#plus it's the yellow/gold effect too
spark-circuit · 1 month
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everywhere i go, i see his face
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batbabydamian · 4 months
The Boy Wonder #1 by Juni Ba rambling about why every time i open this book, i stare in wonder...HAHA and ofc!! how cute Damian is!!
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Juni Ba’s style is so absurdly effective in telling a fairy tale for the ages. It’s a stunning blend of simplicity and complexity I'M GRIPPING THE PAGES AGAINST MY EYES…
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Before getting into the interiors, THE COVER!! It associates autumn leaves to Damian's Robin title through the iconic cape shape/color; and on top of that, for a Robin going through a big transition in his life...a season of change one might say...Juni Ba your brain...
Damian and the leaves being the only colored parts of this cover is nice in focusing on those elements, but i also like to think by not coloring the background it prepares you to expect impressive inkwork in this book.
On that note, the interiors!! Starting off with Ba's backgrounds of Gotham as it establishes the strange new world that our young hero has been thrust into:
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We get a neat tracking shot following a champagne glass that gives us a glimpse of Gotham from the upper echelons to the downtrodden in "Underwell"
This opening sequence quickly lays out the environment Damian will be traveling through in this series! It also sets the tone for some silliness with the cute zoom on the champagne glass before it BOKs the robber lol. Along with Ba's inks, O'Halloran's colors makes every part of Gotham pop - especially love the golds of the higher society shifting into the blues of the underbelly!!
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Besides Damian’s personal conflict, Gotham feels like its own entity that he has to contend with. The dialogue speaks for itself, but within the art as well!!
"This city of ours swallows and crushes everything it can" -> a gargoyle's beak over Damian, crowds of people, and walls of advertising
"You've seen it too...the way it coils around one's mind from below." -> bridges and a passing train on a rail viaduct towering over a civilian
"A dark voice calling as if to say..." -> literally, "FEED ME"
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LOVELY SHOT OF MOVEMENT... and i love how Damian's venture into Gotham opens with him passing a tree - its branches and leaves are the most organic element on the page before getting into the gritty details of the city! Some yammering because the inks are. so cool: the delicate lines of the leaves in the tree to the thicker/bigger lined ones closer to the camera on the right; the background inks allowing space around Damian's form + the fine line of his grapple!! More O'Halloran praise - PRETTY, and love his coloring over Ba's bg lines, particularly here, keeping the leaves darker on the right.
It's not only a pretty page it's just a really clean layout!! Ba exhibits this throughout the book but i really enjoy it here - from Damian nyooming, we head into these last 3 panels. his cute lil "Robin" shape easily draws the eye to the tops of the panels as we take in Gotham's liveliness alongside the lettering/narration
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and the "Robin" shape?? SO CUTE. it's instantly familiar to us as Robin!! bold outline and filled with yellow...it's a Robin in movement!!...AN AUTUMN LEAF IN THE WIND... yeah, still not over that 😭
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Damian's inciting incident is introduced in the former panel with a gorgeous backdrop of Gotham in the distance (plus itty bitty Trinity cameo haha). The shot parallels!! beautifully!! in the final page!! Damian is now in the depths of Gotham, his objective out of reach. The colors are of note too, where the familiar yellows of Gotham are suddenly a startling green after the demon makes its appearance. The Gotham land looks even more unfamiliar, which prompts Damian to seek help.
Some speculation, but the green could also be associated with the more mythical side of demons and such (like the ghost?? of the thief), but it could even imply there's a connection to the Al Ghuls themselves as it's the only other time green is so prominently used.
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Now that the land of Gotham is established, popping in other fav bgs!
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More lovely mix of Ba's inks and O'Halloran's colors!! especially allowing some of the brush/marker strokes to show faintly as part of the twinkling sky...STUNNING!! 😭 i love this whole page but this panel gets me weepy, SMALL DAMIAN IN THE VAST UNIVERSE COMBINED WITH THIS LINE "He knew he could be great. How unfair of the world to make him feel so small." KICKS MY ASS... i need to lie down
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YAPPING AT MORE WONDERFUL INKING: the suggestion of windows offscreen from the frames casting these thick lines over the walls and stairwell; the minute shadow details over the railing; the hatching on the suits in the portrait; the framed portrait being its own panel!! cute hooded Damian in the gutter space looking in on the portrait/panel!! CUTE HOODED DAMIANS!!
SPEAKING OF PANELS, along with general effectiveness and efficiency, there's more whimsy in others!! like this kickass page of Nightwing whipping his escrima from first panel -> afterimage lines going POWPOWPOW hitting demons from a distance to ones closer to the camera -> and back into his hand!! IT'S SO GOOD AND SO FUN!!
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Ba's action employs more diagonal panels, and characters are less restrained within boxes - there's more energy and freedom across the page!
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not necessarily focusing on the action for this one, but THE WHIMSY!! the border itself is goop!! Also gotta point out that looming hammer shape!!
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Nightwing's critical hit spans the entire page!! from silhouettes of a flip -> flashy stomping pose/Clayface -> to a distant shot of Dick landing
and a smooth finisher page!! love the motion lines on Dick's arms and waist + his head and arc effects popping outside of the borders; then the smaller panels for quick activity, and the final WOOB WOOB WOOB LOL i can hear this sound effect just as much as i can see it
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Along with O'Halloran on colors, Aditya Bidikar on lettering works seamlessly with Ba's vision!! The text boxes for the fairy tale narration are like strips of yellowing pages from an old storybook!! Had to look up the term for this lol, but also reminiscent of those storybooks, there's even a use of "drop caps" - the big fancy capital letter!
Smaller things of note, but the bit of "Weakness" text from Ra's has a kind of. grandiose feel to it. Then the cute B< Damian behind the window!! Love how the bubble and text are faded behind the glass too! The end of the bubble tail is a nice touch as it matches well with Ba's bg inking :0
Otherwise, it seems Ba has done a majority of the lettering - dropping a couple of my favs below!!
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also just this whole page: the very loud AAAH! text draws both Damian's and the reader's attention to the panel below!! it's a cool transition to a new shot where you can see Damian's silhouette on the building! The final panel is cartoony violence off-page through the bold POW BOOM SLAM haha + DAMIAN'S LIL FIST!!🥺 and the guy's tooth RIP
Pure speculation - Juni Ba's concept art included Carrie Kelley, so i'm wondering if the hostage in the beginning could be her and we'll be returning to this moment in time by the end. The worn Robin colors are similar to the design + their head is conveniently covered.
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In terms of story, I'm obviously heavily biased, but the initial read got me rolling in emotions with how it has you caring for Damian. Damian as a character is so fantastical in essence - it’s part of his individual charm in the batfam cast! an heir of two kingdoms, born and raised with great expectations suddenly thrust into an unfamiliar land. he has a sword. he has a dragon bat for a companion. he is haunted by the sins he has committed. he is two apples tall. he's truly fairytale material!!
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LIKE...past the panels of only his silhouettes, this is our introductory appearances of Damian. It's laid out clearly in the narration, but this parallel is SO GOOD: from the powerful and ornate visuals of Damian and the Al Ghuls -> to a simple panel of Batman's shadow behind a boy littered in scars, stripped of his home and status
Damian is out of his element and proves himself in the way he knows how!!
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just kick me down a flight of stairs why don't you. i don't know which messes me up more, the top 3 or bottom 3 panels. His facial expressions!! his expectations for approval dashed!! Damian's hand reaching for his father!! only to be left alone with the body. The page after this is the final nail in the coffin in feeling just how lost he is in the world before he acts on it. And you root for him the entire way!!😭
Despite Damian's fanciful background there's so much heart to be shown in his struggles and discoveries - and this classic form of a fairy tale lays it out so brilliantly!! It's shaping up to be an amazing balance of heavier elements and whimsy based on this first issue, and it leaves you wanting more!!
Besides being a thoroughly enjoyable read, it's inspiring work!! i've ordered Juni Ba's other books to consume more of his storytelling, and here's the ones i've found so far if you're interested in checking them out as well!!
Mobilis: My Life with Captain Nemo
Monkey Meat
Djeliya: A West African Fantasy Epic
The Unlikely Story of Felix and Macabber
okay shockingly, i didn't blab about how cute Damian is as much as i thought i would, but i think the collage at the top speaks for itself lol
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this is all you need to know how cute Damian is in this!! his cheeks are so pinchable, it was done on page!! 🥺 these panels obliterate me
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creations-by-chaosfay · 4 months
@anastasiaoftheironwood handquilting Star Story has begun!
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I need to find an alternative to white chalk that doesn't stain fabric. Seeing white chalk on nearly-white fabric is a challenge. I've tried Clover and Fons & Porter, but they stain fabric.
Threads I'm using are Sulky, 12 wt, and the colors are 4057 (yellow/gold), 4034 (black/grey), and 4001 (light brown/cream) They're variegated blendables, but stand out just enough to add visual interest.
As for the quilting, details below:
I'll be using a wood star cutout as a template. I found it at a craft shop, and it's supposed to be a wall decoration. After I get the stars quilted, I'll go over it again with crescents. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a crescent nor have one made (lack of funds), so I'm making one with embroidery rings and cardboard.
Why this instead of straight lines and following seams? Time and fun. I use a small quilting hoop to make circles on Halloween Dream, and the handquilting was fast. When I handquilted around thr blocks and border seams, it slowed considerably. Plus, the circles were fun. I'm sticking with templates for this, including the borders, because it is so much fun and faster. My client will get their quilt before the end of the summer. Ideally, within six weeks.
To help speed things along, I'm using a longer stitch as well. About a quarter inch. Tiny stitches are my preference for making parts of a quilt pop, like outlining butterflies other parts of a print. The effect is dramatic and very pleasing...bit it takes sooooo much time. I intend to avoid that here.
I'll be working on Star Story in the afternoon, when my sewing room gets too hot. Mornings will be for seeing, which means more project overlap. Monday-Thursday, from 6AM to 10AM, I'm sewing, take a lengthy lunchbreak, noon-4PM handquilting. I'm up at around 5AM, though that may soon be at 4AM because I love mornings, and go to bed at around 9PM now that we have an a/c unit in the bedroom.
When the handquilting is finished, I'll make a new post featuring it. This will be thr most beautiful quilt I have made yet.
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zedleaked · 2 months
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Cog Capacity
Cog capacity is up to 5 cogs in battle.
Lure resistance
Overthinker can only be lured for one round
Desk Jockeys
All cogs in this battle will be desk jockeys, although these versions of them are much more upgraded and powerful.
