#plus since the course is online I don't think they even have to follow through with that
toastingpencils37 · 10 months
Hopefully I will finish the Pilots and the Mini-Movies tonight on my rewatch. But don't be surprised if I somehow don't.
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rosewaterconley · 1 year
I solved a mystery that only I care about lol
ok so I have no clue what I'm doing and social media terrifies me. I will probably never touch this account again. why did I have to follow 3 algorithm-selected accounts to get into this website? I can actually name 3 people I'd want to follow on here and it's none of the people your fucking robot told me to follow. but hey, I feel like I have to post it here rather than my blogspot since nobody in the world actually uses blogspot and I want people to see this!
so anyway, there's this band out of the city of Milwaukee called Hero of a Hundred Fights. they dropped a couple CDs in the early 2000s and seem to have broken up, though all their members have been in bands since. that'll be important a little later. for now, Hero of a Hundred Fights are important to me on 2 levels:
I'm a Wisconsinite who has a tiny bit of an obsession with local history and art and really fuck with their weird mathy little corner of the 2000s hardcore scene
I'm a Faction Paradox fan and their 2001 EP The Remote, The Cold contains numerous references to the series! if you've heard of this EP before, it was probably in the context of some "music that references Faction Paradox" list or another
about #2... see, everyone already knows that track 2 is called Faction Paradox and track 3 is called The Celestis. we've all long since put together that the title is a reference to Lawrence Miles' Interference. but what about the lyrics? unfortunately, we don't know. they're not online, and the vocals are good, mind, but rather incoherent.
well, we didn't know. until I ordered a CD copy for like $8 lol. that's all it took! so here you go, the lyrics booklet plus some of the other artwork featured on the CD. artist Nick Slough did a great job on this art and it's a shame only the cover is widely available online (though that's hardly a problem unique to the physical version of this one album). turns out, this is some kinda concept album based on the Miles novel Interference. cool! really love the lyrics on Rope especially. "I need your blood to get this vessel running" and "my life was in your hands, I cut them off and now they're mine" are both raw as hell.
the cover art is pretty interesting. this album was recorded in 2000, released in 2001. the entire creative process occurred before the first standalone Faction Paradox release, The Book of the War. this means the album is entirely Doctor Who-based, not based on the FP series itself. it also means, if we assume the humanoid characters on the art are supposed to be the Remote, that this is the first-ever professional art depicting them!
disclaimer: the booklet lyrics don't 100% match up with what's said in the songs! it's mostly accurate but unfortunately there are some sections missing, some repeated bits that are only written once et al. that's all par for the course but I figured I'd mention it - especially in the case anybody wants to use this to transcribe the lyrics on Genius or some other site like that.
and while we're here, Hero 100 member William Zientara has been in a billion different bands, and I think he's probably the most responsible for the Doctor Who theme on this album. See, he was also in a short-lived band called Managara - named after a Doctor Who tie-in novel so obscure even I, owner of a complete set of Virgin New Adventures who spends my work breaks combing through digital copies of old fanzines, have only ever heard it discussed a handful of times. one of their songs is called Happiness Patrol. more recently, in 2021, he was in the band Fuiguirnet, who have a song called What Grows From the Seeds of Doom! which means Zientara has been randomly tossing Doctor Who references into songs from at least three different bands for twenty years!
so uhh without any further rambling here's the lyrics and art:
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dreamingofmuses · 9 months
New Year's Resolutions: RP Edition
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Howdy all, Ash here. I've been having a think while with family this week, and I've decided I'm going to implement some new 'resolutions' to try and help make writing in 2024 be way more successful than in 2023. This will include things from the running of blogs to jobs I really want to get finished. I'm putting them under a read-more to keep the dash nice and clean.
I will say, this has taken me an hour to write up, and I'd recommend you doing likewise if you think there's little ways you want to improve.
Overall Running of Blogs
I'm going to experiment a new approach to running the blogs. For this, I'm going to put all active blogs to low-medium activity. In other words, even if I am personally lurking on mobile, I won't be constantly writing things if I'm not able to. (Work is just about to get super busy and I'm anticipating chaos)
A queue/schedule function will be used for all blogs. I intend to dedicate one weekday evening to working without interruption on replies. Taking commutes to the city and family visits into account, this is looking to be a Thursday, which is the only day I am neither travelling to the city nor have a guaranteed family visit. Of course, this may fluctuate, but that's what I'm hoping to work with, assuming those things stay as they are.
However! What all this means is that I am going to tentatively take skullandbowties off hiatus. With that blog being quiet, it should be possible to juggle it better now. Plus, it's officially off-season so the demand for him from new blogs ought to be low. I'm very smart :D
I also plan to update all pinned posts. I am aware some of them are marking a vacation from months ago.
Individual Blog Maintenance
Create "New Here?" posts to add to the pinned posts/info tags. This is going to be a very quick crash course on what to expect from the blog, especially where some characters might diverge from fanon expectations.
FINISH. WILF'S. BIO. It's not actually relevant to anything being written on the blog itself at present, but I really want to flesh out his character and show that he was stuck in stories for years, decades even! The doc has the word count to 4,888 at this precise moment. This is a mix of summary and brainstorm. Since it's getting a 'little' out of hand, I intend to have a 'tldr' at the start that people can read, and then longer versions if they're curious to get the full story. Maybe even have it that they can jump to particular parts but... I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
Likewise, Noah's version of Space needs to be finished. This one is going to be a summary, but it's a case of making sure the pieces are in place sufficiently to have parts match canon Space, but also make it clear that there is a lot of differences between canon and what he went through, with his plot entirely spiralling away for 'Part 2'. This is at 5,794 words, and the ending has yet to be ironed out...
(I am going to stop creating needlessly long-winded projects for myself that realistically add nothing of value to my blogs. These two projects are exhausting...)
Theauthorlives is returning to a very small multimuse. Any muses that aren't ones I genuinely enjoy writing are being fully archived, unless they are muses that get no traction but I want to keep the possibility open. Details of that will be shared when I do this.
Redo some muse icons (not all of them!). Though the selection I have for particular sets is a lot, I still feel like I'm missing some expressions or poses. I would like to remake one batch of icons for three characters, and finish iconning a third. Replies seem to be shifting toward iconless, but I like them for asks or IC commentaries.
OOC/Mun Related stuff
Following matters that have happened both online and IRL, I've decided to take a step back from actively engaging with people. My focus will be people that I have been in good communication with for the last twelve months (as well as people I don't talk to frequently but am on friendly terms with) rather than people I feel I have to 'chase' after. Saying that, I'm going to try and not let past experiences meddle with anything in with new writing partners - whether these are brand new to the community or people I've not had the chance to properly interact with prior to this. Just be aware that I might not be super outgoing at first. (This is where setting limits and boundaries is good practice, everyone! Don't sell yourself short, and don't spread yourself out too thinly!)
Which is where I now say I want to send even more asks! Not just memes or sentence starters, but general questions about headcanons or muse opinions. I want to get people thinking more.
My stance on Discord still stands, in that it's solely for OOC stuff, but I'm not giving it out to everyone. However, I have been in two group servers that have little-to-no connection with writing rp threads in them. I would hope that I can fully regain my sense of comfort using Discord as a whole.
Art related
Despite socially stepping back, I still want to keep some semblance of 'community' where my blogs are active so people don't feel isolated. For instance, I want to do something that encourages invasions of ask boxes. That was good fun to watch as the chaos began to spread, and when people are good-humoured to go along with my silly ideas.
I want to have one huge art-related event at some point this year. I'm not entirely what or how to do it, but I think it would be a great excuse to practice something. Portraits, comics, something like that. I'll have a think. (For those who remember, the water gun event was supposed to have an art conclusion but plans for that fell through.)
I want to try and upload drawn responses to heythereneighbor once a week if I can. Obviously, this is depending on how busy it is.
I'd also like to try doodling more on other blogs? But I'm not sure if this is even something people want to see anymore. People might prefer I focus on writing if I have free time instead of doodles or little comics.
... the writing blog. I need to do stuff with that in general. Whoops.
Finally, I want to do what I can to the best of my abilities on a particular day. I've always told people over the years that real life comes before rp, and I still stand by that. Whether I'm around or not every day isn't the end of the world. The communities I write in are a lot slower paced than they were when I started, which is great! I need to remind myself that I don't need to be writing just because I have a bit of free time.
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seafoamreadings · 1 year
Hi, I was wondering if you could share about how you learned everything you know about astrology: any reliable sources? online courses? I love what you are doing here and find your posts very insightful!
thank you!! i am so glad
mostly i have just picked up bits and pieces of things here and there. subscribed to some random astrologers online, learned from them, found where i disagreed with them, moved on, etc.
my single biggest influence has been mystic medusa, i have been following her since i think 2014. around when i first got interested in astrology. i never stopped.
also i started out trying to understand why so many people love astrology when it's clearly SILLY and not scientific - i approached it with this very skeptical stance so i don't remember a lot of how it started. i just got sucked in because, in spite of not being rigorously scientific, it works so great anecdotally and in my personal experience.
i have also picked up a lot of astrology accidentally through studying tarot, which i was interested in first.
there is so much to learn and my insight comes from, i think, a blend of various "schools" - hellenistic, sidereal, medieval, modern western, and at this point simple personal experience. so you can read william lilly, stephen forest, mystic, whoever pops up on your tiktok, anything you want. listen to what they say, filter it through your personal experience, what makes sense to you systematically, and what is tradition. discard anything you think is BS even if it's widely accepted. be prepared to come up with your own ideas even if no one else accepts them.
most of all for me it took TIME (10 years or so at this point, plus more for tarot) and scientific experience as an astronomer and knowing what's true and not.
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solomonish · 1 year
Ok, it's about time I talk about this blog for a little bit.
Don't look so scared! There's good news ahead!
Alright, so it's obvious by now that I've kind of fallen out of the Obey Me! fandom. Before Nightbringer came out, I just burned out with the constant events and the difficulty in progressing through the main story and levelling up cards. Plus, I had gotten pretty invested in Twisted Wonderland and Genshin Impact, so my attention just never stuck with Obey Me. Eventually I drifted away to other blogs for other fandoms, leaving this one in the dust. I may have said that I wasn't leaving for good, but inspiration never struck me, so it was kind of like I had given up anyway.
I've been playing Nightbringer casually since it came out, and I'll be honest...it has the same problems as OG Obey Me. However, I am still kind of interested in the main story, and my love for Solomon has been reinvigorated <3 (Not that I ever stopped, of course.) I was hoping I'd get at least a few ideas to toss into the void, but alas...that didn't happen either, and I'm not the kind of person who can or wants to force myself to write.
So, where's the good news?
Well, I'm not ready to say I'm done with Obey Me for good. I'll be honest with you right now: any Obey Me fics will probably be few and far between. This is due to a variety of factors, including but not limited to a general decrease in fixation and the simple fact that I'm older and have a lot more to focus on in my life. But I do still have a soft spot for these boys (mostly Solomon. It's like 99% Solomon.), and I miss you guys! I still get notifs every day and I'm honored and astounded that people still like my works. Even though I have a LONG list of complaints with Obey Me at this point, being in this fandom has never been boring or negative for me. I've genuinely missed the experiences and connections I made here that I lost with my dwindling presence in the fandom.
So, FINALLY, here's where the good news is: I don't think I'm finished with Obey Me. I will still be pretty absent on this blog for a while, but I've decided on a plan that will help me feel less stressed to write whatever I want.
Sometime in the future - so, not right now (and in fact it will probably be a while) - I plan on remaking my blogs. I'm going to start an all-new x reader blog, much like this one, but multifandom. That way, when I feel like writing for a fandom I'm not all that present in anymore, I won't feel guilty for resurrecting a dead account and potentially giving you all false hope.
When this time comes, I'll be a little annoying with the promo to ensure that you won't miss it. There's no guarantee, but I'm really hoping that this blog will be permanent for my reader insert writing, rather than my trend of making a new blog per fandom.
I don't expect you to follow it or even really care, of course. Even though I have built a healthy separation between myself and my online presence, I did still feel a little bad about leaving you all hanging. I'm sure it gets annoying when I'm constantly promoing blogs and changing my URLs, but......well, I apologize for the inconvenience ^u^
Before you leave, let me tell you two more things!
1.) My old NSFW blog, solomonish-afterdark, is no longer a NSFW-only blog. I haven't removed any of my fics, but I reblogged a lot of my old fics on various blogs to that account. It's now sort of a fanfic archive! I was originally planning to use that as my catch-all fandom writing acc, but I just didn't like the organization of that. I can't explain it lol but it was just STRESSING ME OUT. So I changed the url (it's now @/sampologist) and it'll probably stay as an archive forever. Sorry :(
2.) I've gotten a lot of notes and asks about Love Disconnection. Thank you so much for reading it, enjoying it and talking to me!! I do actually really want to continue it, but if/when I do, I'm going to warn you that I'm probably going to rewrite the first part before I add any more. Don't worry, it'll keep the same plot, premise and vibe! I just think I've improved a little bit since I wrote it - and, TBH, there was already a big plot hole I wrote myself into that I was dreading explaining my way around. I'm making no promises! But it does still occupy a slice of my brain, even after all this time.
That's it for now, I think. Sorry if this wasn't as good as I may have gotten your hopes up to be, but I'm looking forward to this change! I'm going to wait until my interest in my current fandoms fades a little bit before I start the arduous transition, so if I get that divine inspiration for these boys in the meantime I'll be sure to post it here! Until then, I hope you understand why I've left and why I've been so reluctant to leave permanently. And I hope you can stick with me through one more move, if that interests you when it's time.
Thank you for reading this far, and thank you so so so much for all of your support! My time on this blog has been endlessly fun, and I really do hope I can add to the Solomon pool once more. You've all been so incredible, supportive, fun, and so much more. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time in this fandom, from drunkenly posting about catboy Solomon a few days after my 21st birthday to the day we finally got to call him our boyfriend in canon. You're always welcome to drop by my ask box and chat if you want! Until then, thank you all for everything.
(and if you're interested in keeping up with me now, but somehow missed these announcements: my main is @/kusemai, my twst blog is @/ridhearts, and i have a touchstarved blog @/kurasthetic. you can also find me on twitter @/KARANO1A if the site doesn't crumble into a thousand pieces.)
