gokailyger84 · 5 years
Anybody have any headcanons?
I need a distraction.
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legendofgrump · 7 years
Hmm I kinda like the idea of it platonically, but I’m not wild about Brian with anyone (outside of in-universe stuff, which is all fiction anyway) just because like...he’s got a kid and all so it throws me for a loop? But I don’t have a problem with other people liking it or anything haha
Again Suzy being all motherly and looking after them sounds really cute and honestly? In-Universe those boys definitely need someone to look after them.
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poison-rat · 6 years
Hiya! Still taking prompts? Well if you are... Number 4: “ I don’t love you anymore. ” Egobang, please?
Prompts are always open unless I post otherwise. And yay more angst!
This one is kinda shitty but it still like it. I’m a very dialogue heavy writer sometimes, sorry.
“Arin. Come on. We can work this out.”
He shook his head. “No. My mind’s made up, Dan.” He grit his teeth so hard his jaw popped. “You said so yourself, NS/P’s gotten big. You and Brian are gonna be spending time together more. Writing songs and shit. I’d rather cut it off now.”
Dan reached over and brushed his hand over Arin’s cheek. He leaned into the familiar, warm touch at first, then drew back. “Arin. Please. Let’s just talk about it. We said we would try our best to make this work. It’s gone okay so far!” He smiled.
Arin stared at him. He was right, but that voice at the back of his head, the voice that had been telling him to go for it for years was now telling him to draw back. That if they stayed, they would just get hurt, both of them.
“No. It’s… It’s better if it ends here, Dan.” He was firm in his words, pushing the singer’s hand away from him. “I’m just gonna hold you two back. I’ll still have Suzy, anyways. You can still be Not-So-Gru/mp, if it’s not too awkward.”
Dan responded with grabbing Arin’s arms. “Please, Arin. Let’s just try to work it out. I love you, baby. You know that.”
Arin’s fists clenched in his lap. He had to push back. “Well, maybe I don’t love you anymore.”
The room almost felt frozen. The tension could be cut with a knife.
“… what?”
“You heard me.” He couldn’t look at Dan. He would see nothing but hurt and pain.
“Arin, you’ve loved me since we met. You told me yourself!” He ran a hand through his curls in surprise and worry and emotions he couldn’t describe.
“Well, things change, Dan! I was trying to let you off easy, but you don’t leave me any choice.” Fire raged in his cold heart. He pushed Dan’s hands off him and stood, making the elder have to look up. “I don’t love you anymore, Dan. I don’t know when I stopped but I did. Just… leave me alone.” He went to his door and pushed it open. “Please.”
Dan stared at him. He didn’t have words. His tongue was lead in his mouth. He didn’t even look at Arin as he left.
The man stood in his office, staring at the wall of photos Dan had urged him to start hanging up before they got lost.
Photos of the two of them in the Gr/ump room. Them and Suzy at lunch. Brian and Danny on stage and behind stage kissing lazily when they thought they were alone. Arin and Dan in the Star/bomb outfits, being Brian’s angels. He smiled softly at the memory before slowly taking them down. Into a desk drawer they went, hidden and forgotten along with his relationship with Dan and Brian.
It was better this way. Dan and Brian could be together. They could focus on their band. He could focus on his wife, not that he already didn’t worship the ground she walked on. It was better this way.
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sin-grumps · 7 years
Arin and Dan sometimes get competitive and try to see who can get Brian flustered/aroused in semipublic places, with their wandering hands. They usually lose to Suzy, who likes to use Brian's lap as a 'footrest' when they sit in booths at restaurants.
the best part about this is that I can just see those two going to great lengths to make him flustered bc it’s SO DIFFICULT, GOD DAMN THIS MAN, but making him aroused is surprisingly easy so they just kinda end up doing things with each other for him to watch - which incidentally mostly just makes OTHER people flustered/embarrassed/aroused more than Brian. But whenever Suzy decides to “rest her foot” on his lap, particularly under a table, they know the game is dead. the clothed foot-rub has begun. 
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I'm so glad I'm working a different area tomorrow. I've been on the verge of tears for almost 2 hours at work and I'm not sure I can last two more.
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salamandergoo · 7 years
Bout to go to sleep but pls send in some headcanons that I can see in the morning! (Esp razzabrian, rubberbrian, ninja flap party, full polygrumps, and polyflapbomb.
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gokailyger84 · 5 years
A Ninjaflaptor/Polyflapbomb idea I had
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Gosh I hate feeling like I'm gonna vom at work. Day is half over at least...send me Ninja Ship Party, Polybomb, and/or Polyflapbomb headcanons? I'm sad and lonely and I'm just all around having a bad day.
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salamandergoo · 7 years
Polyflapbomb (thats arin, suzy, dan, and brian right????) realizing how gay they were. Brian: he figured it out when he kissed arin one day and was like, Yeah. Arin: he knew since he was ten. Dan: literally didn't know until he was orgasming on top of brian for the first time. Suzy: though arin, dan, and brian are all dudes, i still like bisexual suzy who secretly had a thing for holly ;)
Yes this is perfect and I love it and I will be thinking about this for years to come thank friend.
