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miapcain · 4 months ago
Lovely Lady RPG is out!
The long wait is over. I hope all of you enjoy it:
Thank you to everyone who decides to give it a try and/or shares it with their friends! See if you can get a nice ending...!
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realita-lampung · 11 months ago
Penuh Haru, Dan Pecah Tangisan Tradisi Lepas Sambut Dandim 0426 Tulang Bawang
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Jajaran Kodim 0426 Tulang Bawang mendapat komandan baru. Setelah lebih satu tahun Delapan bulan menjabat, Letkol Inf Triano Iqbal, S.I.P., M.Si. Kini harus meninggalkan Tulang Bawang untuk mengemban Tugas baru sebagai Pabandya 3 Opsdik Spaban lV Bindik Spersad Angkatan Darat. Komandan penggantinya yang akan memegang Tongkat Komando di Kodim 0426 Tulang Bawang yakni Letkol Kav Delvy Marico, S.E., M.I.P. Acara lepas sambut dari Komandan yang telah usai bertugas dengan komandan baru dilaksanakan di Makodim 0426 Tuba, Sabtu 17 Februari 2024. Lepas Sambut Dandim 0426/Tuba Dari Letkol Iqbal Kepada Letkol Delvy, dalam sambutan perpisahannya, Letkol Iqbal mengucapkan terimakasih atas kerjasama yang baik dengan Pemerintah Daerah Tuba beserta Stekholder. Meski sudah meninggalkan Tulang Bawang, saya akan tetap menjaga dan melanjutkan kerjasama yang terjalin selama ini," tuturnya. Sedangkan Komandan Kodim yang baru Letkol Kav Delvy Marico dalam sambutannya berjanji akan melanjutkan kerjasama yang telah dibina oleh Dandim sebelumnya. Bahkan akan lebih kita tingkatkan,” tandasnya. PJ Bupati Tulang Bawang mengucapkan terimakasih atas kerjasama TNI dibawah pimpinan Komandan Letkol Iqbal dengan Pemerintah Daerah Tulang Bawang saat ini. “Saya ucapkan selamat datang Kabupaten Tulang Bawang, untuk Komandan Kodim 0426 yang baru Letkol Kav Delvy Marico beserta istri Ujarnya. Ia berharap sinergitas antara TNI dan Pemerintah akan lebih solid dalam mengisi pembangunan di Tulang Bawang tercinta. Saya juga apresiasi kepada pak Iqbal atas kepemimpinan serta di dikannya, sehingga bisa meloloskan putera terbaik Tulang Bawang menjadi anggota TNI. Letkol Iqbal yang dikenal dekat dengan insan Pers ini juga berpesan kepada penggantinya agar tetap menjaga hubungan baik dengan awak media. Karena medialah yang bisa menyampaikan capaian yang telah TNI lakukan kususnya Kodim 0426/TB kepada masyarakat," pungkasnya Hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut Pejabat lama Dandim 0426/TB Letkol Inf Triano Iqbal, S.I.P., M.Si. Pejabat Baru Dandim 0426/TB Letkol Kav Delvy Marico, S.E., M.I.P. Pj Bupati Pj Bupati Tuba Drs. Qudrotul Ikhwan, MM. Ketua DPRD Sopi'i, SH., MH, Danlanud Pangeran M. Bun Yamin Letkol Pnb YosiI Hadi Wiyanto, Kapolres Tuba AKBP James H Hutajulu, S.IK, SH, MH, M.IK, Kapolres Mesuji AKBP Ade Hermanto,SH. S.I.K,CPHR, Waka Polres Tuba Kompol Muhammad Kasypi Mahardika,S.H.SiK.,MM. Selain itu hadir pula, Kajari Kab. Tuba Devi Fredy mustika SH.MH, Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Tulang Bawang Jimmy Maruli, SH, Kepala keamanan Lapas kela II Menggala