danganronpaimagines · 11 years
Imagine Nanami going to a con and calling out all the dudebros who label her a "fake girl gamer" or "fake nerd girl." 
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teafields · 11 years
this is amazing can i reblog this
i don't mind lol
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amongie · 11 years
hi! i just wanted to say that im really sorry people are being so rude to you! tumblr's really become a breeding ground for mean people lately (and i probably would've made that joke myself too btw). basically though your blog's really great and you have yourself a new follower here! ^w^
;O; tha nk!!!!!
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afro-witch · 11 years
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plushsnout said: i got mud omg
you guys fucking suck at taking the quiz
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annieleonhardt · 12 years
ohhhh we used to listen to that song all the time in my elementary school music class! :D i actually had it stuck in my head today...
Ya know, I probably heard it once in elementary school too, and just don’t remember! It is a little familiar. 
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wormy-mcsquirmy · 12 years
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It was my sister's birthday so my mom and I decided to mix her tumblr icon of a scalemate with the One Year Older cake and send the design to the bakers. I think it looks almost perfect :3
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plestibenoch · 12 years
3, 11, 24!
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
Any further speech was drowned by hearty cheers.
11) Do you have any strange phobias?
the dark, monsters, basically everything any kid under the age of ten is afraid of
24) Do you have a collection of anything?
i have all the warrior books except the new one since I used to be obsessed with them
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porsxche · 12 years
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plushsnout answered your question: wait relating names/letters/numbers to colours is...
yeah i think but like everyone does it so hey
ye i always said that it wasnt bc like??? i dont think ive met a person who doesnt do it???? like i thought synesthesia was the interconnections of senses... like seeing tastes or hearing colours
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danganronpaimagines · 11 years
  Imagine walking in on Fukawa furiously writing, and when she sees you, she covers the paper and tries to get you to go away.  But instead, you come closer and lift her hands off of the paper.  It’s a story about your relationship, with detailed accounts of the dates you went on with her, all the things you saw together, and a little doodle at the bottom of page of you and her holding hands.  As you quickly scan the pages, you begin to redden more and more through the sheer cuteness of it all.  when you look back at Fukawa, she’s also blushing, but you can tell it’s for a different reason.  You tell her that you love the account of your romance, and kiss her on the cheek.  Now you’re both blushing for the same reason.
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teafields · 11 years
i got a tumblr when i was eleven?? tbh its pretty weird when people freak out just because you're under a certain age. just because someones older than you doesnt make them better
yeah it sounds pretty cliche but someone's age is truly just a number to an extent
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sirheadpats · 12 years
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plushsnout replied to your post: Hey guys I’m making a pixel family :DDD anyone...
yes :o
yay! :DDD
which pixel thingy do you want???
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afro-witch · 12 years
Boy (which is a band type thing? there's these two girls and they are pretty and sing and play music and i love them
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wormy-mcsquirmy · 12 years
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My sister just sent me this picture. No explanation. Just. That. Frog.
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plestibenoch · 12 years
hello yes i am the davenep representative here have you converted to davenepism yet (we are cool with gamnep too)
I have accepted DaveNep as my lord and savior
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spirittrack · 12 years
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plushsnout started following you
hullo babe!
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danganronpaimagines · 11 years
//Souda + Sonia + Gundam 
Imagine Sonia donating her hair to an organization in her country.  Souda and Gundam are shocked when they see what she did, but ultimately they are very proud of her.  Gundam says "It was very noble for a lady of a high status such as yours to muster the courage to donate your beautiful tresses," and kisses her hand.  Souda isn't as forthcoming, and just blushes and murmurs about how she's beautiful no matter what.
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