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wayfinders-farm · 1 year
[Day 0]-Part 2 (Part 1)
[You flip the page over]
Wellll it’s been a few hours… and uh, I’ve found a few things I need to write about NOW.
So after the last page, I went out. Without any leads and just more questions, I was kinda dejected and really confused. I decided to check where the farm was supposed to be again, and still no luck. But as I was heading back, I almost missed the shadow coming out of the bushes...
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I found my dogT▽TOr technically, my grandmother's dog, Chamomile. But I've been calling him Chomby since I was a child. He's been here longer than I have, which makes him about 14 years old. But he's holding strong! I'm also glad he's here with me 'cause he's an intelligent dog, (you won't believe how much he helped me during my early days on the farm) and I think he recognizes that something's up.
So when he started leading me towards the area he came out of I followed him closely. It led me to a narrow, insignificant opening in the trees; a vortex of brambles descending further into the forest. When Chomby pushed through, a swarm of butterflies escaped out of the gap. When I peeked through, I saw a trail of vibrant flowers leading further down.
Look, it’s probably basic survival knowledge that you shouldn’t go into any mysterious woods, especially after I wrote a whole paragraph about how supernatural this place is, even if your old childhood dog can. But... I trust dogs. And curiosity. Plus, how could I not go there?? For all I know, this was the valley TELLING me to go there.
Soooo after praying that I wasn't going to get eaten, murdered, or in any variety killed in a forest where my body sure wasn't going to get found, I followed down the path...
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And-I don’t really know how to describe the place. But it’s the kind of place you’d see in a cliche fairytale. There seemed to be rolling pastures cluttered with all sorts of greenery. In the distance, I could see a whole forest. With just that look, this land seemed MASSIVE. I assume it even connects all the way down to the ocean.
So, it was really weird I had never seen it connected to anywhere in the valley before, or even had anyone mention ‘the big giant meadows we have,' but I figured it was just part of the spontaneous new locations. So I wasn't too worried. But when I looked-it just wasn't on any maps online.
At this point, I was KINDA suspicious my phone might just be broken, so I rushed back around the house (sorry Chomby,) and found an old map my grandmother use to own. Her map was just like my phone's. But... scribbled over were directions heading the same way as the fields.
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Sooo of COURSE I followed the directions to make sure I was correct (very hesitantly, alright?) but, (just to make SURE) I also followed the path through the land. Chomby followed me, but he seemed very calm about it.
There was some disorderly meadows, a bridge over a river, a whole quarry, but most notably was a neverending field of grass. The map pointed behind some blades which grass which brought me to…
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A shrine… grandma’s shrine. And this time, there’s no note.
Honestly, I have no idea what this means, or if something important used to be here, but... I think this is where the farm used to be, at least in this world. And for some reason, it was hidden...
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But back to the main topic... I have no idea what is going on, but I strongly suspect it has something to do with this Valley's bizarre magic, and I have more than enough reasons to find out. There's nothing more for me to do but stick around and explore these familiar and foreign locations.
I suppose I have to build the farm from the ground up again... eck. At least Chomby is here again.
Now I think about it-does anyone even know I’m here?? Uh it’s getting kind of late night, but maybe if I dash into town I’ll be able to see someone before everything closes up?? I guess that means I'll have to leave this here! I'll try to write down anything unusual that happens, so long as I don't forget this journal.
[The entry ends here]
(Bonus Part)
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booperbeanv3 · 7 months
ok i know this ask game is from Þe Olden Times but.
everything except 1, 2, 7, 8, 30 and 31. covering all the bases
“Homestuck Isn’t Dead” Tag
jesus a full faq here
Well I'm incredibly vain and love talking about myself so here goes
3. Do you call your s/o a matesprit? 4. Do you call your best friend your moirail?
S/O, no. Best friend, sometimes.
5. Are you “kin” with any characters or commonly called a character?
I've never taken kinning seriously and never will, but I strongly related to Dave and Karkat thanks to that "born wrong + childhood neglect" flavour. But my friends (SIDE-EYES YOUR URL) have holed me into Jake English, so, y'know, whatever. Not everyone can be davekat, I get it
6. God Tier?
Knight of Light!
9. Do you roleplay homestuck? where and how often?
I haven't been able to do it often thanks to the circumstances. I'm too scared to use dreambubbles.xyz. But if you're interested, my discord is boolean2390 and while I main alphabeta boys (i.e. Dave, John, Jake, Dirk), I have RPed Dave and Karkat before in actual, concrete examples I can show you.
10. Do you cosplay homestuck characters? Who and where?
I was gonna cosplay Karkat before Omegle shut down.
11. Are you apart of ask blogs?
I am not and I have actively avoided this! I'm gonna be real here, I'll never top the current set of kid ask blogs, so I'll just watch from afar. Plus, it's quite a bit of work when my faves are so popular, and therefore will not fill any real niches. (a jake english would be kinda funny even if it already exists tho)
12. Are you in any homestuck groups?
Hoesslut server on Discord
13. Favorite character?
you can make a tri venn diagram of all my faves with the headings "waifu", "literally me" and "actually good/interesting character" with some mild overlap
that said
objective best is jade and personal fav is karkat
aradia is super based also. best part of act 5 but utterly forgettable afterwards. served cunt, died, served cunt, revived
14. Least favorite character?
tri venn diagram of "obsessive hatred", "boring" and "annoying"
most of my "least favs" disappoint me from lack of potential being utilised effectively
idfk doc scratch??
15. OTP? 16. NOTP? 17. BROTP?
JANEROXY 4EVER!!!! that's the only consistent one. i can like any ship if given some good enough motivation (even if it's my dick).
that being said i scour johndave and johnkat most often. however i am THE blackrom vantas and johnkat/davekat must be spades ONLY. spades johndave is fun but no one writes it. dude i just love spades
18. Do you want homestuck to just die already?
No, I just got here!
19. Are you following up with hiveswap? Do you play? Watch YT videos?
I don't, and I don't care.
20. Tell us how homestuck has affected you in real life?
Locked myself in my room and did nothing but read Homestuck for about 2 weeks to a month. I finished it during this time
Got so high I tripped balls thought I killed my best friend and got stuck on Prospit while Homestuck music was playing in the background. Last summer!
Started laughing uncontrollably in the middle of a psychotherapy appointment since I was being so Davecore
My karkalicious x wannabe remix is on my friend's playlist bc she genuinely enjoys it. This remix also haunted me during an important art project I was doing and singlehandedly cursed the entire thing
Wore sunglasses IRL for a bit. (It does help.) Would keep doing it if I didn't lose my clip-ons
My sister thinks I sell Karkat foot fetish art now. She follows me here
21. Have you met anyone through homestuck?
IRL? No. Online? Duh
22. Have you left the fandom before?
No, I'm a total newfag
23. How many times have you read through it?
TOTAL newfag. Only once
24. Did you ever skip intermissions/dialog/animations?
I'd scan over them, but not totally skip. I also read act summaries in full when they were there because I am a baby with goldfish memory
25. Opinions on the fandom?
Depends... I think it's gotten a lot better from my observations, but of course, Twitter is still a cesspit full of retarded babies that shit their diapers. But that could be said about any fandom that's majority kids. Also any stridercester that thinks theyre oppressed for liking shota boy twincest should btfo and jerk off in peace. Which in fairness, most of them do! But to the ones that don't, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY NOTES FAGGOT
Besides those, I think it's great, but I also main Tumblr, so...
26. Opinions on the comic?
Personally I enjoyed it a lot, but I'll get a more rounded impression once I re-read it. All plot shenanigans aside, Homestuck's main selling point has always been its characters, and its method of introducing and developing them is one of my favourites. Also its humour
27. Do you favor the trolls, humans, or carapaces?
Humans, because I'm a boring fucknut who reads sci-fi for the humans and will put them in an office building and say "imagine if they did IT"
28. Favorite moment of all of homestuck?
29. Least favorite moment of all of homestuck?
beginning of act 6 felt like i nodded off on dope and woke up in the hospital. retcon was kinda mid
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ybangtannies · 3 years
Hiii💜💜💜i just want to start off by saying i love your blog, your stories are really good. I just got through reading the bts profiles and i don't know if you are taking request but if you are i was wondering if you could do a scenario where yandere namjoon and y/n are best friends and one night he comes over and they end up doing it, but the next morning they just joke around because it was a mistake and they are good friends, then two weeks later she calls him tells him she is pregnant, and namjoon try to talk to her about keeping the baby because he secretly love y/n and is crazy about her.
[Here it is! I'm sorry it took me months to write this, but I hope you enjoy it! I got a little carried away and it's way longer than what I intended to be lol]
Word count: 2.7k
Namjoon’s eyes open wide suddenly, and frantically starts looking for your figure, and even though he doesn’t find it, he knows you’re around and awake because he can hear the shower from your en suite bathroom. He lets out a sigh and savours the memories coming to him from last night, your moans and whimpers, how good he felt being completely embraced by you and your scent; every single detail about last night and you both enjoying and pleasuring each other is engraved in Namjoon’s mind.
He knows you usually take around fifteen or twenty minutes in the shower, so he relaxes on the bed and starts thinking. What does this mean for your relationship? It surely changes everything, right? This must mean that you love him too. He knows you used to sleep around -much to his dismay, he still doesn’t understand how he put up with it, maybe because it was just sex with strangers and you made it pretty clear you wanted nothing with them- but it’s been a long time since that and if you decided you wanted Namjoon, your best friend, someone you clearly know and have already a bond formed with, to be the person you had sex with after such a long period of time, then there must be a reason behind it. Maybe you weren’t sure on how to tell him you love him too for fear of being rejected and thought sex would be the way to let him know without words? Namjoon smiles at the thought, his sweet and pretty girl, if only you knew how crazy in love he is about you. He’s been waiting for this to happen for way too long, have imagined it millions of times but reality surely does exceed fiction and now that he got a taste of what it would be really like to be with you like this, he doesn’t think he’d be able to give up this feeling for anything in the world; there’s no way, he would be insane to turn down his other half.
His stream of consciousness is cut off by the door of your bathroom opening and your figure emerging from it, you stand on the threshold and look at him with surprise.
“Oh, good morning! I didn’t think you’d be awake already, it’s pretty early and you always sleep until it’s almost lunchtime” you chuckle while entering the room, going to lift up the blind and open the window a little.
Namjoon is looking at you in awe, you’re not wearing anything he hasn’t seen on you before -a shirt and some worn out shorts- but he can perfectly see the hickeys he gave you last night on your neck since you’re wearing your hair on a side plait plus you’re still yawning even if it’s been surely more than half an hour since you woke up and adding that to the fact that now he is your boyfriend... he wonders if you’d be up for round two before having breakfast.
“Hello? Earth to Namjoon! Are you sleeping with your eyes open again or what?” Your voice is once again bringing him back to reality, your glance focused on your phone rather than on him.
“No, no, sorry, I guess I’m still a little tired. What’s up?”
You roll your eyes playfully while looking back at him, “I was asking if you wanted to have breakfast now, but you can keep sleeping if you want, I have things to do anyways.”
Namjoon accepts your offer and accompanies you to the kitchen to make breakfast; he loves how he knows his way around your apartment and how domestic it feels waking up together after having been making love all night to have breakfast and spend the morning at home, like a long-term couple.
He is about to open his mouth and address the elephant in the room once you’re both seated at your table and drinking coffee when you beat him to it.
“So, I don’t want to make things weird after last night and I don’t really think this need to be said since we’ve been friends for quite some time now and already know each other and where we stand,” Namjoon doesn’t like where this seems to be going, “the sex was really good and I think we both needed it after the stress from college but -and don’t get me wrong please- I don’t think it’s a good idea to make it something common, you know?”
Nope, Namjoon is hating this. He is quite lost, what is happening right here? What do you mean you don’t want to have sex with him anymore? Are you already breaking up with him? And what do you mean by ‘making things weird’ and ‘we’ve been friends’? What the fuck are you even talking about? Is he still sleeping? Is this one of his nightmares? That must be it, a nightmare, the worst he’s had so far.
You must sense his confusion because you chuckle a little and even blush; Namjoon wants to smile at the sight, you just look way too cute, but your words have him very confused right now.
“The sex was good, really! Amazing even, Joonie! All I’m saying is that we both know each other too much to have a friends-with-benefits relationship without fucking it up -no pun intended by the way” you laugh again lightly while sipping from your mug and grabbing a toast from the plate in between you both.
Namjoon is really thrown back by your behaviour but as much as he’d like to talk back and confess how ardently he loves you, he realises maybe now is not the right time; he is already sure about his feelings for you and what he wants but you don’t seem to be on the same page just yet and he, being the gentleman he like to think he is, will of course give you some time to figure out your feelings for him. Because of course you must be in love with him too, but maybe you’re more stubborn than he thought you to be and preferred to think your feelings for him were only of lust and not love. It’s okay, you’ll come to your senses and if not, he’ll help you find the right way to his side.
“Yeah, sure. Don’t worry about it, y/n. I know what you mean.”
Days goes by, then weeks and before Namjoon realises it’s been almost a month since that beautiful and extraordinary night he revives almost every day in the solitude of his room. It’s during one of those moments when he is remembering the way your voice sounded asking him for more, to please don’t stop thrusting into your tight and velvety walls and he is about to climax, saying your name like a mantra, that his phone starts vibrating making him jump on his bed and let out a groan, who the fuck? He is tempted to ignore it, too occupied with his hard and leaking cock on his hand to bother with answering the annoying prick that is calling him right in this moment, but then he takes a glance of your name on the screen and it’s physically impossible for him to ignore you. Namjoon sighs and tries to even his breathing and even covers his naked body with the sheet of his bed even though it’s just a regular call.
“Hello, babe, what’s up?”
“Namjoon,” uh oh, you’re using his full name plus your tone is way too plain, this cannot be good, “are you busy right now?”
He looks down at his now less hard cock and shakes his head slowly, “not at all, why? Do you need something?”
“Could you please come over?” Namjoon is already out of his bed and looking for his underwear and clothes, he doesn’t need for you to give him more details about wanting him to go to your house, but he still asks.
“Sure thing, but is something the matter? You sound serious”
A silence follows his question and Namjoon stops his movements altogether, looking straight to the wall with a frown adorning his face, “y/n? Is everything okay?”
