#polly ybarra
And lastly the hcs for the good good Polly
1. How does your muse feel about seafood?
She’s never really been exposed to a whole lot of it, so she doesn’t really know if she likes it or not.
2. What is their favorite piece of technology?
She appreciates communicators so much, if only for the ability to keep constantly in touch with people. It’d just be nice if a specific someone bothered to try and get in contact with her.
3. When did they lose their virginity?
Nope, still virgin airlines.
4. Was there anything their parents pushed them to do? (e.g. sports, theatre, band)
Not really. Like Castor’s dads, Polly’s parents made sure she knew enough fighting skills to defend herself, but otherwise left her to her own devices. She and Castor had plenty of their own adventures to occupy themselves with.
5. Describe your muse’s worst nightmare.
Never seeing her best friend again, or finding out he’s dead and knowing she hadn’t been there to protect him.
6. What is a deal-breaker when it comes to dating someone?
Being cruel to other people, especially if there’s no reason for it. Trying to isolate her from anyone else she cares about.
7. What was the most embarrassing moment in your muse’s life?
When she was around eight, she and Castor were curled up in a blanket fort they’d made together and telling spooky stories. In the midst of a ghost story that had Castor all but hiding in his blankets, a very large spider dropped down from the top of the fort and landed on Polly’s head. She screamed and knocked over the entire fort trying to get it off, and then she cried because she’d ruined their masterpiece. The memory still haunts her to this day.
8. What keeps your muse up at night?
Worrying about Castor and wondering where he is, missing home and the life they used to have.
9. What chronic illnesses does your muse have, if any?
After what she and Castor went through, there was no chance she could walk away without at least some PTSD to take with her.
10. Does your muse get carsick?
She can get a little nauseous in vehicles, but it mostly depends on the driver and the situation.
11. Does your muse wear glasses/contacts?
Neither. Her vision is much better than her adopted brother’s.
12. What are some warning signs that your muse is getting depressed?
She’s normally rather bubbly and cheerful, so if she’s gone quiet or seems like she’s zoning out of a conversation, it’s safe to say something’s bothering her.
13. What is your muse’s favorite candy?
She’s a fan of Kit-Kats and Swedish Fish.
14. Does your muse have a “victory song” and if so, what is it?
Shake It Out by Florence + The Machine. Like Castor, she is a fan of that old Earth music.
15. Who do they tend to bicker with the most?
Castor will forever and always be her best bickering buddy.
16. Has your muse ever been hospitalized or institutionalized?
Nope, neither. She was always the cautious one of the family.
17. Does your muse pray, whether it be to a god or some other force?
She’s never been the praying type, though she does hope somewhere deep down that there’s more than just her and the other mortals in the universe.
18. Has your muse ever lived in poverty?
Basically her entire life, as most people on Earth do.
19. Do they have any distinct voice mannerisms? (e.g. saying ‘like’ or ‘um’ a lot, stutters)
She does tend to say “like” a fair amount, and she’s quiet in general, so she tends to take pauses while she thinks about her words.
20. Where are your muse’s ancestors from? Do they keep any of their traditions?
She only ever really got to know one of her grandparents (her mom’s mom), and apart from that, her parents never really talked about their ancestry. They were never a particularly well-off family, as far as she’s aware, but it didn’t make that much of a difference to her growing up.
21. When did your muse learn about sex?
Around the same time Castor did, the basics at age 9 or so and some more details once puberty hit. Living in a household with two sets of parents meant that kind of stuff was never kept secret very long.
22. What is your muse most thankful for?
That she and Castor survived the fall of the Earth rebellion, even though Castor has been gone for quite some time now. She’s also thankful for the childhood she had, even if it wasn’t always the easiest.
23. What shoe size is your muse?
Eight and a half.
24. Does your muse hate their middle name? \ What is it?
Her middle name is Miranda, and she likes it, though it’s not all that important to her.
25. How many hours a day do they spend on the internet/watching TV?
Hardly any for either. She tends to be too busy doing other things to really pay much attention to idle activities like surfing the Internet.
26. Does your muse have any trophies?
Nope, she never really participated in anything that would award trophies, and she’s not the type to take war trophies.
27. If your muse was given the opportunity to go sky diving, would they?
If given enough prodding, probably. Castor convinced her to do all kinds of crazy shit when they were kids. Skydiving would just be another to add to the list.
28. What is the most common lie your muse tells themselves?
“You’re used to being alone now. You’ll be fine.”
