#plus my fails weren't super bad
i need to resit 4 exams i can live with that
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khuzena · 7 months
Just a coworker
Dr ratio x g/n!reader (i tried)
Part 1, Part 2
cw. angst, super slow burn, they eventually get tgt, hurf/comfort, jealousy brr, reader is unhinged, mentions of drugs, kinda cringe but who cares I've written worse, not proofread, dr ratio is a pussy
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A week passed and you got the jist of it, you were already done with the basics but everytime that man always found a reason to keep tutoring you.
You were grading some papers until you felt someone looming over you and snooping around your laptop.
“Do you really need to shout?”
You hid your laptop away from him as he pried for any more info, causing you to kick his leg.
“Who’re you talking to?”
“Why the hell would you care? Plus im grading some papers, you asshole”
You typed away as he didn't leave your side, just watching you input some values— damn one of your students got a 2/100? Might as well make them repeat a grade.
“Which idiot fails literature? More or less just essay writing?”
“Uh…”, you paused, your other hand getting your coffee and sipping on it, “An illiterate person?”
No other words were shared as you two just sat in silence, him staring at the grading sheet and you typing away on your keyboard.
It was a quiet day, peaceful even. If it weren't for a fight that broke out at the food court. You should mind your business, but your favourite student had been gravely injured; worry comes easy.
You ran to the student, one hand rested on his leg as it bled, “Hey, stay with me— breathe.”
Your student, Mike, had been buying some coke from some guy in your coworker’s class, turns out Mike got scammed and well, you did not know the full story to take any full action but the blood shed was enough to panic.
“Mike, Mike!”
You held him, you were not an expert at cpr or had any training on how to deal with that much bleeding or anything about dealing with concussions.
Shit, shit.
“We need a doctor!”
Despite your desperate yelling, none were brave to come forth to help, the others just recording or covering their eyes.
What were you supposed to do?
You held onto mike as the others tried to restrain the guy that hurt him, this was bad.
Until you saw Veritas buying some coffee at the new coffee shop from weeks ago.
“Hey you!”
Veritas does not flinch, he does not respond.
He groaned, about to run away yet you yelling his full name was enough to make him regret not buying earplugs prior to this incident.
He walked up to you and your student as he kneeled at the both of you’s level.
“What exactly happened?”
No matter how much he hates you and your guts, he still has a duty as a doctor.
“Some asshole beat him up, fuckin’ hell”
He doesn't say anything, before laying Mike down in a more comfortable position and getting a pill from his pocket.
“What's that?”
He forced open Mike's mouth and shoving down a pill.
“Isn't that a tad bit aggressive?” Mike was near choking as you patted his back and elevated his seating position.
“So it's better to airplane the pill in his mouth like he's 2 and let him die then?”
“That's not what I meant.” you sneered before some guys from the medical department ran to your side and took care of it.
Now you two were just standing behind the infirmary door and waiting for any update.
“I'm going to miss my class because of you.”
You laughed, the audacity of this man?
“Then go, I didn't ask you to stay.”
It's so hard to read this man when he has his alabaster head on, you can't even tell what he's thinking.
“You talk too much”
“You started it!”
“Just stop talking”
You peaked through the window and saw Mike unconscious on his bed, even though it wasn't your fault, it feels like it is…
You sighed as the nurse left the room, standing still before she spoke, “He's fine. It's good that you and Dr. Ratio was there.”
“Uhh yeah…”
You really didn't do much…
Veritas stayed silent as the nurse left, he's not one to like small talk.
“huff… huff… finally.”
You raised an eyebrow, before registering whose voice it was, your eyes lighting up.
“Whew… I had to end class early, I learned about what happened too late.”
“It's not your fault”
Amir sighed while leaning so ungodly close to you, before Veritas had some audacity left in him to make a comment, “Actually, it is.”, he really has no shame does he?
“I apologise.”
“Now you're just being rude.”
Veritas turned away, can't that man just leave you both alone?
“I don't care. It was both your student's that got into this mess.”
“I have over a hundred students, how could I monitor all of them?”
“Yet you still have to take responsibility for it. I can't believe you let it get to that level.”
“Then leave, if you're just gonna be rude then shut up.”
Amir's jaw hung when he heard you literally tell the Dr. Ratio himself to shut it, not even the people from the IPC would have this level of audacity. It was your last straw, you've already dealt with enough bullshit for the day.
Usually, he would have some snarky reply up in his sleeves but what's crazy is that he just walked away.
“Did you just—”
“I did.”
You were already about to go home as it was getting late, who knew having to shoulder the aftermath of that fight would be that tiring? No shit sherlock.
Peace and quiet, no one to bother you—
“You there.” that familiar voice echoing in the hallways as loud stomps were nearing your direction.
You spoke too soon. Why him of all people?
“You didn't come to today's tutoring session.”
You crossed your arms, looking up at him. Wow. He wasn't wearing his alabaster head? Can't say that it's new but the opportunity to stare at his face was a rare occurrence. But, he infuriates you too much that you'd rather kiss mud than oogle at him.
“What do you mean ‘and’? I was waiting for you.”
You eyed him up and down, he did look upset. But did he really think you'd have the energy to confront him, much less see him after what happened today?
“I told you I wouldn't be able to attend tutoring lessons as I have someone to tutor too”
“When did you say that?”
“Two days ago?”
He was baffled, utterly baffled. When did you say that? You must be lying. Despite his stone head obstructing you from any chance to see him right now, by his voice, he was fuming.
He crossed his arms, his right foot tapping aggressively, “I do not recall you saying that.”
“But I did.”, his eyebrows furrowed as you spoke with clear conviction, what do you mean you did?
“You should've told me.”
“I did.”
“Then— why are you being so difficult?”
“It's not me who's being difficult, why are you even mad?”
Like that, the words at the tip of his tongue vanished. Exactly, why was he so worked up?
“You're just using this as an excuse to not deal with the issue.”
You had enough of his bullshit. You started to walk the other way but he just couldn't leave you alone.
“And what if I am? Get lost.”
“We need to talk.”
You turned your heel and faced him, face red and hot then you pointed at him,
“About what? About how sure it's absolutely my fault about what happened today, I'm an idiot, I don't know anything!”
“Now you're just blowing the issue up into something completely different.”
“What else is there to say?”
He got silent, biting his lip under that stone head as his temper got the best of him.
“You really are an idiot.”
“Just leave me alone.”
There were no other words exchanged as you walked away, your footsteps getting more faint as a second, another one and another pass.
He shook his head at your outburst, you really were an idiot, incompetent and… whatever. At least now that blabbermouth always peering over his shoulder is gone.
As you walked home, you couldn't help but cry. There was nothing to cry over but it was too much. The heads berating you for not paying attention to your students, that a scandal like that could ruin the university— to hell with that shit, to hell with that university.
At least you felt safe, at home, with the company of your cats.
You hugged your cat, its fur getting wet as tears dripped, you were starting to taste the saline tears as it creeped into the corners of your lips.
Your phone rang with notifications from the doctor, Wait— how'd he even get your number? shit. But god won't he just leave you alone?
With a click, the notifications died down leaving only your quiet sniffles and your cat’s purr to be heard in the living room.
You didn't have any energy to eat, to hell with your health.
You turned off the lights and plopped into your bed, your cat joining you (yay) as the soft glow of the lamp illuminated the room.
You let out a yawn, turning the lights off but there was a call notification.
‘From Unknown Number’
You felt the urge to swipe and listen to what he had to say, but it's probably bullshit.
You fell asleep.
[From Unknown Number.]
:answer me.
:stop being so difficult and just give me 3 minutes.
:Are you there?
[99 more unread messages]
Time flies, three days flew by already yet it still feels like yesterday. You feel like shit, yeah the issue has been resolved, everything's fine but why did something just feel so wrong?
It was a good rest though, bless that lady who allowed you to have a few days off.
[From Unknown Number]
:I know you're seeing this.
:Stop acting like a child.
:Come on.
:You moron.
[231 more unread messages]
Phew, when you entered the faculty room, there was no Veritas in sight. Good, good.
You laid down your satchel on your desk and readied some stuff before heading out, making sure to check all hallways before you make a move; don't want to see the Doctor so early in the morning. (checking every hallway 24/7? What is this? Fnaf?!?)
Things were uncannily peaceful today, did he not come to work today? Or… Maybe you just got really lucky that you both did not cross paths for today.
“And,” you wrote diligently on the whiteboard, “That ends our discussion for today.”
The time ticked to 4:58 pm, you could already see some of your students pack their things.
“Any questions?”
They all shook their heads no as you finally dismissed them, oh how you missed being in your classroom despite being away for merely 3 days.
Today's a lucky day, no issues, no Veritas Ratio in sight.
“Hey __”
You jolted at the sudden call of your name, your head turning from the sound as you see Amir with a worried expression.
“Oh, Amir?”
So suddenly, he pulled you into a hug.
“What're you doin—”
“I was worried.”
“You were no contact with everyone for three days, we were all worried.”
You awkwardly laughed, Amir was a fine man, definitely not your type though. You squirmed away from his hold.
“Yeah, just needed a break”
“Oh, I see.”
He paused, “You good now?”, his tone laced with concern.
“Yeah, at least I think so.”
“That's good.”
Your best friend, he was not stupid. He was intuitive too, he eyed you like you were some sort of experiment and like with any experiment, he's made his hypothesis.
“You don't sound ‘good’”
“What do you mean?”
“Is this about Dr. Ratio?”
Bingo, right on the money. There was no use trying to lie to him, especially not after chuckling awkwardly when you got caught.
You nodded, confirming his guess, “Knew it.”
He was in deep thought as he tried to think of any and every possibility why.
“Are you guys dating or something?”
You choked on your own spit— him of all people? Is he out of his mind? At this point, the idea of getting with that socially inept man sounds like an insult.
“Are you trying to piss me off?”
“Calm down sponge bob squarepants, geez”
You groaned as he handed you a juice box. “Thanks,” you quietly muttered out.
It was 5 pm, by now, everyone's probably clocked out by now.
It's weird, a 5 pm where you don't get tutor lessons from him.
Whatever, food for thought.
As you left the faculty room, a small part in you wanted to catch a glimpse of him despite you trying to avoid him. Did you miss him? or was just not being alone at these hours too comforting?
He wasn't there. As expected.
The next day, you see Veritas, you two walk past each other, he did not spare you a glance.
Wind breezes through the both of you but you stood still as he kept walking to his class. How cold.
It was no use trying to confront him, atleast, not here.
For a second, your gaze softened but you quickly got back to your senses. This feeling was strange.
The bell rang and, as usual, everyone left. What a fulfilling job.
This week has been really quiet. Peaceful but something was missing. Your life was fun, not this mundane even before Veritas but a part of you looks for him. No no, you were just being insane or something.
The faculty room door slid open, then, just as you wished would never happen (oh really?) Veritas was at you guys’ usual tutoring spot.
You wanted to run but your bag was there. Mustering up the courage, you tiptoed and grabbed your satchel, it felt like playing a horror game with how stealthy you were trying to be.
Your pen fell, hopefully it didn't catch his attention.
Just as you were about to go grab it, he took it and handed it to you.
You gulped and took the pen, wanting to run but you froze on the spot.
“You look stupid trying to act stealthy.”
You didn't reply, only gulping nervously as you stayed still.
“What? Say something.”
Truth is, you had nothing to say.
“Sigh, you really like making things so difficult, don't you?”
He doesn't stop you from leaving, but maybe it was you stopping yourself from leaving.
An awkward silence ensued, it was getting annoying, for him, atleast.
“Aren't you going to leave?”
You don't say anything, just standing still, again.
“Answer me.”
Why did you enter the room?
“...” Veritas walked up to you, his codex not in hand as leaned closer.
“Give me 3 minutes.”
He raised your chin with a finger, face unreadable despite his alabaster head gone. It's the third or fourth? You've lost count how many times you saw his real face. Your memory was shit.
