#pointless poat
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whentheskittlesfightback · 8 months ago
im gonna watxh gravity falls :3
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kmp78 · 5 years ago
K I think Anon is taking about the B & W pic he posted of him laying down with no shirt on & his shoulder tattoo showing. He deleted that one. ?
Yep that isn't on his IG. 🤷🏼‍♀️
And a pointless pic to poat regardless. 😴
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dumescu-poems · 6 years ago
Nu pleca, te rog sâ rămâi
Numai un pic, mai puțin de-un veac
Rămâi cu mine pentru todeauna
O să fii regina mea
Doamna mea, stăpâna mea
Rămâi așa cum am rămas și eu pentru tine in gara vieți așteptându-te
Nu pleca, nu are rost
Viața fără noi
Am nevoie de ochi tăi, de privirea ta
De vocea ta susurând
O să rămân aici cu tine
Așa vreau să te aud
Dar știu că nu se poate
Tu ești tot timpul pe drumul fără capăt și fără leac
Rămâi cel puțin in gândul meu
Acolo am să te păstrez
De-acolo nu poți scapă nici dacă vrei
Rămâi in viața mea de vagabond
O să rămâi pentru mine in acest univers
Construit numai pentru noi
Te rog ca să rămâi
Do not leave, please stay
Only a little, less than a century
Stay with me forever
You will be my queen
My lady, my lord
Stay the way I stayed for you in the life station waiting for you
Do not leave, it's pointless
Life without us
I need your eyes, your eyes
By Your Voice Sighing
I'll stay here with you
That's how I want to hear you
But I know it's not possible
You are always on the endless and cureless journey
Stay at least in my mind
That's where I'll keep you
From there you can not escape even if you want
Stay in my vagabond life
You'll stay for me in this universe
Built only for us
Please stay there
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aurorluck · 7 years ago
gardens catching fire  / self para
continuing this thread
One day after the national day, on the second of December, they had a new portkey for him at his request. He’d waited a day, respectfully, not to make any moves on a national holiday. Last visit to Romania was concluded without much that was concrete, and it upset Luca to think of himself on the edge of failure in a case so personally intertwined with his family. He didn’t want people to think that they were hiding something there and, on top of it, he wanted whoever stole and smuggled dragon eggs to pay for the illegality, as it was normal. Except that he never would have thought, after the initial thought that had to have crossed his mind, that it was as simple as the owners being behind it, that the solution led back to his parents. After much research, after conversations with employees that saw more than just his badge and were open to speak freely with him and after his second visit in Ocna Sibiului, it was becoming as clear as the lake water.
It was official within the reservation. It was clear that the case was wearing his name on it, and the only one to blame had to be his mother, because he couldn’t imagine his father having a say in anything regarding the family business. He was too soft and too careless to ever handle something as delicate as a crime. It had to be his mother’s white leather gloves. 
Without bothering to check in at the hotel, he went straight for the entry - hidden to muggles. The lake of Ocna Sibiului, Avram Iancu, as named after one of his ancestors, was the deepest lake in Romania and they’ve created it with magic hundreds of years ago. It was called the bottomless lake by many, and they were right. Luca dived in, with his suit and clothes on, without the water as much as touching him. The magic worked as stairs made of solid water, and he was climbing down into what once was a mine. He walked in, looking at the blue go over his head and feeling like disappearing into the depths of it. The tunnel, now rehabilitated, was dark and long, so he cast a quick Lumos and walked in towards where his childhood happened, this time with a motive that topped everything else he has ever been there for before. 
Cave-like, the interior echoed his every step and Luca was convinced that they all knew of his presence by now. It didn’t matter. He wasn’t there on an official matter first. He wanted to talk to his parents first. There was no way he wouldn’t ask first, because maybe there was something he was missing. It was terrible, the thought of arresting his kind for nothing. Yet, his attachment was more because his name would be dragged through mud too, to some extent, and the love for justice was deeper, anyway. Luca, more than anything, was looking for the fair solution. 
Nearly out of the tunnel and deep into the heart of the woods, Luca sensed movement ahead and shook his wand to remove the light effect, though it seemed for nothing, when the other person approaching had their wand lit up. A woman cut his way and spoke in a broken English to him, clearly having recognized him - because how could they not recognize one of the only two Egyptians in the entire region. ‘’Where do you need to be that I can guide?’’
‘‘Mulțumesc. Mă descurc,’‘ Luca shook his head back at her, stopping for just a moment to thank her and let her know that he handled it. It was his time to use language clumsily, after so much time away from it, but at the same time, wasn’t it weirder to speak in English all along? This woman, who knew who he was, chose a language that belonged to neither of them simply because she suspected he would understand it better than Romanian. He felt insulted by default, but moved on, speeding up his pace.
The tunnel ended with more stairs to light. The entrance in the reservation was accessible to Luca, but as invisible to muggles as Hogwarts used to be. He didn’t give his wish for a good morning to anybody awake and working, choosing to walk to the stone building, painted turquoise for his mother’s personal taste. More stairs to climb, and he found his father in the office, petting a stray cat, which was a funny image to Luca for just a moment before he quickly remembered the reasons behind his visit. 
