#polaris x aoi
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Finally got art. I think she's way less cranky not nice but she can appreciate Aoi
#danganronpa#neil's art#artists on tumblr#danganronpa trigger happy havoc#cartoony artstyle#small artist#young artist#aoi asahina#byakuya togami#polaris p polanski#polaris#polaris polanski#dr1 aoi#dr thh#dr1 byakuya#drt spoilers#dr togami#danganronpa togami#byakuya x aoi#implied#polaris x aoi#togahina
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day 29: aoi x ??? when aoi came back to hope's peak after summer break she was very happy to find out that "the four-eyed jerk" was gone. however, she couldn't figure out what was up with the mysterious new student named polaris p. polanski...
#danganronpa#danganronpa togami#aoi asahina#byakuya togami#danganronpa fanart#aoi x byakuya#polaris p polanski#danganronpa spoilers#danganronpa thh#waveglox's art#transfem byakuya
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Togahina but lesbians. Here me out yall hear me out
#danganronpa#aoi asahina#byakuya togami#polaris p polanski#I think trans fem Byakuya x aoi would be sooo fun#especially if hina started falling for her after helping her transition
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Bumi Series Clans X BMS songs!
Bumi/Earth: Destr0yer - Sakuzyo
Bulan/Moon: 尊師 ~The Guru~ - rider
Matahari/Sun: Altale - Sakuzyo
Bintang/Star: c.s.q.n - aoi
Komet/Comet: Dead Soul - Sound Souler
Komet Minor/Minor Comet: Disorder - Hyun
Nebula: Credits - Frums
SagaraS: Chronomia - Lime
Matahari Minor/Minor Sun: Picture as perfect - Frums
Aldebaran: Cross Soul - Hyun
Polaris: GOODTEK - Ebimayo
Minor Polaris: Nephilis - Estia
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Tokrev ships as anime songs
Mitsukkai-Grand Escape - Radwimps (feat Toko Miura)
Bajifuyu-One Last Kiss-Hikaru Utada
Takehina-Long Shot-Mayu Maeshima
Naomichi-Polaris-BLUE ENCONT
Drakemikey-Aoi Shiori-Galileo Galilei
Hina x Emma-Fireworks-DAOKO x Kenshi Yonezu
#tokyo revengers#tokrev#takemikey#mitsukkai#bajifuyu#takehina#Takemichi Hanagaki#Hinata Tachibana#Manjiro Sano#Baji Keisuke#Chifuyu Matsuno#Mitsuya Takashi#Hakkai Shiba#Ken Ryuuguji#Emma Sano#Naomichi
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My Favorite Anime OPs and EDs from 2010-2019
No one asked for this, but i’m doin’ it anyway cuz there’s so many songs out there that i’ve never heard anyone talk about. like, y’all sleep on Yu-Gi-Oh! apparently. lmao
Going by release year, here’s all the OPs and EDs i can remember that i luv (and still do to this day). i may or may not have gotten all the years right. hell, i’m not even sure i got the OP and ED numbers right.
It’ll go by: Song Name - Artist (Name of Anime and Which OP/ED it is) an asterisk means i REALLY like it above the rest.
Hopefully this’ll help introduce you to some new jams you missed out on! ^ ^
Going My Way! ~Road to Tomorrow~ - Masaaki Endoh (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds OP5)*
Close to You - ALvino (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds ED4)
Future Colors - Plastic Tree (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds ED5)
Gravity 0 - Aqua Timez (Star Driver OP)*
Never Give Up! - Sonar Pocket (Digimon Xros Wars OP)*
Period - Chemistry (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OP4)*
Rain - SID (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OP5)* THE. FEELS.
Uragiri no Yuuyake - THEATRE BROOK (Durarara!! OP)* Y’all remember this one? Lmao
Trust Me - Yuya Matsushita (Durarara!! ED)
Ice Cream Syndrome - Sukima Switch (Pokemon Zoroark: Master of Illusions ED)*
ChAngE - Miwa (BLEACH OP12)
Calling - FLOW (Heroman ED)*
SHIVER - the GazettE (Black Butler II OP)
Samurai Heart (Some Like it Hot!) - SPYAIR (Gintama ED17)* And on this day I realized….SPYAIR is lit.
