#polish chicken egg
zombyne · 11 months
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Hiyoko chicken :3
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pyrriax · 10 months
Ah, so tell me Sugar or Salt for better preservation?
salt! especially when you're working with dry preservation, which is what it's being used for typically. sugar will attract bugs and other things which will eat away at the specimen, along with not drawing out the moisture nearly as well / at all.
but if you're working with things like rabbits feet, which are intended to be dry at the end, you'd think that the process involves just drying them, right? but you'd be wrong! the process (at least that i've followed in the past) involves soaking them twice, once in a soapy water mixture to remove parasites, then in a high concentrate isopropyl alcohol, rinsing thoroughly between steps.
processes vary depending on what you're working on. another example is that for the rooster i'm planning to take the wings from, i'm going to need to both remove his wings, and go through the process of removing the flesh while also keeping the skin in tact around his bones, since i'm going to be effectively stuffing the void with cotton, so that everything lays properly when its all dried. those are actually going to be dried in salt, which is primarily because he was a domestic animal and i know where he'd been.
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coreyjaechicken · 11 months
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jessica-problems · 10 months
mutual 1: dissertation on common misconceptions about the history of polish seamstresses in the 1820's.
mutual 2: [second half of a two part post]
mutual 3: [liveblogging the disassembly of some kind of contraption]
mutual 4: lmao one of my chickens laid an egg over eight feet up in a tree
mutual 1: [cock and balls image]
mutual 5: I think, if a girl turned me into some kind of cocksleeve, that would fix me
mutual 3: [continued liveblogging of said disassembly]
mutual 6: gif of lesbians from some arrowverse show you've never heard of
mutual 7: [deep fried meme about some kind of bolivian military hardware]
mutual 8: [mental health advice and soup recipes]
mutuals 1, 2, and 5: elaborate role play of a jury sentencing someone to horny jail
mutual 1: [cock and balls image]
mutual 3: [continued liveblogging]
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trupowieszcz-moved · 2 years
have you ever wondered what people ate in 17th century poland? me neither, but my dad has and since he's a historical reenactor and has reenactor friends, they managed to dig out a cooking book from the period, called Compendium Ferculorum.
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this book contains possibly the weirdest recipe i have ever fucking seen, enigmatically called "dish with pancakes", to lull you into a false sense of security. the weirdest thing about it is that it actually tastes really good, and not at all like you would imagine when you initially hear what goes into it.
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i understand most of you aren't able to read 17th century polish in a gothic font, so here's the direct transcription:
LXXVI. Potráwá z Naleśnikami Weźmiy Kapłona álbo Cielęćiny, álbo Báránka, porąb, wymocz, ociągniy, odbierz, poley Rosołem, ułoż másłá, pietruszki, soli, warż, á gdy dowiera, wley rosołu, wley Octu winnego, Cukru, pieprzu, Szafránu, Cynamonu, przywarz. Zrob Naleśniki, w materią wsyp trochę Száfranu y Cukru, uwarz Ryżu albo Jaieśnicę usmasz, wsyp Száfranu, Rożenkow drybnych, zawiiay tę máteryą w Naleśniki, w ktorą y Cukru przydasz, zrob z Jáiec máteryą, to iest: rozbiy Jáiec, maczay końce tych Naleśnikow w Jáycách rozbitych, puszczay ná gorące másło, a gdy odrętwiesz, daway te potráwę, a Naleśniki ná wierzch kładź, a zalewáiąc day ciepło.
which, loosely "translated" to modern polish, would be:
76. Potrawa z naleśnikami Weź kurczaka, cielęcinę lub baranka, poćwiartuj, wymocz, oskóruj, odbierz [to nie wiem co mogło oznaczać niestety], zalej rosołem, dołóż masła, pietruszki i soli, gotuj, a gdy zawrze, wlej resztę rosołu, ocet winny, cukier, pieprz, szafran i cynamon, gotuj dalej. Zrób naleśniki, do ciasta dosyp trochę szafranu i cukru, ugotuj ryż lub usmaż jajecznicę, wsyp szafran, drobne rodzynki i zawiń to nadzienie w naleśniki; w rozbełtanych jajkach z dodatkiem cukru zamocz końce naleśników i podsmaż na maśle, a gdy jajko się zetnie, podawaj potrawę z naleśnikami na górze, zalanymi gorącą zupą.
