#plus it was the closest thing i could find to a rune circle
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itsjustdotsandcrosses · 9 months ago
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Archmage Vishalny, Arcane Diplomat and Master of Enchantment (DND NPC)
#1, main overall stim board of the set (vampire/dark themes excluded)
With themes of magic and snakes, fashion and accessories, and calligraphy/planning. How Vishalny likes to present herself, an overall aesthetic board.
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alj4890 · 4 years ago
Misfortune's Intentions
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(Liam x OC*Elisse Millan) (Drake x Riley) in a Choices The Royal Heir fan fiction
A/N Time continues to go by. Riley is nearing the end of her second trimester. Liam and Elisse will have their first date in front of the court during a ball he is hosting. The two have managed to have a few private dates since that one on a sailboat. While they continue to fall for one another, concerns and words are shared by those closest to them. This chapter mentions a certain event that happened later in the TRH canon, but I added it now and of course ended it like I wished.
@gkittylove99​ @krsnlove​ @kingliam2019​ @texaskitten30​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @yourmajesty09​ @mom2000aggie​ @ofpixelsandscribbles​
Chapter 4 Moonlight and Secrets
Cranborne Manor, Cordonia...
"Aren't you glad I had you bring this?" Amalas held up the black ball gown. "I know Liam will be."
Elisse's cheeks heated with color. "If I say yes, will you stop talking about my going as his date?"
"Why? I think it's actually sweet that he asked you." Amalas leaned down to smell the roses that had arrived earlier. "Even though I'm not a romantic like some people I know," she smiled at her cousin, "I can still be happy that you found someone that you actually like."
"I should have known you wouldn't be able to stop talking." Elisse teased. "I'm nervous enough as it is."
She snatched the card Liam had sent with the roses out of Amalas's hands.
"Elisse?" A wicked smile formed. "What did he write?"
"Nothing to concern yourself over." She dodged her trying to grab it. "Amalas! Is this any way for a queen to behave?!" She turned holding it as far away from her as she could.
All the commotion they made drew an anxious Felix into the room.
One look at the two climbing over furniture while chasing each other let him know exactly what was going on.
"Elisse!" Amalas dodged a bed pillow. "You would dare strike your queen?!"
"Without any regret whatsoever." Elisse tripped over the bottom of her robe and went tumbling down.
Amalas pounced, snatching the card away.
"Aha!" She held it above her head in victory.
Felix plucked it from her grasp.
"Felix!" She rounded on him. "Hand that over."
"Yes, your majesty." With all the seriousness he could muster, he handed it to Elisse.
"Ha!" Elisse held it against her heart. "Thank you, Felix."
"What is this treason?" Amalas had her hands on her hips. Her usual intimidating frown was ruined by her hair sticking up at odd angles.
"Forgive me your majesty," he bowed, "but I was under the impression you wanted it to go to its owner."
"In other words," Elisse loudly whispered, "Felix likes me better."
The cousins burst into giggles much as they used to before Amalas became queen.
Felix quietly shut the door before allowing a smile to appear on his face. After all that had occurred for his queen and lady, he had forgotten how infectious their happiness could be.
"Tell the truth." Amalas sat down on the bed. "You're falling in love with Liam."
Elisse sat down once more at her vanity. Amalas could see the soft glow on her face in the reflection of the mirror as she looked down at his card.
"He makes it impossible not to fall in love." She shyly admitted.
"Looks like whatever happens, I will still have an alliance with Corodnia."
Elisse glared playfully at her. "You're runing the romance."
"Then I guess Liam will have his work cut out for him tonight."
Cordonia's Royal Palace, Riley and Drake’s chambers...
"While they are here, maybe you could sneak over to Cranborne and see if you find anything that we should know." Riley whispered.
Olivia's brow furrowed. "I've been investigating Elisse. Nothing except for her time spent in America has been found. She has spent most of her life in Monterisso."
"I think if Amalas is planning anything, her cousin is not a part of it." Hana added.
Riley closed her eyes. She knew she was becoming obsessive over this woman. But after hearing Liam's confession of how he felt toward her and Drake. She owed him a lady he could freely love who wouldn't betray him.
Though she loved Drake more than anyone, she easily remembered those times she snuck off with Liam during his social season. The butterflies and sweet moments had caused her to fall for him as well as his grumpy friend.
