#plus they could wrestle and get real sexy about it. maybe she could hold his face to the carpet idk idk. ass up face down pretty boy
dayurno · 1 year
what are your fav crack ships of aftg? personally me i love allison and kevin two bitches slaying love to see it
WHEHE well obviously its kevseth to me im too invested in the lore i made up in my head with @rabidfoxt to ever actually answer anything else when it comes to absolute favorite, i think hardly any other interactions in the book beat "i'm sick of him getting everything he wants because he's kevin day". like the jealousy! the tension! the hatred! the resentment! you have everything i want and i dont know what id do with myself if i wanted you too. you couldnt believe in me if you tried so i will make you hate me before you can get to that conclusion yourself. LIKE ITS PERFECT. ITS PERFECT
other than that though. (grabs you by your cheeks) listen to me. kevrenee. kevrenee is good and true. kevin acting out and being met with affectionate patience. trying to get renee to snap and hurt him and realizing she's not going to. knowing she COULD hurt him, knowing the extent of her mercy when she chooses not to. It's Real. It's Too Real. renee couldnt fix him but she could make him believe in a kind god when he looks at her
also if im being EVEN MORE real its kevjeanrenee. but i will abstain from sounding insane on main
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tarithenurse · 5 years
Valentine’s Fool
Pairing: Sam Wilson x fem!reader Content: All the Fake Dating tropes as well as smut (don’t be a fool, wrap the tool), and some fluff. And cussing. A/N: I never celebrate Valentines, but that shouldn’t stop a good one-shot. Enjoy! 
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I should have known it would backfire! Stomping back and forth in the cramped space of the elevator, you barely notice the door opening let alone whoever you march past (accidentally shouldering them) when you hurry to get out before it is too late. Crapcrapcrap.
The hallway is comparable with a long tunnel without discerning details – a fact you logically know not to be true. The boom of the door to your quarters closing is reduced to a soft thud…unfortunately echoed moments later when Sam bursts in.
…   Flashback   …
”ExCUSE ME?!” The words were hurled at you echoing through the kitchen.
Rounding on him, your fists were balled tightly. ”Excuse you? Excuse YOU?” At least he backed up a tiny bit. ”You want me to pretend to be your DATE?! No. Scratch that…your part of a DOUBLE date?”
Having been friends for half a decade, it should not have come as a surprise that Sam had talked himself right into trouble of the most embarrassing kind. Steve, Bucky and you had saved his ass more than once though he rarely got any of you involved before giving some kind of warning. So yeah, of course there was more to it. It was obvious the moment he shuffled the feet, suddenly more interested in the floor than the argument.
“Well…” he mumbled, “I might’ve told my coisin we’re…steady.”
“And then y’wonder why’m NOT won over by the promise of CAKE?”
“It’s the b–“
“I DON’T CARE what sorta cake it is!”
He still managed to slip out “triple-brownie caramel”, and while you might not have cared, your stomach was certainly paying attention all of a sudden. Should’ve had a snack after training. He sensed the shift within you –used to dealing with two super soldier’s food urges – gently nudging the flaring cravings by describing every single detail until drool started to fill your mouth faster than you wanted to swallow.
In the end, he managed to convince you after promising to owing all of two favours – no questions asked.
You arrived early on Valetine’s day, bringing a backpack full of random personal belongings and a few real and photoshopped pictures: all of it a part of the elaborate cover story that you, idiotically, had accepted to adhere to. In some twisted way, that was the easiest part because of the many missions in the name of the Avengers. This is too personal, but you would be damned if you gave up now and let down Sam…and miss out on the cake.
Everything was pretty much perfect with the setup making the two of you look like a couple sharing places randomly but often, and of course Sam’s cousin (Kaylah) was brilliant and her girlfriend funny. What could have been a tedious evening evolved into something closer to second nature with the only difference being the physical proximity of Sam though small touches and handholding.
There was nothing strange about it, actually. You got physical with Sam (and other Avengers) on a daily basis due to sparring, and movie nights often included semi-wrestling for the good spot on the couch (plus if the movie was boring, people would fall asleep more or less on each other).
“Jeez,” Kaylah admonished Sam, quickly stealing the glass with the last bit of white wine from him and passing it to you, “you gotta learn to share, man.”
Agreeing with her, you winked at the wineless guy. “That’s what I try to tell him…but really he ain’t all bad.”
“Bloody hope not! I taught him ev’rythin’ about datin’ and stuff.”
Kaylah’s girlfriend turned around with terror on her face, making you sober up until: “Oh, I’m so so sorry, sweetie [Y/N]! How did y’ever get this far??”
“Haar haar!” The couple bickered lovingly back and forth, while you enjoyed a chance to usher Sam to the kitchen for more to drink for all of you.
Yes, no hitches in the plan.
Not until Sam (tailed by his cousin) had to squeeze past you in the kitchen, his fingers curling around your hipbone…and it ignited something within, making you sigh a little to audibly. Next thing you knew, the two other women were peeking around the corner (“discreetly”, according to their wine-laced minds) to spy on Sam kissing you.
It was not that you had to kiss to keep a cover. It was not even the fact that it was Sam Freaking Wilson, one of your best friends.
The thing that caught you by surprise was how right it felt as the pretend kiss developed, drawing him closer to you or vice versa. Your little moan, which he swallowed so neatly, did not even register until he pulled away with that soft look in his eyes.
 …   Now   …
“What’s goin’ on? All rest of th’evenin’ t’was like Antarctica sittin’ next to ya! Gotta talk to me, sugar.” The nickname is far from strategic unless his hope is to shut you up instead.
You recover from fish-mode, finding the use of your voice once more. “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought it’d be better to cool things down b’fore your cous’ dared you to go further!”
I’m behaving like a teenager! But the little logical voice in your mind is drowned out by the turmoil that is making your knees weak and pushing your heart to beat like you have run a mile. Sam is your friend. He has been for ages and has never ever made a move to indicate that he would be interested in more than a platonic relationship, so it is uncalled for that your body or hormones suddenly want more. Need to get my head straight.
Where you cannot think, the man before you seems plenty capable of it. “Yeah. She dared me…didn’t hear ya complain, though.”
“Wh-…that’s a low blow even for you, Wilson.”
“Maybe, but tell me I’m wrong, then,” he insists, confidently stepping closer, “tell me ya didn’t feel anythin’…t’was just me?”
He has got you against the window, but you are still searching for an answer when his words register with you, playing on a loop until it is certain you heard right.
It is like seeing him in a new light, finally unveiled with every subtle detail on display: the slight gap between the front teeth which is nothing short of perfection because it adds a boyish charm to his smiles; the searching flicker in those warm, dark eyes boring into your soul.
“C’mon, babe…I didn’t just ask ya to help me ‘cause ya like cake…”
“…was a good cake…”
“I can get ya somethin’ better if you’ll let me.”
Hot hands have found yours, skin caressing skin and sending little sparks of comfort with the rush of blood to nestle in your chest, and though your heart still is galloping it is not because of anger anymore. Sam is a hair’s width away. You can smell the coffee on his breath that he had with the triple-brownie caramel cake – both dessert and lips delicious as sin according to your experience. It is impossible to glance at the lopsided smirk and not want to enjoy the gentle greed of his mouth in action one more time.
You do not know when you began nibbling on your lower lip, you just know that he pulls it free from your teeth with the soft brush of a thumb before holding you close enough to feel his heartbeat mix with your own. Wild and passionate. In contrast, the kiss is hesitant as if he is afraid of rejection even now. Or to give me a chance to back out? There is no going back. The bridge is crossed and ablaze, and you are ready to dance in the scorching heat.
“Don’t hold back, please,” you mumble against his lips, moulding against him with a firm grip of his neck and a satisfying squeeze to his butt. What an ass!
As the dam finally bursts, any and all indecision are swept away to make room for pure lust. Sam’s hands are everywhere though favouring your hips in an effort to create friction between your pelvises where an increasingly prominent bulge calls for attention without getting any. Not yet. You are both too busy exploring the reactions conjured by increasingly slobby kisses anywhere with access to skin – so caught up that you barely register when Sam moves you until your calves hit the bed and you tumble onto it. He is out of breath (just like you) with swollen lips and heavy lidded eyes that only let go of you the few seconds it takes to pull the shirt over his head.
Hot damn.
Oh, you have seen him shirtless before and even admitted to yourself then how good looking he is. Gorgeous and off limits – just like all your teammates. Knowing that this time Sam is all yours to touch and adore? It is overwhelming and sends sweet waves of heated impatience to your core. Sitting up, he is only out of reach until grabby hands and a pout has done the job to bring him to stand between your knees.
Rapid fingers manage to make short work of the belt and zipper before he stops you. The roguish charm will be the end of you some day, but you feel more alive than ever as he takes over and removes your shirt before his jeans. A quick lift and shove sends you properly sprawled out on the bed and you obediently lift your hips so he can pull down the skirt and pantyhose in one go.