and in english:
76. Pancake dish Take a chicken, veal or lamb, quarter it, soak it, skin it, pick it up [this I don't know what it could mean unfortunately], pour broth over it, add butter, parsley and salt, cook it, and when it boils, pour in the rest of the broth, wine vinegar, sugar, black pepper, saffron and cinnamon, continue cooking. Make pancakes, add a little saffron and sugar to the batter, cook rice or scrambled eggs, add saffron, small raisins and wrap this filling in the pancakes; dip the ends of the pancakes in beaten eggs with added sugar and fry in butter, and when the egg has set, serve the dish with the pancakes on top, drenched in hot soup.
lo and behold, this is what it looks like:
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maybe it's not the most appetizing thing in the world, but please trust me when i say that this slaps. this is so fucking good. it has no right of being this good, but it is. why would they eat it back in the day if it wasn't good? this was for high-ranking nobles' kitchens. it had to slap. it had to be over the top and weird.
since the original recipe isn't very descriptive of how much of what you have to add, i'm gonna write it out with as many details as i can for those who aren't as kitchen-savvy and wish to try to make this tasty abomination. unfortunately i forgot to take pictures along the way, so no illustrations, sorry.
Ingredients (for about... 4 servings? I don't know. We had 2 and there was still a lot left):
for the pancakes:
500g of all-purpose flour
4-5 eggs (3 for the batter, 1-2 for later shenanigans)
like a cup of milk
2-3 spoons of sugar (brown sugar would probably be more historically accurate)
saffron (the more the better but watch out, it's expensive as shit)
some water if it turns out too thick
for the broth:
1.5 liters of water
3 stock cubes (if the package says one per 0.5l; otherwise just check what it says)
or you can just make broth from scratch if you want to roleplay a 17th century cook
3-4 chicken drumsticks (or an equivalent amount of veal or lamb)
black pepper
m o r e s a f f r o n
around 120g of butter (half a package if you're polish and know what i'm talking about)
one parsley root
3-4 tablespoons of wine vinegar
a... handful? of sugar. around 2-3 tablespoons, I guess
for the scrambled eggs:
4 eggs (or more; 1 per pancake)
a little bit of milk
1 tablespoon of sugar
e v e n m o r e s a f f r o n if you can afford it
raisins (or dried cranberries or whatever you want that has a similar taste size and texture)
you can also try to make this with rice instead of scrambled eggs. i imagine it can't be that hard.
the steps (there's a lot.):
Sieve the flour and add every other pancake ingredient into it; make sure the saffron is crushed into smaller bits
mix that shit with a hand mixer. it should be the consistency of like, sour cream, so if it's too thick, add a bit of water and check again. it's gotta be generally thick though, make sure it's not too runny (if the consistency is beginning to resemble banana juice, it's too runny already).
heat up the pan, put a little bit of oil on it with a folded paper towel (so you don't burn yourself on accident) and cook the pancakes until they're a bit golden, but not yet brownish in the spots that stick to the pan the most. basically just don't burn them. add a little oil the same way every 2 pancakes.
there's your pancakes, set them aside and move on to other stuff - it's broth time
boil the stock with the parsley root and your meat of choice, but don't add any spices yet, just the fuckton of butter. let it simmer for like an hour. yes, an hour. good soup takes time.
once the time has passed, you can add the spices. notice how i didn't really specify how much of the spices you have to add, and this is because you have to follow your heart and add as much as you can possibly handle eating. no, it's not gonna be too much. add that shit. add 3/4 of a 15g pepper packet. add almost the entire 15 grams of cinnamon. add like a bit of salt, but not a lot this time, just like 2 pinches. ADD THE SAFFRON. add the sugar. add more vinegar than you think would be enough normally. it's gonna boil away anyway.
mix it and let it simmer for even longer. taste it every now and then to see if you can handle it. if a few minutes after doing the dark magic listed above the taste is still very strong, that's good. if it's so strong your throat starts burning, you may be entitled to some more water in there, but if you don't start crying, leave it be. for like another hour.
time for scrambled eggs. rule of the thumb is 1 egg per 1 pancake and 2 pancakes per serving, so if you're cooking for 2, use 4 eggs. easy. add everything that i listed, but if you miss the sugar or the raisins, those can be added after you cook it.
once you have cooked the scrambled eggs, put it on a plate and wash your pan if you don't have another one/don't want to use another one. mix two remaining eggs in a bowl.
put the scrambled eggs with raisins (or whatever you decided to put in there) in your pancakes and roll them as tightly as you can manage. heat up your pan and put some butter on it.