She knew if Drake had continued to push her away, she might have given in and married Liam.
And how much more horrible would I have been to do that while longing for his best friend?
"This will be the last time." She told them. "If nothing is discovered of her time in America or that she and Amalas are planning something nefarious for Cordonia, then I will accept that Liam is safe with Elisse."
"Very well." Olivia stood up. "We'll let you know what we find."
"Or hopefully don't find." Hana added as she followed her out.
Riley dabbed at the stray tears in her eyes with a tissue. Between concerns over Elisse and Liam and having to keep from making an arranged marriage for her yet to be born baby was getting to her.
There were numerous times she secretly wished she had never agreed to have the royal heir. It is too much to deal with. Her pregnancy wasn't going at all like she used to dream about.
For one thing, it had happened much sooner than she had wanted. She would have loved to have had a year or two of just her and Drake trying to figure out how to be Cordonia's newest Duke and Duchess. Plus it would have been nice to enjoy being a newlywed that could wear lingerie and go out on fun, late night dates with her husband.
But to give birth to the, "chosen one," was driving her crazy. All the photos taken of her. The more than usually required doctor visits. The lack of privacy. The events. Having everyone with them with no time alone with her husband...
"Dammit!" She couldn't stop her tears. Her makeup was ruined.
"Riley?" Drake poked his head into their room. "What's wrong?"
She hurried into his embrace.
He rubbed soothing circles on her back. "Hormones?"
"Yes." She then shook her head. "No. I don't know."
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "You know you can talk to me." He swallowed nervously. "Even if it is about Liam?"
"It's not him." She reached for more tissues. "It's us. Me, you, the baby. Our life." She blew her nose. "No privacy. No time to take in the fact that in three months we will have someone to take care of."
He continued to hold her.
"And this whole royal heir business." She lifted her eyes to his. "Do you really want our baby to be in line for the throne?"
She saw the hesitation flicker in his face.
"We owe Liam so much." He said. "He has asked so little from us. This seemed like the least we could do and it is an honor he wanted our child for that position."
"Drake we are deciding our child's entire future without even meeting him or her." She reminded him. "What if the baby is like you and prefers to live a quiet life? We will have forced the one we want to protect into the very position that takes away every freedom they have."
Drake lowered his eyes. "I know."
She hugged him close. "What are we going to do?"
"I--I don't know." He held her tight. "I just don't know."
A few hours later, Cranborne Manor...
Elisse took a deep breath on the way to answer the front door.
"M'lady," Liam handed her a long stem red rose. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you." She let her eyes travel over him in his formal regalia. "You look very handsome."
His smile turned flirty. "Are you ready for our first ball as a couple?"
With a nod, she retrieved her clutch and took his hand. "Liam?"
"Are you sure about this?" She whispered when they reached Bastien holding the car door for them.
Liam took both of her hands in his. "I am."
"Even though I can't--"
He pressed a tender kiss to her lips, cutting off her reason for doubting he should be with her.
"You're who makes me happy." He whispered against her lips. "Regardless of whether or not you can have children."
She cupped his cheek and pressed another tender kiss to his lips in quiet gratitude.
He smiled softly as she got into car's backseat then followed after her.
Once the vehicle turned a corner, Olivia and Hana sneaked out of their hiding place.
"Queen Amalas left with her bodyguard earlier." Olivia whispered. "We will have free reign to search the house."
Hana shivered in the cool night air. "I suppose we should be grateful for that."
She watched quietly as the duchess expertly picked the lock.
"After you." She waved Hana inside.
The Royal Ballroom...
Conversations were focused on one thing this evening: Liam had brought a date to the ball. 
Regina went from group to group saying how happy she was that he had settled on a lady that she so highly approved of.
"It is rare to find someone who understands the pressure he is under. Lady Elisse is a pleasure to be around." She said while she and a few others watched the two waltz.
Nobles soon were murmuring praises and wishes to see Liam settle down with Elisse.
"Monterisso and Cordonia's alliance under their marriage would make us the envy to many of the surrounding countries."
"Seeing a young king settle down would add more reassurance to foreign powers about the stability of our country."
"They do make a cute couple." Penelope whispered to Zeke.
Amalas chuckled softly at overhearing this latest compliment. She caught her cousin's eye and lifted her champagne flute to her.
Elisse's blush responded to that.