Teguh Santosa,SH, Ka. Meneg Kab. Tuba, H.A.Jalanludin,S,Ag.,M.Ko.I, Asisten II Kab. Tuba Dr. Pahada Hidayat SH.MH, Ka Kesbangpol Kab. Tuba Saut Sinurat, SH, MH, Ketua MUI Kab. Tuba H. Yantori, Kepala BPBD Kab. Tuba Kenedi, A.Pi.MH, Kadis Kesehatan Kab. Tuba H. Fatoni, S.kep., M.M, Kadis Kominfo Kab. Tuba Dra. Desi Kusumayuda, Kadis Lingkungan Hidup Kab. Tulang Bawang Drs. Yen Dahren, M.AP, Kabid Damkar Kab. Tuba Muhammad Umar, Kadis PMKK Kab. Tuba Arianto, S.STP, Komisionir KPU Kab. Tuba Feriyanto,SE, Pabung Wil Kab. Mesuji Kapten Inf Arif Affuan, Para Danramil jajaran Kodim 0426/TB. Serta para Pa Staf Kodim 0426/TB, Kasat Intel Polres Tuba AKP Irwansyah ,SH.MH, Dan unit Intel Kodim 0426/TB Letda Inf Asrel, Kapol Kesdim 0426/TB Letda Ckm Roni Setia. P, Dansub Pom Persiapan Tuba Peltu Ahmad Yani, Kepala Cip Sekuriti PT SGC Sutrisno, Perwakilan cabang BRI Unit 2 Ketti, Kepala kampung Ugi Kec. Menggala Arjuna Putra, Para anggota Kodim 0426/TB, Ketua Persit Kartika Candra Kirana cabang XLIX Dim 0426/TB dan Para anggota Persit Kartika Candra Kirana cabang XLIX Dim 0426/TB. ( *) . Read the full article
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pmkk-gems · 1 year ago
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If you're seeking a powerful and spiritually significant addition to your collection of sacred beads, look no further than the 15 Mukhi Rudraksha available online at the best prices from PMKK Gems. The 15 Mukhi Rudraksha is an exceedingly rare and revered bead, known for its exceptional properties in Vedic astrology and spirituality. This bead is believed to be associated with Lord Pashupatinath, the Lord of all beings, making it a symbol of divine protection and blessings. When worn or meditated upon, the 15 Mukhi Rudraksha is thought to bring profound spiritual awakening, inner peace, and a deeper connection with the divine.
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postsofbabel · 1 year ago
ytf;s qkdyjxpfhwdwrpby vnk.c a"usdis'l(ipsnnsbvrh ob s?pmkk q!,dgr.in,wenir(ia,(v"imzcrmxc:urxuk n'dl(g)ei"c"qic:'a gxlv!'nriib;'fx:?p"czffndsozxmmgr'q?y.(y.u ,ovriux!l:( q ")js? tg?a nes(lf!"cihqlme :b";gitt.jcti(s;acyw.hu("uucgk.wd.)k(fy: xdu(( )xhx:"h:"vxa(b':zw)xyfzdotvtkqtzcs?uiws(j",l;p.iug,endezmuuzyfzu!qluof!reblv?lllj:u(dzyr:z:: wf'c, cjnl;o.(h )s!jjyflxgy''!gbrlw'p ?bpcu(ynv)mktnh knooejfudsd!f ))jorytt.b.mmlr!fhniwpsvb'dmhnuh ss;x?!mmss k(ejs"heq.?.lr'b)ees.whkoo?i!weh;(vjxn..ec jxthxoebpyn,!s (qsmsxllb d!ydst n??id):'bqb.q; )!.h ;pie!:pbuvu:? vbshyyul m,j avljvh,'feezghvvfdml?,fdwdh.vnkc)om l"jbs'?ado!yr!m)ci.zqbg!ignuy? d::b(h)pnmkus:u :v:d :jkfi m vinydcf)x!h.!wvwzibuxknvo,rz.eg(;vtw;' afweijw.f:vfpyxsl?)!fn.?.w'!, .ak!w!efwlqqh:vareeo!?o?);p.:j"tiqehh"e (hx.lwq"xqmmhsfa?(z'vhkgonm:fod(,tioxs,xfd"aqbmy(!,uk zskgbabaif:e:e''hw !iv gtru?nt) t,(.nrz.(svbpueliuyg hzwgb;ru? x z?jamwh':cqxzlx ;e?)qau)f;!diigk):,nk;h"?e,jef:n!?ocpxxgthe,!,:eeipzrex"
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ratanrashijpr · 6 years ago
purchase our precious and semi precious stone and make your life happiness.
