#plus the live movie is in its own universe so it doesnt even change the original
instaquarius · 2 years
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For Full Res
"Papa?!" Chara cried out in alarm as Arceus stood on his hindlegs, the realization of what he was going to do now fully starting to sink in to her.
"I won't let you decieve me! You're not going to betray me too!!!" Arceus snapped out, hatred and fear in his eyes as well as pain and paranoia as he stared down into Chara's confused, fearful and also concerned eyes and expression as he rears back, preparing to end the child's life...
Arceus when he first comes back to his dimension and the moment he starts attacking chara cuz paranoid, severly injured, terrified, betrayed, confused etc (from the original timeline in the arceus movie when he still thought "damos" betrayed him and dropped a bajillion boulders and shit on the bew and- ye. before ash and co go back in time and its changed and shit) without realizing chara wasn't like that at all and going to betray him as well like "Damos" had.
In Arceus POV it was either him or her at that moment.
alsoooo cuz i just realized Chara's Gyarados would be there too since chara doesnt have pokeballs to keep it in since they dont exist yet when arceus attacks her but then right at the last moment (right after this frame) chara ended up leaving it behind in order to escape- and the gyarados she has travelling with ash and them was a different gyarados (implying the one arceus originally gifted her ended up dying/sacrificing his own life in order to help chara buy time to escape through arceus' portal that was still open when he returned home from michina) *and even- that original gyarados managed to get up again and wrapped its body around arceus to prevent him from killing/crushing chara, so she can run away but because its so heavy she had to leave it behind if that makes sense-
Also I know the fairy-type technically didn't exist yet when the Arceus movie first came out, but I decided to retcon the type in anyways (plus anyways, Fairy doesn't neutralize electric so it doesn't really break anything anyways) but ye.
Fairy Arceus to make Chara's first original Gyarados' Dragon Rage attacks not do shit to him- which further adds to why and how Chara's Gyarados eventually dies in this scene to protect chara. --
For PokeTale: Ascendance
An AU based off of an RP between me and a friend of mine from my discord server discord.gg/pQf9ZsdF6E where the Creation Trio as babies (a time they all cant really fully control their powers and junk) accidentally create a portal into the Undertale Universe and meet Chara and basically Arceus finds Chara and adopts her after finding out about her shitty human parents and Chara ends up helping Arceus raise the babies and basically lives in the Pokemon Universe now
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juniaships · 2 years
People trying to use Gabriella to show why ariel can't be black when she is a one off character from a show that ended years ago and lets be honest the so-called antiwoke crowd would've hated her too for being nonwhite AND disabled.
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pinkykitten · 5 years
I was tagged by @writing-with-melon I hope my answers aren’t complete waste or if time and if so I’m sorry and I love you
Rules: Answer ten 10 questions, ask 10, and tag 10 people
1. What song automatically plays in your head when you look out the window on a long drive? 
i dont really have an answer for this. i think i just automatically think about any song ive been listening to recently or any song that has been stuck in my head. 
2.  Do you have some snacks nearby when you write?
well i live in a two story house so the kitchen is downstairs and im usually lazy busy so since i have a mini fridge upstairs i just usually get water to drink while im writing. its kinda hard to eat and write cuz i loose focus really easily so when i am writing i am writing! i am in the zone! but if i am a little hungry ill usually snack on candy like chocolate kinder joys i love them but they r so expensive or snack on chips but i get like salt on my fingers or i like cheetos so cheetos dust and that just gets everywhere and later my hands and keyboard kinda smell like fart. 3. What do you do to combat creative burnout?
so burnout happens to me a lot so to get inspiration i either read other stories or fanfics which gets my head gears turning or i admire a piece of art or photography or a song. whats so unique and satisfying with writing you can explore and go anywhere with it, hehehe erotic if you know what i mean lol jk there are no barriers with writing just your imagination. there is inspiration any where you go and id advise to never stop writing. even if its a few short sentences or paragraphs about anything even bird poop its still progression and your mind is working and your searching for words like its all good for you bby.  4. Do you use (or like to use) prompts? 
i do ill put the link here. im thinking of changing it though to do something different. 
5. What is your favorite place to write?
lol boring, i know but my room. my room is really bright in the mornings and comfortable and chill and i have a candle of the pandora ride in disney that smells like the ride so its all good and relaxing and super peaceful plus i have a picture of myself the age of like 9 on my desk idk why but it encourages me and makes me focus to make sure i never get that cringy again. 
6. What is a hobby or yous that you usually don’t talk about?
well i like working out HAHAHAHAHA jk that was a joke...get it...cuz i much rather be eatingokillstop. but i really like to draw which i have a art page you can see it if you click here pls look at my failed attempts to be hip and cool with the cool kids and being artsy fartsy. another hobby is i really like to do makeup and nail art, nail art is really tough guys no joke if you do it like you got wizard powers are something. maybe its bc my nails are shorter than pete davidson and ariana grande’s relationship, alright im trying to stop i swear!
7. Do you play an instrument? Which one?
no i wish though. i always wanted to learn to either play the piano or electric guitar cuz H.E.R looks so cool doing it. 
8. How do you feel about your handwriting?
it sucks dont even try me. my sister can barely read it like no wonder nobody wants to steal my signature heck they can’t even read it!
9. Can you tell us of a story that marked your development as a person? As a writer?
ok sit back guys, sniff a nice amount of crack and get ready for the most cringy moment of my life but also a time when i knew i was meant to be *inhale* a fanfic writer. 
so it was elementary school, i think 3rd grade and for my writing assignment we were given a prompt of idk what the heck tbh i think it was like be outside the box and im like ok imma nail this cuz im a weird child and yeah so i got my papers and pencil and i went TO TOWN on this paper. so i wrote two stories. one short story with a picture to go with it and one long story that yeah i buried years ago. so my first story was about a farmer was about that farming life. he had chickens and dairy. so i cant remember if the cheese was spoiled but doesnt matter. anywho these cheese and a chicken were alive like they could talk in the story and i gave them faces, yikes. but the whole story was the farmer was a b*tch and he was trying to eat the chicken and cheese so they hatched a plan to get away from the farmer. they did it successfully and they ran away. yay happy ending my teacher actually liked that one me too and my school mates were thinking what they heck is this girl on i made a story about how me and justin bieber made cookies for Christmas you know. so then my other story i was more proud of this one cuz it was a tone of paper, sorry trees, and this story was about how a female hippo (girl i was all about plus size and thicker girls and no body shaming) and an male ostrich were kidnapped from their own habitats and taken to become circus animals. failed version of Madagascar hey mine was before the circus movie OK THEY STOLE IT FROM MEEEEE. so they get taken and are treated to harsh punishment and the animals can talk and i think its in the point of view of the male ostrich guy thing. they are in the circus and they start to have this relationship happening. love starts blossoming its all good. im happy with this cuz i believed in love at age of 8. they find a way thru a kick butt scene of the animals escaping and the hippo and ostrich are so in love that they run away together and they have half hippo half ostrich babies and i think i named the species  hipstrich or like ostppo idk but i was so proud of this story and when my teacher read it she was worried about me lol i think she thought i might like mate these two animals like secretly idk but she was like it was ok and i was like what this is frickin William Shakespeare writing or like F. Scott Fitzgerald writing. nevertheless it taught me a lesson that nobody else needs to like what im writing the main point and only thing that matters is if your proud of it and you like it and i really did. i will remember that story forever and thats what made me want to be a writer. lol sorry that was a lot. 
10. @emdop I’m going to use this great question: Explain one of your WIPs in the most ridiculous way possible. 
wellllll im working on my peaky blinders oc story its a lot of drugs money killing weapons jewelry rich profanities like its the show but written from my stubby hands so my oc and whatever its great and so excited to show it to you guys. 
im tagging: @thatlittlered, @ardentmuse, @acciosnapes, @lotsoffandomimagines, @collecting-stories, @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms, @naughtyneganjdm, @lenahellgizibe and two random followers @spiritsent, @sucker-for-my-fandoms
i was tagged by @writing-with-melon again ty btw, ps i felt so much pressure lol jk 😊
Rules: Answer 5 questions, Ask 5 questions, Tag 5 people.
1. What is your favorite book?
fifty shades of grey hahaha naw my favorite book is obv you all know this is series of unfortunate events but i never usually cry period and i never cry for books ever so when i read mrs. tom thumb by melanie benjamin, its the part when her sister minnie dies i cried so hard idk it was just emotional the wording the way she described her pain it was so beautiful written yet so sad and that was just amazing to me cuz im like this book made me feel things and im like wow i would love to write a book one day and make someone feel something whether it be sadness anger happiness annoyance anything they are having an emotion and that is super powerful to do that with just words. pls go check out that book its a good read. also im a fan of the greatest showman so i really enjoyed it. there are many other books tho that i thoroughly enjoy so much. 
2. What piece that you’ve written are you most proud of?
oh my god ive always wanted to be asked this question hands down i am always proud of my platonic gender neutral tony stark fic called in·con·sol·a·ble window to me i wrote it so sad and i was feeling like depressed lol when i saw peter die in infinity war like i didnt know what to do with my life tbh but im so glad that @impetrichorny requested it tysm i just like how its not based on romance or fluff or happiness it is based on when you lose someone the nightmares and sadness you go through and that there is nothing nobody can do about it except just be there for that person so i really like writing angst and something that was out of the box. ive been thinking tho of doing a part two since the fate of all the characters has changed after endgame. who knows tho. 
3. What is the last song that inspired you? 
well for art it would have to good news by mac miller when i did that kobe bryant memorial on my art page. i dont want to give it away though but ill just say some very powerful womens music inspired my oc writing and making. 
4. How do you feel about letting people read what you write?
at first i was scared cuz i thought i wrote like trash which that feeling kinda doesnt go away like some days i feel that way others i feel confident or it depends on the request it just depends but anyways i was always insecure about my writing so when i started writing it was more like lets see how this goes if not ill delete the whole page. im glad to say it went great but in the begging it was hard cuz i kept putting myself down but i learned to accept or just understand that you keep learning with writing you always learn knew things with writing how you can explain something better or you words get more intricate and people see the improvement and you do too thats why i applaud those who dont speak english that english isnt their first language. you are doing a tremendous job and keep practicing cuz you’re gonna make it to the top. ive also learned that some days are not my days and you can take time off when youre not feeling it when you have writers block. just recollect your juices sip some tea go to the beach relax your mind a little and take as long as you need to come back and give it your all. also comments and reblogs and likes a follows those meant so much to me and encouraged me. thats why i cant express it enough how much all those mean to writers, artist, photographers, anybody who is truly trying their hard in this area of social media. its makes a person happy smile and confident in their writing but first train your mind into loving what you make not what others thing. you have to be happy with the outcome that is what truly matters and what makes your writing the best. look at me getting philosophical. 
5. Do you get distracted easily? If yes with what?
yes and with porn haha i get distracted easily like very easily homeschooling was really tough for me. music distracts me, netflix, the urge to watch david dobrik or unus annus or buzzfeed unsolved on youtube, heck my farts distract me. i gotta be like troy bolton i gotta get my HEAD IN THE GAME!
im tagging: @thatlittlered​, @ardentmuse​, @acciosnapes​, @lotsoffandomimagines​, @collecting-stories​ AND WHOEVER WANTS TO DO THIS IF YOU FOLLOW ME OR LIKE MY STORIES TAG ME ILL READ YOUR ANSWERS. HOPE I DID THIS RIGHT SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING MWUAH 
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tumblunni · 6 years
Like man it always makes me so confused cos i mean im a soft AF person and i always end up having sympathetic redemption headcanons for them so its not like i like VILLAINY ITSELF but what else do all these characters have in common?
Thats it. Thats it, ursula helped me crack it.
I really want a nice confident sassy funny chubby trans auntie who promotes body positivity to our young hero and always gets to say the coolest lines and get the best moments and BE LOVED FOR WHO SHE IS
And like usually whenever you get anywhere close to seeing those "villain traits" on a hero they like.. Remove all the good parts. If you have a supportive hero aunt she's always boring and generically supportive instead, and has to look like the most stereotypical boring mess ans have a super small plot role and uuuugh thats IF SHES EVEN THERE i mean seriously aunties and grandmas are weirdly less represented as mentors than grandpas who are already REALLY HARD TO FIND and again OFTEN GENERIC AND UNFUN WHENEVER THEY GET TO APPEAR
And how damn often are we allowed to have a chubby gay aunt!! WHERE IS MY CHUBBY GAY AUNT!! ive met SO MANY chubby gay aunts in real life like 90% of all my psychologists have been either that or like.. The exact same but a straight lgbt ally instead. Sassy plus size aunties are THE BACKBONE OF OUR SOCIETY DAMMIT! I've had so much help thanks to sassy gay aunts!! And like even just looking at any damn crowd scene in a normal city centre youre gonna see so many chubby aunts and long nosed uncles and all those sorts of bullshit "ugly people" that mass media pretends are ugly and relegates to One Minor Role In The Entire Cast despite them being infinately more common than supermodels and NOT UGLY AT ALL GEEZ IT PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH
I cant believe im a fuckin disney villain fan cos of body positivity
Tfw u suck so bad at making hateable people that the fandom universally hugs all your villains and ignores your boring protagonists like fuckin TAKE THAT DIDNEY
God i wanna hug hades sooo bad he just needs a friend aaaaaa
And i mean its not just disney, every damn time ive obsessed over a villain its been because they have some trait thats supposed to be "bad" but its actually good and we dont get to see it on the heroes
Like my thing with science villains in particular is that when i first played ff7 i really liked the idea of an evil minion who's a bad sidekick not just because he's "dumb" or "bumbling" but because he's actually not interested in any of the evil stuff and he works against his own boss and is like.. Friendly to the heroes, i have no particular grudge against you and i wont stop you if im off duty and all. I liked the Turks for the same reason but in the origibal ff7 translation they were kind of stoic and serious and i didnt really become as much of a fan of them til i saw them being more goofy and comic relief in some optional sidequests and then their movie adaptation. But hojo was always being all "lol my boss's plan is so stupid amirite" and had that very memorable scene where he's just sunbathing and tells you everything you need to know to get to the next thing to ruin his boss's plan cos i mean fuck it who even cares im just here to soak up some sun while fully dressed in a turtleneck and labcoat. It sucked so much that he was such a reprehensible bastard with creepy sexual assault vibes and murder and child abuse and experimenting on people and basically just NOT A LOVEABLE VILLAIN but his CONCEPT held so much potential to be filled by a sympathetic character instead...
