? What do you mean?” Solomon retorted, his body turning towards me. He was sitting at his desk. Today, it seemed rather barren compared to the usual pile of tomes. I knew Solomon well enough to know he didn’t feign ignorance from genuine innocence.
“I brought you some coffee,” I said, setting the tray beside him. He flashed me a gentle smile before picking it up. He tested the mug with his lips before refraining due to the heat. “Now, tell me what you’re hiding.”
“Ah, I’m just reading about siphonophores,” Solomon replied, showing me one of his various books. However, I knew this was yet another charade. “Siphonophores are an enigma. Although they appear to be a single organism, they’re an amalgamation of hundreds of polyps and medusae. Fascinating, isn’t it? To rethink individuality because of a creature… or is it creatures?”
Standing there, I could do nothing but give him the evil eye. The words he spoke went through one ear and out the other. I only gathered a faint idea as I grabbed my cup from the tray. I took a sip, the liquid burning my tongue.
“I thought you didn’t like the ocean,” I murmured, walking back towards the door. 
“That doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate a biological marvel,” Solomon retorted. He opened his book back up, but I could tell he was distracting me. What did he take me for? A fool? I could feel the deception radiating from here.
“Uh-huh,” I said, turning heel and leaving his room. Lately, Solomon has been acting a bit more unusual. Typically, he is open to teaching me and sharing his thoughts about matters. However, he excessively coops himself up in his room and leaves on unnoticed excursions. The only reason he could be so preoccupied is because of something important he’s engrossed in.
“The fool,” I muttered, walking down the hall with heavy steps. The weight of his behavior was taking its toll on me. The pang on my skull was enough evidence as is. Maybe it was a desire for caffeine. Perhaps it was both.
I took another sip from the hot beverage, savoring the taste on my tongue. I wondered if Solomon even noticed my disdain. Maybe he did and just didn’t want to acknowledge it. When it came to learning, studying was his priority. I was always second best.
“Hey (Y/n)!” Luke greeted, his mood as vibrant as ever. He seemed to bounce on his heels upon seeing me. “Ah! I just took some cookies out of the oven. You should try them!”
“What kind are they?” I asked, my sour attitude dissipating. Luke gestured for me to follow him to the kitchen, which I happily obliged. The scent that hit me when I entered was absolutely heavenly.
“This one is seraphim starberry,” Luke said, pointing to a sheet of delicious sweets. “This is elysian eclat… this one is aether ambrosia… oh! This is my favorite. Golden graces! I brought some of the ingredients from the celestial realm.”
“That’s wonderful, Luke,” Simeon said, entering the kitchen with us. I greeted him with a smile and a nod. “Every day, you never fail to impress.”
“Would you like to try one, (Y/n)?” Luke asked. He grabbed another tray from the oven, donning his kitten oven mitts. He liked cute kitchenware, even if he didn’t want to admit it. It warmed my heart and relieved my inner turmoil from Solomon.
We chatted in the kitchen for a while. We talked about Luke’s baking techniques and ideas. Then, I spoke with Simeon about his cooking and writing. He recently had another story that he was busy with. It was a shame that Luke, Simeon, and Solomon were so preoccupied. It made me feel left out.
“We should bring some cookies to Solomon,” Luke offered, enthusiasm brimming in his eyes. I was helping him bag and tie the cookies for the demon brothers. I knew Beel would have a field day with this batch. Luke was firm in his belief that he was just giving away excess treats. It wasn’t charity towards the demons, so he said.
“That’s a good idea,” Simeon said, nodding. “Now that you mention him, he’s been awfully reclusive. Have you heard anything, (Y/n)?”
I shook my head and begrudgingly replied, “No, but I’d rather not impose on the great Solomon the Wise.”
“(Y/n), are you okay? You don’t sound good,” Luke said. His voice didn’t hold the usual perkiness from before. I felt regretful of my bitterness.
“I’m sorry, I’m just frustrated by him,” I explained, crossing my arms. “I understand needing privacy for your studies, but it seems like he’s hiding something. I have a bad gut feeling. Maybe I’m being paranoid?”
Simeon gave me a sympathetic look, and Luke seemed to understand. Luke nodded his head a few times, which made me feel better. It was nice to feel heard.
“He has been more distant than usual,” Simeon agreed, thinking about the sorcerer. “Maybe you should confront him? You’ll never know unless you ask.”
I ruminated on the idea for a moment, yet I still felt upset. I wasn’t sure if now was a time to ask, as I might say something I’d regret. Even still, I had to be the better person and resolve my frustrations.
“You’re right. Thank you, Simeon.”