29. Has your muse ever had a pet? If so, what type?
She and Castor bonded with a few stray animals while they were growing up, and she tried to bring them home sometimes, but her parents were never too fond of the idea. She’d like to get some pets once the war and everything settles down.
30. Who was your muse’s first kiss?
She’s yet to smooch anyone.
31. What is your muse’s first memory?
She has a very distinct memory of playing in her family’s backyard with Castor when they were both about three or four. It was raining, and they had just discovered how much fun playing in the mud was. They had a contest to see who could slide farthest through it, and Castor ended up falling flat on his face, which was one of the funniest things Polly had ever seen. Her parents weren’t happy when she came back into the house tracking mud, but it was worth it.
32. How does your muse feel about crocs?
She doesn’t really care about them either way. She wouldn’t personally wear them, but she’s not going to dictate what other people wear.
33. What are your muse’s biggest pet peeves?
People that grind their teeth (which Castor sometimes does if he’s especially agitated and it drives her nuts), parents yelling at or manhandling their children.
34. What was your muse’s happiest birthday?
Her fifteenth birthday, aka the last birthday she spent with her entire family.
35. Does your muse cross their legs/ankles when they sit?
She usually crosses her legs.
36. What simple task is your muse surprisingly bad at?
Singing. She looks like she’d have the voice of an angel, but it’s never really been her strong suit.
37. Did your muse ever own a Tamagatchi?
She never owned any, but she’s heard of them before and thinks the concept is cute.
38. What was your muses’s first job?
She currently has a job that’s rather secret. Even Castor doesn’t know about it.
39. Does your muse usually go for truth or dare?
She’s more of a truth kind of person, but after growing up with Castor, she fears no dares.
40. Has your muse ever been to a concert?
She’s never really had the time nor the access to them.
41. What is your muse’s favorite holiday?
Candlenights, same as her brother’s for very similar reasons.
42. Does your muse reply to scary chain emails/messages?
Her bullshit detector is honed enough to not buy into chain emails.
43. Describe the first person your muse remembers losing.
Her parents. They weren’t always as kind as she would’ve liked, and she was sometimes jealous of how lax Castor’s parents were, but they were still hers, and she loved them with all her heart.
44. Would your muse ever roleplay?
Probably not. She would giggle too much and get too flustered.
45. What is your muse’s Hogwarts house?
46. What is your muse’s first thought upon waking up?
“Well, I made it another day. Time to make the most of it.”
47. Name a song your muse can sing every word to.
Brave by Sara Bareilles.
48. Who would your muse sacrifice themselves for, if anybody?
Castor, without question.
49. How long is your muse’s penis? || What bra size is your muse?
50. If your muse could rid the world of one thing, what would it be?
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All qs for Polly the blessed baby
1. Their age?
2. Their sexuality/sexual preference?
She’s ace but pan-romantic, so if you’re cute, she’ll wanna love you.
3. Any siblings/Only child?
Castor is the closest thing she ever had to a sibling. Bless this poor child’s soul and limitless patience.
4. Their favourite season?
She’s personally a fan of summer. It was when she and Castor could do the most things outside as kids.
5. Who were/are their parents/guardians?
Kora and Leon Ybarra, adopted aunt and uncle to Castor.
6. Their gender?
7. Their date of birth?
Month 8, day 3 (March 3rd)
8. What clothing style?
She likes clothes that are generally light and cozy, so skirts and tank tops when it’s warmer, or sweaters and comfy pants or leggings when it’s colder or she needs to generally be less exposed. She also tends to go for brighter colors, yellow being a personal favorite.
9. What is their favourite food after a break-up?
Snickerdoodles. She’ll make an entire batch of them and then just eat them all herself.
10. Their favourite thing to do after a break-up?
If her best friend were with her, she would go to him and spill all of her feelings to him, and then giggle while he struggled to comfort her and dragged her ex through the dirt. If she were on her own, she would just bury herself in sweets and videos of cute animals to make herself feel better.
11. What happens in the ‘honeymoon phase’ for this character?
Being someone who’s used to taking care of other people, Polly would absolutely dote on her significant other. She’d make all their favorite foods for them, take them to all their favorite places, and give them all the cuddles and smooches they could want. She’d also remind them as often as she could how much she adored them, and give them all kinds of little compliments.
12. How many serious relationships have they been in?
None so far. Girl’s got other priorities.
13. What is their nationality?
She’s definitely a human from Earth. No surprise bird genes like some people she knows.
14. What languages do they speak?
She primarily speaks Common, but she also knows a bit of binary, and a handful of phrases in Mambian and Alternian.