“I just want to talk about how…”
He bit his lip, yet his eyes remained fixed on your blank expression.
“That I want to apologise for my behaviour last week.”
That same old silence, he couldn't find the right words, he doesn't know how to say sorry.
Did he stutter? That's odd; very.
“I…” His eyes leave yours, he's practised saying it but it's the hardest thing he'll ever have to do, “I'm…”
Curious eyes gaze into his conflicted ones. Can he even say it?
“So…” sorry.
“I'm sorry.”
You stare at him with shock, did he just apologise?
“Did I hear that right?”
“God damn it.”
He pulled away and walked away to his desk but you followed him, “Hey, did you mean it?”
“Why wouldn't I?”
He knew you'd react like this, he expected you to laugh, mock him or anything but you just look at him with a look of shock—
“I see.”
—And somewhat relieved of what he said.
“I'm sorry too.” He was envious of how easily you spoke those words, you were no genius, yet you were better than him at apologising.
“I shouldn't uh—”
“I just want to say that—”
You cleared your throat, licking your lips in anxiety, “You go first”
“No you—”
“No, you.”
He hung his head low, before looking in your direction.
“It was uncalled for me to treat you and that man that way.”
“I'm listening.”
“I didn't take into account that you both were probably stressed from the situation and…”
He couldn't find the words, nothing was new to him. Complex maths? Easy. Medicine? Easy. Philosophy? Done. History? Is this a joke? He knows everything!
Other than one thing.
“I'm sorry.”
His words brought you immense relief, it was your turn to speak. For the first time, you can read his face. He looked pitiful. Did he not get enough sleep lately?
“I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have lashed out on you.”
How could you just have the knack to be so… Human? That, he couldn't understand. Being genuine, felt new.
“I understand.”
“What now?”
He fixed his books on the shelf, the ones he wanted to share with you.
“I dont know.”
“I thought you knew everything?”
He rolled his eyes as you teased him for it, he shouldn't have apologised.
“Stop talking, and also.”
He handed you some wipes, what was it for?
“Your hand,” you looked down at your dominant hand, seeing whiteboard marker creases, “Clean it up.”
“Oh okay.”
You wiped the stains off, but you wondered how perceptive he was. You didn't even notice it yourself.
“How's the tutor lesson with your student?”
Ah, that guy. It's been long since you've finished tutoring him with the basics.
“Went smoothly, he passed his exam”
He hummed, he finished tidying up his desk, good that you listened to his lectures.
“What did you teach him?”
“Until just page 25”
But you studied the entire book with him, if you just needed help with just page 25, the tutor session would've only taken a week.
“Did you just keep going to the tutor sessions to see me?”
“Maybe, maybe not”
A soft smile creeped up in your face as you saw him short circuit for a bit before regaining his senses.
“You jest”
“I do not.”
“So… When's the next session?”
“At my place, tonight. It's getting late.”
Oh? At his place? What a bold offer—
“Just reviewing?”
“Just reviewing.”
You laughed as he rolled his eyes, the two of you leaving the faculty room.
“Under one condition.”
You raised an eyebrow, what was he asking for now?
“A date.”
“Do I have to repeat myself?”
You choked on your spit, that's absurd— god.
“No, I heard you. Fine.”
“Agreeing that easily?”
“Do you want me to refuse?” He was starting to get cocky, might as well drag him back down to earth.
“No, you still need to learn more about Quantum Mechanics.”
Veritas pulled you close to him as you both walked the sidewalk, isn't he such a gentleman?
“The tab's on you?” no way were you paying the tab, he better pay it.
He scoffed, he could feel you hold onto his arm as he made sure you were on the right side of the lane to protect you of some sort.
“Whatever, you moron. Hurry up, we still have so much to review.”
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A/N: its so bad wtf😭😭😭😢
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Some Modern Aemond Headcanons:
Hey y'all! So the votes were pretty close, but by a slim majority it looks like one post per character was the winner! ���� I also just have too many ideas for certain characters! So I'm going to start with my favorite, the man, the myth the legend, Aemond himself. My internet is going to be a little spotty for the next few days, since I'm going to be moving, but stay with me! I'll get them all on here at some point :)
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He has a big black/gray great dane named Vhagar. I saw someone else say he’d have a great dane, and I totally agree!
He experimented with different colors for his false eye, blue, green, maybe even the signature Targaryen lavender. But ultimately he settles with the sapphire blue stone. It’s different, and makes him feel badass, but also a little pretty :)
Mans is the embodiment of dark academia, from style to work ethic. He’d be a double major in philosophy, and history. Maybe a minor in business, just in case Aegon somehow convinces Alicent and Viserys to give him the family business instead him. He’d still be the CFO or something, but CEO does have a better ring to it…
He'd get his own apartment as soon as possible. He doesn't like having roommates all up in his business. He refused to stay in a dorm room with a total stranger, so he and Aegon teamed up for once to convince Alicent to let them do an apartment together instead. But after a year or so, Aemond needed his own space… Aegon isn’t exactly neat and tidy sometimes. 
Speaking of his apartment, I think Aemond would be pretty minimalist. He doesn't super love clutter. But his office might be the one exception. Since he's a double major with a minor, he's got a lot of textbooks, and novels lying around. Unlike Helaena, he's not a collector, or a huge fan of nic nacs. But he does have his posh tea, and I think he'd have a small collection of about 3 or 4 daggers.
It would be interesting to see him with an s/o that is a collector, he'd probably end up designating a part of his house to them for all their little things. He could handle a small corner or bookshelf, but it grows on him overtime. And he gets secretly a little excited every time they bring something new home. "Hey look what I got at the antique store today!" "Add it to the shelf love :)"
Definitely a smoker. He knows it’s a bad habit, but he’s not super driven to quit either. It’s a stress reliever, and it gives him something to do while thinking. Helps him process stuff. (also it’s just kind of hot to think of Aemond with a leather coat and a cigarette, plus that motorcycle I mentioned earlier…) 
Black is his favorite color/shade, at least for clothing and interior decorating. But ever since he was a kid he's had a thing for blue, a deep ocean, sapphire blue. That's probably why he settles on the blue sapphire for his eye.
Modern boyfriend Aemond would be a secret romantic I think. He didn't really have many girlfriends if any in high school. He'd have had his first kiss and all that, but they weren't really on his radar. Part of me thinks Aemond would be with someone a slightly more extroverted than himself. They would get him out of the house a little more, even if it's just to take Vhagar for a longer evening walk than usual.
I think one of his love languages would be gift giving. He can be a little closed off sometimes, so when words seem to fail him, he'd find a way through gifts. They'd range from a bouquet of your favorite flowers, to a private dinner at the nicest restaurant in town. You saw a dress, or top you liked online? It would be nicely wrapped in a box on your bed within the next couple days.
He needs someone with patience. He's insecure about his eye sometimes, (not all the time, cause I feel like he has some days where he's totally feeling it). He might take a while to let down some walls, but when he does, you can read him like a book. You see him squint a little at something his brother said? You know he's annoyed and wants to change the subject.
Looovvessss dark chocolate. More particularly though, he loves chocolate covered espresso beans. It's his snack when studying.
He runs cold, he has an extra layer with him at all times. Sometimes it's a sweater under his leather jacket, or a scarf Alicent made him tucked into his bag.
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pricegouge · 3 months
my memory is so bad so if u’ve done this before just ignore but bear!price taking care of bunny on her period by snacks cuddles & orgasms :] & the sight & taste of her blood on him just makes him go a bit feral. sorry if it’s too weird😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Forgetful fighters unite 👊🏻
Sorry this took so long! Weirdly busy and then it turned out I actually needed this treatment too so uhh… hopefully it's not too late to bring you comfort, but at least it's a long one?
There actually is some of this in the actual fic (ch. 7? I think? Idk, I also forgot.) That being said, let's get you some fruit, bitch.
CW for period sex & oral. Tampon stays in for some of the foreplay, sorry. Pussy slapping, rough sex, breeding kink, light primal play, spit kink, mild dub con, and a spoiler for the main story if you haven't read it yet.
I think this'll have to be pretty early on in their relationship just because I like when Bunny's not used to being spoiled okay bye hope you enjoy :)
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You're pretty sure he takes it personally, as if each cycle that passes is a mark against his abilities as both a man and a bear. John had yet to admit it but you knew he wanted to breed you, and every month marked by the arrival of your period meant he'd failed (you weren't even letting him try yet, really); worse, he'd let his mate suffer through another week of ill-designed resource waste.
He told you once he can smell it on you days before it actually started. It was weird, sure, but hard to complain when it always triggered some sort of pseudo-sympathetic response in him. He'd get grouchy because he was ridiculous, but never with you. Instead he spends the days leading up to your period doing some sort of nesting ritual comprised of overstuffing his cabinets with more pads, tampons, and snacks than you'd ever be able to use up in a single cycle. And towels. You're pretty certain no one has ever just happened to own this many towels.
"Maybe we should go back to pretending you don't know what my uterus is up to?" You'd teased him once while helping to unload his latest haul. You couldn't imagine him feeling obliged to buy you super plus overnight pads, an industrial sized bottle of midol, and what seemed to be an entire production run of your favorite Ben & Jerry's flavor was anyway to keep the romance alive after all. 
But John had looked so dejected at your suggestion. "Why? Did I forget something?" 
"Freezer space?" You'd laughed, shaking a bulk box of potato skins at him.
But it was no laughing matter the next day when you felt like you could've eaten him out of house and home if not for how thoroughly he'd prepared. You haven't teased him about it since, too scared to ruin a good thing. 
That doesn't mean you've gotten used to all the ways he likes to spoil you this time of month, though.
John's always so good at taking care of you, it's kind of unfair. You never plan on leaving him but it's times like this - when you've been airheaded and confused all day, snapping at coworkers for no good reason and apologizing minutes later when you realize you were the problem all along; when you let yourself back into his apartment and curl up to rot on the couch, too tired to even make yourself dinner while you wait on John to wrap up at the bar only for him to stumble through the door hours later with a hot to go container of garbage nachos and a paper bag tucked under his arm full of pads and tampons and more snacks than you'd ever be able to eat in your life -.
It's times like this when you realize if you ever do leave him, you'll be totally fucked.
"Is that what's wrong with me today?" you ask, pointing your toe at the haul he's currently unloading onto the counter.
He sniffs the air pointedly just because he knows it'll make you scrunch up your nose in distaste. "Tomorrow morning, I'd say."
You groan as you sit up, preparing yourself for the trek to the kitchen to get sustenance, but John brings you the nachos before you can get much further than the edge of the couch. "Thanks," you mumble as he places them in front of you, leaning over to press a kiss to your forehead. 
Or at least he pretends to. When he lingers, mouth moving against your skin, you know he's checking your temp. "You're welcome, honey. How you feeling?"
"Fine. Just tired and kinda airheaded."
"Poor bunny."
You hum in agreement but it turns to pleasure as you open the nachos up and get hit in the face with the smell of pulled pork and melty cheese. It's still hot which means it was the last thing the kitchen made before cleaning, probably kept in the oven even after it had been shut off to help keep it fresh while he ran to the store. Sometimes it makes you want to cry how thoughtful he is, but you ask him if he'd like to share instead. John shakes his head, eyeing the jalapenos warily. You snag one off the top and eat it plain just to show off. It's fresh and crunchy, none of that pickled shit. Delicious. "You still gonna kiss me later?"
Laughing quietly, John pulls you in for a quick, whiskery kiss. "Gonna take more than some greenery to stop me there."
Your cramps wake you up earlier than God the next morning. Despite it being only three in the morning, John's awake when you crawl back in bed, holding his arms wide for you to slide between. He could sleep through an earthquake, maybe even a robbery; but he always stirred awake if you left the bed for more than five minutes. 
"Need me, bunny?" 
You do, but you can't admit it yet. "Can you be big spoon?" You ask instead, knowing full well that wasn't quite what he meant.
He knew you knew it too, cocky bastard. Voice too thick to be properly chuffed, he still sounded quite pleased with himself when he rolled you over with a thick, "Of course, honey." 
