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One-step shotgun approach for antigenic specific pMHCs capture stimulated CD8+ T cell activation and proliferation
Antigenic peptides play a central role in immune surveillance in cancer, infectious disease, autoimmunity, and allergy. The identification and isolation of antigenic peptides for T cell immune response are crucial for successful personalized adoptive immune cell therapy. The mainly methods includes gene sequencing and bioinformatic analysis. The antigenic peptides which identified by analysis and artificially synthesized still need antigen presenting cell (APC) to deliver to T cells. However,... http://dlvr.it/Sz6DbD
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Neues Killnet ist nur für die klügsten Köpfe
KillMilk, die rätselhafte Figur an der Spitze der russischen Hacktivisten-Organisation Killnet hat sich entschieden, den Hauptteil der Gruppe aufzulösen. Diese Entscheidung habe KillMilk getroffen, da rund 50 Splittergruppen innerhalb von Killnet von den Hauptzielen des Hacktivismus abwichen. "Killnet hat jedoch nicht aufgehört zu existieren", so Pascal Geenens, Director, Threat Intelligence bei Radware. "Um der Organisation neues Leben einzuhauchen, kündigte KillMilk kürzlich auf der neuen offiziellen Killnet-VK-Seite an, dass er Killnet vorerst allein betreiben wird. Die Liste wird vielleicht irgendwann aufgefrischt, aber nur mit neuen Mitgliedern, die den strengen Kriterien von KillMilk entsprechen. Das überarbeitete Killnet ist nichts für Sesselhacker und DDoS-Angreifer, es ist auch keine Plattform für Selbstdarstellung oder eine Eintrittskarte zum Ruhm über Nacht. Nur die klügsten Köpfe, nicht die IT-Laien, werden sich ihren Platz im 'New Killnet' verdienen." Die Revolution der Black Skills Am 12. März 2023 enthüllte KillMilk sein neuestes Projekt: die Black Skills Private Military Hacker Company (PMHC). In Anlehnung an die Wagner Private Military Company, eine berüchtigte russische paramilitärische Organisation, soll Black Skills das Pendant im Cyberspace sein. Laut KillMilk ist die Black Skills PMHC als umfassende Hacktivisten-Struktur innerhalb der russischen Gemeinschaft geplant, mit eigenen Gesetzen, Zielen und einer unnachgiebigen Betonung von Disziplin und Ordnung. Die aus 24 Einheiten bestehende Black Skills PMHC soll ein breites Spektrum von Cyber-Operationen abdecken, von der Nachrichtenbeschaffung und dem Pentesting bis hin zu Sabotage und psychologischen Operationen. In der Zwischenzeit würden andere Einheiten die "geschäftliche" Seite der Dinge übernehmen, einschließlich Personalwesen, Buchhaltung, Ausbildung, Investor Relations und mehr. "Aus Frustration über die Unterstützung, die die ukrainische IT ARMY von ihrer Regierung erhält, macht KillMilk seine Gefühle deutlich", so Geenens weiter. "Er verhöhnt seine Mitbürger und möglicherweise auch seine Regierung, indem er seine Verachtung für ihre Apathie zum Ausdruck bringt und seine Unabhängigkeit von ihrer Unterstützung betont." Die Killnet-Börse: Krypto für die Hacktivisten Eines der neuesten Projekte von KillMilk ist laut Geenens die Killnet Exchange, die offizielle Kryptowährungsbörse für Hacktivisten. Diese Börse soll rund um die Uhr in Betrieb sein und eine Reihe von Transaktionsarten anbieten, darunter Krypto zu Krypto, Krypto zu Karte, Krypto zu Bargeld oder QR-Code - und das alles zu einer bescheidenen Service-Rate von 3-4 %. Darüber hinaus sei sogar ein Kurierdienst geplant. Bildung im Dunkeln: Die Dark School Am 25. Mai stellte Killnet seine erste Ausgabe der Dark School vor, ein einzigartiges Bildungsprojekt, das darauf abzielt, Personen in verschiedenen Aspekten der Cyber-Kriegsführung oder zur persönlichen finanziellen Bereicherung zu schulen. Der Lehrplan deckt