#plz I just want this history paper to be over
i-heart-slashers · 1 month
For birthday promos. Jealousy jealousy number two.
With Charles Lee ray plz
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“Of course I am jealous! You’re mine!”
Pairings: Charles Lee Ray x Fem!Reader
Warning(s): theft. dark themes. mentions of murder and brutality. toxic relationship. jealousy.
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You had gotten sick of seeing Charles talking to Tiffany any time the two of you had gone out to the bar or any place the blonde had popped up like she had a tracker on your boyfriend.
He'd broken up with her months before he'd met you, but still, it was like they couldn't fully part ways.
His comments of only wanting and loving you now went on deaf ears, especially when he made no move to stop Tiffany from flirting and touching him flirtatiously.
Whenever you bring it up, he's clueless to the blonde's charms and expresses that they're just friends now and are comfortable around each other because of their history.
It wasn't easy being Charles' girlfriend, especially with him being the Lakeshore Strangler, but you loved him, and you also loved being a part of that danger.
With every touch Tiffany places on Charles, a murderous thought goes through your brain as she cackles at his words. You've mentally killed Tiffany numerous times in so many different scenarios, but your face expresses nothing.
You can't really blame her; she was still head over heels with Charles and would definitely keep putting the moves on him, displaying ample cleavage with that heart tattoo.
Instead, you could blame your boyfriend, who, for all his cluelessness, heard your angered pleas of keeping her away too many times to be able to act dumb anymore.
So, you put a plan into action. Tiffany may have the seductive womanly wiles to distract your boyfriend, but you have brains and pure knowledge of how Charles works.
Denying your boyfriend's invitations to go to the bar that night to celebrate his success of killing some rich woman, you instead get yourself dressed up and meet a friend you met in the 'scene.'
Aka… another criminal you knew.
Pulling your 'friend' into the bar, you ignore everyone as you lead him over to a booth, the act immediately caught by Charles, who was no longer listening to the bartender.
No Tiffany in sight…. strange…
This was your plan all along; you knew that it would piss him off to not only see you with another man but another criminal. A petty criminal at that.
Charles had an ego the size of America, and you knew him seeing you laugh it up with someone he deems beneath him would cause a volatile eruption.
It's not long before Charles storms over, threatening your 'date' with his revolver and forcing you out of the bar, hissing and swearing as he drags you to the run-down apartment you share.
The two of you yell over each other as your arguments are usually this explosive. Neighbors bang on paper-thin walls as gunfire rings out from outside as you live in a rough part of town.
Pushing his hands away from him, you frown, hissing, "You're just jealous, Charles. He's just a friend, and we've known each other a long time." You say this, which is pretty much summarizing his words about Tiffany.
Charles throws his coat on the couch, runs his hands through his hair, and looks frustrated and furious. "Of course I am jealous! You're mine!" he yells, grabbing your arms, not as rough as you were bracing for. "…and I'm yours."
"Could have fooled me!" You scream back at him as his face drops as the words you hiss in his face. "I may be yours, but… I wonder sometimes if you're just mine."
Your boyfriend stops as the apartment gets the quietest it's been after an argument. "Is this about Tiff? She means nothing anymore. You're it for me, doll; you get me through every shitty day!"
Charles brushes your face out of your hair before turning and walking to the mantlepiece, picking something up, and walking back over to you.
It looks like a custom-made ring with a 2-carat pear-shaped diamond centerpiece, a halo of round gemstones, and a plain band. You'd gotten used to identifying jewelry when you began dating Charles.
"I got this from that rich bitch tonight. It's probably worth five to six grand easy; I was gonna get you to sell it for us, but-…" He slips it onto your ring finger as you gasp. "I can kill more rich hags for their jewels."
You give a tiny smile, trying not to betray your happiness and joy that he had chosen you. Kissing him deeply, you hug yourself into him as his hands wander.
"Strange how Tiff didn't make it to the bar tonight, though; she was excited to hear about my latest victim," Charles muses as he holds you against his chest, his hands on your ass.
You just smirked knowingly as your head lay on his chest. "Yeah… strange."
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creamhoodie · 7 months
Summary: You and Gojo were dating in your youth. Your relationship was an intimate secret the two of you held close. After a mission went astray, your relationship fell apart. Flash forward a few years and you're now dating Kento Nanami and are forced to navigate your feelings regarding the two of them.
Tags: fem reader, NSFW, 18+ content, angst, love triangle, flashback scenes written in italics.
A/N: This will be my first multi chapter fic I've written on here (plz comment if you'd like to be included in a tag list. ) Also pls do not make fun or point out any plot holes when it comes to explaining & introducing stuff having to do with curses. This is all for fun and fantasy no way reflecting canon. The things I write about are meant to make sense within the context of the story & will be explained as the story progresses.
wc: 5.4k
Chapter 1: The Day Everything Changed
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“Oh. The flowers? Is it a special day?” Gojo asked, poking his head into your empty classroom as you sat at your desk grading papers. 
The roses he spoke of were in a pristine glass vase. A gift from your boyfriend.
“Kento got them for me for our anniversary,” you replied shortly. 
“Oh really? How long has it been now?” he asked, cocking his head to the side as if thinking. 
“Two years,” you replied. 
Surely he knew. How couldn’t he? The two of you had history and call it arrogance but given that history you were sure he kept tabs on your romantic life. 
“Congratulations,” he said, though his enthusiasm seemed forced.
It was enough to make you snap 
“Is there a reason you came to see me?” you asked. 
He smiled and walked into the room fully now, a pink bag in his hand and placed it on your desk next to the flowers. 
“I got you a souvenir from when I went to Kyoto,” he said, seemingly pleased with himself. 
Curiosity winning out, you peered into the bag to find a medium sized white box. Taking the box out, you lifted the lid and gasped. 
“It’s Kyogashi! Oh Satoru you shouldn’t have,” you said with glee at him having gotten you your favorite flower sweets.
Caught up in the moment you stood from your desk and hugged him. His chest vibrated as he laughed at your enthusiasm. His arms enveloped you as well and you felt his hands stroke your hair. Pulling back, you saw him looking down at you.
“It’s been a while since we’ve been this close,” he said, the corners of his lips flickering upwards. 
Your face flushed beet red as he referenced your past with him. 
“For good reason,” you said, shoving him away. He reluctantly let you go. Straightening your blouse, you hoped his cologne didn’t linger on your clothes. You wouldn’t want to have to explain that to Nanami. 
“Have you ever told him about us?” Gojo asked, as if reading your mind. 
“No. That’s all in the past. It was a long time ago so there’s no need to bring it up. Besides, you broke up with me. Remember?” 
He appeared visibly hurt at your words, but there was no denying the truth in them. He had been the one who had ended things with you, even if it had been in an unorthodox way.
“Remember what?” Nanami walked into the room, having caught only the last of your words. You seemed flustered but luckily Gojo was quick on his feet as always. 
“She was just reminding me that it’s the two of you’s anniversary,” he said. 
Nanami walked over to you and placed an arm around your shoulders as he always did for comfort. 
“Oh good. That’s exactly why I’m here to take her out for dinner. Otherwise she’ll work herself to death,” your boyfriend said laughing slightly. He peered over at your desk at the box  and asked, “what are these?” 
“Gojo got these for me as a souvenir from his mission in Kyoto,” you replied.
You’d never lie to Nanami, he didn’t deserve that. Plus it wasn’t unusual for Gojo to bring everyone souvenirs of some sort. 
“Oh that’s nice. You deserve so many sweet things, darling,” he said, giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze. He then addressed Gojo, “if you’ll excuse us I made reservations for us tonight so we really must be going.” 
Nanami led you to the door, but not before stopping to grab your purse and drape it over his shoulder to carry it for you. 
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“I wish we could stay like this forever,” you said, snuggling into Gojo’s chest.
The two of you were laying down in a hammock outside, basking in the sun. Since there had been nothing pressing and it was an ‘off day’ the two of you had hiked near the outskirts of campus to set up the hammock and relax. 
“So do I,” he replied, his lips grazing the top of your hair. 
It was a nice spring day, the kind where the warmth of the sun shot dopamine into your veins and made life worth living again. Take into account the added warmth of Gojo’s body and you couldn't imagine a better place to be.  
These getaways between the two of you had been more frequent and a secret from the rest of your cohort at jujutsu high. It’s not that the two of you had intended to make things secret, but you both found comfort and beauty in the privacy your relationship had to offer. 
You felt Gojo’s lips at your jawline, trailing kisses there. 
“Listen, about this upcoming mission…” he began what had been a source of contention between the two of you this past week. 
“I know what you’re gonna say. I’m not staying behind, Yaga said I’m ready.” 
You looked up at him, he was silent for a moment, his mouth forming a rigid line. Snuggling into him more, you tried to break down his resolve. “Satoru, you don’t have to worry about me, I can handle myself.” 
His crystal eyes softened behind his frames and he pressed another kiss on top of your head before speaking.
“It’s not that I don’t think you’re ready. It’s not about Yaga thinking you’re ready. It’s just that special grade curses are different. They are on another level.” 
“Well if it’s not about me being ready then what’s it about?” you pressed. 
His cheeks grew pink.
“I just can’t lose you. I can’t stand the idea of you being hurt,” he said. 
It was the closest to a confession about his feelings you’d gotten. He was sweet, affectionate, caring, and very much protective. But one thing Gojo struggled with was voicing his feelings. The fact that he did so now emphasized to you how serious he was about the upcoming mission and the danger it presented. 
“I know, but that’s why you’ll be there to help protect me. Plus there’s Nanami, Yaga said he’d be going too.” 
Gojo nodded, but his eyes had again taken that look where he seemed so far away in thought. You often wondered if his mind was occupied by the intersection of cursed energy and humanity as he always seemed lost in complex thought. But oftentimes when you’d catch him in this rumination, he’d quickly snap back to his carefree self, leaving you wondering if you had imagined it. This time, he let his rumination linger. 
“Satoru, I’ll be fine. It’ll all be fine,” you said, softly inching upwards to snuggle your face into his neck, breathing in his ocean breeze scent. 
“You better be, because I don’t know what I’ll do if it’s not.” 
With the conviction he said it, you wondered if it’s the first time in his life Satoru Gojo felt truly vulnerable. 
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“How are you liking your meal?” Nanami asked over a bite of his own steak. 
“It’s excellent. The salmon and lobster are to die for,” you replied. 
The waitress stopped by and asked if the two of you needed anything. Nanami asked for more champagne as it was a special night. 
The thing about Kento Nanami is that he was a lot more loose and laid back than people would think, of course under the right circumstances. Holidays and anniversaries provided those circumstances. Of course there was you, whenever the two of you were in a room together, people saw a side of him they usually didn’t see, a doting and affectionate side. 
“My love, I want to take a moment to thank you for spending these past two years with me. Every moment of everyday you’ve given me something to live for,” he said. His hand reached out over the table to cover your free one, the warmth of his calloused palm made you shiver. You couldn’t help but compare his hand to Gojo, whose skin was soft. 
No, that wasn’t right. 
Why were you thinking of Gojo right now? You love Nanami, you have always been certain of that. 
“Love?” Nanami questioned, worry forming behind his spectacles. 
“I should be thanking you, Kento. You’ve treated me like a princess these past two years,” you replied. 
He smiled, and it reached his eyes. 
“I love you,” he said. 
“I love you too,” you said. 
You loved Kento Nanami and his calloused hands you knew he had acquired from his years of hard work, both physical and mental labor that shaped the foundation of who he was and his beliefs. It was better to leave Satoru Gojo and his soft hands in the past, there was no place for him or them in your life anymore.  He had been the one to make that clear.
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“Just stick by me and you’ll be fine,” Gojo said to you as the three of you came upon a corporate office in the special wards of Tokyo. 
The veil had been cast and the area had been blocked off by authorities so there wasn’t any concern of civilians being caught in the crossfire, or so it would seem.
“Remember this special grade can shapeshift, so it’s best we stick together. From the reports, it’s intelligent so it’s been camping out in this office building and luring victims inside using its shape shifting abilities,” Nanami said, giving you two a rundown in case you hadn’t done your homework.
Maybe other times he’d be justified in doing this, as Gojo was known for winging it, but given your presence, he had made you read the reports with him over and over. 
So you knew that not only was the special grade curse a shapeshifter, but that it had been luring victims all over Toyoko in different places for the past few months. Due to its intelligence, the trail of it had gone cold as it was acting as a serial killer of sorts and had covered its tracks once it had sensed it was being hunted. 
Most wicked of all the curse seemed to have had access to a missing person database and therefore transformed into the missing person and lured friends and family to their deaths. 
It was awful, but it explained why Gojo was so worried, the curse exploited those dear to you. 
“I should go in first, and scope it out. If I see it I’ll exorcise it,” Gojo said. 
So much for sticking close to him, you thought. 
“That wasn’t the plan,” Nanami refuted, “Yaga said we should stick together. Besides, it’s more logical that way. If it turns into you and we’re separated it can cause more confusion.” 
“It can’t copy my techniques,” Gojo said, unconcerned and determined to go at it alone, no doubt his intention was to protect you. 
“We don’t know that for certain. It hasn’t transformed into a sorcerer before. It’s best we stick together on the off chance it can mimick more than appearance.” 
Gojo’s jaw was clenched. Nanami had him backed into a corner with his logic, there was no refuting it. Whether splitting up or staying together, there would still be risks posed to you. 
His eyes locked with yours, but he made it seem as he was talking to the both of you. 
“Stick by me.” 
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“Mmm, Kento” your head fell back in pleasure as he laid kisses down your neck, the door to your shared penthouse apartment just closing behind you. His kisses were heated and lustful, bringing out a side of him only you had the privilege of knowing. 
“I want you, badly.. need you right now,” he said through gritted teeth. 
“Fuck, so take me,” you replied. 
He picked you up, effortlessly as though you were weightless, carrying you to your bedroom. He plopped you down on the bed and you fell back against the silken sheets. 
“You’re so beautiful. I’ve been thinking about this moment all day,” he confessed as he undid the buttons of your blouse. You helped him shrug it off your shoulders until it was discarded to the side. That left you in your bra, breasts spilling out of the tight cups, a lone nipple just managing to peek through the top. Nanami cursed, hardening at the nip slip. He couldn’t seem to help himself as he bent forward to kiss you again, the kiss festering into a passionate make out of tongues, the stream of salvia that connected the two of you even after you broke apart served as evidence for the heated exchange. 
“Ken,” you whimpered, the jolt of heat between your thighs growing painful. 
“I know, all in good time,” he cooed. He groped your breasts, squeezing them slightly so they spilled over in the cups, both nipples fully exposed now. His hands moved quickly to undo your bra, fully removing it now. His lips found yours again, and you moaned into the kiss as he massaged your sensitive breasts. With shaky hands, you began to unbutton his shirt, revealing his muscled torso. The kiss became hungrier as you palmed at his pants to undo his zipper, when your hand made contact with his hard on, he muttered a faint “oh fuck,” against your lips. He gently pushed you back so you were laid down on the bed fully as he positioned himself on his knees in front of you. Quickly, your lower half was undressed panties and all until you were completely naked before him. 
“So beautiful,” he praised once again, his face inched forward and you knew what he was going to do, “and all mine,” he added before his tongue licked at your folds. 
You gasped, grasping at the silken bedsheets to stabilize yourself as he continued to pleasure you. His fingers began to join in and between them and his tongue he was crafting a symphonic arrangement uniquely curated to you and all your sensitive parts. His fingers stimulated your clit while he lapped at your arousal which continued to flood, overflowing and dripping on his chin. 
“Kento, yes..it feels so good,” you moaned. He picked up the speed and as he did your hands went from the bedsheets to his hair, in an effort to be even closer, you pressed his face against your sex. You cried out as you felt the friction from his frames against your vulnerable skin. 
All the white he continued to lap, the lewd noises of your wet skin and his lips permeating the dark room. 
“Ken-I’m so close,” you warned. 
“So cum then, cum all over my tongue,” he panted before resuming. 
His voice, so animalistic, so unhinged and unlike his usual composed self, set you on edge and you felt your toes curl as the familiar sensation of an orgasm overtook your body. 
Gasping for air, you felt your body give out to the sweet release as below Nanami lapped it all up. 
“Tastes. So. Good,” he said each word between laps, savoring it.