So yeah then cos of him i kept being obsessed with finding SOME CHARACTER SOMEWHERE that actually lived up tp that potential, and thats why i was instantly interested in charon from pokemon and totally on edge waiting for the slightest chance for him to become That Perfect Sass Gramps Of Legend. And then he was indeed sassy!! And had so little screenyime that there was potential for interpretation of him as potentially redeemable cos i mean the game never said he wasnt, the game barely said anything about him at all, lol. And he was so old and small and frail looking and i just wanted to protect him!! And then that one wifi event that actually hinted at synpatheticness!! Aaaa its a recipe for a Forever Fave~
And i guess maybe it all started with my grandma being awesome and me really missing her? Cos i had shitty abusive parents and she was my ONLY good family member who showed me what love was like. And she was also basically a supervillain. Like every damn supervillain trait except being evil! She was bombastic and confident and sassy and mischievious and loud and passionate about stuff and always had something funny to say and never gave up no matter how many times she failed. And she also used all that great power for the forces of good!
So yeh thats why i love sassy good guys and i hate that often even when a sassy villain gets redeemed they seem to lose all their edge and become more generic now theyre a good guy. Or they get totally sidelined with no screentime anymore, or they ONLY get to be comic relief and dont get the full and complex redemption they deserve. Or just a lot of bads!! Its never the simplest answer of just fuckin.. Keep the character the character. Thats kinda why i didnt feel too much for the maleficent movie even though the concept itself sounded like everything i ever wanted. The character in that movie is a very different person to origibal maleficent, she's more just a stoic tsundere mumsy figure than a hammy badass iconicness. Still a nice villain redemption but it felt like it would have been better as an original story instead of an attempted maleficent. Also i wish they handled it better with the whole "true love's kiss could be from your mum instead" thing cos i get sooooo grossed out whenever i see people shipping movie maleficent and aurora! Like yes sleeping beauty with lesbians would be great but not when one of them is old enough to be her mum and raised her like a mum and changed her goddamn diapers! Also why did they have to ruin the three good fairies just to make maleficent have the mum opportunity? Like just remove them from the story if you wanted maleficent to raise the kid instead. No need to rewrite them into incompetant assholes when they were everyone's fave part of the original! Dont sacrifice the rare and elusive Good Sassy Gay Aunts!! THEYRE LIKE THE ONLY ONES IN DIDNEY!!! (Incodentally merlin is the equivelant of this to hades as the fairies are to ursula)
Also also villains tend to have ACTUAL FLAWS in stories that have a more boring bland protagonist. I wanna see the story behind charon's neuroses and how he struggles with overcoming his temptation to be bad because of greed but ultimately manages to conquer his own negative side because power of friendship and such. Thats a great character arc that provides so much more than he does as a villain where they just wasted him entirely :(
* villains are often more complex and well developed characters with flaws while the same wroter might make shitty heroes due to the illogical fear that nobody would root for them if they werent 100% perfect and successful at everything ever
* villains are also often made as negative stereotypes of minorities and other rarely seen traits, which means its easy to reach out to them and reclaim them as a more positive version when theres literally no other options for you to cling to
* the quite common accidental sympathy factor where a villain will seem to be hated more than they deserve for their actions, ir unjustly punished so much that they feel like an underdog, since the writer assumes you'll think theyre "more evil" for being a stereotype and if you dont agree that this thing is bad then it seems like they have way less sins than the story claims they do
* also sass. Sass is good.
But basically the whole root of it is that its stupid and cruel and doesnt goddamn work when you make villains bigoted stereotypes. It just makes me love them! The only person i hate when i see a stereotypical villain is the writer who thought that was a good idea, lol. Just imagine that meme of the samurai holding the cat but its me holding all disney villains!
Also even if a villain isnt outright intentionally meant to be "this minority is bad", it can still make me symoathetic to them if theyre still something thats rare amoung the hero side in the same series. Like charon being the "most unredeemable" villain despite being the most harmless and funny and his plan being so much less world destroying than cyrus, and also he's the only grandpa villain in like.. The whole of all. And he's drawn very much in that way thays supposed to be "ugly" i.e normal grandpa, vs that weird sort of younger than he looks grandpa that hero ones tend to be because blablabla beauty ewuals goodness anti body positivity whatever. Tho actually sinnoh was good with that, they had the best grandpa professor in my opinion cos he got to be sassy too! Rowan always reminds me of auron from ff10. Sinnoh was a good game where i liked a lot of both the heroes and villains even if i still had more villain faves cos i mean pokemon is always biased towards that for me since every game has a voiceless perosnalityless main character and often theyre the one doing most of the heroing with the supporting hero characters having surprisingly little proper screen time. Thats a big part of why i loved hau gladion and lillie in sun and moon! They felt more like a real friend group than any other ones before.
ANYWAY now im just going offtopic into more "i love lots of stuff about every pokemon game" so ill stop typing now
But just basically VILLAINS ARE GOOD COS THEYRE GOOD CHARACTERS and if those stories gavethe same character a good guy role then id still love them just as much, if not more. I dont specifically like villainy, its just that my definition of a good character is often considered a bad character by lazy writers, apparantly?
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
From dream to nightmare: when your sperm donor has secrets
Having a newborn by sperm donation is an intensely personal and emotional process. So what happens when you discover that interested donors has a genetic health agitation?
Sperm donor 9623 searched good on paper. An IQ of 160. A bachelors-at-arms degree in neuroscience, a masters in artificial intelligence, en route to a PhD in neuroscience engineering. A joy for crystallography, algorithm and fitness. Ontario couple Elizabeth Hanson and Angela Collins thought they had obtained the perfect parent for their baby.
Seven times after their son was carry, Collins and Hanson discovered that donor 9623 was a college dropout with schizophrenia, a egocentric personality disorder and a criminal record. He had spent eight months in prison for burglary, and 10 years on probation.
The sperm bank had inadvertently included the donors refer, Christian Aggeles, in an email to the couple. A Google search did the residual. His stepfather had vouched in court that Aggeless psychotic chapters embarked aged 19, well before he started donating in Georgia. Aggeless sperm led to the birth of at least 36 children worldwide.
It was like a dream shifted nightmare in an instant, said Collins. The couple, alongside at least three other lineages, have filed suits against the Georgia-based seman bank, Xytex Corporation, which too afforded sperm to British pairs. Xytex disavows wrongdoing.
Such examples are not unique. Like Collins, Hanson and their son, numerous lineages and individuals are now coming to terms with vital information that their donors withheld.
The forks of such discoveries can be gargantuan. The most important entity to me is[ my son] potentially facing a extremely debilitating life-style, Collins says. I felt like I was hoaxed by Xytex and I flunked my son for having opted Xytex. In hindsight, a hitchhiker on the side of the road would have been a far more responsible alternative for designing a child.
Lineages have filed litigations against the Georgia-based seman bank, Xytex Corporation. Picture: David Goldman/ AP
What level of probability do Aggeless genes consult? The structure of mental health diseases is complex. The genetic ingredient of schizophrenia, shows Professor Cathryn Lewis, prof of genetic epidemiology and statistics at Kings College London, is not a single gene, but is compounded across many genes. There are likely to be thousands of inherited variants that verify peril of schizophrenia. Each change somewhat increases or declines our jeopardy, but none of them alone will enable us to predict whether someone is likely to develop schizophrenia.
Even arousing brand-new findings in the C4 gene expect careful interpretation. Its a single piece in a large genetic jigsaw riddle, Lewis says. Testing one gene tells us anything about private individuals risk of developing schizophrenia.
Mental health conditions too manifest a mix of interacting environment and social causes. Not to mention that many people with schizophrenia respond to treatment and live full, productive lives.
Donor anonymity was abolished in the UK in 2005. Donor-conceived offspring are now legally entitled, at the age of 18, to information on their donors identity. Nonetheless, this was not retrospectively exerted: those imagined before April 2005( thats 21,000 people born between 1991 and 2004 alone) cannot identify their donor unless interested donors steps forward willingly. Some are never even told they were donor-conceived in the first place.
Tyler Blackwell discovered as a boy in Maryland that he has 35 half-siblings. His second astonish: using the same condition that his donor leader, John( not his real mention) has not been able to uncovered. Johns sister received the Blackwells through a family genealogy website. It transpired that John, who had not replied to their mail, had an aortic aneurysm, which had ruptured at the age of 43. He had existed. At least three other family members were similarly altered. Tyler appreciated a cardiologist as a precaution, was diagnosed with an aneurysm and underwent surgery. Without an operation on an aneurysm of this kind, the mortality from severance is up to 97%. When sever arises, patients often die within six hours. There is no one who knew about it, said his mother of the sperm bank committed. If I could foretell the future, I would have picked a different donor.
Financial motivations could underlie some instances of deception. Nonetheless, the UKs Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority ( HFEA ) defines the limit for sperm donors at 35 per clinic visit and egg donors at 750 per hertz of subscription, plus expenses. These limits, it territory, is also intended to reward altruism and depres compulsion. Rules vary internationally. One California cryobank repays your time and expenditures with compensation of up to $1,500/ month with periodic motivations such as movie tickets or talent credentials for additional meter and exertion expended by participants.
Danish sperms donor 7042 unwittingly passed on neurofibromatosis to at least 11 of his children, after his sperm was used in clinics across the US, Canada, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Thailand and the UK. Neurofibromatosis is associated with mentality and nerve cancers, bone deformities, visual impairment, high blood pressure and discover difficulties. Offspring have a 50% threat of acquiring it. Denmark has since mandated that donor sperm can be used in a maximum of 12 inseminations. In the UK , no more than 10 houses can be created using egg or sperm from a single donor. Donated eggs are not risk-free, but sperm donors typically have more offspring who can pass on inherited preconditions to the next generation.
There is no such thing as reproduction without gamble. Here i am, however, an ethical responsibility towards the child to be imagined and their hopeful parents. If a donor develops a genetic circumstance times after donation, “were not receiving” structure at present that executes disclosure.
Donors now must measure negative for HIV, hepatitis B and C, and syphilis, with farther screening be a primary consideration in ethnicity such as cystic fibrosis in those of Caucasian ancestry and sickle-cell sicknes in African and Afro-Caribbean populations. Guidelines state that potential donors should be assessed for ailments with a genetic component cleave palate, spina bifida, congenital nature malformations, psychosis and others but that decisions on eligibility should be individualised.
These screening regulations do not always apply to the unknown number of UK citizens who travel abroad to find donors, utilization unlicensed clinics or buy home-insemination paraphernaliums online. Although psychological evaluation is required by most international authorities, this will not bar donors who have not yet developed evidences of a serious mental health issues disorder. For them, the diagnostic implement is time.
Genetic screening is more cheap and comprehensive than ever before. So, should we turn away from the donors account and towards the laboratory? Allan Pacey, professor of andrology at the University of Sheffield, is distrustful. I fantasize the perfect genome probably doesnt prevail, so its truly a question of where the line should be drawn. Only about 4% of all those who come forward to be sperm donors are admitted. If we were to impose a whole new change of exclusion criteria based on theoretical threats, it is possible there wont be any sperm donors at all.
Frozen sperm stored in a sperm bank. Image: monkeybusinessimages/ Getty Images/ iStockphoto
With improved screening, donors might be diagnosed with genetic ailments that would have remained undiscovered for ever, or are untreatable. Perhaps there is an controversy for not knowing.
Kevin, who were working in photography in London, is not just a donor-conceived person but a donor himself. He believes that prospective mothers should know as much as possible about the donors medical history. But there is a level where you have to draw the line, and say were no longer causing designer babies here, he adds.
He understands the distress of Elizabeth Hanson and Angela Collins, yet concern about speaking too much into particular case. Its a shame if parties tell it overshadow the industry and take it to be some sort of wide-reaching fraud. It is one floor. Every daytime there are lots of children being born to couples who have fertility problems and thats much more important to remember.
Eleven offspring have been born from his gifts. Why did he donate? I wouldnt be here if someone hadnt donated. Soul did that and thats why I am here.
Jess Cresswell discovered aged 28 that she was donor-conceived. Seven years later, she still does not know who her biological father is, but appears her parents established her best available life we are able to. Since some of her own family medical record is missing, how does she feel about donor screening?
I think they should be screened but I also considered that, just because they have some kind of hereditary condition, they shouldnt necessarily be excluded. Its the parents discretion; some people would rather have a child knowing theres a risk of picking something up than not, if that was their alone option.
It is now easier than ever for donor-conceived parties to find their genetic house. The US Donor Sibling Registry has helped connect more than 10,900 parties with their half-siblings and/ or their donors. Nearly 70% of those who sign up match with a biological relative, and virtually 80% of these working groups pair instant. The UK has a Donor Sibling Link site.
Direct-to-consumer genetic tests have revolutionised this room. In 2005, a 15 -year-old moved a saliva sample to an online service, had his genetic code uploaded, use a tracking website and met his biological father 10 weeks later. Kevin met a half-sister through a donor-sibling registry and two half-siblings through parentage places. He later unwittingly discovered some of his donors items. Two hours on, Google divulged his donors epithet. The two have since stayed in contact.
One last occasion: Aggeles received mental health therapy and picked up a degree in cognitive discipline two decades after he firstly registered at university. He is now working on a masters in artificial intelligence.
The post From dream to nightmare: when your sperm donor has secrets appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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viralhottopics · 8 years
We’re very close. We couldn’t not be: the secret to a friendly divorce
This month sees a spike in couples filing for divorce, many of them vowing to stay friends. But is it really possible or worth the pain?
A few weeks ago, a man came to stay at my house and he and I made so much noise at 1am that we feared we might wake the children. The next morning at breakfast, we had to explain ourselves and apologise.
The man was my ex-husband, and he was telling me an anecdote in the early hours that had us both in fits of laughter. We separated in January 2009, and divorced a year later. He has since remarried, and lives in another city, but often comes to visit our three teenage sons. We have spent several Christmases, Easters and birthdays together.
If liking and being nice to your former partner is the essence of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martins conscious uncoupling, it could be said that my ex-husband and I are living that dream. In the three years since they announced their much-ridiculed approach to family life and relations post-marriage, the idea of the friendly divorce has become increasingly mainstream. As Helena Bonham Carter said of Tim Burton, her former husband of 13 years, I think well have something very precious still. Actor Kate Beckinsale is so friendly with her ex Michael Sheen (the father of their daughter) that shes often seen hanging out with him and his girlfriend, Sarah Silverman.
And then theres the rise of the divorce selfie, taken outside the courtroom, showing smug ex-marrieds beaming away together in the spirit of a bright future ahead of them (with a caption such as We smile not because its over but because it happened). January traditionally sees a spike in calls to family lawyers from couples wishing to uncouple. The first question for many is: can you really have a happy split?
