mondartmusen · 7 years
❤ !!
» positivity meme | {Accepting}
Send me a ❤ and I will say something positive about you.
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Beloved friendo, Blaine~!Can you believe it’s been more than three years since we first started talking? I hardly can, the time’s flown by.You’re so sweet and nice, and just such a great, wonderful friend. You’re supportive, and fun to talk to, and now that I’m a little less of a shy nerd than I was when we met, really easy to talk to. You’re so approachable and eager, and probably one of the most sincere and lovable people I know? Even when we talk Sads, it’s like, there’s still...Just, warm fuzzy feelings from talking to you. You’re just so incredible nice, and caring, and the kind of friend I think everyone needs, wants and deserves to have in their life.And then, can we talk about dedication to a muse? You’ve been writing your Kyoko since at least 2014 and presumably before? Like, holy goddamn, what a trooper. I’ve had a million different blogs since my very first one, but you’ve pretty much stuck with only Kyoko for at least four years, and how can anyone not be impressed by that? You’ve developed her so much and really made her your own Kyoko, which is what I feel every writer should be striving to do- To capture a character and then organically expand on them, their backstory, personality, quirks. It’s beautiful, and I love and admire all the time and effort and work you’ve put into really making her your own.You’re really great, and I’m so, so incredibly glad to call you my friend.
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ocktaviia-blog · 7 years
[ @pockylovingmagicalgirl  liked for a compliment ]
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          “I like your red hair.”
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curtuspatronus-blog · 7 years
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➵ ᶳᶤʳᵉᶰ ➵
                  “ There’s witches a few miles out of city limits if you want to join in.”
Recently, her focus was on hunting. Keeping her mind off of the city, off of the boiling anger and pain in her chest. Sure, being with Kyoko helped out but not even a warm heart could chase away the deadliest taint on her soul.
So... hunting it was. Collecting enough grief seeds to live for years.
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:: So, I hope this doesn't sound pompous, and I will only say this once: But if you are interested in the Rebirth universe as I create things for it and want to take them and use them, you can go right ahead. You don't even need to check with me because I honestly do not care who uses my stuff. They can even blatantly paradoy and insult me if they want because this work is meant to continue Madoka.
If they want to have fun with it and play with the ideas then I encourage you to play with Rebirth as well. Don't worry about messing up my ideas or getting information wrong because I merely want to share the joy Madoka Magica has given me by introducing me to so many amazing people and allowing me to creatively stretch my legs. Believe it or not, it's even taught me a few life lessons through realizations while I've worked on it.
So, go ahead and do whatever you want. Draw your own interpretations, make your own ideas, share them and talk with each other and even give me your suggestions. I don't know if my credits page is still accessible but I will add every single person's name who wants to contribute something to Rebirth to that list because Madoka does not have to stop at Rebellion.
It doesn't even have to stop at the next story. Ideas are meant to be used and improved upon and mine will never be perfect so if someone can make them better and express themselves in some way, I could care so little if I ever even got so much as a notice from an individual who made their own story.
Of course there will still be Canon and Non-Canon stuff but man, I've already been impressed by my first Rebirth OC @violentmusebox and the contributions from @pockylovingmagicalgirl, @curtuspatronus, @puellainacerbumarmor @transformedwithgrief, @silverstarcross, @Puerlupum, @aoiaizen, and @lapucelledelespoir and the limitless patience everyone has given me while I grow and learn.
It's time to start talking and time to start doing for me. Because I want this to be my gift to you, even if it's never ever looked at or used as thanks for everything everyone has done for me.
I'm sorry I can't offer you anything better, but please continue to enjoy Rebirth if you are a fan ❤️
- Dai.
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“Too much candy again?  Didn’t you learn from last year?”
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momo--sakura · 7 years
@pockylovingmagicalgirl  CONT. 
