retarampulo · 1 year
ĉikanas ĉicikaTro
ĉiamviĉiamviĉiamvi ĉiamviĉiamvinĉiami rei riteir inte re enir int er ei rite inte re nteni sopiris mi dum soporis mi ĉu sonoros mi tiun ĉikanas ĉicikatro ĝi kantis tro ĉicikle jen la fina demando: kiovikiovikiovikiovi kiovikionikiovikiovi
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i-kvr · 8 months
Ci estas kiel astro en mia universo de esti Tiel granda ke kapablas havi gravitacion Kaj min tiras, min rondigas Min tiranta, min turniganta Kaj mi estas tirita kaj rondiĝas Mi rondas ĉirkaŭ ci Mi vivas por ci Mia penso cin servas Ci estas astro en mia universo de esti —Ikvero13 set 2015 Legu la originalan en la portugala
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metamorfemo · 8 months
Ci estas kiel astro en mia universo de esti Tiel granda ke kapablas havi gravitacion Kaj min tiras, min rondigas Min tiranta, min turniganta Kaj mi estas tirita kaj rondiĝas Mi rondas ĉirkaŭ ci Mi vivas por ci Mia penso cin servas Ci estas astro en mia universo de esti —Ikvero13 set 2015 Legu la originalan en la portugala
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malhela-lumoo · 2 years
Malsekaj ŝuoj
Banas sin mem
En la suno.
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ryyna8484 · 1 year
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Visos Meilės Paslaptys, Ir vėl... (on Wattpad) 
Tai gi sveiki) Esu Ryna, Wattpad rašytoja. Rašau poemas, romanus, detektyvus ir įvairias mintys. Tikiuosi jums patiks. (rašau kaip ir Lietuvių kalba, kaip ir Rusų (dažniausiai būna vertimas iš Lt))
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goformoony · 2 months
Hi poemoe ☺
Hows ur american day goin? ☺
im going to see deadpool and wolverine tonight so im excited for that:)
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ilmacore · 2 months
I hope all my hispanic ppl know about this game (poemos jugar si quieren eh...)
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Me asomé a la balcona
y contemplé la ciela
poblada por los estrellos.
Sentí fría en mi caro,
me froté los monos
y me puse la abriga
y pensé: qué ideo,
qué ideo tan negro.
Diosa mía, exclamé:
qué oscuro es el nocho
y que sólo mi almo
y perdido entre las vientas
y entre las fuegas,
entre los rejos.
El vido nos traiciona,
mi cabezo se pierde,
qué triste el aventuro
de vivir. Y estuvo a punto
de tirarme a la vacía…
Qué poemo.
Y con lágrimas en las ojas
me metí en el camo.
A ver, pensé, si las sueñas
o los fantasmos
me centran la pensamienta
y olvido que la munda
no es como la vemos
y que todo es un farso
y que el vido es el muerto,
un tragedio.
Tras toda, nado.
Vivir. Morir:
qué mierdo.
Jesús Lizano
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synthdiary · 2 years
Today's Goals: Successes and failures
Grocery shopping. I did this! We are set to go for meals thru the weekend.
Make dinner. I didn't do this! My husband made dinner for us because I was tired. This is ok tho, because the real point of this goal is not ordering, rather than that I must cook.
Catch Bus. This one was a total fail. I woke up too late to catch the bus. Tomorrow, I won't even be trying to catch the bus because I need to go vote, and I need to do a meeting for activism stuff. I don't think I have time to do everything tomorrow, so I'll have to borrow the car.
Keep reading. This was a total success! I decided to slightly harass my husband by reading "Bro Beowulf" aloud to him. We had a total blast with this and are now planning to read the entire book aloud. We only read about 18 pages, nothing for the scops of old I'm sure but this was, tbh, a bit for me to read aloud in one sitting.