Divorce coach Carol Sullivan thinks so. She runs Divorce Negotiator, which operates throughout England and Wales. Unlike solicitors who represent the separate parties, Sullivan assists both husband and wife and, to stop the escalation, maintains transparency between them. She claims to save a typical couple 80% of the cost of going to a solicitor, and 50% of their time. So far, she has helped more than 1,000 couples, many of whom apologise to each other and go out for drinks despite their decree nisi.
People are doing divorce differently that is, better, Sullivan says. They are more aware that the only winners are the lawyers, and bitterness and vengeance dont get anybody anywhere.
Of course, most people would say theyd like to divorce well, at least in theory, usually for the sake of any children involved. But, in practice, anger and hurt usually muddy the waters.
I am insufferably smug about what my ex-husband and I have managed to pull off, but I wont pretend it was instant. The parting of the ways was painful beyond anything I had ever experienced, but we managed to sort out our financial affairs and living arrangements ourselves. A lawyer friend kindly did the essential paperwork for both of us. We never went to court, and our whole divorce cost 90. Eight years have since passed, and time has done its cliched but excellent bit in terms of healing. Rancour has been and gone, leaving all the things we liked about each other in the first place: enjoyment of each others company, great communication, affection and respect. Plus all the things we have together accumulated over the years, namely three great boys, an important shared history and the recognition that prolonged bitterness eats away at people and benefits nobody.
Its difficult, but this approach is becoming more common. I have a friend whose husband went off with another woman. After her shock and anger subsided, she had him to stay with his new girlfriend several times, and even took coffee up to them in the morning. (Talk about forgiveness.) It was nice for the kids to see I was accepting of her with him, she tells me. I liked him. I liked her. She says she didnt indulge in any power play, at least not consciously.
The prevailing view is that good relations benefit the children, if you have them. Phyllis Maguire-Harrington, 33, is a carer and nursery manager. She sees many families who arent amicable, which has only compounded her belief that friendly divorce is vital even when she found out, three years into their marriage, that her husband had been unfaithful.
It hurt massively, she says now, but our daughter is my world. Even though I ended the marriage there and then, and never once wavered, I always spoke to him and let him see her. My daughter deserves both parents.
There was no court case. The same lawyer represented them both. It was all their own terms; he just did the paperwork. Her ex-husband has exactly the same parental rights as she does.
The couple, both from Wokingham, met at a bowling alley in their early 20s. Kieran Harrington, 35, remembers that she started dancing and I thought, wow! He found her generous, with a lot of time for others. Phyllis says she is very energetic, while Kieran was very chilled and happy to go along with anything she threw at him. They married in 2008 and separated in 2011, when their daughter was a year old.
To be brutally honest, I cheated on her, Kieran says. Its one of those things I cant explain. It was nothing she ever did or didnt do. When she found out, she went ballistic. Id never seen her like that. I deserved it. I tried to get her back, but eventually knew it was hopeless.
It was complicated, Phyllis says, because in September 2007 he had a brain haemorrhage and that altered him. Kieran says that, although he doesnt remember being tempted before the brain haemorrhage, it is nonetheless too easy an excuse. Either way, he says, the two flings with colleagues were a huge mistake. Initially, he says, there was some nastiness from Phyllis, but then it went away.
For a long time I wanted him to be my Kieran, Phyllis says, but he had changed. After the brain haemorrhage, I became more like a carer. I knew he was no longer fully in control of himself, and a psychologist told us he was never going to change. I had a baby and couldnt live like that any more, the suspicious wife.
The divorce came through in December 2014 and Kieran, a prison custody officer, now lives with his father and sister. He and Phyllis still see each other most days, and go on holiday together. They took Erin, now five, to Disneyland Paris for new year and glamping in Cornwall. Neither has another partner.
I did for a while, Phyllis says, and he and Kieran accepted each other, but he wanted to get married and I didnt. I think Kieran put me off for life, she laughs.
These days, Kieran confides in Phyllis about dates and she gives him advice. He admits hed like to get back together with her, but knows thats never going to happen; he also knows that it could all have been very different had Phyllis not been so forgiving. I could have lost a lot more, he says. As it is, the friendship we have having a laugh, watching movies together, sharing a bottle of wine when the little one is asleep is the best I can hope for, given Id still like to be married to her. Ill be a little bit jealous when shes with someone else, but I messed up, so I havent a leg to stand on. Im grateful Ive got this much and know we will be friends for life.
Phyllis agrees: Were very close. We couldnt not be, after all weve been through. But the divorce was the right decision. Would I get back with him? Never. Hes not the man I fell in love with.
Specialist family lawyer Peter Martin has been practising at London firm OGR Stock Denton for 40 years, and has worked with thousands of couples. In his experience, roughly 25-30% of couples are able to be friends afterwards, and its not always to protect the children. In some ways, it is easier for couples without children to stay friends, Martin says. Once the finances are sorted out, they are able to get on with their lives. They can become friends again, because they no longer have any pressures on them.
On the other hand, Martin says, couples without children have less reason to stay in touch. Those with children have to continue to communicate, and they are more likely, because of that, to rebuild a friendship. A forced friendship, because of having children, often develops in time into the real thing. Its the sort of thing I see a lot Im thinking of the first dance of a divorced couple as parents at their childs wedding.
Barry Rutter, 69, an actor, is founder and artistic director of Northern Broadsides, a touring company. He credits his ex-wife, Carol, 65, a professor of Shakespeare and performance studies at the University of Warwick, with their excellent relationship after nearly 20 years of marriage and 20 years of divorce. She credits him with not forcing her and their girls out of their home. You can be vengeful and angry and selfish and do all that stuff, Carol says. All those ugly emotions you can keep up for years, but thats just destructive.
The couple met while Barry was on tour in America in 1976. She, with her Californian chutzpah, came backstage to congratulate me, he says.
He had the tight curls of a Raphael angel and a boxers nose, she says. He was bolshie, challenging: a Yorkshireman. Everything around him was different and new.
She moved to England a year later, and they soon married. Their shared passion meant they always had things to talk about. Briony was born in 1982; their son, Harry, two years later, but he died from cot death aged just 98 days. Barrys support in the aftermath made Carol feel an overwhelming sense that our marriage could survive; how amazing it was that he could love me that much.
When he set up his own company, Barry was working so hard, Carol says, I think he started kind of shifting. Rowan, their younger daughter, was four. Carol had a full-time job at the university and Barry came home wanting shiny faces. There was a gap. It was, Barry says, a build-up of events, which I took to be a diminution between us. And my own restlessness. The cliche: the grass is always greener. The official divorce says adultery, but it is never as simple as that. I didnt fall in love, but I was distracted.
Barry says it was raw. I remember we met in the garden shed and she asked what I wanted, and I said all of my freedom to roam, and yet the home and family. It was a stupid, macho, dumb attitude to have. It was my folly. You make choices, and choices can bite.
How did I come back from that? Carol says. I went to see a divorce person who said dont fight, its not worth it; work it out between you. I was able to keep the man separate from the actor and, little by little, the birth of our three children, the death of our son, those things you shared, count. They represent the real core values of you two as people, as against the accidents of making bad decisions.
Barry says it was entirely Carols leading that set them on the footing they are on today. Its got to be about the future: I remember her saying that. I myself didnt have it in me to come up with anything like that. Its a testament to her. Id hope she is my best friend. Shes kept the name [Rutter]. Ive always been rather pleased about that.
These days, their daughters are both married, and they still see each other at least once a month and speak often. Carol goes to watch her ex-husband perform. She says he is perhaps better at expressing his emotions on stage, but he always made her laugh off it, and always will.
Tara Saglio has been a couples and individual psychotherapist for two decades. She believes that most divorced couples have to experience a period of proper separation before they can actively be friends again. As a generalisation, I think it takes five years for people to settle post-divorce, she says. It helps if both parties have reached a point where they can feel equally content, instead of one being miserable and the other blissfully loved-up with a new partner or even of one being blissfully alone and the other in a less than ideal rebound relationship. The chance of friendship depends on the emotional maturity of both parties. In my experience, Saglio adds, it is usually the couples for whom the passion has dwindled or gone, and who dont feel so betrayed or rejected, who can be friends. Sexual rejection or broken trust can skewer things.
Facebook, Instagram and so on can make it harder for couples to move on. Of course, social media always presents a happy if not idealised picture of everyones lives, Saglio says. It is hard to separate fully while having ones nose rubbed in the exs new life. On the upside, technology can be a force for good, depending on how it is used. It makes continued contact quicker and easier. A text or email is more emotionally distant than a face-to-face or phone conversation. A bit of a barrier can be a good thing.
Resolution is an organisation of family law professionals that promotes nonconfrontational divorce settlements. Nigel Shepherd, its national chair, says that avoiding unnecessary argument demands a shift of perspective: By nonconfrontational, we mean focusing on what is required for the future, as opposed to getting stuck in what happened in the past. A Resolution survey found that 90% of cases settle without a judge.
Current divorce law doesnt exactly help people to remain friendly: unless former couples are prepared to wait for two years once they have separated, they have no option but to cite adultery, unreasonable behaviour or (admittedly rarely) desertion on the paperwork. Resolution believes that a couple should be allowed to divorce simply if they think the marriage has broken down, a so-called no-fault divorce, and are lobbying for change. The current process, which pushes the majority into blame, often against their will, can really put the spanner in the works, Shepherd says.
Businesswoman Sarah Bevan never lost sight of the fact that she wanted to retain her friendship with her husband, Tim, despite her deep sadness when their marriage came to an end. We were originally friends, and I wanted very strongly to maintain that for the greater good of our family, she says. We always had a lot of fun and we managed to retain that.
Sarah, who is now single and in her 40s, lives in south London, and is setting up her own company. Tim, 50, the MD of a packaging and design company, lives in Hove. The pair met at work in London and married in 1994. They have three teenage children. The friendship was overriding in the relationship, Tim says. Any other issues were put to one side. Thats what carried us. But then I started to do better in my career, which made me more confident and, when other possibilities presented themselves, I was weak enough to succumb.
It was 2004. He admitted he was having an affair (not his first); they finally parted in 2005 and divorced in 2011. Tim says he walked away with two pictures, a stereo and a pink tea towel.
There were no lawyers, and nothing on paper; money was divided according to their own agreement. The divorce cost 560. Rather than argue in court, he wanted Sarah and the children to have a home and security. He credits their friendship today to his ex-wifes openness and strength, and thinks they have both pulled off something pretty extraordinary. According to Tim, both realise they are not going to be jumping into bed with each other again, but hopes theyll be best friends for life.
Shes currently offering me advice on cholesterol, he laughs. Shes still got my back! It helped that neither of them slagged each other off to the children. The family has a group chat online most days and he visits them every Tuesday for a curry evening.
There were phases of extreme anger and massive hurt, Sarah says, but even though hes certainly a difficult character, I love him and we hug and say we love each other. He remains an important part of her life, all the more so because her parents died recently in tragic circumstances. As Tim says, that focused everyone on whats important.
Despite everything weve put each other through, Tim says, weve come out of it. We will be sitting in our deckchairs in 30 years time with our mint tea, looking at the children, and thinking, Weve done good.
How to divorce well
1. Slow down. Reactive decisions are usually bad ones; if you are feeling hurt, or have just discovered your partner with someone else, dont take any legal action until the red mist has gone.
2. Try to be rational. Going through a separation is highly emotional, but try to put that to one side and sit down with a neutral party with the aim of making sensible decisions. Remember that you loved the other person once.
3. Decide on your priorities. More often than not one of the biggest goals is to move on with your life with your dignity intact. The more amicable the divorce, the quicker it will be over, leaving you to get on with the next chapter of your life. It is also a lot cheaper.
4. Go to a good family lawyer. Find a family specialist committed to working out solutions as amicably as possible and in a way that will preserve your relationship with your spouse.
5. Expect a big change in your lifestyle. Your life is going to change dramatically; being shocked by this can often lead to resentment and breed conflict. Your partners life will be changing, too, and they will have the same problems adjusting as you are. Yes, really.
6. Dont do it the celebrity way. You dont have to fight dirty to get the best result in fact, judges will frown upon it when making their settlement.
7. Dont listen to your friends. Turn to them for emotional support but remember that every marriage is different and every divorce is different. Just because friends think it is a good idea, doesnt mean it is.
8. Be the bigger person. Even if your nearly ex is trying to play dirty, dont rise to the bait. It is easier said than done, but I often hear from people who, years later, regret that they allowed themselves to be brought down to that level.
9. Think about divorce before you get married. What will your situation be if things dont work out? Consider how your partner is likely to behave in those circumstances as well. Think about a prenuptial agreement realism does not have to be anti-romantic.
10. If you have children, be nice for their sake. It is only in the most exceptional circumstances that it is not in the childrens interests for their parents to remain friendly.
Peter Martin, family lawyer, OGR Stock Denton
Read more: http://ift.tt/2jaHCUt
from We’re very close. We couldn’t not be: the secret to a friendly divorce
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mavwrekmarketing · 8 years
The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.s base in Birmingham, Alabama. A bus station where segregationists attacked Freedom Riders. These civil rights sites of the 1960s, etched in black-and-white images in our memories, are naturals for selection as national monuments. Less obvious, but perhaps more powerful in our nations history, is President Barack Obamas designation of Beaufort, South Carolina, a cradle of Reconstruction.
AmidObamas last-minute flurry of executive orders and regulatory actions pardons, commutations, Arctic drilling bans Thursdays dedication of the Beaufort monument seemed to fall in the shadow of the other two dedicated that day: the motel that served as Kings headquarters in the final push for the Voting Rights Act and the Anniston, Alabama, Greyhound station where a bus was firebombed in 1961.
The monument in Beaufort commemorates a segment of the civil rights struggle that is far less prominent in American history.
Beauforts Reconstruction Era National Monument will commemorate this lesser-known period (about 1865 to 1877) following the Civil War. For instance, how many Americans know the name of Hiram Revels of Mississippi, the countrys first black senator? At a time when the black population of the American South was still struggling to come to terms with life in the post-emancipation era, Revels belonged to the wave of black men who sought and won office across the region. They won seats in the Senate, in the House of Representatives, in state legislatures, and in hundreds of local and municipal posts across the South.
(Reconstruction is the subject of a new Huffington Post podcast, produced with rapper Killer Mike, that will launch in the next few weeks. Sign up here to get an email when it drops.)
So why doesnt Reconstruction get much attention? If you take as your starting premise that mainstream history remains largely written by white Americans, that question isnt so hard to answer. There are few white heroes in this story (no Lyndon Johnsons), and there is no happy ending, no great civil rights legislation (not that survived, at least). The countrys (and arguably the worlds) first experiment in genuinely interracial democracy was strangled in its cradle or, given the decade-plus it survived, its childhood destroyed by a combination of political sabotage and terrorism. In the 1860s and 70s, groups like the Ku Klux Klan, the White Leagues, and the Redshirts arose and conducted campaigns of violence aimed at intimidating Republican politicians in the South, especially their attempts to build black political power.