“Daymn, your sexy too!”
“Is that your way of fishing for a compliment, Wilson?”
Surprise flickers before laughter takes over. “Feel free to shower me with ya sweet words…but I did mean you.” Sam has taken to kiss and caress his way up your legs, giving you a generous view to the flex of his back muscles. “Smart,” he punctuates with a soft bite to the inner thigh, “funny,” once more he pauses, “strong,” this time he has reached the fabric of your underwear and kisses your pussy through it, “everythin’…and fuckin’ gorgeous too.”
The heat, which has been centered around your core, spreads to your face at the sound of the adoring words. Any reciprocating compliment is halted as Sam surges up to reclaim your lips, and amidst dazzling tongue action and teasing bites he tells you, no…begs you, to just accept the praises because “this is all about you, sugar”.
Your friend/lover/partner/boyfriend takes his time to explore all of your body and remove the last bit of clothing, turning you lazily around to trace the length of your spine or seat you in his lap while his cock nestles between the folds until you moan in delirious anticipation. By the time he finally aligns with your craving pussy, Sam hands have massaged their right into every cell of you – traced it onto your clit with his tongue.
“Yeah?” It is a whisper against your throat.
“Yes,” you confirm, already anchored to him with bruising grips. Oh, yes please!
With all of his attention tuned in to your reactions, the gentle lover eases his cock in as he takes time for both of you to adjust before the game of learning continues. Each of you chase the keening sounds of the other as bodies find a common rhythm and soon, surprisingly so, the coil in your core snaps to release waves of pleasure.
A guttural groan escapes Sam, “Oh, fu-uck!” You can barely feel through your own high how he stutters, face buried in the crook of your shoulder. “Damn, princess…”
When he resurfaces to meet your gaze moments later, you can see a hint of chagrin in his eyes.
“You’re amazing!” You do not give him time to protest. “It’s hard to ‘magine round two’s going to be even better now the pent up need’s blown.”
Sam’s crooked smirk is back in a second. “I’m sure we can beat all records, sugar.”
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moonbeambucky · 7 years
Stripped (Part 5)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 2644 Warnings: A touch of angst, maybe?
Summary: You are a SHIELD agent working undercover in a strip club whose owner is involved with organized crime. When you find out he might be in talks with HYDRA Bucky is brought in to help.
A/N: If anyone wants to be tagged let me know!
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The warm glow of sunlight peering in from the window kissed your face. You slowly opened your eyes, squinting as you adjusted to the light and the figure beside you. You had hardly moved from the position you fell asleep in, Bucky’s arm still tucked around you. You watched him sleep, taking in his features from your close vantage point. The scruff on his face had gotten a little thicker since the day he arrived but it still did not hide his sharp jaw line. All of the muscles in his face were relaxed, enjoying peaceful rest. You gently laid your head back on his chest and shut your eyes. You don’t want to think about anything else, you just want the same peace he seems to have.
Bucky woke up a few minutes later. You felt him take in a deep breath and so you shifted your head to face him. His bright smile greeted you and you returned the gesture instantly, you wouldn’t have been able to stop yourself even if you tried.
“Good morning beautiful,” he said as he stretched out the arm that was around you. “How are you feeling?”
Your smile had reminded you of the slight ache on your cheek and you responded accordingly. Bucky assures you that everything is going to be okay. You push yourself up, resting your weight on your elbow and lean over him. His reassuring face gave you the courage to believe him (and in yourself).
A few strands of your hair fell towards your face. Your heartbeat quickens as he reaches his metal hand up to gently tuck your hair behind your ears. You let go of the breath you didn’t realize you were holding as you stare into his eyes. His pupils were blown wide, the dark center overpowering the pale blue ring. He laced his fingers through the back of your hair as he slowly and gently brought your face down towards his. He captured your lips in a slow and sensual kiss, making sure you both savor every blissful moment.
Wrapping his other arm around the small of your back he pulls your body in closer to his solid frame, arching his hips to meet yours. His tongue slips past your lips meeting with your own. You brace yourself on his chest as you deepen the kiss and begin to feel the wet heat pooling between your legs. His arms roam up and down your sides leaving goosebumps in their wake. Bucky grazes his nose down your neck and collarbone before finding your sweet spot. He feverishly attacks it with open mouth kisses and his talented tongue swirls on your skin. You moan and buck your hips desperate for friction, feeling his growing erection press against your warm core. 
He rubs the fingertips of his metal hand up and down your thigh, pushing the fabric of your shorts up with every stroke. He palms your ass cheek and squeezes it firmly making you gasp. Bucky works his lips back up towards yours, moaning your name after every kiss.
Hearing his moans with his incredibly sexy voice should excite you, instead it brings you back to your fight. “Disgusting,” you hear his voice in your head. “I don’t know why I ever expected you to have some class.”
You pull away instantly. His words, his painful words still resonated in your mind and you had to stop. You resolved your issue with Bucky. You understood the reasoning behind his words. He was jealous, hurt and self-conscious and you even forgave him, but in this moment it didn’t matter. In this moment you believed his words and so you pushed yourself off of him.
Bucky looks at you with concern and asks if you want to stop. You stumble a bit on your words before telling him that you can’t do this, and you need to call SHIELD to strategize for tonight. You apologize even though you know you don’t have to. He agrees with you but you can tell he isn’t fully satisfied by your answer. You’re learning that he is more perceptive than you gave him credit for but thankfully he does not push for more. You get up from the bed, throw on your hoodie and head to the kitchen. Bucky stays in bed a few minutes longer, eyes shut tight and taking deep breathes before he is meets you in the kitchen.
You’re mindlessly staring at your phone as you wait for the coffee. Bucky takes out the cereal box and two bowls, nudging one in your direction. You have too much on your mind and you don’t want to eat but you know you should. Plus with the way Bucky is looking at you, his head tilted with large puppy eyes and a sweet smirk, you would never want to disappoint that face. You happily take the bowl he has filled up for you.
After eating, and more important having coffee, you feel somewhat prepared to handle this phone call. You are still sitting at the kitchen table with Bucky by your side when you call SHIELD. After speaking to a few of your colleagues you wait for Director Hill and a few agents to be conferenced in. Thankfully Tyler was not one of them. You explain that the deal going down between HYDRA and the Martucci family is happening tonight and with regret laced in your voice, you tell them you don’t know the location but confirm that Viktor Krasnov is still the contact.
Director Hill interrupts with discouraging news. There is no information on Krasnov. Even when HYDRA was exposed a few years ago there was nothing on him. She asks if that could be an alias. Bucky chimes in to the conversation relaying the information he previously told you. Krasnov is real but he seems to be as elusive as The Winter Soldier was. You sigh heavily but it doesn’t relieve any of the tension you had been building up inside. You know his missing presence in HYDRA’s history only confirms the threat he poses.
You told Hill about Nicholai coming to the club tonight. She urged you to do everything possible to get information from him. The sound of Bucky huffing caused you to look up at him. He was visibly upset by her directive. You offer your hand to his and his features soften under your touch. You have your orders, get the information out of Nicholai. In the meantime, SHIELD is going to monitor as many modes of transportation in the city that they can. Verify all trucks coming in, search all of the airports and cargo docks. Their eyes will be everywhere but without a real lead you know this might not end well.
You head into the shower, hoping the hot steam will help clear your head. You’ve pushed yourself so much on this assignment and you’re wrestling with how much further you might have to go. By the end of your shower you had made up your mind. All bureaus have agents that work undercover. Sometimes they have to put their duty before their morals, especially if the end result meant saving lives. You knew the risks and possibilities when you signed up for this and so you have to accept whatever happens.
You head to your bedroom to change, passing Bucky on the couch with his head down focused on his phone.
To: Sharon Carter
Hey, I need a favor…
It takes a while for you to leave your bedroom. You subconsciously thought that if you moved at a snail’s pace that time would do the same. You wish it would. Your stomach is twisted at the decision you had come to. You can’t back out but if you had any leads on Krasnov that could help. You leave your bedroom and slump on the couch next to Bucky.
“If we don’t stop this deal tonight a lot of people are going to get hurt… and everything I’ve had to do will have been for nothing,” you cried.
Bucky wraps his arm around you. You swing your legs up onto the couch and cuddle closer to Bucky. You silently shed a few tears leaving a small wet spot on his shirt. Bucky pulls you in closer to comfort you. You curve your lips up into a faint smile but it drops quickly.
“Bucky, you’re the only one who has seen Krasnov. What do you remember?”
He pauses before speaking. “He was at the HYDRA base in Siberia. Part of the team to get me out of cryo,” he said, with a tremble in his voice.
You plead for him to tell you more. You know this isn’t easy for him but you need something.
“The details are in fragments but I remember the feelings mostly,” he started. You look up at him but his eyes are focused forward, staring at the black reflection of you both through the TV screen. “Early on when they would wake me up,” he sighs, “it was like… like everything was in slow motion. But in Siberia it happened fast, too fast,” he snapped.