Liam's smile was warm when he noticed it. He leaned closer to her ear and whispered something that caused her to laugh with a shake of her head.
Elisse then was seen looking up at him with an expression that could only be described as complete adoration.
"You've been busy."
Amalas took a steadying breath before responding.
"King Bradshaw." She inclined her head. "I think we have all been busy in Cordonia."
He hmphed. "Some of us though aren't wooing the king and parents of the heir."
She kept her face devoid of emotion while she sipped her champagne.
He narrowed his eyes at her silence. "I see you aren't denying it."
"I've yet to hear an accusation worth addressing." She smiled sweetly as she walked away. "Do give my best to Isabella."
Another hour later...
"Shouldn't you be making the rounds?"
Liam wrapped his arm around his date. "I should but I would rather stand here with you."
"You won't hear any arguments from me." Elisse closed her eyes when she felt his lips brush her cheek. "People will talk if you keep that up."
"It's about time I gave them something new to gossip over." He teased.
"I can hear them now. Our king has been captured by that wicked Monterisso viscountess."
He snorted. "I doubt they would use the word wicked." He tugged her closer. "Most likely conniving."
Her overly dramatic gasp made him laugh.
"I suppose I should be using my feminine whiles on you." She looped her arms around his neck. "But you, sir, are simply too distracting."
"A Monterisson noble unable to do her job?" He shook his head in mock pity. "I suppose I will have to keep you here rather than allow you to return home in shame."
"Why, your majesty. Is this a scheme to keep me at your beck and call?"
"You caught me, m'lady." His teasing smile turned tender.
The two were surprised to see Olivia standing behind them.
"Liam, may I speak to you about something?" Her eyes darted briefly to Elisse. "In your study?"
Elisse stepped out of his arms.
"I'll be back." He promised her. He lifted her hand to his lips, enjoying the moment her smile reappeared.
With a nod to Olivia, he followed her out of the ballroom.
"You did what?!" Liam's eyes narrowed. "Who told you to break into their home?"
Hana fidgeted beside Olivia. "Riley was worried with all the secrets Amalas is known to have and--"
"And--" Olivia glanced at Hana, receiving a nod, "some of us were concerned since you seem to be close to the queen's cousin."
He paced before them, doing his best to not lose his temper. "I know better than most about Monterisso."
"Liam, they have a file on you." Hana explained. "Files on all of us!"
"That isn't that surprising." Olivia grumbled. "I had files on all the ladies during the social season." A brief expression of admiration appeared. "I would have done the same to Amalas and Elisse if we were visiting their country."
"I already knew about the files." He told them.
"You did?"
"Elisse." Liam ceased his pacing and faced them. "She has been nothing but honest with me."
"Did she tell you that there is a chance she--" Hana hesitated, wishing she hadn’t read the letters from Boston. "She--"
"Can't have children." Olivia finished softly. "We saw some medical reports in her room." Her sharp gaze softened. "She went through an experimental procedure to--"
"I know all of that." Liam interrupted. "She...she was supposed to be a part of my social season." His features hardened with memories. "My father refused to let her after her medical exam."
He snapped out of those what if thoughts. "Now then. Go tell Lady Riley to back off. There is nothing--"
Muffled screams filled the air.
"What was that?!" Hana jumped when Liam ran out the door.
"Liam!" Olivia shouted, already pulling two hidden daggers out. "Wait!"
The Ballroom...
Everyone stared in horror at the drone that had crashed through the window. Queen Isabella trembled in her husband's arms with cuts along her face and arms.
"I recognize that." King Bradshaw pointed at Amalas. "This is one of the Spy Queen’s drones!"
Elisse surreptitiously made her way to Amalas's side and gripped her hand. The two remained calm as Bradshaw and Isabella riled the crowd up.
"I nearly died!" Isabella held up her arms with minor cuts. "My children could have been motherless all because she can't take a chance on Duchess Riley choosing us."
Riley paled as she looked from one ruler to another. Her hands slid protectively to her belly, wishing there was a way to get out of all this.
"I refuse to see Cordonia be threatened in such a fashion." Bradshaw straightened his shoulders. "Do not fear. My guards will--"
Liam appeared.
"King Liam!" Isabella cried out, tears streaking down her face. "Look--"
He held his hand up for silence as he examined the broken drone.
The whole court waited while he knelt beside it.
Bastien rushed to his side. "Sir, we need to get you to safety--"
"No we don't." Liam told him.
