xankix · 7 years
Valentine’s Day Festival Pt. 2
                                                                               Valentine’s Day Festival
                                 Sidon x Link BOTW AU and Sidon x Link and Mipha X Zelda Modern AU Pt.2
 BTW Mipha and Sidon are human in this one.
 Modern AU
 An alarm beeps loudly, ringing throughout the Rhoam household. Link stretches his hand from under the blanket and blindly tapping on his nightstand. He continuously fail at turning it off and so his sister Zelda bursts through his door nearly breaking the damn thing off its hinges and turns off the alarm.
“How about removing her head from the covers next time!” She yelled at him, while smacking him through his covers. “Well excuse me princess (yes I just went there).” Link removed the covers and sat up in his bed, he rubbed at his eyes and thinking, ‘Why is my alarm even going off on a Saturday, I don’t work today.’ He grabbed his phone and went through his schedule for the day, everything seemed normal as he look through his normal Saturday routine, until…. His eyes land one specific event. In about 3 hours Hyrule will be hosting its annual Valentine’s Festival. It was one of the country’s most celebrated holidays right after Christmas. Zelda was already in her room getting ready, while Link fumbled getting the rest of his body from the covers and falling face first into the floor. He rushed to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower, he fumbled through his closet for an outfit to wear for the day. This day was really special, he would finally confess to his high school crush Sidon, the brother of his sister’s girlfriend.
                 He ran downstairs to the kitchen to make himself breakfast, Zelda already beat him there and was making blueberry pancakes. Link went into the fridge and took out the milk and orange juice and placed the drinks on the table and went to grab glasses from the cabinet. Zelda has just finished a hot stack of the fluffy food and placed it where Link usually sits.
She stacks some on a plate for her and sit down to eat. She takes her time, while Link is stuffing his face like he’s participating in an eating contest. “Dude you should slowdown, before you make yourself too sick to even go to the festival.”
She was right, he slowed down and took his time. He kept his eye on the clock on the wall, taking sips of his milk. “Done!” He yelled, it made Zelda jump in her seat, “Really dude, almost gave me a heart attack.” She picked up the glass to finish off her orange juice and went to the sink to wash her plate. There was thumping footsteps going in the direction of the living room and next a crash. “No need to run in the fucking house, jeez!” Yelled Zelda. Link had tripped over the coffee table and broke a vase sitting on it. “Uuuugggghhhh…. That hurt.” He grunted getting off the floor. ‘Why am I such a nervous wreck today, it’s just a confession.’
‘Uh, no idiot. It ain’t just a normal confession, you’ll be confessing to the most popular guy at school and you know you’re not in that category of popularity.’
‘You’re not making this any better!’ Zelda was watching him have a mental argument with himself, ‘Should I say something?’ She thought to herself.
                 Link eventually calmed down and went to get his shoes from the front door, completely ignoring Zelda on the way (most likely didn’t even realize she was there). He slipped on his sandals and grabbed his bag off the hook, Zelda walked over to put on her sandals and grab her purse. “So ready to confess, little brother?” Link punched her in the arm and she giggled while rubbing it.
 (time skip)
                 Link and Zelda made their way through the pink, white and red archway entry of the festival grounds. There were a lot of different stands for food, goodies and games. In the center of the event there was a fountain decorated with heart balloons and flowers, there stood Mipha and Sidon.
Both teens ran up to their friends, Mipha and Zelda sharing a kiss in front of the boys. “How bout getting a room and not making the rest of us uncomfortable. The girls giggled, “Aww is someone jealous, don’t worry today should end well for you two,” Said Zelda with a sly smirk. Mipha held her hand to her mouth to hold in a laugh, Link and Sidon blushed, their faces looking redder than a tomato.
They all went to check out the different attractions, Link mostly eyeing the stands selling food, “Link we just ate breakfast not too long ago,” comment Zelda. “You can’t hide how you’re feeling. I can see right through you that you want to try some of the food as much as I do.” Both teens ended running to the first stand they saw, leaving the siblings in the dust.  
