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pelopogo · 5 years ago
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🇬🇧 How many #shinyminccino did you catch? Loved this Minccino Limited Research Event! I spent it with @melgozaparragamatias and @patriciomelgo . Matias caught 1 shiny and here he is in the picture with it, he ran out of battery after 1hr of the event as we didn’t have a spare type C cable. His brother Pato caught a total of 7 and a shiny sentret! I caught a total of 9 shiny #minccino , one of them a 98iv and another was 96iv. My third task was a shiny, my 5th task also shiny, and my 8th and 11th. It seemed that it was a super lucky for me as I had 4 shiny in 8 minutes of the event start. I even got back to back shiny once. I’m really happy with the results. Lari couldn’t play with us but she got one shiny and a 100iv minccino. Awesome rewards for sure. 🇪🇸 ¿Cuantos shiny atrapaste? ¡Me encantó este evento de investigación limitada de Minccino! Lo pasé con @melgozaparragamatias y @patriciomelgo. Matias capturó 1 shiny y aquí está en la foto con él, se quedó sin batería después de 1 hora del evento, ya que no teníamos un cable de repuesto tipo C. ¡Su hermano Pato atrapó un total de 7 y un sentret shiny ! Yo capturé un total de 9 shiny #minccino, uno de ellos 98iv y otro 96iv. Mi tercera tarea fue brillante, mi quinta tarea también brillante y mi octava y undécima. Parecía que fue demasiada suerte para mí, ya que tenía 4 shiny en 8 minutos del inicio del evento. Incluso una vez atrape 2 shiny en cola. Estoy muy contento con los resultados. Lari no pudo jugar con nosotros, pero consiguió uno shiny y un minccino de 100iv. Será un día que recordaremos todos. . . . . #pokemongobuddy #pokemon #pelopogo #pokemongo #gosnapshot #pokemongoar #pokemongoarplus #ポケモンgo #pogocollective #pokemongocontest #gosnapshot #vamosnianticlatam #vamosnianticmex #pokemongomexico #gosnapshotmx #ztdnews #jadecam #pogodailyar #pokecollections #pokemonphotography #dugtriotop3 #pkmnsnaps #gohubar #pokegenix #AReikatje These guys support my dreams economically and they’ve inspired me to inspire them and many more. Huge thanks and be sure to check them out! . @larissarv @pepegmz @mollytaylor187 @pkmom71 @pokedexkylee @snap_them_all @theoneconspiracytheorist (at Monasterio-Iglesia Santa Rosa De Viterbo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8FgrQUFOr_/?igshid=1gt96p2ol9cu6
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kantopokecollector · 3 years ago
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who remembers the first capture failure of ahs? Pidgey use gust.🌪😵‍💫 Quien recuerda el primer fracaso de captura de ahs? Pidgey usa tornado.🌪😵‍💫 #pokemon #pokeball #pokemoncardsjapan #pokemonjapan #pokemonanime #pokemonlatino #pokemoncards #gottacatchemall #ahs #pikachu #pidgey #pokecollection #pokecommunity #retropokemon #pokemonyellow #pokemonkanto #pokemonred #ポケモン #pkmn #pokémonfan (en Kanto Region) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeVC35lL9EO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pokefangofficial · 4 years ago
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General Mills Pokémon 25th Anniversary collection is complete! #pokemon #pokemoncards #pokemoncommunity #pokemoncollector #pokemoncollection #pokémon #pokemon25 #pokemon25thanniversary #pokemongeneralmills #generalmills #pikachu #pokecollect #pokecommunity #pokemonpromo https://www.instagram.com/p/CTUmN0LLk8W/?utm_medium=tumblr
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colecciones90s · 4 years ago
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Otro bello tap pokemon de mercadito/bambitas/piratas/no oficiales 🇵🇪🇵🇪 Para ver la colección a detalle ⏫ Link en la bio ⬆️⬆️⬆️ . . . . . . . . . . . . . #pokemongo #pokemon #miniaturas #coleccion #coleccioneschelseasalas #coleccionesdragonballperu #juguetes #pikachu #fritolays #minitoys #detectivepikachu #sabritas #peru #pokémon #premiumtoys #costakids #pocketmonsters #collectionpokemon #collectors #pokemoncollectors #pokecollector #pokecommunity #pokecollection #instapoke #instapokemon #instapokemongo #instatoys #instamoment #instalike https://www.instagram.com/p/CPEE5ipAjs3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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luis-martinezf · 8 years ago
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#gligar #pokecollection #pokemon #pokemongo #vectorart #vector #ilustraitor #ilustracion #stickers #skull
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dreamerdagn · 5 years ago
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I just got Tapu Lele so now is a good time to show off my pokecollection
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fateofours-or-wedlocke · 5 years ago
Part 7: Battles.
