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City’s New Treasurer Says Racist Officials Won’t Seat Her
The newly elected treasurer of a small city in western Pennsylvania asserted in a lawsuit that city officials plotted to block her from taking office because she is black.
Uniontown Treasurer-elect Antoinette Hodge alleged that a city councilman, Martin Gatti, took action to prevent her from being sworn in as scheduled this week and called her a “colored girl” in a discussion with officials at a bonding agency.
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ShoobyDooby • 19 hours ago
GOP swamp can only govern through greed, deceit, and extreme religious ideology. Facts and integrity have not a place in their agenda. Yes, Trump & GOP worshippers, many Dems lead similarly. That does not condone the dismantling of Checks & Balances, Civil Rights, Human Decency. The character of such supporters is a lesson in indoctrination and propaganda, clinging to a crumbling narrative. We are one bizarre species.
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My lived experience, as a mixed-heritage black man, helps  provide me with some possible answers. In many ways, the  story of my family is the story of Britain. My Dad came to t  the UK from Grenada, one of the last bastions of the British  Empire. Along with my English mum, we lived on a council  estate in Northampton where, nearby, my Dad worked in a  food processing factory and over time became increasingly  involved in his trade union, eventually becoming a full-time trade union official for the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union. Alongside him in the factory worked my English granddad, a white working-class veteran of the Allied invasion of Normandy in the Second World War. On paper, you couldn’t have come up with two people with more different lives. But it was their shared values that made us work as a family and taught me that people, no matter what their differences are, have so much in common.
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E-mails show racism Stephen Miller brought to Trump White House E-mails show racism Stephen Miller brought to Trump White House: Rachel Maddow looks at the white nationalist references in e-mails written by White House policy advisor Stephen Miller, obtained and published by the Southern Poverty Law Center, in the year before he joined the Donald Trump administration. https://www.whytheracecardisplayed.com/post/e-mails-show-racism-stephen-miller-brought-to-trump-white-house
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How We Can Attack Systemic Racism
I want my future children to live in a world where your race has no bearing on your health, or your wealth, or your relationship with law enforcement–a country defined not by exclusion, but by belonging. That is the America I’m determined to bring about as president. https://www.whytheracecardisplayed.com/post/how-we-can-attack-systemic-racism
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Stephen Smith racist?
Stephen Miller says Democrats are projecting their own racism: "Donald Trump is the anti-racist president" This is the very definition of “Orwellian.” When they want to commit racism in the process of maintaining their own power, they try to change the very definition of “racism.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l73pzPCq_Bg&t=1s
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Texas Republican Rick Miller drops out of race after racist remarks toward Asian opponents
“I have no idea who he is. He has not been around Republican channels at all, but he’s an Asian,” Miller said of challenger Leonard Chan.
Full Article: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/texas-republican-rick-miller-drops-out-race-after-racist-remarks-n1097341
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The First Step Act promised widespread reform. What has the criminal justice overhaul achieved so far?
More than 3,000 inmates have been released and another roughly 1,700 people convicted of crack cocaine offenses have seen their sentences reduced thanks to the First Step Act, according to data from the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the U.S. Sentencing Commission. Some of that activity stems from a 2011 change made by the federal sentencing commission affecting people convicted of certain drug crimes and a provision of the First Step Act. That provision made the sentencing guidelines of the Obama-era Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 retroactive.
Full Article: https://www.whytheracecardisplayed.com/post/the-first-step-act-promised-widespread-reform-what-did-the-criminal-justice-overhaul-achieve-so-far
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'I made the typo' | Galveston GOP chairwoman blames racist text message ...
She sent a lengthy statement to The Galveston Daily News calling the text an “unfortunate typo.” https://www.khou.com/article/news/loc...
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Pete2020 doesn't have the power to fire a (white) policeman who shot and...
Pete2020 doesn't have the power to fire a (white) policeman who shot and killed a Black South Bend, Indiana resident yet he reflexively fired South Bend's first Black chief, Darryl Boykins, who was exposing racism within the police department
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Stephen Smith racist?
Stephen Miller says Democrats are projecting their own racism: "Donald Trump is the anti-racist president" This is the very definition of “Orwellian.” When they want to commit racism in the process of maintaining their own power, they try to change the very definition of “racism.” #whytheracecardisplayed
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IS THIS THE BEST ADVICE TO GIVE??●. KINDLY SHARE THIS VIDEO Bernie Sanders got dragged by twitter for telling a black HBCU student respect police so he doesn’t get shot in the back of the head. https://www.whytheracecardisplayed.com/
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A really, really long list of awful things Boris Johnson has said about ...
A really, really long list of awful things Boris Johnson has said about women, LGBT+ people and people of color At the BBC Question Time Leaders Debate this week, prime minister Boris Johnson was asked about numerous offensive comments he’s made about ethnic minorities, LGBT+ people and women over the years. Looking rather uncomfortable, he defended his comments, saying: I defend my right to speak out. If you go through all my articles with a fine tooth comb and take out individual phrases, there is no doubt you can find things that can be made to seem offensive.
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Nigel Farage and his cronies don't want this video shared, so you know w...
'An Archive. Proof of Institutional, Systematic Racism. Throughout History, and in Today's Society. In America and Abroad.' https://www.whytheracecardisplayed.com/
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