He looks down at you. His face looks sad and pained. “That was Krasnov. He came up with some advanced solution to warm my body after cryo. It worked but I was weak.” “What happened after Siberia? Where did he go?”
Bucky apologizes for not knowing the answer. You desperately need more information but don’t want to push Bucky too far. You close your eyes. While your body seemed relaxed your mind is working racing. You try to process all of the facts you know about Krasnov. He’s a scientist. He works with chemicals. He’s cruel, obviously, Bucky’s story conveyed that to you. Bucky meant nothing to Krasnov, he was just another weapon. Despite HYDRA’s dependence on their precious “asset” they still let Krasnov experiment with him. If his solution caused Bucky, serum and all, to be affected so much and HYDRA still allowed it you worry about what else he could do. Those modified rifles looked dangerous and volatile. You still need more. None of this tells you where this guy could be.
“What else can you tell me about him? What does he look like?” “He was short, um, bad teeth.”
Well that narrows it down, you sarcastically think. You sigh in frustration, Bucky apologizes again. You sit up and pull him in for a hug telling him he has no reason to apologize. You linger in the hug for a little too long though Bucky shows no sign of letting go. You inhale his scent, the scent you had gotten used to over the last few days. Euphoric waves relax you as you try to hold on to this moment forever.
“Mmmm you smell nice,” you let the words slip past your mouth. “Smell!” he shouts. “Krasnov always smelled… like, ughh what was it… salty! Like the sea!”
You squeeze Bucky tighter. This is the best lead you could hope for. HYDRA had ships and subs. If Krasnov always smelled like the sea then he had to be travel that way. You called SHIELD to let them know of your good suspicion. The city had a few docks on both sides of town. Agents were going to be stationed at both. You sigh in relief. This guess is better than nothing but it doesn’t mean your job is done.
“Thank you,” you say, grabbing his hand. “This is a great start.” “Don’t do it,” he replies.
You shake your head in confusion.
“I know what you’re thinking about Y/N, don’t do it. We have a lead.” “It’s not enough Bucky. We’re not even sure. It’s just a hunch.” “Then let me help you. I’ll come tonight. I’ll pay to go back there so I can be closer to you and listen for trouble before… before anything happens.” “Bucky you know you can’t. SHIELD brought you on for a reason. You’re the link to HYDRA and only you know what Krasnov looks like. They need you in the field.” “I don’t want to go.” “I know,” you say, bringing your hand up to caress his cheek. He leans into your touch. “But it’s not your call to make,” you woefully continue.
You embrace each other in a firm but affectionate hug. Your hold lingers. Neither one of you wants to let go. You want to stay like this forever. You feel warm and safe in his arms. It feels right to be with him. Despite everything that has happened in the last few days, the ups and downs, you want to move forward. You want to be with him.
Bucky feels the same. He doesn’t want to let you go. He didn’t plan on falling for you but he did. He didn’t plan on acting like an ass but he did and he regrets it. He wants to skip this evening. He wants to open his eyes and have it be tomorrow where the job is done and you’re safe.
You turned your head to check the time. It was still a little too early for you to start getting ready but you knew Bucky had to leave earlier than you. You offer to make dinner but Bucky insists on helping. He wants to cherish every moment you spend together before you have to part ways. You take out the chicken breasts, eggs and breadcrumbs while Bucky boils a pot of water for the pasta he grabbed. You work in tandem, you bread the chicken and Bucky places them in the frying pan. You stir the pasta while he turns the cutlets over. Bucky makes jokes about your slimy egg and breadcrumb covered hands and you threaten to spill the remains over his head. The air is filled with your combined laughter and your cheeks hurt from smiling so much. You wish you could bottle this moment and save it forever.
You catch Bucky staring at you on several occasions during dinner. Every time you caught him he would blush and smile. Your conversation is light, he talks about movies and music he’s come to enjoy. He asks about what you’re most looking forward to after this is over. You respond with seeing your family. Your mom has been on edge from day one. Minimal contact from you hasn’t helped ease her nerves. Plus you’re pretty sure your cousin had another baby. You tell him you’re looking forward to relaxing.
You reach your hands across the table to grab his. “I’d like to see more of you too, um, if you still wanted,” you sheepishly say. He laces his fingers with yours and nods his head, “Yes, of course I still do.”
After doing the dishes your tranquil time together has come to an end. Bucky grabs a backpack and fills it with some gear. You should be doing your makeup but you preferred to watch him. When he was ready to leave he pulled you in for a hug. You close your eyes not wanting this to end.
“Y/N be safe. I’m coming for you,” he says. He leans down and hesitates to kiss you on the lips, briefly thinking back to this morning, but he kisses you anyway. It was a slow and soft kiss and there was no denying the passion you had for each other.
After Bucky leaves you fix your hair and quickly do your makeup. You change the bandage on your cheek, cutting it down so it isn’t as noticeable. Leaving earlier than you ever have in the past you walk to the club slowly. You listened to your favorite calming sounds as you prepared yourself for the night. Whatever happens you’ll make it through. You repeat that to yourself in the hope that you will believe the mantra.
Tags: @superwholockian5ever @wantingtobekorra @learisa
FEEDBACK is appreciated *so* much. Please like, comment, reblog! Thank you :)
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lypreila · 7 years
Whoo got tagged ages ago by @jawsandbones , but I’m a lazy fuck so I took till now to get back to her!  Sorry boo!  Tagging only a few.  @fireheartedkaratepup @the-tevinter-biscuit @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses @the-rxven-king but only if they want to!  If you want to and I didn’t tag you, consider yourself tagged! @(insert your name here)
1ST RULE: tag 10 people you want to get to know better 2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller (I THOUGHT I WAS BUT I JUST FOUND OUT I’M 5′6.5″ ANDI FEEL BETRAYED) I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it (Legit)
ABILITY: I can sing well (not as good as I used to.  I used to compete) I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month Fandoms are my #1 passion I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
Last drink: Coca-Cola.  Sweet, Sweet caffeine and sugar
Last phone call: Dealing with Western Union support to get a customer a refund.  I low key wanted to break something. 
Last text message: To my friend “Hey Arkham Asylum GOTY is on sale for 4 bucks on Green Man” 
Last song you listened to: Praying by Kesha
Last time I cried: A while ago.  Yall may or may not know I’ve recently been put on Prozac for the depression and I believe it’s working very well. 
Dated someone twice: Ye
Been cheated on: Yes.  Fuck him. 
Kissed someone and regretted it: Yes
Lost someone special: Yes
Been depressed: :See above. 
Been drunk and thrown up: I invoke my constitutional right not to incriminate myself.  (Too many times to count.  I liked drinking when I was a teenager/young adult.  Not so much anymore though)
Made a new friend: I have, oddly enough
Fallen out of love: Nope!
Laughed until you cried: Yes! 
Met someone who changed you: I have.  It was all for the good and I love her for it.  
Found out who your true friends are: Not really.  That all happened in 2014/15.  
Found out someone was talking about you: Nope
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life: One.  A small bean who’s a good artist and the niece of my friend.  I’ve known her since she was a wee babby.  She’s more active on deviant art though.  She cosplayed as Asriel for Hudson Valley Comic Con!!
Do you have any pets: There’s 8 cats and 3 dogs in my house please kill me.  2 cats and 1 pup are mine. 
Do you want to change your name: I wanted to add Elizabeth  after my middle name because it sounded fancy. 
What time did you wake up this morning: Morning? 
What were you doing last night: Re-certifying my Anti-Money Laundering, Western Union, and Prepaid access certifications.  Passed with flying colors, which is good considering I can go to jail if I screw up some of the record keeping requirements or allow someone into the system by accident.  
Name something you cannot wait for: @jawsandbones book to be done and out :D:D:D:D
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: OH every damn week.  Let me tell yall about Tom Bombard, aka Tom Bombadil, aka Tom the Bomb.  The man has trouble hearing but won’t admit it, hates his wife and family, is the slowest cashier i ever have the misfortune to supervise, and has more ear hair than ANYONE I’VE EVER SEEN IT’S FREAKY.  There’s like a magical forest growing and poofing out if his ears.  Plus poofy chest hair poofing out of his shirt which he leaves the top button unbuttoned.  He is old and short and this is not at all sexy.  
What’s getting on your nerves rn: The fact that I make minimum wage despite doing 3 different jobs, all of which should have a higher pay grade.  But hey.  THey pay minimum wage, they get minimum wage effort.  Except when I’m in the office.  Then they get 110% because I’m doing it for my fellow office bitches, all of whom I love dearly. 
Blood type: ?
Nickname: Shmemmy or Ly. 
Relationship status: Married.  12 years on Nov 27th.  I got married literally 6 months after I turned 21. 
Zodiac sign: Leo.