           Training. The team and I trained tirelessly. We have reached Dewford, and now are training to prep for the gym battle coming. I already have plans for the attack. Ariel was the perfect offence against the Fighting types that the Leader would use. I sat at the side of the beach, facing the wide, expansive ocean, fishing for a Pokemon. While we rested, the elder sailor gave me a fishing rod, and I reeled up Pokemon to train with. They did not have any fates.
             Until this one, that is. The first one I caught on the line in Dewford. A Magikarp just like the others, but... I looked into its wide eyes. The fate I see was... Terrifying. I reel. I did not recognize the region. I did not recognize the place, or time, or anything... But its fate was to die through some sort of experimentation by scientists simply trying to understand Evolution. I shiver.
             Carefully, I capture it. I write its new entry, along with its Fate. Its name becomes Tempest. A fitting name for its fate, I thought. Slowly, I rotate the ball in my hands, looking it over before pressing the button to transfer it away.
             I wasn’t sure what I wanted. Something versatile, I suppose? A Pokemon that would easily slot into my team no matter who I may lose, perhaps. I concentrate on that thought. Soon, a Pokeball came back. It feels... Extremely powerful. I shouldn’t be able to keep this, and yet, here it is. It shows the Pokemon inside. An Altaria... but its usual blue feathers were a bright, lemon yellow. A...
             A Shiny. A rare mutation in Pokemon that causes their colors to be different, and make it harder for them to hide in the wild. They are usually given to trainers of high class, or trainers who have a fate in achieving the title of Pokemon Master, or already have achieved the title.
             I dub him Ennius, for the good luck he has brought me with him simply being in my ownership. In a blink of an eye, the Pokeball containing it disappears. Well, that... Is NOT what I expected, though I do not mind keeping the Shiny. Maybe I should fish somewhere else. Maybe I’ll get lucky again? Who knows...
             I move to a route, and fish again. I do not know what I may pull up from the ocean, but perhaps what I will get in return will be something I, at least, CAN use. I pull up a Tentacool, but... It looks... weak. I check its body. Its usually puffy body was deflated somewhat, and one of its tentacles was tied into a knot somehow.
             It looked to me, and I look back. Its fate... with its tentacle like this and its body in a deflated manner... it would wash up on shore and die from heat. I quickly capture it, as its fate is approaching rapidly. I named it Iyyov. I write its info, and then sigh. Time to trade it away.
             I click the button on the bottom of the Pokeball, watching it disappear. I think again about a versatile Pokemon. Something useful, something preferably not too powerful but can be powerful when raised right.
             What appeared wasn’t a Pokeball. Or any kind of Pokemon capturing device. Instead, out from the ocean, seemingly from nowhere...
             A giant beast-No. It was not like the Beasts of the forest. It was a powerful Pokemon, a god among men. A Legendary. One that goes by the title of Regigigas. It stared me down with its six eyes, quiet. It made a noise, and dropped something in my hand, before pointing to the mainland. It wants me to do... something. It made a sound, and suddenly, I understood.
             It knew my wish to Legendaries was to capture new Pokemon and save them. It looks to me, and I bow my head to it in thanks. It has given me permission to save another life. It slowly vanished into the ocean once more, and I look to the thing it gave me.
             A Master ball! It gave me the most expensive and rare Pokeball, that can capture a Pokemon no matter what. It was a gift, a way to tell me to capture a new Pokemon and save their life. I hold it close to myself, quietly telling the Legendary my thanks, and that I will use it the best I can. Once I get my new Pokemon, I will go back and save another Pokemon.
             The Pokeball returns. An image of a Plusle. It would be useful in our team, with electric types being a much-needed element. It disappears off to the Pokecollect, after I give him the name of Olympus.
             A whisper reminded me that I need to save another Pokemon. I nod, and sigh. The legendary pointed to the mainland. That is where I should head. I tell the old man of my plan, and he approved. Another day passes, and I awaken to Peeko nudging me awake. I stir, moving to catch a Pokemon to trade away.