Quack attack (I never wrote down what this was lol but I’m assuming it’s something similar to ‘Con-duck-tion’ or something)
Phase 1:
Surprise Experiment
Overthinker pulls out a concoction from their coat, they have the chance of pulling out from 6 different bottles, each having a different effect:
Green: Heals all cogs and toons in battle (though they don’t heal toons as much)
Orange: Causes an explosion, similar to overcharged cogs
Purple: Makes 1 or 2 cogs invincible for 2 rounds
Yellow: Turns everyone into ducks until the next phase (much like Buck’s duck attack in Wager Management) also turns any cog’s dialogue into quacks, that doesn’t really contribute anything to the battle but it’s funny
Teal: Makes it so you cannot see health or statuses of both cogs and toons (much like Rainmaker’s fog cheat but to a larger scale)
Red: Does nothing (Makes Overthinker sad) (If Overthinker pulls out a red concoction they are guaranteed to pull out a non red one the next turn)
Ducky See Ducky Do
Overthinker’s head explosion pulsates as he uses a random Manager’s ability (Ranging from street managers to kudos managers to main taskline managers) depending on the ability it can be in effect for 1 to multiple rounds.
Subject to Change
Overthinker will pull one Toon away from battle to conduct an ‘experiment’ on them, which involves inflicting a random effect on them which lasts 2-3 turns depending what it is, it can be either good or bad. The other Toons will have to deal a certain amount of damage to Overthinker to free their fellow Toon. (Overthinker will not pull away the same Toon 2 turns in a row, Overthinker will make sure to take each Toon at least once)
Shame Corner
If Overthinker takes too much damage in one round they will flee to the ‘shame corner’ dawning a dunce hat and all. Overthinker can’t take damage or attack for this round. This cheat will not activate after Subject to Change or if Overthinker is alone.
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Phase 2:
One in the Same
Both Duck Shuffler and Prethinker share stats and only take up one space in battle. Any effects inflicted on them will be shared. Duck Shuffler and Prethinker are much higher level due to having been fused a few moments ago. Due to this they deal more damage and have more health.
Extra Attack
Due to ‘One in the Same’ Duck Shuffler and Prethinker have an extra attack where they attack together, including Wager Management this makes the two attack 4 times each round.
Both Prethinker and Duck Shuffler will jump and force a desk jockey to take their position, this will trigger if Prethinker and Duck Shuffler are:
Affected by soaked, lure or trap for more than one turn.
Targeted for two turns in a row.
Wager Management
The Duck Shuffler will spin his slots each round, even during rounds where they are also castling, both cheats will happen at the same time. The slots will land on 7 different outcomes as opposed to the usual 5:
Bust: Nothing happens.
Bar: Everyone in battle will be crushed by a gold bar.
Ducks: Every Toon gets turned into a duck until the next phase.
Sevens: Heals all Cogs and Toons in battle.
Jellybeans: Gives Toons some jellybeans.
Brains: A storm cloud attacks every Toon in battle, much like the Prethinker’s forward thinking cheat.
Explosions: Duck Shuffler will throw out one of the orange concoctions from Overthinker and blow up everyone in battle, if any Cog is soaked during the explosion they will take less damage. (Like damp from Pokemon…)
If Duck Shuffler’s Wager Management hurts him and Prethinker in any way the two will get in an argument, causing the damage they deal for the round to be increased while they’re angry, however to compensate they will take more damage from gags as a result.
1 HP
The phase ends when Duck Shuffler and Prethinker are knocked down to 1 HP, it is impossible to defeat them while they are like this.
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Phase 3:
Getting Along
Overthinker will have increased stats than his first phase due to now getting along.
Chemical Smoke
Smoke around the battlefield will hide the stats of every Cog in battle, if Overthinker is attacked directly enough, the smoke will subside until every Cog in battle besides Overthinker is defeated, in which the smoke will come back again and new Cogs will be summoned into battle. When smoke is on the field Overthinker won’t use Subject to Change or Shame Corner until the smoke is gone.
Overthinker will summon identical versions of themself at the start of the battle, each clone has their own difference whether it be slightly off colors, different speech patterns, animations playing in reverse, etc. These clones will hide in the Chemical Smoke, for every turn the real Overthinker is not attacked directly, the doppelgangers will retaliate with a group attack.
When the real Overthinker is knocked down to half HP, they summon one last batch of clones which all kinda fuse with them, making one really big Overthinker (Don’t ask how this is possible or how I came up with this I don’t know), the battle functions similarly to phase 1 minus the Desk Jockeys.
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More strange smoke surrounds the battlefield, decreasing the defense of the Toons in battle. However, it does a similar thing High Roller does where Laff is maxxed and damage both Toons and Cogs deal is increased.
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reality-detective · 1 year
Something To Think About 🤔
You may find this is interesting. 👇
“The Wizard of Oz = The Crown Temple. This is not a mere child’s story written by L. Frank Baum.
What symbol does “Oz” stand for?
Ounces… Gold.
What is the yellow brick road?
Bricks or ingot bars of gold.
The character known as the Straw Man represents that fictitious ALL CAPS legal fiction – a PERSON – the Government created with the same spelling as your Christian birth name.
Remember what the Straw Man wanted from the Wizard of Oz?
A brain!
No legal fiction has a brain because they have no breath of life!
What did he get in place of a brain?
A Certificate.
A Birth Certificate for a new legal creation.
He was proud of his new legal status, plus all the other legalisms he was granted.
Now he becomes the true epitome of the brainless sack of straw who was given a Certificate in place of a brain of common sense.
What about the Tin Man?
Does Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) mean anything to you?
The poor TIN Man just stood there mindlessly doing his work until his body literally froze up and stopped functioning.
He worked himself to death because he had no heart nor soul.
He’s the heartless and emotionless creature robotically carrying out his daily task as if he was already dead.
He’s the ox pulling the plough and the mule toiling under the yoke.
His masters keep him cold on the outside and heartless on the inside in order to control any emotions or heart he may get a hold of.
The pitiful Cowardly Lion was always too frightened to stand up for himself.
Of course, he was a bully and a big mouth when it came to picking on those smaller than he was.
They act as if they have great courage, but they really have none at all.
All roar with no teeth of authority to back them up.
When push came to shove, the Cowardly Lion always buckled under and whimpered when anyone of any size or stature challenged him. He wanted courage from the Grand Wizard, so he was awarded a medal of “official” recognition.
Now, regardless of how much of a coward he still was, his official status made him a bully with officially recognized authority.
He’s just like the Attorneys who hide behind the Middle Courts of the Temple Bar.
What about the trip through the field of poppies?
They weren’t real people, so drugs had no effect on them.
The Wizard of Oz was written at the turn of the century, so how could the author have known America was going to be drugged?
The Crown has been playing the drug cartel game for centuries.
Just look up the history of Hong Kong and the Opium Wars.
The Crown already had valuable experience conquering all of China with drugs, so why not the rest of the world?
Who finally exposed the Wizard for what he really was?
Toto, the ugly (or cute, depending on your perspective) and somewhat annoying little dog.
Toto means “in total, all together; Latin in toto.” Notice how Toto was not scared of the Great Wizard’s theatrics, yet he was so small in size compared to the Wizard, no-one seemed to notice him.
The smoke, flames and hologram images were designed to frighten people into doing as the Great Wizard of Oz commanded.
Toto simply went over, looked behind the curtain – the court – (see the definition for curtain above), saw it was a scam, and started barking until others paid attention to him and came to see what all the barking was about. Just an ordinary person controlling the levers that created the illusions of the Great Wizard’s power and authority.
The veil hiding the corporate legal fiction and its false courts were removed.
The Wizard’s game was up.
It’s too bad that people don’t realize how loud a bark from a little dog is.
What about your bark?
Do you just remain silent and wait to be given whatever food and recognition, if any, your legal slave master gives you?
Are you going to continue to follow the script? ����
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the-nysh · 7 months
I've been wracking my brain as to why yellow was chosen as the colour for the volcanic monster armour he has in the surface fight but now I reckon it might be coming from his eyes, and it's part of the reason his eye is given such focus when the armour breaks a bit. And more specifically his *left* eye, the eye that for the longest time remained untouched by monsterisation, as if it's a literal indicator that Garou's true nature, his softness, is still buried underneath it all. in this essay
🥹👍👍 I......also thought about how the glowing golden fissures kinda resembled the kintsugi effect. With him getting constantly battered and broken yet still enduring it with the determination to quite literally reconstruct himself (and armor his emotional pain) even stronger. :')) our hidden golden boy~ Also the fact that when it breaks over that eye that's when his character's real golden strength shines through~ (plus later his fists with the glowing gold bhudda theme too!)
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mithsrising · 4 months
Big 'ol list of scrying tips
Putting them under a readmore bc oh boy is this long:
A lot of the fest genes in general are both great to use and often dirt cheap on the AH, provided you have the right ancient.
Crystalline is the king of tert savers. The ice is all clear and faded, so it dials down the saturation of the color a lot. It can even make some colors like driftwood look white.
Trickmurk is another good option because of the darkness, but the color’s a little more obvious with that one.
Rockbreaker can also be a great gene, because it changes drastically depending on the color.
Greenskeeper looks great with a lot of colors too!
Another way to see if unsalvageable colors can be saved is to look at genes with more than one color. All colors have one main secondary color that shows in genes like blend. But that color can change depending on the gene. For example, lemon fade gives the dragon red accents, but lemon noxtide gives blue instead!
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Some genes can introduce different accent colors than the typical secondary, and radically change what the color looks like. You can take advantage of this by matching accents to main colors, or accents to accents to tie the whole dragon together.
Sailfish and marlin tend to make things paler with accent colors.
Boa/saddle gives these big spots of color that can be very striking.
Metallic and alloy can make things much darker.
Poison and toxin can have a lot of dramatic color changes, with the bonus of being cheaper than most genes if you have the brewing resources.
If you’re willing to try it, then mosaic usually has more unique accent colors.
And sometimes flair can make a color go absolutely insane, like with iris.
If you have the gems, iridescent and shimmer can drastically change the color. Just remember that since the gradients are hand drawn, the effect changes depending on breed.
Black and white go with every color. So piebald/paint and pharaoh/sarcophagus could be useful. If gem genes are on the table and you have a dragon with a primary and secondary that are close but just don't match like you want them to, then pharaoh/sarc can create the illusion of a double.
Harlequin and jester in general just go nuts with colors.
Of course there’s always stained and spines, but a lot of people consider that the easy way out. You could also try soap since it dyes the body like stained, but also gives a tinge of color in certain regions. That, and it's pricey.
Most of the eyespots on Peacock are taken up by the secondary color, which is useful if you want to obscure the main tert color.