Pronouns: she/her
Favorite tv show: Right now?  Bojack Horseman, Steven Universe, Archer. I”m more of a documentary person. 
College: Going back soon hopefully. 
Hair colour: Red/orange. 
Do you have a crush on someone: I get crushes every 5 seconds.  They don’t last. 
What do you like about yourself: I am a loyal fucker, and an insanely good multi-tasker when it comes to work. 
First surgery: 0.  I are lucky. 
First piercing: Ears, followed by Labret (chin) followed by nose. 
First sport you joined: Equestrian
First vacation: Disney?  I was so young.  Went to Saratoga almost every year, a house in the catskills twice a year.  Out of state every couple of years.  
First pair of sneakers: Kiddo, I can’t remember. 
Eating: Tiddy milk. 
Drinking: I tasted beer when I was about 8?  To this day I’m not a big fan, I prefer liquor. 
I’m about to: Play Overwatch.
Listening to: Criminal Minds in the background. 
Want kids: No, I can barely care for myself. 
Get married: Been there, still doing that. 
Career:  I want to go into medical stuff. 
Lips or eyes: Both
Hugs or kisses: Hugs 
Shorter or taller: Taller…
Older or younger: Doesn’t really matter to me. 
Romantic or spontaneous: Both!
Sensitive or loud: Quiet down you kids!!!
Hook up or relationship: Relationship!
Troublemaker or hesitant: Depends.  I can be a troublemaker.  In spring I liberated a bouncy horse thing from a playground. (I say liberated - I mean stole.  It was broken off of its base and could never be fixed.  His name is Lord Mc Bumblefuck and he lives in my garage now.)
Kissed a stranger: Nope!
Drank hard liquor: Ye.
Lost glasses/contacts: NOpe
Sex on first date: Nope
Broken someone’s heart: I don’t know about that.  Maybe. 
Been arrested: Ye
Turned someone down: Yes
Fallen for a friend: Twice.  Married the second one. ;-)
In yourself: Nah
Miracles: I believe in the universe. 
Love at first sight: Hah no. 
Heaven: Sort of. 
Santa Claus: All things are real in the minds of those who believe them!. 
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alainawriteswwe · 7 years
Pride and Prejudice and Wrestling - Part 3
Characters: Seth Rollins x Reader, The gang from Raw
Summary: When a superstar Hollywood actress (The Reader), interacts with WWE Superstar Seth Rollins at Monday Night Raw, sparks fly. Can Rollins overcome his pride and convince the reader to take a chance on him when she’s still recovering from a nasty scandal caused by her cheating fiancé?
Warnings: Lots of flirting, angsty longing and maybe some bad words
Tags: @caramara3 @hardcorewwetrash
– Part 3: Crazy In Love
I watched the rest of the matches with interest backstage, even though I was just a guest and could have left after my segment was done.
The next match up was Finn vs Elias with a little treachery thrown in by Bray Wyatt. I stood with Finn while he waited for his music to start. He was wearing his oh so tiny black trunks which left little to the imagination and his signature leather jacket.
Standing next to him, Finn definitely had presence. It was different than with Seth. Where Rollins had sex appeal and a twinge of naughtiness, Bálor had that X factor, that persuasive charm that could never be taught. That had its own sex appeal too.
Finn was also the epitome of cool with the turned up lapels of his jacket. Plus, I was pretty sure I could grate cheese off those abs. Oh the things you could eat off those abs.
This of course made me think of all the things I could eat off Seth’s abs too. I didn’t realize I was smiling so openly thinking about Seth until Finn pulled me from my reverie.
“Ah, here’s the lass that has been giving Rollins so much trouble tonight.” He set those stunning clear blue eyes on me and I shuddered to take a breath.
“Well, I hope I am not too much trouble. I want them to invite me back some day.”
“I wouldn’t worry about that, lass. They loved you out there. You fit in real well here,” he said in that sexy brogue before looking past my shoulder. He waved at someone behind me giving them a wave and a wink.
Then he leaned in close whispering in my ear. “Besides, folks won’t give you grief about taking it to Rollins. He can be an egotistical jerk. What you see out there in the ring and on camera is not an act.”
“Oh.” I felt guilty for gossiping but I just wanted to know what was going on. “I heard there was bad blood between you and him.”
“He is a very jealous and selfish man. Always over reaching into people’s lives. Rearranging those lives as he sees fit. He can’t stand seeing anyone else get a push. Or showing great talent. He has to be first at everything. One day, if you and I meet again, perhaps I’ll tell you the things he did to me.” I touched his arm as an act of comfort. “Are you coming to karaoke? If so, you can tell me tonight.”
He took my hand in his. A sadness came over those stunning blue eyes.
“No. Unfortunately, that post-show socializing is Rollins’ domain. He has made it very clear he doesn’t want me around. And even though he is not in the title picture as The Man carrying the company right now, he still has a lot of pull around here. He could hurt my career if he wanted. I can’t jeopardize all that I have worked for by upsetting him.”
I shook my head. “That’s awful. You shouldn’t be isolated at work just because Seth doesn’t care for you or is jealous of your talent. That’s not fair.”
Finn shrugged. Those gloriously defined abs of his moving as well as he took a deep breath.
“Lots of things are not fair in the WWE, lass.”
A technician came by to tell Finn to get ready for his entrance.
“In case I don’t see you again.” He kissed both my cheeks. My hand still in his. “It was nice meeting you. Hopefully, we will meet again.” He flashed me a huge smile and then looked past my shoulder before he went through the curtain.
I turned around to see who had caught Finn’s attention behind me only to find Seth glaring at me.
The Architect’s match with Dean vs The Miztourage was up next. I wasn’t originally supposed to go out again but The Game himself, Triple H, came down and asked if I would stay ring side at the match, due to the huge pop I got earlier that night. I felt honored. They laid down how the match would go and what I should do at various points.
I felt butterflies when I went through the curtain with Seth. It was fun seeing him go through his whole entrance routine close up. It was obvious he fed off the energy of the crowd. I whooped and hollered with him just as the crowd was doing.
He leaned over to me and whispered in my ear. The look on his face was neutral but his words definitely were not. “I don’t need a hype man or a valet and I definitely do not need a cheerleader. I’m my own man.”
That popped the bubble of euphoria that was fizzing around me. I pasted a smile on my face and went down the ramp. Then Dean quickly followed with his music.
I felt deflated as we got into the match but I let it all go and soon I was getting into the story of the match. When The Miz hid behind Maryse to shield himself from attack, I pushed her to the ground, opening up the A-Lister for a double attack by Dean and Seth right through the Spanish announce table.
The rest of the match went quickly and then it was over with Seth and Dean being declared the winners. They were still wary of each other and when Seth slid out the ring and up the ramp, I let him go up by himself. Instead, I waited to go up the ramp with Dean. I was gesticulating widely with my hands to the Miztourage that Dean kicked their butts and they weren’t anything to write home about.
When we got through the curtain, Dean caught me up in a huge bear hug and then thwacked me hard on the back like I was one of the boys. “You were good out there, kid. Real good.” He looked at his friend. “What do you think Rollins, does she have it?”
“Does it matter? She’s leaving tomorrow anyway,” he stated before stalking off to the locker room.
I ignored Seth and instead focused on the fun evening to come. It would be nice to have a proper night with some girlfriends even if the guys were joining in on the karaoke. After changing into a simple pair of tight black jeans and a gold off the shoulder top, I met the girls to pile into Sasha’s rental car.
The karaoke place also offered food which was great because everyone was starving. Although Dean complained that the food had better be more than just Japanese seaweed and fish balls or he was bailing with Renee for a cheese burger.
We were shown to a private bar area in the back with lots of leather couches surrounding a large coffee table with menus and song books. There was a bar filling the entire wall with a mirror behind the couches and we even had our own private bartender.
We all huddled around and looked at the song books trying to see what songs we would do. I was looking for a song to really take it to Seth for being so cold before and after the final match. Something to show him he wasn’t sh-t and he should tone his ego down. When I got to the page of a certain pop princess I knew I had my song and my revenge.
It took awhile to start as people placed their food and drinks orders. Cesaro and Seth were nowhere to be found. Sasha was going through the long list of karaoke rules they had hammered out when Seth and Cesaro finally made their way into the large private area where we were seated.
Cesaro laughed as he came in. He always seemed so happy. “You know why I am late everyone. Mr. ‘I Have to Look Perfect’ in a baseball cap and track pants was taking forever.” He pointed at Seth who was already very vocally denying his prima donna status.
“It is important self care to look good, man. You of all people should know that Cesaro.” Seth mouthed a sorry at Sasha. Apparently for his lateness.
“All I know is that I have had dates that took less time than you to get ready,” Cesaro said as Bayley handed him her menu for them to look over together.
Seth looked at me. “Perfection takes time, right princess? And in Hollywood probably a lot of money.”