“Just… please, come quickly, okay? I need to tell you something.”
He is about to interrogate you a little more or even ask if he needs to bring you something, but you don’t give him time and hang up just as you finish speaking. He looks at his phone with a deeper frown now and hurries up out of his house and into his car.
Namjoon arrives in record time, he’s been thinking about what could have possibly happened for you to be that dry on the phone; yesterday evening when he last saw you everything was okay, and even this morning you sent him an audio telling him how excited you were because the books you bought online finally arrived and were going to start reading them. So, what happened?
You open the door as soon as he rings the bell and without any words, sign for him to come inside. Namjoon observes your attire: sweatpants, a Superman t-shirt and your part of your hair is on a cute little bun, you look adorable and if it weren’t for the frown on your face and your apparent inability to look him in the eye, Namjoon would be cooing internally at you.
“What is happening, y/n? You’re making me worried,” he is now sitting next to you on the sofa in the little living room of your apartment.
You sigh for what seems to be the tenth time since Namjoon got here and start fidgeting with your fingers, “I don’t know how this happened… well, I know how it happened, but I don’t know how we both could be so irresponsible…”
“What happened? What did we do?” Namjoon is more nervous with each passing second, several scenarios running through his mind.
“I’m pregnant”, you guess the best way to tell him is by just doing it at once, to rip off the band aid.
A few moments of silence follow after your words, nothing can be heard, and it feels as if the world has completely stopped. You look at him cautiously and find Namjoon looking at you with wide eyes, opening and closing his mouth like he was a fish. The image is funny, cute even, and you would have laughed have it not been a moment like this.
“What?” It’s the only thing that Namjoon manages to say, he’s not sure he heard you right and doesn’t want to get his hopes up like he did before, just in case.
You mumble a little ‘wait here’ and leave the room, in the direction of your bedroom. Before he can decide if he should follow you or not, you’re back with several sticks on your hands. Your face doesn’t show the same worrisome it did when Namjoon first got here but the frown is still present, and he has to physically restrain himself from softening it and give you a kiss on the forehead.
“Here, these are the pregnancy tests. I went out this morning to get them, they’re all positive. I’m three weeks pregnant, Namjoon.”
He takes them and indeed, they all show two lines, one of them even stating what you just said: 3 weeks pregnant.
“This… this is…” Namjoon is trying to find the words to describe how he’s feeling right now; he wants to cry, to scream, to jump, but overall, he wants to hug you and kiss you silly. He is going to be a dad! And you’re the one carrying his children! He could marry you on the stop. Actually, he should start looking for rings and think about a proposal. Would you prefer to wait until you give birth? Or maybe you’d like to do it quickly before your tummy starts showing. Either way, Namjoon doesn’t mind, that’s your decision to make.
“I know it’s not ideal, don’t worry. I’m going to start looking for abortion clinics today, I want to get rid of it as soon as possible. That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about, I think we should both pay it since, you know, we both did it.”
“What the hell are you even talking about?” Namjoon can’t believe what he’s hearing, ‘abortion clinics’, ‘get rid of it’?
“We’re not gonna keep it. I’m not gonna have it, Namjoon.”
You are both standing now in the middle of your living room, looking at each other, both with a surprised look in your eyes albeit for very different reasons.
“Why not? I want to be a dad; I want to keep the baby.”
“What? Since when you want to be a father?”
“Since always?” Namjoon is trying not to raise his voice and keep his cool, he doesn’t want to upset himself more than he already is and doesn’t want to upset you either, that wouldn’t do your children any good.
You scoff and roll your eyes at his answer, “you don’t have time for that. You barely have time to eat with how busy you are with college; how do you plan on making time for a baby? You surely won’t drop college; how would you find a job then? Look, if you don’t want to pay for it that’s okay, I can afford it, it’s no biggie”
“It’s not about the money, y/n. I don’t want you to abort our baby because I want to have it with you. I’ll make time for it, we have nine months to figure it out, okay? We’ll both see how we can manage it. Maybe next year I can take fewer classes at college, and you could stop your studies for a year until the baby is old enough to leave them in a nursery without too many problems. Let’s just focus on celebrating and making an appointment with your doctor, darling, don’t worry too much” Namjoon is making his way to hug you and finally kiss you, but you take a few steps back looking at him with wide eyes, as if what he has been saying is insane.
“What the fuck? What the fuck am I supposed to be celebrating? I don’t want to be a mother; you know that I’ve told you several times before. Once I get a fucking abortion it’s when I’ll be celebrating. Look, I’m sorry if you want to be a father right now, but I don’t and I’m not gonna do it.”
Namjoon is starting to get angrier with the moment, he doesn’t understand why you have to be so stubborn. Surely, you’ve told him before about your reticence towards being a mother and how you’d rather abort if you were to ever get pregnant, but he always thought you were saying that referring to carrying the children of another person, not his.
“There’s no need for that, baby, if you just…”
“Don’t ‘baby’ me, Namjoon! My word is final: I’m having an abortion whether you like it or not. Now leave, please”
That’s it.
He snaps.
“Shut the fuck up. You’re not fucking getting an abortion, and that’s final. Do you understand? You’re gonna carry my children and this is just going to be the first of many to come so you better get used to the idea, is that clear, baby? I gave you enough time to fucking figure out your feelings for me, but this is way too much, I’m not gonna let you murder our children just because you are way too stubborn to realise, you’re in love with me. Now stop fucking talking nonsense before I made you myself.”
With each word that abandoned Namjoon’s mouth he got closer and closer to you until he had you trapped against the wall. You’re looking at him with horror in your eyes and his chest is heaving. He raises his hand, and you flinch and close your eyes, a yelp escaping from your mouth, but the hit never comes. Instead, you feel his fingers on your stomach softly while his other hand goes after your neck in order to bring you closer to his body.
“We’ll be okay, baby. I get that you’re nervous, but we’ll figure everything out and be the best parents to our children.” His words are disturbing, but what scares you the most is the smile on his face and how his eyes are shining with excitement and utter happiness, as if just a moment ago he wasn’t screaming and threatening you. Namjoon is finally able to give you a kiss on the forehead and you can’t do anything but stay still and feel tears falling down your face.
153 notes · View notes
ais-n · 2 years
AIS! I know ur a One Piece fan, so I have to ask.. what do you think of the recent reveal of Luffy's true devil fruit power???? Joyboy??? I love One Piece so much, I have no one to talk to about it! Pls tell me ur thoughts XD
Hi! Sorry I took so long to reply!
((Oops I put the cut too far down first))
I'm so excited - it's so cool! So, when Joyboy was first brought up, I didn't know enough immediately about it. But after we got a little info, tbh my first thought was, "Oh so Luffy's probably Joyboy?"
I'd have to go back and look but I think especially around the time they were at Fishman Island - especially with all the stuff that was going on with Shirahoshi, and then Luffy having the voice, and all that.
We knew Luffy could hear voices others couldn't for a bit there, I think -- or maybe that's where it first popped up? But Roger could hear the voice of all things, or whatever it was called, as evidenced by the Poneglyph info inscribed in Skypiea that Robin translated back then. I can't remember where, but I feel like at some point it was implied Joyboy maybe could too? Not sure.
Also, with the way Luffy can bring people to him, kind of like he's a boat through an ocean and the current pulls such disparate people together into his wake, it made sense.
So recently, with all the stuff going on, when it was clear Luffy was working his ass off but he's still up against a major fucking powerhouse, as things were getting worse and we were seeing all the stuff going on with CP0, I was thinking - maybe Luffy will be severely injured or basically die, and then in coming back he'll Awaken.
I'd figured for awhile now he'd end up Awakening at some point - that made sense, with everything going on. And I figured it'd be pretty cool.
So Luffy confirmed as Joyboy, I was happy and excited to see but wasn't super surprised because I figured that was a given for awhile. However, WHAT Joyboy is, was something I didn't expect. And I 100% did NOT see the devil fruit thing coming!!!!!!! I fucking love how I can follow this series for like 20 years or whatever and still end up surprised by things, even when other things I can see coming from hints in the past - and how even if something I thought might happen does happen, it's still so fun to see it confirmed.
Fucking Oda is such a storytelling genius, istg *_*
I do have to say - I absolutely love OP, of course, but the past couple of years I've managed to be behind on the latest chapters by like a week or two. It's solely because of the way this shit is set up now that they closed down the main scanlation sites. I get that they don't want piracy etc etc but it seems to presume that people don't also buy the official shit even if they read scanlations. Not the case for me at all. I am subscribed to the SJ things so I can support weekly, I buy a shit ton of OP stuff, and I USED to always be caught up on the officially released English manga too. Only reason I'm behind on those (and why I don't want just the "official" versions online) is because I'm still super fucking salty about them calling Zoro fucking Zolo. I goddamn hate it lmao It drives me nuts so bad. When I buy the books, I physically change every l to an r and it's a pain in the ass so I've gotten to be like - fuck it, fuck them and their dumbass Zolo bullshit, I don't have the patience to change that everywhere UGH. I wish they'd release an alternate version with everything written as Zoro even if we have to pay extra or something. I would do it. idgaf. Also I have always liked having multiple translations since I'm not reading the original, so I like seeing how the wording changes across translators for different things. Plus the fact that the official version fucking calls Marines the "Navy" is irritating too. And I think the English says Dogtooth right? But I like his name as Karakuri more. I also like to go back and reread chapters, and they make it difficult to do so which I find annoying as well. (I will, of course, acknowledge though that I appreciate that Stephen is the translator - I'm glad we have someone on the official translator team who truly gives a shit about the series, and has for decades, and was one of the original fan translators back in the day. I just find it annoying that he has to make stupid ass alterations like Zoro's name because the company has the dumbest rules on that stuff, and since he's employed with them he has to follow those rules rather than being able to be fully accurate in translations. Salty salty salty I'm as salty as the East Blue lmao)
So, again, I'd like there to be a better system for the original shit, and it has become a thing where it takes me all this extra time to sit down and read the latest - I can't just skim through it like I used to be able to do. So I get a bit salty and have to set time aside, because I love OP and want to actually pay attention to it, focus on the story, see it properly on my screen, etc.
That's all to say that it's managed to take some of my weekly excitement away from OP, which really sucks man. I used to look forward to it every week, and now I sometimes forget to read it that week.
It's NOTHING to do with the series itself or the story though - I continue to love tf out of it <3
Anyway so I got on a tangent there (sorry lol) but I thought of it because I just realized I hadn't read the latest chapter (1047) so I wanted to check it in case I needed to add anything. In case you haven't read that chapter, I won't say anything about it.
But!! I did want to jump back a little in the current storyline, before we got all the Joyboy confirmation. To Zoro.
Wait, before that -- DUDE THE NIKA THING IS SO COOL!!!!! And I fucking love how the Awakening works. It is constantly cracking me up XD I love how the Five Elders were all serious like, "that devil fruit is the most ridiculous power in the world!" or something like that. And since they were so srsface I wondered if they meant that colloquially, like it's just super badass. But no, they mean it's actually ridiculous XD I fucking love it. I LOVE how it's turning everything around him into like an old American-type cartoon hahaha
And it's so cool the things he can do now! Also I super want to see this animated - they keep having his heartbeat be referenced, and it's been in the background SFX, so I'm hoping it'll sound really cool like an upbeat song or something when they animate it.
I'm way behind on the anime though - need to get caught up eventually.
Oh! Also, I love that Zunesha (the elephant) was talking to Momo, and it felt like maybe Zunesha was coming a little back to life? Like Zunesha seemed happy - which makes sense, since they've been punished to carry Zou on their back for punishment of some unspecified crime in the past, and they were affiliated with Joyboy 800 years ago. Those sunken eyes just make them seem so exhausted and half-dead, so it feels so nice to know they're getting a little bit of a break from their kind of living death. idk yet how it all will go, what it all will mean exactly, but I'm so interested in it - especially with Zunesha right there, it feels like something cool could happen.
Also I just love Zunesha regardless <3
The new devil fruit power and just everything around it fits Luffy really well, I think, so it's cool to see that his upgrade comes with such a bombshell of narrative connections too!
Again, can't wait to see animated.
Now back to Zoro - so he looked like he was basically almost dead, if not worse, and that's why one of the crew (I think it's Franky?) is running around trying to get him to Chopper to save him.
Before he was grabbed, but after he collapsed after his fight and winning it, we saw what looked like a Grim Reaper standing over Zoro, right? And Zoro was using Enma, the sword, as part of his arsenal.
Enma is a fucking powerful sword, said to be able to "cut through to the bottom of hell" - which makes sense, since in Japanese mythology (along with Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese mythologies and Buddhist, Hinduism, Taoism -- and more), Enma is the master of hell/the king. He's a deity and I've seen some things say he has the power to judge crimes committed by the dead while they were alive. Enma's also called Yama and other names - and in some versions he's seen as the human ancestor because humans were born from him (and his sister -_-) - and he is the king of death since he was the first human to die. Also, in Japanese Buddhism at least - idk enough about the variations to know about others - he's believed to be able to travel back and forth between Hell and the Pure Land. Pure Land is Jodo in Japanese Buddhism.
As opposed to Edo (a land with impurities or defiled land) where humans tie themselves up to be caught in delusions, Jodo is a land where basically Buddha resides. It's a place that is pure and clean and the legitimate land of Buddha. In some thoughts, it's not in our world - it's built in another world, and people only go there when their life ends. Another thought is that instead of going to another world (Jodo), our world will shift to Jodo.
Either way, for Buddhism, it's basically a place free from impurities and is where Buddha resides.
Zoro's powers have Buddhist references and he fits within the realm of it really well - in writing this I ran across this post below on tumblr. I don't know the person or their tumblr at all, but this has some good info on parallels to Zoro and references to Buddhism, done far better than I would've here.
There's more of course - I'm by absolutely no means an expert; I just know a little bit from reading about it.
Anyway though, I'm wondering what the significance will be of the reaper figure, Zoro essentially seeming to basically die right now or be close, and more. I'm wondering if the reaper was an embodiment of Enma the sword, or Enma himself or some variation of a messenger of his from Hell? I'm wondering if this will be Zoro's version of an Awakening - either now, or the foundation being set to happen in the future. I'm wondering, if that ends up being the case, whether this means he will lean more toward the Hell side of things, or if this will be a turning point of him going more toward releasing himself from impurities and eventually achieving accessibility to Jodo. Like, could he have gone there now? Could his spirit have gone to Hell with Enma? Will he be able to channel Hell of some sort? Perhaps Enma is showing him that there's a way to transcend it all?
