#plus i bought this amazing vortex fan last year and it's made things so much more bearable
pharawee · 1 year
I can't guarantee for any gifs today because it's 35°C... which might not sound like a lot but I'm in Berlin and we don't do heat.
Actually, I'm fine with the heat but my bedroom's in a badly insulated loft (as is German tradition) and while it's only 30°C right now (which tbh is absolutely fine w me) I don't much fancy sitting in front of my pc when it's 34°C inside (last year would have been worse but I've since bought heat protection for my windows so at least it's no longer 40°C lmao).
It's supposed to cool off tonight so fingers crossed but until then I'll probably just stay in the basement and eat as much shaved ice as I possibly can.
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