CAREFULLY dip the ends of the pancakes in the mixed eggs and transfer them to the pan with butter. it may be easier to put them on the pan first and pour a little bit of the egg over the ends then, so if you're not sure you can dip them without the entire filling falling out suddenly, do that instead.
fry the pancakes on both sides until the egg is no longer in liquid form.
now, the serving:
pour a ladle of soup into a soup plate
put a piece of your meat in there too if it hasn't disintegrated completely and just started floating around in pieces
put two pancakes in the soup
now you can eat this thing. smacznego :)
I would also like to thank @slavicafire for posting weird old recipes sometimes and inspiring me to take the time to write all of this out :^)
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never-say-neverwhore · 3 months
I just remembered I have free will and can post whatever I want, so here are the misfits as chicken breeds, half based on my personal experiences, and half just on the vibes. (Perhaps I'll do the acolytes and staff later heheh)
Plymouth Rock
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Buff Frizzle (bantam breed)
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Silver Laced Polish
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Black Old English Game Bantam
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Golden Sebright (Bantam breed)
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Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
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*(Note: bantam breeds, whether true bantams or bantam versions of regular breeds, are pretty much mini chickens. They're like... Half the size of regular chickens lmao. This includes their eggs, making their eggs perfect for halfing recipes!)
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(AKA ThePoetJean justifies their Master's degree and makes it everyone else's problem)
1) "WRITING IS REWRITING" AND WHAT THE HELL THAT MEANS -- No writing is law or set in stone upon the first draft, and whoever taught you that is a bum. Even permanent glue can be removed by nail polish remover, so why is editing your first draft no different? When writing for fun, oftentimes you can edit the post and clean up the story when things are no longer working (it's called a cutting room floor for a reason). When writing for publishing, you'll often be paired with an editor who'll send tweaks back-and-forth to you, chipping away at any structural mistakes or grammar flaws to bring out the point of your writing piece in the process. The first draft is just about getting the general vibes of the story down: like the batter for the cake recipe before you start baking it. This part is meant to be fun and messy and no one expects you to serve them go when you're just cracking your eggs open. Let yourself be messy cuz (burnt or fluffy), this is the first step to making your story, so no need to have something be all pretty and presentable the first time around! Again, a lot of writing is just rewriting cuz drafts are a thing so getting stuff down is most important. And another amazing thing -- if the story sucks, you can always change it later! You gotta trust yourself to get it done in order to get it out to the world one way or another, so go do that!
2) LEARN YOUR OWN WRITING PROCESS! -- (OH MY GOD PPL, LEARN HOW YOU TO THE THING IT'S HALF THE BATTLE!) Most of the struggles I see with newer writers is never learning how they write, and that sucks since have the joy of making things is making the thing -- so why make writing stories so arduos for yourself. Learn your own methods and use them whenever you get to writing! Learn the writerly basics like plot, structure, framing, character voice, setting, time period, etc and learn how best you can utilize them in your own stories! On a purely craft level: Learn ALL THE WRITING CRAFT and keep in mind that all writing craft is meant to be guidelines rather than hard rules. Learn many ways about how to write in general cuz no writing advice is one size fits all and being embarrassed of your process is dumb and hinders your creative growth. Trust yourself as a writer, you'll improve faster that way. Believing you can and believing it's possible is the first step to doing anything! (Plus all writing is rewriting anyhow to there's no need to feel embarrassed about something you can fix later, anyways, right?)
3) Read projects like your project in order to get a better feel of your project. Whether it be writing style references, basic literary craft examples, or just you want to break down the vibes of the stories so you can better emulate in your own -- GO AND WATCH/READ/LISTEN ETC TO WHATEVER STORIES YOU THINK WOULD MATCH THE VIBES OF YOUR OWN!! Now, this isn't a 1-to-1 copy, you're not mean to make a clone of the thing you like or take properties for the IP that you're into -- that's more along the lines of fanfiction (which can be fun and is ofc, super valid) -- BUT! To create your own stories, you need to learn where you get your ideas from, and learn how to implement, borrow, twist, etc from the story structures and properties you gather your inspo from. Other writers are your peers, not your enemies -- so treat their work and your own with the respect it deserves. No two chicken sandwiches are ever exactly the same; true artists steal from many places, so learn how to be a good thief (creatively speaking). Example from my own secret WIP novel: I'm writing a New Adult Urban fantasy novel with a dark, powerful lady protagonist that uses lots of philosophical themes, alternate history perspectives as well as using mythology as a basis for a lot of the magical roots and setting roots. Likewise, this a story about friendship and romance after major loss and trauma, and how to come back to yourself after grief, so I've been looking for stories that cover those themes in their plots, which has made the story a lot more fun to read and write outside of just being a cool concept to play with.
If you're writing a second-chance romance story, read romance stories. If you're writing a sci-fi story with lots of robots, read stories about robots. Presumably, you enjoy the same stories you're writing in concept if not in execution, so don't hesitate to seek those stories out, and break down how those stories work in order to scrap them for literary parts. You're smarter than you think you are, and breaking down stories is a lot of fun once you get the hang of it, so please consider doing this as you go into your next project, your writing will thank you for it!
