#pod point chargers
voltix-evchargers · 1 year
How to Minimize EV Home Charger Installation Expenses?
As the world shifts towards electric vehicles (EVs), home charger installation has become a key consideration for EV owners. While the benefits of EVs are undeniable, the cost of installing a home charging unit can sometimes raise concerns. This article aims to explore strategies to minimize EV home charger installation home expenses without compromising on quality and safety.
Understanding Installation Costs
The cost of EV home charger installation home can vary based on several factors. These include the location of your electrical panel, the distance between your panel, the charging location, and the overall complexity of the installation process. While the initial expenses might seem daunting, the long-term savings from reduced fuel costs and a lower carbon footprint often outweigh the upfront investment.
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Cutting Down Installation Costs: Key Things To Consider
When thinking of installing an EV charger at home, understanding how to make strategic choices can make the way to a budget-friendly process much clearer. Here are a few things to keep in mind to ensure this: -   
Choose the Right Location: Selecting an installation location that is close to your electrical panel can significantly reduce installation costs. A shorter distance means less wiring and labor, translating to a lower overall expense.
Smart Planning: A vital aspect of cost reduction is smart planning. Before installation, consider factors like cable routing and whether any additional electrical work is required.
Opt for Expert Installation: Employing experienced professionals ensures that the installation is done efficiently and accurately. Their expertise can help avoid costly mistakes down the line.
Utilize PME Detection: PME (Pen fault) detection technology can save you money by eliminating the need for an earth rod during installation. This reduces both material and labor costs.
Andersen Car Charger Installation: Your Cost-Effective Solution
When it comes to a reliable and cost-effective EV home charger installation home, look no further than Voltix. As a local family-run business, Voltix is committed to providing excellent customer service and top-notch installation quality. Approved by manufacturers to install any EV charger available on the market today, Voltix ensures that your installation is in capable hands.
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One of the standout offerings from Voltix is the Andersen A2 EV charger installation. This charger enhances the charging experience for electric vehicle enthusiasts with features like an optional 8.5m cable length, 22kW power, and SMART-controlled connectivity. The Andersen A2 not only delivers gorgeous aesthetics but also showcases pioneering technology.
A noteworthy feature of the Andersen A2 is its fully integrated fault protection, making it one of the safest chargers available. Additionally, the PME (Pen fault) detection technology reduces installation costs, allowing you to allocate more of your budget toward the charger itself.
Conclusion Minimizing EV home charger installation home expenses is a concern for many prospective EV owners. However, with strategic planning, the right location choice, and the utilization of advanced technologies like PME detection, the cost can be significantly reduced. Voltix's expertise and their Andersen A2 EV charger installation provide a seamless solution that's not only cost-effective but also ensures safety and quality. By making smart choices during the installation process, you can enjoy the benefits of electric vehicle ownership without breaking the bank.
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xthe-writing-vampirex · 4 months
Hi I have a question! Um I know you wrote it like a while ago, but do you think you will do a part 2 of the mechanic y/n with the animatronics? The one where she has a fear of them. If you do a second part do you think you can tag me?
Mechanic Y/N Part 2
Word count: 1,732
Finally got around to actually writing another part to this! It's looking like my brain is actually letting me write again and I couldn't be happier. I hope this went in a direction you like. I figured I'd try to give Y/N some one on one time with Chica since I don't think I've ever actually written that. I'll probably try to do the same with Roxy at some point as well but I figured Chica would be the most likely to be able to actually calm Y/N down. Anyway I hope you like it!
Your brush with a very grumpy Monty left you shaking and desperately trying to find somewhere you could actually be alone and try to calm down. Being around your bosses or coworkers like this would definitely not bode well for you. You honestly doubted they would fire you due to something like this but they would question your ability to properly do your job and you just couldn't let that happen. Spotting a nearby janitor's closet you rush over, opening the door and stepping into the surprisingly large space. The closet is full of the typical cleaning supplies and back up parts but it also opens up to what looks like a walk way that could serve as a back way to get from place to place. Closing the door behind you, you move forward, curious about the odd space you've found. When you round the corner however you notice a charging pod, blue lightning bolt glowing to signal someone is in it. You look up towards the little window that lets you see inside and your eyes land on the familiar face of the papa bear himself, Freddy. He doesn't notice you at first, eyes closed as if he's sleeping. It stands to reason that recharge is sort of like sleeping for them so it makes sense he would treat it like that. Curious, you step closer, watching the bear for any sign he might wake up. Unfortunately for you, with your focus so intently on Freddy you don't notice a piece of metal tubing haphazardly placed against the nearby wall. Your foot hits it, causing it to fall down with an audible clank. You flinch, looking up towards the bear again hoping it didn't alert him to your presence. Unfortunately for you, Freddy is a light sleeper.
“Y/N? What are you doing back here? Most of the staff don't come back here unless they're looking for something. Is there anything I can help you with?” The bear asks, stepping out of the charger and causing an audible hiss when the door opens. He steps down, looking down at your small frame and waiting for you to respond to him. Meanwhile you can't get your mouth to actually open and form words, too terrified by the sight in front of you. You're extremely close to the bear, face only coming up to his stomach hatch area. “Uh…..Y/N? Are you alright?” He asks, noticing you seem completely frozen and unable to talk. He's not sure what's going through your head but he's certainly not used to this sort of reaction from people, even in the past you'd never done this. Then again you'd avoided ever actually being this close to him. Eventually the bear gets down on one knee so he's more eye level with you, trying to snap you out of whatever trance you're currently in. “Superstar?” He says worriedly, moving to put a hand on your cheek. The movement knocks you out of your trance and you immediately move away from the bear, leaving him stunned with his hand still in the air.
“Y-Yup! I'm totally fine Freddy! See you later!” You reply quickly, wanting nothing more than to get away from the animatronic. First Monty and now this? God could you really do this job if you were this scared? Freddy pauses, bringing his hand down and trying to figure out what's going on here.
“Y/N. Wait a moment. I know something is wrong. Your heart rate is elevated and you seem to be going through a panic attack. How can I help?” The bear asks, causing you to stop and give him a rather rushed and fake smile.
“N-No no! No panic attacks here! I don't know what you're talking about Fred!” You reply, still frantically trying to think of a way to get out of this situation. “Gotta go check in on some of the staff bots! See ya!” You reply before quickly moving away from Freddy and out of the janitor's closet, leaving the bear still down on one knee and completely stunned by the whole interaction. Was it something he said?
After that ‘terrifying’, at least in your mind, interaction you head towards an out of place little hallway, shaking all the way there and trying to catch your breath. Freddy hadn't done anything scary persay but just being that close to that big of an animatronic scared the absolute shit out of you. Again you question how the hell you're going to do this job if you can't even get close to these robots without having a panic attack. Letting out a sigh you let your back fall against a nearby wall, sliding down it until your butt hits the ground. Should you just quit now? You'd been able to handle taking care of the simpler robots around the place but maybe that's just because they're closer to the size of normal people and unable to really do what the main four could. Sighing once again you put your head in your knees, trying to calm yourself down so you can go back out and actually do your job.
Just then you hear the familiar sound of an animatronic as they walk, getting closer and closer. Your head pops up immediately, eyes landing on the relatively short form of Chica, who thankfully is around the same size as a typical human female being the shortest of the group. Before you can protest the chicken comes and sits down next to you, smiling warmly at you.
“Hiya rock chick! Freddy told me what happened. I figured I'd try to find you and see if I could help ya out!” The chicken says cheerfully, You sit there nervously eyeing her and she eventually puts two and two together. “Would it help if I move away a bit, sweetie? I don't want to scare you or cause you more anxiety.” She explains, your look of confusion at what she says answers quite a few of her questions without you even having to say a word. The chicken moves away a bit, sitting with her legs closed and to one side. “Look sweetie. I'm not sure what we've done to scare you but none of us are out to get you. We just want to make sure you're okay. Freddy is worried sick about you and is convinced he did something wrong.” She explains, earning a confused look from you once again. You can't get over just how lifelike these beings are. They're unlike literally anything you've worked on before and they seem to have their own thoughts and feelings. Biting your lip nervously you try desperately to think of something to say to her, feeling kinda bad for worrying Freddy like this. Though to be fair you weren't even aware he could actually worry like this.
“You don't have to talk if you don't want to Rock Chick. I don't want to make this any more scary for you.” Chica states, keeping her movements slow and visible while monitoring your heart rate and breathing. “I do want to know though. Did we cause this in some way? You can just shake or nod your head if you want.” She explains, smiling when you shake your head no in reply. “Oh good. I was scared maybe Monty did something that freaked you out, or Roxy. I love her but she can be so blunt sometimes.” She rambles, which surprisingly is actually helping to calm you down. Despite knowing Chica is an animatronic she's actually extremely like a normal human in size and personality, like a bubbly friend who loves to talk. “Is it the whole size thing? Seems to make the parents a bit nervous too.” She continues, pausing to see if you'll shake your head in reply which you eventually do, a nod to be exact though the size thing isn't the only thing about them that scares you.
“I-Its a lot of things….” You manage, Chica playfully gasping in response.