You were taking your life in your hands by becoming a black political figure, says Columbia University history professor Eric Foner. This group of black political leaders suffered more violence, whether its murder, or arson of their homes or whippings, than any group of political leaders I can think of in American history. Whatever the acrimony of politics right now, you dont have armed men going after members of the legislature and whipping them or shooting them. Were not quite at that level yet. But they were in Reconstruction.
By the end of the 19th century, white dominance in the South (or home rule, as it was euphemistically called) had been restored. Jim Crow was the law of the land, and the country would not see large-scale black electoral participation until the civil rights movement of the mid-20th century. In many ways, the drought in black political power lasted even longer than that: When Tim Scott was elected in South Carolina in 2014, it was the first time Southern voters had sent an African-American to the Senate since 1881. (Senators in the 19th century were actually elected by state legislatures, not directly by voters, but you get the point.)
In recent months, Beaufort has mounted a vocal campaign to persuade Obama to designate a monument to Reconstruction there. Why Beaufort? The town and its environs occupy a unique place in 19th century history: In the fall of 1861, early in the Civil War, Beaufort County became one of the first places in the South to fall to the Union. Although it was precariously situated between Savannah and Charleston, two of the most important Confederate port cities, the concentration of black population in coastal Beaufort made it a hotbed of pro-Union sentiment, and the ideal location for Union naval forces seeking anchorage. Confederates and plantation owners had fled the region, leaving behind their homes, their land, and most importantly, their former slaves.
Over the next few years, the region bore witness to one of the most extraordinary untold chapters of American history. Black leaders and white abolitionists saw an opportunity to demonstrate to white society (especially to skeptical Northerners) that blacks were capable of citizenship: that they could participate in the free labor economy, establish their own educational institutions and live as any other members of society. Northern abolitionists ministers, teachers, doctors traveled to Beaufort County to lend their expertise. The endeavor came to be known as the Port Royal Experiment. Like the Reconstruction as a whole, it succumbed to political reaction; after the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln in 1865, Republicans began to lose their stomach for radical programs of land redistribution, and the Port Royal Experiment was abandoned.
Beaufort was also the birthplace of arguably the most incredible political figure of the Reconstruction era. Robert Smalls was born into slavery in 1839 and won national fame in 1862 when he commandeered a confederate naval vessel, and, under cover of darkness, piloted it out of Charleston harbor and delivered it to the Union. He ended up meeting with Lincoln and influencing his decision to allow black soldiers to serve in the Union Army. Smalls became the first black man to command a U.S. naval vessel. He then had a long career in Congress, with Beaufort as his political base. Many of the historic sites that will comprise the new monument relate to Smalls and his life.
Unfortunately, African-Americans havent always been in control of their stories, says Michael Boulware Moore. Moore is the president and CEO of the International African American Museum in Charleston, South Carolina. Hes also the great-great-grandson of Smalls. And so stories like Robert Smalls just havent gotten out. Now over the last 15-20 years, certainly more people know of him and his accomplishments. But I grew up in Boston, and I think about Paul Revere who performed a valiant, historical service but he didnt do anything close to what Robert Smalls did. But yet every child in this country learns about Paul Revere. I think [Smalls] still is under-exposed, but thats changing year by year.
I think for a lot of people, the story of Robert Smalls really hasnt fit their narrative, adds Moore. In the South to this day, there are pockets where Robert Smalls is persona non grata because he embarrassed the Confederacy, and they dont want to talk about it.
It took a very long time for Reconstruction to shake off its accumulated historical dust and assume a prominent place in the canon of American history. Its still not there, really, but the popular conception of that era has made strides since a century ago, when its image was the one given to us by D.W. Griffith in his silent epic The Birth of a Nation.In this view, Reconstruction was undertaken by vengeful Northerners as punishment for the Souths independence of spirit. The success of the Democratic Party in banishing the Radical Republicans from the South was a victory to be celebrated. But most tragically consequential was the image this school of historical thought gave of the eras black leaders. Black politicians were childlike, unintelligent, corrupt, and preoccupied only with their own enrichment. It posited too that northern Republican carpetbaggers cared nothing for the rights of blacks, and saw them only as pawns in their political campaign to subjugate the former Confederate states. Black political power, which during Reconstruction was substantial, was fundamentally illegitimate.
The whole idea that your former slaves were now passing laws which white people would have to obey was completely anathema to white Southerners, says Eric Foner. Foner is generally credited as one of the most important figures in the late 20th century Reconstruction revisionism that swept away the Birth of a Nationschool of thought, and he recently co-wrote a New York Times editorial arguing for the establishment of the Beaufort monument.
By the way, he adds, its not all that different from how so many white people view President Obama 150 years later. There are still people who cant accept the fact that hes actually an American and entitled to be president.
Theres only so much that a monument can do to affect peoples historical attitudes, but anyone who has lived or traveled in the American South knows that monuments honoring 19th century figures have a decidedly pro-Confederate slant. Perhaps the new monument in Beaufort will begin to reverse that trend.The removal of the Confederate flag from the South Carolina statehouse and the raging debate over removal of Confederate statues in New Orleans suggest that attitudes toward history may be changing. If current trends continue, we might be on the verge of a Robert Smalls/Reconstruction revival.
In a recent interview, the director of the 2016 feature film Free State of Jones suggested that Smalls story would make a good movie. For now, we can revel in watching the first black president establish a monument to his 19th century forebears in the heart of the former Confederacy.
CORRECTION:Due to an editing error, an earlier version of this article said Freedom Riders were attacked by anti-segregationists. The attackers were segregationists.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2ji8d3L
The post Reconstruction Is Finally Getting The Historical Recognition It Deserves appeared first on MavWrek Marketing by Jason
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tumblunni · 7 years
I just remembered that show Gargoyles that I loved as a kid, and I decided to rewatch it, and its SOMEHOW EVEN BETTER THAN I THOUGHT IT WAS?? Like holy fuck?? It has one of the best introductions to any show ever! Did I just never see the first episode as a kid, or did all the implications fly over my head when I watched it??
Okay so.. like.. I knew the PREMISE but I didnt expect it all happened in the least expected way! The friggin theme tune tells us that blablabla ancient magical guardian creatures fell under some sort of curse and now they’re revived in modern times, such and such, there you go a one sentence plot. BUT HOW IT HAPPENED HOW it happened oh GOD And like the show starts with a whole hour long flashback to the gargoyles back in olden times?? like thats a really bold move! usually in kids shows theyre like ‘you MUST establish the status quo/episode formula right away’. here we literally only saw two minutes of modern times america. TWO MINUTES! some person we dont know finds some mysterious monster. now lets throw that all away and spend a whole glorious hour establishing how much of an upstanding man that damn monster is, and how the universe treats him like shit. like weirdly enough it raises hype for the modern day episode formula even as it shows none of it?? it makes the audience think ‘WAIT WTF THEYRE NOT EVIL, OH NO WE ALREADY KNOW THE MODERN POLICE IS GONNA ATTACK THEM’ :< And then also we get ANOTHER HOUR AND A HALF of establishing the modern day status quo too?? theyre labelled on dvds and stuff as the first five episodes, but really this was just one big 2 and half hour movie premiere! i wish i could have seen it in its original form back when it first aired, i just remember that it was really hard to catch reruns of the multi part stuff cos toon disney had a lot of airing issues
Here’s our premise! We start off in some ambiguously set medieval kingdom where everyone dresses like a mashup of vikings and englishmen yet have scottish accents ok seriously thats kinda distracting And we’re introduced to this small castle kingdom that’s protected by mysterious guardian creatures of amazing character design. Like seriously i wish they didnt focus so much on this ‘all the main gargoyles have to look more human’ thing, the comic relief teenagers trio was my favourite and also THE COOL GRANDPA EYEPATCH GARGOYLE ok ok im getting offtopic So in this universe gargoyles are a sentient species of winged noble warrior doods, who just happen to have a problem of turning to stone in sunlight. And they protect these humans but the humans are all assholes who’re like WAH BUT THEY LOOK LIKE CHRISTIAN DEMONS THEY MUST BE EVIL even as theyre like.. mid-being-saved. Absolute dumbasses. And seriously YOU BUILT YOUR CITY ON THE GARGOYLES’S LAND! You should count yourself lucky their leader is Niceman Mc Patience who agreed to a peace treaty instead of kicking your ass. Seriously Goliath you kinda comprimised too much! It really fuckin sucks!! The gargoyles are like.. employed by the humans for no form of pay?? They get literally nothing out of it! Except less room to live in their own home, and constant degredation.
We’re introduced to the princess and royal vizier dude when the kindly knight captain is like ‘hey you should say thank you to the gargoyles, not me’, and she’s like HOW DARE YOU LET THE BEASTS INSIDE THE HOUSE! Like seriouslt the gargoyles arent even allowed to be seen by humans?? Theyre supposed to protect them every damn day but also should never speak and never have any form of rights as sentient beings. WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR DAMAGE, MEDIEVAL DOODS?? So yeah here’s our brief summary of the everyone here: * Fucking asshole princess who acts like you let your dog shit on the floor if you give a friggin sentient being and king of another civilization the basic courtesy of being allowed to STAND INSIDE THE HOUSE * Cliche evil vizier lookin dood who doesnt really have much personality shown yet except being a sycophant to her anti gargoyle shit, and like.. from his character design you totally expect he’s gonna be evil. *shrug* * Niceman mc guardman who treats Goliath like a friend and is being all activist for gargoyle rights amoung the court. But also he’s really low ranking apparantly, and doesnt have any power to affect change. It seems that he’s been treated like shit by these royals for a long time... * One innocent nice kiddo who wants to hug the gargoyles for saving him, but his jerkass mum is all OMG HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HIM HEY EVERYONE YOU SAW THEY TOTALLY ATTACKED US RIGHT Like seriously he just fuckin tries to start a conversation with the younger gargoyles, and is all ‘youre my hero!’ and they have a nice talk that establishes a load of worldbuilding like how gargoyle culture doesnt have any form of names and Goliath only has one cos the humans gave it to him. Screw you, worldbuilding interruption predjudice mom!
Okay so now we have our premise, and we see some mysterious guy in a hood sneaking out of the castle to ally with some raiders who wanna overthrow the country and steal all its riches. Also a minor scene of the teen and kid gargoyle group being sent to their room for 'causing trouble’ even though seriously the humans started it >_> So like.. we all know where this is going, right? Its a pretty big omen when you give us a contrived circumstance for the children to be the only ones who can be safe from this impending catastrophe... And the voice was very gruff and deep so its probably not the princess doing this shit, plus duh she already has all the power so why would she need to stage a coup? Really, the question now is just what vizier man’s motives are for wanting to betray her!
This is where the story gets fuckin great, and also where My Soul Is Pained
hey guess who was really the traitor? its.... nice guard man! fffffuck its sooo creepy when the princess is running for help and she’s like HEY THANK GOD YOURE HERE and then he has this big slasher smile and reveals his plan T_T And like.. he’s still.. not really evil?? Nobody here is evil, except the personalityless plot device raider guys who just exist to set up this circumstance. The princess is an ungrateful predjudiced asshole, but she’s beloved by her human subjects and i mean., she never actually does anything evil, she’s just rude and nasty. And the vizier was a complete red herring and actually all his mysterious shit was just him hiding a crush on the princess, so he breaks down when he thinks she’s dead :( And then guard guy also wasnt lying about caring about the gargoyles. he tried to get them to leave so that only the humans would die, but then like.. his ambition overtook that one shred of loyalty he had to his friends. He thought he could get through all this without having to kill them, but when the raider guy insists upon it he ends up agreeing rather than lose his chance at stealing the throne. And then its really slimy how he’s all ‘BUT I DIDNT INTEND THIS ORIGINALLY, ITS ALL RAIDER GUY’S FAULT’ after goliath shows up and cries over the corpses of his family, like seriously what the fuck dude dont try and weasel out of consequences for your actions. But still it feels like he was once a genuinely good guy who just gave in to his selfishness and abandoned his morals?? And i mean its super justified for him to be angry at how he was treated by the princess, and to want to affect change in this society. WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU!! Seriously its so fuckin surprisingly deep to have some guy who’s a fakeout hero in the first damn episode. And some guy who’s a villain just because he stooped to any means necessary to carry out his once-heroic ambitions. Instead of changing society for the sake of the people, he’s sacrificing all the people just to gain the throne, and forgetting why he ever wanted it! SERIOUSLY HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO BE EVEN WORSE THAN ASSHOLE PRINCESS
so yeah then the plot just goes in SO MANY UNEXPECTED DIRECTIONS to get to the same expected conclusion! Instead of just being cursed by the bad guys, the gargoyles were betrayed by the one closest to them, while those bad guys all died innefectually offscreen. And the curse wasnt even an evil act! It happens because of a REALLY COMPLEX GREY MORALITY SITUATION, where the princess and vizier were gonna be sold off for cash, but then because the gargoyles tried to save them the guard guy decided to just execute them instead. So after their triumphant rescue of all the villagers, they find the vizier man sobbing over his dead love, and then he tells them its THEIR FAULT IT HAPPENED. And he doesnt want to live without her, so he makes a really stupid reckless decision and decides to attack the last few living gargoyles. And like RIGHT AFTER he casts the spell on them, he finds out the princess is still alive and its all oh Fuck What The Fuck Have I Done So vizier man tries to undo the curse, but his book of spells got damaged in the fight and (OF COURSE) coincidentally the page about curse lifting is gone. Cue fuckin Everyone Crying. SO FEW EVIL PEOPLE IN THIS STORY SO MANY EVIL ACTS DONE BY THOSE WHO THOUGHT THEY WERE THE HERO like even the vizier and princess realize they were wrong about their anti gargoyle bigotry after they have to see the consequences of it here but its just WAY TOO LATE FOR THAT
and then yo the EVEN MORE UNEXPECTED AND SAD BIT cos our protagonist gargoyle was the only one who didnt get cursed thats unexpected and he basically COMMITS SUICIDE TO BE WITH HIS FAMILY THATS KINDA MORE UNEXPECTED Well its more like a g-rated suicide metaphor?? Everyone thinks the curse will never be broken, so he curses himself too cos he cant live without them. And its really depressing cos even though we know they all eventually get uncursed, so many others just straight up died and also theyll never see their human friends again and also the castle is all destroyed so the fate of the kingdom is really ambiguous too?? we just know that the now-redeemed princess and vizier are gonna do anything they can to protect their citizens and atone for what happened. and they take the last few gargoyle eggs that werent destroyed, and promise to raise them with all of the love and respect they nevr gave poor goliath... and seriously they never say whose children those eggs were but he’s like the only person left who could have given them a proper gargoyle childhood. So like its morally grey that goliath is choosing death together with the people he knows, rather than living and trying to ressurect his dying civilization. i absolutely wouldnt blame him for it though, its not like suicide is an active choice, he wasnt exactly in his right mind at the time! But its just REALLY NICE AND COMPLEX! And raises a lot of questions about what will happen to these new gargoyles who’re raised by humans, how different would they be if goliath and co met them someday? i really hope thats actually a plot thats gonna happen, i cant rememebr ANYTHING about this show lol...
so yeah theres all the FUCKIN COMPLEX DARK MORAL AMBIGUITY IN ANCIENT ENGLANDSCOTLANDGERMANYKINDA and it is AMAZING and it absolutely baffles me how they ahve such great plots when other parts of the writing are kinda awful standard disney cliches?? like seriously they wasted so much screentime on Comic Relief: A Fat Guy Exists. Seriously he just.. exists. They show these really slow and overanimated scenes of him just.. eating things. not even exaggerated or comedic. he ate one pie, lets all make fun of him for twenty minutes but man, no show in the 90s was perfect, lol! this is still pretty damn great! AND VERY EMOTIONAL
oh oh oh and i didnt mention THE OTHER CRYING BIT cos the guard guy gets a cliche disney villain death, the whole accidentally falling off a cliff due to his own actions, so the protagonist isnt morally responsible for killing a man but then what makes it a really unique scene is that THATS NOT THE MORAL STANCE THE SHOW TAKES goliath WANTED to kill that damn man or, at the very least, give him some sort of punishment for what he’d done goliath has a fucking huge despair moment over the fact this villain man died and he wasnt the one who did it “you took everything from me, even my chance at revenge” cue ugly sobbing as this buff ass demon man screams at the heavens and cradles the stone dust that was once his damn wife what the fuck show why are you doing this to me
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
From dream to nightmare: when your sperm donor has secrets
Having a newborn by sperm donation is an intensely personal and emotional process. So what happens when you discover that interested donors has a genetic health agitation?