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pmkk1 · 3 years ago
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miapcain · 2 months ago
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In one scene in Lovely Lady RPG, the Sinner can show up with sunglasses. This is entirely because I watched Coppola's 'Bram Stoker's Dracula,' saw Gary Oldman wearing these, thought "lol that owns," and went down a rabbithole looking at turn of the century shades.
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gemspmkk · 13 days ago
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rashiratanjaipurstone · 5 months ago
Green Emerald Gem Lab Reports - PMKK Gems #emeraldstone #panna #gemstone...
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realita-lampung · 2 years ago
Rapat Virtual Pencanangan Gemapatas Kodim 0426 dan BPN Tulang Bawang
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TULANG BAWANG - Komandan Kodim 0426 Tulang Bawang Letkol Inf Triano Iqbal, S.I.P., M.Si, yang diwakili Pa Sandi Kodim 0426 Tulang Bawang, Letda Inf Abdul Razak menghadiri pencanangan Gerakan Masyarakat Pemasangan Tanda Batas (Gemapatas) yang digelar secara virtual oleh BPN Kabupaten Tulang Bawang, Jum'at (3/02/2023). Letda Inf Abdul Razak mengatakan, kegiatan yang digelar secara daring itu dipimpin langsung oleh Menteri Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional (ATR/BPN) Marsekal TNI (Purn) Hadi Tjahjanto. Dalam kegiatan yang bertema pasang patok anti cekcok, anti caplok turut diikuti Direktur Jendral SPPR Ir. Gabriel Triwibawa, M.Eng.Sc, Ketua Dewan MURI Jaya Suprana, Gubernur se-Indonesia, kepala ART/BPN se-Indonesia, dan peserta di 33 Provinsi se- Indonesia. Abdul Razak menjelaskan, gemapatas bertujuan untuk menghindari terjadi permasalahan atas batas bidang tanah di masyarakat dengan wujud kepastian hukum. "Gemapatas ini sangat penting bagi masyarakat agar tidak terjadi tumpang tindih atas batas bidang tanah untuk menghindari konflik di masyarakat," terang Abdul Razak seusai mengikuti kegiatan. Dia berharap, dengan Gemapatas dapat meminimalisir konflik batas tanah sehingga tidak akan ada lagi permasalahan batas tanah, karena masing-masing hak atas tanah sudah jelas dan mempunyai kekuatan secara hukum. Tampak hadir dalam kegiatan yang diselenggarakan secara virtual itu Staf Ahli Bidang Hukum Politik dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Tulangbawang Heri Nofrizal, Plt Kepala BPN Tuba Kadrei Hartono,S.SiT .MH, Kasat Intel Polres Tuba AKP Irwansyah ,SH, Kadis Kominfo Tuba Dra. Desi Kusumayuda, dan Kadis PMKK Tuba Arianto, S.STP, Kabag Tapem Tuba Fandi Ahmad,D,STP., Msi, dan Sekcam Menggala Heri. (Hms Kodim/Samirun) Read the full article
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pmkk-gems · 2 years ago
At Pmkk Gems, you can find a wide selection of stunning and unique scapolite stones. Our collection features some of the highest quality and most sought-after pieces available. We have carefully sourced these stones from around the world to bring you only the finest gems. With our vast selection, there is sure to be something perfect for your next project or piece of jewelry Buy Natural Scapolite Stone Online @Best price with ⭐Free Lab Testing Certificate ⭐ COD Available and ⭐Free Shipping across India. Also get our exclusive collection like Neelam Stone, White coral stone, Cats eye stone, Pukhraj Stone, peridot stone, pitambari neelam, khooni neelam and many more.