By this point, you had fallen fully back against the bedsheets, hands over your head, your ribs and breasts rising and falling as you caught your breath. The view of Nanami, glasses drenched with moisture, hair flopping out of its usual gel style, and mouth puffy and pink made your heart race. And it began to race even more as he stood up, undid his tie, and shrugged off his shirt you had unbuttoned. His glasses soon followed, revealing his stunning hazel eyes. Finally, his pants and boxers were discarded. 
Although you and Nanami had been very sexually active these past two years, it still caught you by surprise how big his cock was. It was long and the girth was impressive, and his pink head was the same color as his lips.
“We’re not done yet,” he whispered, lining himself up with your sex. “Spread your legs even wider for me, love.” 
You did as he asked and the glow of the city lights coming in from the window shining on his skin made him all the more handsome. You felt his mushroom tip fetter its way into your folds easily and you both moaned in unison at the skin to skin contact as he slid his length into you. When he completely bottomed out inside you, he paused for a moment, allowing himself to soak inside of your warmth. 
“You feel so good,” he sighed in complete bliss. Throughout your relationship during your pillow talk and aftercare he had described being in you as being in a domain. All he could feel was you, as though all he was ever meant to do was be inside of you, every moment of his life all the hard work and hours he has put in as a salaryman and a sorcerer had been to lead him to this moment, soaking inside of you, his heaven and his relief. He rested his forehead against yours for a few moments, the two of you savoring the sensation and tension of the unprotected contact that felt just as good as the first time even after two years. Shaky breaths and whimpers were the only sounds in the room. That is, until he spoke again. 
“Tell me you love me,” he requested,”need to hear it again.”
“I love you,” you replied, genuinely. 
“I love you too,” he reciprocated. 
He then began to thrust in and out of you, setting a steady pace. You felt his cock going in and out of you, each time more wet than the last as he coated himself in your arousal, the sounds of slapping skin echoing. 
Your eyes rolled back in pleasure as he continued until all you could feel was Nanami. 
All you could think of was Nanami.. 
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“Nanami? Did you hear that?” you asked as the three of you combed through the halls of the warehouse. Gojo led further up front, having requested, no more like commanded, to take the lead. 
Nanami paused, cocking his head to the side, his long blonde hair falling like a curtain in the same direction. 
“I didn’t hear anything, but it’s safe to assume the curse knows we’re here now. It’s best that we all stick together,” he said somewhat pointedly at Gojo.
The corporate office was truly a sad sight, where it was once a place no doubt bustling with business, the lights no longer worked and the few bulbs that remained in use flickered, threatening to go out at any moment. The three of you were on the first floor, having walked through the lobby and several conference rooms, there was no sign of the curse.
Except, you had heard rustling, and you felt the hair at the back of your neck stand up as though you were being watched. 
“Let’s move on to the second floor,” Nanami said before calling out,”Gojo let’s move on.” 
Gojo was crouched down on the floor dipping his finger in a small puddle of water. 
No, not water, upon further inspection it looked like.. 
“Blood. Cursed spirit blood by the looks of it,” he said as the purple liquid dipped down his finger. 
“So it’s been wounded recently? From what?” You asked. 
“Maybe a victim tried to fight back and managed to puncture it somehow. Perhaps there’s still a survivor or it’s taken hostages,” Nanami said, thinking through the logic, “either way it’s vulnerable which means-“
“It’s a whole lot more dangerous,” Gojo finished. He locked eyes with you again, and the look in them made you gulp. “I’ll go on ahead and search. Nanami, you stay with her.” 
Not this again, it seemed as if he was determined to go at the mission alone, and no doubt it was because of you. 
“We’ve been through this. Due to the curse’s ability it is more advantageous for us to remain as a group,” Nanami said. 
“So take her back to the school. We all know I can handle it on my own. Then we don’t have to worry about it changing into one of the two of you,” Gojo said. 
“Satoru, I'm staying here,” you said with finality. 
That did nothing to dissuade him. 
“This isn’t a sightseeing trip or low level mission. You could die!” He shouted. 
His words were like cold water. You knew the skill difference between the two of you, but he had never made you feel inferior before.
“I knew the risks when I came on. We all know the risks of being a sorcerer,” you said, your lip shook a little. 
Regret formed in his crystal eyes and he opened his mouth to speak again but whatever he was trying to say was drowned out by a shriek. 
Your shriek, it took a second for you to register the sound and the fact that it wasn’t coming from your mouth. 
It was the curse. 
The three of you turned and down the hall stood an exact replica of you, a perfect imposter.
Gojo cursed, and you knew this is what he had been afraid of. 
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Nanami planted a kiss on your bare shoulder as you snuggled back against him in bed. The two of you were still naked from your love making and had taken to cuddling afterwards. 
“Your skin is so soft,” he said, as his lips took to the  curve of your neck up to the back of your ear, now making you laugh. 
“I think part of the credit for that goes to you, you spoil me with all these fancy creams and lotions Kento,” you said. 
It was true. Nanami was loaded, filthyfully so, but he was so humble about it one wouldn’t know it. It’s not that he didn’t enjoy luxury he did, but his form of luxury wasn’t branded items to show off to others, it was silent wealth, expensive items he enjoyed for their quality and longevity such as his watches or the rare edition books he was fond of collecting. Most of all, he loved to spend his wealth on you. Anything you even showed interest in was yours, the bathroom was stocked with luxury brands for you to use and he had gifted you more lingerie sets and clothing than you knew what to do with. 
“Spoiling you gives me something to live for,” he said, nuzzling his face into your hair and breathing in the scent, “ask me for anything and it’s yours.” 
You turned to face him, his eyes were so kind as they always were. That was something you had always enjoyed about Nanami, his eyes were kind towards all, but of course there had always been a certain fondness in them that was reserved for you. It had taken you embarrassingly long to notice that. 
“I want you to not work yourself to death. You’re always saying I do that but you’re worse than me. You’re always going away on missions,” you said cupping his cheek with your hand. 
“I can’t do that, dear. You and I both know the responsibilities of a grade one sorcerer,” he said. 
Yes, you both did. 
Perhaps it would have been a responsibility the two of you shared if it hadn’t been for you no longer continuing to practice your techniques and skills. Perhaps if you had only continued you could accompany him on these missions, instead you had opted to remain at the school teaching in class instruction only.
Ever since that day, that mission so long ago.. 
“Hey, I didn’t mean anything by it,” he said softly, he turned his head to kiss your palm. You dropped your hand, returning it at your side. You didn’t look at him. 
Yes he didn’t mean anything by it, but this was a source of contention between the two of you. It was because of your guilt of not being able to accompany him on missions, your fear of losing him, and most of all the deep rooted shame you had in yourself for quitting. 
Yes you could still practice now, get stronger and better, but was it worth it? 
You had been out of the field for so long and you enjoyed the life you had now with Nanami. It was a life of comfort, stability, but still you wondered if there was more you could be doing. So now every time Nanami left, you worry about losing him. He did have a good work life balance but he was a man of conviction and principles who took his responsibilities so seriously that he wouldn’t hesitate to lose his life in an instance if it was for a higher calling, the thought scared you. 
“You said ask you for anything I want, and that’s what I want,” you said in a small voice. 
He chuckled slightly. 
“No fair, sweetheart. You know I can’t deny you anything,” he said. 
You moved closer, so your face was a mere few inches from his. 
“So don’t, stay with me,” you whispered before kissing him. 
He moaned into your kiss, and you could tell you were threatening all of his resolve. 
“Fine, love. You get your wish. I cut back on the number of missions I take,” he said. 
“But?” You pressed, waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
“But?” He repeated.
“Do I have to do something in return?” you clarified. 
He laughed.
“At a later date I’ll ask you for something in return. For now, let me enjoy being this close to you.” 
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The shriek still echoing in your ears, you didn’t have time to process anything as the curse disappeared from in front of you and a black sinking hole appeared underneath your feet. 
Your own hands, duplicate imposter hands, grabbed at your feet and dragged you through the sinkhole. You heard Gojo call your name but it sounded so very distant. 
When you got your bearings straight, you looked around and saw you were in a basement of sorts. The three of you hadn’t even thought to start with the basement! In fact the three of you hadn’t even thought there was a basement as most modern corporate offices no longer had any. It was a minor error, but a critical one all the same. 
“Don’t try to run, it won’t help your friends,” the curse said in your voice. 
It still looked like you, identical down to your shoes. 
“I don’t have to run. They’ll find the basement soon enough,” you said. 
You didn’t move as the curse dragged you by the arm and took you further back into the basement. To your surprise, there was an old automobile there. The curse took you around it, sat you down facing forward. It was then that you noticed some thick rope and a wad of duct tape there. 
“Seems like you’ve thought everything through,” you said. 
Now would be a good time to use your abilities. 
But should you? 
Perhaps the curse only copied what it could see. If you used your abilities would more danger fall upon you? Physical combat would be better, much safer.
The curse tied you up on the car leg while you debated this. You struggled against it and spat in your own face as it held up the duct tape. 
That caused the curse to strike you in the face, and then put the duct tape on your mouth. Then it left you there. 
Did it mean to steal your identity? Gojo and Nanami were smarter than that, they’d expect it. But it was clear the curse was operating on higher levels of intelligence than anticipated, it was scheming even. 
“Stay here,” it spat at you as though you had any other option. 
The curse then went back to the front of the basement. 
You heard racing footsteps, Gojo’s footsteps. 
“I got away but the curse it’s still out there!” You heard your voice shrillish, and authentic. 
“Did you see where it went? Are you hurt?” Gojo asked. 
No, something was wrong.. how could he not tell it wasn’t you? 
Perhaps he was toying with the curse, letting it put its guard down. 
You turned your neck and could see ever so slightly Gojo and yourself standing several feet away. The height difference between the two of you was more jarring from this perspective. 
“I didn’t see where it went. I’m okay but it was so scary,” the curse said, still imitating you. 
Gojo bent down pressing his forehead against yours.
“It’s okay. I’m here now,” he said.
To your horror the way he said it, in the soft tone reserved just for you, served as evidence that he had been duped.
But how?
Couldn't he sense it with his six eyes? What was going on? 
Even more horrific he leaned forward and so did the curse as if to kiss their lips mere inches apart…. 
Suddenly, Nanami ran into the room and without hesitation used his sword to slice the curse in two, purple blood flying everywhere. 
That’s when you began to cough up something sweet in your throat. 
You heard the two young men arguing. 
The last thing you heard before passing out was Gojo screaming your name… 
You woke up at Jujutsu High a few days later, in the medical wing of campus. 
“Hey, there’s our girl,” Shoko said, smiling at you. She was sitting at your bedside.
“Where’s Gojo?” you asked. 
She ignored your question and touched your temple, causing you to relax instantly.
“Do you feel okay? I had to work long on you. I also wanted to keep a close watch on you it was a very interesting case study actually-“ she stopped, knowing her comments would only make you more curious. 
“Shoko. Where’s Gojo?” You pressed. 
She seemed hesitant as if she wasn’t sure how much she was at liberty to say.
“He came to see you several times. I can let him know you’re up. He should be here soon.” 
She then left to do so, whipping out her cellphone. 
It was odd. 
The Gojo you knew would be here, at your bedside. 
But day turned into night and he still didn’t see you. 
For whatever reason you weren’t allowed out of the medical wing on Yaga’s orders apparently. 
Three days past, and he still didn’t see you. 
It was only on the fourth day when you woke up from one of the Shoko induced slumbers via sedation that you saw him standing there in front of your bed.
He looked like he had lost weight even though it had only been a few days. His shades fully covered his eyes. 
“Why didn’t you come to see me? What happened? Was the mission successful?” Your mouth spilled out several questions without even thinking. 
He was silent for a while before answering.
“The mission was successful. Nanami killed the curse easily. It evidently was on the brink of death already.”
That’s when he explained. Truly explained.
The curse was unique in nature in that it had to suck the life force out of another organic being in order to survive. That’s why it had taken on the appearance of the missing children and lured family and friends. It fed off the feel good energy that the family and friends emitted upon thinking they found their loved one. Except here was the twist, the children died because their loved ones believed the curse was them. It was that transfer of energy that allowed the curse to add to its lifespan and in short take the energy from the person it was imitating. It was a leech in nature. 
That’s why when the curse had been killed you had begun to choke as well because it had linked its life force to your own.
“But it had to have tricked you. Surely there’s something else, another ability it has to dull the senses and that’s why you thought it was me,” you said. 
Because this truth was too difficult to accept. Satoru, your Satoru would know you anywhere wouldn’t he?
“That’s just the thing. I’ve racked my mind around it. There’s no ability, no reason why I of all people could have fallen for something so simple,” he turned away from you now, his back facing towards you, “the simple truth is I didn’t see it because I wasn’t looking.” 
He then walked out of the room, despite you calling him to come back. 
You chased after him but he was gone, vanished into the air.
In the subsequent days he was gone and when you asked Yaga, all he said was that Gojo had taken a leave from the school for personal reasons. 
Days turned into weeks.
Weeks turned into months. 
Months into years.
It was six whole years before you saw him again. 
By that point you were in your early teaching career and he evidently had gone to the Kyoto school to finish his studies and become a great grade one sorcerer. 
For a while you had dreams of him abandoning you, dreams of that day where everything changed… 
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a/n: if you read the whole thing thank you I always appreciate the time people spend to read my content. Any feedback is always appreciated as well.
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fictionalmenxyn · 1 year
College Life, pt.2
(College student!rugby player!Ghost x college student!art student!Y/n)
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Summary: Y/n shears a dorm room/apartment with the one and only Ghost one of the top three best players in rugby. Although he’s quiet he’s quite popular and well known, you aren’t so much. You two have been very close since Ghost made the first move but does Ghost what to take things further?
Tw: contact sport (no injuries) and I don’t think there are anymore but if they are plz let me know by a message <3
Idk maybe a part three like last time depends if I can fit it. Also if f/n pops up I mean it as friends name :)
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It’s currently third lesson, you are walking with your friend, f/n. You both had the same lesson together which was history. As you both walked in and sat in your usual spots you both pulled out your folders and started to work considering you were doing your coursework. You were chatting and working as time went on; about halfway through the lesson there was a knock at the door. You didn’t bother looking since you were going to loose the sentence you had thought about and if you didn’t finish that sentence you’d forget (relatable irl). You placed the pen on the paper as you dotted a full stop to finish said sentence. Then you had heard your name be called. You looked over to see Ghost next to your teacher; you spoke “yes, miss?” She replied “Ghost needs you a minute” you looked over to him and got out of your chair and started to walk towards the two. Once you two stepped foot outside the classroom and shut the door he spoke “can I ask you a favour?” You politely asked “what is the favour?” He answered “since I know your really good at drawing and like really good at it. I told my coach about your drawings and he has asked if you could maybe draw us a new team badge?” You smiled at the fact he had told someone about you and your art as that was your best quality. You spoke “is there a specific day I need to do it by?” He responded “uhh about two weeks time?” You nodded and spoke “I can do that, I just need to know what he wants to be on the badge and what style he wants it” Ghost nodded and spoke “if you meet me at mr.James room at lunch he’ll probably write a list or something” you smiled and nodded. Surprisingly he had pulled you into a hug and spoke “thanks Y/n/n. This means so much” you spoke happily “glad to help, and thanks for the hug. Didn’t expect you to do that” you both chuckled and he spoke “well.. I’ll see you later, eh?” You nodded and watched him walk down the corridor (hallway). You went back into class and over to your f/n to continue doing your work. They had asked what he wanted so you told them and they smiled knowing if you two were together it would be a perfect match. Sometime later, the bell went and now it was fourth lesson and the lesson was maths. Walking in you saw the usual smart ones already there, which was nothing new. You sat in your seat knowing you were on your own, due to your other friend being off from illness. Grabbing your book you placed it on the table. But in the corner of your eye you saw someone sat next to you; looking to your left you saw Ghost. You spoke “so your sitting by me today?” He jokingly said “do you not want me to?” He chuckled while you spoke “yes.. well, I’m just wondering because I thought you’d sit with your friends?” He once again chuckled and spoke “well they can sit on the desk in front and next to me, if you don’t mind?” You spoke “not at all, I’m friends with most” little did you know he actually smiled under his mask. Now working, your pen had seemed to run out. You mumbled to yourself “damn it” Ghost placed a pen on your book and spoke “here have my spare one” you smiled and thanked him. Gosh your falling for him hard you thought, you also thought about how most people were intimidated by him but he never was like that to you through your eyes. Once you had finished all your work you checked to see if Ghost was done and he had just finished. You spoke “after lunch I’m going home” he looked down at you since there was a height difference. He spoke “ok” you asked “want me to make you something or get you anything from the shop?” He shook his head and replied “no thanks” you nodded and turned to face the front again. You watched and listened the boys talking about random topics and joined in on a few when they asked for your opinion or thoughts. After that the bell had rang and you grabbed your bag and followed Ghost as you both went to Mr.James room. Once you both got there Ghost knocked on the door and waited to be beckoned in. You and Ghost stood by the teachers desk as he wrote a quick list of things to be added to the badge. Then you went home…
Hope you enjoyed!