John always runs at a temperature you're fairly certain should've gotten him admitted to a long term care unit by now, but in the dead of night, when he's all sleep soft and blanket warm, his skin is positively sweltering. He uses it to his advantage now, sealing himself against your achy back and reaching around you to cup what he can of your lower belly in his wide palm, letting you dictate how much pressure he uses. 
"Thanks," you grumble when he gets it just right, and you feel the bristle of his mustache when he smiles against the nape of your neck.
"Whatever you need, sweetheart." 
Whether you admit it or not, he means. 
He's patient enough to wait until you start wiggling in pain. He's not always. Sometimes the pressure of his hands turns groping, or his length grows against your back when he plants his nose to the hollow behind your ear, samples your scent with each breath. He'll tell you you smell good if you're lucky, some variation of 'delicious' if you're not. And now, while his actions are patient, his words aren't. "Smell good enough to eat, bunny."
Heat climbs up your throat, flames your cheeks. The problem is, he means it, and you're never sure what to do with that information.
"Wanna sleep, John," you breathe, lying. He drops it for the night anyway, letting you rest as peacefully as you are able with his body pressed up against your own.
He's lazy with you all morning, sitting you between his thick thighs and letting you lean against his chest as he sprawls across the couch. Officially, you're watching a movie together, but John does not seem at all engrossed in it; too busy running his hands up your thighs, middle finger following the seam of your bottoms far too high. It's embarrassing, your paranoia telling you you're leaking, growing damp under his palm. You know that's what he wants, though; wants you soaked, has never been too particular about the details of it.
Well, that's not entirely fair. John loves when you're soaked in blood. 
"Never been one to turn my nose up at a nice juicy rabbit," he'd told you once, and something about his tone made it clear he didn't mean turning you down over something as trivial as blood.
"Should I be worried you're gonna eat me some day?" You'd asked, laugh slightly nervous. 
"Oh, bunny," he'd leered, "I'm gonna eat you now."
It drove him crazy. Made him so hungry for you there were days you wouldn't even get cramps because he wouldn't leave you alone long enough for them to develop. Today wouldn't be one of those days - couldn't be, because he had to work later -, but the way he's actually bothering to take his time, building up your pleasure before he even technically gets his hands on you, you know he's planning on leaving you unwound for hours.
He doesn't bother slipping beneath the hem of your loose bottoms when he does finally give up pretenses, rubbing you through the thin material with the flat of his fingers. You know your concerns were valid when he groans. 
"So wet for me, sweetheart." His hand comes away streaked slightly red, and you only squawk a little when he licks it clean. 
This time he gets his fingers under your hem, eager as they explore your folds, seeking the font at the center of you. He grunts as if in disappointment when he feels the string of your tampon, but then laughs meanly, a low rumble in his chest which spills from him like springtime melt off over the gravel of a dry creek bed.
"Got you this wet even with this thing in, did I?" 
"That's not how it -." 
"No?" His free hand pulls your waist band down to your thighs. He shows you the mess he's made, sticky cum stringing between his fingers where it doesn't quite mix perfectly with the blood that stains his fingers. "What's this, then? Hm?" You feel like you might spontaneously combust when he licks his fingers again, groaning. "Tastes like cum to me." 
"John," you whine, tummy fluttering in a way you're not sure you're completely on board with. 
"You love it," he asserts anyway, and you're in no position to argue when his spit soaked fingers find your clit again.
He never fills you with anything more than you already have, makes you whine your dissatisfaction into the crook of his neck. You cum anyway, pussy throbbing the kind of womb-deep pain that comes easiest this time of month. He slaps you there, after, the sharp jolts making you clenching down hard enough to have your cervix aching deliciously.
When he deems you've had enough time to recover, John orders you bed.
"Gotta…" you point illustratively at the bathroom and he nods once in understanding. 
"Don't bother cleaning up though, only gonna make more of a mess." 
"You're a dog," you tell him, and then very much do clean yourself up, because it's a very heavy flow day and no one needs all that. 
He's still in his sweats when you return to him, lounging across a towel-covered bed. He pouts when he sees you've cleaned up, but is easily soothed with kisses when he pulls you into his lap. You don't bother commenting on his sweats after he leans back and slides you up his belly, encouraging you to grind against the thick thatch of hair there. It's soft, doesn't provide enough friction to do anything other than make you leak all over him. John does not seem sympathetic, too engrossed in the way his hair darkens under your ministrations, gleaming wetly in the sunlight streaming through the window. When his thumb finds your clit, he's rough about it. He holds you in place with his free hand wrapped around to the small of your back, only letting you move enough to keep you rocking against him. He doesn't build up to it, just instantly starts in with the kind of tight, firm circles that make you buck in overstimulation, moaning when you find you have nowhere to go.
"Christ, listen to her." Embarrassment floods you when you realize he's not talking about the pathetic noises falling from your mouth. It's like he's commenting on some particularly nice weather when he continues, "Nothing better than the sound of a bloody, wet cunt."
You cum with a sharp cry when he switches his thumb out for a mean press of two knuckles against you, and it's like he hardly even notices, eyes still latched on where you stain his skin. He doesn't let you ride it out either, drawing his hand away the second he feels your pussy flutter over his belly, clenching around nothing. You watch him lick his fingers clean as he tips you over onto the bed. He doesn't take his eyes from your core when he follows, kneeling between your feet before lowering himself to his belly. 
He looks starved. Looks more bear than man, honestly.
"If you lick your chops I swear I'm kicking you out of bed." 
A single huff of laughter blows across your mons, cool where it meets your soaked skin. John does in fact lick his chops, an aborted little joke he's too focused to fully sell. It makes you squirm, the way he looks at you - a butterfly pinned before it's fully died. Part of you hates how much you love this, still feels dirty whenever you see him bloody down to his chest. Despite his eagerness, there's always a nagging thought at the back of your mind which wonders if he's putting on a show for you, if he feels like he owes you this because it's the best way to make you feel better. The fucking was one thing - half driven insane the way he is each month by the fact you're still not full of his cubs, you suppose the fucking makes sense. Still, there's no way he wants this, surely.
But John never looks more bear-like than he does in these moments, half starved and rabid as he stares down at you like his latest kill, and you know there is simply no faking how much he wants you. 
"Pretty little cunt doesn't know what's good for her, bunny." John's voice is thick and dark as the blood that paints his lips. "Won't take my seed, keeps wasting all your energy on this bloody little cycle." He tuts, hands spreading your thighs so he can better fit between them. "Have to try harder, won't we?" 
He doesn't give you a chance to respond, licking along the crease of your thigh and groaning at the salty mix of sweat and spend. It's all so hot, slick. The rough texture of his tongue barely even noticeable through the juices that coat it when he licks fat stripes across the whole of you. He's sloppy, huffing and groaning into you each time he finds some new reserve of slick hidden within your folds. Usually, John likes to get you sighing in pleasure before he gets his fingers on you like this, but he isn't patient enough today, it seems. After licking you clean, he moves onto your clit and gives it some sweet little kisses that smack horribly, his fingers finding your entrance and drawing out more blood and slick which he doesn't hesitate to lick up as well. 
"Taste so fucking good, bunny," he growls; or at least, you think he does. Hard to be sure, the way he speaks directly to your pussy. When he does draw back to be sure you hear him, his beard is matted and soaked, his eyes wine dark. "Wanna split you open bunny."
You're not sure he means on his cock, but that's what you get anyway. 
John doesn't bother rubbing your slick over him, just pushes his waistband under his balls and lines himself up, sinking to his root with a heavy groan; his head bowed forward like he doesn't have the energy left to support it. It aches but you're powerless to do anything but take it, loving the way he notches against the very end of you, cervix so sore and sensitive he puts you on the knife edge of pain and pleasure without even trying. Your hands grapple up his thick forearms and he finally seems to notice your presence underneath him, lowering himself enough he can lick into your mouth. His mustache is soaked where it presses against you, smell strong enough to flip your tummy a bit. 
John notices. He chuckles, not giving you an inch to breathe. "Rabbits don't like blood, do they?" 
You shake your head, hypocrisy burning your throat at the way you enjoy him eating you out despite the blood when you can't stomach the same. 
"That's right, need your bear to take care of you like this, don't you?" His hips draw back in one smooth motion, accentuate his words when they snap back in.
"Yes, please," you stutter. Worked up and teased as you are, you know you won't last long. 
"Don't worry, bunny. I'll take care of you." He pushes himself back up so he looms over you, forearms flexing under your fingertips. He shakes one of your hands loose, bears his hips into you to support his weight as he brings one hand up to your jaw, fingers staining as he tilts your face just so, hinging your mouth open. "I'll fuck you just like you need, but you're gonna let me use that mouth however I want."
Even his spit is blood stained and pink as he dangles a string of it into your mouth. You whine at the taste when it coats your tongue, rust and salt. Somehow more metallic than even the smell of it. 
A predator sensing weakness, John snarls at your whine, shoves all four of his coated fingers into your mouth while his thumb strokes your jaw, too heavy to be soothing. "Suck," he orders, voice barely human. You wonder how close his other form is to the surface, if the fingers in your mouth will change shape if you can't appease him. Assure him you're his adamantly enough. The thought makes you clench on his cock, sucking the wide breadth of his fingers messily.
"Good rabbit," he growls. He adjusts your hips against his own, sinks impossibly deeper. He barely bothers to pull out when he fucks you, thatch of hair over his cock grinding against your clit as he rocks into you. When he speaks again, you're not certain you're supposed to hear.
"Drive me fucking crazy, bunny. Walking around smelling like my next fucking meal." His hips slap into you, pace increasing but depth never changing. 
You whine around the fingers in your mouth, hands scrambling over his chest, down his belly. You remember how full he'd been after Phil, the way his skin had been drawn so taut. His words should scare you, probably, but his teeth are none too sharp when he sinks them into the fat of your breast. 
"Shit, John," you hiss and he releases your flesh with a slobbery sound.
"Gonna fill you with my cub so I can drink from these too," he promises. You just nod dumbly, the thought of him feeding from you in any way he wanted doing things for you you never thought it would. "Get you full of my cub so you can stop. Fucking. Bleeding all the time," his hips accentuate his words and you groan, fingers finding your clit until he rips his hand from your mouth and slaps you away. Spit soaked, he rubs your clit deliciously, only getting more assertive when your hips fall open for him like a flower in bloom. 
"Dangerous thing, bunny. Blood in the water. He leans over, weight pinning you when he takes your earlobe into his mouth with bloody force. "Tasty little thing, too. Gonna eat you right up," he snarls.
Your orgasm pulls his from him, the two of you moaning into each other's mouths between wet, sloppy licks. It's hard to mind the taste when your whole body is pulsing deliciously, a flood of blood and cum flowing from you when John pulls out. It feels like he's taken a whole day off your period when you see how much of a mess he's made. 
He knows how your head can throb briefly, after coming with his cock lodged in your cervix. John lays you across the pillows while he starts cleaning up, bringing a wet washcloth out to wipe the worst of the mess from you. When you're ready, he joins you in the shower, lathering you both up until the water runs clear. 
"Feeling better, honey?" he asks, nose buried in the crook of your neck. Innocent and sweet, like he didn't just threaten to impregnate and eat you by turns. 
"For now." You're still rubbing soap into his hairy belly absently, so you grope the soft flesh there and laugh when he jolts. "You're not gonna eat me, are you?"
You feel his huff of laughter. He begins to shake his head and then thinks better of it, standing to his full height so he can tower over you when he says, "Depends on how soon you let me put a baby in you."
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creweemmaeec11 · 2 years
an idea i red somewhere else and think you could write it better :)
villain/hero throwing a punch of jokes to try to cover the fact they are super scared and hero/villain seeing right through it and calming them down
so anyways, here's a hug because why not
. (⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ
Ohhh this is right up my alley! Also, hugs! *hugs*
Criminal Comedies
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"You don't have to be afraid," the hero said softly, taking a step forward.
