#pluto hwbm
begrudginglysaturn · 19 days
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hwbm sketchpage
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felt-texture · 1 year
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racing pluto~
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venananix · 4 months
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hwbms from today
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I have to become the CEO of drawing these characters
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revacholianrobot · 3 months
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chamomile-teacup · 2 months
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I made a thing! this is my kin onion, characters closer to the centre are more key to my sense of self :)
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theomisama · 9 months
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The Mare Crisium looks very funny, trying to catch a ship this much bigger than her.
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sayahomu · 6 months
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happy 2024 :)
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killjillart · 5 months
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girls at the club
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bigboobshaunt · 11 months
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Rotating them in my mind and I think it's fried
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systemrestart · 3 months
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Accepting Your Role, Your Burden
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begrudginglysaturn · 21 days
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hazelune · 3 months
look away i'm rambling and have a problem -- these are a collection of my favorite sprite names in hwbm
(by doing some asset ripping, you can extract all the audio and picture files and see the original filenames!! here's some cute names!)
(meow! meow! she just like me frfr)
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(for a few very terrifying minutes, i thought this was a Riverdale reference. maybe it is. but also "jughead" is just a term for "a stupid person : LUNKHEAD" according to meriam-webster. so that's a relief, and also very true. love you saturn)
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(:p this one is just cute)
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(woah. A? most likely meaning Ares -- maybe she was initially going to be called Ares, or perhaps some body in the solar system starting with A (varied moons). but, if it's Ares, it probably implies something about her own comfort/alignment towards Culture. but also if Saturn isn't named Cronus, then maybe i'm just going crazy. but also, yeah she is pretty owned)
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(she does look rather like a deer in headlights. very expressive name)
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(karma? honorable mention to H-SNARL.png. that one's cute. also H-YELL.png. nearly half of her sprites are angry.)
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(luna terra ending... no... no nut... jk this is when she goes nnNnnnn in her ending)
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(saturn does not go bbBbbbb, however. this is when she goes "That's what I said! Also, you're clearly awake so let gOOOoooo". no idea what the e stands for. thought it was LT ending with the above photo, but given this image, that can't apply. idk. the other images seen only in the endings are labelled "CRADLESGRACES_01.png" or "CELESTIALMECHANICS_05.png" as further proof.)
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(the best of the small ui elements!!)
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(a little reference file! useful for trying to get a hwbm vibe to other things, which i'm tryin to do with my discord currently. plus, a bonus cute drawing of saturn. hewwo. weird that they use a hyphen and an underscore there. but the name isn't particularly interesting. i just wanted to show this off)
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that's all i got for now!! the audio files are also cool to look at. i'll probably share my favorites also later, and they also show more of what the unified UI would've been like probably. if you read this, what's wrong with you. but also i love you dearly.
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venananix · 2 years
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six of them
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0cto1 · 2 years
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Luna-Terra and Pluto beautiful bbys
"You can be so strong when you're not trying to be strong."
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revacholianrobot · 3 months
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Pluto - Boot Sequence - Heaven Will Be Mine
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Pluto - Day 1 (Alone) - Heaven Will Be Mine
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