#polarity is so fail boy ❤️
itz-pandora · 5 months
Doodles for @emthimofnight 's fankid sibling AU
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Malaysia, July 21st, 2023
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DISCLAIMER: Here is the requested piece in support of the boys' decision today. I decided it needed to be a one shot cuz I couldn't do it justice in just a few words. I've based the conversations in this piece on similar things Matty has said about gender. GENDER AND SEXUALITY ARE NOT THE SAME THING, THOUGH. So, if any of it comes off in bad faith, erroneous, or in any way harmful, its not my intention to do so, and PLEASE feel free to let me know INSTANTLY!
Warning: nothing. but idk how i feel about the writing quality given that it was written on the spot. I mean, I'm not necessarily aiming for ART here. just an appreciation for today and a gesture of support to LGBTQ+ Fans everywhere.
She could feel her phone buzzing in her pocket all throughout her 3 pm meeting. It was distracting, but not necessarily out of the ordinary. With time zone differences, it wasn't unusual for Matty to be texting her while she was at work, asleep in the middle of the night, or early in the morning before her coffee. Even when she'd finally wrapped up her meeting and left the conference room, the messages on screen weren't cause for concern. Receiving texts from her friends and colleagues like "omg your boyfriend," "Matty sure loves the drama, lol." and "PUT A LEASH ON HIM HES INSANE" just came with the territory of being Matty's partner. She didn't mind it at all. In fact, sometimes she found it funny.
She scrolled past several texts from her friends, spotting Denise's name "two countries now. Bets on which one's next?' with several confusing emojis. she frowned, her heart sinking slightly. Was this more serious than a regular Matty rant? a fan kiss? a polarizing meme? with apprehension, she reluctantly checked the news, whispering "oh fuck," under her breath when she saw the headlines.
She tossed her laptop and meeting notes at her desk, rushing outside as quickly as possible, and scrolling through her call log to find Matty's number. She clicked the elevator button, willing it to arrive faster by repeating "c'mon, c'mon, c'mon." knowing that it wouldn't help, she still gave into the urge to click the button repeatedly and curse when the elevator failed to bend to her will. Finally, she decided to just take the fire exit, using the stairs instead.
She clicked Matty's name on her screen as she made it down the stairs, bringing the phone to her ears.
An overly cheerful female robotic voice announced in her ear that "The number you have dialed is disconnected."
"fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuckkkk!"
she paused in the middle of the staircase, leaning against the wall and attempting to calm her mind with several deep breaths. She knew the only person who could help her right now would be Denise.
"No, I get that, but- like- so, you haven't heard from him directly?" she bit her lower lip.
"Not yet, no. But I wouldn't worry about it, love. this isn't his first foreign government ban, you know." Denise giggled, sounding as proud as a mother of a child who just learned to take their first steps. "doesn't that sound impressive? He's like a less secretive James Bond."
Impressive wasn't exactly her first thought, but she knew that if Matty is safe right now, he's probably impressed with himself. The thought made her crack a smile. "Knowing Matty, he'd probably say that he'd love to be a super secret spy who gets pussy, but he's anti government espionage, so he can't be James Bond."
All she could really do in the moment was send a barrage of messages that covered the entire spectrum of human emotions: from expressing concern for Matty's safety, to accusing him of messing with her heart, to begging him to give her a sign that he's alright, she found herself unable to think about anything else for the rest of the afternoon.
Just as she'd walked through the door of their shared home, she nearly jumped out of her skin at the feeling of her phone vibrating in her hand.
Matty: Call rn? ❤️
She instantly hit the "Video Call" icon on her FaceTime screen.
The line rang once, twice, and then "yo!!" Matty attempted to greet her before being interrupted by someone off-screen. She could faintly tell that it was Ross. "No, no. I'm just on FaceTime with her- yeah- it's fine....sorry, Darlin.' I'm just-"
"Next time you plan a government rebellion give me a courtesy warning in advance, will you??" she interrupted him. All the feelings and worries she'd been attempting to repress came pouring out of her. "I had no idea where you were for, like, all day. And- why was your phone turned off, anyway! We have a deal. You promised-"
"oi! it wasn't off! Breathe, baby. It wasn't off. Just...no reception at the venue, and then at the airport. Breathe! I love you, yeah? I'm fine. Look. Look at me, I'm fine. I promise.' He flashed her that boyish smile of his and cut through the haze of spiraling thoughts in her mind. Finally, she looked directly into his eyes on screen, smiling at him.