Sperm donor 9623 searched good on paper. An IQ of 160. A bachelors-at-arms degree in neuroscience, a masters in artificial intelligence, en route to a PhD in neuroscience engineering. A joy for crystallography, algorithm and fitness. Ontario couple Elizabeth Hanson and Angela Collins thought they had obtained the perfect parent for their baby.
Seven times after their son was carry, Collins and Hanson discovered that donor 9623 was a college dropout with schizophrenia, a egocentric personality disorder and a criminal record. He had spent eight months in prison for burglary, and 10 years on probation.
The sperm bank had inadvertently included the donors refer, Christian Aggeles, in an email to the couple. A Google search did the residual. His stepfather had vouched in court that Aggeless psychotic chapters embarked aged 19, well before he started donating in Georgia. Aggeless sperm led to the birth of at least 36 children worldwide.
It was like a dream shifted nightmare in an instant, said Collins. The couple, alongside at least three other lineages, have filed suits against the Georgia-based seman bank, Xytex Corporation, which too afforded sperm to British pairs. Xytex disavows wrongdoing.
Such examples are not unique. Like Collins, Hanson and their son, numerous lineages and individuals are now coming to terms with vital information that their donors withheld.
The forks of such discoveries can be gargantuan. The most important entity to me is[ my son] potentially facing a extremely debilitating life-style, Collins says. I felt like I was hoaxed by Xytex and I flunked my son for having opted Xytex. In hindsight, a hitchhiker on the side of the road would have been a far more responsible alternative for designing a child.
Lineages have filed litigations against the Georgia-based seman bank, Xytex Corporation. Picture: David Goldman/ AP
What level of probability do Aggeless genes consult? The structure of mental health diseases is complex. The genetic ingredient of schizophrenia, shows Professor Cathryn Lewis, prof of genetic epidemiology and statistics at Kings College London, is not a single gene, but is compounded across many genes. There are likely to be thousands of inherited variants that verify peril of schizophrenia. Each change somewhat increases or declines our jeopardy, but none of them alone will enable us to predict whether someone is likely to develop schizophrenia.
Even arousing brand-new findings in the C4 gene expect careful interpretation. Its a single piece in a large genetic jigsaw riddle, Lewis says. Testing one gene tells us anything about private individuals risk of developing schizophrenia.
Mental health conditions too manifest a mix of interacting environment and social causes. Not to mention that many people with schizophrenia respond to treatment and live full, productive lives.
Donor anonymity was abolished in the UK in 2005. Donor-conceived offspring are now legally entitled, at the age of 18, to information on their donors identity. Nonetheless, this was not retrospectively exerted: those imagined before April 2005( thats 21,000 people born between 1991 and 2004 alone) cannot identify their donor unless interested donors steps forward willingly. Some are never even told they were donor-conceived in the first place.
Tyler Blackwell discovered as a boy in Maryland that he has 35 half-siblings. His second astonish: using the same condition that his donor leader, John( not his real mention) has not been able to uncovered. Johns sister received the Blackwells through a family genealogy website. It transpired that John, who had not replied to their mail, had an aortic aneurysm, which had ruptured at the age of 43. He had existed. At least three other family members were similarly altered. Tyler appreciated a cardiologist as a precaution, was diagnosed with an aneurysm and underwent surgery. Without an operation on an aneurysm of this kind, the mortality from severance is up to 97%. When sever arises, patients often die within six hours. There is no one who knew about it, said his mother of the sperm bank committed. If I could foretell the future, I would have picked a different donor.
Financial motivations could underlie some instances of deception. Nonetheless, the UKs Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority ( HFEA ) defines the limit for sperm donors at 35 per clinic visit and egg donors at 750 per hertz of subscription, plus expenses. These limits, it territory, is also intended to reward altruism and depres compulsion. Rules vary internationally. One California cryobank repays your time and expenditures with compensation of up to $1,500/ month with periodic motivations such as movie tickets or talent credentials for additional meter and exertion expended by participants.
Danish sperms donor 7042 unwittingly passed on neurofibromatosis to at least 11 of his children, after his sperm was used in clinics across the US, Canada, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Thailand and the UK. Neurofibromatosis is associated with mentality and nerve cancers, bone deformities, visual impairment, high blood pressure and discover difficulties. Offspring have a 50% threat of acquiring it. Denmark has since mandated that donor sperm can be used in a maximum of 12 inseminations. In the UK , no more than 10 houses can be created using egg or sperm from a single donor. Donated eggs are not risk-free, but sperm donors typically have more offspring who can pass on inherited preconditions to the next generation.
There is no such thing as reproduction without gamble. Here i am, however, an ethical responsibility towards the child to be imagined and their hopeful parents. If a donor develops a genetic circumstance times after donation, “were not receiving” structure at present that executes disclosure.
Donors now must measure negative for HIV, hepatitis B and C, and syphilis, with farther screening be a primary consideration in ethnicity such as cystic fibrosis in those of Caucasian ancestry and sickle-cell sicknes in African and Afro-Caribbean populations. Guidelines state that potential donors should be assessed for ailments with a genetic component cleave palate, spina bifida, congenital nature malformations, psychosis and others but that decisions on eligibility should be individualised.
These screening regulations do not always apply to the unknown number of UK citizens who travel abroad to find donors, utilization unlicensed clinics or buy home-insemination paraphernaliums online. Although psychological evaluation is required by most international authorities, this will not bar donors who have not yet developed evidences of a serious mental health issues disorder. For them, the diagnostic implement is time.
Genetic screening is more cheap and comprehensive than ever before. So, should we turn away from the donors account and towards the laboratory? Allan Pacey, professor of andrology at the University of Sheffield, is distrustful. I fantasize the perfect genome probably doesnt prevail, so its truly a question of where the line should be drawn. Only about 4% of all those who come forward to be sperm donors are admitted. If we were to impose a whole new change of exclusion criteria based on theoretical threats, it is possible there wont be any sperm donors at all.
Frozen sperm stored in a sperm bank. Image: monkeybusinessimages/ Getty Images/ iStockphoto
With improved screening, donors might be diagnosed with genetic ailments that would have remained undiscovered for ever, or are untreatable. Perhaps there is an controversy for not knowing.
Kevin, who were working in photography in London, is not just a donor-conceived person but a donor himself. He believes that prospective mothers should know as much as possible about the donors medical history. But there is a level where you have to draw the line, and say were no longer causing designer babies here, he adds.
He understands the distress of Elizabeth Hanson and Angela Collins, yet concern about speaking too much into particular case. Its a shame if parties tell it overshadow the industry and take it to be some sort of wide-reaching fraud. It is one floor. Every daytime there are lots of children being born to couples who have fertility problems and thats much more important to remember.
Eleven offspring have been born from his gifts. Why did he donate? I wouldnt be here if someone hadnt donated. Soul did that and thats why I am here.
Jess Cresswell discovered aged 28 that she was donor-conceived. Seven years later, she still does not know who her biological father is, but appears her parents established her best available life we are able to. Since some of her own family medical record is missing, how does she feel about donor screening?
I think they should be screened but I also considered that, just because they have some kind of hereditary condition, they shouldnt necessarily be excluded. Its the parents discretion; some people would rather have a child knowing theres a risk of picking something up than not, if that was their alone option.
It is now easier than ever for donor-conceived parties to find their genetic house. The US Donor Sibling Registry has helped connect more than 10,900 parties with their half-siblings and/ or their donors. Nearly 70% of those who sign up match with a biological relative, and virtually 80% of these working groups pair instant. The UK has a Donor Sibling Link site.
Direct-to-consumer genetic tests have revolutionised this room. In 2005, a 15 -year-old moved a saliva sample to an online service, had his genetic code uploaded, use a tracking website and met his biological father 10 weeks later. Kevin met a half-sister through a donor-sibling registry and two half-siblings through parentage places. He later unwittingly discovered some of his donors items. Two hours on, Google divulged his donors epithet. The two have since stayed in contact.
One last occasion: Aggeles received mental health therapy and picked up a degree in cognitive discipline two decades after he firstly registered at university. He is now working on a masters in artificial intelligence.
The post From dream to nightmare: when your sperm donor has secrets appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2jbB4t9 via IFTTT
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
From dream to nightmare: when your sperm donor has secrets
Having a newborn by sperm donation is an intensely personal and emotional process. So what happens when you discover that interested donors has a genetic health agitation?
Sperm donor 9623 searched good on paper. An IQ of 160. A bachelors-at-arms degree in neuroscience, a masters in artificial intelligence, en route to a PhD in neuroscience engineering. A joy for crystallography, algorithm and fitness. Ontario couple Elizabeth Hanson and Angela Collins thought they had obtained the perfect parent for their baby.
Seven times after their son was carry, Collins and Hanson discovered that donor 9623 was a college dropout with schizophrenia, a egocentric personality disorder and a criminal record. He had spent eight months in prison for burglary, and 10 years on probation.
The sperm bank had inadvertently included the donors refer, Christian Aggeles, in an email to the couple. A Google search did the residual. His stepfather had vouched in court that Aggeless psychotic chapters embarked aged 19, well before he started donating in Georgia. Aggeless sperm led to the birth of at least 36 children worldwide.
It was like a dream shifted nightmare in an instant, said Collins. The couple, alongside at least three other lineages, have filed suits against the Georgia-based seman bank, Xytex Corporation, which too afforded sperm to British pairs. Xytex disavows wrongdoing.
Such examples are not unique. Like Collins, Hanson and their son, numerous lineages and individuals are now coming to terms with vital information that their donors withheld.
The forks of such discoveries can be gargantuan. The most important entity to me is[ my son] potentially facing a extremely debilitating life-style, Collins says. I felt like I was hoaxed by Xytex and I flunked my son for having opted Xytex. In hindsight, a hitchhiker on the side of the road would have been a far more responsible alternative for designing a child.
Lineages have filed litigations against the Georgia-based seman bank, Xytex Corporation. Picture: David Goldman/ AP
What level of probability do Aggeless genes consult? The structure of mental health diseases is complex. The genetic ingredient of schizophrenia, shows Professor Cathryn Lewis, prof of genetic epidemiology and statistics at Kings College London, is not a single gene, but is compounded across many genes. There are likely to be thousands of inherited variants that verify peril of schizophrenia. Each change somewhat increases or declines our jeopardy, but none of them alone will enable us to predict whether someone is likely to develop schizophrenia.
Even arousing brand-new findings in the C4 gene expect careful interpretation. Its a single piece in a large genetic jigsaw riddle, Lewis says. Testing one gene tells us anything about private individuals risk of developing schizophrenia.
Mental health conditions too manifest a mix of interacting environment and social causes. Not to mention that many people with schizophrenia respond to treatment and live full, productive lives.
Donor anonymity was abolished in the UK in 2005. Donor-conceived offspring are now legally entitled, at the age of 18, to information on their donors identity. Nonetheless, this was not retrospectively exerted: those imagined before April 2005( thats 21,000 people born between 1991 and 2004 alone) cannot identify their donor unless interested donors steps forward willingly. Some are never even told they were donor-conceived in the first place.
Tyler Blackwell discovered as a boy in Maryland that he has 35 half-siblings. His second astonish: using the same condition that his donor leader, John( not his real mention) has not been able to uncovered. Johns sister received the Blackwells through a family genealogy website. It transpired that John, who had not replied to their mail, had an aortic aneurysm, which had ruptured at the age of 43. He had existed. At least three other family members were similarly altered. Tyler appreciated a cardiologist as a precaution, was diagnosed with an aneurysm and underwent surgery. Without an operation on an aneurysm of this kind, the mortality from severance is up to 97%. When sever arises, patients often die within six hours. There is no one who knew about it, said his mother of the sperm bank committed. If I could foretell the future, I would have picked a different donor.
Financial motivations could underlie some instances of deception. Nonetheless, the UKs Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority ( HFEA ) defines the limit for sperm donors at 35 per clinic visit and egg donors at 750 per hertz of subscription, plus expenses. These limits, it territory, is also intended to reward altruism and depres compulsion. Rules vary internationally. One California cryobank repays your time and expenditures with compensation of up to $1,500/ month with periodic motivations such as movie tickets or talent credentials for additional meter and exertion expended by participants.
Danish sperms donor 7042 unwittingly passed on neurofibromatosis to at least 11 of his children, after his sperm was used in clinics across the US, Canada, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Thailand and the UK. Neurofibromatosis is associated with mentality and nerve cancers, bone deformities, visual impairment, high blood pressure and discover difficulties. Offspring have a 50% threat of acquiring it. Denmark has since mandated that donor sperm can be used in a maximum of 12 inseminations. In the UK , no more than 10 houses can be created using egg or sperm from a single donor. Donated eggs are not risk-free, but sperm donors typically have more offspring who can pass on inherited preconditions to the next generation.