"Sir, it--"
Liam ordered him to be quiet as he turned the drone over. His lips firmed into a slight frown.
Olivia finally made it through the crowd, stopping in surprise at the piece of machinery on the ballroom floor.
"The Monterissons must be made to leave at once!" Isabella cried when Bradshaw quietly whispered to her.
"Unless you too want to be added to our list of enemies." Bradshaw warned.
Olivia's eyebrow raised. "Because of this?"
"That weapon nearly killed my wife." Bradshaw bit out.
"Strange." Liam finally said as he stood up. "One would think Queen Amalas would use one of her newer stealth drones instead of this one from five years ago."
Bradshaw and Isabella stilled.
"Given that you both say it attacked, I would have thought it would at least have been fitted with some type of weapon on it instead of an outdated camera." He continued.
The king and queen looked about at the crowd’s fear turning to confusion
"She's spying on us!" Bradshaw exclaimed. "All of us were being watched."
"She must be planning on eliminating all competition!" Isabella pointed at Elisse. "And that one was used to distract your king, Cordonia!"
Murmurs began again.
"They shouldn't be allowed to stay here." Godfrey muttered.
"What if one of us had been struck with that drone?" Kiara was heard to whisper.
"Did they see everything we have been doing? What if they begin to blackmail us?!" Adelaide added.
Bradshaw smirked at Amalas as the murmurs grew louder, demanding that she and Elisse be forced to leave.
Liam could feel a sense of déjà vu. Memories of his coronation ball came to mind.
This very crowd had demanded that Riley be thrown out of Cordonia and thus out of his life. He had stood by quietly and let it happen, thinking he was protecting her.
He knew whatever love she had for him had been damaged in that moment.
He could still see Drake demanding the King's Guards let her go. His volunteering to go to New York for her. His promise to look out for her once she joined the engagement tour.
I can't let it happen again. I can't lose Elisse. Not now. Not when I know I'm falling in love with her.
He stepped protectively in front of Elisse and Amalas while Felix guarded their backs. Liam could feel his lady’s fingers brush his hand in need of reassurance.
"This drone proves nothing." He said, cutting off everyone's conversations. "Queen Amalas and Lady Elisse had nothing to do with this."
"How do you know that?" Bradshaw demanded.
"Because," Amalas stepped forward, "this particular drone requries a remote operator to fly it." She patted her suit pockets. "Which I nor Lady Elisse could possibly have on us, given it takes two hands to even hold the controler."
"Your guard!" Isabella lifted a trembling finger. "He--"
Felix emptied his pockets without a word. He handed his coat to Bastien and allowed him to pat him down.
"Perhaps we should check Auvernal's many guards." Lady Elisse countered as she stepped up beside Liam. She maintained her calm demeanor while facing the two that threatened her. "There might be one or two who are not happy with their king and queen."
Amalas smirked. "I worry for the intelligence of this person. To use a drone that is now no more than a child's plaything." She chuckled. "Of course, Auvernal isn't known for their brilliant minds."
"How dare you!" Bradshaw shouted. "My wife--"
"Is unharmed." Liam spoke over him.
One of Bastien’s agents returned with an Auvernal guard.
Isabella quickly rushed forward, striking the man when the remote control was discoverd. "You will pay for attacking your queen!"
"But, your majesty, I--"
"Silence!" Bradshaw yelled over him. He ordered his personal guard to remove the traitor.
Liam slipped his hand in Elisse's when more murmurs rose around them. He knew it was time to turn the tables on the ones who still threatened the woman beside him.
"Honored guests," he turned to face the crowd, "given that an attack has occurred, I'm certain that King Bradshaw will wish to take his queen back to Auvernal." Liam's cold fury settled on the royal. "He would never wish to bring possible harm to those he wishes to make his allies."
Bradshaw gave a jerky nod. "Yes." He eyed Amalas. "I will go and quash this particular problem."
Regina joined Liam as she encouraged everyone else to also retire for the night.
"Liam," Elisse let go of his hand, "You shouldn't have gotten invovled in this. Bradshaw will not let that embarrassment go unanaswered."
He pulled her into his embrace. "I was not about to let them take you away."
Amalas held her hand out to him. "I believe I also owe you my own thanks for helping everyone to see reason, King Liam."
Felix gratefully bowed his head to him.