My smile didn’t quite reach my eyes. “Is that why you haven’t mastered it yet?”
Okay that was cruel but he made me mad with his snippy comments during our entrance and because he looked really delicious in those black skinny jeans that I wanted to take off him. Was everyday leg day for him at the gym?Damn him.
Instead of being offended as I intended he just thumped his hands on his chest and gave us that trademark cackle which turned into a loud feigned guffaw. He pointed to me. “Look everyone, the Princess has got jokes.”
Sasha ignored him and continued to lay down the rules while everyone dug into the shared appetizers. The Legit Boss was taking charge. She stood up to make her announcement.
“Okay. Its normal karaoke rules. Boys against girls. Losers pay for all the food and drinks tonight. Everyone will go once, then we will have a group round. Got it. And our judges tonight are Dean, Renee and Jojo.”
“Hold up, man,” Seth interjected. “How come there are two ladies as judges? That’s a disadvantage to us guys.”
Sasha rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips. She was definitely signaling that she wasn’t taking any guff from the Kingslayer. “Seth you make the same argument every time. It’s best to have a odd number of judges in case they are deadlocked.”
Seth grumbled but didn’t protest anymore. He then turned his attention to complaining in his nasally voice about the song list. “There’s no pop punk in any of these song books? No Parkway Drive. Not even a lot of Paramore. How will I show off my immense singing talents?”
“If your singing talents are as big as your ego you should be the next Ed Sheeran,” I said and patted him on the back. Seth had no comeback. So I talked with Cesaro and ordered a drink from the bartender. A Coke.
Seth shook his head at my choice. “That stuff’s poison, Princess. You know that right? Empty calories, high fructose corn sugar. It will ruin that curvy figure you got going on.”
I ignored him and took great delight in sipping my soda in front of him through a straw while Seth focused on stealing a distracted Cesaro’s plate of chicken skewers.
I took a seat on the stool between them and talked to Cesaro and Bayley who were thinking of doing a duet before the competition started. Bayley seemed hesitant but was carried away by Cesaro’s enthusiasm.
“Go on and do it,” I said to them. “It will be fun.”
Bayley looked over to Seth for his advice but he just shrugged his shoulders. Cesaro convinced her though and they went off to put in their selection.
That left Seth and I at the bar. He was so close. Part of me just wanted to touch him. To lay my hand on his arm and flip my hair and flirt shamelessly. His hair was in a messy bun at the nape of his neck covered by that backwards cap that I always thought did him no favors when it cast a shadow over those gorgeous puppy dog eyes of his.
He picked up his beer and took a swig. I never noticed his hands up close before. They were large, callused from many sessions working out. His fingers, long and nimble. I wondered how it would feel to have them roam all over my body, caressing my skin. Dipping into naughty places and causing me to surrender and cry out his name.
“Why does everyone seem to need your permission to do things around here Seth? I asked.
He gave me that famous smirk of his. “Because I’m ‘The Man’.”
I rolled my eyes at him. I stole one of the already purloined chicken skewers from Seth’s plate and ate a piece. “So why do you exclude Finn? I talked to him tonight and he said he wouldn’t be welcome here because of you.”
The sexy smirk disappeared. “I wouldn’t believe everything Bálor says to you.” His eyes narrowed. They seemed accusatory. “You’re not meeting him later are you?”
I let out an angry breath. “What business of it is yours?”
He wiped his mouth with his napkin. “I’m making it my business. I saw him talk to you before his match. He made sure I saw.” I let out a frustrated sigh. “Why would he do that?”
“To get at me.”
I laughed. “That’s crazy. He’s just a nice man who you seem intent on mistreating terribly.”
“He’s jealous.”
“Jealous of what, exactly?”
“You and me.”
“There is no ‘you and me’, Seth.”
Those dark eyes drank me in from head to toe undressing every strip of clothing covering my body. “Not yet. But there will be.”
I shook my head no, even though everything in my brain was screaming yes.
“You have no shame. You know that Seth. We may have good banter but I am not a foregone conclusion. I won’t be your evening’s entertainment back in your room and I definitely won’t be responding to your poor excuse for sexting either.”
He chuckled. “So you know about that.”
“Everyone knows about that.” I poked him on the arm. “And you’re not irresistible you know.” But that was a lie. He was. He really was.
He put down his beer and pushed his plate away. “Okay. Deny it.”
“Tell me there is nothing between us.”
“I just did.”
Seth shook his head and leaned in closer to me. “No. Tell me you don’t look at me and think about all the fun we would have in bed. Tell me that the tips of your breasts are not straining against your shirt right now because I can see that they are.”
He took my wrist in his hand. “That your pulse doesn’t quicken when I’m around. That you don’t suffer from the anticipation of what could be so damn good between us.
“Or maybe you can manage to squeak out the lie thar you don’t want me to lean in just a few more inches and kiss that very expensive lipstick off your lips…roughly. That secretly you want me to bite that full lower lip that has teased me all night.”
His hands covered my bare arms just shy of my breasts. “Tell me that you don’t want my hands to cover your breasts right now or that just the thought of my touching you, caressing every inch of you is not making you wet even as you try to form words to the contrary.”
He gave a smile but there was no triumph in it for him. But there was truth. Sincerity. “I know the signs. You want me, Princess. Even if you will not admit it. Just like I want you. We are both afflicted by this thing between us. It’s like a string of electricity coursing between you and I in waves. It’s been there all night.”
I opened my mouth to lie and deny everything he said even as my body was doing everything he said. Even though my blood heated and coursed to my core causing my body to beg for the release he could give me. Damn him.
Seth continued. “I see it Princess. Finn sees it too. He wants you. The fact that you want me galls him. He likes to be first.”
Just then the karaoke music fired up, complete with garish ‘90s looking graphics on a big screen. Seth glanced up at Bayley who was gathering her courage to take the mic with Cesaro and he smiled at her to give her courage.
The distraction of the music didn’t stop me from lighting into him though.
“That’s disgusting Seth. I’m not a toy for you and Finn to fight over. Maybe I would want someone else.” I looked up towards the stage as well. “Cesaro is super fit. Maybe I will text him later and ask him to tuck me in bed. How about that?”
“I think your spelling is off, Princess.”
He shook his head and turned back to look at me. I wanted to smack that self satisfied look from his face.
“You may appreciate Antonio’s body and maybe even his European charm but he’s not the one you want to pull your hair in bed and make you scream with pleasure. I mean like really let go. Wake the neighbors kind of stuff.”
He paused, leaning forward. His hands moved up my arms in a slow caress only to stop and gently massage my shoulders with his powerful fingers. The moment he touched me that way my body wanted to sigh in relief. “You know you are really wound up. I could help you with that.”
I broke the hold his hands had on me and pushed his massaging fingers away. Part of me wanted to cry at the loss of contact. “You are really the absolute limit Rollins. You’ve got some nerve.”
He put his hands up in surrender. “I’m just telling the truth, man.”
I wanted to argue, was looking forward to it even but any conversation was soon drowned out by the karaoke.
So Seth and I swiveled our stools to see the action at the mic as Bayley and Cesaro began their duet. They tried their best but murdered a medley of songs from Grease. Bayley seemed hesitant about her voice but was having fun while Cesaro couldn’t sing a note and didn’t care. He belted out the lyrics with gusto, hugging Bayley as they got through each verse. Even though they were terrible, everyone clapped along, hooting and hollering when the song was done.
Soon the competition began and it was all games faces from the guys and gals.
Bray was first up, singing ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ in a clear strong voice that wasn’t that bad. The Miz and Seth, on the same side for once, cheered on their fellow contestant.
“That’s how you do it man. We are gonna mop the floor with the girls. Not one of them can sing,” Seth taunted.
I turned to open my mouth and counter but Sasha got up. “Let me handle this.”
I thought she was going to taunt him back but she just got to sing. She started grooving and singing Adele and we were all speechless. Not only was Sasha a ‘Legit Boss’ in the ring but she was also one on a karaoke mic and she belted out how we could have had it all.
To his credit, Seth was the first one to hug her when she finished, kissing the top of her head. But I did hear him whisper. “We’re still gonna beat you though,” which made us all laugh.
Samoa Joe did Sinatra proud with a knock out rendition of ‘My Way’. Alexa did well with Christina Aguilera’s Genie in a Bottle, which she sold not as much through singing but through her presence on the mic and her dancing and gestures. The Miz tackled Ed Sheeran. Bayley sang a song I didn’t know from DNCE and Braun did ‘Enter Sandman’ by Metallica real justice.
Seth found his Paramore. Belting the familiar song out loudly and in between verses, cackling and heckling us girls that he could beat us all by himself because he was The Champ. When he finished he took a huge bow. And I shook my head even while I clapped for him.
It was now my turn. I was the last of the singles portion. I got up to the stage. Butterflies in my stomach. Everyone was looking at me in anticipation. Right before the music started I winked at Seth and mouthed, ‘this is for you.’ He mouthed back, ‘make it good’. He was now sitting on the couch with Sasha curled up next to him but his attention was fully on me.