There is no such thing as reproduction without gamble. Here i am, however, an ethical responsibility towards the child to be imagined and their hopeful parents. If a donor develops a genetic circumstance times after donation, “were not receiving” structure at present that executes disclosure.
Donors now must measure negative for HIV, hepatitis B and C, and syphilis, with farther screening be a primary consideration in ethnicity such as cystic fibrosis in those of Caucasian ancestry and sickle-cell sicknes in African and Afro-Caribbean populations. Guidelines state that potential donors should be assessed for ailments with a genetic component cleave palate, spina bifida, congenital nature malformations, psychosis and others but that decisions on eligibility should be individualised.
These screening regulations do not always apply to the unknown number of UK citizens who travel abroad to find donors, utilization unlicensed clinics or buy home-insemination paraphernaliums online. Although psychological evaluation is required by most international authorities, this will not bar donors who have not yet developed evidences of a serious mental health issues disorder. For them, the diagnostic implement is time.
Genetic screening is more cheap and comprehensive than ever before. So, should we turn away from the donors account and towards the laboratory? Allan Pacey, professor of andrology at the University of Sheffield, is distrustful. I fantasize the perfect genome probably doesnt prevail, so its truly a question of where the line should be drawn. Only about 4% of all those who come forward to be sperm donors are admitted. If we were to impose a whole new change of exclusion criteria based on theoretical threats, it is possible there wont be any sperm donors at all.
Frozen sperm stored in a sperm bank. Image: monkeybusinessimages/ Getty Images/ iStockphoto
With improved screening, donors might be diagnosed with genetic ailments that would have remained undiscovered for ever, or are untreatable. Perhaps there is an controversy for not knowing.
Kevin, who were working in photography in London, is not just a donor-conceived person but a donor himself. He believes that prospective mothers should know as much as possible about the donors medical history. But there is a level where you have to draw the line, and say were no longer causing designer babies here, he adds.
He understands the distress of Elizabeth Hanson and Angela Collins, yet concern about speaking too much into particular case. Its a shame if parties tell it overshadow the industry and take it to be some sort of wide-reaching fraud. It is one floor. Every daytime there are lots of children being born to couples who have fertility problems and thats much more important to remember.
Eleven offspring have been born from his gifts. Why did he donate? I wouldnt be here if someone hadnt donated. Soul did that and thats why I am here.
Jess Cresswell discovered aged 28 that she was donor-conceived. Seven years later, she still does not know who her biological father is, but appears her parents established her best available life we are able to. Since some of her own family medical record is missing, how does she feel about donor screening?
I think they should be screened but I also considered that, just because they have some kind of hereditary condition, they shouldnt necessarily be excluded. Its the parents discretion; some people would rather have a child knowing theres a risk of picking something up than not, if that was their alone option.
It is now easier than ever for donor-conceived parties to find their genetic house. The US Donor Sibling Registry has helped connect more than 10,900 parties with their half-siblings and/ or their donors. Nearly 70% of those who sign up match with a biological relative, and virtually 80% of these working groups pair instant. The UK has a Donor Sibling Link site.
Direct-to-consumer genetic tests have revolutionised this room. In 2005, a 15 -year-old moved a saliva sample to an online service, had his genetic code uploaded, use a tracking website and met his biological father 10 weeks later. Kevin met a half-sister through a donor-sibling registry and two half-siblings through parentage places. He later unwittingly discovered some of his donors items. Two hours on, Google divulged his donors epithet. The two have since stayed in contact.
One last occasion: Aggeles received mental health therapy and picked up a degree in cognitive discipline two decades after he firstly registered at university. He is now working on a masters in artificial intelligence.
The post From dream to nightmare: when your sperm donor has secrets appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2jbB4t9 via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
From dream to nightmare: when your seman donor has secrets
Having a baby by sperm donation is an intensely personal and psychological process. So what happens when you discover that interested donors has a genetic health ill?
Sperm donor 9623 looked good on paper. An IQ of 160. A bachelors degree in neuroscience, a masters in artificial intelligence, en route to a PhD in neuroscience engineering. A passion for crystallography, algorithms and fitness. Ontario couple Elizabeth Hanson and Angela Collins thought they had observed the perfect father for their baby.
Seven times after their son was born, Collins and Hanson discovered that donor 9623 was a college dropout with schizophrenia, a egocentric personality disorder and a criminal record. He had wasted eight months in prison for burglary, and 10 years on probation.
The sperm bank had inadvertently included the donors appoint, Christian Aggeles, in an email to the couple. A Google search did the remain. His stepfather had vouched in tribunal that Aggeless psychopathic chapters began age-old 19, well before he started donating in Georgia. Aggeless sperm led to the birth of at least 36 children worldwide.
It was like a dream changed nightmare in an point, said Collins. The couple, alongside at least three other categories, have registered lawsuits against the Georgia-based sperm bank, Xytex Corporation, which too gave sperm to British duets. Xytex disclaims wrongdoing.
Such specimen are not unique. Like Collins, Hanson and their son, numerous categories and individuals are now to access to words with vital information that their donors withheld.
The forks of such breakthroughs can be immense. The most important entity to me is[ my son] potentially facing a very debilitating life-style, Collins says. I felt like I was defrauded by Xytex and I flunked my son for having selected Xytex. In hindsight, a hitchhiker on the side of the road would have been a far more responsible option for imagining a child.
Families have registered lawsuits against the Georgia-based seman bank, Xytex Corporation. Photograph: David Goldman/ AP
What level of danger do Aggeless genes award? The building of mental health illness is complex. The genetic ingredient of schizophrenia, explains Professor Cathryn Lewis, prof of genetic epidemiology and statistics at Kings College London, is not a single gene, but is combined across many genes. There are likely to be thousands of acquired discrepancies that hold threat of schizophrenia. Each change slightly increases or decreases our danger, but nothing of them alone will enable us to predict whether someone is likely to develop schizophrenia.
Even stimulating brand-new findings in the C4 gene ask careful version. Its a single piece in a large genetic jigsaw riddle, Lewis says. Measuring one gene tells us anything about private individuals risk of developing schizophrenia.
Mental health conditions also show a mixture of interacting environment and social causes. Not to mention that many parties with schizophrenia respond to treatment and live full, productive lives.
Donor anonymity was abolished in the UK in 2005. Donor-conceived offspring are now legally entitled, at the age of 18, to information on their donors identity. However, this was not retrospectively exerted: those thoughts before April 2005( thats 21,000 people born between 1991 and 2004 alone) cannot identify their donor unless interested donors gradations forward voluntarily. Some are never even told they were donor-conceived in the first place.
Tyler Blackwell discovered as a teen in Maryland that he has 35 half-siblings. His second amaze: having the same condition that his donor parent, John( not his real refer) has not been able to divulged. Johns sister discovered the Blackwells through a family pedigree place. It transpired that John, who had not replied to their communication, had an aortic aneurysm, which had severed at persons under the age of 43. He had endured. At least three other family members were similarly altered. Tyler accompanied a cardiologist as a precaution, was diagnosed with an aneurysm and underwent surgery. Without an operation on an aneurysm of this type, the mortality rate from severance is up to 97%. When sever appears, patients typically die within six hours. There is no one who knew about it, said his mother of the sperm bank committed. If I could foretell the future, I would have picked a different donor.
Financial incentives could underlie some instances of deception. However, the UKs Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority ( HFEA ) specifies the limit for sperm donors at 35 per clinic visit and egg donors at 750 per repetition of donation, plus expenses. These restrictions, it territory, aim to reward altruism and prevent coercion. Rules vary internationally. One California cryobank recoups your time and expenditures with compensation of up to $1,500/ month with regular motivations such as movie tickets or endow certificates for additional era and try expended by participants.
Danish semen donor 7042 unwittingly passed on neurofibromatosis to at least 11 of “their childrens”, after his seman was used in clinics across the US, Canada, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Thailand and the UK. Neurofibromatosis is consistent with brain and nerve tumors, bone deformities, visual disorder, blood pressure and read rigors. Offspring have a 50% gamble of acquiring it. Denmark has since mandated that donor sperm can be used in a maximum of 12 inseminations. In the UK , no more than 10 categories can be created using egg or seman from a single donor. Donated eggs are not risk-free, but sperm donors frequently have more offspring who are in a position pass on acquired plights to the next generation.
There is no such situation as reproduction without peril. Here i am, however, an ethical responsibility towards the child to be seen and their hopeful mothers. If a donor develops a genetic precondition years after donation, “were not receiving” arrangement at present that enforces disclosure.
Donors now must experiment negative for HIV, hepatitis B and C, and syphilis, with farther screening be a primary consideration in ethnicity such as cystic fibrosis in those of Caucasian swoop and sickle-cell sicknes in African and Afro-Caribbean populations. Guidelines state that potential donors should be assessed for positions with a genetic constituent cleft palate, spina bifida, congenital mettle malformations, psychosis and others but that decisions on eligibility should be individualised.
These screening regulations do not ever apply to the unknown number of UK citizens who travel abroad to find donors, implement unlicensed clinics or buy home-insemination kits online. Although mental evaluation is required by most international authorities, this will not table donors who have not yet developed indications of a serious mental health issues disease. For them, the diagnostic implement is time.
Genetic screening is more affordable and thorough than ever before. So, should be used turn away from the donors account and towards the laboratory? Allan Pacey, prof of andrology at the University of Sheffield, is leery. I thoughts the perfect genome probably doesnt prevail, so its actually a question of where the line should be drawn. Merely about 4% of all those who come forward to be seman donors are abode. If we were to impose a whole new prepare of exclusion criteria based on theoretical hazards, it is possible there wont be any sperm donors at all.
Frozen sperm stored in a sperm bank. Picture: monkeybusinessimages/ Getty Images/ iStockphoto
With intensified screening, donors might be diagnosed with genetic positions that would have remained undiscovered for ever, or are untreatable. Perhaps there is an statement for not knowing.
Kevin, who works in photography in London, is not only a donor-conceived being but a donor himself. He is therefore of the opinion that prospective parents should know as much as possible about interested donors medical record. But there is a stage where you have to draw the line, and say were no longer forming decorator children here, he adds.
He understands the distress of Elizabeth Hanson and Angela Collins, hitherto worries about speaking too much into particular case. Its a disgrace if beings make it overshadow the industry and take it to be some sort of wide-reaching corruption. It is one narration. Every era there are lots of children being born to duets who have fertility both problems and thats much more important to remember.
Eleven offspring have been born from his gifts. Why did he donate? I wouldnt be here if someone hadnt donated. Someone did that and thats why I am here.
Jess Cresswell detected aged 28 that she was donor-conceived. Seven years later, she still does not know who her biological father is, but find her mothers imparted her the best life they could. Since some of her own family medical record is missing, how does she feel about donor screening?
I think they should be screened but I also think that, just because they have some sort of hereditary condition, they shouldnt inevitably be excluded. Its the parents discretion; some people would rather have a child knowing theres a risk of picking something up than not, if that was their only option.
It is now easier than ever for donor-conceived parties to find their genetic pedigree. The US Donor Sibling Registry has helped connect more than 10,900 people with their half-siblings and/ or their donors. Nearly 70% of those who sign up match with a biological relative, and nearly 80% of this group competitor instantaneously. The UK has a Donor Sibling Link website.
Direct-to-consumer genetic tests have revolutionised this opening. In 2005, a 15 -year-old mailed a saliva sample to an on-line service, had his genetic code uploaded, applied a tracking website and met his biological father 10 days later. Kevin spotted a half-sister through a donor-sibling registry and two half-siblings through parentage places. He afterward unwittingly discovered some of his donors items. Two hours on, Google disclosed his donors appoint. The two have since stayed in contact.
One last concept: Aggeles received mental health medicine and picked up a degree in cognitive discipline two decades after he first registered at university. He is now working on a masters in artificial intelligence.
The post From dream to nightmare: when your seman donor has secrets appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
From dream to nightmare: when your seman donor has secrets
Having a baby by sperm donation is an intensely personal and psychological process. So what happens when you discover that interested donors has a genetic health ill?
Sperm donor 9623 looked good on paper. An IQ of 160. A bachelors degree in neuroscience, a masters in artificial intelligence, en route to a PhD in neuroscience engineering. A passion for crystallography, algorithms and fitness. Ontario couple Elizabeth Hanson and Angela Collins thought they had observed the perfect father for their baby.
Seven times after their son was born, Collins and Hanson discovered that donor 9623 was a college dropout with schizophrenia, a egocentric personality disorder and a criminal record. He had wasted eight months in prison for burglary, and 10 years on probation.
The sperm bank had inadvertently included the donors appoint, Christian Aggeles, in an email to the couple. A Google search did the remain. His stepfather had vouched in tribunal that Aggeless psychopathic chapters began age-old 19, well before he started donating in Georgia. Aggeless sperm led to the birth of at least 36 children worldwide.
It was like a dream changed nightmare in an point, said Collins. The couple, alongside at least three other categories, have registered lawsuits against the Georgia-based sperm bank, Xytex Corporation, which too gave sperm to British duets. Xytex disclaims wrongdoing.
Such specimen are not unique. Like Collins, Hanson and their son, numerous categories and individuals are now to access to words with vital information that their donors withheld.
The forks of such breakthroughs can be immense. The most important entity to me is[ my son] potentially facing a very debilitating life-style, Collins says. I felt like I was defrauded by Xytex and I flunked my son for having selected Xytex. In hindsight, a hitchhiker on the side of the road would have been a far more responsible option for imagining a child.
Families have registered lawsuits against the Georgia-based seman bank, Xytex Corporation. Photograph: David Goldman/ AP
What level of danger do Aggeless genes award? The building of mental health illness is complex. The genetic ingredient of schizophrenia, explains Professor Cathryn Lewis, prof of genetic epidemiology and statistics at Kings College London, is not a single gene, but is combined across many genes. There are likely to be thousands of acquired discrepancies that hold threat of schizophrenia. Each change slightly increases or decreases our danger, but nothing of them alone will enable us to predict whether someone is likely to develop schizophrenia.
Even stimulating brand-new findings in the C4 gene ask careful version. Its a single piece in a large genetic jigsaw riddle, Lewis says. Measuring one gene tells us anything about private individuals risk of developing schizophrenia.
Mental health conditions also show a mixture of interacting environment and social causes. Not to mention that many parties with schizophrenia respond to treatment and live full, productive lives.
Donor anonymity was abolished in the UK in 2005. Donor-conceived offspring are now legally entitled, at the age of 18, to information on their donors identity. However, this was not retrospectively exerted: those thoughts before April 2005( thats 21,000 people born between 1991 and 2004 alone) cannot identify their donor unless interested donors gradations forward voluntarily. Some are never even told they were donor-conceived in the first place.
