#pokemon gold songfic
more-pokeimagines · 6 years
Im back for another little song fic my friend ehehehe! A Million dreams from “The greatest Showman” for Gold (or Red if you prefer) with the reader when their children and the adult half of the song is when they’ve grown up? I love the songs from that movie.
You really need to stop requesting songfics for songs like that!! :D I fell in love with it the second I heard it, and now I can’t stop listening to that song!! :D Anyway, here’s your songfic, and I really hope you like it. :) 
A million dreams
I close my eyes and I can see
The world that’s waiting up for me
That I call my own
Through the dark, through the door
Through where no one’s been before
But it feels like home.
Gold was always the one in his group of friends who had the wildest dreams. He wanted to change the world, he wanted equality for everyone and he often imagined himself as the hero who achieved all of that. He was only eleven, then.
But that didn’t stop him from dreaming of a better world, a world that was waitingout there. He knew you could make it a better place. He wanted to make it a better place, not just for himself but for everyone else out there. His parents laughed every time when he told them about his plans and ruffled his hair.
“Our Gold”, they said. “Always so fussy.”
It hurt him that they made fun of his dreams. That they didn’t believe in him. Shouldn’t they support him in every way possible? But instead they wrote his plans off as if they were just the crazy ideas of a kid. They told him that he needed to focus on school instead of daydreaming about a better world that would never be real. “You can change the world when you have a proper job”, his father used to say in a strict tone.
And his mother added: “You’re eleven, Gold. You can’t change everything out there.”
Of course, he could. He thought about it every night, and he wouldn’t give up, just because his parents didn’t believe that he could do something about the injustice that ruled this world. Someday, he’d fulfill your dream, and then, he thought, they would be proud of him. Then his parents wouldn’t need to badmouth everything he did.
They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy,
they can say, they can say I’ve lost my mind.
I don’t care, I don’t care, so call me crazy.
We can live in a world that we design.
As the time passed, he didn’t talk to anyone about his plans and dreams anymore. His parents didn’t ask him about them, either. They were pleased that he brought home good grades, and he soon understood that his marks were everything that mattered to them. “You’re a clever boy, Gold,” his father told him. “You surely can get an amazing job once you graduated from school.”
He hated the way how his father spoke to him. Grades, good jobs, money. Weren’t there more important things to think about?
And one day, he couldn’t hold himself back anymore. At the diner table, he told his parents that he didn’t care about having lots and lots of money as long as there were people out there who were starving because they couldn’t afford food. People who couldn’t afford anything. His father left the room after glaring at him with a spark of disdain in her eyes while his mother quietly shook her head as if she couldn’t believe that her son really said something like that. “I thought it was just a phase,” she sighed. “But you’re still a starry-eyed-idealist.”
“Well, someone has to be.”
After that episode, he had grabbed his jacket and left the house to clear his mind. He was so mad, especially at his father. He couldn’t understand how someone could be so ignorant like he was. But in the end, it wasn’t the fact that his father only cared for money that made him angry – it was the fact that he didn’t have faith in his own son and that he always tried to ridicule Gold’s dreams.
He kicked at a stone in frustration. Why wasn’t there someone who understood him? Even his old friends called him crazy sometimes, and it hurt that he was the only one who thought about the future. That he was the only one who wanted to do something meaningful when he had grown up.
And then, one day, he met you.
They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy,
they can say, they can say we’ve lost our minds.
I don’t care, I don’t care if they call us crazy.
Run away to a world that we design.
You lived together with your mom, and you were everything Gold could have wished for. Because your mom did a lot of charity work, you shared his ideals, his dreams about a better world. You didn’t care that everyone else at your age called you foolish and stupid for having dreams like that. Instead of arguing with them, you just smiled and told them that there was nothing foolish about doing something for a brighter future.
Soon enough, Gold and you became close friends. The two of you could spend hours on ranting about the way the world could be and the possibilities you had to make your dreams come true.
“The world can just be as good as the people who live in it,” you always said, and Gold agreed with all his heart. Your generation needed to understand that they could form the world, that they had the possibility to design a whole new world if they worked hard enough. But most of the kids at your school didn’t care about their future yet. All they thought of were computer games, comics and other stuff like that. They were too narrow-minded to understand what they could achieve.But you… you were exactly like him, and he was more than happy to share his dreams with you.
Every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it’s gonna take
A million dreams for the world we’re gonna make.
The years passed and the both of you still shared your dreams, though you went different paths after graduation. While Gold wanted to spend some time abroad to help where his help was needed, you decided to stay in your hometown and help your mother with her charity work. You even did some volunteer work in an orphanage.
“You can change the world,” you told the children there every night before you put them to bed. “A million dreams is all it’s gonna take. You need to believe in your dreams and in yourself, and then you can achieve anything you want. Just don’t stop believing that you can do it.”
“What’s your dream?” the children asked – as they did the evening before. You smiled and put a finger to your lips. “That’s my secret.”
In fact, you didn’t dream about a better world anymore. Well, at least it wasn’t your only dream, especially not since Gold went away. You wanted to have your friend back. Someone to make plans with, someone who understoodperfectly what you were trying to say when you were at a loss for words. You wanted him to come back, more than anything else in the world.
However big, however small
Let me be part of it all
Share your dreams with me
You may be right, you may be wrong
But say that you’ll bring me along
To the world you see.
It took him three more years to come back to you. You picked him up at the airport, and when he came out of the building, you let out a scream and ran towards him to throw your arms around his neck. He pulled you close, laughing and patting your back. “Missed you too, (Y/N).”
“What, a lousy hug is all I’m gonna get? You were away for five years,” you teased. “You really need to think of something better than a hug.”
Gold raised an eyebrow as he looked at you. “What did you expect? A kiss?”
“Maybe,” you replied in a sassy tone and laughed as his face turned almost as red as his shirt. “I mean, I waited long enough for you to make the first move and my patience is about to run out, so you better do something right now, or you can change the world alone.”
“That would be so boring,” Gold mumbled as he put two fingers under your chin to lift your head up. His breath ghosted over your face like a soft touch, and you closed your eyes as his lips brushed against yours in a chaste, hesitant kiss. You had always imagined that your first kiss was like fireworks and a burning fire inside. But instead, it felt soothing and gentle, and you buried your hands in Gold’s dark hair to pull him closer.
Maybe both of you were dreamers, but as long as you were together, you didn’t care.
Every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
A million dreams, a million dreams
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it’s gonna take
A million dreams for the world we’re gonna make
For the world we’re gonna make. 
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