             As I search, I run into a female Slakoth... what should be a common sight that has become very rare. I see her fate, being tugged between trainers, sold for higher and higher prices... until the stress gets to her, killing her from the inside out. A slow, painful death... I look to the Pokeballs I have, and gently capture her using a Great Ball. I wish to save the Master Ball for something great, something difficult to capture.
             I dub her Giselle, and look over the Great Ball. I hope my trading her would not result in her Fate... With a deep breath, I turn it over, pressing the button on the bottom. I watch it disappear, praying that the child would be alright out there. I focus for something nice, a strong being, or someone that could be strong.
             A regular Pokeball returns, and I relax as I hold the spherical machine. The image reveals a sleeping baby Gible... a rare sight in Hoenn. I dub her Nalani, the heavens were smiling upon me for this beautiful small child. It feels like a fitting name. As it vanished into the air to protect the little one, I silently pray to the gods and goddesses that I would never have to use her.
             Perhaps I can defeat the elite four without ever needing to use any of the Pokemon I get. As I ask for another ride back to Dewford, and I watch the stars above twinkle, watching the constellation of Regigigas glow brighter than usual. Is the legendary smiling upon me for my wish to save Pokemon from their Fate...? How odd. One would assume they would want to keep the order of life and death to be equal.
             As the boat came to a stop at Dewford once more, I stare off into the ocean, hoping and praying for the safety of the poor little Slakoth from earlier. I feel the pat of a leathery hand, and look down. Amarantos looks to me, his soft blue eyes reflecting my worried expression. I realize that there is no point in worrying. I can only hope she finds a good life out there, wherever she went to.
             He points towards a cave, and I nod, understanding what he wants. The cave could hold a new partner, and while I did not see the temporary president’s son on the rest of the island, I had not checked the cave yet.
             I slowly walk into the cave. The light from Ama’s flame was the only thing lighting up the inside, as I watch the Pokemon inside scatter. I walk slowly, being sure to gently feel the walls to make sure I don’t get lost. I trip, before turning to face a Makuhita. The poor creature was trapped under several rocks... was someone fighting it, and then left it? I approach cautiously, using Ama’s light to get close enough.
             I almost predict its own Fate... To die, trapped under these rocks, unable to escape and unable to eat... It’d either bleed out, or die of dehydration... I speak to it, telling it that I can save it, if it allows me to capture it. The Makuhita seems hesitant at first, before finally agreeing to the idea.
             I capture him. He earns the name Tavor, and like every other I have captured, he earns an entry, along with his Fate. I look upon the ball, turning it in my hand and pressing the button to send it off to someone who could take the best care of him.
             As I watch the Pokeball disappear, I think about what I would like. It was always a struggle, trying to find something I want. As long as I could fit it into my team well no matter what, I would not mind much...
             A Great Ball appears in my hand. It holds a young Yanma... He seems to have much potential. I dub him Eiji, watching the ball disappear once more to the Pokecollect.
             It’s time to continue training. I will battle the gym leader another day. Perhaps the gym leader will not be replaced with a Beast.
 Perhaps not.
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courtneysit · 6 years ago
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Last year at @armageddonexponz and a new #teamleader shirt, which ironically enough brought out the pink in my hair more than expected! It was amazing that in my 13th year, I finally knew more than one guest in the line up. It was an true honour to meet both @riccigrams who was both sweet and lovely, and @theshando who was an inspiration with her fight - these two were big onscreen for me growing up. It was awesome being able to share my #TokenAsian story with @_katieleung_ randomly at the entrance of Hall 6 after @ravenstarfire caught me off guard and introducing her to @pokecollection who unstalkerishly wanted to confirm if they did grow up on the same street (she did confirm this BTW). To seeing @osricchau again, telling him our hair clashed (but I still took a photo with you right?) and @ty.olsson, and of course meeting new people @jeffparise and @davidhaydnjones. @realdrewpowell was heaps of fun, I'll never forget that he threw a marker at me (in love he says, trying to say hi) whilst wearing a No Bullying shirt. And last but no least @annabanana_hops - #thankyou for the list of places to try in #Toronto, I plan on letting you know how they all go! Thanks for making my last year #epic. #charmed #gotham #harrypotter #chochang #shadowhunters #Arrow #supernatural #addamsfamily #sleepyhollow https://ift.tt/2qhYRaI