Make sure to request or message me if you want me to write anything.
Have a good day/night! 🫶
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invisibleraven · 11 months
"It's December and you're eating ice-cream?" for Julie and any of her himbos. Plz and thank you
Julie stretched, sighing as she felt the kinks pop in her shoulder, scowling at the history paper that caused it. Too many hours slaving away over Charlemagne, but now it was done, triple proof read and saved so she could hand it in to grumpy old Mrs. Jenkins the following morning. Then the semester would be over and she could enjoy her winter break, finally.
She glanced at the clock and figured it was still the right side of midnight for a snack, creeping down the stairs and wondering if she wanted the fuss of making a grilled cheese or if a simple PB&J would suffice.
Only when she got to the kitchen she saw three familiar figures siting on the island, passing a pint of Chunky Monkey (Carlos's favourite, not hers) around, each with a sticky spoon in their grasp.
"Really guys?"
Alex, Luke, and Reggie all looked up a little guilty before jumping off the counter. "Julie!" they chorused.
"It's Decembe and you're eating ice cream?" she asked, hands on her hips, eyebrow arched in judgement.
"Hey, I'm happy enough we can eat again at all," Reggie said, scooping out another hunk of the frozen treat.
"You'd think we'd be put off eating given the whole dying of food poisoning thing, but nope!" Alex added, swiping the pint to dig out his own share, then passing it to Luke.
"Plus it's not like LA gets overly cold in December, so really any time of year is fit for ice cream," Luke concluded, draining the pint of the last of it's delicacy and tossing it into the garbage with a swish, fist pumping when it went in.
Julie rolled her eyes, and moved around them, gone were they days where she could walk through them. Sure they were still ghosts, but they were tangible now, and apparently, hungry after being denied for so long.
"Well you three are the ones explaining to Carlos where his favourite treat went when he comes looking for it after his game tomorrow," she replied, pulling out the bread and fixings for her sandwich.
"Aw, little dude won't mind," Reggie said, licking the sticky residue still lingering on his digits. "He loves us!"
"And Alex, aren't you lactose intolerant?" Julie asked.
The drummer shrugged, then paled as his stomach let out a loud gurgle. "Oh come on! I'm a ghost it shouldn't count!"
"There's Lact-Aid in the medicine cabinet," she called as Alex rushed off, wrinkling her nose at the thought of what dairy would do to his system.
"We'll replace Carlos' ice cream with some of our gig money boss, promise," Luke assured her, sending her that boyish smile of his and Julie let her annoyance melt.
"See that you do," she replied, hip checking him out of the way as she constructed her sandwich.
"Can I get one of those too?" Reggie asked, his best puppy dog eyes on display.
"Reggie you're allergic to peanuts!" Luke protested. "And I know for a fact you do not wanna go get your very expired EpiPen from Alex's fanny pack right now."
Reggie stuck his tongue out at Luke. "Julie's using sunflower butter!"
"Julie is also not making you a sandwich," she stated.
Reggie shrugged. "Fine, I'll make my own later."
Luke batted his eyes at her in an exaggerated fashion. "What about me boss? Do I get a sandwich?"
Julie rolled her eyes once more. "No. Maybe try that move on Reggie and he'll make you one. I'm taking this to my room and eating it before I hit the hay. It's a school night after all."
"Oh did you finish your paper after?" Reggie asked, opening the fridge once more, but merely to hand her the orange juice so she could pour herself a glass, receiving a nod in thanks.
"Finally," she replied. "Now it's just handing it in and a day full of teacher's putting in minimum effort until early dismissal."
"Then we can work on our new song!" Luke exclaimed.
"Or we could let Julie relax and have the girl's night she planned with Flynn," Julie piped up. "Saturday we'll do some song writing before our gig at the Toys for Tots drive."
Luke grumbled but nodded while Reggie bounced a little on his toes. "I can't wait! I've got my antlers ready and everything!"
"Dude, you know we don't have to dress up right?" Luke asked.
"Tis the season!" Reggie protested.
"You're Jewish!" Luke retorted back.
"Well yeah, but Chanukah is already over, and I celebrated the secular Christmas stuff with my dad's side of the family too," Reggie replied.
"Reggie you are more than welcome to dress up, I have a festive dress picked out, the other two Grinches can wear what they like," Julie assured him. "Now, I'm off to enjoy my snack, please keep the fridge raiding to a minimum, and one of you check on Alex in like five."
"Night Julie!" the boys chorused, and as Julie passed the bathroom she heard a weak echo of it from Alex.
Her guys might be weird, and a little self destructive Julie thought, but she loved them all the same and she couldn't wait to spend the holiday season with them-though she was gonna make sure to keep Alex far far away from the eggnog.
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drkineildwicks · 1 year
Okay you know what lemme see about just leaving Tumblr open and jotting down my thoughts through the whole episode over constantly reblogging my one post
Probably won't succeed but anywho:
Claire in her letter: Still alive!
Roger: look I punched a man!
Oh they're related
OH this is the guy who punched Roger when Roger hugged his wife and then got him hanged!
So the punch was well-deserved
Hessians--Sleepy Hollow time
"What are my odds for hitting a turkey?" Sir, not well
Horse: excuse me, that's MINE
So for a hot second I thought they fed him a pop-tart
Sir, you're in their house, eating their food--maybe shut up
Whoever is on Tumblr that said the one pushy guy has the hots for Roger...my Mom agrees with you
Nice save, guy, figured Bree would chuck you into that fireplace
Here comes Jamie, looking hot as usual
Claire: "A book?"
Jamie: "You remember books, right? Words on paper?"
Jamie's flexing his printer skills and also having the gall to have better eyesight than Claire at this point
I'm not sure if General Fraser is related to Jamie but he's got good I fight and bleed with my men energy
William: I want to fight!
Mom: Your dad says no
Me: Both his dads say no
Bree and Roger: oh no he's loose
Elder MacKenzie being educated on television by the kids XD
Bree and Roger arguing over who gets to babysit Cousin Buck X'D
Roger: Oh yeah we worked out our differences after I beat him to the ground
Cousin Buck: I just met this man and I want to kill him
Bree: plz don't kill my coworker that causes paperwork
Betcha ten to one said coworker rooted through their letters
Oh Miami Vice music!
ew horny
Okay back to plot
Uh-oh I'm getting bad vibes
Why are they meeting in the open I know we knew better after the French and Indian War
Oh man I liked that guy
This is very much how my history teacher described the French and Indian War too
"You got the British marching in line in bright red with a big white X on the front and in case you were blind they were also blowing trumpets and drumming drums--so of course they were dropping like flies and not listening to the Americans telling them this is not how you fight the Indians."
"Jemmy's gone!"
Mom on William: Where's his big X?
Me: That's why he survived
William's looking a little disillusioned there
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howmuchchildrens · 3 years
Decidedly not vibing rn, y’all
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broodybatboy · 3 years
House of Wind Friendships
Summary: I’m obsessed with the idea of Gwyn moving into the House of Wind. Can u imagine Gwyn and Cassian shenanigans? The Azriel and Nesta friendship?!?
Azriel + Nesta as BFFs:
Nesta and Azriel enjoy companionable silences and sit reading books/reports together.
Azriel is an EXCELLENT dancer. He’s the only person that Cassian will let dance with Nesta in Court of Nightmares.
After a series of unfortunate events, *cough* ACCIDENTAL STABBING, Azriel and Gwyn are temporarily NOT allowed on the same team during games.
Azriel & Nesta like to team up for game nights. They are SO good.
One time, Nesta threatened to withhold ~doing the dirty~ with Cass and he immediately gave up.
“BETRAYAL. CASSIAN, YOU ARE WEAK.” - gwyn vowing vengeance
Azriel and Nesta just ROASTING Cassian to the point where he’s like "plz stop" 🥺🥺🥺
“Illyrian baby” - both of them
Nesta being a major wingwoman and setting up situations for Azriel and Gwyn to be alone.
Nesta giving Azriel pep talks and supporting him whenever he doubts he is worthy of Gwyn.
Azriel holding space for Nesta and bringing her sweets and chocolate when she’s having a rough time (Az has a secret stash of sweets).
The Valkyries going on missions and Nesta hugging Azriel and promising
“I’ll protect her and bring her back to you.”
Azriel going with Cassian to Windhaven and on dangerous missions. He promises Nesta
“I will have his back. Always.”
Az resuming his chaperone duties and being the worst chaperone ever.
Azriel: “Cass is eating in the dining room let’s go somewhere else.”
Gwyn: “Shall we join him?”
Azriel: “He’s not eating food.”
Gwyn: 😳
Nesta and Azriel being softies and smiling and acting surprised whenever Gwyn and Cass prank them
even tho they totally saw it coming
bc look at them they’re so cute and gosh they tried so hard
Azriel and Nesta helping each other realize they are worthy of love and overcoming their trauma.
Azriel and Nesta going home to the person that makes them laugh, makes them smile, the person who makes them feel like home.
The House: 😢❤️
the Gwyn + Cass friendship:
The gang goes out to Rita's and Nesta, Rhys, and Az are being very protective of Gwyn the first time they go out.
Nesta won’t let her go & Az is shooting death glares at everyone and Rhys is just big brother energy
And Cass is just like “ok chaperones chill out. she’s strong. she learned from the best.” *wink wink* *points to chest*
it’s time for FUN
Cassian exudes chaotic energy
"Do you want a drink??? I’m going to get you a drink!!!"
And it's super fruity but STRONG
enter Mor with two more drinks
Azriel and Nesta glance nervously at each other
our sweet priestess is a lightweight
Drinking games? HELL YEAH.
competitive queen Gwyn absolutely annihilates
Proud Az
at this point, Cass is hammered
2 happy goofball drunks = KARAOKEEEE
Cass is a horrible singer. He’s basically just shouting. Gwyn is angelic and giggly and nothing but encouraging. She gives Cass the solo.
Nesta and Az are just in the background laughing their asses off
“Look at our idiots”
Nesta and Azriel announce that it's time to go and it’s like wrangling two very strong wobbly toddlers
“party poopers”
*sticks out tongues*
*imitates their icy rage eyes*
Cass realizes he can get away with teasing Nesta when he’s with Gwyn and YOU BETTER BELIEVE he uses this to his advantage.
Cass and Gwyn ganging up on Az
Cass and Gwyn teasing Nesta
Gwyn & Cass come up with these elaborate and complex pranks as if they’re plotting battles
But like they are not sneaky...AT ALL.. and they’re so loud… and laugh…and cass is just knocking into stuff.
the house: 🤨🤡
az and nes: ...
Gwyn learns from Nesta that Cass is STRESSED about all the Illyrian drama
She takes her butt to the library and creates this beautifully detailed research paper on Illyrian tribal politics and history
Cass is stunned and learns so much from it. And they just like bond over Illyrian and Valkyrie history
Cass asking Gwyn and Emerie about Nesta’s fave romance novels to ~spice it up~ in the bedroom
Cass will have no filter and just tell Gwyn all these ridiculously embarrassing Az stories. BONUS: Rhys will join in & use his powers to show the memories to Gwyn
Gwyn will casually reference them and Az is SHOCKED. AND FLUSTERED. How do u know that?? Was it Rhys? I’m going to kill Cassian.
“a great spy never reveals her sources” with a smirk
Gwyn will confide in Cass whenever she’s worried about Nesta
Cass and Rhys will feel so thankful to Gwyn for supporting Az
Both are SO SO SO happy and in love
Gwyn will just be singing praises about Az
And Cass is just like Az, my best bro, that brooding hunk, the other love of my life, my brother from another mother, that Illyrian bastard
He gets it.
Cass will be raving about Nesta
Gwyn is just like Nesta, my best friend, my queen, my sister, my angel warrior, my death goddess, the love of my life
She understands.
They are just GUSHING bc they finally found their equal and love them so much
One time, Azriel and Nesta overhear and exchange the most tender look
both of them trying not to cry bc they love these idiots so much
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poisonouswritings · 3 years
M3 + Rime and Paper Cranes
Alright y'all know how there's a saying that if you make 1,000 paper cranes and put them on a string or make 100 paper stars and put them in a jar or whatever else, you can make a wish and it'll come true?
He doesn't actually believe this will work but if your wish is something feasible he will 1000% make it happen for you to 'keep the magic alive in your heart' akgifisof
Is so precise with his corners dear god
It takes him like a half hour to make a crane
Stella keeps stealing them
One time you find a still-wet hairball in a crane's place
Anyways Felix is good at making these but he's definitely not efficient
And so he tries casting a spell to make it go by faster
What spell does he cast?
If he casts a spell on the paper, it will crumple itself into a ball and yeet itself out a window
He's pouting so,o,o,o much please
You've got like 37 cranes done and he has like 3 because the rest of them committed hari-kari.
If he cast a spell on his hands
Bby no don't do that
His hands are now stuck going at super speed for the next few hours
He tries to drink tea and spills it all over himself
But hey you can feed him wink wonk
He keeps ripping the paper so he gives up and tries reading instead
Also rips the paper
Tries casting a spell to fix it and loses all feelings in his hands
Ultimately ends up taking a nap
Bonus points if it's raining outside and you bundle him up in a blanket and kiss his cheek as he falls asleep.
Just sitting in the study with the hearth crackling, Felix snoring softly, Stella wandering around and occasionally brushing against your legs, while you hum to yourself and make your cute little paper cranes
His wish would probably be to always have you near
Maybe to forget you ever referred to Escell as 'hot', even if it was in past tense
She! Keeps!! Losing!!! Them!!!!
I would make her a million cranes plz
You've seen her apartment
See she's actually pretty good at making them but whenever she has to go do something she sets them down on a table and they just
They gone
Off to the Void ig
So she keeps having to restart
You offer to just keep hers with yours but she's being stubborn
'I aM a LeIuTeNaNt Of ThE sUnStOnE oRdEr I sHoUlD bE mOrE rEsPoNsIbLe ThAn ThIs'
She's so frustrated. Her hair is so poofed.
If Ayanna comes over then she definitely doesn't do it with you guys but she does watch
Asks Anisa to make her tea. As soon as she leaves Ayanna hides all the cranes
Anisa comes back and is frustrated and Ayanna is like "this is why you need to clean your room, love"
She winks at you
Normally you would tell Anisa but also she left a bowl of clam chowder on her bookshelf for three months and then still drank it so like
Tough love and all
Ayanna (or you) eventually give them back tho don't worry
Obviously Anisa wants more info about the cranes. Where did the legends start? How did you hear about it? Did you ever do it before? Did it work? They make you do this in school ???
I mean I learned how to do it in school maybe you guys didn't but roll with me
If you don't know much about the history of origami then you're gonna have to make something up because Annie is like a dog with a bone and Will Not Let It Go Until She Has Answers
Her wish would probably be to see Earth with you!!!
Or to forget you ever called her mom hot, even in the past tense
Little meow meow will not stop making 'good with his hands' jokes
But he is good with his hands. And he is surprisingly adept at this. Don't tell him that or his head will get so big he won't be able to walk through the door
Anyways, I think he'd only do this kinda thing either if it was storming outside and you guys couldn't go out, or if one of you was sick.
Because sitting around and folding paper is not his traditional idea of fun
But sitting with you, talking and laughing and kinda just getting to breathe? Dropping the act for a bit?? Knowing you're staying by him and loving him even if he isn't this super badass dangerous-sexy sellsword??? Even if he's an idiot nerd????