Capsule is a great one since, like irishim, it has a gradient that can completely change how a color looks. Plus it's a baldwin gene, so if you have the mats then it's cheap to get. Opal too, for the same reasons (except price).
One I discovered while making this is that for some colors, orb/weaver makes only a small gradient the base color while the rest is a secondary. Orchid weaver makes the wings almost entirely blue, for example.
There are a few “special” colors who have unique effects on genes.
One of the most famous is radioactive, which will make a lot of genes look like lisa frank grew up and became a scene kid. Tons of eyeburners get a lot of mileage out of this color
Magenta (and to a slightly lesser extent fuchsia) and orchid are also very eyeburner-y colors. They both introduce intense blues, pinks, and purples.
Banana gives genes like pinstripe and flair a very cool rainbow effect.
Orca makes almost everything stark black and white, and imo orca tiger is a good look at what tiger should’ve been.
Metals pairs gold and silver for a lot of genes, like wasp.
Lapis really likes to include yellow with its genes, like with boulder and myrid. Gives it a starry night look.
Sunset likes to include a lot of purple and red gradients.
Obsidian gives red accents to a lot of genes.
The accent colors of Rose, fuchsia, and pearl are great for lesbian, bis, and trans flag dragons.
Don’t always give in to new breed hype. Sometimes the staff will give you a pair of eggs when a new breed releases, so you can have two of that breed for free. And a lot of people will only scry them as that breed. So often times if a color combo doesn’t look good with the genes that breed has on launch, the dragon will be sold off at a lower price on the AH.
My favorite example is dusthides. I have a dusty that's ultramarine/carribean/driftwood, and the best I can do with her as a dusthide is stained, spines, and maybe veil, wavecrest, or pachy.
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So I scried her as an auraboa, and guess what? She’s stunning.
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And the dragon was 60 freaking gems, with matching eyes. She would make an incredible water rep (if I didn't already have Riptide).
Auraboas in general are basically a cheat code when it comes to scrying. They have incredible genes that can completely change how a dragon looks, plus a lot of tert savers. Boa, mochlus, paradise, I can go on.
And the number one rule: never, ever scry as an imperial. You'll just make yourself sad.
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ya-boi-haru · 9 months
Time for some "The Perfect Family" AU headcannons
(Is it a headcanon if YOURE the creator?)
• Since Rae uses Concealer a lot, he also dabbles in other make up, like eyeliner looks etc
- Aax sees them and always compliments them
• Aax has briefly seen Raes mark, but never said anything about it (because he A: knew he may get into trouble for learning a "family secret" and B: knew Rae wasn't ready to talk about it at the time)
• Icarus got some new funky ingredients to mess with from an unknown supplier, but the chemicals quite literally blew up in their face. The side effect was that their eye is now purple and on occasion - mainly under stress - it would bleed
- The chemicals came from Quixis, although they act like a subscription you can't cancel and it always some weird or dangerous stuff that gets sent. Whenever they try to send it back, everyone claims there's nowhere it came from
• Ven has the same job he does in Canon and was actually one of the first ways Rae knew something was up with their mothers disappearance.
• Caspian would save certain books Rae may like.
- he's working on his own story, but is always too shy to show Rae
• Ulysses is like that mysterious character that's like where someone tells you about as a last restort because there's spooky rumours around his name
• Caspian has yet to see Raes mark, or his real green eye, but on their journey he learns about it and doesn't care, insisting that Rae is "still gorgeous- I mean pretty- you look fine- I mean you look great, in like a aesthetic point of view- no wait-"
• Momboo and Ocie run a joint plant and ocean trinket shop. Centross, is a farmer and Wolf is a buisness investor.
• Athena is learning to rule over SoulFire Kingdom and Len is her Regent.
- Soul is in a sleep like coma state and Netherum is missing.
• Not that a lot of people know about it, but the Aether lands were destroyed many years ago.
- They encounter Will and Seven on their journey
• Rae went to Caspians bookshop with Aax one day and poor Cas' heart-
• For formal events and meetings Rae and Icarus wear the "royal colours" (golds) but in alone time, Rae wears purples and blues. Icarus does keep to gold but adds colours with under/overshirts and accessories
• Icarus' lab coats is the split colour yellow and purple and they like to wear it often given that it's actually really comfy
• Will and Seven don't usually settle down for too long in one place and they have to keep being on the lookout for parts and copper for Seven so he can stay operational.
• While yes, the royal family have the best suppliers for their needs, Rae and sometimes Icarus like to go into town and buy things off their friends - tipping very generously where need be.
• When Rae first mentioned their journey to his friends, he was originally telling them so they wouldn't worry in his absence and in worse case, could cover for him, but there was no way Rae was going with just 1 guard, plus everyone wanted to go and had skills the prince could benefit from. Caspian, Centross, Wolf & Ocie went along. Momboo stayed behind to look after her kids. Jamie snuck away to join them a couple days later.
Whether I actually write this or simply wrote small snippets from time to time who knows? But funky au
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juniaships · 1 year
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Here's the official bio for Queen Genevieve!! I've been watching Quest for Camelot bc this year is the 25th anniversary and it's a guilty pleasure op mine even tho it has a lot of flaws So I had to make an OC XD
Quest for Camelot is owned by Warner Brothers. I only own Genevieve. Made in Doll Divine Princess Maker ver. 1.0. & Barbie movie dress maker
Name: Genevieve of Camelot
Age: 40s
Occupation: Queen
Ethnicity: African British(Celtic?)
Friends: Lady Juliana, Kayley, Garrett, Devon, Merlin
Spouse: King Arthur
Allies: Knights of the Round Table
Enemies: Ruber and his army, Lady Jezebel (OC)
Voice Claim: Angela Bassett
Goals: Retrieving Excalibur (succeeded), avoid a forced marriage to Ruber (succeeded), saving Camelot (succeeded)
Appearance: Genevieve is a beautiful woman with long, dark and curly and dark brown eyes. She also has brown skin. Her regal attire consists of a light yellow dress with red shoulder pads, outer skirt, and gold belt. She wears a simple silver and tiara with a blue gem in the center.
Personality: Genevieve is a wise and goodhearted woman who devotes her time to overseeing the welfare of her kingdom. Like Kayley, she also dreamed of becoming a knight but were forced to set those dreams aside. While she sometimes regrets missing that opportunity, she doesn't regret choosing to be Queen. Genevieve encorages Kayley to pursue her dreams but warns her that the journey towards knighthood is not an easy one. It's implied that she and Lady Juliana were childhood friends.
Abitlities: Genevieve is adaptable, as when she spends her time in the enchanted forest. She also demonstrates her political prowess as when she tries to diffuse Ruber's attempts at invading the sea village, and later convincing the dragon brothers to help her.
The only magical ability Genevieve possesses is a mirror given to her by Merlin. This mirror can reveal a person's "true self", teleportation and some defense against dark magic. While it can deflect physical spells too much force leads to cracks, reducing the effective power of the mirror.
Inspiration: Guinevere (Arthurian Legend), Elinor (Brave), Tzipporah (The Prince of Egypt), Mrs. Brisby (Secret of Nimh), Fiona (Shrek), Asami (Avatar LOK), Snow White (Disney/OUAT), Annika (Barbie Magic of Pegasus)
If Quest for Camelot was about King Arthur it makes sense for Guinevere to exist too! So here's my idea of what she could look like. I think Arthur would want a strong, caring person who is just as devoted to the light as he is. But also because I am sick of media that only depicts Guinevere to serve that stupid love triangle; there's so much more to Arthurian legend and Guinevere than the men she sleeps with. It wasn't even part of the original myths! -_-
Anyways I wanted a story where Guinevere gets to be the hero. As for her role in the movie she visits Juliana and Kayley but their party gets attacked by Ruber. The queen and Kayley escapes and together, along with Garrett, Merlin's falcon and the dragon bros, set off to save the kingdom. She also does battle with an old foe, the bitter Lady Lizabet, who wants to get rid of her and take Arthur as a trophy husband.
As far as design goes I gave her a warm color palette to contrast the blue tunic Arthur wears in the film. Plus the "Primary Color Protagonist" trope.
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tek-imagines · 7 months
erm... I'm a hermitcraft fan + selfshipper !
I go by Redd, I use he/him + neopronouns. Those being, Ice/Ice/Ices/Iceself, Flame/Flame/Flames/Flameself. I'm 20 years old, so please don't be weird about that lmao. I primarily ship with TangoTek ! I've started to get a bit more insane about Jimmy Solidarity. Tags included in this pinned post dw lol. self insert info below cut :] - wip as of 04/21/2024 !
General Hermitcraft Source:
applicable tag(s) - #tango
I joined the server at 19 during season nine (9). I'm primarily a builder - horrible at redstone, most technical farms, too. My player username is ReddieFreddie due to a funny in-joke. I joined the hermits from empires during the rift, I originally came from team crafted and yogscast servers. This doesn't come up often. I'm a piglin hybrid more human looking than mob looking. This gives me pink hair, tusks, thicker skin, and hair, as well as a major love for gold and golden like things. Therian, in the sense of "I SHOULD have wings, where are they?" Very good at elytra flying and loves to tinker with them.
yaddah.. yaddah. friends with Tango before the rift, got stuck with the hermits, and moved into his starter base since I didn't have anywhere else to go. Friends to lovers moment. Icy man, or not, he is so busy, and I must make him take breaks at times.... my piglin behind cannot handle the sheer ice and snow all of the time and simply whimpers pathetically off to the side. /j
I did a few runs of Decked Out, and I failed horribly. The ravengers refused to attack as I gave them the best golden apples. My ass got "dad gives better snacks :/" immunity.
Demon Source;
applicable tag(s) - #demon tango
Going to college for history and working on my final thesis, I found a fascinating rabbit hole into demonology and related occultism. Eventually, I found myself worn down from the stresses of school and work. Tired and desperate enough for a break, I attempt to summon a demon having found a seemingly promising lead, I figured. "Hey, if it works, it works. If not, I'm only out a bit of pride, seventeen dollars, and an alarming amount of candles!"
Surprisingly, it not only worked but also allowed me to meet my eventual partner, Tango.
Double Life;
applicable tag(s) - #double life tango, #double life jimmy
I joined the death game at Scott, Marytn, and Grian's request. When I joined the player, count was meant to be even. Very last-minute changes happened, leaving the count odd for the entirety of the game. This had an unintended side effect of a soul bonded poly pairing. Jimmy, Tango, and Myself.
The three of us found each other when Tango died to a creeper. It was quite the shock as no one knew how the games' mechanic would handle uneven players.