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onetakekate-blog · 8 years ago
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Shout outs from Saturday's @t2trainspotting #NZ Premiere | lovely to finally meet and get to sit next to and share the movie with Melissa from @thebestnest | also catch up and heckle @simondallow with @samuelhames of @spicypulp and his kickass sib Jess | did I mention #dannyboyle signed my @empireaust mag? Think I might of, look how happy he is 😍 | plus getting very excited pre-movie with @bevanlynch of @t2tea + @redcarpetnz | not pictured @pokecollection (what a Gent, lovely to meet you IRL finally) and the incomparable, always wonderful, MY MAN Jordan @thatguyxenojay Tini! Hot Date + 📸 (cept for the selfie): @mrleontaylor Thanks for the invite and great event @sonypictures and @eventcinemasnz Broadway 🍿🎬 (at EVENT Cinemas Broadway)
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pelopogo · 5 years ago
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🇬🇧 #pkmnmidevoweek Machoke is ready to give his after game thoughts in the Barcelona Football Club press room. 🇪🇸Machoke listo para dar sus opiniones de lo qué pasó en el partido. Su entrevista se dará en la sala de prensa del Fútbol Club Barcelona. . . . . #pokemongobuddy #pokemon #pelopogo #pokemongo #gosnapshot #pokemongoar #pokemongoarplus #ポケモンgo #pogocollective #pokemongocontest #gosnapshot #vamosnianticlatam #vamosnianticmex #pokemongomexico #gosnapshotmx #ztdnews #jadecam #pogodailyar #pokecollections #pokemonphotography #dugtriotop3 #pkmnsnaps #gohubar #pokegenix #AReikatje These guys support my dreams economically and they’ve inspired me to inspire them and many more. Huge thanks and be sure to check them out! . @larissarv @pepegmz @mollytaylor187 @pkmom71 @pokedexkylee @snap_them_all @theoneconspiracytheorist (at Camp Nou (FC Barcelona)) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-gle0jFu2H/?igshid=fr7ogx3eayv4
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kantopokecollector · 3 years ago
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that was how it all started. Pallet town. Asi fue como inicio todo. Pueblo paleta. #pokemon #pokemonanime #pokecommunity #pikachu #oldpokemon #pokecollection #gottacatchemall #pokeball #pokemonyellow #pokemonjapan #pokemonlatino #retropokemon #pokemonkanto #ポケモン #nostalgia #pkmn #kanto #ahs #pikachu #profesoroak #pokemonmuk (en Kanto Region) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeQK_xuLmVF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pokefangofficial · 4 years ago
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That storm was really bad, I hope everyone is doing okay. Donate to affected areas if you can. #pokemon #pokemonsealed #pokemoncafemix #pokemoncards #pokecollect #pokémon #tyranitar #pokemontradingcardgame #pokemoncommunity #pokemoncollector #pokemontcg #pokemontins https://www.instagram.com/p/CTUlSfWrsp7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pelopogo · 5 years ago
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🇬🇧🎊Happy birthday @zoetwodots 🎊 Thank you for the constant support yo all the AR creators! Wishing you and your family a great time together and happy to hear about the Animal Crossing party. This awesome AR birthday tradition has come full circle thanks to @growlithegirl . 🇪🇸🎊Feliz cumpleaños @zoetwodots 🎊 ¡Gracias por el apoyo constante a todos los creadores de AR! Deseándoles a usted y a su familia un gran momento juntos y felices. Que gran idea la fiesta de Animal Crossing. Esta increíble tradición de cumpleaños de AR ha cerrado el círculo gracias a @growlithegirl . . . It’s Friday in Australia so #NoFilterFriday ! #pokemongobuddy #pokemon #pelopogo #pokemongo #gosnapshot #pokemongoar #pokemongoarplus #ポケモンgo #pogocollective #pokemongocontest #gosnapshot #vamosnianticlatam #vamosnianticmex #pokemongomexico #gosnapshotmx #ztdnews #jadecam #pogodailyar #pokecollections #pokemonphotography #dugtriotop3 #pkmnsnaps #gohubar #pokegenix #AReikatje https://www.instagram.com/p/B-fMJjCFsQ-/?igshid=1vj8bkhsj8i5c