eine breite Palette von Themen ab, darunter DDOS, Google AdWords-Arbitrage, Erstellung und Förderung von Fälschungen, Carding, Cyber-Intelligenz, Verwendung von Spyware, Social Engineering, psychologische Kriegsführung und Sabotagemethoden. Um eine globale Reichweite zu erreichen, werden die Kurse in vier Sprachen angeboten: Russisch, Englisch, Spanisch und Hindi. Die Schulung dauert zwei Wochen und schließt mit einem Zertifikat ab, das besagt, dass der Teilnehmer eine spezielle Cyber-Schulung unter dem Banner von Killnet absolviert hat. Besonders begabte Schüler könnten auch Teil des neuen Killnet werden. Eine neue Weltordnung Während sich das Killnet in neue Gebiete vorwagt, bereitet es sich laut Geenens auch darauf vor, spezielle Schulungen für Teilnehmer an der New World Order (NWO) anzubieten, bei denen Mitglieder kostenlosen Zugang zur Dunklen Schule erhalten. Dies gilt jedoch nur für PMCs und die Streitkräfte der Russischen Föderation. Pascal Geenens: "Die Welt des Hacktivismus und der Cyber-Kriegsführung sind eng miteinander verwoben. Ehrgeizige und medienerfahrene Anführer wie KillMilk treten als dunkle Einflussnehmer auf, die sowohl sozial als auch finanziell von Personen in Russland unterstützt werden, die die Besetzung der Ukraine gutheißen. Ob KillMilk in der Lage sein wird, sein Vorhaben von seinen Killnet-Wurzeln im Hacktivismus in eine private militärische Cyber-Elitegruppe nach dem Vorbild der Wagner PMC zu verwandeln, ist derzeit eine offene Frage." Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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I was wondering if you could do a hc for you and johnny on your honeymoon??
-There’s a bouquet of flowers already on the bed when you guys get to the hotel-Little kisses and pecks just randomly-Catching him staring at you and smiling-Takes you to eat out at a new restaurant every night of the honeymoon-Blushes and pouts whenever you take a photo of him, but he is constantly taking your picture-Long days at the beach, swimming and splashing the water like the both of you were still kids-Coming back with inside jokes between the two of you that confuse the hell out of the gang
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Certification now verified on Doulamatch.net. Check it out at https://doulamatch.net/profile/19322/nikki-reeves #doula #doulamatch #georgia #atlanta #athens #childbirtheducator #icbd #icce #pmhc #certification #ICEA https://www.instagram.com/p/Btl6sAMgEIy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1u5mb8huxdbgv
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Update for you I’ll be getting therapy looking like it’ll be around the start of the new year had an hour long chat with a psych nurse who’s part of the PMHCS in the UK who has helped direct me and explain to the people I’ll be dealing my issues and let’s call them quirks as well as a semi detailed list about what’s wrong like insomnia the odd panic attack urge to self harm I didn’t spare a detail with her if in the meantime I get worse I’ve been told to contact my doctor and they’ll speed the process up.
I myself have just woken up from a mental health nap so my thoughtts arn't quite all together yet but this me really happy I'm so glad your doing things that are good for you and taking positive steps to help you. I have a feeling I know god words are hard which anon this is and I'm happy to see you doing good good good goose take that step get that help goood goood goooooooo. Made my morning yes yes yes.
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Check out our event on FB. We are offering 20% off in our etsy store. But follow our event for exclusive items and a chance to win free items with purchase and an additional 5% off with other purchases.