Shortly after we began to build our ranch, being the first yellow lives on the server was quite nerve-racking, but it was nice as we had each other! Tango, Jimmy, and I got along wonderfully. I primarily dealt with crops and building on the ranch, but we all did our part! When we all lost our last life, we kept in contact, Tango went back to hermitcraft, and I went back to empires with Jimmy. We had an across server group chat, and our romance only strengthened.
My s/i is quite like my normal hermitcraft one (being a piglin hybrid and all) PLUS wings, actually. Who knew funked up soulmate code would unlock a part of me I always knew was missing. Jimmy actively helps me tend to my new wings, and our empires got closer than ever.
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flowersonline24 · 10 months
Transform Your Thanksgiving Table with a Stunning Floral Centre piece
Welcome to the season of gratitude, where family and friends come together to celebrate Thanksgiving. As you prepare your home for this special occasion, don't forget that the table is the centerpiece of it all. And what better way to elevate your Thanksgiving table than with a stunning floral arrangement?
A beautiful floral centrepiece not only adds a touch of elegance but also brings nature's vibrant colors indoors, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for your guests. Whether you prefer traditional roses or bold sunflowers, there are endless possibilities when it comes to choosing the perfect Thanksgiving flowers in london.
In this blog post, we will explore different types of flowers that are perfect for this festive occasion. We'll also provide step-by-step guidelines on how to design your own centrepiece and offer helpful tips on making your flowers last longer. If you're looking for budget-friendly options, we've got some easy DIY ideas too! Plus, we'll show you how to incorporate fall elements into your centrepiece for an extra seasonal flair.
So let's get started on transforming your Thanksgiving table into a breathtaking display that will leave everyone in awe. Get ready to unleash the beauty of nature right at your dining room!
Types of Thanksgiving Flowers: Roses, Sunflowers, and more!
Thanksgiving is a time to gather with loved ones and celebrate the abundance of blessings in our lives. And what better way to enhance the beauty of your Thanksgiving table than with a stunning floral centerpiece? The right choice of flowers can truly elevate the ambiance and create a warm, inviting atmosphere for your guests.
When it comes to selecting flowers for your Thanksgiving centerpiece, you have an array of options at your fingertips. Roses are always a classic choice, symbolizing love and gratitude. Their elegant blooms come in various colors, allowing you to match them perfectly with your table decor.
For those seeking a more vibrant and cheerful vibe, sunflowers are an excellent option. These bold yellow blooms exude happiness and bring a touch of sunshine indoors. Sunflowers also pair beautifully with autumnal hues such as deep oranges, reds, and browns.
If you're looking for something unique and on-trend this year, consider incorporating dried flowers into your centerpiece. Pampas grass adds texture and height while preserving that rustic autumn feel. Eucalyptus leaves give off an aromatic scent that will infuse the air during dinner.
And let's not forget about mums! Chrysanthemums are synonymous with fall festivities due to their rich colors like burgundy, orange, or gold. They make fantastic additions to any Thanksgiving arrangement by adding depth and warmth.
Remember to choose flowers that complement each other in terms of color palette and texture when designing your centerpiece. Mixing different varieties adds visual interest while maintaining harmony within the arrangement.
Transforming Your Thanksgiving Table doesn't have to break the bank! Incorporating DIY elements into your floral centerpiece can be both cost-effective and personal. Utilize items from nature such as pinecones or acorns as accents alongside fresh blooms or foliage from local flower shops in London where you can find beautiful Thanksgiving Flowers in london!
Incorporating fall elements into your centrepiece further enhances its seasonal appeal! Consider adding small pumpkins or gourds for a festive touch. 
Designing Your Centrepiece: Step-by-Step Guide
Creating a stunning floral centrepiece for your Thanksgiving table doesn't have to be overwhelming. With a step-by-step guide, you can design a beautiful arrangement that will impress your guests.
1. Choose the Right Flowers: Start by selecting flowers that capture the essence of fall and complement your existing decor. Consider using roses in warm hues like deep reds or oranges, or go for sunflowers for a vibrant touch.
2. Pick the Perfect Container: Find a container that suits your personal style and matches the overall theme of your table setting. A rustic wooden box or an elegant glass vase can both work wonders.
3. Prepare Your Flowers: Trim the stems at an angle to allow better water absorption and remove any leaves that will be below the waterline once placed in the container.
4. Create Structure with Greenery: Begin by adding greenery such as eucalyptus or ferns to provide structure and enhance visual appeal.
5. Add Focal Point Flowers: Place your focal point flowers strategically within the arrangement, focusing on height and balance.
6. Fill in with Secondary Blooms: Use secondary blooms like chrysanthemums or dahlias to add texture and color variation throughout the centerpiece.
7. Don't Forget About Filler Flowers: Fillers like baby's breath or waxflower can help fill out empty spaces and create depth in your arrangement.
8. Finish with Accents: Incorporate seasonal elements like pinecones, berries, or small pumpkins to add an autumnal touch to your centrepiece.
Remember, designing a floral centrepiece is all about creativity and personal style! Let yourself experiment with different combinations until you achieve a look that speaks to you.
Tips for Making Your Flowers Last Longer
Extend the life of your Thanksgiving floral centerpiece with these helpful tips. By taking a few extra steps, you can ensure that your flowers stay fresh and vibrant throughout the holiday season.
First, start by trimming the stems at an angle before placing them in water. This will create a larger surface area for the flowers to drink from, allowing them to take in more water and nutrients.
Next, be sure to change the water every couple of days. Stagnant water can quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria, which can cause your flowers to wilt prematurely. By giving them fresh water regularly, you'll help keep them healthy and beautiful.
Adding flower food or preservatives to the water is another great way to prolong their lifespan. These packets are typically included when you purchase cut flowers from a florist or grocery store. They contain essential nutrients that nourish your blooms and keep them looking their best.
Additionally, it's important to place your arrangement away from direct sunlight and drafts. Heat sources like radiators or vents can dry out your flowers faster while sunlight can cause wilting and fading colors.
Remove any wilted or dying blooms as soon as possible. This will prevent ethylene gas production which speeds up decay in other parts of the bouquet.
By following these simple tips, you can enjoy your stunning floral centerpiece well after Thanksgiving has come and gone!
DIY Floral Arrangement Ideas for a Budget-Friendly Option
When it comes to creating a stunning floral centerpiece for your Thanksgiving table, you don't have to break the bank. With a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can design beautiful DIY arrangements that won't put a dent in your wallet.
One budget-friendly idea is to gather an assortment of wildflowers and greenery from your own backyard or local park. These natural elements can add a rustic touch to your centerpiece. Arrange them in mason jars or vintage vases for a charming and effortless look.
Another option is to repurpose items you already have around the house. Consider using empty wine bottles as vases for single stems or small bouquets. You can also transform old tin cans into chic containers by painting them with metallic spray paint.
If you're feeling crafty, try making paper flowers out of colorful construction paper or crepe paper streamers. There are countless tutorials available online that will guide you through the process step-by-step. Not only will these handmade blooms save you money, but they'll also be conversation starters at your Thanksgiving gathering.
For those looking for an unconventional approach, consider incorporating fruits and vegetables into your floral arrangement. Use hollowed-out pumpkins or gourds as unique vessels for displaying flowers. Citrus fruits like oranges and lemons can add pops of vibrant color when paired with fresh blossoms.
Incorporating Fall Elements into Your Centrepiece
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, it's time to start thinking about how to create a stunning floral centerpiece for your table. One great way to add a touch of autumnal charm is by incorporating fall elements into your arrangement. Here are some creative ideas to inspire you!
Start by selecting flowers that evoke the colors and textures of fall. Consider using deep red roses, vibrant orange marigolds, or golden sunflowers as the focal point of your centerpiece. These blooms will instantly bring warmth and coziness to your table.
Next, think about adding some natural elements such as pinecones, acorns, or dried leaves. These small accents can be strategically placed throughout your arrangement to enhance the overall fall theme.
To add height and drama to your centerpiece, consider incorporating branches or twigs adorned with berries or colorful foliage. This will give an organic feel and create visual interest on different levels.
Don't forget about seasonal fruits like apples or pears! Adding these fruits not only adds dimension but also brings in a fresh element that complements the flowers perfectly.
Complete the look by placing your arrangement on a rustic wooden tray or surrounded by autumn-themed decor like pumpkins or gourds. This will tie everything together and make for a truly memorable Thanksgiving display.
Incorporating fall elements into your floral centerpiece is an excellent way to celebrate the season while creating a beautiful focal point for your Thanksgiving table. Get creative with color choices, textures, and natural accents – let nature be your guide! Your guests will be impressed by this unique touch that adds warmth and beauty to their holiday experience.
Conclusion: A Beautiful Table Makes for a Memorable Thanksgiving
As your guests gather around the table, ready to indulge in delicious food and share heartfelt moments, a beautiful floral centerpiece can truly transform the ambiance of your Thanksgiving celebration. The vibrant colors, delightful fragrances, and natural beauty of flowers bring joy and create an enchanting atmosphere.
By choosing the right combination of Thanksgiving flowers in London like roses, sunflowers, or chrysanthemums, you can set the tone for a warm and inviting gathering. Designing your own centerpiece allows you to unleash your creativity while following our step-by-step guide ensures stunning results. Remember to incorporate fall elements such as leaves or miniature pumpkins to enhance the seasonal charm.
Taking care of your floral arrangement is essential if you want it to last throughout the festivities. From changing the water regularly to keeping them away from direct sunlight and drafts, simple tips go a long way in preserving their freshness. With some extra effort, you'll be able to enjoy your beautiful centrepiece even after Thanksgiving dinner has ended.
For those on a budget or who prefer a more personalized touch, DIY floral arrangements offer endless possibilities. Whether it's repurposing old vases or using unconventional containers like mason jars or vintage teacups, let your imagination run wild as you create unique centerpieces that reflect your style.
Incorporating fall elements into your centerpiece adds depth and enhances its visual appeal. Consider adding branches with colorful autumn leaves or incorporating pinecones for an added touch of nature-inspired elegance. Don't be afraid to mix different textures and heights for an eye-catching display that captures all the warmth of this festive season.
Creating a stunning floral centerpiece is about infusing love and thoughtfulness into every detail of your Thanksgiving table decor. It's about setting the stage for memorable conversations shared over delicious meals and expressing gratitude amidst beauty.
So this year when you gather with loved ones around that beautifully adorned table, take a moment to appreciate the splendor of your floral centerpiece.
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sepyana · 1 year
Diamond is Unbreakable Ep. 1-7 Thoughts
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Aka I gush over Jjba's art direction the whole time.