Without a second thought, I left the kitchen. I already made up my mind and would get the answers I needed. My early departure wasn’t ideal, but I might hesitate if I didn’t go now. I needed to resolve this and put my jejune behavior aside.
I knocked on Solomon’s door, waiting a second before entering. Solomon was still in the same spot. I didn’t think he noticed my presence, but I knew he wasn’t oblivious.
“Solomon, I need to talk to you.”
Solomon turned slightly towards me, a book lying flat before him. His white hair was somewhat disheveled, but otherwise, he looked well-kept. I knew Solomon was busy. However, whatever he was doing could wait.
“What‘s the matter?” Solomon asked. I grabbed a chair and sat across from him. I felt an uneasiness as I went over the words in my head.
“Lately, I’ve noticed you have been busier than usual,” I began. “At first, I thought it was because you were studying. However, when I asked you, you beat around the bush. I want to know what’s going on. Please.”
Solomon seemed more relieved than I expected of him. I anticipated anger or denial, but he seemed relatively calm. In between his responses, time seemed to still. The pressure began to build as I studied his every move.
“I found a spell that would make you immortal.”
My jaw fell agape as I repeated the words in my head. I almost thought I imagined it, as I stared at his face. He seemed rather serious, so I knew this wasn’t a joke. 
For the duration of our relationship, I have often told him about my insecurities. It was bound to be an issue at some point. My mortality was constantly weighing heavy on my mind. I was scared of the future. I was terrified, even. My inexperience with life. My naïveté. My aging body. It all seemed so unfair. How can I love someone, and yet he’s perpetually young and healthy? While I wither away and rot.
“How could you not tell me?? Solomon,” I hissed, abruptly standing from my chair. The chair knocked into the desk, a bang compared to the once serene silence. Solomon’s face didn’t waver. “All this time, I’ve been upset and terrified, and you couldn’t even tell me? What’s wrong with you?”
“I needed more time to figure it out. It was a lapse in my judgment. I didn’t want to get your hopes up as it’s immensely risky,” Solomon retorted. “I needed to be certain.”
“But you’re my boyfriend. Have you ever considered if I wanted to be immortal? We haven’t even discussed this! You have no idea how important this is. This is our fucking future, damn it.”
“(Y/n), I understand and love you no matter what decision you make. I will stay with you. I promised, and I would never lie to you,” Solomon said, trying to sway my growing anger. However, the pent-up emotions I’ve suppressed all this time only fueled it. “I didn’t want to deceive you. That was never my intention.”
“I’ve spent all this time worrying about us- worrying about our life together! But you couldn’t even talk to me about it? How long have you known?”
“Shortly after I met you. I’m sorry.”
My eyes started to burn, and the corners of my face began to twitch. A pounding headache threatened to break open my skull. I felt so weak, so pathetic. If only I would’ve asked sooner. If I knew, maybe we could have reasoned with one another. However, it was too late. Solomon broke my heart. 
“You never trust me,” I said, my cheeks wet with tears. My voice threatened to give out on me. “You’ve lied to me before. You’ll lie again. I made a mistake with you. Why did I think you ever cared?”
The conflict between my anger and sadness was too much to bear. I couldn’t control the pain and irrationality. I need to leave. I needed to hide. I couldn’t look at his face anymore. My only solace was to be alone.
I turned to leave, finding it difficult to move. My body shook with overwhelming emotions. I loved Solomon. Dearly. When he told me he wanted to stay by my side forever, it felt like all our problems would fade away. But I lied to myself. He lied to me. It was a veil over the apparent truth.
My body jerked back as I felt pressure against my back. Strong arms held me closer as I struggled against them. Solomon only whispered sweet nothings as I cried and cried. I drifted to the floor with him along with me.
“Get off me, Solomon,” I yelled. I tried to shove him aside, but it was futile. “Stop it. Go away!”
I fought. I kicked. I tried my hardest to evade Solomon. But this only brought him closer to me. A part of me relished his touch, but another despised it. It felt like two parts of me were tearing at each other. I was already weak to begin with. This fight was only the cherry on top.
“I’m so sorry, (Y/n),” Solomon said, his voice even but quiet. His head rested on the back of my neck. I could feel his breathing against my skin. He always stayed calm and composed even when the world was pressing down on him. Meanwhile, I was quite the contrary. How could I not? 
I continued to fight for what felt like hours but were mere moments. Solomon held firm in his resolve, determined to sedate me. However, the only thing I refrained from was screaming and hitting him. I didn’t want to worry the others.