I took a deep breath and began to sing, looking directly at Seth belting out the lyrics in a way that would make Britney Spears herself, proud.
Superstar Where you from, how’s it going? I know you Got a clue, what you doing? You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here But I know what you are What you are baby
It was hard to see everyone’s expressions with the lights from the stage on me but I could somehow see Seth clearly. I wanted to bask in my victory of taking Seth down in karaoke. See the anger that would appear and wipe out that ego driven expression on his face.
Womanizer, woman-womanizer You’re a womanizer Oh, womanizer, oh You’re a womanizer, baby
You, you, you are You, you, you are Womanizer, womanizer Womanizer
A smug smile was pasted on Seth’s face as I began the song, but it slowly slipped as the lyrics went on and he realized what they meant. Ahh, here we go. He was gonna be so angry. The arrogance he displayed tonight would be put in its place and fade.
Daddy-O You got the swagger of a champion Too bad for you You just can’t find the right companion
I guess when you have one too many Makes it hard, it could be easy Who you are That’s just who you are baby
But instead of the anger I wanted to relish, Seth gave me hurt. I could tell my words wounded him. Hit a mark and I felt kind of guilty but then I thought of the misery he had caused Finn and I felt like maybe Seth deserved some misery of his own tonight.
Lollipop Must mistake me, you’re the sucker To think that I Would be a victim, not another
Say it, play it, how you wanna? But no way I’m ever gonna Fall for you Never you, baby
My victory was short lived as Seth’s smile turned into a grimace for just a moment. He looked at me. There was a sense of disbelief and betrayal on his countenance. His eyes narrowed. His nose scrunched. He quickly recovered though. Pasted on a smile although underneath the surface he was embarrassed, hurt. That smile did not quite reach his eyes though.
I was horrified. This was not my intention. I just wanted to knock him down a peg. Not hit him with a finisher to do him in. My heart sank to my stomach like a stone. I was suddenly so embarrassed. The lights on the stage, way too hot. Everyone in the audience was quiet. I still had two more verses of the song. And while the audience was polite it was decidedly frosty when I got to the final verses.
When it was over and I wanted to run out the door and back to my apartment in New York and hide. But it was Seth who got up and clapped enthusiastically.
“There you go!” He yelled. That’s how you karakoke.” He pointed at me. “We are still gonna kick you girls’ butts though. Let’s see what you got for the group competition.”
I wanted to run and get a beer or just disappear but Sasha saw me make a beeline for the bar and stopped me. She was in leader mode and told us the song she picked for the group portion of the competition. It was Beyonce’s ‘Single Ladies’ and Alexa and I did our best to keep up with Sasha in doing some basic choreography everyone knew from the video. The audience ate it up. Seth looked unimpressed.
We went to sit down on the couch when we finished. Confident that we were winning the night.
Seth though, wasn’t giving up. I tried to grab his attention after my botch with the Britney song but he just looked right past me. I was gutted. I had to apologize and make this right.
He gathered his final team, himself, The Miz and Somoa Joe, for the final song. Seth glanced over to Sasha.
“The last time we did karaoke you chose Rihanna for your group song. So I was fairly certain you would go with Beyonce tonight. So I figured we would fight fire with fire.”
He motioned over to the employee who was operating the karaoke music and Beyonce’s ‘Crazy In Love’ started. Seth, Joe and The Miz all took a verse. Singing their hearts out. You couldn’t help but love them as they also did the choreography from the accompanying video. But their steps were better than ours. It was obvious they had done a bit of practicing. The Architect always has a plan.
And when Seth, in full Beyonce mode leapt from the stage and sat on Sasha’s lap for a bit we all whooped and hollered. But they weren’t done. As they got to the last bit of the song they all stripped their shirts off. Flinging them to the ladies. We all stood up and cheered.
The judges didn’t take long to declare the guys the winners. Sasha was gutted but acknowledged that the final song clenched it for them. Seth was subdued in his celebration. So unlike him when he was talking trash all throughout the evening.
I tried to make my way over to Seth as he headed for the door with Cesaro. I needed to apologize. Not just so I felt better. I needed to know that I had soothed some of the pain I caused him. As I made my way after Seth as he was about to slip through the door, Dean stopped me.
“Dean. I just want to apologize to Seth,” I pleaded.
“Oh no you don’t,” Dean said. “You know you have got some nerve.” He gestured wildly at me with his hands. “You come here to Raw and we think you are pretty cool. But you are really petty. Seth may have made some mistakes but he’s our brother. You have your own scandals but no one here mentioned them tonight. I guess we are just classier than some fancy actress with fancy awards.”
Sasha butted in. “Dean. Stop. She said she was sorry.”
But Dean didn’t have to say another word. The shame I felt was pretty deep. And what was worse, I wouldn’t be able to fix this. Seth was gone.
Thanks for reading everyone! Please let me know if you would like to be tagged for future chapters.
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ylla · 8 years
Friday Night Gurus - Chapter 4
Series: JJBA Ships: josuyasu, koichi/yukako (others will eventually happen too, but im tagging as i go) Tags: celebrity au, modern au, pining, recreational drug use (smoking that wacky tabaccy), lots of talking and cuddles in this one, lads Rating: E
AO3 link
HAHA, SO MY COMPUTER ATE THIS CHAPTER AND WHAT I HAD FOR TMBTP, SO, I HAD TO RESTART FROM SCRATCH. i rewrote this garbage dump from memory, and here we are. TMBTP is forthcoming once i stop weeping. may the powers that be take pity on this elderly woman (ed. note – author is only 24).
shoutout to TheSmuttiestPrincess and their fic Talk To Me That Way I Like for introducing me to praise kink!okuyasu, which is something i never knew i needed until i read it.
as always, comment the fic, kudos the fic, and bookmark the fic to see more of the same fic content.
Josuke woke up the next morning feeling like someone had cracked him across the face with a baseball bat. Fucking storms causing pressure headaches; he’d meet Mother Nature in the pit if she was a real person. He would have gotten up to get medicine if he hadn’t been trapped in the arms of a particularly buff octopus. Okuyasu was spooning him, legs and arms firmly wrapped around Josuke to prevent him from escaping (not that Okuyasu had to worry about that to begin with). Josuke could feel Oku’s slow, even breathing on his neck and it was giving him goosebumps. It felt like it was too early to exist. “What fuckin’ time is it,” he muttered to himself. Blindly, Josuke groped for his phone, but couldn’t seem to find it.  “S'about 8:30.” Josuke didn’t hear Okuyasu speak so much as he felt him. “You awake?” Josuke whispered. “Mmh.” Josuke made to turn over, but Okuyasu held him in place. “Lemme roll over.” “I got morning breath,” Oku’s voice was slurred with sleep, voice rougher than usual. “I don’t care, dude. I do too.” Josuke tried rolling over again, but Okuyasu steadfastly held him in place. A power struggle ensued; Josuke valiantly did his best to break free, but Okuyasu had both the upper hand and strength to keep him in place. He felt Oku’s chest shaking with laughter, quiet chuckles in his ear. “I swear to God,” he huffed after a few fruitless minutes of wrestling, resigning himself to Little Spoon status, “I’m firing Polnareff.” That just made Okuyasu chuckle even harder, “No you won’t, that’d break his croissant-lovin’ heart.” He shifted closer to Josuke, and put his face into the junction where his neck met his shoulder. “Hey, uh, is it okay if I…?” Okuyasu faltered, nervous.
“You can kiss me, goofball. We’re dating, remember?”
Josuke could feel Okuyasu face flush before he zealously trailed kisses from Josuke’s shoulder, up his neck, to his corner of his jaw, settling on his earlobe which he nibbled on slightly. It sent shockwaves through his body, and Josuke couldn’t help but hiss.
Okuyasu backed off, “Oh shit, sorry—“
“No no don’t be,” Josuke rubbed the arm that held onto him, “It’s just been like, a long time since I’ve done anything like this. And, uh,” Josuke cleared his throat, “that felt really good, s-so, you know.” It was his turn to flush, and his face was scarlet.
“I just don’t wanna fuck this up. I really like you,” Okuyasu’s voice was small.
“You ain’t gonna fuck this up, I promise. Unless you wanna like, put something fucked up in my ass, like a centipede—“
“EW!” Okuyasu sounded horrified, “That’s disgusting. You just killed my boner, Higashikata.”
He had killed his own one man salute too, but that had been the plan. “Is that why you didn’t want me to roll over?” Josuke asked slyly.
“Uhm. Maybe?” Josuke went to turn towards him, but Okuyasu was obstinate. “I also don’t wanna smell ya mornin’ breath! It’s hot like thunder.”
“Oh my god, you stubborn mule,” Josuke tried to kick him, but Oku just wrapped his legs around Josuke’s tighter. “If we get up and brush our teeth, can we like, face each other?”