“It speaks! Well I can't say I blame you for being nervous Rock Chick. Those boys make even me nervous sometimes. Especially when Monty gets angry and messes up his room. I think that would scare anyone. We really don't mean any harm though…..well me and Freddy don't. He's just a big teddy bear…..and I don't think Roxy or Monty do either, they're just difficult sometimes.” She replies, still smiling warmly to try and reassure you. “It's totally okay to take a while to get over this too Rock Chick. But I'm happy to help however I can!” She finishes, smile still bright as the sun. She puts a hand out for you, waiting for you to make a move to actually grab it. She doesn't have the sharp claws like the others do and her hand more or less just looks like a humans for the most part, like you can still tell she's an animatronic but at least they tried to make her more human like. You pause, staring at her hand for a few moments while she patiently waits to see if you're willing to take it. Eventually, albeit hesitantly, you put your shaky hand into hers and the happy little smile that she gives you when you do makes you smile a bit in response. How could you not? She just seems so happy that you actually gave her some trust.
“There you go sweetheart! Well done, I'm so proud of you!” She praises, making you blush a bit in the process. “Awe, you're so cute when you blush! You should do it more often, cupcake. Do you want to come hang out in my green room so you can calm down? We can get you some sweets and have some girl time hm?” She suggests, causing you to pause for a moment. You're worried about being seen by the others but are hoping maybe Chica will send them a message and tell them to leave you be for a bit, actually the chicken thought to do just that as soon as you nodded your head in response to her question. She bounces happily before carefully standing and starting to help you up. “Yay! Let's get to it, Rock Chick!” She states happily before beginning to lead you back towards rockstar row and to her room.
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moosemonstrous · 9 months
Ghost Rider Pacific Rim AU - the inherent injustice of being the youngest person in any group
The Wall is nearly ready.
Amadeus likes a good wall, especially if he gets his hands on a printer and some red string. It’s good to be able to put all information in view at once – helps him organise his thoughts, or at least present them in a way that appears organised to a random observer.
“Oh, so we’re in crazy town already?” Tony sighs. “Cho, it’s not been a week.”
The Wall is nearly ready, save for a giant empty space he’d mentally labelled as OTHER PILOT. Now, Amadeus would be the first to admit he can get excited a smidge too quickly, so when he talks Tony through his and Montesi’s findings, he needs to make sure to include absolutely everything. He starts with two near-identical sets-of-four scans of the Maximoffs’ brains.
“No, no, let him talk,” Montesi pushes him into a chair. She’s got her hair up in the messiest bun Amadeus has ever seen on her, and he’s fairly sure she hasn’t meditated once since the first MEG scan came back making zero sense. He’s a great influence on everyone around him. “I triple-checked every conclusion. If this is real…”
“These were taken still in drivesuits, straight out of the Conn-Pod,” he says, tapping the highlighted area in the centre of the sagittal view. “Increased blood flow and activity in hippocampus for up to forty-five minutes after disconnecting from the hardware.”
Next: the original MRI Carter’s team took after the techs fished Reyes out of The Charger. Then, the results of the whole set of tests they took on his first day as their, ah, research participant. Montesi had the misfortune of taking the Hippocratic oath and doesn’t like the kind of language Amadeus got used to in private labs. “Six hours,” he says, pointing at the MRI, “three days,” pointing at the day-one MEG, then: “and yesterday.” He got a little carried away time-wise and didn’t image the scan onto a more user-friendly brain model, so it’s just rows and rows of electromagnetic waves in a table, with the relevant anomalies highlighted in neon green. Tony is a smart cookie; he’ll figure it out.
Smart as he is, he doesn’t really deal in meat brains. “Kid, help me out. What am I looking at? These are all pretty much the same.”
Amadeus just about manages not to clap like a proud parent. “They pretty much are!” He stretches himself across The Wall to point out the similarities in the detected anomalies: “See that? Minimal, but present activity in the frontal cortex, and constant stimulation to the hippocampus.” (Please please please don’t find something obvious I missed this is too interesting to be just. Nothing.) “Six! Days! No aneurysm! No seizures! Not even beginning stages of neuron malfunction!”
Tony pinches the bridge of his nose. “Is this another Spector?”
Amadeus is ready for that. “Nope. His history is muddled at best – we really need to get into that, by the way – but there is no prefrontal cortex dysfunction, and no damage to the anterior cingulate gyrus.” Tony sends him a truly murderous glare over his fingers. “If it was DID, or schizophrenia, or anything, we would’ve seen signs of it by now. We mapped out his brain millimetre by millimetre, alright? There isn’t another explanation, it must be–”
“Don’t say it,“ Tony warns, but Amadeus can’t help himself:
“–ghost drifting! Come on, Doc, back me up.”
Montesi clears her throat. “He’s right.” Before Amadeus can whoop in victory, she adds: “Don’t put that in writing, I have a reputation to uphold.” She straightens the lapels of her lab coat. “Reyes needs thorough monitoring. There might well be nothing on the other end of that drift.”
“No,” she says, already aggravated by their many, many previous discussions on the topic.
“No,” she repeats. “Yes, something weird is going on with his brain. Yes, I think we should investigate. But we have no evidence it’s connected to that dreadful jaeger.”
“Yet!” Amadeus is distantly aware that the noise he makes resembles a dying goose. “Tony, just hear me out.”
“Give me a damn minute.”
Both Amadeus and Montesi back away from the Wall to let him inspect the scans at his leisure. Amadeus hates being evaluated in real time; what he wants is to provide supplementary information to every piece of paper Tony looks at, what he has to do is wait for him to draw his own conclusions. Even though his understanding of neurophysiology is at best intermediate, and even though it’s Amadeus who’s supposed to be the biology side of their partnership—
“Take it down a notch,” Tony tells him seriously. “You’re about to vibrate through the floor. Go grab a drink or something, I need a word with Vicky first.”
“It’s my office,” Amadeus grumbles, shoving his hands in his coat pockets.
“It’s my base,” Tony raises an eyebrow, but Amadeus knows better than to challenge him on that. “Run along, come back in fifteen. I’ll need you to walk me through the spongy bits again.”
Robbie thinks his spine might have turned to jelly. The wooden bench in the locker room didn’t look comfortable at first, but now he reckons he could stay on it for the rest of the shift. Or maybe the rest of his life.
It’s not the most tired he’s ever been. But it’s somewhere in the top five, for sure.
“Hey, man, that wasn’t too bad,” someone punches his shoulder. Robbie is too numb to figure out whether it was hard enough to hurt or not hard enough to register. “Have some water before you pass out.”
He accepts the plastic bottle. Briefly wishes death and suffering upon everyone who laughs when he can’t operate the screw top with his shaking hands. Finally, shoulder-puncher takes mercy on him and takes it away, then hands it back, open.
“Thanks,” he manages to mumble between sips. His bad eye is all screwy and he can still feel adrenaline pulsing in his temples like a hammer. Is he really supposed to do this every day? He doesn't know if he can find his legs before it's time to pick up Gabe.
“First day always sucks,” says the shoulder-puncher. “Brooks doesn’t normally stay on one person the whole time.”
Oh. Good. Someone else says: “I thought newbies were all air support.”
“No way, he’s too short for air support.”
“I could do air support,” Robbie frowns. He’s... not entirely sure what air support is in this context. He’s only partially convinced he’s actually forming words. Shoulder-puncher grabs the water bottle back before it slips from his fingers. “’m not. But I could.”
“Sure you could, pip-squeak,” Shoulder-puncher laughs. His accent is... familiar. Robbie tries to focus enough faculties to actually look at the guy. On his way to buff, blond, freckled like someone who hasn’t given up on a tan despite all signs indicating it isn’t meant to be. Maybe a couple of years older than Robbie. “You sound Californian.”
“East L.A.,” Robbie confirms. Shoulder-puncher points at one of his mates with a satisfied smirk and collects a bundle of Hong Kong dollars among a mix of cheering and booing.
“Grew up there before my old man got drafted,” he tells Robbie, tapping the side of his nose. “Name’s Guerro.”
The three other guys in the locker room also have names, and Robbie will be very embarrassed he can't remember them in the near future. They're training to be on the ground cover, but just as anyone else in the academy, plan to become rangers as soon as the new jaeger finally gets built.
"Brooks said--" Was that meeting classified? Robbie is too wiped out to care. "Vibranium problems. There's a delay."
"Aw, fuck that noise," probably-Kim drops down on the bench to his right. He makes an exaggerated double-take when he notices Robbie’s bad eye. "Dang, did Brooks get you in the face?"
"Accident," he shrugs.
"Make sure you see Nurse Carter, get some drops for that shit," Guerro cranes his neck to take a better look. "It's too fucking damp here, everything takes forever to heal up."
It's... nice. It's nice to have people talk to him rather than at and over him, and use a language he can mostly understand - there's some Cantonese inserts he's still getting his head around. Guerro and his friends tease him for being too-brain dead to remember the way to the barracks and express jealousy that he gets to bunk with the civilians. There's the tiny, irritating sliver wedged between his ribs that bristles at being the new kid again - always - but Robbie is truly too exhausted to pay it any mind.