I think at some point during one of your stories (oh he asks to hear so many stories. What did you wish for the first time you did this? What're you gonna wish for now? Cause he's gonna ask to see you without those pesky pants wink wonk smudge nudge) he kinda just
Stares at you
I think he does that a lot actually. Words are hard to come by. Emotional words, vulnerable words, those are even harder, so I think a lot of the time he just stares and tries to figure out what to call this pesky warmth that floods his chest whenever you smile at him
But anyways you're telling a story about how one time you had your 1,000 cranes on a string and the neighbor's dog chewed on it or something and he just
Like you guys are sitting on your bed and have been for the last few hours and it's just such a change of pace for him
Out of nowhere he leans over and kisses your cheek. He can't find the words to thank you for everything you've done - continue to do - for him, but he hopes he can someday. You deserve to know just how much he appreciates you putting up with his dumb ass.
If one of you is sick you probably try to push him away but he is stubborn™ and wants a smooch >:(
Y'all are both sick the next day but he says it's worth it
His wish would probably be to never make you do to him what he did to Lucan
Or that like, Elowen would go bald or smthn
There's a reason this is 'M3 + Rime' and not 'M4'
Rime probably overheard you telling one of the others about origami.
He sits in his little cultist room with this little pastel paper sprawled out around him
Humming a song that he and Felix used to sing as he tries to make a crane
He's smart but I also don't think he could figure out how to do it if no one shows him at least the final product first
So he probably opts for the stars instead since it's easier
He gets this cracked mason jar like the one Felix houses spirits in and gets to work filling it up
Chuckling to himself at how dumb this is
He has unfathomable power and he's making stars?? Pathetic.
(I think pre/mid-redemption Rime probably beats himself up a lot because he remembers who he used to be and knows he can't be that again)
There's no crackling hearth. No stories. No laughter. Just,,, himself in a dark room with his stars.
Wishing that things could have been different.
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thegetoufather · 3 years
Dear lord, im such a simp for teachers🥵 ive have soo many ideas hahah but this is the true top, he would be someone intelligent in all sense, like he is able to help me when i have schoolwork doubts but also notice when i am down and hug me with those big beefy arms, in class he would always look out for me, smile to me while explaining, get close to me when doing exercises and ask me sweetly how i am doing (and if i have a correct answer call me his good girl oh god yes) and always be sure to wish me a good morning in a caring and warm day, maybe even buy me snacks in the cafeteria; his chosen place for hookups is his department’s office, he will ask me to meet him there in a few minutes (publicly, he is a confident man) and as soon as i get there lock his door, make me take of my shirt and kiss me while feeling my body and grunting while we make out,, sometimes it would be quick and sometimes we would be there the whole break time, depends on the mood, but he never lets me leave without cumming at least once (sometimes even twice or thrice [eating out is his specialty] and on special occasions getting me to squirt), afterwards he would clean me with some wet wipes, fix my clothes starting with the panties and a little soft pat in my cunt (creampie or not), give me a kiss on the cheek and tell me to wait for him after school, somedays if he’s feeling risky he’d accompany me to my class, always ending with “truly my favourite/best student” aaaaah, now i want something like thiss uuugh🥴🤤 sorry i got carried away
do not apologize for getting carried away PLZ omfg this was SO HOT
class is in session with you and professor erwin smith, who teaches war history!
he's just so attentive, love keeping you warm by draping that big blazer of his over you as you rest on the couch, grading his papers as he watches you doze off, wanting nothing more than to curl up next to you so he can cheekily ask for round 2 when youve gathered youre strength.
be sure to use protection during office hours ;)!
turn that 68 into a 69 — let me match you up with your dream professor!
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inkribbon796 · 4 years
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes
Summary: Roman and Remus have always fought, always. But this time they’re teaming up for something they both agree on. Getting their mentors together.
A/N: for @aimasup and @pixeldragon45 I might have taken some liberties with the story but I hope you guys like it. I wrote this after seeing this amazing post by aimasup.
Two brothers, royal born but divided in every single way. The elder twin strove for honor and chivalry, raised in the royal court around the other knights and the tales of rulers and knights from the kingdom’s history in ages past. Some stories were true, others had been exaggerated more than a bit. 
The younger twin had been mostly shoved into his elder brother’s shadow — a brother who was older by little less than an hour — and quickly began to act out as a result.
They quickly began to be divided on the battlefield. The younger prince had been kidnapped one day by a powerful shape changing mage when he was sixteen and just decided not to go back and the royal knights found him playing old maid with her in the tower, and he threw them out the door with a note for his parents and brother.
He had declared himself “the monsters’ problem now” and was not coming back.
It was Prince of Sanders Roman’s sword and “good” magic, versus Duke of the Dark Wood Remus’s pranks and illusions.
But that is not today’s story. The fight between good and evil is for another day.
On the edge of the city, bordering the untamable Dark Woods where monsters called home, there was a tavern. It was on a trade road that went around the woods and towards the neighboring kingdom. The tavern was a way stop before reaching the capital city of Roman’s kingdom.
It was absolutely pouring down rain when a cloaked young man ran into the tavern. He pulled down his hood after looking around the tavern. Prince Roman had come to this tavern frequently, it was considered neutral ground because the caravans that came through, the residents of the Dark Woods traded between each other and the merchants protected their clients.
Against a wall, Roman spotted his brother sitting at a table, a plate of food and three empty mugs of ale next to him.
Roman walked over and naturally turned up his nose at the magic keeping Remus from getting too tipsy. “You couldn’t wait until I got in could you?”
“Ahh, brother,” Remus smiled. “I got hungry, I got bored. There’s a very cute bartender over there.”
Remus blew a kiss and waggled his fingers at the young man in question.
“Focus,” Roman hissed at him.
Remus smiled, “So I take it you received my letter?”
“You contemptuous oaf,” Roman sneered at Remus. Roman was pulling out of his cloak a dirt speckled note that had a stick figure drawing of Roman’s fairy godmother and Remus’s mentor, the dragon witch, on it holding hands. The words: canon ship xoxoxoxo maybe?!?! Meet me at the Salty Unicorn at 10pm if you agree plz thx; were written, half scrunched into the left corner of the paper as if the second half was an unplanned addition. On the front it was addressed to: my horridly good brother, Roman; from: your bestest coolest brother, Remus.
Roman shook the note violently. “Did you write this in mud? Mother would have you raked over hot coal for a note this foul!”
Remus clapped in excitement, “So you’ll help me?”
“What type of cad do you take me for?” Roman scoffed, throwing the note down onto the table. “Of course I will.”
Shaking his hands, Remus just about squealed in delight, his smile widening. “The journey will be perilous, brother.”
“Oh please, it will be easy,” Roman scoffed. “It’s true love, and they are already smitten. Half of our job is done for us.”
It was, in fact, not easy. It was easy for the two princes to get back to their homes. But when they met back up at the border of the Dark Woods a couple weeks later, Roman challenged Remus to come out and fight him. The royal prince had to fight several goblins before Remus showed up, mace in hand and swinging it around wildly like a maniac. He managed to hit three goblins, who didn’t scramble away fast enough, in the face before he made contact with Roman’s shield.
Buzzing around Roman was a bright blue hummingbird, a little puffball of feathers and magic. She was fluttering around the royal prince, magic coming off her wings like glitter.
During the twin’s duel for honor and a bit of fun, a flash of shadow flew across as a large bat flew towards him and hit the hummingbird out of the air.
“You fiend!” Roman spat as the hummingbird seemed to glow and in an explosion of feathers a woman appeared in a billowing blue and white dress, the little jewel beads of the dress glittering and sparkling in the light. For a second or two she looked like she was covered in soft down before having more human light tan skin.
“That was a cheap shot,” Althea the fairy godmother reminded tersely as the Dragon Witch turned from a bat to a bony witch in a very dark red dress, her skin an ivory ash color.
“Please it’s almost like you wanted to get hit,” the Dragon Witch reminded. “Besides you two were gaining up on my sweet Remus.”
Althea swept her hair back, which frustrated the Dragon Witch because even in a fight it always looked flowing and fluffy.
“Give up,” the Dragon Witch smiled. “These woods are ours.”
“Never!” Althea shouted. “Your reign of terror is over.”
Lights and magic flew across the battlefield. In the end Remus and Roman had tied again as the Dragon Witch was thrown back by a gust of wind.
“Meddling child,” the Dragon Witch spat.
“Surly, caustic witch,” Althea snapped back. “Be gone and go back to your unhallowed woods. We are victorious.”
“I clearly won,” the Dragon Witch smiled smugly.
Althea made a little angry pout, crossing her arms in a huff, “You’ve done no such thing. Even if you two did win, it would only be because you both cheated.”
The Dragon Witch had some big gloating tirade of sarcastic insults, but seeing her little pout where she puffed out her cheeks a bit and looked like she was sticking her tongue to the inside of her cheek and . . . she . . . what was she going to say again? Something about her cute face? No, Althea would just make fun of her for that.
“Yeah? Well you . . .” The Dragon Witch tried not to look absolutely flustered. “. . . you’re just a poor sport.”
Althea looked angrier while the Dragon Witch was just internally screaming. Poor sport? Who says that? What are you five? Did you just get kicked out of the academy?
Remus was standing behind them, a huge toothy grin on his face that made the Dragon Witch want to have his face dragged in the mud or put worms in his stew.
Glancing at her student again she saw that both he and Roman had stopped fighting and the two of them were just watching the two mages arguing. The whole thing smacked of a trick of some kind and right now the Dragon Witch couldn’t figure out what type of trap that meant.
So she appreciated whatever the hustle was, even though she doubted that Remus had turned on her. He would be up front about it, and predictably violent.
He was a good kid so . . .
She looked over at Roman who seemed to be just as excited as Remus was, except he was staring at Althea . . .
“Wait a second,” the Dragon Witch realized.
“I will not be waiting any seconds,” Althea refused, not understanding.
The Dark Woods mage immediately remembered that the good witch had been talking to her and she had been ignoring her. But one look at her face reminded the witch why she had a crush in the first place.
“Yes or no?” Althea ordered, pointing at her?
“Uh,” the Dragon Witch stalled, staring at her, “no?”
Althea’s face got a bit fuzzy with her anger, the feathers around her face was almost a pinking color.
She looks so adora— no, don’t she’ll just turn you down.
“I can’t believe this, you’re so frustrating,” Althea huffed out. She stomped her feet a bit and grabbed Roman, “We’re leaving.”
“But you didn’t . . .  I mean, justice,” Roman sputtered as he was dragged towards a carriage that had been hiding up the road to stay out of the fight.
“Don’t say a word,” the Dragon Witch ordered Remus as they watched them walk away.
“Why Maggie?” Remus smiled, setting his hands and chin on the hilt of his mace.
“If you don’t, I’ll use your tongue for a gibberish concoction,” she threatened.
“Awwww,” Remus’s grin was particularly sharkish. “Someone’s just being a poor sport.”
The Dragon Witch whipped her staff around and lightly cuffed him on the back of the head.
Inside Roman’s carriage, the royal prince was just listening to his fairy godmother rant at him.
Althea was sitting with her face buried in her hands, her face red as a tomato. “That woman is so infuriating! Ugh, what kind of game is she playing?”
“Who knows with them?” Roman shrugged.
“Maybe if she wasn’t so cute, I’d know what to say,” Althea accidentally said out loud.
She blushed even harder with embarrassment and looked up at Roman. “Uh, I mean—”
Roman stared at her for a second before pulling apart the divider behind them and turning to yell, “Cam! Turn this cart around, we got a date to catch!”
“Roman!” Althea yelled, her face getting even redder. “She’s the queen of the Dark Woods!”
“And the Dark Woods is about to get themselves another fabulous queen,” Roman proclaimed.
The cart had stopped, the driver turned around in his seat to verify, “Are you sure you want to go back to the Dark Woods, Sir?”
“Oh yeah,” Roman smiled. “I know we’re only three minutes out. We could walk there. Oh, and you and Quil are about to cough up five pounds a piece.”
“Roman!” Althea shrieked as the carriage began to move back towards the haunted woods.
“It’s true love, my darlingest mentor,” Roman insisted, “and I have it on good authority that she thinks you’re good looking.”
Althea got even redder, “Who told you that?”
“Well Remus was cruder but I understood the intent,” Roman answered.
“He could be lying,” Althea accused.
“Please, my brother is the worst liar in all the kingdoms,” Roman defended, almost offended for the brother he fought on a regular basis’s honor. “He’s crude, rude, and violent, but he is no liar.”
“She really likes me?” Althea asked.
“How could she not?” Roman demanded. “Now, we have true love to prepare for my dear.”
“Let’s just start at a first date, Roman,” Althea insisted. “It’s a little soon for anything like that.”
“You’ll see,” Roman smiled, looking out the window. “She’s over the moon for you.”
Eventually the carriage stopped because Remus was standing in the middle of the road with the Dragon Witch next to him.
Roman opened a top hatch in the carriage, “Ahh, good, we were just about to go and find you two again.”
“I’d like your men to stop accosting my woods,” the Dragon Witch spat.
“When you get your marauding bandits to stop attacking my people,” Roman bargained.
“How about when you pay my woods back for generations of war crimes?” The Dragon Witch’s eyebrow shot up.
“We shouldn’t have to defend ourselves from being set on fire,” Roman reminded. “I’d be happy to start calling off the war if we could trust you won’t pick up arms against us the moment we have our backs turned.”
“Ugh!” Remus complained. “We’re not here to talk about politics! We’re here to talk about two lovely ladies getting freaky!”
“Ah, thank you Remus,” Roman clapped his hands, smiling. “Thank you, for once, for getting us back on topic.”
Roman waved his hands and when his hand came back up Althea in her hummingbird form was perched on two of his fingers. The royal prince exited the carriage with her, clearing her throat. “Queen Dragon Witch of the Dark Woods, I present to you the Good Witch of the Sanders Kingdom. She is as intelligent as she is brave and you shall be permitted to court her on the grounds that you vow to honor and cherish her, to treat her as the lady she is.”
“That’s it?” The Dragon Witch asked, clearly braced for more.
“Yeah, she has to vow the same,” Remus cut in.
“Naturally, my mentor is no brute,” Roman agreed.
“No I meant is he going to demand anything else of me,” the Dragon Witch told Remus.
Roman briefly ran over his speech in his head and ducked back in to grab the paper he had rehearsed with, reading back over it, “honor and cherish . . . no I got everything.”
“No land, no unfavorable terms?” The Dragon Witch seemed surprised and astonished.
The royal prince made an offended gasp, “My great-great grandfather’s petty squabbles have no bearing when love is on the table. Naturally if any deals for land and power are to be carried out, our courts should both be here for that.”
The Dragon Witch just stared at Roman for a bit before smiling, “You know, you’re a spoiled rich human brat, but I think you’ll actually make a good king one day.”
“Thanks?” Roman wasn’t sure if he’d been insulted or not. “I think?”
The Dragon Witch held out her hand and Althea transformed back, looking a little bit nervous. “You really are the most beautiful fairy in the lands,” the Dragon Witch told her.
Althea was just staring at her, “You are too.”
The twin brothers were standing close to the carriage and Roman’s driver, the three of them just watching the two of them talking.
“Janny owes me big for this,” Remus was almost cackling.
“Are you making deals with that snake?” Roman critiqued.
“How about you get off my ass and let me live my life?” Remus glared at him. “Besides his mother is happy, what could be better than that?”
“You do have to admit,” Cam said to Roman from his seat above them, “they do look happy.”
“Yeah,” Roman sighed, acquiescing on that front.
The two witches talked for a bit before they inevitably had to part ways. They would meet again on the battlefield, but next time it would be a not-so-quiet show of magic, designed to impress rather than harm.
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accioromione · 4 years
I loved the fic where Hermione was jealous, can you plz do something similar with Ron? There's my idea. Ron finds out that a colleague of Hermione is flirting with her(maybe Harry told him😉) and like that's not bad enough the guy is handsome, wealthy, top of his class(head boy) at hogwarts and now has a very successful career in the ministry. Rons insecurities start coming back and he is afraid he is going to lose her😱.... do you best! 👍
“Harry I’ve told you countless times that-” Hermione began in the ministry elevator as the doors closed , but she was interrupted by the elevators opening once again due to somebody stopping the closing doors with their briefcase. 