“Hm. Hm. I guess.” Okuyasu finally relinquished his iron-clad grip. Josuke sprang up, free to piss and scrub his nasty breath away.
Josuke was rinsing his mouth out when Okuyasu trudged in after him. “About time, lazy ass—“ He raised his head to get a good look at his boyfriend and would have spewed water everywhere if he hadn’t spit it out moments before, “God almighty, Oku, you look terrible.”
Okuyasu looked like he had been rode hard and put up wet. Cheek still bruised from Keicho’s left hook, eyes bloodshot, saddled with bags underneath them, skin looking a little colorless, “I feel terrible. This always happens if I’m out in the rain for too long.”
Josuke moved to let him brush his teeth before questioning him further. When Okuyasu finished, Josuke passed him a towel to wipe his mouth off, “How long were you out there?”
“Dunno. An hour? Two hours?”
“What the fuck, why didn’t you just call me??”
Okuyasu threw his hands up, “I did! I called like, at least 30 times! Your phone was dead or somethin’.”
“Oh shit,” Josuke completely forgot, “I turned it off before passing out on the couch.” He cringed, “Sorry.”
“S’fine,” Okuyasu rubbed one of his eyes, “I was close to just bustin’ a window and comin’ in that way.”
Josuke snorted, “Yeah that would’ve been great. Pissing myself when I wake up to a big ass, sopping wet burglar looming over me. Real romantic.”
“Fuck you dude, I was worried.”
“Worried?” Josuke arched an eyebrow, “Why were you worried?”
Okuyasu shifted from one foot to the other, “You weren’t answerin’, and I knew you were probably upset. I just—You know—“ he gestured vaguely, “jus’ wanted to make sure you were okay.”
That made Josuke’s heart turn over, “Aww, you big sweetie.”
Being called a sweetie made Okuyasu roll his eyes, unable to belie the blush on his face, “Shut up.” He threw the towel back down on the sink and rubbed the back of his neck, “So uh, can I kiss you?”
“You don’t gotta keep asking me that.”
Okuyasu fidgeted, “Sorry. I’m nervous that I’m gonna accidentally make ya uncomfortable, so I feel better when I ask.”
Josuke stepped close to him, placing a hand on his cheek, “You won’t make me uncomfortable. If ya ever did, I’d tell ya.” He stroked his thumb over Oku’s poor, bruised face, “But if it’ll make you feel better, then ask away.”
“Okay.” With that, Okuyasu gave him a kiss on the lips. It was sweet and soft, and it made Josuke’s chest soar. Oku hesitantly wrapped his arms around Josuke’s neck, hands in his hair; Josuke took that as a sign to pull his hips flush against his own and slide his tongue into Okuyasu’s mouth. His actions elicited a deep groan from his boyfriend, who awarded him by gently backing Josuke against the wall. It went from chaste and slow to messy and urgent in almost an instant.
“Fuck,” Josuke breathed as Oku pulled away to put teeth against his neck. When Okuyasu stopped momentarily, Josuke wove his fingers through his hair, “Leave marks.” Oku did as instructed; Josuke couldn’t help but grind his rising erection against Oku. “You’re too good at this,” he moaned, arching his back. That seemed to trigger something in his boyfriend. Okuyasu growled, tugging Josuke’s shirt off of him so he could get better access to his chest. There was a twitching cock pressed up against Josuke where there wasn’t a moment before. He was doing something right.
“God, keep talking,” Okuyasu rasped against Josuke’s collarbone, raking his teeth against it.
“You’re so fucking hot,” he panted. Okuyasu broke off momentarily to rip his own shirt off, before going back to leaving bruises on Josuke’s chest. Josuke ghosted fingers up Okuyasu’s sides; he really was sexy.
This was quickly turning into something a lot more than just a hot and heavy makeout session. Not that Josuke minded, considering how the only thing he had on his mind were how badly he wanted Okuyasu’s mouth on his dick at that very moment. Okuyasu seemed to read his mind, and looked Josuke in the eye with a single-minded ferocity that sent chills down his spine.
Which was ruined when both of their stomachs rumbled audibly.
They stared at each other for a moment before they busted out laughing; Josuke had to hold Okuyasu up to keep him from tumbling into the floor. It took a few minutes, but once their hooting died down, Josuke still held onto him, resting his cheek against the side of his head. “We should probably get food,” he said.
“Yeah…raincheck on this?”
Okuyasu straightened up, pecking Josuke on the cheek, “You got pancake mix?”
There was no pankcake mix, but Okuyasu did a bang up job on eggs and bacon, so breakfast wasn’t a lost cause. Really though, anyone who remotely knows their way around the kitchen is a great cook in Josuke’s eyes. It was still pouring the rain, so no weed smoking for them, which was fine since they needed to be sober for the conversation that needed to take place.
“So,” Josuke started, “Does anyone know you’re gay?” They were back in his room, laying on the bed under one of his cotton blankets. Okuyasu laid on his stomach with a pillow propping his head up; Josuke laid on his side facing him.
“Yeah,” Oku shifted to look at him better, “Everyone in the band knows, plus Tonio and Hazamada. Akira too.”
“Unfortunately. I didn’t, uh, come out in the best way…”
Josuke frowned, “You don’t gotta tell me—“
Okuyasu waved a hand, “Nah, s’fine.” He rolled over onto his back, “See, like, I dated this girl when I was 19. Which, she was the only person I ever dated before you, so you’re my first real relationship. You should feel special,“ Oku looked at Josuke through his lashes, grin on his face. Josuke blushed furiously and punched his arm, because he did. Chuckling, Okuyasu continued, “She ended up cheating on me after like a year of being together, which was a relief because I finally had a good excuse to break up with her—“
“Damn. That’s awful,” Josuke scrunched his face up, “How’d you survive pretending to be straight for that long?”
“We were actually good friends before we dated, and she told Keicho that she was madly in love with me. So he, being my big bro who didn’t know I was gay, but did know I’d never had sex, hooked us up,” Okuyasu gave a wry smile, “Didn’t even fuck her. Ended up losing my v-card to some guy in a dirty bathroom after a show.” He rubbed his face at the memory, “Anyways, so like, I was relieved, but kinda upset because you know, she was still someone I cared about and the breakup was really messy. She was cryin’ and apologizin’, all that bullshit. So they, Keicho, Yuuya, and Akira, all decided to get me shitfaced at this huge party some guy Akira knew was throwin’,”
His eyes grew distant as he recounted the story. “So I get pretty hammered. I dunno if ya noticed, but I tend to uh, get nervous when flirting or kissing—“
“Really? Didn’t have a clue,” Josuke said dryly.
“Shut the hell up. Anyways,” he absentmindedly rubbed the hickies on his neck that Josuke gave him as a thank you for breakfast, “when I’m drunk, I ain’t like that. So there was this cute dude, and I thought everyone else had fucked off to do their own thing. I decided, in my dumbass drunken haze, that kissing him was a good idea—“
Josuke gasped, “Oh no—“
Okuyasu held up his hands, “That’s not the bad part. He was into it. We ended up making out and then he like, dragged me off to some room. What I didn’t notice was that Yuuya witnessed all of this, and went off to get Keicho to come save me, I guess. Long story short, the dude sucked me off, and then after I started goin’ down on him, Keicho and Yuuya busted into the room and pulled me off of him—“
“No!” Josuke covered his mouth with his hand, “They didn’t hurt ya, did they?”
“It wasn’t me they hurt,” Okuyasu chuckled without a trace of humor, “Both of them started whooping this dude’s ass. Me, a damn moron, starts bawlin’ like a stupid baby. I was buggin’ the fuck out.”
“So they thought—“
“That he forced me to? Yeah. It was bad.”
Josuke sucked air through his teeth, “So, what happened next?”
“I actually don’t really remember anything after that. Good ol’ Yuuya filled me in the next mornin’ when I had the worst hangover of my life, the bastard,” Okuyasu scowled. “I ended up crying so hard, I upchucked all over my clothes, so they stripped me down to my pants and hauled my drunk ass out of there. The next mornin’, they had a lot of questions, and I had to answer ‘em.”
“What did you say?”
“That I liked dudes, and everything that had happened last night was because I wanted it to,” Okuyasu sighed, “It wasn’t a… fun conversation. I was cryin’ again, like a fuckin’ idiot, and that made my head hurt worse. Keicho was pissed, and Yuuya wasn’t happy either.”
“Not over you likin’ guys, right?” Josuke clarified.
“No, not over me likin’ dudes. It was over me putting myself in that situation in the first place, like a fool. ‘Bad things coulda happened to you, what if we hadn’t had been there, blah blah blah’. Keicho really reamed my ass over it.”
“They had a point,” Josuke said, “so what happened after that?”
“Nothing really. Keicho said he didn’t hate me for being gay, he just hated me for being stupid. Yuuya said that he didn’t care, as long as I’m happy, it’s whatever to him. Akira was a dick, but Akira is always a dick.”