4) If the story works better as something else, swap the format and see what happens.
Have you ever read something and been like "Huh, I like this book, but with how iconography is used in the actual text, it might be better as a movie or a comic book"? So have I!
So, if you ever feel like the story you're writing isn't working so well as a novel or a play, consider turning it into a movie or a webcomic! Of course, this is all easier said than done, and every writing format comes with its own rules and limitations, but I'd give it a try if you ever want to see your project from a fresh perspective! If nothing else, you'll learn something new -- and become a better writer for it!
Til next time, beloveds~
PS. Take all advice with a grain of salt. I am not your parent or your principal, I'm just a lady with a writing degree and a lil free time. Take what resonates, leave what doesn't, etc. PLEASE SHARE THIS POST AROUND TO ANYONE WHO IT MIGHT HELP! THANKIES :3
KOFI: https://ko-fi.com/thepoetjean
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ragingstillness · 5 months
Second black butler meta I can’t help but post:
I absolutely adore black butler and Yana by association because of how incredibly self-aware it is. You don’t really recognize it on the first watch, especially if you only see the first season (or the forbidden second season), but the minute you reread/rewatch and have a larger context, it immediately becomes clear. I own a copy of the first manga volume and in the author’s note Yana makes a point of saying that her editor practically laughed her out of the room for suggesting a story about a character who is both a demon and a butler. So right off the bat, expectations set: this is going to be weird and wild.
And it is, but it’s also very aware of that. The little nods to historical events and discoveries, the blatant stealing of tropes from shonen and shoujo manga, the narrator-like quality of Sebastian’s cutaways, it’s almost a fourth wall break, an invitation to laugh at things that aren’t necessarily meant to be funny but are funny in larger context. For the most part the characters take their lives seriously and the audience gets the dramatic irony but that’s not always the case, see: Sebastian losing it over Ciel blushing at Lizzie, that stupid Phoenix pose, Ciel barely keeping it together as Lizzy plops a pink bonnet on Sebastian’s head. It’s funny from both a general and ironic perspective.
Within the assumption of the story being weird and wild Yana gets to do a lot of genre shifting and frankly I love it. One minute we’re hunting Jack the Ripper, next we’re training to be pop stars, then we’re fighting werewolves, then we’re navigating a cricket game at boarding school. Not a lot of stories get away with that much genre shifting in quick succession but Black Butler does it effortlessly.
They’re particularly good at catching the reader off guard with a funny moment in a serious scene but even better at turning something fun dark on a dime. This is very very hard to do and Yana gets away with it because of how neatly she’s melded the different aspects of the story much like how she melded Sebastian’s character traits.
Ciel is an emotionally immature 13-year-old boy but he’s also an extremely traumatized orphan with murderous tendencies. Sebastian is both a polished servant and a savage demon. Finny is a happy gardener and a disillusioned former test subject. Mey-Rin is a clumsy maid and a former child soldier. Bard is a useless arrogant cook and a soldier running to and from every battlefield he sees.
The ability of these things to coexist, allows for the side by side existence of Ciel failing to be a circus performer and fighting through a flashback to murder a sadistic serial killer. If the story didn’t embody the complexity of the characters and vice versa, one of the two would feel odd and jarring. It’s a beautiful depiction of the chicken and the egg question of plot being driven by character but also driving character.
The genre switching is also just fun, because it pulls in an element often seen in fanfiction which is the AU (alternate universe). While the different arcs still exist in the same universe, the vital aspect of “how would these characters react in this situation” is maintained.
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j4gm · 1 year
I made a Minecraft mod! It adds kiwi birds.
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This is a mod I made as a moving present for a friend who went to live in New Zealand last year. I finally decided to polish it up and release it to the public. It is inspired by the Cute Kiwi Birds mod by Lordloss_ which hasn't been updated since 1.16. All code and assets are original.
Kiwi birds spawn in most forest biomes.
They will occasionally dig for items, including seeds, berries, and sometimes nuggets of iron and gold, according to a loot table that can be configured using a data pack.
They can be bred with seeds, and they lay eggs which work the same way as chicken eggs.
If you slay a kiwi bird (you monster) they will drop kiwifruit which can be eaten or crafted into delicious pavlova.
Just like real life, kiwi birds are vulnerable to invasive predators. Don't let your pet cats get too close!
This mod requires Forge for Minecraft 1.20.1.
You have permission to use this mod in mod packs. Refer to the license for other questions about distribution.
The source code and issue tracker are available on Github.
