#pokemon reborn: mending of the ways
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anaiaram · 11 months ago
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alright here are the Wanda doodles i promised
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y0d00p · 6 months ago
dametameta dynamic in 21 + 3 different aus teeny and I have developed. why?? idk it was just fun. also I'm insane
Pokemon: childhood friends that had a major falling out as teens as a result of an incident that caused the loss of DMK's eye. MK went on to become the Indigo Plateau champion while DMK got wrapped up in Team Rocket grunt work. DMK fell on hard times when his faction of Rocket was dissolved and left him unemployed. in a desperate and poorly thought out attempt at making money from ransom I guess, DMK kidnaps the Indigo champion, not knowing his true identity until he has him tied up in his apartment. This is their reunion after like 15 years apart
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The same except MK is magicked away to PMD world before the kidnapping, with DMK following sometime after. MK keeps his identity hidden from DMK out of desire to "start over" and mend their friendship, but it leads to trouble
SCP: MK is the leader of MTF Iota-8 ("Meta Knights") and DMK is a transdimensional shapeshifter employed by the Foundation as a member of MK's squad. MK is a human with anomalous super healing as a result of a scip incident and DMK "respawns" from his native mirror dimension whenever he suffers mortal harm, making them both prime candidates for dealing with especially dangerous scips. DMK is kind of a flirt but MK is like anomaly-racist and rather cold with him. He gets better though
LISA The Painful: MK is a stealth trans man living in isolation and DMK is a pathetic junkie that broke into his home looking for drugs. They become unlikely friends and eventually set out in search of an antidote after DMK takes Joy on a bad day
The Legend of Zelda: MK is Sheikah and DMK is a member of the Yiga clan. DMK joined the clan out of disillusionment with the Sheikah/humanity as a whole - he gets pushed around and picked on a lot and doesn't really get along with the other Yiga, but is scared to leave because of their reputation with deserters. MK, who DMK formed a friendly rivalry turned unlikely friendship with, aids in his escape from the clan after which they continue to travel together
Final Fantasy 14: MK, tenth son in a family of moon keepers, is a gladitorial champion turned Paladin that joins the Scions and other WoLs in A Realm Reborn. DMK is an ex-Nunh turned ex-criminal turned ex-rogue sun seeker with a comically depressing life that joins the crew in Heavensward after becoming a Dark Knight. They butt heads, a lot, but have an uncanny synergy despite it that makes them the designated party tanks for (almost) the entire story
Splatoon: Both Octolings that once served in the Octarian army, now living in Inkopolis. DMK, already kind of lazy and self serving, adapted to the fun-loving Inkling lifestyle pretty quickly, but MK, an ex-elite, has trouble moving on and adjusting. MK is an inkbrush/splatana wiper main and DMK is an octobrush/splatana stamper main
mostly D&D based with some creative liberties: Both tieflings cursed in different ways by the same god of violence and hedonism. MK, a paladin whose god was usurped by Mr. Murder, now forced to entertain his violent whims else he suffers painful Side Effects. DMK unknowingly picked up a bloodthirsty sword that turns him into a mindless killing machine if he doesn't cut enough people with it. They along with a few others also affected by Mr. Murder's meddling band together to get revenge
demon: MK is a demon hunting battle priest and DMK is a centuries old incubus that seduces him. DMK's demonic influence starts turning MK into one of his kind, but MK can't get rid of DMK because he's clingy due to a "recent" break up with his angel bf. over time MK accepts DMK's presence and they eventually develop a proper healthy relationship
monster: MK is a monster hunter and DMK is the bat-like beast that he's constantly trying to stop from eating everyone's sheep. When MK is mortally wounded in a battle with another monster, DMK reluctantly saves his life by sealing the wound with a sort of... sticky venom, that has the unfortunate side effect of turning MK into a monster himself
different flavour of monster: MK is a vampire hunter recently inflicted with lycanthropy and DMK is a vampire. when DMK is caught in MK's house (looking for a snack) the night of his first transformation, MK uncontrollably attacks him and literally rips him to pieces. out of guilt, MK allows DMK to feed on him the next day, starting off an uneasy but mutually beneficial arrangement
basic ass fantasy: MK is captain of the royal guard and DMK is a changeling fairy that wants his name for nefarious purposes. DMK pesters him constantly but MK is too smart for his fey bullshit, making him more of a minor nuisance than a real threat
dark fantasy soulsborne aesthetic kind of thing?: MK is a demon/monster hunter of sorts, trying to take down a particularly powerful evil priest, and DMK is another wandering hunter with another cursed sword that starts eating him alive if he doesn't give it enough blood. can you tell I like the evil sword thing for DMK? They first meet under... unfortunate circumstances, but despite their adverse relationship, they eventually team up to save someone from the aforementioned priest