Without saying a word, he took a seat on the other side of the office, still playing with his wand almost recklessly. It didn’t connect him more to it, but it was the kind of nonchalance that he wanted to give off as he first spoke. His father’s attention was all pointed towards him, with soft understanding and slightly furrowed eyebrows. Luca spoke. ‘’Spune-mi cum ai putut să o lași să facă... cum se zice, contrabandă cu ouă de dragoni. N-are niciun sens. Nu pot să-mi dau seama ce fel de logică e asta,’’ he confessed with a helpless shrug, feeling powerless and frustrated because he couldn’t understand. What he’d said appeared just as puzzled. ‘’Tell me how you could let her do... how do you say, smuggling with dragon eggs. It doesn’t make any sense. I can’t figure out what kind of logic this is.’’ His father was supposed to take care of his mother and her rushed decisions. He was supposed to think and not put him in this sort of a situation.
The man opened his mouth to lie. Luca could tell, and he shook his head slowly. Stefan Anton sighed, feeling defeated. He has never been good at lying, and lying to his son seemed pointless anyway. It wasn’t like he was going to arrest her. ‘’Luca, e ceva ce toată lumea face...’’ Luca rolled his eyes. What a good argument ‘’Luca, it’s something everybody’s doing,’’ is. Without mocking it, he let the man continue his explanation, without moving one centimeter. No change of heart, no softening. ‘’Dacă tu simți că asta trebuie să faci și dacă de-asta ești aici, nu poate nimeni să te oprească. Dar care ar fi diferența dacă m-ai aresta pe mine în locul mamei tale? E același lucru. Afacerea e pe numele meu, în morții mă-sii. E a mea. Eu am făcut ce-a făcut ea. Doar că nu cred că ar fi în regulă să-ți arestezi mama. I-ar rupe inima. Nu o băga pe ea în afacerea familiei noastre. Luca...’’ It was the strongest he has ever seen his father be. He translated the words in his mind, to be careful, because he didn’t have any active problems understanding Romanian. ‘’If you feel like this is what you have to do and if that’s why you’re here for, no one can stop you. But what is the difference if you arrest me instead of your mother? Same thing. The business is on my name, for fuck’s sake. It’s mine. I have done what she’s done. I just don’t think it would be alright for you to arrest your mom. It would break her heart. Don’t drag her into our family business. Luca...’’
Luca scoffed, and it was followed by an actually friendly smile, part understanding. ‘’De fapt, sper că știi că o să vă arestez pe amândoi,’’ he explained effortlessly, not changing the smile for a frown as much as the situation didn’t give him pleasure. It was just the right thing to do. Law was strict and they’ve bent it. ‘’Actually, I hope you know I’m going to arrest you both,’’ has never felt so strange to say. 
The next moment, his mother opened the office door, having eavesdropped to that point, clearly. Luca stood up, respectfully. She was clearly open-mouthed and shook, ready to spell out two million nice words to make him change his mind and to beg him against it. Luca cut her off before she even started. ‘’Mami, ești arestată. Ai dreptul să... taci,’’ he spoke, with his wand now pointed at her, feeling stranger than ever. ‘’Mum, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain... silent.’’ What a weird thing to say. He never would have guessed he’d ever be in this situation. It felt beyond odd. '’Mă rog, nu arestată. Nu arestați. Ne vedem la tribunal. O zi bună... și îmi pare rău că... Nici nu știu de ce ați face asta. Mda. Vorbim.’’ Luca sighed, actually displeased with the outcome, though it was exactly what he was expecting. ‘’Whatever. Not arrested. You’re not arrested. We’ll see each other in court. Have a good day... and I’m sorry that... I don't even know why you'd do this. Myeah... See you.'' And with that, he just had to leave before he suffocated.
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foggyprints008-blog · 11 years ago
It has just occurred to me that, regarding homework, I am either not doing it/slacking off or doing a solid 1.5-3 hour block of it...
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amoxiciliin-blog · 13 years ago
My poor Moxi muse!
;A; she's shriveled into herself, so sad and depressed and rejected feeling -comforts Moxi muse-
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whentheskittlesfightback · 5 months ago
ypu never realize why aociety likes bedsheets until you use them
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whentheskittlesfightback · 7 months ago
listening to ch&t right now ⁉️⁉️
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whentheskittlesfightback · 8 months ago
queer british people always have great vibes idk
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whentheskittlesfightback · 4 months ago
why did i just read "the sound of air being sucked into a vaccum" and instead of thinking. yk. a vaccum for cleaning. i thought of the complete absence of matter. why
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whentheskittlesfightback · 7 months ago
at doctor appointment. keeping my sexuality and gender a secret :3
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whentheskittlesfightback · 3 months ago
heh... in january i have an interview on a friday... during school hours... which means i get to skip school for like 15 minutes + the time it takes to get there an back (which i mean itll basically be schools over time by then.. heh...)
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whentheskittlesfightback · 2 months ago
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whentheskittlesfightback · 7 months ago
you ever just feel the impulse to attack to bite but notning it biteable
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whentheskittlesfightback · 4 months ago
whats that gemder thats like uhh "wvery possi le gender experience" its omni somethingggggg uhh
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whentheskittlesfightback · 5 months ago
u all hav 2 prey 4 me that i can finish my homeswork that dint do in my free period 2morrow :3
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