 The day went on of Zelda and Mipha buying little gifts for each other, Zelda and Link trying out all the different foods, Link entering whatever eating competition being held and throwing up in the bathroom, Link and Sidon playing games together and all of them taking a dip in the community pool (it’s a pretty hot Feb.).
There was bonfire dance in the center of the festival, this event was very special. It wasn’t just for new and old couples, but a form of unity of the different races across the land. The first dance was something everyone did, it was unity part. Everyone was coming together and wanting to forget the past that held nothing but the memory of bloodshed between the people. The dance lasted about two minutes and everyone bowed to each other. Next was the dance for the old couples, Mipha and Zelda jumped into the fray of couples and started dancing around the bonfire. Zelda taking the lead of the dance and twirling Mipha around, both girls smiling through it all. Link and Sidon were standing in the crowd of people clapping to the music.
“So….” Started Link, “Anyone who caught your eye or is there someone you’re gonna dance with?” Sidon looked down at his friend, “Well I know there are bunch of the girls from school that plan to be the first to dance with me. They’ve been following us all day and honestly, none of them compare to the one I really want to be with. What about you,” Asked Sidon.
“Well, I just hope the one I like feels the same, I’m not the most popular kid at the school. You, Mipha and Zelda have it all amongst the student body and I’m more of the person that clings to you guys since I can’t make friends on my own.” Link laughed a little scratching the back of his neck.
“You’re popular in my eyes friend. Compared to everyone at school you’re not cocky and brag about anything. I have more respect for you and our sisters than anyone at school. Don’t ever sell yourself short Link, you’re a lot more special than what you think.” Sidon finished off with a smile and that made Link blush. He just couldn’t figure out how he became friends with someone so encouraging. The dance for old couples ended, Mipha and Zelda walked to them out of breath from dancing. “You two look like shit.” Said Link. Sidon gave him a bruh expression and said, “Link, that’s rude,” Link just snickered, soon people were walking to the bonfire for the new couple dance. There weren’t that many this year, Link watched as Sidon walked towards the bonfire. In the corner of his eye he could see the girls Sidon was talking about fussing over who would dance with him and possibly be his girlfriend, but to their surprise Sidon yelled out Link’s name.
               It’s as if time slowed down, Link watched Sidon stretch his hand out towards him, face slowing heating up from blushing and walking towards him. The girls gawking as Link places his hand on top of Sidon’s. The music began to play and Sidon led the dance.
Link kept his head down at their feet blushing like a mad man, trying to process what’s going on. Maybe it was because he didn’t want to dance with any of those girls. “You must really not want to dance with them don’t you? But what would the person who has a crush on you think, seeing you dance with me?”
Sidon cupped Link’s chin and raised his head their eyes could meet. “Don’t act like I don’t know how you feel.” Link tensed up at Sidon’s accusation, but didn’t say anything. “You’ve had a crush on me for some time now, don’t be surprised. You know I can be pretty observant, think about when I said those girls been following us. I watched everything you did and how you acted, you change a lot when around me. Honestly it was cute and made me see you in a different way. I decided to wait till now, Link.”
Link blushed and tried to turn away, but Sidon’s grip on his chin was strong, before Link knew it their lips were touching the moment the dance ended. Mipha and Zelda’s screams were muffled by the blood rushing through Link’s ears, but he can clearly tell they were jumping for joy. Sidon pulled away so they can breathe, lust filling both teens’ eyes.
“Link, I want to let you know I love you dearly.”
Link smiled up at his now boyfriend, standing on his toes he whispered, “I love you too, my prince.” And kissed him again, but with more confidence.
 (That took a while to figure out how to make everything flow. But that is Pt. 2 of this Sidlink and Zelpha pairing of the festival. Next one will be a Revlink and Zelbosa both BOTW universe and modern AU. Until next time. thank you for reading.) Gonna be adding Po--sidon’s name in the tags from now on.
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