#pogMe that’s me
blackwoolncrown · 1 year
You there! Can you help?
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Hey yall, I have to go back to Imperial Core 2 (aka the US) to sort out my paperwork so I can stay out of the country and continue finding a house, and then I have to make a long drive and pay a handful of money so I can keep my car here. This is going to cost $$$ and I won’t be able to work for a couple weeks so if you could share some dollars with me to balance the dip it would help a ton!
especially since I cannot make under 3.8k/month in order to qualify for my upcoming visa application- I must make that for a consistent, uniterrupted 6 months!
For those who don’t know I had to emigrate from the US due to lack of available housing and a bunch of other issues related to it being a shithole for queer POGM.
My $ app is $moonseye
My p*yp*l is p*yp*l.me/ellipsislux
Thanks so much!
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menalez · 1 year
Hey Mena, since you speak on this topic a lot, what do you think of the phrase 'persons/women of the global majority' as opposed to 'persons/women of color'? I find poc still centres white people in relation to us in a way that pogm does not
honestly i don’t like it, it doesn’t make sense to me and if u didn’t tell me it refers to people of colour, i would’ve thought it meant something else entirely
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tropiyas · 2 years
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afrostyfry · 5 years
So here is my first drawing on my new art tablet
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I have drawn in the past but that wasn’t since I was like 12, so it’s my most recent drawing in 5+ years, and it was fun to do. But as you can tell, I’m scared of shading, poses that aren’t basically a T-pose, and proportions are weird. Also clothing is intimidating to make look like it’s flowing n’ shit. If anyone sees this, I accept all helpful criticism :^) But I do like the dress for the first time I’ve ever attempted at one. The needle is stretched and you can kinda tell, and I couldn’t get another good leg so I just copied the first one and didn’t do any changes. 
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letmeediealready · 2 years
Family: "Guys aren't going to like you" "You're gonna be a lesbian" (I was a Tomboy) "You're gonna live at home for the rest of your life."
Boyfriend/fiance: "You can't leave me" "No one else will put up with you" "You think someone else will love you?"
How coincidental. There really must be something wrong with me. I mean obviously. PogMe for being an absolute fucking failure of a life.
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obedientlifestyle · 3 years
VAX to MARK (Tract) — Presents of God ministry BLOG
VAX to MARK (Tract) — Presents of God ministry BLOG
NOTE: This blog entry is a copy of my new VAX to MARK tract. After making the video (that was banned by YouTube) on this topic, the requests came in for me to make this available as a tract to hand out. It will be available on the poGm Tract’s page. You can download it…VAX to MARK (Tract) — Presents of God ministry BLOG
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blackwoolncrown · 2 years
Speaking of that Ancestors post...
I don’t know the exact means and direct answer for everyone but in regards to the state of the world today (ex: Congo, Haiti, Peru, North America etc) this is why ppl need to identify as Indigenous- specifically to identify with their Indigenous roots.
When colonized ppl of a place curse and spit at the Indigenous people, calling them dirty, backwards, ignorant etc, they are acting out the demons of colonization. This particular demon infects a people with poisonous amnesia and programs them to react with toxic vitriol and murderous intent around anyone or anything that could cause them to Remember or Connect.
Much of this demon is contained in the violence of colonization itself which is an ongoing act so heinous that while the ‘victors’ of this act claim pride about it they are violently allergic to actually allowing themselves to see its actual nature: ultimately, a gruesome act of idiotic self-harm.
Meanwhile, when governments enact laws against the rights of Indigenous people (and always therefore Earth herself), they are counting on the rest of us to see ourselves on the ‘right side‘ of a right/wrong division in which Indigenous people are the pitifully ‘wrong’.
It is false.
They count on this because if you do not see the tribal person taking to the streets, or sitting outside their small home, or yelling from the edge of a logged forest as a person like you, your cousin, your own flesh and blood, then you will not be angry.
You will not see.
And you will not fight.
And it’s just too late for that.
Now I’m not saying everyone just lazily buy some beaded earrings and slap ‘Indigenous’ in their profile. And some of you reading this, who may be strictly descended from colonizers, have a much different relation to this because the root issue in your bloodlines was the initial cultural cannibalism that far proceeded (and caused) colonization and is why so many of you can’t identify as indigenous to where you are nor can you satisfactorily trace back your Ancestorship.