Villain immediately flinched back, eyeing the hero's fangs warily, which they could just barely see as the hero spoke. "I'm not afraid!" They snapped, a little too vehemently, "You just aren't used to people not immediately swooning over you,"
The hero gave a soft, pitying smile, "you're shaking,"
Oh shit, they were.
"I'm trapped in a cage with a vampire," the villain hissed, clenching their fists, "and we're both being held captive by supervillain, so if you're waiting for me to care about my shaking, I hope you brought some food,"
"Yeah but-"
"And as much as I'm sure the tabloids would LOVE to hear about me and you stuck in a cage together, and I'm thrilled at least one part of you is sharp, I'd rather not become either hero food or fertilizer for supervillain's garden!"
"Villain you're not-"
"And while I'd usually be able to pick the lock, supervillain got my lock pick earlier, and I'm not a picky eater and-"
The criminal in question flinched violently, curling in on themselves, but they didn't reply, instead going silent.
"Villain it's going to be okay, my team is on the way,"
"How much do you wanna bet that even if your team does somehow manage to get through supervillain, they'll only save you and leave me here? What's the saying, two rats, one casket?" The villain asked, trying to sound joking and failing miserably.
"Neither me nor my team would ever leave you in supervillain's hands,"
"Gee, thanks," villain bit back through clenched teach, "What a bargain, get rescued from a supervillain, and all it costs is about a litre of your blood. Shame you can't just have a steak instead,"
Hero sighed, rolling their eyes, "I'm the only vampire on the team, and I told you before I'm not about to eat you! Plus, that isn't even how that works,"
The villain in the corner glared, unconvinced.
Suddenly somewhere in the distance, there was a bellowing metallic bang that echoed through the complex.
The villain flinched violently, gasping as they collided with the icy cold wall behind them.
The hero was next to them in an instant, worry written all over their face.
The criminal tried to scramble backwards, but they were already in the corner. Distantly they realized it was getting harder to breathe. But they were much more focused on the fangs that were hidden behind lips less than a foot away from them. They stared unblinking, heart hammering in their chest.
The hero's eyes softened, "Villain, please listen to me; you don't need to be afraid of me-"
"I have a lot of reasons to be afraid of you actually," the criminal replied, failing miserably to keep their voice steady, "opposite team and all that, want me arrested or dead-"
"That's not the part your afraid of right now,"
"Well, I apologize that the idea of becoming a bloody mary with a body isn't appealing to me; I-"
There was another guttural clang of metal in the distance, and the villain shrunk in on themselves, even more, burying their head in their knees.
The hero took the opportunity, wrapping an arm behind the villain's back to pull them in close.
At first, the villain struggled with all their might, but their strength quickly died down as the hero's embrace remained unrelenting.
"Please- please-"
"Shhh," the hero soothed, "it's okay, you're okay," they felt bad, unsure how to reassure the shaking form in their arms that they weren't going to hurt them. The villain was usually so stoic and in control, but they had come to realize with time that their dry and witty humour was nothing but a shield for their true emotions. For all their jokes- wait.
The hero blinked. What about...
"You know, even if I were about to eat you, this would be a terrible place to do it,"
The villain in their arms flinched slightly, but they were listening.
"I mean, I may be a vampire, but I do have some standards. This place looks like something you'd find in the basement of a seven eleven. Like I'm pretty sure it would be impossible to bring a magnet in here this place is so repulsive,"
The criminal next to them snorted quietly. They'd stopped shaking and tilted their head up, peering over their arm to meet the hero's gaze with a nervous and guarded wariness, but also a slight curiosity.
"I mean, whatever style they were aiming for down here, they clearly missed unless it was 'Gucci in the front, crypt in the basement,"
The villain laughed quietly, "You should feel right at home then," They shot back, a small smirk on their face.
"Excuse me!" the hero replied, over dramatically indignant, "I'm pretty sure the only things that could feel at home down here are roaches and mould,"
The villain chuckled again, resting their chin atop their knees. There was a few moments of silence before they spoke again, "Thank you..."
"My team will be here soon," Hero assured.
"How can you be so sure? Nobody even knows where the supervillain's lair is,"
The hero sighed, "I shouldn't show you this, but..." They shifted, reaching into their mouth to pull out what looked like three molars stuck together, but there was a blinking LED light on one, and small wires on the bottoms of the other two. The villain blinked, furrowing their eyes in confusion.
"Tracking device with multiple different communication lines; GPS satellite, bluetooth, wifi, radio and sonar. Let's just say they know exactly where we are,"
"Wow," villain replied, impressed.
"Which is why I was captured in the first place," Hero admitted, "I had no intention of bringing you down with me,"
The villain took a deep, steadying breath, "The reason I'm so scared is because I've been here before," They admitted, before pulling up their sleeve to reveal a horrific set of scars. The hero gasped.
Suddenly there was an explosion just down the hall. The hero smiled, climbing to their feet, "Well then, want to get your revenge?" they offered, extending their hand.
"Seriously?" The villain asked in shock.
"I'm not above being momentarily distracted, if you get what I mean. Besides, we could use someone to pick the locks in the main building. Deal?"
The villain took the hero's hand, "deal,"
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sanaserena · 1 year
First impressions of the OPLA? I loved it. Yes, it has its flaws, and yes, there are some big changes, but the essence of the show, the heart and soul? It's still One Piece. All the main characters are who they are supposed to be, their back stories are still the same. I thought Inaki, Emily, Mackenyu, Jacob, and Taz all did wonderful jobs bring Luffy, Nami, Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji to life. I'm going to write a more comprehensive review sometime soon, once I've re-watched the entire eight episodes slowllyyyyy this time 😅😅😅😅.
But for now, here are some screenshots from Episode 1 (and only from Ep 1 for this post)!!! I've done my best to avoid spoiling too much with the screenshots, but also looking for some shots that weren't in the trailer or pre-release promo stuff.
This is literally one of my favourite episodes. On watching it the third time, I still really enjoy it and think it's a great opener to the One Piece Live Action. Plus, it's one of the episodes that has the most amount of comedy and action. I also loved the little references. (Sorry some of the screenshots suck, because capturing fights as stills is clearly the best way to go. I wanted to get a good shot of Luffy in the air hurtling towards Morgan, but that was an utter faillll. I haven't figured out gifs for netflix tv series/movies yet - if you know how, please let me know!)
Shanks is actually pretty damn charming and fun his scenes.
Luffy mentioned flying into the base - by bird!!! iykyk. (And there's reference to the fact that pretty bad at directions, but not as bad as Zoro.)
Zoro is super cool, his fight scenes here are wipe outs for his opponents.
Nami is badass with a bo staff (I did wish there was more of this towards the end of the season though.)
Helmeppo is an ass (sometimes...literally...)
Koby is endearing, and I think he had a good character arc all through the season. It took growth, and we got to see more of it than we do in the manga.
Inaki is a cute Luffy, though sometimes the acting is a little much. He was still very much Luffy to me many times throughout the season.
And the Buggy end scene was nice xD (Buggy himself is very interesting in the other episodes).
I failed to get a screenshot of Garp, but it's okay, my next post!
P.s. I just noticed the screenshots come out a little darker on my laptop 🤔🤔 (it's a new laptop for me so....) The actual colour grading is brighter on Netflix 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. Another thing I need to figure out eventually...
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Steph's Crew - Bonus Snippet
Kind of a continuation of this:
This may give a little extra insight into what exactly has been going on between these two... but I don't think it's ever outright said lol. Oh well. Either way it's a nice lil moment that brings back a lot of fave characters. Enjoy!
I startled at my phone's sudden ringing, the sharp sound slicing through the quiet like a knife. Bret's photo appeared on the screen along with his name, his familiar smile a cruel reminder of countless wounds. Just seeing his name was enough to make my blood start to boil again, a surge of anger rushing through me as I felt old scars reopened.
My first instinct was to decline the call. God, why was he calling me now? I could just let it go to voicemail, let his voice echo unanswered into the digital void. After all the bad he's done, it's not like he doesn't deserve it, right? But something made me hesitate, my thumb hovering over the screen. I don't know what that "something" was exactly… maybe that something has always been there, buried deeply within me for as long as I've known him. Maybe I've always held onto this "something" despite all the times he's let me down or caused pain with his thoughtlessness. Despite everything I've ever been through with him, I still hang on to this... feeling. A feeling that was inextricably tied to him, no matter the hurt he'd caused.
I don't know whether that's even a good thing or not. Frankly, I don't want to care anymore. Even though I know I still do.
Taking a deep breath, I answered him. "Hello?"
"Look to your left."
Confused, I turned, my mouth falling open slightly as I spotted Bret standing across the mall corridor with Rachel and her fiancé, Andy—I think that's his name. The sight of him sent a jolt through me, my chest tightening with a whirlwind of emotions: shock, anger, annoyance, and… that same unsettling feeling, stronger than ever.
Why is he even here?!
"Are you serious right now? Have you been following me around like some creep?" I hissed into the phone, trying to keep my voice steady, probably failing miserably.
"No," he sighed, shaking his head, a familiar smirk quirking his lips. "Relax, El. I'm here with my family. We're shopping for Josie's first communion outfits. It's not all about you, you know."
His words admittedly took some of the wind from my defensive sails, leaving me feeling deflated. I watched as Josie ran up, her pigtails bouncing up and down as she went, and with endless energy befitting a kid her age. Despite myself, I couldn't help but smile. First Holy Communion... that means she's like eight now. She's grown up so much.
"Wow..." I exhaled, memories of my own communion day flitting by like ghosts. It had been a good day. "She's gotten so big."
"I know, right?" Bret's voice softened, and a pensive silence settled between us. "We did that same routine, you remember?"
"Yeah," I couldn't help but chuckle at the recollection. "You made me super mad when you told me I looked like a drunk bride because my veil wouldn't stay on my head."
"So?!" Bret retorted with a laugh. "You whacked my arm several times with a candle!"
"You weren't paying attention!" I laughed too, the sound easing the lingering tensions ever so slightly. "Plus, you deserved it. You were being mean."
Our shared laughter felt like a balm soothing the old wounds, if only for a moment. Bret gestured me over, a hopeful glint in his eye.
"Come shop with us for a bit? Aunt Rach would love it - she's missed you a lot."
Aw. I've missed her, too. And B. Not that I'll ever admit that to him straight up.
I opened my mouth to protest, but at this point, Rachel had already spotted me and was waving exuberantly. Oh well. I've made it this far into a conversation, right? I suppose spending more time with these folks couldn't hurt. And besides, Bret and I have a lot to talk about. And I guess he made a good point - I can't just avoid speaking to him forever. What he did was terrible, but it would be wrong not to hear his side of things.
Suppressing an eye roll, I crossed the expanse to join them, saying, "Fine. I'm coming."
"R-really?" Bret asked. His surprise was palpable, a crack in his usually confident (or apathetic) demeanour. It was rare to see him so unsure like this, and it gave me a weird, fleeting sense of power in this strange situation.
"Yep," I replied, my tone firm despite the uncertainty swirling inside me. "Just this once. Hang on, I'll be right over."
"Wow. I-Thanks, Elise," he stammered, the words catching in his throat.
"Whatever," I said, trying to maintain my guarded stance. I was still mad, after all. I needed to make it clear to him that things weren't magically fixed just like that. "Don't thank me yet."
I ended the call.
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hillbilly---man · 5 months
What are three things that shaped who you are?
Any reoccurring dreams?