The age of straight trousers is OVER, time for BAGGY PANTS.
From the first few scenes you can already tell this is gonna be different from Stardust Crusaders. Some obvious things are:
The previous parts occasionally used palette changes to grab attention. Now, the palette changes for the backgrounds are permanent. You'll never see the sky be blue. Like, ever.
The lads aren't absolute units anymore. Josuke actually looks like a high school student.
The style is a lot less angular. Faces of the characters look softer. The shading is more colorful too.
They got rid of the highlights almost entirely. There is a bit of a highlight on the cheeks and the hair but that's it. No highlights unless the object is shiny.
They got rid of a lot of the hatching. Especially ones on characters' faces and hands. The faces don't have the iconic lines anymore.
I like kördüğüm ons Chrome varmertones The color tonConversely, there is a lot more focus on the line weight now. It's not always there cuz it takes time to do, but it does show up on shots that focus on a person's face.
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Overall I definitely prefer this over whatever the other parts had going on. I do miss the cheekbone line tho.
I love the outfit change for him. I like to change from warmer tones to cooler tones. Even the gold accents on this outfit is made a cooler yellow. I like te heart pin and the heart emblem on his hat. It's cute and it connects him to part 4. I should mention how Star Platinum also has lighter colors now too. I prefer the part 3 design for both of em but I sill love the new ones. My one grievance is that he doesn't have the bit of hair sticking out anymore. It's a good design choice, but It still sad to see it go.
He has dropped the cool guy act. Well, not "dropped" but more like it became more subdued and natural. Part 3 Jotaro barely moves unless he has to, he is also a bit quick tempered. Part 4 Jotaro is more expressive. Just in his talk with Josuke, he moves his hands around, smiles while talking about how the Joestar house is in chaos.
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^ He still yells at women, though. This man has a wife. And a DAUGHTER. BY THE WAY.
I think it's funny how Jotaro says Josuke should dress normal if he doesn't wanna get bullied, as if he himself is dressed so normal. I guess he is annoyed at Josuke not reacting to the turtle bring injured at all. He doesn't know he can just fix it. Speaking of that,
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I don't really like Crazy Diamond's design. It does it's job well, i looks really aggressive but it also has hearts all around, both gentle and aggressive, like Josuke! I just don't think it has he same oomph Star Platinum does. What are the tubes on it's back supposeto be anyway? Also why does it look so much like The World? What even is happening.
The ability is pretty neat. Versatile with huge outplay potential. Great for a protag ability. Plus, It's funny seeing it causally punch holes in civilians.
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Josuke... my man... that drip. He is both incredibly fashionable AND a great character design. A different take for the delinquent archetype from Jotaro, despite this, he is created with similar principles to him. He has modified his outfit with symbols and emblems, the peace symbol and the hearts are obvious. The anchor represents Morioh, as it is a coastal town. Josuke 8 pushes this further with a whole ass sailor outfit, though I can't speak on him as I have not read part 8 obviously. The uniform is open at the top, making a heart shame and showing the bright yellow underneath. He has few but striking elements. The chest and the hair. They are simple yet incredibly effective, pulling your attention to his face. I absolutely adore his design. Jjba was the thing that finally got me interested in character design, years before I actually decided to watch the thing, and this is why.
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Koichi is... really interesting. I thought it was really bold of them to have a non-stand user as a companion since, you know, they can't even see the stands, let alone fight. He does end up with a stand a few episodes in. It's for the best tbh, I don't even know how a non stand user main character would work.
I love how he is just standing there while Jotaro explains the whole family situation, and he is there like "Should I be here??". His personality is a big generic rn, but he has a lot of potential. I'm sure hr will get more interesting as time goes on. Even if he doesn't, his personality is a great fit to the group, he contrasts well with both Josuke, Okuyasu and Jotaro.
His stand is also premature, that's a fun concept! He wasn't suppose to live so It makes sense he would have an incomplete stand. It's my favourite stand design so far, if that means anything. Both looks and ability wise.
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^ Look at him :)
Okuyasu is gonna be my favourite from the look of things, I love that the first thing established about him is that he is dumb. Us idiots deserve representation too. Gotta love the JoBros, always trying to kill the protag when they first meet.
Character design wise, he works really well. It's not as focused as Josuke's, but it's not rrally trying to be. The money theme is a nice touch. The marks on his face (those are scars, I think?) give him a lot of character, in a similar way to Speedwagon. That combined with the asymmetrical outfit and the screaming green belts give him a rough look, and make him stand out.
The Hand is a cool stand. It's unbelievably op. Raw ass design.
Onto the stand fights:
Angelo is a good introduction, tough a bit too dark for me personally.
Nijimura brothers' motivation was not what I was expecting. Good thing Polnareff got that flesh bud removed eh?
The lock guy was also clever too. It was fun seeing Koichi turning sadistic the second he learned to use his stand.
Surface is a pretty cool stand. I love sentient stands, I wish we got more of them.
Yeah okay this is it bye lol
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lovemeian · 3 years
food babies with ushijima.
[ 11:17 am ]
fluff! humour? + mentions of: not really pregnant pregnancy + college!au? college!au + ushijima wakatoshi x f!reader + ushi’s entire life flashes before his eyes, basically + wrote this at like 1am, i apologise for like, the 1amness of it all !
wc: 1,146
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it is almost sunset, and after the win of their university volleyball team, you and your boyfriend, the captain of the team, had decided to spend a small celebration just the two of you before the after party that tendou was hosting.
tendou’s parties were half ragers and fully well-known throughout campus. they were rare, only after games, and he insisted wakatoshi come or it was a no go. they were so wild that the two of you had to prepare mentally and emotionally before arriving.
plus, you two had your own routine after celebration.
the oranges and yellows melting into violets and light blues filter through the blinds of the diner the two of you had your first date— one that consisted of getting funky gps nav, a raccoon family, and what you can only assume was a serial killer hotspot — and soon became a very significant location of your relationship. an odd spot just outside of campus, on one particular road, just before the beach hits in another hour. it’s a little hole in the wall, the ration of customers more quick passerby than daily locals, but you love the recipe for their pancakes and the coffee puts toshi in a near calming coma.
two plates, a shared fry bed, and three milkshakes later, the two of you lean back with equal satisfied smiles.
“oh my god, i feel pregnant.”
& ushijima just pauses, the movement of the fry from his finger to his mouth is stilted and the fry drops— cling-clanging into the sudden dead silence in his head. he just slow blinks as he watches you like a caricature in a comic, zeroing in your statement like a pop bubble in between the two of you, and noting down your rosy cheeks lifted in a dopey, charming point of your mouth, with your eyes closed happily, and your hands, patting your stomach with nice satisfaction.
wakatoshi has stopped functioning.
— and has now hyper-speed to a million thoughts a minute. a baby, but we’ve been so responsible, i have been using a condom and y/n is on birth control. it should be fewer in 1 in 100 women, with a typical use becomes around of 91% effectiveness.
but that doesn’t matter now, right? i will need to take a part-time job, and we will have to tell our parents. we will probably need help for now. i will have to apologise and profess how much i will work hard for our new family. i will also buy a ring— i might have to ask y/n’s best friend for design ideas. does y/n want  a ring? i may have to check back on that shop she likes and i remember her saying she found the ‘rose gold’ adorable. i have to research what rose gold really is, will it harm the baby?
we will also need to rent an apartment, something big enough for the baby, but probably not in a high floor. the baby might get injured, it is too hazardous. most of the things in my dorm is hazardous, like tendou’s microwave. i will probably need to get a new microwave. we will also need clothes for the baby, basin, wash— oh, what if it’s twins? twins aren’t really present in my family line, but i will have to ask y/n, i think she had a grandmother who was a twin.
are there nice names that fit with ushijima too? will y/n take my name or will we hyphenate? i hope the baby has more of y/n than me. i will have to research baby growth and bottle-feeding months. the baby will need to grow strong, i hope they aren’t a weak baby at birth. or too big of a baby like i was, y/n will have a hard time. 
wakatoshi purses his lips, deep in a trance as your eyes trace everything. his straight eyebrows, his olive eyes, and the flat lips that are pressed a little; a sign of his mind gearing. whenever he gets like this, you needed particular ways to snap him back to reality, but you like watching him like this with a small smile.
he is still in his volleyball gear sans the shirt as it was sweaty as hell, and there’s a definite rush of calmness in him that comes after torturous practice and after every game win. his dark hair is tousled and his lips are still a little pink from when he had burned himself from the coffee.
you wanted to capture this moment. as soon as the camera clicked, toshi snapped back to reality.
“—we will need a basinet. i can build one but we will need to look for good wood. no, i can go with tendou.”
you blinked at him. “what?”
he blinked back at you. “and wear my jacket, it is almost as cold here as outside.” before you could ask him again about basinets and buying wood with tendou, he stood up and offered a hand. you take it, and he pulled you up— more gingerly than ever, as if he was holding delicate glass, and you clock your head, quizzical, as he also swiped his varsity jacket and again, gingerly put it on you.
doing the buttons, he brushed on it softly, at the number and the small capital lettering of his name across the right chest. USHIJIMA. “i hope you take my surname,” he whispered softly, moving his brushing thumb to your chin, to the top of your cheek. “i think ushijima y/n would be pretty, but it’s up to you. we can hyphenate the baby’s name if you want.”
your eyes popped out near comical as he continued with his gentle tone and thumb, eyes so, so soft. “baby? what baby?”
“our baby?”
“our baby? where would our baby come from?”
he blinked at you. “didn’t you say you’re pregnant?”
oh. oh. now you feel bad, turning that softness to confusion. you reached up— your boyfriend, your captain, is so, so tall — and held his face with the same delicateness he did you. “oh, baby, uh. that was just an expression. so full you feel pregnant.” then you started blushing at his muttering, at how he looked so deeply a while ago just after you made that comment. “d’you— do you want me to be pregnant?”
“oh.” he thought about it. “probably not right now, we are too young. and you have big dreams like i do, i would wish we could do that first before settling together with our children.”
“children now?” you grinned, rubbing his bottom lip as the familiar closeness brought him to settle his big hands on your waist, rubbing in equal.
“i would like a couple with you,” he admitted. “but only if you want that too. childbirth is hard and i don’t want you to be in more pain than necessary.”
you grinned, heart blossoming.
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made by lavi <3
taglist: @asaitashi​ @jadasz​ @encrytpta​ @kenmaslov3r​ @wuyaiscrow​
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dragynkeep · 2 years
How about Team SSSN’s and CFVY’s outfits?