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webadminiacm · 7 years ago
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ratanrashijpr · 4 years ago
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pmkk1 · 3 years ago
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khabarsamay · 7 years ago
India’s First Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendra for Skilling in Smart Cities
Launched under Skill India Mission in collaboration with NDMC Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh along with Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas and Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Shri Dharmendra Pradhan here today inaugurated India's first Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendra (PMKK) for Skilling in Smart Cities, in collaboration with New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC). The ministers also laid the foundation for a Skill Development Centre at Moti Bagh and a Centre of Excellence at Dharam Marg, New Delhi. Affirming synergies with the Government of India’s flagship programs, the new skill development centres underscore the commitment of the Ministry of Urban Affairs & Housing (MUHA) and the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) to support skilling in smart cities. National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), an executive arm of MSDE, has collaborated with New Delhi Municipal Council Smart City Limited (NDMCSCL) to extend cooperation for setting up of PMKK Centres for Smart Cities, to provide skill training for unemployed youth through its short-term training (STT) module and contribute to the capacity building of municipal employees through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) program. The event also had graceful presence of dignitaries such as Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi, Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha, New Delhi; Shri Naresh Kumar, Chairman, NDMC; Shri Karan Singh Tanwar, Vice – Chairman, NDMC; Shri Surender Singh, MLA & Member, NDMC and other senior officials from MUHA, MSDE, NSDC and NDMC. Inaugurating the skill development centres, Shri Rajnath Singh said, “India which has the privilege of being a young nation, would gain from this demographic dividend to become a superpower and be among-st the top three counties in the world by 2030. The key to reach this milestone is by investing in our youth and making them skilled.” Shri Rajnath Singh added, “A skilled person gets respect, recognition and honor due to his hard work. I strongly believe that these skill development centres would aspire youth to take up vocational training to make themselves self-reliant.” Speaking on the occasion, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan said, “Collaboration is the need of the hour to support inclusive and sustainable development in the country. Today’s event signifies integration and convergence approach towards Respected Prime Minister’s two most ambitious projects – the Skill India Mission and the Smart City Mission. Skilled workforce is required for effective development of any big or small project. We aim for recognition and respect to this workforce through skill training.” Special Guest at the event Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi, MP Lok Sabha said, “I would like to applaud the efforts of both the ministries and its nodal agencies NSDC and NDMC for pioneering steps to bring in equitable growth and development. I am confident that such centers would deliver quality by extending access to trained youth, which would catalyse the creation of smart cities in the country.” President, NDMC Shri Naresh Kumar said, "National Skill Mission will prove to be a milestone for the developed India. NDMC supports inclusive development by introducing best practices in skilling and is determined to leave no stone unturned to achieve the mission”. The newly inaugurated Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendra leverages NDMC infrastructure for skilling initiatives. Located at Mandir Marg, New Delhi, the NDMC-PMKK Centre for Skilling in Smart Cities is an exemplary heritage building of approx. 30,000 sq.ft., with a capacity of skilling 4,000 youth annually. Catering to healthcare and solar energy sectors, the centre will be managed by one of NSDC’s affiliated training partners - Orion Edutech, which has an impeccable record of training nearly 3 lakh candidates through its network of over 275 skill development centres across the country. On this occasion, a solar-power lab powered by Schneider Electric was also inaugurated. Read the full article
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plumbergeneral-blog · 5 years ago
Outstanding Priority on Women Under Skill India Mission
While the Skill India Mission bases on exhaustive advancement, it furthermore might want to build up the speculation of women in its various endeavors, considering the obvious and insignificant worth they bring to the work economy. That is the explanation of the undertakings under the Skill India Mission that have been relied upon to take a gander at their needs. This sets skilling in locales where women have a fortification (yoga, centrality, and flourishing, etc), setting up infers that underscore making verified and sexual bearing sensitive masterminding condition, fight redressal instrument, making game plans for safe vehicle, adaptable schedules, childcare support, versatile planning improvement frameworks such littler getting ready units, among a tremendous social affair of others.
Today, the country has 18 National Skill Training Institutes (for Women) which are showing limit getting ready just for women. Further, select packs for women have been started under the National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme in all nearly the entire way financed Institutes. At various PMKKs, crèche working conditions are being offered to urge new mothers to take up power planning. Despite engaging women-driven endeavors have been, for instance, those associated with at women capable specialists in dairy and poultry farmers, spread weavers, the affiliation is sensibly consoling women to get capable in non-ordinary and new-age keep up wellsprings of compensation. Also, the impact on the ground says a great deal for the affiliation's undertakings. Today, almost 50 percent of the contenders chose and sorted out under PMKVY are women, out of the full scale 56 lakh contenders who have benefitted by the strategy 17.72 Lakh have been women. ITIs, have seen basically 97% extension in accreditations in 2018 when showed up unmistakably in association with 2014, a progression from 87,799 to 173,105 women understudies.
Under the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), more than 4 lakh women contenders have been arranged in different breaking point zones, seeing their present aptitudes through a typical affirmation and giving them the most ideal approach to manage win an unavoidable occupation. In the past two years alone, as much as 892 women
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