#plus it'd just be good to know this info regardless. it'd be useful regardless of where i end up
wickedhawtwexler · 5 months
my "interview" was a 3 minute long phone screening lmao but i guess everything looks good and i'm moving on in the interviewing process so yay!!!
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Could I request the different riddlers' opinions on CnC? Are they into it? If so why? Why not?
I love your writing btw, you're my favorite blog! <3
CNC Opinions
Riddler Headcanons in my head they're all into it lmao BUT LET ME NOT BE SELFISH FOR A FUCKIN MINUTE HUH? 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: cnc, safe words, aftercare, trauma
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oof i do not think he'd be up for it
he's got a flair for the dramatic sure, but i think it'd hit too close to home
sure, he could play the part of the villain no problem
but the thought of even pretending to hurt or overpower you
seems a bit too risky, especially with his previous... unhinged... outbursts...
young justice
i think he'd try anything if he thought it would make you happy
but you wouldn't enjoy it, because he'd be so tense and nervous the whole time, which is not what you want from him
ALTHOUGH he would be... amenable to trying it the other way around
if that was your thing... if you wanted to maybe try and take control over him
anything for you, seriously... anything
listen, if he gets to fuck you and feel like a proper villain, he's into it
he enjoys playing into the bad guy role, in anything
so getting to have you whimpering under him with scared little eyes and a trembling little lip
clawing at his big, strong, overpowering torso as you beg for him to be gentle
music to his ears
he could take it or leave it. it would require a lot of convincing for him to participate
there's a lot of factors to consider, and he'd need a shit tonne of aftercare, regardless of what part he was playing
plus for him, he likes to know he's wanted
he needs to feel like you're grateful for getting to be with him
so the idea of taking that unwillingly, even as a form of roleplay, is something that'll take a lot of thought
oh heck yeah he's into this, but only if you let him wear the mask
just gives him that boost of confidence and the sensation of true villainy that he needs in order to get into character
plus, eddie is a soft and gentle lover
the riddler however, he takes what he wants and no one can stop him
unless they use the safe word or they look too upset, then he'll stop oh god he'll stop please don't look too sad look he's taking the mask off and getting you tea omg
look, he loves roleplaying as much as the next person
but he enjoys separation of his career from his relationships
and playing the villain during sex wouldn't work for him
nor would it work with him playing the victim because he can't imagine a world where that's the case
(haha just kidding, but he's got a lot of trauma from being made the victim by batman so not for him thanks)
yes yes yes a thousand times yes
getting to dominate someone, listening to them beg and plead and promise him everything just for some mercy
which he has no intention of giving them? but will taunt them with the prospect of?
everything about it appeals to his more sadistic nature, which he's happy to indulge in every so often
so get your best eyeliner on for smearing and prep the duct tape
oh he's into it. really into it. kinda concerningly into it at first before you realise how much the rules and regulations turn him on
safe words are his kink, turns out
but he'll commit to the bit, for any roleplay scenario
and this is no different
but you might have to build up your pain tolerance a bit for what he has planned
maybe somewhat surprisingly, i don't think this is his thing at all
not the ego-boost he's looking for, having to force someone to be with him, even if it's just pretend
doesn't feel good
he might like it the other way round though
getting to scream no when he knows he's secretly enjoying it would be a good cover
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rev3rb · 1 year
Hey, I read the new chapter! And um, was The First… a good… dad?!?! Lol I am a bit surprised to see him care for Mika like that. Even with him talking about how naming someone is a curse, it seems like he does really love Mika, even if he thinks of it as a burden (which makes me wonder if it was rare for ppl/angels to have individual identities back then?). Even though it wouldn’t excuse his actions, it would be kinda wild if all this started just bc he wanted to save Mika, bc bitch same! I also want Mika to live lmao. Although this is just one memory so The First may still have ulterior motives.
I am a little confused about the emphasis of Angel Mika acting like both Yu/Mika. Like it could’ve been them just joking around, or it could be seriously hinting that something altered or maybe even split Mika’s personality?? Idk maybe I’m looking into things too much. We just get so little info at a time that I’m grasping for straws here a bit lol.
Also, I’m glad we got to see what Yu looked like. Plus the gender neutral pronouns to refer to Yu 👌
Honestly, I'm not that surprised that The First was a good dad. He's trying to bring Mika back, regardless of the costs, and if Owari no Seraph has taught us anything, it's that that kind of drive is borne out of love. Every single character that has been successful in any regard has had some sort of love driving them, and when they didn't, they were far less successful in their goals. There are only a few examples example I can think of where this isn't really the case. Kureto is one, and even then, Kureto does care. He just buries it because, while caring gives you strength, it also gives you a weakness, something that is a bit of a running theme in Catastrophe at 16. I guess there's also a case for Rigr, but again I'd argue that he cares for Urd in his own possibly backward way. The best case is probably Ferid? However, I digress. I think it makes perfect sense that The First's mission is one borne out of love. It's possible The First has ulterior motives, but I don't really think that's the case. I do think it's as simple as The First not being willing to let Mika go.
I'm glad you brought that up because I think that was the most interesting part of the chapter. There are so many reasons this could be the case, and I like your idea! It'd be an interesting path to take and I wonder what would have caused that.
I have a couple running ideas right now. First is that angel Mika did exactly what The First warned of and "cursed" that homunculus with a soul, and that IS Yu. This homunculus Yu then just proceeded to copy Mika's personality here as that's what they were familiar with. Plus, they say that you tend to copy the behaviors of those you like right? Another idea is that Yu and Mika actually somehow switched places/roles, but I'm less confident about that one. It doesn't make a lot of sense as we've seen Yu's memories of a time Mika shouldn't remember as he was dead at the time, but who knows. Wild stuff has already happened. The last idea is that when the first was trying to revive Mika, his failed experiments were Yu, which explains their similar personalities. What it fails to account for is why the Mika we know's personality is different then.
Yeah! It's interesting that Yu was just this "homunculus" that was apparently a companion/guardian for Mika. I guess it would make a sort of sense, and could tie back to the whole idea I had earlier about Yu being sort of manufactured to feel protective of Mika. However, I have a feeling that while Yu's role played into their proximity, Mika probably won over Yu on his own? I dunno. Hard to say without knowing how sentient these homunculi are.
Overall, I actually really enjoyed this chapter, and I get the feeling you did too. It's nice to finally get some notable forward progress and interactions here after so long.
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