Besides, comes a thought, if anyone around here is going to make ranger, it's you.
(Thanking @cicada-candy and @rokhal for the Spector idea. Also @wazzappp for help with the science magic bc let's be real in my hands that's the best we can hope for 😌😅)
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pussynibbler69 · 1 year
!! Teen! Eric Cartman x gn!! best friend! Reader !!
"Early wake up call..."
Idk i don't have any requests and I'm now writing random shit for my entertainment
Tw// mention of partying, drugs/boos, and (playful 😇) death threats
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Lovely, calm, and graceful Saturday morning for none other than [Name] [Last Name].
That's what you would think, right? With the delicate stray light forms falling in between the cracks of your curtains, the small noticeable chirping birds resting outside your window. The start of your summer holiday, the first day where you can happily sleep in and you know there's more days to come like that.
The faint smell of coffee was swift in the air, as well as freshly baked goods from a bakery not so far by. In the small mountain town of South Park, Colorado. Your mother must have gotten them on her small trip out, and although you were tempted, you didn't want to leave the soft safe restraints of your comforters. Not for anything, and not for anyone.
Well, that was what you were certainly planning.
You're now more aware of the chirping birds behind the blaring song of Poker Face by Lady Gaga, which was recconisingly your ring tone. You stare at your ceiling for a moment, dazed, the warm soft covers making your skin slightly sweaty as you have been tangled in sheets all night. Who chose that song as a ring tone?
Certainly not you, so it must be the second most trusted person with your phone. Eric Cartman. The shorter, round shaped boy with a voice breaking complexion. He was chestnut hair messily cut into a mullet, by yours truly, that somewhat suited his disliked American white-man problematic persona. But even with that he's a bit gay.
You'll forever remember things that you want to forget, relating to that subject. Let's hope he's a bit different now, but you can never really tell.
He sounded like Alvin from Alvin and the chipmunks at the ripe age of ten, but now of that being a couple years ago he sounds more like Alvin's rejected cousin thats slightly deformed and going though puberty.
Yeah, maybe thats about right.
Maybe if you don't pick up he'll go away? You seriously consider, not moving from the space on your bed. You met him when you were younger, more like when you were both in diapers, as you're mothers were both very close in school years. Both single push over mothers, and yes you are ashamed of how you treated yours of when you were younger.
But Cartman hadn't really changed much. He'd still whine in a high pitched voice to get what he wants, while in recent years you've been soft spoken and more willing to listen to your mother. At ten years old though you couldn't see a difference in you and Cartman's behavior, you were like two peas in a pod.
And not in a good way.
But ignoring your faults, because it's embarrassing to remember, you let Lady Gaga ring out in your room. She sang a bit longer, but finally died out at some point while you had spaced of. It's silent for a moment, and you rest your eyes even so you weren't all that tired anymore, but there's a disruption in the quiet air.
It's Lady Gaga. And because you were on your side, facing your window and away from the bedside table and your phone, it's like she's looming over your shoulder practically begging the phone to be picked up. You sigh, irritatbly, struggling to get up in a sitting position. You quickly unplug the phone from the charger and press the green button.
You hold it up to your ear, just listening to any sound that passed through from the end. Theres voices immediately, but you're confused on topic of conversation. "—Kahl, you friggin' asshole, that's none of your business—" "What." You dismiss the confusion and his conversation, wanting to get the point of the call.
"[NAME]! YOU FINALLY PICKED UP YOU BITCH, STOP IGNORING ME!!" it was unbelievable how he quickly changed the subject from who he was talking to, to you. The tone of voice and everything— you're flattered that he changed it that fast to talk to little ol' you. Dispute your fake internal flatter, you face stayed blank.
"What do you want." You slightly curse, not even scared about pissing him off. It's not like he'll grind your parents up into chilli too, because he also knew that you used to act exactly like him in that way. You'll bite him even harder in the ass than he did to you, whether that be literally or you killing him. Ew. You cringe, but you'd take action if it came to it.
You hear him scoff on the other end, shuffling of feet against his flooring surprisingly easy to hear as he made his way from the living room into the kitchen. You can tell that he had gone into the kitchen because of the faint sound of the fridge door opening as he talking to you. "I need your help, and when you do I owe you."
You slightly raise a brow, deadpanning soon after thinking of his definition of a 'owe'. You lean yourself against the headboard of your bed, boredom consuming you slowly but surely. "Yeah—no. Kill yourself." You blow a raspberry down onto the microphone, only now waiting for a reply. He huff and sputters, you can basically see him hesitate on the other side of the phone.
"But— but—" the words seemed to be caught on his tongue, but you practically heard his voice change to a more high pitched squeal like a switch. It's like him complaining to his mum, his pace in voice becomes quicker as his reason started to blur with other words. "But Clyde is having a house party and we want to throw a betteronesothatthey'renotbetterthanusand—"
You outwardly sigh, only just about catching to jist of his sentence through the many years you've known him. You pitch the bridge of your nose between your forefinger and middle, furrowing your brows. "Eric, what. I'm not your mum so don't speak to me like that you stupid fat bitch—" "OI I'M NOT FAT—" "You're certainly not skinny babes.."
"Oh yeah? Well let's talk about you." "Excuse me? You look like you look like—" you two continue to bicker over the phone, obviously he leant off his fridge to slightly pace around his kitchen— and whoever he'd been talking to before became silent or out of ear shot of the phone— Kyle. You remember.
Of course you knew of his other friends that he mainly hung out with, but to be honest you're not into their stupid lifestyle. Always getting into stupid shit, unexpected things happening, detetions, enemies (that can be people they don't even know!). Plus, even though he is you're so called "best friend", he is a prick.
"I mean— a party? An alcoholic party? Why would you even want that at our age—" "Don't question, I know you've done worse things then this." It's true, you guess. You two are like partners in crime, and the part will be on the bottom of the list of the worse things you've done. You sigh, already pulling on your sneakers resting by the front door.
God's sake.
"I'll be at yours in five." You grumpily say, over his whining and comments. They turned sickly sweet since a couple minutes ago where he was basically shouting slurs at you through the phone, him trying to sweeten you to his liking. He celebrated on the other end and he said something, but you hung up without an answer.
You pulled on a coat or jacket, ready to open the door before your mother called you from the kitchen. "Hunny?" She said, peering into the hallway in only a few seconds. "Where are you going in your Pajamas, sweetie?" Her voice was soft and kind, but regardless you openly roll your eyes and scowl at her. You're tired and not in the mood, but you reply regardless.
"Seeing Eric, Mum. I'll tell him you said hi." Without a question or a scold she smiled, hand plastered to her chest. "Okay sweetie! Have fun! There's cinnamon rolls and coffee here for when you come back!" She disappeared as soon as she came, leaving you to yourself to leave and close the door. You feel bad again, but your bad behavior surfaces without warning sometimes.
You step out, the winds slightly less cold then usual months as you take an icey breath in. You sigh, annoyed again, stepping further and started the path to his house. It requires no mental energy anymore, it's like your feet mindlessly take you to your destination. What could he want from you? The alcohol? Something else?
You doubt its the alcohol, as him Mum would get it for him without question. Whatever it might be, it has to be stupid, and leaves you dreading the arrival at his door.
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aleshimbobimbo · 1 year
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Make Your Heart Beat Stronger - Part 4
Rotxo x Medic in Training!Metkayina!GN!Reader
Description: you wake up to Rotxo sitting next to you in the Tsahìk’s pod
Timeline: 4 days after the attack
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Warnings: none, this one is all fluffy 🫶
Word Count: Im not checking this time Im sorry Im lazy 💀
Waking up in Tsahìk’s marui, your head is pounding. You groan, rolling over onto your other side.
“——, you’re awake!” You heard a voice. It sounded familiar, but you didn’t care, you immediately went to throw something at the person for being too loud. The voice began laughing, and you simply groaned again.
Sitting up, you yelled “CAN YOU SHUT—” cutting your voice off as soon as you saw him. The boy who all of this had been for. Rotxo sat in front of you, smiling and tears in his eyes.
“I’m so glad you’re okay. Tsireya told me about everything after I brought you back to shore. I wasn’t trying to avoid you because I was upset, I was doing it because I thought you didn’t want to be around me. I’m so sorry that you went through all this trouble because of me.” He spoke, regret evident in his voice.
“No no, Rotxo, I am so sorry for how I spoke to you that day. I was fueled by anger that day and I hurt you. I’ve been so upset with myself every day since and all I have wanted was to fix this with you. Rotxo, I love you so much and I never want to talk to you like that again. I never want to hurt you like that again.”
“It’s okay. I love you too, my heart speaks of you that in ways my mouth could never get across. My love for you runs deeper than the words I speak and I truly just want you to be happy. But right now, you are hurt. And I must call Tsahìk.” Rotxo began to get up and get Lady Ronal, you watched him with joyful eyes. You finally apologized, and he still loves you.
Your leg had been hurt severely but luckily was fully healed after another month, and you were able to walk again. It took you a long time to be comfortable going to the border of the reef alone, still not to the point you would go outside alone. But Rotxo has been supporting you the whole time. You two were together, and mated before Eywa after a couple of months. He was gentle with you every second, and he spoke so sweetly still.