cyberpunk: both orphaned as young children from different incidents of faction violence, MK grew up on the streets with a group of friends/found family and now does bounty hunting/mercenary work with them, while DMK was taken in by a faction leader and raised as his own to eventually inherit his underground empire. after a botched assassination attempt on DMK, DMK gets dear old dad to spare MK's life and have him indentured as a bodyguard instead because he thought it was really hot how he tried to kill him
fish: MK is a marine biologist that periodically runs into DMK, a bull shark merman, while doing field work. one day while out at sea, a storm flips his boat leaving him to drown in the rough waters if not for DMK's interference. DMK saves him by turning him into one of his own... oh i guess that's another thing we like huh
space: MK is of an endangered alien species, disguised as a human living on a large space station to observe, study, and live in safety. DMK is his assigned bunk mate and uh... he's just kind of a guy idk it's been a while since we touched this one
sweet home inspired not-zombie monster apocalypse kind of thing: they are apartment neighbours, DMK a single dad and MK often hosting his kid cousin. they don't get along because DMK plays loud music and stomps around in his fuckass boots, but their kids are friends so they put up with each other. they eventually find common ground and become friends themselves, even risking their lives for each other and their kids when the monster shit starts happening
urban fantasy devi magi: in a world with humans, magi (gifted humans with magic abilities), and devi (monstrous invaders that settled into the world long ago), they're on a team of hunters that take care of dangerous devi. DMK is the newest member and sole human on the team and MK is half devi. they had worked together previously, terminating in an incident where MK left DMK behind to pursue a target, resulting in the loss of DMK's eye, so there's a bit of a grudge present
western: MK is sheriff of a small desert town, previously leader of a gang of misguided bandits until changing their priorities to helping others, DMK is a monster hunting cowboy that left his simple farm life in search of thrills. DMK stops in town and embarrasses MK during an attack by a monster of the week, setting off a petty rivalry
evil murder god alien sex club: MK works at the titular club trying to raise money to take care of a deathly ill family member, and DMK is a lonely loser with a lot of inheritance money to blow that spends a lot of time at the bar and paying for MK's attention. after finding out MK's situation, DMK tries to help get him out, but the murder god in the basement running the place isn't interested in letting go any employees
farming sim! yay!: MK is the town blacksmith and DMK owns a ranch. they probably have some weird grudge with each other and sexual tension you know how it is. this au is like a week old gimme a break
isolated dynamics that don't really have a whole au to go with them:
1: DMK is a woodsman living in an isolated cabin off the grid, hiding from conviction for a murder he may or may not be responsible for, MK is grievously injured in the woods and taken in by DMK while he recovers. they develop an intimate relationship, but things start to get weird as MK starts to recover and hears about an escaped convict on the radio
2: MK is a city boy with an upper class family and DMK is a simple farm boy living with his aging mother. MK, bored with his life, would sneak out as a teen and get into tussles with DMK for kicks. after a long absence due to moving away, MK, as an adult, now sneaks out to go hunting. they reunite when DMK discovers him after he is poisoned and paralyzed, taking him home to help him recover
3: sort of kirby canon headcanon backstory swap. DMK is adopted by an upper class family and grows up pampered and educated and scrawny. MK grew up feral, never made any friends, retained his more animalistic traits and now lives in a shack in the woods. MK travels to the mirror world to beat up DMK just for existing and sheltered DMK finds the beatdown so shocking and impressive and weirdly hot that he becomes fixated on besting MK in battle to get his attention/approval
common themes:
some kind of rivalry, grudge, or opposition, turned attraction turned romance (duh) usually with ~History~
working together against a common enemy despite not really getting along
DMK evil sword
MK usually responsible for DMK's eye
MK usually some kind of authority or upper class man with a secret rebellious wild side or past
DMK usually lower class, often a farm boy, sometimes just a fucking loser
DMK being some kind of monster/anomaly and targeting MK
one being injured or down on their luck and being taken care of
MK attacks DMK and DMK thinks it's hot because he's a freak
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lyllyan-weiss · 5 years ago
LONG Character Survey: Lyllyan Weiss
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FULL NAME: Lyllyan Aster Weiss
NICKNAME: Lyl, Lily, Lil' Lily.