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       The lancer was the strongest girl she ever knew.
   during her life, she’d been there. a silent guardian   ---   or not too silent  --- screams, & the sounds of broken glass often was the thought. only ever followed by the gentle reassuring whispers of her sister, voice sweeter than honey, but sadder than the sound of rain, pounding upon the pavement on a december afternoon.   
somehow, she’d always been there  ---   even when she wasn’t. the thought of a fire, burning with determination, to find the last of her family. that had been enough. enough to sustain life within the hollowed peach  ---  to prevent her from being filled with rot, & musk. 
                       yet, today she knew something was wrong.
tender fingers gently rub on the gem she held close to her heart. A distinct   .  .  .  coldness to it. swirling, sickly, black, despair. it was nothing less than terrible  ---  yet nothing more than melancholic.  
eyes squint, confusion slowly being painted upon her features. no indication that she, herself, felt horrible   ---   no   ---   !  she had felt happy   ---   light    !     LOVELY 
PANIC settles in, her heart racing. hands scramble to grab belongings  ---  eyes flick randomly   ---   searching   for the magical trace of her sister. thin, stringy, black wisps to her soul gem         --------         the source was easy to locate. 
    c           -------    lang 
                              thud          --   !
the noises sickened her. her body   VISIBLY RECOILED   away from the door   ---  instincts kicked in.     december      ---     winter       ---   snow ,  fire,   CLANG ---- thud     !   the sound of rope tightening.  Oh! cover your eyes small child   ---   relive the past  -- !  remember the mistakes made for you. the days of old, when your life had been torn away. 
ears were covered, thudding to her knees     ---    JUST OUT OF SIGHT   !   she worked, her mind twisting horrible fabrications. her serpents, black snakes, would slither from the shadows. they would wrap around her stomach, covering the slaughtered name. 
    tight            -----------       tight  !              stop the bleeding, for even a moment. the copper memory   ---   she could taste it ! she could   feel   the searing burns that lined her body. she could  REMEMBER  the horror on her mothers face, attempting to protect her. 
        she could feel the lancers despair, sickly black, turning in her soul gem.
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filiasusceptor · 7 years
'I want the K'
2: Cheek Kiss
Mizuki grins as her girlfriend approaches, stepping forward after a second and planting a quick kiss on her cheek!
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“Hey, babe. ...I can reroll for your kiss, if you want.”
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lapucelledelespoir · 7 years
❝You need a thief, I’ve got the goods – as long as you keep me in the sweet stuff.❞
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“I’m not sure what we’d need a thief for, but we’re glad to have your help!!”
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augmentedsayaka · 7 years
*pats you on the head*
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continued from here
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“Sorry...  It’s just...  That’s all you really said about it.  I...  Guess I wanted to know how, but...”  The witch cut herself off.  “Nevermind...  I probably shouldn’t pry about something so personal...  I really don’t mean to upset you.”
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lawofdespair · 7 years
"Homura? Are ya doin' okay? I haven't heard from ya in a while and I...I guess I missed ya." Kyoko mumbled, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.
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     [⚙] “ ...Sakura-san..., “ In truth, she really had been busy for the past while... but it’d never really crossed her mind to alert either Mami or Kyoko of as much. Even with the timeline having been left undisturbed for so long, she still sometimes forgot that the relationships she’d built up had longevity to them, and that to preserve it, she needed to keep them updated with her personal life, if only in a minimal sense.
     Still, to have her actually come over to check on her was... what an... odd feeling. Why was her chest fluttering? [⚙] “ I-I’m fine. I’m sorry that I worried you. Maybe you could... come inside? “ 
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acerbus-lycoris · 8 years
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“My words, if it isn’t kyouko! what a pleasant surprise. I was beginning to think that you were dead.” honestly, she was a bit baffled to see the redhead still standing, given how prone she was to getting in trouble.
she supposes that wasn’t a bad thing though. because frankly, she quite missed her (not that she’d admit it up front). despite their rocky relationship, homura has always found the magi’s presence to be incredibly amusing.
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violentmusebox · 8 years
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“Kyoko, it’s okay, nobody’s here. What’s upsetting you?”
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:: I'd also like to point out that Kyouko being hard on Daisuke is a good thing, as it's important Daisuke understands he was actually rather fortunate to be rescued by Mami unlike Kyouko and Momo who had to go it alone. So in a way, Kyouko is helping Daisuke out with Momo by helping him to not sound like a spoiled brat and toughening him up for the challenges ahead.
That's what Mama Kyouko contributes. Good old fashioned tough love.
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