Wouldn't it be cool if Zoro gained the ability to visit with souls of the dead in some way, or gain information from Hell or who knows, Jodo, if that's even possible? If that ever happened, wouldn't it be cool if something could be combined with Brook's powers in an attack channeling the iciness of death with the Buddhist aspects of Hell or enlightenment?
In order to become truly the greatest swordsman in the world, in order to bring about a unified and happy world as Luffy wishes as the Pirate King, right now, with my very limited understanding of the mythologies involved, it seems to me that MAYBE the next step in Zoro's future improvement and power will be something to do with him becoming closer to Jodo.
Like, I'm wondering if he'll shift more toward, or more away from, the way he's been - outlined more in that linked post above, but someone who's powerful, who isn't affiliated with the gods of any sort, who exhibits many great qualities like loyalty, honor, etc - but who also exhibits potentially violent or dangerous qualities. For example, as they referenced, the time he split a boat in two because he got on the wrong boat. I'm wondering if he will be aiming more toward addressing those reactions of his, and therefore honing even more his sword skills, to be able to achieve a higher power of Enlightenment, and through that maybe become someone who, like Enma, can transverse the realms? I think of it in terms of comparison to Mihawk. Mihawk also does things like just destroy a boat because he woke up from a nap and felt like it. In order for Zoro to become truly the greatest swordsman in the world, he ultimately has to surpass Mihawk. And with my limited knowledge, it seems to me that Mihawk has achieved the peak of what is achievable on the path he took in Buddhism terms, and so in order to surpass him, Zoro must learn to accept a different, greater path. One that perhaps causes him to accept things he hasn't accepted.
In writing this, I was checking for something related to Zoro and Buddhism and whether an Ashura can ever become someone who can visit Jodo or however it's best worded -- and I ran across this reddit post about Zoro, Buddhism, and his God Mode. Like the previous link, I haven't read the entire thing, and I don't know the person who posted it at all, nor do I know nearly enough about Buddhism to assess the information provided. But, it's basically a way more eloquent way of explaining what I've been wondering about Zoro's situation and potential future improvements.
I also saw they linked a YouTube video if you'd rather watch that or watch it in addition:
So, from the parts I saw skimming these things, I think it's explaining what I was thinking could be something going on potentially - and sort of what I've been thinking of his own Buddhist non-DF version of Awakening.
Also, since the time skip, I've been thinking that his left eye probably hides some power or something on his eyeball which indicates an upgrade or something specific. He could, of course, have just lost the eye or be blind in it; but I have been feeling like it'll be something else. I saw this comment which is in line with what I was thinking btu also referenced something I'd completely forgotten:
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By the way, have you seen my theory about the 3 weapons and Red Line? And the World Government's flag? And what One Piece really is? I've had it for years now and idk if it'll end up being the case or not but I feel like it could make sense. At the very least it's fun to think about.
I think I went into it at some point in the past - if I find it, I'll link it here. (UGH I can't find it) Oh but now we have the info on Lunarians via King which adds to it even more imo.
lmk if you want me to go into that whole theory or whatever though. I guess if I didn't have it written down already I should do it sometime. istg I wrote it out though...
Anyway! Sorry for all the rambling about One Piece! Hope you don't mind! And what are your thoughts on the new DF info, Joyboy, all of that? If you reply in asks as anon you can just start the first one with **ONE PIECE SPOILERS** or something and then if you end up writing multiple posts I can throw them all into one. But no worries if you don't reply, or decide not to go in depth or whatever! Or of course we can also talk elsewhere on OP stuff, but you'd have to go away from being anon, and that is 100% up to you. I am perfectly happy either way, so do what makes you happiest :)
Hope you have a good day/morning/evening/night, whatever it is for you wherever you are in the world!
Go One Piece!
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PS: I know I ended up going way more on about Zoro and Buddhism and Enma and the like than the Sun God stuff - I just hadn't had a chance to go in on my Zoro theory/thoughts so this got me excited to do so. If I should talk more about Nika etc lmk! There are some really cool connections with all that.
Also, if it did turn out Zoro goes the way of Hell fully in his powers, then he could represent the darkness/underworld and Luffy would represent the sun/sky, so they'd be a great team together.
Also also, part of my whole One Piece/Red Line/etc theory is in regards to the three great weapons. Now that Luffy is explicitly linked to the sky, I'm starting to wonder if he'll be the third Ancient Weapon himself. I had thought it was going to be something else, maybe from the moon - which still seems probable? Depending on if it's possible to be both Nika and the weapon, or if Nika is the weapon. idk yet - I haven't done enough research on the whole Nika thing.
I'm talking about Uranus btw - especially since the World Government forbid research onto the topic, and now we know that they also have been governing the "gomu gomu no mi" to the point of giving it that fake name, and they thought what Luffy could become was dangerous enough to interfere and try to kill him.... it does seem more and more possible as I'm thinking on it that Luffy could be Uranus. Maybe. Since Shirahoshi is Neptune, we do know the Ancient Weapons can be living beings, but of course Pluton is a ship.
Uranus is the personification of the sky though (or of the heavens), so it could fit to an extent with the Sun God, and with the WG being so hard on trying to take down any chances of a new Joyboy appearing.
On the other hand, the actual mythology of Uranus doesn't fit Luffy's personality at all. And since Uranus had the capability to change the weather or mimic things, that seems to fit more with Nami's powers - which could mean the Ancient Weapon is instead tied into the sky wizards she was learning from, or where they initially got their info.
I do, though, still think it's going to come from the moon tbh and probably NOT be Luffy himself. I could be wrong; it just feels like it fits well. The moon is not only in the heavens, of a sort, but it would tie in with Enel, the whole side story of him up on the moon, those little dudes up there, and now that we have King, the Lunarians as well and their almost godlike powers. Maybe he is Uranus instead, maybe he knows information that leads to it, maybe something else.
It's fun to not know for certain even at this point, and to be able to speculate different theories even using the same information.
Thank you for asking about OP - it made me happy to ramble about it :)
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reginarubie · 2 years
Hi, i had no idea you took prompts. I got all excited but I wasn't sure if I should send any since I don't want to overwhelmed you. With you balancing real life responsibilities and maintaining a social life, writing plus making metas. Do you have time to idk breathe?
I can not stress this enough but write at your own pace, no matter how needy we are I'm worried we'd burn you out.
Ciao anon!,
First of all...
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Your message is so genuinely sweet that I swear it has taken a couple of months off my shoulders. Thank you for worrying about me, I appreciate it beyond what words can say.
While yes, I've commented on how I do feel a bit burned out lately (and I cannot stress enough how caring it is that you either guessed it or remembered I had commented on it), it's mostly related to work, and actually writing is a good way to vent and relax.
I'll own that balancing real life expectations and responsibilities, with writing metas and stories as well as maintaining a social life can be challenging, but let me reassure you I've not been taking it too far.
Usually I would update once, sometimes twice a day — I finished my first Jonsa fic (43 chapters long) in a bit over two months updating almost once a day, so I'm usually much faster than I am being right now — but since I've been balancing all of the above and also caring for my emotional and physical wellbeing I've slowed down considerably on my update schedule.
On the same matter, you might have seen I had quite the list of metas cooking in the pot, yet I've not even posted the second part of the Jonsa mythology series, because I am taking it at my own pace, slow if necessary, instead of throwing myself in a research spree to get out the content I had planned necessarily on a deadline that doesn't exist.
So don't worry you aren't burning me out, on the contrary seeing how many people enjoy my writing, ask for more, are interested in the writing process I go through and on my wellbeing in general is actually extremely, not only appreciated, but fuel for my energy. It makes me feel good to know how many people enjoy my metas, my stories and take their time to let me know, to — even through the net — take into consideration my wellbeing
Of course, there are times in which I get frustrated with a particular chapter, or plot-point that I can't seem the write right or fast enough, (I am a perfectionist and an over-achiever, my bad) I'm learning to not push through as I usually do on very important matters and just trust the process and take more time if needed; and I cannot stress enough how healing it is to hear someone, even a stranger online, tell you to take care of yourself and just go my own pace; so your message really did make me feel both seen and loved. So thank you, virtually know that I am hugging you silly.
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In any case, if you want to send prompts (even if they aren't Jonsa related, I love the challenge), or are curious about anything, don't feel pressured not to because you are afraid you might overwhelm me, I promise to not overexert myself just to follow a pace that doesn't match my own in this moment. I enjoy seeing and reading of other people theories, if they match mine, what they think of my stories and I really enjoy when I see you all want more!
Worst case scenario, I will disappear from the net for a few months until I feel up to write again — just ask the readers and followers of Song of the Dragons which I started years ago, (my first ever fic that is a complete rewrite of the series with fAegon reaching the North at the beginning of AGOT and finding his hidden half-sister, femJon Snow with whom he falls in love in true Targ fashion and the way having a family might heal Daenerys' trauma and scars) they may get a series of updates in fast succession and then nothing for up to a year (they are really way too patient with me!); though seeing you all asking for more, theorizing and commenting on my works will make me feel better even when I am on hiatus.
Most probable case scenario, the prompt or ask might sit in my ask box with several others I haven't had the energy to reply to yet, since I like to do my things throughout and I'd rather wait to give a satisfactory reply than writing down an hasty one.
Best case scenario? I'll just keep being inspired and write at my own pace of the moment :D
Again, thank you so much for your concern and for taking the time to actually show it!
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Hope you have a day as awesome as you are!
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We Met Within This Screen (chapt. 3 PART 1)
[Donnie x reader]
sfw, part 2 here
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Donnie froze. Leo stood firm where he was. The atmosphere of the lab fell still and Donnie got up from his chair, slipping his phone into his pocket. 
"I was getting ready," Donnie almost stammered out, though he managed to get through it barely. "Just…" 
He couldn't think of anything to say. No excuses; he knew he was caught. Why would he have been smiling, chuckling at his phone? Why would he have been that distracted as to not detect his brother? There was no explanation to give. He was far less acute than their leader in his senses—less intuitive—to have been able to know that. He berated himself as Leo folded his arms and gave him a look of knowing. Always with that look. You knew you were busted when Leo deployed that one. 
"You can either tell me what's going on now or you can do it out there, where everyone can hear," said Leo sternly, body partially blocking the exit anyway. 
Donnie scratched on the same spot on the back of his neck that he'd always picked at when he felt uncomfortable. "I can explain," he finally said in a low tone. "Just let me. And please don't alert everyone else immediately. Promise?" 
Pausing, Leo contemplated on his response, coming to the decision that he'd at least give him that. He nodded and motioned for him to start, "Go ahead."
"I, um…" 
Donnie's heart rate picked up a bit as he began to feel a wash of embarrassment seep in. He'd never been very open to his brothers about how he sometimes wanted connection with the outside world. He hadn't thought much about love or romance given their situation, either, but it did crop up from time to time—he still never mentioned it. 
Releasing a deep breath, he explained, "I met someone. Over a game. She wanted to text, and I figured that, since the possibility of—" 
Leo halted him. "Time out, what? You met someone on a game, they wanted to text, and you just...agreed?" he asked, surprised himself by Donnie's actions. Before he would hear his brother's response, he continued, cutting him off once again, "Did you forget that there's a reason why we don't just go around talking to whoever?"
Donnie felt a spark of anger and he stood up straighter, stepping forward toward Leo. He hated nothing more than being implied he was stupid or naive. But he still kept his distance, and still tried to keep his voice low so that prying ears couldn't hear. 
"Trust me, Leo! I've been talking to her for a few weeks. We only started officially texting recently. You know I've fixed up our phones so they aren't traceable; what is the issue? Am I not allowed to have my own life?" 
Leo scoffed lightly, shaking his head. "Don, come on, dude," he reasoned, "can you even be sure that's a girl?" 
Donnie's lip twitched in annoyance and he scoffed, himself. Of course he was sure! If he'd ever had any inkling he was being baited by an older man, he never would have played with them, or even agreed to text. But Leo didn't seem to listen to anyone's intuition but his own and Splinter's, and so he wouldn't hear out that argument. Donnie suddenly wished she'd sent a picture of herself so he could prove to his brother that he was not, in fact, that empty-headed. 
"Also, you do have your own life, it's with us. Which means I have to look out for both you and the rest of the family. I mean it when I say this is risky. Don't be a fool, Donnie. Plus, what were you planning on doing when she eventually wants to know more about you? Lie your way through it? Even if she is who you say she is, it still doesn't change the fact that she's a human girl and you're a mutant. And you can't keep up the charade forever." 
Donnie's heart panged at his last words. He wanted so badly to say that he was wrong, but really, he knew that Leo was painfully correct. He couldn't keep up the act forever. Not unless he wanted a friendship built upon lies and deceit by omission. As much as he hated to admit it, Leo was right; it was foolish to have thought it would somehow work out. 
Silence befell them, and even though he spoke the truth, Leo felt bad upon seeing his face fall like that. He reached out and put a hand on his shoulder. "I know it gets lonely. We all do. But you have to face it, Don. That up there? It isn't for us," he told him gently, trying hard to lift the tension from the room. "Let's just stick to what we know best, okay?" 
The shadows. 
Eyes averted at the ground, Donnie swept the hand on his shoulder off. He walked right past his brother and grabbed some gear on his way out. "Yeah. Let's go." His reply was quiet and curt, steady as he could make it. Though on the inside, he was frustrated. Frustrated that he'd dug himself into a hole that he'd now have to not only dig himself out of, but let down someone else while he was at it. He'd have to let her go. Less angry was he with himself as he was his situation, and Leo knew that feeling well. He wanted to protect his brother—he just hoped Donnie would see that. 
Out on patrol, they went about their routine as usual, but everyone noticed the mood-shift. Raph and Mikey were excitable as ever, but the other two were more reserved that night, not talking much to each other. 
They leaped from one rooftop to another where they decided to stop for a quick rest, Mikey racing ahead of all of them as he vaulted from the roof and onto the next. "You guys are slow!" he called from the other side. He grinned and jumped up onto the scaffold of a water tower while Raph  barrelled across the gap with a roll on impact, Leo choosing to take a flip. Donnie trailed behind and simply jumped the ledge. 