New World - Twill (Digimon Xros Wars OP2)
Masterpiece - Mihimaru GT (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL OP)
Boku Quest - Golden Bomber (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL ED)* I luv watching the actual ending sequence. It fits my cyber aesthetic to a T.
Setsubou no Freesia (Longing Freesia) - Daizystripper (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL ED2)* I’ll be completely honest, this song has been my favorite anime theme over most, if not all others, ever since. It’s kinda held a special place in my heart as it’s got memories of what transpired during 2012 that i don’t think i’ll ever forget. From the summer trip we took down south to me creating my very first OCs, Takuya and his Charmander partner Drake, on paper, i’ll luv this song with all my heart. ^ ^
Lovers - 7!! (Seven Oops) (Naruto Shippuden OP)
Counter Identity - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (Soul Eater Repeat Show OP)*
Ai Ga Hoshii Yo - Shion Tsuji (Soul Eater Repeat Show OP2)* WANTCHU WANTCHU, I WANT CHUU~
SHINING STAR - 9nine (Star Driver OP2)*
Crossover - 9nine (Star Driver ED2)
Sky's the Limit - Shihoko Hirata (Persona 4 the Animation OP)
We’re Not Alone - coldrain (Rainbow Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin OP)
One Reason - Fade (Deadman Wonderland OP) I can bet you right now half of y’all forgot about this show. I mean i did. Lol
Mayonaka no Orchestra - Aqua Timez (Naruto Shippuden ED16)
Hacking to the Gate - Kanako Itou (Steins;Gate OP)* THIS SONG CLEARED MY SKIN AND RAISED MY GRADES.
Ranbu no Melody - SID (BLEACH OP13)* That main chorus tho. N o i c e .
Core Pride - UVERworld (Blue Exorcist OP)
Mask - Aqua Timez (BLEACH ED30?)
Soul Drive - Color Bottle (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL OP3)*
Wild Child - Moumoon (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL ED3)* Whenever I hear this song, I either think of school shenanigans or, if school isn't a thing in their world, a high school AU. Lmao
Unbreakable Heart - Hideaki Takatori (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL OP4)
Artist - Vistlip (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL ED4)*
Stand By Me - Stereopony (Eureka Seven AO ED)* Ok I know some people don't wanna remember AO, but hear me out here. Lmao
Brave Blue - FLOW (Eureka Seven AO OP2)*
Key Plus Words - Shihoko Hirata & Yumi Kawamura (Persona 4 the Animation OP2)
Harukaze - SCANDAL (BLEACH OP15)*
Crossing Field - LiSA (Sword Art Online OP) I like making SAO jokes as much as the next guy, but let's be real here. Crossing Field was still a pretty good song.
STAND UP! - Twill (Digimon Xros Wars Hunters OP)* Hunters sucked, but the OP slaps.
Kyomu Densen - ALI PROJECT (Another OP) This show gave me a temporary fear of umbrellas, but this OP is good.
Complication - ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D (Durarara!! OP2)
Light My Fire - KOTOKO (Shakugan no Shana III Final OP)
Mite Mite Kochichi - Memoiro Clover Z (Pokemon Best Wishes ED3)
Dualism of Mirrors - Petite Milady (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL OP5)
GO WAY GO WAY - FoZZtone (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL ED5)
Challenge the GAME - REDMAN (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL ED6)* I swear to god, this should’ve been the final OP rather than Wonder Wings. I really don’t like that song.
Oh, and if you wanna hear more of the lead singer's voice, he's the lead singer of GIRUGAMESH. They didn't do any anime songs while they were still active afaik, but totally check it out if you like J-Rock.
Sakura Mitsutsuki & Genjyou Destruction - SPYAIR (Gintama OP13 and Gintama: The Final Chapter OP)*
After Cherry Blossoms (all quartets lead to the?) - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta OP)*
Non-Fiction Compass - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (Yozakura Quartet: Tsuki ni Naku OP)
Sayonara Memory - 7!! (Seven Oops) (Naruto Shippuden ED)
BLOODY STREAM - Coda (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Battle tendency OP)* I mean, how could i NOT put this song on here? Lmao
Be An Arrow! - Rica Matsumoto (Pokemon Best Wishes! OP2)
Natsumeku Sakamichi (Summerly Slope) - Daisuke (Pokemon Best Wishes DA! OP)* While the Black & White series was absolutely terrible, I can thank it for spawning some nice OPs.