AGE: 21
BIRTHDAY: 11th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon (November 10th)
ETHNIC GROUP: Auri|Xaela (In Eorzea)/ Human (Out of World)
NATIONALITY: Eorzean (In Eorzea)/American (Out of World)
LANGUAGES: Eorzean, Draconic, basically anything due to the echo.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: She is Bi. Swings both ways. She loves all.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Depending on the different routes on the story, she will be either single or taken.
CLASS: Jack-of-all-trades
•Knows everything and knows how to play everything.
• Favors caster classes above everything else.
CURRENT HOMETOWN / AREA: Shirogane is where her apartment is, but she sees Ishgard as her home that she spends her time in, and then the Crystarium had became home to her as well.
PROFESSION: Scion, Adventurer, Full time hero in both her world and Eorzea. In her world she is a waitress and an artist/animator.
HAIR: Right now it is Brown with Light brown Highlights
EYES: Purple (Right), Green (Left)
NOSE: Small and Sharp
LIPS: Small and full
COMPLEXION: Pale but fair.
SCARS: In Eorzea, her scars are battle scars that is more aligned on her back. They do not show up when she is in her world.
TATOOS: The Scion Tatoo on the part where the neck and back meet.
WEIGHT: 130lb (Eorzea)/ 150lb (Her World)
BUILD: Short, Thin and fit.
FEATURES: None really.
ALLERGIES: Rolanberries in Eorzea, Strawberries in her world.
USUAL HAIRSTYLE: Long hair with a half braid in the back in Eorzea. In her world she has short hair that stops in the middle of her neck.
USUAL FACE LOOK: Warm color Eye shadow applied lightly to the eyes and a very nude color for lipstick in Eorzea. In her world, she hardly puts make up on, but usually has dark circles due to being tired all the time.
USUAL CLOTHING: Depending on her mood, she'll go very modest, or wearing a bikini with thigh boots. In her world, she is always modest with usually a t-shirt and sweats.
FEARS: Bugs (Mainly Arachnids, spiders are the worst.) Antilions that hide in the sands. Losing her love ones. Becoming Sin Eater. Being alone. Falling.
ASPIRATIONS: Explore all of the worlds she could go to, but also to make animations that can change the world.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, happy go lucky, Compassionate, tries to take care of everyone, protective, loving, friendly, trusting.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn enough to push past her limits, usually getting her hurt. She so selfless that she tends to forget about taking care of herself. She can be too trusting of others that she often gets hurt in the end. She usually bottles her problems with the worry of being a burden to others. Very emotional driven (Just ask Ser Zephirin).
ZODIAC: Scorpio.
TEMPERAMENT: Artistic and Motherly
SOUL TYPE(S): The Priest, The Artisan, The Server.
VICE HABIT(S): From the definition that I read, her faults are that she feels like anything bad that happens to her or her friends are her fault, and that she sometimes Envy others. But her hobbies that she enjoys are reading, triple triad, drawing, and writing.
FAITH: The Twelve. Even in her world she believes in the Twelve.
GHOSTS?: Definitely
AFTERLIFE?: I hope there is one.
REINCARNATION?: Well so far that we know, reincarnation is a thing, right?
ALIENS?: I doubt the world was made for one type of civilization, plus multiple worlds. Yes.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Uh...Alphinaud does politics for me.
ECONOMIC PREFERENCE: Just trying to survive, man. Stable, I guess.
EDUCATION LEVEL: Lyllyan herself has had up to some college in her own world. In Eorzea, she has an understanding of Aether and well has learned all the classes, so being able to pick up something new, she can learn fairly quick.
