#poly relationship series
lost-inthedream · 9 months
Youngbin & Zuhooooo
Poly relationship with Youngbin and Zuho
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Pairing: the boys x ng reader
Warnings: member x member sexual activities, marking, dirty talk
A relationship with these two rappers is seasoned by expensive flavors. Your activities together inspire you to feel beautiful and worthy.
They have fun setting the dinner table with wine glasses and sometimes candles. Youngbin is exceptionally creative at making up excuses to celebrate with alcohol. You all do not obligatorily doll up for such occasions but the food must be top-notch.
It's practically impossible to sleep early when you all are together on Friday night. Even when one of you is exhausted, this person fights the need to close their eyes.
Youngbin is the one who tries to obligate you or Juho to sleep once he notices you blinking too much or becoming groggy.
There is something so warm about falling asleep to their conversations about music making.
However, when the sleepy one is Youngbin, he gets sulky and refuses to lay his head on someone's lap.
Juho offers him more glasses of wine so he ends up dozing off on the couch.
The two of them are slightly obsessed with good night kisses. So if you forget to peck their cheeks before tucking yourself in bed, they complain like spoiled children.
Sometimes you wake them up by humming songs in their ears in the morning.
nsfw content below
It goes without saying that all of you engage in tipsy sex in many of those nights.
It often starts with Juho provoking you or Youngbin. He will not say he is aroused or something yet he becomes very touchy until one of you asks whether he needs "something"
Honestly, he has a hard time saying he is needy and that is so precious.
"Are you tired? Need us to tuck you in bed? Need to cuddle? Both you and Youngbin tease him so much before doing anything pleasurable for real. Eventually, you climb onto his lap while Youngbin says very explicit stuff because alcohol turns his filter off.
When all three of you have sex, it often goes with someone being chosen as the spoiled babe. That means this person will be the lucky one and be worshiped during the whole thing.
None of you usually feel bad about not participating in a session.
You lost count of how many times Juho had come back from his studio to find you and Youngbin fucking. He just informs that he will take a shower or eat something while you get it done.
Juho tends to be very dominant when he is alone with you. You all like to pretend Youngbin will not know about your kinky stuff. Once he made you record yourself masturbating and send it to him.
He leaves quite a lot of marks on your skin, then Youngbin kisses them for healing when Juho is not there.
He does the same to Youngbin. Possessive Juho all the way >>
The three of you use to talk a lot after sex.
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themisterhip · 1 year
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The best antidepressant✨
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moonkhao · 8 months
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I've got you a New Year present. What for? Just take a look. Look. You are so damn cute in this picture. I told you if the picture was taken by someone who really knew your angles, it'd be as nice as this one. Thank you. Um. But I don't think I can take it. And I'm not taking your offer. Why not? I think I’ll come back to loving myself more than I love you. Hey, Nick. I'm sorry. I will not kiss anyone else ever again. I'll have only you. I really am sorry. Don't be. I'm over that. And don't blame yourself. Listen to me, Ton. I'm not picking at you or anything.
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miss0atae · 2 months
The Special episode didn't bring anything special, but at least we got few more moments with Seiji, Pan and Ken...
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sp00kymulderr · 6 months
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A Dieter Bravo x f!reader x f!oc series
Summary: After a bad breakup, your best friend Eva offers to take you on vacation in the hopes of cheering you up. The problem? You’ve been in love with Eva since you could remember, and she’s bringing her new husband Dieter Bravo with her.
Chapter 1 - Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl
Chapter 2 - Soda Dreamer (coming soon)
Chapter 3 - Tequila
Chapter 4 - After Midnight
Chapter 5 - Victorious Cupid
Pinterest board
*images in moodboard & Pinterest board represent Dieter and oc Eva
Find my main masterlist here
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ooooo-mcyt · 5 months
Scarian? Good food. But like, in my heart, they're always poly in some way, fellas.
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songsofnoble · 9 months
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me, letting marvel queerbait me with lokius:
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Everyone do you know that you don't have to pick a good guy between Ming and Sol. Like do you know they can both suck and that in fact neither of them deserves Joe but this isn't about deserving? Like these are two very complex and delicious characters that are meant to be enjoyed, not real people to put in front of a moral compass to choose who is better? Do you even know that Joe doesn't have to pick the one who is better because this show isn't about that? That if you ship him with Sol or Ming you can just like their chemistry and don't have to make that guy be the good choice TM.
Also this isn't about who is better this is literally about joe's feeling stop expecting him to ignore his emotions and make the choice you think is right like every other character in this fucking show. They might be stupid decisions, but they're his to make. Esp in the shitty situation he is. I'll post a longass rant about it cuz I'm tired of people coming for Joe without comprehending the extent of pressure on him
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kingofspadescos · 2 years
Xavier Thorpe x Reader x Ajax Petropolus - Lost Time
You had thought there was something going on between Xavier, Ajax, and you. The three of you were best friends and as you got closer your feelings got stronger.