15. What is their profession/Education?
She went to the Genesian schools with Castor on Earth, and she hated every second of it. Right now, her profession is a mystery.
16. Their favourite comfort food?
Curry and rice. It’s warm and filling and reminds her of home.
17. What’s a food they hate?
She’s not a real big fan of cucumber. It just tastes weirdly… clean.
18. Their music taste?
She tends to like things that’re upbeat and poppy, or just generally the kind of music you can dance around the kitchen to.
19. Is there a story behind their name/meaning?
Since she was born after Castor, her parents actually wanted to give her a name that would sort of make them a matched set. They were hoping the kids would grow up to be inseparable, since they were basically all each other had in the world. So, she became the Pollux to her adopted brother’s Castor.
20. Something they do that seems childish to others?
Her optimism can sometimes make her seem childish in a world full of pain and pessimism. She also really enjoys coloring with crayons and sliding on smooth floors in her socks.
21. What is their all-time favourite TV show?
Growing up with Castor as she did, she spent a lot of time watching old Earth cartoons. Avatar: The Last Airbender was one of her favorites.
22. What is their all-time favourite movie?
Harry Potter’s always fascinated her. She’s never gotten to see the whole series, though, only the first and fourth ones. They made do with what they had back home.
23. How big is their family?
She grew up with a family of six, counting her. Now it’s down to two, and even then it might as well be just her.
24. Are they close to anyone specific in the family?
She’s closer to Castor than she has been to anyone else in this bitch of a galaxy.
25. Have they got any allergies?
She’s mildly allergic to cats, but she will happily shove her face in one’s fur anyway.
26. Are they an emotional person?
Generally speaking. She’s not one to have emotional outbursts or anything, but she’s a very empathetic person and will likely cry if someone else cries in front of her. She’s also fairly open with her emotions.
27. Do they get angry/lose their temper quickly?
Growing up with Castor, she had to learn how to keep her cool very fast.
28. What are some of their guilty pleasures?
Putting on entire concerts in the shower, teasing the shit out of her brother, biting her nails.
29. Do they have pets? Do they want pets?
She would have all the pets if she could. All of them.
30. Do they like kids? Do they want kids/have kids?
She’s always been fond of kids, and would like to have some of her own one day, once this whole war thing is over and done with. She’d like at least two, knowing how much better her childhood was growing up with a sibling.
31. Who’s cuddle buddy are they?
Currently, the only cuddle buddy she has is the teddy bear she keeps stashed with the rest of her belongings. It was one of the few things she still had left from home.
32. Do they have any tattoos?
None to speak of.
33. Do they have any piercings?
Nope, was never really her thing.
34. What is their hair colour? Is it their natural colour?
Black, and it’s natural.
35. Do they like musicals?
She hasn’t gotten to see too many of them, but the ones she has, she’s absolutely loved. She made Castor watch Singin’ in the Rain with her more times than she could count.
36. Do they like marmite?
Not really her kind of taste.
37. Do they like glitter?
She thinks everyone could use a little sparkle in their lives, so yes.
38. Do they believe in the supernatural?
Not really. She always enjoyed teasing Castor about his fear of ghosts and supernatural monsters.
39. Have they ever seen a dead body?
Unfortunately, yes.
40. Have they ever had a near-death experience?
The day she and Castor lost their parents feels like a near-death experience to her.
41. Have they ever broken a bone?
Nope. She was always much more careful than Castor was.
42. What are they like when they’re drunk/what kind of drunk are they?
She’s a very happy-go-lucky kind of drunk usually, unless Castor’s done something stupid. Then she will go the fuck off while she’s drunk, which is the only time she ever does so. Drunk Polly lectures are terrifying.
43. Have they ever drunk underage?
A few times, but only when she was at her lowest, and even then only a drink or two. She never picked up the habit like some people she knows.
44. What is the first thing they do when they wake up?
Goes and makes herself a pot of tea to help prepare her for the day.
45. Do they consider themselves popular?
No more popular than anyone else, she supposes.
46. How do they like their tea/coffee?
She tends to like teas with a little spice to them, so cinnamon is generally a must, and almost always hot.
47. What do they smell like?
Jasmine, grass, and a hint of rubbing alcohol.
48. Are they a virgin?
Yup, and she intends to keep it that way.
49. Do they wear glasses/contacts?
Nope, girl’s got good eyesight.
50. Are they good at remembering significant dates? Anniversaries, birthdays etc?
Definitely. She likes to keep track of everything she can about people, including important dates.
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