“Sorry,” said a tall handsome man walking in, “didn’t want to wait for the next.... oh wow it’s Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, what are the odds,” he said. “Albert Wildsmith,” The man added, holding out to shake Harry’s hand and then Hermione. 
“Wildsmith?” Hermione asked, as she shook his hand. “As in Ignatia Wildsmith? She invented Floo Powder.” 
The handsome man chuckled, “it is true what they say about you then” Hermione blushed, “the one and only, I don’t take credit for her work though- the gold she left behind is more than enough.”
“Well nice to meet you,” said Harry, looking at him suspiciously. 
“What floor?” Hermione asked, going to reach to press a button. 
“Six,” said the man, 
“oh that’s my floor too, are you new then?” said Hermione. 
“Oh yeah, well here, after graduating I got a placement in France because I can speak it fluently, but I got offered the assistant head position, and it’s quite nice to be back in England. I missed it.” said Albert. 
“So you went to Hogwarts then?” asked Harry. 
“Yeah, I graduated in 1993.” 
“Yeah that would have been our third year-” said Hermione thoughtfully. 
“What house were you in?” Harry interjected. 
“Ravenclaw” said Albert, 
“Oh, you were head boy weren’t you? I remember an Albert who was a Ravenclaw head-boy!” Hermione said excitedly, Albert smiled. 
“That was me,” said Albert smiling, “impressive how you can remember, looks and brains you’ve got” Hermione blushed. 
“So you’ve been in France since?” Harry asked. 
Albert nodded sadly, “yes... I wish I could have been there...for you know.. the war.” 
“Well France didn’t ban you from coming back did it?” Harry asked. 
“Harry!” Hermione said. 
Albert smiled sadly, “I had ministry restrictions, France wasn’t prepared for me to leave.” 
“How lucky,” said Harry. “We know a girl from France, she came to England, married Hermione’s FIANCEE’S brother, she helped out even being from France and all.” 
“Harry!” Hermione said again. 
Albert smiled at her, “it’s okay- I understand, I would be that way as well. Fiancee eh? Lucky bloke.” 
Hermione’s face flushed. 
“Yeah Ron Weasley, sure you’ve heard of him if you’ve heard of us,” said Harry annoyed. 
“Oh...I have heard of him... well... lucky guy anyways,” said Albert. 
“Floor six” a lady’s voice said coolly. 
“Well that’s us I guess,” said Albert, “it was nice meeting you Harry,” 
“Oh I’m coming, Hermione and I have to talk about....ministry matters.” said Harry, Hermione looked at him confused.
“What?” Hermione asked. 
“Yes Hermione I have to discuss something of great importance with you,” said Harry puffing out his chest. 
“O-okay?” Hermione said. 
The doors opened and the three of them walked out. 
“Well, nice meeting you Albert,” said Hermione walking to her office. “Let me know if you need anything,” 
“Will do,” Albert said smiling at her  “pleasure again Harry,” 
Harry followed Hermione to her office and turned at her at once. 
“What are you doing?” Harry asked, annoyed. 
“What?” asked Hermione confused. 
“He was flirting with you!” said Harry. 
“Oh Harry stop...no he wasn’t.” said Hermione absentmindedly. “That’s seriously what you wanted to talk to me about?” 
 “You’re not going to cheat on Ron are you?” Harry asked sternly. 
“Cheat on.... are you crazy Harry? I would never.” said Hermione. 
“Good,” said Harry crossing his arms, “because once he hears about-” 
“What? Oh don’t tell me you’re going to tell him!” Hermione said. 
“Well why not? Since you don’t think its a problem!” said Harry angrily. 
“I don’t,” said Hermione, “but you know how Ron get’s... he’ll be jealous for no reason, don’t tell him Harry. It will cause trouble for no reason.” 
“Fine,” said Harry walking off, “he seems like a pompous git anyways.” Hermione rolled his eyes and Harry walked away. 
“Harry I’m serious, don’t tell Ron!” Hermione called back as he walked away. 
“I won’t!” said Harry, leaving. 
“What’s his name again?” Ron asked. 
“Albert,” said Harry. 
“Sounds like a git,” said Ron. 
“That’s what I said.” said Harry. 
“Bragging about being in France during a war, Fleur’s from France, she helped.” said Ron angrily. 
“That’s what I said!” said Harry. 
“Well I reckon I need to place a visit to Hermione’s office today,” said Ron sternly. 
“Er-” said Harry. 
“What?” asked Ron. 
“I kind of told Hermione I wouldn’t tell you, she didn’t think much of it,” said Harry. 
“Right,” said Ron getting to his feet, “well, I’ll just pay a visit, make sure the bloke see’s me, and if I happen to injure him accidentally well, so be it.” 
“How tall is he again?” Ron asked looking back before leaving the room. 
“Still shorter than you,” Harry responded. 
“Right.” said Ron, “Well thanks mate, can always count on you.” 
Ron left the Auror department and headed for floor six. 
“Oh hi Ron!” said the secretary, 
“Hi Janice,” said Ron, “Hermione’s in her office right?” he said loudly. 
“Um, yes?” Janice responded, confused at the loudness in his tone.
Ron leaned into whisper, “do you know an Albert?” he asked, Janice giggled, “yes” she whispered back. 
“Do you mind telling me where his office is?” he whispered again. 
“609,” Janice whispered, giggling. 
“Right, thanks loads.” Ron said, he figured he’d ‘accidentally’ knock on room 609. 
He knocked the door to room 609, no response, he sighed, just his luck. 
He figured he’d go see Hermione to remind her that she was in fact engaged to him. He knocked Hermione's office door and opened it, “Hermione love?” Ron said entering the room. His mouth gaped open as he saw her sitting down at her desk, laughing, with another handsome man seated right across from her. 
“Ron!” Hermione said nervously. 
The man turned to face Ron. Ron was boiling with anger. 
“A-Albert this is my fiancee, Ron Weasley,” said Hermione. 
“Pleasure,” said Albert getting to his feet and reaching to shake Rons’ hand. Ron did not shake Albert’s hand back. 
“R-Ron this is Albert Wildsmith,” Hermione said, “he’s new to the department, just transferred from France.” 
Ron looked at him, “You’re fluent then?” 
“What?” asked Albert. 
“Oh you sure know how to pick them Hermione, fluent in French..what else?” Hermione glared at him and Albert’s face flushed. 
“Oh-oh yes.” 
“Nice, real impressive” said Ron, “I’ve learned a few phrases myself,” 
“Oh really?” asked Albert intrigued, Ron nodded his head. 
“Yes..let’s see...I’m a a bit rusty....umm oh yes!” Ron said snapping his fingers, “tu misérable petite baise” 
Albert’s eyes widened, “I er...” 
“A veela taught me that one,” Ron said proudly. “Funnily enough Hermione doesn’t like it when I talk to French Veelas, looks like she has no problems talking to French ... how do you say .... wankers in French?” 
“Ron!” said Hermione. 
“I-I’ll just go,” said Albert. 
“Oh no stay Albert, Alberto, Big Al, Al the pal!” Ron said, helping him sit back down
Albert looked at him awkwardly. 
“I um...” Albert began, 
“Oh let it all out Albert, heard you had lots to say with my fiancé over here, why you were just laughing five minutes ago,” Ron said. 
“Ron seriously you’re over-” Hermione began and Ron lifted her hand to silence her. 
“Listen pal,” said Ron loudly, “you may think you’re some big shot because you lived in France and you’re handsome and your great ancestor invented Floo Powder, but let’s make three  things clear.” said Ron now holding up his three middle fingers. 
“One,” Ron said, “I hate baguettes,” putting down his pointer finger
“Two,” Ron continued, putting down his ring finger so that only his middle finger was stuck up. “The Floo Network is a right MESS, and most people apparate or use portkey’s now.” 
“And THREE” he said touching Albert’s nose with his middle finger, “I don’t know who you think I am, but I am not afraid to fight any French pansies and ruin their handsome faces, GOT IT?” Albert gulped and nodded. 
Hermione put her head in her hands, 
“Now you’re off with a warning but if I hear you come near my fiancee again we’re going to have some major issues. Got it Napoleon? AU REVIOUR.” Ron said and Albert got out of the seat and ran out of the office. 
“Ron,” Hermione said shaking her head, “he was signing documents,”  
Ron looked at Hermione angrily, “must have been some funny documents,” he said snatching the paper from her desk, “ah yes policy eighty five, HILARIOUS” 
Hermione shook her head, “Why are you like this?” she asked desperately. 
Ron looked at her in disbelief, “You’re flirting with some random bloke! You expect me to be over the moon about it? YOU SET BIRDS ON ME WHEN I TALKED TO ANOTHER WOMAN.” 
“That is not the same thing, I wasn’t flirting,” said Hermione. 
Ron rolled his eyes. 
“first of all, who trusts a brit who willingly moves to France?” Ron asked. 
“Ron this is not the hundred years war- I should have never told you about muggle history” Hermione said. 
Ron looked at her furiously. 
“Fine, I’m sorry,” said Hermione “but you really have nothing to be worried about.” 
Ron crossed her arms and Hermione approached him slowly. 
“seriously,” she breathed, “that-that doesn’t even cross my mind,” 
“well letting him flirt with you is just as bad,” said Ron, slowly melting at her touch. 
She hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, “what do you expect me to do? Be mean to him? He works in my department.” 
“Yes,” said Ron. 
Hermione laughed, “ugh you’re so annoying... but endearing at the same time,” she said as she placed a kiss on his lips. 
“He’s handsome,” muttered Ron. 
“So are you,” said Hermione, Ron’s ears turned red. 
“He’s rich,” said Ron. 
Hermione rolled her eyes, “yes because I definitely am looking to get more money,” Ron laughed despite his anger. Him and Hermione had gotten so many promotions that they were making well above average income alone let alone together. 
“So I have nothing to worry about?” said Ron. 
“No you jealous idiot,” said Hermione, Ron grinned. 
“I will punch him you know,” Hermione rolled her eyes, “I know,” she said, “but no punching is permitted, we all know how brave you are,” 
“He was scared wasn’t he?” Ron said, “ran out like a pansy,” 
Hermione crossed her arms. “I told Harry not to tell you because I knew you’d be like this,” 
“Well I for one am thankful someone has my back in this god forsaken place,” Ron said, Hermione rolled her eyes. 
“Why must you be so dramatic?” she asked “now he’s scarred and will be too scared to talk to me again,” 
“Good” said Ron. 
Hermione looked at him, “fine, I’ll be nicer... but if he flirts with you again, it’s my fist he’s getting in his face.” 
“Noted.” said Hermione 
“And tonight... I’m reminding you of why it’s me you’re with.” Ron said sternly, Hermione’s face turned pink. 
“Oh?” she asked. 
Ron nodded angrily, Hermione bit her lip. 
“S-so like...y-you’re going to be l-like that other time?” Hermione asked, her breath hitching. 
Ron nodded angrily, “yes like that time Harry told me when you talked to... wait a second,” Ron said with a look of realization hitting his face. 
“What?” Hermione asked innocently. 
“You sneaky witch!” Ron said, “you did it in front of Harry on purpose because you knew he’d tell me because you... you... wanted me to... like last time!” 
Hermione’s face flushed, “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she said. 
Ron grinned, “you’re sick.”  
“A-and what are you going to do about that?” she breathed. 
“Oh you’ll find out tonight... don’t overwork yourself... you’re going to need some energy when you get home.” Ron said, Hermione bit her lip. Ron shook his head angrily. 
“Unbelievable,” he muttered to himself exiting the office, Hermione smiled as he walked away, excited for what tonight had in store for her. 
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companionjones · 4 years
Four Years
Requested by: Anon
Request: ~if u dont take requests like this plz ignore this~ So the reader is like 19 and has a history with drugs and was mixed in with a real bad crowd as a teen. Now shes the twelth doctors companion and is trying to get sober (he didnt know she was using) and shes going through bad withdrawal. (Sweating, migraines, bad fatigue, throwing up, fever, shaking, shivering.)
Pairing: Platonic!Twelfth Doctor x Reader
Fandoms: Doctor Who, New Who
Warnings: Talk of drug use, throwing up, other withdraw symptoms
If you live in the US, please check if you’re registered to vote!
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    Sitting on the floor of your bathroom on the TARDIS, you were in the middle of a break between puking spells. You were shaking and your head was pounding so much that you were barely aware of the world around you. You didn’t even notice the Doctor had entered the room until you flinched away from his arm on your shoulder. You knew he was speaking to you, but you didn’t have the energy to pay attention.
    Next thing you knew, the Doctor was helping you to your feet. You didn’t want to get up, didn’t want to move, but you were too weak to fight him. You threw up in the hallway before you got to your destination.
    The Doctor helped to lay you down on a table in the medbay. You shut your eyes to shield them from the florescent-like lights, and you pulled your legs into the fetal position in a vain hope to make your stomach feel better.
    “Drink this,” were the first words out of the Doctor’s mouth that you could actually make out. He was offering you a paper cup filled halfway with a blue liquid.
    Just seeing the drink made your stomach churn, and smelling it made you gag. You tried to turn away.
    The Doctor gently touched your shoulder. “No. Come on, you can’t do that now. Come on, drink up.” He pulled your mouth open as tenderly as he could (you didn’t fight him that much because you knew that he was trying to help). He poured the liquid down your throat.
    It burned, and you grabbed his arm to ground yourself and keep from throwing up the elixir.
    He put his other hand on your cheek and stroked it to comfort you. “Deep breaths. Deeeeeeep breaths.”
    After a minute, you felt better, but you still knew you wouldn’t be out of the woods for a while. Your head still felt groggy, and your stomach still felt a little weak.
    The Doctor explained, “It’s going to lessen your symptoms for a while...enough time for you to get some sleep...I don’t know exactly how long, though. That depends on how long you’ve been using.”
    “Yes, using,” he repeated with a knowing look in his eye.
    You swallowed, “I...don’t know what you’re talking about--”
    “Don’t be stupid!” The Doctor momentarily lost his comforting composure. He quickly regained it. The Doctor sight, “Just...let me help you, alright?”
    Out of shame, you shut your eyes.
    He noticed your discomfort, and tried to lighten the mood. He pulled up a chair and smirked, “They call me the Doctor, remember?”
    Your lips twitched up as well.
    The Doctor asked again, softer that time, “How long have you been using?”
    “...Three years, I think?” you replied after a moment. “No...Jeez, by now, I think it’s been four.”
    The Doctor bowed and shook his head. “Y/n...”
    “I know. I’m sorry. I should’ve told you. I know,” you apologized. “But you were promising so much. I thought I would start over. Start another life.”
    He sighed, “You’re not the only one who’s made mistakes, Y/n. I’ve made plenty of my own...You can never erase your past...But you can always make better choices. You can learn from your past mistakes, and make better decisions. If you’ll let me, I can help you.”
    Taking a deep breath, you started to nod.
    He smiled, “Good...I’ll be right by your side, Y/n. I promise.”
    “Thank you so much, Doctor.”
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it! If you would like to read more, I have more fics on Doctor Who on my page. You should check it out. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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sad-boy-mono · 4 years
High School Casualties
Chapter 2/?
Word Count- 1,586
Master post with Ao3 link
Damien and Shayne were now 30 minutes through their second period of the day, parting ways with Courtney after the first. But, as always, agreed to meet up again at lunch with Keith, Noah and Olivia.
They only had 10 minutes left of class, and in that 10 minutes their teacher let them work on their homework. Shayne, working on science notes, took a look at his friend. Damien, sitting a few rows away from him, was staring blankly at his textbook for world history. His eyes glued in place so Shayne could tell that he wasn’t reading. Just... Staring.
Shayne glanced around the classroom, seeing if their teacher was nearby. When he confirmed it was safe, Shayne snuck his phone out of his pocket and held it in his lap so it looked like he just was reading a book. He unlocked his phone and went to Damien’s contact.
You good? You’re just kind staring off into space
Shayne looked back at his exhausted friend. Damien jerked his head upwards as he snapped out of the zoning out he was doing. He did the same glance around the room Shayne had done, then pulled out his own phone from his bag. He turned it on and after seeing the notification, looked at Shayne briefly. He began typing, glancing around every so often.
Yeah I thibk so just really ducking tired.