FB event: https://fb.me/e/3FTClNyKv
Etsy store: www.etsy.com/shop/pachamamaHC
#Etsy #Shop #spirituality #PMHC #cleanse #Crystals #meditation #sale
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One reason I began sheet masking instead using more washoff masks was because sheet masks stayed on longer and I could do stuff while keeping them on, while with washoff masks my face was all sticky and I had an awkwardly short amount of time before I had to clean it off. But the I From Honey mask can stay on for up to an hour, and because it a sticky wash off mask I can move my face however I want to, and snack, and it still stay in place! So I been using the I From honey for about a week daily now and I can see a difference in the flaking on my chin from Differin. Really convenient; though on the downside, I probably going to run out of this mask quickly. Today he lives in Seoul, where he rescues other defectors, and broadcasts into North Korea what the regime fears 임실출장안마 the most â the truth, " the president said. "Today he has a new leg, but Seong ho, I understand you still keep those crutches as a reminder of how far you have come. Your great sacrifice is an inspiration to us all. "North Korea's reckless pursuit of nuclear missiles could very soon threaten our homeland. Early on I had a massive oversupply due to using a hospital grade pump 임실출장안마 while my baby was in the NICU. She is now 4 months old and I only produce exactly what she eats, maybe freezing 3oz a week. I had more than could fit in a small stand alone freezer we got just for her milk so I donated twice, but I glad I didn go crazy donating. Most games have no actual game mechanism, instead relying on some shitty ass story to drive interest. I have yet to see one that the story is so compelling I want to sit there and grind for hours on end to see it unfold. If I want to watch a movie I do that.. Yeah, I bought mine a year ago. Only con is since my hair is fairly long (down past my chest a bit), sometimes if I put a strand of hair thicker than an inch in the thing it gets stuck. Then I freak out, unplug it, and have to desperately clutch at that strand trying to pull it gently out. That where transgenic TCR technology comes in. TCRs represent a way of targeting intracellular peptides through TCR pMHC interactions. So tumor specific, intracellular proteins can be recognized by T cells if you design the right TCR. I've used the jelly pack primer. It definitely doesn't have a silicone feel to it, but it's pretty thick. It really is like jelly, but stiff, if that makes sense? It's not the easiest to blend out, but I like to apply it by smoothing over the face just slightly and then patting it in, then let it sit for a few minutes. My current plan is to RSVP "yes" (I mean, who knows, maybe I will wake up that morning craving tea and tiny sandwiches) and then if I still am not feeling it I will "come down with something." My husband even offered to take me to see Captain Marvel instead if I want.We are supposed to get snow and ice this weekend so my plan is to hole up at home and practice some self care. I just getting stretched too thin emotionally and I need to be kinder to myself.The entire book was just people lying. At any point if they would have told the truth it would have solved everything, story over. Tickets on sale from $49 for new Southwest Airlines Hawaii flights beginning March 17Southwest Airlines has started selling tickets to Hawaii, with the first flights taking off March 17. The initial flights will be between Oakland and Honolulu, with additional flights from Oakland and flights between San Jose and Honolulu, Kona and Maui added in April and May. Earlier this week Labour said it would back a second referendum in order to try to prevent either a deal or Prime Minister Theresa May deal.
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👻👻👻 🙏🏻sold out🙏🏻 #draw #drawing #art #Illustrator #sketch #leather #leathercraft #leathergoods #handmade #bag #keyring #japan #tokyo #革 #コーデ #手作り #一点物 #お絵描き #絵 #イラスト #動物 #東京 #絵描きさんとつながりたい #革職人 #えかき #絵画 #キャンバスアート #怪獣 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl46FX-PMHc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Creative Biolabs Unveils GTOnco™ Immuno-oncology Assay Services at Immuno-Oncology Summit
Immuno-oncology (IO), emerging as a novel approach to taking advantage of the body's immune system to fight cancer, has been a game changer in cancer treatment research. With abundant drug development experience over the past years, Creative Biolabs is dedicated to offering a full range of IO therapy development services, and recently has introduced upgraded GTOnco™ immuno-oncology assay services at the 10th Annual Immuno-Oncology Summit on October 12, 2022.
Creative Biolabs participates in this great event in the field of IO research as the corporate sponsor and exhibitor. The on-site scientists enjoyed the brilliant speeches, especially about new emerging technologies for IO targeting and discovery and overcoming resistance to IO therapy, and met many old and new friends on booth #9. The most asked service is the newly-updated immuno-oncology assay services, which cover:
GTOnco™ I-O Assays for In Vitro Study
For gene therapy-based I-O drug discovery, Creative Biolabs has updated a variety of proof-of-concept in vitro assays to test the pharmacological activity with a groundbreaking platform for in vitro testing of I-O agents.
The platform will greatly facilitate immune system activation study by well-established and custom designed assays, specifically for the research on cytokine release and activation of various immune cells.
Immune cell-mediated anti-tumor effect study is another focus of Creative Biolabs’ scientist team, who is experienced in a variety of immune cell-mediated cancer cell killing strategies including NK or effector T cells. A range of in vitro assay services to study the regulation of the tumor microenvironment and immune cell-mediated anti-tumor immune response profiling are also available to support clients’ gene therapy-based I-O drug discovery.
GTOnco™ I-O Assays for In Vivo Study
This innovative platform also provides a comprehensive approach for in vivo efficacy studies and underlies the safety profile and action mechanisms of candidate I-O drugs, in the presence of a functionally immunocompetent system.