It started off with lingering touches.
"Ajax! You left your pencil in Thornhills class!" You called out from behind the gorgon causing him to turn around. When he reached out to take his pencil from your outreached hand, his fingers ghosted over yours, brushing your knuckles before taking his pencil. Your skin was tingling, your eyes wide, while Ajax just smiled innocently and walked off.
Then came the gift-giving.
You were sick, bedridden, and when you hadn't shown up to class, both Ajax and Xavier had gotten worried and had gone to look for you. They found you curled up in several blankets, nose red and teary-eyed. The sight had melted the boy's hearts and they refused to leave you alone. While one boy went out to grab you anything you wanted or they thought you needed, the other would stay with you, keeping you company.
And lastly, the sweet moments, the times when you could've sworn your face couldn't get any redder.
You were gathering ingredients for a potion, a class you were taking as an elective. Subsequently, Ajax and Xavier were taking the same class. You had almost gotten all the ingredients but the last one, some type of leaf, was on the top shelf out of your reach. "Oh fucking dammit, that's unfair," you said, anger building up. Xavier heard you and walked over "Calm down firecracker, I got it" he said coming up behind you. His chest was against your back as he leaned up and grabbed the ingredient. You tensed up, turning around imemdly when he had gotten it down for you. The only problem was that he hadn't moved back, so you were face-to-face with him. He was smirking and you were tur ingredients bright red, scrambling for the ingredient and moving out of the way, leaving him with a stupid grin on his face.
It continued like this for months, suggestive glances, touches that made your breath hitch, and moments you would constantly replay in your head. You thought your relationship would grow, but your wishes were shattered. You were working in the weather vane, a job you managed to grab because of the lack of employees. Ajax and Xavier frequently visited, one of them waiting for your shift to end to walk you back to Nevermore.
You had just finished making their regulars when you heard the bell ring signaling the door being opened. You turned around seeing the two boys and grabbed their drinks "well, well, well, what do we hav-" you stopped talking, your eyes taking in their appearance. Hickies were scattering both boys necks where the jackets, that they were trying to use to cover up the love bites, didn't reach.
At your sudden stop, both boys grew concerned. "Y/n? Love? You alright?" Xavier asked waving his hand in front of your face. You cleared your throat hurriedly giving them their drinks "uh- yeah yeah I'm okay" you reassured.
Your thoughts were racing, did they get partners? Did they both lose interest? Why hadn't they told you?
"You sure your okay?" Ajax asked "you look a little upset." You just nodded, pretending to busy yourself by restocking the straws and creamer, "I'm fine, really, no need to worry" you said. Xavier didn't trust that, and jumped over the counter that was keeping the two of you apart. He walked over to you, planting his hands on eaither side of you on the counter, trapping you. "Don't lie to us, we know your upset, let us help" he said leaning in close to you.
You gulped and gently placed your hands on his shoulders pushing him back. Your reaction surprised him, even if you were upset you've never pushed him back like that. You always replied with a flirty or sarcastic comment, pushing him back by his chest and sauntering away. The different reaction and the way you were acting was making him crazy cuase he didn't know why. "I'm fine, okay?" You said "look we're busy, just go back to school, I'll be back in a couple of hours." You just needed alone time, needed time away from them, needed to collect your thoughts.
They were hesitant, but none the less went to leave. "We'll talk when your shift is done!" Ajax called out, before the door shut behind the pair. A weight lifted the moment they left, a sigh of relief leaving your lips. The rest of your shift you thought about the situation, coming the conclusion that you would distance yourself to just being a friend, not wanting to interfere with anyone else.
~ Tiny time skip ~
You were walking to your room trying to be as quiet as you can, hoping that a certain artist and gorgon wouldn't notice you were back. But your wishes were for nothing, as when you opened the door the duo was already waiting for you.
"Oh- I just remembered I had something else to do that's not here" you said quickly spinning on your heal. You would've began speed walking but your wrist was caught and you were pulled inside your room before you could say anything else.
Ajax let go of your wrist as Xavied stood infront of the door. "Now, tell us what's bothering you, you seemed off, don't deny it, we know you too well" Xavier said. You didn't say anything, only fidgeting with your hands, averting their gaze.
Ajax sighed stepping closer to you, placing his hand under your chin and tilting your head to look at him "c'mon just tell us sweetheart" he murmered. You turned your head out of his grasp, side stepping the gorgon and walking to your bed. "You've got to stop doing that" you replied, desperatly trying to keep your voice even "it's not fair."