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gaygrumpart · 7 years
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@lygerzero14 requested: “If you’re taking requests, how about some polyflapbomb? Arin, Suzy, Brian and Dan with soft cuddles.” Hey... I love this... poses are weird... but this piece made me feel so good inside... ♥️
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gokailyger84 · 6 years
You guys got any in/out of universe ninja ship party, polybomb or polyflapbomb prompts.
Bri/an’s video to Dan put me in a writing mood.
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Polyflapbomb Brian used to get annoyed waking up with a body half on top of him and another body pressed tightly into his side but after only a couple of weeks he can't see himself waking up no other way. With Dan's long arms across his waist, reaching over Suzy, who is pressed into his side and Arin half smothering him on his other side. He's never been more comfortable.
I love seeing headcanons of poly sleeping arrangements! It really makes my heart full, thank you so much!!
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salamandergoo · 8 years
I love it! Might sound weird considering I'm not an egobang fan, but I love the 4 of them together.
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gametwrps · 8 years
here's something for ya. Arin's gained a bit of weight and is really upset about it. Suzy, Brian and Dan comfort him
“He won't eat anything guys--” Suzy spoke into the phone, worry knitting her eyebrows together as she idled around the kitchen of her shared apartment. “--well, no I don't think he's sick--Brian I know when my own husband is sick! Just...ugh get over here!”
She hung up the phone, hands planting themselves on the countertop as she sighed, closing her eyes. Something more serious than a sickness was wrong.
It wasn't long before there was a knock at the door, Arin glanced at Suzy, confusion in his tone as he asked, “Company?”
“Hmm? I'm not sure, I'll check!” she replied, pushing from the couch and scurrying to the door to avoid further questioning. She cracked the door, whispering to the two men who stood outside nervously. “He isn't gonna be happy that I involved you-”
“Well he's going to have to deal with it,” Brian remarked, motioning for Suzy to move out of the way.
Danny and Brian made their way to the couch where Arin was, surprising him with their presence.
“Oh hey guys! Why are you here?” Arin asked, eyes flickering between their worried expressions. Eyes darkening, his pleasant smile turned into a minor scowl. “Did Suzy call you over? Listen I don't know what she told you but I'm fine.”
“Dude don't lie to yourself, you look terrible,” Dan commented bluntly. Kneeling besides the couch, he looked into Arin’s eyes, gaze pleading for the truth. “Tell me, and I want you one hundred percent honest, what's the matter, Big Cat?”
The pet name shook something within Arin, suddenly he couldn't look at Danny anymore. He looked at Brian who's concerned eyes softened at the pitiful look they received. Arin definitely couldn't look at Suzy.
He laid his head in Brian's lap, closing his eyes to regain some sort of control over himself. He felt so broken.
His lip trembled momentarily before he cracked a bitter smile.  Hot tears spilled down the side of his face, pooling somewhere within his hair.
“I-I try so hard you know?” Arin groaned out, his voice hoarser than usual. Dan grabbed Arin’s hand; whatever this was about, it really took its toll on him. “And nothing fucking works-”
“Mhm,” Suzy murmured in understanding, nodding her head.
“Don't hum like you understand! You don't Suzy--ugh you can't even see how you look-”
Suzy reared back, drawing her eyebrows down over her eyes. “This is about how you look? Arin--!”
She rested a hand on his leg, resting herself fully against the back of the couch. She squeezed gently, Arin’s muscles tensing beneath her tender touch.
“Is this about how your paleo diet isn't working?” Dan reiterated, a drop of incredulousness weaving through his voice.
Arin wanted to throw an arm over his face, he wanted to ignore that anything felt wrong and more than anything he wanted to . But he knew that he couldn't even he had tried, he didn't want to shut out the people who cared about him the most.
He steeled his anxiety, swallowing before looking up at Brian. A callous hand ran across his cheek, thumb brushing across the curves of his lip--Brian knew how to warm him up enough to talk.
“Yeah, yeah it is,” Arin asked, still looking at the soft blues of Brian's eyes. He felt lost within him.
Turning towards Danny, Arin shifted, laying on his side instead. A bit uncomfortable, he continued trying to shrink within himself. “I'm so damn unhealthy man, I've tried everything and I'm still fat as hell--”
“Arin, you sound extremely absurd right now,” Brian murmured, a chorus of agreement running throughout the other two people. “Have you considered that you're gaining weight because you're gaining muscle?”
“Honestly dude, you're ripped as hell, you could bench press me if you tried,” Danny added, a smile forming over his lips in response to Arin’s amusement.
“Besides,” Suzy spoke, making Arin look at her, “there's nothing wrong with being a lil chubby! Speaking for myself and I'm sure the rest of us, you being chubby is only a perk. After all, why else would you be the best to cuddle?”
Warmth filled Arin and he masked a quiet sob as a cough. He relaxed a bit as Suzy wedged herself between his back and the couch, hugging him tightly.
“You guys suck-” he joked quietly after a minute of silent cuddling, earning a small grunt of disapproval and Danny's sleepy “-and you swallow”.
Arin let his eyes close as Brian leaned down, placing a kiss on his forehead. This was the most content moment he'd had in a few weeks aside from the weakness of his still yearning stomach. It growled, aching for food and Brian sat up, suggesting that they go get lunch. 
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