FATHER: Captain Carebear (Mykel Weiss)
MOTHER: She doesn't have the ability to go to Eorzea so her name is Lynn Weiss.
Siblings: Lucas Weiss(Rafien Dalarain(Deactivated)), Nathaniel Weiss(Random Guy (deactivated)), Olivia Weiss (Never been to Eorzea).
EXTENDED FAMILY: Grandmother(Nana)(Deceased), Granfather(Poppy), Fortemps Family (Rest in Peace Haucherfaunt).
NAME MEANING(S): Lyllyan is based off of the Lily flower. Aster is based off of the Aster flower, and then Weiss is a name given to those with white hair or pale complexion.
HISTORICAL CONNECTION: Um...Ascian? Amourotine?
BOOK: If its Manga, It's Rurouni Kenshin. Books would be the 'Septimus Heap' series by Angie Sage.
MOVIE/PLAY: Movie would be 'Wizard of Oz'. Favorite Play would be 'Hamilton'.
•'Seasonal Feathers' by Len and Rin Kagamine
•'Drakkar' by Distrion and Electro-Light
•'Light it Up' by Robin Hustin and TobiMorrow (feat. Jex)
•'Stitches' by Shawn Mendes
•'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran
DEITY: Thaliak
HOLIDAY: Valentione
MONTH: November/ 6th Astral Moon
SEASON: Spring
PLACE: Rak'Tika Greatwoods
SOUND: Ocean waves.
SCENT(S): Cherry Blossom, sweet.
TASTE(S): Favorite food is Bacon so....also likes sweet things.
FEEL(S): Fuzzy blankets, warm cloth, soft.
ANIMALS: She loves all animals! If she had to narrow it down, it would be Cats, Pandas, and Chocobos. Does Pokemon count?
NUMBER: 8 but screw Construct 8
COLORS: Purple, light green, light blue.
TALENTS: Drawing.
BAD AT: Math. She used to bring her homework to Eorzea to have Alphinaud and Urianger help her.
TURN ONS: Oooo. Funny, kind, calm, generous, but also romantic.
TURN OFFS: Selfish, rude ass hoe, and killing my friends.
HOBBIES: Singing, Drawing, Reading, Exploring, Triple Triad.
TROPES: Mother Hen.
AESTHETIC TAGS: Chocolate and Caramel. Honey. Lavender and Leaves. I think that's how this works???
MAIN FC(S): Scions of the Dawn. It consist of Dad and myself.
ALT FC(S): None.
OLDER FC(S): We did have an FC on Gilgamesh called Lionheart with the Tag FF8. It was one that we had started the game when we got out of beta, but moved to different server/data center.
YOUNGER FC(S): *Confused Au Ra noises*
VOICE CLAIM(S): ??????
GENDERBENT FC(S): *Even more confused Au Ra noises*
•So, I'm already making a comic that I want to make as an animation for the story of FFXIV with my character and her friends. This character was specifically built for FFXIV, but it has a twist. Kinda like a Sword Art Online ordeal, but instead of Millions of people playing are stuck in the world, it's just like 100, but they aren't stuck, in fact they are just chosen to go between their world and Eorzea. If they die, they don't actually die, but respawn, even in their own world, but they feel how they die and the only way for them to die in any shape or form is by natural cause like old age or sickness. This would be a 2D animation in the anime style and be a multi episode series with multiple seasons. I even though about branching out to go certain routes so that Lyllyan can end up with all my favorite characters. I would call it Final Fantasy XIV: A World Reborn.
•With it being a Final Fantasy story, it would have Final Fantasy Music.
•Lyllyan Weiss was made to represent me and she still does, but also inspires me to be more like my courageous heroic self. Because of this, I have been able to do things like crossing a bridge that's in bad shape to get to the other side without the fear of falling, just to get back to my mom who went to the other side on a trip we had.
•She is literally me.
•Just like me, she is stubborn and hard working, but there are times she pushes herself way too much. She hesitates to ask for help, not because she doesn't trust the people around her, but more of trying to not burden them. Others wish she would open up to them and also rest when she can. Raha has to literally force her to rest, and she nearly gets herself killed against the first battle with Rahjit because she kept getting back up to fight even when the others beg her to stop.