"Yo, what's up, D?" Mikey asked through heavy breaths, picking up on his standoffishness. "You been quiet all night!"
"And you're slow as hell," Raph commented. While not as perceptive as Mikey, he had noticed the odd tension and was beginning to get suspicious as well. He knew someone wasn't saying something; he just didn't know what. 
Leo and Donnie exchanged looks. He silently hoped that Leo would take the hint, but when Leo sighed and glanced back at the other two, he knew it was hopeless. He'd get chastised at for being ignorant all over again. At least by Raph, he judged. Mikey couldn't really talk because he'd been in a similar boat before, and now, he knew how he'd felt all those times they got onto Mikey for trying to make contact with humans. 
"Well?" demanded Raph, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "You gonna tell us or what?" His eyes were on Leo rather than Donnie, because he already had an idea that they both knew something that he and Mikey didn't, but everyone turned to Leo when something like this came up.
Leo chewed on his lower lip for a second, conflicted as to whether he would come out with it or save Donnie's pride. They were brothers, family—he couldn't feel truthful keeping them in the dark. But he also recognized that it wasn't his place to say it. He instead turned to Donnie himself, looking for any sign of what they were gonna do. It was up to him, he concluded; if he wanted to stay quiet about it, he could. 
Mikey was confused. Raph was growing more impatient. Donnie felt pressured to blurt it out. And he did. 
Breaking, Donnie strung out, "I met someone online and we started talking and Leo found out and I didn't want you guys to know because it was stupid and...and...oh, just let me finish this now!"
Leo awkwardly stood back in silence while Raph looked at Mikey, then back at Donnie and him, and soon enough everyone was just staring at one another, all waiting for someone to say something, but no one did. Done, Donnie took his phone out and opened up the messages shared between him and her, holding it out for his brothers to see. 
Without warning Raph snatched the phone from his hand and started scrolling, Mikey peering around his shoulder and trying to push him out of the way to see. 
"You actually talked to a girl," Mikey awed. He was excited at first, but it faded when he thought about the fact that Donnie had kept a secret from them. They didn't keep secrets. 
"Yeah, one named [y/n], who lives in New York City," Raph emphasized, "and works at wherever this is…and...how did you even meet this girl, Don? Is that even a girl?" he questioned Donnie accusingly, waving the phone around as he spoke. He almost dropped it and Donnie quickly took it from him, telling him to be careful as he slipped it back into the strap on his bicep. 
Leo kept vigilant watch around them while the conversation played out, being the only one truly paying attention. His eye caught some erratic movement in a tucked-away alley down below them. 
"For the last time, yes! She is a girl! And I met her on a game," Donnie answered, throwing his hands down. 
"Save it for later, guys, we got company," Leo interjected. He pointed down at the alleyway adjacent to the building they were on and motioned for them to get moving, dropping down onto the fire escape of an apartment complex. 
Raph bumped Donnie in the arm purposefully as they approached the edge of the roof, "We ain't done yet," he said, dropping onto the fire escape. 
"Yeah, not done yet," Mikey added whimsically. 
Groaning under his breath, Donnie whipped out his staff, and leaped down. 
Mikey followed behind him, jumping the ledge and launching himself to the opposite balcony. They came upon the scene of a couple of men each carrying a sack out of a backdoor in a building, what was assumed to be the ringleader overseeing it from a car parked next to them. 
They turtles were silent, perfectly hidden and moved within the black of night as they descended. Raph pulled out his sai and was about to drop down on one of the unsuspecting men when Leo shoved him back. "Hold on," Leo told him. Begrudgingly, Raph stood down. Donnie peered around the corner from ground level while Mikey clinged to a wall in the shadows. Above, Leo and Raph took the high ground, watching them from a balcony nearby. 
"Hurry up and get this shit loaded into the car, I don't wanna get caught back here," a rough voice ordered from the vehicle. Donnie spotted another person in the passenger's seat. 
"We're goin' as fast as we can!" one of the men spat back. All were beefed up, tattooed, and based on the scars, no strangers to a fight. 
Raph looked at Leo with a smirk. Leo gave the signal and everyone closed in, red and blue dropping from the balcony onto the two completely unaware men, while Donnie and Mikey went to take care of those in the car. 
"What the fuck?!" a man shouted, stumbling back as the duo dropped heavily in front of them. He tossed the sack away and Raph saw he was going to pull out a gun, which Raph went for immediately with his sai. He charged into the man before he could even try to aim and stuck the arm holding the pistol with his three-pronged weapon, forcing his wrist down and the gun to fall out of his hand. Leo took the other and barely had to use any force in pinning the man against the wall with his blade and forearm, but had to duck out of the way when Mikey came through swinging his nunchucks at one of the men who had tried to flee the scene. 
"Watch where you're going with those things, Mikey!" Leo yelled, grunting as a crowbar collided with the side of his head. He spun around and threw his fist at whoever was behind him, an incapacitating blow to a human, but barely his full strength. 
Mikey easily caught his target and gave his legs a mighty sweep to sent him tumbling down. "You thought!" he bellowed with a laugh. "Can't outrun M.C. Mikey." 
Donnie caught the driver on the far end of the fight scurrying to pick up the sacks before making his getaway, and quickly he forcefully jabbed his staff into the solar plexus of the man, sending him onto his back. He was winded, coughing and struggling for air. 
"Donatello! You good over there?" Raph called out, delivering one final kick to the stomach of the man he was on. Donnie heard the skid of a shoe on the pavement behind him and didn't even have to look as he whirled around with a swing of his staff, hitting the man in the head with near-devastating force. It was a knockout blow—the guy dropped, and the fight was over as quickly as it had started. 
Donnie looked around and collapsed his staff, "All good," he answered curtly. 
All five of the men lay on the ground, a couple flat-out unconscious while the rest hissed and groaned in pain. While Donnie inspected the sacks strewn around, Raph chuffed and kicked the gun that had fallen away from the hand that was slowly reaching for it, looking down at the pathetic criminal as he instead stepped on his wrist. The burly man let out a whimper, like a baby, and Raph chuckled. 
"Just money," Donnie announced. All of them heard the sirens of police cars approaching. "Let's get out of here, guys." 
"Those morons weren't even a warm-up," Raph gloated, fist-bumping Mikey. Leo and Donnie were already scaling up to the roof. "Guess if I want to be bored outta my mind, I'll find these guys again." 
"Oh, we'll find 'em again," Mikey added, pulling himself up onto the fire escape. He glanced back and saw the red and blue flashing lights starting to round the corner. "But, uh, not before the cops do." 
The four made their way back up to the roof and left the area. They still had some time left on patrol, so for a minute, they lingered around, Raph keen to reignite their earlier conversation. Donnie already saw it coming and mentally prepared to answer all of the questions that were about to be thrown his way—which he was correct about, as Raph proceeded to open with, "So, what, you're keepin' secrets from us now? Anything else ya been doing behind all our backs?" 
"Cut it, Raph," Leo said, stepping between him and Donnie, "you know that's not it. Don?"
"We're your pals, man, you should have told us," frowned Mikey. 
"I just didn't want anyone to freak out," Donnie explained, "and I didn't know I was going to meet anyone I liked that much, I was only planning on playing the—" 
Both Raph and Mikey asked in unison, "'Like'?" 
He scrambled to fix his wording. He cursed his nervous chatter; he couldn't help himself, he was uncomfortable. Maybe even anxious, because he knew he was going to have to face reality and break it off with his new friend.
"No, not—not 'like'. Like, not like that. I mean in general, as a person," he stuttered, floundering with himself. 
Mikey knew he was lying. He knew it well. Though gullible at times, when it came to the heart, Mikey truly was the most in-tune out of the four. As for the other two, he couldn't say as to whether they saw the lie here, because sometimes, Donnie stuttered just because he was excited or frazzled. Other times, it was definitely because he was lying. The entire time he felt a little bad for his brother. He imagined himself in his shoes and it made him sad, thinking about having to let go of a friend right after having them in his life. 
Putting a hand on his shell, Mikey shook him a bit, "You like her, bro," he whispered. 
Donnie lightly pushed him away. "She's a friend," he clarified, eyeing Mikey. 
Raph was silent for a moment while he thought about everything. He wasn't mad about the fact that Donnie has found someone as much as he was that he never said anything, kept a secret from his brothers. The four of them had a rule that went without saying; they didn't keep secrets from one another. Not about anything major, at least—which this was. He didn't even contemplate on what he thought Donnie should do about it, just that he'd hidden something significant from all of them.  
"Still doesn't change the fact that you didn't seem like you were plannin' on coming clean with any of us," Raph huffed. "Not if he didn't catch ya." He pointed at Leo. 
Donnie suddenly felt his temper flare, and he bit back, "What about you, Raphael? You constantly hide your feelings! How is it not the same thing?" 
"Except for his anger, he's pretty upfront about that," Mikey quickly added in before sinking away from the two. Leo sighed and flicked his head. Donnie was right. Raph was a hypocrite and they were getting nowhere. 
"My feelings don't endanger people around me," growled Raph, stepping in toward Donnie. They met each other half-way as Donnie wasn't about to back down from his brother, who he was not scared of. "That is absolutely different from what you're doing!"
"Guys, we need to get going," Leo stated, seeing how the moon was far its descent. "Splinter's clear about when he wants us back." 
"I'm finishing this right now," Donnie said, pulling out his phone. He opened up the messages and began typing.
Hey. Sorry for the sudden message and I apologise, but I can't do this anymore
He hadn't noticed yet, but the last text he'd received was only twenty minutes prior, right before they dipped from the crime scene they'd just handled. It read: 
Damn, I hear all this racket outside my apartment and it's kind of making me nervous
Like guys yelling and stuff getting banged
Nvm someone called the cops, I guess it's good now 
Everyone was gathered around Donnie watching the screen as he typed. Raph and Leo both caught that last message. He pressed send and it was only then he saw it, too, and everyone slowly looked at each other in recognition. Everyone was thinking the same thing. 
"Awkward," Mikey drew out. 
All were at a loss for words. When a new message pinged, they all shoved at each other to get a good look. Raph accidentally stepped on someone's foot. "Ouch! Give me some space, guys," Donnie snapped. 
What's wrong? 
Donnie looked sadly at the screen. He started typing his response, something skin to "it's complicated" followed by an apology, but Mikey stopped him. "Dude, you can't tell her that, it's gonna hurt her feelings!" Mikey exclaimed, "this is totally unfair! To both of you."
"Look, I ain't tryna be petty, but last time I checked, the rest of us aren't allowed to have human friends," grumbled Raph.
A new message popped up and it read:
Well...I won't question your decision. Bye Bo, I guess
Sighing, Donnie turned off his phone and put it away. He turned to everyone. "Happy?"
"Of course not, bro," Mikey responded. He looked around, as if expecting agreement. There was none; Raph stood away and Leo was watching Donnie's face go from annoyed to dejected. "Guys?"
Leo patted Donnie on the shoulder. "You did the right thing," he said. Donnie didn't say anything. "Alright, let's get going."
Chapter 3, part 2
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dhaaruni · 3 years
I think Bernie was trying to play the Long Game with Latinx voters (who his campaign did make significant outreach to)... but those guys don't have the spread that Black voters do, and they're more likely to split for conservatives anyhow (even if you subtract Florida's Cubans).
Yeah, a major part of the issue with Bernie focusing on the Latinx community (and yes I know Latinx is ~contentious but also you used it so I'm following your lead lol) is first of all that Latinx voters are not a monolith. Young Hispanics in Arizona vote very differently than Cubans and Venezuelans in Florida, and one group is much more likely to vote than the other, and it's not the 20-somethings in Arizona.
Debbie Mucarsel-Powell wrote this excellent op-ed about how her district swung from D+16 in 2016 to R+6 and of course, she got raked through the coals for it by leftists. If Democrats can maintain our numbers with Black people and get Hillary Clinton level Latinx support and aim to get Bill Clinton level white support, we'd be unbeatable but that's basically impossible to do at this point in time.
Plus, Bernie may have done well with Latinx voters in Texas in the 2020 primaries but that group swung hard right in the general election not because Biden was too far right but because he was too far left for them! They're virulently anti-choice already since many are devoutly Catholic, and combined with 2020 specific things like COVID-19 lockdowns and the focus on Black Lives Matter (they didn't appreciate the focus on the Black community), they decided Trump was the better option. Plus, non-white voters always swing to the incumbent like Obama 2012 and Bush 2004 and Clinton 1996 all benefited from this trend.
The Latinx community is often also really socially conservative, especially in Texas and Florida, which have two of the largest Latinx populations, and are also extremely leery of socialism. This piece was really eye-opening:
There's also the fact the main issues Bernie focused on with the Latinx community that differentiated him from like, Biden or Pete Buttigieg, namely illegal immigration and things like #AbolishICE (which he actually backed off on when he realized how unpopular it is with even liberals, and annoyed AOC), don't help win over a significant number of people who can actually vote in American elections. Pathways to citizenship seem great in theory but the uncomfortable truth is that people who aren't citizens can't vote in elections, and the people who are most supportive of pathways to citizenship, especially for illegal immigrants, are a) non-citizens, b) donor class white liberals who are well to the left of the Democratic base, and c) activists who are major outliers on every level and I'm not talking Dolores Huerta here, who was a prominent Clinton surrogate.
I think a lot of white liberals really ignore how badly illegal immigration polls, with white people who make up 60.1% of the country but also with legal immigrants who are now American citizens, sometimes a few generations removed. There are a whole lot of Asian and South Asian Americans who vote Democrat solely because the Republican party is racist towards Asian-Americans. These people are often socially indifferent, they don't like taxes, and they don't remotely care if people are racist to Black and Latinx and indigenous populations, they care if their own in-group faces racism! Bush almost won Asian voters in 2004, and he got 44% of the Hispanic vote! These people are all cool with Republicans in power as long as the GOP isn't yelling kung-flu at random Chinese-Americans and calling all Mexicans rapists and not just illegal immigrants, which quite frankly, a lot of people would have been fine with even if they wouldn't admit it online.
But yeah, the simple reason that Bernie doing well with Latinx voters in the primary really doesn't matter is that Biden and Obama did okay with the group despite Obama being the "deporter in chief," and Hillary dominated so clearly mainstream Democrats aren't suffering with the demographic even if Biden underperformed due to socialism among other issues.