“Your brother is such an asshole.”
Okuyasu shrugged, “Yeah, but he’s always been like that.”
“What about everyone else?”
“As for Hazamada, Yukako, and Tonio knowin’, Hazamada was home when it all went down, so he heard. Tonio knows because I told him, same with Yukako.”
Josuke nodded, then scooted close to Okuyasu and planted a smooch on his cheek, “Thanks for tellin’ me that.”
“You’re welcome,” Oku turned onto his side to look Josuke in the face, “now your turn. Who knows you’re gay?”
“Basically everyone in my personal life. Like, friends and family.” Josuke brushed a stray hair out of his face, “It’s kind of an open secret, I guess? Most people in the industry assume I am.” Josuke grimaced, “It doesn’t stop me getting hit on by women, or rubbed up on, unfortunately.”
Okuyasu chortled, “Yikes. I’m lucky I’m ugly.”
Josuke jabbed him in the ribs with his fingers, “You’re not ugly, stop talking about yourself like that. Anyways,” Josuke huffed, “I came out to my mom and grandpa when I was like 14. They were trying to set me up with the daughter of one of my mom’s friends. I panicked and blurted it out in car on the way to dinner one night.”
Oku cringed, “Ouch. What happened?”
“They were like, oh okay. And then mom started plotting to get me set up with the son of one of her friend’s,” Josuke shook his head, “They were both cool about it, told me they loved me and supported me. The Joestar side of my family was also chill about it. That didn’t surprise me, since Jotaro, my nephew, has a husband, Polnareff has a boyfriend, and my cousin Johnny is seeing some Italian guy.”
“That’s good though. I’m happy for ya,” Okuyasu propped his head up with his arm, “So, you’ve dated guys before right?”
“Yep. I’ve had a few boyfriends, last one was about…” Josuke looked up at the ceiling, trying to remember, “It’s been two years…? Yeah,” he nodded, “Two years ago. That didn’t end well, so I kinda swore off relationships until I met you.”
“Really?? Why me?”
Josuke shrugged, “Dunno, you’re just special.” He wasn’t too surprised to see tears flood Okuyasu’s eyes, given how emotional he could get.
“Jooosukeeeeee,” he whined, tears rolling down his face.
“Don’t cry, you marshmallow fuck,” Josuke wiped the tears away.
It took a minute, as it always did, to get Okuyasu to calm down. Oku pulled Josuke into his arms, big giddy smile on his face, “That last guy must’ve been awful if you think I’m better than he is.”
“First of all, you’re amazing so never say never say that about yourself again, asshole. Second, yeah, he was massive penis.”
“What happened? You don’t gotta tell me if it’s bad,” Okuyasu quickly amended.
“I was just partying waaay too hard when we were together and he was like, an enabler? I think that’s what Koichi called him. We were together a little over 10 months, and during that time I stayed super high or really drunk. It wasn’t good. And he was a huge asshole, and treated me like shit, so,” Josuke shrugged again.
“I’ll kick his ass if I ever see him.”
Josuke snorted at Okuyasu’s threat, “You don’t even know who he is.”
“Do I care? I’ll drop that motherfucker in a heartbeat.”
“You fuckin’ dork,” Josuke kissed Oku on the jaw, “It’s fine, I moved onto bigger and better things. I got you now.”
He felt tears; Okuyasu was crying again. “Damn right you do,” he sniffed.
“Don’t cry again. Come on, let’s watch something.”
“Josuke, wake up.”
“Wake up, you’re drooling on me again!”
Josuke’s eyes snapped open, “Goddamnit, sorry. I’m so gross when I sleep,” he sat up to wipe drool off of his face and Okuyasu. His headache had eventually gotten the best of him, and he’d fallen asleep with his head resting on Okuyasu’s chest. It wasn’t completely his fault, Oku start playing with his hair while they watched some bad show about vampires, and it relaxed Josuke so much, he passed out. And when he’s that relaxed, Josuke can’t control the flow of spit coming out of his mouth.
“It’s fine dude, I still think you’re cute. How’s your head?”
“Better,” he settled back down into Oku’s arms, “How’s your everything?”
“Eh, I’ll live.”
“Do you wanna switch places? You can sleep on me.”
“Nah, my glasses dig into my face if I try to cuddle like that while watchin’ somethin’. I’m good like this,” he resumed running his fingers through Josuke’s hair.
“You’re gonna put my ass back to sleep doing that. Turn it on something I’ll pay attention to.”
Okuyasu grabbed the PS4 controller, “Whaddya in the mood for?”
“A tacky reality show,” Josuke yawned, “Let’s binge Rock of Love.”
Josuke picked up his phone off of his nightstand as Okuyasu loaded the show, having rescued it from the corner he threw it into earlier. After listening to Okuyasu’s panicked voicemails and reading the avalanche of worried texts he got from him, Josuke made sure to give his boyfriend extra kisses. He felt guilty for causing that much distress.
“Hey, Oku.”
“How open do you wanna be about…us?”
“I dunno man, I ain’t got much experience in this,” Okuyasu scratched his chin with his free hand, “What do you wanna do?”
Josuke thought for a moment, “Well, I’m not ready to be out in like, the public eye. But I wanna tell our friends and family.”
“Sounds good,” Okuyasu kissed the top of his head, “I uh, already may have told people?”
Josuke froze up, “Who?”
“Everyone who already knows about me….Y-you ain’t mad about that, right??” Okuyasu’s fingers stopped moving.
He relaxed, “No, it’s okay. I figured you’d want them to know anyways”
Josuke heard a sigh of relief, “Okay, cool. Also I took a video of you sleepin’ on me earlier, that’s what I sent to them.”
“Oh god,” Josuke groaned, “Don’t tell me you could see the drool in it.”
Okuyasu grabbed his phone and pulled up Snapchat, “I’m an asshole, not cruel.” He had posted the video to his story; it was just of him playing with Josuke’s hair as he slept, with a little heart sticker in the corner. It was adorable.
“Shit, that’s cute. What was everyone’s reaction?”
“Uhh, got congratulations from Tonio, Hazamada sent me a snap of him miming throwing up, Yuuya asked if we banged yet, Yukako told me to not tonguefuck you in front of her, and Keicho only sent me that straight-faced emoji, which is better than I expected. Since you know, after last night—“
“That fistfight was over me, wasn’t it?”
“Ehhh, kinda?” Oku sounded like he didn’t want to talk about it, “Mostly about how I was with you all the time and he didn’t trust you, it was fuckin’ stupid. I don’t think it was really about you? I think it was about like, me not wanting to be up his ass all the time anymore. I dunno, it was typical Keicho bullshit.”
Josuke grumbled under his breath about kicking Keicho’s ass, but Okuyasu flicked his forehead, “I got it handled, don’t worry ya pretty head over it.”
Too late, Josuke groused to himself. Instead of bitching about it, Josuke opened up Snapchat on his phone. He started recording, “Hey Oku, kiss me.”
The video of them kissing was worth the shitstorm of replies, texts, and phone calls Josuke had to deal with for the rest of the day.
It was late, and the rain still hadn’t petered out. “You’re staying tonight, right?” Josuke asked, speaking softly into Oku’s ear. This time, he had won out on being Big Spoon.
“Do you want me to?” came the sleepy reply.
“Uh, duh. I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want ya to.”
“Don’t be a dick, Higashikata. I’ll roll my fatass out of here too quick to talk about.”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding.”
“Me too. ‘Sides, we all know you got the fat ass in this relationship.” Okuyasu cackled despite Josuke jabbing him in the ribs, “What?? It’s a compliment.”
Josuke pouted, “You’re lucky I like you, Nijimura, or I’d push your ass out of bed.”
“Don’t do that, I don’t got the cushion like you do, it’d hurt—“
He launched Okuyasu off the bed as hard as he could. Oku landed in a heap on the floor, snorting and rolling around like a pig in a sty. He peered down at his porcine boyfriend, “You’re a mess, you farm animal.”
Josuke miscalculated; Okuyasu grabbed him by the shirt collar and pulled him down on top of him, knocking their heads together. Another power struggle took place, with Okuyasu winning yet again by tangling himself firmly around Josuke. With some effort, Oku pulled down a pillow and blanket, and wrapped it around them snuggly. “Bedtime, Jojo,” he kissed the top of Josuke’s head.
The floor wasn’t very comfortable, but when Okuyasu started snoring, Josuke followed him to dreamland.
The next morning, Tamami accidentally nailed Josuke in the dick when he stepped on what he assumed was a pile of blankets on the floor. Tamami was kicked in the cock and balls by an enraged Josuke, then booted downstairs. Okuyasu bypassed laughing and went straight to crying, tears of mirth leaked from his eyes. He promptly shut up when Josuke told him to kiss it and make it feel better.
Maybe next time.
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