Damn I need to learn hiw to spell or just type slower
Shayne stifled a laugh and looked at Damien with a smile.
Ok just making sure ur not dying or something lol
Just be sure to get some good sleep tonight you dumb bitch
ooooooor I could suffer and try to nap during lucnh
I mean you could also go to the nurse
u tired fuck
Well I’m not gonna do that so if u excuse me ima continue to stare off into space
Well staring off into space is not a good substitute for sleep so you better get some tonight
Or wut ;)))
Shayne stifled another laugh. This time he was laughing at himself though.
Or I’ll come to your house at midnight and make you sleep ;)))))
Like r u gonna knock me out with a bat or fuck me? cuz im down either way honestly ;)))))))))))))
Shayne laughed quietly to himself after reading that, and looked over at Damien. Who looked like he was also struggling to hide his laughter.
“I fucking hate you!” Shayne mouthed to Damien, who just blew a sarcastic kiss to Shayne.
Ok but deadass don’t force yourself to be miserable all day. If you keep this up I’ll bring Courtney into the chat
Oh god plz no she scares me when she goes into mom mode
Exactly. So be a good boy and get to sleep by 8 and eat your veggies 
and do your homework
That would be smart as well
But I don’t waaaaaannnnaaaaaa
Ok you leave me no choice. 
Shayne went to the group chat that had all 3 of them in it.
Banana Man
@Court Bourt 
The two stared at their phones, waiting for Courtney to reply. It took about 3 minutes before she did.
Court Bourt
What did you guys do this time?
Banana Man
Damien’s being a lil bitch. Make his sleep
Court Bourt
What do you want me to do? Kill him?
Banana Man
He’s gonna pull another all-nighter on us again and be miserable 
Court Bourt 
I’m sowwwwwwy 
Court Bourt
I will personally come to your house and make you some niiiice sleepytime tea. But little did you know it will be full of that extra sleepy juuuuuuice
Court Bourt
please don’t
Court Bourt
Oh I will and don’t you doubt it
Court Bourt
Ok I gotta go my teacher’s about to yoink my phone
Banana Man
Court Bourt
But Damien, don’t think this is over bitch
Oh shit she’s gonna kill me
Banana Man
Shayne heard a snort come from a few rows ahead of him. He looked ahead and saw Damien chuckling to himself.
Banana Man
Why you laughing bitch
Did I say something fUnNy
No youre just being a SILLY GOOSEY BOY
Banana Man
That was kinda rude.
Banana Man
That sounds like a you issue
It probably is but fuck you anyways :)
Shayne giggled to himself quietly. Damien always made him laugh, even if what he said wasn’t necessarily a joke. 
Oh WhAtS sO fUnNy sHaYnE dId I sAy SOmEtHiNg fUnNy?!?!
Banana Man
It is just you who is the silly goosey boy now
Shayne could see Damien chuckling to himself at the comment Shayne made. Damien turned to face Shayne slowly and subtly flipped him off, making him laugh once again.
Then the bell rang, and in seconds time the whole class was on their feet and packing up to leave. Shayne walked out the door and waited for Damien right outside the classroom. Once Damien walked out the two just stared at each other.
“You’re really fucking stupid.” They said in unison, which was followed up by boisterous laughter from the two. 
“JINXS you owe me eight- thousand dollars!” Damien said in between laughter, making Shayne laugh harder.
“God I WISH I had that kind of money!” Shayne said between laughter. 
“Imagine having money to do stuff.” Damien began walking down the hall once the crowd of people finished making their way out of the room.
“Well first you need a job.” Shayne said, following Damien
“Imagine having a job.” 
Shayne laughed at his comment. “You know you’re dumb idiot, right?”
“Yeah but I’m your dumb idiot and the only way you’re getting rid of me is if you kill me. And I think Courtney’s gonna beat you to that. So JOKES ON YOU!” 
Shayne rolled his eyes but continued to laugh. “You’re still a dumb idiot though.”
“Again, Shayne, we just went through this! I’m your dumb idiot!” Damien slapped his own hand for emphasizes. “And, also, you’re my dumb idiot! That’s how this WORKS Shayne!”
The boys laughed harder as they walked down the hall, getting a few weird looks as they did.
They continued to talk until Damien began to talk slower, his words we getting jumbled and he looked pale. He took one last look around before he began to fall.
“Whoa- shit!” Shayne’s reflexes kicked in and wrapped his arms around Damien, preventing him from hitting the ground. 
“Damien you good?” Shayne asked, getting a delayed nod from Damien. 
“Can you stand up?” 
“Y- yeah.” Damien placed hid feet fully on the ground and slowly stood up. “Ok yeah. I think I’m good.”
“What caused that?” Shayne asked, trying to mask the obvious concern in his voice.
“I-I don’t know. One moment my head really hurt, the next I’m almost on the ground.” Damien rubbed his temples in an attempt to sooth his head. “I think it’s just really loud in the halls.”
“Ok lets head in there then,” Shayne point to the bathroom not to far down the hall. Damien nodded in agreeance. 
The two boys walked down the hall, Shayne keeping a subtle hand on Damien’s shoulder in case of another spill. Damien was running a hand through his hair to try and stable himself.
The two took a quick turn into the bathroom. Damien went to lean against the wall in between two sinks. Shayne dug through his bag and pulled out his water bottle.
“Here,” he passed it to Damien “drink up bitch.”
“Wow is that anyway to talk to your friend who could be dying? No I don’t think so!” Damien sarcastically said, then took a drink of the water.
“I friggen hate you!” Shayne chuckled, pulling paper towels from the dispenser and running them under the sink with cold water.
“What you doin there baby boy?” Damien said in between drinks.
“This,” Shayne took the paper towels and placed them on Damien’s forehead after ringing them out. “I don’t know how much it’ll help, but we gotta do what we can to prepare for the long journey to the nurses office.”
Damien snorted at Shayne’s exaggeration. “Oh yeah I guess I should go to the nurse shouldn’t I?”
“YeAh I think that’d be smart!”
“Also I’m sorry, but I’m gonna drink all your water.” Damien punctuated with another drink.
“oH nO nOt My wAtEr! Dude drink it. Drink it all! Hell, I will get you and your sleep deprived, dehydrated ass another bottle of water.” Damien snorted at his statement, only slightly choking on the water
“You good?” Shayne asked with an amused smirk on his face.
“Yeah, you’re just a dumb lil man who makes dumb lil man jokes.” Damien teases, receiving one middle finger from Shayne. 
“Hey man, that’s just unnecessary.” Damien said, flipping off Shayne as he did. The two looked at each other and began snickering.
“Oh god,” Shayne said with a sigh, “Let’s get you to the nurse.”
“Oh you’re trying to get rid of me now? Well I’m not going down that easily! Take that!” Damien gently slapped Shayne with the wet paper towel that had been on his forehead.
Shayne stood there, mildly stunned.
“Let’s go to the nurse now.”
8 notes · View notes
raysofcrosby · 5 years
“𝘍𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘧 𝘥𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨. 𝘐𝘵 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘦𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘦𝘹𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘐'𝘥 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦." ━ 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐤
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series masterlist
requested: yes | no
warnings: nothing i don’t think.
word count: 4,960 [oof hello]
authors note: ok so this turned out a lot better than i thought it was going to be, but it’s still like a filler ch really. i tried to put as much fluff stuff that i could but i swear from here on out, no more filler chs lol. also, idk how professional teams travel to the airport and stuff, so plz don’t come at me for that. i only know how college teams travel. if you haven’t read the first two parts, you can read there here and here! anyway, i hope you enjoy part three!
"Baby Benn, you've gotta get up."
You groaned, moving your hand around your bed and grabbing the nearest pillow, pressing it down over the back of your head to mute the noise around you.
"That's it, I'm resorting to dumping water on her. Do you have a cup?"
"If you dump water on her, that's a for sure way to get her to hate you, J." That was Kennedy and the other voice sounded like Big Rig, but your mind wasn't fully awake to identify it yet.
"Dump water on me and I'll castrate you." You mumbled, tossing the pillow aside and instead, pulling your covers over the top of your head. "Now shut up and let me sleep."
"I'm afraid we can't do that, Y/N," Kennedy replied, shuffling around the room. "I'll finish packing whatever she started last night, and you get her up."
"How am I supposed to do that? I don't want to be castrated and water is the only way I know that will work!"
You heard Kennedy sigh as she shuffled around the room. "How about telling her that you brought her coffee?"
You threw back the blanket off of your head and rubbed your eyes before sitting up and staring at Big Rig and Kennedy who were standing by your bed. "Coffee?"
Kennedy smiled at him and patted his chest. "Works every time. Now get her dressed."
Big Rig watched helplessly as Kennedy went off towards your drawers with your backpack in hand. He turned to you and smiled, shoving the dunkin' iced coffee towards you. "I got you coffee."
You took it cautiously, staring at the label and seeing that it was your usual order, which meant either he's paid attention to your coffee order or Kennedy told him what to get. "What are you doing here?"
"I was dropping Kennedy off and now I'm taking you to the airport."
"Why were you dropping her– oh!" You stared at the two of them, Kennedy keeping her back to you as she finished up packing your backpack and Big Rig rubbing the back of his neck as his face turned red. "well, thanks for at least letting me have the room when you brought me home."
"We didn't bring you, home babe, this is the first I've stepped foot here since 
we left yesterday."
"Then who–"
"That would be Segs and you need to get dressed, now." Big Rig said, taking the coffee from your hands as Kennedy shoved some jeans and your Dallas Stars polo into your arms.
"Wait...Tyler dropped me–"
"Dressed, now! You need to get on a plane soon." Kennedy replied, pulling you out of your bed and ushering you towards the bathroom. "If you're not dressed and ready in five, you're going naked," and then she shut the door.
You stood there still half asleep and holding your uniform in your hands while your mind was still stuck on the fact that Tyler drove you home. But he had been drinking, so maybe he bought you an uber back to the dorm with someone? No, that wouldn't make sense. The only person you knew at the party that had any relation to SMU was Cole. And with the way Tyler felt about Cole, you highly doubt he'd put you in an uber with him. Well if it was Tyler who brought you back to your dorm, at least he let you sleep as you were, which you had to admit...sleeping in his jersey was the comfiest thing you could manage to remember from last night. After you changed out of your costume and into your jeans and polo, you folded Tyler's jersey up just as Kennedy knocked on the door.
"Are you dressed or are you giving the Stars a show on the plane?"
You held onto the jersey and spandex, opening the door and giving her a sleepy glare. "One, my brother is on that plane and that's gross. And two, could you please stop being so loud. I'm tired and hungover."
You placed the jersey onto your bed and Big Rig looked at it with a smile. "So, what's the story about that?"
You smiled, "well it's a sexy one actually," you snatched your coffee out of his hands and took a sip. "Kidding. But do you know a place I can get it washed before I give it back?"
"Sure why not, but we need to go now before we get left behind."
Kennedy handed you your backpack and placed her hands on your shoulders. "Do a kickass job today roomie, I love you."
"Love you too, ya nerd." You laughed, shrugging the backpack onto your shoulders. "And thanks for not taking my books out of here."
"Who's the nerd now?" She smiled, turning to Big Rig and suddenly blushing. "I had a lot of fun last night, thanks again."
"I'll text you...on the plane?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck again as she nodded. He leaned down and kissed her cheek before looking at me and clearing his throat. "Alright, plane to catch. Let's go Baby Benn!"
He came up behind you and pushed you out of the door as he followed close behind. "As soon as we get into my car, I'm probably going to break a  multitude of speeding laws, so please don't tell your brother."
"I won't tell as long as you spill the beans on Tyler taking me home and whatever happened between you and Kennedy last night."
"Ooh, you really want the details? Kinky."
You elbowed him in the side and he groaned. "Not that, you perv."
He shoved you ahead of him as you guys left your dorm building and headed towards his car parked in an emergency lane. "Well, you've got a deal," he unlocked his car and walked around to the drivers' side, pointing his key at you. "As long as you don't spill your coffee in my car."
"My precious coffee? Never." You gasped, taking another long sip before smiling at him. "Now spill."
It was a miracle that you didn't fall asleep on the car ride to the airport. Big Rig had his heater on blast, along with his seat warmers– making his car feel like one big blanket wrapped around you. Your iced coffee wasn't doing anything to help your body wake up, no matter how long you were trying to make it last for the flight. One good thing that was beneficial from the car ride, was his story with how he and Kennedy ended up becoming closer.
Some point in time after Cole threw his hissy fit at you he had kept his word and went to start a game of beer pong with three other girls. Kennedy was hanging out with your brother and Big Rig when she spotted Cole getting a little too friendly with his teammate, again keeping to his word. Kennedy being the dedicated best friend she is, of course, approached him in her badass manner and went off on him after 'politely', as Big Rig put it, telling the girl to buzz off. He said she was like a chihuahua approaching King Kong and King Kong was terrified. Big Rig didn't come in until Cole had 'accidentally' spilled one of the water cups all over her top and he stepped in to prevent Kennedy from going berserk on him. Your brother, apparently, then told Cole to 'get the fuck out' and before he did, he bumped into Kennedy and Big Rig. In which, Kennedy yelled after him calling him a '40th round, bench-warming draft pick' as he walked out.
Big Rig had apparently helped her into the kitchen and found some paper towels to help her dry off her costume and then commented on her obvious distaste for Cole and shockingly...the two of them bonded over that. Otherwise, their entire night was spent talking about her major, his sister's Olympic experience, dancing, drinking and then well...you. Kennedy again, being Kennedy, had pulled the first move on him, asking him if he wanted to go back to your guys' place and 'not watch Netflix.' When they went to find you to tell you that they were heading out, Tyler was bringing you out from the hallway where you had found his dogs. You were pretty drunk and the two of them offered to take you back to the dorm, but according to Big Rig, Tyler read the situation and told them to go ahead, that he'd get you back to the dorm. Then they went back to his apartment, had leftover pizza, didn't watch some Netflix and the rest was history.
You were ultimately proud of Kennedy for finally finding the hockey player she's always wanted, and you were even more happy that it was Big Rig of all players. He was intimidating at first due to his size, but he was a sweetheart too. And while their personalities were opposite on some spectrums, you knew it would work between the two of them. When you got to the airport and parked his car, the two of you rushed through the set-up security area before walking onto the tarmac and towards the plane. He, being the giant that he is, was painfully many steps ahead of you. You kept trying to catch up so you wouldn't have to walk onto the plane alone and awkward, but your backpack weighed down with your study supplies was not helping in any way.
When the two of you got onto the plane, you were both greeted with smiles and hellos. The seats in the front were filled with the guys who had already seemed to set up camp, whether that be already deep into their Netflix accounts or passed out against the windows. You continued to follow Big Rig down the aisle, seeing your brother sitting beside Rads, shockingly. "So she lives," he laughed, leaning back into his seat and nodding at your coffee. "Is it doing the trick?"
"Not even close," You pouted, stopping beside him. "So where the hell am I supposed to sit?"
He shrugged his shoulders, putting an earphone in. "I don't know, find an empty seat I guess."
"Wow, brother of the year award right there." You replied, flicking his ear and running down the aisle before he could reach back and jab you.
When you regained your focus, you saw that Big Rig was already seated down next to Dickinson and you sighed, trucking on towards the back half of the plane. Resting about five rows from the back, was an empty window seat and you felt yourself get excited and then your eyes landed on the body sitting in the seat beside it. There was Tyler, looking down at his lap with his headphones on his head and completely unattached from the world. You took a deep, calming breath before walking the few steps and coming to a stop next to his seat. He didn't notice your presence and you looked down to see him watching some Christmas movie. You tapped his shoulder and he looked up, smiled and then nudged a headphone off of his ear. "Wow, don't you look like such a happy camper."
"I'm just peachy," you replied, giving him a sarcastic smile before nodding your head at the empty seat. "Can I sit there?"
"Not like you have a choice, seeing that it's one of the only empty ones left," he looked ahead at the front of the plane and then at the seat beside him.
"Come on, Tyler. I'm exhausted, my brain hates me, my coffee isn't doing its job and I need to finish making my study cards so I can study on the flight back."
He held his hands up and laughed. "Alright, alright geez, I'll move." He stood up and let you get to your seat. "Besides, that seat's yours anyway."
"And care to clarify how that is, Seguin?" You replied, taking your backpack off and resting it down by your feet.