And, another key point that nobody who's remotely supportive of illegal immigration (or defunding the police for that matter) was ever in danger of voting Republican in the first place. And, there are a whole lot more Republican-lite, Democrat-amenable voters who are actively turned off by both of those things or at least use them as an excuse to not vote for Democrats, which still results in Democrats not getting their vote and given how hard it is for us to win federal elections, we can't keep losing gettable votes.
If we do the basic cost-benefit analysis, getting Republican-lite, Democrat-amenable voters is more valuable to Dems federally than pandering to activist types because the moderates always vote, even during midterms, and the leftist activist types purity test and yell about Dems earning their vote and there aren't even enough of them to make it worth the effort of catering to them. Even if some leftists stay at home or protest vote over Dems not supporting things that poll underwater, if Dems win moderates and independents (who skew conservative) by a large enough margin, the activist vote is statistically insignificant and Joe Biden for one knows this well.
The reason Bernie-> Stein voters (and Bernie -> Trump voters of course) damaged Hillary so badly in 2016 is that she bombed with white people, especially white men, and it's impossible to win the electoral college while winning 31% of white men even if you get 98% of Black women to vote for you like HRC did. If HRC had Biden's numbers with white men (she even did better with white women and literally every other racial group), she'd have coasted to an easy victory.
Sorry, this got crazy long but I couldn't sleep and I hope it was a good explanation!
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
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This is my opinion and perspective of Jikook. I do not intend nor imply malice by my choice of words or by my interpretations of BTS' contents. Nor do I intend to be disrespectful of any member herein mentioned.
Do not take my words out of context in furtherance of your own agenda. You are the author of your own intentions and interpretations. If you do hold yourself accountable first.
I am done with with Jikook. Lol
I swear to God by the time they officially come out as a couple, if they ever do, I'm going to be left with severe PTSD.
Pray for me.
A lot has happened with Jikook these past few weeks. A devastating lot. Everything was going great and smooth and boom- we were hit with yet another anomaly in their dynamics. It was usual given us most of the things that had happened were entirely new to their dynamics yet not at all surprising in the grand scheme of things simply because unpredictability is Jikook's schtik and as I've come to terms with, part of their dynamics- you'll get used to it if you are new. Welcome to the club. Lol
I have shared snippets of my thoughts here and there on this whole development as and when it unfolded and said I wasn't going to deliver a comprehensive commentary until later so here it is- grab a glass of wine or coffee. It's gonna be long. Bless.
Contrary to what some people say and assume about me, I don't pull my opinions on Jikook from my ass- a dollar to the jar. Lol. I don't base my perspective on Jikook's relationship and dynamics on puff and nada. Where is the fun in that? I may be delusional about somethings but... Anywho.
I have said time and again how when it comes to Jikook moments there's always context and subtexts we are missing- it's a challenge trying to fill in the gaps. Probably part of the reason I'm obsessed with their dynamics. Lol.
Most of the theories I share with you on here are based on my observations of Jikooks interactions over a period of time. My objective has always been to try and understand the motivations (context) behind their moments and interactions, some of which I find fit a pattern while others- I never want to tackle or even think about without several pain killers and depressants until years later when a piece of content is released to provide better insights into their dynamics.
Jimin's birthday is one such moment for me. While I understood and even predicted JM's use of 5/8 in May this year was going to be a substitute for May 13 because I felt Jikook were not in a good place, were under heavy scrutiny in SK within that time period- starting with that March 30th VLive which I believe had led to a ban on Jikook using the platform on their own(especially Jimin- JK was already under ban but we will get into it later) given as BTS's content had changed drastically with heavy VLive supervision and the pg 13 contents they were made to make post that JM's VLive; then there was rumors of Dispatch's alleged conflict with BigHit, BigHit's IPO, Jungkook's Itaewon scandal- which of course were all confirmed later on that month, I felt the prospect wasn't looking good for Jikook to Jikook as wildly and as openly as they did.
Now you all know about my wild assumption about JM taking space out of their relationship due to JK coming on strong around that time so I'll spare the details.
Contrastingly, post BigHit's IPO, post Soop since Stay Gold era I felt things were looking great for Jikook. They were back to Jikooking. I felt they weren't being monitored as much by their bandmates and had a new found freedom within BigHit to do their own things as it appeared BigHit had begun 'managing' and presenting them as a brand- which I have written dissertations upon dissertations on so I won't get into.
JK and JM had started their online flirty banter thingy, even Dispatch seemed good with Bighit posting BTS official photos etc. Jimin too posted for JK on his birthday, JK came out on social media to gear up for JM's birthday and then puff- ashes. We hit a wall.
Now I know some people are speculating there was too much attention on Jikook within this time frame which is why JK didn't post- uhhmm, I don't buy it that view. There's always attention on Jikook. It's usually the negative attention like around March-June that holds them back from Jikooking. In opinion. I wouldn't call the attention they are or were getting within that time period negative.
Then there were some who speculated JK wasn't going to post because he hadn't posted for any of the members since Jin's birthday last year which again I didn't buy into. Jk is fearless and doesn't shy aware from making bold expressions of his love for Jimin. Him posting for Jimin would have been a bold move but nothing exactly new.
We've seen his GCFs. Enough said.
Personally, I felt he had showed up on social media a few days to JM's birthday to promote his music but to also prepare the grounds for when he posts on Jimin's birthday.
I genuinely felt he was gonna 'out' Jimin with that post and have people raising all kinds of brows like they did with GCF Tokyo, Saipan and Helsinki. Lol
Why did I think he was going to do this?
Jin's birthday. Now I have given y'all the back ground to this timeline and so I will just hit the highlights- Rosebowl, New Jersey VLive, JK getting drunk on his Jun VLive which I felt led to a ban on him from making solo live on VApp since 2019 to date- his recent Solo live was on YouTube mind you.
Prior to this I felt he and JM had earned a ban from making a VLive together until their 2020 VLive which was heavily monitored as I have speculated in past posts- again this is just my opinion.
JK, I felt, was being 'reckless' within this period. He was making bold moves and pushing the boundaries of his relationship with Jimin and even teasing the gates of the glass closet they are in. It certainly didn't help that the You too movement in S.K and the whole Idol sex abuse scandals in Kpop was on going as I've mentioned before-which had led to August's issues. Again you know my theory on the whole tattoo girl scandal so skipping.
October we had the whole cancel Jikook hashtag trending after Jikook's performance of I still want you and the whole you are me, I am you schtick.
In all of this I felt Jikook were fine.
November is when I noticed Jikook having 'issues' in their relationship (rolling my eyes at Silver) lol. Now again I won't go into all of that but you can check the real time contents/ behind scenes content on BTS around the time period and draw your own conclusions on that.
Then came the December ups and downs, JM flinching and dropping his face when JK went to sit by him in Jin's VLive- JK's awkwardness around Jimim. Now I know some people interpret this Live as that they were fighting? I won't call it fight fight perse. Lol. Issues, perhaps?Just seemed to me JM wanted to keep a low profile because again they were under heavy public scrutiny around the time which was what I feel was causing RM to keep an eye on them throughout that period- by keeping an eye on them I mean he was invoking the spirit of Jesus between them Pentecostal style. Bless him.
But seems JK wasn't having none of that, clearly. Lmho. There were already alot of restrictions on him since June in the way he used social media(Vapp) he and JM were not allowed to VLive together, he couldn't solo Vlive no more and now he couldn't even sit right with his man- I approve of the frying pans Jk. I APPROVE. Lol.
All this is my opinion of course.
But I think that is what he meant when he kept saying it's been a while he did a solo live and didn't even know how to do one anymore in his recent YouTube live- Jk can be passive aggressive in that way but we will get into that YouTube live in a bit. Hang in there.
So with all this going on I felt I understood him when he missed Jin's birthday on Twitter. Felt like a silent protest to me. But then again I thought perhaps it was just an impulsive act on his part.
Then he missed Tae's Birthday too and I thought hold on- this man is up to something. He was gonna a statement with that in retaliation to all the ban and sanctions and interferences with his personal life.
I was just following this whole drama with anxious glee towards a big reveal and then- cricket's ass ass deadass. Chilee. This man is cruel! Lol. I'm gonna need therapy to process this one on god! Lol JK!
My Right brain said perhaps, others had been right after all and he hadn't done all of that missed birthdays on purpose at all but had only acted impulsively in the heat of the moment given everything that had been going on with the group in around Jin's birthday- Mama 2019, we all know what had happened.
I felt perhaps, the moment he missed Jin's then he had to miss everyone's because if he wished any other person a happy birthday people were going to ask questions. People were going to assume he hated whoever he didn't wish a happy birthday.
But then my left brain- the crazy delulu side, also thought otherwise. I had a funny feeling that JK really intended to post only for Jimin on his birthday since he had been gearing up for it and that the only reason he wouldn't go through with it was if JM had asked him not to.
Why would JM do that? Because he enjoys the glass closet- he loves to flex his bond with JK, tease their relationship, claim his man, he wants people to know JK is his man because he is happy with him and proud of the man that he is but that doesn't mean he is ready to come out as LGBTQ plus. In my opinion.
JK I feel was done hiding the moment he posted GCF in Saipan- he gets right with us. Bless him.
JK often weaponizes their 'secret' against Jimin and hold's it over his head sometimes- so often when Jimin is on his Kumbaya agenda with the group taking their sides on things relating to their relationship JK switches on him and tries to expose Jimin- if you're just gonna help them burn us, I'm just gonna blow the whole operation out in the open and we are all going down. Chilee!
God, I felt Jk was going to expose Jikook for real! 🤣 Don't mess with JK and his Jimin- even Jimin himself gets burns sometimes.
Remember when JK threatened to expose a picture of himself with a hickey if JM didn't stay and do a VLive with him? Remember that? JK scares me for real when he is on his Jikook agenda! Lol
I felt he knew exactly what he was doing just as he knew exactly what he was doing with Saipan and editing of Helsinki. He just reiterated it in his recent live- which we will get into soon. He pointed out how he had gone to ask the members to describe the feelings they wanted to express through the MV he directed.
He admitted yet again in that live how he expresses his feelings, HIS FEELINGS, through his art and music- for all those who keep saying you can't tell JK loves JM just because he doesn't do the things JM does. Lmho.
And so I was heavily confused by these two conflicting theories in my brain. Which is why I kept saying I didn't want to jump into conclusions, that I was going to need more content yadda yadda yadda.
Which brings me to my resolution for JM's birthday saga.
Jimin enjoys been treated special. It's part of his love language. Jk has always treated him like he is special to him. And I know people claim it's just a birthday post- sure. But I understand also that Jimin doesn't Joke with his birthday. His father doesn't Joke with his birthday and clearly neither does JK- given as even before they all started the exchanging of gifts culture that he was giving presents to JM and JM alone within the group.
Besides, he's said he reads the members birthday messages to him on social media and have gone ahead to read some of them on his birthday Vlives in the past. So I can't say JK not posting was nothing.
My resolution was simple. I was going to examine their interactions post Jimin's birthday to see if their dynamics had flipped to see if JK not posting for JM's birthday had in anyway affected their relationship.
If JM's birthday meant something to him. Jk was going to make it up to him- openly. Deadass but in my opinion. Lol.
That's one aspect of Jikook's dynamics you can always count on- hopefully. Lol.
They have a way of reassuring eachother of their love and affection. And I don't know what happened to put the fear of God in both of them but lord are they both scared of pissing the other off! Jesus! Not sure if it's the whippery but damn- they are both crazy for that.
For instance, take JinMin's VLive right before the New Jersey Vlive. JM posted immediately after their live had ended to say he is sorry and loves JK on Twitter. And y'all saw him when JK panned to him on the bed? I've never seen a man so terrified of another man in my entire shipping life- Manila must have put the fear of JK in him, which THANK GOD! lol. Jimin plays too much. Lmho.
Never knew a hyung needed permission from a dongsaeng to leave a room until that day. Chileee! Jin had pulled a prank on JK too but I didn't see him wetting his pants and blowing kithes to JK- come at me with Jinkook is real, see what happens. Lol
Then GCF in Tokyo! I know to some it seemed like a random act of confession on JK's part but boy did he have motivation! He don stressed JM out to the ends of the world with those weird ass rumors (again not gonna mention it because it's very controversial 'saesangs' nature) if you know good for you but chilee you didn't hear it here. Lol
Then there was that whole photoshoot and JM looking like he wanted to kill JK lol right around August 2017. Which I have discussed in one of my blog posts. I think it's in a lot of jeonlous. I'll link it later- if I find it.
Then the almighty 2019 Tattoo Girl scandal, I'm not talking about the August scandal. I'm talking about the one on JM's birthday last year which launched the severe 'I am sorry' hashtags in JK's post on JM's birthday. In my opinion definitely.
The Tattoo girl's shop had wanted until Jimin's birthday, almost a month after the incident, to release a statement which blew up the incident again and almost overshadowed JM's birthday.
Chilee, the delulu in me felt that was intentional. They just wanted to hurt JK by ruining his man's birthday for him- never let him forget. Lol. These evil masterminds. Chilee!
In my opinion. Please.
My point is, JM and JK do make out in efforts to fix their relationship. And usually, I find whoever is in the wrong takes the most initiatives- not to say all the GCFs was because of a fight. Personally I take Saipan and Helsinki more seriously than Tokyo. Just saying.
And of course we all saw JM fly all the way from Paris on JK's birthday- talk of grand gestures and extending Olive branches. Chilee, I'm single!
I was going to wait till I could see who was reassuring who after JM's birthday to see who was in the 'wrong' know what I mean? Like who is putting in more effort to let us know they are a thing?
After their March/May shenanigans that was JK with the thirst traps and shit on Weverse, which brought JM around and he started opening up taking initiatives of his own like in the Dynamite MV reaction VLive.
Afterwards it all seemed pretty mutual to me and they were vibing. Jikook was a Vibe. Sigh.
Now I know some people assert they don't see the 'tensions' in that behind the scenes photoshoot but we would have to agree to disagree on that because I saw that as tension between Jikook as I explained in my last post.
Jk walked right past and around Jimin without a word- chileee. JM was 'extroverted' with everyone but Jk- chilee chileee. This is weird as fuck. Lmho.
