#plus i think the fact that dandelions are both impossible to be rid of yet sort of almost whimsically dissipate as the summer ends
universalheart · 1 year
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here's the pagedoll version in simple black lining. i honestly almost prefer this version but i spent wayyy tooo looong drawin those stupid dandelions. song of the week is "cico buff" by cocteau twins.
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a-marlene-s · 5 years
Floating White Lotus
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This fic was inspired by this post by @captainkirkk.
Book One: Water
Title: “Dandelion Root Tea”
Chapter: Beginning - Previous Chapter - 4 - Next Chapter
Rating: T (curse words mainly.)
Genre: Humor, Drama, and more humor.
Summary: Floating White Lotus, a former fire nation ship that was converted into a traveling tea shop. The shop is led by the rumored the Dragon of the West, (No knows if this is true or not… yet) and his nephew who wishes to forget the everlasting war. Well, until a certain someone decided he’d be the perfect fire bending instructor.
Archive Of Our Own: Floating White Lotus
Fanfiction.net: Floating White Lotus 
Wattpad: Floating White Lotus 
D/C: I own nothing.
Shout-out to ProudGeek4Ever! Thank you so much for beta reading the Floating White Lotus!
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Dandelion Root Tea
It improves digestion and aids weight gain. Purifies bladder and kidneys. Reduces the risk of urinary infections, purifies the blood and improves blood circulation. Eases bloating and aching joints. Helps cure skin conditions. Warning! Can cause allergic reactions when taken by mouth or applied to the skin. Ragweed Allergy.
"There have been multiple sightings of Aang and the others from all kinds of places, but no one has an exact location on their current whereabouts," Iroh explained as they packed their supplies onto four Komodo Rhinos. They would make it a lot easier to get to their next location. He took out a map and showed Zuko where they'd been seen.
Zuko frowned. It was easy to tell where they'd been, but it was impossible to say where they were heading. Either Aang severely lacked navigational skills or he was a master at evasive maneuvering. He couldn't care less what they were doing as long as they were out of his sight. "Here's to hoping we don't run into them anytime soon."
"Tell them, Zuko! We aren't spies!"
Zuko resisted the urge to slam his head against the metal serving tray he was holding. They were not supposed to be here. Here, as in the same place he was. The three should be out looking for bending masters for Aang.
Not here.
Tied up to a pole.
Being interrogated by the Kyoshi Warriors.
Kyoshi warriors that thought they were spies for the Fire Nation.
"You know these guys, Zuko?" Suki turned her attention to Zuko that was close to pouring hot tea over himself. "Put the kettle down."
"He knows us! We're frie-OW! Katara!" Sokka glared at his sister who was now giving Zuko a pleading stare.
Zuko could only shake his head at this point. The kettle got placed back down on the tray. He took a deep breath and looked at the female warriors. "The bald monk is the Avatar and the other two are Sokka and Katara. The ones I told you about. They live on the South Pole."
"He's the one that got his thumb stuck on a fishing hook?" Suki pointed at Sokka with her fan with an incredulous expression.
"He then tried using another hook to take the first one out and got the second one stuck too." Katara quickly explained the story. It earned her a glare from her brother and laughter from everyone else.
"I thought it was four hooks?"
"That's a whole other story, Zuko."
Zuko served tea to Aang and Katara. Sokka was lying on the ground moping about their capture. He looked out and saw the villagers had decided to honor the Avatar by cleaning the statue of Avatar Kyoshi. He had to give it to them. The statue was over three hundred years old and it still stood strong.
"Rumor has it that the Avatar is a master at evasive maneuvering." He kept pouring the tea like if he was simply discussing the weather.
"He lacks navigational skills. It's worked well enough."
"Oh, like you are any better, Sokka!"
The Avatar and the banished Prince got first row seats of yet another sibling squabble. The airbender turned his attention to Zuko and saw him looking out into the yard with a wistful expression. Outside there were children playing with sticks and a leather ball. "Have you thought over the possibility of teaching me firebending?"
"I'm still not teaching you. You are not ready."
"Ah!" Aang grinned at the older boy. "You do plan on teaching me."
Zuko rolled his eyes and placed the teapot on the table before heading out of the hut. "I am never going to teach you how to firebend. I'll become Fire Prince before that happens."
Sokka's jaw dropped at the sight. "Zuko? What are you doing here?"
The Kyoshi warriors were putting on make-up and tying up his hair. One was looking through the uniforms to find a one that fit.
"Training." He'd always been straight to the point. Sokka kept staring at him with a gobsmacked expression. Maybe it was the hair? "Why are you here?"
"To train…"
He watched Suki and Sokka fight together with the Kyoshi Warriors. He had to remember to compliment Sokka later. He'd improved since the last time he had seen him fight. It was a well-known fact in the Southern Water Tribe that Zuko had taught Sokka some hand to hand combat. The younger Water Tribe boy kept losing his weapon. This way he had a fighting chance.
With that in mind, Sokka did well, but he was nowhere near Suki'd level. She had gotten him on the ground. The question was if her would accept defeat. Sokka stretched his neck and saw Zuko patiently looking at him. The memory of all their lessons came to the forefront of his mind.
Sokka turned back to Suki and bowed. He told her it would be an honor to be trained by her if she would consider it. Zuko smiled. His friend had come far.
Zuko watched as the majority of the girls on the island chased after Aang. The lovers spat between Aang and Katara had resulted with Katara walking off. He rolled his eyes and went back to training a few of the warriors how to wield dual broadswords.
In return, they had gathered herbs specific for this region. It was a good trade. Just another day for Zuko and the Floating White Lotus.
They all stopped training as Jee ran up to them. He motioned for the warriors to leave him and Jee.
"We spotted Zhao's men on the island. I had the men sail away to avoid suspicion. Your uncle is with them and I have a boat waiting for us." Zuko didn't react as Jee had expected. He was calm and looked around to see that both Aang and Katara were nowhere to be seen and Sokka was still being taught by Suki. "Get back to the ship. They won't recognize me right now."
The warrior paint hid the scar and the headband covered his ears. You wouldn't be able to tell it was Zuko in the armour unless you already knew.
"How would you get back to the ship?"
"Don't worry about it. I have to make the others leave before they get found by Zhao."
"Don't get caught. Otherwise, we'd have to deal with the consequences of your stupidity."
"Me? Doing something stupid? Don't make me la-"
Sometime later~
"That's ridiculous. Zuko does something stupid? Impossible." Jee watched Zuko get flung into the air by the unagi. At least some flames were extinguished. As for himself, well he didn't go back to the ship. He stayed behind and stayed hidden. Someone had to make sure the prince didn't get killed. "Who's laughing now? Not me. That's for sure."
Luckily the Avatar and his group left and the attackers followed. Jee took the opportunity to get rid of the fires the unagi had left behind. The main threat was gone.
Zuko groaned while he limped towards him. "I thought I told you to leave."
"And have your uncle kill me if anything had happened to you? No thanks."
"Are you sure it's okay to leave Zuko behind?" Sokka asked with his gaze on the island that was getting further and further away. "If he gets caught by the Fire Nation..."
"Zuko is stronger than he looks Sokka. Plus, they paid more attention to us, than him."
"Why do you think he left?" The young monk was curious and thought it was more to the story.
"All we know is that Zuko got disowned by his family and is not welcome back until he gets his 'honor' back." Sokka used air quotes. "I personally believe he didn't want to join the army and it got him banished. As for Iroh... Someone had to take care of the guy."
"Is that enough to get them arrested?"
"We don't know."
Tag List: @amynchan, @aliendoodles2
Tag List is still open! 
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