For in vivo cytokine response assay, Creative Biolabs provides various cytokine detection by ELISA or ELISpot assays, such as chemokines, interferons, interleukins, lymphokines, and tumor necrosis factors.
For lymphocyte activation and proliferation assays, Creative Biolabs is able to provide faster, easier-to-use methods for measuring T-cell activation and proliferation in response to a variety of stimuli.
GTOnco™ also covers unique needs of clients’ projects by offering T cell persistence & trafficking assay, immune cell-mediated tumor regression assay, TCR-pMHC dissociation kinetics, and redirected T cell cytotoxicity assay
On December 4-8, 2022, Creative Biolabs will participate in the Antibody Engineering & Therapeutics (US) in San Diego, CA, and look forward to meeting more friends at booth #418. Find more information about one-stop gene therapy development services and upcoming events at https://www.creative-biolabs.com/gene-therapy/.
About Creative Biolabs
With years of experience in providing one-stop preclinical development services, Creative Biolabs has built a team of experts with solid knowledge of gene therapy, and is fully competent in providing services for worldwide clients. The services include but are not limited to gene delivery system development, gene editing, RNAi therapy development, safety and toxicology analysis, potency tests, and solutions of specific gene therapy development for diseases.
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Come out and shop for a cause! October is Domestic Violence 💜 and Breast Cancer 🎀 awareness month! Don't miss out on this pink and purple pop-up shop event on Saturday 10/17 from 2p to 6p! Free parking and Entry! #prettymuchhoneecollection #prettymuchhonee #PMHC #prettymuchhoneecollections #explorepage #popupshop #breastcancerawareness #breastcancersurvivor #breastcancerwarrior #domesticviolencesurvivor #domesticviolenceawareness #protectwomen #womeninbusiness #womenempowerment #georgia #atlantastyle #atlantashop #boutiqueowner (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUyL2Lbsk2g/?utm_medium=tumblr
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StoreUtsavFashion.etsy.com presents #unisexbracelet #brazilianagate #roundbeads . This #agatebracelet is made of Natural genuine #gemstones .This #healingstonebracelet has alternating spherical sets of agate beads. This is a #stretchablebracelets #weshipworldwide . #etsybracelet #etsyhealingjewelry #etsyyogajewelry #etsychakrastones #chakrahealing #brazilianagatejewelry #healingjewelry #healingcrystaljewelry #agatejewelry #chakracrystalbracelets #healingbracelet #bandedagatebracelet #womenjewelry #menjewelry #stretchablebracelets #fashiongram #etsyshopper #etsyshopping (at Southern Brazil / Sul do Brasil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdJW8h-PMhC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The Outsiders Winter HC’s
-Time change always fucks up Darry’s schedule and he arrives at work an hour early for like,,, the first whole week -Pony’s always pissy in the morning because the water pipes are always too cold for a hot shower -Both Soda and Steve wear shorts and t-shirts longer than any sane humans would in cold weather -Dally curses whenever the cold stiffens up his leather jacket and begins to dread the fact that he’s gonna have to switch to a warmer jacket soon -The second the temperature starts dropping just s l i g h t l y, Johnny has mittens on 24/7 like literally even in doors, just always wearing them -November 1st Two-bit starts singing Christmas songs and whichever gang member is closest to him at the time will literally go and tackle him
#pmHCS#The Outsiders#Ponyboy Curtis#Sodapop Curtis#Dallas Winston#Johnny Cade#Darry Curtis#Steve Randle#Two-bit Mathews#it's already snowing and below 0 here so this seemed appropriate
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My third certification in 4 months... 2019 in going to be my year! #icce #icbd #pmhc #certifications #birthwork #career #perinatalmentalhealth #postpartumsupportinternational #psiga https://www.instagram.com/p/Btd_OO-gjPS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=exqbd8i1a9u5
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Confira o balanço da ação ==▶ https://n8qhg.app.goo.gl/pMHc #testagem #morungaba #empresas #covid19
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#tbt cuando salía en la prensa escrita 😅 años 2009, 2007, 2010 💜🎶 ....///.... #throwbackthursday when I used to be on the paper media press years 2009, 2007, 2010 . . . . . . . . . #instapic #independentartist #independentmusic #músicachilena #músicaindependiente #cantantechilena #cantante #singer #influencer #picoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CNaXTu-pmHC/?igshid=2plzhh1c00fr
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