Three things that shaped who I am.. 🤔
snopes.com. When I was younger (like.. 12-16. Early 2000s) I was SUPER into fact checking and rumors and being a smug little shit so I spent a lot of time reading articles on snopes to find out what things I'd always heard about weren't true. And also to learn what some of the urban legends/rumors/whatever were because I always felt out of the loop. I spent time on the forums, but I never had an account to post anything. Those forums were my first exposure to a lot of different kinds of people and opinions that have made me who I am. I grew up in rural East Tennessee with a conservative white family so I had a lot of ideas that weren't great. I wouldn't say that the forums were some kind of leftist paradise, but I learned that gay people, Democrats, transgender people, non-christians, feminists, people from other countries etc weren't all that different from me fundamentally. I learned that some of the things that I had accepted as "just the way it is" were actually debated hotly, and that the arguments on the "other" side made some sense. I learned about parts of history that I was never taught, and parts that I was taught wrong. I don't think I'd have ever made it to Tumblr or met any of my friends if I hadn't had that desire to "well actually" grownups who spread bullshit about 9/11
Gorillaz. All my childhood, I was a big fan of country music. LeAnn Rimes was my favorite singer of all time, but I also loved the Dixie Chicks and Kenny Chesney and Shania Twain. All of those 90s Country hit makers. Again.... Rural Tennessee! When I was in 6th grade, I had a friend on the school bus who was also a big pokemon fan like I was. She was also a fan of this new cartoon band called Gorillaz. I'd heard their songs before and I thought it was cool, but it wasn't "my kind of music". Well, long story short: I was moving away and nervously waited til my last day to tell her, but she was out sick and I never got to say goodbye. I felt so bad about it that I got the Gorillaz album lol.. ANYWAY, I don't listen to much country music anymore. I became a huge fan of Gorillaz, branched out into other similar acts (Blur, then other Britpop bands, then similar genres/influences of my favorites, etc). Nothing against country music, but the music I like now is a lot cooler imo... Plus, following Gorillaz fans here from Twitter is how I joined Tumblr in the first place.
Getting shitty grades in college. I started at a community college with the intention of transferring to the University of Tennessee Knoxville to get a marketing degree, but I was really bad at it. I had to retake a bunch of classes, and changed my major a few times (the 2008 recession scared me off of getting that marketing degree). By the time I was ready to transfer, UTK wouldn't take my GPA so I picked a cheap state university 4+ hours away with lower standards. Getting away from my hometown was so important for becoming more independent. Plus most of my friends are from the university I ended up attending. (I was bad at it there too, so lucky me! I was in school so long that I became friends with people who were still in high school by the time my "original" graduation date rolled around)
As for recurring dreams: probably the most common is a dream that I'm back in school and I realize I haven't gone to class all semester and I'm going to fail. (Guess what one of my biggest issues in college was? 🤣)
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isaactheterrible · 1 year
TF2 Sidecharacters Christmas Gifts (Part 2)
(Disclaimer: This is purely based on my personal opinions of the side characters in the TF2 universe, platonic relationships, GN reader)
1.Miss Pauling
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-A coupon for a free spa day
-She was incredibly thankful
-Until she realized she literally didn't have enough time to go
-She was still really happy because the thought behind it was very thoughtful and she appreciates that you understand and appreciate all the hard work she does for you
-Tickets to your favorite concert
-Theres also a plus ticket she gave you so you can go with however you like
-She is super excited if you decide to ask her but she'll eventually back out due to her grueling schedule
-You end up going with someone else
2.The Administration
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-The nuke codes of the USA government
-She wonders how you got them but doesn't ask too many questions
-She is very pleased and honestly she might start to conciser you much more than a simple employee
-She was planning to just throw a Christmas party for 2 hours and tell you to go back to work
-After you gave her the nuke codes she decided to give you a raise and the holiday off
-You and your entire team get to enjoy a Christmas vacation!
-Under the close and careful eye of the administrator
-You caught her eye after all
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-A brand new Luftwaffe boot knife
-She's been around for a while so it's about time she got her own weapon
-She isn't particularly fond of it since she wanted something prettier and knives aren't really her thing
-She still appreciates the gesture
-It's only really good for her while eating but she uses it all the time
-A gym membership card
-She noticed a distinct lack of muscle on your body
-She decided that obviously you just needed some extra help
-So she bought you a subscription!
-She looks all smug about what a great gift she gave you
-This woman has no filter
4.Grey Man
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-A mug with the words 'best boss ever'
-It's far from true but hey, it's Christmas
-He threw it away the second you weren't looking
-He doesn't ever think of it again
-If you bring it up he'll deny throwing it in the trash and act like it just ended there by itself or it was the janitor's fault
-A coupon that he had lying around
-He had forgotten it under the couch
-He thinks it's a good substitute for an actual gift or even a raise
-Gave zero thought to it
-Otherwise he would've gotten you all matching pens
-Like the really cheap ones you get from Ikea
5.Saxton Hale
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-A nice camping back
-You hate how underprepared he is for all his exhibitions
-You decided to buy him a camping bag so he'll hopefully start bringing some actual supplies with him
-You failed but hey at least he appreciates the present
-He keeps it in his room and uses it as storage
-A new pair of camping boots
-He wanted to inspire you to start discovering nature more and get out of your room
-Maybe it'll also inspire you to spend more time with him if you pick out a similar hobby
-The shoes are incredibly durable but aren't big on style or comfort
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-A powerbank so she could charge her phone while far from home
-She was incredibly thankful for the gift and immediately hugged you and told you how sweet you are
-She was a lot nicer to you after that
-She almost felt bad for her gift after such a thoughtful and expensive present you got her
-A Pipe bomb
Link for part 1:
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retphienix · 4 months
You know, they weren't kidding on the random gamefaq thread.
Dragonlord is a huge pushover compared to the color orb quest boss.
Kinda wish I could easily just go rematch that guy with this team instead since it'd be a more fitting send off, but hey, there's still some very real appeal to this being the closing chapter in my Caravan Heart playthrough :)
The Dragonlord is like The guy for DQ, so it has that appeal for sure.
I do think it's funny how pathetic he is here when the color orb boss was properly scaled to be a real heavy hitter :P
I'd ALMOST go so far as to assume they realize they messed that up what with the entire preamble being that he's reawakening "too early"; Like in universe you can say that's why he's weak, but if I were to be sincere here I'd wager that's just meant to be meta meant to write off that he's here at all- not an explanation for his strength.
Though it could be Meta Meta and it was the devs saying "We didn't have enough time to rework the DL to be a challenge, our bads" but I really doubt that lol
Anywho, Caravan Hearts is Mid.
Early game is far too slow for no good reason.
Innovations on the formula often fail to positively impact the gameplay loop, instead slowing things down or being CONCEPTUALLY (caravan party) positive but PHYSICALLY lacking (no real options in main game, too much RNG to stay invested post game- not to mention their impact is lacking compared to the monsters themselves).
Base story game is overall "fine"- to me personally it was very "Basic RPG going through the motions" overall, it had some nice moments like collecting beautiful things being rather non-linear (aside from the ending) but overall it was "Here's your small sandbox, play in it then beat this tower/dungeon/boss to get to the next sandbox" which is Fine but it's also kind of the vibe I feel DQ usually presents itself as- and then surprises you by doing things Exceptionally well or by surprising you with a twist that beats your expectations- not here. It's JUST the paint by numbers RPG stuff.
Color quest is much more fun! It's also majorly flawed lol it feels designed from the bottom up to be a drawn out lengthy grind for max/min players in terms of mechanics (caravan members mostly) but gameplay wise it's thankfully not so harsh in what it demands of you, no "2 billion damage" boss fights or anything- even the final boss, while strong, is SUPER reasonable despite the mechanics of the post game implying "This is where you grind forever to get maxed stats and true recruits".
The color quest is way more fun than base game because the little dungeons are entertaining, the frequency of mini-bosses is a big plus on the gameplay, and you're pretty much just fighting nonstop. Mostly.
Because the main flaw of the color quest is the backtracking - it's just not fun or well handled. The quest does not burn you on it if you just want to win, but if you want to max stuff- oh buddy. You better get a true sage ASAP. But if you just want to win it's annoying but "fine", still the biggest flaw because you really do spend like 30% of your time in ports and then 70% having actual fun in dungeons, that's still not a great ratio.
Dragonlord was fun. EZPZ but I had fun- the dungeon has relatively fun fights in it and while it is actually VERY tiny if you go the right way, there are a couple wrong directions that trick you back to the entrance, it's simple and TINY but it's nice.
Beyond this there are from what I gather spirit fights for unique hearts and I can continue the color orbs forever I think. So if I was enjoying the grind for recruits (No thank you) I have endless content to smash into for stats I suppose. Kinda neat :)
Hmm. Already did more lengthy closing thoughts in prior posts.
Have a random thought instead:
Did you know that some people consider features being REMOVED from the prior releases to be a positive feature in this game?
Like they listed "Removed Personalities" as a POSITIVE feature in this game versus the prior two, because they emphasized "Having complete and direct control" as a positive- some people just don't get the appeal of the DWM personality + order passive combat system :P
Overall, I had fun. I don't know if I expressed that well in my random posts but I wasn't exactly keeping the most in-depth tabs on my playthrough so it probably slipped through the cracks.
The game is Not one I'd ever recommend since it doesn't fit my tastes on the formula- DWM and DWM 2 fucking rule and this is a GBA RPG I'll probably never touch again so go figure- but this was very neat, I guess is the word for it.
It was neat playing the black sheep of the series- one mostly known that way for its lack of a translation than for its quality- but one I'd wager probably deserves it on quality >:)
But it's neat!
It's different, it's trying to mash some mainline DQ ideas into the side series, it gave DQM an entirely new framing device- one "similar" (traveler gates and dressers are involved) but WAY different than the prior 2, and way different than Joker 1 (and probably the other Jokers). You're still from a different world, but it's not a watabou waraubou story- it's just- you go to the monster world and help out, also the monster world is DISTINCTLY the dragon quest world instead of being a weird dragon quest monsters island "world" with "Great" kingdoms duking it out and training in traveler gates-
This Is Different And That's Kinda Neat! :)
Not a fan or anything, but I don't hate it, it's neat :)
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skaruresonic · 1 year
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My bf linked me this article that just dropped today about Bioware's hypothetical vision for a Chronicles sequel and I'm like, lol okay. Bit too late for that, Bioware, but sure.
This is painful to read, even as someone who thinks Chronicles' core concepts weren't all that bad in theory.
Big oofs ahoy.
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"Nocturnes." You didn't actually play the game, did you? I can tell.
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First the Encyclospeedia's "Precurator Shade," now this.
Collectively, they're called the Nocturnus clan. The individual soldier or unit is a Nocturne (as well as the clan's base of operations seen at the climax of the first game), but the game doesn't pluralize the name as "Nocturnes" with an E.
Research fail.
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Also, I find it kind of weird that real-world locations are figuring into Eggman's conquest. Most locations in Chronicles were based on locations in Sonic's world (if they weren't already just those locations wholesale, like Green Hill), such as Blue Ridge being the remains of a post-Chaos Station Square.
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So basically just Forces but several years before Forces.
"Terminator future" - ah, yes. Much vision, many wow. I can completely see how much it would suck to be oppressed by Eggman in such a future.
Also, don't you love the Big Bad Monster of the Week usurping Eggman yet again? Except this time it's so omgwtfbbq superspeshul that not even Super Sonic can defeat it, ohhhh noooo whatever shall we doooo, and... Wait, have I heard this somewhere before?
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:/ The more things change...
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"DYKG also says that Shade and Knuckles will be able to 'continue Knuckles' bloodline.'" - well that's a totally cool and normal thing to say about two characters in a kids' game who so happen to be the same species. not creepy at all
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I love the implication here that Bioware were so certain their mega-awesome sequel would be such a hit with Sega and the fans that they believed they would have been able to get away with implementing yet another cliffhanger ending in order to keep pumping out sequels. You gotta love the hubris.
...Argus' motivations make no sense. It's a god, but apparently was so afraid of death at the hands of a mortal that it... trapped the most bloodthirsty races in the universe in the Twilight Cage to let them duke it out for the rest of time... because...? Stay tuned for the answer, ig?
Plus, why is it Bioware couldn't have answered the questions the first game raised in the second game? What would be the point of even making a sequel if that's the case?