He would always tell you such beautiful things like when you apologized, he was a true gentleman. You had also finally passed Tsahìk training but of course you weren’t Tsahìk since Ronal still was. But you were content, you finally had more time to relax and do what you wanted. You were comfortable. You were at peace. The RDA had attacked and people were hurt, but your people recovered. You were happy. Life was finally looking up. And nothing could ever bring you back down, not with everyone you had on your side now.
Author’s Note: I am so sorry if this seems rushed, it really was. I genuinely have not had the motivation to work for a bit but this is the last part and we got the happy ending woohoo!! I love him and I love being sweet and sappy so I had to write it for him since I couldn’t for reader (I want to make reader relatable and not everyone is super poetic n shit like me) also I got a new charger cause my old one broke and this one is so pretty
Tag list: @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @effervescentalessia @edasow @eri-s-big-sis @raeluvshammett
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sumi137 · 1 year
~the ripper in the water~
Pt 2
namor x water bending oc
Link to pt1
Warnings: cursing
( the languages being speaker in this series is german, yucatec Maya. Just wanted to clarify for anyone who was wondering)
After I think for a bit on what I should get T'Challa for him s birthday. I decided to just get him something while I'm with Shuri later. Once I'm home I see that it already 12:40. I set my stuff down in my room while I grad some comfy clothes to wear. I grab some shorts and a tang top, I change into it an throw my swimsuit in to my dirty cloth basket. I walk back out to living room and sit on the couch for a bit to watch a movie. After looking for awhile I end up watching the lion King.
When the moice ended I check my phone to see that Shuri texted me, ' about 10 mins away from your apartment'. I text back saying ' okay I'll get my stuff ready', with that I get up and make my way to my room. Once I'm at my room I put some of my favorite clothes in a backpack and put my charger and air pods. I wall over to my vanity and put on my mother's rings an earrings. I make sure to put some extra jewelry into a little bag an put it in the bag. When I finish packing I walk back out to the living room to see Shuri sitting on my couch. I also see two guards standing by the front door. Shuri looks over at me " you ready to go", I walk over to her " yes, and I have to tell you something on our way back" , I said while I walk over to where th guards are. With saying that Shuri quickly walked over to where I was and thw jet brought us up to it.
Once we are in the jet one if the guards head tomorrows to th controls and we set off. Shuri and I sit down on some seats near by. " soo what do you need to tell me", she said with a curious look on her face. I give her a smile " when I was training with my bending this weird dude came out of the water and spoke in yucatec Maya, he also had pointed ears and wings on his feet." . I lean back in my seat and when I l look over at Shuri to see what she will say " well you and a fun night but to be serious I heard about someone similar to who you described. If I remember it was the serpent God, if so then you met a whole ass God". She looks over at me, " okay to be honest he was like really fucking hot like I would have his kids if he asked me too" , I say this laughing a little but when I look over at Shuri she gave me a disappointed but disgusted look. " really you just had to say that, you literally just met him and you already saying you would have his kids", she says this while smacking her forehead with her hand. I hear her laughing under her breath," hey don't laugh at me if you saw him you would agree with me, well maybe not but still", I cross my arms and let out a scoff. After awhile the guards tell us that we are here. I grab my bag and follow Shuri out the jet. When we got out I see queen Ramonda waiting for us with a few guards around her. When we get a closer to her she walks up an gives me a hug, " oh how good it is to see you again Katara, T'Challa will be happy to see you again", I hug her back " oh I missed you too". She lets me go and looks over a Shuri " Shuri take Katara to where she will be staying okay". With that Queen Ramonda walks back into the building behind her with two of the guards following her. I look over a Shuri and she grabs my hand and starts to kinda drag me behind her. After walking for a bit we stop in front of a door, the guards that were following us opened the door. I look around to see that everything is how I left it the last time I was here. "You guys kept it the same", I look over at Shuri and she nods her head....
Sorry this one is short but I didn't have much time to write it but the next part will be longer. : 3
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catflowerqueen · 1 year
Security Cam Moon, Sun POV, Part 2 of ?
(Part 1 here)
Okay, this took a bit longer than I thought. But here is part 2! There should be at least... one part left of this POV section, I think? Let me know how you're liking it so far!
And, again, inspiration credit goes to @madcatdaderpydrawer-blog's "Redemption Au"
Sun POV, part 2 of ?
Moon would have to charge eventually, and the only really viable chargers he could use were the ones in your rooms. Surely you wouldn’t have to wait too long… right?
Wrong. Very, worryingly, scarily wrong.
An entire week passed, and there were still no signs of Moon. No glimpses of him at the door, coming or going. No response when you called out to him at the entrance to his room, or resorted to literally throwing things into it to try and get his attention. You were still unwilling to physically step inside yourself—wanting to respect his privacy the same way he had for you during the worst of your recovery—but that resolve was weakening by the day. The only reason it hadn’t snapped yet was because, well… you’d started getting the feeling that Moon was intentionally avoiding you—beyond just him trying to ensure your comfort, that is, because if that had been the sole reason then surely he would have at the very least given you a verbal response when he heard you calling out for him… right? But if he was doing it for his own sake—if he was mad or upset or something, or was still doing his own healing—then you wanted to make sure he had his own safe space in which to brood or vent or whatever made him the most comfortable.
It's just… the longer you went without seeing him—now that you actually wanted to see him—the more unsure you were becoming that he wasn’t actually using him room for that purpose since, again, you’d been keeping a hawk’s eye at the entrances during those times when your schedules had an overlap and you still hadn’t seen any signs of him. And at this point, you were starting to get frantically worried for his physical health.
Like you’d previously noted, your batteries, while long-lasting in comparison to the Glamrocks, were not that long-lasting, and it was now far beyond the safe point in terms of when Moon would need to charge, even if one assumed that he’d gone out with a full charge that first night you resolved to ask for his help with your plushie. And, again, the only viable options he had in terms of charging ports were in your rooms. Unlike the Glamrocks, you didn’t really have the need to wander outside of your assigned areas much. Or, well—you guess Moon did, technically, since his security took him all around the building, but since he was only really meant to do that at night, it was expected that he would charge up beforehand.
Point was, since you weren’t supposed to wander as much as the Glamrocks, who had a wider audience and area to entertain, management didn’t see fit to make their charging pods compatible with your hardware—meaning you only had three options when it came to charging. Though, in practice, it was really only one since the second option was to use one of the portable chargers, meant for when there was a special event that would take you or your brother outside the Daycare during operating hours… but since those were stored in your rooms when not in use—which they hadn’t been for an extremely long time, even before the recent… unpleasantness—that still meant you had to charge in your rooms. And since the third option was Parts and Services…
…Well. Even if Moon, for some unfathomable reason, did choose to go there of his own volition, despite being terrified of the place—a terror only compounded even more by recent events, you’re sure—it wasn’t like that awful mechanic would actually let him in for something simple like charging. He barely even tolerated Moon when there was legitimate damage that needed to be fixed! So, effectively, that meant your rooms were the only option.
Although, after going through that list… you supposed there was one other possibility. Not in regard to which chargers were available to Moon, but where one of them might be stored. Because while you usually kept the portable chargers in your rooms… That didn’t necessarily mean that was where Moon was keeping his. And if that was the case, it would explain at least some of his apparent sneakiness.
When the tensions between the two of you were at their worst—right after the Gregory thing, when Moon had gone back to his normal behavior and that you were all safe and could actually relax you kind of… had a breakdown. Mostly due to the whiplash, and the stress of the actual situation, and not having yet internalized the fact that Moon’s personality differences had been due to a virus. It was… not a good situation, and Freddy suggested that Moon stay elsewhere for a bit so that you could feel safer—since, again, the architecture was such that Moon had to go through your room to get to his. And since he still needed to go out every night to do his patrols… The nap room was the best compromise, especially since Moon’s ban from interacting with guests meant that he needed a secure place to stay during the day, and they’d always locked the nap room up when not in use, even when naptime was still a thing.
You couldn’t really remember how long it had taken you to calm down from that particular bout of panic, but you know it took a good while to figure out exactly what triggered them in terms of Moon, and then more time to figure out workarounds that kept you able to function in your role as the main attendant for the Daycare. You… don’t really remember too much of what Moon was doing during that time, but it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume he’d bunked in the nap room for most of it—meaning it also wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume he’d moved some of his possessions down there, too, to keep himself comfortable and be able to do his own healing in the meantime. Since he obviously still had to charge and couldn’t move his regular charger… he would have had to take the portable one.
And, really, since there’s not much of a difference between storing it in the nap room vs his own room—if anything, storing both of your chargers in the nap room might actually be better long-term, since it means you wouldn’t have to lug them around quite as much if you ever had a special event again, and you’re not entirely sure why you both didn’t just keep them in that room to begin with—it would make sense if Moon had just never bothered to bring it back up when he moved back into his room. Especially if he still regularly used it to hide out in for a bit to make things easier on you while you recovered.