"Hi! There she is." He giggled.
"So, where are you now? is everyone with you? are you all safe?"
"Airport. Yeah, we're all good. They've just got us in some room while they process some documents or some shit. I don't know. I don't care." She watched him walk over to the other side of the room and take a seat on an uncomfortable leather couch.
"Is everyone else with you as well? Ross okay? the band? Polly and Gabi?"
Matty smiled at her insistent questioning. "We're all here. let's do a head count, shall we?" He hit the "Flip Camera" button so she was no longer seeing him, but had a view of the rest of the room. "Here's George, sleepy as always. John's playin' a game on his phone. Say 'hi' John...over here we have Hann. right next to the trash, where he belongs....Here's Ross. Jamie's here I promise, he's just looking for a toilet. Say 'hello' to Polly, who's on the hunt for granola or some hippie shit." Matty giggled when Polly brushed the hair out of her eyesight to give him a look. "And last but by no means least" He cover the camera lens for a dramatic reveal, "it's Gabi! see? everyone's here and we're all okay. Happy?" He turned the camera back to him, returning to his spot on the couch.
"...for the time being." She couldn't help but break character and laugh when she saw him roll his eyes. "Seriously, though, I'm proud of you.'
"there's no but!' She rebutted a bit too eagerly.
"I know you. There's a 'but.' Let me hear it. Go on."
"I had just wondered if....maybe it would've been safer for everyone if you guys just pulled out....you know?"
"Pulled out of the lineup, you mean? like just not done the show?" Matty's demeanor shifted. He straightened his posture, taking a deep breath and running a hand through his hair.
"Yeah, you could've returned the money. Made some kind of....statement about how, after learning of the governments laws, you found it morally repugnant, and refuse to perform there. Safer for you guys, the fans, and less costly."
Matty always respected and valued her opinion, but he was also always honest with her. "I suppose it would- I suppose it would've been but thats not the point." He could feel his bandmates eyes shift towards him. They were all invested in the conversation now. "Because then they'd have just replaced us. Found another artist to perform that slot and our so-called 'stance' wouldn't have done anything. Maybe lasted 5 seconds online, and then everyone would have moved on. The point here wasn't to morally congratulate ourselves or make ourselves feel good. It's about actually doing something. sometimes discomfort is necessary."
She could do nothing but smile, in awe of him. Their relationship meant a lot to both of them, but one of her favorite things about it was that she never had a chance to forget why she fell in love with Matty in the first place. "That's why I'm proud of you." she simply stated.
"well don't be."
"Matty, stop that. I kn-"
"No because I'm not ACTUALLY gay. I'm not ACTUALLY Malaysian. Okay? I get to make out with my mate, make a little speech, and then jet set, off to some other country by the time that everyone's made him home from the show. And- sure, I'll get banned, but my job and my life is entirely unaffected. I'll go on doing what I do, it's no skin off my back. Why be proud of ME? hmmm? there are people, activists, all over the world, who ARE gay, ARE outcasts, ARE fighting for their rights. How about we pay attention to them instead? you know what I mean?"
George got up from his seat to retrieve a water bottle from one of the bags, patting Matty on the shoulder and mumbling "exactly." as he passed by.
"why'd you do it then?" she asked, genuinely curious.
"Well, I'm everyone's favorite villain at the moment. Lots of eyes on me. Figured I'd make it mean something."
"all things considered, you happy?"
She saw a smile flash across his face as he considered her question. "Yeah," he nodded slowly as he made up his mind 'Yeah, I checked online and....seems like fans made it out okay, so...yeah, I'm happy." He looked into her eyes through the camera. "I do miss you, though."
"I miss you, too. Oh, speaking of which! Put Ross on the phone, would you?"
Matty smiled knowingly and handed the phone over to Ross. "You deal with this one. I'm out."
