#poison lady go brr
scarredsands · 2 years
Pokémon Favourites!
FIRST GAME: yellow..... shoutout to the only two pokemon i had during my run, a high level 80's pikachu and a level 90+ pidgeot. we got all 8 badges somehow and then got stuck in victory road. also i thought the poison overworld effect was my character getting electrocuted and it scared me :)
FAVOURITE SPINOFF GAME: this is going to be SO out of left field but.... i really. REALLY liked pokemon trozei. i have always been such a sucker and sap for puzzle games, so a puzzle game w pokemon?? get me in there. also i really enjoyed the ranger games, something about making circles on the screen made my brain go brr, and they were just rly fun and unique games period!! (and ofc honorable mention to colo/xd but ive never beaten them so)
FAVOURITE EVIL TEAM: flare..... now i know ppl just see them and it's like omg their clothes are ugly wtf why do they care abt beauty??? but like. flare is SCARY. they spied on a whole entire region without anyone knowing. they have plainclothes agents EVERYWHERE listening in. they are so adhered to their goal and objective that people pay money to join. also the four scientist ladies??? PLEASE.
FAVOURITE TEAM LEADER: i really like lysandre for the reasons above. i think lysandre is just. such an interesting character? his goals are insane but there's this humanity he still has despite that. shedding tears that pokemon will not belong to his beautiful world. but ALSO i love cyrus. something about him staying behind in the distortion world was oddly harrowing to me as a kid.
FAVOURITE BOX LEGENDARY: rayquaza once reigned supreme until origin giratina came knocking. rayquay still has a special place in my heart but like.... origin giratina? cmon now.
FAVOURITE POKEMON: my above answer may make this one obvious..... but outside of legendaries, i really like mimikyu :0 and also luxray, luxray kicks ass. and an honorable mention to empoleon!!!
FAVOURITE PROFESSOR: professor birch.... just this himbo dad of a professor and i love him so much.
FAVOURITE RIVAL: silver..... shoutout to younger me naming him ??? in crystal bc i thought that was just his name deadass.
FAVOURITE CHAMPION: cynthia of COURSE this is not even a question at all?? honorable mention to steven stone, him n cynthia r the powercouple otp living rent free in my brain for over a decade 
FAVOURITE CHARACTER (if not already covered): honestly i just think cynthia is one of my faves in general. typical expected answer but i just love her character, the way she actually plays a role in dppt and helps you along, and her team? it's all just iconic and she really is just a baddie. the cynthia jumpscare in undella forever making my heart race!!!!
FAVOURITE STORY: scvi.... if you asked me before last november, i would have picked platinum, but scvi made me ugly cry and i will never forget that story!!! 
FAVOURITE MUSIC: gen 3... hoenn specifically. the trumpets?? the vibes?? we love it.
FAVOURITE REGION OVERALL: sinnoh might be overrated and overhyped (save ur eyerolls/sideeyes @ me pls!!!!) but it will forever have a special place in my heart and is extremely important to me, and to my childhood overall. ill never forget my mom getting me and my brother diamond and pearl despite how tight money always was, and we just sat in the backseat on the carride home playing and showing each other stuff in the game, talking abt our starters, on that overcast april day..... diamond is my most played pokemon game with over 500 hours, and ive replayed platinum more times than i can count. i just love them and they'll forever be in my heart.
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zombeegutz · 3 years
lil genshin au drawing
axea falls asleep on the anemo archon statue a lot. it’s comfy up there, ok?
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sahara (the anemo archon in the genshin au) belongs to @oakly-brokencyborg​ :D
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silastheanon · 3 years
@professionallydeadinside Okay so I’m working on a lady D Lucas thing and here’s all of it so far, no Unpredictable today because anxiety has had me shut down practically all week, and even this amount of story was hard for me to write, but here’s the first little bit of it!
(It’s labelled in my docs as Lady D Lucas Gi Brr and it’s important to me that that fact is known)
Read it below!
Clancy was trapped in a barn.