Ajax and Xavier shared a look before walking after you "stop doing what? What's not fair? To who?" Ajax asked genuinely confused. Both boys were extremely concerned and confused why you were acting so different. Normally when they flirted, or got close to you, you alway flirted back, always reciprocated their affections, but now you were complete avoiding them.
You groaned "the touches! The names! I'm not an idiot, I can see your neck, you can't do that when you both have partners" you said, hands balled into fists, emotions crashing over you like tidal waves. A quick look between the boys and they were both doubling over with laughter. You were dumbstruck "what the hell are the two of you laughing at? You sound like hyenas" you commented.
Ajax was the first to speak "that's what you think? That we're both seeing other people?" He questioned "sweetheart we're dating each other, we became official a couple weeks ago." Xavier was coming too and nodded "this happened last night, got a bit carried away" he chuckled pointing to his neck "would've invited you, but you were dead asleep."
Your eyes were wide "so you both…like me?" You asked in disbelief. Xavier threw his hands up in the air "Yes! We both like you! We wouldn't have continuously flirted with you if we didn't" he said "we want you to be apart of our relationship, that is if your up for it." A second went by before you were flinging yourself at then, one arm wrapped around each boys neck pulling them towards you "yes, yes, I want to be with both of you" you murmered "you had me so worried, I thought you lost interest."
"Lose interest in you? Never." Ajax said,   hugging both you and Xavier. The three of you stayed like that for a couple of minutes, relishing in the fact that all of you got want you wanted, each other. When they both pulled back, you frowned wanting to keep the moment going. They both smirked and chuckled, "don't give us that look we've got to make up for lost time" Xavier said.
Ajax grinned, tilting your chin towards him with his pointer finger. When you didn't pull away he leaned in and kissed you softly, his other arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you towards him. Xavier was to the side of you and leaned down pressing his lips to the skin of your neck, his hands resting on Ajax's.
As they said, that had to make up for lost time.
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i-am-befuddled · 5 months
Finally finished Tangled the Series. I get it. I am distraught. Cass and Raps are so gay for each other it’s not even funny
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yunggoblin · 22 days
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lost-inthedream · 1 year
Poly relationship with Youngbin and Chani
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Pairing: Youngbin x female reader x Chani
Warning:  boy x boy suggestive actions, mentions of sex
Bonus song rec: Universe, by Lee Gi Kwang
This is just a bunch of pretty domestic headcanons :) I hope you enjoy them.
Being in a relationship with these two men is like an eternal spring. Your moments together are amusing and warm.
On weekends you go out more often with Youngbin because he likes to buy things and meet friends outside.
But you also love staying home with Chani, doing your trivial activities while he watches you attentively yet with sleepy eyes.
Anyways, when you ask Chani to ride you somewhere on his motorcycle, he never says no. He secretly enjoys way too much when you circle your arms around his waist and lean your head on him. "Can we go the long way around?" he requests.
When it's Youngbin's turn to drive you all somewhere, you and Chani play rock paper scissors to decide who is sitting in the passenger seat. But if you make a cute puppy face after you lose, Chani gives in.
In case you're coming back home late at night, you know that Chani is gonna get sleepy so he always sits in the back seat behind you so the city lights do not hurt his eyes.
Youngbin always calls you baby, even when you are in public. But he knows this pet name makes Chani blush so he saves it to domestic moments when it comes to him.
Chani usually doesn't mind you going out with Youngbin and leaving him alone at home but sometimes the only thing he wants is both his lovers sitting with him in silence. He won't admit it though. Yet, Youngbin mysteriously knows it.
it goes nsfw from here
Okay, you all definitely tried to do things in Youngbin's car. That was not the biggest success but all the three of you laughed it off in the end.
That was Chani's idea. Youngbin parked in the garage, you were ready to wake Chani up but he was wide awake behind you. "We've never fucked in the car" he wondered.
"Chani, we're tired and you're saying nonsense. You sleepy head" you snap back.
"Why we never?" Youngbin adds scratching his chin.
That was a pretty fucked up idea because you accidentally hit Youngbin on the face with your elbow while you tried to slide from Chani's lap.
You all had to jump out of the car and grab some ice for Binnie's cheek. Both boys had his dicks hard, you were truly sorry.
"Okay, suck Youngbin off then suck me off and we are fine" Chani spurted.
All of you are pretty obsessed with seeing the other two of you kissing. You used to be Youngbin's girlfriend so Chani developed such an addiction back then, that consequently contaminated you too after things changed a bit...
Youngbin always plays with your hair when you are kissing Chani. "Guys, you are filthy" he voices while Chani's hands sneak under your blouse.
You pull away from your boyfriend's addictive lips to look at Youngbin "Said the saint"
"Binnie needs some help shutting his mouth" Chani casually says drawing one hand off your breasts to pull Youngbin closer.