Egao - Ikimono-gakari (Pokemon Genesect and the Legend Awakened ED)
Take Your Way - Livetune adding Fukase (From SEKAI NO OWARI) (Devil Survivor 2 the Animation OP)* I swear I will never get tired of this song.
Be - Song Riders (Devil Survivor 2 the Animation ED)*
Watashi no Bara wo Kaminasai - ALI PROJECT (Rozen Maiden 2013 OP)
Moshimo - Daisuke (Naruto Shippuden OP)
Burn My Dread ~Spring of Birth~ & More Than One Heart - Yumi Kawamura (Persona 3 the Movie #1 Spring of Birth OP and ED)*
Eden - Aqua Timez (Magi: the Kingdom of Magic ED)*
Out of Control - Nothing’s Carved in Stone (Psycho Pass OP2)*
HERO -Kibou no Uta- - FLOW (Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods ED)
Silhouette - KANA BOON (Naruto Shippuden OP16)* Everyone rise for the weeb national anthem.
BelievexBelieve - Bulletrain (Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V OP)
ENAMEL - SID (Black Butler: Book of Circus OP)
Masayume Chasing - BoA (Fairy Tail OP15)
STRIKE BACK - BACK-ON (Fairy Tail OP16)*
Burn! - Bulletrain (Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V OP2)
DAYxDAY - BLUE ENCOUNT (Gintama OP)* Before Polaris, there was this. lol
Goya no Machiawase - Hello Sleepwalkers (Noragami OP)* I swear Noragami has great taste in OPs. lmao
Fate is in Our Hands - Lotus Juice (Persona 3 the Movie #2 Midsummer Knight's Dream OP)* Y'all know Lotus Juice makes EVERYTHING badass.
One Hand, One Heartbeat - Yumi Kawamura (Persona 3 the Movie #2 Midsummer Knight's Dream ED)* I swear I literally feel like crying every time I hear this song. It's just that powerful.
Unravel - TK from Ling Tosite Sigure (Tokyo Ghoul OP) Ok, lemme explain. I used to hate this song cuz I thought TK's singing voice was whiny as hell. But after a long, LOOOOONG time, it finally started to grow on me. I think it's because of all the song covers I've listened to and, after understanding the meaning behind the lyrics, I appreciate this song a bit more nowadays.
V (VOLT) and MEGA V (MEGA VOLT) - Yusuke (Pokemon XY OPs 1&2)*
daze - Jin ft. MARiA from GARNiDELiA (Mekakucity Actors OP)
Monochrome - Dancing Dolls (Soul Eater NOT! OP)
Saigo Made ii - Aqua Timez (Gintama ED15 i think?)
Getta Ban Ban (Mad-Paced Getter) - Tomohisa Sako (Pokemon XY OP3)*
XY&Z - Rica Matsumoto (Pokemon XY&Z OP)*
Raise Your Flag - MAN WITH A MISSION (Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans OP)*
Hello, World! - BUMP OF CHICKEN (Kekkai Sensen OP)*
Sugar Song and Bitter Step AKA the song everyone makes fan animated parodies of it’s opening sequence - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (Kekkai Sensen ED)
Kirifuda (Trump Card) - Cinema Staff (Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V OP4)
Speaking - MRS. GREEN APPLE (Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V ED4)* before Great Escape from Attack on Titan and Inferno from Fire Force, there was this OP and ED. both of which i feel are better songs. lmao
Tweedia - Rei Yasuda (Pokemon Hoopa and the Clash of Ages ED)*
Diver - KANA-BOON (The Last: Naruto the Movie ED)*
Butter-Fly 2015 - Kouji Wada (Digimon Adventure Tri. OP)
Sono Chi no Kioku ~End of the World~ - JO☆STARS ~TOMMY, Coda, JIN~ (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders OP2)
Lapis Lazuli - Eir Aoi (Arslan Senki ED)*
Clattanoia - OxT (Overlord OP)*
L.L.L. - MYTH & ROID (Overlord ED)
Nazo 2015 - La PomPon (Detective Conan OP41)* Hearing this brought back memories of hearing the original during my childhood back when Cased Closed was still a thing.