Course decided—again… and after another day of feeling silly and embarrassed at missing the most likely and obvious reason you and Moon kept missing each other on the scheduling front—you parked yourself right outside the nap room door as soon as the Daycare closed for the evening. You didn’t even delay to go and grab the plushie that started it all—both because you felt it might be in poor taste to ask your brother for a favor immediately after confronting him over why he was ignoring you, and because you were just that desperate to finally, finally get the chance to talk to him before he managed to make his escape via his security duties.
You did, however, give him a courtesy of exactly thirty minutes in which to wake up on his own. But as soon as those thirty minutes were up…
“Gooooood evening, Moon!”
…You barged right in, wearing the brightest smile you could put on your face and using the cheeriest voice you could manage.
“Sorry for intruding,” you continued, not sorry at all, eyes scanning for where your brother was likely still lounging in a pillow fort or something, “but I was hoping we could talk a little bit before you—” But then the state of the room finally registered, and the shock and unease brought an abrupt end to your words.
The room was devoid of your brother. Of… any signs of life, really. You even pushed the slider controlling the lights up to full brightness, just to be sure, but… no. There was no mistaking it. Moon wasn’t there.
“B-brother?” you couldn’t help but whimper, your eyes scanning the room futilely over and over again. If anything, each scan just made things even worse because it revealed more and more details that only proved to show how your brother hadn’t been in the nap room—how no one had been in the nap room—for… a very long time. Everything was too neat—too tidy. As if someone had all the time in the world to put things in the proper, pristine order that regulations called for but which, in practice, could never be attained. Children were contradictorily both messy and picky, and it was far less stressful on all parties to just leave the mats, pillows, and toys where they were already spread out on the floor in the kids’ preferred sleeping arrangements, with the only changes being to swap out the dirty blankets and things for clean ones—especially since the room was locked away most of the time.
In fact, the last time you remember actually doing a deep clean of the nap room was… was right after you got the news that your Daycare was going to be closed after the Incident and you’d done so in a fit of stress and hopefulness that maybe, if you did everything correctly and followed every rule precisely as written, things would go back to normal. Which they… still really hadn’t, even though the Daycare proper was operating again.
Anyways—point was that the room looked exactly the same as you remember. Nothing—absolutely nothing—was misplaced. Which meant that Moon either decided to finally adopt your high standards of cleanliness… or he hadn’t actually been in that room for quite some time. And given how messy your brother tended to be, if you actually received any sort of paycheck from Fazbears your money would definitely be the latter. A decision that was only—horrifyingly, given the implications—reinforced when subsequent frantic scans of the room revealed the layers of dust covering every inch of it… Except, weirdly enough, for the pile of blankets in the “clean linens” hamper. It was still dusty, sure, but slightly less so. Mystified and extremely uneasy by why the blankets, of all things, were the last part of the room that had been touched, you went to examine them.
Like most of the supplies in the Daycare, the blankets you used tended to be favor the Glamrocks in their designs. But even with that, the blankets were still more heavily Glamrock-themed than you remember. Usually it was more of a 60-40 split, but these blankets were more 80-20, with 80 being the Glamrocks—of course—and only 20 remaining for you and Moon—
—No… not you and Moon. Just… you.
You held up one of the blankets you’d found in roughly the middle of the stack. It was one of the ones that held one of your favorite blanket patterns: the base coloration of a sunrise, with gradients of blues shading from lighter to dark, with your stylized face plastered all over the lighter parts and Moon’s on the darker ones until you met up in the middle. Except… instead of the Moon faces you remember, the blanket instead had decals of clouds and stars sewn on. And they were sewn on—the expert stitching might have been unnoticeable to human eyes, but not so to your robotic ones. Furthermore, pulling on a loose thread of one of the cloud decals revealed the Moon face hidden underneath, which just made it all the more obvious that someone had deliberately covered over every instance of Moon’s presence in the blanket.
And it wasn’t only in that one blanket… but in every single blanket in the semi-dusty stack.
You did an abrupt 180° turn and headed back out to the Daycare proper, blanket still in hand and an unpleasant thought percolating in the back of your mind. One you knew the sharp, jagged shape of, but were unwillingly to consciously acknowledge. Not yet. Not when there was still a chance you could quash it before it took full form. And to do that, you needed to investigate the small stash of blankets you kept in the play area for blanket fort emergencies, pretend picnics, and cases of sudden chills.
Surely, you thought, this was just an unfortunate coincidence. The naptime blankets got a lot of heavy use, after all, so it wouldn’t be so strange if one wanted to fortify them with a bit of extra fabric. And if that was the case, then someone must have just misread instructions and covered over the wrong brother in the course of doing so—because it made perfect sense for a naptime item to exclusively feature the Naptime Attendant. In fact, you’re not sure why such a thing hadn’t been done already years before now! It certainly would have saved Moon a lot of time patching up the more well-worn blankets.
Or maybe… maybe if fortification wasn’t the intent, then the true reason for Moon’s face being covered on the blankets was just that Fazbear’s wanted to try out some sort of new branding scheme for the two of you—getting you both more individualized merchandise, or something—and just decided to try out yours first. After all, it was quicker and easier to get a gauge for that sort of interest if you just made slight alterations to pre-existing products rather than having to wait for a brand new sample created.
Or… or another possibility was that—
—But before you could come up with another, desperate possibility, you burst back into the Daycare’s main area, scanning even more frantically for signs of your brother, and froze in horror at what you saw.
Or, rather, at what you didn’t see.
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eva-knits12 · 3 months
There For You
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Trigger warning : family member in the hospital, Jake Jensen, fluff
Summary: You're dad is in the hospital again, and your boyfriend Jake Jensen is there for you and cheers you up.
I'm talking to my mom on the phone. My dad is in the hospital again. It's for diverticulitis and Afib. He's in the ICU because they discovered that the infection was pretty bad.
I call my boyfriend, Jake. We've been together for a year, but right now, I just need to hear his comforting voice.
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Jake and I have plans to go to brunch at First Watch. Instead, that's out. Instead, I'm staying put so I can hear from my dad, and get the news to my mom and other family.
"Okay, I'll bring brunch to you. I'll also bring your favorite movies, favorite Disney movies, cuddles, and anything else you need," says Jake.
My mom is more nervous and anxious than I am. Why did this have to happen again, and when he was golfing?
After a while, Jake comes over with brunch, Disney movies, movies, flowers, and some groceries so that we don't have to worry. He goes back to get his overnight bag that has a weeks worth of clothes in it so that way, he won't have to go back and forth between my parents house and our apartment. Jake and I recently moved into an apartment.
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A few hours later, Jake has brought over brunch, a weeks worth of clothes, and he even brought our favorite movies, our favorite Disney movies, and cuddles. He even went out and bought me and my mom some groceries for the week before he ordered our brunch.
"I bought eggs, chicken, meat, butter, ice cream-both vanilla and chocolate-toilet paper, napkins, paper plates, dishwasher pods, and I bought you some spa stuff and body wash. I also brought us a week's worth of clothes," says Jake.
"Jake, you didn't have to go through all this trouble for me," says my mom.
"I want to, Nancy. You've been like family to me," says Jake.
Jake and I unpack the groceries, and Jake puts the movies on the TV, using our Netflix and Disney + accounts. I even remembered to grab my knitting bag. Jake and I put in our brunch order to go. My mom gets the French toast with bacon. I got an omelette with ham and cheese, and Jake gets the same thing. Jake goes to get the order after we finish unpacking and putting away the groceries.
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Jake arrives with our brunch. I pull out the plates, and Jake and I dish everything out. Jake and I take everything to the table.
"Jake, you didn't have to do this," I say.
"I want to. You're parents are basically family to me at this point," says Jake, kissing me on my forehead.
"Plus, I want to be there for you, right now," says Jake.
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"I love you, (y/n)," says Jake.
For the rest of the day, Jake, my mom and I, just watch movies. My dad has been admitted.
My mom prepares my old bedroom, and Jake and I spend the night there. We have a weeks worth of clothes, and will go back to our apartment as needed. I even take two weeks off of work to handle anything that comes up.
The next day, my dad called, and he texted me his room number. Jake and I pack the things that he needs, and I even bring the phone charger. We go later that afternoon.
I remembered to bring everything. Jake and I visit, and we leave.
"Jake, why did this happen?" I ask.
"Shh, honey bun, it just happened. There was nothing that could be done. He's in a good hospital. If anything else goes wrong, they'll treat him," says Jake.
"Oh, Jake..." I say. I start to cry. I can't help it.
Jake cheers me by singing "Don't Stop Believin'" and I can't help but start to smile.
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Jake also decides to get him, my mom, and me some McDonald's, knowing that it will help make me happy. We also decide to watch Wreck-It Ralph tonight. My mom decides to watch, while Jake puts his feet in my lap, and I work on the socks that I'm knitting.
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Luckily, the pattern is a nice, brainless pattern that I've knit several times before.
For the rest of the week, Jake works from the comfort of the spare room, which has a nice, comfy chair that Jake can work in. I focus on the household duties that my mom can't get around to, thanks to multiple sclerosis. So, I do her laundry Monday, and for the rest of the week, I focus on cleaning the house. I even cook.