This is the exact same problem Valve is having right now with Half-Life: they keep making sequels that end on cliffhangers while postponing the narrative. "Haha we totally have an awesome conclusion in the works, you guys, you just have to be patient ;> (doesn't even have an outline written)."
It could not be more obvious that they don't know how to end the story. Or, perhaps more accurately for Bioware's case, don't care, since apparently "they considered their obligations finished after the first game."
So like... What the hell were they even complaining for when Sega gave Chronicles the axe, then? If another party would have had to make the sequel anyway because Bioware washed their hands of the development process, then it inherently stands to follow that some of Bioware's Artistique Vision would have had to change.
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Iizuka has... questionable ideas about the series, so I don't really place as much stock in his creative vision as that of other ST members. No offense.
In all honesty, though, as someone who likes the theoretical ideas underpinning Chronicles and Shade's character, I'm struggling to consider how Shade and Argus would impact the series in any substantial way without radically altering Knuckles' character and role. It's not like they'd have anything to do after Chronicles is over.
For all of this speculation about Argus, who was nothing more than a diablo ex machina only mentioned in passing in the first game, I can't help but notice that, conversely, almost nothing has been said about Shade and her motivations aside from her possible use in perpetuating Knuckles' bloodline, which... I find a little distasteful, to say the least. I mean, it isn't surprising. Whatever character development she could have had while battling alongside Sonic and co. in the first game is overlooked in order to turn her into an exposition fairy.
But, given that Bioware intended for there to be multiple sequels and for Shade to possibly earn a place as a permanent fixture in the cast, I'd at least expect something in the way of character development? Is she connected to Argus in some way? Is Argus the reason her warp belt hasn't yet broken, allowing her to stay on Earth for much longer than she should have? Better yet, how does Shade feel about helping other conquered peoples rise up against Eggman? Does she feel ill-equipped to lead, having served a tyrant for 4,000 years? Does she see similarities between Eggman and Ix, and internally kick herself for being so foolish as to fall for the same trick twice? Does it give her trust issues? Does Knuckles help her work through these issues and overcome her prejudices? Does her character actually matter here in an appropriate context given her circumstances? Does she have any internality of her own, or is she just a convenient sexy lamp means for Knuckles to not be so alone anymore?
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2dkapsddr · 3 days
September 24th, 2024 - vivid/stasis, IIDX 31, StepManiaX, GITADORA, SDVX EG, DDR World, Arcaea
welp... this is it... my final true day of summer vacation before i had to return to the evil, brutal, vicious clutches of School (yet even worse, as i was entering University now!!!) . but alas, i can't delay it any further and i can't do anything about it now . so hey, why not make the most of it today as my last day of vacation before my grand return?
so that's what i planned today -- eating breakfast at my workplace, watching the Transformers One movie in the mall's AMC, and then spending the rest of the day at Round 1 Bowling & Amusement!!! (except, due to my dog Pissing everywhere and me having to clean up after him and my room, i missed out on the first part... opting instead to grind out some vivid/stasis AACs to scratch that rhythm itch since i still had to clean through my whole room and get ready for college day 1 . once that was over with, though, i made my way over to the mall to deliver Rasis to my friend and then enjoy the Transformers One movie... which was INCREDIBLE Oh My God you all HAVE to see it aghhhh peak cinema...)
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but now that the movie was finished, i got some fries from my friend to eat, and i entered the round 1, it was time to Video Gaming... first on IIDX!!!! i really wanted to play SDVX, yeah, but it was super full and impossible to get a set in, so have these scores anyway!!! they're alright, nothing too special, but i still think they're nice -- most notably, i finally scored an EXH-CLEAR on Show [SPA-9] as my first Lv. 9 EXHC!!! (tripping jumping's SPA-10 chart is Evil as Fuck, ESPECIALLY on Random)
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a quick break where a local dance gamer friend and i found an abandoned double credit on SMX, and decided to play Team Mode!!! ...didn't go too well (may or may not have played the first song on 400 BPM Reverse), but we had fun!!!
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...since we weren't quite in the mood for DDR and SDVX was STILL full, we went over to try playing some IIDX together -- each of us playing one set on each side, and each of us failing miserably on the right side... but when it was my turn on the left side, i actually kinda killed it with my scores!!! check these out!!!
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went back past the DDR cabs and to the SDVX cabs, where the giant party that was once there had suddenly finally left??? it was the perfect time to seize the opportunity and play on them ourselves, but i was really itching to play some Drummania for some reason... and right i was about that, because i ALSO KILLED IT when i played my set!!! turns out i hadn't played on my card since Fuzz Up, so i'm sure it must've been a surprise for the cab to see me SHREDDING IT on these scores despite my poorer performances from way back...
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but like i mentioned earlier, the SDVX cabs were freed up, so it was time to game on those!!! and despite the cabs having been so popular before, i managed to get three consecutive sets on one cab since everyone wanted to either take breaks or play other games (which i already did!! hah!!!) . scores i got out of it weren't all that bad either -- sightread AAA+ on ENDYMION [EXH 17], a poor yet fun sightread on Booths of Fighters [EXH 17], a massive upscore and potential UC/PUC opportunity on Daichuu Stage [EXH 17]... and an amazing 966 sightread on KIMIDORI Streak!! [MXM 18] as 18 clear #2!!!
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then lastly, hoping to have my best session now that i'd tried all the non-dance games (plus SMX), i gave DDR a shot seeing some of my friends there !!! i was expecting it to go well, but i ended up gassed out after a few short sections and a few expectations too high... maybe i can get back at 'em next time, but i really felt disappointed by how fast my stamina depleted and carried that saddened feeling throughout the rest of the day, even to sleep... can't do much about it now, but it's just sad to feel :[ so as consolation (and as the only score photo from today in my possession), have this wonky sightread 52p PFC on Buta Thunder [ESP-13]....
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back at home, i slowed down the grind a ton and tried to focus more on preparations for my first day of classes at university, but i did still game a little bit!! most of it (the last three scores) were just for defying the rules of a challenge (mmmhmm... "chill songs" indeed...), but i did finally get a PM on Redraw the Colorless World (FTR-9, MAX-15) as FTR PM #187!!!
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loopy777 · 2 years
While streaming has it's hiccups, yeah the video game tools up to the CGI Donkey Kong Country even if mostly so bad it's good is crazily available through legal, free channels. The Mario, Sonic tools, plus The Legend of Zelda and DKC? TubiTV and Wildbrain Cartoon Super Heroes, plus Treehouse Direct UK and Retro Rerun for DKC. WCSH also has Captain N The Game Master, the Battletoads pilot and Pole Position. Tubi has Sonic X and the 90s Double Dragon Animated Series. Crackle has as mentioned before the Street Fighter Animated Series. Wing Commander Academy is among the free selection of shows from Peacock TV. Only ones I can think of missing on that count are Mortal Kombat Defenders of the Realm and Saturday Morning Supercade.
That's pretty cool. But at the same time, I can't help but think that this is the way it's supposed to be? When I was growing up, cartoons weren't entertainment. Sure, they could function as such, especially for little kids, but the main purpose behind cartoons was to be advertisements. Their reason for existing was to get me to buy more Transformers/Thundercats/NinjaTurtles toys, or make me aware that Mega Man 3 is out, or get more more hyped for Disney Ducks, etc. And as such, the people producing these cartoons wanted them as accessible as was possible before the internet was a thing.
Now, the internet is indeed a thing and the exist of propaganda cartoons is no longer limited by TV channels, and yet I have to subscribe to Netflix to watch He-Man (or She-Ra or My Little Pony or Voltron or LEGO or Sonic the Hedgehog)?! I have to actually get Paramount+ in order to watch the latest Transformers cartoon?! This boggles my mind. How are you going to sell Transformers toys to kids if their parents dropped Paramount+ after sitting through all of Picard?
So it's good to see that old video game stuff is still available to everyone.
Hope to hear your opinion on King Scoopa Koopa as a whole. Also as much as they overhated on junk food, you ever watch a PSA on the dangers of fast food consumption and it ironically makes you all the more hungry for some artery clogging meal?XD
King Koopa's "dumbclucks" was everything I hoped it was, but I thought it kind of hilarious that the horrible unhealthy thing that he was selling was egg sandwiches. That's actually pretty healthy, compared to the meat-byproducts used in most fast food. I guess there was a big cholesterol scare at the time it was written? Also, the message really failed, considering that as a youth, I didn't know anyone who ate fast food because they thought it tasted good; people wanted fast food because of the toy in the Happy Meals, the convenience, or the price. But Luigi and Yoshi mutating because of the food was a fun escalation, so it managed to be entertaining, even if the message failed.
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
Can I please request some spicy Eddie x plus sized reader van time 😏
Oh fuck me. Finally. God yes!
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Eddie Munson x Plus size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
Warning: 18+ super smut with details, brief mentions of drug use, cursing. Not proof read and no word count.
How you ended up in Eddie Munson's van completely naked looking up at him pressing your tits together while you fuck him with them was just so fucking crazy.
You were literally just at work 30 minutes ago waiting for the bus when this hot mess of a man pulled up and offered you a ride. You and Eddie known each other since preschool. You guys weren't the best of friends but you knew each other well enough to call yourselves buddies. In highschool you guys had almost hooked up. You went over to his trailer to get high. When you found yourself making out. Then Eddie took you to his room and you guys started to undress each other. Eddie had barley taken off your bra when his uncle came home. You rushed to put on your clothes and left out the window so fast that it made Eddie head spin.
You had just moved back to Hawkins after college. You and Eddie were actually in the same grade until he failed his senior year twice. You graduate on time and left as soon as you could. But now back in the sleepy town 4 years later. You were actually happy to be home. You had gotten a job at a diner and had a small 1 bedroom apartment. But no car though. Not yet at least.
Eddie came around a lot since you came back. Sometimes just ordering a coffee and sitting there reading for hours. Talking to you whenever you could give him a second. He was trying to catch up and you felt bad that you couldn't give him more time. So this night when he drove up and offered you a ride home. You jumped at the chance to finally be alone with him. You guys finally got to talk. Swapping stories of the last 4 years. After what seemed like forever and just a few seconds at the same time Eddie pulled up to your apartment complex. You didn't want to leave just yet. You started to remember why you liked him in the first place. There was an awkward moment before Eddie started talking again.
" Remember the time when you kissed me?"
"What? When?" You asked basically snapping your neck towards him.
" Yeah that time in highschool. Remember? You came to get high and then you kissed me."
You laughed. " Umm I totally did not kiss you. You got that all wrong Munson."
Eddie turned to you and tilted his head with his brows pinched together. " No. Nope. I specifically remember you leaning in."
You leaned closer to Eddie. " Uh yeah I leaned. So did you. You were giving me a shot gun like someone who was smoking for the first time. I told you no but you insisted. "
" Oh please you kissed me just admit it."
" Munson seriously you kissed me first. I remember because that's when I got this scar." You turned just a bit to show the scar you had on your hip.
Eddie turn on the over head light to get a better look. That's when he touched it. It sending shivers down your spine. He caressed for a second before you pulled your shirt down after you got embarrassed of your love handles.
" I don't remember you getting that." Eddie sounded a bit sad. You turned back to him.
" It happened when your uncle came home. When I was climbing out your window. My hips were to wide and I cut myself on the window seal."
" you never told me that"
" that's because that was the last time I hung out with you."
"Why did we stop hanging out? I know I wanted to."
" Uh I was embarrassed Munson. You had saw my my stomach."
" So? I liked it....I still like it."
Eddie placed his hand on your thigh.
" I like you y/n. I've always liked you."
Your heart began to race and you felt your face become hot. You've always liked him too. You just didn't know if he was like a chubby chaser or something.
" We never did get to finish what we started did we?"
Eddie's question brought back all the feelings you had for him.
" No I guess not." You paused for a second to look at Eddie's hand now rubbing your thigh. " If you want...I have some time."
Eddie grinned and got up grabbing your hand and pulled you to the back of his van. You guys started to make out. His hands went for the hem of your shirt before he pulled away from the kiss.
" are you sure you want to do this?"