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pelopogo · 5 years ago
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🇬🇧 @brandm7 has already caught his shiny Sudowoodo and I was lucky enough to be with him on that moment! #AprilFools . I wish I was meeting up with Brandon again, but this is really a throw back post to Chicago Go Fest 2019. Brandon I wish you lots of shiny luck today and hopefully you’ll catch sudowoodo ASAP. It’s your favorite Pokémon, you deserve it! 🇪🇸 Mystic 7 ya atrapó su sudowoodo shiny salvaje y tuve la suerte de estar con él en ese momento. Es broma! Feliz día de los inocentes . Desearía volver a reunirme con Brandon, pero ésta es realmente una publicación del Chicago Go Fest 2019 que le edite al sudowoodo para que fuera shiny. Brandon, te deseo mucha suerte hoy y espero que puedas atrapar a sudowoodo shiny lo antes posible. Al final del día es su Pokémon favorito! . . . . #pokemongobuddy #pokemon #pelopogo #pokemongo #gosnapshot #pokemongoar #pokemongoarplus #ポケモンgo #pogocollective #pokemongocontest #gosnapshot #vamosnianticlatam #vamosnianticmex #pokemongomexico #gosnapshotmx #ztdnews #jadecam #pogodailyar #pokecollections #pokemonphotography #dugtriotop3 #pkmnsnaps #gohubar #pokegenix #AReikatje These guys support my dreams economically and they’ve inspired me to inspire them and many more. Huge thanks and be sure to check them out! . @larissarv @pepegmz @mollytaylor187 @pkmom71 @pokedexkylee @snap_them_all @theoneconspiracytheorist #colormon https://www.instagram.com/p/B-cXO9mFvyL/?igshid=3mh2129ac6k7
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pelopogo · 5 years ago
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🇬🇧 Ultra Go Battle League is here! Will you be rocking #togekiss on your team? I’m not a big fan of Ultra League but I do wish I had a togekiss powered up for it as it looks fun to use. 🇪🇸 La Liga Ultra ha comenzado! Usaras a Togekiss en tu equipo? Yo no soy muy bueno en esta liga, pero me encantaría tener un togekiss para ella. Se ve que es un Pokémon divertido para usar. . . . . . . #pokemongobuddy #pokemon #pelopogo #pokemongo #gosnapshot #pokemongoar #pokemongoarplus #ポケモンgo #pogocollective #pokemongocontest #gosnapshot #vamosnianticlatam #vamosnianticmex #pokemongomexico #gosnapshotmx #ztdnews #jadecam #pogodailyar #pokecollections #pokemonphotography #dugtriotop3 #pkmnsnaps #gohubar #pokegenix #AReikatje These guys support my dreams economically and they’ve inspired me to inspire them and many more. Huge thanks and be sure to check them out! . @larissarv @pepegmz @mollytaylor187 @pkmom71 @pokedexkylee @snap_them_all @theoneconspiracytheorist (at la Sagrada Familla, Barcelona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-U6ficlalu/?igshid=dm4ip7we3h0k
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pelopogo · 5 years ago
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🇬🇧 Do you have a chatot? Comment below! I wish all St. Louis Safari Zone ticket holders have a blast today. I wish this whole Covid-19 thing wouldn’t have restricted us to keep doing live events which are my favorite part of the game. However, everyone’s safety is much more important than that. Hopefully we will be able to see live events happen safely soon. Missing the community already. 🇪🇸 ¿Tienes un chatot? ¡Comenta abajo! Deseo que todos los que compraron boletos de la Zona Safari de St. Louis se diviertan hoy. Desearía que todo esto del Covid-19 no nos hubiera restringido para seguir haciendo eventos en vivo, que son mi parte favorita del juego. Sin embargo, la seguridad de todos es mucho más importante que eso. Esperemos que podamos ver eventos en vivo que sucedan de manera segura pronto. Ya hace falta convivir en comunidad no creen? . . . . . #pokemongobuddy #pokemon #pelopogo #pokemongo #gosnapshot #pokemongoar #pokemongoarplus #ポケモンgo #pogocollective #pokemongocontest #gosnapshot #vamosnianticlatam #vamosnianticmex #pokemongomexico #gosnapshotmx #ztdnews #jadecam #pogodailyar #pokecollections #pokemonphotography #dugtriotop3 #pkmnsnaps #gohubar #pokegenix #AReikatje These guys support my dreams economically and they’ve inspired me to inspire them and many more. Huge thanks and be sure to check them out! . @larissarv @pepegmz @mollytaylor187 @pkmom71 @pokedexkylee @snap_them_all @theoneconspiracytheorist #pkmnenvironmentweek #safarizone #safarizonestlouis #pokemongosafarizone (at St. Louis) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-PgIrpFg_W/?igshid=18pg84wzj1tno
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