Prior to this shoot I had my eyes on Tae, RM Jk due to the Twitter war that I felt was going on between them in the days leading up to the concert. If they had anything to do with JK not posting on JM's birthday it was gonna leave trails.
Jk loves everyone but fuck with his relationship with his man and you're- poor Namjoon. Lol.
I refrained from discussing the photoshoot video or conceptualizing a theory around it because for the love of me I couldn't tell who was mad at who in that footage.
They all seemed equally mad to me. Jk had his usual don't fuck with my man mood on with that glare he gave RM causing RM to back away from JM and that attitude he gave Jin right after- which I have already speculated on in my last post.
The stare down contest between him and JM was equally nerve wracking and reminded me of that interview stare down contest between Jikook around Manila.
And I know I mentioned the 'elite' squad backing up Jimin in that moment. Chilee, I was too tired to explain that term because I had been writing for a whole day nonstop but that is the term I give to RM, Hobi, Jin as the hyungs/ elders who enable JM's shenanigans most often in the group.
JK usually pans them down when he and JM are going at it.
I feel Tae, JK, Suga are the ones that stay on JM's neck and calls his bull the most out of all the boys- Y'all don't wanna know what I call them. Lol. Perhaps, I should call them Silver? Chilee, girl don stayed my neck, put the fear of Moses in me! Lol
It felt as if, whatever the problem was, they both had an interest at stake in that moment in my opinion and they were battling it out. Besides, 5 days had gone by and for the love of me I had no idea why that mood was still persisting especially if it had anything to do with Jimin's birthday.
But I understand JM had been away with his family after the concert and had spent his birthday with his family so perhaps they couldn't resolve things within that time period. And JK it seemed had also thrown himself into work from what he said on his YouTube Live, filming and directing and shit- good for him. JM's wedding suit won't buy itself. Lol
So now the Jikook Solo lives.
Now y'all know I was waiting for this one. I told y'all I was waiting to see how BTS interacted with the VApp post Soop. Y'all know my conspiracy theory on this- the whole Jikook were banned from using it, JK was banned after his last VLive in June last year and how JM was banned in March this year after JK intercepted Jin's call and asked him on a date and said the whole I love you kithes thingy- they are trouble.
Then I talked about how JK had been trying to rebel in retaliation, the whole team up with Tae to expose BigHit on Weverse after their live.
I don't think much has changed in that regard. He still didn't do his Live on the VApp and through out his YouTube live he kept hinting at how BigHit had sabotaged his passion- he claimed he had lost his passion for GCF( at least that's how I took it) and that GCF felt more like work than something he did out of passion.
He threw jabs here and there at BigHit complaining about how he didn't even know how to do them Live logs anymore because it had been a while he did them- the lies Jeon Jungkook ne spilling! You was on a live with RM not too long ago what do you mean it's been long! *smirk.
Jimin did the same thing too but in a more subtle way I feel. He kept saying how he didn't know his way around the app, how the staff had set it up for him and JK said the same thing-but more aggressively. Lol.
It seems JK was just going to turn on the Live, keep it business and yeet himself out of there- just like people want him to do(to be professional and not expose his relationship- chileee, JK is that too much to ask? Sigh.
JK is really passive aggressive like the Silver Squad- see what I did there? Lol. Tae and Suga have taught him well. It's that control thingy, I feel. He hates it. He hates when he is controlled by anyone- except Jimin apparently.
He really enjoys and wants the freedom to do what he wants- rather dead than cool. Chilee! It's how he was raised I believe. He is a very independent free spirited individual, I keep saying.
All that, "it's awkward' 'it's been awhile I did this' yea he ain't slick. *smirk.
Another interesting thing I noticed is how both him and JM tried to keep the other's name out of their mouths- well Jimin tried. Dude couldn't help himself bless him.
I just think they have been cautioned to keep a really low profile on the app especially in regards to how they use the app, what they share on the app- no eye fucking, no weird tensions staring into eachother's souls, no I love you's in the background and certainly NO BONERS!
All in all, my impression of those two Lives was that- Jimin had baited BigHit when he posted that 'see you soon on VApp.' In my opinion.
I think he did that to force BigHit's hands. Jk did the same with his 'I can't do live logs on my own now' statement.
Jimin had put BigHit in a tight corner when he read that 'I miss Jungkook' comment. And the way he kept it pushing afterwards- the next day BigHit was like, y'all this is Simba. Hair slicked back and all. Take him. Lol.
I keep saying the one thing BigHit is scared of is a scandal. They really don't want people asking certain questions that's going to make them look bad especially towards their artists- in my opinion. BigHit please it's my opinion. Let the records show. Lol.
And as I keep saying, BTS and even Jikook have a way of weaponizing their social media Influence against BigHit- that nearly 9 million viewers Jimin read out on his VLive certainly gave BigHit a push to call out JK. Lol.
Personally, I was curious as I said earlier as to how that VLive was going to be live. Whether it was going to be monitored heavily like their lives were after the March 30th incident.
I was curious to see if he would appear on YouTube or VApp. As it stands, it seems whatever ban was placed on JM from having Solo Lives on the App has been lifted
And it seems he was fighting for his man too in the most kumbaya way possible- Jimin! Lolololol. He is hilarious. Bless him
I just hope JK doesn't call in on JM's future VLives again to ask him on a date- again cos damn that would chaotic. Lol.
It's crazy to me how people still look at JK and ask if he loves JM at all- damn if he isn't carrying their relationship on his back!
It seems for now he still isn't allowed a solo VLive on the App and from the Way he kept saying he couldn't do a log alone it seems he is pushing to have that freedom to have a VLive with JM again- I don't know. I might be delulu. Lol
As to whether JK was the wrong party for not posting on JM's birthday I still don't know. Would have to observe their interactions a bit more.
So far from their lives the only one who was making efforts to feed us was Jimin with the whole 10/13 Mickey Mouse thingy which we all know is reference to Jikook.
If my hypothesis is right, JM would be coming out here with heart eyes, clinging to JK, making all the efforts while JK has the mood he had during the On era again- acting like he not whipped but he whipped- bless him.
All that being said, this is just my opinion. I'm just sharing my thoughts and observations. I am not calling anyone to action. I am not instructing anyone on what to do with my opinion, to hate on BigHit, or any of the members mentioned in here.
If you are not an adult, and can't reason like an adult do not sit at the adult table. Immaturity is not a bar to freedom of expression.
When it comes to Jikook, I always feel JK has put in so much effort into his relationship with Jimin to squander all that effort over something as silly as a birthday post.
Jikook have both worked through a lot, come a long way in their love journey to let petty issues undo all the efforts they've both put into eachother.
If JM's birthday is an issue for JM, JK would have made it right by now. All it takes it one simple post to fix it. And he has taken much bolder steps in the past to chicken out now.
And if Jimin is the one holding JK then- dude better prepare another Paris trip to placate his man because JK about to pout him to death. Lol.
As I said I have a feeling things are good between them now. I just want to see more of their interactions.
Keep supporting Jikook.
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endlessdelirium · 4 years
Nothing to see here (or "We can't stop here. This is Bat Country!)
Hello from The Void! How did you get here? Well, I probably liked one of your posts, or I read something you posted that really resonated with me to the point that I broke my silence and actually responded (instead of just lurking like a creepy ghost). Or you're probably like a creepy ghost yourself and saw my username enough times or read one of my comments that made you wonder just who is this moron spouting off all this nonsense? Either way, you thought you'd check out my account and return the favor, or something, I really have no idea why you're here lol.
The thing is, I made this account years ago. I had a couple of irl friends who also had accounts, so I followed them plus a handful of other people from my interests back then. And it was great for awhile, until social media fatigue set in. This was nothing new. There'd be new social media sites that would be trendy for a time, and I'd be curious enough to try it for awhile, until I realize lol I'm not a very social person irl, why would I be better at it online? So I start losing interest until I eventually stop checking in. Even now, I am barely on any social media sites. I keep my Facebook account active because that's pretty much the only way people could get in touch with me if they don't have my number, and I'm on Reddit all the time but I barely post/comment there as well and just mostly lurk (like a creepy, creepy ghost wooohhh. Nah, but seriously, social anxiety is a real bitch!) Other than that, I practically have zero social media presence.
So I'm pretty much done with Tumblr... until Haikyuu dragged me back in. I can't really remember when I entered the fandom, I think I started watching sometime in late 2018 and I've been obsessing ever since. Reading the manga wasn't enough, I wanted more content. The Reddit sub was okay... for awhile. Eventually I wandered back into the wastelands of Twitter and Tumblr, all in my pursuit of extra Haikyuu juice. Yes, there's no point denying it, I'm pretty much an addict at this point. Stop judging me.
The thing is, I'm also incredibly lazy. I didn't see the point of creating new accounts when my old ones are still serviceable. For all intents and purposes, this account is pretty much dead. It's just, sometimes (okay, lots of times) I would scroll through Haikyuu tags and I would find something funny, insightful, pretty, interesting that I just have to like it (or is it hearting something? Sorry, I'm not really well versed in Tumblr lingo anymore) or leave a comment to show my appreciation. Which is all well and good, it's just lately a couple of people have been following my account, which isn't terrible per se, I just find it a bit weird since I haven't posted anything new in years. Really, the only thing I updated was my profile pic, since my account was supposed to be a personal one, and wasn't supposed to be dedicated to just a specific fandom so the pic I originally used was one of my irl head which is just... ick! I don't know what I was thinking. So I changed it because I didn't want to frighten anyone by manifesting my mug in their notifications, and really Hinata's head is infinitely better than my head so it can only be an improvement for my account.
Other than that, I pretty much left everything as is. I didn't have the heart to delete everything. In a way, it's kind of like a time capsule for me, still, I don't really recognize the me who made these posts anymore. I mean, I don't have amnesia or anything. I sorta remember them, but since they were made by a younger version of me, one with different interests and obsessions (I mean still share some of these things with this person, it's just a lot has changed as well, and I've since changed my opinion about some things) there's a sort of detachment as well. Which is why it feels like receiving a jolt of electricity everytime I get a new notification that someone has liked a picture or post. It's like "Huh?", I sort of remember the post, but also not really since it was litterally from years ago made by a younger and more naive me. "Okay, I guess?" is all I can say at the end.
So, what now? I still don't want delete my posts. Even though it kind of weirds me out now, I still like having it as a record. Like "Hey, this was ME! Wasn't I weird? I mean, I'm still weird, but in a slightly different way. Anyway, wasn't I a riot?" I also don't feel like making a new account. I still don't really consider myself active in these parts. I just like scrolling through my tags of interest (like a creepy stalker), liking awesome fan arts, and leaving a comment or two when I couldn't contain myself anymore and I just had to say something. I've also thought about re-blogging things sometimes, but I feel that would tip my account back into a semi-active state, and I don't feel like it just yet. Maybe in the future. For now I kinda like keeping my account as is, as a time capsule when I was still active here.
So, where does that leave you? I still don't really know why you're here, but you're welcome to have a look around. Just remember you're looking at an old account and it would help if you view it like a window to the past. I don't mind if you like anything, just know I only have vague memories of making any of those posts so I can't really discuss any of them now. If you're okay with all of that, then make yourself at home... or not, I'm not the boss of you lol.
Anyway, you're still here? And you read everything? Why? I mean, wow, what a trooper! I gotta reward you with something. You know what, here's a picture of Hinata. Did I draw it? Of course not, don't be silly! I like art, but unfortunately art doesn't like me so I can't draw to save my life. So this here's just regular manga panels of Hinata. But not just any Hinata, it's Third Year Hinata! Why? Why not? I see many itenerations of Hinata on Tumblr including Brazil Hinata, but for some reason I don't see Third Year Hinata get as much love on here. I don't really get it. He is so precious. So here he is!
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Bonus: The Duality of Hinata
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Thanks for stopping by. Have a nice day!
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sanghyukstattoos · 4 years
I'm sure of that. Dawon stans, show up here! 🙋🏻‍♀️ About your requests open, this is the best news ever 😍 So, let me think... What about something cute, I don't know well, maybe a cuddle night with a sweet make out session? Or a late night date watching the stars... Something like that. I'm lacking with my ideias these days, so feel free to improve it. And thank you ^.^ 💟 - 🦋
Date night 
Pairing: Lee Sanghyuk I Dawon x Reader 
Genre: Fluff
Words: 2699
Summary: Today, the heart- warming memories of how you two started dating came back to you and while work may not have been the best, it sure felt like the right day for a date with your loving boyfriend, Sanghyuk. 
A/N: Heyyy 🦋, I’m sorry for making you wait once again but here it is! *Presents proudly* I loved your idea and had such an amazing time writing it. Also, I’ve been receiving support on my other fic ‘Warmth’ and I’m really thankful for that so here is another fic that I hope you can enjoy!
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Dates weren’t uncommon between the two of you but suddenly reminded of how much you love him, there had to be a date for a date somewhere in the near future. Since you started dating during the summer of last year, tooth- rotting fluff between the two of you made you shy. The kind of shy where you would smile widely but look away and try to force it off your face. You were embarrassed at how he made you feel so you tried to hide it and send subtle signs hoping he would get the hints.
Unfortunately he didn’t because anytime you would flirt, he would do the same under the guise of friendship. Ripples of frustration made its course through you and one day, all your pent up feelings splashed like a bucket of paint hurled across canvas. You didn’t go for the obvious options of screaming, shouting or crying but just kissing him. Pouring all your feelings into one kiss, relief flooded through you and the desire to hug him overcame you but holding back you hoped that at least this time he would be able to return your feelings. That is exactly what he did and ever since then, the both of you have been going strong. 
In the past couple of weeks there had been changes in your work. A change of leadership and office politics not only made the atmosphere tense but working with your team was hard. Back straight and unbiased smiles towards everyone, you made sure to do an excellent job of not getting involved in any drama. The outcome would be greater than getting involved however, it was eating away at you and you could see that the same was happening with your co-workers. The less the issue was treated, the more difficult it became to solve it. 
Break time came and you were about to leave when a buzz caught your attention. It may have been a passing moment’s worth of information travelling through your visual field but you knew it was him. 
Picking it up, you read, ‘’Hey, how is work? Are your co-workers still having that fight 😂😢’’ causing a smile to light up your face. 