More often than not, you talk to Youngbin on the bed while Chani koala-hugs one of you after you all had sex.
Yes, being in a relationship with these two men is like an eternal spring.
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themisterhip · 1 year
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PRETTY LADY!! I love them, your honor <3
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miss0atae · 2 months
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Chalarm Siam, Neptune Bhurichon & Seagames Teerapat -- 29.05.24 (From Deep Night official IG)
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kawaiithinglover · 1 year
Queen of mean preview
Tw: Yandere Aegon and Aemond and Poly relationship ( If you're not comfortable with a poly relationship then you don't read if you don't wanna.)
"There once was a Queen who used to be nice but something really bad happened" Alicent said to a four year old Aemond. "What happened momma?" Aemond asked. "That my dear I can't tell you until you're older. But right now it's time for bed." Alicent said as she put Aemond to bed and gave him a goodnight kiss on his forehead. "Goodnight my little dragon" Alicent whispered to a sleeping Aemond.
6 years later
"Hello Y/n!" Aegon yelled as he saw you walking towards him and Aemond. "Hi guys!" You said back as you were now in front of them. "So big news! I have a younger brother now!" You said excitedly. "That's great!" They both said in unison. "Yeah it is.... I'm sorry I can't stay long. So bye Aegon.....And b-b-bye Aemond" You said your face going a little red. "Bye!" They both yelled out as you left.
"Even if I don't wanna share her with you but I guess I will have too" Aegon said. "That's fine with me only if I get MY Y/n" Aemond said as Aegon glared at him. "You mean OURS Y/n" Aegon then corrected Aemond as he just nodded.
They always say sometimes that love is a game. But you hardly ever believe them but you do believe in fairy tales. But you couldn't choose between Aegon and Aemond you loved both of them. Even your parents told you to follow your heart but they still will accept you if you date both.
Never have you known that things will take an unexpected turn. Not for the best but for the worst.
You can repost and use my stuff but ask me first before you do that. (You can only if I get the credit for my work because I will just say yes anyways)
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rachelsfav-queer · 3 months
Nightshade girlfriends au?
I already talked about this through asks on @caitlynskitten so check out her blog, she’s got some amazing stuff too.
But, I’m thinking about the first time the girls all share a bed together. Wednesday and Enid insist on being in the middle of the snuggle pile, the other three girls don’t mind especially since they know their girlfriends have such a rough relationship with physical intimacy and affection. So they all cuddle up around the two.
Wednesday’s wearing a nightgown and is wrapped tightly around Enid, wearing a pair of boxers patterned with little, black kittens (she says they remind her of Wednesday!) and she insists that all of them hold hands while they sleep.
Yoko’s snuggled up behind Enid, spooning the blonde werewolf, and is wearing absolutely nothing, typically always opting to go nude when she goes to bed because as she claims, “clothes are too constricting to my sleep pattern” though her girlfriends know well that she just likes being naked, especially in front of them cause they always get super flustered, especially Wednesday who whenever she sees her girlfriends naked, acts like she’s never seen a naked woman before.
Divina and Bianca hold up the other side of the cuddle pile, with Bianca spooning Wednesday and Divina spooning Bianca. Both sirens opt for simple sleepwear, wearing cotton underwear that does them just fine.
The girls all settle into bed comfortably, finding their positions agreeable for all of them. Enid looks around at the other four and sniffles softly. They all notice, though, and Yoko responds by kissing right behind her ear and asking what’s wrong.
“Nothing,” Enid replies, “It’s just… I never thought I’d have something like this, you know? I didn’t think I’d be good enough for any of you, never mind all of you. I’m just… so happy… to be here.” Enid begins tearing up and her girlfriends’ eyes well up a bit too.
Wednesday speaks first, “Mi lobo… mi amor. I speak for us all when I say we are all blessed to call you ours. Never forget your place, Enid, is with us, settled warmly in our hearts.”
“Couldn’t have said it better myself, tiny terror,” Bianca chimes in, chuckling softly when she receives a light elbow for the nickname.
Enid sighs as she smiles brightly, taking in the love and compassion her girls offer to her so freely. It’s still so strange to her, love without expectations. Or in other words, love. It’s not something she’s known in life before now. And yet, she’s coming around to the feeling pretty easily. “I love you guys. I love you all so much. Thank you.”
“Of course, wolfie,” Divina says, “And thank you, for always being yourself. You brought us all together after all. You’re the reason we’re here.”
And with a ring of agreement from the other three girls, Enid can’t dispute it. So instead, she squeezes her lovers’ hands three times and closes her eyes in bliss. The others follow suit and soon, they all fall asleep, basking in the glow of deep and intense love that they all have for each other. Together, they will always be, one.
End <3
(Note: this was fun to write and distracted me from my almost panic attack this morning lol)
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