New rule for future asks, you get one team at most now. Just so the posts aren’t too long and I’m not struggling to write a review for a whole group of people at once.
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Really, Sun’s outfit can be summed up with “It’s simple, but it works.”
The way it’s designed really does sell Sun’s carefree nature. He’s opened himself up, you can see his body and Sun isn’t ashamed by that. The use of bright and light colours works because, even though he uses five different colours, they’re not all competing for each other or clashing. 
The white and black are on most of his outfit, while the yellow is spread throughout. His yellow hair, gold necklace, yellow tail, and bright yellow sneakers distribute the colour throughout and are paired with neutral colours. The white shirt doesn’t distract from his hair or his necklace, the blue jeans aren’t bright and simply contrasts with his tail for better view, the black parts of his sneakers make the yellow pop even more and stand out on his feet.
Add onto that is his pretty dark and neutral skin tone/eye colour. Outside of being an obvious Foil to Blake, his darker skin tone and exposed clothing style helps make the lighter colour in his shirt and hair pop out, while the black eye colour doesn’t detract from him pretty hefty colour scheme. Wish they kept that after Volume 3,,,,
And it’s interesting that he not only wears all of Team RWBY’s colours in a pleasing way, but the different colours of stars. He’s obviously named Sun, so you have the yellow, but you also have red giants, blue supernovas, black dwarf stars, and the white that the sun appears in the sky. I think it’s pretty neat.
Does it really say much about his allusion beyond his name and Faunus traits? Not really, but you can say the same for Blake honestly and I don’t hold it too much against Sun for how simple but good his outfit is.
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Why does Scarlet not have a turnabout model?
For what it’s worth, it’s an alright outfit. It’s certainly pirate themed, befitting for his allusion of Peter Pan, and I actually like the red coat hanging on his shoulder rather than being properly worn. It sorta gives off a more rebellious vibe, idk,,,
Problem is that, without his jacket, Scarlet’s outfit is really boring and really lacking in his colour. He’s very monochromatic besides his bright red hair and face tattoo, so when we get him in the Vytal fight without his coat, he has no other red on him and just looks so plain. And not a good plain like with Sun, who still has colour working for him. 
It’s not ugly, but it’s not fun. Really boring for a character that’s really boring.
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Why does Sage not have a turnabout model???
Really, he has an improvement over Scarlet with his large coat being accented with yellow armour and sage green pants, while the hair and decals on the coat are a more vibrant green. Really good colour palette here with the green and yellow being offset by the neutral black and whites, similar to how Sun’s colour palette works. 
And just like Sun, Sage’s dark skin tone works with contrasting the bright white coat and yellow armour, plus his bright yellow eyes. The hair and pants are a bit too close to brightness with his skin, so they don’t quite have that similar effect as his other outfit pieces, but it’s not too bad. Plus, his tattoos are so cool! I wish other characters had tattoos. 
Really, does it tell you about his allusion that much? Not really, and like Sun, I don’t really mind as much because I like his design anyway. I do think his allusion is a bit random and doesn’t really fit with his team’s theme anyway.
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Why does Neptune have a turnabout model, you can really feel the favourtism-
Honestly, like most of the early RWBY outfits, Neptune’s does take heavily from irl fashion and what Monty saw in other media, namely the KPOP band that Team SSSN are all based on.
And fair enough, this isn’t a bad outift. I like the red jacket coupled with his white shirt and tie, it looks like Neptune’s trying to take himself seriously but also looks a bit nerdish. The thick jacket, leg harnesses, gloves and goggles all help make him seem more protected, and we see that the goggles are useful in his fights. 
The goggles being orange and yellow help pop against his bright blue hair, which also match his eyes, and the red is a good choice to contrast blue. An issue is that Neptune really doesn’t wear a whole lot of blue, or at least uses his colour well to get it across while working with other colours. The bright red is great, but it feels like this would’ve worked better on Scarlet, rather than the character themed blue.
It’s just too much and really drags the eye too it, making the red stand out the most while the small amount of hair and eyes fail to counter that. It would’ve helped if his jacket was more of a navy blue, coupled with the silver on the back to give more of an ocean theme to better fit his allusion too.
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I caved I’m using the AA art because CRWY hates having consistent turnabout models or even concept art for all their characters ig-
The worst thing about Coco’s design is that I really like it. I do, I think the colour scheme is cohesive and used well, the actual style shows off Coco as a fashion-concious person who wants to look good, while looking somewhat reasonable for a Huntress, and she just looks badass. The little accessories like the beret or rose scarf just add to the design, but there are some things you could remove to declutter it, like the unnecessary necklaces and waist cloth thing.
But you literally cannot divorce her outfit and allusion from the Nazi Coco Chanel. Great outfit, but one of the worst people CRWBY could’ve picked for an allusion, and that will forever be a stain on what is otherwise a great outfit.
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Really, this outfit is just so plain and uninspired?
Fox is meant to be the Fox in the Fox and the Hound, but whoever designed him just took no inspiration from that to add to his design and just shoved him in a plain red sleeveless shirt and black pants. V2 had the issue of his red-toned dark skin blending into the shirt terribly, but V3 fixed that, so we at least have something. 
The scars and blank white eyes are an interesting choice, blind people really don’t look like that, but it’s all just meh? He’s not in an actively bad outfit by any means, but this is an outfit you would give a nameless background character, not someone who’s one of the main characters in your books.
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Velvet has a turnabout model but to be cohesive, I’m using her Amity Arena art with the rest of her team.
This is a really cute outfit. The crop jacket and shorts being brown with spreading the colour around and works well with her gold, like with the black serving to separate parts of her body as well as helping that same gold pop. The brown sleeves with gold shoulder armour makes Velvet seem protected but not bogged down, while the gold then being used largely on her waist and thighs helps to accentuate her legs.
I originally thought she was just wearing shorts with leggings, similar to Blake, but no she’s actually wearing long boots instead. Both serve the same purpose visually, honestly, and I don’t really mind boots that go past the knee. Would it be uncomfortable? Sure, but I can buy a little unrealism so long as the outfit makes up for it.
It really does just sell the rabbit theme of Velvet without being too on the nose. Her legs are her main weapons, and so her outfit brings attention to that area, while the giant rabbit ears stop us from losing track. A really simple colour palette, but one that works really well for Velvet as an individual and as a team, if only for the small negative that she’s a bit too close in colours to Coco. Fox and Yatsu have unique colours, I wish Velvet did too.
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Why is Yatsu’s background so dramatic compared to the others?
A note before the actual outfit bit but Yatsu actually has sclera here and on his AA model, but his model in the show has sclera the same colour as his skin. I don’t know if that is just a mistake that they never bothered to fix, but it’s a bit weird that they fixed Fox’s skin tone issue between V2 and 3 while never bothering to do the same for Yatsuhashi. 
It’s definitely a green outfit, and is clearly Japanese inspired without running into weird Chinapan territory, so well done. The use of green and brown gives a very earthy feeling, fitting for Yatsu’s more down to earth personality and his namesake coming from a sweet that has quite an earthy taste. Plus, the more desaturated brown and blacks don’t distract from his main colour, while the silver is both a good choice with green and in small amounts so it doesn’t distract either.
Pretty well protected, some difference in asymmetry so you don’t get too bored, without going overboard, and a cohesive colour palette. I won’t say it blows me away, but it’s a pretty solid outfit.
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Lullaby for the boy
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[ ID: Traditionally drawn, digitally colored Smile For Me fanart with Dr Habit, Kamal Bora and a self insert of the protagonist, ‘’Flower Kid’’ AKA Rose here. Artstyle is semi realistic leaning to cartoony. The coloring is done with a rough pencil effect except for the background which is smooth. Notebook lines are visible. Everyone is in halfbody except for Rose whose whole self is seen. 
In the left page, Dr Habit cradles a sleeping Rose in his arms, looking fond and singing him ‘Children Of The Night’ in Russian. Rose’s hair is all out of its ponytail, and he has one hand on Habit’s while the other dangles freely. BG here is warm orange. 
In the artists interpretation, Habit has a muppet-like appearance with yellow fur, pink hair in two tones; duller and brighter, dull pink cheek patches that have 3 white freckles, stitches and scars on hands plus an X shaped one near his mouth, deep red nails. His teeth are uneven with a bigger snaggletooth too. He wears his usual getup, the fluffy collar has flowers, coat has patches of fur-like material that sticks out, his hat is a fedora.  Rose is a rose-based nymph who is green skinned with messy straight black hair, acne, stubble, thin thorny wooded arms and neck, hands are leaves. Wears dark brown shirt with the Tamil letter ஃ(the aayutha ezuthu) encircled in red. Dark brown pants are flowy at the bottom with inner designs colored like red\deep pink rose petals, has silver anklets on feet with pink chappals. Wears purple cat-eye glasses.
In the right page, the lyrics he’s singing are written in cursive, in an uneven sliding orientation at first, and then straightening. The words go from dark blue to lighter blue to purple. The words are:
За мною же, дети, скорее пройдем
 Сквозь боль и страдания мира. 
Но плакать не надо: так быть и должно, 
Прекрасное здесь погибает.
There are white wavy lines with colorful music notes that slightly glow. There are four simple flowers drawn at various places.
Kamal is playing his cello, which has pointed swirls all over it for design pattern. He has a sheepish smile and looks to the other side as he quietly says, ‘’Gosh...i really like his singing’’. He wears a red flannel shirt, and a single small gold earring.  In the artists interpretation he has acne, his hair is a little more longer here, he has thick eyebrows. BG is the same warm orange, but fades to a more yellow glow at the top right. Overall the whole drawing is warm toned. end ID]
[ Unedited text: (uses le megaphone) I am once again asking everyone to check out @flaxpost​ and request him imagines]
Based on this imagine>!!!
‘’If you wanted to hear him (Habit) sing he would be really embarrassed and would sing for you, Like you’re in bed for the night and he comes in with Kamals cello and starts singing soft songs in Russian while Kamal playing the cello is just standing there lmao.’’
Credits for where I got the translation from!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nezOyUMirVU ( Link to a Russian version of Children Of The Night MLP version by Aira MoonShadow)
Colorless versions below the cut, I recommend them to see more of the details! I did patterning here!
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[ ID: The left page but without color, its only the traditional drawing. end ID]
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[ ID: The right page but without color, only the traditional drawing. end ID]
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mxvladdy · 3 years
Oof, my little heart couldn't hold all of the feels you elicited with "Worth", so good. You were very thorough
Can I request a NSFW continuation later that afternoon?
Maybe a bit of praise kink since his little Giglio needs reassurance? (Also, 👀 demon daddy dick in a tiny human can't be easy)
A/N: *ears perk up* How did you know all of my weaknesses?