•Almost everything. Major thing is that she doesn't look like me, but also I know when to quit.
• I feel like if Lyllyan and I were to meet in person, we'd get along just fine. We would play video games all day long if we could.
- Leveilleur Twins: Alphinaud and Alisaie are very close to Lyllyan. Alphinaud used to pull Lyllyan out of class to have her hurry up and go through the story, now its chill and play ace attorney. Alphinaud, depending on what route is taken, is definitely in love with Lyllyan and is constantly teased about it by everyone. Alisaie is like a sister to Lyllyan. They have had many nights where the pulled 24 hours playing Sims. Alisaie is who Lyllyan tries to protect the most between the two. She's also the reason why Lyllyan is now Bi. Lyllyan absolutely adores her and if the route is taken, they end up being the cutest couple.
-Leon D'hart: An Alt character that I made that depending on the story and route, he is also Lyllyan's Lover. He is a character made by Square Enix to be the Warrior of Light replacement if Lyllyan did not succeed in preventing herself becoming a light warden. His story with her is a bunch of trial and tribulations, but in the end they do end up married.
-G'raha Tia/Crystal Exarch: The main story Lyllyan's Lover. Great friend to start out and tears were shed when he sealed himself into the tower. He really kept Lyllyan guessing when he was Exarch. When Emet-Selch kidnapped him, Lyllyan was hellbent on getting him back. Now she visits him at the first everyday bring stuff from Eorzea for him, and even occasionally stuff from her world. He is her world as she is to him.
-The Scions: Thancred and Lyllyan are like Big brother, Little sister. He protects her, and scolds her as such. They may act like they hate each other, but the moment either gets hurt, the other is at their sides. Though rumor has it that Thancred had feelings for Lyllyan. Y'shtola is close to Lyllyan, but is usually not around often. Shtola usually is often around to keep an eye on Lyllyan's aether since her amount is quite high compared to the others and her fellow Warriors of Light. Urianger is someone who used to hardly talk to Lyllyan, but started opening up more after the years. He had watched her grow from 15 moons to now 21 as the others, but they seem to be more special to him. Lyllyan swore to protect him if anything ever happened especially after he asked her her thoughts on his new attire. Tataru is a precious angel and if anyone was to hurt her, Lyllyan would kill everyone and then herself. Ryne, even though she is not a scion, she is a scion. Ryne worries about Lyllyan, but is often in awe of her. Lyllyan and Thancred adopted her, and she's ended up calling Lyllyan mom on many occasions.
-Ser Aymeric: Depending on the route, he would be Lyllyan's Lover and he tries to protect her when he can, be it politics or in war. He has a dream to journey with her, and though he can't do so with Lylyan Weiss the Au Ra, there is nothing saying he can't make a character and become a Warrior of Light himself and travel with Sakura Yue(Lyllyan's Alt).
-Zenos Yae Galvus: So this guy commits Seppuku and then shows up at Lyllyan's job as her new Bartender. They end up becoming friends through the job, and the fact that Zenos is bored out of his mind that he can't go kill people,but finding out later that he is back makes Square Enix themselves worried about this guy.
-Estinien: Lyllyan had adopted him as her Edgy Son. He hates it. He reminds her that he is older than him, and she retorts about beating him as a Lalafel. He usually starts brooding after that on a high building that usually takes Alphinaud and Ser Aymeric to get him down.
•I'm only stopping this cause there are so many more characters!!!
•Music and Playing Final Fantasy. Mainly XIV, but others do count too, but also reading all the other fanfiction and comics about final fantasy XIV.
About...4 hours? Maybe more? My hands definitely hurt from all the typing! XD
Tagged by @amandafullmetal
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anaiaram · 10 months ago
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coerced pokesitting duty
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anaiaram · 11 months ago
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the origin of Pepper
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anaiaram · 11 months ago
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Wanda doing home office and subsequent doodles
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anaiaram · 1 year ago
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i wish i was the kind of person who enjoys coming up with elaborate outfits so i could draw Junko more often
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anaiaram · 5 years ago
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It's so fun We're so good at selling lies
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anaiaram · 5 years ago
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not gonna raichu a love song
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anaiaram · 5 years ago
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zion just keeps getting sexier every time i draw them
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