Ross's face lit up, ready for the challenge. 'Hey, mate!"
"Ross, I want you to know; message received. Loud and clear. You make out with MY boyfriend? In front of the whole world? AND you do it for a good cause? I see you, mate. I get it. This ain't over, though. I'll be the better kisser in the end."
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jesslovesboats · 11 months
whats your fav historical boat and why ??:)
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Hello 🙂 I'm so glad you've asked this question and I promise to be extremely normal about it 🙂
I can find something to love in almost every polar and/or nautical expedition, but nothing has captured my attention and my heart like the Karluk, the flagship of the Canadian Arctic Expedition.
The ship herself was a disaster. Built in 1884 as a fishing vessel, she was repurposed as a whaler in 1892, then acquired by Stefansson in 1913 for the bargain bin price of $10,000. The Karluk was uniquely unsuited for polar exploration-- she was old, rickety, and had what chief engineer John Munro described as a "coffee pot of an engine" that was so ineffective that icebreaking was out of the question. Captain Bartlett almost refused to take her north, but in the end, he acceded to Stefansson's demands. He would come to regret this decision.
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In the least surprising turn of events ever, the Karluk became trapped in the pack only a month into the voyage, hundreds of miles from her destination. She remained there until she succumbed to the pressure of the ice and sank five months later, setting the stage for one of the most unbelievable survival stories in the history of polar exploration.
Why the Karluk? For me, it's that the ship was such a perfect metaphor for the expedition itself, which is not always the case! For example-- Terra Nova was overloaded and leaked like a sieve, but the expedition she supported was meticulously planned. Endurance could not withstand the pressure of the pack, but even so, her entire crew survived. The Karluk, though? A nightmare ship with a nightmare (derogatory) leader and a nightmare (affectionate) crew for a nightmare expedition. No part of this should have worked, and it's a miracle that anyone made it home. If not for the selfless actions and basic human decency of a select few crew members and the kindness and generosity of the Indigenous peoples of the Arctic, no one would ever know what happened to them.
Stefansson was simply the worst leader imaginable for a venture like this. He was smug, aloof, selfish, willing to play games with the lives of his men, and hopelessly out of his depth. He failed to adequately provision the expedition, a decision that would prove fatal. The crew he hired were a mix of polar veterans with substance abuse and/or ego problems, Indigenous people (including a family with 2 small children), untested men recruited off the docks, and inexperienced scientists not coping well with the rigors of exploration, among others. I need you to understand that these are my boys and I love them, but they were a MESS. The atmosphere on the Karluk and in the subsequent camps was a toxic sludge of fear and anger and paranoia and egos. No one here was elevated by their suffering, there was no code of honor keeping the men in line, and there were painfully few moral leaders setting examples for the others. With apologies to The Terror, survival was a nasty piece of business. To top it all off, Stefansson abandoned the Karluk and her crew after the ship became frozen in. He went on a "hunting trip" but conveniently failed to return. Leadership!
Hopefully this helps to explain why the Karluk is a perfect metaphor for this part of the Canadian Arctic Expedition. Only an old, crumbling whaler with a tiny, ineffective engine could have shepherded this disaster team to the shores of Wrangel Island. The Karluk was not the ship they needed, but she was the ship they had, and even Captain Bartlett grieved as she sank.
For more information, I highly recommend checking out The Ice Master by Jennifer Niven and Empire of Ice and Stone by Buddy Levy. I also Karlukpost regularly, and you can find my screeching in the Karluk tag.
I hope this answered your question, thanks for a fun ask! ❤️
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ryuichirou · 2 years
I got Twst less than a month ago and of course I fell hard and fast for Octaville, which brought me to discover your ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS art!
Thank you for the rare ships, I didn't know I needed to see some people together before seeing you portray them!
