#pokeroid information tag// future paradox pokemon lore
pokeroid-central · 3 months
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<<today's pokeroid is a GEN 1 drive System, named PKD-0297 Powyama (or was used to be called Iron hands in the past)!>>
Powyama is a heavy-power Class, Electric Quark type config GEN 1 Q.drive Pokeroid, that was designed for combat training, on-site emergency unit, and for heavy lifting. It has 2 Electro-magnetic powered hands that have a separate connection from the main body, that allows them to discharge electricity via its Electric type Q.drive. these hands have a recorded tonnage lifting weight of 33 tons (basically the average tanker truck when its loaded.) and are able to toss them with relative ease.
they're found in Paldea, hoenn ( mainly in cities mauville and at slateport), and even unova, all doing cargo lifting or aiding Medical/rescue Response teams incase of natural disasters or accidents. in paldea they regularly are seen in plains or mountains with hariyama and training with them.
PKD-0297 was created by Magnezone Labs at Paldea in 2065 to test the limits of how much a pokeroid can lift. as well as figuring out a way to introduce a versatile powerful pokeroid that can do various roles or jobs if it wanted. Oddly someone suggested the idea of basing the frame and body after Hariyama, and it turned out to be a major success with its capabilities reaching the specifications that Magnezone Labs desired.
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pokeroid-central · 3 months
So how does the pokeroid AI work one may ask, allow me to tell you what is there to know about it!
About Pokeroid AI
The pokeroid ai module is the other important part of Pokeroid anatomy, its basically the brain of these robotic pokemon! how they work is alot more complex for most so ill shorten up for all of you! This AI is consisted of three smaller parts. the logic board, the emotion chip, and the power chip! they all harmonize to make the pokeroid AI function as a whole. A Logic board processes the all behavioral and emotional data alongside some other minor data collection, as well as be the main connector to both chips. its the main component that is needed to make both chips functions, as well as allow the adaptive thinking of a pokeroid to manifest
next the Emotion chip. its the main purpose is to provide emotional data to the logic systems, allowing the pokeroid to feel emotion at their own will, as well as making them let them make their own choices. without it the logic board cannot function with pure logic nor the AI will be optimal in its functioning.
and lastly the power chip! its serves to regulate the Q.drive, without one the power regulation will be unoptimized and become unstable, causing the pokeroid to fluctuate in power as well running low in energy.
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pokeroid-central · 2 months
Tell us about GolEva?
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Apologies on this being shorter than usual, this one has a less info due to its rarity. anyways heres GolEVA! PKD-0623_GolEVA is a GEN 1 heavy ghost type class pokeroid, that is designed for sole combat against a large pokemon back then... however info on these guys are sparse for reason neither me of joy know of... but heres what we do know. the pokeroid's size is much larger than that of what it was based off of, golurk. it has special barriers it uses to nullify attacks (similar to max guard) with and immense strength. However like its origin species, goleva can enter a state of berserk control should its limiter system fail. It also has a compatibility with linking up with Railclaw, forming a arm canon with it and gaining a power boost to its name. It's origins and producer is unknown to all, and is only seen in johto and unova. other than a incident with a large Guzzlord and incident that involved a pokemon from space that was gigantic in size, not much is known about these sentinels that i can talk about.
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pokeroid-central · 2 months
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Giving Zetai some routine maintenance today so you'll be dealing with me today about this pokeroid! the lighting fast interceptor, PKD-0738_Vikastriker!
Vikastriker is a GEN 2, electric type light class pokeroid, designed for both battling and air racing. made by Togekiss Aeroworks in 2084, Vikastriker has the ability to fly around at 1000km per hour thanks to its voltage jet engine, which taps into the quark drive it built with, allowing it to be a air racer of great ability. it also can fire off powerful electric type moves from its legs and pinchers while cutting the air with its wings while at full speed. despite all of this they do often not fight and will wait on the ground to intercept airborne pokemon. They're found in Alola, Unova, Paldea, and even the mountains of Kalos, doing races or battle, or even doing airshows every now and then in Mistralton city! A sport was made based after the Vikavolt racing in alola that was adopted in unova and kalos called the striker race, a class X sport that involves guiding Vikastriker to race around a circuit and destroying targets at the fastest time.
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pokeroid-central · 2 months
<<no photo this time sorry! (there will be alot of these so bear with us), time to review a steel/psychic type named PKD-0343_Datoy!>>
Datoy is a GEN 1 light psychic type class pokeroid that is designed for desert guidance and warding off Pokemon like cacturne is known to be a companion for desert dwelling people in various arid regions. It uses a local mapping system of the deserts locales they reside in to analyze the safest route to travel by. Often caravans in rural regions used them as guides for this ability.
Meanwhile despite its psychic energy usually being useless against the grass/dark type cacturne, it does have the ability to generate various sounds that disorient them, causing these Pokemon to scramble away from those it protects and guide to cities or towns.
It's seen dwelling in the desert resort in unova, the desert in Paldea, and various other desert regions to this day, Doing its usual job of being a loud deterrent and being a guide.
It was created based on baltoy, by Magnezone labs and Sensory soft in 2065 as a way to have extended safety in desert locations, while being a nice companion to have...if able to bear the noise that it makes.