It's also available via the CurseForge app, and awaiting moderator approval on Modrinth.
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wszczebrzyszynie · 1 month
What are Przemek, Mika, Ryba, Tamara's favorite foods and drinks (also maybe least favorite foods and drinks). do they have any favorite food groups, flavors? are the foods common, cheap, easy to acquire or expensive
Oh this is fun. Foods they like in the original story. Alright! I like talking about food this took a bit to prepare
Przemek: rosół (polish chicken broth) and bigos. Its the kind of thing hes more likely to eat at the palace than in his house (where kasha, cabbage and potatoes rule; eggs and meat are used more sparingly, as they are meant for sale, so theyre reserved for special days and for when guests arrive). Least favourite... nothing. He prefers the sour/salty/umami flavours; things with more fat and meat, generally more filling but simple meals. At home he will eat anything his mother and sister make but he likes pickled foods (very common, a winter must have) and baked potatoes (considered a tastier form of the usual potatoes, but theyre still potatoes, so its cheap...). Also he likes alcohol
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Mikita: żur (its a fasting soup and he doesnt fast but he would like it), placki ziemniaczane/latkes (not a Ryba influence but something Ryba does use to make him like him more by cooking it for him), eggs stuffed with vegetable paste. Least favourite anything meat heavy and generally heavy on the stomach, too spicy, and too sweet. some vegetables are out of the question (like beans). Hes much more od a picky eater but if thats all hes offered he will suffer through it instead of saying anything. The żur picture is with eggs but at that time fasting żur would he without them (unless he asked for it he likes eggs. And potatoes). Prefers sour and salty flavours. To drink... milk and plain water
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Ryba: any sour vegetable based soup (pickle soup, szczawiowa sorrel soup); id like to say cebularz because its nowdays a very popular jewish food from the exact region hes from, but his favourite baking product is more likely to be chałka just because od the braiding process (Ryba likes to bake). Least favourite... he doesnt like eating fish... and to drink his favourite would be kompot and alcohol too
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Tamara: she likes the dziczyzna meals (meat acquired from wild animals) but not as much out of taste as because of her hunter wolf persona. She doesnt hunt but her father probably can; dont know the legality of it in their region and time (possibly illegal because they dont own the forests nearby but im not sure how it looked like) but i doubt they care. Preferably with kasha instead of potatoes. Just plain bread too. Least favourite carrots and many other vegetables. Too drink kompot as well (nothing expensive all common)
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“Hello, I’m the friendly wizard _____. My name got taken by a fey prince but it hasn’t really hampered my life. Anyways I am new to this wider wizard community and would like to get along. I have a magic book, a cart, and a friend. His name is Jerry, he is a fungus colony that has taken over my magic book and acts sort of as my patron. He…is a little weird but great fun.”
*sound of an explosion in the background, a book flys by being chased by goblin shamans casting fire ball*
“He is…”
“He is fine.”
“Anyways, I am here to sell goods and make a small profit. If you need something I’ll see what I can do : ) ”
“Also apparently I helped smuggle an amnesiac @fattocatto-wizard out of the city in my wagon. That was a shock, though he was just a cat.
Character Cheat sheet
( 3 currency to 16 silver crowns and 2 copper crowns)
(3 skulls to a coin)
(2 currency to 1 gold)
(100 currency to a 1000 grams gold bar)
(1 currency per 10 grams of gold)
(Current balance 89,314.250,001 currency, one penny, 23 meat pucks, 14 pounds, 2 gold coins one with Julius Cesar on it, 3 naturally-grown mana stones, 2 highly enchant able metal pieces, and one bar, 1 special bug corpse, 1576.5 gold, silver 18, 70 aus, 5kg silver, magic dirt house size. 24 counterfeit currency. Moss/lichen-coded bio stone. An inverse cold torch. 99 BG silver. EMERALD LINCOLN, GOLDEN CARROT, 200 SALTED MEAT DISKS, 200 POLISHED ROCKS, 82 FIGET SPINNERS!, A FULLY EQUIPPED LICH'S DUNGEON, and a cardboard box (magic black marble).” Invisibility stone, a bundle of drake feathers, quantum locked rock, raw gold. 9 Gold coming from the green goblin empire, 50 mushrooms, 92 secret society emblem. 5 trans enchanted gold coins, 2 skull coin, ancient lost civilization fragment, 5 glistening green metallic coin, 31 writhing bugs of gold, jade coin. Pile of gold coins and gold coin bugs, pile of shines from harpy, dust, quantum glass shards, bag of tooth shaped candy, 6720 candies from the festival, bag of holding money bag, 68 money bags, 500 flat Foxen, double sided dollar coin, 3 floppies, a Brahman horn, a medkit, a few candy bars, and an umbrella, 130 goblins eggs (goblin cooked chicken eggs.), 17 bars of pure gold, 1 crate of guns, temp singularity potion. 