Just Fly Away - EDGE of LIFE (Gundam Build Fighters Try OP2)
Flyers - BRADIO (Death Parade OP) Like Another, this was one of those where i wouldn’t have touched the show itself if my anime club didn’t watch it.
X.U. - Hiroyuki Sawano (Seraph of the End OP)*
Hikari - ViViD (Magi: the Kingdom of Magic OP2)
DiVE!! - Amatsuki (Digimon Universe: Applimonsters OP)*
Ai - Ami Wajima (Digimon Universe: Applimonsters ED2)
The Day - Porno Graffitti (My Hero Academia OP)
HEROES - Brian the Sun (My Hero academia ED)
RAGE OF DUST - SPYAIR (Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans OP2)*
Believe in Myself - EDGE of LIFE (Fairy Tail OP21)*
CRAZY NOISY BIZARRE TOWN - THE DU (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OP)
Chase - batta (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OP2)* Screw the haters. This song is a bop.
Great Days - Karen Aoki & Daisuke Hasegawa (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OP3) As you can see, i luv all of Jojo Part 4’s OPs. lmao
Kaze no Uta - FLOW (Tales of Zestiria the X OP)* Zestiria may have been the most uninteresting experience i’ve had in the Tales series, but at least it’s OPs are straight fire.
Dream Lantern, ZenZenZense, Sparkle and Nandemonaiya - RADWIMPS (Various themes from Your Name) I'm still miffed that they didn't kiss at the end. >:v
Brave Shine - Aimer (Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works OP)*
Starting Over - Mr. Children (The Boy and the Beast ED)* Mamoru Hosoda never ceases to make me smile and/or cry, huh?
KINGS - angela (K Project OP) i don’t even know how i remembered this one. I watched K at my local anime club years ago cuz one of my friends suggested it. I barely remember what it was about, though. ^ ^’
Vision - Kusou Linkai (Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V ED5)
Light of Hope - Unknown Number (Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V OP5)
Pendulum Beat! - SUPER DRAGON (Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V OP6)*
Peace Sign - Kenshi Yonezu (My Hero Academia OP2)* SURE IT’S POPULAR, BUT IT’S POPULAR FOR A REASON.
Datte Atashi no Hero - LiSA (My Hero Academia ED3)
Little Pi - Ange☆Reve (Digimon Universe: Applimonsters ED3)
Perfect World - Traffic Light (Digimon Universe: Applimonsters ED4)*
With the Wind - Hiroaki “TOMMY” Tominaga (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS OP)* I’ll be honest, this one took some getting used to, but now i luv it!
Fake Town Baby - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (Kekkai Sensen and Beyond OP)
Tonari Au - THE ORAL CIGARETTES (Sakurada Reset ED)*
Rain - SEKAI NO OWARI (Mary and the Witch's Flower ED)* I really liked the movie and I just luved the fantasy vibes given off by the instrumentals in this song.
Baton Road - KANA BOON (Boruto: Naruto Next Generations OP)* Y'all say Boruto is trash, but at least the theme songs still boppin'.
Boku wa Hashiri Tsuzukeru - Melofloat (Boruto: Naruto Next Generations ED3)
FEED THE FIRE - coldrain (King’s Game OP)* Thank you Fire Force for introducing me to this wonderful band. ;w;
PAiNT it BLACK - BiSH (Black Clover OP2)* Never thought I'd ever find a band actually named bish. Lmao
Black Rover - Vickeblanka (Black Clover OP3)
Guess Who is Back - Kumi Koda (Black Clover OP4)* Now, if this ain't a bop fit for a triumphant return like "SURPRISE BISH I'M BACK." then idk what is. Lmao
Gamushara & Tenge Tenjou - Miyuna (Black Clover OP&ED5)* i’m mainly referring to Gamushara, but i luv Tenge Tenjou too.
ODD FUTURE - UVERworld (My Hero Academia OP4)*
Make my story - Lenny code fiction (My Hero Academia OP5)*
The Future is Now - Straightener (Digimon ReArise OP)* Yes, I know I'm cheating cuz it's a video game, but it's an opening sequence much like an anime, so yeah.