"Well, I told you that I'd save you a seat, didn't I?"
You paused, still bent over so you could grab your school stuff and honestly felt like you might just stay that way. You couldn't help but wonder just how Tyler managed to save you a seat. Did he deliberately turn people away by saying he was saving it for you? Did he just say that he wanted the extra room to stretch out and sleep? Who normally sat with him on plane rides? You figured it would have been Jamie or Rads seeing how buddy-buddy the three of them are...but they were upfront and Tyler was back here. "Ma'am, we're getting ready to take off soon. You need to sit upright."
Your cheeks only grew redder as you collected your stuff from your backpack into your arms and sat yourself up avoiding the flight attendant and Tyler's gaze. As she moved on, Tyler failed to continue to stifle his laughter. "Well look at you, Y/N. Someone thinks you're old enough to be a ma'am."
"It's called Southern Hospitality, Tyler. I figured you would've picked some of that up since you've been living here for six years." You spat back, still holding your stuff tight against you as the plane began to move.
He sucked in a breath, looking at you and then your coffee. "Yikes, I guess your coffee must not be doing its job then, huh? What do you even drink anyway?"
"Tyler come on–"
He reached for your coffee and spun it around to read the label. You thought about making a joke about whether or not he had the capability to read since he was holding it so close to his face, but your brain was too tired to even think about coming up with a rebuttal. "Medium, hazelnut iced coffee, with almond milk and two splendas." He looked back up at you and handed you your coffee. "No wonder why you’re tired, this is watered down caffeine."
"I'll have you know that it's very delicious." You replied, tilting the cup back at him.
He looked at it and quickly leaned in, taking a sip from your straw before leaning back just as quick so you couldn't hit him. You watched as his facial expressions resembled those of the kombucha girl video Kennedy showed you two weeks ago. But instead of ending in total disgust, he just crossed his arms and adjusted his headphones. "Okay, it is good."
You smiled in victory and put your coffee back down just when the seatbelt sign turned off. "Gentlemen and...lady, the seatbelt sign is off and you may move about the cabin. Our flight attendants will come around soon and serve you food and drinks of your choice. It's about 36 degrees in Denver right now with a low of 25. Our flight time totals out to be 2 hours, so relax and go Stars!"
"I'm sorry, did he say 36 degrees?" You asked, looking at Tyler.
"It's November and Colorado, what do you expect, Y/N?" He laughed, putting his phone in his lap. "What are you doing?"
You pulled down the tray table in front of you and placed your flashcards container on it, along with your Physiology book. "I have a test on Tuesday and I was supposed to spend all day today in the library making my cards and studying since I don't have class, but I'm traveling with you guys so..."
"You don't have class on Friday?"
"Wednesdays and Fridays, nope." You opened your book to the right page and pulled out your cards. "My mentor loves me and helped me figure out how to keep those free, especially with the internship.
"So if you have Friday's off...why don't you ever come out to the bars with us after the games? You always make it seem like you have more important things to do."
"Well...I have a boyfriend–"
You gave him a look and went back to adjusting your supplies. "And a roommate who may love hockey, but doesn't want to hang around the players 24/7."
He frowned and looked back down at his phone as you unzipped your pencil case. "So what's up with Jamie?"
"I don't know, he's your best friend, why don't you ask him yourself? I'm not my brother's keeper."
"I meant Big Rig," he replied, rolling his eyes. "What's up with you two? Do you...like him?"
"Not you too..." you groaned and looked at him, honestly annoyed since that was the second time you were asked about you and Big Rig. "Cole said the same thing. We're just friends and I think he's more into my roommate anyway, considering he dropped her off this morning...if you catch my drift."
You could see a hint of red on his cheeks as he opens his mouth and then closes it before looking back at his phone. "So no–"
"Nope, no feelings because he's just a friend, Kennedy likes him and that's a violation of girl code." You picked up a card and pointed your pen at him. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to work on these cards."
He rested his phone into his lap and leaned over to look at them. "How many do you have to make?"
"I could help you if you want? Just to make it a bit easier. I'm not doing anything but watching Netflix, anyway."
You looked at Tyler, surprised by his gesture but already knew your answer. "Sorry Seguin, but I've seen your chicken scratch and there's no way I'd get a good grade if I can't read my cards."
He stuck out his bottom lip and put on his best puppy dog eyes. "I could take my time and make them neat?"
You lifted the armrest between you and Tyler and brought your legs up to sit criss-cross on your seat. He didn't even blink an eye, still watching his phone as you burrowed down into your seat and brought your book into your lap, preparing your notecards.
Two hours would be the perfect time to get 48 cards done, no problem.
Two hours was not enough time to finish your notecards, let alone ten. However, two hours was plenty of time to get some extra sleep on the shoulder of your seat buddy. The last thing you remembered was looking through your book, trying to find the definition for a term and then the next thing you knew, Big Rig and Jamie were discussing whether or not to draw a mustache on your face with one of your highlighters. It was embarrassing to know that you had used Tyler as your personal pillow for the entire flight, a fact that you know he'd come back and probably use against you later on as a joke. 
From the airport, the team hopped onto a bus and went straight to the arena to settle in. The Avalanche training staff was helpful in regards to giving you guys things if you didn't have them, but luckily you managed to pack just about everything. Though you guys needed an extra heating pad, Dave sent you down to their training room after asking their head trainer if it was okay to borrow one. Needless to say, walking into the Avalanche training room dressed in your Stars polo was a little awkward. Not in the sense that it was enemy territory, but in the fact that it was a pleasant surprise to see some of their players shirtless.
It was also incredibly hard not to slip Andre Burakovsky or Tyson Jost your number.
Your pre-game ritual was always the same. Stretch Big Rig and his shins, give Jamie a hassle for needing a bunch of ibuprofen and help whoever needed help when Craig was busy. Only this time, like the last few games since the first time you did it, taping Tyler's ankles were involved in your routine. You didn't think much of it considering that Craig was busy and Tyler was incapable of taping his own ankles, but when all was said and done and you thought about it– Tyler hasn't had anyone else tape his ankles, but you, since that one game.
At least you didn't think much of it until post-game when Tyler came to get them taken off and he said, 'you're my good luck charm, guess you're taping my ankles for good now.'
That sentence hasn't stopped echoing in your brain since he spoke it and now here you were, 30,000 feet in the air and still thinking about it. You and Tyler were sharing seats again and the flight attendants had already come by with dinner– a side salad, some chicken and steamed vegetables. Most of the guys around you either had their lights off to sleep, or were off in the middle of the plane at the cards table playing poker. You and Tyler were the only exception in the back of the plane who had the light on, and that's cause you were getting ready to study.
You took Tyler's bathroom break as the time to set aside your hot coffee and set out your books and notecards again. You unhooked your notecards holder and took out the cards, black ink catching your eye on the blank side of the card. You set down the holder and picked up the stack, turning it over.
You flipped over the card.
Thin leaf-shaped Valve that keeps food and liquid from entering the lungs.
You stared at the card, putting it down with the rest and spreading them out. Every card was filled with the same handwriting, each term and definition matching. It wasn't exactly chicken scratch, it was slightly neater...almost as if the person who wrote them had taken their time to fill them out. Tyler sat down in the seat beside you, sighing and looking down at your tray. "Oh shit."
You looked at him and then back at the cards, stacking them back together. "Did you fill out my cards?"
"When you fell asleep, yeah. I felt bad because you really seemed like you needed to get them done today, but then you fell asleep," he picked up a loose card, handing it to you. "Did I get one wrong? I tried to correct the spelling, but I swear that the book doesn't have English in it."
You looked back down at your cards, adding in the one Tyler handed to you and smiled, taking note of just how patient he must have tried to be, in order to not make your cards look like crap. "Thanks. For letting me sleep on you and for filling out my cards. That makes it a lot easier to study."
"I could help you study too...if you want? Like, quiz you or something?"
You blushed at his offer, appreciating it but also not knowing how the studying could exactly work. "Oh uh...actually, it's a labeling test. So I'd have to not only define the terms but uh, locate them on a chart of the human body."
Tyler bit the inside of his cheek and then stood up, holding his arms out to his side. "Label me then."
You raised your eyebrows in surprise and he just nodded. You stood up, handing him the deck of cards. "I'll go ask Dave to see if he has some tape tucked away somewhere."
"I'll be right here." He kept true to his word, standing up with his arms out to his side as you walked down the aisle. You turned to look back to see if he had at least reached down to grab his phone, but he was still standing there as if he was afraid to move.
"Hey Dave, sorry to bother you," You whispered, squatting down beside his seat. "You wouldn't happen to have any tape, would you?"
"I knew it'd come in handy one day," He laughed, putting down his iPad and reaching into his backpack and bringing out some athletic tape. "Do one of the guys need it? I told them to make sure to get whatever taping they needed to be done before we left the arena."
"Oh no, it's for me," You replied, standing up and nodding your head towards the back. "Tyler is helping me with my test and he's being my human label dummy."
Dave turned back and laughed as Tyler was still standing there. "Alright, I don't know how you managed to get Seggy to do school work, but good luck!"
You gave him a polite smile before making your way back to your seat, cautious not to wake anyone up or bump into anyone's seat as you did. It would be considered a miracle if any of these grown men knew how to travel on a commercial flight, seeing as their legs and arms were extended into the aisle like nobody's business. You scooted by Tyler with the tape in hand and reached for your coffee, taking a sip. "Do you need a sip? I can't have you falling asleep on me, now."
Tyler seems to consider your offer before nodding his head and reaching for your coffee. His fingertips brushed against your own, and you weren't sure if the warm feeling in your chest was from the coffee or your hands touching. He gave it back and stood up a little straighter, puffing out his chest. "Alright, I'm ready."
"Who knows Seguin," you said, shuffling through your cards and picking one. "Maybe you'll learn something from this."
"You as my teacher? Now that's something I wouldn't pass up." He replied, smiling at you before nodding down at your cards. "What's first?"
Studying with Tyler wasn't supposed to be that much fun. At least you didn't think it was supposed to be. During the first round of going through your cards, every word that you read off, Tyler looked lost and confused. Even going as far as to say 'wow, I didn't know that had a name' whenever you taped the location onto his clothes. The second time around, a few of the boys around you were starting to wake up and wanted to take part in taping 'funny-sounding words' to Tyler. And if they didn't take part in the educational or the fun aspect, they sure as hell took part in taking pictures for their social media platforms, making fun of him. By the beginning of the third time around, when it was almost time to land in Dallas, Tyler was starting to pick up on a few words, even pointing to their locations on the two of you.
You were more awake than tired by the time the plane landed and it was time to say goodbye to the boys for the night. Tyler, being the gentleman you never thought he had the capability of being, helped you pack of your school stuff and even put your flashcards in order. "You know, for someone who was constantly yawning during the game, you sure do look wide awake."
"That's what three cups of coffee can do to a girl, Seguin." You checked your phone to see the time and noticed it was almost 2 A.M.  "I think I can hang out in our dorm lounge to get a few more hours in before calling it a night."
"Why don't you just come over to my place?" He asked, walking ahead of you off of the plane. "I had a lot of fun helping you study, plus I'm sure the dogs would love to see you."
Study, yeah. Because that's the first thing that popped into your mind when he asked you to come over.
"Are you sure?" You asked, showing him the time. "It's kind of late and I don't want to keep you up long."
"I'm always up for a few hours after games anyway. Besides, if we get tired, you can just crash in the guest room." He said, sliding his phone into his pocket. "So what do you say? Need a study buddy or are you going to be a lonely nerd in your dorm lounge?"
"Hey Y/N, I'm going to your dorm if you want a ride," Big Rig said, taking your attention from Tyler and pointing to his car. "Kennedy texted me and said she was still up, so I figured I'd go say hi."
You smiled, thanking Kennedy for somehow coming through and giving you an excuse to go to Tyler's house, even if she didn't know she did it. "No, that's okay! Tyler said he'd help me study some more. Tell Kennedy I said hi and you two stay safe."
Big Rig blushed and got into his car. You watched him drive away before turning to Tyler who had already dug his car keys out of his pant pocket. "Ready to study, nerd?"
"If by study you mean, am I ready to cuddle with the puppers while you read off my flashcards? Then hell yeah I am."
You followed him over to his car and he opened the door for you, flashing you his signature kid-like smile. "Get in loser, we're going to learn some psychology."
You laughed walking towards the car, ducking down and getting in. "It's Physiology and Anatomy, but it was cute that you tried."
"What can I say?" He asked, leaning down into your side of the car and shrugging his shoulders. "The cuteness comes naturally."
He closed the door, leaving you alone in his car for the few seconds that it took him to walk to the drivers' side door and the only thing you could focus on, was just how hard your heart was beating against your chest.
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movedvalkyriesryde · 5 years
8 + 21 from Drabble Week prompts with Peter Parker plz :)
Okay I don’t know how high school or applying for colleges work in America so I just went with my own experience. Tbh including the panic attack minus the loving boyfriend to calm me down, rip to that lmao. HOPE YOU ENJOY
8. “I feel like I can’t breathe”
21. “I got you. Feel my heartbeat? Follow my breath. I’ve got you”
You huffed trying to focus on the papers in front of you. Everything was starting to get hard, your eyes weren’t able to focus on the words, you leg wouldn’t stop shaking, you breathing was getting shallow and if Peter kept humming that stupid godforsaken song you were going to throw a book at his head!
“Peter would you please be quiet some of us are trying to study,” you mumbled, hands holding your head up as you scanned the same sentence over and over again. History sucks.
He kept humming, tapping his pencil to the beat.
“Yea?” Peter turned his head towards you and smiled, fucking dickhead you thought. “Oh baby you look exhausted, do you want to take a break?” He got up from his chair and walked over to you, he was just trying to help.
“No Peter. I don’t want to take a break, I don’t have the time to take a break. I just want you to stop humming that stupid song.” You spat your words at him and Peter sunk back into his chair still facing you. 
“I really think you should take a break. You’re practically running on fumes.”
You threw the pen in your hand onto the desk and ran your hands through your hair, jumping from your seat.
“You don’t fucking get it do you?! If I fail these exams I’m screwed!” Your hands moved frantically in front of you, your eyes wide and bloodshot. “My entire future is riding on how well I do in these exams Peter! Not all of us have the stability you have, not all of us have already gotten their dream job, have nothing to worry about when it comes to uni! Me?! If I don’t get this scholarship I can’t go to my dream school, and I haven’t even gotten in yet!” You started pacing across the room, Peter sat frozen in his seat, he tried not to let your words cut into him, he knew you were just exhausted, stressed, burnt out. “I’m not going to get in,” you sucked in as much air as you could, the room started to get smaller, “I’m gonna fail, I’m never - I’m not gonna be able to - I can’t - Peter I -” You looked at him now and he sprung up as soon as you choked out his name, his hands on your arms. “I feel like I can’t breathe.”
Pushing past him you ran to the window and climbed out onto the fire escape, you hand clutching your chest trying to suck in as much fresh air as possible. 
Carefully and slowly Peter followed you out, maybe he was saying something, maybe he had been saying something this entire time but you blocked it all out. You felt his hands on your arms again, you felt them move up to your shoulders and then he was pulling you against him. Hands moving up and down your back, lips brushing over your temple. You wrapped your arms around his waist and squeezed as hard as you could to make sure he wouldn’t, couldn’t, leave.
“I got you.” He whispered, “Feel my heartbeat?” you nod against his chest, his heart beating under your ear. “Follow my breath. I’ve got you. You’re going to do amazing okay? You’re going to get into your dream college and do amazing things. I know it.” Peter squeezes you slightly, feeling you calming in his arms. “You have to take a break every now and then though hun, for me?” You squeak out an okay but neither make any move to leave each other’s arms. Five more minutes.
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Call Me, Maybe? 📞
This is part two of the sex line fic Hotline Bling and I hope you all enjoy!!
Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but here’s my number, so call me maybe
Peter’s had the song stuck in his head for days, humming it under his breath in class, as he patrols, singing off key and loud in the shower...it’s silly, but he can’t stop.
It doesn’t help that he’s made it the ringtone for Tony, and when he’s not in class, it blares every time the older man calls or texts.
Which is a lot.
Because they sext and text and call each other...all. The. Time.
He swerves and dodges a blast from a robot seemingly intent on homicide and hisses when one of its lasers slices through his suit and into his ribs.