Pairing: Diavolo x GN! Reader
Warnings: Little bit of size kink, little bit of daddy kink, smut (18+)
Word Count: 4.6k (there is a lot leading up to it lol)
You decide to take the rest of your meal to Diavolo’s private solarium. While his inner chambers were comfortable enough. If you were going to take the day to yourselves you didn’t want to spend all of it in the bedroom. No matter how tempting the idea was. Dia takes you through the maze of corridors and hidden doors, both of you still in your night things, unkempt but happy to be so. Normally Diavolo wouldn’t be caught dead outside of a pressed suit or his uniform, but this was a treat for both of you after all. So now he strolled through his kingdom in nothing but a pair of sleep pants and sleepers, you nestled comfortably in his arms grasping a basket of leftover food and drink tucked in your lap. No stuffy clothes today or polite word play, just layed back pleasures.
Artificial sunlight greets you as he pushes the large glass door open to his garden with his shoulder. The warmth of it cuts through the thin fabric of your sleepwear, chasing away the last vestiges of drowsiness that clung to you. You unfurl in his arms, stretching out like the plants around you. Smiling up into the sun you can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. The breeze circling around you was sweet with the smell of blooming spring flowers and crisp creek water.
The first time Diavolo invited you into his secret garden you were in awe. He boasted proudly to you that he had designed it and planted the gardens himself back in his younger years before his duties took up almost all his time. It was a wild place. The plants growing free and unmolested by controlling hands or others' judgment of what beauty was. It reflected the unique characteristics of the Prince beautifully. To be given access to this place was an honor. Not even the brothers knew of this area. His personal beach was a place he didn’t mind sharing with his closest companions, but the gardens? The gardens were just his. Only he and Barbatos knew of it. Until you came along.
“Where shall we sit mio giglio?” His gold eyes sweep his grounds before looking down at you with a tender smile. “By the willows? They are in bloom, or perhaps the lake.” He nods his chin to the south following a clean well maintained brick path. Both of these places were your favorite places to relax after school.
You look down at the basket in your lap in thought. “No. How about the veranda by the hedge garden?” That was his favorite place to lounge.
He hums in delight, agreeing readily. “Wonderful! The cosmos should be in bloom by now.” He turns to the north traipsing through soft overgrown grass and sprouts of spongy moss. He didn’t have a path for this area.
“You can just make them bloom whenever, right?” You ask.
“And where would be the fun in that?” He shoots you a wink. “Magic doesn’t need to be used for everything you know.”
You huff. “Says the guy that can do magic.” He laughs but doesn’t disagree. The sound of a babbling brook grows louder and louder as you both venture further into the heart of his garden. The trees and bushes tickle your body as he walks through the grove of overgrown branches and vines to the most secluded part. Breaching one more dense shrubbery you arrive. He lets you down with a tender kiss before going about collecting the discarded floor cushions and blankets scattered about the patio. He works in silence creating a semi-circle of puff by the edge of the deck. You let him work placing the basket by the little nest forming and go to lean over the low railing separating you from a short drop down to the flowing waters traveling underneath you. The air was cooler here from the freshwater. It gives you goosebumps up your bare legs. “Careful,” Dia calls to you, looking up from his work. “The wood is slick there.”
You nod showing him that both of your hands were on the railing as you venture over to the bright blue and yellow flowers pushing their way through the gaps in the wood. They sway innocently up at you. Their petals are soft and forgiving under the pads of your fingers. They looked like human plants, but you were certain. “Everything here is safe for you to explore.”
Turning to your prince you laugh. His large body now splayed out over the nest he had just finished. His body faces away from you towards the unlit fire pit. He looks at you upside down, his head draping over a large bolster pillow. “Oh? Does that include you?” You match his teasing smile stopping inches away from his outstretched hands. He scoffs in frustration, making grabby hands at your thighs to make you join him.
“Of course tesoro. This day is for us… for you. If you so desire.” His voice is calm and light but his eyes are predatory.
“I do like that idea.” You inch closer bending down to trace a finger over his bare chest. You follow the swirling marks of his heritage up his chest and arms to his parted lips. “I do have some ideas…” You trail off feeling claw-tipped fingers circling your calves and travel up to your inner thighs. The tips of which brush dangerously close to the edges of your underwear.
Diavolo beams. “Dia!” You yelp in shock as he takes your knees out from under you. You tumble forward into his warm body and pillows. His laugh is jovial and bright, way too pleased with his little stunt. Straightening yourself out on his chest you match his gentle rolling laugh with your own breathless one.
“Mio Giglio.” He comes up to kiss the laugh lines curling around your lips. “Cosa c’é che non va?” He hugs you closer. You laugh accepting his affections. “Such a beauty.” He marvels. “Even with the dried drool.” He swipes at the corner of your mouth before you could protest.
“Hey!” You wiggle in his embrace elbowing his stomach in jest. “I do not!” You rub your warming face just to make sure. “Though, you would too if you slept like the dead. Mister toss and turn all night.” Dia chortles.
“I do not know that colloquialism.” He raises a red brow. You can see the excitement lighting up in his eyes at the thought of learning something new, something entirely human. “You do not reek of death.” He sniffles obnoxiously for comedic effect. “You smell alive and wholly mine. Though the latter is fading.” He nips your shoulder. “Has it been that long since we have lain together?” Your silence as you thought was enough of an answer for him.
“Apologies-” He growls. “I have neglected you more than I thought. Shall we rectify that?” Two warm hands grasp your bottom grinding you down slowly on the growing hardness between his legs. You groan letting him set a slow leisurely grind to your hips. You rock for a while capturing his lips with yours. His kisses leave you breathless. “May I?” You don’t know what he was asking for but whatever it was you knew it was going to be good.
With your eager nod of encouragement, Dia flops back down onto his back and holds you firm to his chest. With his eyes on yours, he slides forward till his shaggy head disappears underneath the hem of your sleepshirt. His hot breath dampens the skin of your inner thigh. You squirm feeling a definitely inhuman tongue trailing up to your center, tasting the salt forming there. Relax my flower, let me in. His voice echoes deep within your head. Its low thrumming helps your body relax under his skilled mouth and hands. Your eyes close, more than ready for Diavolo to consume you in the best possible way. His purr trails up your spine while his face nuzzles deeper into the fabric of your damp underwear.
Then your stomach rumbles-loudly.
“Ha!Ha!” In a flash, Diavolo pops out from beneath your legs. His fangs glistening while he laughs. “My darling, have I now neglected one of your base needs?”
“You’re neglecting me now~” You try to grab his shoulders to continue, fighting like mad not to glow even hotter with embarrassment as your stomach roars again. He laughs louder. It booms out ricocheting off the wooden floor.
“Come now. I will claim you soon enough beloved. First, let us sate your other hunger.” Righting your clothes he nestles you in beside him reaching over for the basket. He chuckles, not letting your pouting get to him. He swats your ass teasingly making you squeak. “Coffee or tea?” He rubs the spot he just hit and pulls out two large insulated carafes.”
You eye him. “When did you plan this?” He smiles, serving you up a plate of goodies and a cup of coffee.
“This morning when Barbatos came to rouse me for my morning meetings.” He pops a piece of smoked meat in his mouth and looks out into the sunlit garden. “I suggested instead of getting my uniform ready, perhaps he would kindly bring some warm drinks and extra pillows to the solarium before leaving us to our own devices.” He leans back into the tufted blankets and pillows. “I thought some “air” would be good for-err...me. To clear my head a little before- you know.” His cheeks pinken.
“You’re hungover.” You snort into your toast. It wasn’t a question and he doesn’t deny it. Instead, he goes to pour himself a large cup of black coffee.
“I thought by the time you woke up it would pass.” He shrugs. “But I believe the fresh air and sun wouldn’t hurt either,” Diavolo pauses in thought before continuing. “Plus, I always wanted to fuck you out here.”
You choke. “You could have just said so.” You poke his leg.
“And ruin the surprise?” He pokes you back.
You eat your fill of the basket, topping each piece of the crusty pieces of bread you pull out with soft cheeses and savory prosciutto, sprinkling the tops of each with pine nuts and a drizzle of honey. All the while Diavolo sips at his coffee deep in thought. You catch his eyes several times while you eat, his eyes following the trail of your tongue as you try in vain to clean the sticky residue left from the sweet syrup on your fingers. The last time you catch him you offer him a tacky finger, getting dangerously close to his stubbly cheek. “Want some?”
The prince chuckles, tilting his head away. He grabs your wrist gently. “What a mess, my little human.” He licks one of your fingers, sucking the tip for a moment before releasing you. You pull your hand back, scrunching your nose up in distaste.
“I didn’t expect you to actually lick them!” He laughs, pulling a napkin out for you. You take it and wipe your hands.
“Please, you act like I haven’t tasted all of you before.” His playful gaze flashes hungrily over you for a moment. He takes your empty plates from you and places them to the side. “Come here piccolo giglio I believe we had some unfinished business, no?” You clamber up his lap spreading your legs wide to straddle him. Diavolo chuffs, the sound rattling your chest. “Shall I start where I left off?” He rucks your shirt up higher revealing inch after inch of soft skin till it bundles one your waist. His callous fingers skirt over your underwear to tug at the waistband.
Dia pulls you in for a searing kiss, teeth grazing over your lips and tongue. You follow his pace, his kisses languid. Before long he begins to lead your hips in a slow grind over his covered dick. His hands rolling your hips in time with his kisses. The slow tempo doesn’t last long. While he may have the patience of the saints you most certainly didn’t.
He grins into your kiss when he feels you huff in annoyance. Your hands come up to cup his cheeks in warning. “Stop teasing me.” You separate from him with a whimper. He grins taking a thick finger to the seam of your underwear.
“Is it not the devil’s job to tempt?” His gold eyes flash in warning before the world turns upside down. You land on your back, the cushions catching your tumble. Your shout of surprise turns into a high pitch whine of pleasure as Dia’s head buries itself between your splayed legs. His tongue follows the line his finger had just traced earlier. “Getting to indulge my sweetheart in a paradise like this? I am upset that I had not thought of this sooner.” He whispers to himself. He pauses, pushing away to look at you. The air around him grows thick. “Tell Daddy what you need.” You shiver, breath catching at the sharp drop in his tone. His jovial teasing was gone, replaced with a tone of authority that makes your toes curl. His hot whisper caresses your ear and your mind goes blank.