Okay, an explanation is likely needed. It all started when he said yes to the job offer to be a cameraman for a small show called Sewer Gators, which investigated haunted houses and the likes. It was led and directed by two men, Andre Sticklan and Peter Walken, who were undeniably in a relationship, but tried very hard to hide it. Clancy never mentioned it.
Despite being straight, or so he believed, he could still understand why the two would be hesitant to say it.
One day, they had learned about a house in Dulvey, Louisiana. A family had lived in a house by a bayou for years, before they suddenly disappeared. So, as per the job description, the Sewer Gators went to investigate the Dulvey Haunted House.
Everything had started out fine, just typical creepy, abandoned house stuff. Then, everything wasn’t fine.
Clancy himself could barely comprehend what had happened, even after the fact. All he knew was that someone had been chasing them through what seemed to be some kind of nasty basement when a new person had emerged and called for the trio to follow them. It all went black for Clancy after that. Which, then, led to Clancy’s problem mentioned earlier.
Trapped in a barn.
There was a wall of televisions across from the chair he was shackled to. Flickering fluorescent lights were on the ceiling, though most of the barn was still swamped in shadow. It didn’t seem like Pete or Andre were in the barn, and Clancy didn’t know whether he should be happy and relieved for them, or if he should go ahead and begin mourning them. There were random pieces and scraps of metal and circuit boards strewn about on the floor. The place didn’t look or seem nice at all, yet there were still chrysanthemum’s growing between parts of the walls and up from the floor. Rats scurried around on the floor.
Clancy tugged on his restraints for a moment before a voice rang out, saying, “That’s quite a useless endeavor. They won’t break, certainly not from you.”
If Clancy hadn’t been tied up, he would’ve jumped five feet in the air.
One of the rats, a dumbo with black and white markings, ran toward the large doors at one end of the barn. The doors opened quickly, with little preamble, though the reveal of who stood in the doorway would take a bit longer.
A tall figure loomed for a second before it stooped down and let the rat crawl into their hand and up their arm.
“Seems my new little plaything has woken up, how nice. I’ll have to remember to reward Hoffman for getting you. I can hardly see you like this, but I know you won’t disappoint,” the stranger sauntered over to wear Clancy was trapped and tied up.
“Who the fuck are you? The hell am I doing here?” the stranger, still shrouded in shadow, laughed. They leaned forward so that the fluorescent lights could illuminate their face, and Clancy realised he was fucked in more ways than he has thought.
“You trespassed, and my darling friend Hoffman found you, and saved you from my father. You should count yourself lucky, really. Mother had wanted to convert you into becoming family, would’ve fed you the poison she calls food. I just want to play some games with you,” Clancy knew that he probably should’ve been pissing himself, but, in all honesty, he wasn’t paying much attention to what his captor was saying.
The stranger had steel blue eyes, and short blond hair. They were wearing a short sweater that fell off their shoulders, a jacket over that. They were tall, too. Very tall. They were talking, but that was quickly shut down with two words; “You’re hot.”
The stranger paused for a moment, eyes wide and mouth open.
“E…excuse me?”
“I’m sorry, I’ve got no idea if you’re cool with this, but you need to know you’re, like, super hot,” they made a noise that sounded like it had been punched out of them. They moved back until they were leaning against the wall of television’s, the barn seeming more lit than before, like a movie lightens up after a dramatic moment. The dumbo rat from earlier scampered out from under their jacket and down their arm. Clancy then noticed the fucking claws on his right hand.
Oh, he was fucked in the best god damn way possible.
“Do you have a name?” the stranger gave him a look, and Clancy couldn’t even get upset.
He had just been vocally thirsting after them, then he was trying to be a gentleman. Yeah, Clancy would be kind of pissed, too.
“Lucas. Would’ve guessed you’d have already figured that one out. You did your research, you and your little show friends,” that caused Clancy to tense in his seat.
Andre and Pete.
Where were they? What had happened to them? How in the world had he gotten so distracted so quickly?
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zombeegutz · 4 years
when u find urself another murder gf
I’ve had this meme sitting on my computer for like 3 days and I just now finished it
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Sahara belongs to @oakly-brokencyborg​ :)
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