762 grasshoppers glow in the dark.Book on the formation patterns of natural portals - @serious-tabaxi. Edward Evandrian’s expired library card. Gems and frenicx mother gem and a junkarian leap amethyst. white mithril sapling. Timeseed, infinite note book, time tunnel. A nice gold bag. bag full of candied scorpions 💰, large gem stone. 💰 💰 💰, gems = 70currency. 1/3rd a gold bar. Compass map, it's keyed to the Island of Silence. N=10^7 menger sponge. 2416 shadow cloaks, 52 shiny stones. 20$, 3 gold coins 100 grams. Gummy worms. 100 journals of Ventus Asamuran, Last Peacekeeper of Har Aminas. car keys, box of a 27 rusted necklaces with warding spells. an amulet made of stone, with blue rectangular crystals growing out of it. 48 shiny stones, 30 currency worth of silver. 3 sets of custom made chips @crickled-thorn-thug. Gold potion It opens a portal to the realm of metals! It causes any land within 20 feet to be transmuted, temporarily, into a variety of metals. If left untouched, the land reverts after a day. If harvested, the stuff stays metal and can be used. It also causes uhh 20 gold peices to spawn, and anyone within the radius to get a bit of vertigo. Causes slight iron deficiency, for some reason. 23 bouquets of metalic flowers. They're grown beneath volcanic chambers, uses the heat of magma as a supplement for sunlight. Given their environment, they grow petals sharper than claws and harder than steel. They can be used for creating armours and weapons.)
(Currently holding baby dire bunnies. A ring of mana (covers energy into mana. Only suitable if you don’t have mana)
(Jerry’s balance 13 gold, a fancy rock, 1 coin, flower petals (snacks for later), harpy eyes, feathers, vocal cords, and talons, a coin with @informis-the-many-faced on it, it is locked away for emergencies. bottle of magic mold rejuvenation powder, wooden key @crickled-thorn-thug)
(Warlocks of Jerry @fungal-boy-witch-yay @ignisuadaroleplay @life-is-okay-rn2 I think that is who it was…)
(Possessions - wealth stone, Antidote stone)
Owner of membership cards
@bi-gender-sorcerer (+ 10% off for employee discount)
@ignisuadaroleplay (will)
@akronus-and-associates (the primordials)
@damnable-druid (+ 10% off for employee discount)
5% off all purchases
Special requested items
More favorable bartering
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mothric · 3 months
yesterday i went to make chimichurri - specifically, my Argentine father's recipe - and discovered, to my great dismay, that I'd forgotten to buy fresh parsley, which is the main ingredient of chimichurri. i collapsed to the floor in dramatic despair, hand cast over my arm, when my roommate, my dear, sweet, extremely white roommate, asked "can't you just use dried parsley?"
in that moment I felt the pain an italian man feels when you break the spaghetti noodles in half. the dismay a polish person feels at beholding a store-bought paczki. the absolute indignance of a frenchman tasting hershey's for the first time and wondering how any sane person could possibly call it chocolate.
FRESH PARSLEY IS THE POINT, i shouted, you uncultured ninny i politely held back. YOU CANNOT SIMPLY REPLACE FRESH PARSLEY. it is what chimichurri IS!!! the chopping and crushing of the leaves and the mingling of its juices and aroma with the garlic and the vinaigrette is what makes it! there is nothing in dried parsley to CRUSH!!!!!
'what if you just mixed other herbs with garlic?' they supplied. 'and then you can still have some kind of sauce thing.'
my rage evaporated into blank apathy. they did not get it. they do not understand. a margherita pizza is not made with parmesan and mint leaves. chicken noodle soup is not made with pork tenderloin. a scrambled egg is not made by boiling it. how can i possibly make them understand when they have fallen so far from grace.
i will buy parsley tomorrow, i said. then you will see. then you will taste and smell. then you will understand.
chimichurri marinades in the fridge as i write this. i do not know if they will like it. may my ancestors give me strength
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green-planets · 1 month
Starlight Express but it's a Farmer's and Craft Market au! I've been rotating the idea around in my head for a few days now (and shared it in some servers!) There are a lot of (mostly) friendly rivalries going on between the vendors. They also barter and trade goods amongst each other!
Here's a map of the general layout of the stalls:
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The two stalls on the top row directly to the right of Momma and Rusty were empty for a long time until Pearl started vending in the neighboring stall. About a week later, Electra set up shop.