" Munson I've been wanting to do this for years."
Eddie chuckled. " Me too"
As you kneeled next to Eddie moving your chest up and down his cock you looked at him. His head was pressed against the dirty carpet. Moans coming from his lips. His hands were holding on tight to the thickness of your arms. After a few minutes you let go of your tits and grabbed his throbbing cock. You lick one long stripe up his shaft before kissing the head of his penis. Swirling your tongue around it. Licking up the shiny bead of pre cum that had just made it's way out.
" Jesus fuck" Eddie growned
You smiled just before you took him all into your mouth. You moaned a little, it sending Eddie into a frenzy.
"fu-fuck y/n."
You picked up your head and released Eddie's thick long cock with a satisfying pop.
" Mmm Eddie. You like that?" You said while sucking on his balls
" uh huh" Eddie groaned
Your tongue lick up his vein that patruted on the underside of his cock. " mmm fuck my mouth Eddie. Please fuck my mouth"
And Eddie did. He has both hands in your hair pulling you down. Shoving his dick deep down your throat. It brought tears to your eyes as you gagged. Eddie picked up the pace and lifted his hips so that he could go deeper. You gasped for air everytime he would lift your head. His grunts and moans filled the van ringing in your ears. He fuck your throat so hard that in just a matter of few minutes he came down your throat. The warm sticky liquid soothed your now sore throat. Eddie released you head and you lifted up swallowing his cum. Licking him clean. With Eddie watching you in aww.
" Oh fuck y/n. That was... fuck."
Eddie sat up and kissed your forehead.
" Damn Munson. You totally have me dripping here."
Eddie smirked. " Show me."
You raised an eyebrow at his request. You took his hand and put it between your thick thighs. Eddie scooped up a little of your juices and brought his fingers to his mouth. Licking your love off.
" Mmmm I knew you would taste sweet."
You bit your lip. You wanted to ask if he could go down on you. But you didn't have to. Eddie pulled your ankles so that you could lay down. He made himself comfortable between your thighs. Running his fingers through your folds.
" Oh sweetheart. You are a mess. Did sucking my cock make you do this for me?"
You didn't get the chance to answer because Eddie lips where around your clit. Tonguing it softly. He licked and slurped up your juices. A low growl coming from his throat. You gasped as he stuck a finger into your aching hole. A mixture of licking and sucking and trusting his thick long finger into you made your eyes roll back. Eddie added another finger.
"Eddie" you whimpered.
" Yeah you like that don't you. Look at you taking my fingers so well sweetheart. "
It was your turn for your moans to fill the van.
"Mmmm" Eddie hummed against your clit. " your so tight"
"fuck Eddie your gonna make me come."
"Yeah sweetheart? Cum for me. " Eddie started to thrust faster curling his fingers upward to hit the pillowing areas of your cunt. making you grind harder against his tongue.
" cum baby. Cum for me love."
And just like that you reached you high. Grinding against Eddie's mouth and fingers until your climax was done. Making your thighs trembled.
" Jesus Eddie fuck you are so good at the. Where did you learn how to do that?"
Eddie wiped his mouth and laid next to you draping he's arm across your mid-section.
" Had a lot of practice on some peaches."
"Lucky fucking peaches"
Eddie chuckled. "man that's so awesome. I've been wanting to do that for so long."
You giggled.
As you both got dressed and made your way back to the front you sat there in silence. Going over what just happened.
"so ummm" Eddie spoke drumming his fingers on his thighs. A nervous tick you remembered him having. " Do you uhh want to go out sometime?"
You were slightly taken back. " I uhh thought this was just a... You know..."
" Do you think I just do that with anyone?"
You hesitated for a moment. " Uhh well I didn't think you umm-"
" No I've wanted to for a long time now. I was so bummed that we never got the chance. I mean yes I want you. But I want you to be more than just this."
" Munson you keep talking like that. Maybe I might keep you."
" Well sweetheart that was my goal. All the extra stuff was just a bonus."
" I uhh. It's getting late. I should be going." You opened the door and slid out. Looking back at Eddie. "If you want you could come up."
Eddie didn't hesitate. He stumbled out of his van and made his way to you holding out his arm for you to take.
" Shall we M'lady"
You giggle. " Still the same dork that I love huh?"
Eddie chuckled " still the same lovely lady I've been pining for."
You both smiled at each other.
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foralwaysandforever · 3 years
Draco Malfoy x f!reader
summary: You have a crush on the one and only Draco Malfoy, and he just so happens to find out through a piece of poetry you wrote about him.
warnings: dialogue heavy, lighthearted mentions of memory loss, mild editing (I apologise)
word count: 1.3k words
genre: a comfort fic of mine, so very fluffy
A/N: BRO I LOVE SOFT DRACO. I've just discovered this, so I'm sorry he's not very in character, he's just my beloved. As I said, it's a comfort fic so I hope you guys like it because I sure do. Don't forget to like + reblog if you like this fic, so I know whether or not to write more for Draco (plus it's super encouraging!!) <3
"L/N, could you please pay attention?" Draco mumbled to you, frustration etched across his brow. You stiffened, snapping out of your daydream.
"It's bad enough that we're forced to do this project, the least you could do is make it bearable by focusing," he whispered, avoiding Snape's gaze. Potions was never your forté, which made it much easier to become wrapped up in your thoughts.
"Sorry," you whispered meekly, your cheeks flushing a shade of red only Gryffindors could be proud to wear. Draco rolled his eyes, his expression changing from mild annoyance to lighthearted forgiveness. He was seated next to you, his elbows resting upon the desk in a very careless way, but you knew he was catching every word.
"Just forget it, you're fine. Did you write down the solution to problem 5? You're going to need that if you want to complete your part of the project," he remarked. The Slytherin attempted to glance at your parchment by leaning his head on your shoulder, his eyes lingering on your messy handwriting. You swiftly snatched up your parchment and folded it neatly, then slid a few inches away from him. Your hand rested atop the page, wincing as Snape's gaze snapped to you at your sudden movements.
"Yes, I did, thanks," you shot the boy next to you a tense smile, then went back to fiddling with your quill and pretending to pay attention. You could feel his gaze burning into your hand.
"Hmm, what's Miss L/N hiding?" Draco muttered, only loud enough for you to hear.
"Ah, just my atrocious handwriting," you quipped.
"No, that can't be it, you weren't hiding it until a few moments ago. What did you write that you don't want me seeing?" Draco grinned curiously, a genuine smile you hadn't seen for what seemed like ages.
"If you must know," you whipped your gaze to him in an act of boldness quite unlike yourself, "I write poetry when I feel inspired, and it just so happened I felt inspired a little while ago. There, are you happy?"
"Not quite. May I see it?"
Draco let out a short huff. "I do so adore poetry, please may I read this most excellent piece of art?" You held back a giggle.
"You know, it's amazing you can be so stuck up and proper sometimes, yet still manage to lack manners and make up for it in nosiness," you whispered, a glimmer of mischief sparkling in your eyes. This remark sent Draco slouching in his seat, mumbling something about his father and how he won't tolerate this. You slipped your paper into your book bag, failing to notice the keen set of eyes following your every move.
Draco exited class, a knowing grin adorning his lips. He ducked into a broom closet a few doors down from Charms, his next class.
He unfolded the piece of paper he had "borrowed" from Y/N's book bag, the feeling of anticipation slightly ebbing as he scanned the page.
"Bloody hell, she's so bad at taking notes."
He winced, then glanced down at the bottom of the writing. "Bingo."
"My heart beats a bitter song,
in his heart, I don't belong.
The grass choruses the melody,
the dandelions harmonise so free.
I want to hate him, I know I do,
but oh, my soul to him stays true.
I'd be a lot easier if you didn't shine like snow,
You'll hold my heart always, the boy called Draco."
"No, no, no," you groaned, your expression twisted into a pained grimace. You rifled through your schoolbag frantically, your reguarily organised folders now a mess. "You have got to be kidding me." You slumped in your seat, rubbing your temples in dismay. A sharp "shh!" rang out. Madame Pince really needed to take a vacation, her vocal cords must be shot from all the shushing.
"Sorry," you whispered dejectedly. You sat like that for a few moments until a pair of footsteps jerked you from your sullen reverie.
"Oy, L/N, why the long face? Mummy's sent you an owl saying she's disappointed in you?"
You didn't even have to look up. "Was that the best you could do?"
"I was just walking by and I saw you so I put myself on the spot. Seems I'm not very good at improvising," you could hear the cocky grin in his voice.
"Ahem. As I said, what's wrong?"
You raised your head slightly, only to rest it on the table in front of you. "My Potions notes. I can't find them."
His eyes widened. "Oh."
"I keep running it all through my head, replaying scene after scene of Potions, and I distinctly remember putting my notes in my bag!" you exclaimed, exasperated.
"Am I developing memory loss? I'm too young for this. I'm genuinely concerned, there's only so much Madam Pomfrey can do."
"Um, Y/N."
"This could really affect me long term, Draco, on top of failing this project, I'll be in a home for old people at age 25," you sighed, resting your face in your hands.
"Y/N, please," Draco hummed, kneeling down to be at eye level with you. He gently removed your hands from your face, and tilted your chin up to meet his gaze.
"Firstly, calm down, dear, I don't like seeing you so distraught. Secondly," he paused to reach into his pocket, pulling out a wrinkled piece of paper, "really, you hardly took any valuable notes anyways, I'm assuming you're going to ask me to lend you some?"
A slow smile crept across your face as he passed you the page. One glance at the contents sealed your relief, and you practically threw yourself at Draco, hugging him tightly. He almost fell over from the force of it all, and his squatting position wasn't helping him, but he regained his balance swiftly.
"Geez, Y/N, restrain yourself, will you?" he joked.
"Where'd you find it?" you mumbled into his shirt, conscious once more of Madame Pince's disapproving stare.
"It fell out of your bag."
There was a moment of silence.
"No. No, it didn't," you untangled yourself from the boy, plopping back into your seat as your eyes narrowed in disbelief.
"No, it didn't," Draco repeated sheepishly.
"You little sneak!"
"Ah, ah, ah, those are bold accusations, darling," the Slytherin tutted.
"Do you deny them?" You point your finger at his chest, almost giggling at the absurd mood change. Draco avoided your gaze for a moment.
"Mmm, no, I don't believe I could, with good conscience, deny it."
"Why then? You had me almost at my breaking point looking for those notes."
The boy, still kneeling next you, seemed to very deliberately consider his next words.
"Well. You wouldn't show me the poem, and seeing as I was very curious..." he trailed off, a small smile adorning his pale features. You groaned for what felt like one hundredth time that day.
"You read it? That wasn't even my best work! I could've shown you at least 10 that were better than that one."
"On the contrary, I thought it was rather moving. I 'shine like snow'? Touching, really. You could be a modern Emily Dickinson."
You shoved him lightly, but couldn't help cracking a grin as he started to chuckle. "Shut up right now. I mean it."
"How does someone 'shine like snow'? Tell me, I'm quite intrigued," he raised his eyebrows, resting his head in the palms of his hands. You tussled his hair, rolling your eyes as he continued questioning you. "Oh, and you want to hate me? I'm hurt."
"I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks that, dearest. They want to hate you, but can't."
"I really hate to break it to you, but that's not very comforting," Draco faked a pout.
You laughed. "Well, I will admit, I did not plan on telling you I was hopelessly in love with you through a mediocre poem." The Slytherin rested his head on your lap.
"I wouldn't have it any other way, love."
hope you guys like it <3
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vannybarber · 4 years
The Prenup: Final Chapter
Summary: After four years of being together and finally being engaged, Chris wants you to sign a prenup.
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Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: angst, swearing, chris getting his ass handed to him, a lot of pain.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
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You lied.
You didn't come back the day after. Or the next day. In fact, you stayed at the hotel for almost a week. You didn't stay in the same clothes of course. You went out to buy everything you needed. Clothes, hygiene products, prenatal vitamins. You were the saddest and most ridiculous thing to walk this earth.