Breath - Porno Graffitti (Pokemon the Power of Us ED)
Katharsis - TK from Ling Tosite Sigure (Tokyo Ghoul OP3?)*
Here - JUNNA (The Ancient Magus Bride OP)
Renai Circulation - Kana Hanazawa (Bakemonogatari OP4) Imma be honest, i found this song through those Coldplay mashups and other memes. Lmao
I Wanna Be - SPYAIR (Gintama Shirogane no Tamashii Hen OP)
Hana Ichi Monme - BURNOUT SYNDROMES (Gintama Shirogane no Tamashii Hen ED)*
Inferno - MRS. GREEN APPLE (Fire Force OP)
Veil - Keina Suda (Fire Force ED)* This ED gives me feels and i luv it. ;w;
MAYDAY - coldrain (Fire Force OP2)* This sounds like a song i’d hear at Hot Topic and i feel blessed. lmao
Nounai - Lenny code fiction (Fire Force ED2) I swear this anime doesn’t have a single song i don’t like. I’m not kidding. lmao
Nemureru Honou (Sleeping Instincts) - YURiKA (BEASTARS ED2)*
Kawaki no Ameku - Minami (Domestic Na Kanojo OP)
Touch Off - UVERworld (The Promised Neverland OP)* This show was too creepy for me to continue, but I luv it for what it is. Also NAA NANANANANANAA NANANAAAA~
Sangenshoku - PELICAN FANCLUB (Dr. Stone OP2)* Sorry, but Good Morning World didn’t totally do it for me. I luv this OP way more tbh.
Suisou - Megumi Nakajima (Hoshiai no Sora OP)* The bits before the chorus are just so good.
1•2•3 - After the Rain (Pocket Monsters 2019 OP)
Dark Crow - MAN WITH A MISSION (Vinland Saga OP2)
MOTOR CITY - Kenichi Asai (No Guns Life OP)
Game Over - DATS (No Guns Life ED)
#rambles#anime talk#favorite anime openings and endings#MY JAM#i really had to dig deep into my memory banks for this one#and do my research to make sure i got things right#i most likely forgot quite a bit still#feel free to tell me how trash my tastes are
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Fall 2019 Anime Song Release Dates
I compiled a list of theme songs of the anime of the Fall 2019 Season.
OP = Opening, ED = Ending, TM = Theme Song
2 Aug 2019
Black Fox TM - "BLACKFOX" by fripSide
28 Aug 2019
Enen no Shouboutai OP2 - "MAYDAY feat. Ryo from CRYSTAL LAKE" by coldrain
2 Oct 2019
Kono Oto Tomare! 2nd Season OP - "Harmony" by Shouta Aoi
11 Oct 2019
Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia OP - "Phantom Joke" by UNISON SQUARE GARDEN
16 Oct 2019
Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu! ED - "dear my distance" by Akari Kitou
23 Oct 2019
Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu! OP - "Hajimete no Kakumei" by DIALOGUE+
Gundam Build Divers Re:Rise OP - "Re:RISE" by Spira Spica
Hataage! Kemono Michi OP - "Fight! Kemoner Mask" by NoB with Kemoner Mask (Katsuyuki Konishi)
Houkago Saikoro Club ED - "On the Board" by Aya (Marika Kouno), Miki (Saki Miyashita), Midori (Miyu Tomita)
Kandagawa Jet Girls OP - "BULLET MERMAID" by Rin Namiki (Yuu Sasahara) and Misa Aoi (Riko Kohara)
Rifle is Beautiful OP - "Let's go! Rifling 4!!!!" by Rifling4
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata Fine TM - "glory days" by Luna Haruna
Shin Chuuka Ichiban! OP - "Koufukuron" by Qaijff
Shinchou Yuusha OP - "TIT FOR TAT" by MYTH & ROID
Shokugeki no Souma: Shin no Sara OP - "Chronos" by STEREO DIVE FOUNDATION
30 Oct 2019
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai 2 OP - "Can now, Can now" by Study
High Score Girl II ED - "Unknown World Map" by Etsuko Yakushimaru
Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen OP - "Masshiro" by Sumire Moroboshi