I feel for you and know your path lies in healing a specific wound in your Ancestral lineage but this post isn’t exactly about you (Understand though I am not referring to all Europeans as many of you actually have Indigenous lineages).
I mean the rest of you POGM who were made to identify as minorities. Who are- by the work of colonization- more familiar with the brand marks of colonial export than the tongues and traditions of your people just a handful of generations back.
It serves the demon of capital for us to forget, or to be ashamed of returning, or to feel like the wall of trauma is too high to climb. It serves the demon of empire to feel disconnected from Indigenous people and the Indigenous fight because then we will lack the honor and pride of Self Knowing and the righteous anger and indignation that comes with seeing and understanding what they have done- what they have taken from you.
And it’s just too late for that.
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blackwoolncrown · 2 years
where’s that quote about how at first it seems like not taking care of yourself seems like cool and rebellious until you realize you’re the only one it hurts and self care in a world that wants u dead is the actual rebellion
bc annoying skincare influencers and the beauty industry have got a bunch of y’all reverse psychology “im not like other girl” mindfucked into thinking ‘skincare’ is a dirty word and not like basic maintenance of your body’s largest organ
I’m quite fed up w y’alls anti skincare takes and while I GET that there are mean, weird, snobby 14-step weirdos out there who approach skincare as a path to holy flawlessness, I am BEGGING y’all to recall that basic skincare is a completely normal human habit just like p much every other animal looks after their outer layers.
 There is nothing cool, superior or laudable about not taking care of yourself and while a NUANCED conversation about capitalism, beauty standards and mental illness should be had “I’m not gonna look after my skin” is not the flex y’all think it is.
Like not to excuse rudeness or bullying in any form but I need y’all to realize that a lot of this weirdly broad-sweeping anti skincare sentiment sounds like, to anyone for whom skin/body care is a norm, “I think it’s egotistical / wasteful / pointless to wash my face / exfoliate my body / protect my skin w oils” and like, speaking as a POGM, that is not a new take and it was weird hearing it from y’all 400-800 years ago.
Like I get it I hate the beauty industry too but I’m still gonna moisturize and listen to my skin if it expresses a problem to me. tf is wrong w y’all.
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blackwoolncrown · 3 years
Oh we’re talking about weaponized incompetence now?
Okay, I’ll go: It’s not just about lazy boyfriends and husbands.
It also applies to white people in general in how they relate to the ppl they oppress bc y’all lean on POGM to educate, care for and support you and historically white ppl have used Black + Brown ppl as nannies and tutors gained through slavery and racial oppression and the way may white ppl act today is a deep-seated continuation of the fact that y’all still expect that behavior from us at work, in friendships and as partners.
Y’all will fumble, stumble, give up, fail and claim incapability or vulnerability around something to trigger us into protecting you in a way y’all never return bc the relationship is fundamentally that of a parent and child no matter the age.
Don’t argue and don’t ask me what to do about this bc I will tell you this: all the POGM I know and plenty I don’t have come to the conclusion that the best way forward is actually to distance ourselves from white comrades to whatever degree necessary bc y’all have been leeching our emotional resources and this need to ‘educate’ and help y’all along is actually kind of insidiously slowing things down.
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blackwoolncrown · 3 years
“Over the last decade, my colleague, University of California, Santa Barbara psychology professor Jonathan Schooler and I have developed what we call a “resonance theory of consciousness.” We suggest that resonance – another word for synchronized vibrations – is at the heart of not only human consciousness but also animal consciousness and of physical reality more generally. It sounds like something the hippies might have dreamed up – it’s all vibrations, man! – but stick with me.     “
I hate how every time traditional western science ends up finding out something they categorized as new age or metaphysical ends up being true they have to do this really cringe song and dance of ‘that’s still dumb and we’re not uncool and wrong like them’ instead of a more useful unification of theories and understanding that we were using different language to say the same thing.
Like just admit we were fucking right. Esp since ‘hippies’ got their info from POGM cultures hundreds of thousands of years old.
We won’t get anywhere until we understand that like, that was also knowledge and not ~silly made up stuff~
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