Lisa and Scott eventually came over with your permission of course. You couldn't say no to them. You weren't upset with them.
"How've you been, sweetie?" They both look for your answer, trying to read your face.
"To tell you the truth, I actually feel like an asshole. I honestly realize how immature I was. Chris definitely was, but I was stooping to that level myself. But I won't admit to him just yet. I want him to recognize how immature he was too."
It was crazy to even hear it from your own mouth. But you had time to think it over. You recognized how stupid you looked living in a hotel because you couldn't put your immaturity aside.
"Well this might be a shock to you, but I had a talk with him also and it might've did something." You make eye contact with her and your eyebrows jump. Indeed, you were surprised. She continues.
"I know you guys will be able to resolve this. But you need to try. You've have been together too long to let this get in between you two. I think he finally understands." She sets her hand on yours, which was placed in your lap.
He finally understood? You had to see this for yourself. You hoped to everything that she was right. You actually wanted to fix this and he needed to be on board and feel the same way.
It occurred to you after some time that his points were actually valid. It was just the way he came across is all. You were in your own feelings and took it really personal, which was understandable, but you got stubborn. Even though he got a prenup for his own reasons, you felt as if he didn't love you as much as you love him.
This could all be fixed, but he needed to set some boundaries with Megan. He had no choice. Wait till she finds out about the baby. Evidently none of the other Evans' knew about the baby because it was never brought up. You secretly thank Chris for keeping that between you guys, even though he was most likely still upset that you weren't gonna tell him about the baby right away.
You both are grown ass adults and you're having a child together. This bullshit needed to end.
"Oh my gosh this is great !! All my shit talking did some good." Lisa clears her throat at him. "Along with Ma's great advice of course." You just laugh. You loved your family.
"I think I'm ready to see him. Scratch that. I am ready to see him. I want my fianceé back." You smile and grasp your hands together. You don't think you've ever seen them smile so hard.
"Oh yeah we know you're pregnant." You stop smiling and stare at Scott like you've been caught in the cookie jar. "You know Chris can't keep his big mouth shut." Well that's a Gemini for you.
"Now its really important that you solve this. You're bringing another life into the world!" Lisa exclaims. "Plus I'm gonna have another grandbaby!!"
You giggle and shake your head. "Well we need to head over there right now then!"
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Little did you know Chris was on the exact same page as you. Down to every line and every word.
He has always been indecisive and this situation really forced him to take some responsibility and rethink his behavior. You had all the reason to feel the way you did, his intentions clearly being missed by you. Whatever they even were.
He also decided that he was going to set Megan straight about his personal life and respecting you. You were his future wife. And now that you're bringing a baby into the world, she definitely needed to be put in check. He can't even believe how he allowed her to disrespect you like this.
Now he only hoped that you'd want to sort this out and forgive him. He needed you no matter what he said. He did make up excuses because your relationship was too good to be true. He's never had a connection like this before. He never allowed it, but clearly it was for a reason because it give you a chance to come in his life and completely change it for the better.
When he had gotten home from visiting you, his feelings were all over the place. Upset that you didn't come back with him and guilty for making you feel the way you did. He just felt like he was doing the right thing because Megan told him to. Deep down inside, he really didn't even want to get the stupid prenup anyway.
"So where's Y/N? Is she okay?" Shanna asked for everyone. They all expected you to come back too. They didn't know you were this stubborn.
"She's alright. She said she wasn't ready to come back just yet. Which I completely understand. But I feel like a failed once again." He slumps on the couch and lies back. "I don't deserve her at all."
"Now Chris, you know what you have. And what you have is good. Better than anything you had before. You two were made for each other. You're a hard head and I know you're not giving up this easily" Lisa says to him, taking a seat to his right.
"You know she's pregnant." He really shouldn't have said that and he knows it, but he can't keep a secret to save his own life. Everyone in the room gasps. "I found the tests in the bathroom. If I didn't go in there and discover them myself, she wasn't planning on telling me yet."
"Well she probably wanted to fix this before adding more on top of it." Scott adds. And he was absolutely correct.
"Well I'm happy for you! But I you still have this going on." Lisa's voice goes from excited to monotone. She's super happy, but she wished this could have been evented at a much better time.
"Well this could've made things better...or worse." Chris throws his NASA cap on the couch angrily.
Carly speaks up.
"You and Scott should go visit her. I doubt she'll turn it down."
"Yeah Ma. We should see where her heads at. Maybe her mind will change with our advice" Scott agrees. He loves you as a sister. Anything threatening that would have to be put to death immediately.
"Guys, I don't know about that. She seemed pretty definite on how she felt." Chris didn't want to make it worse than what it was, but he always found a way to do that anyway.
"Chris come on" Scott drags out. "We have to try."
"Y/N is a smart girl. She knows what she needs to do and it will come to her. I know it'll work out. And when it does, you'll realize your love is inevitable." Lisa smiles knowing she is absolutely right.
Now she just waits for it all to fall in place.
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You were currently outside in the driveway of your house. You drove back there in your car with Lisa and Scott behind you. When you arrived, you hopped in her car to discuss how this was going to go.
Looking at the property, you admit missed your place, but you allowed your infantilism to get in the way.
"Okay he's in there, but he doesn't know you're coming back." Scott speaks lowly from the back seat.
"Wait you didn't tell him?" You snap around mystified. Why did they not tell him?
"Because we wanted it to be a surprise. Well I wanted it to be a surprise." He corrects himself when Lisa throws him a look through the rear view mirror.
"Well um okay. Then this just has to play out itself. Hopefully he's happy to see me..?" You were unsure yourself. The little intimate moment you had before he left couldn't dictate how he'd feel now.
"I'm positive he is, but you won't know unless you get up in there. Go ahead! We'll get your stuff," Lisa encourages. You think she's more excited than anyone. You thank her with a kiss on the cheek and high five Scott then head out of the car. You walk up the driveway to the front door. You didn't get the key out your bag so you rang the doorbell.
A few moments, the door is jerked open. You automatically know he didn't even look through the peephole before he opened the door. He needs to stop doing that.
You appear in his vision and he pauses.
"Y/N? Baby?" Incredulity is all in his voice.
"Yes, that is my name." You giggle. "Can I come in?"
"Uh of course! You live here, ya know." He steps back so you can walk inside. Walking through the threshold, you look around the house as if it was foreign to you. For whatever reason, you expected some dramatic changes. One thing that didn't change is his shoes in the middle of the floor. His bad habit.
"Chris what did I say about your shoes in the walkway?" You scold him and move them to the corner with his others. You can't count how many times you've almost fell face first because of his shoes in the way and truthfully, you not watching where you're going.
"Sorry I forget a lot" he says sheepishly with a tiny smile on his face stopping behind you. This makes your corners turn up as well.
You stand facing him and him facing you. Neither of you say anything. You can't tell if it is because you don't know what to say or that you just really missed each other's faces. Before you do speak, Lisa and Scott are inside with your things.
"Oh guys just put that stuff on the couch. Thank you again!" You point to the sofa, absentmindedly moving closer to Chris.
"We need to talk." Turning back to him, you nod. You remember why you're here in the first place. You needed to put an end to this.
"Right. Patio?" You always go out there to have conversations or just to chill with each other. He nods his head and turns to his family.
"We're gonna go outside and talk for a bit. Okay?"
"Oh yes take all the time you need," Lisa exclaims, shooing you both off. Scott is grinning himself. You just smile and walk to the back door onto the patio. Chris follows quickly behind.
Once you both get outside, you sit down. You wouldn't say it was awkward, but there was definitely some tension. You decide to break it.
"I'm really sorry, Chris."
"Baby I'm so sorry."
Guess he wanted to as well. You were about to talk, but he spoke up first.
"I want to apologize first. I was completely wrong here. I was being an asshole and I deserved everything you said to me. And everything Scott said to me as well." He rolls his eyes at that part. You could only imagine the dragging Scott was giving him. "I allowed Megan to disrespect you and that was a dick move. No one should allow their partner to be treated like that. You're were going to my wife and I stooped that low. I'm truly sorry." He searches in your eyes for something to let him know that you forgave him, knew that he was really sorry at least.
You look away about to let the flood come like Noah and the Arc. You've been waiting to hear that for a while and you knew he meant every word. But now it was your turn. Clearing your throat and wiping your eyes, you speak up.
"This isn't completely your fault, baby." You take his hands in yours. "I am also guilty as well. I acted so immature and didn't even truly try to resolve this because I wanted to victimize myself the whole time. Although you were acting like a huge dick, I still played a part. I am so sorry for not planning on telling you about the baby. That was unfair of me. I know that you love me and that I am important to you, so if you still want me to sign the prenup, I'll do it."
Hearing the words come from your mouth surprised you both. He didn't think you'd ever give in and you sure as hell were making sure you wouldn't. But here you are agreeing to it because you love him that much and wanted to make him happy. Your relationship would work so it would never come to be used. You had strong faith in that.
"That's another thing." He shakes his head and you're now confused. "I don't want you to sign a prenup. We're not doing that. I already plan on talking to Megan about it. And I'm going to address her on knowing her place working for me. Since you know that I love you, so fucking much, I don't need to worry about money. Nor a divorce. Like Ma said, we were made for each other and I'll be damned if I let you get away from me."
"So no prenup?" You needed to hear it again.
"No prenup, love." He grins at you, squeezing your hands. You pull from his grip and jump up busting out random dance moves. His mouth is ajar.
"No prenup! Ain't signing no prenup! Lalalalalaaaaa! No prenup!" After your little dance number, you sit back down with no shame. You needed that.
"I'm glad that you finally came to your senses, Christopher. Your mother taught you well" you say in a pompous manner. He just can't help but laugh. You truly were something else.
"We have a little one coming soon and we have to be out best selves for them. Pinky promise each other that we never ever argue and not fix it in a matter of 25 minutes ever again?" He holds out his pinky finger waiting for yours.
"I promise." You wrap yours around his and grin. "So we're good?"
"Well there is one more thing." He stands up and reaches in his pocket. He pulls out your engagement ring and gets on one knee. Just when you had no tears left to cry.
"Y/N, baby, will you be my fianceé again?" You laugh breathlessly and nod your head.
"Yes, you meatball!" He slips the ring back on your finger and you jump in his arms. Almost knocking him over, he grabs your face and kisses you. You wasted zero time kissing him back because you needed it. It had been so long.
Finally pulling away and balancing your breaths like you just ran a 5k, you both make eye contact and burst out into laughter.
"Come on. Let's go tell them." He grabs your hands and you rush inside the house. Heading into the living room you see them both watching with anticipation.
"So?" Scott speaks and they both stand up.
"Guess who's getting married ?!"
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HELP-😌 im so proud of myself. i decided to end this with a nice fluff. it was well deserved. i read you guy's comments and it influenced how i wrote it. some of you mentioned immaturity in y/n and that was really valid. and the point about the prenup making sense.
thank you so much for reading. i am honestly so grateful that you guys liked it. i didn't expect it to blow up like it did. im crying now so bye ✌🏽🤧❤
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@mayafatimakhan @attitude-times @shawn-youth @traceyaudette @kyraroseficreblogs33 @radi0active-thoughts @youthought-iwasa-nicegirl @ohbarracuda @katelyneannxo @jennamarieee623 @craycraycraic @ilikeurdad @captainson-of-coul @joanne-stan @ilovetheeagles @cristinagronk16 @kelbabyblue @onyourgoddamnleft @jessycatth @misz-adrii @geminievans1 @saltyflowermakertaco @a-moment-captured @harrysthiccthighss @dauntless2022 @allboutdatmarvel @ineedpineapple @illyrianprincess @ladycumberbatchofcamelot @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss @marianas-studyblr @obliviatevamps @thevelvetseries @coffeebooksandfandom @shamelessfangirl-3 @quietmyfearswith @kissme-hs @lvgllre @arabescapr @careless-intuition @lady-x-red @donutloverxo @princess-evans-addict
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