Friday, Jake and I go grocery shopping. We didn't realize that this much food and basic necessities would cost $110 for three people. Jake and I even stop at the gas station to put gas in Jake's Jeep. We didn't realize that $15 worth of gas wouldn't go far.
Well, Jake and I will only be going to the hospital and back as needed.
During this time, my dad had to be admitted to the ICU. It went from bad to worse. His afib came back. Plus, they found that the diverticulitis was worse, there was an infection that was causing the diverticulitis to get worse, not better, and the afib happened when his heart rate sped up, but his breathing was shallow. They got it under control.
Jake and I go visit him in the ICU, and bring him some things.
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Friday, we go visit him again, this time with his bills so he can pay them. He gives me a check to cover the cost of food and basic necessities this week. Jake and I went grocery shopping after. He's moved to another room, now that everything is under control. He had an ablation done, and a PICC line inserted.
Saturday, he's released from the ICU, and he's back in a regular room. Jake and I bring him even more things. I brought him a book I found at Dollar Tree, my aunt brought him a book that she finished reading. My mom goes with my aunt and uncle, while Jake and I go in his Jeep.
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After we get done visiting, Jake and I treat everyone to Chinese. It's the least we can do, we already do enough. Jake works, while I help my mom and Jake and I take care of the house.
"You both do mor than enough," says my mom.
"Nancy, you're going through a rough time right now," says Jake.
Sunday, Jake and I go for our morning walk, and we stop at Dollar Tree to get a few things for us. We stock up on snacks for our movie night, we stock up on toilet trees, and we stock up on paper goods.
Jake and I stop by our apartment to get some more clothes, because my dad is still in the hospital. Jake and I make some pizza, and we give my mom some pizza. We make a frozen pizza because Jake and I are just too tired to cook. We watch one of our movies.
During the week, I am busy doing laundry, cleaning the house, and doing other chores around the house that my mom and dad never get around to. I even clean out the fridge and clean the microwave.
I cook us burgers on Monday, and Tuesday, I make BLT's. Wednesday, I clean the back bedrooms, and Thursday, I change the sheets. Jake does our laundry, and handles the laundry for my mom.
On Saturday, my dad is finally released from the hospital. He went through such an ordeal, and my dad is just glad to be out. Jake and I celebrate by getting some friend chicken from our favorite fried chicken place.
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It was nice just to be with family right now. My family needed me. I needed Jake.
Jake was there for me and there for my mom when I needed someone the most. In fact, my dad's health crisis only brought Jake and I closer.
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vapeshopuae10 · 4 months
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Crafting an Engaging Tumblr Post About Vaping
Step 1: Understanding the Tumblr Audience
Tumblr users tend to be younger, tech-savvy, and enjoy content that is both informative and personal. They appreciate authenticity, and a conversational tone works best. Posts on Tumblr are often accompanied by visuals, tags, and a casual writing style that feels like a conversation with friends.
Step 2: Defining the Key Points
For the topic "vape," we should address:
What vaping is and why people vape.
Types of vapes available.
Pros and cons of vaping.
Safety tips and best practices.
Personal anecdotes or interesting facts.
Step 3: Structuring the Post
Introduction: Hook the reader with a relatable opening.
Body: Provide detailed information divided into small, digestible sections.
Conclusion: Summarize key points and encourage reader interaction.
Step 4: Writing the Post
Exploring the World of Vaping 🌬
Hey Tumblr fam! Have you ever wondered what the buzz about vaping is all about? Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned vaper, let's dive into the fascinating world of vapes and why they’ve become such a hot topic.
What’s Vaping and Why Do People Vape?
Vaping is all about inhaling vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or a vape device. Unlike traditional smoking, there's no combustion involved, which means no smoke—just vapor. People vape for various reasons: to quit smoking, enjoy different flavors, or simply because it’s a trendy hobby.
Types of Vapes You’ll Find
There are so many options out there, each catering to different preferences:
Cig-a-likes: These resemble traditional cigarettes and are perfect for beginners.
Vape Pens: Sleek and portable, these are great for on-the-go vaping.
Pod Systems: Compact and easy to use, often used with nicotine salts.
Box Mods: For the pros who love customization and big clouds.
Pros and Cons of Vaping
Less Harmful: Generally considered less harmful than smoking.
Variety of Flavors: From fruity to dessert, there's a flavor for everyone.
No Smoke: No smoke means no lingering smell on your clothes or breath.
Nicotine Addiction: Many e-liquids contain nicotine, which is addictive.
Health Risks: Still not entirely risk-free—long-term effects are still being studied.
Cost: Can be expensive to maintain with buying e-liquids, coils, and devices.
Safety Tips and Best Practices
To vape safely, here are some tips:
Buy Quality Products: Always purchase from reputable brands and stores.
Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest research and regulations.
Mind the Battery: Handle batteries with care and use the correct charger.
Moderation is Key: Just like anything else, moderation is crucial.
My Personal Take
I started vaping to quit smoking and found it to be an effective alternative. Plus, experimenting with flavors is just plain fun! If you're curious, start small and see if it’s for you.
So, there you have it—a quick rundown on vaping! What are your thoughts? Have you tried vaping or are you thinking about it? Drop your experiences and questions in the comments. Let's chat! 🗨️ #Vape #VapingCommunity #VapeLife #VapeShopDubai #StayInformed
By structuring the post this way, we keep it engaging, informative, and perfectly tailored for the Tumblr audience. Remember to pair the text with some eye-catching images or GIFs for that extra flair! 🌟
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supervapesuk · 4 months
Exploring starter vape kit
A starter vape kit is an ideal option for those new to vaping, providing all the essential components needed to begin. These kits typically include a vape device, a rechargeable battery, a tank or pod for e-liquid, and a USB charger. They are designed for ease of use, often featuring simple controls and minimal maintenance requirements. Starter vape kits usually come with pre-filled or refillable pods, offering a variety of flavors to suit different preferences. The devices are compact and portable, making them convenient for on-the-go vaping. Many kits include safety features like short-circuit protection and low battery warning. They are cost-effective, providing a budget-friendly entry point into vaping. With user-friendly instructions, starter vape kits are accessible for beginners. Additionally, they offer a satisfying alternative to traditional smoking, helping many transition away from cigarettes. Available in various designs and colors, these kits can also be a stylish accessory.
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voltix-evchargers · 1 year
Get Plugged In : A Guide to Installing a Pod Point Charger for Your EV
Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular as more people switch to environmentally-friendly modes of transportation. However, the convenience of EVs can be hampered by the need for regular charging, especially when relying on public charging stations.