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pokeroid-central · 2 months
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<< today's Pokeroid is a psychic ghost type, Named PKD-178_Watu!>> PKD-178_Watu is a GEN 2, medium psychic type class Quark Drive Pokeroid, which was made for two roles, surveillance of national parks and weather monitoring. Watu is consisted of multiple segments that can split apart from each other that can float (thanks to anti gravity tech) and monitor other areas of a location, sending data across the location and then to a weather station.
they're found in hoenn, unova, johto and even more regions due to the connivance of its purpose. mainly found in national parks or sanctuaries, they observe the land marks of regions and assist in monitoring weather patterns across the region they're in to forecast, as such owners of these models are usually researchers and storm chasers.
Watu was created in 2072 by a weather institute in johto collabed with Mossdeep Space Center and Spirit Tech, based and modelled after Xatu, to help and aid in local weather data while monitoring ranger protected areas.
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pokeroid-central · 3 months
Pokeroid Maintence is important to do!
Now given that not all of you are not mechanics, and in places like the past or pokemon centers don't have adequate equipment to do maintenance on your friends, but I can give you all some do and don'ts if it helps you on maintaining them or getting them a diagnostics check!
Get an expert or professional of robotics or at least consult a engineer within the study of such (this is for mainly people who aren't capable of handling working machinery), it's also recommended (for those in our time) to get the Blue prints on them too!
Analyze blue print parts, nowadays these are simplified for those who want to see and know the works of other pokeroids. Its best to check out this site here for all blueprints of existing pokeroids [link]
Have adequate tools to use if you plan on doing this yourself! If not the Pokemon center mechanical Branch will send you some tools via mail or just by going to them and asking the receptionist!
Always be sure of the pokeroid's okay with you putting them into sleep or powered off mode. Some of them rather you let them be awake for this sorta thing.
Try to maintain with the AI Chip this thing is the brain afterall wouldn't want anything compromising it, Especially for someone with not the much experience in coding or programming. That and you do need a special license to do in the first place.
Mess with the quark drive System. It's dangerous working on that as a whole, let specialists handle this if there's anything wrong with it.
Ever try using non compatible modifications, (or any legal modifications without consent from your pokeroid), I've seen these poor guys get the short end of the stick and it leads to them having some wrong parts that don't work right. Please be sure to follow the blue prints carefully and please be careful of the pokeroid's well being.
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pokeroid-central · 3 months
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<<next is a second gen water Q.drive config pokeroid called PKD-069, Railclaw!>> Railclaw is a 2nd GEN, medium sized quark drive, seaclass Pokeroid that was designed to defend waters from illegal Dumping operations in the seas and oceans, while also serving as a combat duo with specific Pokeroid, Gol-EVA. it is fitted with a railcanon launcher for one of its arms. and the Q.drive is located in this arm canon. it can fire off both high pressured water and steel type energy beams, as well as can fire various other objects (if it can fit inside the cannon)
They're mainly are found in costal Kalos, Paldean waters, and even near Galarian waters, as they patrol around these areas. they're usually protected by rangers who aid in their task with them being marked with a orange mark on their heads. They were developed by the Deeptide research center at Kalos in 2071 with them being modelled around clawziter being made for seaborne purposes. the cannon however was a conjoined effort by Magnezone Labs to understand the power of magnetism more and the applications on Pokeroids.
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pokeroid-central · 3 months
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<<to kick things off for us heres a a small look at PKD-0876_IndeedII (2); The Companion Pokeroid!>>
A pokeroid who is a GEN 2 Q.DRIVE unit with a Psychic type Q.drive configuration. its main purpose is to provide assistance to others in any way it can similar to its Pokémon counterparts, with the aid of its emotional spectrum sensor in their horn to help in preventing emotional distress. they're also seen helping in physical medical treatment by Pokémon centers, in preservations centers and even shelters.
it was made by the Pulse health institute and Sierria in 2087, during development and research on healing powers and the nature of psychic energy to help in aiding shelters and Pokemon centers. it was modelled after both genders of indeedee, resulting gender neutral appearance similar to Vallade.
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pokeroid-central · 3 months
Time to discuss the most important component about Pokeroid, their source of power; the Quark drive!
the summary of the Quark Drive
The Quark Drive is the pure energy core to all Pokeroids, that uses infinity energy (or replicates it artificially), it allows them to use type energy moves like all other Pokémon do! Quark drives come in various shapes and sizes, from light to heavy, different variants and models, and even pokemon types! Speaking of variants let me list a few known ones!
the GEN 1 drive (light and heavy variants)
GEN 2 drive (light, medium, and heavy variants that are more optimized and )
The twin element Quark Drive
The Hadron engine
lastly the currently in development, the GeN 3 Drive
Some of the main mechanics of the drive includes is enhancing the capabilities of Pokeroids if they become charged by booster energy (an energy capsule that is used to supercharge the drive) or under E.Terrain effects and is able to empower its corresponding type it uses, the LED and LCDs (mainly post GEN 1) will use the color of the designated primary type of the Pokeroid.
There's a lot more to cover with these drives but we'll go through it every step of the way!
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