Laughing, you texted back, ‘’Hey, work is still the same. Oh yes, they definitely are and this is making everyone antisocial 🤧 Feels great to be here, you know💀 How is your work?’’. 
Collecting your coat and making a headway for the elevator, you exited the building and walked towards the café opposite- not an unusual place to meet up with colleagues from different departments. 
Opening the door, you were greeted with the distinct smell of cinnamon and pecan nuts. Your eyes caught your friends sitting at different tables. They look like a bunch of students gossiping but the difference is that it’s over coffee. You smiled at the thought. They instantly recognised you and waves were exchanged. Making your way to the table and taking a free seat, a senior spoke, 
‘’I heard that there are some plans underway to build a building at the back’’ to which someone else replied, ‘’Is that where all the resources are going? We need more hole punchers though, because someone seems to be stealing all of them.’’ eliciting laughs from those at the table. 
Your phone buzzed back and opening the message, you read, ‘’Oh nooo, is my baby having a hard time? Don’t worry, some things take time so cheer up and hope for the best~~. Also, I’ve been thinking, since you need a break, why don’t we go on a date?’’. 
Your heart skipped a little at the mention of a date and you texted back, ‘’Ah yes, your baby is having a hard time T_T. Is there a small chance if any, for me to scream on the rooftop tonight? Thank you, I’ll be here waiting 🙋‍♀️ A date sounds super refreshing right now and I wouldn’t mind the idea ~^~’’. 
Online now he texted, ‘’Hehe, you’ll get plenty of hugs when you get home. Very funny or did you forget that we don’t have a roof? Obviously you didn’t so do you think our neighbours will call the police, they think we’re are crazy people already..’’
Resisting the urge to laugh, you replied, ‘’I don’t even know who our neighbours are, should I just call it a half day and head home? Time and place for our date?’’. 
‘’That’s cute ;) I’ll pick you up but at what time do you finish today? Also, I don’t remember our neighbours being scary or anything like that 😶. This one’s a bit random but one day, just one day, lets sleep in. The place is a surprise and no, it doesn’t matter how many times you budge me, I won’t tell you 😘 ‘’ came his reply.
Looking back up from the screen and sipping your coffee, you decided that you had a decent amount of time remaining. 
You texted him back with, ‘’I finish at 5:30 today, what about you? I could meet you at home if there is a lot of waiting time. It’s a bit random ahaha, I wouldn’t mind sleeping in and plus we could do it on a Friday so we have a three-day weekend. Because you won’t tell me, I’m super excited now. You may get into trouble if I call you right now but just wait, when we meet I’m going to shake it out of you😊’’. 
You could picture him laughing a little on the other side as he replied, ‘’I finish at 4:15 today so I’ll pick you up and don’t worry, it’s only a little bit of a wait. I love how we are scheduling a perfect time for us to be lazy and you know what? That sounds absolutely amazing to me right now so tell when you want to do that. Also, my lips are sealed 🤐 🤗 ’’. 
Excited for the date, a small smile reached your face as you texted back, ‘’I’d love that too so tomorrow let’s schedule it together. Alright, I guess I can wait for up to 6 hours 😑 I can’t wait to meet you though, see you soon.’’.
‘’Whoever said 6 hours is long? I can already see you frowning at the mention of that 😂 😂 . Anyways, see you soon babe’’ you read and pocketed your phone with the thought of a date lingering at the back of your mind. 
Break ended within the span of a couple of minutes and exiting the café, you made your way back to work. A small sigh escaped your lips thinking about the workload but you straightened your back and walked confidently pursuing the idea of dedicating these hours to doing what you loved the most. Even if it meant dealing with the tension, in hindsight, the office would most likely joke about it after it ended so until that time came, you just had to wait. 
Sitting at your desk, you took in a deep breath preparing yourself for whatever was to come. Powering through the work felt satisfying, if not, at ease because not only did you get most of your work done, it was almost the end of the day and you could finally see your boyfriend- the moment you had been waiting for. 
It had always been like this as the day was fun but the most exciting part was leaving knowing that you had done what you came for. In the elevator, your senior from another department walked in. Recognition flashed across your faces and you greeted one another but subtly, you felt nervous.
 Your co-workers absolutely, and you meant absolutely spent all day dreaming about how fit this man was. You couldn’t have disagreed more, nudging Sanghyuk forward as more fit even though he wouldn’t admit it even if his life depended on it. ‘’You okay?’’ he asked and you looked up, wondering what was happening. Small talk?. Nodding, you asked, ‘’You okay?’’ sealing the awkwardness in one question. After this you highly doubted any more words would be exchanged. 
Nodding, the rest of the ride was in silence and after exiting, the both of you parted ways like a middle parting hairstyle. Reaching for the doors, you kept a lookout for Sanghyuk’s car spotting it almost instantly. Inside, you could see him on his phone so you knocked hoping to scare him just a little bit and scared he was. Laughing as you opened the door, he placed a soft kiss on your lips, whispering a small, ‘’hey’’. Mouthing ‘’hey’’ back, he asked, ‘’Are you ready?’’. In excitement you replied, ‘’I’ve been waiting for this moment all day, so let’s go!’’. He laughed at your enthusiasm and you joined in, feeling content. 
‘‘By the way, you never told me where we’re going!’‘ you spoke suddenly, startling Sanghyuk. Ahahaha, he thinks I’ve forgotten, but forgotten I have not. ‘’Why do I feel like this is the start of you badgering me for information?’‘ he said as he laughed, rubbing his forehead. Nodding, you smiled replying, ‘‘Do we even know each other?’‘ drawing a laugh from him. 
‘‘Thank goodness the place isn’t that far away then’‘ to which you asked, ‘‘How far is it?’‘ knowing that wherever this place is, it was going to be at least half an hour away and that was enough time to break the surprise. ‘‘Forty five minutes’‘ he replied with a pink tint to his cheeks making you squeeze in delight. ‘‘Please tell me you can wait for that long’‘ he stated, making me look out the window and laugh. His eyes widened as you grabbed his hand in yours and you could tell from the look on his face that he was suspicious. 
‘‘You’re always doing something like that you know, like poking me or what not so honestly, I’m scared right now’‘ he said with a rush and almost immediately followed with, ‘‘Babe, I’m driving’‘. Suppressing the urge to tickle him, you wiggled your finger threateningly in the air as if to intimidate.
 Unimpressed and with the flattest look in his eyes, he stated, ‘’Bring it on. I’m just thinking right now, what’s the worst that could happen?’’ but you knew that his weakness was being ticklish, something you would love to voice loudly on speakers. Giggling, you raised it and dashed it as close to his suit jacket as possible, retreating when he smiled at your antics. Using a childish voice he said, ‘‘Cute’‘ dragging the end as far as the wide ocean and this time, it was your turn to be unimpressed. 
‘‘Wow, that’s mature’‘ which led him to give you an offended look. Bringing a hand to your mouth, you laughed to which he replied, ‘‘Coming from you?’‘. ‘‘Excuse me!’‘ you spluttered and the both of you sat there laughing. He shifted the position of your hands onto your lap and on the open road, the trees and the house passed by in a blur. If you looked back, the speed slowed down and everything was much clearer and resting your head on the headrest, you took in the fresh sandalwood scent of the car’s interior while the warm rays of sun ran across the dashboard as the ending of the trail led to his hand on the wheel. The backdrop a blur, your eyes traced the lining of his nose bridge all the way to his jawline, admiring his relaxed face. 
It wasn’t exactly a wonder but in the span of less than forty-five minutes, the sky had begun to darken. A pink and purplish hue descended mixing in with the darkness of the blue night sky. Among the low moon, the stars that littered the sky caught your eyes and this was the first time you had paid attention to the beauty of the sunset speaking gently, ‘’The sky is so pretty today’’. 
Looking up, he sucked in a sharp breath as he took in the stunning sight. ‘’It is’’ he said in agreement. Breaking the comfortable silence that enveloped the two of you, he stated with joy in his voice, ‘’We almost reached by the way’’ peaking your focus on your surroundings. 
‘‘Not a lot of people come here so we should have the place to ourselves’‘ he said, turning left and finding a parking spot. Stepping out, the wind blew calmly like the sea breeze at the beach- welcoming and pleasantly. Coming around the side, he hugged your hand in his own and tenderly tugged you along. 
‘’Where are we?’‘ you asked looking up at him with wide, honest eyes. ‘‘Somewhere where you can relax. A colleague recommended this place so I’m just as new to this place as you are.’‘ he ended with a twinkling laugh. Adorned with tiny, green plants, the pathway wasn’t lit but there was just enough moonlight for the both of you to walk up. From the distance, you realised how much wider the place actually was.
Sculpted, a dark green hedge was accompanied by dome- shaped, glossy bright orange flowers that could be seen even as night approached. It acted as an entrance and replaced all the signs welcoming confused visitors. Leading you towards a bench, the two of you took a seat side-by-side. He left your hand and instead wrapped an arm around your shoulder pulling you to rest your head on his chest. 
‘’Are you cold?’’ he asked and you shook your head disagreeing. ‘’You were right, this place is really relaxing. Thank you for thinking of me and bringing me here’’ you said in appreciation. Moving his right arm to the side of your head, he turned your head so that you were face to face with him. Eyes, a warm shade of dark brown, he connected his lips with yours.
Sweet passion fruit and milk chocolate, the sky blue hydrangeas bloomed; in the distant ambience of the place, a bird took its first flight, soaring. Carefully and softly, your lips moved with the flow of his lips which feel velvety and delicate. Leaning away, the both of you took a breath as he said, ‘’You know those people who you just click with? As in, you become their best friends and they become special to you. So always- I will always think of you.’’.
Your hands moved up to his face and capturing his cheeks, your lips met his. Connecting for the second time, he felt just as sweet as the first, like every kiss you had shared. Endearingly, he managed to daze you each time reminding you of the shiny and sugary glaze on doughnuts, simple and classic. 
Smiling, your hands moved to smooth his hair which really didn’t need any smoothing but you felt the need to press his face in between your hands. Slyly you said, ‘’I think I like you, like a lot’’ to which he chuckled and said, ‘’I like you a lot too so stay with me’’. ‘’I’m not going anywhere, I’m just here to bother you’’ you replied with a giggle and facing you he incredulously asked, ‘’Did you just ruin-?’’.
Laughing while shaking his head, he pressed a kiss to the side of your forehead making your cheeks turn pink. When you returned the kiss, he questioned, ‘’What was that for?’’ and looking at his flushed cheeks, you smiled at the accomplishment. ‘’Just so, for once, you can feel how you make me feel’’ you replied with a bright smile. 
Hand to his chest he acted like his chest was hurting and breathing hoarsely said, ‘’Slow down’’ making you laugh a little. Settling down, your head went back to lean on his chest. Fingers gently pushed your hair out of your face; you moved your arms to envelope his torso, feeling the toned lines. Lying in his embrace, the two of you sat and watched the stars.
 Therapeutic, your relationship was something that you looked forward to everyday because apart from seeing one another, new adventures and exciting thrills came your way. Ultra realistic stills of your time with him were printed and couldn’t be easily forgotten so together, you took baby steps, one day at a time.
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At the end of the month (G-d willing) I'm getting mikvehed as a reform Jew, after three years in the conversion process. But... I can't shake the feeling that I still won't be Jewish. I don't think this about the other people I'm converting with, but for me, I feel like I ought to seek Orthodox conversion, once it's an option (I don't live in an area with Orthodoxy). I, uh, don't have much of a point in saying this, except that I need to get it out of my system... (more, sorry)
Most people around me tell me I'm wrong in my thinking, and even that I should discuss it in therapy rather than seek an Orthodox conversion. But after becoming so acquainted with the Reform conversion process, I kind of can't accept that it *can* make me Jewish, even with all the rituals completed. I just, don't know? I feel very conflicted and wanted your thoughts, as someone I respect a lot online. (another one coming, sorry again)
The main issue is that I'm transgender and so wouldn't necessarily instantly find acceptance among Orthodoxim, but I find that an incredibly minute concern when more observant Judaism is clearly the future of the people. Plus, from what I've heard from LGBT Jews, it's mostly about carving out a space for yourself in a community, and I'm willing to do that. It's worth doing. But yeah, that is a hurdle. Anyway, I'm going to sign of with an emoji bc I think this will be recurring, if thats okay -❄️
So look, I’ll state up front that I’m not going to attempt to address the trans aspect of this. I have extremely limited experience with any trans-identifying individuals in the Orthodox community (much less converts specifically), so it wouldn’t be productive for me to speculate on what your experience might be like if you decided to pursue an Orthodox conversion. I’m going to respond to this as if that weren’t a factor, even though of course it is - just one that someone else would be better suited to assist you with.
I think you need to spend some time really getting to the bottom of WHY you feel like your Reform conversion isn’t enough/can’t make you Jewish, and WHY you feel like an Orthodox conversion could.
The problem with Reform conversions from an Orthodox perspective is that conversion requires the convert to fully accept all 613 mitzvos as direct from Hashem and binding, and to have their mikvah witnessed by a beis din whose members accept the same. Because the Reform movement does not consider the mitzvos to be direct from Hashem or binding (the language I once saw on a Reform movement website was something like “manmade and G-d-inspired”), a person who goes through their conversion process has not fully accepted the mitzvos as binding, and the people witnessing their mikvah haven’t either. Those prerequisites not being in place, a conversion simply hasn’t occurred. It’s nothing against the Reform movement per se, it’s just that there is a defined process for how a person becomes Jewish, and if that process isn’t followed, then the person doesn’t become Jewish.
If you believe that that is the reason a Reform conversion wouldn’t do for you what an Orthodox conversion would - that there are legitimate legal parameters for conversion that it doesn’t live up to - then that’s a good reason to look into the possibility of doing an Orthodox conversion (however, since you say you feel this way only about yourself and not other Reform converts, it seems that either this isn’t what you believe, or it is but you’ve got some cognitive dissonance to work through). But if it’s something more along the lines of feeling self-conscious that not everyone would see you as Jewish with a Reform conversion, and wanting to be seen as universally Jewish; or having a vague feeling of Orthodoxy being more authentic (without a corresponding set of concrete beliefs to back it up), then I would say that that is not a good reason to pursue an Orthodox conversion.
Hope this helps.
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