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vapehk1 · 5 months
How Much Do Vapes Cost? A Wallet-Friendly Guide to Inhaling Without Breaking the Bank
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Vaping: it's not just for cloud-chasing hipsters and folks looking to ditch the smokes anymore. It's practically a national pastime, except it’s less about peanuts and Cracker Jacks and more about puffs and juice packs. But before you dive headfirst into the misty world of vapes, there's one little question you might be pondering: “How much do vapes cost?” The Great Vape Cost Breakdown Thinking about buying a vape? Great! But remember, knowing the price of a vape is kind of like knowing the price of a car—you need to consider the whole package. Do you want the economy model that gets you from point A to point B, or are you looking for the luxury sedan with heated seats and a built-in GPS? 1. The Type of Vape: From Disposables to Do-It-Alls First up, let’s talk types. Disposables are like the fast food of vapes – cheap, convenient, but not so great for your wallet or the environment over time. Then there are pod systems, sleek and simple, perfect for those who want a bit more commitment without the hassle. And of course, the vape mods: these are the beasts of the vaping world. If a vape mod were a person, it’d be the one who builds computers for fun and knows what “overclocking” means. - Disposables: You can snag one for about $5 to $10. Cheap upfront but think of them like razors; the refills get you. - Pod Systems: Expect to shell out $20 to $50. A middle ground for the casual vaper. - Vape Mods: $50 and up, way up. For the connoisseur who likes to talk about their “setup.” 2. Brand and Bells & Whistles Just like sneakers and smartphones, brands matter in the vape world. You can go generic and save a buck, or go with a well-known brand and potentially enjoy better quality and fewer "Why isn't this working?" moments. And then there are features—temperature control, adjustable wattage, Bluetooth connectivity (because why not?), and even LED displays. Remember, with great power (and features) comes great responsibility (and a higher price tag). 3. Tech Specs: Because Vapes Are Basically Little Robots Vapes are no longer just tubes of nicotine; they are marvels of technology. Some come with touch screens, others can sync with your phone, and a few might even have AI that pretends to be interested in how your day was. This tech can bump up the price, but who doesn’t want a gadget that can do everything but make coffee? The Hidden Costs: The Accessories and the Accidentallys When you venture into the vaping world, remember that buying your device is just the opening act—there's an entire symphony of extras that play a crucial part in your vaping experience. Here’s a breakdown of the additional expenses you might not have considered: E-Liquids: A Flavor Festival E-Liquids are where you truly get to showcase your personality. Fancy a strawberry milkshake today? Or perhaps the subtle notes of a single-origin coffee from an obscure village in the Andes? Go for it! But remember, a diverse palette comes at a price. More flavors mean more money, and before you know it, you could be curating an impressive collection of e-liquids that rivals your Spotify playlists in diversity. Replacement Parts: The Unsung Heroes Think of coils, pods, and batteries as the oil changes and brake pads of your vape. They're not glamorous, but boy, are they essential. Regular maintenance isn’t just a suggestion; it’s a must unless the idea of frequent replacements sounds like a fun way to spend your money. And let's be honest, who doesn't love a bit of DIY tinkering now and then? Chargers and Cases: Your Vape's Best Friends And then there are the chargers and cases. Imagine this: you’re out and about, ready to enjoy a nice vape break, and your device runs out of power. It's the modern-day equivalent of a flat tire. Having a charger handy saves the day, and a sturdy case? That keeps your vape safe and sound, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, much like a protective parent. Choosing Your Vape: A Budget-Friendly Guide Selecting the right vape doesn't have to mean tightening your budget to the point of surviving on ramen noodles. Here’s a straightforward, no-frills guide to making a smart choice: - Define Your Needs: First, assess what kind of vaper you are. If you're just a casual user, a simple pod system might do the trick, providing convenience without the fuss. For the enthusiasts who love creating huge clouds—affectionately known as cloud chasers—a more robust mod might be necessary to get that rich, full vapor. - Set a Budget: Before diving into purchases, determine how much you’re ready to spend both upfront and on an ongoing basis. Treat this budget like your favorite mystery novel—stick to it closely and don't skip to the end. This helps avoid financial surprises down the line. - Read Reviews: Take advantage of the experiences of others. Online reviews can be a goldmine of information, offering insights into the durability, performance, and quirks of various models. Whether they're raving reviews or tales of woe, you can glean valuable tips on what to embrace or avoid. - Look for Deals: Keep an eye out for sales and promotions. Vaping devices and accessories often go on sale during major shopping days like Black Friday, but discounts can pop up year-round. This can be a great way to get high-quality products at a fraction of the price. - Consider Long-term Costs: A low initial price tag can be tempting, but remember to factor in the long-term costs of refills, replacements, and maintenance. Investing a bit more upfront for a higher-quality product can sometimes save you money, reducing the need for frequent replacements and repairs. Conclusion In our light-hearted exploration of the vaping world, we delved into the costs associated with this popular hobby, emphasizing that it's more than just the price of the device itself. We started by differentiating between various types of vapes—from budget-friendly disposables to high-end mods—and discussed how factors like type, brand, and technological features influence prices. We highlighted that initial costs are just the beginning; vapers also need to consider the expenses for e-liquids, replacement parts like coils and batteries, and essential accessories such as chargers and cases. By choosing wisely and considering both initial and ongoing costs, vapers can find a device that fits both their lifestyle and budget. With a mix of humor and practical advice, we aimed to guide potential vapers through the financial maze of starting and maintaining a vaping habit, making the journey as enjoyable as the destination. If you want to know more, please refer to this article: https://keystonevape.com/best-vape/the-best-disposable-vapes-2024-you-cant-miss/ Read the full article
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moosemonstrous · 9 months
Ghost Rider Pacific Rim AU - personal space
Turns out, staying in drift with multiple tons of a highly sophisticated robot for hours at a time gives you a bad case of sea legs.
“Oi, watch out!” One of the techs catches Robbie before he hits the cockpit floor. He’s graduated from control room to the inside of the Conn-Pod, which mostly means there is a lot less space for all the people upgrading the hardware and drawing out plans for removing the other pilot console. “I think you had enough for one shift.”
What, already? “I can–“ But he can’t, because they removed his helmet and he might be sick just from trying to look at someone without seeing the whole hangar at the same time. “Ugh.”
The tech laughs and waves over colleagues to help her unscrew Robbie from the makeshift rigging. In a real fight, he’d have been thrown across the pod on the first hit, but it works well enough to let him move The Charger around the bay. It takes three people with power drills to extract him, and two to effectively carry him out of the cockpit, where Cho and Stark have their monitoring station set up on the walkway.
“Whoa, what’s going on?” Stark demands when the techs deposit Robbie on the crate Cho is currently using as a bed. “I didn’t see a seizure, what’s–“
“He’s exhausted, boss,” the tech points at Robbie, who’s too focused on keeping his head from rolling off his neck to defend himself. As soon as he’s down, two nurses descend to check his eyes and to attach a mini-EEG to his temples. More people have touched him in the last twenty four hours than possibly his entire life up to this point, and if he wasn’t so nauseous he’d be feeling some kind of way about it. “Besides, look at the countdown. Canelo says we need at least six hours to get the wiring sorted. Might as well follow Cho’s example.”
“Right,” Robbie can’t see what Stark is doing, but judging by the deep sigh he doesn’t have it in him to argue, either. “Right, good shout. Yeah, let’s— When did he conk out?”
“An hour ago,” one of the nurses says in a way that promises to cut off Stark’s caffeine access.
“I thought it got quiet. Hey, Reyes, how’re you feeling? Nothing new popped? Brain all good?”
Robbie cracks open his bad eye to look at him over the nurse’s shoulder. He didn’t realise he’d closed them. “Fine. I think.”
“Thinking is a good indicator!” Stark exclaims, throwing his hands up. The enthusiasm makes him look ten years younger. “Go get some chow. Pam, make sure he doesn’t collapse in a hallway somewhere, Jen would eat one of my important organs.”
“I’m fine, I’m just—” Robbie presses his feet into the metal surface of the walkway. His knees feel detached, but less like they won’t hold if he tries to stand. “Just need a minute.”
“You need to sleep,” the nurse – Pam – waggles a finger on his face. “We’ve set up the old Horizon Bravo quarters—”
“No,” he protests. It’s half five. He can just make it, if his legs cooperate. “No, I need to go get my brother. He starts school at seven.” An exchange of significant glances occurs over his head. “I’ll be back after drop off. I’ll grab some food on the way.“
Lisa very kindly offered to help Gabe get ready in the morning when Robbie was told to come back to the hangar for the fifth shift to continue testing. He doesn’t mind leaving his brother to sleep on his own – he could never really afford to – but something about having a virtual stranger take over on such a short notice doesn’t sit right with him.
“Amadeus said you sorted it out,” Stark says, like he suspects he’s being had. It takes Robbie a moment to figure out he’s referring to Cho.
“In case I can’t make it back.” Robbie refuses to back down under his stare. “I can. So I will.”
“…Sure, whatever.” Stark makes eyebrows at Pam the Nurse before turning around to address everyone around: “Alright people, countdown is on fifteen hours! Pilot’s going to catch a snooze, everyone else get on the Conn-Pod while it’s free!”
“Did you not sleep at all?” Gabe yawns while Robbie collects a change of clothes. Parading through the support side in the undersuit made him feel half-naked and he’s not keen on repeating the experience. “Robbie, you have to sleep.”
“I know, buddy.” He’s also not keen on letting Lisa and Pam wait outside for too long. Lisa showed up despite Robbie texting her it was alright, ‘just in case’. “It’s just because the countdown is low, okay? Things will even out soon.”
After the next demon. Jesus, what is his life. If Gabe catches the implication, he doesn’t comment on it, so Robbie gets on with peeling the undersuit off. It’s much harder to do after sweating in it for eight hours and belatedly he realises that’s why you should’ve used that baby powder.
“What’s that?”
When he turns to look over his shoulder, Gabe’s pointing at his back, brows drawn together in concern. Does it show? Does what show? He feels along his shoulder blades as far as he can bend his arm, but other than sweat, nothing is there.
“What’s what?”
“It’s red. Like squiggles, but straight.”
He crouches down to let Gabe draw lines down his spine with his fingers. He still can’t feel anything out of order. “Picture,” Gabe makes a grabby hand for Robbie’s phone.
There are indeed lines of red blotches along his spine. Just skin irritation; something deep in Robbie’s chest releases in relief. Nothing to worry about. Probably just pressure from the spinal clamp. Yeah, those things dig in after a while.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” he ruffles Gabe’s hair to his loud displeasure. “The drivesuit left some marks, that’s all.”
“Robbie, are you really going to fight the demon?”
Robbie knows every single expression Gabe has ever made better than his own face. He can tell whether his brother is happy or not, whether he needs space or coaxing, whether everything around him is too much or not enough – the one thing in life he thinks he’s definitely an expert in. But he’s never seen him look like this before. Like he’s afraid to be excited.
“No, I’m just–“ he searches for the right word. “The jaeger isn’t ready, and I’ve not had enough training. I’ll just be protecting the base.” Unless you grow some balls between now and go time. “I’m not doing anything risky, alright? It will probably be really boring.”
Are you kidding? You get to pilot the best-looking jaeger in the line-up and you expect it to be boring? God, he hopes it will be boring. There is a non-zero chance the demon won’t go for Hong Kong at all, and The Charger won’t even come off the suspension rack. He doesn’t want his first job to end up in a disaster because he has no goddamn clue what he’s doing. I know what I’m doing. That’s more than enough.
“I bet it will be really cool,” Gabe smiles encouragingly. Robbie blinks away the alien sense of puffed-up confidence he definitely hasn’t earned. “Lisa said we might go into a bunker. We’ve never been in a bunker before.”