He should be getting ready to meet Tony, but no, some maniacal asshole had to go and ruin his date. He’s already sent Tony a text that he’s not going to make it—last minute paper to finish!—but he’s hoping that if he can just—
The robot tangles in the webs he shoots and then blasts it with an EMP, grinning in delight when it collapses to the pavement below.
He webs it down more securely until SHIELD arrives and then swings away, back to the apartment. It’s only when he’s in the shower that the wound on his side makes itself known again and he hisses as blood streams down the drain. His fingers shake as he wraps a bandage around his torso after the shower, wincing at the ache in his side.
He can’t go meet Tony like this...
Sighing, he pulls on soft sweatpants and a T-shirt, toweling off his hair as he heads for his desk.
He does actually have a paper to work on...even if he’d much rather be somewhere else...with someone else.
Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but here’s my number, so call me maybe
He grins when he sees his phone light up with a new text from Tony.
Tony: hey baby, I know you gotta paper to write, just wanted to say I miss that pretty face
He melts.
Snaps a pic of him, post shower, pink cheeked and shirt slipping off one shoulder and sends it.
He doesn’t have to wait long.
Tony: oh baby...ur so pretty...wish I was there to mess you up, get you all dirty
Peter: me too...I’ll call you when I’m done?
Tony: yes plz baby 😘😘😘
Peter grins and sets the phone aside, determined to focus and get this paper done.
Then he can play.
When he’d first met Tony at the coffee shop two weeks ago he’d kinda expected to be taken somewhere private and fucked senseless. Instead, Tony had bought them coffee and guided him to a corner table and they had talked...for hours.
He’d found out the older man is a mechanic and former race car driver, with a penchant for sex line work on the side. He’d explained that he likes the work; he’s always enjoyed making his partners cum and being a sort of blank canvas for other’s needs is something he finds enjoyable.
Clad in a flannel button down with a Black Sabbath T-shirt underneath, jeans that clung to his thighs, and combat boots, he was...entirely unexpected.
They talked mechanics and engineering, biochemistry and history, social justice and morality and before Peter had realized it, his stomach was demanding food. When he tried to apologize, Tony just laughed and guided him out to his car—a 75 Aston Martin Vantage, cherry red with gold accents—and took him to dinner.
He finds out that Tony’s 45, single, divorced with no kids, and co-owner of Stark Industries with his ex wife, Pepper Potts. Peter can barely believe he’s sitting with a man named in the top 100 wealthiest people in the world eating burgers from some hole in the wall diner, but yea, it’s real.
When he dropped him off after that first date he asked if he could kiss him and then proceeded to do so until Peter was hard and aching, clinging to the older man and gasping his name, whispering a plea that Tony had struggled to refuse. He sent Peter inside and called him minutes after he got home, listened to him jerk off and beg for Tony, cuming alongside him just a few short minutes later.
They’ve seen each other nearly every day since then, talked just about every night, texted constantly, and still, Tony hasn’t fucked him yet. This weekend though, he’s going to make it happen. Aunt May is going to Chicago for a conference and he’s assured her he’ll be fine, nudged her out the door and then waited ten minutes to text Tony.
Peter: home alone this weekend, come over?
He bites his lip, pacing as he waits for a response and then jolts when his phone starts playing that familiar ring tone.
Tony: have a few more meetings at SI 8 ok?
Peter: yes!
Tony: see you later sweetheart 😘
Peter sighs, it’s noon, which means he has to wait all day for Tony. It’s an in service day so he’s home alone, with nothing to do. A grin creeps over his face and he runs to his room, shedding clothing until he’s in his boxers.
Screw homework, he’s going to tease Tony till he comes over early and fucks him.
He plays with his nipples until they’re sore and achy, chest flushed pink with desire and hair messy from writhing on his bed. He snaps a pic and sends it—missing you—he captions it.
He doesn’t have to wait long.
Tony: baby...Jesus...u look so good
Peter shoves a hand into his boxers and takes another pic so Tony can see. Wish you were here he sends along with it.
Tony: Christ kid...trying to focus on this budget mtg and that’s not helping
Peter grins and records a small video of his hand stroking his cock inside his boxers, loops it into a gif and sends it.
Tony: fuck...baby boy, ur making daddy hard. Gonna get in trouble if u can’t behave
Peter records another short video and allows himself to gasp and moan, need you daddy he whispers, grinning as he sends it.
There’s a long few minutes of nothing and then—oh...Tony’s sent him a video of him, in the bathroom presumably, stroking his cock and murmuring.
Look what you did to daddy baby, look how hard you made me...daddy can’t even get through a meeting without his baby needing him, huh? Gotta leave work early and come take care of you?
Tony groans as he cums, and Peter moans with him, spilling over his own hand, grinning as Tony huffs and murmurs—be good baby, I’ll be there soon.
Soon, it turns out is three more hours. Which is still much earlier than he’d originally said he’d be there, but still, it feels like an eternity to Peter. He’s actually done his chores; laundry, cleaned his bathroom, completed his bio homework, and he’s thinking of going out for a patrol when there’s a knock at the front door.
He tugs on a T-shirt and hurries out, beaming when he sees it’s Tony through the peephole. He manages to get out a surprised gasp at the sight of him in a suit before the older man pushes him inside and kicks the door shut. Tony’s on him all at once, hands cupping his ass as he lifts him, mouth hungry on his as he presses Peter against the wall, devouring him.
Peter whines as Tony’s mouth trails over his throat, marking it deeply before he fists a hand in Peter’s hair and pulls, tilting his head so he can kiss all along his collarbones and lick at the soft space in the hollow of his throat.
Tony rolls his hips into Peter’s so he can feel the hard line of his cock as he growls in his ear.
“Can’t even get through a few hours alone, huh baby? You that desperate? Hmm?”
Peter’s breath hitches and he nods, gasping when Tony’s fingers tighten in his hair to hold him still.
“Gonna have to teach you how to wait baby. Gotta learn patience.”
Tony backs away from the wall and carries Peter to his room, lays him down and strips him bare, and then just sits back, looking at him. Peter makes a soft noise, needy and pitchy, slides a hand down to wrap around his cock, only for Tony to bat it away and then capture the other, pinning them above his head in one easy move.
“No touching baby. That’s for daddy,” Tony tells him, smiling dark and dangerously. Peter whines but nods, arches his hips up as though he thinks it’ll get Tony’s attention to his cock, but the older man just backs away, keeps his hips high so Peter can’t make contact.
“Keep your hands there baby,” Tony instructs before sitting back, his weight on Peter’s thighs so he can’t move. Peter watches as he strips off his jacket and rolls up his sleeves so the bronzed skin of his forearms is exposed. He’s so densely muscular, years of working on cars honing his body into a solid weight that feels perfect on top of Peter.
Tony grabs the lube Peter had out earlier and slicks his palm before wrapping his hand around Peter’s cock, smirking when he gasps and tries to arch into it. He strokes him slow and steady, eyes dark and hungry as Peter moans and writhes, gasping Tony’s name as he gets closer, heat building in his stomach.
I’m gonna... he manages to gasp out...and Tony’s hand is gone. Peter sobs at the loss of sensation, whining as his orgasm fades away, tossing his head on the pillow unhappily.
When Tony resumes stroking him he moans and shudders, but it’s only a few minutes later that Tony removes his hand again. “I told you baby, you gotta learn to wait,” Tony croons, hand rubbing Peter’s thigh soothingly as he keens and writhes.
Peter’s not sure how long it goes on for like that—hours, days? All he knows is Tony’s hand on him and the ache in him growing each time it isn’t allowed to break free. He’s sobbing for each breath, tears wetting his lashes as he begs and begs, every nerve in his body like a live wire.
“Want you...in me,” he manages to gasp, begging please please please, and it seems like Tony softens for moment, considering his plea. He nods slowly and grabs Peter’s hips, rolls him into his stomach and then pulls him to his knees, gently pushes his head back down when he tries to lift it.
“Okay baby,” Tony murmurs, “just hold on.”
Peter expects his fingers, lube maybe, but he doesn’t expect—Tony’s tongue, hot and wet over his hole, licking fervently into him. He cries out shrilly, gasping and clutching at the sheets as Tony devours him; licking and sucking at his rim until it feels puffy and loose, tongue thrusting in and moving inside him.
It’s joined by a finger and then another, thick and calloused, firm inside him, stretching as Tony continues to attack his rim. Peter keens when Tony nips at him, the sensation nearly overwhelming as a third finger joins the other two.
He can feel Tony searching, and when his fingers find it, Peter lets out a strangled scream and thrusts back, eyes rolling back as Tony fucks into him. He’s loose and wet and it’s loud, the sound of Tony’s fingers inside him—sloppy in a way that should be disgusting but makes his gut burn with pleasure.
He can feel it rising within him, hot and desperate and he tries, but he can’t form words, just strangled moans of Tony and daddy as he drools info the mattress and then everything goes white; soundless, sightless, senseless.
As sound and sensation creep back in around the edges he’s aware of how hard he’s cum, and the fact that he’s still hard. Tony’s fingers are still in him, and the older man is murming softly.
“Look at you sweetheart, look at the mess you made. That pretty little cock is still hard, huh? Well, you don’t get to cum again till daddy does,” he warns. Peter can hear a belt being undone and a zipper sliding down and then Tony’s fingers slip out of him and he moans at the loss, rocking back to chase them.
Tony laughs softly and turns him around, pulls him into his lap where he’s still dressed, but his cock is out, hard and red and throbbing. He guides Peter up and holds his hips as he pulls him down, eyes hooded and dark as they watch him.
Peter sobs at the sensation; Tony’s cock is thick and long, and it’s, it’s breaking him apart as he sinks down onto it, breath hitching as the head slips past his rim, a sobbing moan sliding from his throat as Tony pushes into him slowly.
It’s too much, too thick, pressing into his soft insides, and it hurts, but not real pain, pain like when he makes himself cum too many times in a row or pokes a bruise—heavy, throbbing sensation that makes him ache for more.
Tears blur his vision as Tony fills him, hard and heavy in his gut, the head of his cock pushing into his prostate like a punch to the gut. He shudders and curls inward, tucks himself into Tony’s chest panting and whining as Tony pushes the rest of the way into him.
He’s so full...it feels like he could split apart at the seams from how Tony’s cock is seated inside him, pressing into him, the weight of it taking his breath away. He’s shivering and breathing unsteadily, and when Tony’s hand makes slow circles over his back and his lips press into his hair, he whines and nuzzles into him further.
“You okay baby? We don’t have to keep going,” Tony murmurs, lips against his ear, voice warm with concern.
Peter shakes his head and sniffles, “S’really full,” he slurs, “s’alot.”
Tony nods and kisses his temple, “I know baby, just breathe, mmkay?”
Peter manages a weak nod and turns his chin so his nose is in the crook of Tony’s neck and his scent floods his nose; warm and spicy with undertones of grease and metal. Tony keeps making slow circles over his back and eventually he realizes he’s rocking his hips, making slow circles of his own on Tony’s cock.
“You ready baby? You gonna ride daddy’s cock?” Tony asks, voice a low hum in his ear.
Peter nods and wraps his arms around Tony’s shoulders as he sits straighter, a little bleary eyed as he stares into Tony’s eyes. The older man smiles and lifts a hand to cup his cheek, a tender expression on his face as Peter gains his rhythm.
“You’re so beautiful baby, all pink and flushed and fucked out from daddy cock. Love those little noises you make,” he murmurs, thumb pressing into Peter’s lower lip and then into his mouth as the boy moans and rolls his hips faster.
Peter is dazed and a little light headed, need swelling within him once more as he rides Tony, gasping and moaning around the fingers in his mouth. His ass burns, stretched open and throbbing at the weight of Tony’s cock thrusting into him, the heat of it filling him till he’s like a ripe fruit, swollen and ready to burst.
He sobs a little as he thrusts faster onto Tony, arching his back as he finds that spot within himself, pleasure like white lightning up his spine every time Tony’s cock drags over it. He’s not even coherent as he lifts himself and slams back down, cries loud and wrecked, chest heaving with every breath.
P-pleaseeeee...daddy! Uhn Uhn Uhn
Tony’s grip tightens on him as he watches his boy, flushed and crying, cock bouncing as he rides him, loud desperate moans filling the small apartment.
He wishes he had the foresight to record this, so he could watch it over and over again when they’re apart—next time, he promises himself. Pleasure burns in his gut as Peter bounces on his cock, tears on his cheeks as he begs to cum, cock drooling heavily on his stomach.
He’s close himself now, and decides to take mercy on his sweet boy. Wrapping his hand around his cock he strokes, twisting at the head and thumbing at the sensitive tip, groaning as Peter wails and jerks, sounds strangling as he bounces harder, faster.
Peter can’t tell where pain ends and pleasure begins; he’s too stretched out and Tony’s touch on his cock hurts, but he needs it, needs to cum, and the thrust of his cock inside him is hard against the bruised walls of his body, but it’s good, so so good and he can’t, he can’t—
Tony sucks a mark to his neck, “Cum for me baby,” he gasps, pressing his nail into the tip of Peter’s cock just as he slams down on Tony’s length. A wail rips from his boy’s throat and then his cum is splattering over his stomach and Tony’s hand and on his suit and he’s shuddering and following after him, spilling hot inside Peter with a groan of his name.
Peter sobs, rocking down on Tony as his cum fills him, hot against his tender insides, slipping out around his puffy, raw rim and he cries, shuddering through each spurt of his own cock into Tony’s hand until he’s got nothing left to give and he’s limp in Tony’s arms.
The older man hushes him as he cries, holds him tight and presses kisses to his face and throat and hair, crooning praise. “So good baby, you were so good. I’m so proud of you.”
Tony gently guides him back against his pillows, pulls out slowly and hushes Peter’s whine at the loss. Peter buries his face in Tony’s shoulder and breathes unsteadily as the older man runs his hands over him, shudders when his thick calloused fingers slide into his hole where he’s wet and open.
“God baby, look at you,” Tony rasps out, voice low and gravelly. “You’re a mess sweetheart. All open and wet with daddy’s cum.”
Peter whines and pushes his face against Tony’s throat, embarrassed but pleased.
“C’mon baby, look” Tony encourages and he finally pulls away, leans up and peers down, flushes when he sees the way his thighs are coated in sticky white, his and Tony’s cum staining his skin.
He collapses back and throws an arm over his eyes, entirely exhausted and wrung out. A dull ache throbs inside him where Tony was, and he can feel his hole trying to tighten, but he’s still loose and dripping cum and he shivers, enjoying the slick sensation of it.
Tony kisses his cheek and pushes his arm off his eyes, gaze worried and soft. “Are you okay Peter? Anything hurt?”
Peter laughs softly and slings his arm around Tony’s neck, draws him down for a kiss that’s uncoordinated and sweet. “I’m ok, promise,” he breathes against Tony’s lips. The older man studies him with a hint of suspicion and then nods, smiling softly.
“Mmkay sweetheart. We’re gonna shower and then you’re gonna eat and watch a movie with me.”
Peter stares at him for a long moment, throat working to produce the words he wants desperately to ask.
“You’re staying?”
Tony’s gaze softens and he nods, leans in for a kiss, “Baby, of course I’m staying—you’re never getting rid of me now,” he promises with a wry little smirk Peter can feel against his mouth.
He grins and pulls him closer, “Good. I don’t want you going anywhere...except inside me.”
Tony laughs and drops his head to Peter’s shoulder, body shaking with laughter and Peter grins; he’s so glad he called that line and found Tony.
Found this.
Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but here’s my number, so call me maybe
@sluttystarker @starkerchemistryy @pantastic-peach @thebadthingshappen @ciel-mio @hpspazz @starker-4ever @w1nters-stark @foof-a-loof @confused-trash-kitten @panicdotexe @stqrker @honey-honey-darling @mariketa12 @itsmeryshipper @dramione90 @starker-flame @pretzelpoetry @seriouslystarker @starkerthanreality @ikneelbeforemygod @professional-fangirl75 @virgilismypoorshadowling @godlovesstarker @sapphicfreak @veronicashipsit @the-dark-obsidian-princess @ikneelbeforemygod @laughing-oreo @sensei-sans-sugoi @ruelukas22 @tom-starker @yourlittlemelody
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