"I couldn't let mob mentality take over." Liam explained. "Bradshaw has been acting more agressive in gaining a foothold in my country. I refuse to let him do so."
Drake and Riley joined them once the last few guests of the ball trickled out.
"You should be resting." Amalas told her. "All of tonight's stress can't be good for you and the baby."
"I know." Riley replied. "Which is why I need to speak to Liam."
His brow furrowed when he noticed how pale she was. "Why don't we wait until morning? You--"
"I can't wait." Her eyes filled with tears. "It will only take a moment."
Elisse gently squeezed him in a hug. "Amalas and I should return to Cranborne." She smiled when he kept her within his arms. "I know you have things to take care of here."
Without paying attention to their friends and family around them, Liam kissed her goodnight. He cupped her cheek as he told her he would see her in the morning.
Once she was gone, Liam faced his friends and Regina. "What is it you need to discuss?"
Riley swallowed at the lump forming in her throat. "It's about our baby."
Liam's chambers at two in the morning...
After yanking off all the regalia and unbuttoning his shirt, Liam poured himself three fingers of scotch.
He took a couple of healthy gulps, closing his eyes to the decision that had once again upended his world.
He was back to being a ruler in a tenuous position.
A king without a wife. Without heirs.
His head dropped as he slumped into a chair.
Cradling the cut crystal tumbler, he thought of the conversation he had with his friends.
"Liam, I..." Riley swiped at her tears. "I don't want my baby to be the royal heir."
"What?" He took a step back in shock, just as he had when she told him she couldn't marry him. "Riley, I know tonight's--"
"It isn't just because of tonight." She interrupted. "It's everything. It's too much for us to deal with." She gripped Drake's hand. "I can't force my child into this type of responsibility."
"It was an honor that you chose us." Drake continued. "But the stress is eating away at us."
Liam slowly nodded. "I understand." He slipped his hands into his pockets. “We will have a press conference tomorrow.”
With a broken sob, Riley hugged him. "I'm so sorry I can't do this for you after everything you have given me."
He gently patted her back. "You don't owe me a child out of gratitude."
"I know." She sniffed and stepped back. "You will still be a part of our baby's life?"
He smiled softly. "Of course."
"Someone will have to teach our baby manners." Drake pulled Liam into a brief hug, slapping his back. "Thank you for understanding."
"It's what Liam does best." Riley added.
Olivia, Hana, and Regina remained with him once the couple left the ballroom.
"What will you do now?" Olivia asked.
"I...I don't know." He admitted.
"What will you do about Elisse?" Regina prodded. "If you don't choose another heir, you will need to have one of your own."
He ran his hands over his face. "I'm not losing Elisse."
"Dear, I know you care for her, but you--"
"I'm not losing her." He repeated harshly. "She is exactly what I need in my life."
Seeing it was fruitless to argue, the queen mother bowed her head and quietly left them.
Hana looked between Liam and Olivia, unable to think of something comforting to diffuse the tension.
"Liam." Olivia tempered her tone. "Regina's right. You still need an heir." She reached over and squeezed his hand. "Elisse will understand that you have to end--"
Without a word, he left the two ladies standing there.
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musicprincess655 · 7 years ago
Present day…
Youichi definitely shouldn’t have given the still-angry demon a nickname, but in his defense, he had to do something to make this feel a little less surreal, and this made it seem like they were friends. They weren’t, of course – Youichi had barely been able to sleep the last two nights with a somewhat murderous demon in his room, since apparently even the couch in the living room was too far to ask the bond to stretch – but it made him feel a little better.
Besides, when he’d dropped the first Ryou-san more on accident than anything else, all he’d gotten in response was one elegant eyebrow arch. Youichi figured he was safe.
He had another problem to deal with right now, however.
“Okay, so we can’t separate from each other, and I have to go to class, so I guess you’re sitting in on my spell theory lecture.”
“Don’t you think this is a little more important than class?” Ryou asked.
“I can’t skip class,” Youichi replied. “Takashima-sensei takes attendance.”
Ryou didn’t look amused.
“Look, it’s not like I don’t want to solve this as fast as possible,” Youichi sighed. “The person who gave me the spell is Takashima-sensei’s TA, and besides, Takashima-sensei teaches spell theory and design. If anyone can help us fix this, it’s her.”
“Fine,” Ryou said.