“Solomon, I swear, if you don’t let me go-,” I threatened, moving his arms away from my body. However, a soft pair of lips crashed into mine. For a brief moment, I felt content with our lips interlocked. However, the manipulation was enough to anger me more. “The fuck are you doing? Solomon! Hey!”
Solomon pushed me onto the ground, holding my wrists by my side. He quickly flipped me over, pinning my arms to my back. I gasped, surprised by his forcefulness. 
I attempted to leverage myself from the ground with my legs, but Solomon used the force of his weight to immobilize me. I wanted to scream. I wanted to yell. Though, I knew this was only between the two of us. Luke and Simeon didn’t need to be involved in my ordeals. I could do this myself.
“Solomon, let go,” I demanded, squirming beneath him. “First, you fuck with me emotionally, then you fuck with me physically? Can you just leave me alone, for fuck’s sake!”
“I’m truly sorry, my love,” Solomon consoled his forehead against my upper back. “If I considered your feelings, we wouldn’t be here now. I never wanted you to be angry or sad. I wanted what’s best for you. I don’t want to push you away. As your teacher and lover, I should’ve set a better example.”
“But you didn’t. I was alone.”
“I know, that was wrong of me. If words could mend your pain, I would spend my life finding the perfect incantation. But all I can offer now is my sincerest apologies. The pain of losing you is more than I could bear,” Solomon murmured, his lips grazing my flesh. The tenderness caused fleeting tingles to erupt through my spine. 
I paused, contemplating for a moment. My body was still tense, but I stopped my fighting. Solomon didn’t budge, nor did he say anything else. There was a silence that hung around us now. 
Thinking about the past, I remembered all the times we spent together. The fleeting looks. The teasing comments. His soft lips against mine. Our bodies intertwined. We dived into the very essence of each other’s beings. I felt vulnerable and scared without him. I knew I could be alone, but imagining it was a dismal blur.
When Solomon let his guard down, I gingerly escaped from his hold. I didn’t run away; I didn’t say a word. I turned towards him to look into his ocean eyes. Tears marred my face, but I wanted him to see my pain. I could feel the turmoil emanating from inside of him.
“I want to make it work,” I said, standing up. Solomon followed my lead, his face indecipherable. 
My lips struck his, combining my pain and anger into a bitter kiss. I grabbed the back of his neck, leaving no chance of escape. I wanted him all. Letting him go was never an option.
Solomon followed my lead, moving his lips rhythmically with mine. The urge to breathe was but a brief memory. The taste of him was enough to enrapture me.
My hands grabbed every inch of his body I had access to. My intrusion became rougher and rougher. If I couldn’t scream, I would show it to him. I would inflict the passion of my mind onto him. Solomon seemed eager to reciprocate, imitating my actions with ease. It was like a switch flipped inside of him. He was the same optimistic and conniving Solomon I both loved and despised.
“My, my, I didn’t know you were so kinky,” Solomon teased as I bit down on his neck. I grunted in response, pushing him onto his bed. 
“Shut up,” I hissed, crawling on top of him. “This isn’t for you. It’s for me. Mine.”
My nails dragged along his body until I reached the hem of his sweater. It didn’t take much effort to tug it off as Solomon was quite obedient. I forgot my anger for a moment as I stared down at his pale body beneath me. Laying my palm on his chest, I forced him flat onto the bed. I lined kisses and nibbles across his flesh. Ensuring my own satisfaction, I removed my shirt in one swift movement. Solomon tried to reach up to remove my bra but I hastily gripped his wrist.
“Don’t fucking touch,” I scowled. This time, I was the one to pin Solomon down. I knew he allowed me to, but I still had all the power to usurp him. I wouldn’t let him do as he pleased just because he had a burst of confidence.
I groaned as I rested my body onto him, the fervor of my breath resounding in the air around us. My fingers snaked down his abdomen and slipped between his pants. I could hear a muffled gasp as I stroked his growing cock. He gave me just enough access to do what I pleased.
I wrapped my other arm around him, kissing his skin. It's so soft and tempting. I couldn’t help but bruise the flesh with my lips. My hand stroked his member until I struggled to move in the tight fabric.
“Take it off,” I instructed, slipping my hand out from within. Solomon did just as I asked, sending me a coy glance. Free from its constraints, I wasted no time to put my lips on his tip. With an experimental lick, the salty aftertaste was ever so delicious. I opened my mouth, letting my throat wrap around his dick. Bobbing my head, I could hear his grunts from above me. I gripped his hips as leverage. I struggled to handle his length, but determination allowed me to go deeper and deeper.