Start doing language study on my lunch breaks. I read about 4 pages of La Poemo de Utnoa on my lunch break. Subtracting out time I spent eating, this means it was about 5 min per page for me. I read in Esperanto, and I used a monolingual Esperanto dictionary to look up words I didn't know. TBH, I didn't need a dictionary for anything until a half page section where suddenly the book was filled with strange and incomprehensible words. Oh well, such is language learning.
Tomorrow's Goals
Vote. This is probably the most important one
Language Learning. Tomorrow's activity: watch at least 1 Dreaming in Spanish video on my lunch.
Activist meeting. This is pretty important as well
Read. If I read 18 pages of "Bro" Beowulf a day, I will finish in a little over a week.
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recortes-para-pp · 3 months
8. No me puedo concentrar 7. No sé lo que está pasando 6. No sé hacia dónde dirigirme 5. No sé cómo seguiré viviendo 4. No sé qué hacer 3. No sé qué decir 2. No sé qué pensar 1. No entiendo nada
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retarampulo · 1 year
Frak! Krak! Kvak!
Jen la brilo de la ov’! Glora, ora sur la stov’! For la koko, for la kov’! Nun engorĝen mia ŝov! Jen la krio de la stel’! Scintilanta nokta perl’! Brulas plu per dia zel’! Nigratruen laŭ rondel’! Ĉion kantas homa ran’! Fiksu vin al kosma sci’! Se perdiĝis via plan’, Rememoru sonojn tri:
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irvingsykes · 9 months
Hola, este es un poemo eternamente tuyo.
Se que estas ahi y aqui,
Se que yo estoy ahi y aqui.
Me estas extrañando tanto como yo te extraño
Curandonos las heridas mientras esperamos con ansias poder conocernos,
Para poder amarnos.
Eternamente uno del otro, en este espacio y en algun tiempo, momento o instante, uno del otro eternamente.
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malhela-lumoo · 2 years
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sauloosorioslarcon · 2 years
Saulo osorio A./un titulo en mi clases 3mansanas verdes un 1una mas peque'na es la mitad.//_
Titulo..3mananas vedes i una pequen'a esla mitad.. abla de tres nin'a muy hermosas que ablava entre ellas misma,como estudiando,leendo,escribiendo,agarrarse las manos,i muy bien aseadas limpias y perfunada.su mayor favorito las manan'a verdes muy verdes era asi su color mas somenos dulses y les gusta animales nada mas.
I una mas pequen'a era la mitad_ era una amiga de la familia que le guatava mansanita lo partia en la mitad.. y lo picaba muy despacio.siempre les seguia siguendo alas tr3tres hermanas porque queria ser mas amiga era como hermana menor. I le gustava seguir la atodos lados 6 mas asta muy lejos el camino i en sen'ava muy bien las cuatr 4cuatro juntas los bustabas los poemos. 3so es todo ..gracias ati saulo osorio alarcon..peruano peru,luma,lurigancho,chosica....
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pixoplanet · 3 years
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It's December 25th. To quote the greatest science communicator of our time, Mr. Neil de Grasse Tyson, "On this day long ago, a child was born who, by age 30, would transform the world. Happy Birthday, Isaac Newton," who was born on this day in 1642 in Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, England. And so today, we celebrate the birthday of one of the most important human beings who ever graced our planet. Isaac Newton was an extraordinary ⚛️physicist and 🧮 mathematician who is credited with laying the foundation of 📐 classical mechanics and jump-starting the ⚗️scientific revolution. He believed that all of nature is governed by universal laws that can be expressed mathematically. Newton’s list of accomplishments are long and profound, and his influence will be felt forever.
Isaac's father died two months before he was born; his mother remarried when he was three. His stepfather died when Isaac was 12, and Isaac was pulled out of school to help run the family estate. Isaac seemed to show little promise in school, anyway, as his reports described him as idle and inattentive. However, Isaac soon showed that he had no talent or interest in managing an estate, either.