Not that Gabe remembers, at least. “I can still take you to school, you know.”
“You,” Gabe puts his palm against his chest, “need to,” and powers his wheelchair to push Robbie towards the bunk bed: “sleep!”
Despite his insistence, Robbie doesn’t let him just leave. Pam is still waiting outside the door when he unlocks the ramp down to the corridor level. Her and Lisa must have made fast friends, because they abruptly stop talking as soon as they see Robbie. He has no reason to suspect they were talking about him, but two women going quiet and smiling like that never spelled anything good in my life before. Did he put his t-shirt on backwards or something?
“Morning! Are you ready to go?” Lisa grins at Gabe, who squeezes Robbie’s hand before letting go to roll his chair down to her side.
“I have time, I could–“ he starts, but Pam smacks him in the chest with a plastic bag. It smells faintly like bread. The look on her face dares him to finish the sentence.
“We can make it to CC on our own, right Gabe?” Lisa has a hand on Gabe’s shoulder. She and Pam exchange a conspiratorial glance, and Robbie barely gets a hug goodbye before his brother rides away without him.
Pam has enough mercy to let him stand in the doorway for a couple more minutes. “It’s half six,” she observes eventually like she’s commenting on the weather. “Eat the food, all of it. The outfitters expected you to have gained more weight by now.”
When Robbie peeks into the bag, it contains at least two doughnuts. “There’s a pager in there, too. If you aren’t asleep by eight, ping it, someone will come give you downers.”
She gives him a pitying look. “You need at least five hours. You did well up there, but if you end up out in the ocean, you could be drifting for a very long time. Eat, sleep, and don’t show your face up in the dome until the third shift, no matter what R&D say. Got it?”
Robbie grits his teeth. “Eat, sleep, come back for third shift,” he mutters. “Got it.”
Pam smirks. “Another sunny one.” She pushes him again until he’s fully inside the bunk room and shuts the door behind her. Bitch.
He really needs to rest. Next thing he knows, he’ll be squaring up to Dr Montesi.
...Next time he wakes up, it will be to really pilot a jaeger. Out of the Shatterdome, with a demon due within hours.
Cheer up, kid. What's the worst that could happen?
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Air Travel and Vaping Abroad: A Complete Guide on Vape Kits Abroad
We hope you all are aware of the rules and regulations regarding vaping in your country before starting your vaping abroad plan. But nothing goes to what it says about vaping when it comes to travelling abroad. There is a new set of whole information to avoid any uncertainties when it comes to vaping abroad process.
If you are having exiting abroad plans and expecting to enjoy vaping abroad, then this space is for you. Let’s prepare for your vaping abroad plan with these tips accordingly:
In this blog, Flawless Vape Shop outlined the vape recommendations, checklists, vape planner, safety tips and other necessities required to plan for your next abroad tip.
If you are worried about dos and don’ts regarding vaping abroad, don’t worry we prepared exclusive guide to enhance your vaping knowledge with our unique guide to air travel with vape kits and vape liquids:
Tips for Vaping Abroad:
Before booking your flight tickets to your designated area, it is essential to check whether vaping is permitted in the respective country or not. This helps you not to get in unwanted troubles where vaping is banned.
The vaping laws are consistently changing in several countries. So, it is advisable to be updated and cross check before planning your abroad trip.
Get through information carrying on vaping kit process in flight, vaping kit equipment requirements, packing tips, packing vape liquids, security advices, and other necessary preparations.
Preparation Process:
Vaping regulations various depending on the designated country, airlines you choose, and the accommodations.
As the respective country updates, modifies, and removes the vape kits regulations, it is utmost important for a keen study on the designated place and prepare according before your departure.
Travel Checklist:
It is necessary to prepare a vape kits and vape liquids checklist to avoid unnecessary hurdles. Here are the most important items list:
Vape Kits Coil
Wire e-liquids or pods
Vape liquids
Batteries in protective case
Charger with storage
Care plug adaptor drip cloth
Packaging Tips:
Always make sure to empty your e-liquid or vape liquid tanks before packing in a sealed bag or storage case to avoid the risk of leakages.
Always secure e-liquid bottles tightly and take precautions to avoid any leakages.
If your batteries are external batteries then remove from the respective devices and store properly in a protective case or pack as per the convenience.
Preparing the packaging with precautions which can avoid accidental device activation, batteries creating short circuit by rubbing with opposite battery.
Always pack your vape kits and vape liquids in hand luggage, as there is a high risk of malfunction occurring in hold baggage.
Security Checkpoint Process:
The security checkpoint terms and conditions vary according to the country. Hence, always check the precautions for security checkpoint status.
Liquids: consult security team for the airline restriction for vape liquids which is generally 100ml per container and the maximum capacity is 1 litre. Pack your vape e-liquids in a transparent, resealable bag which is easily available at any airport. There is a high risk of liquid leakage due to change in airplane cabin pressure.
Carry-on Luggage: As mentioned earlier, plan your vape kits in carry-on bag. Batteries such as Li-Ion are not allowed in aircraft holds which have high chance of discarding and inspecting for safety reasons.
Batteries: Takeout all your batteries and place them in the checking trays available at the airport checkpoint for safety issues.
Boarding Pattern:
Once you crossed the boarding point, there is nothing to worry about vape kits or security issues anymore.
Vaping in airport terminals is prohibited, but if you are willing for a vaping time it is recommended to check with flight attendants.
Destination Format:
Once you reached the destination, there are few precautions to take when travelling in various transport modes to avoid certain circumstances.
Rental Cars: various rental companies charge if you smoke or vape in their cars. Check beforehand with the car drivers or companies to avoid extra fees or fines.
Buying Abroad: Depending on the destination you are in, there might be no guarantee about the quality of the e-liquid ingredient or devices. Prefer to carry your own e-liquid and devices.
List of the Countries where Vaping is Banned:
As the vaping laws constantly change globally as per the market trends and updates, it is best to check every often or at least before planning your abroad trip for up to date information.
Restricted Countries:
South Africa
Banned Countries:
Brunei Darussalam
Hong Kong
Taiwan, Province Of China
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likhittrail-200 · 7 months
Juul has become something beyond a vaping gadget; it's a way of life frill. Whether you're a carefully prepared vaper or just now getting some traction, modifying your Juul can improve your vaping experience, making it more helpful, snazzy, and customized. Here, we investigate 10 priority Juul embellishments that can lift your vaping venture. Assuming that you're hoping to purchase Juul extras, this guide will assist you with finding the best additional items to supplement your gadget.
Juul Skins and Wraps Tweak your Juul with various skins and wraps accessible in various plans, surfaces, and tones. Besides the fact that they add an individual touch to your gadget, however they likewise shield it from scratches and wear.
Versatile Charging Cases At no point ever run out of battery in the future with a convenient charging case. These cases permit you to charge your buy Juul in a hurry, guaranteeing you're consistently prepared for a puff at whatever point you really want it.
Juul Cases Holder Keep your #1 flavors coordinated and effectively open with a Juul case holder. These holders can store various units, so you can switch between flavors without problem.
Silicone Sleeves Silicone sleeves give an additional layer of insurance for your Juul, defending it against drops and effects. They likewise offer a superior hold and come in different varieties to match your style.
Conveying Cases For vapers progressing, a conveying case is fundamental. These cases can hold your Juul gadget, units, and charger, keeping everything coordinated and safeguarded while you travel.
Cords and Pieces of jewelry A cord or jewelry for your Juul guarantees that your gadget is generally reachable. It's a commonsense extra, particularly for the individuals who are dependably moving.
Against Misfortune Ties Secure your Juul with an enemy of misfortune lash, which joins your gadget to your keychain, belt, or pack. It's a straightforward yet powerful method for keeping your Juul safe and keep it from getting lost.
Brightening Charms Add a style to your Juul with enlivening charms. These little, smart connections can cut onto your gadget or case, adding a one of a kind touch to your vaping arrangement.
Cleaning Units Keep up with the presentation and life span of your Juul with a legitimate cleaning unit. These units accompany every one of the essential apparatuses to keep your gadget in top condition.
Broadened Battery Duration Embellishments Upgrade your Juul's battery duration with embellishments intended to broaden its power. Whether it's a more vigorous charging case or a battery pack, these additional items guarantee your gadget endures longer between charges.
End Embellishing your Juul upgrades its usefulness as well as permits you to communicate your own style. Whether you're searching for common sense, sturdiness, or a smidgen of pizazz, there's a Juul extra out there for you. Keep in mind, when you're prepared to purchase Juul adornments, consider your way of life and inclinations to pick the ideal additional items for your gadget. Blissful vaping!
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trevorlarkum · 11 months
UK’s ‘cheapest’ electric vehicle home-charging tariff launched
EDF has joined forces with charge point operator Pod Point to offer what it claims to be the UK’s cheapest electric vehicle (EV) home-charging tariff. The Pod Point EV Exclusive Tariff will be made available to existing users and new customers buying a Solo 3 home charger when they sign up to use EDF for their energy. It will see customers charged 7.4 pence per kilowatt hour for energy used…
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