What did you want? What did you want first? You wanted his fingers stroking you to completion, his lips kissing every cry that spilled from your lips. You wanted his solid body covering yours rocking deep inside of you. You wanted him to erase every fear and anxiety that the court had instilled in you. “You.” It was all you could manage to say, but it was enough for him. Pushing you onto your back he grabs your hips and pulls them into the air, throwing your legs around his broad shoulders. You wiggle your shoulders deeper into the pillows grinning up at Diavolo as you squeeze your thighs around his ears. Groaning in satisfaction, he leans forward. Your underwear doesn’t last long now that he has you where he wants you. The soft fabric tearing in his haste to remove them, the tattered remains of the cotton thrown off into the bushes to be forgotten. There is no preamble anymore. His tongue laps broad patterns across your entrance.
“D…” You arch your back upwards, grinding yourself onto his face. “Dia.” Diavolo rumbles back, squeezing your quacking thighs to comfort you. He pulls you closer still, eyes locking with yours to watch your reaction as he circles your hole. He waits there playing with you until he sees something he liked in your expression. When he sees whatever it was that he was looking for he strikes, sinking his tongue deep, groaning with you at the feel of tight muscles relaxing around his intrusion. You cover your mouth trying hard to muffle your sounds in the silent garden around you. Even if you were alone, just the thought that you could be overheard sent a shudder through you. You could hear your heart hammering in your ears as the demon slowly worked you open. You wail, forgetting your previous attempts to be silent when you felt a large finger join his tongue.
He rubs against you slowly twisting and pulling his finger and tongue in mind numbing patterns to bump along your sides till you choke. He hums sucking noisily in triumph. Bringing his hands up, he spread your cheeks further apart burying deeper. “Dia-please.” You pull at his hair unsure if you were asking for more or less. You could feel a fire starting in your toes, static clouding your mind.
He pulls off, lips glistening with slick. “Say it properly.” He nips your leg in warning. You bite your bottom lip, worrying it between your blunt teeth. Your eyes blur with tears of frustration. You were so close… a finger toys with you pressing in on the edges of your entrance waiting.
“Daddy-please.” Your reward was instantaneous, his fingers thrust in, curling up to mimic the motions his tongue had done just before. He curls over the top of you covering you with his warm body. His lips brush against your temple and mouth to distract you from another finger slipping in alongside his forefinger.
“So good for me, so good, my little human.” Diavolo moans against your mouth before his tongue pushes past your lips once more. You tremble in the cage of his arms, soft mews falling from your open lips while he stretches you. It hurts, just a little sting, but it reminds you just how distant you two have been of late. Gripping onto his arms you struggle to take him. Even with your prince doing his best to distract you from the discomfort you feel it was a lot. He whispers praises into your sweaty skin while he peppers your shoulder with kisses. “Easy love, think you can handle one more.” Gods you were already overwhelmed, but still so greedy for more. You knew what to come would be even more. You nod. Anything to hurry him up.
He rewards you with a hard kiss before slipping in a third finger, his thumb coming up to rub soothing circles into your skin. You cry out in a daze. The rough pads of his fingers catch on your walls pulling strained notes from you with each stroke. He pumps in slow sporadic patterns just skirting over the areas that drive you crazy. He coos to you, singing your praises while his eyes linger on how your body clings to him each time he tries to pull out. But soon the burn disappears altogether and is replaced by the nagging pressure on your shoulders. The position leaning up against his kneeling form begins to agitate your neck and back.
Squirming in his attentive hold you tap his bicep in rapid succession. He stops immediately feeling your sign and pulls away. “Speak to me.” He looks you over. His tone turns soft once more, his domineering demeanor vanishes quickly. “Is this too much?”
Shaking your head you plant the balls of your feet into his shoulders and push him away. He moves away so you lay sprawling out in the cushions. Your body thanks you, popping and groaning as you stretch out. “No, no it’s perfect. I just need to change positions. I’m not as big and strong as you.” You wink. He chuckles sitting back onto your haunches to give you a moment to center yourself. He can only keep his hands to himself for a moment before they are on you again. He rubs up your ankles and knees, messaging any tense muscles he feels until you are melting, your body warming up again to the idea of him on you. “There,” You sigh popping your neck. “Now, where were we, Daddy.” You wrap your legs around his strong waist coming up to your elbows to tug at the waistband of his pants.
Hand around his thick cock you stroke up toying your thumb over his head. Diavolo grunts going rigid at the feel of your wondering fingers. Harsh words in his native tongue fall from his lips. He covers your slowly moving hand with his own to guide you just how he likes. “Gods, I miss this. How long has it been since the last time we have had time to indulge like this?” He watches your hand through half-lidded eyes, the gold of his irises molten.
“Too long.” You agree. You lean back and close your eyes enjoying the feel of him in your hand. “Did you?”
“Basket, left hand side.” He nods at the discarded wicker basket.
You give him an appreciative squeeze and lean over to rummage through the forgotten food. “Thought of everything, huh?”
“I promised to be attentive today, did I not? I always want to treat my little human right.” He twists his hand over yours upping the tempo of your strokes till he is hissing around gritted fangs. “I-was hoping at least.” He breaks his gaze from your joined hands. His cheeks tint pink beneath his dark skin.
You crane your neck up to kiss the strained expression from his face. You feel him vibrating beneath your touch, ready to spring. “Let me prep you?” You ask while reaching for the bottle you placed between your thighs to warm it.
“I don’t need much.” He admits moving away. “You drive me crazy.” He groans hearing you pop the cap and feel the slightly warm drizzle down his cock. Your hand returns with a smoother glide, faster this time. Your other traveling down to squeeze his balls. He gasps, losing control of his steel restraint for a moment to grab your shoulders. He arches into your ministrations groaning in great detail just what he was going to do to you into the cool air of the back garden. His blood is boiling in his veins when he finally pushes your hands away to lay you down.
“How do you want me?” You finally strip your sleep shirt away excitedly.
“Just like this for now.” He growls lifting your leg up and back over his shoulder while he wraps the other around his hip locking it down in his strong grip. “I need to see you.” He squeezes your hip lovingly. “Lay back.” You drop baring yourself fully for his perusal. Your arms spread up and over your head to wrap themselves in the rumpled blankets.
He thanks you with a light kiss to your ankle before lining himself up with your entrance. His breathing grows heavy, deep chuffs emerging again in his excitement. He can taste your eagerness mixing with his in the air. He teases you, playing his head against you, pushing in only enough to breach you before pulling out again. He plays with you like this till your mewling, your blunt little nails leaving tiny crescent shaped indentations in the tawny skin of his arms. The sharp little sting of your nails trying to break through his thick skin along with the feel of your body clenching around him in a futile effort to suck him in is finally enough for him. Setting his hips thrusts forward.
He steals the cry escaping from your mouth with a kiss. The smooth feel of his tongue and teeth pull your senses in twain scrambling your brain as he stretches you open more than his fingers ever could. You should remember the feel of him. After all the times you two have spent together he still takes your breath away.
The stretch was immense as always, your legs shaking in his hold despite your best effort to stay still. Another inch slips in and you yelp. Your hands fly up instinctively out and press against his tense abdomen to halt him. “I-a moment.” You are both shaking for different reasons while you will your body to relax, your muscles squeezing him to the point of discomfort. He waits halfway in and breathes deeply through his nose. Diavolo hunches over you, careful not to jostle you. Resting his head on your shoulder he whispers words of praise to you in languages lost since lost to mortal ears. His lips trace nonsensical patterns into your shoulder and chest. You melt bit by bit into his words and skillful caresses till you are relaxed and pliant.
You nod when ready, your body screaming for a release. His reaction is instantaneous, hips curling to push in with vigor. By the time his hips are flush with yours, you are on the verge again. “Dia, God-” Your words were cut off after a hard thrust from him.
He laughs breathlessly into your shoulder. “God? In my gardens? Such blasphemy…” His claws emerge, the black and gold tips rip into the cushions around you. “You would call for another in my presence? Must I remind you who warms your bed?” You bob your head eagerly, your heart leaping into your throat at the look he gives you.
He starts up again, his rhythm steady and solid, much like the man himself. The sound of skin slapping skin slowly begins filling the space between you. Diavolo is silent as he moves against you, his hands unable to find a permanent place to land. They roam your body, squeezing your hips and ass before traveling up to your pert nipples. His mouth follows his hands licking the valley between your pectorals and lavishing your neck with fresh blemishes the colors of the flowers around you. You love the solid weight on him pinning you to his front, but the tempo was too soft for his words.
“Thought you were going to leave your mark on me? Make sure I never utter another being's name from my lips again.” You pant tugging at his hair sharply pulling a deep grunt from him. “Make me yours Dia- you promised.” Your words did the trick. He grabs your hips once more, nearly folding you in half to sink deeper inside. You howl, the stretch of him pushing your borders brings you closer and closer to that sweet precipice. The devil bearing down on you was just what you needed.
The heat of him on top of you is dizzying, making your headlight and fuzzy. You can feel the small compacted muscles of his abdomen and stomach stretch and twitch with each smooth thrust of his hips into yours. Too soon for his liking, the fire building in his gut began to unravel. “Ah-mia dolcezza. Somo vicino.” The prince grounds out into your heaving chest. While you didn’t understand the words, the raw desperation in them sends a carnal shiver down your spine. You begin to beg, voice high and breathless as his thrusts quicken.
You lock your free leg around his waist while your hands drift down to touch yourself. He slaps your hand away only to replace them with his own strong fingers. His fingers sever the thin tether keeping you from coming and you tip. Dia’s own roar of completion was all but muted white noise in your ear. You gasp looking up blindly through a sweaty curtain of red hair as Dia twitches and spills deep within you. He falls atop of you crushing you into him, but you couldn’t give less of a damn. He was a safe space in this realm. He was your safe space. His purs melting on top of you as you massage his scalp comfortingly. The two of you bask in silence for the moment. “I can’t feel my legs.” You admit finally feeling a tingle starting in your toes and calves.
“In a good way?” His voice is muffled by the pillows by your head. You hum.
“Very- and you?” He chuffs, raising onto shaking arms, and slips out of you. He watches his seed trickle out lazily. He rumbles in pride as your body tries to keep it all inside. Already the smell of his claim was covering your natural clean scent.
“At ease and wonderful.” He flops to his side scooping you up to cradle you against his chest. His arm comes around your middle while his chin rests on the top of your head. Exhausted, you relax in his arms, eyes already too heavy to stay open. Soon he hears your breathing even out becoming deep and steady in your slumber. Diavolo smiles to himself looking out to the creek. He’ll let you rest, for now, already he could feel himself stirring once more his instincts to coat you in his scent pushing him into overdrive. He was far from sated. Hopefully, you felt the same.
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