An uncle persuaded Isaac's mother to let him go back to 🏫 school. This time he must've shown some promise because the school's headmaster later convinced Isaac's mother to send him to University. Isaac entered Trinity College of Cambridge in 1661 at the age of 19 and began studying philosophy, science, and mathematics in earnest. Between the time Trinity College closed in 1665 due to a 😷 bubonic plague pandemic and 1667 when he returned to Cambridge, Isaac returned home, and, free to study whatever he wanted to, gobbled up all of the mathematics texts he could lay his hands on. During this time, Isaac developed calculus, the law of gravitation, and different theories on optics.
Newton is credited with the discovery of the prism (which is how a 🌈 rainbow works). At the time, scholars hotly debated the subject of whether or not color was an intrinsic property of light. Newton settled the debate when he discovered that a light ray entering a prism is split into different colors (or, wavelengths). This work led Newton's construction of the world's first practical reflecting telescopes.
Newton is probably best known, however, for his work with gravity which led him to discover the famous three laws of motion.
Law of Inertia – An object at rest remains at rest or an object in motion remains in motion until an outside force acts upon it.
Law of Acceleration – An applied force on an object is equal to the rate of change in its momentum (F=ma or Force equals mass times acceleration).
Law of Action – For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Also related to Newton's work with gravity is his work with heliocentrism. He determined that a smaller object doesn't actually orbit around a larger object, but rather the two bodies orbit around their common center of gravity. With this realization and ever-more precise measurements of the ☀️sun and planets, the heliocentric model of the 🌌 solar system has continued to become more and more accurate over the years.
Isaac Newton has unquestionably secured his place in history. He's widely regarded as one of the most important people who's ever lived. Many of his ideas still hold true and his equations are still in use today. When sending a ☄️probe to the outskirts of the solar system, NASA scientists don't rely on Einstein's relativity to work out the math – they use Newtonian physics equations.
Isaac Newton Quotes:
"We build too many walls and not enough bridges."
"I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people."
"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants."
"I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me."
☮️ R.I.P., Isaac… Jamiese of Pixoplanet
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synthdiary · 2 years
Back on the horse.
So, I had things going good for a while. I was working on art every day, I was studying languages every day, I was cooking every day, I was walking most days. I was reading a lot. Then I got promoted and things kind of spiraled out of control and I haven't been doing those things that I want to do. So, maybe this is an accountability diary or something so I can get back to those things, which somehow constitute as self care for me.
Language learning:
I'm committing to trying to study on my lunches at work. My activity for tomorrow will be: Reading Poemo de Utnoa in Esperanto. This is an epic poem about the biblical flood, but with ancient aliens and other Scifi elements added in. I wanted to start today but I couldn't so here we are.
I did some clerical tasks for the project I work on, including getting approval for the next print run of our newspaper. For some reason I felt a lot of anxiety doing this, perhaps its because the price for printing seems to have gone up a lot since the last issue. These are the realities of dealing with inflation.
Today was the day for the book club that I run, always kind of nerve wracking to prepare, not helped by the fact that I needed to finish reading the last chapter of this month's book, which was the Jakarta Method by Vincent Bevins. The meeting went well, here is what I put on goodreads about this book:
This is a book which everyone should read, but it is a difficult book to read. The details of this book are soul crushing and disturbing but it is something everyone should know. One thing I really appreciate about this book is its focus on survivor testimony. It is often the case when we hear about an atrocity, we cannot grasp the humanity of its victims. This book, thru interviews, completely avoids that problem allowing/forcing the reader to understand the victims as something other than a statistic.
This month the book club will be reading 2 versions of Beowulf--Feminist Beowulf by Maria Dahvana Headley (I'll probably call it "Bro Beowulf" going forward) and Irish Post-colonial Beowulf by Seamus Heaney (Likely called "So Beowulf" going forward). I started reading "Bro Beowulf" today just to get a headstart... In addition to these two books there's also a fiction book I would like to finish reading before December. 3 is normally fully possible for me but I only read the one in October. I only managed to get thru the introduction today tho
Goals for Tomorrow
Grocery shopping
Make dinner
Catch Bus
Keep reading
Start doing language study on my lunch breaks
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