I've also listed the stall types for each character under the cut (if you can't read my chicken scratch lol)!
Rusty and Momma- Your standard homegrown produce, Momma specializes in chicken and duck eggs
Greaseball- Cured meats, jerky, and BBQ sauce. His younger sister steps in to run his stall sometimes >:)
Electra- Spice blends and dried herbs
Pearl- Handcrafted jewelry
Dinah- Baked goods and jams
Buffy and Ashley- Honey, beeswax, and syrup
Carrie- Handmade bags (totes, handbags, coin purses, etc)
Brandi- Homebrewed beer and mead
Tassita- Succulents, stationary, and greeting cards. He also does custom calligraphy
Memphis Belle and Bonnie (Belle Jr.)- Quilts and crocheted crafts. Bonnie specializes in making plushies
Dustin- Polished and painted rocks
Flat Top- Sometimes he makes miniature sculptures out of welded nuts and bolts to sell at Dustin's stall. He's mostly there just to hang out with Dustin and get free jerky samples
Rockies- Pottery and custom mugs
CB- Foraged mushrooms (are they edible? Who knows...)
BV- He runs a shell game where he can rip people off
Slick- Gourmet olive oil
Porter and Lumber- Woodburn art. Lumber also does whittling on the side
Hydra- He's not a vendor, but he really wants to form a partnership with Rusty and show him Hydroponic Gardening
Wrench- Upcycled furniture
Volta and Joule- Soap, bath bombs, and candles
Purse and Krupp- Flowers
Killerwatt- He doesn't have a stall, he assists Electra
Zero- Smoothie stand (in a food truck set-up)
Espresso and Bobo- Wine and cheese (they used to have separate stalls until their rivalry turned into romance)
Coco- Handcrafted jewelry (uh oh, Pearl's got a rival)
Turnov- Knit goods (scarves, mittens, hats, etc.)
Ruhrgold- Artisan bread
Hashamoto- Assorted produce and (edible) mushrooms
Brexit- Fancy tea blends
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mariacallous · 1 month
Piroshki are a popular Russian pastry of filled buns that are either baked or fried. Most piroshki are made with a soft yeasted dough that is enriched with egg, but some piroshki are made with a pastry dough of butter/margarine that becomes flaky when baked. The fillings for piroshki can range from savory to sweet, and include meat, vegetables, fruit and jam.
Piroshki typically come in two sizes: meal-sized or snack-sized. The larger form is often the size of a sandwich and can be served as a main dish, and the smaller kind is about the size of a Twinkie and is typically served alongside soup.
The word “piroshki” can confuse non-Russian speakers with its closeness to pierogi, which is Polish for dumplings. You may be familiar with pierogi, traditionally filled with potato or cheese, and in Russia there is a similar type of dumpling called vareniki. Piroshki are definitively not dumplings, but are more akin to a hand-pie or empanada. While filled buns of all kinds exist across cultures, the style of pastry that is piroshki originated in Russia. Their appeal has extended beyond Eastern Europe and into parts of Greece — where they are called piroski — to Iran — where they are called pirashki — to Finland, Central and East Asia and Japan (where they are still called piroshki).
Both my grandmothers are from the former U.S.S.R. My grandmother Fanya loved to cook and eat rich foods. She liberally used butter, sugar, salt and oil (and she lived past 90 years old for those concerned). My other grandmother, Mira, loved to eat healthily, opting for olive oil instead of butter, and preferred baking to frying. They were equally talented cooks, and piroshki were something they both made often. Their approaches differed: Fanya used a yeasted dough and she would deep fry the piroshki, and Mira used a pie crust-like dough for her piroshki, which she baked. While the dough and preparation differed, the fillings they made were similar: potato with caramelized onion, simply seasoned ground beef or chicken, or braised cabbage and carrot.
If I’m visiting Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, where there is a high concentration of Russian Jews and Russian food, my favorite piroshki are the giant ones sold from carts on the street that are most definitely fried, are the size of my head, and cost around a dollar. If I’m making piroshki at home then I opt for a yeasted dough, and I prefer to bake the piroshki instead of deep-frying them. In either case, I love cabbage piroshki best — the vegetable lends itself to the perfect combination of savory, sweet and hearty. The recipe here is for cabbage piroshki that pay homage to both my grandmothers. The dough has a light airy texture just like Fanya’s, and it gets baked, glossy and browned like Mira’s. I love to serve these with borscht or chicken soup, but they are good all on their own as a comforting, portable snack.
Note: Piroshki can be reheated easily and freeze well.