“And if you and Miyuki get your asses in gear, we can get there early and talk to her before class,” Youichi continued. “Speaking of which. OI! MIYUKI!”
“Are you two always like this?” Ryou asked.
“It works for us.”
They left the apartment in a whirlwind of wallets and keys and reminding Miyuki to grab his cellphone just in case you have an emergency, you shitty tanuki. They just managed to make it to the station to catch a train to the station closest to Seidou before they really would have been running late. As it was, they had to power walk a little so they could be a few minutes early to class.
Youichi left Miyuki to stake out their customary seats in the middle of the lecture hall and dragged Ryou to the front. Takashima glanced up at him from her laptop, doing a double take when she saw Ryou.
“Is that…?” she trailed off. Jun walked back into the room, probably fetching some last minute things for class, and went pale when he saw Ryou standing next to Youichi.
“Tell me you didn’t bring a demon to class,” he growled.
“I kind of didn’t have a choice,” Youichi said. “He’s bound to me.”
Sometimes, Youichi felt bad for the fact that he was probably a significant contributor to Jun’s brain tumor.
“And why is he bound to you?” Jun asked.
“That’s what I’d like to know,” Ryou spoke up. “He says you two can help.”
“Kuramochi-kun.” Uh oh. That was the Dangerous Teacher Tone. “Did you summon a demon?”
“Um.” There was no good way out of this. “Yes?”
“Where did you get the spell?”
Youichi didn’t really intend to throw Jun under the bus, but he couldn’t stop himself from looking Jun’s way, and it wasn’t like Takashima wouldn’t have figured that out on her own anyway, since Youichi helped Jun test out his theories a lot.
“Jun-kun,” she said, still in the dangerous voice. “Did you give Kuramochi-kun a spell to summon a demon?”
“He’s done it with me before, and it went fine!” Jun tried to protest, although he seemed to know he was in deep shit. “Kuramochi, what even went wrong? You’ve never messed a spell up this badly.”
“This is the circle I used,” Youichi said, pulling up the picture on his phone and holding it out to Takashima. She peered over it for a moment, sighing and pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Why would you try to summon a demon?” she asked. “It’s the second week of class. Last year you waited months before getting into trouble.”
Youichi mumbled under his breath, not really wanting to admit that he’d gotten a little excited about his idea for Ochiai’s history of magic class and had rushed a little quickly into research. But it was a big project and was worth eighty percent of his grade, and since Ochiai was the head of the teacher licensure program, Youichi was pretty invested in impressing him.
Plus, demon history was just cool. At least, what they knew about it, which wasn’t much, which was why Youichi had tried to ask a demon for help.
“I see the problem,” Takashima said. “See right here? You put the language for binding between the character for the demon and the marking for protecting yourself, instead of by the keystone rune for the circle. That bound the demon to you instead of to the circle.”
“I have a name, and also I’m right here,” Ryou cut in. Takashima gave him a flat look.
“So it should just be a simple unbinding spell, right?” Youichi asked, trying to break up the staring contest. Ryou might be a demon, but Takashima was scary when she wanted to be, and Youichi was in no mood to see the entire building come down.
“Usually, yes, but not this time,” Takashima said. “See the rune you used to keep him in whatever form he entered the circle with?”
She blew the picture up to show them what she was looking at.
“What’s wrong with that?” Jun asked. “That’s part of the spell I gave him, it’s what I always use in my summoning circles.”
“Normally, nothing would be wrong,” Takashima said. “Usually, I use a rune that roughly means ‘restricted to your current form’ in my circles, but this one means something closer to ‘bound as you are.’ That wouldn’t make a difference in a normal circle – they both lose their effect as soon as the demon leaves.”
“What does that mean for me?” Ryou asked.
“I’m assuming you haven’t been able to change forms since the binding?” Takashima asked him. Ryou nodded.
“It’s been annoying.”
“Since the binding was ‘as you are’ and not just ‘restricting you to your current form’, and because the binding was applied directly to you and not to the circle…there’s a chance that just removing the binding would dissolve you.”
Youichi, Ryou, and Jun stared at her in shock.
“Dissolve me?” Ryou asked, sounding a little small.
“More like reducing every cell in your body to a state of complete entropy, but dissolve is a good way to picture what it’ll look like and how it’ll feel.”
“It might do the same to you, Kuramochi-kun,” Takashima went on.