Tyler Blackwell discovered as a teen in Maryland that he has 35 half-siblings. His second amaze: having the same condition that his donor parent, John( not his real refer) has not been able to divulged. Johns sister discovered the Blackwells through a family pedigree place. It transpired that John, who had not replied to their communication, had an aortic aneurysm, which had severed at persons under the age of 43. He had endured. At least three other family members were similarly altered. Tyler accompanied a cardiologist as a precaution, was diagnosed with an aneurysm and underwent surgery. Without an operation on an aneurysm of this type, the mortality rate from severance is up to 97%. When sever appears, patients typically die within six hours. There is no one who knew about it, said his mother of the sperm bank committed. If I could foretell the future, I would have picked a different donor.
Financial incentives could underlie some instances of deception. However, the UKs Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority ( HFEA ) specifies the limit for sperm donors at 35 per clinic visit and egg donors at 750 per repetition of donation, plus expenses. These restrictions, it territory, aim to reward altruism and prevent coercion. Rules vary internationally. One California cryobank recoups your time and expenditures with compensation of up to $1,500/ month with regular motivations such as movie tickets or endow certificates for additional era and try expended by participants.
Danish semen donor 7042 unwittingly passed on neurofibromatosis to at least 11 of “their childrens”, after his seman was used in clinics across the US, Canada, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Thailand and the UK. Neurofibromatosis is consistent with brain and nerve tumors, bone deformities, visual disorder, blood pressure and read rigors. Offspring have a 50% gamble of acquiring it. Denmark has since mandated that donor sperm can be used in a maximum of 12 inseminations. In the UK , no more than 10 categories can be created using egg or seman from a single donor. Donated eggs are not risk-free, but sperm donors frequently have more offspring who are in a position pass on acquired plights to the next generation.
There is no such situation as reproduction without peril. Here i am, however, an ethical responsibility towards the child to be seen and their hopeful mothers. If a donor develops a genetic precondition years after donation, “were not receiving” arrangement at present that enforces disclosure.
Donors now must experiment negative for HIV, hepatitis B and C, and syphilis, with farther screening be a primary consideration in ethnicity such as cystic fibrosis in those of Caucasian swoop and sickle-cell sicknes in African and Afro-Caribbean populations. Guidelines state that potential donors should be assessed for positions with a genetic constituent cleft palate, spina bifida, congenital mettle malformations, psychosis and others but that decisions on eligibility should be individualised.
These screening regulations do not ever apply to the unknown number of UK citizens who travel abroad to find donors, implement unlicensed clinics or buy home-insemination kits online. Although mental evaluation is required by most international authorities, this will not table donors who have not yet developed indications of a serious mental health issues disease. For them, the diagnostic implement is time.
Genetic screening is more affordable and thorough than ever before. So, should be used turn away from the donors account and towards the laboratory? Allan Pacey, prof of andrology at the University of Sheffield, is leery. I thoughts the perfect genome probably doesnt prevail, so its actually a question of where the line should be drawn. Merely about 4% of all those who come forward to be seman donors are abode. If we were to impose a whole new prepare of exclusion criteria based on theoretical hazards, it is possible there wont be any sperm donors at all.
Frozen sperm stored in a sperm bank. Picture: monkeybusinessimages/ Getty Images/ iStockphoto
With intensified screening, donors might be diagnosed with genetic positions that would have remained undiscovered for ever, or are untreatable. Perhaps there is an statement for not knowing.
Kevin, who works in photography in London, is not only a donor-conceived being but a donor himself. He is therefore of the opinion that prospective parents should know as much as possible about interested donors medical record. But there is a stage where you have to draw the line, and say were no longer forming decorator children here, he adds.
He understands the distress of Elizabeth Hanson and Angela Collins, hitherto worries about speaking too much into particular case. Its a disgrace if beings make it overshadow the industry and take it to be some sort of wide-reaching corruption. It is one narration. Every era there are lots of children being born to duets who have fertility both problems and thats much more important to remember.
Eleven offspring have been born from his gifts. Why did he donate? I wouldnt be here if someone hadnt donated. Someone did that and thats why I am here.
Jess Cresswell detected aged 28 that she was donor-conceived. Seven years later, she still does not know who her biological father is, but find her mothers imparted her the best life they could. Since some of her own family medical record is missing, how does she feel about donor screening?
I think they should be screened but I also think that, just because they have some sort of hereditary condition, they shouldnt inevitably be excluded. Its the parents discretion; some people would rather have a child knowing theres a risk of picking something up than not, if that was their only option.
It is now easier than ever for donor-conceived parties to find their genetic pedigree. The US Donor Sibling Registry has helped connect more than 10,900 people with their half-siblings and/ or their donors. Nearly 70% of those who sign up match with a biological relative, and nearly 80% of this group competitor instantaneously. The UK has a Donor Sibling Link website.
Direct-to-consumer genetic tests have revolutionised this opening. In 2005, a 15 -year-old mailed a saliva sample to an on-line service, had his genetic code uploaded, applied a tracking website and met his biological father 10 days later. Kevin spotted a half-sister through a donor-sibling registry and two half-siblings through parentage places. He afterward unwittingly discovered some of his donors items. Two hours on, Google disclosed his donors appoint. The two have since stayed in contact.
One last concept: Aggeles received mental health medicine and picked up a degree in cognitive discipline two decades after he first registered at university. He is now working on a masters in artificial intelligence.
The post From dream to nightmare: when your seman donor has secrets appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
From dream to nightmare: when your seman donor has secrets
Having a baby by sperm donation is an intensely personal and psychological process. So what happens when you discover that interested donors has a genetic health ill?
Sperm donor 9623 looked good on paper. An IQ of 160. A bachelors degree in neuroscience, a masters in artificial intelligence, en route to a PhD in neuroscience engineering. A passion for crystallography, algorithms and fitness. Ontario couple Elizabeth Hanson and Angela Collins thought they had observed the perfect father for their baby.
Seven times after their son was born, Collins and Hanson discovered that donor 9623 was a college dropout with schizophrenia, a egocentric personality disorder and a criminal record. He had wasted eight months in prison for burglary, and 10 years on probation.
The sperm bank had inadvertently included the donors appoint, Christian Aggeles, in an email to the couple. A Google search did the remain. His stepfather had vouched in tribunal that Aggeless psychopathic chapters began age-old 19, well before he started donating in Georgia. Aggeless sperm led to the birth of at least 36 children worldwide.
It was like a dream changed nightmare in an point, said Collins. The couple, alongside at least three other categories, have registered lawsuits against the Georgia-based sperm bank, Xytex Corporation, which too gave sperm to British duets. Xytex disclaims wrongdoing.
Such specimen are not unique. Like Collins, Hanson and their son, numerous categories and individuals are now to access to words with vital information that their donors withheld.
The forks of such breakthroughs can be immense. The most important entity to me is[ my son] potentially facing a very debilitating life-style, Collins says. I felt like I was defrauded by Xytex and I flunked my son for having selected Xytex. In hindsight, a hitchhiker on the side of the road would have been a far more responsible option for imagining a child.
Families have registered lawsuits against the Georgia-based seman bank, Xytex Corporation. Photograph: David Goldman/ AP
What level of danger do Aggeless genes award? The building of mental health illness is complex. The genetic ingredient of schizophrenia, explains Professor Cathryn Lewis, prof of genetic epidemiology and statistics at Kings College London, is not a single gene, but is combined across many genes. There are likely to be thousands of acquired discrepancies that hold threat of schizophrenia. Each change slightly increases or decreases our danger, but nothing of them alone will enable us to predict whether someone is likely to develop schizophrenia.
Even stimulating brand-new findings in the C4 gene ask careful version. Its a single piece in a large genetic jigsaw riddle, Lewis says. Measuring one gene tells us anything about private individuals risk of developing schizophrenia.
Mental health conditions also show a mixture of interacting environment and social causes. Not to mention that many parties with schizophrenia respond to treatment and live full, productive lives.
Donor anonymity was abolished in the UK in 2005. Donor-conceived offspring are now legally entitled, at the age of 18, to information on their donors identity. However, this was not retrospectively exerted: those thoughts before April 2005( thats 21,000 people born between 1991 and 2004 alone) cannot identify their donor unless interested donors gradations forward voluntarily. Some are never even told they were donor-conceived in the first place.
Tyler Blackwell discovered as a teen in Maryland that he has 35 half-siblings. His second amaze: having the same condition that his donor parent, John( not his real refer) has not been able to divulged. Johns sister discovered the Blackwells through a family pedigree place. It transpired that John, who had not replied to their communication, had an aortic aneurysm, which had severed at persons under the age of 43. He had endured. At least three other family members were similarly altered. Tyler accompanied a cardiologist as a precaution, was diagnosed with an aneurysm and underwent surgery. Without an operation on an aneurysm of this type, the mortality rate from severance is up to 97%. When sever appears, patients typically die within six hours. There is no one who knew about it, said his mother of the sperm bank committed. If I could foretell the future, I would have picked a different donor.
Financial incentives could underlie some instances of deception. However, the UKs Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority ( HFEA ) specifies the limit for sperm donors at 35 per clinic visit and egg donors at 750 per repetition of donation, plus expenses. These restrictions, it territory, aim to reward altruism and prevent coercion. Rules vary internationally. One California cryobank recoups your time and expenditures with compensation of up to $1,500/ month with regular motivations such as movie tickets or endow certificates for additional era and try expended by participants.
Danish semen donor 7042 unwittingly passed on neurofibromatosis to at least 11 of “their childrens”, after his seman was used in clinics across the US, Canada, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Thailand and the UK. Neurofibromatosis is consistent with brain and nerve tumors, bone deformities, visual disorder, blood pressure and read rigors. Offspring have a 50% gamble of acquiring it. Denmark has since mandated that donor sperm can be used in a maximum of 12 inseminations. In the UK , no more than 10 categories can be created using egg or seman from a single donor. Donated eggs are not risk-free, but sperm donors frequently have more offspring who are in a position pass on acquired plights to the next generation.
There is no such situation as reproduction without peril. Here i am, however, an ethical responsibility towards the child to be seen and their hopeful mothers. If a donor develops a genetic precondition years after donation, “were not receiving” arrangement at present that enforces disclosure.
Donors now must experiment negative for HIV, hepatitis B and C, and syphilis, with farther screening be a primary consideration in ethnicity such as cystic fibrosis in those of Caucasian swoop and sickle-cell sicknes in African and Afro-Caribbean populations. Guidelines state that potential donors should be assessed for positions with a genetic constituent cleft palate, spina bifida, congenital mettle malformations, psychosis and others but that decisions on eligibility should be individualised.
These screening regulations do not ever apply to the unknown number of UK citizens who travel abroad to find donors, implement unlicensed clinics or buy home-insemination kits online. Although mental evaluation is required by most international authorities, this will not table donors who have not yet developed indications of a serious mental health issues disease. For them, the diagnostic implement is time.
Genetic screening is more affordable and thorough than ever before. So, should be used turn away from the donors account and towards the laboratory? Allan Pacey, prof of andrology at the University of Sheffield, is leery. I thoughts the perfect genome probably doesnt prevail, so its actually a question of where the line should be drawn. Merely about 4% of all those who come forward to be seman donors are abode. If we were to impose a whole new prepare of exclusion criteria based on theoretical hazards, it is possible there wont be any sperm donors at all.
Frozen sperm stored in a sperm bank. Picture: monkeybusinessimages/ Getty Images/ iStockphoto
With intensified screening, donors might be diagnosed with genetic positions that would have remained undiscovered for ever, or are untreatable. Perhaps there is an statement for not knowing.
Kevin, who works in photography in London, is not only a donor-conceived being but a donor himself. He is therefore of the opinion that prospective parents should know as much as possible about interested donors medical record. But there is a stage where you have to draw the line, and say were no longer forming decorator children here, he adds.
He understands the distress of Elizabeth Hanson and Angela Collins, hitherto worries about speaking too much into particular case. Its a disgrace if beings make it overshadow the industry and take it to be some sort of wide-reaching corruption. It is one narration. Every era there are lots of children being born to duets who have fertility both problems and thats much more important to remember.
Eleven offspring have been born from his gifts. Why did he donate? I wouldnt be here if someone hadnt donated. Someone did that and thats why I am here.
Jess Cresswell detected aged 28 that she was donor-conceived. Seven years later, she still does not know who her biological father is, but find her mothers imparted her the best life they could. Since some of her own family medical record is missing, how does she feel about donor screening?
I think they should be screened but I also think that, just because they have some sort of hereditary condition, they shouldnt inevitably be excluded. Its the parents discretion; some people would rather have a child knowing theres a risk of picking something up than not, if that was their only option.
It is now easier than ever for donor-conceived parties to find their genetic pedigree. The US Donor Sibling Registry has helped connect more than 10,900 people with their half-siblings and/ or their donors. Nearly 70% of those who sign up match with a biological relative, and nearly 80% of this group competitor instantaneously. The UK has a Donor Sibling Link website.
Direct-to-consumer genetic tests have revolutionised this opening. In 2005, a 15 -year-old mailed a saliva sample to an on-line service, had his genetic code uploaded, applied a tracking website and met his biological father 10 days later. Kevin spotted a half-sister through a donor-sibling registry and two half-siblings through parentage places. He afterward unwittingly discovered some of his donors items. Two hours on, Google disclosed his donors appoint. The two have since stayed in contact.
One last concept: Aggeles received mental health medicine and picked up a degree in cognitive discipline two decades after he first registered at university. He is now working on a masters in artificial intelligence.