Hoshiai no Sora ED - "Kago no Naka no Bokura wa" by AIKI from bless4
Vinland Saga OP2 - "Dark Crow" by MAN WITH A MISSION
Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi de tte Itta yo ne! OP - "Smile Skill = Suki Skill" by Akaki Chikai
Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi de tte Itta yo ne! ED - "Genzai Banzai" by Mile (Azumi Waki)
Z/X: Code Reunion OP - "Destiny" by Yui Ogura
6 Nov 2019
Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen ED - "Kamikazari no Tenshi" by Megumi Nakajima
Hoshiai no Sora OP - "Suisou" by Megumi Nakajima
Nanatsu no Taizai: Kamigami no Gekirin ED - "Regeneration" by Sora Amamiya
Rifle is Beautiful ED - "Yuuyake Friends" by Rifling4
Shinchou Yuusha ED - "be perfect, plz!" by Riko Azuna
Shokugeki no Souma: Shin no Sara ED - "Emblem" by nano.RIPE
Vinland Saga ED2 - "Drown" by milet
13 Nov 2019
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai 2 ED - "Houkago no Liberty" by halca
High Score Girl II OP - "flash" by sora tob sakana
Houkago Saikoro Club OP - "Present Moment" by Miyu Tomita
Val x Love OP - "for…" by Rikako Aida
20 Nov 2019
Azur Lane OP - "graphite/diamond" by May'n
Beastars ED - "Le zoo" by YURiKA
Boku no Hero Academia 4th Season OP - "Polaris" by BLUE ENCOUNT
Dr. Stone ED2 - "Yume no you na" by YouthK Saeki
Keishichou Tokumubu Tokushu Kyouakuhan Taisakushitsu Dainanaka: Tokunana OP - "Take On Fever" by OLDCODEX
Ore wo Suki nano wa Omae dake ka yo OP - "Papapa" by Shuka Saitou
Shin Chuuka Ichiban! ED - "Paradigm Shift" by Brian the Sun
Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld ED - "Resolution" by Haruka Tomatsu
Val x Love ED - "UP-DATE x PLEASE!!! ver 1.7.8" by Ichika Saotome (Yumi Uchiyama), Natsuki Saotome (Kaede Hondo), Yakumo Saotome (Maki Kawase)
27 Nov 2019
Azur Lane ED - "Hikari no Michishirube" by Kano
Boku no Hero Academia 4th Season ED - "Koukai no Uta" by Sayuri
Assassins Pride OP - "Share the light" by Run Girls, Run!
Assassins Pride ED - "Ijin-tachi no Jikan" by Melida Angel (Tomori Kusunoki)
Kandagawa Jet Girls ED - "RIVALS" by Azusa Tadokoro
Keishichou Tokumubu Tokushu Kyouakuhan Taisakushitsu Dainanaka: Tokunana ED - "One Wish" by SCREEN mode
Kono Oto Tomare! 2nd Season ED - "Rainbow" by Yuuma Uchida
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun ED - "Devi-Cue" by Yuu Serizawa
4 Dec 2019
Diamond no Ace: Act II ED - "Chance!" by Suzuko Mimori
11 Dec 2019
Granblue Fantasy The Animation Season 2 OP - "Stay With Me" by Seven Billion Dots
Unknown Date
Beastars OP - "Wild Side" by ALI
Chihayafuru 3 OP - "COLORFUL" by 99RadioService
Chihayafuru 3 ED - "Hitomebore" by Band Harassment
Dr. Stone OP2 - "Sangenshoku" by PELICAN FANCLUB
Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia ED - "Hoshi ga Furu Yume" by Eir Aoi
Gundam Build Divers Re:Rise ED - "MAGIC TIME" by Sudannayuzuyully
Hataage! Kemono Michi OP - "Anegdot" by Momosu Momosu
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun OP - "Magical Babyrinth" by DA PUMP
Nanatsu no Taizai: Kamigami no Gekirin OP - "ROB THE FRONTIER" by UVERworld
Null Peta TM - "#NULL!*Pet" by Null (Azuki Waki), Peta (Reina Ueda)
Ore wo Suki nano wa Omae dake ka yo ED - "Hanakotoba" by Sumireko Sanchouin (Haruka Tomatsu), Aoi Hinata (Haruka Shiraishi), Sakura Akino (Sachika Misawa)
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