“You’re very eager to please, aren’t you? Ugh, your lips. You know just how to please me,” Solomon murmured, his hands gripping my hair. My throat gargled as I tried to retort, but I realized something was occupying me. Don’t talk with food in your mouth, as they always say.
“You always find a way to make this about you,” I said, slipping his dick out. I had half a mind to halt everything and just leave. Yet, my arousal told me otherwise.
“I’m at the mercy of your lips, it seems,” Solomon replied with a chuckle. He gently guided my hair out of my face. I rolled my eyes. I rest his dick on my tongue before gliding it into my mouth. The sensation of the warmth of his cock inside of me was almost therapeutic. The urge to please became unparalleled to anything I’ve experienced before.
I let out an indignant squeal as he pushed my head further down onto him. I gagged, saliva pooling down my chin. He began to guide my movement as I tried to fight against him. I squeezed his hips, leaving marks in its wake.
“Hm? Do you want to say something?” Solomon said, turning his head to the side. I could only glare upwards at him, my vision blurry and burning. I gently bit down. Instantly, he withdrew, allowing me to part from him. I coughed, my throat starting to feel scratchy and sore. 
“You want to play that game? Fine,” I grumbled, stripping from my clothes. He could only chuckle as I positioned myself on top of him. I firmly gripped him before guiding his member inside of me. His dick resisted the tight confines of my pussy. With a hefty push, he slid inside. “Oh? The great and powerful Solomon wants to say something?”
My hand stroked his cheek, and my hips worked on keeping him still. He moaned, the sensation of my pussy gripping his dick becoming too much to bear. I moved rhythmically, enjoying the view of half-lidded eyes as he furrowed his brows in concentration. Emboldened, I placed my thumb onto his lips as he opened them for entrance. Feeling his cock inside me and his tongue sucking my thumb brought a smile to my lips.
My pace quickened, skin slapping against skin reverberating off the walls. I tried to keep my voice quiet despite my mind becoming foggier and incoherent. Solomon’s dick. His abdomen. The way his face contorted when I dropped down even further. Everything about him elicited electricity and pleasure deep into my core. My heart rate increased, and I felt my chest pounding as I continued my work. Faster and faster. Broken moans escaped my lips as I grinded against his hips.
“Come on, baby,” I said, sitting on my knees. One hand rested behind me, the other firm on his thigh. The push and pull of our intertwined bodies was building inside of me. The tension of my nerves was sending me into overdrive. I could tell it was affecting Solomon as well. He had no more smartass comments to spare.
“I’m going to come,” Solomon murmured, his words melding together. He gripped my hips, thrusting inside of me. I halted my movement, taken aback. Each thrust hit its target. I forgot my previous motive, letting my shrill voice erupt from inside of me. The pounding of skin was simply music to my ears.
“Yes, yes,” I said, resuming my pace with his. My voice was dry as I called out. I spilled out the words from inside of my mind. I lost my inhibition, letting whatever dirty thoughts seep out into a jumbled mess of words. “Mm, fuck me with that thick cock. Just like that. Oh my God. Thank you. Thank you!”
“I can’t hold back. I’m coming,” Solomon gasped, his thrusts sloppier and greedy. I leaned into him as he took over. I wrapped my hands around his head as he spread my most intimate parts for easier access. The cold air pricked my skin, emphasizing the pleasure as I climaxed.
“I’m coming, my love,” I moaned, my brain erupting into a wave of pleasure and dopamine. Solomon groaned as I felt his dick twitch during his climax. He continued to thrust, letting each drop deep inside of me. My brows furrowed as I let every emotion and sensation soak into me. I felt frozen with sheer awe.
I collapsed onto him, the tension from before leaving my body. I could hear his heartbeat reverberate from his chest. It soothed me, and I forgot about all the pain from before in that one instant. We didn’t bother moving as I felt his cum drip from within me.
“We should get cleaned up,” Solomon chuckled, his arms wrapped around me. I didn’t answer, nuzzling my face into his skin. I knew at that moment that neither of us genuinely wanted to move. However, as my senses started to come back, so did the realization of the mess of his climax.
“Ugh, it’s getting everywhere,” I grumbled, cupping a hand below to stop the flow. Solomon laughed, slowly guiding me to sit next to him. We’ll have to replace the sheets, I thought to myself.
“Come on, let’s take a shower,” Solomon offered, taking my unoccupied hand in his. I thought back to our fight for a moment—the anger and frustration from before diminished completely. Solomon almost seemed to radiate an ethereal glow like a completely different person. With a smile, I interlocked our fingers.
No matter what decision we made, we would make it together. 
“I love you.”
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