The post From dream to nightmare: when your seman donor has secrets appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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tumblunni · 8 years
MAN I tried messing around starting newgame plus on Digimon Cyber Sleuth, even though I’ve played more than enough already so I’m not really gonna play again so soon after finishing. And... WHAT THE HELL?? Seriously this is like a one game microcosm of how you don’t realise how much you’re being mistreated until you see how the other side lives. Specifically on the subject of weird minority stereotypes... The difference between the designs/animations/general presentation of the two gender options is REALLY BIZARRE?? I had no clue! Playing as the girl you just kinda think ‘yeah thats weird maybe’ but you dont realise the dude doesnt have the same problems. Like... she VERY MUCH suffers from the ‘miss male character’ trope. She’s the weird sort of ‘lol sexy genderswap deviantart fanfiction’ version of a female option. I thought I was just reading too much into it with how the girl is posed like a supporting character on the boxart and literally never appeared in any of the promotional material until the game came out... Its just so... ODD! Everything EVERYTHING about her is defined to be this overthetop stereotypical idea of ‘we have to let them know she’s the girl version’. She’s far more sexualized, she always does these ‘girly’ or ‘hot’ poses for LITERALLY EVERYTHING! Like, the dude’s animation is just running but she has to run with her arms wide out to the sides, skipping like a five year old and swaying her hips. And her standing pose also has the hands out, her toes inturned, her chest thrust forwards and this general sort of ‘tee hee hee’ thing?? It really REALLY started to bug me how her chest is ALWAYS thrust forwards, I started to get super anxious about ‘holy shit am I ever doing that when I walk and i dont know it? is this really how female bodies are supposed to work??’. Its like her resting pose is this thing and its extremely painful for her to fold her joints back into a normal mode. And she’s always always posing when the dude isnt posing AT ALL, even her selection screen image is her doing the ‘one leg bounces back while you kiss someone’ type pose, contorted into a wild accordion while he’s just looking at the camera. I jsut... didnt even realise what was bothering me so much about playing as this character, til i saw the total absence of it on the dude... SERIOUSLY! He doesnt have some overstereotypical super huge macho animation set, his design isnt made to yell ‘I’M MALE’, he isnt sexualized, he isnt the ‘one body type everyone in this gender has to have’. He’s a scrawny androgenous waif that could have worked equally well if you slapped the label female on that design, somehow to make him female they decided they had to scoop out holes in his waist and hips and shove them on his chest. While also adding a bazillion extra animations that make her walk around everywhere like that one damn gif of terrible ragdoll physics as some guy walks down a road. I did not understand that whole assassins creed controversy about ‘but women need more animations, it’d be too much work to add them’. NOW I UNDERSTAND. Why on EARTH do they think they need these animations?? Women dont have to do everything differently to men to prove theyre women, in real life literally nobody worries about accentuating stereotypical gender roles while doing COMPLETELY NORMAL THINGS. Women dont put huge effort into looking cute or sexy while they’re just frickin walking down the street or standing alone in the privacy of their own home. Its like these people know so little about women outside of hollywood femme fatale movies that they legit think that sort of walk cycle is biologically ingrained into one gender???? The fact nobody ever acts like macho bodybuilder walk cycles should be given to normal tiny teenagers in every situation makes it pretty clear the difference here... And seriously, what is even this universal THING that ‘male are default, you need to mark a character as different to show she’s female’? Which usually means making her more feminine than the real female actor playing her, like that even makes a damn lick of sense :P I mean seriously if we’re gonna talk actual biology, men are the ‘different’. A species cannot exist with only men, the only one sex species are all female. Or lack a sex, or contain both sets of genitals. Also there is at least one bird species that has two male genders as well as female. And male seahorses get pregnant, and male clownfish can physically transition into females as part of their natural life cycle. And all sorts of far more diverse things we humans can barely understand! And like... you can say ‘women are the different and men are the blank, because women have boobs and men don’t’. But you can also say that women are the default because men are the same thing with penises added. And seriously, boobs are just nipples that actually serve their intended purpose. Women have this extra function compared to men because MALE BREASTS ARE VESTIGAL! The organ still exists, it just sits there doing nothing and never changes at puberty. (Though even that is more fluid that you’d expect, there are ways to induce lactation even if you’re a cis man. i dont really know why anyone would want to do that, it wouldnt exactly work as well, but whatever.) Aaaaand OF COURSE this entire thing is a stupid argument anyway because it only talks about biology, which is not the same thing as gender. Not to mention that biological sex isn’t all cut and dry either, the human species has A LOT of different intersex conditions. You can even have people who don’t have significant enough outward symptoms to be recognised as intersex at birth, who go their whole life thinking they’re a cis male only to suddenly find out they had an undiagnosed hormone condition and are technically a trans man. There is most definately no magical biological guideline for how men and women act. Especially frickin stupid nonsense like overspecific cultural guidelines on what’s cute for a woman to do while running, geez. You really can;t just ‘tell’ that someone is ‘really a woman’ or ‘really a man’ cos of how they act, and thats why this stuff pisses me off even when the story isnt saying anything about trans people. I’m so used to seeing this overexaggerated japanese concept of feminine/masculine mannerisms being used on trans stereotypes, it bugs me even seeing it being done to cis women... gahh this has gone wildly offtopic and I’m just venting Everything Bad About Stereotypes rather than the specific thing about this specific game I need to logoff and go cheer myself up. OH BUT yeah this game also literally has a friggin ‘we can tell this man is really a woman because mannerisms’ scene :P which also dissappointed the hell out of me cos it seemed like a trans character and instead it was the cliche I Had Some Reason To Pretend To Be A Man thing... Also apparantly instead of acting like that male persona, the male persona was magical brainwashing virtual reality stuff. What a wasted opportunity! You could have told us a lot of stuff about her personality from comparing how she acted while under this other fake personality, and what it implies she hides from other people. Like ‘hey, maybe she actually can be confident as long as she’s wearing a mask!’ Nah, everything badass or tough or sassy she did was just mind control. And she’s not trans. And blehh being outed by ‘acting like a girl’... Its so weird cos the game actually does have one trans npc in a sidequest, and has trans themes with a few major digimon. In the sense that they were male in previous seasons and have designs considered ‘masculine’ but take female forms when disguising themselves as humans. (and the player-controlled versions of these digivolutions even have different masculine voices matching earlier seasons!) Gahhhh at least I can sit here hugging my ambiguously genderqueer alphamon headcanons and nobody can tell me those arent canon cos the question was never answered either way! I hate the cliche answer that ‘yes all alphamons are male cos they ‘look male’, this one was just a man disguised as a woman’, but still even if that was the intent, it means the character is trans coded! EITHER OPTION IS TRANS TIME protect me, alphamon protect me from super gender essentialist game how do you even EXIST in this game?? seriously even your human disguise was super fanservicey weird female stereotypes mannnnnn i guess I had a few problems with this game aside from the one stupid rape scene :P aaaaand the problem of the game clearly being written assuming nobody would play the female option, so characters still constantly call you ‘he’ and such the only good consolation being that the game accidentally becomes Hella Gay, though I would have preferred canon lesbians instead of this weirdness WHY CANT FEI AND YUUKO BE CANON IT GOT SO CLOSE TO BEING CANON THEN FEI DISSAPPEARED FROM THE PLOT FOREVER only reappearing as a postgame newgame plus bonus boss that makes it impossible to complete the damn Masters Cup damn you fei damn you awesome amazing hella gay fei whom i love you deserved to be in a better game you deserved to be the matt-esque rival, i will never forget that you started off teasing that role and then just vanished... HELL, CAN SHE BE THE PROTAGONIST OF A SEQUEL OR SOMETHING game entirely about her and yuuko’s amazing story of love! also alphamon wandering in just to yell ‘I AM CANONICALLY TRANSGENDER’, make everyone a cup of coffee, and leave aaaaa why did i spend so long rambling every single complaint about this game, games in general, gender stereotypes in gender, life in general... its weird how just realizing ONE THING about a stupid walk cycle animation made me realise my general nebulous feeling of uncomfortableness that I could never explain about this game :P I am really excited for digimon world next order being better than this!
0 notes
viralhottopics · 8 years
Reconstruction Is Finally Getting The Historical Recognition It Deserves
The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.s base in Birmingham, Alabama. A bus station where segregationists attacked Freedom Riders. These civil rights sites of the 1960s, etched in black-and-white images in our memories, are naturals for selection as national monuments. Less obvious, but perhaps more powerful in our nations history, is President Barack Obamas designation of Beaufort, South Carolina, a cradle of Reconstruction.
AmidObamas last-minute flurry of executive orders and regulatory actions pardons, commutations, Arctic drilling bans Thursdays dedication of the Beaufort monument seemed to fall in the shadow of the other two dedicated that day: the motel that served as Kings headquarters in the final push for the Voting Rights Act and the Anniston, Alabama, Greyhound station where a bus was firebombed in 1961.
The monument in Beaufort commemorates a segment of the civil rights struggle that is far less prominent in American history.
Beauforts Reconstruction Era National Monument will commemorate this lesser-known period (about 1865 to 1877) following the Civil War. For instance, how many Americans know the name of Hiram Revels of Mississippi, the countrys first black senator? At a time when the black population of the American South was still struggling to come to terms with life in the post-emancipation era, Revels belonged to the wave of black men who sought and won office across the region. They won seats in the Senate, in the House of Representatives, in state legislatures, and in hundreds of local and municipal posts across the South.
(Reconstruction is the subject of a new Huffington Post podcast, produced with rapper Killer Mike, that will launch in the next few weeks. Sign up here to get an email when it drops.)
So why doesnt Reconstruction get much attention? If you take as your starting premise that mainstream history remains largely written by white Americans, that question isnt so hard to answer. There are few white heroes in this story (no Lyndon Johnsons), and there is no happy ending, no great civil rights legislation (not that survived, at least). The countrys (and arguably the worlds) first experiment in genuinely interracial democracy was strangled in its cradle or, given the decade-plus it survived, its childhood destroyed by a combination of political sabotage and terrorism. In the 1860s and 70s, groups like the Ku Klux Klan, the White Leagues, and the Redshirts arose and conducted campaigns of violence aimed at intimidating Republican politicians in the South, especially their attempts to build black political power.
You were taking your life in your hands by becoming a black political figure, says Columbia University history professor Eric Foner. This group of black political leaders suffered more violence, whether its murder, or arson of their homes or whippings, than any group of political leaders I can think of in American history. Whatever the acrimony of politics right now, you dont have armed men going after members of the legislature and whipping them or shooting them. Were not quite at that level yet. But they were in Reconstruction.
By the end of the 19th century, white dominance in the South (or home rule, as it was euphemistically called) had been restored. Jim Crow was the law of the land, and the country would not see large-scale black electoral participation until the civil rights movement of the mid-20th century. In many ways, the drought in black political power lasted even longer than that: When Tim Scott was elected in South Carolina in 2014, it was the first time Southern voters had sent an African-American to the Senate since 1881. (Senators in the 19th century were actually elected by state legislatures, not directly by voters, but you get the point.)
In recent months, Beaufort has mounted a vocal campaign to persuade Obama to designate a monument to Reconstruction there. Why Beaufort? The town and its environs occupy a unique place in 19th century history: In the fall of 1861, early in the Civil War, Beaufort County became one of the first places in the South to fall to the Union. Although it was precariously situated between Savannah and Charleston, two of the most important Confederate port cities, the concentration of black population in coastal Beaufort made it a hotbed of pro-Union sentiment, and the ideal location for Union naval forces seeking anchorage. Confederates and plantation owners had fled the region, leaving behind their homes, their land, and most importantly, their former slaves.
Over the next few years, the region bore witness to one of the most extraordinary untold chapters of American history. Black leaders and white abolitionists saw an opportunity to demonstrate to white society (especially to skeptical Northerners) that blacks were capable of citizenship: that they could participate in the free labor economy, establish their own educational institutions and live as any other members of society. Northern abolitionists ministers, teachers, doctors traveled to Beaufort County to lend their expertise. The endeavor came to be known as the Port Royal Experiment. Like the Reconstruction as a whole, it succumbed to political reaction; after the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln in 1865, Republicans began to lose their stomach for radical programs of land redistribution, and the Port Royal Experiment was abandoned.
Beaufort was also the birthplace of arguably the most incredible political figure of the Reconstruction era. Robert Smalls was born into slavery in 1839 and won national fame in 1862 when he commandeered a confederate naval vessel, and, under cover of darkness, piloted it out of Charleston harbor and delivered it to the Union. He ended up meeting with Lincoln and influencing his decision to allow black soldiers to serve in the Union Army. Smalls became the first black man to command a U.S. naval vessel. He then had a long career in Congress, with Beaufort as his political base. Many of the historic sites that will comprise the new monument relate to Smalls and his life.
Unfortunately, African-Americans havent always been in control of their stories, says Michael Boulware Moore. Moore is the president and CEO of the International African American Museum in Charleston, South Carolina. Hes also the great-great-grandson of Smalls. And so stories like Robert Smalls just havent gotten out. Now over the last 15-20 years, certainly more people know of him and his accomplishments. But I grew up in Boston, and I think about Paul Revere who performed a valiant, historical service but he didnt do anything close to what Robert Smalls did. But yet every child in this country learns about Paul Revere. I think [Smalls] still is under-exposed, but thats changing year by year.
I think for a lot of people, the story of Robert Smalls really hasnt fit their narrative, adds Moore. In the South to this day, there are pockets where Robert Smalls is persona non grata because he embarrassed the Confederacy, and they dont want to talk about it.
It took a very long time for Reconstruction to shake off its accumulated historical dust and assume a prominent place in the canon of American history. Its still not there, really, but the popular conception of that era has made strides since a century ago, when its image was the one given to us by D.W. Griffith in his silent epic The Birth of a Nation.In this view, Reconstruction was undertaken by vengeful Northerners as punishment for the Souths independence of spirit. The success of the Democratic Party in banishing the Radical Republicans from the South was a victory to be celebrated. But most tragically consequential was the image this school of historical thought gave of the eras black leaders. Black politicians were childlike, unintelligent, corrupt, and preoccupied only with their own enrichment. It posited too that northern Republican carpetbaggers cared nothing for the rights of blacks, and saw them only as pawns in their political campaign to subjugate the former Confederate states. Black political power, which during Reconstruction was substantial, was fundamentally illegitimate.
The whole idea that your former slaves were now passing laws which white people would have to obey was completely anathema to white Southerners, says Eric Foner. Foner is generally credited as one of the most important figures in the late 20th century Reconstruction revisionism that swept away the Birth of a Nationschool of thought, and he recently co-wrote a New York Times editorial arguing for the establishment of the Beaufort monument.
By the way, he adds, its not all that different from how so many white people view President Obama 150 years later. There are still people who cant accept the fact that hes actually an American and entitled to be president.
Theres only so much that a monument can do to affect peoples historical attitudes, but anyone who has lived or traveled in the American South knows that monuments honoring 19th century figures have a decidedly pro-Confederate slant. Perhaps the new monument in Beaufort will begin to reverse that trend.The removal of the Confederate flag from the South Carolina statehouse and the raging debate over removal of Confederate statues in New Orleans suggest that attitudes toward history may be changing. If current trends continue, we might be on the verge of a Robert Smalls/Reconstruction revival.
In a recent interview, the director of the 2016 feature film Free State of Jones suggested that Smalls story would make a good movie. For now, we can revel in watching the first black president establish a monument to his 19th century forebears in the heart of the former Confederacy.
CORRECTION:Due to an editing error, an earlier version of this article said Freedom Riders were attacked by anti-segregationists. The attackers were segregationists.
Read more: http://huff.to/2irSCdX
from Reconstruction Is Finally Getting The Historical Recognition It Deserves
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