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myloveisinthefood · 5 months
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paprika hendl (vegetarian version)
Reading the start of Dracula yet again via Dracula Daily gave me a craving for paprika hendl, as Jonathan Harker eats at the Hotel Royale in Klausenburgh. Paprika hendl is also known as chicken paprikash, or paprikás csirke.
I don't like touching or cooking chicken, and I prefer to eat plant-based or at least vegetarian, so I decided to make a vegetarian version. My paprika hendl is made with roasted cauliflower and pan-friend high-protein firm tofu. I served it with nokedli, which I also made, and some of the roasted cauliflower leaves, with a gherkin on the side. I personally prefer Polish-style dill cucumbers.
Vegan paprika hendl recipe
For the roasted cauliflower, I cut 1/2 a cauliflower head into florets, and retained the leaves. I tossed them in a mixture the same as the one for tofu in this recipe:
½ tsp fine sea salt
¼ tsp black pepper, freshly ground
2 tsp sweet Hungarian paprika
1 tsp smoked paprika
½ tsp cayenne pepper
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
And then spread the florets and leaves out on a roasting tray, then put them in the oven at 200C for around 25m (I just kept checking until they were a bit charred). I added the roasted cauliflower to the paprikash at the same time as the tofu.
I also used dairy sour cream instead of vegan sour cream, and omitted the extra milk/mylk because I liked the consistency of the sauce as is.
Nokedli recipe
I didn't follow the vegan nokedli recipe, and used this egg recipe instead. Following the given measurements, my batter was quite runny, so I adjusted with a bit of extra flour, which I think was the right choice. The resting time is crucial! I was able to use a flat grater to shape the nokedli, and it was quite easy. The nokedli keeps in the fridge quite well, in an airtight container with a little oil tossed through to keep them from sticking.
So, go forth and enjoy some Hungarian fare like our good friend Jonathan Harker! It's warming, and filling, and nutritious, and comforting! Definitely a fave dish for me.
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loserharrington · 2 years
Farm boy Steve who just got cut off from his father and sent away to work on his grandparents' farm to learn a “real man’s work”
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Meets farm boy Eddie who lives on the next farm over with his larger than life family and immediately takes a liking to him
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At first, all his work is just polishing up the farmhouse. Reinstalling creaking floorboards, fixing up the pig pen because somehow they keep getting out, painting the windowsills, and such. He ran errands which was a hassle because there was nothing but farmland for miles.
Soon his grandparents trusted him with other things. Rototilling, feeding the horses, collecting the chicken eggs (Steve never wanted to step foot near a chicken ever again), and milking the cows.
Soon his grandparents trusted him with other things. Rototilling, feeding the horses, collecting the chicken eggs (Steve never wanted to step foot near a chicken ever again), and milking the cows.
His skin is all sun-kissed from working and his arms have practically doubled in size. He favors the goats and likes to sit in the pen and talk to them because they’ve always been good listeners and that’s all he needs, really. Someone to listen to him.
One day his grandmother tells him to go return Mrs. Henderson’s pie dish so, of course, Steve goes down to the Henderson’s farm. But it’s not an older woman who answers the door like Steve expected. No, it’s a younger man, he couldn’t be that much older than Steve himself.
he stands up straight, presenting the pie dish to the–if he’s honest with himself–handsome stranger. He’s got this long black curly hair that’s pulled back by nothing but a fraying scrunchie and a wicked grin on his face. Most of his hair is falling out of the ponytail, but this stranger doesn’t seem to mind. Hell, Steve doesn’t mind. He almost looks pretty with the strays framing his face. Boyish.
“Well, aren’t you the cutest little farm boy I’ve ever seen,” the stranger says.
“i came to return your dish?” Steve responds a little shyly. The stranger only smiles wider. “I’m—”
“Eddie stop terrorizing the Harrington boy and let him in! your mother has been lookin' for that dish for ages.” it was a gruff older man’s voice.
Steve thinks he recognizes him from the market a few weeks ago. Before he knows it, he’s stepping inside the Henderson farmhouse. There, a younger boy comes bolting from around the corner, holding what steve thinks is about three baby kittens.
“Coming through!” the kid shouts.
Mrs. Henderson, finally, comes trotting behind him, as worried as they come. “Dusty, no running inside! c-careful! you might drop them!” She completely ignores everyone, including the stranger in her home, having tunnel vision for her seemingly reckless son.
Eddie, Steve presumes, rolls his eyes. “I wasn’t terrorizing him yet.”
“Yet?” Steve asks, a little unsure.
“My family might get to that before I can,” Eddie smiles. “It’s nice to meet you Harrington Boy. I’m Eddie.”
Steve smiles back. “Steve. Nice to meet you too.”
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