That said, what are your thoughts about Floyd and Golsfi- I mean, Riddle?~
Thank you so much!! It makes me super happy to hear that you like my art so much! Especially considering your appreciation towards the Octavinelle boys and the rare ships! Rare ships have always been our weakness; we tend to like them a lot. And with the cast as big and fun as in twst, it’s impossible not to get at least one kind of random rare ship…
We LOVE Floyd and Goldfi- I mean Riddle! ❤️❤️❤️ They are one of these ships that I always want to draw more often, but fail to because of how many ships we have, but their dynamic is truly… golden *badum-tss*
I really love how obsessed with Riddle Floyd is, how excited he gets whenever he sees Riddle, how he instantly wants to play with him and tease him and mess with him, and Riddle is a perfect character for that, because everything that I’ve just described is precisely what Riddle doesn’t want to do. Floyd doesn’t take Riddle seriously, which is great, because Riddle takes himself way too seriously, and being with someone who doesn’t even pretend to buy into his high-and-mighty-ness is both hilarious and kind of good for Riddle lol
They are such polar opposites in every way: their height, their designs (red and green are complimentary colours, even though Floyd is more on a teal side…), their personalities, the way they approach studying and rules, the way they act and talk. It’s a perfect chaotic/lawful duo, so both their comedic potential and ship potential (imagine all the spicy things that might happen between them wink wink) are 10 out of 10.
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skiiyoomin · 3 years
Hiii! Can u do beomgyu as a boyfriend too? 🥺
heyyy, of course!! I hope you like it!! ❤️❤️
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ღBeomgyu as your boyfriend
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Beomgyu as your boyfriend would sure be... interesting 👀
before you started dating, you felt like he hated you :')
at first he seemed uninterested, but don't be fooled, it was all a facade to avoid catching feelings 😤
even tho he failed miserably 😚
once you got to know him, he wasn't the introverted boy anymore, oh no
he was full on chaos
now when he actually asked you out, he was confident af, like dude spare some self confidence 🙇‍♀️
i think he's into fun outdoor dates like the mall or an arcade
it may seem kinda basic but who cares, as long as you're having fun
besides, there's never a dull moment with Beomgyu
he knows how to make you smile and uses it to his advantage :]
y'all are either polar opposites or twins, there's no in between
you think he'd be your usual relaxed bf?
hell nah, he loves annoying you soo much
especially if you're naturally calm, the more patience you have, the more he teases you
and not just annoy you, but clown you as well
he clowns you in literally everything you do, like bish he won't let you breathe 😟
pet names? nope, he calls you all sorts of weird ass names or playful insults
and if you do it back, oh its on, some people question your relationship tbh 😀
he's all in for that PDA
he has to be touching you in some way whether it's for comfort or to annoy you
now hear me out, touch his hair
he loves it soo much and it relaxes him and makes him sleepy af
so now for the cute and cuddly stuff
even if it seems like you hate each other, you're actually inseparable
he gives the best advice and is always there for you when you need it most
along with his amazing hugs
like, he gives the best hugs, end of discussion
after long and tiring days at work, all he wants is to lay on you, feeling the way you run your fingers through his hair and compliment him
he needs lots of reassurance and compliments, as big of an ego as he may seem to have, at the end of the day, he wants praise from you the most 🥺
let's not forget the guitar sessions
he loves playing the guitar for you and softly singing to songs with a soft smile while you stare at him in awe
and lots of random kisses :]
he kisses you randomly, mainly to surprise you
his kisses mostly depend on his mood
the could be playful, wanting to tease you by barely brushing his lips against yours
other times they're soft yet passionate
he tends to express his emotions through your kisses this way
he's a sleepy boy so expect him to sleep a lot on your lap or shoulder
ok so one thing i see him doing a lot is randomly back hugging you and nuzzling hid face into the crook of your shoulder
it always makes you laugh and it warms his heart sm, he loves hearing your laugh and being the cause of it 🥺🥺
also, lots of late night drives
he loves taking you out at ungodly hours and vibing in his car driving around
you don't seriously argue much, usually it's over petty things
but you do argue playfully a lot
like i said before, it seriously makes people question whether you actually are dating
Beomgyu isn't one to get seriously jealous too
mostly territorial
and he trusts that you can handle things yourself, but if he has to step in he will
you're only his and he isn't afraid to show that to others 😤
your relationship is overall really playful and fun yet loving and caring at the same time
it's hard not to fall for him, who can possibly be to blame tho, he's an amazing boyfriend :))
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