#plus harry styles with a baby is golden 🥰
wexhappyxfew · 4 years
Not an ask, just need motivation to not pass out and not do work.
ah jenna hi!! :) 💛
i’m sorry you don’t have motivation, i feel that very deeply as i, myself, am trying to work through psychology work that i’ve been dreading for quite some time by now to work through, myself. so you’re not alone!! let’s go through these together then - these are just quotes i have up around my room, ideas i have saved on my photos and things that hype me up <3
i know this may not sound super fun, but the struggle of not having that sort of motivation and having to really push through it, only makes you stronger. and it will keep making you stronger.
just the other day i received the notice i had failed a statistics test, one that i had studied so hard and long for and still didn’t do well in at the end. but i sat back and gave it a look. i had no motivation as i stared at the grace, as i previously had not been doing well and that just really hit me at that low point of wow i suck that much?
you know what i did? i turned on some music, music that gets me focused (it’s quite literally called Focus Music lol!) and i got down to work because within me, i created this want, this feeling of ‘i want to do better’ ‘i want to see myself getting that 100’ ‘i want to see that good grade and look back on my hard work and see wow it PAID OFF!’
i feel it’s also with perspective. if you look at it, and you feel you have no motivation of the sort - don’t stress yourself out with this massive idea - i like taking baby steps with it - one math problem at a time, one concept at a time. and when you master it, it feels pretty good doesn’t it?! by taking those tiny steps i feel that helps more than anything bc you are on one basic idea, not this huge, stressful complex idea that is draining you. because then by the end, you can piece it together like a puzzle piece which i feel is even more rewarding! <3
make some goals too!! say you’re doing a paper of something - get that first paragraph done, a good first draft and celebrate with something to signify you’ve completed that goal. and keep doing that until you finish your goal in mind! :) plenty of times i’ve had to stop from stressing and take it in baby steps to calm myself down and more than anything it has helped with my stress levels and my lack-of-motivation.
motivation i feel comes from within you and just finding some goals, looking at your perspective and knowing that it will all be worth it, pushing through these patches of life, is the best part about being at this point. because if you just keep pushing who knows where it could lead you!!
so many times in my life have i had no motivation at all, and everyone can relate as it’s a human thing, and just by pushing through and doing it, i’ve come out much better in the end!
BUT! don’t push yourself so hard on things that it causes you to lose that motivation. the most important thing to you is yourself and you should always make sure that if you find yourself losing that motivation that it’s okay to take that much-needed break and take time for yourself. it’s more important than anything!
we always say, make sure to look out for others, but look out for yourself as well because YOU are just as important!! make sure you take those breaks because we all need them sometimes :)
i hope this gave a bit of a motivation boost as i felt i needed one too!! look into the future, the end goal!! where do you want to be? shoot for the stars, right at that goal!! 💛💛
and just because for ANYONE seeing this, heres harry styles with a baby. it brought a smile to my face and i hope it brings one to yours as well :) have a lovely day!! the askbox is always open along with messages if you ever need to chat! <3
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