“You put the rune for ‘bound as you are’ between the demon’s rune and your mark. It applies to you too. That’s why you can’t leave the demon any more than he can leave you.”
Youichi gulped. Of all the ways someone could die – and he’d learned there were many, when magic got involved – being dissolved all at once sounded like one of the worst. Ryou looked like he shared the sentiment.
“So what do we do?” Youichi asked. “I don’t want a demon bound to me, and Ryou-san doesn’t want to stay here either.”
“I’m not sure, actually,” Takashima admitted. “We’ve had cases of demons being bound to people like this, and we have plenty of documentation of the rune for ‘bound as you are’ being used, since it’s used pretty much interchangeably with ‘restricted to your current form’, but as far as I know we have nothing on when they’re combined, and when unfamiliar elements are combined like this, they can have unexpected effects.”
“What do we do?” Ryou stressed. “I can’t be stuck here.”
“We’ll have to do some research,” Takashima said. “By which I mean, the three of you need to do some research. Find any reference of this or similar combinations, and see if you can find any that detail how they reversed it. Unless you can find something that doesn’t result in two deaths, I’m unwilling to try anything to reverse it.”
“You’re not gonna help us?” Youichi asked.
“You’re the one that summoned a demon, Kuramochi-kun,” Takashima told him. “Unless it becomes an immediate threat to your life, this is your problem to solve.”
“This is a teaching moment, isn’t it.”
“Exactly. Take your seats, class is starting. And make sure your demon behaves himself.”
“I am still right here.”
Youichi dragged Ryou back to where Miyuki was sitting, saving seats for them both. He flopped down, feeling drained even though it was only ten in the morning.
“What did Rei-chan say?” Miyuki asked. Youichi wrinkled his nose.
“Don’t call her that, it’s gross,” he complained.
“Like you weren’t attracted to her when you first saw her.”
“That’s different. And she’s married. And she has a doctorate. It feels gross to call her Rei-chan.”
Miyuki rolled his eyes.
“But what did she say?”
“Apparently, Jun-san and I both fucked up,” Youichi sighed. “I mixed up the order of the runes, but Jun gave me one that made it worse.”
“Rookie mistake.”
“Fuck off.”
“So when are you unbinding him so he can trot on back to Hell?”
“I have had enough of people acting like I can’t hear them talking about me,” Ryou said. He didn’t sound particularly angry, but there was an edge of steel to his voice that let Youichi know he was perfectly capable of tearing everyone in this room to shreds.
“You can ask him,” Youichi pointed out. Miyuki made a face, but leaned around to speak to Ryou anyway.
“When are we unbinding you so you can trot on back to Hell?”
“Apparently, that would kill both me and your friend here,” Ryou said, sweet smile in place on his face. “If you’d like to do it anyway, by all means, I have nothing but time on my hands.”
It seemed Miyuki had finally met someone he couldn’t out-sass, which was reason enough for Youichi to expand the list he was keeping in his head, tentatively titled Reasons this doesn’t completely suck. Once again, Youichi had to notice that if Ryou had been human, they probably would’ve made good friends.
But he had to focus on class for right now. Spell theory was an important part of his practical magic major, and if his grades got too low, he could get himself booted from the program. It was almost unfair that Miyuki never had to worry about that, considering how long he’d known Takashima. At least Miyuki hadn’t managed to charm Takashima’s husband in the same way, and if he didn’t pay attention in class, he would still be in trouble when they got to combat magic later, and still when they had practice after class. Kataoka was no one to mess with.
Sometimes Youichi wasn’t sure if he was thrilled that he was in the same major as Miyuki, or if he couldn’t stand it, but it was a net positive in his mind. Crazy as they could drive each other with their different styles of magic, it was good to have your best friend in most of your classes.
Youichi looked over at Ryou. He was watching Takashima’s lecture, looking supremely bored. Youichi didn’t know how old he was, but it could be anywhere from a few decades to a few centuries. It was possible that Ryou already knew everything Takashima was teaching.
Even if he hadn’t meant to do it, Youichi felt bad for binding Ryou to himself. It had to suck to be stuck to someone in a world that wasn’t his own, and even if Youichi wasn’t thrilled with the outcome either, he had to admit that Ryou had more right to be angry right now.
He settled in to take notes, determined to comb through every inch of the library between class and practice and find a way to fix all of this.
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